HAMILTON. —C. Falconer, W. Huber, W. H. Scobey, W. W. Caldwell, S. H. Potter, J. S. McNeeley, H. Mallory, C. Markt, John R. Brown, S. D. Beeler, druggist ; Dan Millikin, A. Myers, druggist ; W. C. Miller, druggist ; John Cass, J. L. Kirkpatrick, C. E. Walton, J. B. Scott, T. B. Talbot, G. C. Skinner, J. J. Strecker, C. A. L. Reed, A. N. Ellis, C. H. Von Klein, C. S. Vigus.

BETHANY.-Rush Early, M, H. Housworth.

BLUE BALL. —A. W. Eer.

COLLEGE CORNER.—George R. Chitwood, A. D. Hawley, John McChristie, J. F. McClean, H. F. Garver.

COLLINSVILLE. —George Silver.


DARRTOWN. —Richard Applegate, — Twitchell.


MIDDLETOWN.-John Corson, T. A. Dickey, John T. Sutphin, Thomas Reed, S. R. Evans, George Evans, S. L. Stewart, A. Wannewich.

MILLVILLE.—W. B. Hair, A. Hancock, W. D. Hancock.

MONROE.-James Macready.

OXFORD. -R. C. Huston, E. L. Hill, H. V. Hinkley, H. M. Lages, H. Sanders, James Sanders, J. N. Brady, J. B. Porter.

ROSS POST-OFFICE.—S. K. Homer, Chas. E. Hoover.


SEVEN-MILE.-M. Haines, R. E. Pryor.

PRINCETON.-W. V. Shaefer.


TRENTON.—O. M. Corson, A. Eckert, J. Hunt.

REILY.-J. R. Robinson, James Bell,   Berger.

SYMMES'S CORNERS.—Elbert .Armstrong.

WESTCHESTER.—A. S. Stevens, Jno. Reed, P. Bishop.


IN no part of the United States did the people spring to arms more willingly, in the Mexican war, than Butler County. The county was Democratic, and the war was a Democratic war. But, although many prominent Whigs held aloof, the masses of the people, uninformed as to the reasons that should induce them to fight or refrain from fighting, only knew that Mexico was in conflict with us, and that our flag must be sustained.

In the month of May, 1846, President Polk called upon the State of Ohio to furnish three regiments of soldiers as its quota of the forces thought necessary to settle the question then in dispute between the United States and the Mexican Government. As soon as the news reached Hamilton the excitement became intense. A public meeting was called in the court-house square for that night, and Judge Vance made an eloquent and successful appeal for volunteers, announcing that John B. Weller, a young and eloquent lawyer, was ready to organize a company at once. That night and the next day the names were handed in, until the company was full. As soon as formed, the company-afterwards designated as Company I, Second Rifles-went into temporary camp in the old sycamore grove, then standing a half mile below the river bridge. But little drilling was performed, as nearly all the officers were inexperienced, and none more so than Captain Weller, who was elected to that position during the rendezvous in the grove. James George, then county recorder, was elected first lieutenant, and Oliver S., Witherby second lieutenant. George was colonel of the Second Minnesota Regiment in the late rebellion, dying only a few months ago, and Witherby afterwards became United States judge at San Diego, California, where he yet resides.

Company I went from the sycamore grove to Camp Washington, near Cincinnati, embarking on a canal-boat moored near the head of the basin, which, in those days, reached nearly as far as Third Street. The embarkation was witnessed by nearly every man, woman, and child in Butler County, and the cries of the women mingled with the shouts of the men made a strange mixture of grief and jollity. On reaching Camp Washington the new troops were assigned to the First Ohio Regiment, of which I. M. Mitchell was elected colonel, and John B. Weller lieutenant-colonel. George became captain and Witherby first lieutenant. William Wilson, a brother of John K. Wilson, of this city, was elected second lieutenant, and Jonathan Richmond third lieutenant. Ferdinand Van Derveer, who rose to the rank of brigadier- general in our late war for the Union, was appointed orderly sergeant. Company I contained about thirteen young lawyers of this city, and it was said, by a local wag, that, during their absence, Hamilton was more peaceable than it had ever been before.

When the First Regiment was fully organized and equipped, it was ordered to New Orleans, the troops embarking on two steamboats, leaving on the 2d of July for the Southern metropolis, where they encamped on the battle-ground where Old Hickory defeated the British in 1815. Here the men rested for three days, at the end of which they were embarked for the sea-shore, and thence upon a steamer for the land of conflict, landing at Brazos Santiago, a small piece of land almost surrounded by water, lying at the mouth of the Rio Grande. They laid in camp at Camp Belknap, fifteen miles distant, for a month, drilling. The regiment then joined General Zachary Taylor in the advance, on his march to Monterey. On the way the regiment endured great privations. Water was scarce, and at times the troops marched a whole day without a drop of that liquid. At Camargo, on the San Juan River, the troops halted to rest. Here they found Lieutenant Witherby, who was


acting as quartermaster, and who had preceded them on a small river-steamer.

Here a laughable incident occurred. Witherby had his tent up and in order, and under his hammock, where it could be kept under his eye, was a barrel of whisky. Orderly Sergeant Van Derveer soon discovered it, and came to the conclusion that Company I needed the stimulant more than tie quartermaster did. Calling Clem Murphy, an original character, who came from Rossville, to his aid, the two concocted a plot to possess themselves of the desired luxury. Clem, taking with him a gimlet and several Buckets and camp-kettles, crawled under Witherby's tent, inserted the gimlet in the barrel, and ran every drop of the precious fluid into the vessels he had brought with him, without attracting attention. At daylight Sergeant Van Derveer made the rounds, invited each member of the company to come to his tent, and then gave each .one a

tincupful of the stolen whisky. At daylight the quartermaster awoke from a dreamless sleep, and concluded to take an appetizer before breakfast. He tapped his barrel, opened the bung to allow the air to work, and found nothing. It need not be said that he was angry. The joke leaked out, as Company I was drunk from its captain down to the privates. Witherby soon after resigned, and came home. Sergeant Van Derveer was unanimously elected to fill his position, and thus became a first lieutenant.

From Camargo the troops marched through Ceralvo and Marin to the Walnut Springs, three miles out of Monterey. The regiment was brigaded with the First Kentucky, and was commanded by General ThOmas L. Hamer. An immediate attack was then made upon the city of Monterey, garrisoned though it was by eleven thousand Mexican soldiers, under command of General Ampudia, and the United States forces consisted of but three thodsand men, all told. Zachary Taylor was in command, and General Worth next. The battle lasted three days, September 19, 20, and 21, 1846. At the end of this time the garrison capitulated, the Mexican soldiers marching out with their arms, leaving their artillery and stores for their vanquishers. The United States troops lost about fifteen per cent of their number in killed and wounded. Of Company I, about a dozen were wounded, including Captain George, who resigned and went home, his place being filled by the election of Lieutenant Van Derveer. John Pearson, of Darrtown, Oscar Boehne and Samuel Freeman, of Hamilton, were killed. After the company was mustered out, Captain Van Derveer exhumed the bodies of the three soldiers, and brought them home for burial. The funeral services were held in the court-house square, which was thronged with people, the services being preached by the Rev. Wilson Thompson, a Baptist preacher, who was very eloquent. The three bodies were buried in one grave in Greenwood Cemetery, and shortly after the interment Robert E. Duffield, a relative of Freeman's, erected a monument to their memory, which still marks their resting-place. Freeman and Boehne were killed by the Mexican lancers, who were on the plains outside the city during the attack on Monterey.

On the 1st of March Captain Van Derveer wrote to his father that they had had some rare diversion. Lieutenant-colonel Irvin, of the Second Ohio :Regiment, was stationed at Marin, thirty miles on the Camargo road, with three-companies. The Mexicans, to the number of fourteen hundred, surrounded him, and he sent up for relief. As soon as Van Derveer heard of it, he volunteered to go out and aid them, as did also Captain Bradley, of the same regiment. Together with a similar detachment from the Kentucky regiment, and two four-pounders, they started at two o'clock on the afternoon of . the 25th of February, and at one o'clock at night arrived at Marin. As. ,they approached the town the enemy's pickets fired upon them, a body forming in the chaparral ready for a charge. The Americans immediately untimbered one of the 'cannono and gave them a round of canister, which speedily sent them off. They then en tered the town without opposition, though the garrison,) mistaking their advance for that of a detachment of the enemy, fired upon them, and wounded one man, though not severely. The garrison were overjoyed to see re-enforcement, A the enemy were all around, and must have taken them in a short time. The best houses were selected for quarters, a number of hogs Were slaughtered, and the men took whatever they could find ba.,the drinking way. This done, they slept till light, which was only an hour or two later.

In the morning a considerable quantity of stores and camp equipage, which they could not carry along with them, was burned, and the troops started on the return with Colonel Irvin. During the day numbers of lancers were seen hovering around them ; but they were careful to keep out of reach. They returned to a rancli called Agua Frio, seventeen miles distant, where they stopped and made supper, and laid down for the night. But just after dark they received intelligence that there were three hundred of the enemy in front and six hundred in the rear. Their position was a bad one ; and so arms were taken up again, and the men started on, Van Der:* veer's company being the advance guard. They marched until two in the morning, momentarily expecting an attack. By that time they were so wearied that they determined to fight all Mexico rather than march any farther. A guard was stationed, and the soldiers laid down in the road and went to sleep. By daylight they were again marching, and were within three miles of Monterey when an express overtook them, and said Colonel Morgan, of the Second Regiment of Ohio, was at Agua Frio, surrounded by the enemy, and unless speedily re-enforced would be cut off. The colonel had several companies with him, and was on his way to Monterey. The troops immediately turned about, and started toff a


trot to assist him, going thus for ten long miles, and at every volley stepping quicker. Just before he was reached, or when three-quarters of a mile off, Van Derveer's feet gave out, and he borrowed a horse, going on rapidly in advance. When he was a quarter of a mile ahead of the party he suddenly met about one hundred and fifty lancers. Two or three men were with him ; but they all Cadged discretion the better part of valor. The Mexicans/stood looking at their enemies for five minutes, and the. Americans gazing at them ; but, seeing the party approach, the Mexicans rode off. Captain Van Derveer went rapidly up to the brow of a hill, and three1 hundred yards below it saw Colonel Morgan, with his companies, formed in a hollow square, having just repulsed one attack, and awaiting another. As soon as the Americans weft seen, the command of Colonel Morgan prepared to give them a fire, mistaking them for same of the enemy. When this was seen, the men pulled off their caps, and, swinging them about their heads, gave a hearty hurrah. After this had been done twice, the party at bay perceived the difference between an American yell and those of the heathenish Mexicans. They returned the shout, and the new troops charged down at full speed.


" I have seen'," says Captain Van Derveer, " pergims who exhibited joy at an event—mothers at the restoration of a lost child ; but the joy of these men exceeded any thing I have ever witnessed. They broke ranks, ran to us laughed, yelled, and almost tried to hug us. It was then ten o’clock, and they had been marching in square ever since daylight, the enemy harassing them at every moment. Our party soon approached, and the enemy at the same moment commenced afresh attack upon Morgan's rear. I jumped off my horse, took command of the company, hurried with the remainder of our men to the point of attack, and opened upon them a hot fire. They were in the chaparral, so we could scarcely see them. We ha) a beautiful little fight for twenty minutes; but the rascals would not stand. They killed Major Graham, the quartermaster, and two artillerymen, and wounded one or two others ; but nearly every one "of their bullets went over our heads. They always fire too high. We do not know how many of the enemy were killed, as we had not enough curiosity to go into the chaparral for examination ; but some friendly Mexicans reported that their loss during the whole expedition, in killed and wounded, was nearly three hu-ndred—a statement which I think exaggerated."

When the enemy retreated, the troops returned for Monterey, Company I forming the adva-nce guard, being fortunate enough to have this post of honor during the expedition. They .arrived safe in. Monterey before sundown. On the way back, Major Giddings, with five companies of the First Regiment, was met, coming to assist their detachment ; but they were too late, and were-not needed. Captain Van Derveer's company had marched eighty miles, and fought the enemy on two meals and four or five hours of sleep. When they arrived at Monterey they found that all the troops had left town and gone into the citadel. The company's tents were lost, and not wishing the men to lie in the open air after so many hardships, leave was obtained, after much solicitation, to go into town. A large and commodious house was selected, which was called the "Butler Barracks." It was on the Grand Plaza. The inhabitants, almost to a man, had left the city, and all the other troops were in the 'citadel, a mile off, so that it might be aid,4hat the " Butler boys" were the only inhabitauts of Monterey.

Here the regiment remained during the battle of Buena Vista. The regiment was ordered to that battlefield.. in anticipation of being needed, but was sent back at once. At the end of the year for which they had enlisted the regiment was ordered to New Orleans and mustered out, Company I reaching Hamilton about the 20th of June, when a reception and banquet was prepared for them in the court-house yard, which drew an immense concourse of people, proud to honor their soldiers, fresh from the field of battle.

Two weeks after, a great Fourth of July celebration was held at Middletown, attended by a large number of the citizens of Middletown and vicinity. A procession was formed at ten o'clock, A. M., under the direction of the marshal, in the following order : Band of music ; the Middletown Guards ; the soldiers of the late and present war ; chaplain ; the reader of the Declaration and orator ; the ladies, and a large number of citizens from town and country. The procession marched to a beautiful grove on the farm of Mr. Shobal Vail, adjoining town. After prayer, by the Rev. Dr. Lawder, the Declaration of Independence was read by Dr. G. E. Wampler, which was followed by a highly interestiog address by the Rev. Samuel Adams, of Sharon, —.Hamilton County. After the address, the presentation of a beautiful ,sword, from the citizens of Middletown, to Captain F. Van Derveer, of the " Butler Boys," was made, as a slight tribute of respect to the worth of this meritorious and gallant young officer. David Heaton, Esq., on behalf of his fellow-citizens, presented the sword in a neat and appropriate address,. which did honor .to his " head and heart." The reply of Captain Van Derveer was in a happy and appropriate strain. To add still farther to the pleasures of the day was the presentation of a beautiful rifle to each Messrs. Francis Collins and Oscar Loring, two of the "boys," who served with honor to themselves and credit to their State, in the war with Mexico. The task of presentation was again imposed upon Mr. Heaton.

After the above ceremonies were over, the company repaired to a sumptuous repast prepared by Messrs. Young & Marlett, of the Union House, to which they did ample justice. The cloth having been removed, reg-


ular and volunteer toasts were drunk, amid the hearty cheers of the company and the roar of the artillery. Among these were : " The immortal memory of Lafayette ;" " Generals Scott and Taylor—The glorious victories which they have achieved place their names high on the list of military heroes ;" " The Army and Navy— Recent events have demonstrated that they are the two strong arms of our national defense ;" " Patrick Henry— The orator of the Revolution ;" " The surviving soldiers of the Revolution—In more sacred reverence should they be held as their numbers diminish." Volunteer toasts were offered by V. D. Enyart, Captain Van Derveer, Miss Sarah Drake, and others.

John F. Holloway, a young man about the age of twenty-three, died suddenly of fever at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. Samuel Raybury, in July, 1847. He had just returned from the hardships of a campaign in Mexico, where he was a member of Captain Van Derveer's company. He had undergone the dangers and fatigue incident to a soldier's life, and came home to give his friends a hearty welcome. A large and respectable procession, together with a military, escort of the " Butler Blues," who performed their part well, considering the inclemency of the weather, accompanied the corpse to the grave.

After the return of the regiment, one of the men, named Leigh, was buried near Miltonville, the funeral being attended Ity an immense number of people.

In the First Regiment there were many gallant young meltr ambitious to distinguish themselves and attain promotion by deeds of chivalry and daring. Among others were Captain Carr B. White and Lieutenant James P. Fyffe, both belonging to the company from Brown County, raised by General Tom Hamer. While the regiment was stationed at Monterey, a misunderstanding arose between the officers on account of White being elected captain over Fyffe, who was thereby relegated to the first lieutenancy. The affair became so serious that, finally, it culminated in Fyffe sending White a challenge to mortal combat. The invitation was promptly accepted ; but, on account of the well-known prejudices against dueling of General Taylor, it was determined to await the mustering out of the regiment, which was to take place the following June. The original challenge has been lost ; but Lieutenant James F. Harrison, adjutant of the regiment, bore the cartel, and delivered it to Captain Ferdinand Van Derveer, of the " Butler Boys,' who acted as second to White. The terms were fully agreed upon at once, every effort to make friends of the parties proving unavailing. The following is a copy of the correspondence :

" MONTEREY, MEXICO, May 17, 1847.

" DEAR SIR,—In accordance with your request, I hereby give you; in writing, a statement of the preliminary arrangements entered into between you and myself concerning an affair wherein Lieutenant Fyffe and Captain White are the principals. Time, 1st of June ; eight o'clock in the morning. Place, battle-ground below, New Orleans. Weapons, pistols. Distance, fifteen paces.

" Respectfully, your obedient servant,



"Any alterations may be made by consent of both parties.

F. V."

At the expiration of the term of service of the regiment it was ordered to New Orleans, to be mustered out. It was found inconvenient by the parties to go to the old battle-ground, so that it was determined to watch for an opportunity to wipe out old scores on the way North. In the mean time Lieutenant Harrison was compelled, on account of illness, to decline acting in the matter, and Lieutenant James Moore, of the "Butler Boys," a brother of Colonel Thomas Moore, of Hamilton, was selected by Lieutenant Fyffe to be his second in the affair of honor.

While the regiment was lying at New Orleans Captain White had purchased a pair of long dueling pistols, carrying a very heavy balk Lieutenant Fyffe had no pistols ; so the parties mutually agreed to use White's. Neither of the principals had had any experience in practicing with these weapons, and thus went to the field, in that respect, equally unprepared. The whole regiment left New Orleans for home about the 10th of June, 1847. One morning, as they were coming up the river, it was ascertained from the captain of the steamer that the boat would lie to for wooding on the Arkansas shore, for probably two hours. It was at once agreed upon that this would be the proper place to settle all difficulties between the belligerents. It was just after daybreak, and very few of the passengers were up as the party quietly went ashore and rendezvoused in an old cotton-field a few hundred yards from the river. There were present, besides the principals and their seconds, only Colonel John B. Weller and surgeon Chamberlain, known in the newspapers of the time as " Old Medicine."

The pistols were duly loaded in the presence of all parties, and cuts drawn as to the choice of positions, and who should give the word. Lieutenant Fyffe was placed with his back to the river, giving White the advantage of the eastern light. Captain Van Derveer won the giving of the word. The parties stood at twelve instead of fifteen paces, as at first agreed upon, each with his right side toward his adversary, and the pistol arm hanging by his side. The arrangements having been completed, Captain Van Derveer gave the command : " Are you ready ? One, two, three—fire !" At the word " fire," both parties instantaneously leveled, and discharged their weapons, and both missed. Colonel Weller and Dr. Chamberlain then proposed to the principals to settle their difficulty without another exchange of shots. This good advice finally prevailed ; explanations were made,


mutual concessions followed, and, after shaking hands, all parties returned to the boat. It was a matter of great satisfaction to their friends that their duel was a bloodless one. White was afterward colonel of the Twelfth Ohio in the late war, Fyffe colonel of the Fifty-ninth Ohio, and Rarrison colonel of the Eleventh Ohio. Lieutenant James Moore died a few years after his return from Mexico: Dr. Chamberlain died about the same time. Colonel Weller died in New Orleans in 1878. Colonel Van Derveer is the only one of the dueling party now alive.

But four members of the company are now living. Their names are James B. Millikin, General Ferd. Van Derveer, James Lanahan, and Cicero Birch.

Lieutenant Richmond, one of the "Butler Boys," was colonel of an Illinois regiment in the late war; George Webster was colonel of the Ninety-eighth Ohio, and was killed at Perryville; Alfred A. Phillips, who was a corporal in this company, was a major in the Ninety-third Ohio.

The company whose exploits have been mentioned was known as the " Butler Boys No. 1," and another. company was afterwards organized here called the " Butler Boys No. 2." The first call was made by William P. Young, who afterwards became major of the Fourth Regiment, of which the new troops formed a part. His invitation for recruits was as follows :



The President of the United States has made a requisition on the governor of this State for eleven companies—ten of infantry and one of cavalry. An effort is being made to

raise one company from this county. Those wishing to volunteer now have an opportunity, and are requested to report themselves immediately to William P. Young, in Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio, and as soon as a sufficient number are enrolled for a company an order will be issued to meet at Hamilton for the purpose of organizing and electing officers.


HAMILTON, April 27, 1847.

They do not appear to have been on the road before July. They went down the river to New Orleans, and thence to Matamoras. After a pleasant passage, they arrived there on the 18th of July. They were informed by Colonel Davenport, who was in command at that post, that they were to relieve the Tenth Infantry, which they were willing to do, on condition that they should be relieved in turn by the next troops that ascended the Rio Grande. This, he said, was contrary to his orders. Colonel Brough protested strenuously against such a course of procedure, on the ground that it was not founded in justice. Colonel Brough immediately called a meeting of the officers of the regiment, at which a protest, or rather a request, was drawn up, and signed by the officers, that they should be relieved in turn, which was immediately dispatched to head-quarters. They had preceded the Indiana regiment in crossing the gulf, and were pushing forward to get as near head-quarters as possible, when they were stopped there, the Indiana regiment passing up the river. Colonel Brough soon received an answer to the dispatch from General Taylor, stating that the Fourth should be relieved by the next troops on their way up the river. They were then daily expecting the New Jersey battalion, on the arrival of which the regiment would take up its line of march for the upper Rio Grande, and perhaps for General Taylor's head-quarters. That old hero said, in his answer to Colonel Brough, that it was his intention to have some of the troops from each State under his command with him in case of an advance on San Luis Potosi, which, when he wrote, it was expected would be in the forepart of September.

The day before, the entire regiment was in the highest spirits, expecting daily to strike their tents, and take up the line of march for the head-quarters of the old hero, and to accompany him to death or victory ; but the next day both men and officers were Aomewhat chap- fallen. Their curses were not loud, but deep. It was said by many who had viewed the regiment, that it was the best one that had passed up the river. There was considerable sickness in the companies; but it was principally owing to the change in water and climate. There had been but three deaths in the regiment since it left Camp Ohio.

The " Butler Boys No. 2" were considered one to the best companies in the regiment. Lieutenant Pfeifer had tendered his resignation, and would return home shortly. It was also said that Lieutenant-colonel Werner-- was going to resign. He fell from his horse shortly after their arrival, while on battalion drill, from which he had not entirely recovered. He thought he would not be able to stand the campaign.

Major Young wrote on the 30th of August :

" In two or three days the Fourth Regiment of Ohio volunteers will be en route for Jalapa. Three thousand men go from General Taylor to join. General Scott, and on this line there will be no forward movement. It is supposed that General Taylor will resign and go home this fall, as he will be left only with a garrisoning force on this line.

" We have no news from General Scott ; but yesterday the Mexicans had a report that he had been compelled to fall back to Puebla, and were offering to bet on it two to one. It is not believed. We have had no mail for twenty-one days."

The health of the regiment had been very good, and only eight men had died since they entered the service. Daniel Snyder, private, of the " Butler Boys No. 2," died on the 20th of August, at Matamoras. The company were in good health generally, and had suffered very little from the climate.

He wrote again from the camp near Vera Cruz, September 19, 1847, that in three-quarters of an hour they would be on their march to the city of Mexico, and


would, perhaps, have to fight their way from Jalapa to that city. " The last news here, last evening, was that General Scott was in a small plaza in that city; that Mr. Trist's propositions had all been rejected, and nothing to do now but to fight it out. The fighting has been continued so long that we expect to be up before the city is taken. General Scott has met with great loss. From report, the rirst Infantry has been cut nearly to pieces. I have been searching for the grave of Lieutenant Daniel McCleary, but have been unable to find it or hear much about such affairs. During the Summer seven hundred soldiers have died in Vera Cruz with yellow fever and vomito. The Butler Boys No. 2' are in better health now than since they left home. I have one of the finest horses in Mexico, and will bring him home with me if he lives till the close of the war. We have every thing that is good in this city, from oysters to sherry-cobblers. There is some difference between this line and the Rio Grande. It is two hundred and eighty miles to the city, and in fourteen days I expect to be near the Halls."

The brigade, under the command of General Lane, arrived at National Bridge on September 23d, and remained for a day. The march was very slow, and when they would arrive at the city was not certain. General Scott was in the city, but nothing else was positively known'. On the 22d one of the train was shot by a party of guerrillas just as the rear guard were leaving the encampment. A battalion of the Fourth Ohio, with Colonel Brough and Major Young, had not yet marched, but were formal and on the road. They fired a round into the bushes ; but the Mexicans had departed. The day before they had a chase through the chaparral after a party of lancers, but were left far in the rear. On the 22d, after going into camp, a body of five hundred lancers were seen about two miles to the right, and the cavalry, and a battalion from the Fourth Ohio under Major Young's command, and a battalion from the Indianians with Colonel Gorman, and General Lane in command of the whole force, were sent out. The troops marched about two miles toward Cerro Gordo to head them off, but without success, and returned to camp without fighting. They had had several such fights. The march was very hard on many of the men. Sergeant Fenter managed to keep up, with hard work. Four of the " Butler Boys" were left at Point Isabel, and one at Vera Cruz. The health of the regiment was good.

The following list of deaths is taken from the muster- roll of Colonel Brough's regiment of Ohio volunteers :

On Muster-roll for July.—Henry Marshall, private, Company A, died June 29 ; Horace Train, Company E, July 15 ; John J. Clark, private, Company C, died July 6.

On Muster-roll for August.—John Prichard, private, Company I, died August 1; Daniel Snyder, private, Company A, died August 19 ; Laurenz Jetzee, private,

Company A, died August 1 ; John Croseman, private, Company C, died August 24 ; Engelbert Grab, private, Company A, died August 28 ; Fisher L. Hart, captain, Company C, died August 31.

On Muster-roll for September.-E. H. Newton, private, Company C, died September 3 ; Henry Steinnet, private, Company B, died September 16 ; George Cullman, first lieutenant, Company B, died September 17 ; W. Jacobs, corporal, Company K, died September 20.

On Muster-roll for October. —Andrew Antrican, private, Company D, died October 12.

Later Deaths. — George Bird, Company G, died November 1; William BDoher, Company F, died November 3 ; Daniel Mowry, Company C, died November 5 ; Jacob Cramer, Company D, died November 5 ; William Johnson, Company D, died December 1 ; Amos Smith, Company H, died December 2 ; Richard George, Company E, died December 5 ; Thomas Moats, Company H, died December 5.

During the later months of the season no intelligence was received from them. A letter from Vera Cruz, dated February 1, 1848, was received, in which it was said that the troops had arrived there on the 27th, with the train from the city of Mexico, under the command of Major Caldwelk Captain J. A. Smith left Puebla on the 18th. Before he left all was bustle and excitement, information having been received that they were to be relieved by the Fourth Tennessee Regiment. He received an order from Colonel Brough, ordering him to Vera Cruz on regimental business. When he left Puebla the Fourth Ohio was enjoying reasonable health, though there was some sickness, and occasionally a death. The company had lost five men by death on this line-Jacob Fenter, Amos Smith, Samuel P. Davis, John Campbell, and Thomas Moats ; and Casper Sacks was missing after an expedition to Tlascala, and was supposed to have been taken prisoner. Fenter died at Vera Cruz on the 10th of January, of the yellow fever. Davis and Campbell were discharged, and died on their way to Vera Cruz. Smith and Moats died at Puebla.

It was thought that there would be no general movement of the army for some time. Captain Smith was told that peace was much talked of at the head-quarters of the army, and it was said that Generals Scott, Butler, Patterson, Lane, etc., had all expressed the opinion that peace would be had within three months ; but upon what they predicated their opinions was not known.

There were a number of officers of the army there going home, some having resigned, and others having been on the recruiting service, though they would probably not sail for several days, as there was a strong northerner blowing at that time.

Captain Smith left Vera Cruz on the 8th of February, and arrived at Puebla on the 21st, traveling the greater part of the way with one other American and some Mexicans, though they all arrived safe and without interrup-


tion. The train with which he started from Vera Cruz arrived on the 24th. It left for the City of Mexico on the 26th. Lieutenant-colonel Moore, Captain Kessler, Lieutenant Ressler, and three privates obtained leave to go up to the city with the train, but did not start until the following day, calculating to overtake it the same evening. When they were at about four miles beyond St. Martine, and about twenty-eight from Puebla, they discovered a party of Mexicans in the road before them. Not seeing any arms about them, they did not apprehend much danger, although they had not gone far until they discovered that the whole party of Mexicans were well armed. At this moment one of the party cast his eyes to the rear, and discovered that there was another party advancing upon them. At this critical moment Colonel Moore ordered his party to face to the rear, knowing that the only possible chance of escape was to cut their way back to St. Martine. At this time the Mexicans fired upon them, Captain Kessler receiving a severe wound in the left shoulder, which disabled him very much from managing his horse. Colonel Moore ordered a charge. When they arrived within a few paces of the Mexicans, they saluted the latter with a volley from their pistols, and dashed on. Colonel Moore, Lieutenant Ressler, and one other made their way through, but soon discovered that Captain Kessler and the other two were surrounded. The colonel ordered a halt, for the purpose of going to the rescue of the unfortunate party, though it was soon discovered that the whole party wpuld be murdered if they were overtaken ; so they went on in full speed to the village, being followed to the very outskirts of the town by the Mexicans. They immediately went to the alcalde, and put themselves under his protection, and as soon as possible dispatched a messenger to Puebla to inform the American troops of their situation, who arrived there about ten o'clock at night. As soon as possible, Colonel Brough and Colonel Gorman, with several officers and men from both regiments, and a few dragoons, were on their way to the rescue. They reached St. Martine about five in the morning, and were informed that Captain Kessler and two others of the party were missing, and supposed to be killed. They immediately left for the scene of action, but did not succeed in finding the enemy as expected. Previous to their arrival at St. Martine, a party of Mexicans had been sent out to see if they could discover the fate of the missing; and, to the mortification of every American and to the disgrace of every Mexican, they were found dead, their persons stripped entirely naked, and so horribly mutilated that it was hard to recognize them. Their bodies were brought back. Captain Kessler had a golden medal with him, which the Fourth Ohio and Fourth Indiana Regiments had made for the purpose of presenting to Brigadier-general Lane as a token of the high respect which they entertained for him. This also was taken by the Mexicans. Colonel Moors thought that his party had killed or wounded two or three of the Mexicans. The detachment which went to the rescue succeeded in finding a few Mexicans, and capturing two of them.

The " Butler Boys No. 2 " were generally well, with the exception that the mumps had been in the camp, which caused a number of the boys to complain for a few days. Two of the company were discharged, and would return to Vera Cruz with the next train.

They returned home in Jdly, 1848, and were enthusiastically received in Cincinnati and this place. A supper was given to the " Butler Boys No. 2" on the lase Saturday in July, to the entire satisfaction of the very large number present. The supper itself was prepared by Messrs. Cory & Millikin, of the Butler House, and was in the best possible taste. After the cloth was removed, there was a loud and enthusiastic call for Major Young, who responded in a neat and appropriate speech. Captain Richmond afterwards briefly but handsomely thanked the audience for the honor done him and the boys of his company.

Agreeable to previous arrangements, made by a committee consisting of B. Debolt, S. Vannatta, D. C. Crows, J. W. Crows, and H. C. Hunt, the citizens of Madison and the adjoining townships met at Miltonville on Saturday, the 9th of September, 1848, to give a public reception to the returned soldiers of that place, who had been sustaining our flag and our national honor against the hostile arms of Mexico.

A procession was formed by Marshals T. G. Berry and S. Carle, which was headed by the officers of the day, assisted by Rev. Dr. J. Antrim as chaplain, and Isaac Robertson as orator, followed by the Middletown Guards, commanded by J. M. Hitt, and the Wayne Guards, commanded by J. Snyder. Then came the eight soldiers, followed by a choir of twelve young ladies, who were most appropriately dressed in white, garlanded with blue trimming and cedar branches. Other ladies and gentlemen also joined the procession, and marched with them to a grove on the premises of David Paulin, where suitable preparations had been made for the services of the day.

The officers of the day and the chaplain and orator were seated on a high stand. In the rear of the aisle were the eight soldiers—John Vannatta, Davis W. Ball, William Dine, Stephen Shroyer, Jabez Antrim, W. Wikle, James Davidson, and C. Harris—and hack of them were the twelve young ladies, forming an arch, partly surrounding the volunteers. The services then commenced with a warm and fervent prayer from the Rev: Dr. J. Antrim, and, at the request of the marshal, the choir sang some verses, composed by Dr. Eckert, in such a manner that tears were seen to flow from many eyes. An address was then made by Mr. Isaac Robertson, of Middletown, concluded by some remarks to the young soldiers who were the guests of the day, which


were responded to by William Dine, one of the soldiers. The services then concluded with a song by the choir, to the tune of " Hail, Columbia."

The procession then marched to Vanscoyk's Hotel, where a splendid repast was prepared, and, after a luxuriant feast, thirteen regular' toasts were drunk, amid deafening cheers and musketry.

Among those who lost their lives in Mexico was a gallant young volunteer from Rossville, Daniel McCleary, of a well-known family. The news of this young officer's death produced a deep and painful sensation among his friends in Butler and Montgomery counties. Lieutenant McCleary was the eldest son of Andrew McCleary, of Rossville. He had won the esteem and friendship of a large circle with whom he had become acquainted. High-minded, honorable, gentlemanly, and intelligent, he was qualified to adorn the sphere of society in which he moved. But, on the breaking out of the war with Mexico, he closed his business connections in Dayton, where he then was, and, responding to the first call of his country for volunteers, repaired to the Rio Grande. He arrived at the seat of war in time to take part in the storming of Monterey, and bore himself with distinguished gallantry throughout that memorable battle. He had no regular connection with our military forces at that time, but fought as an independent volunteer. Shortly after this he returned to Dayton ; but the stirring scenes of a soldier's life had thrown a spell around his gallant spirit, which was not to be broken. Obtaining a lieutenant's commission from the authorities at Washington, he was soon at Vera Cruz. But an insidious and fatal foe was in waiting for him there.

On the 18th of June he was attacked by the vomito, and on the 23d he yielded up his young life to the deadly malady. His career was a short one ; he was scarcely twenty-four years of age.

At a meeting of the officers of the Fifteenth Infantry, United States Army, held, on the sixth day of August, at the head-quarters of the regiment in Puebla, Mexico, on motion of Colonel Morgan, Lieutenant-colonel Howard was called to the chair, Captain King appointed vice-president, and Lieutenant Goodman secretary.

On motion of First Lieutenant Brodhead, adjutant of the regiment, a committee of three were appointed to draft resolutions expressive of their sympathy with the friends of the late Daniel McCleary, and the chairman appointed Adjutant J. I. Brodhead, Captain D. Chase, and Lieutenant Thomas B. Tilton as the committee.

The committee, through their chairman, then reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:

" Resolved, That we have heard with heartfelt sorrow of the sudden death of one of the youngest of our number, Lieutenant Daniel McCleary.

" Resolved, That in this early death of Lieutenant Daniel McCleary in the commencement of his military career, and before the opportunity of achieving that success of which his courageous and manly character gave such sure indication, the service has lost a gallant and chivalrous officer, and we a brother and a friend.

" Resolved, That our intercourse with our deceased brother and associate was such as to leave upon our minds no other feelings than those of profound sorrow and regret at his early death. He was, to all who knew him, a friend in the truest sense of the word—a man whose frank and manly bearing won all hearts, and of whom it can be truly said,

" None knew him but to love him, None named him but to praise."

" Resolved, That we extend to the family and friends of our deceased brother our earnest and sincere sympathy—a sympathy springing from hearts that knew and appreciated his worth, and even now wrung with his untimely fate.

" Resolved, That, in token of our high regard for our deceased comrade, we wear crape on our sword-hilts for the -period of thirty days.

"Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be signed by the officers of this meeting, and forwarded to his relations."

The meeting then adjourned. The proceedings were signed by Lieutenant-colonel J. M. Howard, chairman ; Captain E. A. King, vice-president ; and Lieutenant J. B. Goodman, secretary.

These resolutions were transmitted to the family, together with a long letter of condolence. The body was exhumed, and was brought here at the end of January. The ceremonies on the occasion of the burial, on the 5th of February, 1848, were appropriate, and conducted in a becoming manner. He was buried with military honors. Several military companies were present, besides a large number of citizens from different parts of the county. An appropriate sermon was preached at the residence of his father by the Rev. David MacDill. Afterwards a procession was formed, which marched to the graveyard, where his body was deposited in ifs last resting-place. It was a solemn scene. The marshal was General William J. Elliott, and the assistant marshals Major J. M. Millikin, Captain N. Reeder, and Wilkeson Beatty. The secretary of the committee that took charge of the funeral was James George.

The following soldiers of the Mexican war are buried in Greenwood Cemetery :

Daniel McCleary, I 1st, died of yellow fever in Mexico, June 23, 1847, aged 24 years, 6 months, and 7 days; also Lieutenant of the 15th Regiment

William H. Sinnard, 3d, July 3, 1853, aged 23,

William P. Young, 3d, August 18, 1861, aged 41. Born in Oxford.

William H. Wilson, I 1st, June 22, 1862, aged 41 years, 5 months, and 14 days.

Joseph Garrison, I 1st, killed by a fall, December 9, 1865, aged 45 years, 1 month, and 10 days.

John Holloway, I 1st, died July 28, 1848, aged 26 years, 10 months, and 17 days.

J. S. Freeman, I 1st, Fairfield Township, killed in battle September 22, 1846, aged 20 years, 11 months, and 12 days. Oscar Boehne, I 1st, Fairfield Township, killed in battle September 22, 1846, aged 20 years.

John Pierson, I 1st, Fairfield Township, killed in battle September 22, 1846, aged 28 years.

(These three men — Freeman, Buehne, and Pierson — are buried in one grave.)

John G. Denzer, I 1st, November 13, 1848, aged 33 years.

John L. Wilkins, I 1st, June 14, 1874, aged 46 years and 7 months.

James Moore, December 28, 1860, aged 42 years.

Peter Leflar, of Fairfield Township, May 1, 1856, aged 56 years.