JOSEPH DENNISTON. farmer : P. O. Union City. Ind.: son of Samuel and Sarah Denniston ; he was born in Jackson Township of this county. Feb. 7, 1836 . the parents of Mr. D., settled in this county as early as 1807 and may be truthfully termed early pioneers. Mr. Denniston was married to Anna Money. in Jay Co., Ind., Sept 28, 1858: they have nine children. namely, Sarah J., Senath E., William C. L., Mary Olive. Azore C.. David L.. Nancy E.. Frederick and Joseph Roland. Mr. Denniston farm of 268 acres is located in Sec. 28, 29 and 32. of this township, 180 acres of which are under cultivation : his residence, built February, 1869. is located on Sec. 29.

HARVEY HILL, Justice of the Peace and Township Clerk : P. O. Rose Hill, son of Nathan and Mary Ann Hill, was born near Batavia. Clermont Co., Ohio, June 15, 1838 ; he came to this township with his parents Oct. 1, 1854 and settled on Sec. 20, on land that his father occupied during ins life, and now owned and occupied by our subject at the time this fatuity settled here. the township was almost an unbroken wilderness, the woods abounding in nearly all kinds of game ; deer and the wild turkey abounded on every hand ; these early settlers were subject to the privations and hardships of pioneer life ; but the intervening years have brought about a happy change. and to-day this portion of the county is as promising as any in Western Ohio. Mr. Hill was united in marriage with Martha E. Matthews. of this county, Nov. 15, 1853: they have two children. to wit : William Jesse and Amy Grace.

JOHN MILLIGAN. farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 32 ; P. O. Union City : was born in Perry Co., Penn.: he came West with his parents and settled in Shelby Co.; from there they moved to Randolph Co.. Ind.; he came to Darke Co. in 1862, and settled on his father-in-laws farm, in Sec. 32, Mississinawa Township ; he then moved near Union City, and lived two years, then moved on to his present farm, in 1868. He married Miss Rominah Carter June 29. 1850 ; she was born in Hamilton Co.. Ohio ; twelve children have been the fruit of this union.


seven of whom are now living, viz.. Emeretta, Marguretha, Mary C., William F., Sarah P., John W. and Ella K. Mr. Milligan owns 120 acres of fine laud, which is situated in Secs. 28 and 32 ; he has been Township Trustee for twelve years, which office he now holds ; he has taken an active part in religion for the last six years, and is a member of the Methodist Church.

GEORGE W. REICHARD. See. S ; P. O. Rose Hill ; is the son of Israel and Sarah (Garland) Reichard : Israel Reichard was born in Preble Co, Ohio ; Sarah Reiehard, his mother, was born in Tennessee ; George W. Reichard was born May 26. 1851 ; he is a carpenter by trade, and works at his trade in summer and at coopering in the winter ; he is still unmarried.

DAVID SMITH. farmer. Sec. 31 ; P. O. Union City. The subject of this sketch was born in Clermont County, Ohio. April 8, 1809 ; he followed milling for about eight years before coining to this county, Oct. 3, 1847. since which time he has devoted his attention principally to agriculture. He was married Dee. 25. 1825, in Clermont County. to Julia A. Riley ; she was born in New Jersey ; the fruit of this union has been nine children, viz., Peter. Simon. Levi. Elisha B., John Z.. James. Pldebe. Elizabeth A. and Eliza O. Mr. Smith held the office of Township Treasurer for the remarkable period of twenty-two years in succession, and has had a surfeit of minor offices. He has a fine firm of 80 acres.

DANIEL SNYDER. harness-maker and farmer, Sec. 14 ; P. O. Rose HUI. The subject of this sketch was limn Jan. 20, 1842, in this township : he is the son of John K. and Amy (Ridley) Snyder : John K. Snyder was born in New Jersey, and died in this township in July, 1849. Amy Snyder was born in New Jersey. and is now married a second time Daniel Snyder's parents settled in this township in 1839. Mr. Snyder was married Oct. 31, 1869, to Miss Lydia I. Winterrowd : she was born in this township : the fruits of this union have been five children. viz. Rolla W.. James H., Amy J., Sallie and Clifford. He owns 40 acres of land in this township, which is under a good state of cultivation. He enlisted in the 185th O. V. I. February, 1865, and was mustered out at Macon, Ga., Jan. 29, 1866; is a good strong Democrat. and is serving his third term as Township Treasurer.

EDWARD LAWRENCE WELBOURN. physician. Union City ; son of George Welbourn and Jane Lawrence ; was born in Marion County, Ohio, Jan. 11, 1843, Mr. Welbourn graduated at the Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania, Jan. 25, 1866. and began the practice of medicine at Union City, Ind., March 31 of the same year ; from the first, his practice was a grand success, and he made money rapidly. but owing to failing health he purchased a farm on Sec. 20 the next year, and turned his attention to farming and experiments in organic chemistry ; in the spring of 1850, he beam the manufacture of a chemical antidote for rheumatism, and has been so successful in its introduction that it is known from Maine on the east to the Pacific Coast on the west ; at the same time the Doctor has an office practice one day each week at Union City. which he intends to continue in the future. The Doctor was married to Martha Levina Jones, of Harrison Township, Jan. 1, 1866. Two children were horn to them, namely, Ulysses Edward Alaska and Oclasco Carlos ; Mrs. Welbourn departed this life Oct. 28, 1879.