Allen William Attorney at Law.

Allen & Devor, Attorneys at Law M. T. Allen, John Devor.

Anderson, C. M., Attorney at Law

Amann, Mrs., Restaurant.

Baker Jacob, Attorney at Law.

Bachman, Chas., Merchant Tailor and clothier a large stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing constantly on hand. also Gent's Furnishing Goods. Broadway.

Biltemeier & Martini, manufacturers and Dealers in Boots and Shoes, full time of best stock always on hand. 61 Broadway (Charles Biltemeier. J. G. Martini)

Bireley, W. J., Dealer in Lime, Fourth St.

Blease, J. J., Manufacturer and Dealer in Bouts and Shoes, a full and complete stock of fashionable goods, always on hand. 9 Third St.

Blottman, B., Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Queens ware. Fruit and Country Produce, 15 Third St.

Bornstein, H., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Foreign and Domestic liquors and Cigars. Pure Liquors for Medical purposes a speciality. 108 Broadway (opp. Turpen House)

Breaden & Clark, attorneys at law. J. E. Breaden, Jr., J. C. Clark.

Brewer, A. N., Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kinds of Harness, Blankets. Lap-Robes. Trunks and Valises. No. 28 East Third St.

Buchwalter, L. M., Physician and Surgeon. Office in Odd Fellows' Block Third St.. west of Broadway.

Calderwood & Cole, Attorneys at Law.

Calkins, Chas., Attorney at Law

Calkins, H., Attorney at Law.

Chenoweth, L. E., Attorney at Law.

Conklin, F. T., Teller, Greenville Bank.

Cox, J. W., Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes. Section 32.

Deardourff, John M., Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes, Third St., east of Broadway.

Deeter, Josiah B., P. 0. Woodington, Manufacturer of Drain Tile, three-fourths of a mile south of Woodington.

Devor, John, Attorney at Law. Devor Elijah, Attorney at Law.

Dill, W. H., Merchant. Postmaster and Justice of the Peace. Pikeville P. O.

Ditman, J. N., Merchant Tailor Odd Fellows' Block.

Eidson, F. M., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Leather, Shoe Findings Etc., No. 18 West Water St.

Exchange Bank, Greenville, Ohio, South cor. Public Square. Receives Deposits. Makes Collections and does General Banking Business. John L. Winner, Propr.; Jas. M. Lansdowne.



Fertick, B. F.. Proprietor of Sawmill. Near the old D. & T. Freight Depot.

Gard, I. N., Physician and Surgeon

Glander, D., Brewer

Gordon, John V., Manufacturer of Spokes and Hubs

Gorsuch, Wesley, County Clerk

Greenville Agricultural works, Manufacturers of and Dealers in Agricultural Implements, Special attention given to Repairing. Factory and office on Martin St., A. T. Rush.  W. H. Eby

Greenville Bank, Hufnagle, Allen & Co. Capital, $200,000 ; Officers, John Hulnagle, Prest.; Wm. Allen, Vice Prest.; L. L. Beef, Cashier; Ex. Com. Jas. T. Meeker, John Devor, John Hufnagle. Bank corner Broadway and Fourth St.

Gregg Bros., Matchett's New Building. Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Books and Stationery, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal use. Farmers and Physicians from the country will find our stock of Medicines complete, warranted genuine and of the best quality

Gutheil, August, Dealer in Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars, No. 82 Broadway

Hahn Amos, County Treasurer

Hall,. & Co., Importers of French Norman and Clydesdale Horses. Northeast side Public Square.

J. W. Hall, Harrod Mills, James Esty.

Harper, John, Photographer. A Specialty made of Copying and Enlarging Pictures by a new Solar Process.

Helm, Noah F., Merchant.

Henne, Daniel, Dealer in Grain and Seeds. Warehouse corner of Walnut and Third Sts.

Hime & Hall, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable; Horses and Carriages supplied at short notice. Office and Stable Northeast corner of Public Square D. S. Hime, J. W. Hall.

Huhn, Moses, Popular Clothier and Merchant Tailor, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Merchant Tailoring a Specialty. 68 Broadway next to National Bank.

Hunt, Washington, Milk Dealer,

Jamison, D., Brick Manufacturer.

Johnson, A. M., Photographer,

Jones, Rev. Lewis E., Minister.

Judy, Swan, Attorney at Law.

Katzenberger, C. A. & Bro., Grocers. East Side of Public Square.

Kemper, C. T., Catholic Priest.

Kerlin, W. K., Ex-County Treasurer.

Kester, Sol, Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, etc., Ladies and Children's Shoes; Merchant Tailoring a Specialty. Broadway Store, formerly occupied by Wilson & Hart, Broadway. Kipp, Wm., Dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Paints Oils, Varnishes and Brushes, Patent Medicines, Sponges, Shoulder Braces, Trusses. Fancy and Toilet Articles, Cigars and Tobacco, also Pure Wines and Liquors, for Medical use: Prescriptions carefully filled. Broadway and Public Square

Klee, Albert, & Co., Butchers and Dealers in Fresh and Salt Meats, Third St.

Klinger, A. J ., Proprietor of the City Mills and Elevator, and Dealers in Grain and Seeds; Mill and Elevator on Martin St., near D. & U. R. R. Depot.

Knoderer, Christian, Butcher and Dealers in Fresh and Salt Meats; Third St., near Broadway.

Knox & Sater, Attorneys at Law. John W. Sater, J. R. Knox.

Laurimore, M. W., City Marshal.

Lecklider & Ullery, Attorneys at Law.

Limbert, L. F., Attorney at Law and Notary Public. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. Office, Anderson Building, opposite Turpen House, on Broadway.


Limbert & Ratliff, Attorneys at Law.

Leas, Jacob E Merchant

Longenecker, John, Carpenter and Builder. Sec. 1.

Ludy, Samuel, Brick Manufacturer.

Lynch, Elijah, Physician and Surgeon.

Lynch, I. H., Dealer in Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks. Fine Jewelry, Silverware, Gold Pens., Spectacles, Musical Instruments, Notions, etc., etc. Repairing of every description and Engraving done to order. All Work Warranted. Please call. 61 Broadway, next door to Kipp's Drug Store.

McDaniel, M. & Son, Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of Furniture. Store and Warerooms, corner Broadway and Fourth Sts.

McGinnis, W., Contractor and Builder.

Maher. P. H., County Recorder and Real Estate Agent.

Martin, J. W., :Merchant. Martin, J. H., County Clerk.

Martz, J. T., Supt. of Public Schools.

Matchett, W. H., Surgeon. Fourth St.

Meeker, D. L., Judge of Court of Common Pleas.

Miller, A. T., Architect.

Mills, Harrod, Dealer in Farm Machinery and Agricultural Implements, also Agent for the popular Buckeye Reaper and Mower, all the popular Breaking Plows, Walking Cultivators, Grain Drills, Corn Planters, etc.

Moore & Winner, Dry Goods Merchants, corner Broadway and Third st.

O'Coners, John, Carriage Manufacturer.

Ollmetzer, Louis, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Liquor, 14 Main St.

Otwell, L. S., Barton, Physician and Surgeon.

Otwell. E. W., Editor.

Porter, Jacob M., Harness and Findings.

Plessinger, Wallace, Butcher and Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats. Broadway.

Perry, O. C., Ex-Auditor.

Reed, William, Proprietor of Reed's Saw-Mill. also Farmer. Sec. 16.

Rehling, F., Dealer in Stoves, Tin and Hollow Ware, Rooting and Spouting, Plumbing. Gas and Steam Fitting, Pumps, Wood and Iron, Bath Tubs. Gas Fixtures, Wash Stands, Water Closets, Steam and Water Gauges, Iron and Lead Pipe, of all sizes, etc. All work warranted. 17 Third St.

Requarth, Fred C., Dealer in all kinds of Building Brick; East Fourth Street.

Roland, Chas., Editor.

Runkel, Jery, Sheriff.

Rush & Weills, Carriage Manufacturers.

Rush, W. D., Fire and Life Insurance Agent.

Schwable, John H., Proprietor Turpen House Billiard Hall and Sample Room.

Slenaker, H. J., Contractor and Builder, special attention given to the construction of Drains and Cisterns; Business solicited. 46, Fourth St.

Smith, O. H., Dealer in Stoves, Tinware Roofing, Spouting and General Job Work, take in exchange Old Iron, Copper, Zinc, Rags, etc.; Third St., east of Broadway.

Smith, A. J., Barber Shop, Third St., west of Broadway.

St. Clair & Co., Henry, Dealers in Groceries and Produce, 110 Broadway.

Steinle, J., Manufacturer and Dealer in Cigars and Tobacco, Wholesale and Retail; a full line of Smokers' Articles constantly in stock ; West Side Public Square.

Stephens, John, Blacksmith.

Turner Bros., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars, etc. A quiet and retired Sample Room in the rear of the Wholesale Department, 81 Third St.

Physician and


Turpen, Wm. V., Proprietor Turpen House.

Turpen, John C., County Auditor.

Turpen, T. P., Hotel.

Todd, W. J., Livery and Sale Stable. Third St.

Troxell, J. W., Dealer in Lumber.

Voelkle, E. H., Carriage and Wagon Manufacturer.

Wagner, Jacob, Proprietor Wagner House. Large Sample Rooms on the first floor; Bath Room attached to the .House; also Feed and Sale Stable connected with the same.

Webb, Henry A., Dealer in Fancy Articles, Confectionery and General Assortment of Cigars and Tobacco ; also engaged in Portrait Painting.

Webster, N. B. Dealer in Groceries, Provisions and Country Produce; Fourth St., near Post Office.

Weills, Herman, Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies and Spring Wagons ; special attention paid to Repairing. Shop corner Third and Walnut Sts.

Winklebleck, & Co., Contractors in Supplies for P., C. & St. L. R. H., and Dealers in Timber, Wood. Bituminous and Anthracite Coal. Office, Martin St. A. Winklebleck, B. Johnson.

Youart & Bro., Ice Dealers. Furnish Ice in any quantity. Residence and Ice House 1+ miles east of Greenville, on the Milton Pike. W. H. Youart, S. Youart.

Zimmerman & Crubbs, Dealers in all kinds of Grain and Seeds. D. Zimmerman, D. Grubbs.


Hill, Harvey, Justice of the Peace.Township Clerk, and Farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Hose Hill.

Richard, C. W., Cooper and Carpenter. Sec. 8, P. O. Rose Hill.

Snyder, Daniel, Harness Maker, Sec. 14, P. O. Rose Hill.

Welbourn, E. S., Physician and Farmer, Sec. 20, P. O. Union City, hid.


Collins, S. S., Wagon Maker and Farmer, Sec. 20, Dawn P. O.

Dawson, O. F., Manufacturer of Drain Tile. Sec. 20. Dawn P. O.

Duckwall, J. W., Merchant. P. O. Dawn.

McFarland, James, Blacksmith. Sec. 20, P. O. Dawn.

McFarland, Isaac, Carriage-Maker P. O. Dawn.

Morrison. Robert A., Physician. Sec. 32, P. O. Beamsville.

Werts, J. B., Merchant, Sec. 20. P. O. Dawn.


Cassel, William, Minister, Sec. 4. P. O. Arcanum.

Hunt, Abraham, Blacksmith, sec. 4, P. O. Laura. Miami Co.

Niswonger, David W., Carpenter. Sec. 7. P. 0. Arcanum.

Stutsman, Jesse, I. n.ster and Farmer, Sec. 1, P. O. Arcanum.



Archard, Wm., County Commissioner.

Eichelberger, Jos., Justice of the Peace anti Farmer. Sec. 15.

Evans, B. W., Physician and Farmer, Sec. 3.

Fahenstock, J. H., Physician and Surgeon, Office and Residence, Sec. 21, near Buck Horn Saw-Mill.

Hunchbarger, Jacob, Merchant and Blacksmith, Sec. 14.

Sigler, D. W., Prop. Buck Horn Sawmill, sec. 21.

Snook, J. H., Manufacturer of Brick, Drain Tile and Wagon Stock, Union City.

Wenrich, Thos. B., Minister and Farmer, Union City.

Young, Solomon, Grain Dealer. Union City.



Anderson, L. C., Physician and surgeon.

Ansonia Stave Company, Manufacturers of Slack and Tight Barrel staves and Headings, also Crimped and coiled Patent Hoops. J. H. Roush, Will A. Roush, Chas. A. Roush.

Bertz, Schlemmer &Co.,Dealers in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, etc. Also Agricultural Implements. such as Threshing,, Reaping and Mowing Ma- chines. Wagons, Corn Cultivators, and Breaking Plows, Pumps, Windmills, etc.. etc. Corner of Main and Canal Sts. George Bertz. Henry Schlemmer, Wm. Baughman.

Carver, L. C., Bakery, Confectionery, and Restaurant. Also dealer in Choice Family Groceries, Provisions. Glass, Queensware and Notions. Special inducements to Cash buyers.

Hager, 0. J., Contractor and Builder.

Hostetter, S. A. & T. J., Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Perfumery. Soaps, Combs and Brushes. Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Books and stationery, Kerosene Oil, Lamps and Chimneys, Grass and Garden Seeds, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes, Pat- ent Medicines, etc.

Hulse, C. C., Grain Merchant.

Hunter, D. F., Carriage Manufacturer, Blacksmith, and dealer in Agricultural Implements.

Miller, Henry E., Proprietor of Miller's Hotel.

Miller, I. E., Justice of the Peace alai Farmer. Sec. 30.

Riffle, Silas, Contractor and Builder.

Roush & Son, Dealers in Grain and Seeds. J. H. Roush, J. A. Roush.

Royer, John S., Teacher.

Tullis, F. M., Manufacturer of Drain

White & Co., General Merchants. Dealers in Dry Good, Clothing. Hats, Caps. Boots, Shoes, Groceries and Pro- visions etc. T. B. White, James S. Webster.


Bish, I., Grain and Tobacco Dealer. Arcanum. P. 0.

Bristly, H. C., Carpenter and Far- mer. Sec. 2 : P. 0. Arcanum.

Clark, John D., Merchant, Arcanum.

Cline, Michael, Cooper, Arcanum.

Coons, Philip, General Merchant, Arcanum.

Fasig, John, Merchant, Ithaca. P. O.

Hamilton, J. C., Physician.

Harsh, D. A., Dealer in Choice Groceries and Provisions ; a full line of the best Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars and Syrup, Queensware, Glassware, Tobacco, Cigars, Notions, etc. ; Highest Prices paid for Produce, Arcanum.

lvester, cearge, Milling, etc., Arcanum,

Jackson, B. C., Teacher and Farmer, Arcanum.

Kepner, H. A., Merchant.

Kraus & Clark, Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc.; also Grain and Country Produce.

Ozias, B. F., Freight and Ticket Agent of the D. & U. R. R., Arcanum.

Parks, J. W., Teacher and Farmer, Arcanum.

Ratliff, John R., Harness Manufacturer. Arcanum.

Smith, John, Dealer in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Groceries and Provisions; also Dealer in Grain, etc., etc., Arcanum.

Smith, A. F., Drugs and Medicines; Prescriptions carefully compounded ; also Dealer in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Shoulder Braces and Trusses ; also finest variety of Wines and Liquors; also Freiberg Bros,. Rye Whisky and Rock Candy, Arcanum.

Smith, W. M., Dealer in all kinds of Grain, Meal, Live Stock and Tobacco, Southwest corner of Main and South Sts., Arcanum.


Thomas, J. L., Hotel, Arcanum.

Thomas, C. M., Carpenter, Arcanum.

Wallace & Flory, Dealers in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware and Agricultural Implements, Arcanum.

Wild, Martin, Clerk of Twin Township, Arcanum.


Burns, Thomas A. Attorney at Law.

Dabe, Prosper, Proprietor of the Commercial Elevator; alto dealer in Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley and Rye; Salt for sale.

Dunkel, A. M., Meat Market. Fackler, John E., Physician. Cordon, J. P., Physician.

Hess, John. Telegraph Operator, Express and Railroad Agent.

Hollis, C. W., Postmaster.

Klipstine, L. C., Teacher and Farmer, Sec. 32; Webster P. O.

Kusnick, Francis, Banker and Druggist.

Lehman, Lawrence L., Teacher.

Marker, Leonard, Furniture and Undertaker. Furniture at Lowest Prices. I am prepared to furnish, on short notice, latest styles of Burial Cases, Caskets and Wooden Coffins, either with or without Hearse. Call and examine my stock and prices. Main St., nearly opposite Brandon House.

Murphy, Wm. H., Banker and Lumber Dealer.

Rike, Wm. H., Physician.

Seibt, A., Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots, Shoes, Hardware and Drugs, Webster P. O.

Simons, J. S., "Star Clothing House." Dealer in Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps.

Stevenson, L. M., Teacher. Stover, W. H., Merchant.

Studabacker, Attorney at Law.

Tillman, John C., Physician.

Turpen, C. H., Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,

Notions, etc. Country Produce wanted.

Turpen, A. H., Livery.

Ward, J. T., Dealer in Groceries, Produce and Poultry.

Williamson, J. C., Physician.

Winbigler, J. J., Teacher.

Worch, S., Hotel.


Bacon, George, Hardware Merchant, New Madison.

Bloom, T. J., Miller. New Madison.

French, W. W., Physician, Sec. 10, Hollandsburg P. O.

Harter, Aaron, Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, New Madison.

Hill, Harvey, Carpenter and Builder. Sec. 15, New Madison P. O.

Lindner, Ferdinand, Undertaker, Greenville P. O.

Moore, Wilkins, Justice of the Peace, Hollandsburg P. 0.

Noggle, Geo., N., Mayor, New Madison.

Otwell, C. W. M., Physician, New

Ross, Chas. C., Hotel, Greenville P.O.

Rush, Clinton, Hotel, New Madison.

Swisher, R., Grain Dealer, New Madison.

Thomas, J. H., Dentist, New Madison.

Townsend. N., Dealer in Dry Goods, New Madison.

Weaver, A., Physician, New Madison.

White, Jane, Hotel, Hollandsburg P. O.

Williams, J. M., Physician, Hollandsburg P. O.

Worch, E., Merchant Tailor, New Madison.

Zeek, M., Edge Tool Maker, New Madison.



Brown, Henry, Carpenter, Gettysburg.

Coblentz, Mrs. Mary E., the Wonderful Healer and Clairvoyant. Thousands acknowledge Mrs. Coblentz an unparalleled success, and hundreds have ht en cured with her remedies. Bradford P. 0.

Cruea, E .0., Meat Market, Bradford.

Cauby, Jacob F., Manufacturer of Brick and Drain Tile. Bradford.

George, Wm. E., Gettysburg, Proprietor of Railroad House. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of Grain, Field Seeds, Flour, Salt and Hogs. U. S. Express Agent, Ticket and Freight Agent of the P., C. & St. L. R. R. All communications by wire can be sent either to Bradford or Greenville.

Harshey, Isaac, & Bro., Cabinet Makers and Undertakers, Gettysburg.

Hershey, Emanuel, Minister and Farmer. Sec. 28, Gettysburg.

Lecklider, Wm. C., Merchant, Horatio.

Martin & Vogt, Grocers (Lecklider's old stand). They have the largest and most complete stock of Groceries ever brought to Gettysburg, and a complete stock of Choice Cigars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. Also a good va- riety of Notions and Hardware.

Martin, J. M., Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes, Gettysburg.

Miller, P. B., Druggist, Gettysburg.

Peiffer, Jacob, Blacksmith, Gettysburg.

Peiffer, Franklin, Blacksmith, Gettysburg.

Reck, Wm. L., Miller and Grain Dealer, Gettysburg.

Reck, Jacob, Grain Dealer, Horatio.

Scott, John H., Plasterer, Bradford.

Wenrich, David C., Dealer in Agricultural Implements, Bradford.

Williams & Hunter, Grain Dealers, Bradford. A. P. Williams. J. A. Hunter.



Calderwood, C. M., Physician and Surgeon.

Kuelseter, George, Wagon Manufacturer

McCabe, James, Lumber Manufacturer and Undertaker.

McCabe & Smelker, Undertakers.

McClure, Ira, Flouring-Mill.

Putnam, David, Attorney at Law ; special attention given to collections.

Rush, A. B., Physician and Surgeon, two miles south of Palestine

Sater, C. C., Physician and Surgeon.

Tennell, J. B., Physician and Surgeon.


Coblentz, Harrison, Justice of the Peace and Farmer, Sec. 21, New Madison P. O.

Cilfillan, Robert, Justice of the Peace and Farmer, Sec. 25, Castine P. 0.

Harter, Elem, Carpenter, Sec. 7, New Madison P. 0.

Harter, Elias, Blacksmith, Sec. 8, New Madison P. 0.

Minnich & Hamiel, Castine, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Ready-Made Clothing, Hardware, Q ueens ware, Stationery, Tobacco and Cigars; highest prices paid for produce. S. B. Minnich, J. W. Hamiel, Sr.



Burns, John C., Teacher and Farmer, Sec. 11.

Campbell, John H., Merchant.

Gilbert, Benj. F. Tile Manufacturer, Sec. 4.

Medford, I. N., Teacher, Sec. 5.

Pearson, A., Physician and Surgeon.



Allread, S. W., Merchant and Farmer, Delisle P. O.

Briney, Christopher, Justice of the Peace and Farmer, Sec. 28, Delisle I P. O.

Davis, William, Carpenter, Sec. 34, Arcanum P. O.

Kelsey, Wm., Manufacturer of Drain Tile, Sec. 21, Arcanum P. O.

Marker, George, Gun Maker and Farmer, Sec. 2. Gettysburg P. O.

Poyner, John H., Manufacturer of Drain Tile, Sec. 23, Arcanum P. O.


Miller, George D., County Commissioner and Farmer, Sec. 16, Greenville. P. O.

Schlechty, Geo., Justice of the Peace and Farmer, Sec. 33, Weaver's Station P.O.


Creviston, J. B., School Teacher, Sec. 4, Hill Grove P. O.

Huffer, Aaron, Manufacturer of Drain Tile and Farmer, Sec. 2, Hill Grove P. O.

McNeil, James, Merchant, Sec. 34, Darke P. O.

Morrison, J. N., Justice of the Peace, Section 4, Hill Grove P. O.

Teal, Thos. E., Postmaster, nil, Grove P. O.

White, Capt. Jas. M., School Teacher and Farmer, Mt. Heron P. O.


Groff, Joseph, Minister, Painter Creek, P. O.

Hyer, Jesse, Carriage Manufacturer and Undertaker, Painter Creek P. O.

Parson, Nathan S., Merchant, Red River P. O.

Weills, Solomon, Minister, Sec. 20, Painter Creek P. O.

Wright, Geo. W., Postmaster, and Dealer in General Merchandise, Painter Creek.


Holloway, Jackson, School Teacher and Farmer, Sec. 8, Dawn P. O.


Greer, S. A., Physician, Sec. 20 Willow Dell P. O.


Seibt, A., Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hardware and Drugs, Webster P. O.

Klipstine, L. C., Teacher and Farmer, Sec. 32, Webster, P. O.