GEORGE B. ALBAN, farmer, P. O. Findlay, was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, March 10, 1811, son of William (a farmer) and Elizabeth (Shane) Alban. William Alban served in the war of 1812 as captain; he was a justice of the peace for many years; in politics he was a stanch Whig. His father, George Alban, was a Virginia farmer. William Alban was thrice married, Elizabeth (Shane); the mother of our subject, being his first wife. There were eight children in this family: James S. (the eldest, was a lawyer by profession, and at the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion was a resident of Wisconsin; he became colonel of the Eighteenth Regiment W. V. I, and was killed in action at the battle of Pittsburg Landing), Eliza (deceased), Jane (deceased), George B., Mary, William (a lawyer and a former partner of James S. ), Sarah, wife of Solomon Franks, of Medina County, Ohio) and Capt. H. H. (of Findlay, Ohio). William Alban's second wife was Jane Whitcraft, daughter of William Whitcraft, of Stark County, Ohio, and by her were eight children-three of whom are still living: Nancy, Rebeeca and Levina. William Alban's last marriage was with Isabel McCaughey, daughter of Joseph McCaughey, of Stark County, Ohio; she bore him two children: Joseph P. and Newton. George B. Alban, the subject of this sketch, passed most of his early life in Stark County, Ohio, and there married, October 15, 1835, his first wife, Maria McCaughey, daughter of John McCaughey, of Stark County, Ohio; there were three children by this union, two of whom are living: Eliza J. and John M. Mr. Alban came to this county February 12, 1839, and has since resided here, engaged in farming. He has a farm of 1g0 acres of land which is crossed by the "Nickel Plate" Railroad. His second wife was Susan Edgar, daughter of William Edgar, formerly a farmer of this county. To her he was married in January, 1844. She bore two children, both of whom died young. Our subject's third marriage was November 9, 1848, with Mary A. Davis, daughter of John Davis, a farmer of Wood County, Ohio; the only child born of this union died in infancy. Mr. Alban's present wife, Jane, to whom he was married November 1, 1854, is a daughter of John McLeester, a farmer of this county. Two children have been born of this union: Maria and Helen. George B. Alban is an energetic and enterprising man, and still retains a goodly share of youthful vigor, both in action and in appear-


ance. He is an elder in the Presbyterian Church; one of the old and substantial citizens of this county. He and his family are connected with the West Union Presbyterian Church. In politics he is a Republican.

ALLEN DORSEY, farmer. P. O. Van Buren, was born in what was formerly Cass Township, this county. February 22, 1834, son of David and Rosanna (Weand) ) Dorsey, natives of Pennsylvania. The father was a farmer and one of the first settlers in Allen Township, this county, and helped organize the township, serving as justice of the peace for several years. He came to this county in 1833, and died in this vicinity. Of his family of seven children who grow to maturity four are now living: George, Allen. Cordelia and Henry: William and James , members, respectively, of the One Hundred and Twenty-third and Twenty-first Regiments, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, were both killed in service during the; war of the Rebellion; David, died in Idaho. The fatter of our subject married, for his second wife, Margaret Deal) Adams, who is now living in Wood County. Ohio. The subject of this sketch has all his life resided in this county, engaged in farming anti stock dealing. He has farm property to the extent of 180 acres, most of which lies in Portage Township, this county. He is a member of Haywood Lodge, No. 333, I. O. O. F. Mr. Dorset' first married Miss Mary A. Howard, daughter of James Howard, a farmer of this county, and by this union there are two children: Ardinell and Allen D. Our subject's present wife, Margaret J., is a daughter of James McMurray.

WARREN L. DRAPER, farmer, P. O. Wineland, was born in Washington County, N. Y., October 5, 1824, son of Moses and Marilla (Wilson) Draper, former of whom, a son of Jonathan Draper, a Revolutionary soldier, devoted his life to farming and saw-milling. Warren L. Draper moved from Pennsylvania when six years of age to Summit County, Ohio, and in 1853 camp to this county, where he has since resided, engaged in farming. He has at present 180 acres of improved land in Allen Township. Our subject was united in marriage with Miss Louisa Sobercole, and by her he had five children: Ann, Warren C.. Edward, Elizabeth and Jane. His present wife, Hannah (King) Draper, is a daughter of John King, formerly a resident of this county, and by her our subject has two children: Emma and Belleair. Draper is a much respected citizen of this county.

DANIEL FRICK, farmer. P. O. Van Buren, was born May 3, 1828, in Westmoreland County, Penn. His parents, Daniel and Catherine (Miller) Frick, were also natives of the same place, the former a farmer and blacksmith. Daniel Frick, Sr., had a brother, George, who served in the war of 1812. Their father, George Frick, a German by birth, died of scarlet-fever in New Orleans. where he, in company with a man named Hannah, had taken a flat-boat loaded with flour. The father of our subject was twice married. His first wife (the mother of our subject) bore him nine children: Mart', John, George. Lucinda, Daniel, Delilah, David, Jacob and Abraham, all of whom are still living. His second wife also bore him nine children, of whom six are still living: Catherine, Jane, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Luther and Joseph. David, of the first family, and Isaiah, of the second family, served in the late war of the Rebellion. Daniel Frick, Sr., came to this county in the spring of 1855, and died the following fall. The subject of this sketch came to this county in 1856, and engaged in the mercantile trade. He was, however, a miller by occupation, and, in 1861, he purchased a flouring-mill (which is still standing in Van Buren, unused) and operated it for several




years. In 1871 he bought a farm of 160 acres of land, north of Van Buren, which he still owns, and on which he resided until last spring, when he moved to Van Buren, having purchased a store-building and residence combined. Mr. Frick has long been a member of the I. O. O. F., belonging at present to Haywood Lodge, No. 333. In politics he is a Republican. He was united in marriage, November 6, 1851, with Esther Dinsmore, a daughter of John Dinsmore, a farmer of Westmoreland County, Penn., and two children have been born to this union, both now deceased.

EDWARD GEORGE, M.D., Van Buren, born in Mercer County, Penn., March 18, 1850, is the eldest son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Harlow) George, natives, respectively, of Pennsylvania and Germany, and who came to this county in 1855, where they still reside. They have two children: Dr. Edward George and Louisa (wife of Orrin A. Ballard, of Findlay). Jonathan George, a carpenter by trade, is the son of John George, who was a soldier in the war of 181 2. Dr. Edward George received his education in this county, and in early life clerked in a store. He commenced the study of medicine in 1872, under Drs. T. & T. C. Ballard, of Benton Ridge, Ohio, an d took his first course in the medical department of the Michigan University in 1873-74; in 1875-76 he attended the Butler University, at Indianapolis, Ind., graduating therefrom February 25, 1876. In May of the same year he located in Van Buren, where he has since enjoyed an extensive practice. He was united in marriage, September 30, 1875, with Esther Whisler, daughter of Samuel Whisler, a merchant of Benton Ridge. The Doctor is a Republican in politics. He has filled the office of mayor of Van Buren. He united with the Presbyterian Church in January, 1882, and was elected and has served as Sabbath-school superintendent four years in succession, up to the present time.

S. M. HARTMAN, farmer, P. O. Van Buren, was born in Wayne County, Ohio, November 11, 1844, son of Samuel J. and Eva (W'honsetler) Hartman, natives of Washington County, Penn., reared a family of ten children. The mother and seven of her children are still living. The father, who engaged in farming during his life, was a son of Peter Hartman, who, with many brothers, served in the war of 1812. S. M. Hartman, the subject of this sketch, came to this county in 1872, and has since resided here, having a farm of seventy-six and a half acres of land. He was united in marriage, November 29, 1867 , with Julia A. Zimmerman, daughter of Henry Zimmerman, formerly of Wayne County, Ohio. Ten children have been born to this union: Charles O., Ettie G., S. Della, Fannie S., Zoa A., Samuel T. (deceased), Jessie E., Wella Z., Oda L. and Henry B. In politics Mr. Hartman is a Prohibitionist. The family are members of the United Brethren Church.

HUGH McMURRAY, farmer, P. O. Van Buren, was born in Richland County, Ohio, November 4, 1832, son of James and Margaret (McHarry) McMurray, natives of Ireland. James McMurray was born May 2, 1800, and came to Canada July 3, 1821, shortly afterward removing to the United States. He was a farmer, an active member of the Presbyterian Church, and an ardent Republican. His family consisted of eight children: William (deceased), Ann (deceased), James (deceased), Hugh. George (deceased), John H., Thomas H. and Margaret J. George was a member of the One Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and died in Andersonville Prison. Hugh, the subject of this sketch, came to this county


in 1840, and has since resided here. He has a farm of 258 acres of land and a beautiful residence. He was united in marriage with Eliza Zarbaugh, a daughter of John Zarbaugh, an old resident of this county, now living in Van Buren. Our subject and wife have seven children living: Albina, born February 27, 1868; George, born February 22, 1870; Antonette, born December 27, 1872; Harry J., born November 2, 1874; Mary C., born December 12, 1877; Ardinell, born December 12, 1879, and John F., born February 4, 1883.

SAMUEL SPITLER, retired farmer. Van Buren, was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, September 5, 1813, youngest child of John and Susanna (Buswell) Spitler, both natives of Virginia, who settled in Fairfield County, Ohio, in a very early day. Their family consisted of ten children, eight of whom lived to maturity, but our subject is now the only survivor. Samuel Spitler resided in his native county until after his marriage, when he moved to Crawford County, Ohio, where he remained eight years; then, in 1840, came to this county, where he has remained since. He has been engaged principally in agricultural pursuits, and owns a farm of 320 acres of land in Allen Township, this county, and is one of the substantial citizens of the county. He served his county two terms (from 1863 to 1867) as treasurer, with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents; during this time he resided in Findlay. Samuel Spitler married. April 18, 1832, in Fairfield County, Ohio, Miss Anna Bretz, a daughter of Conrad and Susanna (Foreman) Bretz. Mr. Bretz served in the war of 1812. Mr. and Mrs. Spitler are the parents of ten children, eight of whom survive: Israel (married to Miss Jane Bushong), Noah (united in marriage, the first time with Sarah Loehr, and after her death, with Susa Hegemnan), Eli (married to Miss Ensminger), Lucinda (wife of Paul Bryan), Cars W. (married to Benia Pingle), Samuel B. married to Nettie Poe), John H. (married to Irena Taylor) and Stephen D. (married to Lucy Rader). The deceased are Susannah E. and Conrad. In politics :fir. Spitler has always been a Democrat. Our subject and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Israel Spitler, Mrs. Lucinda Bryan, and Mr. and Mrs. Cass W,. Spitler, all belong to the Primitive Baptist Church, called the Van Buren Church.

GEORGE STOUGH, farmer, P. O. Findlay, was born in Fayette County, Penn., March 27, 1815, the eldest child of Moses and Mary (Riddle) Stough, natives of Pennsylvania. The father was a cooper by trade, but engaged also in farming; removed to what is now Ashland County, Ohio, and finally to this county, and died here at the age of eighty-three years. He was a son of George Stough, Sr. , and of German descent. The subject of this sketch came to this county in 1853, and has since resided here, engaged in farming. He is the owner of farm property to the extent of 240 acres. He married, January 28, 1836, Miss Catherine Gierhart, daughter of Jonas H. Gierhart, at one time a farmer of this county. There have been ten children born to this union, four of whom are living: Daniel, Hen ry, Christian and Eliza J. Mr. Stough is one of the substantial and progressive citizens of this county. In politics he is a Democrat. The family are connected with the Disciples and Methodist Churches.

ROBERT THORNBURG, farmer, P. O. Findlay, was born in Holmes County, Ohio, February 12, 1832, the eldest of twelve children, eight of whom are now living: Robert, Ruth A., Martha J., Matilda, Elizur J., Oliva F. , Enos R. and Elmer. John W. and Elizur J. served in the war of the


Rebellion, the former being a lieutenant in an Indiana regiment, and sustained injuries at the battle of Gettysburg, and the latter a member of the One Hundred and Second Ohio Volunteer Infantry. The parents of these children were William and Beriah (Loveland) Thornburg. natives, respectively, of Pennsylvania and Ohio the former of whom, a farmer and bridge builder, helped to construct the Ohio Canal. He was a son of Robert Thornburg, a pioneer of Holmes County, Ohio. The subject of this sketch came to this county from Holmes County, Ohio, in October, 1860. He had taught school in early years, and had served as deputy sheriff of Holmes County, Ohio, but during his residence in this county he has devoted his attention to his farming interests, having a farm of 115 acres of land, besides an inter est in the old estate. Mr. Thornburg is a justice of the peace of Allen Township, this county, which capacity he has filled for eighteen years. He was married, April 19, 1860, to Miss Gennette Rockwell, daughter of P. V. Rockwell, formerly a miller of this county. Our subject and wife have seven children: Annie B.. Catherine U., Malinda, George W. ., Jessie, James E. and Mary. In politics Mr. Thornburg is a Democrat.

LLOYD WEISEL, farmer, P. O. Van Buren, was born in this county, April 23, 1835. His parents, Isaac and Jane (Dorset') Weisel, were natives of Pennsylvania, the former a shoemaker by trade, but in later life a farmer; they came to this county in 1833, and died here in 1878, their deaths occurring only one week apart. They were the parents of ten children, six of whom are yet living: Oliver, Lloyd, Charlotte, Sarah, John and Laura. A son, Rufus, served in the Ninety-ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and died in the hospital: Lloyd, the subject of this sketch, has resided in this county all his life, except eight years spent in California. He returned to this county in 186J, and has since engaged in farming and stock raising. having farm property to the extent of 300 acres: He is a member of Haywood Lodge, I. O. O. F., No. 333. He married, September 14, 1865, Nancy, daughter of James Telfer. No children have been born of this union, but Mr. and Mrs. Weisel have reared two, who have been in the fam ily since they were quite young: Mary Telfer and Melvin Needham. The family are members of the Presbyterian Church. In politics Mr. Weisel is a Republican. He is one of the substantial farmers of this county.