This township was formerly a part of Newton township. The first election under the new name was held at David Harvey's tavern, in Zanestown, June 21, 1803, when the following officers were elected :

Clerk—Dr. Increase Matthews. [He administered the oath of office to the others.]

Trustees—John Matthews, David Harvey, and Isaac Zane.

Overseers of the Poor—Robert McBride, and David Beam.

Fence Viewers—Seth Carhart, and Thomas Cordry.

Appraisers of Houses—David Beam and William Blount.

Lister of Taxable Property—Thos. Dowden.

Supervisors of Roads—Henry Northrup, Henry Crooks, John Chandler, George Beymer, and Hans Morrison.

Constable—Joseph Jennings.

James Brown was Chairman of the meeting, Thomas Douden and David Campbell were Clerks. At this meeting, the township was organized.

The next meeting was called by the County Commissioners, at the house of Thomas Douden, in Springfield, April 1, 1805. Levi Whipple was Chairman ; Samuel Scott and Alexander McCoy, were the Judges of the election.

The officers were chosen by ballot, as follows :

Township Clerk—Ezra Perrin.

Trustees JohnMatthews and Levi Whipple.

Overseers of the Poor—Levi Chapman and Alexander McCoy. .

Fence Viewers—Jas. Flaherty and Lewis Nye.

Lister of Taxable Property—Samuel Beach.

Appraiser of Houses—Andrew McBride.

Supervisors of Highways—William Newell, Henry Crooks, and Andrew Crooks.

Treasurer—Andrew McBride.


Constables—John Houck and Thomas Douden.

The first meeting of the electors of Springfield, was convened by order of the County Commissioners, at the house of William Burnham, in the village of Springfield, April 3, 1809 ; at which meeting, Isaac Van Home was Chairman ; Isaac Minshall and Samuel Beach were chosen Judges, and Levi Whipple, Clerk. The result was as follows :

Judges—Jesse Chandler, Benjamin Sloan, and Isaac Van Horne.

Overseers of the Poor—John Leavens and J cob Dunn.

Supervisors of Roads—Asher Hart, Isaac Van Horne, E. Buckingham, William Organ, John Matthews, and Henry Lear.

Constable—John Miser.

Treasurer—Dr. Increase Matthews.

No account of the election of a Justice of the Peace has been found, but March 11, 1809, the following entry in the township record appears :

"The Trustees met agreeably to adjournment, and settled the account of Levi Whipple on his docket, as per fines assessed since last settlement."

July 1, 1809, "William H. Moore, Esq., produced his commission as a Justice of the Peace, to Levi Whipple, Town Clerk, and was qualified to that office by Abel Lewis, Clerk of Muskingum County, June 20, 1809."

John Springer was Justice of the Peace soon after this time, but no date is found.


The original boundary of the township was as follows : Beginning at the mouth of the Licking river, on the south side ; thence, up said river, to a point where it intersects the "base or military line ;" thence, west, along said line, six miles from the place of beginning (bounded on the north by Falls township and a small portion of Hopewell township) ; thence, south, three and three-quarter miles (bounded on the west by Hopewell and a small portion of Newton township); thence, east, six miles, south one-half mile, and east one mile, to the Muskingum river (being bounded on the south by Newton and a small portion of Brush Creek township) ; thence, up the Muskingum river, to the place of begin- ning.

The surface of this township is generally rolling, with beautiful and fertile valleys along the streams. The soil of the valleys is denominated a sandy loam, with a clay subsoil, in general, and well adapted to produce wheat, corn, oats, rye, clover, timothy and other grasses, and vegetables. The slopes and uplands are well adapted to horticulture.

The native trees are white oak, black oak, chestnut, hickory, ash, beech, black walnut, and sugar maple.

The topographical features, now so much admired, had a special attraction in an early day, also, for the red man, who found the gently slo- ping hills and tortuous valleys peculiarly fitted for the haunts of game, and possessed of a weird charm, for their nomadic habits and fancies. And the pioneer white man was lured hither by the abundance of game, of which the elk was king of the forest, and, on that account, the French traders at Detroit named this region "The Kingdom of the Moose," which, among the hunters, was transposed into Moose-kingdom, and thence, corrupted into Muskingum vide Loskiel. This is corroborated to this day, by the existence of such succulent grasses and plants as the moose-deer is known to be particularly fond of; and also, in conjunction, the abundance of small-streams of pure water, making it a Paradise for such animals. .

Among the noted water courses, are Thomp- son's run and its tributaries, permeating the northwest portion, and passing out about the center of the south boundary, into Newton township, and subsequently emptying into Jonathan's creek—so called, because Jonathan Zane, being lost, camped on that stream, near its mouth, and which his friends named "Jonathan's creek," to commemorate the event.

Chapman's run, which rises near the center of the township; runs in a northerly direction, and empties into the Licking river.

Jonathan's creek, the largest stream in the township, passes across the southeast corner, and empties into the Muskingum river.

Shawnee run rises in the western portion of section fourteen, runs three miles in a southeasterly direction, and empties into Jonathan's creek.

Early in the spring of 1799, David . Stokely came up the Muskingum river, and, resolving to make his home on the Congress land that em- braced the present site of ,Putnam, built his cabin near the site of the Putnam foundry, and pre- pared a small field, in which he planted and cultivated corn.

When the corn was "laid by," he returned to his late residence, and on the third of July, of that year, married Miss Abigail Hurlbut, and, on the sixth day, introduced his bride to her new domicile, they having made the trip through the trackless forest in three days—. she on horseback, with her trousseau, and he on foot. Among her first duties in putting her house in order, was grubbing the small stumps. from the earth floor, that it might become smooth by use. This being completed, two stakes were driven into the ground, near the wall, in a corner, and a few cross sticks added, on which rushes. were laid, and the primitive bed was made ; and doubtless was a source of comfort, Where, mid the visions of "love's young dreams," they wooed the goddess of happiness, with "none to molest or make them afraid."

Mr. Stokely continued to occupy the premises: with his wife, until the lands were sold, when, being unable to purchase so large a tract, it was 'bought by Dr. Increase Mathews, who associated with him his cousin, as elsewhere related. These, gentlemen permitted him to remain on the land three years longer, as a compensation for the clearing he had done. Much of the town site was cleared by Stokely and George Mathews. In 1805, Mr. Stokely removed to a place south of


Jonathan's creek, and there remained until his death, a period of more than forty years.

According to Rev. Addison Kingsbury's narrative, the following persons came into the township soon after the town of Springfield was laid out :

Adam France, in 1802, settled just outside the village.

John Springer, from West Virginia, in 1806, settled on section sixteen, about four miles west of Zanesville.

Dr. J. Rodman, William Hibbs, John Fogles, and Cornelius Kirk, between 1806 and 1810, settled near together. Jacob Reese settled on the farm now owned and his son, Solomon Reese. In 1807, he built a hewed log house—quite a fine home for those days—and in 1815, erected a frame barn, the first in the township. Jacob Reese is remembered as a consistent Christian. He died in 1863, aged eighty- seven years.


The details of many events that follow, being, unfortunately, very brief, their chronological order, rather than a classified arrangement, will be followed.


The first grist mill was inaugurated in the summer of 1799, by John and George Mathews, and situated. on a platform supported by two boats, so adjusted as to support a wheel between them, and moored where the water ran swiftest, and was thus furnished with water power for grinding. It was generally anchored a short distance above what was, and is, the west end of Putnam bridge. " Once upon a time," when the river was high, the waters captured this mill and took it down the stream as far as Taylorsville, but it was afterwards brought back, and tradition further says, rendered efficient service.


The Spring Hill Company, December 1st, 1861 , by contract with John Sharp, built a saw mill, with one upright saw, which was run by the long paddle wheel. A peculiarity of the contract, said to be customary in " ye olden time," was that the builder was to be furnished with three gills of whiskey each day, until the work was finished.

Levi Whipple built a saw mill in 1802, and in 1804, built a flour mill, just above the site now occupied by the woolen mill. These mills stood near together, and were destroyed when the bridge burned in 1845. Mr. Whipple was a ;public spirited, christian gentleman ; his name is associated with the public enterprises and acts of benevolence of his time.

Beaumont & Hollingsworth rebuilt the flour mill just alluded to, and did a large business at home, besides shipping much flour:

The one known as the Levi Whipple Flour Mill, in Putnam, was built by the Spring Hill Company, in 1803. By the division of property in 1806, it passed into the hands of Levi Whipple. It was an undershot water wheel power, one stone, at first. This being before the Muskingum Improvement, Mr. Whipple was obliged to build a wing dam, and keep it in repair ; and according to the rules governing in such matters, he was not allowed to build it so high that it would hold the water back and interfere with other mills, yet to .get the proper amount of water, this was often done, and as often by the owners of the mills above. " The Jackson and " Granger Mills," would send. men over and punch holes in his dam and let the water out. Mr. Whipple operated this mill until about 1820, when he sold it to Joseph R. Thomas, who; about 1843, sold it to Beaumont & Hollingsworth, and it was burned in May, 1845.

The mills of to-day have so little in common with those of which we have just spoken, that the miller of our tithe may well be considered a scientist of the highest order, as compared with such men as John and George Mathews, with their floating mill of 1799. The miller of to-day must not only be a machinist, comprehending the specific purposes of machinery, but with the skill of the manufacturer, he must be able to repair any defector loss of wear, that may occur, and keep the mill in running order ; which argues a high state of skill, as perhaps no class of machinery has undergone more changes than those used in milling, certainly within the last fifty years. This requirment involves a practical application of chemistry, too, that per se necessitates a clear comprehension of the principles involved, in order to secure success ; and again, the form and composition of. a single grain of wheat is also a matter of importance, that a proper discrimination may be had, to separate the different qualities, and convert them into the flour they are adapted to making. Some parts of the wheat, also, are only fit for feed, while others yield the highest grade of flour. That these qualifications were attained by the inventor of the present improved machinery, of course, will not be questioned ; and it is perhaps owing to the mastery of the principles by the inventor, that the necessity of at least as high a qualification on the part of the miller exists. For example : Before the introduction of the " new process of to flour, it was thought only necessary to clean the wheat reasonably well, grind it fine, and also make as few middlings as possible ; separate the flour, middlings and bran,. by bolting, regrind the middlings, together with all the impurities, such as tine bran, germ of the wheat, dust and fuzz from the crease in the wheat grain and its fuzz ends, the whole ground up, making a low grade of flour, and, consequently, the whole life was killed by too close grinding, and, of course, resulting in a flour that almost invariably made heavy bread. The exceeding fine grinding destroyed the cells in the wheat, and thus destroyed the rising quality. The new process demonstrates that the best flour is included in the middlings, which, in the old way, was made into the lowest grade, because mixed with the impurities, as described above. To


purify the middlings, therefore, challenged inventive talent of the highest order, since the ma- chine must produce a mechanical and chemical result. This demand has been met by a multi- tude of devices, so that the miller finds himself supplied with a copious literature, setting forth their various advantages. Among these, the blast or suction of wind from a revolving fan, and the size of mesh in the bolting cloth, which separates the fine particles of bran, fluff and other impurities from the middlings, leaving them sharp, resembling pure white sand, is in use. From the middlings thus purified, the flour so much prized by all who have used what is known as patent flour is made ; grinding it with buhrs, and bolting through fine cloth. The use of the purifier is a change for the better, also, by allowing the miller to grind higher, as he terms it, i. e., with the stones at a greater distance apart, with-out fear of losing in yield, and increasing the proportion of low grade flour ; and thus, too, avoiding the danger of getting just a little too close in grinding, which, as we have seen, de- stroys the cells in the wheat, rendering it unfit for bread. It is found that the higher the grind- ing, the larger the quantum of middlings, of which the highest grade of patent flour is made, and the flour from the first bolting (wheat-flour, or clear flour) is more granular, whiter and better. But the high grinding produces a heavy bran, leaving too large a quantity of flour adhering to the bran, and hence the necessity. of a machine to get it off. Some grind the bran over on buhrs, and others use machines for knocking or threshing it off; but the most successful machine at present, seems to be the sharp corru- gated roller ; so arranged, that one roller goes faster than the other, and accomplishes the de- sired result. The brush-scourer, for cleaning wheat, is a superior device, in general use, but this article does not admit of giving the minutia of the numerous machines, as. it is not intended to be cyclopedic.

The wheat heater, used to warm the wheat in cold weather, to a temperature known to facilitate grinding, is used to advantage, as manifestly frozen wheat would not yield good results. The speed of running, too, is important ; formerly it was thought necessary to run four foot stones, from one hundred and eighty to two hundred and ten revolutions per minute, and grind from twelve to eighteen bushels of wheat per hour ; now the mills that have the best reputation only run from one hundred and twenty to .one hundred and thirty-five revolutions per minute, and grind from four to six bushels per hour, to the run of stone ; thus avoiding undue heating of the chops, and leaving the flour, when bolted, free from injury by overheating, and retaining all the life peculiar to healthy, perfect grain, and therefore affording the highest amount of healthy bread.


In 1804, Andrew Crooks opened a wagon road, along the " Zane Trace," from Zanesville,.about nine miles, to where it crosses Jonathan's Creek, in Newton township, and opened a public house, that for many years was known as "Crooks' Tavern."


In 1821, William Beard put a line of stages on this road (opened by Crooks) ; the first drivers were William Griffy, and Samuel Murdock. They made connection with the stages, on the road, from Wheeling to Chillicothe, a route that was in operation in 1817, by John S. Dugan.


In 18o6, John Mathews built a large flouring mill, on Jonathan's Creek, about half a mile from where it empties into the Muskingum river. And about the same time he erected a saw mill, near by.


In 1810, John Mathews erected a distillery, also, near by. He was assisted in the manufacture of whiskey by Ira Belknap. Mr. Mathews erected quite a number of dwellings, for the men in his employ ; they were located near the mill, and the settlement was soon after known as " Moxahala."

The first brick kiln, as near as can be ascert tamed, was located on the north side of the Cooper Mill Road, near the present Fair Grounds, and was inaugurated by William Simmons, in 1807.


In 1812, a number of Shawnee Indians camped near a large spring, which the pioneers called "Shawnee," from this circumstance. When these red men of the forest first appeared in this locality, the pale faces were suspicious, and fearful, lest their visit might mean a threat- ening danger ; but, as they manifested a friendly. spirit, and offered for sale, or exchange, furs; moccasins, and trinkets, they were soon only re- garded with curiosity ; many visiting their camp to gratify their desire to know what manner of people they were, and how they lived. How long they tarried, we are not informed.

They were remnants of a people,

Sweeping westward, wild and woeful,

Like the cloud-rack of a tempest,

Like the withered leaves in autumn;

They are gone —'tis hoped they're blest,

With rest among their people,

With the joys they e'er were hopeful

As they prized their ancestral token.


McKendree M. E. Church is situated about four miles from the city, in a southwest direction. The society was organized about the year 1815. The first members were John Springer, and wife, Cornelius Springer, Philip Russell, and wife, Joseph Rodman., and family, John Johnson, Mrs. William Bisant, Widow Smith, Franklin Bisant, and wife, David Oliver, and wife.

The first class leaders were John Springer,


Joseph Rodman, David Oliver, and J. Huff.

The first preachers, who served in the order following, were Rev. J. B. Finley, John Goshen. The local preacher was David Olive.

The subsequent members were : Thomas Wilber, and family, Ichabod Wilber, and family, Richard Reed, and family, Joseph Butler, and family, Samuel Simmons, and family, Joshua Huff, and wife; the following were members of the congregation : Richard Dickinson, and family, James Williams, and family, Robert Canon, and family.

Their first meeting house was built of logs, and also served for a school house.

Their present brick church was built in 1842, and is about sixty by forty feet.

The society has a cemetery, containing about one acre of ground, near the church. The first person buried there was a Mr. Graham, in 1828.


Dr. Increase Mathews was the first, in this township, to engage in growing fine wooled sheep. This was about 1820. He obtained his start, in this stock, from Vermont, and was very successful, although he did not continue in the business many years. In 1843, he, in company with William Baldwin, of Putnam, employed Sanford Howard, to go to Massachusetts, and purchase short horned Durham cattle, male and female, also Herefords.

Mrs. Merriam, relict of Cyrus Merriam, and grand daughter of Gen'l. Rufus Putnam, narrates that her husband came to Springfield, when about twenty-one years old, and engaged in the mercantile business. He subsequently bought a fruit farm, about two miles southwest of town, about 1826, and resided there at the time of his death, in November 1873. In 1828, he purchased a flock of sheep, from Dr. Mathews, and for a few years gave attention to wool growing.


In 1820, Jacob Reese built a distillery, on his Own farm, where he lived.

The first farm implements were home made, Or nearly so. Plows had wooden mould boards ; harrow teeth were made of wood ; hay forks of the same, constituted by splitting the end of a piece of wood, adapted for a handle, and thus making two prongs which were smoothed and pointed.. The first improvement in hay forks was made by blacksmiths, and was a notable event. This improvement, and the patent, or cast iron mould-board for plows, was brought into use in 1825. Harrow teeth were made of iron somewhat earlier, perhaps as early as 181o.


A society of Methodist Protestants was organized in 1827, and, before building a place of worship, held meetings in a log house that had been used by Solomon Wylie as a dwelling. They first built on a piece of ground owned by Ligget Gray, and leased by Solomon Wylie, whose son,

Abraham, dubbed the meeting house "Solon'ion's Temple," because his father was instrmental in organizing the society, and many of the old settlers—and younger ones, too, for that matter— continue to call it "The Temple," or "Solomon's Temple." This edifice was built about the year 1835, and was a frame building, thirty by forty feet.

About the year 1855, the present church, also a frame building, forty by sixty feet, was erected.

The first members were : Joseph Rodman and wife, Ligget Gray and wife, Samuel Johnson and wife, John Johnson and wife, John Springer and wife.

The first preachers were : William Ivans and Cornelius Springer.

A Sabbath School was organized by this society, in 1838. At that time there were twenty-five scholars ; at this time the average attendance is ninety. The present Superintendent is William Hibbs. The number of church members is about one hundred. Regular services and preaching every two weeks.


The National road, from Washington City, D. C., to St. Louis, Missouri, was built across the northeast corner of Springfield township, in 1828. Neil, Moore & Co., "put a line of stages" on this part of the road in 1831. William Lloyd was the first driver.

The Zanesville and Maysville pike was built through the southeastern part of the township in 1838-9.


In the year 1830, Isaac Dillon erected a large mill in the northeastern part of the township, at the mouth of the Licking river, and called it the Pataskala Mill. It contained one pair of buhrs, and the necessary additional machinery for the manufacture of wheat and buckwheat flour and corn meal. The mill has received important additions since that date, and does a large business.


February 23d, 1833, Jacob Reese, Edward Rex, Anthony Smith, Samuel Seamans, and John Fogle formed a society, under the name of the " Springfield Association for the Recovery of Stolen Horses, and the Detection of the Thief or Thieves." They evidently regarded this as an important matter, which should be governed by fixed rules and regulations, for they adopted a constitution, with rules and regulations, for their government, in which the duties of the members and officers were specifically defined, and all with the evident intention of being not only law abiding, but, under the construction of the rights, privileges and duties of American citizenship, they were to enforce the laws insuring the safety of their property and the suppression of crime.

The constitution and by-laws were signed by Jacob Rees, President ; Edward Rex, Treasurer ; Anthony Smith, Samuel Seamans, and John Fogle.


No other names appear as members, although it is supposed there were many.

Section 3 of the constitution provides : "Every member who Shall go in pursuit of stolen horses, shall keep a regular account of all his routes and expenses, which accounts he shall hand to the Treasurer within ten days after his return."

Section 4 says : -Any member being notified to go in pursuit of stolen horses, if he has not suf- ficient money by him, may borrow any amount up to five dollars upon the credit of this company, and all such loans the society bind themselves to pay, and if, after paying his expenses, he shall have a balance left, he shall hand it over to the Treasurer, with his accounts, for settlement, and if, upon examination of the accounts, there shall still be a balance in favor of the company, he shall pay the same upon being demanded by the Treasurer, and if he shall refuse or neglect to pay the same, the Treasurer shall collect it by law, in the same manner as debts under five dollars are collected."

“The Western Recorder" was the only paper ever published in Springfield township. This paper was published by Rev. Cornelius Spring- er, at his home—"Meadow Farm"—about six miles west of the city of Zanesville, July t8th, 1833. In 1845, it passed into the hands of A. H. Bassett, who removed it to Putnam, and con- tinued to publish it until 1855, when it was transferred to the Methodist Protestant Church, it being devoted to expounding the doctrines and usages of that church. Mr. Bassett received for the establishment the sum of $1,250.

In September, 1855, the establishment was re- moved to Springfield, Clark county, Ohio. The paper, from this time, was called the "Western Methodist Protestant." Mr. Bassett continued to edit and publish the paper until November, 1860, when, by act of the Convention of the church, held at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the editorial and business departments of the paper were put into separate hands, and Dr. George Brown was elected editor and A. H. Bassett made the publishing agent.

In November, 1862, Dr. Brown was succeeded in the editorial department, by Dennis B. Dorsey, Jr., who, in October, 1864, resigned, and was succeeded by John Scott. At the General conference, held at Alleghany, Pennsylva- nia, in 1866, a union of the Methodist Protestant Church, and the Wesleyans was effected, under the,name of the "Methodist Church," and the name of the paper was changed to that of "Methodist Recorder." At a meeting of the Board of Publication, at Springfield, in May, 187o; Mr. Scott tendered his resignation, to take effect September 1st, I870, and Alexander Clark was elected to succeed him.

At a session of the General Conference, held at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in May, 1871, it was decided to transfer the paper and "the book concern" to that place. The last issue of the "Methodist Recorder," at Springfield, was Oc- tober 25th, 1871. The first issue at Pittsburgh, was November 15th, of the same year, where it is still published.

Dr. Clark discharged the duties of editor from September, 1871, till his death, in July, 1879, which occurred at the residence of Governor Colquitt, in Atlanta, Georgia. After the death of Dr. Clark, John Scott, D.D., was again chosen editor, which position he has continued to fill.— [George W. Barnett.]


The postoffice at Meadow Farm was at the printing office of the "Western Recorder; "about six miles west of the city of Zanesville, in 1839. Rev. C. Springer was appointed Postmaster. The office was discontinued in 1845.

Meadow Farm Church (Methodist Protestant) is situated about six miles southwest of the city of Zanesville, on land donated by Rev. Cornelius Springer. The society was organized in 1854. The first members were Rev. Cornelius Springer and wife, Joseph Rodman and family, John Springer and family, Jeremiah Springer and family, and Mrs. Ellen Wortman.

The first Class Leaders were John Springer, Joseph Rodman, and John Johnson. The first preacher was Rev. William B. Ivans.

A Sabbath School was organized soon after, with about fifty scholars. The present Superintendent is I. R. Gray.

Rev. Cornelius Springer was born in Wil- mington, Delaware, about the year 1793, and came to this township with his father, John Springer, in 1896. When a young man, he was converted, and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, and, soon after, became an itinerant preacher—perhaps in 1816. He continued in this work as long as he was able for duty, and died August 17th, 1875, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. His career of public usefulness began in the school-room. When the division of the church took place, in 1829, he identified him- self with the moiety known as the Methodist Protestants, and led off as editor and publisher of the "Western Recorder," the organ of the church, an account of which is given elsewhere in this chapter.


The Cincinnati, Wilmington and Zanesville, subsequently the Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley Railroad, was built across the east end of the township, in 1854. The leading citizens of Putnam were prominent contributors to the building of this road.

The first organization not having sufficient means for building the road, it was mortgaged, and thus the money for building and equipping was raised. The mortgage was foreclosed and the road sold, at a great reduction—below cost. It is now leased to the Pennsylvania Company, and is under the control and management of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis Railway Company.

John A. Adams, of Zanesville, was a Direc- tor. William M. Triplett, of Circleville. Ohio, was Secretary.



On the land of Rev. J. Springer (section six- teen), the following section was taken :




1. Blossom of coal

2. Not seen

3. Putnam Hill limestone

4. Shale

5. Sandstone

6. Shale

7. Coal

8. Under-clay

9. Sandy shale.

10. Siderite ore

11. Flint.

12. Dark shale and laminated sandstone

13. Fine grained sandstone.

























The fine-grained sandstone (number thirteen, in the above section), is a very handsome, light blue stone, very evenly bedded, easily quarried,. and has proven to be durable.

On the land of Perry Bolin, section six, in this township, a limonite ore, six inches thick, is found, at an elevation of fifty-four feet above the ,Putnam Hill limestone. This ore is taken to the

—Zanesville furnace. The following is an analysis by Prof. Wormley :

Specific gravity.

Water combined

Silicious matter

Iron sesqui oxide


Lime, phosphate

Lime, carbonate


Sulphur (Trace) Total

Metallic iron.

Phosphoric acid












This is an excellent ore, rich in iron, free from sulphur, and containing only a small amount of phosphorus.

The seam, where measured, averages six inches in thickness.

In Springfield township, the two seams of coal known as the two New Lexington coals ( the upper of which is the equivalent of the great seam of southern Perry county), are almost constantly seen, in their proper horizons. They are worked in many places. They always hold the same position, relatively, to the Putnam Hill limestone. The original and typical Putnam Hill limestone is found in this township, and is easily examined in the dug-way just above the bridge of the Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley Railroad.—[Geological Report, 1873, V(51. I, pp. 327-8.]

Clay.—"Fire clay" is found on the lands of L. H. Dugan and others, near the city, and is .gaining the reputation of being a.superior quality for lining capsules for foundry purposes. About fourteen hundred tons are annually hauled from Mr. Dugan's to the city. This clay is near the limestone, and both are taken out to good ad- vantage, together. Other clay (potters' clay) of good quality is abundant, and extensively man- ufactured in this township.

Coal.—Bituminous coal of good quality is abundant in this township, and is mined exten- sively on several farms near the city.

Iron.—Iron ore, from four to six inches thick, has been discovered in several localities, but has not been mined or worked. It may prove very valuable. About the year 1818, James Crosby and Mr. — Jackson built an iron forge a few rods south of the south end of the lower bridge. They obtained pig-iron at Dillon's furnace, of Licking. They used horse power.

Blue limestone.—A stratum about four feet thick extends pretty generally over the township. It is a good building stone, and good lime is made of it.

Sandstone of good variety for building purposes is abundant. Also "firestone," large quantities of which are dressed and shipped to other cities by S. G. McBride, who is also engaged in the manufacture of granite monuments and tombstones. The s'tone used for the base of these structures being obtained in this township.


The following are known to have served in the Revolutionary War : Captain ____ Warner and

____ Addison ; and the following in the Indian War, under General Anthony Wayne : William H. Moore, enlisted at Northumberland, Penn- sylvania, in Captain Cook's company, Rangers, April 1st, 1792, discharged at Greencastle, Pennsylvania, April 17th, 1795 ; and Joseph Dorrah, enlisted in 1794, in Captain Bragg's company, Rangers.

In the War of 1812—Colonel Edward Tupper, William H. Moore, John Hempfield, Samuel Simmons, William Manley, Ambrose Josselyn, and Quartermaster Horace Nye.

Drafted—Samuel Chapman, Sr., who being sick at the time, sent a substitute, name not given.

In the Mexican War--John G. Leisure.

In the War of the Rebellion, 1861, as follows :

Company A, Seventy-eighth O. V. I., was raised by Colonel H. D. Munson, Putnam. It is noteworthy that his daughter, Julia, traveled with him when recruiting this company, and it is said was a valuable Aid-de-Camp.

Company B, Seventy-eighth O. V. I., was raised in Putnam and vicenity, by Z. M. Chandler and G. F. Wiles. Z. M. Chandler was ap- pointed Captain, G. F. Wiles First Lieutenant, and G. D. Munson, Second Lieutenant. Mr. Chandler resigned his position as Superintendent of the Public Schools of Putnam, to go into the army. He was appointed Major of his regiment, at Bolivar, Tennessee, and was soon after pro- moted to Lieutenant Colonel, but during the Mississippi campaign he was compelled to resign on account of bad health, which he did at Raymond, Mississippi.

Lieut. G. F. Wiles was appointed Captain of


Company C, Seventy-eighth 0. V. I., April 16th, 1862. He was appointed Lieutenant Colonel, and took command of his regiment on the battle field of Champion Hills, May 16th, 1863. At Atlanta, he was appointed Colonel of his regiment, and during the greater part of the siege he was in command of the Second Brigade. After the South Carolina campaign, he was appointed Brevet Brigadier General, for his efficiency, as well as that of the regiment. On the campaign from Savannah, Georgia, to Goldsboro, North Carolina, he commanded the Second Brigade through terrible hardships and almost unsurmountable difficulties. When the regiment arrived at Washington, D. C., he was promoted to Brevet Brigadier General, on merit alone. He was breveted, also, by act of Congress. He remained with his regiment until the close of the war, and was mustered out of service at Columbus, Ohio, July 15th, 1865. He was said to be one of the best officers in the army.

The Seventy-eighth Ohio was one of the best drilled regiments in the army ; was in thirty-five engagements ;. never driven from the field by the enemy ; when it left the field of battle it was by order of its own officers.

Company B, of the One Hundred and Fifty- ninth 0. N. G., was organized in Putnam, in the year 1863. Nearly all of its members lived in Springfield township. It was equipped and mustered into the United States service in response to the call by Governor Brough, for forty thousand volunteers, f6r one hundred days. The regiment was mustered in May 9th, 1864. Company B, with the regiment, under orders, proceeded from Zanesville, Ohio, to Harper's Ferry, Virginia, for garrison duty. They were afterwards stationed on Maryland Heights, then at Camp Bradford, Baltimore.

Gilbert D. Munson was appointed Second Lieutenant of Company B, Seventy-eighth 0. V. I., at the organization of the regiment, December 12th, 1861, and was appointed Captain of his company September 7th, 1862, and was subsequently detailed on General Leggett's staff, and promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of his regiment, January, 1865. He won a creditable reputation as an officer of more than ordinary ability, and pleasing address. He took command of the regiment at Goldsboro, North Carolina, and led it through to Alexandria, Virginia. His coolness and bravery on the field of battle were almost unequaled. He remained with his command until the close of the war, and was mustered out of service at Columbus, Ohio, July 15th, 1865.

Charles C. Wiles was appointed First Lieutenant, and assigned as Assistant Quartermaster of the Seventy-eighth regiment, in 1862, and served acceptably to the close of the war.

Charles Roper was appointed Bugler and Chief Musician, and under him the regiment had a band that was unsurpassed by any in the service. His health having failed, and the position of Chief Musician being abandoned, he was mustered out at Lake Providence, Louisiana.

Charles H. Bunher, of Company B, was one of the musicians.

Benjamin F. Scott, Seventh Corporal of Company B, was killed in the action at Atlanta, Georgia.

The following members of Company B, Seventy-eighth Regiment, 0. V. I., were residents of Springfield township : G. W. Beardsley, Amos H. Brelsford, George W. Cooper, Richard Dickinson, Samuel Dickinson, John E. Jones, Samuel Lewis, Geo. H. Mathews, Joseph Osmond, David Smith, Jacob P. Springer, Isaac Springer, John Weaver, Frank Munson.

Company A,Seventy-eighth Regiment O.V. I., Thomas Mathews.

Company C, S eventy-eighth Regiment O.V. I., William C. Younger.

The following persons volunteered to serve in the United States. Navy (Western Flotilla) : William Anderson, Henry Burns, Henry Boring, Solon Best, John Bowers, George Berkshire, James Brunen, Peter Cline, James Crozier, William Cockrill, Conrade Carl, E. B. Haver, James Huff, Andrew Josselyn, E. Farquhar, William Lenhbit, William Larzelere, John McCoy, G. B. McClelland, C. A. Merriam, William McBride, F. Omsted, E. N. Nicholson, William Philips, James Peters, James Palmer, George Rex, Seth Stoughton, Eb. Seborn, Jefferson Stonesipher, R. Stillwell, George Shaw, Dan Schuler, N. k. Smith, Joseph R. Thomas, Jr., T. S. Wilbur, J. V. H. Wiles, Enoch Wilbur.

The following officers and soldiers volunteered from Camp Bradford, July 4, 1864, to proceed to Frederick City, Maryland, as mounted infantry, for the purpose of preventing the enemy from coming into Maryland :

Captain—Henry S. Allen.

First Lieutenant—Milton F. Timons.

Second-Lieutenant--Samuel L. Wiles.

Sergeants—John Baughman, Samuel Hadden, David McCandlish.

Corporals JamesA. McFarland, William Curtis, Jr., Philip Stockdale, John G. Fisher, Samuel H. Sawhill.

Musician—Edward B. Haver.

Privates—John J. Ashbaugh, George W. Baughman, James F. Baughman, John Booz, John Curtis, Edward Crowell, William Chilcote, Henry C. Dieterick, John J. Ewen, Geoge B. Ewen, Alphonzo J. Helmuth, Oliver King, Christian Kagay, Samuel R. Larimer, William J. Lamb, Perry Longshore, William H. Meyers, Louis Munch (who was taken prisoner and escaped), Thomas I. Moorhead, John McMillen, John Melor, Sylvanus Mevay, John Mevav, Thomas Myers, Thomas Ross, James W. Terry, John Tomlinson, John Terry, John H. White, and Thomas Webster. They skirmished all day, Friday, July 8th, at the bottom of South Mountain, two miles from Frederick City. July 9th, they fought the enemy, at the battle of Mono-


cacy Junction, Maryland, from seven o'clock in the morning till six o'clock in the evening.

" Ah !--never shall the land forget,

How gushed the life blood of her brave ;

Gushed, warm with hope and courage yet,

Upon the soil they fought to save."

They returned to Camp Bradford July i8th.

One Hundreth and Fifty-ninth Regiment, O.V. I.-Lucius P. Marsh was Captain of Company

A, and Charles W. Potwin, First-Lieutenant.


This military company was organized in 1839. The company was well drilled, and made a fine display, in fancy maneuvers, and dress parade: The members were among the most prominent citizens of the township, and the majority of them residents of Putnam.

Jesse P. Hatch was Captain. He was a grad- uate in the Military School of Norwich, Vermont, under Captain Partridge. The company was, therefore, in good hands, and soon acquired proficiency in the manual then in use, as Captain Hatch was a fine drill master. He made the Greys a model company, in so much that the citizens were proud of it. But odd as it may appear, it is impossible to give a regular list of the membership. The last officers were : Captain, William C. Eli ; First Lieutenant, Lawson Wiles ; Ensign, J. C. Cherry. The company 'disbanded in 1845.


The First Regiment of Muskingum County Militia had its headquarters in this township, and was organized in 1863, under an act of the ,Legislature passed at the session of 1862-3.

It was composed of citizens of Springfield, Brush Creek, Clay, Newton, and Hopewell townships, liable to do military duty.

Three companies were raised in Springfield. A. N. Huston, H. B. Taylor, and H. L. Gray, were elected Captains. 'Captain Taylor's company, was, subsequently, consolidated with the other two.

The regiment was composed of twelve compa- nies, viz : Two in Springfield ; three in Brush Creek (Captains, David Walls, G. B. Minear, and Joseph Boyd) ; one in Clay (Captain G. B. Weaver) ; three in Newton, (Captains H. A. Axline, Geo. W. Jenkins, and James Anderson) ; and three in Hopewell (Captains William Down, Leroy Robinson, and Joseph Porter). A. M. Huston was elected Colonel of the regiment; G. W. Showers (of Brush Creek), Lieutenant-Colonel ; James Colvin (of Hopewell township), Major ; C. A. Merriam (of Springfield), Adjutant; A. C. Brechville (of Newton township), Quartermaster.

A. F. Street was elected to fill the vacancy by the promotion of A. M. Huston to the Colonelcy.

The officers did militia duty at Newark, Ohio, One week annually ; the regiment did militia duty at Newark, Ohio, one day annually ; and each company did militia duty two days annually.


[Compiled from W. O. Munson's Record.]

Aston, Randolph C. ; Company B, Seventy- eighth Regiment O. V. I.

Atkinson, F. M. ; Company B, Twenty-fourth Regiment O. V. I.

Atkinson, James ; Company E, Nineteenth Regiment O. V. I.

Alves, Henry ; Company H, Seventy-eighth Regiment O. V. I.

Aston, J. W. ; Company E, Nineteenth Regiment O. V. I.

Beatty, Henry ; Company M, Fifth U. S. Colored.

Brown, George ; Company M,Fifth U. S. Colored.

Berkshire, William ; Company K, Ninety-seventh Regiment O. V. I.

Ball, Nelson ; Company —, Nineteenth Regi- ment O. V. I.

Cockerel, William A. ; Company —, Twelfth Regiment O. V. I.

Chapman, John L. ; Company K, Ninety-seventh Regiment O. V. I.

Crooks, William ; Company B, One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Regiment O. V. I.

Dickerson, Richard ; Company B, Seventy-eighth Regiment O. V. I.

Dorsey, Thomas ; Company E, First Regiment O. V. I.

Dant, Frank ; Company E, Nineteenth Regiment O. V. I.

Davy, John ; Company —, Regiment —.

Deitrick, William ; Company A, Sixty-second Regiment O. V. I.

Emery, William ; Company D, Sixty-second Regiment O. V. I.

Figley, Robert ; Company B, Seventy-eighth Regiment O. V. I.

France, Howard C. ; Company E, Nineteenth Regiment O. V. I.

Fletcher, Western ; Company M, Eleventh U. S. Colored.

Gray, John ; Company E, Fortieth Regiment O. V. I.

Gardner, William ; Company K. Ninety-seventh Regiment O. V. I.

Gad, Miles D. ; Company E, Nineteenth Regiment O. V. I.

Hopes, Lieut. Thomas ; Company F, Seventy- eighth Regiment O. V. I.

Hall, Nathaniel ; Company M, Eleventh U. S. Colored.

Henwhin, Finley ; Company K, Ninety-sev- enth Regiment O. V. I.

Harding, John W. ; Company E, Nineteenth Regiment O. V. I.

Haver, Lewis P. ; Company E, Third Regiment O. V. I.

Haim, John ; Company —, Eleventh U. S. Colored.

Hunnicut, Greenberry ; Company D, Eleventh U. S. Colored.


James, Alvah ; Company C, Thirteenth Cavalry.

Josselyn, Alfred ; Company A, One Hundred and Twenty-second Regiment 0. V. I.

Kinney, William ; Company M, Eleventh Regiment U. S. colored.

Kountz, Charles ; Company E, Nineteenth U. S. colored.

Kelley, Tames ; gunboat.

Lewis, Samuel ; Company B, Seventy-eighth Regiment 0. V. I.

Lewis, James ; Company B, Seventy-eighth Regiment 0. V. I.

Matthews, George H. ; Company/B, Seventy- eighth Regiment 0. V. I.

McMillen, William ; Andersonville prison. Osmond, Joseph ;

Potts, George I. ; Quartermaster Sergeant Ninety-fifth Regiment.

Palmer, J. W. ; Company —, Nineteenth Regiment 0. V. I.

Phillips, John ; Company B, Twenty-fourth Regiment 0. V. I.

Runnion, Joel ; Company F, Seventy-eighth Regiment 0. V. I.

Reed, Major B. C. G. ; One Hundred and Seventy-fourth Regiment 0. V. I.

Reynolds, Horace ; Seventy-sixth Regiment O. V. I.

Smith, Albert ;. Company B, Seventy-eighth Regiment 0. V. I.

Salade, John W. ; Company G, Ninety-seventh Regiment 0. V. I.

Smith, Charles ; Company C, Thirteenth Cavalry.

Springer, Catharinus ; Company E, Nineteenth Regiment 0. V. I.

Skinner, John ; Company B, Seventy-eighth Regiment 0. V. I.

Stockdale, Robert ; Company K, Ninety-seventh Regiment 0. V. I.

Scott, B. F. ; Company K, Ninety-seventh Reginient 0. V. I.

Schnebby, Warren B, Twenty-fifth Cavalry.

Spaulding, John H. ; Company K, Ninety-seventh Regiment 0. V. I.

Starts, Thomas ; Company —, Fifth U. S. Infantry, colored.

Tuttle, Austin ; Company A, Sixteenth Regiment 0. V. I.

Thompson, John ; unknown, colored.

Wiles, William Harrison ; Company B, Fifteenth Regiment 0. V. I.

Wiles, Cordon R. ; Company B, Seventy-eighth Regiment 0. V. I.

Williams, Benoni A. ; Thirteenth Cavalry.

Weaver, Charles ; Company E, Nineteenth Regiment 0. V. I.

Weaver, John ; Company B, Seventy-eighth Regiment O. V. I.

Wont, George ; Company Nineteenth Regiment 0. V. I.


Fine Wooled Sheeb.—Dr. Increase Mathews was the first in this township to engage in grow ing fine wooled sheep. This was about 182o, and he obtained his start in this stock, in Vermont.

Cyrus Merriam, who came from Brandon, Vermont, when about twenty-one years of age, and engaged in merchandising—soon after married the granddaughter of General Rufus Putnam, now a widow, in her Seventy-seventh year, and to whom we are indebted for this information—in the year 1826, purchased a fruit farm, about two miles southwest of town, and lived there until he died, in November, 1873. In 1828, Mr. Merriam purchased a flock of sheep from Dr. Mathews, and for a few years gave attention to wool growing. In 1843, he and William Baldwin, of Putnam, employed Sandford Howard to go to Massachusetts and purchase for them, and bring to this place, some Durham cattle, for breeding ; also, some Herefords. Mr. Merriam then engaged in raising stock of those varieties, but soon after confined his attention to the short- horned, and was very successful. He continued in the business as long as he lived, and his sons became his successors.

Devons.—In 1864, James Buckingham bellan growing this highly prized breed of cattle, and subsequently associated with L. H. C. Howard, and continued in the business. Their stock is valued highly, for breeding purposes, and some of their strains have found purchasers at a con:- siderable distance away.

Blooded Horses.—Mr. Buckingham.