WILLIAM ANDERSON, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Uhrichsville, is a native of Ireland, born in May, 1813. He was educated at the common schools, learned farming and shoe-making, and at the age of twenty-four years he went to Cadiz, Harrison County. When thirty years old, he was united in marriage with Susan, daughter of William Shipton, of Irish descent; she was born in 1817; died December 20, 1872, the mother of a family of five children, four living-William J., John, Thomas S. (deceased), Mary E. and George M. Thomas (deceased) was the third child, born in November, 1853; he was fireman for three years on the Pan Handle road, and was killed in an accident at Burgettstown, Penn., October 25, 1880. Our subject owns 104 3/4 acres of land, and has lived in this county since 1863. He has been a member of the Presbyterian Church since be was sixteen years of age. John Anderson, the second son, was born in Harrison County, Ohio, October 25, 1851. He was reared on a farm, and educated in the district schools. On September 23, 1880, he was married to Sarissa H. Magill, born in Washington County, Penn. The result of this union has been one child, Laura, born August 23, 1881. Mr. Anderson spent four years, from 1873 to 1878, in. the Western States, traveling and prospecting.

DAVID BALDWIN, farmer and carpenter, P. O. Uhrichsville, was born in Union Township May 4, 1838, and is a son of Rees and Elizabeth Baldwin. His father was of English and Scotch descent, a native of Maryland, born June 10, 1807, and died July 24, 1883. He came to Tuscarawas County in


1882, having entered land the previous year. He was a blacksmith and farmer, and had a family of eight children, four boys and four girls, our subject being the second son and fourth child. David was raised on a farm and secured a common school education, and March 4, 1864, was married to Drusilla Arnold. She was born in Union Township March 17, 1842, and is a daughter of Solomon and Barbara (Stonebrook) Arnold (both deceased), of German extraction. They were pioneers of this county, having entered land in Union Township in 1823, the family living under a tree until a cabin could be built. Uhrichsville was then called Waterford, and contained only four houses. The father was a farmer and carpenter. They were the parents of eleven children, seven girls and four boys, Mrs. Baldwin being the tenth child. Mrs. Baldwin's mother was born in Cumberland County, Penn., in 1800, and was twice married, her first husband, Solomon Arnold, being a native of Jefferson County, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin have two children - Benjamin (born August 21, 1866), and Minnie Jane (born February 27, 1874). During the late war, our subject enlisted September 19, 1861, in the Fifty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company G, and served in the Army of the Cumberland and the Department of the Southwest. Was discharged October 3, 1865. In politics, he is a Republican, and, with his wife, a member of the M. E. Church. He owns 105 acres of land, secured by his own industry, having left home when twenty-one years old with less than $1 in his pocket. He is a carpenter, and built his own residence in 1873. David Baldwin's grandfather, William Baldwin, was born in the State of Virginia in 1783. He moved to Harrison County, Ohio, in 1810, when David's father was three years old, and moved to Tuscarawas in 1832. David Baldwin's mother's another. Acenath Herrn, was born in 1790, in the State of Maryland.

W. S. CUMMINGS, teacher and farmer, P. O. Uhrichsville, was born in Mill Township, this county, December 10, 1849. He is a son of Robert and Catherine (Foster) Cummings, the former (deceased) a native of Virginia, of English descent, the latter born in this county, and of Irish lineage. Our subject was raised on a farm, and educated at the district schools in Tuscarawas County. He has taught seven terms in the home school district, three terms in Rush Township, and two in Mill Township. He was married, December 28, I875, to Mary E. Crooks, born in Carroll County, November 7, 1852: she is a daughter of James and Jane (Baldwin) Crooks, and granddaughter of Reese and Elizabeth Baldwin, residents of Union Township. To this union one child has been born-Elroy Crooks, born October 20, 1879. Our subject is the oldest in a family of seven children, five of whom attained maturity. He owns his residence in Dennison; be and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was Superintendent of the Sabbath school at Pleasant Valley, and has lived in Union Township twenty-two years. His father served five months as private in the One Hundred and Sixty first Regiment, Company E, and was disabled. Oar subject assessed Union Township in 1881 and 1882, and is an enterprising. industrious citizen; is a member of Uhrichsville Lodge, No. 519. I. O. O. F. Elmer Cummings, farmer and teacher, P. O. Uhrichsville, was born in this county May 2, 1861. He was married, March 21, 1883, to Laura Walters, a native of Ohio, born January 1, 1864; her parents are Jacob and Sarah (Brown) Walters, both natives of this State, the former of German, the latter of Irish lineage. Elmer Cummings was born and raised on the farm he now occupies, and is the youngest child. He has taught school two years in Big Run, District No. 1, and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

O. W. ENGLISH, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Uhrichsville, was born in Harrison County, Ohio, December 21, 1847, and is a son of John and Eliza-


beth (Baker) English. His father was twice married, and had a family of sixteen children. Our subject was married, April 9, 1874, to Clarissa Shull, born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, aged twenty-six years. Her parents were natives of Pennsylvania, of German ancestry. The result of this union has been a family of five children-Harvey, born February 13, 1875; Thomas. born September 5, 1877; Charles, born August 28, 1879; Hulda Grace. born July 20, 1881, and an infant, born June 20, 1883. Mr. English commenced in life by renting his father's farm, on which he worked five years, subsequently purchasing his present farm of 103 acres of land in Union Township, where he has lived for the past five years. He is a successful farmer and stock-raiser. and owns ninety-nine sheep. In politics, he is an adherent of the Republican party.

W. V. EVANS, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Dennison, was born in Harrison County, Ohio, December 22, 1821, and is a son of James and Elizabeth (Simpson) Evens. His mother is now eighty-two years of age, and is a native of Scio, Ohio, where she is the oldest citizen; she was born in Hardin County. Ohio, and is of Irish descent. The father of our subject is deceased; he was a native of Ireland, and came to Pennsylvania when fourteen years of age, in 1812, and to Ohio when twenty years old. His education was obtained in the old country, and by occupation he was a farmer and weaver. He was Justice of the Peace for nearly twenty-seven years. in Harrison County. Of his twelve children, four boys and eight girls, nine reached maturity. five daughters and four sons, W. V. being the oldest. Our subject was married, October 17. 1844, to Margaret, daughter of John Brown (deceased); she was born in Guernsey County, Ohio. November 2, 1825. Her mother, Sarah (Davis) Brown. is residing with our subject. To Mr. and Mrs. Evans have been born nine children, of whom three are deceased, viz. : John B., killed by the cars in California, in the fall of 1879; William D., died in 1875, and Anna J., deceased in 1876. The surviving members are James; Sarah Ann, wife of Henry E. Wayes; Mary E., wife of William C. Burney; Margaret A., wife of Thomas A. Moore; Lydia M., at home; and Grace G., wife of John Giles. Mr. Evans owns 149 acres of land. and has been generally successful in his undertakings. He and the family- are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church; he has been Recording Steward for twenty years, also Trustee and Sabbath School teacher. He was County Commissioner of Harrison County for six years, during which time was built one of the finest jails in the State. In politics, he is a Republican. He has been Township Trustee, and for fifteen years was School Director. Two of Mr. Evans' sons, James and John, were in the army, the former in a cavalry regiment, the latter in the one hundred days service. Mr. Evans was Major of the militia, and camped at Newark, Ohio.

ROBERT EVANS, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Uhrichsville. was born in Ireland, November 10, 1833, and is a son of Matthew and Sarah (Johnston) Evans, who emigrated to Ohio when our subject was but two years of age. They were the parents of eight children, (our subject being the fourth child). seven of whom are living. Robert Evans was married, April 24, 1867, to Ora Parry, who was born in Harrison County, Ohio, in 1842. She is a daughter of Dr. John J. and Aurilla (Belknap) Parry, of English descent, early settlers of this county, the former of whom is deceased. To this union have been born two children, viz. : Matthew Stewart, born April 19. 1874, and Ellen A., born in 1880. Mr. and Mrs. Evans are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, be is a Republican; has filled the office of Trustee for eight or ten years. He owns 450 acres of land in Union Township, and makes the raisin of live-stock a specialty.


WILLIAM EVANS, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Uhrichsville, was born in Ireland April 25, 1835. His father, Matthew Evans, died sixteen years ago, aged seventy-five years; and his mother, Sarah (Johnston) Evans, born in 1801; died in May, 1883, aged eighty-two years. His father had been a lifelong farmer. Our subject was seven weeks old when his parents came to America, and was reared in a family of three boys and five girls, he being the sev enth child, all but one daughter living. Our subject was married, September a 1866, to Amanda Parry, a native of Ohio, born in 1845. She is a daughter of John and Aurilla (Belknap) Parry, whose parents had settled in Harrison County, Ohio, in 1800. Her mother was born June 3, 1813; her father was born in Philadelphia, Penn., April 25, 1809; both of English parentage. The former was the youngest daughter of David and Jane Belknap, who had a family of twelve children; six boys and six girls, of whom Aurilla is the only surviving member. John Parry, the father of Mrs. Evans, was a physician, and died eleven years ago. He married, in 1839, and had a family of seven children, six of whom are living, all married, and with families. Mr. and Mrs. Evans are the parents of three children, viz.: Robert, Ora, and David. Mr. Evans and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he is a Republican, and has resided on his farm for twelve years.

THOMAS HEALEA, farmer, P. O. Uhrichsville, was born in Harrison County, Ohio, January 18, 1814, and is a son of Edward and Sarah (Busby) Healea, the former a native of Maryland, the latter probably of Ohio, both of English descent. Edward Healea was by occupation a farmer, and the oldest of a large family. His grandfather was a Revolutionary soldier. The subject of this sketch received a common school education, and chose farming for his occupation; he, however, taught school for years, and commenced in life without capital. He was married in 1848, but his wife died eighteen months after. Two Years elapsed, when our subject married his present wife, Catherine, daughter of Thomas Thompson. To this latter union were born four children, of whom two are living, viz., T. D., an attorney in Uhrichsville, Ohio, and George, married and working on the home farm. The deceased were Ellen and Samuel. Our subject came to Union Township about thirty-five years since. He owns 160 acres of well-improved land and raises stock, making a specialty of Spanish sheep and short-horned cattle. He is a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he has been Class Leader. Trustee and Steward. In politics, he is a Republican, and has also been Justice of the Peace.

WILLIAM HERRON. farmer, P. O. Sherodsville, was born in Baltimore, Md., June 7, 1813. and is a son of Mark and Rachel (Page) Herron. His father was a native of Maryland, and of English descent. The family came to Jefferson County, Ohio, in 1813, remaining there for several years; thence removed to Harrison County; finally coming to this county when our subject was eighteen years of age. Our subject was raised on a farm and educated in a log schoolhouse. When twenty-three years of age, he was married to Cynthia A., daughter of George Bovard. She was a native of Ohio. By this union five children were born, viz., Sarah E., wife of Joseph Sparks; Mary J., wife of James Justice; Matilda, wife of Luther Pearch: Lemuel James, minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church; and Margaret Ann, wife of Jonathan Bartholomew. Lemuel James resides at Geneva, and is a graduate from the Scioto College, in Harrison County; his wife is a daughter of Henry Barricks, of Carroll County. Our subject formed a second union, in 1852, with Jane, daughter of Isaac and Harriet (Belknap) Skeels, natives of Maryland and of English descent. She is a native of Ohio, and is sixty-five years of age. By this union four children were born, one deceased-William A., Kennedy C.,


John D. and an infant (deceased). Mr. Herron's father entered land in this township, where he lived. He died at the age of seventy-four years, and his wife died in Tuscarawas County, Ohio. Our subject owns a well-improved farm in the northeast corner of Union Township, and has been a successful farmer. His whole life, of seventy years, has been spent in Ohio. He has seen this county emerge from a forest, and is well known among the pioneers.

NICHOLAS KADERLY, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Dennison, is a native of Switzerland, born in the Canton of Berne October 2, 1822, and is a son of Benedict Kaderly. His father was a farmer and carpenter, and was born in the year 1785; died in 1849. His mother, born in 1791, died in Switzerland in 1845. They were married in 1813, and had four children, viz., Benedict, Jacob, Nicholas and Frederick. Our subject was educated by the Government in Berne, graduating from a normal school, and taught from 1840 to 1848. He emigrated to Ohio in 1848, and opened in mercantile trade in New Philadelphia, continuing in the business with Dr. English for one year; was then for fifteen years with McClean & Co., and for the six years following was in the dry goods business tinder the firm name of Kaderly & Sonnhauser, and continued business under his own name to November, 1879. He also had a planing mill, which he sold in 1874. He is now a successful farmer and stock-raiser. He was married, in January, 1848, two months before coming to Ohio, to Miss Charlotte, daughter of Abraham Teutsch. She was born in Switzerland in August, 1828, and died December 5, 1881, having reared a family of six children, viz., Charles, married to Margaret, daughter of Adam Knodel, and the parent of seven children; Louisa and John F., at home; Charlotte, wife of Dr. Schoff, of East Germantown, Ind.; Emil N. and Bertha M. Mr. Kaderly, wife and family are members of the Presbyterian, but were all raised in the German Reformed Church. He is an Elder now in the Presbyterian Church, and has been organist and Sunday School Superintendent in the German Church, New Philadelphia. In polities, he is a Democrat; was a member of the City Council at New Philadelphia for two or three years. He owns 179 acres of land in this county and 300 in West Virginia. Mr. Kaderly's son Emil attended college in Pennsylvania and at Cleveland, Ohio; his daughter Louisa was at the Moravian Seminary in Bethlehem, Penn., and Charlotte was a music teacher in Danville, Ind.

HUGH M. LONG, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Uhrichsville, was born in Marion Township, Hardin Co., Ohio, August 11, 1841. His father, James Long, early settled in Harrison County, where he died in 1863, aged sixty years. Isabel (McCullough) Long, the mother of our subject, was a native of Ireland. Our subject is the fifth child and third son of a family of eleven children, eight boys and three girls, of whom four sons and two daughters have survived. He was raised in Harrison County, and was married, in February, 1867, to Miss Mary, daughter of William Brock, a farmer and stonemason. She was born in this county and State in 1850. The results of this union have been four children, viz., William T., born February 27, 1570: Isabel Ann, born May 30, 1873; James A., born in February, 1879, and Nancy Lucilla, born in May, 1881. The family reside on the homestead of Mrs. Long's father. William Brock was a farmer by occupation, and a pioneer of Harrison County. He was a native of Virginia, born in 1806, and in 1831 was married to Ann, daughter of Edward and . Nancy (Patterson ) Bradshaw. She was born in Ireland in August, 1810. They are the parents of five children, three boys and two girls, of whom one son and two daughters are living. During the war, Mr. Long was a member of the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Regiment, Company A, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served eighteen months, enlisting on August 7, 1862; was discharged in February.


1864. His brother David was also in the army, and died after the war, about 1867; he was born in 1839. Mr. Long owns 240 acres of land in Union Township, and has resided here for sixteen years. For several terms he has served his township as Trustee. In politics, he is a Republican, is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and is a successful man of business.

LESLIE McCULLOUGH, farmer, P. O. Uhrichsville, was born in Washington County, Penn., April 14, 1814, and is a son of Alexander and Jane (Leslie) McCullough, natives of Ireland, who emigrated to Ohio at an early day, his mother being carried over the mountains on horseback. Alexander McCullough removed with his family from Pennsylvania in 1821, and settled in Jefferson County, Ohio, thence moving to Harrison County in 1832. He was the parent of nine children, our subject being the sixth of those living. The subject of this sketch was married May 26, 1837, to Rebecca, daughter of James Rippeth, of English descent; she was born in Carroll County, Ohio. To this union there have been born ten children-Elizabeth, David, Thomas and Mary (deceased); Martha M., wife of C. Gansman; Rebecca D., wife of William Barnes, of Kansas; James, farmer; A. L. (deceased) died at the age of twenty-seven years; Richard (deceased); and another. Richard was very robust, and died in his twenty-first year, weighing 193 pounds. Our subject and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He has filled the office of Justice of the Peace, and has also been School Director, and in politics is a Republican. He commenced life empty-handed, and with a debt of $40, but by his thrift and energy, besides excellent business qualities, has accumulated 451 acres of land, and has been remarkably successful. Mr. McCullough has resided here for forty-eight years, and has seen the county change from a forest to a field of plenty, in which he has performed his part.

JOHN W. OLIVER, farmer, P. O. Uhrichsville, was born in Union Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, January 13, 1851, and is a son of Henry and Margaret Oliver. His father was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, April 18, 1824, a son of William and Jane Oliver, the former of Pennsylvania and of Irish extraction, who emigrated to Jefferson County, Ohio, where he followed farming and milling. Jane Oliver was a native of Ireland, and came to Ohio when about eighteen years of age. Our subject's father was the second of a family of four children, three sons and one daughter, all of whom are living. He was educated at the common schools, reared on a farm, and on August 30, 1849, married Margaret, daughter of George and Sarah Rutledge; she emigrated from Ireland when a child. To this union four children were born, all living-John W., George F., Sarah J. (wife of Millard F. Rainseburger), and M. Alice. Millard Rainseburger is a farmer in Warren Township, this county, and has two children. Alice is at school in Mount Union, Ohio. Our subject's parents are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, where his father has attended since he was twenty years old, and has been Class Leader, Steward and Superintendent of the Sabbath School. The latter has served his township as Clerk, and has been School Director since he was twenty-one years of age. He is in politics a Republican. He owns 310 acres of land in Warren and Union Townships. He has lived in this county since his thirty-fifth year, and is an active, self-made man. The subject of this sketch received an ordinary common school education, and on August 24, 1871, was united in marriage with Miss Ruth E., daughter of John W. and Mary (Parmer) Bukey, natives of Virginia. Her grandparents were early settlers of Tuscarawas County, and were of Irish extraction. By this union there have been born five children-Henry B., Alice R.. Maggie C., William Ross and Dwight. Mr. Oliver owns ninety-thee acres of land in Section 32, and has been a resident on same for ten years. He and wife are members of the


Methodist Episcopal Church, where he has acted as Class Leader. He also belongs to the K. of P. He is a Republican; has filled the office of Township Constable, and has been School Director for six years. George F., a brother of our subject, is a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Sandyville, Ohio, and resides in Sparta, Stark County (Pierce P. O.). He has been a school teacher, and was educated at Mount Union, Ohio; also in the Boston Theological Institute, graduating from both colleges. His wife was Miss Mary, daughter of Dr. S. Baker, of Sparta, Ohio.

ASBURY PAGE, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Uhrichsville, was born in this county in 1828, and is a son of Abednego and Elizabeth (Shane) Page. The latter was a native of Virginia, and a daughter of William Shane, who came from Maryland to this county sixty-two years ago. Our subject was raised to farming, and educated at the common schools. On December 14, 1848, he was married to Lucinda Shaw, born in Tuscarawas County, November 13, 1831, a daughter of A. F. Shaw, a pioneer of this county. Three children have been born to this union, one of whom died in infancy. The two survivors are Sarah E., born July 17, 1850, wife of Mr. S. Alwood, and Benjamin, born January 14, 1853. Mr. Page has always resided in this county, and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a Republican in politics, and during the late rebellion served two years in the First Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

H. W. PYLE, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. New Philadelphia, is a son of John Pyle, who is also occupied in farming and stock-raising; a native of Ohio, born in Carroll County, April 14, 1829. The latter is a son of Harlon Pyle and Amy (Haycock) Pyle, the former of English and Scotch, the latter of Scotch descent, both natives of Pennsylvania. Harlon Pyle was a stonemason, and an early settler of Carroll County. He had four children Hezekiah, Mary, Hester Ann (deceased) and John. John was married when twenty-seven years of age, to Catherine, daughter of Thomas Walker; she was born June 15, 1840, in this county. Her father was a native of Maryland, and by occupation a school teacher. To this union eight boys and three girls were born, of whom four boys and one girl survive-Webster H., Alice (wife of George Keers), Elmer E., John S. and William G. Those deceased all died in infancy. John S. will soon attend a medical college, preparatory to the adoption of the medical profession. John Pyle, Sr., is a self-made man, and owns 479 acres of fine land, which contains granite rock, coal, black-baud ore, etc., and there are also indications of lead. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, although the latter was raised a Quaker. H. W. Pyle was born January 4, 1857, in Union Township, and was married, August 22, 1870, to Alice Tate, who was born near New Cumberland, Ohio, July 24, 1854. She is a daughter of John and Eliza (Booth) Tate, the latter of whom died June 5, 1875, aged forty-eight years. H. W. Pyle and wife are the parents of one child-Madge Ilay, born July 10. 1881. He moved on his present farm of 172 acres in the spring of 1883; it is nicely situated in the northwestern part of Union Township, about six miles from New Philadelphia. He raises a good breed of stock and is buying and selling in large quantities. He can also appreciate a fine borse, and has some valuable ones in his stable.

DAVID RENICKER, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Uhrichsville, was born in Harrison County, Ohio, June 2, 1817, and is a son of John Renicker. His youth was spent on a farm, and in 1842 he was married to Sarah Smith, who was born February 2, 1818, a daughter of Alexander Smith. This union has been blessed with ten children, one son and one daughter deceased, four sons and four daughters living-John, married to a Alias Willet; Sophia. wife


of Simon Shildts, deceased; Lydia, wife of Daniel Garabrandt; Mary, wife of David Smitley; Jonathan, deceased, married to a Miss DeLong; Catherine, wife of Peter Wollen; Alexander, married; David, married: Elias, at home; and a daughter, deceased. Jonathan, deceased, was killed in a coal-bank four years ago. Mr. Renicker owns ninety-four acres of land, and has lived in this county for many years. David Renicker, Jr., is married to Elizabeth Ellen, daughter of Henry and Sarah (Bear) Garabrandt; she was born in Tuscarawas County in 1860, and has blessed her husband with a family of three children-Sarah, born January 5, 1877; Serena, born March 20, 1880; and Catherine, born May 19, 1882. Alexander Renicker was married, May 1, 1879, to Serena Page, born April 4, 1852, a daughter of Joseph Page. This union has resulted in two children-Henry, born June 6, 1880, and Emma, born February 18, 1881. Alexander is successful in farming and stock-raising, and is held in high esteem by his neighbors and friends.

THOMAS B. SKEELES, farmer, P. O. Sherodsville, Carroll County, Ohio, was born in Carroll County December 27, 1823, and is a son of Isaac and Harriet (Belknap) Skeeles, the former a native of Maryland, the latter from near Smithfield, Jefferson County, Ohio. His father was a farmer and came to Ohio in an early clay, dying at the age of eighty years. Our subject obtained his education at the common and the high schools of Carroll County, and was a teacher for several years. In 1846, he was united in marriage with Miss Ann Rebecca Smith; she was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, April 21, 1825. Her father. H. W. Smith, was a native of Maryland and a pioneer of this county; his occupation was farming and merchandising. To Mr. and Mrs. Skeeles have been born eight children, of whom five have survived-C. M., born May 25, 1848, married to Ann, daughter of Dr. Willingman, of New Cumberland, Tuscarawas County; Thomas William, married to Maggie, daughter of James Cotter. of Carroll County: Luella J., wife of J. F. Leggett: Oreta S., married to S. A. Lamasters; and E. M., at home. Our subject has resided in this county for about fifty years. He was raised in a family of eight children: his brother David, now a resident of Idaho, was a Captain and subsequently a Major during the late war. Mr. Skeeles has served his township as Trustee, and was Enrolling Officer of Warren Township. In politics, he is a Republican, and, with his wife, is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, where he has been a class-leader and steward for years. He owns 124 acres of well-improved land in Union Township. which he has brought under a high state of cultivation.

JOHN TRUE, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Sherodsville, was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, in September, 1831. He is a son of William and Julia Ann (Petid) True. His father was born March 4, 1781; died in 1870, aged eighty-nine years. He came to Ohio at an early day and became a farmer. The mother of our subject was born April 11, 1793, and died twelve years before her husband. Both are buried in Union Township. The subject of this sketch was the eleventh of a family of thirteen children. He was married in September, 1854, when twenty-three years of age, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of J. F. Beans. She was born in February, 1838, and died after thirteen years of wedded life. Our subject's second marriage occurred on September 5, 1869, with Rachel, daughter of Thomas W. Walker, of Rockford, Ohio. She was born November 5, 1834. By his first union, Mr. True had six children, of whom one is deceased. Their names are as follows: Melissa, Harvey, Ida M., Cora B., McKinsey and Edward. Six children resulted also from the second marriage, viz.: Thurston, Meredith, Luther, Amanda. Mary Olive and C. Deli. During the rebellion, Mr. True was a member of the Forty-third Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Company Ii, and served nine


months. Enlisted in October, 1862; was discharged in August, 1863. In politics, he upholds the Republican party. He owns eighty-five acres of good land in Union Township, and is a useful citizen of the same.

ALBERT TRUMAN, farmer, P. O. Uhrichsville, was born in this county August 5, 1850, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Riggel) Truman, both residents of this county. They are natives of Ohio, of Irish lineage, and have had a family of six children, five of whom are living, our subject being the oldest. Albert Truman was married, in the fall of 1876, to Amanda, daughter of Enoch Wagoner. She was born in Tuscarawas County June 20, 1855. Two children have blessed this union-Berths Ann, born November 27, 1877, and Dorothy May, born October 3, 1879. Mr. Truman is a young, thrifty farmer, enterprising in his habits, and is an esteemed citizen of Union Township.

A. H. WILSON, farmer and stone mason, P. O. Dennison, was born August 16, 1833, in Columbiana County, Ohio, but was raised chiefly in Jefferson County. He lived in Harrison County eighteen years, coming to this county January 26, 1881. His parents, John L. and Cassandra (Parrish) Wilson, are both deceased; the former, of German and English extraction, was born near Baltimore; the latter, of English ancestry, was a native of Ohio, born near Steubenville. Our subject is the sixth child and second son of a family of four boys and six girls, eight of whom attained their majority. 0When twenty-six years of age, he was married to Lucinda Price, a native of Ohio, born in Jefferson County January 18, 1839. She is a daughter of Thomas and Lavinia (Norman) Price, both deceased, of English descent, the former of whom was a laborer. In 1864, A. H. Wilson enlisted in the One Hundred and Seventieth Regiment Ohio National Guards, and participated in three battles. viz. : Maryland Heights, July, 1864, Snicker's Gap, July, 1864, and Winchester, Va., July, 1864, besides numerous skirmishes. His father-in-law was also in the rebellion, a member of the Virginia Infantry, Company C, in which company was also a brother of our subject, Isaac H. ; the latter died of typhoid fever May 2, 1862, eighteen miles from Winchester, Va., after a service of six months. George W., another brother, served 100 days in the One Hundred and Seventieth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Our subject was in mercantile business in Harrisville, Harrison County, Ohio, for seven years, and in Dennison for one year. He is a self-made man, has been generally successful, and owns fifty acres of good land in Union Township.