JOHN GORHAM. Male, 9, Tobe.

WILLIAM TYLER. Male, 11, Bobbard.

DANIEL STEPHENS. Male, 4, Nathan.

JOHN McCLELLAND. Male, 16, Bob.

JOHN POWER. Male, 7, Quintus.

WILLIAM GOR. Male, 22, Sam.

Dec. 30, 1782.

William McCORMICK. Male, 23, Samson; female, 30, Chloe; female, 11, SAll; male, 8, Peter; female, 6, Sall.

BENONI DAWSON. Female, 36, Doll ; male, 14, John ; male, 11, Christopher; female, 11, Lucy; female, 9, Priscilla; male, 9, Joseph; male, 3, Smith.

Dec. 31, 1782.


ELENOR DAWSON. Male, 37, Scipio.

CHARLES GRIMM. Male, 14, Jack.

JOHN BROWN. Female, 9, Else.

GEORGE SWAN. Female, 37, Kate; male, 12, Luke ; female, 11, Jane; female, 6, Lette ; female, 2½, Ann.

SAMUEL BURNS. female, 11, Sook.

Frequent allusions to these "servants" are found in letters addressed to Col. Washington in 1774 and 1775 by Valentine Crawford, who resided on Jacobs Creek, and acted as general agent in charge of Washington's lands and affairs of improvement in this region. An extract from one of those letters is given below, via. :

"JACOBS CREEK, July 27, 1774. "DEAR COLONEL,-On Sunday evening or Monday morning, William Orr, one of the most orderly men I thought I had, ran away, and has taken a horse and other things. I have sent you an advertisement of him. I am convinced he will make for some ship in Potomac River. I have sent two men after him, and furnished them with horses and money. I have also written to my brother, Richard Stevenson [a half-brother of Crawford's], in Berkeley, and James McCormick to escort the men I sent, and to forward this letter and advertisement to you. . . . I have sold all the men but two, and I believe I should have sold them but the man who is run away hid a very sore foot, which was cut with an axe and was not long well, and John Smith was not well of the old disorder he had when he left your house. I sold Peter Miller and John Wood to one Mr. Edward Cook for £45, the money to be applied to the use of building your mill. I sold Thomas McPherson and his wife and James Lowe to Maj. John McCullooh and Jones Ennis for £65, payable in six months from the date of sale. To my brother I sold William Luke, Thomas White, and the boy, John Knight. He is either to pay you for them or he loges them in case you can prosecute your designs down the river [the opening of a plantation on the Virginia side of the Ohio, between Wheeling and the Little Kanawha]. I took John Smith and William Orr on the same terms ; so that, in justice, I am accountable to you for the man if he is never got. I should have sold the whole of the servants, agreeable to your letter, if I could have got cash or good pay, but the confusion of the times put it out of my power.. . . I only went down to Fort Pitt a day or two, and two of my own servants and two militiamen ran away. I followed them and caught them all down at Bedford, and brought them back. While I was gone two of your men, John Wood and Peter Miller, stole a quantity of bacon and bread, and were to have started that very night I got home, but a man of mine discovered their design. I sold them immediately, and would have sold the whole if I could, or delivered them to Mr. Simpson, but be would not be concerned with them at any rate."

The following is a copy of the advertisement referred to :


"Run away from the subscriber, living on Jacobs Creek, near Stewart's Crossing, in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, on Sunday night, the 24th instant, a convict servant man named William Orr, the property of Col. George Washington. Be is a well-made man, about five feet ten inches high, and about twenty-four years of age. He was born in Scotland, and speaks that dialect pretty much. He is of a red complexion and very full-faced, with short, sandy-colored hair, and very remarkable thumbs, they both being crooked. He had on and took with him an old felt hat bound with black binding, ono white cotton coat and jacket with black horn buttons, one old brown jacket, one pair of snuff-colored breeches, one pair of trowsers made in sailor's fashion, and they are made of sail-duck, and have not been washed, a pair of red leggins, and shoes tied with strings, two Osnaberg shirts and one Holland shirt marked V. C.,' which he stole, and a blanket.

" He stole likewise a black horse, about fourteen hands high, branded on the near shoulder and buttock ‘R. W.,’ and shod before. He had neither bridle nor saddle that we know of. I expect be will make to some seaport town, as he has been much used to the seas. Whoever takes up said servant and secures him, so that he and horse may be had again, shall receive the above reward, or three pounds for the man alone and reasonable charges if brought home paid by me.



"July 25, 1774.

"N. B.-All masters of vessels are forbid taking him out of the court• try on their peril.

"V. C."


[See Chapter XVI.]


The following is transcribed from the " American Archives," fourth series, volume H. page 615:


“At a general meeting of the inhabitants of the County of Westmoreland, held at Hanna's Totes the 16th of May, 1775, for taking into consideration the very alarming situation of this country, occasioned by the dispute with Great Britain,

"Resolved unanimously, That the Parliament of Great Britain, by several late Acts, have declared the inhabitants of the Massachusetts Bay to be in rebellion, and the Ministry, by endeavoring to enforce those Acts, have attempted to reduce the said inhabitants to a more wretched state of slavery than ever before existed in any state or country. Not content with violating their constitutional and chartered privileges, they would strip them of the rights of humanity, exposing lives to the wanton and unpunishable sport of licentious soldiery, and depriving them of the very means of subsistence.

"Resolved unanimously, That there is no reason to doubt but the same system of tyranny and oppression will (should it meet with success in the Massachusetts Bay) be extended to every other part of America : it is, therefore, become the indispensable duty of every American, of every man who has any publick virtue or love of his Country, or any bowels for posterity, by every means which God has put in his power, to resist and oppose the execution of it; that for us, we will be ready to oppose it with our lives and fortunes. And the better to enable us to accomplish it, we will immediately form ourselves into a military body, to consist of Companies to be made up out of the several Townships under the following Association, which is declared to be the Association of Westmoreland county:

" Possessed with the most unshaken loyalty and fidelity to His Majesty King George the Third, whom we acknowledge to Be our lawful and rightful King, and who we wish may long be the beloved Sovereign of a free and happy people throughout the whole British Empire; we declare to the world, that we do not mean by this Association to deviate from that loyalty which we bold it our bounden duty to observe; but, animated with the love of liberty, it is no less our duty to maintain and defend our just rights (which, with sorrow, we have seen of late wantonly violated in many instances by a wicked Ministry and a corrupted Parliament) and transmit them entire to our posterity, for which purpose we do agree and associate together:

"1st. To arm and form ourselves into a Regiment or Regiments, and choose officers to command us in such proportion as shall be thought necessary.

"2d. We will, with alacrity, endeavor to make ourselves masters of the manual exercise, and such evolutions as shall be necessary to enable us to act in a body with concert; and to that end we will meet at such times and places as shall be appointed either for the Companies or the Regiment, by the officers commanding each when chosen.

"3d. That should our Country be invaded by a foreign enemy, or should Troops be sent from Great Britain to enforce the late arbitrary Acts of its Parliament, we will cheerfully submit to a military discipline, and to the utmost of our power resist and oppose them, or either of them, and will coincide with any plan that may be formed for the defense of America in general, or Pennsylvania in particular.

"4th. That we du not wish or desire any innovation, but only that things may be restored to, and go on in the same way as before the em of the Stamp Act, when Boston grew great and America was happy. As a proof of this disposition, we will 'quietly submit to the laws by which


we have been accustomed to be governed before that period, and will, in our several or associate capacities, be ready when called on to assist the civil magistrate in carrying the same into execution.

"5th. That when the British Parliament shall have repealed their late obnoxious Statutes, and shall recede from their claim to tax us, and make !awe for us in every instance, or when some general plan of union or reconciliation has been formed and accepted by America, this, our association, shall be dissolved ; but till then it shall remain in full force ; and to the observation of it we bind ourselves by everything dear and sacred amongst men.

"No licensed murder! no famine introduced by law!

"Resolved, That on Wednesday, the 24th instant, the township meet to accede to the said Association and choose their officers."



"At a meeting of the inhabitants of that part of Augusta County that lies on the west side of the Laurel Hill, at Pittsburgh, the 16th day of May, 1775, the following gentlemen were chosen a committee for the said district, viz.: George Croghan, John Campbell, Edward Ward, Thomas Smallman, John Cannon, John McCullough, William Gee, George Valandigham, John Gibson, Dorsey Penticost, Edward Cook, William Crawford, Devereux Smith, John Anderson, David Rodgers, Jacob Vanmetre, Henry Enoch, James Ennis, George Willson, William Vance, David Shepherd, William Elliot, Richmond Willis, Samuel Sample, John Ormsby, Richard McMaher, John Neville, and John Swearingen.

"The foregoing gentlemen met in committee, and resolved that John Campbell, John Ormsby, Edward Ward, Thomas Smallman, Samuel Sample, John Anderson, and Devereux Smith, or any four of them, be a Standing Committee, and have full power to meet at such times as they shall judge necessary, and in case of any emergency, to call the committee of this district together, and shall be vested with the same power and authority as the other standing committee and committees of correspondence are in the other counties within this colony.

"Resolved unanimously, That the cordial and most grateful thanks of this committee are a tribute due to John Hartle, Esquire, our worthy representative in the late Colonial Convention held at Richmond, for his faithful discharge of that important trust reposed in him ; and to John Neville, Require, our worthy delegate, whom nothing but sickness prevented from representing us in that respectable assembly.

"Resolved unanimously, That this committee have the highest sense of the spirited behavior of their brethren in New England, and do most cordially approve of their opposing the invaders of American rights and privileges to the utmost extreme, and that each member of this committee, respectively, will animate and encourage their neighborhood to follow the brave example.

"The imminent danger that threatens America in general, from ministerial and parliamentary denunciations of our ruin, and is now carrying into execution by open acts of unprovoked hostilities in our sister colony of Massachusetts, as well as the danger to be apprehended to this colony in particular from a domestic enemy, said to be prompted by the wicked minions of power to execute our ruin, added to the menaces of an Indian war, likewise said to be in contemplation, thereby think to engage our attention, and divert it from that still more interesting object of liberty and freedom, that deeply and with so much justice bath called forth the attention of all America, for the prevention of all or any of those impending evils, it is

"Resolved, That the recommendation of the Richmond Convention, of the 20th of last March, relative to the embodying, arming, and disciplining the militia, be immediately carded into execution with the greatest diligence in this country, by the officers appointed for that end; and that the recommendation of the said Convention to the several committees of this colony, to collect from their constituents, in such manner as shall be most agreeable to them, so much money as shall be sufficient to purchase half a pound of gunpowder and one pound of lead, flints, and cartridge paper for every tithable person in their county, be likewise carried into execution.

"This committee, therefore, out of the deepest sense of the expediency of this measure, most earnestly entreat that every member of this committee do collect from each tithable person in their several districts the sums of two shillings and six pence, which we deem no more than sufficent for the above purpose, and give proper receipts to all such as pay the same into their hands, and the sum so collected to be paid into the hands of Mr. John Campbell, who is to give proper security to this committee or their successors, for the due and faithful application of the money so deposited with him for the above purpose, by or with the advice of this committee, or their successors; and this committee, as your representatives; and who are most ardently laboring for your preserve. tion, call on you, our constituents, our friends, brethren, and fellow-sufferers, in the name of God, of everything you hold sacred or valuable, for the sake of your wives, children, and unborn generations, that you will, every one of you, in your several stations, to the utmost of your power, assist in levying such sum, by not only paying yourselves but by assisting those who are not in a condition at present to do so. We heartily lament the case of all such as have not this sum at command in this day of necessity ; to all such we recommend to tender security to such as Providence has enabled to lend them so much ; and this committee do pledge their faith and fortunes to you, their constituents, that we shall, without fee or reward, use our best endeavors to procure, with the money so collected, the ammunition our present exigencies have made so exceedingly necessary.

"As this committee has reason to believe there is a quantity of ammunition destined for this place for the purpose of government, and as this country on the west side pf the Laurel Hill, is greatly distressed for want of ammunition, and deprived of the means of procuring it, by reason of its situation, as easy as the lower counties of this colony, they do earnestly request the committees of Frederick, Augusta, and Hampshire, that they will not suffer the ammunition to peas through their counties for the purpose of government, but will secure it for the use of this destitute country, and immediately inform this committee of their having done so. "Resolved, That this committee do approve of the resolution of the committee of the other part of the county, relative to the cultivating a friendship with the Indians, and if any person shall be so depraved as to take the life of any Indian that may come to us in a friendly manner, we will, as one man, use our utmost endeavors to bring such offender to condign punishment

" Ordered, That the standing committee be directed to secure such arms and ammunition as are not employed in actual service or private property, and that they get the same repaired and deliver them to such captains of Independent Companies as may make application for the same, and take such captain's receipt for the arms so delivered.

" Resolved, That the sum of fifteen pounds, current money, be raised by subscription, and that the same be transmitted to Robert Carter Nicholas, Esq., for the use of the deputies sent from this colony to the general Congress. Which sum of money was immediately paid by the committee then present."—Craig's History of Pittsburgh.


[See Chapter XVII.)

We give herewith a list of the names of those taking the foregoing oath, and returned by Hugh Martin, Esq. Martin was a substantial citizen in his day, was early appointed one of the county justices, and was by reappointment a justice of the peace nearly all his life. Among the county records his name is met with often. He was one of the commissioners designated by the Assembly to locate the county seat, when the report wale made in favor of Greensburg. He resided on the Sewickley. This list was found among others in the department buildings at Harrisburg, when the compilers of the new series of the Pennsylvania Archives were ransacking for material, and thus, as we understand, at the desire of a Westmorelander, at the time there, was inserted among others of a similar kind to be found in the third volume of that series.

"The Names of Those that have taken the Oath of Fidelity Before Me, Together with the Years, Months, and days of the Months when Taken, pr. Me, Hugh Martin, Esq.

"September ye 11, 1778.








October ye 3, 1777.







Samuel Glasgow.

John Griffin.

Moses Latta (Latta).

Samuel Robinson.

Alexander Maxwell.

Samuel Serrels.

Isaac Miller.

Jacob McLain.

Isaac McHendry.

Joseph Hutchison.

Clements McGarry.

Joseph Eager (Eicher).

William Robinson.

James McQuiston.

John Kilgore.


10, George Latimer.

13, Robert Waddle.

13, John Robinson.

13, James Martin.

14, John Moore, Esq.

14, Alexander Young.

14, John Brandon.

14, Robert Robinson.

14, William Young.

14, Charles Siskey.

14, Robert Jamison.

14, Abraham Leasure.

14, David Perry.

14, John Cortney.

14, James Waddle.

14, Francis McGinnice.

14, John Stachal.

November ye 1, 1777. William Ferguson.

1, James Furguson.

1, John Jack.

1, John Speelman.

1, James Clark.

3, George Sulear.

3, John Jamison.

20,. David Sheerer.

21, Thomas Patton.

December ye 27, 1777. Nicloss Whitsal.

27, John Willy.

March ye 24, 1778. Frederick Dumbal.

24, Mathias Stockbergur.

Aprile ye 23, 1778. George Huber.

23, Micharn McKendry.

25, John Fiskey.

25, Christopher Reiner.

March ye 9, 1778. Richard Young.

13, John Millar.

18, John Davis.

16, James Gber.

25, William Lochery.

27, Robert Fleeman.

27, James Wilson.

29, James Steel.

29, Samuel Luis.

June ye 2, 1778. George Ryan.

2, John Beck.

19, Garet Fiskey.

19, George Stockberger.

19, Joseph Craford.

21, John Pershon.

21, Jacob Dydich.

July ye 3, 1778. James Parr.

7, Robert Marshal.

7, John McHee.

23, Arthur Ohorow.

30, Thomas Winter.

August 19, 1778. William Waddle.

29, Peter Gross.

31, Daniel Armal.

September ye 9, 1778. Benjamin Eakin.

11, James Cliford.

21, Jacob Powers.

October 9, 1778. John Telor.

12, Casper Weaver.

13, George Findly.

30, Hendry Bair.

January ye 1, 1779. John Beer.

2, John McEracin.

4, John Neele.

5, George Orr.

5, Edmond Cochel.

6, Joseph Hussburne.

6, Samuel Glasgow.

5, James Egneu.

5, George Swap.

6, Charles Johnston.

6, Nathaniel Miller.

"Ninety-four in number.

" Westmoreland County :

"I do certify the within account of 94 persons, having taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance before Hugh Martin, is recorded according to law.

"JAMES KINKEAD, Recorder."


[See Chapter XVII.]


PHILADELPHIA, July 15, 1774.

Robert Hanna.

James Cavett.


Edward Cook.

James Perry.

COUNCIL OF SAFETY FROM Oct. 17, 1777, to Dec. 4, 1777. ALSO


Thomas Scott.


Archibald Steele.


John Allen, Fort Ligonier and Fort Pitt.

TO TAKE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE CONTINENTAL LOAN (Appointed by the Assembly, Dec. 16, 1777).

Charles Foreman

Edward Cook.


Col. John Proctor.

Thomas Galbraith.


John Proctor, March 10, 1777.

Thomas Scott, Nov. 18, 1777.

Christopher Hays, Nov. 13, 1780.

Matthew Jack, Dec. 24, 1781.

Isaac Meason, Oct. 28, 1783.

John Beard, Nov. 18, 1786

William Findley, Nov. 26, 1780


John Smiley, Oct. 20, 1783. 

William Findley, Oct. 20, 1783.


Prothonotary, June 11, 1777.

Michael Huffnagle, Dec. 24, 1781.

George Wallace, May 25, 1784.

Christopher Trueby, Aug. 18, 1784.

John Moore, Aug. 18, 1784.

Matthew Jack, Aug. 18, 1784.

Abraham Hendricks, Aug. 18,1784.

Hugh Martin, Nov. 13, 1784.

George Baird, Nov. 15, 1784.

John Moore, Nov. 20, 1784.

John Hughes, Oct. 24, 1784.

James Hamilton, Oct. 31, 1784.

Charles Campbell, June 24, 1786.

Jacob Edger, March 2, 1787.

Andrew Graff, March 3, 1787.

Alexander Mitchell, Sept. 11, 1787.

Matthew Jack, Sept. 11, 1787.

James Findley (resigned June 14, 1788).

John Pomroy, Sept. 36, 1788.

William Lochrey, Dec. 9, 1789.

George Finley, March 10, 1790.


President, John Moore, Oct. 24, 1785.


President, John Moore, Oct. 24, 1785.


Michael Huffnagle (preceded by Mr. Lochrey).

Andrew Lochrey, March 21, 1777.

Michael Huffnagle, Dec. 24,1782:


James Hamilton, Mach 11, 1786.


James Hamilton, March 11, 1786.


Archibald Lochrey, Feb. 27, 1778.

Michael Huffnagle, Dec. 24, 1781.


Archibald Lochrey, Feb. 27, 1778.

Michael Huffnagle, Dec. 24,1781:



William Ferry, Nov. 18, 1777.

Matthew Jack, Nov. 13, 1780.

Robert Orr, Oct. 28, 1783.

William Perry, Nov. 28, 1786.

James Gutrey (Guthrie), Nov. 8 1789.


John Griffin, June 27, 1777.

William Waddell, Nov. 18, 1777.

Michael Rough (Hugh), Nov. 13, 1780.

William Waddle, Oct. 28, 1783.

John Gibson, Nov. 28, 1786.

Robert Dickey, Oct. 31. 1788.


William Perry, Jan. 1, 1778.

Wendal Curry, Nov. 27, 1778.

John Allen, Nov. 25, 1780.

David Renkin, Nov. 24, 1781.

Anthony Thompson, May 13, 1783.

John Stokely, Nov. 21, 1783.

William Graham, April 7, 1783.

John Griffin, March 3, 1787.

Robert Hunter, Jr., Sept. 16, 1789.


Edward Cook, June 11, 1777.

John Guthrie, June 11, 1777.

Charles Foreman, June 11, 1777.

John Moore, June 11, 1777.

James Marshall, June 11, 1777.

Christopher Truby, July 11, 1777.

Philip Rogers, June 11, 1777.

Joseph Huston, June 11, 1777.

Robert Adams, June 11, 1777.

James Bair, June 11, 1777.

Hugh Martin, June 11, 1777.

James McGarraugh, June 11,1777.

John Beard, June 11, 1777.

Andrew Robb, June 11, 1777.

Robert Richy, June 11, 1777.

John Allen, May 12, 1779.

Alexander Mitchell, May 1, 1780.

John Allen, June 16, 1780.

James Terrens, June 16, 1780.

Providence Mounts, Sept. 15, 1780.

Nehemiah Stokley, March 28,1782.

James Guthrie, Feb. 27, 1783.

John Miller, Sept. 1, 1783.

John Hughes, Sept. 17, 1783.

Michael Huffnagle, Sept. 30, 1783.

George Wallace, May 25, 1784.

Christopher Truby, Aug. 18,1784.

John Moore, Aug. 18, 1784.

Matthew Jack, Aug. 18, 1784.

George Baird, Oct. 9, 1784.

Abraham Hendricks, Nov.13,1784

Hugh Martin, Nov. 15, 1784.

James Hamilton, Oct 24, 1786.

Charles Campbell, March 2, 1787.

Jacob Huger, March 3, 1787.

Andrew Graff, March 3, 1787.

Michael Hugh, Sept. 7, 1787.

Alexander Mitchell, Sept. 11, 1787

Matthew Jack, Sept. 11, 1787.

James Findley (resigned), June 14, 1788.

John Pomroy, Sept. 30, 1788.

William Lochrey, Dec. 9, 1789.

George Findley, March 10, 1790.


Archibald Lochrey, June 11, 1777.

Edward Cook, June 11, 1777.

John Moore, June 11, 1777.

Christopher Hayes, July 24, 1782.

Dorsey Pentecost, July 24, 1782.

Edward Cook, July 24, 1782.


James Hamilton, April 18, 1785.


Archibald Lochrey, March 21,1777.

Edward Cook, Jan. 5, 1782.

Charles Campbell (vice Cook).


Charles Campbell, March 21, 1777.

James Pollock, March 21, 1777.

James Perry, March 21, 1777.

Edward Cook, March 21, 1777.

Christopher Hays, March 21, 1777.

William Cochran, Dec. 3, 1777.

George Reading (vice Pollock, declines oath): June 2, 1778

Col. Samuel Hays, March 23, 1777.

James Perry, June 2, 1780.

Edward Cooke, June 2, 1780.

George Reading, June 2, 1780.

Christopher Hayes, June 2, 1780.

Alex. McClean (vice Cooke), Jan. 5, 1782.


John Gourla, May 2, 1778.

John Allen, April 3, 1780.

William Anderson, June 1, 1780.

John Perry, AUg. 31, 1780.

David Duncan, March 12, 1781.

Michael Rough, Dec. 21, 1781.


Col. John Proctor, Sept. 13, 1777.


Andrew Lynn, Jan. 9, 1778..


Hugh Gardner, April 22, 1785.


Col. John Proctor, May 8, 1778.

Thomas Galbraith, May 6, 1778.

Michael Huffnagle, Dec. 27, 1783.

Robert Galbraith, Dec. 27, 1781.


(See Chapter XVIII.]


A resolution of Congress, dated Jan. 30, 1776, directs that Capt. Nelson's company of riflemen, now raIsed, consisting of one captain, three lieutenants, four sergeants, four corporals, and seventy privates, he enlisted for the service in Canada, on the same terms as the other troops ordered for that service. It was ordered to New York March 13, 1776. It was, by Gen. Arnold's orders, attached to Col. De Haas' battalion in Canada, and after De Haas' battalion left Ticonderoga, Nov. 17, 1776, it was attached to the Fourth battalion, Col. Wayne's, and on the 24th of March, 1777, was attached to Col. Francis Johnson's Fifth Pennsylvania.

Names, rank, etc., from Jan. 30 to Nov. 30, 1776.


Nelson, John, of Westmoreland County, com. Jan. 30, 1776.

First Lieutenant

Oldham, William, com. Jan. 30, 1776.

Second Lieutenant.

Ott, Adam, com. Jan. 30, 1776.

Third Lieutenant.

McCollom, Robert, com. Jan. 30, 1776; resigned July 12, 1776.

Archer, Joseph (or Joshua), com. July 12, 1776, vice R. McCullom, resigned.


Price, Richard, app. Feb. 15, 1776 ; died at Fort George, Oct. 30, 1776.

Hartley, Thomas, app. Feb. 7, 1776.

Smith, Andrew, app. Feb. 6, 1776.

McCowen, Robert, app. Feb. 7, 1776.

Carr, John, app. Oct. 30, 1776.


Preston, Edward, app. Feb. 15, 1776 ; died Sept. 20, 1776.

Bonner, Joseph, app. Feb. 22, 1776.

Brown, Jesse, app. Feb. 21, 1776.

Fugate, John, app. Feb. 13, 1776.

Carr, John app. Sept. 21, 1776; promoted Oct. 31, 1776.

Nelson, Thomas, Sr., app. Oct. 31, 1776.


Bird, Thomas, enl. Feb. 28, 1776; deserted May 2, 1776.

Bower, Francis, enl. Feb. 19, 1776.

Brooks, Robert, enl. Feb. 7, 1776; deserted May 2, 1776.

Bradley, Edward, enl March 1, 1776; sick in hospital.

Campbell, Barnett, enl. Feb. 10, 1776; sick in hospital.

Caldwell, James, enl. Feb. 18, 1776.

Cunningham, John, Feb. 17, 1776; furloughed by Gen. Gates.

Carr, John enl. Feb. 14, 1776; promoted corporal Sept. 21.

Collins, Joseph, enl. Feb. 15, 1776 ; deserted March 15, 1776.

Coffman, Isaac, enl. Feb. 9, 1476 ; deserted April 1, 1776.

Cox, John enl. Feb. 20, 1776.

Clipper, Valentine, enl. Feb. 21, 1776; deserted May 2, 1776.

Corbett, John, enl. Feb. 28, 1776; furloughed by Gen. Gates.

Campbell, William, enl. March 5, 1776.

Carmichael, ____, enl. March 8, 1776.

Davis, Morgan, enl. Feb. 12, 1776.

Deal, Jacob, enl. Feb. 12, 1776.

Disch, Philip, enl. March 12, 1776.

Downey, John, enl. March 14, 1776.

Downey, Thomas, enl. Feb. 10, 1776.

Eakle, Henry, enl. Feb. 17, 1776.

Easter, Nicholas, enl. March 8, 1776 ; deserted March 18.

Eastley, Charles, enl. Feb. 7, 1776; deserted April 14.

Edminston, Robert, enl. Feb. 19, 1776.

Ebersole, Christian, enl. Feb. 8, 1776.

Fisher, Samuel, enl. Feb. 10, 1776 ; deserted March 27.

Fitch, Joseph, enl. Feb. 17, 1776.

Flack, George, enl. Feb 19, 1776.

Forsyth, Abraham, enl. March 11, 1776.

Fuller, Christian, enl. Feb. 22, 1776.

Gridley, Jasper M., Feb. 15, 1776 ; joined Dounell's artillery company Nov. 21, 1776.


Gown, John, enl. Feb.13, 1776; deserted May 2, 1776.

Gutting, Andrew, enl. March 13, 1776.

Hand, William, enl. Feb, 23, 1776.

Harrigan, Michael, enl. Feb. 10, 1778.

Harris, George, enl. Feb. 7, 1778.

Holland, Henry, enl. Feb. 11, 1776.

Holt, William, enl. March 17, 1776.

House, Michael, enl. Feb. 6, 1778.

Jameson, Samuel, enl. March 22, 1776.

Johnston, James, enl. Feb. 10, 1776.

Kelley, James, enl. Feb. 9, 1777.

Kirkpatrick, William, enl. Feb. 17,1776; furloughed to Maryland.

Lemon, Isaac, enl. Feb. 19, 1776; deserted May 8, 1776.

Love, William, enl. Feb. 23, 1778; deserted March 12, 1776.

McCullock, David, enl. Feb. 9, 1776 ; killed at Fort Ann, May 29, 1776.

McGuire, Daniel, enl. Feb. 12, 1776.

McGuire, Thomas, enl. Feb. 12, 1776.

McManus., William, enl. Feb. 19. 1776.

Mitchell, John, enl. Feb. 14, 1778; deserted April 14, 1776.

Morgan, Evan, enl. March 1, 1776.

Mullady, Robert, enl. Feb. 7, 1776; deserted April 2.

Murphy, Arthur, enl. Feb. 14, 1776.

Nelson, Andrew, enl. Oct. 25, 1776.

Nelson, Thomas, Jr., enl. Oct. 25, 1776.

Nelson, Thomas, Sr., enl. Feb. 10, 1776; pro. to corp. Oct. 31, 1778.

Nixdorff, Samuel, enl. March 7, 1776.

O'Brian, John, enl. Feb. 19, 1776; deserted May 2.

Onsell, Abraham, enl. Feb. 10, 1776.

Phyfer, Emanuel, enl. Feb. 18, 1776.

Pooder, Tobias, enl. Feb. 6, 1776.

Ralston, James, enl. Feb. 7, 1776.

Reed, Thomas, enl. Feb. 20, 1776.

Rerick, George, enl. Feb. 14, 1776; deserted March 14.

Roach, Morris, enl. Feb. 12, 1778.

Slum, John, enl. March 6, 1776 ; furloughed by Gen. Gates.

Smith, John, enl. Feb. 10, 1776; deserted May 2.

Smith, William, enl. Feb. 24, 1776.

Stonemyer, John, enl. Feb. 2, 1776.

Stuckey, Michael, enl. Feb. 19, 1776; deserted May 2, 1776.

Teel, William, enl. Feb. 12, 1776.

Tingle, George, enl. March 9, 1778; deserted April 22, 1776.

Trepner, George, enl. Feb. 21, 1778.

Wallace, James, enl. Feb. 12, 1778; acting as butcher at Mount Independence.

Wells, Richard, enl. Feb. 26, 1778.

Williams, John, enl. March 14, 1778.

Wolf, John, enl. Feb. 13, 1776.


[See Chapter XVIII.]


From Jan. 5 to Nov. 25, 1776, as they stood at Ticonderoga.

(Enlisted in the vicinity of Greensburg, Westmoreland County. Many of the company re-enlisted in Third Pennsylvania, Capt. Jas. Chrystie.)


Butler, William, corn. Jan. 5, 1776; pro. major Oct. 7, 1776.

Chrystie, James, corn. Nov. 11, 1776.

First Lieutenant.

Butler, Thomas, corn. Jan. 5, 1776.

Second Lieutenant.

Seitz, Charles, corn. Jan. 5, 1776; dropped Sept. 20, 1776.


McCully, George, corn. Jan. 5, 1776; pro. 2d lieut. Sept. 20, 1778, vice Lieut. Chambers, discharged.

McMullan, Nathan, Sept. 20, 1776, vice Parke, discharged.


McCully, Robert.

Jack, Thomas.

McCianen, Hugh.

Carrell, Thomas.


McKee, George.

Bennett, Abraham.

Kelso, John.

Webb, William.


Branch, Elijah.

Brown, John.

Calagan, James.

Carothers, John, enl. at Carlisle ; wounded in the left hand at Three Rivers; re-enl. under Richard Butler, and served three years; resided in Butler County, Pa., in 1817.

Coil, Charles.

Conner, John.

Cowley, William.

Craig, James.

Davis, Amos.

Davis, Robert.

Dixon, Robert.

Doyle, Bryan.

Ewin, William.

Fleming, George.

Fleming, Henry.

Forbes, James.

Futhey, Robert.

Gordon, Andrew, in 1820, residing in West Nantmeal township, Chester County.

Hanna, David.

Hamilton, James.

Henry, John.

Heron, Patrick.

Jones, Hugh.

Jordon, Garret.

Kennedy, James.

Kinsey, James.

Kyle, William.

Laferty, Patrick.

Leas, Edward.

Lindsey, John.

Lucas, William.

Martin, William, Jr., enl. at Carlisle; re-enl. in Third Pennsylvania.

Martin, William, Sr.

Matthews, William.

McCarrel, Dennis.

McConnel, James.

McCord, Matthew.

McFadden, Thomas.

McGill, James.

McKenzie, John.

McMillan. John, enl. at Greensburg, March 1, 1776; re-enl. Third Pennsylvania.

Meyer, Dennis.

Navel, Edward.

Patterson, William.

Roberts, Jonathan.

Roddy, Isaac.

Rucraft, George.

Stover, John.

Smith, John.

Stimble, Isaac.

Sutherland, John.

Sweeney, James.

Verner, Robert.

Wilson, Samuel.


[See Chapter XVIII.]


(Jan. 6, 1776, to Nov. 25, 1776.)


Bayard, Stephen, corn. Jan. 5, 1776.

First Lieutenants.

Chrystie, James, com. Jan. 5, 1776; afterwards captain Third Pennsylvania.

Craig, John, corn. Nov. 11, 1776.


Second Lieutenant.

Dunn, Isaac Budd, com. Jan. 6, 1776; pro. July 4, 1776.


Black, James, com. Jan. 6, 1776 ; pro. July 4, 1776.

Marshall, John, pro. Nov. 11, 1776.

Oates, James, pro. Nov. 11, 1776.


Shepherd, John.

Philips, Barney.

Cosgrove, Andrew.

Points, Joseph.

Boyd, Thomas.

Jones, Thomas, re-enl. April 8, 1777, in Capt. Coren's company of artillery; trans. to artillery artificer, Capt. N. Irish's company, where he served three years.


Maxwell, John.


Dougherty, George.


Wood, Thomas

Barret, James

Brown, Patrick.


Allen, Patrick.

Boggs, John.

Black, Benjamin.

Burris, James.

Campbell, Alexander.

Cox, William.

Coyle, Robert

Donohoe, Patrick.

Dougherty, William.

Duffield, John.

English, Joseph.

Greer, George.

Harkins, Thomas.

Holliday, John.

Hollis, John.

Johnson, Patrick.

Leech, William.

Lackey, Patrick

Martin, William.

McCord, William.

McClennon, Robert.

McConnell, Andrew.

McCracken, William.

McEvoy, Daniel.

Melroy, Edward.

McFadden, Connel.

McKinley, Charles.

Moor, William (died March 13, 1776).

Murphy, Thomas.

Quigg, John

Ruttledge, James.

Thompson, James.

Weary, John

Wiley, Robert.

Work, Aaron.


[See Chapter XVIII.]


This company was raised in Westmoreland County, joined the regiment at Marcus Hook, subsequently included in the Thirteenth Pennsylvania Regiment, then in the Second, and finally discharged at Valley Forge, Jan. 1, 1778, by reason of expiration of term of enlistment. Engagements were Long Island, White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, Quibbletown, Brandywine, and Germantown.


Erwin, Joseph, Westmoreland County, app. March 9, 1776; commission dated April 6, 1776; pro. capt. in Ninth Pa.

First Lieutenant

Carnaghan, James, from second Rent.; missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776 ; after release he repaired to headquarters in December, 1776, and served as a volunteer at Trenton and Princeton; pro. first lieut. in Eighth Pa. on Jan. 16, 1777.

Second Lieutenant

Carnaghan, James, app. March 16,.1776; pro. first lieut., Oct. 24, 1776.

Sloan, David, pro. third lieut., Aug. 9, 1776 ; killed in battle, Aug. Quibbletown 1776; left widow Mary, and daughter Ann, aged eleven, in 1789 residing in Westmoreland County.

Third Lieutenant

Sloan, David, app. March 19, 1776; pro. date from Aug. 9, 1776.

Brownlee, Joseph, commission dated April 15, 1776; pro. second lieut. Oct. 24,1778 ; missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776.


Lindsay, William.

Roddy, Samuel.

Dugan, James.

Justice, John.

Drum and Fife

Howard, George.

Gunnon, John.

Geyer, John, drummer-boy (eleven years of age), son of Peter Geyer, below ; wounded in the heel at Germantown ; disch. Jan. 1, 1778, at Valley Forge; was stone-mason, residing in Metal township, Franklin County, in 1821.


Anderson, Martin.

Bentley, James.

Brown, Andrew.

Brownfield, Daniel, missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776.

Brownlee, John, April 1, 1776; disch. Jan. 1, 1778; resided in Donegal township, Washington County, in 1814.

Bryson, Andrew, April 1,1776; drafted into the artillery at Brandywine; disch. Jan. 1, 1778; resided in Bedminster township, Bucks County, in 1816.

Carnahan, Joseph.

Dunnough, William.

Doyle, Sylvester.

Fitzgerald, Henry.

Forsyth, James.

Gunnon, Jeremiah, missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776.

Guthry, John, missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776.

Guthry, William, missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776.

Geyer, Peter, enl. at Hannastown ; disch. at Valley Forge, Jan. 1, 1778; wounded by a bayonet in the groin, and by a ball in the leg at Germantown. His wife, Mary, went with his company as washerwoman, with her son John, above mentioned, and accompanied the regiment in all its march ; she was eighty-six years of age in 1821, then residing in Cumberland County ; she had three other children, Jacob, Mary, and Catharine.

Henderson, Edward.

Hannan, David.

Hannan, John.

Henry, John, missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776.

Heslet, Robert.

Holiday, William.

Johnston, Robert.

Kelly, Philip.

Leech, Archibald, disch. Jan. 1, 1778; resided in Armstrong County in 1811.

Leech, James.

Leonard, James, disch. Jan. 1, 1777; resided in Warren County, Ohio, in 1831, aged eighty-seven.

McClelland, David.

McCollister, James.

McCord, William.

McKenzie, Andy, "a volunteer," missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776.

Miller, Peter, resided in Bedford County in 1819.

Moor, William, missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776.

Mull, William, missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776.

Nail, James.

Nelson, James, missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776.

Nelson, William, "wounded in the left knee ;" resided in Westmoreland County in 1789.

Orr, David.

Riddle, John.

Riddle, Robert.

Roddy, Patrick.

Sims, John.

Singlewood, Stephen, missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776.

Stamper, Charles, missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776.

Stone, Allen.

Stoops, John, missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776.

Twifold, William, missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776.

Waddle, William, April, 1776; disch. Jan. 1, 1778; resided in Westmoreland County in 1819.

Watterson, John.

Weed, Maurice

Wilkinson, Angus, missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776.

Three sergeants were also captured, but the roll does not indicate which.



[See Chapter XVIII.]


(March 1, 1777, to May 1, 1777. Must. at Red Bank, May 9, 1777.)


Carnahan, James; lived in Washington County, Pa., for many years after the war.

First Lieutenant.

Hoffner, George.


Dugan, James.


Fitzgerald, Henry.

Waddle, William.

Justice, John.


Guyher, John.


Macklen, John.


Brownlee, John.

Bryson, Andrew.

Carnahan, Joseph.

Chapman, George.

Colter, William.

Cooke, John.

Deen, Rexs.

Doherty, Andrew.

Dolen, Charles.

Gagger, John.

Grea, James.

Gunnon, Jeremiah.

Guthry, William.

Guyer, Peter.

Hartsgrove, Samuel.

Heslet, Andrew.

Heslet, Robert.

Horneck, Daniel.

Howard, John.

Hunter, James

Johnson, Robert.

Kennan, Roger.

Kenny, Thomas.

Leech, Archibald.

Leech, James.

McClelland, David.

McGanhey, Philip.

Miller, Peter.

Mills, Andrew.

Moore, William.

Mulvaney, Patrick.

Murphy, Arthur.

Riddle, John.

Souse, John

Sims, John

Singlewood, Stephen.

Smith, Thomas.

Southerland, William.

Stewart, James.

Swerths, Ferdinand.

Tryne, Peter.

Weeble, George.

Wilkinson, Angus.


[See Chapter XVIII.]


(March 1, 1777, to May 1, 1777.)


Scott, Matthew, April 18, 1777.

First Lieutenant.

Brownlee, Joseph, res. June 22, 1777, on account of promotion of Thomas Johnson.

Second Lieutenant.

McCracken, William.


Gregg, Robert, Feb. 1777, from sergeant.


Wallace, Thomas.

Viney, Pattan.

Boyd, William.

McKinsey, Andrew.

Boyl, Daniel.

Drum and Fife

Howard, George.

Hann, David


Adams, William.

Archer, Zach.

Caven, William.

Coffee, James.

Dennis, James.

Dixon, Patrick.

Dixon, Samuel.

Doherty, Barnabas.

Dowds, James.

Dunfey, Michael, enl. Feb. 28, 1777.

Elliot, John.

Fargher, Charles.

Flinn, Patrick.

Gageby, James.

Galbraith, James.

Gilmore, Thomas.

Harper, Samuel.

Hodge, John.

Hoof, Jacob.

Jacob, John.

Keaton, John.

Kelly, Matthew, enl. Feb. 23, 1777.

Kennedy, Thomas, enl. Feb. 16, 1777.

Kerrigan, John.

Lean, John.

Lewis, David, enl. Feb. 24, 1777.

Maffot, William.

McCrank, Edward.

McCurdy, Alexander.

McMullin, Neal.

Mitchell, Alexander.

Mitchell, John.

Moor, Hampton.

Murdagh, Patrick.

Nickelso, James.

Orpet, Richard.

Pots, Hance.

Quindlin. John.

Riley, James.

Salter, John.

Sharp, Andrew.

Shearer, Thomas.

Woods, Hugh.

Wright, Aaron, enl. Feb. 24, 1777.

For muster roll of Capt. Matthew Scott's company of foot in the Thirteenth Pennsylvania Regiment, in the service of the United States, commanded by Col. Walter Stewart, for the mouth of June, 1778, see vol. x., p. 771, Pa. Arch. N. S.


[See Chapter XVIII.]



Mackey, Æneas, of Westmoreland County, July 20, 1776: died in service, Feb. 14, 1777.

Brodhead, Daniel, from lieut.-col. Fourth Pa., March 12, 1777; joined April, 1777; trans. to First Pa. Jan. 17, 1781.


Wilson, George, July 20,1776; died in service at Quibbletown, February, 1777.

Butler, Richard, from maj., March 12, 1777 ; ranking from Aug. 28,1776; trans. to lieut.-col. of Morgan's rifle command, June 9, 1777; pro. to col. of Ninth Pa., ranking from June 7, 1777; by an alteration subsequent to March 12, 1777, Richard Butler was placed in the First Pa. and James Ross in the Eighth Pa.

Ross, James, from lieut.-col. First Pa.; res. Sept. 22, 1777.

Bayard, Stephen, from maj., ranking Sept. 23, 1777 ; trans. to Sixth Pa., Jan. 17, 1781.


Butler, Richard, July 20, 1776; pro. to lieut.-col., March 12, 1777.

Bayard, Stephen, March 12, 1777, ranking from Oct. 4, 1776; pro. to lieut.-col., to rank from Sept. 23, 1777.

Vernon, Frederick, from rapt., Fifth Pa., ranking from June '7, 1777; trans. to Fourth Pa., Jan. 17, 1781.


Kilgore, David, died July 11, 1814, aged sixty-nine years, four months, and twelve days; buried in the Presbyterian graveyard of Mount Pleasant (Middle Church), Westmoreland County.

Miller, Samuel, died in service, Jan. 10, 1778; left a widow, Jane Cruickshanks, who resided in Westmoreland County in 1784.

Van Swearingen, Aug 9, 1776. Van Swearingen had been in command of an independent company in the pay of the State from February until Aug. 11, 1776, in defense of the frontiers in Weetmoreland County.

Piggott, James ; on return June 9, 1777, he is marked sick in camp.

Ourry, Wendel.

Mann, Andrew; on return of June 9, 1777, he is marked sick in quarters since May 2.

Carson, Moses, left the service April 21, 1777.

Miers, Eliezer.

[The foregoing captains were recommended by the committees of Westmoreland and Bedford Counties, and directed to be commissioned by resolution of Congress of Sept. 14, 1776. The names of the captains appear on the first return we can find in the order indicated (as remarked by the compilers of the archives), but date of commissions cannot be ascertained. Probably they were all dated Aug. 9, 1776, as Van Swearingen's.]


Montgomery, James, died Aug. 26, 1777; his widow, Martha, resided in Westmoreland County in 1824.

Huffnagle, Michael, died Dec. 31,1819,1n Allegheny County, aged sixty-six

Jack, Matthew, from 1st lieut.; became supernumerary Jan. 31, 1779; resided in Westmoreland County in 1836, aged eighty-two.

Stokely, Nehemiah, Oct. 16, 1777; became supernumerary Jan. 31,1779; died in Westmoreland County in 1811.

Cooke, Thomas, from let lieut.; became supernumerary Jan. 31,1779; died in Guernsey County, Ohio, Nov. 5, 1831.

Dawson, Samuel, from Eleventh Pa., July 1, 1778; died at Fort Pitt, Sept. 8, 1779; buried in First Presbyterian churchyard in Pittsburgh.

Moore, James Francis, from Thirteenth Pa., July 1, 1778.

Clark, John, from Thirteenth Pa., July 1, 1778; trans. to First Pa., July 17, 1781.

Carnahan, James, from Thirteenth Pa., July 1, 1778; trans. to Fourth Pa., Jan. 17, 1781.

Finley, Joseph L., from Thirteenth Pa., July 1, 1778; brigade-major, July 30, 1780 ; trans. to Second Pa., Jan. 17, 1781.

Finley, John, from 1st lieut , Oct. 22, 1777 ; trans. to Fifth Pa., Jan. 17, 1781.

Crawford, John, from 1st lieut. Aug. 10, 1779; trans. to Sixth Pa., Jan. 17, 1781.

Brady, Samuel, from capt.-lieut, August, 1779; trans. to Third Pa., Jan. 17, 1781.


Brady, Samuel, commission dated July 17, 1778; from Sixth Pa.; pro. to capt. Aug. 2; 1779.

First Lieutenants.

Moseley, Robert (written Moody in the return), res. May 18, 1777; resided in Ohio Co., Ky.. in 1820, aged sixty-nine.

Cooke, Thomas, pro. to capt.

Finley, John, pro. to capt. Oct. 22, 1777.

Jack, Matthew, lost his left hand by the bursting of his gun at Bound Brook, N, J.; pro. to capt. April 13, 1777.

Hickman, Ezekiel.

Carson, Richard, left the service in 1777.

McGeary, William, res. April 17, 1777.

McDolo, Joseph, left the service in 1777.

The foregoing first lieutenants were commissioned under the resolution of Congress of Sept. 16, 1776.]

Richardson, Richard, returned June 9, 1777, as recruiting.

Prather, Basil, returned Nov. 1, 1777, as on command with Col. Morgan from June 9; res. April 1, 1779.

Hughes, John, Aug. 9, 1778; res. Nov. 23, 1778; res. in Washington County in 1813.

Crawford, John, from second lieutenant, April 18, 1777; pro. capt. Aug. 19, 1779; pro to Second Penna. with rank of captain from April 18, 1777.

Hardin, John, July 13. 177T; Nov. 1, 1777, returned as on command with Col. Morgan ; res. in 1779 ; afterwards Gen. John Hardin, of Kentucky ; murdered by the Indians near Sandusky, Ohio, in 1791.

—Wilkinson's Memoirs.

Mickey. Daniel, became supernumerary Jan. 31, 1779.

Peterson, Gabriel, July 28, 1777 ; died in Allegheny County, Feb. 12, 1832.

Stotesbury, John, from Old Eleventh Pa.; commission dated April 9, 1777 ; he was a prisoner in New York for some time ; trans. to the Second Pa. Jan. 1781.

Neilly, Benjamin, from ensign, Oct. 4, 1777.

Finley, Andrew, on return of Nov. 1, 1777, marked sick since Oct. 16; retired in 1778; resided in Westmoreland County, 1813.

Amberson, William ; in 1779 he was deputy muster-general; resided in Mercer County in 1835.

Read, Archibald, vice Joseph Brownlee, Dec. 13, 1778; died in Allegheny County in 1833.

Graham, Alexander, rice Basil Prather, April 1, 1779.

Ward, John, April 2, 1779; trans. to Second Pa., Jan. 17, 1781.

Second Lieutenants.

Thompson, William, Aug. 9, 1776 ; res. May 17, 1777.

Simrall, Alexander, Aug. 9, 1776; left the army in 1777; resided in Jefferson Co., Ohio, in 1834, aged eighty-eight.

Guthrie, James, Aug. 9, 1776.

Rogers, Philip, Aug. 9, 1776.

Smith, Samuel Aug. 9, 1776 ; killed at Germantown, Oct. 4, 1777.

Montz, William, Aug. 9, 1776; res. April 17, 1777.

Beeler, James, Jr., Aug. 9, 1776.

Crawford, John, Aug. 9, 1776; pro. first lieutenant, April 18, 1777.

[The foregoing second lieutenants were commissioned under resolu Lion of Congress Sept. 14, 1776, dating as above.]

Owine, Barnabas; marked on return of Nov. 1, 1777, as command in infantry.

Carnahan, John, res. in 1779.


Neilly, Benjamin, pro. to first lieutenant, Oct. 4, 1777.

Kerr, Joseph

Simmons, John.

Wherry, David.

Macklin, Dewalt, res. April 17, 1777.

Weaver, Valentine.

Reed, John,

White, Aquila, left the army Feb. 23, 1777 ; resided in Montgomery Co., Ky., in 1834.

[The foregoing ensigns were commissioned under a resolution of Congress of Sept. 14, 1778.]

Forshay, Thomas, left the service in 1777.

McKee, David, left the service in 1777.

Peterson, Gabriel ; on a return of June 9, 1777, he is marked absent, wounded, from April 17, 1777; pro, to first lieutenant July 26, 1777. Guthrie, John, app. Dec. 21, 1778.

Morrison, James, app. Dec. 21, 1778.

Wyatt, Thomas, app. Dec. 21, 1778; resided at St. Louis, Mo., in 1834, aged eighty.

Cooper, William, app. April 19, 1779.

Davidson, John, app. April 19, 1779; resided in Brown Co., Ohio, in 1833, aged eighty-one.


McClure, Rev. David, app. Sept. 12, 1776.


Huffnagle, Michael, app. Sept. 7, 1776.

Crawford, John, lieut., 1780.


Boyd, John, July 20, 1776.


Douglass, Ephraim Sept. 12, 1776 ; taken prisoner while acting as aide-de-camp to George Lincoln, March 13, 1777; exchanged Nov. 27, 1780; prothonotary of Fayette County in 1783; died in 1833.

Neilly, Benjamin, app. in 1778.


Morgan, Abel. from Old Eleventh ; ree. in 1779; died in 1785.

Morton, Hugh, March 7, 1780.

Surgeon's Mate.

Saple, John Alexander, 1778.


Read, Archibald, 1778.


[Those marked (e) are taken from a list in the secretary's office of soldiers whose depreciated pay escheated to the State.]


Allison, John, died in Versailles, Ky., June 16, 1823, aged seventy-five.


Adams, Robert.


Atkinson, Joseph.


Adams, George.


Abrams, Gabriel, Kilgore's company, 1776-79.

Aikins, Robert, resided in Bedford County, 1790.

Alcorn, James, trans. to Invalid Corps, July, 1780.

Allen, William, deserted August, 1778.

Amberson. Johnson.

Amberson, William, resided in Mercer County, 1809.


Anderson, George, resided in Westmoreland County, 1835, aged eighty-four.

Armstrong, George.

Atkins, George.

Asking, James, deserted August, 1778.

Atkins, Isaac.


Baker, Michael, died in Greene Co., Ill., Sept 13, 1831.

Blake, William.

Byels, Joseph, of Piggott's company.


Bond, John.


Bacon, John.

Bannon, Jeremiah.

Beard, John, deserted August, 1778.

Beaten, Robert.

Berlin, Imam, died in Crawford County, June 16, 1831, aged seventy-seven.

Blake, Luke William.

Blake, Nicholas, enl. August, 1776.

Blakeney, Gabriel, private at Long Island ; lieut. in Flying Camp; captured at Fort Washington ; resided in Washington County, 1817.

Bodkin, James.

Booth, George.

Boveard, James, Kilgore's company, 1776-79; died in 1808 in East Buffalo) township, Union Co.

Boyer, Osiel, killed in action.

Brandon, Michael.

Bright, John.

Bristo, Samuel.

Broadstock, William.

Brothers, Matthew.

Brown, John, resided in Armstrong County, 1825.

Burbridge, Thomas, Kilgore's company; taken December, 1780; in captivity three years; resided in Westmoreland County, 1805.

Bucket, Christopher.

Burns, Pearce, trans. to Invalid Corps, August, 1777.

Byar, David, August, 1777-79, Capt. Piggott's company; served at Saratoga under Van Swearingen ; went West with regiment, 1778; at the building of Fort McIntosh and Fort Laurens ; Pennsylvania pensioner, 1813.


Cavenaugh, Barney.

Cheselden, Edward.

Clarke, James.

Cooper, William, Kilgore's company.

Crawford, Robert, Aug. 20, 1776, to Sept. 16, 1779; resided in Venango County, 1825.


Clark, David (e), Capt. Kilgore's company, April, 1777.


Cain, Bartholomew.

Cain, John.

Calahan, John.

Call, Daniel, resided in Westmoreland County, 1821.

Campbell, George, Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland Co., 1786.

Carr, Daniel.

Carregen, Martin.

Carswell, Joseph.

Carty, Richard.

Casevey, Patrick, deserted August, 1778.

Castile, Samuel.

Cavenaugh, John.

Cavanaugh, Patrick, enl. at Carlisle, in Capt. Huffnagle's company ; he saved Gen. Lincoln from capture by the British in New Jersey ; afterwards express-rider for Gen. Greene ; died in Washington County, April 6, 1823, aged eighty-three.

Chambers, Andrew.

Chambers, Moses, from Ligonier; deserted August, 1778.

Chriswell, Joseph.

Churchfield, John, enl. July, 1776 ; wounded. in the leg in the battle of Germantown ; resided in Westmoreland County, 1835, aged eighty-six.

Clark, Benjamin, Kilgore's company ; wounded at Bound Brook, 1777 ; also in 1778 on march to Fort McIntosh ; resided in Steubenville, Ohio, 1816.

Close, Robert.

Coleman, Joseph.

Conner, John.

Conner, Bryan, enl. July 2, 1777.

Conway, Joseph, deserted August, 1778; died Jan. 16, 1823, in Bedford County, aged sixty-eight.

Cooper, Leonard, from Maryland; deserted August, 1778.

Cooper, William, Aug. 17, 1776, to September, 1779; resided in Venango County, 1810.

Corner, Felix.

Coveney, Felix.

Cripps, John.

Critchlow, James, enl. August, 1776, in Capt. Moses Carson’s company, served in all the Saratoga engagements under Lieut.-Col. Butler ; resided in Butler County, 1836, aged seventy-eight.

Crosley, Timothy.

Cruikshank, Andrew, Miller's company, Aug. 17, 1776, to September, 1779 ; resided in Butler County, 1810.

Curtin, John.


Dennison, James

Donaldson, William.


Davis, William, died in Muskingum County, Ohio, in 1834, aged eighty-two.


Darragh, John.

Davis, John, died in Holmes County, Ohio, June 7,1830, aged sixty-four.

Dempey, Thomas.

Dennis, Michael.

Dennis, Thomas, killed in April, 1779.

Dennison, Joseph (e), trans. to Seventh Regt.

Desperett, Henry.

Dickerson, Henry, enl. 1776, in Van Swearingen's company, at Saratoga, etc.; resided in Washington County in 1813.

Dickson, William.

Dolphin, Joseph.

Dougherty, James, alias Capt. Fitzpatrick, deserted August, 1778, and executed for robbery.

Dougherty, Mordecai, brother of above, deserted August, 1778.

Dowden, John.

Du Kinson, Joseph, killed in action.


Evans, Arnold (e).


Edwards, John.


Evans, Anthony, pro, to fife-major, Third Pa.


Edwards, David (e).

Everall, Charles.


Fletcher, Simon.


Font, Matthew.

Forbes, William.


Fitzgibbons, James.


Faith, Abraham, Capt. Mann's company, Aug. 16, 1776, to Nov. 19,1779 resided in Somerset County in 1826, aged seventy-four.

Faughey, James, deserted August, 1778.

Fime, Joseph, trans. to Invalid Corps.

Fitzgibbons, David.

Fossbrooke, or Frostbrook, John, resided in Bath Co., Ky., in 1834, aged one hundred and four.

Fulton, Joseph, July 4, 1776.


Gladwin, John.


Gallagher, Michael, June 7, 1776; deserted before he reached the regiment.

Gallaher, John.

Germain, Henry.

Gibbons, David.


Gibson, Henry.

Gill, William, wounded in the hand at Bound Brook ; resided in Mercer County in 1833, aged eighty-four.

Girdler, James.

Glenn, Hugh, killed in action.

Graham, Alexander, deserted August, 1778.

Graham, William, Capt. Kilgore's company ; resided in Westmoreland County in 1811.

Greenland, James.

Grimes, John.

Guthery, Archibald, killed August, 1779.

Gwyne, Joseph, June 7, 1776; served three years ; resided in Greene County in 1808.


Halpen, Joseph.


Hamill, Hugh, Finley's company, 1776-79; resided in Westmoreland County in 1809.

Hancock, Joseph (e), Capt. Mann's company, 1777 ; resided in Wayne Co., Ind., in 1834, aged seventy-seven.

Hanley, Michael.

Hardesty. Obadiah, resided in Lawrence Co., Ill., in 1833, aged seventy-one.

Harman, Conrad, died in Muskingum Co., Ohio, June 9, 1822, aged seventy-five.

Harvey, Samuel.

Hezlip, Rezin, Stokely's company; resided in Baltimore in 1813.

Hayes, Jacob, from Brandywine, deserted August, 1778.

Hayes, Joel, from Brandywine, deserted August, 1778.

Hiere, David, deserted August, 1778.

Hobach, Philip, resided in Madison Co., Ind., in 1820, aged sixty-four.

Hockley, Richard, Capt. Clarke's company ; resided in Westmoreland County in 1813.

Hotten, John, Aug. 2, 1776, to Sept. 17, 1779; resided in Westmoreland County in 1812.

Humbar, Nicholas.

Hunter, Nicholas (e).

Hunter, Robert, John Finley's company ; wounded at Bound Brook and Paoli; resided in Westmoreland County in 1808.

Hutchinson, John.


Jamison, John, Capt. Miller's company ; enl. in 1776, at Kittanning ; resided in Butler County in 1835, aged eighty-four.


Jennings, Benjamin, Sept. 9,1776, to Sept. 9, 1779, in Kilgore's company; drafted into rifle regiment; died in Somerset County in 1807.

Johnson, Peter (e), resided in Harrison Co., Vs., in 1829.

Jones, Benjamin, resided in Champaigne Co., Ohio, in 1833, aged seventy-one.

Jordan, John, Westmoreland County.

Justice, Jacob, resided in Bedford County in 1820.


Kerns, Robert.


Kidder, Benjamin.


McKinney, or Kenney, Peter, Capt. Clarke's company, 1776-79; resided in Butler County in 1836, aged seventy.


Kain, John.

Kairns, Godfrey.

Kean, Thomas, Aug. 23, 1778, Capt. Montgomery's company ; he was an indented servant of William Rankin.

Kelly, Edward.

Kelly, Robert.

Kemble, Jacob.

Kerr, Daniel.

Kerr, William, Capt. Miller's company, August, 1778, to Sept. 9, 1779; resided in Westmoreland County in 1823.

Kildes, Michael, paid from Jan. 1, 1777, to Aug. 1, 1780.


Lee, William, died in Columbiana Co., Ohio, Jan. 6, 1828, aged eighty-five.


Lewis, Samuel.

Lucas, Henry.


Lacy, Lawrence.

Lacount, Samuel.

Landers, David.

Lawless, James.

Lacrou, John.

Lewis, William, of Brady's company ; resided in Morgan Co., Ohio, in 1821.

Lingo, Henry, resided in Trumbull Co., Ohio, in 1834, aged seventy-one.

Long, Gideon, resided in Fayette County, 1835, aged seventy-nine.

Long, Jeremiah.

Luckey, Andrew, of Westmoreland County ; Miller's company ; became teamster to Eighth Pa.; discharged at Valley Forge; resided in Fayette County in 1822, aged sixty-eight.


McClean, _____


McClure, John.

McGregor, John.


McAfee, Matthew.

Mairman, George.


Miller, John, killed in action.


McAlly, Edward.

McAnany, Patrick.

McCarty, Jeremiah.

McCaulley, Edward.

McChristy, Michael, Capt. Van Swearingen's company, October, 1777.

McClean, Abijah.

McComb, Allen, of Mann's company, 1776-79 ; resided in Indiana County in 1810.

McConnell, John, Huffnagle's company, Aug. 28, 1776, to August, 1779 ; died in Westmoreland County, Dec. 14,1834, aged seventy-eight.

McFee, Laughlin, killed in action.

McGill, James.

McGlaughlin, Patrick.

McGowan, Mark, enl. in 1775, in Capt. Van Swearingen's company, for two years ; Aug. 9, 1776, this company was broken up, and he reenl. under the same captain in the Eighth Pa., and served three years; resided in Mercer Co., Ky., in 1830.

McGuire, Andrew.

Mclnamay, Patrick.

McKee, John, resided in Bath Co., Ky., in 1830.

McKenney, Peter.

McKinney, John, Capt. S. Miller's company ; enl. March, 1778:

McKissick, Isaac.

McKissick, James, Miller's company ; resided in Maryland in 1828.

McMullin, Thomas, August, 1776-79; died in Northampton County in 1822.

Martin, George.

Maxwell, James, 1776-79, Capt. Montgomery's company ; resided in Butler County in 1822.

Mercer, George.

Merryman, William.

Miller, Isaac.

Miller, John.

Mitchell, James, Mann's company, 1776-79 ; resided in Somerset County in 1810.

Mooney, Patrick.

Moore, John.

Moore, William, Capt. Jack's company, November, 1777.

Morrison, Edward.

Morrow, William, transferred to Invalid Corps, August, 1780.

Mowry, Christian.

Murphy, Michael.

Murray, Neal, August, 1776, Miller's company; taken at Bound Brook, April 17, 1777 ; released, and rejoined at Germantown, where he was again taken and made his escape.


Ox, Michael.



Parker, John.

Porter, Robert, resided in Harrison County, Ohio, 1834, aged seventy-one.


Paris, Peter, Invalid Corps, Aug. 2, 1779.

Parker, Charles, 1776-79; resided in Armstrong County, 1818.

Pegg, Benjamin, Piggott's company, Aug. 13, 1776, to September, 1779; resided in Miami County, Ohio, in 1834, aged eighty-two.

Penton, Thomas.

Perry, Samuel, Invalid Corps, September, 1778.

Pettitt, Matthew, resided in Bath County, Ky., 1834, aged seventy-four.

Phillips, Luke, Aug. 28, 1776.

Phillips, Matthew.

Reed, Samuel.

Ridner, Conrad.

Robinson, Simon.

Rooks, Timothy.

Roark, Patrick.


Sample, William.

Smith, John, 1776 to Sept. 20, 1779; died in Indiana County, 1811.


Swan, Timothy, resided in Trumbull County, Ohio, in 1834.


Seaton, Francis.

Sham, Michael, resided in Rowan County, N. C., in 1834, aged eighty-six.

Shedacre, Jacob, Finley's company ; killed by the Indians near Potter's Field, Centre Co., July 24, 1778; had served under Morgan at Saratoga.

Shedam, Jacob.

Sheridan, Martin.

Sherlock, Edward, died in Ross County, Ohio, Feb. 11, 1825, aged sixty-eight.

Shilhammer, Peter, resided in Westmoreland County in 1824.

Shuster, Martin.

Simmons, Henry, June 12, 1776, Huffnagle's company.

Smith, Henry, resided in Rush County, Ind., in 1834, aged sixty-nine.

Smith, John, Sr., resided in Frederick County, Va., in 1834, aged ninety.

Smith, John, 2d, resided In Westmoreland County in 1835.

Smith, John, 3d, from Mifflin County; in Ourry's company, October, 1777; re-enl. from Third Pennsylvania, Capt. Cook's; taken and scalped at Tuscarawas.

Steel, Thomas.

Stephen, Patrick, Capt. Kilgore's company, October, 1777.

Stewart, Charles.

Stewart, Francis.

Stewart, Samuel.

Stevenson, Samuel.

Stokely, Thomas, August, 1776; resided in Washington County in 1823.

Straphan, William.

Stubbs, Robert.

Sutton, David.

Swift, John.

Taggert, William, trans. to Invalid Corps, July, 1780.

Tes, John.

Tharp, Perry, resided Marion County, Ky., in 1834.

Turner, William, in Stokely's company, Sept. 17, 1776-79; resided in Connellsville, Fayette Co., in 1835, aged eighty-one.

Tweedy, George.

Van Doren, Thomas, Finley's company; served at Saratoga; killed by the Indians near Potter's Fort, Centre Co., July 24, 1778.

Vaughn, Joseph, enl. in Capt. Samuel Moorhead's company, April 24, 1778; served two years and six months ; then drafted into Capt. Miller's, and served six months; resided in Half-Moon township, Centre Co., in 1822, aged sixty-two.

Verner, Peter, Invalid Corps, Aug. 2, 1779.


Woods, John, trans. to Invalid Corps.

Wyatt, Thomas, pro. ensign, Dec. 21, 1778; shoulder-bone broken at Brandywine.


Ward, Matthias.


Whitman, John.


Wagoner, Henry, 1776-79; resided in Cumberland County in 1819.

Waine, Michael, deserted August, 1778.

Waters, Joseph, 1776-79.

Watson, John, July 4, 1777.

Weaver, Adam, 1776-79, Kilgore's company; resided in Westmoreland County in 1821.

Wharton, William, resided in Pendleton County, Ky., in 1834, aged eighty-seven.

Wilkey, David, deserted August, 1778.

Wilkie, Edward.

Wilkinson, William.

Williams. John, Invalid Corps, Aug. 2, 1779.

Williams, Lewis, resided in Muskingum County, Ohio. in 1884, aged ninety-two.

Williams, Thomas, killed in action.

Wilson, George, Capt. Huffnagle's company, October, 1777.

Wilson, William, resided in Trumbull County, Ohio, in 1820, aged sixty-eight.

Winkler, Joseph.

Wolf, Philip, resided in Bedford County in 1700.

Wyatt, Thomas, pro, sergeant.

Wyllie, Owen.

Wynn, Webster.


"In a detachment from Penna. Line, Commanded by Stephen Bayard, Esq., Lt-Colo., for the months of Feb., March, h April, 1783."


Clark, John.


Peterson, Gabel.

Crawford, John.

Bryson, Samuel.

Everly, Michl


McCline, John.

Baker, Mich,.

Blake, Willm.


Lee, Wm.


Gladwin, John.

Jonston, Peter, disch. March 17, 1783.

McAfee, Math.

Marmon, George.


Kidder, Benjamin

Edwards, Johnson


Bond, John.

Kenny, Peter. 


Amberson, Johnston.

Attchinson, Joseph, deserted Sept.7, 1783.

Biggert, Robert.

Boothe, George.

Cardwell, Joseph, deserted April 1, 1783.

Caringer, Martin.

Carty, Richd

Casteel Saml.

Chalmers, Andw.

Clark, James.

Conner, John.

Conway, Felix.

Cripps, John.

Dinnis, Michael.

Dinnison, James.

Dixon, Willm.

Dorough, John.

Foesbrook, John.

Gibson, Henery.

Girdler, James.

Harmon, Conrad.

Holtzley, Richard.

Hutchinson, John.

Jones, Benjm.

Kerns, Godfrey.

Kerr, Daniel

Landers, David.

Lingo, Henry.

Lucas, Henry.

Maxwell, James.

McAuley, Edward.

McCristall Michl.

McGill, James.

McGuire, Andrew.

Mercer, George.

Miller, Isaac.

Mooney, Patrick.

Morrison, Edward.

Murphy, Michael.

Ox, Michael


Parker, Charles.

Rooks, Timothy.

Sherlock, Edward, prisoner of war ; joined Feb. 5,1783.

Smith, John.

Steed, James, deserted 27th March, 1783.

Stuart, Charles.

Thorpe, Perry.

Wharton, Willm.

Willson, Willm.

Winkler, Joseph V.


[See Chapter XVIII.]


March 22, 1777.—Moses Young was directed to pay Capt. Joseph Mitchell £40, for amo't of Blankets appraised for the use of his company of the First Batt'n of Westmoreland Militia; 1.2.5 of which to be charged to Congress.

Moses Young was directed to pay Captain Pomeroy £10 15 8, for Blankets appraised for the use of his company, of Col. Lochry's Westmoreland Batt'n £ of wh. to be charged to Congress for 4 Blkts. lost In actual service, the remainder being delivered into the State store, and taken at the appraisement.

Moses Young was directed to pay the following Persons of Col. Lochry's Batt'n, of Westmoreland Militia, for Blankets appraised for their respective companies, £ of wh. to be charged to Congress for Blks. lost in actual service :

Captain John Shields, £9 7s. 84.

Capt. Alex'r Thompson, 19 0s. 0d.

Capt. John Perry, 5 1s. 0d.

Capt. Robert Knox, 13 2s 6d.

Capt. Samuel Shannon, 23 0s. 3d.

Moses Young was directed to pay James Moore £1 for 5 days' service in taking no'r of associators in Donegal Township, Westmoreland County, to be charged to Congress.

March 27, 1777.—Moses Young was directed to pay Capt. Beard, of Westmoreland County, 2 Battalion, £81 8 0, for subsistence of 47 men, to be charged to Congress.

Col. Ric'd Dallam was requested to pay Capt. Joseph Hueston & Lieut. Thos. Mason, of Westmoreland Militia, 136 17 8, for their wages as officers while on their march from Home A Back, they having received pay as Privates while at camp.

Mr. Mosses Young was directed to pay George Hendry 1454 6 0 for 1 Gill of spirit per man per day, for 308 men of Colonel Lochry's Battalion of Westmoreland Militia, for 59 days at 64. per Gill, to be charged to Congress.

April 7, 1777.—Mr. Moses Young was directed to pay Colonel John Proctor £12 0 0, for Expense of an Express sent by the Committee of the County of Westmoreland, to the late Convention, for Arms & Ammunition.

May 29, 1777.—An order was drawn on Mr. Nesbitt, in favour of Capt. Michael Huffnagle, of the Eighth Penna. Regiment, for 300 Dollars, to be charged to Col. Danl. Broadhead.


Pay-roll of Capt. Moses Carson's Company of Westmoreland County, to range on the frontiers, July 9th, 1776, to August 9th, 1778.


Carson, Moses.


Finley, John

Sunrad, Alexander.


Herr, Joseph.


Beatty, Joseph.

Berry, James.

Burt, Patrick.

Byerley, Francis.

Clark, John.

Crawford, Rob.

Cronifeyer, Lawrence.

Darragh, W.

Dilworth, John.

Funt, Matthias.

Hall, James.

Hutton, John.

Hughy, Thomas.

Jolly, Luke.

- 30 -

Jones, Ben.

Lindsay, Joseph.

Long, Matthew.

Long, George.

Madden, James.

McCan, John.

McAffee, Matthew.

McBride, Henry.

Nailer, John.

Sampson, Thos.

Stall, Peter.

Sampson, Wm.

Sloan, David.

Young, Wm.


Raised in the County of Westmoreland.


Stokely, Thomas, Feb. 10, 1781.


Cummings, John.


Hooper, William.


Albridge, John.

Beatly, John.

Burns, John.

Butler, John.

Crossly, John.

French; Arthur.

Gibson, John.

Heamy, David Honey Bee,

Hines, George.

Houdgson, William.

Justice, Peter.

McDonald, James.

Mars, William.

Miller, Michael.

Murphy, Patrick.

Patton, Isaac.

Pheason, John.

Trindle, John.

Watson, Robert.


[See Chapter XIX.].



The following are the "gentlemen justices" who "more into" their commissions: Joseph Beelor, Joseph Becket, John Campbell, John Cannon, Isaac Cox, William Crawford, John Campbell, Zachariah Connell, John Decamp, Thomas Freeman, Benjamin Frye, John Gibson, William Goa, William Harrison, Benjamin Kirkendall, John McDowell, John McDonald, George McCormick, Oliver Miller, Samuel Newell, Dorsey Pentecost, Matthew Richie, James Rogers, Thomas Smallman, Andrew Swearengen, John Stephenson, George Vallandingham, Edward Ward, Joshua Wright, and Richard Yeates. And the following did not "swear in": Thomas Brown, James Blackiston, John Carmichael, Benjamin Harrison, Jacob Haymaker, Isaac Leet, Sr., James McLean, Isaac Meason, John Neville, Philip Ross, and Joseph Vance.

Clerk.—Dorsey Pentecost ; Deputy, Ralph Bowker.

Sheriffs.—William Harrison (Isaac Leet his deputy), George McCormick (his deputies, Hugh Sterling, Joseph Beelor, Benjamin Van Metre, and John Lemon), and Matthew Ritchie (John Sutherland, deputy).

County Lieutenant.—Dorsey Pentecost.

Colonels.—John Cannon, Isaac Cox, John Stephenson.

Attorneys.—George Brent, William Harrison, Samuel Irvin, Philip Pendleton.

Legislators.—John Campbell, William Harrison, and Matthew Ritchie.



1777, June 25th.—Ordered, that the sheriff cause to be erected a pair of stocks and a whipping-post in the court-house yard by next court.


1777, August 25th.—Ordered, that for convenience of sitting and expediting business, that the court be adjourned to the house of now occupied by Andrew Heath.


Same day.—Ordered, that the court be adjourned until to-morrow morning six o'clock.


1777, August 26th.—David McClure, by his attorney, complains that Sarah Brusling, an indented servant, was delivered of a bastard child within her said time of service, and the said Sarah Brusling being called came into court and confessed to the charge. It is therefore ordered by the court, that the said Sarah Brusling cloth serve her said master the term of one whole year from the tenth day of October next (being the expiration of her service by indenture) to reimburse her said master for his loss and trouble for the same, or that she pay her said master the sum of one thousand pounds of tobacco in lieu of said service.



Same day.—That any prisoner or prisoners the sheriff have shall be confined in the guard or some other room in Fort Pitt, with the acquiescence of Geu. Hand, until such time as a proper gaol can be provided for the county.


1777, September 2.3c1.—Upon the petition of Adam Wickersham, setting forth that he is desirous of building a water-mill on Mingo Creek, about three-quarters of a mile from the mouth, and that he owns all the lands that will be effected or overflowed by the building of the said mill : It is therefore considered by the court that the said Adam Wickersham have leave to build and complete a mill at the place aforesaid.

Same day.—Upon the petition of Adam Froman, setting forth that he is desirous of building a mill at the mouth thereof, and praying an order to view and condemn one acre of land on the opposite side of the creek to said Froman's land for that purpoee. Ordered, that the sheriff be commanded to summon twelve good and lawful freeholders of the vicinage to meet on the premises aforesaid, and being first sworn shall diligently view and examine the said lands which may be effected or laid under water by the building said mill, with the timber and conveniences thereof, and that they report the same to next court under their hands and seals, with the true value of the one acre of land petitioned for, and of the damage done to the party holding the farm.


[See Chapter XXI.]

The following interesting papers relate to the frontiers of Westmoreland during the Revolution


WESTMORELAND COUNTY, 26th Dec., 1776. 8114—By the removal of Col. Mackay from the Kittaning, the frontiers of this County is laid open and exposed to the Mercy of a faithless, uncertain Savage Enemy, and we are Inform'd by Andrew McFarland, Msq., who lives at the Kittaning, that he is much afraid that the Mingoes will plunder the Country, and that he will not think himself safe if there is not a Company of Men Stationed there, and if he removes a number more of the Inhabitants will follow.

By order of the Council of July 15, 1778, Col. Brodhead's regiment was included in those enumerated for the frontier defense (Archives F. S., vol. vii. 645).


WESTMORELAND, ye 20th May, 1777.

HONORED SIR,—On my arrival On the forth of April 1 found this County in a Confused situation. The Alarm of Simpsons Being Kill'd and Moorhead being Missing, Struck such Terror on the minds of the People that the fruntears Waire Entirely Heed Into the Hart of the Settlement and greats Numbers Over the Mountains. In Order to Put a stop to the Peopels Entirely Evacuating the Country I Ventured to Raise Sixty Men and Stationed them On the frontears Between two licks and the Mouth of Kiskameaitus in fore Divitions under the command of o Oaptsias and Two Lieuts, Which covered that frontier so well that The People are In general Got, Back to their Plantations and fell to their Leaboun. I flatter Myself when your Excellency Is Enform'd What Bennefit these Raingers Hams Been to this Destrest frontier, you Will Not Hesitate One Moment In Allooing them to Be Paid By the State—they are Engaged for two Months if not sooner Discharged By Bregedear General Hands Order and Promised the same Pay and Rations of Continental Troops. Which if your Excellency Will Please to, Alow the favour Will Be Ecknowledged By the fruntears In general and In Particular

By your Excelleancys most Obedn't Humble Sent,

Favour'd By A. Locale.

Col. John Proctor.


HONORED SIR,—The Distressed situation of our Country is such, that we have no Prospect But Desolation and Destruction, the whole county On the North side of the Rode from the Alegany Mountains to the, River is all kept close in forts ; and can get no subsistence from their Plantations; they have made application to us requesting to be put under Pay and Receive Rations, and as we could see no other way to keep the People from flying Letting the country he evaoquiated we were Oblidged to adopt them measures (Requesting your Excellency to give the necessary orders to enable us to put them in Execution if these very measures Is Not adopted I see. no other Method that can secure the People from giving up the Country, these People white they support these fruntear Poets are entirely serving the Publick) R certainly cannot continue Long so to do unless supported by the Publick.

Lieut. Col. Charles Campbell and fore other persons is maids Prisoners on the waters of Blackleigs creek, fore other men kill'd and scalped near the same place, one man killed near Wallace. fort on Cunnomoch, Eleven other Persons kill'd and scalped at Palmers fort, near Logonear amongst which is Ensign Woods—at the Place where Col. Campble was maid Prisoner, fore raskely Proclamations war left by the Savages from the Governor of Detroit Requesting all Persons to come to him, or any other of the Garrisons occupied by His Majesties Troops and they should Receive Pay dr Lodgings as they rank with us, every Private Person for encouragement to have 200 Acres of Land. In short there is every few Days there is not some murder. committed on some part of our fruntears (if your Excellency would Please to adopt our measures and give the necessary orders for Putting them into Execution: I Hoop with Divine assistance we shall be able to Hold the countery till we are enabled by the more Effectual Meashurs that is carrying an Expedition In their country) we have likewise Ventured to erect two Stockade forts at Logenear and Hannahs Town at the Publick expense, with a Store House in each to secure Both Publick and Private Property in and Be a place of Retreat for the suffering fruntears In case of needcessity which I flatter myself will meet with your Excellancye approbation, and Beige Leave to subscribe myself

Your Excellancys

most obliged most

Humble servt,

A. LOCHRY, Lieut.

Westmoreland, ye 4th Novr. 1777.



LANCASTER, 14th November, 1777.

Sir,—This council is applied to by the people of the county of Westmoreland, in this Commonwealth, with the most alarming complaints of Indian depredations. The letter, of which the inclosed is a copy, will give you some idea of their present situation.

We are further informed by verbal accounts that an extent of sixty miles has been evacuated to the savaged, full of stock, corn, hogs, and poultry; that they have attacked Palmer's fort, about seven miles distant from Fort Ligonier, without success ; and, from the information of White Eyes and other circumstances, it is feared Fort Ligonier has by this time been attacked. There is likewise reason, to fear the ravages will extend to Bedford and along the frontier. We shall order out the militia of Bedford County, and take such other steps as may be immediately necessary for the relief of those settlements, but we find they are greatly deficient in the articles of arms, and especially ammunition and flints. In Fort Ligonier, when our informants left it, there was not more than forty pounds of powder and fifteen pounds of lead; flints are sold at a dollar a piece.

We must beg the assistance of Congress in these articles. Arms we dare hardly ask, but ammunition and flints we hope may be supplied by Congress both to Westmoreland and Bedford ; and we must also entreat the attention of Congress to the general defense of the frontier. We know not the situation of Gen. Hand, his forces, or his views; but we have reserved the militia of Bedford and Westmoreland for the purpose of co-operating with him in those parts of the States and the neighbor. hood. Mr. Thomas Galbraith will call on you in a few days on hie way to Ligonier, the supplies should be furnished to him from Carlisle, to be carried from thence on pack-hones. He will explain more at large their situation, and it might not be amiss to communicate to him what may be expected from Gen. Hand, as well as what Congress shall direct.—Archives, F. S., vi. 3.


WESTMORELAND, ye 6th Decem., 1777.

HONNORED SIR,—I wrote to your Excellency by Coll. Shields, giving a State of the Ravages Committed by the Indians on the Inhabitants of this County ; they have still Continued to Destroy and Burn Houses, Barns, and Grain, as you will see more Particular in a Patation from the People which he Declared, as you may see His Letter of the 18th October; if our Measures Had not been adopted, I am very certain there would not been Many Persons on the North Side the Greats Roads now [i.e., he means the Forbes or Hannestown road], if there Is not Stors


Laide in this Winter. In Spring they must undoubtedly Leave the Countery; they Have no Salt to Lay Up Meat, of which there is a greate Plenty, their grain is all Bured & Destroyd on the North of Cunnemoch ; if there is No Store of Provision for Next summer, and the People Modred from Getting Spring Crops the Countery it undoubtedly Broke up. The Plan we Have adopted Has Been Put in Execution at the Expense of a few Individuals, which cant Be Long Continued without supported by the Publick. I Have Sent five Indian Scalps taken by One of our Scouting Party, Commanded by Coll. Barr, Coll. Perry, Coll. Smith, & Capt. Kinston, Beiag to the Honnorable Assembly, Praying Relieff (My Situation Haas Been Critical; Genneral Hand required more men than I could Possebly furnish from Two Batalions, which is all I can Portend to Have jurisdiction over, on soot of the unsettled Boundary between this State and Virginia.) I sent One Hundred Men for the Expedition, some of them Reached the Genneral at fort Pitt, the Remainder was Stopt by His Order, at the ame time the frontears of Our County Ley Hamad to the Marcy of the Savages ; Not a Man on Our frontears from Logenear to the Alegenia River, Except a few at fort Hanna, on Continental Pay. I was oblidged, by the Advice of the sub-lieutenants A other Principal People of the County, to adopt the measures I Before Laid. Down to your Excellency : I Requested Genneral Hand's approbation on the Plan, Volentears in the Action. The Action Hapned Near. Kittaning, they Retoock Six Hores the Savages Had Taken from the suffering frontears, for Encourgement to other Partys I Hoop your Excellency will make a Retaliation for these Scalps, And subscribe myself, &c., &c. AR. LOCHRY.

—Archives, F. S., vi. 88.


In Council, LANCASTER, December 29, 1777.

It is not understood that the Expense of supplying the Militia with provisions, while they are engaged in the service of the United States, is to fall on this SUN in particular, Yet Council desirous of doing everything in their power have sent you, by Colonel John Proctor, the sum of five hundred pounds, to purchase provisions with. It is expected that the provisions be purchased on the lowest terms and at first hands. I am, sir, your very humble servant,


—Archies, F. 8., vol vi. 143.


Westmoreland, May 13, 1778.

HIBRD SIR,—Agreeable to your Excellencies Instructions I do hereby snd you a Just and True Return of the Publick Arms in our county which I have in my care.

75 stand I purchased myself ; 27 Stand I received of the Militia that went to the Jersey from this County In the year 1777; 72 Stand I re. calved by Coll John Shields, and Col. Hayes Informs me of 80 Stand being on the Way, not yet come to Hand, which is in all 254 Stand ; but when we Reduce 12 Stand that we lost by the Enemy, and 3 Carried away by Deserters, there remain 239 stand. There is Considerable number of Old English Muskets, which Genl St. Clair formerly had in his care, belonging to this State, and Distributed in this County ; they are all Unfit for service and hard to be Collected, as the Person that Possesseth them is under Obligation by Bond to Return them to Genl Sinkler [St. Clair?]. The Arms or the most of them may be Repaired fit for Garrisons. My Notice is short, the Arms Private Property I cannot assert, tho' they are Exceeding Scarce, Yet, Notwithstanding I can Purchase some from the Poor, distressed by the Enemy, but not without cash.

On the 28th Aprile the Indians came into the Settlement at and about Wallace's fort, Attacted 20 of our men which was Reconnoitering the woods, and killed 9 of our Men, and wounded Capt. Hopkins and we lost 9 guns.

In short, I am sorry to inform you that the Frontiers of this County is more Distressed by Reason of this Last Scrimmage than they ever were before, as by appearance there was a larger Body of the Enemy than ever before appeared at once, and with much more Vigour; the Great Road is now the frontier, anJ being dissapointed in their Expectations of an Early Campaign into the Indian Country, I am Sorry to Inform you that I doubt a General Evacuation of the Posts on the frontiers (fort Pitt only Excepted), on the first or next appearance or Attact of such a body of the Enemy. I am also to Inform you that flues Laid in this County on Delinquents (tho' strict measures ere used) I have on Received £60, and all the Publick money I have ever Received I have paid for Guns, Substitutes, and other Publick Uses, as will appear per acc't at Settlement, and in the Interim I beg leave to subscribe myself, etc.


—Archives, F. S., vi. 495.

Gen. McIntosh, in a letter to Col. Lochry, dates Fort Pitt. Jan. 29, 1779, says, " I am Just informed that Capt. Clark, of the Eighth Penn. Sylvania Regiment, who was sent to cdmmand an escort to Fort Laurens, as be was returning with sergeant and fourteen men, three miles this aide of that fort, was attacked by Simon Girty and a party of Mingoes, who killed two of our men, wounded four, and took one prisoner. I am also informed that a large party of the same people are set off to strike the inhabitants about Ligonier and Black Leg [Black Lick] Creek, and send you this express to inform you of it that you may acquaint the neighborhood, and be upon your guard."—Archives, F. 8., vii. 173.

Capt. Joseph Erwin, in a communication to President Reed, dated at Hannastown, July 20, 1779, says, " In obedience to the orders of the Council, with infinite pains and difficulty I have enlisted forty-five men for the service of our frontiers, and have them now at the place of their destination and endeavouring to be serviceable to the distressed inhabitants.,

"As an officer in the service of our State, I should be guilty of the highest neglect were-I not to inform Council of the hardships I have encountered, and I fear without the assistance of Council it will be no hard task to tell what my poor men are to suffer.

"Destitute of the resources of the public stores, I have now these men on your frontiers totally destitute of blankets, shoes, and every necessary cloathing I Guns we have, but those we have are the refuge [refuse ?] of the military store at Fort Pitt ; and to sum up the whole, we are nearly destitute of every necessary."

In a postscript he adds that his subaltern officers who bad been first appointed for that service had declined their appointments, and that Col. Lochry, agreeable to former instructions, had nominated John Jameson first lieutenant and Henry Armstrong second lieutenant. Col. Lochry, in a letter to President Reed, dated Hannastown, July 20, 1779, says, "All the arms we had have been constantly in actual service, and by militia deserters and emigrants, when we lost a stand of arms we lost the man. What few arms we have still left are so out of repair that they are almost noisier, and it is out of my power to get them repaired in this quarter.

" The two companies raised by Genl. McIntosh's orders are nearly compleated and are now at Kittanning or scouting in that neighbourhood; but I am sorry to inform you that times will shortly expire, so that it will be necessary for Council to give directions concerning them."


WISTMORELAND COUNTY, Aprr. ye 26, 1778.


I an in greait need of a larg sum of Cash. I hope you will send me by the Bairar, Mr. George Hendry, foure thousand Pounds if Posable ; he is a safe Hand, and what Ever sum you send me by him I will be answerable for. I would a ben Down myself, but thought it unsafe to have Home at this time.

Sir, I am able to inform you that Capt. Alexander McKee with sevin other Vilone is gon to the Indians, and since there is a sergt. and twenty od men gon from Pittsburgh of the Soldiers. What may be the fate of this County God only knowes, but at Prisent it wears a most Dismal aspect. I am, sir, etc.,


—Archives, F. S., vol. vi. 445.

In an answer to this letter (ibid. 458), May 2, 1778, the Council sent £3500, which they hoped was sufficient to pay off the arrearages.


WESTMORELAND, Aug. 1, 1778

. . . . The Indians have made several breaches on the inhabitants of late in different parts of this country. Capt. Miller, of the 8th Penna. Regt. with a party of nine men, chiefly Continental soldiers, were Bringing grain from the Neighborhood to a Fort called fort Hand, about 14 miles north of Hennas Town, on the seventh of last month, and on their return were surprised by a party of Indians, who lay in wait for them, and killed the Capt. & seven others.—Archives, F. S., vi. 673.


Inclosed we send you a copy of a Letter forwarded to us by the Lieutenant of Westmoreland County, with the information that in Pursuance thereof two companies of 60 men each are nearly complete, & t' serve for 6 months, with a Request that the Appointments of the Officers may

be confirmed & the Men put under the same Footing as other temporary Troops are. We have delayed any Answer because we were not acquainted with Genl. McIntosh's powers. But as the Frontiers are in a


most deplorable Condition & we find It very difficult to give them effectivs Assistance by Militia, we have concluded to support & Countenance the measure. And we are induced thereto more strongly as his excell Gen. Washington has made a Requisition of 600 militia to co-operate with the troops on the proposed Expedition. We find It impracticable to comply with this Demand in any season & the Period of 2 mouths being too short for real service have encouraged these temporary Inlistments as being more permanent & producing better Troops. We find that including the 6 Companies already ordered by Congress, there will be about 700 men raised on this Plan in Westmoreland and Northumberland, and probably Bedford may follow the Example ; if so they will make up 800 at least.—Pa. Archives, vii. 404.


[See Chap. XXIV.]

(1.) To show the estimation In which Brady was held by Gen. (then colonel) Brodhead we give a few extracts from his correspondence, found among the Pennsylvania Archives:


Capt. Brady with five men and two Delaware Indians set out for Sandusky with view to bring off British prisoner or some Indian scalpel. One of his Indians left him and returned to this place sick or cowardly. He has been out ten days, and in as many more I expect him back again, if he is fortunate. I beg leave to recommend Capt. Brady to the notice of the Hon. Ex. Council as an excellent officer, and I sincerely wish he may not leave the service for want of the promotion he has merited.


FORT PITT, June 30, 1780.

Capt.-Lieut. Brady has just returned from Sandusky. He took prisoners two young squaws within a mile of their principal village. One of them effected her escape after six days march, the other he brought to Cuscusky, where he met seven warriors, who had taken a woman and child off Chartiers Creek. He fired at the captain and killed him, and has brought In the woman and the Indian's scalp, but the squaw made her escape at the same time. When Capt. Brady fired at the Indian he had only three men with him, and but two rounds of powder. He was out 32 days, 6 of which he was quite destitute of provisions of any kind, but he has brought bit party safe to his place.


(2.) On Monday last, the 20th of this month (May, 1793), a Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery, and of Nisi Prins, for the county of Allegheny was held at this place (Pittsburgh) by the chief justice and Judge Yeates.

The only criminal business that came before the judges was the trial of Capt. Samuel Brady, who, when the judge, were last here, had been indicted for murder, in killing certain Indians, near the mouth of Beaver Creek, in the spring of the year 1791.

It was proved to the satisfaction of the court that, notwithstanding the treatise of Fort Stanwix, McIntosh, Muskingum, end Miami, which established peace between the Indians and the people of the United States, and obliged the Indians to surrender all who should commit any murder on our frontiers, certain banditti of them had from time to time infested the western frontier, stolen hones, taken boats, and murdered our citizens ; that recently, before the killing of the Indians, for which Brody was now tried, several people from Ohio County, particularly Boggs, Paul Riley's family; and Mrs. Vanbuskirke, had been put to death ; that to pursue the Indians who had committed these murders, and to recover some property stolen, a party of volunteers from Ohio County, of which Brady was one, crossed the Ohio, and led by the trail of the Indians towards the place where the killing happened, tired and killed those for whose death Brady Was tried. It was proved by the oath of Keyashuta, an Indian chief, that the Delawares had long before let go the chain, that they, the Shawanese, Chippewas, Ottawas, Wyandots, and some renegade Mingoes, were in the battle against Gen. Harmer, 1790. It was also proved that the attack and firing of Capt. Kirkwood's house was by Delawares, that some of the instances of murder and rapine above mentioned were by Delawares, that the persons killed wore Delawares and had in their possession some of the property just before taken from Ohio County, manifested an intention of proceeding to commit other murders on our citizens, and when fired on by those who attacked them, and whom they had just discovered, were in the act of suezing their guns; and, moreover, the relation of John Hamilton, a trader on the spot, satisfied the court of the malignant and hostile tamper of those very Indians.

The chief justice, in a charge distinguished not less by learning than humanity, explained the laws of war and the right of putting enemies to death, urged the impropriety of killing those who might with safety be taken prisoners, and the baseness of killing women, lamented that any acts of outrage by our citizens should occasion retaliation on themselves; but stating that, in his opinion, the Indians killed were hostile, directed, if the jury concurred in his opinion, of which he had no doubt, they should acquit the prisoner without leaving the bar. The jury did so, and the court ordered Capt. Brady to be discharged on payment of fees.—Letter dated Pittsburgh, 25th May, 1793.

In relation to the testimony of Guyasutha, or Kyashuta, in this case the late James Ross, Esq., who was Brady's counsel, told characteristic story. The testimony of that Indian was so very strong in favor of the defendant that even his counsel was abashed. After the trial was over he spoke to Guyasutha, and rather expressed his surprise at the decided tone of his testimony, upon which the chief clapped his hand upon his breast and exclaimed, " Am I not the friend of Brady ?. It seems obvious that he considered himself as much bound to swear for his friend as he would be to fight in his defense.


[See Chapter XL.]


of a Company of United States Volunteers, Riflemen, under the Command of Capt. John B. Alexander, of the Pennsylvania Line, in the service of the United Stales front the date last mustered to the 21st of December, 1812, inclusive.




Date of Appointment

or Enlistment.

To what

Time En-

gaged or En-














































John B. Alexander

Christian Drum

Peter Drum

Richard Hardin

John Jamison

Peter Floegar

Henry Hawkins

Adam Kitring

Samuel Linger

William Richards

Edward Shelletts

Jacob Gossart

Henry Barton

William Cassady

John Collins

Solomon Dehaven

Benjamin Jamison

Isaac Keck

William Kerns

Henry Miller

Daniel Miller

Leonard Miller

George Myers

Samuel McLain

John Mitchel

Jonas Keereamer

Jacob Pluck

Jacob Rupert

John Rice

Jacob Sickafoos

George Sickafoos

Frederick Stewart

George Sheffler

William Singer

Robert Thomson

James Thomson

James Taylor

Adam Williams

John Wingert

Jacob Wingert

Abraham Weaver

Peter Walters

William Vandyke

John Shirey










Sept. 11, 1812

12 months

1 A waiter employed by Capt. Alexander.



Of a Troop of Twelve-Mouth Volunteers, Light Dragoons, made the Command of Capt Joseph Markle, in the Squadron of Light Dragoons Command by Lieut.-Col. James V. Ball, in the service of the United States, from the Seventh Day of August, 1813, when last mustered at Camp Seneca, to the Nineteenth Day of August, 1813, when individually discharged at Franklinion, Ohio, payment to General Order of Aug. 18, 1813 :




Dates of Appointment

or Engagement

To what





















































Joseph Markle

Humphrey Fullerton

Jacob Markle

William Thompson

John C. Plumer

Samuel H. Daily

Samuel Davis

Samuel Miller.

Robert Skelly

Henry Breneman.

James Ryan

Robert M. Griffin

James Smith

George Frigs

James Alexander

John Becket

John Bennett.

James Breckenridge

Robert Cooper

Joseph Chambers

James Conner

John C. Carpenter

Edward Cook

Daniel Fleming

Samuel Hamilton

Joab Hisane

Stephen Lowry

William Logue

William McClurg

Jonathan McClintock

John McClain

Nathan McGrew

William Miller

John McCammont

Isaac McCammont.

Stephen Rowan

Jonathan Robeson

John Redick

James Selby

Samuel Selby

Samuel Stoflet

Joseph Byrely

James McBride

David Hall

Samuel Rodger

John Gilbert

William Newsom

Thomas Brandt

William Mitchell

Robert Thompson


1st Lieut

2d Lieut









July 14, 1812

Dec. 18, 1812

Mch. 26,1813

Sept. 12, 1812


Feb. 10, 1813

Sept. 12. 1812

Feb. 23, 1813



Mch. 29, 1813

Feb. 10, 1813

Sept. 12. 1812

Feb. 10, 1813


Feb. 10, 1813

Sept 12. 1812

Jan. 12, 1813

Sept. 12, 1812

Mch. 1, 1813


Feb. 10, 1813


Mch. 1, 1813

Mch. 12,1813

Mch. 17, 1813

Mch. 10, 1813

May 1, 1912

Feb. 10, 1813

Sept.,12, 1813


HARRISBURG, Sept. 5, 1812. Ebenezer Danny, Esq., Contractor, Pittsburgh :

Sir,---The President of the United States having required an additional detachment of 2000 men from the State of Pennsylvania to those already ordered into service, the Governor has issued general orders this day in compliance with the said requisition.

The detachment will be composed of the militia from the counties of Washington, Greene, Somerset, Bedford, Westmoreland, Fayette, Allegheny, Armstrong, Indiana, and Cambria. You are requested to make arrangements for supplying the troops with rations on their march from the counties west of the Allegheny to the place of rendezvous, which will be at Pittsburgh, on the 2d day of October next. You will be informed by the proper officers of the time and place from whence the detachment will commence their march to the place of rendezvous.

Very Respectfully, sir, your obed't sari,


P. S.-The classes ordered to march in the above detachment amount to 2273.


HARRISBURG, Sept. 29, 1812.

To GEORGE ARMSTRONG, Req., Inspector of the First Brigade, 13th Division, Penna. Militia

SIR-Your return of the 22d inst. came duly to hand, and for the officers therein mentioned I transmit commissions, except for John Burn, lieutenant of the Third Company of the Sixty-third Regiment, who has been commissioned some time since for the same office.

As to Captain McCullough's company, I can only say that it never was returned into this office. You will therefore see the propriety of transmitting a return of his election to this department as early as possible.

I wrote to you on the 10th of June last relative to a company of riflemen, commanded by John Morrow, attached to the Second Battalion of the Nineteenth Regiment, requesting you to certify that there are thirty men in complete uniform In his company, which has not yet been received.

The above information is absolutely necessary before commissions can be issued for either of the aforesaid companies. • • • •



HARRISBURG, March 31, 1813.

The following instructions are given relative to the detachment of Pennsylvania militia to rendezvous at Erie, on Lake Erie, to the adjutant-general, his deputy, and the Brigade Inspectors of the Eleventh, Twelfth, and " Thirteenth" divisions of the Pennsylvania militia. The detachment shall be organized and officered by the adjutant-general, or by his deputy, as follows, viz.: One Colonel Commandant (already appointed), the marching lieutenant-colonel, and marching major of the First Brigade of the Thirteenth division. . . . etc. From the Eleventh division are to be drafted 419, from the Twelfth division 100, and from the " Thirteenth" division 490 men, including officers. The Brigade Inspectors respectively will order captains designated by law to march, each of them with one hundred men, including officers, as aforesaid. The marching-lieutenant and two supernumerary lieutenants, to serve one as second, the other third lieutenant, who are to draw for rank at the place of rendezvous, and the marching ensign. As it is of the utmost Importance that some force be stationed at Erie as early se circumstances will permit, and at all events on the 20th day of April next, the companies as soon as formed will march, as directed by the Secretary at War, by the most direct route to Erie, the place of rendezvous


(Secretary of the Commonwealth)


SIR: I inclose you sundry election returns which have not been heretofore transmitted: First, Capt. Abraham May ; the first election sst aside and May elocted, which I approve. Second and third, the election returns of Capt. Samuel McColough and Capt. William Reynolds; both returns are approved by me. Both companies marched on the late all of the commander-in-chief. Fourth, Capt. Anthony Blackburn. His company is said to be full, which I have also approved. Fifth, an election return for the Congruity Rifle Company, which I do not approve as yet. The circumstances are briefly as follows: Part of this company had served a tour of duty at Fort Meigs, and returned, say twenty. The company immediately increased, on its return, to its present number. As inspector, I applied to them to march under the Governor's general order, which they refused, alleging that some of them had served; the others that they could not be called unless they all went, of course, none would go. They are, however, exceedingly anxious to be commissioned. I have not, under these circumstances, approved their return as yet, but leave the whole to the discretion of the Governor Sixth, Capt. Samuel Hunter's election return I do not as yet approve, alleging It is not more than half-full. I have forwarded his return, which can lay over until it is ascertained whether he gets his number or not. Seventh and Eighth, I also inclose two return, for troops of horse, one for Capt. John C. Plunrer, the other Humphrey Fullerton, captain. These returns of their election are submitted to the Governor. My reason for this is that the Governor seemed to disapprove of cavalry in his message to the Legislature at the opening of the present session. Of course, the whole is submitted to him. Capt. William McCormick's return, as captain of the class militia, was forwarded in my former returns, but has been overlooked at your office. His commission is not come to hand. I hope you will forward it with the others that are yet to come. I have received and distributed all the commissions for the field and company officers, as far as they have made returns of their companies to me, except Capt. William McCormick's alone, not forwarded from your office as stated above.

Accompanying this you will receive a return of all the militia of thE brigade. They exceed the former returns, as received from Mr. Armstrong, four hundred and twelve. men. A doubt, however, remains in


my mind whether some inaccuracies may not have taken place in forming the different rifle companies that were early formed. . . .

Those companies that marched in November last were Capts. Wilson, Knott, Irvin Russell, Samuel McCullough, and William Reynolds. Those ready and Anthony Blackburn . . . I would be much gratified if those who did march would receive their pay. Many of them were poor. They laid out something more than they could well spare to equip themselves, expecting to be out all winter, and receive their pay, in order to discharge small debts. Would it be in the power of the Governor to pay them one month? I think with this they would be satisfied. . . . I am persuaded their services would be much easier commanded in future if something like what I have suggested should take place.

I am, sir, with sentiments of respect and esteem,

Your obedient humble servant,


P. S.—I also forward a return for Capt. Robert Campbell, which I do not approve.    J. K.


Extract from Mr. Charles Pentland's Journal while performing a tour of twelve months' service as a member of the "Pittsburgh Blues," commanded by Captain Butler, in the service of the United States.

"September 10, 1812, encamped at Grant's Hill.---Sunday, 20th, decamped under orders to Join the Northwestern army; marched one mile over the Allegheny River.-21st, marched to the Ohio; waited for boats.—23d, embarked on a boat; arrived at Beaver the 24th.-25th, at Stuebenville.-26th, at Wheeling; remained till the evening of the 27th.—October 1, arrived at Marietta.-6th, at Galipolis ; remained till the 8th.—Sunday, 11th, Capt. Alexander's boat struck a snag and was abandoned.-12th, arrived at Limestone (Maysville).-13th, at night landed about two miles above Cincinnati.-141h, marched into Cincinnati, encamped below the town, and remained till the 28th; then marched five miles to " Hutchinson's."-29th, marched twelve miles to Price's.-30th, to Lebanon.— 31st, to Waynesville.— November 1, to Xenia.-2d, to Yellow Springs.-3d, to Springfield.-4th, to Markle's.— 6th, marched eleven miles, near Darby.-6th, to Franklintown, the headquarters of the Northwestern Army, and remained till November 25; this day marched two miles on secret expedition.- 26th, marched fifteen miles over Darby Creek.-27th, marched twenty-one miles.-28th, to Springfield.-29th, near to Xenia.-30th, into Xenia, and remained till December 5 ; then marched into Dayton, and remained till the 9th ; then crossed the Miami River.— 10th, marched to New Lexington.-12th, marched seventeen miles. The object of the expedition was promulgated. Sunday, 13th, to Granville and crossed the river.-14th, marched fifteen miles into the wilderness.-15th, twenty miles.-16th, marched all day, and after supper continued the march till daylight.-17th, marched into the Indian town on the Mississinewa River, fifteen miles above the junction with the Wabash ; captured a few defenseless Indians, and encamped in the village.-18th, the battle of Mississinewa was fought. The company lost one man, John Francis, killed; Elliott, Dodd, Read, and Chess wounded. Total loss of the detachment, viz: eight killed and from twenty-five to thirty wounded. Decamped and returned two miles.-19th, marched ten miles on our return to the settlements —Sunday, 20th, marched twelve miles.-21st, fifteen.-22d, this day met a reinforcement with a small supply of. provisions.-23d, marched to within ten miles of Greenville, and met another detachment with oilers supplies.-24th, to Greenville.-25th, remained till noon, and marched seven miles.-26th, to New Lexington.-27th, to Dayton, and remained to January 4, 1813; this day marched ten miles.-5th, to Springfield.-6th, to Markle's.-7th, to Darby.-8th, to Franklintown, and remained till the 3d of February ; then crossed the river to Columbus, and some deserted.-4th, to Worthington.-5th, to Delaware; N. M. Matthews joined the company.--6th, seven miles.--Sunday, 7th, to Siota Block-House.-8th, to Upper Sandusky, and joined the command of Col. Campbell.--9th, nine miles.-10th, marched as usual, but were detained the greater part of the day by a false alarm ; made four miles. —11th, to the Artillery Block-House.-12th, to within one mile of Hull's road.-13th, four miles, and the road almost impassable.--Sunday, 14th, remained, prepared sleds, cars, and procured forage.-15th, road improved by severe frost, and reached Block-House Swamp.-16th. to within four miles of Camp Meigs, and encamped on the bluff of the Miami River:-18th, into Camp Meigs, headquarters situated at the Miami Rapids.—March 5, marched to Presque Isle, eighteen miles, to reinforce a detachment sent to burn the " Queen Charlotte," one of the enemy's vessel., supposed to be frozen up. apd met the detachment returned, having been unsuccessful ; returned ten miles to Swan Creek.--6th, returned to camp.—April 26, siege of Fort Meigs commenced by the enemy, who were employed in erecting batteries till the let of May, when they commenced cannonading, which they continued till the 5th, when a reinforcement consisting A United States volunteers arrived under the command of Gen. Green (?) [Green Clay], and we were ordered out to cover their entry into the garrison, which was effected with some loos to the Kentucky troops. The same day the United States volunteers and several other companies of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Regiments made a general- sortie under the command of Col. John Miller, which resulted in the capture of about forty-two of the enemy's regiments [regulars ?], and the routing of their Indian allies, with a considerable loss of American troops in killed and wounded. The Pittsburgh Blues has two men killed : James Newman and Mr. Richardson ; five wounded: Willock, Ross, Williams, Dobbins, and Wahrendorff. The attack was made on the enemy's battery on the opposite side of the river at the same time by Gen. Clay's Kentucky militia, commanded by Capt. Dudley, which terminated in a complete routing and capturing of that detachment and death of the commanding officer. The enemy was quiet; and on the 10th the siege was declared to be raised.—May 11, Maj. Ball's squadron moved off, and Gen. Harrison left for the settlement."

As a curious reminiscence of this war we give the postscript toe letter written by the Rev. William Swan, then pastor of Long Run, to Capt Markle, Nov. 30, 1812. The letter, together with an open advice to the members of the company from Mr. Swan, who was personally acquainted with most of the company, is a very patriotic and worthy contribution:

" P.S.—Capt. Markle will please inform Lieut. Fullerton and the other unmarried gentlemen of the troop that the wives of those who are married are not alone pleased with and proud of the patriotic conduct of their husbands, but that the young ladies so admire the manly fortitude and patriotic spirit which they have manifested that some of them have expressed a determination to wait for husbands until their return; and that they would choose them for husband, should they return with but one eye and arm, in preference to those who, either disaffected towards or unconcerned about the common cause, choose rather to abide among the sheepfolds and hear the bleating, of the flocks, as more safe and agreeable than the sound of trumpets and the clangor of arms on the field of Mars. W. S."


[See Chapter XLVII.]


Company I was rocruited at Greensburg, and mustered in April 24,1861.

Capt., Richard Coulter; 1st lieut., William R. Terry ; Id lieut., J. W. Greenwalt; lst sergt., J. W. Goodlin ; 2d sergt., W. J. Jones; 3d sergt., James McBride; 4th sergt., R. T. Story ; 1st corp., Benjamin Keighley ; 2d corp., Robert Anderson; 3d corp., J. N. Thomas; 4th corp., Ed. H. Gay ; musicians, Augustus Smith, M. G. Steel'.


John Bennett.

James Biggert.

W. H. Bear.

W. C. Bryant.

Henry Bear.

Amos Barker.

J. O. Bovarde.

William Casterwiller

M. H. Caldwell.

D. R. Cook.

J. T. Cook.

George R. Cribbs.

W. C. Cribbs.

L. B. Caushey.

Isaac Crowell.

D. B. Crowell.

Peter Coulon.

D. H. Eicher.

A. F. Frable.

William Feightoner.

W. T. Grier.

William Gant.

N. J. Harrell.

D. H. Hartman.

Samuel Hitty.

C. A. Harwlck.

Novel Hawk.

J. H. Holtz.

John Hosack.

John Jackson.

Daniel Kellering.

H. Byers Kuhns.

Aaron Loughner.

Josiah Long.

Michael Low.

Israel Lensebigler.

A. Leopold.

George Mellinger.

Richard McClelland.

Charles McClelland.

William Mechling.

B. F. Mechling.

Robert McDonald.

T. G. Painter.

Ralph Pratt.

Daniel Repass.

Henry Reinhardt.

Michael Schaney.

Henry Simons.

Philip Screur.


Joseph Stayer.

J. M. Smeltver.

John M. Sarver.

W. M. Story.

John Story.

B. B. Seton.

Albert Shipley.

James Todd.

H. B. Temple.

David Willyard.

H. M. Williams

F. A. Weaver.

William Woodcock.

Isaac Weigley.


Recruited at Greensburg, and mustered In April 24, 1881.

Capt., William B. Coulter; lst lieut., H. L. Donnelly; 2d lieut., Jacob O. Lowry ; 1st sergt, N. Bridenthall; 2d sergt., J. D. Weaver; 3d sergt., James White; 4th sergt., James McKinney ; 1st corp., Daniel McCarty ; 24 corp., A. J. Schell; 3d corp.. A. Y. Fulton ; 4th corp., C. F. Smith ; musicians, Robert McCarty, P. A. Williams.


George C. Anderson.

Cyrus Brinker.

Oliver Beatty.

E. R. Beebe.

Jeremiah Brinker.

Benjamin Brubaker.

Henry Bitner.

C. C. Brinker.

J. S. Baker.

J. J. Barger.

John A. Baker.

Enos Baker.

Joseph Coulter.

Eli Chambers.

Noah Campbell.

Alexander Cannon.

J. S. Douglass.

Peter Everett.

W. G. Foster.

J. W. Foster.

H. W. Fulton.

J. W. Gebhart.

P. F. Graham.

A. H. Hinckley.

Jacob Hughes.

Gabriel Hostler.

George Hoon.

George K. Johnston.

Anthony Keltz.

Alexander Heltz.

William H. Kuhns.

John A. Kerr.

Benjamin Lowry.

George Landis.

Charles Lander.

J. H. Moore.

J. F. McNutt.

W. B. McChesney.

Thomas McGough.

John A. Mickey.

James Mitchell.

J. C. McCurdy,

J. P. McCurdy.

S. G. McWherter.

Samuel Murdock.

J. H. Newcomer.

Joshua Newcomer.

Alexander Nicely.

J. T. Nicewonger.

John Nicholls.

John Omsler.

H. B. Peiper.

R. R. Roberts.

Lewis Ross.

John E. Reed.

W. C. Strickler.

Absalom Schell.

Philip S. Skelly.

Anthony Stump.

Andrew Steel.

Joshua Swart.

Lahan Smith.

J. C. Vennata.


Recruited at Latrobe.

Capt. Jacob J. Bierer, must. in Sept. 9, 1861 ; wounded at Second Bull Run disch. April 2, 1884.

Absalom Schall, must in Sept. 9, 1861; wounded at Second Bull Run ; pro. from sergt. March 28, 1864; disch July 5, 1884, for wounds received in the Wilderness.

Capt. William S. Elite, must. In Dec. 20, 1861; trans. from Co. K, 90th Regt. ; disch. Dec. 19, 1864.

1st Lieut. John McClintock, must. in Sept. 9, 1861; wounded and captured at Second Bull Run ; clinch. May 21, 1863, for wounds received.

1st Lieut. W. H. McLaughlin, must. in Sept. 9, 1861 pro. to sergt. April 1, 1864; to 2nd lieut. Nov. 1, 1864; to lst lieut. Dec. 5, 1864; com. capt June 1865; not must. ; must out with company; veteran.

2d Lieut H. D. Weller, must. in Sept. 9, 1361 ; wounded at Antietam; prom private to sergt. April 1, 1864 ; to 1st sergt; to 2d lieut. Dec 17, 1864; res. June 21, 1865 ; veteran.

1st Sergt. Samuel S. Bierer ; wounded at. Second Bull Run and Antietam ; disch. Sept. 28, 1864.

lst Sergt. David P. Bricker, pro. to 1st sergt.; must. out with company veteran.

Sergt. W. D. Patterson, wounded at Second Bull Run ; disch. on surgeon's certificate April 17, 1863.

Sergt. R. F. Knox, wounded at Second Bull Run ; disch. on surgeon's certificate Aug. 14, 1863.

Sergt. Benjamin Johnson, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps April 10, 1364.

Sergt. A. A. Brinker, disch, by general orders June 9, 1865; veteran.

Sergt. John Budder, pro, to sergt. ; must. out with company; veteran.

Sergt. Daniel Dunlap, pro. to sergt. Jan. 14, 1865 ; must. out with company; veteran.

Sergt. Daniel Thomas, pro. to sergt. June 14, 1865; must. out with company.

Sergt. James McDowell, wounded at Second Bull Run ; pro. to sergt. June 14, 1865; veteran.

Sergt. Patrick McKenna, disch. March 25, 1865.

Sergt. Daniel Rodgers, disch. Feb. 7, 1865.

Corp. George E. Anderson, killed at Bull Run Aug. 30, 1882.

Corp. John H. Johnson, woundod at Fredericksburg ; disch. on surgeon's certificate Feb. 2, 1883.

Corp. J. M. Thomas, must. out as private ; veteran.

Corp. George A. Parks, disch. on surgeon's certificate Feb. 7, 1863.

Corp. J. R. Nichols, Jan. 18, 1863.

Corp. William Matthews, wounded at Second Bull Run ; died March 4, 1865, of wounds received at Hatcher's Run ; veteran.

Corp. F. B. Welby, disch. Nov.13, 1862, for wounds received at Antietam.

Corp. J. A. McQuown, disch. by general order May 31, 1865.

Corp. J. P. Noell, prof to corp. June 14, 1865.

Corp. W. H. Fritz, pro. to corp. June 14, 1865.

Corp. J. M. Mitchell, pro. to corp. June 14, 1865.

Corp. R. R. Madden, wounded at Fredericksburg ; pro, to corp. June 14, 1865.

Corp. G. W. Kelly, pro. to corp. June 14, 1865.

Corp. John H. McKalip, wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg ; disch. Dec. 9, 1864.

Corp. John Carnet', disch. Jan. 31, 1865.

Corp. Henry Seaton, disch. Nov. 2, 1882, for wounds received at Antietam.

Corp. E. S. Dennis, disch. Feb. 16, 1865.

Corp. G. W. Bentley, disch. Feb. 16, 1865.

Corp. J. W. Wardell, disch. Jan. 21, 1865.

Corp. David Galloway, Jan. 18, 1863.

Musician Robert McCartney, disch. on surgeon's certificate Oct. 11, 1862.

Musician John R. Hull, disch. Sept. 10, 1864.


W. J. Akens, must. out with company July 1,1865.

John Adams.

William Ankerman, wounded at Second Bull Run; disch. on surgeon's certificate March 17, 1863.

John Ansley, disch. by general order June 14, 1865.

J. G. Anderson.

Henry Brinker, wounded at Fredericksburg ; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps Feb. 15, 1864.

George Bush, drafted.

Jacob Blackston, disch. on surgeon's certificate Jan. 31, 1863.

James W. Byers, wounded at Second Bull Run ; disch. on surgeon's certificate Feb. 19, 1863.

Cyrus Bowman, substitute ; disch. by general order May 31, 1865.

Simon Brinker, wounded at Second Bull Run ; disch. by general order June 14, 1865; veteran.

S. H. Byron, disch. Feb. 15, 1865.

Frank Bair, substitute; disch. by general order June 5, 1865.

Alexander Bell, disch. April 8, 1862.

S. A. Brady, disch. Dec. 4, 1862.

Henry Bollinger, wounded at Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Gettysburg; disch. June 9, 1865; veteran.

Henry A. Brinker, died June 5, 1864; buried in National Cemetery at Arlington.

Henry Budder, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps Nov. 15, 1863.

David Bailey, died July 6, 1864, of wounds received at Bethesda Church.

R J. Barr, died Sept. 3, 1864.

David Brinker, died Nov.15, 1861.

1. J. Bates, died Oct. 17, 1862, of wounds received at Second Bull

Run. W. H. Bricker, Dec. 20, 1862.

Robert Black, died Sept. 18, 1864.

S. H. Byrne, sick at must. out.

George Cost, must. out with company.

Cyrus Chambers, killed at Fredericksburg Dec. 14, 1862.

J. B. Chamberlain, drafted.

G. W. Curry, wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg; died at Cedar Mountain Jan. 2, 1864.

John Conny, drafted.


C. A. Campbell, died at Andersonville Oct. 26, 1864; veteran.

Peter Connell, substitute.

L. B. Correll, disch. April 29, 1862.

Amos Campbell, killed at Wilderness May 6, 1864.

Joseph Cole, substitute ; disch. by general order May 31, 1865.

James Conners, disch. by general order Jane 2, 1865.

William Chambers, substitute ; disch. by general order June 7, 1865.

James Cole, disch. Dec. 22, 1864.

A. Cooper, Mech. by general order May 31, 1865.

John Cain, disch. by general order June 14, 1865.

Uriah Cannon, died May 27, 1864.

Hugh Cannon, killed at Throughfare Gap Aug. 28, 1862.

L. Clutter, died at Andersonville Sept. 13, 1864.

Joseph Doan, wounded at Wilderness May 6, 1864.

Israel Dessinger, drafted ; sick at must. out.

D. P. Dunked, wounded at Antietam : trans. to Vet. Res. Corps Sept. 1, 1863.

William Dullinger, killed at Wilderness May 5, 1864.

Andrew Dailey.

James M. Farewell, drafted.

John Fry, wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg ; disch. Dec. 15, 1864.

James Green, disch. by general order June 28, 1865.

Edward Grey, substitute ; wounded at Five Forks April 1, 1865.

George Groft, drafted.

W. H. Griffith, disch. by general order June 14, 1865.

Joseph Gibson, disch. on Burg. cert. June 12, 1862.

John Gibson, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps Jan. 1, 1865.

Thomas E. Giffin, killed at Antietam Sept. 17, 1862.

Daniel Hester, disch. by general order May 31, 1865.

Jacob Huffman, wounded at Fredericksburg; veteran.

John Henderson, wounded at Fredericksburg and Gettysburg; veteran.

Warner Hacox, veteran.

John Harper, veteran.

Philip Hoffman, sick at muster out.

David Halby, captured at Weldon Railroad Aug. 19, 1864.

Michael Huffman, wounded at Gettysburg ; veteran.

Reuben Hughes, disch. June 12, 1862.

Henry Hooker, wounded at Second Bull Bun; disch. April 30, 1863.

James Hall, disch. April 14, 1863.

Samuel Hope, disch. Oct. 13, 1861.

D. E. Huffman, disch. Oct. 17, 1862.

James Herbison, dIed at Salisbury Oct. 16, 1864.

John S. Hice, died Dec. 6, 1864.

James Hutchinson, killed at Antietam Sept. 17, 1862.

Cyrus Hayes, wounded at Antietam.

David B. Hughes, prisoner from Aug. 19, 1864, to March 3, 1865; disch. April 22, 1865.

James A. Johnston, wounded at Second Bull Bun and Antietam; disch. Feb. 20, 1863.

George W. Johnstone, July 18, 1864 ; veteran.

Michael King, substitute.

John V. Kuhns, wounded at Fredericksburg ; disch. Jan. 24. 1863.

Reuben Kuhns, died Aug. 23, 1864.

John Kerns, killed at Antietam Sept. 17, 1862.

G. J. Kreegher, Dec. 22, 1863.

John P. Loudon, drafted.

William Leslie, disch. Dec. 16, 1864 ; veteran.

James F. Loughery, disch. March 25, 1862.

William Lissinger, wounded at Gettysburg; disch. Dec. 16, 1863.

William Locus, killed at Wilderness May 6, 1864.

A. H. Mowry, died at City Point June 28, 1864.

J. A. Moorelend, died at Salisbury Oct. 7, 1864.

William Mitchell, killed at Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.

J. B. McDowell, died Sept. 17, 1862, of wounds received at Second Bull Ran.

Jonathan Matthews, died Sept. 25, 1862, of wounds received at Thoroughfare Gap.

S. C. Myers.

Christian Myers, substitute, wounded at Hatcher's Bun Feb. 7, 1865; disch. by general order June 9, 1865.

Robert MoBurney, veteran.

J. W. Martin.

W. L. Moore, drafted.

John Martin, drafted.

M. D. C. Marsh.

Levi McHenry, captured at Weldon Railroad Aug. 19, 1864.

J. C. Merriman, substitute.

William Matthews, disch. March 17, 1862.

William Manes, clinch. Dec. 22, 1864.

David Malay, substitute, diech. by general order May 31, 1864.

G. W. Matterson, substitute, disch. by general order May 31, 1864.

Alexander Moore, wounded at Thoroughfare Gap Aug. 28, 1862; disch. by general order June 9, 1865; veteran.

John H. Miller, disch. March 25,1883:

Robert McDowell. disch. Oct. 28, 1863.

John Marshall, wounded at Antietam; disch. Feb. 17, 1863.

Jacob Miller, disch. June 12, 1865.

Clay Mickey, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps Jan. 10, 1865; veteran.

Daniel Matthews, wounded at Antietam.

John A. McCartney, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps Jan. 24, 1865.

Israel Miller, trans. to 2d U. S. Cav. Nov. 20, 1862.

Cephas McKelvey, wounded at Gettysburg; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps Nov. 15, 1863.

C. L. McLaughlin, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps March 15, 1864.

R. M. Mickey, died at City Point Jan. 24, 1865.

J. A. McMillan, wounded at Gettysburg ; died Nov. 10, 1864.

W. F. Mewherter, killed at Old Church, Va., June 1, 1864.

Jonas Noel, veteran.

O. Newcomer, killed at Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.

W. H. Nicely, killed at Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.

George Pilgrim, substitute, disch. by general order May 31, 1865.

Fred Platt, drafted, disch. by general order July 11, 1865.

J, C. Perrigo, disch. May 31, 1865.

J. C. Patterson, wounded at Antietam ; diech. Feb. 19, 1863.

Daniel Parks, disch. Jan. 22, 1863.

C. G. Perkins, disch. June 14, 1865.

J. C. Parks, died Jan. 4, 1862.

T. W. Reighard, drafted.

J. Rislinger, wounded at Second Bull Run ; veteran.

Jacob Rose, substitute, disch. May 31, 1865.

J. F. Riley, wounded et Antietam ; disch. Dec. 6, 1862.

William Rock, disch. Feb. 20, 1863.

W. H. Ramsey, trans. to Vet. Bee. Corps Feb. 15, 1863.

A. Reiter, killed at Wilderness May 6, 1864.

M. P. Rough, died Oct. 9, 1862, of wounds received at Second Bull Bun.

A. Rocche, drafted, prisoner from May 8, 1864, to Nov. 27, 1864; Mach. Oct. 2, 1865.

G. W. Saxer, prisoner from Aug. 19, 1864, to Sept. 24, 1864; disch. April 8, 1865.

R. M. Smith, veteran.

H. M. Smith, wounded at Antietam ; veteran.

John Levens, disch. June 7, 1865.

A. Shroup, wounded at Five Points April 2, 1865; disch. June 22, 1865.

L. W. Shew, prisoner from May 6, 1864, to Dec. 13, 1864.

F. P. Sheiry, disch. June 14, 1865.

G. W. Scott, disch. May 31, 1885.

William Stark, drafted, captured Aug. 19, 1864, escaped April 11, 1865; disch. June 1, 1865.

A. Snyder, disch. June 5, 1865.

Aug. Snyder, trans. to 87th Regiment June 22, 1865

Jacob Stresler, died at Salisbury Nov. 27, 1864.

Allison Shields, died at Salisbury Nov. 29, 1884.

J. A. J. Scott, killed at Laurel Hill May 10, 1864.

A. S. Shedrou, died at Warrenton, Va., July 30, 1862.

John Stickle, died at Catlett's Station, Va., Aug. 28, 1862.

James Shanefelt, killed at Antietam Sept. 18, 1862.

John Stebbins, Oct. 29, 1864. A. Stickle, Dec. 20, 1862.

John Silvan, Dec. 1, 1862.

C. N. Shepherd, wounded at Petersburg; disch. May 18, 1865.

F. M. Smith, died Nov. 29, 1861.

C. W. Thomas, wounded at Weldon Railroad ; veteran.

Henry Towson, drafted ; wounded at Wilderness.

J. W. Thomas, diech. Sept. 9, 1864.

W. J. Topper, disch. Jan. 25, 1864.

S. B. Tranger, killed at Gettysburg.

Thomas Ward, diech. Jan. 4, 1865.

James Williams, drafted.

Aaron Woods, drafted.

Emanuel Wear, disch. Dec. 24, 1864.

George Walters, disch. June 14, 1865.

J. B. Wilson, disch. June 7, 1865.

J. Wadsworth, disch. Sept. 11, 1861.

S. M. Welty, disch. May 30, 1862.


Robert White, climb. June 14, 1865.

W. B. Welty, killed at Antietam Sept. 17, 1862.

F. C. Weaver, Jan. 18, 1863.


Recruited at Latrobe and Ligonier.

Capt. J. C. McCurdy, disch. on surgeon's certificate April 7, 1863.

Capt. H. B. Piper, wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg ; pro. from 2d to 1st lieut. Aug. 30,1862; to capt June 30, 1863; disch. on surgeon's certificate Nov. 26, 1864.

Capt. J. J. Briggs, pro. from hoop. steward 11th Regt. to 2d lieut. March 28, 1864 ; to 1st lieut. Oct. 30, 1864; to capt. Dec. 28, 1864; wounded at Wilderness; veteran.

lst Lieut. G. R. Dalbey, killed at Second Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.

1st Lient. S. J. Hammill, pro, to let sergt. Oct. 18, 1861 ; to 2d lieut. Aug. 30, 1862, to lst lieut March 28,1864 ; diech. Sept. 7,1864, for wounds received at Wilderness.

lst Lieut. Daniel Bonbright, must. as musician ; pro. to sergt. ; to 2d and 1st lieut.; veteran.

2d Lieut. Jacob H. Murdoch, wounded and captured Aug. 28, 1862 ; pro. from corp. to sergt.; to 2d lieut.

1st Sergt.. W. R. Huber, pro to qr. -mr. sergt. Oct. 18, 1861.

1st Sere. J. Alconn, wounded at Gettysburg ; pro. to lst sergt; veteran.

lst Sergt. D. O. Murphy, wounded at Gettysburg; pro. to corp. and sere. ; disch. June 9, 1865; veteran.

lst Sergt. James Thompson, pro, to sergt. and 1st sergt.; veteran.

Sergt. C. S. Walker, killed at Fredericksburg.

Sergt. Henry Bitner, wounded at Fredericksburg ; disch. April 20, 1863.

Sergt. James Clark, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps Jan. 26, 1864.

Sergt. W. H. Zimmerman, pro. from corp. ; wounded at Second Bull Run; died June 29,1864, of wounds received at Wilderness ; veteran.

Sergt. R. F. Skiles, prisoner at Gettysburg ; died Aug. 29, 1864, of wounds received at Weldon Railroad; veteran.

Sergt. J. S. Limiter, disch. Dec. 6, 1864.

Sergt. W. H. Paul, wounded May 5, 1864; disch. Feb. 11, 1865.

Sergt. J. B. Hamill, disch. June 7, 1865; veteran.

Sergt. J. W. Mack, pro. from corp.; prisoner at Gettysburg; disch. June 9, 1865; veteran.

Sergt. H. Austraw, pro. to corp.; to sergt.; wounded Feb. 6, 1865; veteran.

Sergt. T. J. Davison, pro. to corp. ; to sergt.; veteran.

Sergt. S. L. Anderson, pro. to corp.; to sergt.

Sergt. D. Ambrose, prisoner at Second Bull Bun ; wounded at Gettysburg; pro. to corp. and sergt; veteran.

Sergt. E. S. Nevin, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps April 10, 1864.

Corp. N. M. Piper, died Jan. 27, 1862.

Corp. J. J. Hanger, wounded Aug. 28, 1862; died Dec. 16, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg.

Corp. Hugh Orr, wounded at Second Bull Run; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps.

Corp. G. W. Brandt, wounded at Second Bull Run ; prisoner at Gettysburg; killed at Weldon Railroad Aug. 19,1864; veteran.

Corp. Daniel Igo, disch. Jan. 12, 1883, for wounds received at Antietam.

Corp. T. P. McKelvey, wounded at Antietam; disch. March 27, 1865.

Corp. G. W. Reed, diech. June 24, 1865.

Corp. R. A. Shearer, pro. to corp.; wounded May 10, 1864 ; veteran.

Corp. S. N. Park, pro. to corp.

Corp. J. B. Sweeney, pro. to corp.

Corp. J. W. Mason, wounded at Gettysburg; veteran ; pro. to corp.

Corp. J. D. Witherow, wounded at Second Bull Run ; veteran ; pro. to corp.

Corp. John Burke, wounded at Second Bull Run ; veteran ; pro. to corp.

Corp. Jacob Pahel, pro. to corp.

Corp. E. J. Reed, pro. to corp.

Corp. C. H. Weimer, veteran.

Musician Richard McHenry, disch. March 2, 1865.

Musician Morris Burke, disch. April 2, 1865.


William Ambrose, wounded at Second Bull Run; disch. Oct. 3, 1864

W. H. Ashbaugh, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps Sept. 1, 1863.

Daniel Ashbaugh, killed at Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.

W. Barnes.

J. H. Blair, wounded at Second Boll Run; disch. Oct. 29, 1862.

Franklin Bell, wounded at Fredericksburg ; disch. June 8, 1863.

H. H. Broiler, wounded at Second Bull Run ; disch. Sept. 14, 1863.

W. B. Blair, wounded at Fredericksburg ; disch. Dec. 13, 1864.

Julius Boswell, disch. Dec. 2, 1864.

J. H. Brinker, wounded at Fredericksburg ; disch. Feb. 25, 1865.

John Badgely, disch. March 4, 1865.

J. J. Bowser, disch. June 17, 1865,

J. A. Bean, trans. to Vet. Res, Corps April 10, 1864.

Robert Brady, died Sept. 21, 1862.

S. R. Beam, died Sept. 16, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg.

Frederick Brant, died Feb. 1, 1865.

Thomas J. Bell, died in Andersonville Aug. 23, 1864.

W. W. Bailey, died in Salisbury Dec. 13, 1864.

Jacob Boyer, wounded at Fredericksburg ; died in Salisbury Jan. 31, 1865; veteran.

Daniel Batchelder.

J. P. Clark, veteran.

J. R. Clark.

W. A. Cramer, wounded at Fredericksburg ; veteran.

W. A. Campbell, wounded July 1, 1863.

E. S. Campbell, veteran.

Philip Coyle, drafted ; wounded at Wilderness.

William Craig, drafted.

William Custard.

J. S. Crawford, disch. Nov. 29, 1861.

H. H. Craig, disch. Jan. 1, 1862.

E. K. Cavan, disch. May 26, 1882.

Israel Clark, prisoner; veteran.

Philip Callaver, disch. June 7, 1865.

J. Cunningham, disch. Feb. 24, 1865.

James Clark, disch. Feb. 27, 1865.

C. H. Clifford, pro. to commissary-sergeant 11th Regt. Dec. 1, 1863.

J. A. Campbell, died Nov. 28, 1861.

R. D. Campbell, died at Andersonville Aug. 14, 1864.

J. M. Campbell, died at Salisbury Nov. 5, 1864.

John W. Campbell.

Samuel Downey, prisoner at Gettysburg; veteran.

Victor Dungan, trans. to 90th Regt.

J. C. Douglass, disch. Sept. 24, 1884; veteran.

T. W. Davison, disch. March 16, 1864.

Alfred Dunn, disch. Dec. 8, 1864.

M. O. Daily, disch. Dec. 16, 1864.

John Dicker, disch. June 19, 1865.

James Downey, died May 18, 1862.

Jacob Donaho, died March 30, 1865.

Cicero Ewing, disch. Oct. 17, 1861.

James Elliott, disch. Dec. 2, 1864.

John L. Fees, wounded Feb. 6, 1865 ; disch. Feb. 27, 1865.

Philip Freeman, disch. Oct. 3, 1864.

John Flanagan, disch. Jan. 6, 1865.

D. F. Fry, disch. June 13, 1865.

David Freidline, disch. June 13, 1865.

William Farrow, disch. May 30, 1865.

Samuel Felton, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps March 15, 1864.

William Fink, wounded Aug. 28, 1862; died Dec. 24, 1864.

A. C. Freeman, wounded at Gettysburg; died at Wilmington, N. C. March 18, 1865 ; veteran.

Daniel Felgar, killed at Second Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.

William Fay, died Jan. 5, 1863. David Green.

J. L. Grove, disch. July 17, 1862, on surgeon's certificate.

Andrew Grove, disch. Nov. 27, 1862, on surgeon's certificate.

John J. Grove, disch. June 14, 1865.

W. C. Grove, prisoner at Gettysburg; died July 26, 1864, of wounds received at Petersburg June 24, 1865.

Charles Huber, substitute.

Louis Hitzman, substitute; wounded Feb. 7, 1865.

Samuel Homes, substitute.

Antonio Hunt, drafted ; wounded May 5, 1864.

William Hazlett, disch. June 14, 1865.

Benjamin Hysong, wounded at Thoroughfare Gap; diech. Feb. 11, 1863.

Josiah Hanger, wounded at Gettysburg ; disch. Oct. 3, 1864.

John Hunter, disch. Oct. 3, 1864.

Samuel Harknese, disch. Feb. 24, 1864

A. A. Henning., disch. March 2, 1865.

George Harrington, disch. June 17, 1865.

J. N. Halehold, substitute ; disch. May 31, 1865.

R. H. Hood, died at Salisbury, Dec. 17, 1864.

Jacob Halby, killed at Spottsylvania May 10, 1865.


J. H. Harbison, Jan. 19, 1863

Noah Harman, March 21, 1865

Charles Jennings, drafted; wounded at Wilderness May 6, 1864.

Z. A. Jewart.

Anthony Johnston, disch. June 9, 1865.

James Jamison, disch. June 9, 1865.

Jeremiah Kulp, must. out with company.

James King, must out with company.

C. H. Kennedy, disch. June 3, 1865.

Porter Kelly, disch. June 9, 1865; veteran.

Samuel Knox, killed at Weldon Railroad Aug.19, 1864.

Isaac Larimer, died at Asdersonville July 9, 1864.

Caleb Lancaster, drafted.

J. H. Love, wounded at Fredericksburg; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps.

Cyrus Utley, died Nov. 29, 1861.

Z. W. Lenhart, died March 6, 1864; veteran.

J. G. McCoy.

Joshua McCraken.

Samuel Miller, Jr., drafted; disch. July 3, 1865.

John K. MoChesney, disch. May 2, 1865.

George J. McCreery.

George H. Murphy, wounded and prisoner at Second Bull Run.

John M. Mack, wounded at Thoroughfare Gap; disch. Jan. 81, 1863.

John D. Mack, disch. Feb. 8, 1863.

William McClelland, disch. Oct. 3, 1864.

T. A. McCullough, disch. Dec. 28, 1864.

Martin McCormick, disch. Feb. 7, 1865.

Ira F. Murphy, disch. March 3, 1865.

H. H. Miller, disch. March 30, 1865 ; veteran.

Jacob Mack, disch. March 21, 1865.

James Mack, disch. Oct. 8, 1884.

George Magg, disch. May 26, 1865.

Michael McCormick, disch. June 9, 1865.

William Mortimer, drafted; disch. May 30, 1886.

T. B. McKelvey, wounded at Antietam; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps.

T. W. McCreary, killed at Second Bull Ran Aug. 30, 1862.

F. McConnaughey, killed at Second Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.

William Mock, died of wounds received at Second Bull Run.

John McDonald, died March 15, 1864; veteran.

Samuel McMaster, died Sept. 1, 1864, of wounds received at Weldon Railroad.

J. J. McClaren, died Feb. 14, 1865.

W. A. McCurdy, killed in Wilderness May 6, 1864.

John Mack, Sr., Jan. 20, 1863.

Jacob Miller, died Dec. 7, 1864.

Alex. Martin, died Sept. 16, 1862, of wounds received at Thoroughfare Gap.

T. P. McKelvey, wounded at Gettysburg.

Michael O'Neil, wounded.

G. H. Ogden, wounded at Second Bull Run; disch. Oct. 29, 1862.

R. M. Phillipi, prisoner Aug. 31, 1862; veteran.

John W. Park, disch. June 27, 1865.

G. A. Park, missing April 1, 1865.

Lewis Price, disch. Dec. 16, 1864.

W. H. Phillips, disch. Dec. 30, 1864.

J. H. Park, disch. June 15, 1865.

T. Z. Peoples, disch. Nov. 23, 1861; died Nov. 30, 1861.

R. H. Phipps, died Sept. 15, 1862, of wounds received at Second Bull Run.

David Rahel, killed at Spotteylvania May 10, 1864.

Alexander Rebel, killed Dec. 7, 1864.

Morgan Pile, deserted March 21, 1865.

James Quigley, disch. May 11, 1865.

Thomas Rhay, veteran.

William Rector, veteran.

John Rager.

R. F. Richardson, wounded March 31, 1865.

Robert Ramsey, disch. May 20, 1862.

R. L Robb, wounded at Fredericksburg; died March 11, 1864.

J. M. Shirley, veteran.

Jacob Bible, wounded Feb. 6, 1865.

Joseph Smith.

John Slaven, drafted ; wounded at Spottaylvania.

F. M. Shaffer, disch. April 11, 1862.

J. H. Scroggs, disch. Jan. 6, 1863.

James St. Clair, disch. Oct. 3, 1864.

Robert Sagerson, disch. Oct. 3, 1864; wounded at Fredericksburg.

J. S. Snodgrass, disch. Dec. 2, 1864.

D. W. Sowdere, disch. Jan. 7, 1865.

George Singleword, disch. Feb. 27, 1865.

O. H. Scott, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps April 10, 1864.

P. S. Smith, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps March 20, 1865.

George D. Smith, died March 17, 1864, of wounds received at Second Bull Run.

Henry Stump, wounded at Cedar Mountain ; prisoner at Gettysburg killed at Spottsylvania.

David Sheldron, died Dec. 19, 1861.

C. F. Simpson, prisoner from Aug. 19, 1864, to March 19,1865.

Alexander Tautlinger, disch. Dec. 14, 1864; veteran.

William Tosh.

Moses Thompson.

John W. Thompson, disch. Feb. 15, 1865.

John Taylor, disch. Dec. 23, 1862.

Henry Taylor, killed at Bethesda Church June 3, 1864.

J. B. Wissinger, wounded May 5, 1864.

Robert Walsh.

John F. Wakefield, disch. May 13, 1865.

O. Z. Woodcock, disch. June 11, 1865.

N. Wilkins, disch. Dec. 23, 1862.

R. H. Wilt, wounded Aug. 28, 1862; died Oct. 2, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam.

Benjamin Bealey, disch. May 21, 1862.

William Young, climb. May 31, 1865.


Recruited at Salem.

Capt. David M. Cook, res. Oct. 12, 1862.

Capt. Edward H. Gay, pro. from sergt-maj. to 2d lieut.; to capt.; wounded at Gettysburg and Antietam; died March 12, 1864.

Capt. James T. Chalfant, pro. from 1st lieut; captured in Wilderness May 5,1884 ; disch. May 11, 1865.

lst Lieut. Israel Uncapher, pro. to adjt. 11th Regt. March 10, 1862.

lst Lieut. M. J. Kettering, pro. to 1st sergt ; to 1st Vent. ; wounded at Second Bull Run; disch. Oct. 31, 1862.

lst Lieut. Robert Anderson, wounded at Wilderness; pro. from sergt. Co. K to 2d lieut.; to lst lieut.; to qr.-mr. 11th Regt..Dec. 5, 1864.

1st Lieut. Samuel McCutchen, pro. to corp.; to sergt.; to 2d lieut.; to lst lieut. ; wounded at Antietam; veteran.

2d Lieut. William McCutchen, died Feb. 17, 1862.

2d lieut. James S. Cook, pro. to sergt. ; to lst sergt. ; to 2nd lieut.; wounded at Second Bull Run; veteran.

1st Sergt. M. G. Stock, trans. to Co. K June 12, 1862.

1st Sergt. E. R. Wise, wounded at Gettysburg; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps.

lst Sergt. John Robson, disch. March 1, 1865.

let Sergt. Jeremiah Tawney, wounded Dec. 13, 1862; pro. to sergt.; to 1st sergt. ; veteran.

Sergt. S. G. Thompson, disch. Dec. 20, 1862.

Sergt. S. S. Williams, disch. Feb. 6, 1863, for wounds.

Sergt. S. M. Hilly, disch. Feb. 20, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg.

Sergt. J. L. Bash, disch. March 18, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg.

Sergt. T. E. Berger, Mech. March 28, 1865.

Sergt. John Shields, disch. April 15, 1865.

Sergt. C. G. Swoope, pro. to corp. ; to sergt.; prisoner; veteran,

Sergt. S. G. Walthour, wounded at Second Bull Run ; veteran.

Sergt. G. W. Parker, wounded at Gettysburg; veteran.

Sergt. M. L. Carnahan, pro. to sergt. May 1, 1865.

Sergt. W. S. Williams, must. as musician ; pro. to sergt. June 1, 1865; veteran.

Corp. Charles Harvey, disch. Nov. 12, 1862.

Corp. David Steel, disch. Dec. 30,1863.

Corp. W. C. Bryant, disch. Dec. 30, 1863.

Corp. T. F. Fenlin, prisoner from Aug. 19, 1884, to March 12, 1865.

Corp. P. K. Faulk, disch. Nov. 4, 1864.

Corp. Boar Mart; disch. Jan. 12. 1865.

Corp. Gideon Ginter, disch. Jan. 12, 1865.

Corp. R. R. Mulford, disch. Jan. 22, 1865.

Corp. A. M. Theism, disch. Jan. 27, 1865.

Corp. L. P. Bash, veteran.

Corp. Philip Snow, wounded Feb. 6, 1865; veteran.

Corp. W. H. Hotham, wounded March 31, 1865; veteran.

Corp. James Hutchinson, pro. to corp. May 1, 1865.


Corp. Abram Hysong, pro. to corp. May 1, 1865.

Corp. W. E. Stauffer, pro. to corp. June 1, 1865.

Corp. James Taylor, pro. to corp. June 1, 1865.

Corp. John Kennedy, pro. to corp. Jane 1, 1865.

Corp. John Hippard, trans. to Vet. Rm. Corps April 10,1864.

Musician J. M. Keller, disch. March 22, 1865.

Musician W. O. Robinson, disch. March 22, 1865.


Daniel Apt, wounded Sept. 17, 1862.

J. A. Anderson, wounded May 6, 1864.

S. M. Anderson.

Benjamin Adams, drafted; disch. July 6, 1865.

T. C. Ashman, disch. March 23, 1865.

Samuel Adams, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps Dec. 23, 1864.

William Atchinson, died of wounds May 25, 1864.

M. E. Alma, died at Salisbury ; veteran.

David Aokison, killed at Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.

Kirk Brown.

Daniel Beard, disch. June 6, 1865.

George Barber, disch. June 9, 1865.

John H. Baker, climb. Oct. 29, 1862.

Thomas Bedo, wounded at Antietam; disch. Dec. 19, 1863.

P. W. Brenneman, wounded at Second Bull Run and Gettysburg ; died May 12, 1864.

S. P. Bridge, died June 20, 1864, of wounds received at Petersburg.

John G. Bricker, died Dec. 10, 1861.

Henry Brenneman, died Dec. 29, 1861.

D. M. Bash, killed at Second Bull Run.

Hugh Bleakley, died Dec. 16, 1862, of wounds received at Second Bull Run.

John A. Bear, killed at Antietam Sept. 17, 1862.

John Bills, Dec. 11, 1862.

George Boder, June 9, 1862.

T. Boyer, died at Andersonville Oct. 29, 1864.

Hugh Bleakney, died March 17, 1864.

Thomas Bell, killed at Wilderness, May 8, 1861.

William Carterwiler, veteran.

Henry Caldwell.

David Cowan, wounded May 6, 1864.

Francis Clow, wounded May 6, 1864.

James Cline.

Jacob Crise, disch. Jan. 28, 1865.

Samuel Crise, disch. June 9, 1865, veteran.

W. H. Chorpenning, died of wounds June 3, 1864.

Edward Coulter, died April 3, 1865, of wounds received at Gravely Run.

William Criss, died May 12, 1864, of wounds received at Wilderness.

John T. Coulter, May 24, 1864.

Michael Cleary, killed at Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.

J. M. Derby, wounded at Gettysburg ; veteran.

Andrew Downy.

Francis Dowerty.

Thomas Dillon, drafted.

Charles Dailey, disch. Jan. 23, 1865.

Archibald Downey, clinch. June 9, 1865 ; veteran.

J. A. Dumbauld, wounded at Second Bull Run; died March 28, 1863.

George Dunbar, deserted April 4, 1865.

William Emery, drafted.

John A. Edman, duscgm Jan. 29, 1865.

Robert Elwod, wounded at Bull Run; died May 6, 1864, of wounds received in the Wilderness.

C. Edwards, died May 21, 1864, of wounds received in Wilderness.

Henry Fisher, drafted.

Theodore Fredericks, disch. Jan. 11, 1865.

George S. Fellebaum, wounded at Antietam; died July 2,1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg.

William Felton, Feb. 23, 1864.

John A. Fitchett.

Alexander Flex, disch. June 23,1865.

David Gray, drafted; wounded May 5, 1864.

James Gillan, killed at Gettysburg July 1, 1863.

W. S. Greer, disch. Feb. 5, 1863.

James Hollis, veteran.

W. S. Harris, disch. July 3, 1865.

James Halfpenny, drafted.

Daniel Hutchinson, disch. May 13, 1865.

David Heasley, disch. Dec. 19, 1863.

Eli Hitty, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps Jan. 23,1865.

Jacob Harrold, Nov. 8, 1861.

John Healey, July 26, 1862.

John Hobert.

W. Hickenlooper.

B. F. Jobe, disch. May 12, 1864, for wounds received in Wilderness.

Harvey Kennedy, died Oct. 4, 1864.

John C. Koontz, veteran.

E. F. Lesser, disch. March 28, 1865.

C. Landsperger, disch. Feb. 23, 1885.

D. M. Lauffer, prisoner March 31, 1865; veteran.

John Lauffer, prisoner from Aug. 19, 1864, to March 2, 1865; veteran.

James B. Long, wounded at Second Bell Run ; Dec. 11, 1862.

John McCabe, wounded at Gettysburg; veteran.

Archibald McCoy, must. out with company.

M. Morganham, must. out with company.

William Marks, must. out with company.

James Moss, wounded at Second Bull Run ; disch. Oct. 25, 1864.

Charles Merrell, disch. June 9, 1865.

John F. Magee, disch. June 9, 1865.

Alexander McGraw, disch. June 7, 1865.

John C. Mohr, disch. Feb. 8, 1863.

M. P. McCall, wounded at Second Bull Run ; disch. Jan. 17, 1863.

John S. Martin, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps Jan. 17, 1865.

J. J. McOutchen, died Dec. 10, 1861.

George Madera, died Jnly 9, 1862.

Michael McCleary, killed at Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.

James Mellon, drafted; wounded May 5, 1864.

Peter Minim, Feb. 28, 1865.

Thomas Newel.

William Nichols, wounded at Gettysburg; trans. to Vet. Res.

Corps. Jacob Nez.

Henry Ott, disch. March 28, 1865.

Fred Ovely, disch. June 12, 1865.

J. H. Obert, disch. April 15,1882.

Scott Oaks, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps.

C. H. Hatty, wounded May 11, 1864.

Thomas Price, disch. June 7, 1865.

D. R. Powell, disch. June 7, 1865.

Eden Powell, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps June 12, 1865; veteran.

Austin Piles, Dec. 11, 1862.

John A. Romey, drafted.

Thompson Robinson, prisoner at Fair Oaks ; disch. June 3, 1865.

P. E. Rosenberger, disch. Feb. 12, 1863.

William Robinson, died April 1, 1865, of wounds received at Gravelly Run.

Joseph Rhodes, died Feb. 8, 1862.

S. M. Rumbaugh, killed at Bull Run, Ang. 30, 1862.

John H. Shira, disch. June 16, 1865.

Gottlieb Striker.

Jonathan Sniyely, wounded Aug. 20, 1864.

George Sentman, Jehill Sigafoos, drafted.

George W. Souls, disch. Oct. 17, 1864.

John Stoner, disch. June 12, 1865.

Henry Sansburn, clinch. June 12, 1865; drafted.

John Stiffy, disch. June 9, 1865.

John Story, disch. Dec. 10, 1863.

William Shultz, wounded at Fredericksburg; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps.

John E. Stouffer, wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg ; died Jan. 9, 1865; veteran.

Peter Stouffer, died Feb. 6, 1865, of wounds received at Hatcher's Run.

Lack T. Steele, died May 19, 1864, of wounds received at Wilderness.

Henry Stoner, died July 24, 1864, of wounds received at Wilderness.

W. H. Soxman, died April 1, 1865, of wounds received at Five Points.

Michael Shaney, died April 12, 1864.

Joseph Smettzer, died Jan. 27, 1863.

Henry Smith, June 21, 1862.

John Silvis, July 25, 1882.

J. W. Stricker, died at Andersonville, Aug. 27, 1864.

William Tall, veteran.

Dennis Thomas, disch. April 13, 1862.

David Thomas, disch. May 6, 1862.

Michael Tawney, Dec. 31, 1863.

William Uncapher, died Feb. 12, 1863.

John Van , Nov. 12, 1863.

David Williard, wounded at Fredericksburg ; veteran.

Daniel Waltour.


John Wolf.

James C. Watt.

James Wilson.

William H.Wharton.

Charles N. Wiley, disch. March 4, 1865.

E. H. Weister, disch. March 28, 1865.

Samuel Williard, disch. Dec. 4. 1862.

Isaiah White, died May 12, 1864, of wounds received in Wilderness.

George L. Wigle, July 22, 1862.

Francis A. Weaver, Dec. 31, 1863.

Thomas Williamson, drafted ; captured at Weldon Railroad Aug. 19, 1864; disch. Nov. 18, 1865.

D. D. Yates, trans. to Co. D, Jan. 1, 1865.


Recruited at Greensburg.

Capt. George A. Cribbs, died Sept. 20, 1862, of wounds received at Second Bull Run.

Capt. Jacob N. Thomas; pro. from 2d lieut.; disch. Jan. 17, 1863.

Capt. Andrew G. Hopper, pro. from let lieut. Co. G; wounded at Wilderness; prisoner from May 6 to Oct. 7, 1864; brev. major March 13, 1868; disch. Oct. 20, 1865.

1st lient. James W. Goodlin, died Dec. 14, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg.

1st Lieut. Tobias G. Painter, wounded at Second Bull Run and Fredericksburg; pro. from corp. to sergt.; to lst lieut. ; disch. Jan. 25,1864.

1st Lieut. William A. Shrum, pro. from sergt. Co. K to 2d lieut., to lst lieut; wounded at Tolopotomy and Norfolk Railroad; disch. for wounds Oct. 20, 1864.

lst Lieut. John L. Kyle, pro. from sergt. Co. K ; veteran.

2d Lieut. Arnold Lobeugh, pro. from lst sergt. ; died Sept. 26, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam.

2d Lieut. Lewis Mechling, wounded at Gettysburg; pro. from private to sergt.; to lst sergt; to 2d lieut.; veteran.

1st Sergt. Hiram A. Delavie, wounded at Second Bull Run.

Sergt. John W. Goodlin, disch. May 22, 1862.

Sergt: W. C. Cribbe, killed at Antietam.

Sergt. Richard McClelland, wounded at Antietam; disch. Feb. 7, 1863.

Sergt. William Frightner, wounded at Bull Run Aug. 30,1862; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps Nov. 2, 1863.

Sergt W. H. Gallop, wounded May 10, 1864.

Sergt. John V. Smith, wounded at Antietam; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps.

Sergt. John S. Shirely, wounded at Antietam and Fredericksburg; killed at Five Forks April 1, 1865.

Sergt W. W. Walthour, wounded at Second Bull Run ; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps.

Sergt. James McKeever, disch. June 13, 1865 ; veteran.

Sergt. John Zimmerman, wounded at Second Bull Run ; veteran.

Sergt. Henry Frightner, wounded at Gettysburg; veteran.

Sergt. William Stout, pro. from ranks; veteran.

Corp. R. J. Henry, killed at Second Bull Run.

Corp. John A. Stough, killed at Antietam.

Corp. J. M. Miller, killed at Antietam.

Corp. R. F. Robinson, wounded and prisoner at Second Bull Run; killed at Fredericksburg.

Corp. Joseph Baughman, captured at Wilderness May 6, 1864.

Corp. William McQuaid, killed at Spottaylvania May 8, 1864.

Corp. H. G. Reamer, died July 13, 1864.

Corp. A. A. Altman, prisoner from Aug. 19, 1864, to March 30, 1865; veteran.

Corp. George W. Beck, disch. June 7, 1865.

Corp. A. G. Freble, disch. June 8, 1865.

Corp. John R. Henry, wounded at Second Bull Run and Antietam.

Corp. William Cunningham, sick at must. out

Corp. D. B. Wentsel, pro. to corporal June 14, 1865.

Corp. John Baughman, pro. to corporal June 14, 1865.

Corp. H. Spindler, pro. to corporal June 14, 1865.

Corp. Daniel Laughery, wounded at Antietam; veteran.

Corp. John Hannerly, prisoner from May 30, 1864, to Feb. 27, 1865.

Musician J. G. Steiner.

Musician G. W. Burgee, disch. June 9, 1865.


D. A. Altman, wounded May 8, 1864; veteran.

George W. Ambrose, must. out with company July 1, 1865.

Benjamin Altman, disch. Oct. 22, 1862.

J. S. Armbrust, wounded at Second Bull Run; disch. Jan. 31, 1863.

W. H. Altman, wounded at Antietam ; clinch. Jan. 20, 1863.

Daniel Armbrust, disch. May 20, 1862.

John G. Armbrust, disch June 13, 1886.

Henry R. Armbrust, disch. June 9, 1865.

Cyrus Armbrust, disch. April 6, 1863.

Reuben Armbrust, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps June 10, 1865.

W. R. Armbrust, killed at Thoroughfare Gap April 28, 1862.

Joseph Altman, killed at Spottsylvania May 10, 1864; veteran.

George W. Baker, must. out with company ; veteran.

Joseph Beck, must. out with company ; veteran.

Amos Beard, disch. June 21, 1865.

Sanford Beard, disch. July 1, 1865, with company.

Jacob Bear, wounded at Antietam; disch. Sept. 23, 1864.

Jesse Black, drafted ; missing at Hatcher's Run.

John G. Bear, disch. Dec. 22, 1862.

John Bosh, wounded at Second Bull Run; disch. Feb. 23, 1862.

Solomon Beard, wounded at Second Bull Run ; disch. Oct. 8, 1862.

J. R. Butler, drafted; disch. May 31, 1865.

Peter Beard, wounded at Gettysburg ; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps.

David Bosh, died Nov. 6, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam.

A. Butler, died March 5, 1862.

David Beck, died April 19, 1862.

M. Brabaugh, died Sept. 21, 1862.

William Custard, sick at must. out.

Benjamin Y. Crusan, substitute ; disch. May 31, 1865.

Joseph Cash, disch. Feb. 17,1865.

W. A. Cramer, trans. to Co. E, 11th Regt.; veteran.

Wilson Carnes, trans. to Co. E, 11th Regt.

Jacob Croch, killed at Second Bull Bun.

George R. Cribbe, died May 28, 1864, of wounds received in Wilderness.

Samuel Caldwell, died March 8, 1865.

James Dillon. drafted; disch. Feb. 1, 1865.

Jacob S. Errett.

Henry Errett, wounded at Fredericksburg; disch. April 6, 1863.

J. Eiseman, disch. June 17, 1886; veteran.

Alexander Everett, disch. June 23, 1882.

Michael.Errett, died April 16, 1862.

John Einhart, killed at Hatcher's Run Feb. 7, 1865.

A. H. Fithian, wounded.

Geo. A. Fry, disch. Nov. 27, 1861.

D. E. Fox, Mech. Aug. 28, 1864.

J. W. Farlow, killed at Second Bull Run.

Fred. Gress, veteran.

Isaac Gilmore, substitute ; disch. May 31, 1865.

Geo. Gibson, died Dec. 17, 1861.

John Good, killed at Hatcher's Run Feb. 7, 1865.

A. Gothey, Sep. 14, 1861.

Robert Graham, not on muster-out rolls.

Lucas Huffman, drafted ; sent to insane asylum.

William Huffman, substitute; sick at muster out.

Reuben Haines, wounded at Second Bull Run ; veteran.

John Houston, disch. Nov. 4, 1862.

Josiah Hile, wounded at Antietam; disch. Aug. 13, 1863.

Hugh Henderson, wounded at Second Bull Run ; disch. Jan. 31, 1863.

Thomas Hays, drafted; disch. June 2, 1865.

Paul Henry, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps, Jan. 17,1865.

M. G. Hoops, died Dec. 27, 1861.

Frederick Henry, died at Salisbury, Sept. 18, 1864.

Joseph H. Henry, died May 18, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania.

Jacob Harrold, Nov. 8, 1861.

James Herbison, not on muster-out roll.

S. Horton, died at Andersonville, Oct. 18, 1864.

R. Hammond, prisoner from May 6 to Nov. 30, 1864; disch. Dec. 6, 1864.

Jacob Kelly, must. out with company.

Michael Kennedy, drafted.

Wm. Kitner, disch. March 4, 1865.

S. S. Kepple, wounded at Antietam ; disch. Dec. 22, 1862.

Aaron Keppler, disch. Dec. 19, 1864.

J. D. Keister, disch. May 11, 1865.

Wm. Kay, substitute; disch. May 31, 1865.

Albert Kennedy, killed at Antietam Sept. 17, 1862.

John L. Keister, died May 10, 1864, of wounds received in the Wilderness.

Levi Klingensmith, died Aug. 1, 1864.

C. Klingensmith, not on muster-out roll.


Ct. Klingensmith, not on muster-out roll.

Wm. Lewis, veteran.

James C. Longwell, veteran.

Israel Loughnore, wounded Aug. 28 and Sept. 17, 1862, and disch. Feb. 4, 1863.

M. G. Leisure, disch. Nov. 4, 1862.

John Linch, disch. May 19. 1865.

Harrison Lion, substitute ; disch. May 31, 1865.

Wm. Long, killed at Spottaylvania May 8, 1864.

S. P. Miller, veteran.

F. P. Miller, veteran.

F. P. Myer, substitute.

Charles Martin, drafted.

David Mllhion, miming in action May 8, 1864.

Josiah Miller, disch. March 7, 1862.

Geo. F. Miller, wounded at Antietam ; disch. Feb. 8, 1863.

Simon Milliron, wounded at Antietam ; disch. Nov. 30, 1864; veteran.

John McCall, disch. May 18, 1863.

Elisha Mayhorn, substitute ; climb. May 31, 1865.

James Mann, substitute ; disch. May 81, 1865.

Henry Miller, drafted ; disch. May 12, 1865.

P. J. Miller, died Aug. 1, 1864; veteran..

Philip Mechling, died Sept. 21, 1862, of wounds received at Second Bull Run.

James McKenna, died Sept. 18, 1862, of wounds received at Second Bull Bun.

Joseph Nutting, substitute, disch. July 14, 1865.

John Needham, substitute.

Solomon Osterweiss, veteran.

Michael Osterweiss, disch. Dec. 22, 1864.

Lewis Osterweiss, wounded at Fredericksburg; trans. to Vet. Res.

Corps. F. L. Pinkham, substitute.

J. P. Phillips, drafted ; disch. June 29, 1865.

H. Pelissler, wounded ; veteran.

Samuel Painter, disch. May 30, 1862.

J. S. Portzer, killed at Antietam Sept. 17, 1862.

Jeremiah Portzer, Oct. 8, 1862.

Jacob Rosenstel, wounded Aug. 21, 1862, at Rappahannock Station.

Cornelius Ross, drafted ; wounded.

J. M. Rumbaugh, wounded at Second Bull Run ; disch. Nov. 11, 1862.

W. J. Row, disch. Jan, 15, 1863.

John L. Roose, disch. Oct. 1864.

John W. Robinson, wounded at Second Ball Bun ; disch. Feb. 1, 1864.

Henry Reeger, disch. June 7, 1865.

M. Rambaugh, died Sept. 21, 1862, of wounds received at Second Bull Run.

Jacob Row, killed at Wilderness May 8, 1864.

Adam F. Sanders, J. L. Simpson, Adam Sanner, Daniel Shrader, John Stewart, George L. Stunner, William H. Stouffer.

William Nicely, wounded at Antietam; veteran.

Henry Smith, must. out with company.

Noah Sheffler, prisoner from March 20 to May 5, 1865; disch. May 18,1865.

J. G. Stough, disch. Oct. 28, 1862.

David Smith, wounded at Second Bull Run , disch. June 1, 1863.

Henry Strable, wounded at Antietam; disch. March 11, 1863.

Samuel Steward, wounded at Fredericksburg; disch. March 11, 1863.

Patrick Sullivan. Disch, Oct. 29, 1862.

George Sarver disch 1865

J. A. Shook, died

W. Shrum, killed in Wilderness May 13, 1864.

Jacob Steiner; died May 10, 1865.

S. P. Steiner. died May 9, 1865, of wounds received at Gravelly Run.

D. K. Sheffler, prisoner; died June 1, 1864, of wounds received at Wilderness; veteran.

H. D. Shook, died Nov. 19, 1861.

Jacob Strable. wounded at Antietam; died July 5, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg.

Alexander Story.

Hiram Smith, July 22, 1862.

Franklin B. Turney, killed at Wilderness May 8, 1864; .

J. W. Wentzel, D. K. Wible, J. L. Weaver.

James Weister, disch. June 5, 1865.

William Weaver, disch. April 10, 1865.

John D. Weaver, wounded at Thoroughfare Gap and Gettysburg disch. Sept. 8, 1864.

William H. Williams.

W. H. Willard.

William A. Wood, wounded: disch. Dec. 20, 1864.

John Wible, disch. Dec. 15. 1864; veteran.

J. H. Weaver, disch. Dec. 18, 1862.

H. T. Whirlow, disch. June 15, 1865; veteran.

Edward Welty, trans. to V. R. C. Jan. 2, 1865.

Simon L. Wigle, killed at Wilderness May 5, 1864.

S. B. Wentzel, died June 30, 1862.

George Webster.

John F. Wilson, substitute; prisoner from Feb. 8 to 15, 1865.

Reuben Yerger, wounded at Rappahannock Station, Second Bull Run, and Antietam; disch. April 27, 1863.

John L. Zanders, killed at Rappahannock Station Aug. 21, 1862.


Recruited at Youngstown.

Capt. John B. Keenan, wounded at Thoroughfare Gap; captured Aug. 31, 1862 ; pro. to maj. Sept. 1, 1862.

Capt. John Reed, pro. from 2d lieut. Aug. 30, 1862; died Oct. 2, 1862, of wounds received at Second Bull Run.

Capt. Josiah B. Lauffer, wounded at Five Forks.

lst Lieut. Walter J. Jones, res. Aug. 3, 1862.

1st Lieut. William A. Kuhns, wounded at Antietam and Wilderness ; pro. to corp., 2d lieut., and lst lieut.

2d Lieut. Freeman C. Gay, pro. from corp. to 2d lieut. ; wounded at Antietam and Fredericksburg; captured at Gettysburg July 1, 1863; disch. by S. O. April 28, 1865.

1st Sergt. F. R. Cope, wounded June 24, 1864; veteran.

lst Sergt. H. B. Temple, wounded at Gettysburg ; pro. from corp. ; veteran.

Sergt. John S. Walker, wounded at Gettysburg ; disch. March 12, 1864.

Sergt. James Mullen, killed at Second Bull Run.

Sergt. Robert Anderson, pro. to 2d lieut. Co. F, Nov. 1, 1862.

Sergt. T. T. Simpson, veteran.

Bergt. W. A. Shrum, pro. from corp. to sergt.; to 2d lieut. Co. I, March 1, 1863.

Sergt. J. C. West, wounded at Fredericksburg; trans. to V. R. C.

Sergt. J. L. Kyle, pro. to 1st lieut. Co. I, Nov. 24, 1864 ; veteran.

Sergt. B. W. Penn, wounded at Five Forks ; died May 25, 1865.

Sergt. W. J. Willyard, wounded Aug. 28, 1862 ; pro. to sergt.-maj.; veteran.

Sergt. G. F. Ludwick, wounded Aug. 21 and Sept. 17, 1862; veteran.

Sergt. William Stevenson, wounded Aug. 28 and Sept. 17, 1862; veteran.

Sergt. Jeremiah McMunn, wounded Aug. 28, 1862, and at Gettysburg ; veteran.

Corp. David Robinson, died Nov. 19, 1861.

Corp. Charles McConnell, wounded at Fredericksburg; killed at Gettysburg July 3, 1863.

Corp. David Siegfried.

Corp. L. P. Hays, pro. to com.-sergt.; veteran.

Corp. George Beck, wounded April 30, 1863; veteran.

Corp. James McWilliams, captured at Weldon Railroad ; veteran.

Corp. Jacob Jacobs, disch. Feb. 20, 1865.

Corp. Charles Toon, disch. March 4, 1865.

Corp. Bernard Leonard, disch. March 12, 1865.

Corp. Charles Ely, disch. March 12, 1865.

Corp. Martin Root, wounded May 8, 1864; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps.

Corp. L. Gettyweller, disch. June 9, 1865; veteran.

Corp. F. Pouter, drafted ; captured at Weldon Railroad; disch. June 9, 1865.

Corp. Alexander Sady, drafted ; captured at Weldon Railroad ; disch. June 9, 1865.

Corp. Henry Kelly, pro. to corp. May 1, 1865; veteran.

Corp. S. O. Lowry, pro. to corp. May 1, 1865.

Corp. John Kesler, pro. to corp. May 1, 1865.

Corp. W. F. Hays, pro. to corp. May 1, 1865; veteran.

Corp. S. C. Hollingsworth, pro. to corp. May 1, 1865.

Corp. J. Bosbnrough, pro. to corp. May 1, 1865.

Corp. J. Barad, died March 2, 1863.

Musician Cyrus Gross.


Theodore Anderson.

John Bitner, must. out with company July, 1865.

Joshua Bailey, sub.

John Bern disch. June 8, 1865.

J. C. Bleackey, wounded at Gettysburg; disch. Sept. 8. 1864.

Joseph Berlin, wounded at Second Bull Run and Fredericksburg ; disch. March 11, 1863.

J. H. Blackburn, wounded at Second Bull Run ; Sept. 14, 1862.


Joseph Blair, April 13, 1862.

L. B. Cox, drafted ; wounded May 5, 1864.

J. F. Cassidy, wounded May 10, 1864; veteran.

R. E. Cruthers, drafted; wounded Feb. 8, 1865.

H. F. Cope, disch. Feb. 23, 1862.

William Conner, disch. Nov. 19, 1861.

F. J. Chessner, disch. June 10, 1865.

William Cochran, disch. June 18, 1865.

Franklin Cone, Mech. May 31, 1865 ; substitute.

William Caldwell, drafted ; disch. May 81, 1865.

S. S. Caldwell, drafted ; disch. May 31, 1885.

Hiram Corwell, substitute; disch. May 16, 1865.

J. W. Churns, wounded at Cedar Mountain Aug. 9, 1862; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps.

W. H. Coll, died Jan. 31, 1863.

William Colwity, Oct. 27, 1862.

Henry Carnahan.

Robert C. Covey.

David Dunn, substitute; wounded Feb. 6, 1865.

J. Dunmire, disch. Jan. 31, 1864.

G. M. Eicher, veteran.

Joshua Eckman, disch. May 15, 1865.

Robert J. Swing, died April 22, 1864.

George Faust, drafted ; wounded May 5,1864.

Jeremiah Fris.

Thomas Freebie, disch. June 30, 1863.

Jeremiah Fillmore, wounded at Fredericksburg ; disch. Oct. 18, 1861.

Samuel Frits, disch. Nov. 19, 1861.

Patrick Finnell, substitute ; disch. May 31, 1865.

H. W. Getty, drafted; wounded May 8, 1864.

J. H. Gardener, drafted ; wounded May 8, 1864.

Henry, Gibson.

Samuel Gordon.

David Garber, disch. Dec. 4, 1864.

J. P. Green, substitute; disch. May 11, 1865.

Edward H. Gay, pro. to sergt-maj. June 5, 1882.

Peter H. Gay, died Feb. 1, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg.

William Hinkle, drafted; wounded Aug. 18, 1864, and March 31, 1865.

H. B. Houser, disch. Jan. 28, 1865.

John Hutchinson, May 28, 1862; returned Oct. 28, 1864.

David Homer, must, out with company.

Hiram Hoopes, disch. for wounds Jan. 28, 1863.

Lewis Huber, disch. Dec. 14, 1864; veteran.  O

Francis Hicks, disch. for wounds Jan. 24, 1863.

Jams Handlin, substitute; disch. May 31, 1865.

George H. Hull, disch. May 18, 1865.

J. D. Howell, disch. Sept. 28, 1864.

P. Markelroad, drafted ; disch. May 31, 1865.

J. A. Hutchinson, Dec. 10, 1862.

M. Hart, died at Andersonville Nov. 7, 1864.

James Irwin, disch. June 10, 1865.

William Jones, drafted ; wounded May 6, 1864.

Samuel Jackaway, sick at muster out.

S. Jackson, disch. June 15, 1865.

Heavy Kennedy, captured at Gettysburg July 1, 1963.

H. Byers Kuhns, disch June 16, 1865; veteran

Edward Kelly, disch. July 19, 1862.

S. B. Kennedy, disch. June 9, 1865; veteran.

W. H. Kesler, disch. June 10, 1865.

Anthony Kieffer, disch. June 24, 1862.

Hezektah B. Kennedy, killed at Wilderness May 6, 1864.

Joseph Keiffer, Dec. 10, 1862.

Michael A. King, died at Andersonville Oct. 11, 1864.

H. Kregle, died at Andersonville, Aug. 23, 1864.

William G. Large, wounded April 30, 1863; disch. Dec.19, 1864.

H. Launders, drafted.

John Laycock, disch. June, 1864.

William C. Low, wounded at Antietam ; disch. Juno 24, 1863.

W. A. Loucks, disch. June 10, 1865.

James W. Lowry, killed at Spottsylvania May 10, 1864.

William McLaughlin, drafted ; wounded March 31, 1865.

John Mills, drafted; wounded May 5, 1864.

C. J. McLean, wounded at Fredericksburg; veteran.

John B. McCloskey, veteran.

John G. Matthews, veteran.

William Miller, disch. for wounds Nov. 26, 1863.

John McAnulty, wounded at Gettysburg; disch. Oct. 4, 1864.

Philip McKeever, wounded at Second Bull Run ; disch. Dec. 31, 1862.

John D. Miller, disch. May 25, 1865.

J. S. Moorehead, drafted ; disch. May 31, 1865.

Andrew Miller, drafted; wounded May 5, 1864 ; disch: Dec. 17, 1864.

R. H. Mellon, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps Feb. 28, 1864.

John McAnulty, Sr , died Oct. 28, 1862.

H. S. Marshall, died of wounds Jan. 15, 1863.

David Montgomery.

J. Mickles, died Sept. 25, 1864.

J. H. Nightingale, drafted ; prisoner from Oct. 13, 1863, to April 29, 186

E. J. Noel, wounded at Second Bull Run ; veteran.

S. J. Noel, disch. Nov. 27, 1863. Samuel Nesbit, disch. Feb. 9, 1863.

H. S. Newingham, disch. Feb. 1, 1863.

Edward Nichols, disch. May 26, 1865.

John Nichols, Sr., died March 12,1865.

D. Newingham, deserted Dec. 10, 1862.

Jesse Powell, disch. Oct. 1, 1864.

Albert Peters, wounded at Fredericksburg; disch. May 31, 1865.

J. F. Price, killed at Gettysburg July 1, 1863.

John C. Reed, wounded at Hatcher's Bun Feb. 6, 1865; veteran.

John Roberta, drafted.

W. J. Randolph, prisoner Aug. 10, 1864; veteran.

Robert A. Reed, disch. June 14, 1862.

William Root drafted ; disch. May 31, 1865.

John Ringer, died May 28, 1884, of wounds received at Spottsylvania.

J. H. Russell, died Sept. 15, 1864.

R. J. Robb, Sept. 19, 1862.

Solomon Robb, Sept. 15, 1862.

James Rolling, Nov. 28, 1861.

James Sutton, veteran.

R. W. Showers, sick at muster out.

Henry Stone, drafted ; disch. June 22, 1865.

George Savidge, absent at muster out.

John Simon, wounded Aug. 30, 1862, and Aug. 18, 1864.

Sebastian Smith, drafted.

George Scott, disch. Sept. 24, 1862.

Martin Shaum, June 9, 1865 ; veteran.

William G. Stark, wounded at Second Bull Bun; disch. Jan. 7, 1863.

A. M. Steel, disch. May 18, 1865.

Thomu W. Stoops, drafted ; disch. May 31, 1865.

L. Schrenkengost, drafted; disch. May 31, 1865.

A. D. Southworth, drafted ; disch. May 31, 1865.

William D. Smith, disch. June 13,1865.

L. R. Stewart, trans. to Vet. Res. Corps 1864.

Jacob Stevens, died Sept. 27, 1862,

James Stout, killed at Fredericksburg Dec. 13, 1862.

William Shannon, killed at Second Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.

M. G. Steck, prisoner Aug. 19, 1864; died at Salisbury June 5, 1865.

Reuben Shrum, died Oct. 14,1862, of wounds received at Antietam.

Isaac Shipman, died March 4,1865.

John Small, Oct. 27, 1862.

Finley Templeton, drafted ; prisoner from Feb. 7 to 15, 1865.

James Tall, disch. Oct. 3, 1864.

Newlin Thome, disch. June 14, 1865.

Henry Tedron, disch. June 6,1864.

Emanuel Thomas, died Dec. 2.5, 1864.

Robert Tarry, prisoner from Oct. 14, 1883, to Nov. 20, 1864.

George Weaver, drafted.

Joseph Walters, sick at muster out.

John Walter, drafted ; wounded Aug. 18, 1864 ; disch. June 22, 1865.

Robert Walker, disch. for wounds Jan. 7, 1863.

John Walker, drafted ; disch. May 31, 1865.

W. H. Wolf, disch. June 9, 1865.

Jeremiah Welsh, substitute ; disch. May 31,1865.

C. M. Williams, killed at Seoond Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.

Jonathan Wfssinger, died Nov. 2, 1862.

W. H. West, killed at Gettysburg July 1, 1863.

John G. West, Oct. 10, 1862.


Recruited at Greensburg, and mustered in April 22, 1861.

Capt., S. S. Marchand ; lst lieut., Humphrey Carson ; 2d lieut, Andrew Bevaird ; 1st sergt., W. H. Sowaeh ; 2d sergt., John B. Bair ; 3d sergt., Steward Carroll; 4th sergt, J. B. Lauffer ; 1st corp., J. D. Tharp ; 2d corp., William Weigle ; 3d corp., Thomas Williams ; 4th corp., James A. Painter; musicians, Jesse Geiger, John Tautlinger.