CHAPTER XII. TIFFIN TOWNSHIP Tiffin Township was organized in 1806, as will be seen by referring to the chapter devoted to the "Organization, of the Townships." It was named in honor of Edward Tiffin, Ohio's first and one of her wisest Governors. First Settlers. Joseph Eyler built the first cabin in this township where afterwards made his home near Killinstown, in the winter of 1795. Eyler farm of 300 acres is now owned by John Crawford, Samuel Feeters and Sandy Craigmile. When Rev. James B. Finley passed over Tod's Trace from Limestone to Chillicothe with his father's cattle and "niggers" in 1796, he noted the fact that there was a cabin near where the town of West Union now stands, built by Mr. Oiler, but no one lived in it. Daniel Collier, about this time Selected a Site for his future home on one of the most beautiful terraces along Ohio Brush Creek, known to this day as the "Collier farm." just below him on the creek was Duncan McKenzie. Andrew Ellison took up his residence on Lick Fork near the old stone house which he built in 1798, where the town of Waterford was laid out. Richard Harrison about the same time located at Waterford and kept a tavern there. John Treber built a cabin in 1796 a half mile further down Lick Pork where the old tavern building yet stands, and Peter Shoemaker, Simon Shoemaker, John Shepherd, and Thomas Davis located near by on Ohio Brush Creek. Job Dinning, John Killin, Jacob Piatt, James Ralston, and Adam Hempleman located in the vicinity of Killinstown. Simon FieldS settled further east on Brush Creek. George Harper, James Collins, James January and Robert McClanahan located near West Union. Surface and Soil. Being diversified with hill and dale, rivulet and creek, ridge and plane, the township has within it some of the richest and' some of the poorest lands in the county. The soil, highly impregnated with iron on the "red ridges," is fertile. The marl flats are thin soils, and the bald marl hillsides are barren. But the sugar tree coves and the bottom loans along the streams are very fertile. Streams. Ohio Brush Creek, a beautiful little river, forms the northeastern and eastern boundary of the township. Lick Fork is its longest tributary in the township. It rises at a spring near West Union and flows noth- (468) TIFFIN TOWNSHIP - 469 east uniting with Ohio Brush Creek at the Sproull bridge. Beasley's Fork also takes its source from a spring in Wet Union, flows southeast and unites with Ohio Brush Creek opposite the Nathan Foster farm in Greene Township. A branch of the Fast Fork of Eagle Creek rises in the western part of the township and flows south along its western border. Churches. Among the early churches of the county, the Baptist organization on Soldier's Run, in this township should have due notice. This church was organized at the house of James Carson in June, 1802, by Rev. Thomas Ellrod, with the following named membership: James Carson, Elizabeth Carson, David Thomas, Patrick Killen. Nathaniel Foster, Priscilla Lovejoy and Fve Ellrod. For years meetings were held at Carson's or at Osman's schoolhouse. In 1836 a frame meeting house was erected on a lot purchased from Abraham Newkirk. The pastors of the church have been : Thomas Ellrod, John Harover, Jacob Layman, David Spohn, Hiram Burnett, Lyman Whitney, David Vance, Hugh Kelley, Henry Dinkleman, and Frances Fear. Of the early deacons, there were: James Carson, Nathaniel Foster, John Hamilton, Samuel Mason, F. C. Fear, Alpheus Humble and John Osman. Clerks : David Briggs, Bartholomew Anderson, William F. James, William Parks and F. C. Fear. The old church building has long since been abandoned, and the organization united with West Union congregation. OAK GROVE—The Christian, or "New Light," Church known as Oak Grove, about three miles from West Union, in the northwestern part of the township was organized by Elders Davidson, Garroutte and Pang- burn, in 1867, with the following membership: Hester Lowe, Sarah Postlewaite, Margaret Russell. Elizabeth Howland, Jonathan Postlewaite, Huldah Lewis, Levi C. Howland, Andrew Gillespie, Sarah Russell, Sarah L. Gillespie, and Matilda Billiter. STONE CHAPEL—The society from which this church sprung was nearly contemporaneous with that at Moore's on Scioto Brush Creek. In 1797 Joseph Moore organized a class in Methodism at Isaac Wamsley's on Ohio Brush Creek with Simon Fields as leader. The first meeting house, constructed from logs in 1802, was known as Fields'. It was afterwards known as Burkett's, and later upon the erection of the present structure, "Stone Chapel." There is a graveyard there, but owing to a thick ledge of stone lying near the surface of the ground, it is not used much as a place of burial. This church is on the West Union and Cedar Mills turnpike, about five miles to the east of West Union, and two miles from the crossing of Ohio Brush Creek. It is built of dressed limestone and is in a very good SATTERFIELD'S CHAPEL is on the Cedar Mills pike about four miles east of West Union. It is a Christian Union organization and the church building, a comfortable frame, was erected in 1875 by Wesley Satterfield, a wealthy farmer of that vicinity. Archie Craigmile, Van R. McCarty, John B. Denning, John Steele, Asbury Beard and their wives formed the first organization in 1868, at Compton's sch00lhouse. state of preservation. 470 - HISTORY OF ADAMS COUNTY Schools. The township has nine sub-districts and one Village Special. |
No. 1 2 3 4 5 |
Males 18 21 18 26 26 |
Females 16 19 19 25 30 |
No. 6 7 8 9 |
Males 37 25 22 16 |
Females 28 27 22 20 |
WEST UNION, the present county Seat of Adams County, was established by act of the Legislature, April 13, 1803. The act named, Isaac Davis, John Evans, and James Menary, Commissioners to select a site for the new seat of justice. They were required to make their report in duplicate, one to the Speaker of the Senate, Nathaniel Massie, and one to the Court of Common Pleas which latter were prohibited from expending any more money for public buildings until the seat of justice should be permanently located. January i6, 1804, the Commissioners having made their report, recommending a site about one-half mile south of Zane's Trace, on lands owned by Robert McClanahan, and near the central portion of the county an act was passed to locate the county seat there permanently. The act provided for the purchase of the lands of McClanahan and others adjoining to an amount not exceeding 150 acres at eight dollars per acre, by the Associate Judges of the county and to be paid for out of the county treasury on their order; the title to said lands to be vested in a Board of Trustees, composed of Nathaniel Beasley, William Marshall, Salathiel Sparks, Aaron Moore, Benjamin Wood, William Collings and John Briggs. This board was required to appoint a Clerk and a Surveyor, and to proceed to lay off lots with convenient streets for the new town to named West Union, and to make and record a plat of the same. Notice of the sale of lots was required to be published for thirty days in the Scioto Gazette, of Chillicothe. The County Commissioners were empowered to dispose of county property at Washington. When the number her of lot owners reached thirty, they were required to meet and elect a new Board of Trustees to succeed the board appointed by the act. Members of the Board were elected annually thereafter. The town proper stands upon one hundred acres purchased from Robert McClanahan for seven hundred and sixty dollars. What is known as Harper's Addition consisted of five acres north of Mulberry Street for which was paid the sum of one dollar. Priscilla Anderson sold five acres adjoining McClanahan's for forty dollars, so that the original plat of West Union cost $801. It sold at the public sale of lots for $2,985. From the record book kept by the Board, now in the possession of William C. Coryell, of West Union, we glean the following: Monday, March 19, 1804. Trustees chose William Collings, Clerk, and Nathaniel Beasley, Surveyor. Tuesday, March 20. The Trustees met at nine o'clock A. M. and proceeded to survey and stake off the inlots, until six o'clock P. M., and then adjourned. TIFFIN TOWNSHIP - 471 Wednesday, March 21. The Trustees met at half-past nine o'clock A. M. and proceeded to survey and stake off the inlots until half-past twelve o'clock and then adjourned. Friday, March 30. Appeared A. Moore, B. Wood, N. Beasley, Sparks, William Marshall and William Collings, halft-past ten o'clock A. M., and employed Robert McClanahan to assist them and then proceeded to survey and take off the inlots until half-past five o'clock P. M., and then adjourned. March 31, 1804. The Trustees met at nine o'clock A. M. and proceeded to lay out and stake off inlots until half-past five o'clock P. M., in which time Henry Rape came and made application for the house [log house that stood near the springs where the public well is, on Main Street] that is on said lots, and the said Trustees gave their obligation to keep said Rape in peaceable possession of said house from the ninth day of April next until the first day of the sale of said lots, in consideration of said Rape giving his obligation to said Trustees for eight dollars payable the first day of May next. Monday, April 30, 1804. Appeared A. Moore, B. Wood, N. Beasley. Sparks, J. Briggs, and William Collings at one o'clock P. M. and proceeded to survey and stake off the inlots until six o'clock P. M.; and delivered a plat of the town of West Union unto Joseph Darlinton, Recorder of the County of Adams, and then adjourned. Friday, May 1, 1804. Appeared B. Wood, J. Briggs, N. Beasley, & Sparks, and William Collings at half-past eight o'clock A. M. and proceed to survey and stake off the outlots until six o'clock P. M., and then adjourned. There were one hundred and eleven inlots and twenty outlots on the plat. Thursday, May 17, 1804. The Trustees of the town of West Union met in said town for the purpose of selling the lots in said town at public sale and chose John Lodwick to vendue said sale, who sold as follows, viz.: |
Out- lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
Purchaser Thomas Nicholson Clairburn Fox Clairburn Fox Peter Schultz Peter Schultz Leonard Cole Jesse Eastburn William Robertson. Benjamin Wood David Bradford. |
Prices $15 18 31 48 36 34 29 28 30 38 |
Out- lots 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 |
Purchaser David Bradford John Little.. John Armstrong John Briggs John Brown John Brown John Brown David Bradford David Bradford. John Brown |
Prices $32 28 27 28 20 30 23 33 20 25 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 |
Isaac Foster Joseph Lovejoy James Anderson Wm. Morrison Daniel Robbins Elijah Rinker Andrew Ellison Daniel Marlatt David Decamp David Decamp David Edie Joseph Beam.. John Shirley John Briggs John Briggs John Davidson Paul Larsh Andrew Ellison Andrew Ellison Peter Shultz Peter Shultz Pete Shultz Peter Shultz John Shirley John Shirley John Killin Jacob Treber. Josiah Wade Charles Larsh John Killin Enoch Ogle Wm. Armstrong Wm. Armstrong Peter Shultz Benjamin Wood Leonard Cole Wm. Steen John Rodgers Thomas Mason W. Hannah W. Hannah Paul Larsh Leonard Cole Reserved |
$6 6 6 8 6 7 6 12 6 5 4 4 6 7 13 15 18 14 10 21 51 31 31 9 11 6 5 6 7 25 22 23 27 31 27 45 40 45 25 9 11 11 27 |
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 |
Joseph Darlinton Joseph Darlinton James Chambers Alexander Meek Jesse Eastburn Jacob Sample Reserved for Court House. David Bradford Thos. James Reserved for Jail John Kincaid Thomas Kirker Job Denning Robert Anderson Ed. McLoughlin Wm. Robertson James Chambers David Bradford Leonard Cole Reserved for Court House Elijah Rinker John Brown John Rodgers John Brown Aquilla Smith Joseph Darlinton Job Denning Lydia Roberts James McComas Arthur McFarland Joseph Curry John Brown Clairborne Fox Elijah Walden Arthur McFarland Benjamin Wood Isaac Earl Enoch Ogle Jacob Treber Isaac Foster Isaac Foster |
$18 18 20 30 46 54 73 87 56 27 9 8 12 35 41 50 50 78 43 40 27 17 17 4 10 14 20 20 55 40 37 36 30 5 5 6 9 10 |
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 |
Henry Rape Reserved Wm. Collings John Armstrong Benjamin Wood Leonard Cole Johnston Armstrong John S. Little Thomas Nicholson Peter Grant Jacob Treber Joseph Darlinton |
70 65 59 61 56 63 67 37 37 17 16 |
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 |
Joseph Lovejoy Thomas Kirker Thomas Palmer George Harper Aaron Moore James Williams Bartholomew Anderson S. Sparks Thomas Kincaid Josiah Wade Josiah Wade |
4 13 8 8 7 22 21 11 7 6 6 |
TIFFIN TOWNSHIP - 473 Saturday, May 19, 1804. Trustees met and took up obligations, and gave certificates to purchasers. Certificates were given John Brown for based lots purchased by Claiburn Fox. All lots are laid off north and south, east by west, six poles by nine poles, except lot No. 14 is four poles at the south end, and five at the north end and nine poles long. Lot No. 15 is five poles at the south end and six poles at the north end. Lot No. 85 is six poles by four and one- quarter poles. All streets running through the inlots and outlots are four poles wide. The street between the inlots and outlots is three poles wide and lots are twenty-three poles long and fourteen wide except lot No. 1 is fifteen and two-thirds poles at the south end, and fourteen and one-half poles long. Lot No. 14 is fourteen and two-thirds poles at the north end and sixteen and one-half poles at the south end and twenty-three long. No. 15 is sixteen and one-half poles at the north end and seventeen and two-thirds at the south end and twenty-six poles long. No. 8 is nine and seven-eighths poles at the north end and eight and one-quarter poles at the south end and twenty-three poles long. No. 7 is nine and seven-eighths poles at the south end and eleven and three quarters poles at the north end and twenty-three poles long. And Nos. 16, 17, 18 and 19 are twenty-six poles long. The Street on the north side of the town is three poles wide; and on the east and west of the inlots the streets are one and one-half poles wide and on the east, west and of south of the outlots the streets are two poles wide. April 30, 1804. N. Beasley, Salathiel Sparks, Benjamin Wood, John Briggs, Aaron Moore, William Collings, Trustees of the Town of West Union. of Ohio, Adams County, ss. I do certify that this day the within named John Briggs, Benjamin Wood, Salathiel Sparks, William Collings and Aaron Moore personally appeared before the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace in and for the county aforesaid and acknowledged the within plat of West Union and their signing the same to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein laid down. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirtieth day of April in the year of our Lord 1804. [SEAL.] N. Beasley. In conformity to the act entitled, "An Act to establish the Permanent Seal of Justice in the County of Adams," we the undersigned do reserve the following inlots in the town of West Union for the following poses to-wit: Lots numbers 63, 64, 77 and 78 for a Courthouse, etc. No. 67 for a Public jail, and lot number 46 for a Public Spring and Schoolhouse. Given under our hands this sixteenth day of May, 1804. Hosea Moore, David Edie, Needham Parry, Associate Judges of Adams County. 474 - HISTORY OF ADAMS COUNTY First House and First Stores. Henry Rape built the first house, a hewed log building, on lot No. 45 He was a hatter and in this house he lived and made hats for many years. A room ten by twelve, in this house, William Armstrong used for a store until he erected the building known as the Mullen corner in 18io, southwest corner Main and Cross Streets. On the northeast corner of Main and Market Streets, William Russell, afterwards Congressman from Adams District, built a two story log-house and opened a small store in 1806. The same year John Hood opened a store in a large hewed log building belonging to Peter Shultz on the northwest corner of the old mill lot. Mr. Hood afterwards erected a building on the southeast corner of Main and Cross Streets. Early Taverns. THE OLD BRADEORD TAVERN, northeast corner of Main and Cherry Streets, since known as the Marlatt House, Crawford House, and Downing House, was erected by David Bradford who had kept a tavern at Washington while the county seat, in 1806, and was opened to the public in 1807. It is an hitoric old hostelry, having sheltered President Jackson, Thomas Benton, Henry Clay, General Santa Anna, and hosts of lesser lights in the days of the old stage line from Maysville to Chillicothe, and on to Washington City. WOOD'S TAVERN, southeast corner Main and Market Streets, was opened in 1807 also. The house was built by John Lodwick, and used him as a private residence from 1804 to 1807. In later years Edmund Browning kept there "Browning's Inn at the sign of the Goddess of Liberty." THE BELL TAVERN, on Main Street west of the Public Spring, was kept by John Hayslip for many years in the early days of West Uni and was a popular hostelry for the old settlers' Fourth of July banquets. Tannery. The first tannery in West Union was operated by Peter Shultz 1805. It was on the old mill lot. Tinshoy. The first tinshop opened in West Union was in 1820 by Daniel Boyl a sketch of whose life is in this volume. Lodges. The oldest lodge in West Union, and the parent Masonic lodge Adams County, is West Union Lodge, No. 43, F. and A. M., whose c ter was granted by the Grand Lodge at Columbus, Ohio, January 15, The charter members were : Abraham Hollingsworth, W. M.; Sam Treat, S. W. ; John Kincaid, J. W.; John Fisher, Secretary ; James Rosa, George Bryan and Aaron Wilson. In a recent communication to the West Union Scion, the venerab David Dunbar, of Manchester, states some interesting facts with reference to the Masonic lodge at West Union which should be preserved for future generations. It was a like spirit of political prejudice and religious TIFFIN TOWNSHIP - 475 bigotry that prevented the location of the Western Theological Seminary from being located in West Union, because it was argued that the Presbyterians who were then Jeffersonian Democrats, were conspiring with Andrew Jackson to overthrow the government of the United States. General Jackson was then in 1825 chairman of the Board of Commissioners, selected by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church to locate the above named seminary in the district composed of Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio and Indiana, and he and the Hon. John Thompson, of Chillicothe, and Dr. Blackburn, of Lexington, Ky., a majority of the committee, favored West Union. But the radicals and fanatics the community would not have it for the reasons named. And unfortunately for Wet Union, it failed to secure, years afterwards, the site of a state institution—the Asylum for the Insane, now at Athens - because the Virginia blood of Adams County's member of the Legislature at the time chilled at the thought of having "the crazy people" of the State domiciled in "Old Adams." Mr. Dunbar says : “Following the abduction and death of Morgan, excitement was intense, and soon it had extended to all parts of the country. So strong, too, was the feeling engendered, that for a time the system of national government seemed imperiled. A new. and in some states very powerful political party was formed, its general object being to war against secret societies, especially Masons, and more specifically still to prevent the election of Masons to public office. The most absurd and ridiculous reports of the secret work and conduct of Masons were circulated and found ready belief. The strife invaded and divided churches, communities were disturbed by angry disputes between neighbors, and friends became embittered against friends. "It was during these memorable times that I was living in West Union the place of my birth, and though a youth of scarcely more than ten years of age, I was a deeply interested observer and student of the situation. The excitement in West Union rose to a high pitch, and soon involved all conditions of society—religious, political and social—in the tempest of passion and out of which soon were formed two antagonistic parties, Masonic and Anti-Masonic. Each party had its newspaper, the Anti-Masonic being published by my brother-in-law, David Murray, with Rev. Dyer Burgess as assitant, while the Masonic organ was issued by a gentleman named Patterson, who, I think came from Clermont County. “Here it was that. I received my first impression and formed my first conclusions regarding Ancient Craft Masonry, and young as I was I perceived that the better citizens within and around the town were either Masons or in sympathy with their cause. I give here the names of some of them that I recollect : Abraham Hollingsworth, William Allen, Daniel P. Wilkins, James Roff, John Kincaid, Adam McGovney, Thomas Thoroman, Rev. William Page, John McDaid, Robert McDaid, Nicholas Burwell, Wesley Lee. It was after observing that men like these stood firmly together on the question then being agitated that I resolved if I should reach the age of manhood, and be found worthy, I would become a Mason. "As I now remember, the last work done in West Union Lodge after the fierce opposition to the Order overspread the country was about 1831, and about 1835 the persecution became so intensely hostile that the lodge surrendered its charter and jewels. In consequence of this action 476 - HISTORY OF ADAMS COUNTY no lodge work was done until 1846. During this interval I had grown to manhood, and in the year 1845, trusting that I had the necessary qualifications, I petitioned Confidence Lodge No. 52, of Maysville, Ky., and was found worthy of membership. My reason for petitioning a Kentucky lodge was that there was none working in my own state jurisdiction nearer than Cincinnati. Consequently I received the Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master degrees, as before stated, in Confidence Lodge,. of Maysville. By this time a number of others of the younger men of the vicinity had elsewhere received the degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry. and they, with some of the elder brethren, whose names I have already given, met (June, 1846) in what is now known as the Old Bank Building to take steps to repossess the surrendered lodge charter and jewels, in order that work might be resumed. Among those were the following: Isaac Foster, M. V. Cooper, D. W. Stableton, Henry Y. Copple, John C. Scott, Benjamin Bowman, William Adams, Fdward Townley, David. Dunbar and Benjamin Pinney. Of these I am now the only one living. Other meetings were held monthly until October, when the. lodge charter, and jewels were restored, upon which, having received a dimit from Confidence Lodge, I became a member. "After resumption of regular work by West Union lodge the first candidate to be initiated was the late I. H. DeBruin, and following his admission, I remember the names of these: William M. Meek, James N. Hook, Joseph F. Eylar, James Sparks, Abner Sparks, Oliver Sparks. "I remained affiliated with West Union Lodge No. 43 for thirteea years, at the expiration of which time Manchester Lodge, No. 317, was instituted (1859) and I became a charter member and have been identified with it ever since. In 1871 I received the Royal Arch Chapter degrees in Manchester Chapter, No. 129, and in 1873 was invested with the order of the Re( Cross, Knights Templar and Knights of Malta degrees in Calvary Commandery, No. 13, of Portsmouth, but am now a member of Maysville Commandery, No. 10. "I presume I am the oldest Mason within Adams County, and though the infirmities of age creep on apace my zeal for our ancient and honorable institution has not abated. "This being written solely from memory may contain mistakes, which would not be remarkable considering the lapse of years, but it is in the main correct." WEST UNION LODGE, No. 510, I. O. O. F. was instituted on the evening of June 11, 1874. The charter members were: J. W. Eyler, William Hood, J. W. Bunn, L. P. Stivers, F. J. Miller and F. R. Wells. CRYSTAL Loner, No. 114, K. or P., was instituted June 12, 1878, with the following charter members: C. F. Irwin, F. D. Bayless, John A. Eylar, J. H. Connor, Willis Ellison, W. F. Kilpatrick, G. F. Thomas, John W. Hook; S. N. Bradford, M. R. Brittingham, W. F. Lloyd, A. E. McCormick, C. Frederick Mair, Oliver Smeltzer and Frank Hayslip. F. D. Bayliss was P. C. and first representative; John Hook, C. C.; G. F. Thomas, V. C.; John A. Fylar, Prelate; W. F. Lloyd, M. of F.; J. H, Connor, M. of E.; Frank Hayslip, K. of R. and S.; C. E. Irwin, M. A. Oliver Smeltzer, I. G.; Willis Fllison, O. G. TIFFIN TOWNSHIP - 477 Churches. The oldest church organization in West Union is the Presbyterian. This church was formerly organized on East Fork of Eagle Creek by Rev. John Dunlevy and Rev. Richard McNemar about the year 1800. The great Shaker revival in Kentucky had its effect here, and finally resulted in the expulsion of Dunlevy from the Eagle Creek Congregation, whereupon he joined the Shakers in Warren County in 1805. About this date Rev. William Williamson, who was then in the vicinity of Cabin Creek Kentucky, held occasional services with the remnant of the Eagle Creek Congregation. In 1809 a movement was set on foot to build a church house in West Union. The congregation was weakened from dissensions and divisions, many members having joined the Cherry Fork Church, and had only been held together by the patient care of Joseph Darlinton, William Marshall, Kirker, Joseph Darlinton and Joseph Nelson , was circulated and enough James Baird, ruling elders. A subscription list headed by Thomas subscribed in labor, linen, cattle, wheat, and cash to warrant the letting of the contract for the church building. It was to be a stone structure, the present building in the main, and Thomas Metcalf, afterwards Governor of Kentucky, was awarded the contract for the stone work, all material to be on the ground. at $250, May 26, 1810. Hamilton Dunbar had the contract for the carpenter work, and Job Denning the contract for hauling the stone from the quarry to the ground where they were to be used. THE M. F. CHURCH—The nucleus of this congregation was formed at the residence of Peter Shultz, in 1807, by Rev. John Collins, of the Scioto Circuit. The members of the first class were William Russell, leader, Mrs. Russell, William Armstrong and wife, Peter Shultz and wife, Mary Rape, Mary Woodward, Mrs. Nancy Cole and Mrs. Hannah Hood. It was at the house of Peter Shultz that Rev. James B. Finley. who had been known as the "New Market Devil," attempted to preach one of his first sermons. In 1819 the present site of the church was secured and in 1820 a brick building was erected on it. In 1868 it was removed and the present brick edifice erected. Rev. Greenbery R. Jones, while Presiding Elder, built the frame house on Main Street near the Public well, recently occupied by Mrs. Stewart, where he resided for several years. THE BAPTIST CHURCH—At the house of William Mahaffey, northwest of West Union, in 1833, this association was organized by Elder J. Lyman. The society struggled along until 1846, when a building was in West Union. This was destroyed by the great tornado of May, 1860, and in 1861 the present structure at the west end of Main Street was erected. THE CHRISTIAN UNION CHURCH—The organization of this church was formed directly following the. Civil War, when dissensions in the Methodist Church over politics brought about the organization of the Christian Union Society. The Christian Union Church building is a neat frame located at the northwest comer of Mulberry and Market Streets. The leading spirits in the organization of this church in West Union were erected. 478 - HISTORY OF ADAMS COUNTY General J. R. Cockerill, John K. Billings, Dr. F. J. Miller, and John Laughridge. The church was dedicated March 1, 1869, by Rev. A. S. Biddison, editor of the Christian Witness, Columbus, Ohio. The West Union Band. The "famous" West Union Band was organized March 18, 1850, by Prof. R. P. Robbins, with the following named members: David B. Graham, Eb clarionet; James R. Oldson, Eb clarionet ; James Moore, Bb clarionet ; Samuel Burwell cornet ; Joseph W. Hayslip, valve post horn; Henry Woodrow, Bb bugle; Joseph Killin, valve trumpet; Thomas N. Allen, tenor trombone; W. W. Killin, bass trombone ; Dr. W. C. Hayslip, ophicleide; Henry Ousler, bass drum and cymbals. Prof. Robbins is at this writing at Cairo, Ill. While in West Union he boarded at the Marlatt Hotel, a famous hostelry a half century ago. Newspapers. POLITICAL CENSOR—The first newspaper printed in Adams County, was the Political Censor, a small sheet issued from an old Ramage press by James Finley, at West Union, in 1815. The office was in the late Uriah Upp property. THE VILLAGE REGISTER, the next newspaper, was first issued in 1823 by Vorheese and Wood. It was afterwards controlled by Beasley Murray, and called The Register and Advocate. Its last issue was 1831, the office then being in the lower story of the house where Carol Worstell now resides on Mulberry Street. Files of this paper are well preserved in the possession of O. E. Hood, of West Union, whose father when eleven years of age entered the Register office as an app tine under the publishers Nashee and Bailhatchee. THE COURIER OP LIBERTY, an Anti-Masonic organ, was printed a "Yankee" named Jacob Crapsey, from 1831 to 1833, when for lack patronage it expired. Crapsey taught school at Manchester and r law in West Union, from which place he went to Cincinnati to practi in the legal profession. THE WEST UNION REGISTER, Jacksonian Democrat, succeeded Courier, and was edited by the first real live newspaper man in the coon George Menary, a brother of the celebrated Samuel Menary, of The Ohio Statesman. Menary left West Union and went to Clermont County 1835, where he published a newspaper. THE FREE Puss was published a short time from the Courier as an Anti-Masonic and Whig newspaper, by Jackman and Carl. 1835 the material was sold to James H. Smith, then County Recorder who published it as a Whig advocate until I839. THE ADAMS COUNTY DEMOCRAT was first issued in 1844 by Lewis A. Patterson. Then it was controlled by Joseph P. Patterson and N. Clarke, who in turn were succeeded by the late Judge John M. Smith father of Joseph P. Smith, whose biography appears in this volume, made the paper one of the most radical Democratic organs in the S R. P. Brown succeeded Judge Smith in 1849, and continued the publication until 1860. TIFFIN TOWNSHIP - 479 THE DEMOCRATIC UNION was issued in 1860 by T. J. Mullen and J. I. Billings in opposition to The Adams County Democrat. In 1861, John P. Patterson became proprietor, who was succeeded in 1863 by John A. Cockerill and S. E. Pearson. This was the beginning of the brilliant newspaper career of John A. Cockerill. See biography in this volume. William K. Billings succeeded Cockerill in 1865, when shortly thereafter the paper suspended. THE SCION—This newspaper first made its appearance February 17, 1853, as The Scion of Temperance, Samuel Burwell, editor and proprietor. In May, 1865, the name was changed to The West Union Scion which it still retains. It is the oldest newspaper published in the county, and its venerable editor and proprietor is the oldest newspaper man in the State. The engraving showing the Scion office, represents Mr. Burwell at his "case" setting an editorial or a local as he has done for a half century. The Scion is Republican in politics, and has the largest circulation if any newspaper in the county except, perhaps, The Defender. PEOPLE'S DEFENDER was first issued Friday, January 16, 1866, by Joseph W. Eyler, now of the News-Democrat, Georgetown, Ohio. The Defender is a radical Democratic organ and is ably edited by Edward A. Crawford, who succeeded Mr. Eyler in 1890. It has a very large circulation and its editorials are quoted by the Democratic press throughout southern Ohio. ADAMS COUNTY NEW FRA was issued by a joint-stock company of disgruntled Republicans in opposition to The Scion in 1877, with C. F. Irwin, editor. Irwin was an "importation" and came heralded as the destroyer of The Scion and the modern Moses of the Republican party in Adams County. He was a forceful writer, but bitter and resentful, and he sadly failed in his mission, dying from disease incurred through worry and disappointment, in 1887. The New Era is now conducted by Samuel E. Davidson, and is Republican in politics. Public Schools. The present public school system was inaugurated by adopting the “Akron Law" in 1856. A vote to adopt the provisions of that act gave twenty-seven majority, old Dodge Darlinton, one of the "fossil" clogs of the wheels of progress in West Union, leading the opposition. John M. Smith, J. R. Cockerill, J. W. Lafferty, E. P. Evans, Henry Ousler and J. P. Hood constituted the first Board of Directors. A two story brick building of four rooms was erected on the site of the present corn- building, at a cost of $2,500. The present building was erected in 1886. The present enrollment to is: White males, 158 females, 162. Colored males, 2; females, 3. Number of teachers employed, 5. Previous to the inauguration of the graded schools under the Akron Law, the village of West Union, with contiguous territory, was divided into two school districts. One of the schoolhouses was a log structure and stood south of the old Presbyterian Church. The other schoolhouse , was brick, now the residence of Mrs. Lina Lawler on North Cherry Street. 480 - HISTORY OF AD AMS COUNTY The Wilson Soldiers' Monument. Hon. John T. Wilson, of Tranquility, left a bequest of $5,000 to the Commissioners of Adams County to erect a momument at West Union memory of the soldiers of Adams County who were killed or died in the War of the Rebellion. County Commissioners, Philip Hughes, Robert Collins and Thomas Shelton, June 10, 1892, let the contract for the erection of said monument to Staniland. Merkle and Staniland, of Dayton, Ohio. The monument complete to be 10 feet 4 inches square at base and 50 feet 5 inches in height, containing 904 cubic feet, to be completed by September, 1892. However, a strike in the granite quarries in the East prevented the completing of the work until June 10, 1893. The monument stands on the right of the front entrance to the grounds of the Wilson Children's Home, a very poor location, being over shadowed by the massive and imposing Home building. The monument was unveiled Saturday, June 10, 1893, in the presence of more than 10,000 of the citizens of Adams County. Judge D. C. W. Loudon, of Georgetown, Ohio, Colonel of the 70th Regiment, was chairman of the meeting, and Judge Samuel F. Hunt, one of the most polished orators of the. State, delivered the oration. Col. John A. Cockerill, known as the "Drummer Boy of Shiloh," a native of Adams County and a son of Col. J. R. Cockerill, who organized the 70th Regiment O. V. I., was present'and at the conclusion of Judge Hunt's oration unveiled the monument. In the parade preoeding the oration and unveiling ceremonies, were 600 white haired Adams County veterans of the War of the Rebellion. The donor, Hon. John T. Wilson, was Captain of Company E of of the loth Regiment, under Col. J. R. Cockerill. REMINISCENCES. Jacob Treber's Bear Hunt. About the year 1799, Jacob Treber, son of John Treber, had an experience he did not forget during his long life. One morning in winter after a heavy snow fall, he found the fresh tracks of a full grown bear. They led up the hollow to the north of his father's house. He followed them a short distance and returned for an ax and a gun. Then he returned to the trail of the bear. It led to the cabin of a neighbor named Simms, who with, ax and gun followed it. They tracked the bear to the mouth of a cavern in a hillside two miles north of the Treber tavern. Young Treber tried Gen. Putman's device of smoking the bear out, but it would not answer. Then he determined to follow the bear into the cavern. Simms undertook to dissuade him, but it was useless. Treber made a block of wood and cut a cup or depression in it. This he filled with grease from a small box in the side of the gun-stock where it was carried and used for greasing bullet patches and took part of his shirt to make a wick for his improvised lamp. When his torch was completed, he entered the cavern. He could distinguish the eyes of the bear and fired at them. He then made for the entrance and in the narrow passage, a bear a crashed by him and almost squeezed the life out of him. The bear got out first, however, only to meet its death from Simms' gun on the outside When Treber got out, he felt convinced that the bear Simms killed was TIFFIN TOWNSHIP - 481 the mate to of the one he had shot. He entered the cavern a second time and found his bear dead. The problem was to get the hear out. Treber tried to pull it out, but it was too large and heavy. He tried to roll it over and force it through the passage, but the body got fast in that place with Treber behind it in the cavern. With main strength, lie pulled it back and went out to devise a new plan. He and Simms cut hickory withes, secured them about the bear's shoulders and pulled it out. Thus Treber and Simms secured two bears for their morning's sport and the guests of Treber's tavern had hear meat for a number of days. "Bloody Bridge." In 1876 the present wooden bridge over Ohio Brush Creek at Satterfield’s on the Rome pike was erected, and its completion was celebrated with a picnic and dance in the new structure, which then was known as the Forge Dam bridge. During the day Simon Osman and his two sons, who resided near by, and James Faster and his son, also residents of the vicinity, between whose families there had been ill feeling for years, got into a fight in which Simon Osman was stabbed to death by James Faster and he injured for life by one of Osman's sons. John Easter, the son, was severely stabbed by one of the Osman boys. There was so much blood spilled in and about this bridge in this conflict between the Osmans and the Easters on that September day that it has ever since been known as “bloody bridge." Killing of Samuel Greenlee. Partican politics and its debauching influences caused the killing of Samuel Greenlee by Albert Adamson on the day following the presidential election in 1888. West Union was crowded with Republicans rejoicing over Harrison's election, and Samuel Greenlee, who had recently before joined their organization, and who had been drinking heavily for some days, was among the jollifiers. Albert Adamson, son of John Adamson, then a leader in the Republican party in the county, had allied himself with the Democratic organization, although a mere lad of sixteen or seventeen years, and he and Greenlee had had some controversy on the day of the election over matters connected with politics and Greenlee had been ordered out of the Adamson House, now the Florentine Hotel. About to o'clock on the day of the killing, Greenlee and Young Adamson applied insulting epithets to each other in a crowd of jollifiers near the old Crawford Hotel on Main Street, and as Adamson turned away walking in the middle of the street east toward the public square, Greenlee followed him, intending to go, as was claimed, across the street to the barber shop then conducted by Sylvanus Edgington, a prominent Republican in local politics. When Greenlee had reached the middle of the street, Adamson turned and fired several shots in quick succession, wounding him mortally. He was helped into Dr. Coleman's office adjoining the Crawford Hotel on Main Street, where he died in a short time. Young Adamson was arrested, indicted and tried for murder, but was cleared of the charge through the efforts of his counsel, chief of whom was Ulric Sloane, then a noted criminal lawyer in southwestern Ohio. 482 - HISTORY OF ADAMS COUNTY Reminiscences of West Union. The first settler at West Union was James Collings. He built the log cabin near the fine spring directly in the rear of the present residence of Robert Kincaid, on the old Manchester road. The residence overlooks Beasley's Pork Valley and the spring is a noble one, but every vestige of the house has disappeared and there has been no house there for more than sixty years. At the time this house was built his nearest neighbor was General John McClanahan, who resided on the farm on the Pan Handle road formerly occupied by Judge Samuel McClanahan. There was a trace through the forest between the two houses. The trace was indicated by blazes on the trees. James Collings made his settlement directly after the peace with the Indians in 1795. He purchased a tract of four hundred acres of land directly south of West Union, the northern boundary of which is the street just north of the Village Cemetery. Robert McClanahan took up a tract of one hundred acres which embraces the town plat of West Union, lying in the shape of a square, bounded about as follows: The south line was the street north of cemetery, the western line was through the alley near A. Z. Blair's residence, the north line was North Street and the western line ran on street in front of Samuel Burwell's residence. Robert McClanahan put chased this tract for three hundred dollars of Richard Woods and sold to the trustees of the town for seven hundred and fifty dollars. Th sold it in lots for two thousand nine hundred and eighty-five dollars. He built his log house where now stands Mrs. John Moss's millinery shop, directly west of the public well, which was then a fine spring General Darlinton built a story and a half log house on the ridge eat the Beasley Pork turnpike, just above the public watering-trough a across Beasley's Valley from James Collings. General Darlinton own 700 to 800 acres of land east of West Union. Ephraim Cole built a residence near the present Trotter residence on a one hundred and forty acre tract of land he purchased of Gen Darlinton. He also owned one hundred acres north of the town whi he purchased in the Ashmore Survey, from Richard Wood. His deeds are dated 1802. Salathiel Sparks, grandfather of the present Salathiel Sparks, owned one hundred acres where the new addition to West Union was laid out. His residence was the former Thomas Huston residence. Huston was connected with the old West Union Bank, on Cherry Street, just south of the "Lee Corner," and it is said that just before the bank failed, an ox-cart, of specie was taken from the old stone vault of the bank to his house and thence to Cincinnati. Ephraim Cole's one hundred acres of land lay, to the west of Sparks', and between him and George Harper, who had about seventy-five acres north of the town, now owned by Salathiel Sparks. Harper's residence was on the site of the present Sparks residence. The nearest settlement on the west was that of General John McClanahan already. mentioned. Thus the original proprietors of West Union and vicinity before the town was laid out were: Ephriam cole, Joseph Darlinton, Salathiel Sparks, George Harper and Robert McClanahan. TIFFIN TOWNSHIP - 483 Henry Rape purchased the lot on which was built McClanahan's house west of the public well. He occupied it for a hatter's shop and residence for a long time. Ephriam Cole died about 1833, at the age of eighty-four, in the house now occupied by Jabez Eagle. He was a tall, spare man and of a taciturn disposition. It is said that he was a widower at the time of his death. The place of his burial is not known, but it is supposed to be in the Collings burying ground or the Village Cemetery.. The Village Cemetery was dedicated 1834, by deed from Robert Wood and wife to certain persons who had friends buried there before 1834. The spot was used as a cemetery as early as 1816. The first interment was one Miles, who died a stranger, in 1816, in West Union. The deed of the original dedication calls for three-fourths of an acre. Miles was buried near the old gate, where a walnut tree stood for many years. Nicholas Burwell was present at Miles' interment and gave the account of it to his son Samuel, who gave it to the writer. Lovejoy graveyard was dedicated in 1840, but it had been occupied cemetery long before then. The house now occupied by Wm. Lafferty, where he conducts his furniture business, was built by Hon. William Russell, who owned through to the next street south, and included the spring situate in the rear. Mr. Russell built the present frame front of the house and the addition to the and wing to the south, which was afterwards changed by Wesley Lee and remains to this day as Wesley Lee changed it. The Bradford Hotel, formerly the Marlatt House, was built in 1806, by David Bradford and occupied by him from that date until the day of his death in 1834. After his death is was occupied by his grandson, Samuel G. Bradford till about 1840. The Florentine Hotel was first used as such by David Bradford Jr., who conducted a hotel there for some ten years, probably from 1836. The Miller and Bunn corner was known as the McCollough corner, and it was occupied as a store room by Samuel McCollough for many years. The present Mullen corner was known as the Armstrong corner. The building was erected by William Armstrong 'and occupied by him for many years. Satterfield's drug store was originally a stone building and was known as the Hood corner and there John Hood, the father of James Hood, who was known as "Ahiezer," built the original building and occupied it as a storeroom. William Russell's store stood on the now occupied by the east end of W. V. Lafferty's furniture store. The log house built by General Darlinton and overlooking Beasley's Fork was Valley was torn down and used to build the east end of his residence on Main Street, east of Dr. Miller's residence. The Siamese Twins were exhibited in West Union for two or three weeks in the east end of the building just cast of Joseph Hayslip's residence. John Sparks kept a store in the building now occupied as the post office. An Irishman named McKorkle conducted a small brewery just north of the present jail where John Clark now resides, in 1820. 484 - HISTORY OF ADAMS COUNTY The late Judge Joseph Moore, of Portsmouth, Ohio, helped to build the old stone business house and dwelling in 1814, that stood on the Satterfield corner where James Hood once sold goods. About that date the first "Windsor Chair" maker located in West Union. His name was Thomas Bereman, and he had an apprentice who caused him great annoyance by his "impudent manners" towards his customers. When this apprentice finally ran away from Bereman and the chairmaking business, as was required by law, Bereman offered a reward for his return, which was published in the county newspapers : One Cent Reward. Ran away from the subscriber, on the 16th inst., George Welch, an indented apprentice to the Windsor Chair Making and Painting business twelve years old, light complexion. He had on when he went away a new suit of brown jeans, fur hat and new shirt and shoes ; being somewhat better clad than he deserved, or is used for apprentices to be—very forward garrulous and impudent. Whoever returns said George, will be coldly treated and receive no, thanks ; but shall have the above reward without charge. All persons are cautioned about harboring him, as I believe he was persuaded away. April 23, 1824. Thomas Bereman, West Union, Ohio. The old town of West Union is the only county seat in the State of Ohio without steam railroad or electric traction line. Since "time when the memory of man runneth not to the contrary," steam railroads have been building on paper, to West Union, the present "Black Diamond" route being the latest enterprise of the kind. Smith's Tannery. It is said that the tanyard and leather store of Lewis Smith, in West Union, is the only establishment in southern Ohio, where raw hides are tanned and dressed under the processes of "the good old days when honest men made honest wares and sold them at honest prices." |