150 - HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO. Faculty—High school, A. L. Amer and A. H. Viets, associate principals; Mrs. A. L. Arner, preceptress. Grammar school, J. P. Cadwell. Primary school, Jeannette Barley, Alice Rosa, Fanny Woodworth. Apparatus.—The high school has an extensive and excellent chemical and philosophical apparatus. For the study of physiology also, numerous appliances are on hand to illustrate the mechanism of the human body. It is the aim of the teachers to make this department practical, and to this end pupils are encouraged to perform experiments in the presence of the school, and thus by actual practice to become familiar with the use of the instruments. Elocution.—Much attention is given to reading and vocal culture. Nearly all the students of the school are members either of the reading or of the elocution class, and it has already been remarked by the county examiners that the Jefferson students may be known by their proficiency in the art of reading. Primary Course.—Reading, spelling, arithmetic to cancellation, geography primary, slate-work. Granimar School Course.—Reading, spelling, penmanship, arithmetic to discount, geography to map of United States (inclusive), grammar (Harvey's elements). ACADEMIC COURSE.—FIRST YEAR. First Term.—Ray's arithmetic (completed), German beginning (Otto), English grammar, geography and map-drawing, elocution (Murdoch and Russell), penmanship and composition. Second Term.—Stoddard's arithmetic (completed), German grammar and reader, English grammar, geography and map-drawing, elocution and orthography, penmanship and composition. Third Term.—Algebra (Ray), German grammar and Iphigenia, physical geography, analysis, elocution and orthography, penmanship and composition. SECOND YEAR. First Term.—Algebra, German grammar and Tell, Latin beginning (Harkness), philosophy (Peck's Ganot), elocution and orthography, penmanship and composition. Second Term.—German (Maid of Orleans), Latin grammar and fables, history, elocution and orthography, algebra, penmanship and composition. Third Term.—Geometry (Legendre), Latin grammar and Roman history, botany (Gray), elocution and orthography, penmanship and composition. THIRD YEAR. First Term.—Geometry completed, Latin (Caesar) and prose composition, rhetoric, meteorology. Second Term.—Trigonometry, Latin (Cicero) and prose composition, physiology, rhetoric. Third Term.—Surveying, Latin (Virgil and scanning), chemistry, logic. COLLEGE COURSE.—FOURTH YEAR. First Term.—Latin (Sallust), Greek beginning (Harkness), astronomy. Second Term.—Latin (Tacitus), Greek grammar and reader, analytical geometry. Third Term.—Latin (Livy), Greek (Anabasis), calculus. FIFTH YEAR. First Term.—Physics, French beginning, Greek (Herodotns), Constitution of United States. Second Term.-French (Tèlèmaque), Greek (Homer's Iliad), English literature, physics. Third Term.—French (college series of French plays), Greek (Homer, outlines of history), astronomy (Math). It will be observed that the academic course constitutes the first three years of the college course. The usual daily lessons in vocal music throughout the course. The new high school building was built early in the year 1870. Prior to this time the schools had been well sustained, arid the constantly-increasing attendance not only of residents, but also of non-resident students, made it apparent that a larger and better building was needed. This matter had been agitated for some years, but it was not until the spring of 1870 that official action was taken. The board of education at that time was made up of men well qualified for the important responsibility, viz., Messrs. H. B. Woodbury, president; J. C. A. Bushnell, N. E. French, W. P. Howland, H. Talcott, and J. A. Howells. Mr. Talcott was appointed superintendent of construction, and under his direction, with John Wasters as architect and builder, the work was completed at an expense of twenty thousand dollars. The building is situated on the east side of Centre square, on Market street, between Jefferson and Satin streets. The grounds have an extent of four acres, finely graded, and adorned with beautiful trees. The building is of brick and cut stone. It is two stories above the basement, forty-five by seventy feet. It has six rooms, three on each floor, two of which are forty-five by forty-five feet, and contain each about two hundred sittings. The other four rooms are each fourteen by twenty-five feet,—three of them are recitation-rooms, the other a society-room. In addition to the work of the carpenter, the board of education and the teachers have spared no pains to make the rooms pleasant and attractive, by means of carpets, curtains', pictures, house-plants, etc., which have gone far towards making the school what it is,one of the largest and most prosperous of its kind in this part of the State. There are also three primary school buildings, sufficiently large to accommodate fifty pupils each. Statistics.—The following are the statistics for the years 1877-78 : total resources (including tuition of non-residents), $5079.48 ; expenditures, paid to teachers, $3648 ; other expenses, $1126.34 ; total," $4773.34. Number of pupils attending per term, 320. Course of Study.—The following is the course of study adopted by the board of education : Prizes.—The annual prize contest is held in the fall term. To this end the students select from their number twelve, to compete for four prizes, to be given, one for the best oration, one for the best essay, one for the best recitation, and one for the best declamation. The awarding of the prizes is left, to the vote of the audience. Vocal Music. -A large and interesting clams in vocal music is organized at the beginning of each term, which recites daily and takes up the rudiments of reading music. German.—The constantly-increasing demand for instruction in the German language is duly appreciated, and met by the full and practical course given in this branch, and the careful attention which is paid to the method of instruction. It is no longer expected that in a school of this grade German can be taught as a classical language, but rather as a living spoken language, and that from the very commencement of the study it be made practical by daily conversation suited to the wants of the students. By pursuing this plan the students of Jefferson, who have completed the prescribed course, are enabled to converse readily with Germans in the common business transactions of life, and to-write the language with ease and readiness. Societies, Libraries.—There are two flourishing societies in connection with the school, Euthemachean, and Mutual Union. The regular meetings of the former for discussion occur on Saturday evening of each week. Meetings of the latter on Thursday evening for debate and rhetorical exercises. These societies have nicely-furnished rooms and well-selected libraries, containing five hundred volumes, including Appletons' Cyclopedia, complete, Hume's History of England, Macaulay's History of England, Martineau's History of England, Motley's Dutch Republic, Rollin's Ancient History, Gibbon's Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, etc. The number of volumes is constantly increasing by donation and purchase. Past Record.—A large proportion of the teachers of this county are students of Jefferson educational institution. Some of its graduates are already filling responsible positions as superintendents, of German or English departments in western schools. Future Prospects.—The constantly-increasing popularity of this school, its location so easy of access, the interest evinced by the citizens of Jefferson in building up a school worthy of patronage, all foretell a prosperous future. The boarding-hall, which has lately been repaired, is in excellent condition to accommodate sixty students, while terms for tuition, board, and room-rent are so low that the whole expense of one year need not exceed eighty-five dollars. Principals and Teachers from 1871.-187173, C. A. Hebbard, principal ; Orissa A. Udall, M.S., preceptress; Millie Carpenter, E. J. Pinney, M. A. Norris, teachers of grammar school. 1873-76, W. N. Wright, principal ; Mrs. W. N. Wright, preceptress ; W. F. Peters, A. H. Viets; teachers of grammar school. THE CHURCH. The first religious service held in Jefferson was the funeral service of Samuel 'Wilson, mentioned in the firat portion of this history ; Rev. Joseph Badger being the preacher. This was in the month of December, 1805. Subsequently Mr. Badger visited their settlement occasion4lly, and held religious services. A Mr. Riley, a Methodist minister, began to hold religious worship about the year 1807. THE BAPTISTS. In 1811 the Baptists of Jefferson and Denmark united and organized themselves into a church society, with a .membership of eighteen persons, twelve from the latter and six from the former township. This union was maintained until 1822, when the branch in Denmark was organized into a separate church.. Joshua Woodworth was the first minister.. The present edifice of this denomination of HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO - 151 Christians was built in 1834-35, and dedicated July 4, 1835. Its cost was about two thousand dollars. Their present membership is about one hundred. The first minister who succeeded Mr. Woodworth was Rufus Freeman, in 1820. The latter was succeeded by Joy Handy, March 24,1824. Mr. Handy was followed by Mr. Newman, in 1829 ; Mr. Newman by Silas Barnes, in 1831; Mr. Barnes by J. L. Richmond, in 1836; Mr. Richmond by J. M. Booth, in 1843; Mr. Booth by Isaac M. Wade, in 1845; Mr. Wade by B. G. Knapp, in 1848; Mr. Knapp by Franklin Remington, in 1851 ; Mr. Remington by Wm. A. Caldwell, in 1853 ; Mr. Caldwell by Isaac Bloomer, in 1854 ; Mr. Bloomer by Cyrus Richmond, in 1856; Mr. Richmond by Mr. Barnes, in 1858; Mr. Barnes by T. G. Lamb, in 1860 ; Mr. Lamb by E. C. Farley, in 1863 ; Mr. Farley by Abner Lull, in 1869 ; Mr. Luny J. W. Dunn, in 1870 ; Mr. Dunn by F. C. Wright, in 1872, who is the present efficient pastor. THE METHODIST CHURCH. The Methodist Episcopal church formed an organization as early as 1811, with Mr. Lisle Asque and wife, Christopher Randall, wife, and daughter, and a man by the name of William Rush,-six in all. Afterwards all of these, save Mr. Asque, removed from the township. In 1825 the church was reorganized with seven members, whose names are as follows: William H. Fay, Levi Gaylord, Limps Loomis, Abraham Fay, Mary Fay, Lydia Gaylord, and Betsey Loomis. The following ministers have officiated in Jefferson : H. J. Morse, 1837-38 ; Ira Morris, 1839 ; Mr. Davis, 1840 ; Mr. Mosby, 1840 ; Mr. Fouts, 1842-44 ; Mr. Freer, 1844 ; W. French, 1845 ; S. W. French, 1846-48 ; H. D. Cole, 1848; Josiah Flowers, 1849 ; Mr. Reynolds, 1851 ; D. Rogers, 1852; Mr. Sullivan, 1854 ; Mr. Gillett, 1856; S. Wilkinson, 1858. From this period until 1875 the pastors were Chamberlain, Burgess, Hollock, Crane, Rogers, Goodrich, Clark, Brown, and Rowland. Mr. T. D. Blinn came here in 1875, and continues to preside over the interests of the church. The present membership is one hundred and thirty-eight. The church building was erected in 1848. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. This society was organized August 11, 1831, under the name of the Congregational Presbyterian church, under the direction of the Rev. Giles H. Cowles, of Austinburg, assisted by Rev. P. Pratt and Rev. M. Childs, with a membership of twenty-eight, some Congregationalists and some Presbyterians. William Beardsley was the first minister in charge. The following were pastors in this church: in 1834, J. Chapin ; 1835, Perry Pratt; 1836, Lucius Foot and Orson Parker conducted a series of revival meetings this year with gratifying results. 1838, A. Miller ; 1842, Samuel V. Blakeslee; 1851, Wm. Burton. From 1851 to 1859 the church was without a pastor. The Disciples for some time held their services in this church. In 1859 the Congregationalist church was reorganized with fifteen members, with A. D. Olds as pastor. E. P. Cbisbee preached in 1864, and was succeeded by A. D. Olds. In 1871, W. F. Milliken was pastor ; in 1873, E. Gale. The present efficient pastor, S. W. Dickinson, commenced his labors in 1875. The present brick building was erected in 1835, at a cost of about three thousand dollars. The present membership is one hundred and ten. It is said that Henry Clay contributed the sum of ten dollars towards the erection of this church building, supplementing his subscription with the condition that the edifice should never be used as a place where ideas hostile to the dear institutions of the south should be promulgated. If Mr. Clay could have visited this church during the days when the anti-slavery movement was at its height, he most probably would not have felt very highly flattered with the respect which was being paid to his stipulation. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. In December, 1836, Samuel Wright, of Austinburg, Dr. Almon Hawley and Mrs. A. Hawley, of Jefferson, with the assistance of Rev. Thomas H. Quinan, of Ashtabula, effected an 'organization of a parish in Jefferson. The holy communion was administered by Mr. Quinan to seven communicants in Jefferson on the 5th of November, 1837. Services were held in the school-house near Jonathan Warner's and in the court-house until 1846. The following rectors have officiated in Trinity church : from December 20, 1838, to March, 1840, Rev. Charles C. Townsend ; from 1840 to 1845, Rev. John Hall. Humphrey Hollis accepted the charge of the parish in 1846, and was rector until 1851. In subsequent years various clergymen officiated: Rev. John Hall, Rev. Humphrey Hollis, Rev. H. C. H. Dudley, Rev. S. L. Bellam, Rev. James Bonner, and Rev. N. P. Charlott. HOTELS. We have seen how the first hotel building erected by Mr. Caldwell was burnt to the ground. Soon after this the men who manufactured brick for the first court-house erected a double log building on ground a short distance east of the 38 Beckwith House, on the south side of Jefferson street, which was used for a time for hotel purposes. It consisted of two small log structures at a distance of about eight feet between them, which space bad an archway overhead, the open space under the archway being a place, in warm weather, of favorite resort for the lawyers attending court, where they discussed politics and other questions of interest. In 1820-21, Mr. Atkins built the hotel building on the northeast corner of Jefferson and Chestnut streets, now known as the Beckwith House. In 1831 the erection of what is now known as the American House was begun by Mr. Ferris Webster, the building being first used for a hotel in 1832. Mr. Stephen McIntyre is its present owner, and Mr. J. H. Baldwin landlord. BANKING. The First National Bank was established in the year 1864. The first directors were elected March 3 of that year, and are as follows : E. B. Woodbury, Abner Kellogg, N. E. French, Henry Talcott, C. S. Simonds," M. Barber, and James Stone. E. B. Woodbury was the first president, N. E. French cashier. Present officers: R. M. Norton, president; J. C. A. Bushnell, cashier ; directors, B. F. Wade, R. M. Norton, C. S. Simunds, James Norris, N. E. French, J. A. Giddings, H. D. Jones. Capital, seventy thousand dollars. The Jefferson Savings and Loan Association received its charter February 18, 1869. First officers: Henry Talcott, president ; W. FL Burgess, cashier ; directors, Loser, French, Henry Talcott, Albert Warren, A. It. Beckwith, W. P. Howland, A. R. Houghton, and W. R. Allen. Capital, fifty thousand dollars. This association did business something over three years, or until August 12,1872, when it was merged into the Second National, with Henry Talcott, president, and E. R. Lane, cashier. The directors were C. Talcott, W. R. Allen, A. Warren, W. H. Crowell, Loren French, J. A. Hervey, and C. E. Warner. The present officers are S. A. Northway, president ; S. T. Fuller, cashier; directors, S. A. Northway, W. H. Crowell, D. L. Crosby, Noah Hoskins, D. O. Tourgee, C. E. Warner, H. L. St. John. Paid up capital, one hundred thousand dollars. Another important addition to the monetary interest is Talcott's Deposit Bank, which began business May 1,1874. Henry Talcott is the founder of this bank, which has done a very successful business. A. R. Houghton is cashier. THE BUSINESS OF 1877. Dry Goods.-A. R. Beckwith & Co., W. R. Allen, Galpin & St. John, George W. Beckwith, and D. M. Cormay. Groceries.-Warner Walcott, S. N. Prior, H. N. Smalley & Son, J. H. Baldwin, L. A. Conaro, and Mathew Perry. Hardware.-Henry Talcott and Messrs. Kellogg & Hodge. Clothing.-J. A. Davidson and Aaron Aarons. Drugs and Medicines.-A. K. Hawley, Dr. F. A. Tuttle, and W. R. Allen. Boots and Shoes.-A. Warren. The following dealers include them in their stock : W. R. Allen, Galpin & St. John, and A. R. Beckwith & Co. Furniture, etc.-H. S. Hunt and George Stockell. Books, Stationery, and Fancy Goods.-J. A. Howells & Co. (Sentinel store). Cigar Manufacturer.-O. F. Mason. Restaurants.-C. T. Wood and Eugene Wood. Photographers.-Milo A. Loomis and F. M. Bailey. Millinery.-Misses R. P. & F. Dean, Mrs. C. E. Calhoun, and Mrs. H. H. Stafford. ORGANIZATION. The hamlet of Jefferson was, by special act of' legislature, passed February 4, 1836, duly incorporated a village on the 5th day of April, A.D. 1836, at which time the following officers were elected : Jonathan Wainer, mayor ; Harvey R. Gaylord, recorder ; Samuel Hendry, Lynds Junes, Almon Hawley, Benjamin F. Wade, and George Brown, trustees. The following shows the officers elected each year until 1877: 1837, Jonathan Warner, mayor ; Samuel Hendry, Si. corder; H. R. Gaylord, B. F. Wade, Almon Hawley, Austin Goodale, and H. N. Hurlbut, trustees; 1838, Elnathan G. Luce, mayor ; Benjamin B. Gaylord, recorder; Benjamin F. Wade, Jonathan Warner, Hiram Woodbury, Dr. Almon Hawley, and H. N. Hurlbut, trustees; 1839, Almon Hawley, mayor ; O. P. Brown, recorder ; B. B. Gaylord, B. F. Wade, P. R. Spencer, H. N. Hurlbut, and Jonathan Warner, trustees ; 1840, Almon Hawley, mayor ; Thomas Magher, recorder; R. P. Ranney, James Norris, A. Bagley, S. McIntyre, and B. B. Gaylord, trustees ; 1841, Hiram Woodbury, mayor ; Thomas Magher, recorder ; Almon Hawley, James Norris, S. McIntyre, R. P. Ranney, and E. G. Luce, trustees; 1842, Benjamin B. Gaylord, mayor ; Thomas Magher, recorder ; Almon Hawley, James Norris, Wm. H. Fay, E. G. Luce, and Harrison Loomis, trustees ; 1843, Benj. B. Gaylord, mayor; Thomas Magher, recorder ; Almon Hawley, Charles Stearns, Andrew Bailey, N. B. Prentice, and E. G. Luce, trustees ; 1844, James 152 - HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO. Whitmore, mayor ; Charles S. Simonds, recorder ; Rufus P. Ranney, Samuel Hendry, Noyes B. Prentice, Andrew Bailey, and Harrison Loomis, trustees ; 1846, Noyes B. Prentice, mayor ; P. V. Jonas, recorder ; Almon Hawley, N. L. Chaffee, S. D. Dann, Alvin Bagley, and B. B. Gaylord, trustees ; 1847, Noyes B. Prentice, mayor ; Darius Cadwell, recorder ; Noah Hoskins, Norman L. Chaffee, Benjamin B. Gaylord, Stephen D. Dann, and Harrison Loomis, trustees; 1848, Noyes B. Prentice, mayor ; Darius Cadwell, recorder ; Noah Hoskins, N. L. Chaffee, Benjamin B. Gaylord, Stephen D. Dann, and Harrison Loomis, trustees ; 1850, Lines Loomis, mayor ; Darius Cadwell, recorder ; Philo C. Arnsden, N. L. Chaffee, John F. Grant, Andrew Bailey, and Thomas Magher, trustees ; 1851, Noyes B. Prentice, mayor ; T. J. Wood, recorder ; P. C. Amsdcn, J. F. Grant, P. V. Jones, Andrew Bailey, and Wm. H. Fay, trustees ; 1852, N. L. Chaffee, mayor ; Sylvanus M. Rose, recorder ; Harrison Loomis, Almon Hawley, Jonathan Warner, Darius Cadwell, and Andrew Bailey, trustees ; 1853, S. D. Dann, mayor ; S. M. Rose, recorder ; H. S. Hunt, A. Warren, W. R. Allen, S. D. Hoskins, and M. A. Hunter, trustees ; James Norris, treasurer ; P. C. Amaden, marshal ; Milo Wilder, Uriah Loomis, and John Harvey, street commissioners ; 1854, C. S. Simonds, mayor ; S. M. Rose, recorder ; James Norris, Abner Kellogg, Noah Hoskins, Darius Cadwell, and John A. Hervey, trustees ; 1855, C. S. Simonds, mayor ; S. M. Rose, recorder ; James Norris, Abner Kellogg, Noah Hoskins, Darius Cadwell, and John A. Hervey, trustees ; N. B. Prentice and E. Abel Street, commissioners ; Francis Warner, marshal ; 1856, C. S. Simonds, mayor ; A. S. Hall, recorder ; A. Kellogg, H. N. Smalley, John A. Hervey, E. F. Abel, and A. Warren, trustees ; S. McIntyre, treasurer. An error occurs in dates here, and there is so much uncertainty that we will omit them altogether. C. S. Simonds, mayor ; A. S. Hall, recorder ; H. N. Smalley, Wm. R. Allen, Abner Kellogg, S. B. Hawley, and A. Warren, trustees ; S. McIntyre, treasurer. C. S. Simonds, mayor ; A. S. Hall, recorder ; A. Warren, H. N. Smalley, A. Kello.c,, W. R. Allen, and H. A. Plumb, trustees; W. G. Davis, marshal. H. A. Plumb, mayor ; J. A. Howells, recorder ; E. B. Woodbury, W. R. Allen, A. Warren, A. Kellogg, and N. Hoskins, trustees ; S. McIntyre, treasurer ; E. L. Frayer, marshal. A. Kellogg, mayor ; J. A. Howells, recorder ; E. B. Woodbury, H. N. Smalley, D. Cadwell, C. F. Wood, and S. D. Hoskins, trustees ; S. McIntyre, treasurer. 1860, W. R. Allen, mayor ; J. A. Howells, recorder ; Noah Hoskins, A. Warren, D. Cadwell, J. A. Giddings, and N. L. Chaffee, trustees ; S. McIntyre, treasurer ; 1861, H. B. Woodbury, mayor ; C. T. Chaffee, recorder ; A. Warren, H. Taloott, H. N. Smalley, J. Norris, and S. D. Hoskins, trustees ; S. McIntyre, treasurer ; 1862, H. B. Woodbury, mayor ; J. A. Howells, recorder ; H. N. Smalley, H. Talcott, J. A. Hervey, Harrison Loomis, and James Norris, trustees ; S. McIntyre, treasurer ; 1863, H. B. Woodbury, mayor ; J. A. Howells, recorder ; James Norris, J. A. Hervey, H. Talcott, D. Cadwell, and N. E. French, trustees ; S. McIntyre, treasurer ; 1864, J. D. Ensign, mayor ; W. H. Ruggles, recorder ; C. S. Simonds, Harrison Loomis, H. L. Hervey, J. C. A. Bushnell, and S. A. Northway, trustees ; S. McIntyre, treasurer ; 1865, N. E. French, mayor ; W. H. Ruggles, recorder ; C. S. Simonds, J. C. A. Bushnell, Harrison Loomis, H. L. Hervey, and S. A. Northway, trustees; S. McIntyre, treasurer ; 1866, A. R. Houghton, mayor ; E. C. Wade, recorder ; Aseph Carter, A. Warren, W. P. Howland, A. B. Watkins, and War. R. Allen, trustees ; 1867, A. R. Houghton, mayor ; E. C. Wade, recorder ; W. H. Burgess, W. R. Allen, A. B. Watkins, N. E. French, and A. Warren, trustees ; 1868, W. R. Allen, mayor ; E. C. Wade, recorder ; H. Talcott, H. N. Bancroft, A. Warren, W. H. Burgess, and W. H. Ruggles, trustees ; 1869, A. B. Watkins, mayor ; E. J. Betts, recorder; H. Taleott, N. E. French, W. H. Burgess, A. R. Houghton, and J. A. Hervey, trustees ; 1870, W. R. Allen, mayor ; E. J. Betts, recorder ; N. E. French, A. R. Houghton, H. Taloott, J. A. Hervey, W. H. Burgess, and A. H. Bailey, trustees; James Norris, treasurer ; Charles Barnum, marshal ; 1871, W. H. Ruggles, A. R. Beckwith, J. C. Howard, councilmen ; W. C. Howells, E. C. Wade, and S. A. Northway, cemetery trustees ; E. J. Betts, recorder ; 1872, W. B. Allen, mayor ; S. Pickett, recorder ; H. B. Woodbury, H. D. Jones, and A. Warren, council ; James Norris, treasurer ; W. C. Howells, cemetery trustee; Anson Alger, marshal ; 1873, S. A. Northway, S. D. Smalley, and H. L. Hervey, councilmen ; E. C. Way, cemetery trustee; 1874, W. R. Allen, mayor ; E. B. Leonard, clerk ; H, D. Jones, H. B. Woodbury, A. Warren, and N. E. French, councilmen ; James Norris, treasurer ; Thomas Tucker, marshal ; S. A. Northway, cemetery trustee ; 1875, Newton E. French, Stephen A. Northway, and Henry L. Hervey, councilmen ; E. J. Betts and N. E. French, cemetery trustees ; 1876, Henry D. Jones, mayor (present incumbent); John Gill, recorder (present incumbent) ; R. M. Norton, E. C. Wade, and S. T. Fuller, members of council (present incumbents) ; James Norris, treasurer ; George Stearns, marshal (present incumbents); E. J. Betts and A. K. Hawley, cemetery trustees; 1877, S. A. Northway, N. E. French, and C. E. Warner, members of council, and E. J. Betts, cemetery trustees. MANUFACTURING. The Bailey, McDaniel & Jones Flouring-Mill was erected in the years of 1874 and 1875, and first began operations in the fall of the latter year. It is a wooden structure ; main building forty by fifty feet, with an engine and boiler-room of twenty and thirty feet; location on the line he Franklin division of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railway, from which a side-track leads to the mill. The propelling power is a sixty-five horse-power horizontal engine. The mill is fitted with all the latest improved machinery, has four run of stone, and does both merchant and custom grinding. The entire cost of mill and ground is twenty-throe thousand dollars. Average monthly cash receipts on merchant sales are three thousand dollars. Custom grinding averages : wheat, seven hundred bushels per month, and coarse feed perhaps three times that amount. Planing-Mills.-Of these there are two ; the first, which is located on the corner of Chestnut and Walnut streets, began operations in about the year 1861. under the management of Messrs. Benjamin & Hall. The present proprietor is Israel Turner, who purchased the property in the year 1868. Amount of' capital invested, three thousand eight hundred dollars. Class of work done, planing, scroll-sawing, bracket-work, etc. The second mill was erected in the year 1865, by Messrs. Newton & Warren. The present proprietors are Messrs. Loomis & Bailey ; purchased the property in 1870, at which time the building was removed to its present location, which is on Market street, between Jefferson and Warren streets. Capital invested, four thousand five hundred dollars. Class of work done : sash, doors, blinds, scroll-sawing, etc. Foundries.-The " Union Foundry" was established in 1871, by Messrs. Moshier & Cartney. It is located on the corner of Market and Satin streets. Amount of capital invested, one thousand six hundred dollars. Class of work done : plows, stoop and veranda work, sleigh-shoes, etc. Are now making a specialty of " Crosby's patent sleds." The " Jefferson Foundry" began business in 1861. This foundry is located on Chestnut street ; does general work-mill gearing and fancy castings ; brass mill castings a specialty. Capital invested, four thousand dollars. H. Leonard; proprietor. The first tannery established in the township (and possibly in the county) was erected by Noah Hoskins in the year 1812, on lot No. 73, north side of Ashtabula street. Mr. Hoskins began in a small way, doing custom-work exclusively ; gradually increasing his business, until during the years 1862 to 1864 his yearly sales amounted from eight to nine thousand dollars. This property is now owned by John Jipson, who averages fifty sides of rough leather per week, or about eight thousand dollars per year. The machinery is run with steam and has all the modern appliances. JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. The surfarce of the township is but slightly undulating, and its soil is better. adapted to the interests of the dairy than to agriculture. Its timber consists chiefly of beech and maple, although there is a considerable quantity of chestnut, whitewood, and ash, and some cherry and black walnut. Mill creek is the principal stream, enters the township about one mile from the southeast corner, and flows northwestwardly until it reaches the extension of Market street, at a point about one-half mile south of the northern boundary of the township, where it changes its course and flows in a southwestwardly direction until it passes into Austinburg, at about one and three-fourths miles from the southwest corner of the township. It received its name from Sterling Mills, who settled upon its banks at an early day, in Austinburg. The stream has several tributaries, the chief one being Mill creek, which rises in the southern portion of the township and flows northwestwardly until it reaches the main current about a mile distant, in a westwardly direction from the northwest corner of' the town-site of Jefferson. It derived its name from the fact that the first grist-mill in the township was erected upon its banks. Wolf creek obtained its name from the fact that the early settlers built a wolf-pen on the bank of the stream. EARLY EVENTS. In 1809, John Shook, assisted by McDaniel, built the first grist-mill in the tonnahip, on the bank of Mill creek, about one and-one-half miles northwest of the centre of the village. It was a rude affair, but was of immense benefit to the pioneers of Jefferson. Here the first flour made in the township was manufactured. In 1812, the mill having gotten out of repair, the dam being gone, the inhabitants of the township collected in force, rebuilt the dam, and put the mill into operation again. Not only did it do the grinding of the settlers' wheat and corn, but grain was brought to it to be ground from Ashtabula, Austinburg, and Morgan. In 1810, Wareham Grant built a saw-mill on the same stream, a short distance southeast of Mr. Shook's grist-mill. This mill sawed the first board that was sawed in the township. In 1812 there was a noteworthy accession to the population of the township in the arrival from Sheffield, Berkshire county, HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO - 153 Massachusetts, of Durlin Hickok and his entire family, numbering in all sixteen persons. Mr. Hickok selected for his residence the land then known as the Granger farm, where Eldrad Smith had made the first improvement in the township, in 1804. There were sixteen families living within the limits of the township when Mr. Hickok arrived ; five of these families were Websters. From E. W. Hickok's interesting and well-written communication, made as a contribution to the historical collection of the Ashtabula historical society in 1850, we make the following extract : " It was exceedingly gloomy when we moved into Jefferson. Not a bushel of grain could be had in the township. A few bushels of potatoes were all that could be purchased. In the winter of 1812-13 my father went to Vernon, Hartford, and Brookfield to buy provisions and other necessaries. The first inhabitants suffered severely for the lack of food and clothing; sheep would die, and it seemed useless to try to raise them. Entire flocks would run out in three years. Wolves took off many, but the greatest destruction it is supposed was occasioned by their drinking muddy water from deer-licks. The early settlers suffered not a little from apprehensions of another sort. They feared the aggressions of the British, and even in 1813 they supposed if Perry should be conquered the frontier would be left to the mercy of the enemy. However, when he proved conqueror, as the Yankees always do, there was a general time of rejoicing among us. Then we could pass the winter quite comfortably in linen pants, which many of us were glad to wear in lieu of something warmer." In 1823, Mr. Hickok erected their saw-mill, and in 1838 their grist-mill. Early Roads.—The first route along which the Jefferson settlers traveled was the bridle-path of Eldrad Smith, made in 1804, and formed into a wagon-road in the following year. In 1810, T. R. Hawley surveyed the road from Jefferson to Ashtabula. This was a county road, and followed with little variation the course of the present road as far north as to Plum creek, where it bore to the east of this road so 83 to pass between the two little marshes, along a natural elevation, then across the big marsh, and onward to Ashtabula. A traveled road, which had been in use before this county road was surveyed, took a northeastward direction at Plum creek, crossing a narrow neck of the little marsh, and so on through Plymouth to Ashtabula. It was a wretched road. A causeway formed by laying the trunks of small trees across the route extended over the worst portion of the road, and it came to be the dread of travelers; and soon there were strewn along this causeway broken vehicles almost without number. A portion of the county road was cleared of trees and brush soon after it was surveyed, but was not used as a wagon-road until 1817, when it became a State road. In the month of August, Q. F. Atkins and a Mr. Webster took the contract to make the road across the large marsh passable for wagons and travelers; but this was not successfully accomplished until 1827-28, when the people turned out in numbers and placed the floating crossing of timbers in order once again, covering it with a considerable thickness of brush, and covering the brush with a coating of gravel. In the following summer, the county commissioners having appropriated four hundred dollars to the building of a permanent road across the marsh, and an additional subscription having been made by residents of Jefferson and Ashtabula of five hundred dollars, and Colonel Matthew Hubbard, acting under instructions of his brother, Nehemiah Hubbard, having made a large contribution in aid of the work, to be paid in lands, the road was put in a traversable condition. In 1850 a plank-road was built over the causeway. In 1822, Lynds Jones, Esq., living in Jefferson, and desirous of making a visit to friends in Wayne township, had to travel a distance of eighty miles to consummate the journey, when in a direct line his friends lived but eighteen miles from Jefferson. INCIDENTS. Illustrative of the amusements of these early days, we give the following account of a sleighing-party, which the participants, at that time all young people, enjoyed in the early spring of 180f: Jonathan Warner and his intended wife, a young lady by the name of Miss Nancy Friethy, both mounted on one horse, early one cold, frosty morning in March might have been seen pursuing their way through the forests along Eldrad Smith's bridle-path towards Judge Austin's residence in Austinburg. Here they were joined by Mr. Austin's two daughters and son, and the whole company with great merriment passed through the groves to the tavern stand of Gideon Leet, in Ashtabula. Here they were joined by other young people, and there being snow on the ground, and the ice of Ashtabula creek and of the lake being in excellent condition for a sleigh-ride, the young men found a rude lumber-sled, and, attaching to it two of their horses, soon had it in condition for a ride upon the ice. To the mouth of Ashtabula creek the merry party sped, then out upon the broad, smooth surface of the lake they emerged, when it was resolved to go as far as to the cabin of James Montgomery, at the mouth of Conneaut creek. It was rather a dangerous undertakiug, for the weather had grown warmer, and the strength of the ice might not be perfect. However, the party arrived at Montgomery's without any mishap. The day was now far spent and night was rapidly approaching, and the stay at Mr. Montgomery's was very short, when the young men, upon going out to put their sleigh in trim for the return trip, found that it was raining, and, worse yet, that the ice had suddenly disappeared, having embarked on a voyage to the Canada side; and where but a few moments before the happy sleighing party had glided over the smooth ice with a feeling of perfect security, now appeared the blue, turbulent waters of the sea. To return through the woods in a drenching rain, the snow rapidly disappearing, and the road not intended for vehicles such as theirs, being filled with the stumps of small trees that projected so high above the ground as to every now and then apply the brake to the progress of their sleigh,—all this was something different from the ride upon the glazing ice of the lake. This was sleigh-riding under difficulties, but they undoubtedly enjoyed it all the same, and arriving home had an interesting chapter in the history of their lives, which, if they had not gone, they could not have secured. In relation to the organization of the township of Jefferson we find on the " Record" in the office of the township clerk the following : " Be it remembered that the records of Jefferson township, prior to 1812, were destroyed by fire; and on the 17th day of August, A.D. 1850, part of the records of this township with various bonds and papers of the township (the record books from 1812 to March 30, 1839, and various hoods and papers to 1848 and 1849), were consumed by fire at the burning of the court-house in said township." The first record extant shows that on the 1st day of April, 1839, the following persons were elected: Ezra W. Hickok, Ebenezer Wood, and James Norris, trustees ; Thomas Oliver, clerk ; James Whitmore, treasurer; Jonathan Warner and Lynds Jones, overseers of the poor ; Elnathan G. Luce and Uriah Loomis, fence-viewers ; Horatio D. Hoskins and Austin Goodall, supervisors of highways. STATISTICS FOR 1877. |
Wheat Oats Corn Potatoes Orcharding Meadow Maple-sugar Butter Cheese |
240 acres 584 “ 373 ‘ 79 “ 160 “ 1736 " |
2,350 bushels. 16,285 " 12,451 " 4,835 " 11,429 " 2,196 tons. 12,475 pound.. 326,29 " 270,100 " |
School-houses, 8; valuation, 84000; amount paid teachers, $1221.88; number of scholars, 265. Valuation of school property in Jefferson village,. 814,400; amount paid teachers, $2977 ; number of scholars, 347. Vote for President in 1876,—Hayes, 397 ; Tilden, 108. Population of the township in 1870, exclusive of village, 843; of the village, 869. The following are some of the early settlers of Jefferson township, with dates of their settlement: Frederick Udell and Jonathan Loomis, 1823 ; James Hoyt, James Merrifield, Merritt Jerome, 1825 ; Silas Williams and Thomas Oliver, 1827 ; Ansell Udell, 1828 ; Erastus Goodall and Oliver Atwell, 1832 ; Eben Wood, 1835; R. D. Burgess, 1836 ; Harry Brown, 1838; Anson Alger, 1839; H. R. Green, 1843; Joseph Stevens, 1844; D. H. Prentice, 1848. For the above names and dates we are indebted to Cornelius Udell, who settled in Jefferson village in 1818. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. HENRY TALCOTT was born in Nelson, Portage county, Ohio, December 28, 1832. His father, Nelson Talcott, was an extensive chair-manufacturer, and Henry was placed in the paint department, at the age of eleven, to learn to do ornamental chair-painting. Winters he attended the high school in Garrettsville, Ohio, but at the age of seventeen his health failed him, and he had to abandon the painter's trade and learn another. The following spring ho commenced to learn the tinner's trade in Burton, Geauga county, Ohio, and serving two years' time there, at thirty-five dollars and forty-five dollars per year, he then went to Ravenna, Portage county, Ohio, and worked one year more under instruction, at one hundred dollars. Out of these sums he clothed himself entirely and saved fifty-four dollars to commence business with. And the 1st of August before he was twenty-one years old, he came to Jefferson, Ohio, and purchased a small tin-shop and stove-store of James Norris, —consideration seven hundred and thirty-six dollars,—rolled up his sleeves, and 154 - HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO. went to work. He never received any aid or assistance from any quarter, except a loan of two hundred dollars from his father, for six months, when he first commenced business. This was on August 1,1852. The business interests of Jefferson were very small at that time, and for that matter were the same all over the county. Talcott's hardware-store was the first one, exclusively in this branch of trade, started in the county, but the following spring Geo. C. Hubbard commenced one in Ashtabula, and has always kept even pace with him, while at the present time there are at least-a dozen good hardware-stores, situated in different parts of the county, every one of them selling more hardware than was sold in the whole county, prior to 1850, each year. The first year's sales amounted to only two thousand eight hundred dollars, but steadily increased unti1,1864, it reached forty thousand dollars and more, and requiring a stock of from fifteen to twenty thousand dollars. After adding the sale of Buckeye mowing-machines, wagons, and agricultural implements, he was compelled to build a large brick block fifty-two by seventy-five feet, three stories high, to accommodate this greatly increased business, and in addition to this, he has an extensive wareroom thirty-two by sixty-five feet, two stories high. This huffiness has all been built up in the past twenty-five years. In 1863, always having had a passion for a farm life, lie purchased the old Michael Webster farm, one mile wait of the court-house, one hundred and ninety-six acres, moved on to it, and commenced farming in addition to his hardware business. Still later he purchased the old Jonathan Warner farm, adjoining his other purchase and also the borough line of Jefferson, and built him a fine brick residence adjacent to it, but inside the borough, and is now doing an extensive business breeding thoroughbred short-horn Durham cattle for sale, and has some very choice animals in his herd, bred from Clarendon,—five twenty,—Duke of Clark (2d), and Royal Britain. In 1864 he was quite instrumental in starting the First National bank of Jefferson, and was a director in it until 1869. When, February 16, 1869, W. H. Burgess, James Norris, E. C. Wade, Henry Talcott, Lorin French, and Albert Warren organized the Jefferson Savings and Loan association bank, capital stock, fifty thousand dollars, under a corporation law of the State of Ohio, Henry Talcott was elected president of the association, and continued in office until 1872, when it was reorganized and the capital increased to one hundred thousand dollars, and became the Second National bank of Jefferson. He still continued president of this bank until 1874, when Hun. Abner Kellor,g was chosen his successor. In May, 1874, he started a private banking-house, known as Talcott's Deposit bank, which has thus far done a very successful business,—more than meeting his most sanguine expectations. In 1870, feeling the necessity of better schools in Jefferson, he was very active, with a few of his neighbors, in getting a tax of twenty thousand dollars voted to build the Jefferson Educational institute, which is now one of the very best institutes of learning in the State, and is the just pride of our citizens. He has been an active member of the board of directors since its commencement, and for several years past president of the board. December 6, 1876, he purchased the flouring-mills, known as the Griffis mills, two and a half miles west of Jefferson, on the Austinburg road, and at present writing is prosecuting quite successfully the business of merchandising, farming, banking, and milling; and is eager to push these several enterprises to their fullest extent. lie pays, and has paid for several years, the largest amount of taxes of any person in Ashtabula County. His career shows what industry, economy, and a natural taste for business can accomplish. CONNEAUT TOWNSHIP AND BOROUGH. ASHTABULA County is the northeast corner county of the State of Ohio, and Conne,aut, is the northeast corner township of Ashtabula County. It is bounded on the north by Lake Erie, on the south by the township of Monroe, on the east by a portion of the State of Pennsylvania, and on the west by the township of Kingsville and the lake. It is composed of township No. 13 of the first range (except an area of two miles in width from the southern portion thereof, which strip was cut off and annexed to the township of Monroe), and of No. 14 of the first range, being Conneaut gore. The township contains a surface of about twenty-five square miles. Its extreme northernmost point lies about sixty-eight statute miles from the base line of the Reserve on the south, and about two miles ftom the parallel of latitude 42̊ 2', the Reserve's northern boundary line, the width of New Connecticut being sixty-two geographical miles, or a trifle more than seventy-one statute miles. The face of the land in this township is somewhat diversified, and the soil is well adapted to the growing of cereals, although a portion of it produces excellent grass. Conneaut creek and its tributaries, with numerous springs, furnish an excellent system of drainage. The Connecticut land company set aside Conneaut gore, designated by tracts one, two, and three, in township 14 of range 1, and containing five thousand seven hundred and ninety-two acres, as one of the equalizing tracts, and cut up into parcels and attached to inferior townships of land other gores for the purpose of making each of these latter equal to an average township. No. 13 of the first range was itself selected as one of these average townships, the whole number thus selected being eight. Uriel Holmes, Jr., Benjamin Talmage, Frederick Walcott, and Roger Skinner, became the proprietors of 13-1, when the land company made partition in 1798, and Ezra Wadsworth and Lemuel Storrs of the greater portion of the gore. The name Conneaut, it is said, was given to the beautiful stream' that bears its name by a tribe of Seneca Indians, and signifies "river of many fish." The banks of this river had long been the favorite resort of not only the red man of the forest but of a prehistoric people, who, without doubt, dwelt here in the remote past. The number and character of the mounds and burying-places, the exhumation of bodies from their ancient cemeteries, disclosing the fact that their bones belonged to a race of larger size than any known Indian tribe, are proofs of the fact that here in this delightful locality there lived, in the unknown past, a numerous people, and different from any Indian tribes of which the white man possesses any knowledge. There is no other spot in the county, and probably but few others anywhere, that abounds iu such striking proofs of the existence of a powerful and populous people. Its inviting character, the advantages which it possesses in many ways, were known to those rude children of the forest ; and here along the banks of the " river of many fish" did they delight to live, and who can tell what happiness was theirs? In the woodlands was plenty of game; in the stream an abundance of fish ; the rich alluvium of the lands in the valley yielded generously to their efforts of cultivation ; the birds in the forests sang for them as sweetly as birds can sing to-day ; the sun shone down upon tkem as warmly then as now; the clouds opened with as delightful showers; and the bosom of the peaceful lake was as gentle in the summer of those remote years as it is in these warm, quiet summer days of 1878. The ancient people disappeared, leaving no written record which might serve to enlighten us as to who they were, whence they came, and whither they have gone. Nevertheless they have left abundant proof in their burial-place, situated a little west of the site of the old brick church, and in the character of " Fort Hill" as it is called, located on the southeastern bank of the creek and opposite to the present village cemetery, that they did once exist, and that they were a numerous and powerful people. The ancient burying-grounds occupy an area of about four acres, and appeared to have been accurately surveyed into lots running from north to south, and when first seen presented the appearance of neat and orderly arrangement. When first discovered the spot "was covered with trees not distinguishable from the surrounding forest, except an opening near the centre, containing a single butternut. The graves were distinguished by slight depressions in the surface of the earth, disposed in straight rows, which, with intervening spaces or valleys, covered the entire area. The number of these graves has been estimated to be between two and three thousand. Aaron Wright, Esq., in 1800, made a careful examination of these depressions, and found them invariably to contain human-bones blackened with time, which upon exposure to the air soon crumbled to dust. Some of these bones were of unusual HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO - 155 size, and evidently belonged to a race allied to giants. Skulls were taken from these mounds, the cavities of which were of sufficient capacity to admit the head of an ordinary man, and jaw-bones that might be fitted over the face with equal facility. The bones of the upper and lower extremities were of corresponding size." The imagination is pained in endeavoring to penetrate the mystery in which the history of this people is shrouded. That the multitude whose mortal remains people these receptacles of the dead once existed, that they were members of the human family, that they died and were buried, is incontrovertible; but what was their origin, what their language, what their habits, their religion, and their moral, political, and social condition,--all this remains an insoluble mystery. INDIANS OF CONNEAUT. These ancient people were succeeded by various tribes of Indians. The first of these known to the white settlers were those inhabiting this region at the time of the arrival of white immigration in 1796-97, said to be a remnant of the Massasauga tribe, dwelling on the present. town site of the village of Conneaut, under a chief by the name of Macqua Medah, or " Bear's Oil." This warrior's village consisted, at that time, of some thirty or forty cabins, inhabited by as many separate families. They were a feeble people, unable to offer successful resistance to the encroachments of the whites, and very soon retired from their pleasant hunting-grounds on the banks of the Conneaut. Their cabins were rude structures, about twelve or fifteen feet in height, formed of logs, with bark for roofs, but presented an appearance of neatness and comfort seldom observed among the Indians. Here was their council-house, and here their king's palace, which the settlers, with little respect for the dignity and sanctity with which they were undoubtedly associated in the minds of these red children of the woods, converted the one into a barn and the other into a poultry-house. When the Indians were about to abandon the country, their chieftain, in a very threatening manner, warned the whites against ever trespa.ssing upon a certain spot of ground, declaring that if they did not respect his wishes he would return and scalp the inhabitants " as far rut he could pole a canoe up the creek." This spot, so sacred to the Indian king and his people, contained the grave of his mother, and was designated by a square post some eight or ten feet high, painted red, and sunk into the ground, and stood on the margin of the creek, near where the present iron bridge now crosses the stream-1, OISE of the village. The lands between the post and the mouth of the creek were the " consecrated spot." The settlers paid little or no attention to this demand. The immediate cause of the expulsion of " Bear's Oil'' and his tribe from Conneaut was a murder committed by one of his party of a white man whose name was Williams. This individual, about the year 1797-98, in traveling from Detroit to Presque Isle, or Erie, had sold an Indian a rifle, fur which he agreed to trust him for a specified time, and receive his pay in peltries. After the delivery of the rifle, Bear's Oil, either from motivcs of friendship or from a desire to involve Williams in difficulty, told him that the Indian was bad, and that he would not get his pay. Thereupon Williams went to the Indian, denied the return of his rifle, and compelled him to give it up. Incensed at tides procedure, on Williams leaving the village, the Indian waylaid his path as he was passing down the beach and shot him, a few miles below the mouth of the Conneaut, and again possessed himself of the rifle. As soon as the circumstance was known to the commanding officer of the military post at Presque Isle, he sent to Bear's Oil, demanding the murderer. Bear'a Oil, after some hesitation, agreed that if, an officer and a suitable number as guard were sent forward to take charge of the prisoner, he would give him up. On the arrival of the guard, they were invited by Bear's Oil to remain until morning. The invitation was accepted, and when morning came they were ;gravely informed by the chief that they had deliberated upon the matter, and had decided not to yield up the murderer; at the same time making a show of his force, which consisted of thirty or forty braves, armed and painted in a warlike manner. The guard, unable to contend with so large a force, retired to their bateau, which had been left at the head of the dead water, and descended the creek, not, however, without apprehension of a salute from the Indians' riflt RS they passed some of the close thickets which covered the shore. No interruption of the kind, however, occurred, and they. returned with all possible expedition to Presque Isle. Upon the receipt of the intelligence the troops at the garrison, with as many volunteers as could be suddenly collected, were embarked in boats, with orders to proceed to Conneaut, secure the murderer, and to inflict such chastisement upon the whole party as the nature of the ease detnanded. But arrived at the antici-pated seem of action they found the village deserted. The enemy bad fled and left them nothing upon which to expend their valor. No war-cry greeted their ears. Old Macqua Medab understood the nature of the call that was likely to be made upon him, and had launched his canoes and paddled them up the lake as far as Sandusky. 39 Thus disappeared, never again to return, Bear'a Oil and his people. It is said that he located or, the Wabash. The ruins of a more ancient village, said to have belonged to a remnant of a tribe of Seneca Indians, were yet remaining at tbe time the first settlers arrived. This village was located on the east bank of the creek, near the Harmon farm. There were evidences of the ground having been cultivated, and an apple-tree was found here in a thrifty condition. They probably lived here as late as the time of the treaty of Greenville, in 1794. They bad been engaged in the Indian war, so disastrous to the white settlers, when General Harmon, in 1790, and Glovernor St. Clair, in 1791, led the armies of the Ohio settlers ag,ainst the red men and were sorely defeated. At St. Clair's defeat on the Miami, November 4, 1791, two young tnen were taken prisoners by this band of Indians and were brought to this locality. They were without doubt the first white men that looked upon this region, and were captives for a eunaber of years. The name of one of these individuals was Edmund Fitz Jeralds, but that of the other cannot be ascertained. They were among the number that survived the slaughter on the Miami, when the Aruericans were defeated by the savages with the logs of more than six hundred of the militia. They were at first a part of a large company of prisoners, but aa the different tribes marched homeward and began to separate, each clan, as its share of booty, took a number of the prisoners, and Fitz Jeralds and his companion became the spoil of this Seneca tribe, and thus were brought to the banks of the Conneaut. Their arrival was celebrated by the customary practices adopted by the Indians upon like occasions. The prisoners were made to run the gauntlet, to receive the requisite number of kicks and blows, and to listen to the taunts and jeers of their captors. The moment of supreme solicitude, however, arrived when the braves assembled in solemn council to decide what should be done with the prisoners. Would the sentence be death ? and if so, would it be death from the tomahawk, or death from the rifle, or death at the stake? It was a moment of fearful suspense. Soon the decision was announced. One was to die, the other to be spared. Fitz Jeralds was the fortunate one. His companion was doomed to die. The youthful Indian warriors must needs be taught the art of torturing an enemy. They must be instructed in the character of that fierce cruelty necessary to be employed. in dealing with a foe whom they hated. Fitz Jerald's companion was sentenced to be burned. A red-oak tree was selected, and certain significant signs rudely carved upon it, so that ever afterwards it should be a living witness to the young warriors of the scene of cruelty about to be enacted. There appeared upon the bark of the tree the figure of a tomahawk, and that of a scalp. To this tree the young man was firmly bound. A largo quantity of hickory bark was collected, tied up in fagots, and placed around him. The young man's distress was beyond all expression ; that of Fitz Jemlds was from sympathy nearly as great, and yet he dared not speak or he too might become a victim to their cruelty. Would nothing happen to release the young man from the fate awaiting him? Would no one plead for him, or even beseech them to shoot him instead of burning him to death? Yes. There appears upon the scene a young maiden squaw whose heart was stricken with sympathy and grief, and, like Pocahontas, she earnestly plead for the life of the young victim. Her entreaties were heeded, and Fitz Jeralds' companion was rracued from a frightful death. The young man became a favorite with the Indians, and soon was intrusted with important matters of business, and was employed as their agent iu trafficking with the whites. In the course of a few years he was sent to Detroit with a quantity of furs to be exchanged for needed supplies, and improved the opportunity to make good his escape. He returned to Conneaut in the year 1800, and himself related the circumstances herein given, and pointed out the Very tree to which he had been bound, whereon were plainly to be seen the significant signs the Indians had cut upon it. Fitz Jeralds remained in captivity. He assisted in cultivating the soil with a wooden hoe, and in ;guarding the fields of maize from destruction by animals how long he remained with the Indians is not known; but after the whites arrived he became a citizen of this county and resided here many years. THE FIRST RESIDENT A HERMIT. An individual by. the name of Halsted With found residing here at the thaw the surveyors arrived in 1796, and from his own statement had then lived here up-wards of three or four years. He therefore came here shortly after the arrival of the two Indian captives, Fitz Jeralds and hie companion. He was discovered by the surveying party who, in running the meridian lines from the base of the Western Reserve to the lake-shore, were guided to his retreat by the sound of his axe. His cabin was situated in East Conneaut, on the farm known as the Baldwin farm, about one-fourth mile from the State line, and one mile to the south of the Ridge road. A strange life did this man lead, and some strange in-fluence had brought him hither. He showed little inclination to be interrogated, 156 - HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO. and but little information could be obtained from him. He stated that he was a native of the Old Bay State, and had lived here a number of years, subsisting by hunting and fishing, and by cultivating a few vegetables on a patch he had cleared around his hut. But of the particulars of bis own history, and of the motives that had induced him to undergo this voluntary banishment from home, kindred, and friends, and to make the deep forest, infested with wild animals and wandering bands of Indians, his chosen abode, he refused to furnish any account. Perhaps he had become disgusted with the inconstancy of human friendship ; perhaps he was a criminal who had escaped from the legal consequences of his guilt ; perhaps it was "unrequited hive ;" such were the explanations which conjecture could furnish, but the lips of the man himself refused to open. He mani&sited evident displeasure at the presence of the surveyors, whom he recognized as the advance-guard of a multitude of followers who were destined to people the land. He had supposed be had found a retreat secure from the approach of the white man, and fully intended, without doubt, to spend here the remainder of his days solitary and alone. He had girdled or deadened the timber on a few acres adjoining his cabin with the evident design of making a permanent improvement ; but now he abandoned the undertaking, and quitting his cabin he disappeared from the country to seek for some more congenial locality. THE ARRIVAL OF THE SURVEYORS. The next event of importance in the history of the township is the arrival of the party of surveyors on the banks of the Conneaut, July 4, 1796. An account of this occurrence will be found in another department of this work, and hence we make but a casual allusion to it here. At Buffalo the party halted for the purpose of holding a conference with the Indians, remnants of tribes belonging to the once great and powerful Iroquois nation, who, notwithstanding the treaty of Greenville, by which the western bands had surrendered all claim to the territory, still maintained that this tract of right belonged to them. An interview for the purpose, if possible, of conciliating them was therefore held, the leader of the expedition, who acted as agent for the party, being dressed in scarlet broadcloth, for the purpose of enhancing his consequence and producing on the minds of the Indians an imposing effect. Brant, an Indian warrior and chief of one of the tribes, insisted that he and his people had claims upon the land in question, and that it would be unsafe to enter upon them until those claims had been satisfied, insisting that the western tribes had no right to sign away the inheritance of his people. Fearing to dispute the point, the agent assured him that Ha claims should have the recognition they deserved, and thus, with the distribution of a few presents, were the Indians conciliated. When the party arrived at Conneaut they pitched their tents on the east side of the creek in a beautiful grove of young maples and other forest-trees which occupied the space between the high bank and the water's edge, a spot well remembered by the early settlers, but which has long since disappeared by reason of the encroachments of the lake. Upon this same spot, and on ground since covered by the waters of Lake Erie, they afterwards erected a substantial log building, about thirty-five feet in length by twenty in width, designed as a residence, and as a depository for their stores. It is said to have been fitted up with a reasonable attention to convenience, having a well-shingled roof, and the floors, partitions, doors, etc., made from boards sawed out by a whip-saw. This was the first building, with the exception of the hermit's little cabin, a rude structure, erected by the white man upon the soil of the Western Reserve. The surveyors, after thus arranging for their comfort during their stay in this locality, proceeded to the southern boundary of the Reserve and began their labors. THE FIRST FAMILY THAT PASSED THE WINTER ON THE RESERVE. James Kingsbury, afterwards known as Judge Kingsbury, arrived at the mouth of Conneaut creek shortly after the surveyors had conic ; and as the surveyors, in the prosecution of their work, receded farther and farther to the westward, they soon abandoned the building they had erected on Conneaut creek as a place of rendezvous, and removed their stores to the mouth of Cuyahoga river, where they thenceforward made their headquarters. The commodious building, thus abandoned became the dwelling-place of Mr. Kingsbury and his family, who continued to occupy it through the severe winter months that followed. As this was in the year 1796-97, it is thought that Mr. Kingsbury's family was the first that passed this winter on the soil of New Connecticut. In relation to the sufferings of this family, we make the following quotation from the well-written narrative of Harvey Nettleton, Esq., to whom we are indebted for many of the facts given in this history : " The story of the sufferings of this family during that severe winter has often been told; but by those who are in the midst of plenty, and to whom want has never been known, it is with difficulty appreciated. "Circumstances rendering it necessary during the fall for Mr. Kingsbury to make a journey to the State of New York, he left his family in expectation of a speedy return, but-in his absence was prostrated with a severe attack of sickness that confined him to his bed until the setting in of winter. As soon as lie was able he began to return, fund proceeded as far as to Buffalo, where he obtained an Indian guide to conduct him through the wilderness. At Presque Isle, anticipating the wants of his family, he purchased twenty pounds of flour, and continued his journey. In crossing Elk creek on the ice he disabled his horse, left him in the snow, and placing the flour upon his own back, pursued his way, filled with gloomy forebodings as to the condition of his little family. On his arrival, late in the evening, his worst apprehensions were more than realized in the agonizing scene that met his eyes. Stretched upon the cot lay the partner of his cures, who had followed him through all the dangers and hardships of the wilderness without repining, pale and enunciated, reduced by fierce famine to the last stages in which life can be sustained, and near the mother, on a little pallet, were the remains of his youngest child, born in his absence, and who had just, expired from the want of that nourishment which the mother, herself deprived of sustenance, could not supply. Shut up by a gloomy wilderness, far distant from the aid and sympathy of friends, filled with anxiety for an absent husband, suffering with want, destitute of necessary assistance, she wns compelled to behold two children expire around her, powerless to help them. Such is the picture presented, truthful in every respect, for the contemplation of the wives and daughters of to-day, who have no adequate conception of the hardships endured by the pioneers of this beautiful country of ours. "It appears that Judge Kingsbury, in order to supply the wants of' his family, was under the necessity of transporting his provisions from the mouth of the Cuyahoga on a band-sled, and that lie and his hired man drevi a barrel of beef the whole distance at a single load." Mr. Kingsbury became prominently connected with the history of the Resuerve, and was honored with several important judicial and legislative trusts. He soon removed from Conneaut, and finally settled in Newburg. THE FIRST PERMANENT SETTLERS. The year 1798 marks the date of the first permanent settlement in the township. The names of these pioneers were Thomas Montgomery, with his family, and Aaron Wright. They removed in this year from Harpersfield, in the State of New York, intending to settle in Harpersfield township, where some of their friends had taken up their abode the previous year; but arriving at Conneaut, they were so delighted with the country, and the facilities it afforded for getting in crops, that they decided to make this township their home. They found the house in which the surveying party and Judge Kingsbury had lived, and another which the latter erected before he left this locality, unoccupied, and immediately took up their residence in them. These buildings were a blessing to hem, saving them the necessity and expense of erecting new ones. But these were not the only source of joy to the new-comers. The Indians had cultivated fields of corn, and these were easily put into condition to yield them a plentiful supply for their wants the following winter. Thus they fared much better than if they had gone to Harpersfield, where they would have been obliged to clear the forests before any planting could be done, and besides would have had to build for themselves cabins in which to dwell. The only other settlement within the limits of what is now Ashtabula County was at Harpersfield, where the Harpers had settled the previous year. The distance from one settlement to the other was about twenty-five miles, and consequently these pioneer fathers could not be very neighborly with each other. The hardships which they were compelled to undergo were, indeed, many while the advantages, if so they can be considered, were those which arise from the absence of all social and legal restraint, they being a law unto themselves. The next year (1799) Robert, Levi, and John Montgomery, Samuel Bcmus, and Nathan and John King arrived from the State of New York, and began settlements along the creek. The first house built by these first settlers was the one erected by Nathan King, on the north bank of Conneaut creek, a short distance south of John Brown's residence, in 1799. The next was built by Aaron Wright, on the then Ridge road, what is now Liberty street, in the village, on the present site of Geo. W. Cummings' residence. Mr. Wright says, "I once lived sixteen days without seeing a human face, except my own in a pail of water, which I used for a looking-glass when compelled to shave, and this was the only facility I had for making my toilet for a long time. After my sixteen days' seclusion, a friend called upon time, and of course 1 was anxious to receive him hospitably and entertain him in good style. My larder was wanting in one very important article, viz., meat, the bones of my last porcupine having already been picked. While in this dilemma two other friends culled, one of them fortunately having killed a flue turkey. I set him to stripping the feathers, while I prepared may kettle and some dough wherewith to make a pot-pie, by simply putting flour and water together. HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO - 157 I soon had supper in readiness; and my friend has often informed use that it was the best meal of victuals to which he ever sat down, made up of my pot-pie, bread, pepper, and salt. When it was time to retire I spread my straw bed upon the floor as usual, and by lying crosswise four of us enjoyed a comfortable night's rest." The year 1800 notes the arrival of Seth Harrington, Jas. Harper, and Jas. Montgomery, with their families, and Daniel Baldwin and James and Nathaniel Laughlin. The Montgomery families and Mr. Harper settled at first on the east side of the creek, near the lake. Mr. Baldwin and the Laughlins first settled on the west side of the creek, near the Harbor, but soon removed to the east part of the township, on lands now owned and occupied by Hugh and Win. Laughlin. It has been impossible to obtain the exact dates of the arrival of some of the early settlers of this township. Dr. Nehemiah King, the first physician who settled in Conneaut, is among this class ; also, Peter King, Jr., Elisha and Amos King, Peter Kiug, Sr., Hananiah Brooks, Caleb Thompson, William Perrin, David Gould, Zebadiah Thompson, Seth Thompson, Jr., Joseph Tubbs, — Pitney, — Harvey, Daniel Sawtelle, — Robinson, and James Dunn. The Kings were quite a numerous family among the early settlers. They were from New Hampshire. Peter King, Jr., settled on the present William Storey farm, at the junction of the Gore and Ridge roads. Elisha King settled on the south side of Conneaut creek, near the centre of the township, on the farm now owned and occupied by O. L. Houston, and Peter King, Sr., settled on the north side of the creek, near the present residence of C. R. Goddard, Esq. Ilananish Brooks first settled on the present Gilbert farm, on the east aide of the creek, opposite the Harbor. Caleb Thompson's residence was on the site of the old fair grounds at Conneaut Centre, and that of Seth and Zebadiall Thompson was in the south portion of the township, on the present L. L. Skinner farm. Joseph Tubbs settled on the present Wilder farm, near Amboy, Daniel Sawtelle near the present residents; of D. Cummings, at Conneaut Centre, and the Pitney family near the Harbor. In 1807, Ezekiel and Thomas Olds settled in the township. Ezekiel Olds settled on what is known as the Ralph Wright farm, on south ridge, but afterwards, in 1814, removed to the eastern portion of the township, settling on the farm now owned by John Dean. Josiah Brown, Sr., from Stanstead, Lower Canada, settled in the township near the present site of the residences of Joseph and Josiah Brown, in the year 1807. In 1809, David, Joseph, James, and Stephen Hicks, brothers, arrived in Conneaut, and settled in the western portion of the township, near the present site of the Amboy cheese-factory. They also came from Canada, though natives of Vermont. In 1810, Henry Irske and Dr. Nahum Howard and family settled in Conneaut. Dr. Howard was from Kennebec county, Maine. He settled near the site of the present residence of P. M. Darling, on Harbor street. Mr. Lake was a native of Vermont. He started the first furnace in Conneaut, on the flats of the creek, a short distance above the paper-mills. lie was afterwards landlord of the old Mansion House. Charles De Marranville and sons Lewis and Jube settled in the south part of the township, on the south ridge, in 1811, on the farm now occupied by descendants of the family. This same year, Earl Pierce, from New Hampshire, settled on the lake-shore, near the present Kelsey farm. Accessions to the :settlement were now becoming quite frequent, and in various parts of the township began to appear the pioneer's cabin ; the dense forests began to disappear in many localities, and in their stead could be seen fields of wheat, corn, and other grain. EARLY EVENTS. Aaron Wright erected the first grist-mill in the township in 1806-8, on the present site of Mr. Rathbone's mill. Prior to this time the settlers were compelled to carry their grain sixteen miles in order to get it ground, the nearest mill being this distance front Conneaut, at Elk Creek, Pennsylvania. Mr. Wright says, " I have often carried a build and a half of wheat on my back to this mill, and if on my return toy provisions failed, I struck a fire, dropped some water in the mouth of my bag with my hands, and mixed my bread, and then spread it ou a basswood bark, brought for the purpose, and baked it before the fire." The first roads were Indian trails. The main line of travel was at first along the beach, the fording of the streams being accomplished with difficulty. In 1800 the first road was marked out by Seth Harrington, Aaron Wright, and Nathan King, being the present Ridge road, leading to Ashtabula. Nathan King was the first supervisor, and his district extended from the State line to the ten-mile stone in Kingsville. The first school with taught in 1802-3 by a Mr. Loomis in one of the buildings then standing at the mouth of the creek. The first religious meetings were held at the cabin of Aaron Wright about the tame time, Rev. Joseph Badger being the first minister. The first marriage among the settlers occurred in 1800, Aaron Wright and Anna Montgomery being the contracting parties. They were married in Harpersfield, Justice Wheeler performing the ceremony. The first death, with the exception of the little child of Mr. Kingsbury, was the daughter of Samuel Burins, in 1799. The coffin was made by Aaron Wright, who says he made it from a white-oak tree, from which he cut and split the boards, obtaining the nails in making the coffin from a boat that had been wrecked and drifted near the mouth of the creek, and was painted by using the ashes from burnt straw. The first birth was a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bemus, born in 1801, and named Amelia. She became the wife of Daniel Hewett. INCIDENTS. The Indians, for a number of years following the first settlement in the county, frequented this locality during the hunting season for the purpose of killing game, and seemed to take great pleasure in revisiting their old hunting-grounds, where lay buried the dust of their ancestors, and whese from time immemorial roamed their fathers in chase of the bear and elk. They realized a considerable profit from the sale of the furs of wild animals, and their canoes annually descended the Conneaut richly laden with the product of the winter's hunt. Oftentimes traders would visit them on their grounds, and give them, in exchange for their furs, goods and money. Rufus S. Reed, merchant, at Presque Isle, or Erie, was accustomed to traffic with the Indians, and for a number of years in the early settlement of this township visited frequently this locality for the purpose of trading with those red hunters. Ile was in the habit of traversing the woods through snows with a pack of goods on his back, or on the back of a French pony that sometimes accompanied him. Engaged in one of these expeditions, he left Conneaut on a severe wintry day with his pony, intending to reach the station of old Philip, a Seneca Indian, well known to the early settlers, encamped at the time referred to somewhere within the limits of the present township of Denmark. As the pony on this occasion had no other incumbrance than a sack of dollars, which was firmly attached to his saddle, it was supposed that he could occasionally well afford to endure the weight of his master. Mr. Reed accordingly mounted on his back, and pursued his way very industriously, following a trail which the Indians bad made through the snow, until, becoming chilled, he alighted and continued on foot his journey, driving his pony before him. Whether or not there was in the mind of the intelligent animal some consciousness as to the value of the sack of money fastened to the saddle we cannot tell, but it is certain that wheu Mr. Reed desired to remount, the pony peremptorily refused to let him approach near enough to consummate this purpose. The hitherto docile animal rejected all terms of conciliation, and with provoking cunning perseveringly eluded every attempt to entrap hint into submission. In the pursuit the trail was soon lost, and Mr. Reed, after wandering many hours, found his strength nearly exhausted. At this juncture he was so fortunate as to fall in with Seth Harrington, Esq., a resident of Conneaut, and a hunter rarely excelled, who was just returning from a hunting expedition, having just been at Philip's camp. He besought Harrington to catch his pony for him, and if he could not secure him in any other way to shoot him and obtain the money, as he cared more for this than for the pony. Himself tired and cold, took Harrington's track and followed it to the encampment. Harrington soon overtook the pony, and by driving him into a narrow point of laud in a bend of Ashtabula creek, succeeded in capturing the animal, and brought him and the money iu triumph to the owner. A FALSE ALARM General Hull's surrender in 181'1 at Detroit, whereby the British obtained possession of that commander's army and of the Territory of Michigan, left the whole northern frontier exposed to the incursions of the English, who also had undisputed control of Lake Erie. The settlements along its shore were, therefore, kept in a continued state of agitation and alarm. The country had been actually devastated as far east as the Huron river, and the inhabitants either murdered or driven from their homes before a sufficient force could be collected to arrest their progress. To repel this invasion the whole effective force of the country had been culled into the field, leaving the new set tlements in an exposed and defenseless condition. Knowing the wide-spread consternation among the settlers, the British vessels took delight in sailing along the coast, firing cannon, and making other sundry demonstrations of hostility in order to increase the alarm of the inhabitants. They had in two or three instancea effected a lauding from their vessels in small parties, killed some cattle, and possessed themselves of some other articles of plunder of more or less value. Tidings were frequently arriving from the seat of war, and it was not uncommon for the people to be called out of their beds at the dead of night to hear exagger- 158 HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO. ated accounts of the murders and cruelties of the Indians engaged in assisting the enemy. It was during this period of feverish excitement that the following occurrence took place, the particular time being the night of August 11, 1812 : Two British vessels of rather suspicions appearance had been observed off shore during the previous day. A guard had been stationed at the mouth of the creek who watched the movements of the vessels with close attention. A larger number of persons was descried upon board, it was thought, than was consistent with peaceable intentions, and grave suspicions as to the hostile purposes of the vessels were entertained, and it was believed that they were only awaiting the approach of night, when they would land and execute their warlike designs. Abqut dusk some boats were discovered by the sentinels at a short distance from the shore, steering directly towards the mouth of the creek. One of the guard hailed lustily, fired his musket, threw it upon the beach, mounted his horse, and fled precipitately. As be dashed through the settlements, he cried, in stentorian tones, " Turn out ! Save your lives! The British and Indians are landing, and will be upon you in fifteen minutes !" The wildest consternation and direst confusion ensued. Before the fifteen minutes had expired, almost every home in the settlement was deserted, and a large portion of the population had taken refuge in the woods. Such was their haste that in many instances the doors were left standing open, and their lights un-extinguished. In one instance a family commenced their flight in so much trepidation that they left one of their children, a little girl of two or three years of age, asleep in the house, and the mistake was not noticed until they had gone some rods from the dwelling. The inhabitants of the upper settlement lied across the creek, and sought refuge on Fort Hill, where amidst its ancient ruins, then covered with a dense forest, they hoped to find a place of temporary security. Before reaching the spot, however, a variety of disasters, more or less serious, had occurred, principally occasioned by the necessity of fording the Conneaut. The younger children, and some of the women, were carried over on the shoulders of men. One rather portly lady was being thus transported on the back of her husband, who was a small man, and lost his footing on a slippery rock in the centre of the stream, and he and his precious cargo were submerged in the current ; and as the little man occupied the nether position he was nearly drowned before he could shift his ballast, and get his bead above it and the water. Within the dilapidated walls of the old fort, hid among the bushes, they passed a most uncomfortable and tedious night, momentarily expecting to hear the yells of the savages, or to witness from the hill the conflagration of their dwellings. The people of East Conneaut had found shelter from danger of discovery, as they hoped, in a thick hemlock grove on the banks of Smoke Run, a small tributary of the Conneaut, about one-fourth of a mile south from the, Ridge road. In the recesses of this grove were collected quite a numerous company, consisting principally of women and children. The locality seemed to promise security, except that its proximity to the main road made it necessary to maintain perfect silence. By the soothing attention which the mother knows so well how to bestow the children were kept reasonably quiet, but the noisy and pugnacious qualities of the canine species caused infinite annoyance and vexation. One little dog, in particular, would not keep quiet. In spite of all they could do to keep him silent, he would yelp, yelp, yelp, " without any mitigation or remorse of voice." Finding that they could not quiet him, they unanimously passed upon him the sentence of death, and resolved to bang him without-benefit of clergy. The elastics of the ladies served as a cord, and soon the little culprit was dangling in the air, suspended from a sapling that was bent down for that purpose. Thus did the villagers pass the never-to-be-forgotten night. Soon the cheerful morning light began to appear, and Scouts were sent out to reconnoiter. There stood their cottages; no hand had touched them. No enemy could be found. The alarm was a false one, and all eagerly and joyfully returned to their dwellings. The boats which the heated imagination of the sentry had filled with British and Indiana, belonged to a Captain Dobbins, of Erie, who was on his way down the luke, having on board some families bound for Conneaut, whom he was endeavoring to land ; but upon discovering that his vessel was creating alarm, he turned from the shore and continued his voyage. THE ADVENTURE OF SOLOMON SWEATLAND. The incident that follows took place in the month of September, 1817, and created no little sensation at the time. As it is prominently connected with the early history of this township, we give a full account of it, substantially as given by Mr. Nettleton : Sweetland was an active young man, residing with his family on the lake-shore, a short distance below the mouth of Conneaut creek. He was fondly attached to the sports of the woods, and made the chase a source both of profit and amusement. A favorite method of capturing deer at this time was to chase up a herd of them with hounds, and drive them into the lake, as these animals readily take to the water when hotly pursued. Sweetland kept a canoe for the purpose of going upon the hike in pursuit of the deer, and one of his neighbors, who acted in concert with him, kept a number of hounds. The arrangement between the two men was that while Mr. Cozens, the neighbor, should go into the woods, and with the dogs start the deer towards the lake, Sweetland should be prepared to take his canoe, and pursue and capture the deer as soon as it should take to the water. His canoe was nothing more than a large whitewood log hollowed out, and formed into the shape of a canoe, about fourteen feet in length, and rather wide for its length. It was a lovely morning in early autumn. Sweetland had risco early, in anticipation of enjoying a chase upon the blue waters of the lake, and without putting on his coat or waistcoat, listening, as he went toward his canoe, for the approach of the hounds. He soon heard their deep baying, and by the time he reached the boat he found that a large deer had already taken to the water, and was rapidly moving away from the shore. Throwing his hat upon the beach and boarding his canoe, he was soon engaged in an animated chase. The wind, which had been fresh from the south during the night, began now to gradually increase until it became nearly a gale ; but Sweatiaud, intent upon capturing his prize, paid little or no heed to this. The deer was a vigorous animal, and stoutly breasting the waves, gave proof that in a race with a log canoe, managed with a single paddle, he was not to be easily vanquished. Our hero had attained a considerable distance from the shore before overtaking the animal. The latter, turning and shooting past the canoe, struck out towards the shore. Sweetland, with alarm, now discovered his danger. Heading his frail bark toward the land, he discovered that with the utmost exertion he could make no headway whatever against the terrible gale that was now blowing against him, but, in fact, was every moment being carried farther and farther from the shore. His outward progress had been observed by Mr. Cozens and others on shore, who now became alarmed for his safety. They saw at once the impossibility of his returning in the face of such a gale, and unless help could be got to him he was doomed to perish at sea. Soon a boat containing Messrs. Gilbert, Cozens, and Belden was launched, with the full determination of making every possible effort for his relief. They soon met the deer returning toward the shore nearly exhausted, but the man himself was nowhere to be seen. They continued their search until they had gone many miles from the shore, when, meeting with a sea in which they judged it impossible for a canoe to live, they returned, giving Sweetland up for lost. Our hero meanwhile was manfully battling with the waves of an angry sea. He possessed a cool head and stout heart, which, with a tolerable degree of physical strength and remarkable powers of endurance, were of immense advantage to him in his emergency. He kept heading towards the shore, faintly hoping that by and by the wind would abate ; but it did not. As the day wore away he receded farther and farther from the shore. As he followed with his eye the out, line of the distant shore, he could distinguish the spot where his own dear little cabin stood, filled with hearts burning with anxiety and distress upon his behalf. During the day one or two schooners were seen, which he vainly tried to signal. Seeing the utter hopelessness of getting back to the American shore, he made up his mind to sail with the wind and strike out for the Canada side. The gale had now arisen until it was indeed furious. He was borne on over the angry waters, utterly powerless to guide his bark. He was obliged to stand erect, moving cautiously from one extremity of his vessel to the other, so as to trim it to the waves, fearing that each succeeding plunge would be the last one. He was obliged, too, to bail his boat of water, using his shoes for this purpose. Hitherto our hero had been blest with the cheerful light of day. Now darkness was rapidly approaching. The billows of the sea looked dark and frowning. Thinly clad and destitute of food, our hero passed a terrible night. When morning came he found he was in sight of land, and that he was nearing Long Point, on the Canada shore. After being buffeted by the winds and waves for nearly thirty hours he reached the land in safety, and no mortal was ever more thankful. Still, exhausted with fatigue and faint from hunger, he found himself forty miles from any settlement, while the country that intervened was a desert filled with marshes and tangled thickets. We will not undertake to describe his toilsome journey towards the Canadian settlements. Suffice it to say, he arrived in the course of twenty or more hours, and was kindly received by the people, who showed him every hospitality. On his way to the settlement he had the good fortune to find a quantity of goods, supposed to have been driven on shore from the wreck of some vessel. Accompanied by some of the inhabitants, he returned and took possession of the goods, HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO - 159 which he carried to Buffalo, and from the avails of which purchased for himself a new suit of clothes. He then took passage on the schooner " Fire Fly," bound for Ashtabula Harbor. Arrived at his dwelling, guns were fired from the deck of the schooner, and the crew gave three loud cheers. On landing he found his funeral sermon had been preached, and that his wife was clad in the habiliments of mourning. SOLOMON SPAULDING, A RESIDENT OF CONNEAUT, THE REPUTED AUTHOR OF THE MORMON BIBLE. Solomon Spaulding came to Conneaut to live in the year 1809, and shortly after began to write a book, claimed to be identical with the Golden Bible of the Mormons. We append the following statement of his brother, John Spaulding, copied from the work entitled " Mormonism Unveiled," written by E. D. Howe, of Painesville, Ohio: "Solomon Spaulding was born in Ashford, Connecticut, in 1761, and in early life contracted a taste for literary pursuits. After he had left school, he entered Plainfield academy, where he made great proficiency in study and excelled moat of his classmates. He next commenced the study of law in Windham county, in which he made little progress, having in the mean titne turned his attention to religious subjects. He soon after entered Dartmouth college, with the intention of qualifying himself for the ministry, where he obtained the degree of' A.M., and was regularly ordained. After preaching three or four years he gave it up, removed to Cherry Valley, New York, and commenced the mercantile business in company with his brother Jonah. In a few years he failed in business, and in 1809 removed to Conneaut, Ohio. In the year following I removed to Ohio, and found him engaged in building a forge. I made him a visit about three years after, and found that he had failed, and was considerably in debt. He then told me he had been writing a book, which he intended to have published, the avails of which, he thought, would enable him to pay his debts. " The book was entitled ' Manuscripts Found,' of which he read to me many passages. It was an historical romance of the first settlers of America, endeavoring to show that the American Indians are the descendants of the Jews or lost tribes. It gave a detailed account of their journey from Jerusalem by land and sea, till they arrived in America under the command of Nephi and Lehi. They afterwards had quarrels and contentions, and separated into two distinct nations, one of which he denominated Nephites, and the other Lamenites. Cruel and bloody wars ensued, in which great multitudes were slain. They buried their dead in large heaps, which caused the mounds so common in this country. Their arts, sciences, and civilization were brought into view in order to amnia for all the curious antiquities found in various parts of North America. "I have recently read the Book of Mormon, and to my great surprise find nearly the same historical matter, names, etc., as were in my brother's writing’s. I well remember that he wrote in the old style, and commenced about every sentence with and it came to pass,' or now it came to pass,' the same as the Book of Mormon ; and, according to the best of my recollection and belief, it is the same as my brother Solomon wrote, with the exception of the religious matter. By what means it fell into the hands of Joseph Smith, Jr., I am unable to determine. " JOHN SPAULDING." Mr. Howe, the anther of the work referred to, obtained and published the testimony of Aaron Wright, Henry Love and others,—all gentlemen of probity,— confirming the identity of Mr. Spaulding's production with portions of the Mormon Bible. Mr. Howe remarks, " Our inquiries did not terminate here. Our next object was to ascertain, if possible, what disposition Spaulding made of his manuscripts. For this purpose a messenger was dispatched to look up the widow of Spaulding, who was found residing in Massachusetts. From her we learned that Spaulding resided in Pittsburgh about two years, when he removed to Amity, Washington county, Pennsylvania, where he lived about two years, and died in 1816. His wife then removed to Onondaga county, New York, married again, and lived in Otsego county, and subsequently removed to Massachusetts. She states that Spaulding had a great variety of manuscripts, and recollects that one was entitled Manuscripts Found,' but of its contents she has no distinct knowledge. While they lived in Pittsburgh she thinks it was once taken to the printing office of Patterson & Lambdin, but whether it was ever brought back again to the house she is quite uncertain ; if it were, however, it was there with his other writings, in a trunk which she had left in Otsego county., New York. This is all the information that could be obtained from her, except that Mr. Spaulding while living entertained a strong antipathy to the Masonic:, institution, which may account for its being to frequently mentioned in the Book of Mormon. The fact also that Spaulding, in the latter part of his life, inclined to infidelity, is established by a letter now in our possession in his handwriting. 0 " The trunk referred to by the widow was subsequently examined and found to contain only a single manuscript book in Spaulding's handwriting, containing about one quire of paper. This is a romance, purporting to have been translated from the Latin, found in twenty-four rolls of parchment in a case on the banks of Conneaut creek, but written in modern style, and giving a fabulous account of a ship being east on the American coast while proceeding from Rome to Britain, a short time previous to the Christian era, this country being inhabited by the Indiana " The old manuscript bas been shown to several witnesses acquainted with Spaulding's writing, and they identify it as in his handwriting, but, as to the matter it contains, it bears resemblance to the manuscripts found. Now, as Spaulding's book can nowhere be found, or anything heard of it after being carried to the establishment of Patterson & Lambdin, there is the strongest presumption that it remained there in seclusion till about the year 1823 or 1824, at which time Sidney Rigdon located himself in that city. We have been credibly informed that he was on terms of intimacy with Lambdin, being seen frequently at his office. "Rigdon resided in Pittsburgh about three years and during the whole of that time, as he has since asserted frequently, abandoned preaching and all other employments for the purpose of studying the Bible. He left there about the time Lambdin died and commenced preaching some new points of doctrine which were found to be inculcated in the Mormon Bible. " He resided in this vicinity about four years previous to the appearance of the book, during which time he made several long visits to Pittsburgh, and perhaps to Susquehanna, where Smith was then digging for money or pretending to be translating plates. " It may be observed, also, that about the time Rigdon left Pittsburgh, the Smith family began to tell about finding a book that would contain a history of the first inhabitants of America, and that two years elapsed before they finally got possession of it." The evidence here given which seeks to fasten upon Spaulding the authorship of the Mormon Bible, or at least a portion of it, although not entirely conclusive, is still of a very strong presumptive nature, and we have thought it best to insert a full account of Mr. Spaulding's supposed connection with the Mormon book. LOCAL INDUSTRIES. FURNACES. The Ohio furnace, located about half a mile north of Clark's Corners, in the southeastern portion of the township, was put in operation in the year 1830 by A. Dart and P. Ormsby. A large and extensive business was carried on for many years at this place in the manufacture of cast-iron stoves, and nearly all kinds of castings. At times as many as from one hundred to one hundred and fifty men were employed in connection with this furnace. In 1841, Mr. G. V. Eastman bought Mr. Ormsby's interest in the business. Mr. Dart died soon after, and busimats was suspended about the year 1845. A forge and furnace had been in operation for a number of yeare, at an earlier date, on the flats of Conneaut creek, a short distance above the present site of the paper-mills. Wrought-iron was manufactured at this place. Henry Lake, Solomon Spaulding, and Eliaa Keyes were at different times either proprietors or in some way intereeted. In 1840, Mr. J. A. Ellis started a machine-shop at Conneaut Centre, and about two years later added a foundry, where he has continued the business till the present time. CHEESE-FACTORIES. The firat cheese-factory built in the township was that at Amboy. This was built in 1869-70 by a stock e,ompany. The building is in size thirty-two by seventy feet, and three stories high, and cost, with the necessary equipments aud utensila, four thousand dollars. The first officers were J. D. Ransom, president ; P. C. Ryan, secretary; Lyman Luce, S. Hazeltine, and J. D. Ransom, directors. The factory commenced opera-tions in tile spring of 1870. N. P. Tillotson was operator for three seasons, T. Buffington two, and L. Luce two. There him been an average annual menu, fitcture of about one hundred thousand pounds of cheese until the past three seasons, when both butter and cheette laave been made. Alonzo Green owns the controlling interest at present. In the spring of 1870, at the same time the Amboy factory commenced opera-tions, Weldon & Brown started a factor). in the old tavern building at East Conneaut. A euecassful buttinese was done at this place until the close of 1874, since which time there have been changisi in proprietors and little busimaes done. In the spring of 1872, N. B. Payne & Son built and put into operation a cheese-factory' on their dairy farm, twu miles southeast of Conneaut village. In 160 - HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO. the spring of 1874 they increased the capacity of the factory by erecting an additional building and putting in new utensils and machinery. The milk of frem three to four hundred cows is received at this factory, affording an average annual manufacture of about one hundred thousand pounds of cheese. A factory was built at South Ridge, in the apring of 1875, by Hayward & Sanford, who have since continued the cheese manufacturing business at that place with fair results. CONNEAUT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. This society was organised in time winter of 1853-54. The first officers were elected at a meeting held at the town-house, January 6,1854, and were as follows: President, 1'. W. Grant ; Secretary, D. C. Allen ; Treasurer, S. R. Bradley ; Vice-Presidents (one for each school district in the township), Benjamin Harper, H. Kilburn, Isaac Skinner, J. G. 'Whitney, Henry Grant, Simon Brown, Benjamin Cushing, Horace Baldwin, Henry Putney, G. V. Eastman, Thomas Gibson, Lewis Thurbur, Edward Brooks, A. Bagley ; Executive Committee, President, P. W. Grant ; Secretary, D. C. Allen ; A. Bagley, Isaac Skinner, and H. Kilburn. The first annual fair was held September 21, 1854, on grounds leased of Amos Thompson, at Conneaut Centre. These grounds were a part of twenty-one acres subsequently purchased by the society, and improved and used as a fair-ground until the spring of 1875, when the society sold the same to D. Cummins for $2600, and disbanded. Twenty-one annual fairs were held by this society, the last occurring in the fall of 1874, when the total receipts amounted to 8847.89. Receipts from sale of tickets, $746. The receipts for 1873 were $756.21, and for 1872, $865.04. The presidents of the society have been as follows: I'. W. Grant, 1854-55; John H. K ilburn, 1856 ; Isaac Skinner, 1858-59 ; Stephen Daniels, 1860-63-66 ; Barzilla Vista, 1864; Thomas Gibson, 1865; 0. L. Huston, 1867-69; Henry Putney, 1870-72; E. Hewett, 1873-74. The offirmers in 1874 were K Hewett, president ; J. S. Brown, secretary ; A. Scott, vice-president ; S. Hayward, treasurer. Executive officers, J. Hicks, 0. L. Huston, P. C. Ferguson, P. M. Darling, S. Hazeltine, B. G. Vista, D. C. Allen, H. Grant, S. Wilder, A. C. Dibble, E. A. Stone, and S. Green. CONNEAUT HARBOR. The mouth of Conneaut creek, where it discharges its waters into Lake Erie, forms the best natural harbor on this shore of the lake between Cleveland and Erie. From the date of the arrival of the surveying party this harbor has been made use of, much to the advantage of the settlers of this township, arid has added much importance to its history. The surveyors erected their store-houses at this point, and the early settlers who arrived in Conneaut first took up their abode here. No railroads had been thought of at this time, and lake navigation was of much importance, to the early settlers especially, in many respects. Grain grown in this vicinity, and for many miles south into the country, was shipped from this point, as well as much whisky distilled from grain at the numerous distilleries then in operation all over this section of the county. The products of the forests also added much to the shipping interests, as lumber, staves, oars, and handless were manufactured and shipped frotn this harbor in very large quantities. The first brick residence erected in the township—the Ford House, for many years used as a tavern, and still standing—was at this place. For a number of years previous to the building of the Lake Shore railway, more shipping business was done at Conneaut Harbor than at any point between Cleveland and Erie. Six or seven large warehouses were in use. A large fleet of vessels sailed between this point and Buffalo. Steamboats made regular stops. Supplies for points as far south as Youngstown were shipped to this place. At the time the railroad was built it had the effect of taking much of the business from the harbor and dividing it up at different points along the road. An effort was made once or twice by the citizens of Conneaut to secure a railroad from the harbor, leading south into the coal, iron, and oil regions of Pennsylvania; but, from want of sufficient energy and capital, the effort proved unsuccessful. Ashtabula has since secured what Conneaut failed to do in this respect, and now has a busy and important port on the lakes, while Conneaut Harbor, naturally a better point, at present presents a deserted and almost lifeless appearance. VESSELS BUILT IN CONNEAUT. Quite a large number of vessels have been built in this township for lake navigation and some for the ocean trade. The first vessel built in Conneaut was the "Salem Packet." She was built by Ms Keyes and Captain Samuel Ward, about the year 1818, on the creek, just above time present iron bridge, and was floated down the creek in a time of high water. She carried two spars, and had a capacity of about 27 tone. Captain Samuel Ward was her first master. Following this were the " Farmer," built by Christopher Ford, at Conneaut Harbor, Charley Brown, captain ; wrecked on Long Point, October 20, 1827, afterwards rebuilt in Cleveland, and sailed on the lakes until forty-three years old. The " Independence," a schooner of about 30 tons, built by James Tubbs, on the lake shore, about a mile west of the harbor. The sloop " Humming-Bird," built in 1830 by John Brooks, who was subsequently drowned off Sandusky while sailing her. The " Conneaut Packet," built by Gilmon Appleby and A. B. Tubbs. The sloop " Dart," built in Kingsville, and trucked to Conneaut to be launched and fitted out. The " Oregon," built at Harmon's Landing by James Brooks and John V. Singer. The "Commercial," built at Harmon's Landing by Reed & Lyon and others, about the year 1833-34, 0. Salisbury, captain. The " Reindeer," built about the same time by John V. Singer and others. The " North America" was the first steamer built in Conneaut. She had a capacity of 300 tons, and was built about the year 1834 by a stock company, the shares being one hundred dollars each. Her first captain was Gilmon Appleby. The steamer "'Wisconsin,' capacity 400 tons, was built about the year 1836 at Harper's, now Wood's, Landing. She was built. by a stock company, and was towed to Buffalo to be fitted out. The “Constitution," built by Captain Gilmon Appleby and others, was a still larger steamer, having a capacity of about 450 tons. Following these again were the schooner " Troy," 130 tons, built at the harbor by Captain Harrison Howard about the year 1840. The "J. B. Skinner," 100 tons, built at the harbor, in 1841-42, by Marshall Capron and H. C. Walker, and first commanded by Captain Marshall Capron. The " henry M. Kinney," 110 tons, built at the same time by Robert Lyon and Henry M. Kinney, and first commanded by Captain Harrison Howard. The J. W. Brown," 200 tons, built by Captain Harrison Howard and J. W. Brown, of Toledo ; " The Belle," 200 tons, built by the sanie parties ; the brig " Lucy Walbridge," 300 tons, built at the harbor, about the year 1844, by Charles Hall, George B. Walbridge, and 0. Salisbury, and commanded by Captain 0. Salisbury ; the brig " Lucy A. Blossom," 330 tons, built at the harbor, in 1845 or 1846, by Chas. Hall and Geo. B. Walbridge ; the " Banner," built at the harbor about the year 1847, by Zaphria Lake and Benjamin Carpenter, at this time the largest sail vessel on the lakes, having a capacity of 500 tons, commanded by Captain Marshall Capron ; the schooner " Dan Marble," 150 tons, built by John Tyler and Zaphna Lake ; the " Traveler" and the " Telegraph," 300 tons each, built at the harbor by Chas. Hall, G. W. Walbridge, and John H. Kilburn, and commanded by John Martin and P. Snow ; the " Grayhound," 400 tons, built at the harbor by a Buffalo company ; the " Stambaugh," 250 tons, built and commanded by Augustus Weird; the scow " Sea-Bird," 300 tons, built at Harmon's Landing by Hiram Judson and P. B. Doty ; the scow " Fairy Queen," built by Isaac Van Grader and Daniel Gilbert ; the "Nightingale," built by Captain Howard. A vessel of 450 tons capacity, fia the ocean trade, was built at the harbor in 1862 to 1863 by Wesley Lent for Tupper & Streiver, of Buffalo. The bark " Ogarita," capacity about 800 tons, was built at the harbor by 0. Rugby, of Buffalo, and commanded by Captain Andrew Lent; the " Indianola," 400 tons, built and commanded by Captain George De Wolf for E. A. Keyes; the scows " Thomas Swain," and " Loren Gould," built by James A. Childs & Brother ; the " L. May Guthrie," built by Judd & Childs. Besides these are a number of vessels built by Captain Marshall Capron, who has been more prominently connected with this branch of industry than any other citizen of Conneaut. Ilia vessels are as follows: the scow "Times," capacity 60 tons, built at Harmon's Landing in 1859 and 1860 ; the bark " Monitor," 500 tons, built at the same place in 1861 to 1862; the schooner "Ann Maria," 450 tons, built at Demick's Landing in 1863 to 1864; the bark " Valentine," 300 tons; the bark "T. B. Rice," 300 tons, built at Demick's Landing in 1865; time scow "J. G. Palmer," 60 tons; the schooner " Conneaut," 260 tons; and the schooner " M. Capron," 250 tons. AMBOY. Amboy is a small village in the west part of the township, where are located two stores, a hotel, two churches, school-house, post-office, cheese factory, flouring-mill, cabinet-shop, blacksmith-shop, shoe-shop, and numerous cigar-manufactories. There is also a platform-station on the Lake Shore railroad, where stops are made by two passenger trains per day each way. The Methodist Episcopal church at this place was organized in the year 1823, by Rev. Jesse Viets. The church building was commenced in the year 1839, but not finished for a number of years afterwards. The land was donated by Barnes Hubbard and Silas Wilder. The first trustees were William Perrin, Jesse Viets, Bliss Ransom, Samuel Blakeslee, Charles Brown, R. S. Viets, and Bagwell Viets. The first pastor was Rev. Jesse Viets. The present pastor is Rev. W. J. Wilson, and the church membership numbers one hundred. The school building erected in the summer of 1877 is probably the best common-school building in the county. It is thirty-two by fifty-feet, one story, and thirteen feet between joists, and cost twelve hundred dollars. HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO - 161 SOUTH RIDGE. South Ridge is another small village, situated in the south part of the township. There is at this place a store, post-office, hotel, church, school-house, cheese-factory, flouring-mill, and blacksmith-shop. The Free-Will Baptist church located here was organized December 30,1826, by Rev. Samuel Wise. The meeting for organization was held at the house of Appollus Thompson. Their meetings were held in union with other denominations until the year 1837, when the church edifice was erected, at a cost of two thousand dollars. The pastors have been as follows: Revs. Samuel Wire, Abram Shearer, D. M. L. Rollin, Stephen Bathrick, F. W. Straight, Rufus Clark, M. R. Kenney, William M. Yates, T. P. Moulton, R. E. Anderson, A. F. Bryant, F. B. Herrick, J. R. Spencer, and L. C. Chase. The longest pastorate was that of Rev. Rufus Clark, who served thirteen years. The church is at present without a regular pastor. At one time the membership reached one hundred and fifty, but at present it numbers but forty-four. ORGANIZATION OF THE TOWNSHIP, AND ITS OFFICERS. Conneaut township was organized in the spring of 1804. It was the first organized township in the county, and bore the name of Salem until the winter of 1832-33, when it was changed to Conneaut, which name had previously been given to the creek and to the post-office. The territory originally embraced, in addition to the present limits of the township, a tract two miles wide off of the north part of the present township of Monroe. This was taken off of Conneaut and given to Monroe at the time of the organization of that township in the year 1818. The first township-meeting was held at the house of Nathan King, and the following officers elected: James Montgomery, clerk ; James Harper, Nathan King, and William Ferguson, trustees; Hananiah Brooks and Joseph Tubbs, poor-masters; David Niles, John King, and James Montgomery, supervisors of highways ; Seth Harrington and James Ferguson, fence-viewers; Levi Montgomery, constable; James Harper, town treasurer. Since the first year the following-named citizens have served as officers: Trustees.-1805, James Harper, Elisha King, Daniel Sawtelle; 1806, James Montgomery, William Ferguson, Gideon Leet ; 1807, James Harper, David Niles, William Perrin ; 1808, Josiah Brown, John Montgomery, David Niles; 1809, William Ferguson, James Harper, Nathan King; 1810, Nathan King, James Harper, Daniel Sawtelle ; 1811, James Harper, David Niles, Zadoc Thompson ; 1812, Nehemiah King, Daniel Sawtelle, Joseph Tubbs ; 1813, David Niles, Sr., Seth Thompson, Joseph Tubbs; 1814, David Niles, Seth Thompson, Josiah Brown ; 1815, Diocletian Wright, Joab Green, Amos Kellogg; 1816, Eli Sanford, James Harper, Josiah Brown, Jr.; 1817, Jacob Williams, Henry Smith, Jonathan Gilbert; 1818, Lemuel Jones, Horace Dean, Eli Sanford ; 1819, Elias Clark, Josiah Brown, Jr., Daniel Sawtelle ; 1820, Joshua Z. Cozzens, Peck Clark, Edward Fifield; 1821, same ; 1822, Edward Fifield, Joshua Z. Cozzens, Lemuel Jones; 1823, Josiah Brown, Jr., Seth Thompson, Nathaniel B. Harmon ; 1824, Aaron Wright, Henry Smith, Daniel Baldwin ; 1825, James Harper, Henry Smith, Israel A. Robinson ; 1826, James Harper, John Bean, Nathaniel Brooks; 1827, Nathaniel B. Harmon, Nathaniel Brooks, John Bean ; 1828, David Steel, Nathaniel Brooks, John Brooks ; 1829, Appollus Thompson, Samuel Kennedy, William Harper; 1830, William Harper, William F. Clark, Appollus Thompson; 1831, William Harper, Chester Sanford, Theophilus Sanborn; 1832, William Harper, Theophilus Sanborn, Henry Smith ; 1833, Henry Smith, Asa Jacobs, William Harper; 1834, William Brooks, Moses Smith, Jonathan Gilbert; 1835, Chester Sanford, Appollus Thompson, William Harper; 1836, same; 1837, Chester Sanford, Elisha Farnham, Jonathan Gilbert; 1838, William Harper, Chester Sanford, Elisha Farnham ; 1839, William Harper, Appollus Thompson, P. W. Grant; 1840, John Reid, Chester Sanford, Thomas Gibson; 1841, Thomas Gibson, H. G. Walker, Samuel Blakeslee; 1842, Thomas Gibson, Samuel Blakeslee, Clement Gilbert; 1843, Reuben Sanborn, Clement Gilbert, William G. Sawtelle; 1844, William Harper, W. G. Sawtelle, William Brooks; 1845, Thomas Gibson, John Reid, Chester Sanford ; 1846, Elisha Farnham, Hiram Wood, Erastus Hulett; 1847, Otho Laughlin, Hiram Wood, Ira White ; 1848, Erastus Hulett, Alfred Buss, Nelson Burington ; 1849, same; 1850, Clement Gilbert, Thomas Gibson, David Phillips; 1851, Alfred Buss, Nelson Burington, G. V. Eastman; 1852, Nelson Burington, John Judd, William Harper ; 1853, Nelson Burington, John Judd, Thomas Gibson ; 1854, Nelson Burington, Thomas Gibson, Benjamin Harper; 1855, Henry Putney, Erastus Hulett, Harvey Hubbard ; 1856, Henry Putney, 0. L. Huston, John H. Kilburn; 1857, Henry Putney, 0. L. Huston, Charles Benton ; 1858, Henry Putney, O. L. Huston, William Harper ; 1859, G. V. Eastman, 0. L. Huston, William Harper; 1860, same; 1861, O. L. Huston, G. V. Eastman, Benjamin Harper; 1862, G. V. Eastman, Benjamin Harper, A. C. Dibble; 1863, Benjamin Harper, A. C. Dibble, N. B. Payne; 1864, A. C. Dibble, N. B. Payne, Henry Grant; 1865, same; 1866, A. C. Dibble, Silas Green, N. B. Payne ; 1867, J. D. Ransom, G. V. Eastman, N. B. Payne; 1868 to 1878 inclusive, J. D. Ransom, O. L. Huston, and Hugh Laughlin. Township Clerks.-1805, James Montgomery ; 1806, Thomas Hambleton ; 1807, John Reynolds; 1808-10, Nehemiah King; 1811-13, J. D. Jackson ; 1814, John Rudd ; 1816-17, Lemuel Jones ; 1818, David Niles, Jr. ; 1819-20, Henry Keyes ; 1821-23, John Bean ; 1824-25, Chancey Fifield ; 1826, Win. G. Sawtelle ; 1827, F. H. Carter, appointed ; 1828, Wm. G. Sawtelle ; 1829, Zaphna Lake ; 1830-33, Wm. Brooks ; 1834, Benj. F. Fifield; 1835-36, Josiah Brown, Jr.; 1837, Loren Gould; 1838 to '43 inclusive, S. W. Grant; 1844, George Morton ; 1845, Stephen R. Bradley ; 1846, Samuel P. Fenton ; 1847, George Morton ; 1848-49, Niles Osborn ; 1850, S. R. ,Bradley ; 1851, Milo Osborn ; 1852-54, J. Q. Farmer; 1855, Thomas Graham ; 1856, E. Huntington; 1857-59, Loren Gould; 1860, Charles Hunt ; 1861 to '70 inclusive, Loren Gould; 1871, E. A. Higgins; 1872 to the present time, Loren Gould. Township Treasurers.-1805, James Harper; 1806, Walter Fobes ; 1807, Zechariah Olmstead ; 1808 to '13 inclusive, Elisha King; 1814, Joab Green ; 1815, Daniel Coffin ; 1816, Jonathan Gilbert; 1817, Edward Fifield; 1818, James Harper ; 1819, Eli Sanford ; 1820, Eliazer Peck ; 1821 to '28 inclusive, Dr. John Venen ; 1829, Cada Simons ; 1830 to '39 inclusive, Dr. John Venen ; 1840, Asa Jacobs ; 1841, Oliver Barr ; 1842 to '50, Thomas Swain ; 1851, David Steele, Jr. ; 1852, Wm. G. Sawtelle; 1853-54, A. C. Keyes ; 1855, Gilbert Webster; 1856-59 inclusive, T. B. Rice; 1860, J. H. Kilburn ; 1861-65, T. B. Rice; 1866-69, C. Gansevoort; 1870, E. A. Keyes; 1871 to '77 inclusive, D. P. Venen ; 1878, B. E. Thayer. Listers.-1808, James Montgomery ; 1809, John Montgomery ; 1810-11, Nehemiah King; 1812-13, Zadoc Thompson ; 1814, Joab Green; 1815, Lemuel Jones ; 1816, John Brooks; 1817-18, Daniel Sawtelle ; 1819, Joshua Z. Cozzens ; 1820, David Niles, Jr.; 1822, Lemuel Jones ; 1824, John Brooks; 1825, Samuel Blakeslee; 1826, Lemuel Jones. Assessors-1841, Daniel Hatch ; 1842-43, John H. Robinson ; 1844, Ira White; 1845, Martin H. Collins; 1846-48, N. B. Harmon ; 1849, J. H. Kilburn ; 1850-53, Daniel Hatch ; 1854, Harmon Kilburn ; 1855-56, Calvin Crane; 1857, Andrew Bagley; 1858-59, Geo. S. Cleveland ; 1860, Calvin Crane ; 1861, Z. L. Wood ; 1862, Elizur F. Grant; 1863-65, G..V. Eastman ; 1866-67, Calvin Crane; 1868, Henry H. Hunt; 1869, Samuel Hazeltine ; 1870 to '76 inclusive, A. C. Dibble; 1877-78, Edwin Hicks. Justices of the Peace.-It has been impossible for us to obtain a complete list of the justices of Conneaut, but among the number have been the following: Nathan King, commissioned in 1806 ; Josiah Brown, 1810; James Montgomery, 1811; Nehemiah King, 1811, '14; Zadoc Thompson, 1813; Aaron Wright, 1814 ; Amos Keno..., 1816; John Beau, 1817, '20, '23; Eli Sanford, 1818 ; Elias Keyes, 1820 ; Joel Jones, 1821; Lemuel Jones, 1823, '26 ; Peleg Bowen, 1823; Lewis Thayer, 1823; Alexander It. Chase, 1824; Israel A. Robinson, 1828 ; Asa Jacobs, 1830, '33 ; George Morton, 1831, '42 ; Stephen P. Taylor, 1832 ; Wm. G. Sawtelle, 1835 ; S. F. Taylor, 1836, '39; Joseph Wilson, 1837; G. V. Eastman, 1838; Moses Smith, 1839; Elisha Farnham, 1839, '42, '45, '48, '51; Brewster Randall, 1840 ; Hiram Wood, 1842, '45, '48, '51; Horace Wilder, 1845 ; Samuel P. Fenton, 1845, '48, '57, '60 ; Benj. Carpenter, 1850 ; John H. Kilburn, 1850 ; Zaphna Luke, 1851, '54 ; J. Q. Farmer, 1852 ; Thomas Graham, 1854 ; A. C. Dibble, 1854, '57, '61, '64, '67, '70, '73, '76 ; Hiram Judson, 1854 ; Wm. B. Chapman, 1855 ; Eber Sanford, 1857, '60, '63 ; Otis Burgess, 1857,.'71 ; Henry G. Thurber, 1861, '64, '67, '70 ; C. R. Goddard, 1863; T. J. Carlin, 1863; B. B. Smith, 1870, '76 ; Austin Jennings, 1869, '72, '75, '78 ; S. B. Atwood, 1871; D. G. Waite, 1873 ; L. I. Baldwin, 1876. STATISTICS FOR 1877. |
Wheat Oats Cora Potatoes Orcharding Meadow Maple-sugar Butter Cheese |
578 acre 891 " 846 " 331 “ 358 " 2327 " |
7,043 bushels. 26,742 " 54,356 " 19,860 " 26,450 " 3,390 tons. 20,831 pounds. 61,465 " 105,070 " |
Number of schoolhouses, 12 ; valuation, $9000 ; amount paid teachers, $1450.`25; number of schools, 492. Note for President in 1876, Hayes, 571 ; Tilden, 170. Population in 1870 of township and village, 3010. CONNEAUT VILLAGE. The act of incorporation bears date in the year 1834, but at what time the first survey was made cannot be ascertained, for the reason that the village records 162 - HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO. have been lost or destroyed. This fact produces a great deal of embarrassment in our efforts to obtain reliable data in regard to the early history of the village. The first mayor of Conneaut was Dr. Samuel L. Fenton, who was elected in the spring of 1834. There was a survey made in the year 1837, Mr. Wm. W. Wallace being the surveyor. The territory at that time included in the village limits extended as far north as to the lake, and was bounded on the south and east by Conneaut creek, and on the west by a line running along the centre of the road that now passes between the farms of E. F. Grant and Frank Blood, then called the Centre road, and extending northwardly to the lake and southwardly to the creek. The present farms of Mr. Olmstead, on the Ridge road, and of Mr. E. F. Grant, on the lake-shore, were at that time within the village limits. About the year 1842 the limits were defined anew, so as to include just the territory which the village now embraces. The creek forms the east and south boundaries of the village. On the north it extends as far as to Fifteenth street inclusive, and on the west as. far as to the centre of Chestnut street. On the southwest is an irregular tract, lying to the west of Chestnut street, and between State street and the creek, embracing about twenty-five acres, which is also a part of the village plat. Conneaut is a handsome town, beautifully located on the creek that bears its name, which flows along the south and east sides of the village, the ground rising abruptly from the stream, and then gradually sloping to the east and north, forming as pleasant a site for a town as can well be found. There is an air of comfort pervading the residence portion of the village, and of thrift pervading the business portion. Situated in one of the choicest agricultural parts of the county, it does a large and growing mercantile business, many of its business houses outranking in the amount of annual business done by similar houses in other and larger towns in this portion of the State. It is justly noted for its elegant church edifices, and its new town-hall is superior to any similar building in this section of Ohio. The people, as a class, are noted for their intelligence and morality, and it would be difficult to find a lovelier or more inviting place in which to make a permanent residence. Its present population is in the neighborhood of thirteen hundred. We give below some of the prominent features of this delightful village. EARLY EVENTS. The first tavern or the town site was a log building situated on the corner of Main street and Harbor street extension, where Mr. N. B. Rogers' block now stands. A Mr. Dunn was the first proprietor. The first frame tavern was the old Conneaut House, located just east of the site of the Keyes brick store. It was built about the year 1814, but .not completed until 1824. A Mr. Pierpont and his father-in-law, Mr. Davenport, were the. first proprietors The first school-house in the village was built near the present site of Mr. Wood's hardware store, corner Main and Washington streets. The first burial-place was located on ground now occupied by the Monroe and Union brick blocks, and ground just north of the same, between Main and State streets. The first village physician was Dr. John Venen, who settled here in 1815. He was a very successful practitioner, and practiced his profession in Conneaut for nearly sixty years, dying March 20, 1875, at the ripe old age of ninety-two. Dr. G. Fifield was another early physician, and spent his life in Conneaut in the practice of his profession. CONNEAUT ACADEMY. An act to incorporate Conneaut academy passed the legislature February 14, 1835. The incorporators were A. Dart, Henry Keyes, Lewis Thayer, Josiah Brown, James Brooks, and Aaron Wright. The first school building was an old concern moved on to the corner of Main and Mill streets, near the present residence of Captain C. W. Appleby, and fitted up for the occasion. The first teacher was Rev. Judah L. Richmond, the school commencing in the spring of 1837. He was afterwards assisted by Miss Sarah Bonney, who became principal in 1839. W. W. Barris had charge of the school during the spring term of 1840, and A. Harwood during the school year 1840-41. J. V. Brown became principal in the fall of 1841, and taught two years. The-brick academy building was erected in 1844-45. The capital stock of the incorporation was divided into shares of ten dollars each. The principal original stockholders were F. H. Carter, Robert Lyon, Lewis Thayer, J. V. Brown, John Reid, G. Fifield, John Venen, Ezra Dibble, Z. Lake, B. Carpenter, P. W. Grant, C. Appleby, M. H. Collins, and James Brooks. A constitution and by-laws were adopted. The officers consisted of a president, a secretary, and five trustees, who constituted a board for the government of the corporation, and five of whom constituted a quorum. The first school in the new building was taught by L. W. Savage, assisted by Miss Booth, who had charge of the school one year. The teachers since, .as near as can be ascertained, have been as follows: Mr. Pierce, assisted by Chas. Hathaway, part of one year ; J. E. Ingersoll, two or three years ; Wm. Scales, one year; J. Q. and L. M. Burington, one year; J. Q. Burington, one year ; Chas. Hathaway, one year; R. M. Merrill commenced in the spring of 1855, and taught till 1861, six years ; C. W. Heywood commenced in the fall of 1861, and taught two years ; Rev. A. Bartlett, C. R. Goddard, assisted by Miss Quigley ; J. Q. Burington, and Miss A. Smith, one year; G. A. Starens commenced in the , winter of 1866-67, and taught one year; H. A. Andrews commenced in the spring term of 1868, and, assisted by Miss M. A. Rea and others, taught until the fall of 1875, twenty-two terms, since which time N. L. Guthrie has had charge of the school as principal, with Miss M. A. Rea as assistant principal. The school attained its greatest prosperity while under the management of Prof. H. A. Andrews, who held the position of principal for,e, longer period than any other teacher. The highest number of students enrolled at any one time was one hundred and twenty-one, and for several terms the enrollment was over one hundred. The Amphietyon literary society was organized in connection with the school while Mr. Andrews was principal, in the spring of 1869, and has numbered among its members the best students of the school. The school has been, since August, 1868, under the control and management of the board of education of the incorporated village of Conneaut, they having at that time leased the buildings, grounds, and fixtures of the academy board for a period of ten years at least. During the past year (1877) the board of education baa made further changes, establishing a system of graded schools in the village, making the principal of the academy or high school superintendent of all the schools of the village. Besides the departments in the high school, there are in the village a grammar school and four primary schools. CHURCHES. . THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The Conneaut Christian church, the first church in this township, was organized by Rev. John Cheney, on Saturday afternoon, May 23,1818, at the " Peter King school-house," on the Ridge road, between Conneaut and Amboy. Elder Cheney preached at one o'clock to a full house from 1 Tim. iii. 15: " The church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth ;" after which an organization of fifteen members was effected. One of that number still survives,—Mrs. Lydia King, a worthy member of the church. The first church or fellowship-meeting was held on the Fourth of July following. Meetings were held usually at the Centre, in the school-house, until 1834, when, during the ministry of Rev. Jonas Lawrence, a house of worship was built at the Centre, one mile west of Conneaut, on the premises now owned'by D. Cummins, just at the rear of his residence. Before the house was completed Elder Lawrence died, September 12, after a few days' illness, at the residence of Colonel Fifield. Mrs. Fifield was one of the original members. Seven years after—Rev. Oliver Barr pastor—it was moved into Conneaut to its present location on Buffalo street next to the new town-house. Thirty years later 1871, Rev. O. T. Wyman pastor—it was enlarged, thoroughly repaired, and rededicated. The church has had twenty-three pastors in sixty years, eight of them, however, serving less than one year each, being called to fill vacancies, etc. Only four ministers have had charge of the church more than three years, viz., Blodgett, Barr, Burnham, and Wyman. Rev. John Blodgett came soon after the organization, and was pastor five years. Rev. Oliver Barr, who was killed at the Norwalk (Connecticut) railroad disaster, was settled with the church three different times, in all about eighty years. The great union meeting of 1838, conducted by Rev. Mr. Day at the brick church, was held during Elder Barr's second pastorate ; forty-four were added to the church. In his third engagement the house was moved. Rev. H. Burnham served four years, 1849-53. Rev. O. T. Wyman, the present pastor, canoe iu June, 1862, and remained over twelve years; and, after. an absence of two years (Dr. N. Summerbell pastor in the interim), returned in October, 1876. In 1862 the church was very low; no services had been held for a year. There were but seventy-five names on the roll, and sixteen of them were dropped. In 1871 there was a great revival,—Rev. S. H. Morse, evangelist; ninety-eight were received during the year. The present membership is two hundred and fifty. The Sabbath-school, in 1862, was reorganized with fifteen scholars; but for the last ten years there have been from one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fourteen—the present membership—enrolled. The Christian chapel at Amboy was built in 1873 ; services are held in this building a part of the time. HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO - 163 THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The Congregational church of Conneaut was organized April 14, 1849, at the house of Robert Montgomery. The services were conducted by Revs. Joseph Badger, Giles H. Cowles, and Ephraim T. Woodruff. The first members were Ebenezer Buck, Ada Buck, Robert hlontgomery, Stephen Webb, Luther Jones, Mary Jones, Sarah Sanford, Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Julia Kennedy, and Miss Laura Buck. The church was organized on the union plan of government,-Congregational and Presbyterian. It was a Congregational church joined to a presbytery. It was changed into a Presbyterian church in 1835, and remained such until December 30, 1847, when it was unanimously voted to make its government purely Congregational. The first church edifice--the old brick church on Liberty street--was commenced in 1826, seven years after the church was organized. Religious services prior to this time were held in school-houses and private dwellings. The members were intensely interested in the project of building the church, and most of them made great sacrifices in order to accomplish it. The labor was interrupted for a time in consequence of lack of means, but a fund necessary to complete it was after a little realized from a sale of the seats. Services were held in the church before it was finished. The year 1828 witnessed its completion, and the year 1829 its dedication. The dedication sermon was preached by Rev. Luther Humphrey. The new brick edifice, situated on the corner of Main and Buffalo streets, was erected in 1873, and finished in 1876. Sixteen hundred dollars were paid for the lot, and the building cost about eighteen thousand dollars. It was dedicated in the spring of 1877, Rev. Mr. Wolcott, of Cleveland, preaching the dedication sermon. From 1829 to 1836 the following gentlemen officiated as pastors and ministers: Revs. Luther Humphrey, ___ Olds, John Pettit, ___ Maltbee (Methodist), Jesse Viets (Methodist), __ Kelsey, J. J. Bliss, John Keep, ___ Wheeler, and William Whittley. Since 1836 the pastors have been Revs. Wil-liam Fuller, two years; Norris Dv, one year ; John Hovey, three years; E. F. Dickenson, ten years; William Scales, four years; J. A. Woodruff, two years ; Alvin Nash, three years; A. Bartlett, four years; and R. M. Keyes, the present pastor, nearly thirteen years. The present membership of the church numbers two hundred and sixteen. THE BAPTIST CHURCH. The Baptist church was organized in the old school-house on the south ridge, October 18, 1831, with twenty-three members, as follows: Rev. Isaac Jacobs and wife, Isaac Crittenden and wife, Electa Crittenden, Phebe Crittenden, David Taylor, Mary Sawtelle, Albert Hebbard, Deborah Benton, Ira Benton, Elmira Benton, Alfred Crittenden, Sarah Crittenden, Lydia Crittenden, Sarah Ann Ja-cobs, Sally C. Williams, Lydia Williams, Mary Ann Williams, Louisa Williams, Thirza Wright, Elvira Clark, and Abner Clark. Of these, the first twelve had letters from other churches; the rest had been recently baptized by Elder Jacobs. There were present at the constitution of the church Rev. Asa Jacobs, pastor elect, Rev. Jacob Bailey, of Kingsville, and Rev. Churchill, of Springfield, Pennsylvania. The church continued to meet at the school-house on south ridge till the spring of 1837, when it moved to Conneaut village, under the pastoral care of Rev. Judah L. Richrnond, in which place it has since continued to meet and worship. In 1842 the present house of worship on State street was commenced, and dedicated February, 1844. There have been in all twelve settled pastone, as follows : Rev. Asa Jacobs, from October, 1831, to the spring of 1837; Rev. J. L. Richmond, 1837 to 1840; 1840, no pastor; Rev. Hascall supplied six months; Rev. A. W. Baker, 1841 to 1844 ; Rev. S. Taylor, 1844 to 1846; Rev. J. Weatherby, 1846 to 1852 ; Rev. P. W. Mills, 1852 to 1860; Rev. J. Du Bois, September, 1860, to May 4, 1861; Rev. Cyrus Richmond supplied, 1861 to 1862; Rev. L. F. Ames, 1863 to 1866; Rev. A. Lull, 1866 to 1869 ; Rev. J. S. Van Alstine, 1869 to 1870; Rev. I. Child, 1871 to 1878 ; Rev. Judson Martin, 1878. The longest pastorate was that of Rev. P. W. Mills, from 1852 to 1860; the shortest, that of Rev. J. Du Bois, from September, 1860, to May 4, 1861, when he was expelled from the church. The greatest number of additions were made during the pastorate of Rev. J. W. Weatherby, who baptized fifty-two in six years, during which time, in 1850, the church reached its highest membership, one hundred and twenty-nine. The present membership is about eighty-five. THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. A Methodist class was formed in Conneaut village about the year 1827 or 1828. One had previously been organized in the east part of the township, and 41 one at Amboy in the year 1823, by Rev. Jesse Viets. We have been unable, after repeated efforts, to gather any further information in relation to the early history of this church. The present pastor is Rev. W. J. Wilson, and the membership numbers about one hundred and fifty-six. THE ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH was organized about the year 1861, by Rev. John Tracy. Rev. Conaway is the present pastor. Services are held once R month. Church located on Chestnut street. SOCIETIES. MASONIC BODIES.* Evergreen Lodge, No. 62, F. arui ..4. M:, was organized at Conneaut, then Selena, Ohio, March 17, 1821, with John R. Read, Right Worshipful Master; Joel Jones, Senior Warden; John Brooks, Junior Warden; Josiah Brown, Treas.; Joshua Z. Cozene, Sec.; Elias Clark, Senior Deacon ; Samuel Blakesley, Junior Deacon ; and Lewis Thayer, Tyler ; all of whom continued to be active members for years afterwards, and were each honored by positions, and nearly all filled the chair. As time passed on we find on its roll of membership Daniel Baldwin, John Silverthorn, Job Whitney, Amos Kellogg, L. G. Montgomery, Wm. Perrin, Joshua Fuller, Alex. R. Chase, Ebcr Ward, L. Draper, Peck Clerk, Elijah Baker, Stephen Kellogg, Joeeph W. Carpenter, Miron Hutchinson, I. M. Bemirs, John Peters, Erastus Budd, Geo. Wright, A. IL Bowen, A. Capron, Lyman Willcox, T. C. Owen, O. Edwards, M. Fuller, John Venen, A. D. Brown, N. Webster, J. Blodget, L. Woodworth, D. Whitney, D. Jacobs, Eli Sanford, C. C. Abbott, A. Marcy, N. Gridley, A. C. Morrison, Greenleaf Fifield, J. Flagg, F. H. Carter, S. Bates, C. Fifield, A. Dart, H. Keyes, R. Brown, Harvey Guthrie, C. Loomis, D. Spaulding, E. Dibble, Benj. Abbott, Samuel Eaton, and others. After about the date of the Morgan excitement, the meetings do not appear to have been as frequent or as well attended, and the last communication of which there is any record was held June 15, 1829, at which Nathan Weed was raised to a Master Mason. The meetings were held at the union school-house. Evergreen Lodge, No. 222, F. and A. M., was organized under dispensation on the 5th day of February, 1852, with Horace Wilder, W. M.; Samuel Blakesley, S. W.; Ezra Dibble, J. W. ; Henry Keyes, Treas. ; Nelson Selkirk, See.; Harvey Guthrie, S. D. ; David Nobles, J. D.; Philander Wheeler, Tyler ; and Josiah Brown, Otis Burgess, G. R. L. Baker, Alex. Brown, and Freeman Palmer as members. Instituted under charter November 18, 1852, with the same names as charter' members, Brother G. C. Loveland, acting G. M., by proxy. The Past Masters of this lodge are H. Wilder, O. Burgess, T. J. Carlin, J. F. Fifield, W. B. Chapman, S. E. Boughton, W. F. Stanley, W. A. Ward, E. A. Stone, C. Hayward. From the date of its organization to 1856 the lodge occupied a hall in common with the Odd-Fellows, over the store of C. Hall, during which season the school-house; on Broad street was erected, and by agreement with the board of education the lodge built the second story thereof aud received a clear title, and occupied the same that fall. This hall (over school-house) was duly dedicated to Masonry June 24, 1857. The lodge met here until 1869, when it sold its interest in the building to the board of education of die borough for a school-room, and removed to its old quarters on Main street. During the summer of 1870, Union block being in course of erection, the lodge entered into contract with the parties thereof, and together with Conneaut chapter, No. 76, R. A. M., erected the third story thereof, thereby securing a large and commodious hall and side-rooms, and a perment home, of which said lodge and chapter hold a clear and warranted title. The first communication was held in the new hall September 19, 1870. Partially refurnished hall during summer of 1876, giving it a very pleasing and attractive appearance. Membership, January 1, 1878, one hundred and eighteen. Stated communications meet first and third Thursdays of each month. Conneaut Chapter, No. 76, R. A. M., was organized by virtue of a letter of dispensation, dated March 18, 1857, issued to Otis Burgess, Harvey Guthrie, Sr., Philander Wheeler, A. S. Langdon, J. B. Pettie, Edey, Harvey Guthrie, Jr., A. J. Ruland, James McKendree, Geo. W. Cumming, David Nobles, Wm. Willard, Levi Briggs, and M. H. Collins, March 27, 1857, with Comp. Otis Burgess as M. E. H. P. Date of charter, October 17, 1857; constituted under charter October 29, 1857, Comp. G. A. Loveland, as proxy of Dept. Grand High Priest, presiding. P. H. P.: O. Burgess, H. Guthrie, Sr., S. E. Boughton, W. F. Stanley, W. A. Ward, J. F. Fifield, B. S. Witherell, E. A. Stone. Membership, January 1, 1878, sixty-nine. The chapter is provided with very fine robes, * Furnished by Dr. W. A. Ward. 164 - HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO. regalia, etc. Stated convocations meet the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Conneaut Council, No. 40, R. and S. M-The letter of dispensation was issued July 21, 1866, to W. A. Ward, W. F. Stanley, O. Phillips, E. A. Stone, B. S. Witherell, D. P. Venon, L. B. Stanley, S. Hazeltine, E. M. Webster, and A. L. Callendar, and it was organized by virtue of same on the 31st day of same month, with W. A. Ward as T. I. M., W. F. Stanley D. I. M., and O. Phillips P. C. W. It was chartered October 13, 1866, and constituted under same November 20, 1866. Past T. I. M.'s: W. A. Ward, W. F. Stanley, E. A. Stone. Membership, January 1, 1878, twenty-two. The stated assemblies meet on the first Tuesday of each month. Cache Commaudery, No. 27, Knights Templar.-Dispensation issued by Grand Commandery of Ohio, at Columbus, October 3, 1872. Organized November 20, 1872. Dispensation members, W. A. Ward, W. F. Stanley, Samuel Hazeltine, Oliver Phillips, E. A. Stone. A. R. Smith, D. W. Hutchinson, D. Russell, James Hannon, E. Backenstose, and Elie Eley. W. A. Ward was appointed first Em. Corn., S. Hazeltine Gen., and E. A. Stone C. G. Chartered September 4, 1873, and constituted September 25, 1873, Sir B. D. Babcock, of Oriental commandery, No. 12, Cleveland, as proxy of Rt. Em. Gr. Commander, presiding. Dr. Ward continued to serve the commandery as Eminent Commander until December, 1877, having been re-elected at each succeeding annual election for over six years, and at that date was succeeded by Dr. A. K. Fifield. This commandery participated in the Templar parade at Cleveland, Ohio, at the triennial conclave of the Grand Encampment of the United States, in August, 1877, one of the finest pageants ever witnessed in that city, turning out over forty knights, Sir C. W. Hall acting as Captain General. It has a splendid array of banners, paraphernalia, etc., and Conneaut, considering geographical position and population, is fortunate in having such en organization, as they are scarcely known outside of our cities. Membership, January 1, 1878, forty-seven. This body meets on the third Monday of each month. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Custer Post, No. 9, was organized October 16, 1876, with fifteen charter members. The following are their respective names, rank, and regiment: T. J. Carlin, captain, Second Ohio Battery; A. K. Fifield, surgeon, Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry ; M. D. Townsend, private, Twenty-fifth Iowa Infantry ; Calvin Crane, drum-major, Nineteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry ; W. W. Crane, first lieutenant, Seventh Kansas Cavalry ; L. Harper, corporal, Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry ; N. L. Guthery, corporal, Second Ohio Battery ; Alex. Brewer, private, Second Ohio Battery ; D. M. Fox, private, One Hundred and Fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; A. W. Mills; sergeant, One Hundred and Fifth Obio Volunteer Infantry ; Lorenzo Norton, private, Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; E. L. Sturtevant, corporal, Second Pennsylvania Cavalry ; J. Ferguson, private, First New York Artillery ; Delos Armstrong, Private, One Hundred and Twenty-seventh New York Infantry; Chancy L. Andrews, private, Second Ohio Battery. It numbers now (January 1, 1878) forty-six men. The following are the names and rank of the officers: M. D. Townsend, Post Commander ; Lewis Harper, Senior V. Commander ; W. W. Crane, Junior V. Commander ; Delos Armstrong, Adjutant ; C. L. Andrews, Quartermaster ; W. A. Ward, Surgeon ; T. J. Carlin, Chaplain ; A. W. Mills, Officer of the Day ; A. Brewer, Officer of the Guard. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF GOOD TEMPLARS. Rock of Horeb Lodge, No. 274, was instituted April 11, 1867, by J. A. Spencer, G. W. Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. The first officers were T. J. Carlin, W. C. T. ; Mrs. A. E. Cleveland, W. V. T. ; John V. Bean, W. It. S. ; S. L. Wilcox, W. F. S. ;. O. J. Hiler, W. T.; M. R. Hewett, W. M.; Miss Rose E. Carter, W. I. G.; H.. R. Williams, W. O. G. ; Miss A. C. Kelley, W. A. R. S.; Mrs. Lizzie Cleveland, W. A. M. ; Miss C. S. Kelley, W. R. H. S. ; Miss Phebe Chapman, W. L. H. S. ; W. H. Wilson, Chaplain. The lodge kept up an existence for a little over six years, and during a portion of the time numbered a large membership, and accomplished much work in the temperance cause. The following-named persons held the office of W. C. T.: T. J. Carlin, Rev. O. T. Wyman, J. P. Rieg, C. W. Benton, and A. R. Thurber. Eureka Council, No. 1, Royal Templars of Temperance, was instituted at Conneaut, January 25, 1878, by Supreme Lecturer A. J. Winship, of Angola, New York. The officers chosen for the present year are F. A. Loomis, S. C.; M. D. Townsend, V. C. ; E. A. Stone, P. C. ; J. E. Gerould, Chaplain; T. C. Handle, H. ; L. V. Stone, Sec.; W. W. Kinney, Treas. ; D. Phillips, G. ; D. C. Turner, Sent. This society is a secret organization, having for its object the promotion of the cause of temperance, and also to afford reliable life insurance to temperance people. Its principles are founded on hope, love, and truth. Its membership consists of three classes,-first, active members, males, above the age of eighteen and under sixty years ; second, honorary members, males, above the age of sixty ; and, third, life members, females, generally the wives and daughters of the other two classes. It is a new organization, growing out of the Murphy temperance movement of 1877, and Eureka council was the first organized in this State. Its membership numbers sixty-one. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Conneaut Fire-Engine and Hose Company was organized in 1841, with about twenty members. An engine was bought of the Great Falls fire-engine and hose company, for which three hundred dollars were paid. John Reid was the first foreman, and G. S. Cleveland the first treasurer, of the company. In 1850 the old company was reorganized as the Cataract fire-engine and hose company, at which time the present Cataract engine-twenty-two men power-was purchased for one thousand dollars. It is one of the best men-power engines in the country, and has been proven the best in the county at several friendly contests. The Cataract Fire Company has been composed of reliable, active young and middle-aged citizens, who have proven themselves very efficient in several instances of fire. The company have a pleasant room in the new town-house in which to hold meetings, besides large rooms for the engines. The present officers are C. Hayward, foreman : W. W. Armstrong, first assistant ; E. G. Atwood, second assistant; C. W. Hall, secretary ; O. W. Germond, treasurer. The company numbers about forty members. MANUFACTURES. Two carriage-manufactories, two planing- and matching-mills, one cabinet-shop and furniture-factory, two flouring-mills (one a steam- and the other a water-mill), two paper-mills, and D. Cummins' canning-house, just outside the village limits, constitute the principal manufacturing interests of Conneaut. The Conneaut River paper company employs constantly from twenty to twenty-five hands, runs day and night, and manufactures from one and one-half to two tons of manilla paper per day. The company also manufactures flour-sacks and flour-sack paper. The mills were built in 1871 by a stock company, with a capital stock of fifty thousand dollars. The first officers were Isaac Skinner, president ; Cyrus Cleveland, secretary and treasurer; T. S. Norton, superintendent; J. S. Skinner, C. Cleveland, H. S. Stearns, H. D. Cook, Julius Williams, S. J. Smith, and T. S. Norton, directors. In 1875 the mills were bought by S. J. Smith, C. Cleveland, and J. Hicks, and in 1877, Mr. Smith purchased Mr. Cleveland's interest, and is now proprietor of the mills. The machine-room is ninety by thirty feet, and the rag engine-room forty-four by fifty feet, and three stories high. The mills are run in part by water-power and in part by steam,-the engine-room containing two engines, one one hundred and fifty horse-power, and one fifty horse-power, with three boilers of sufficient capacity to correspond. D. Cummins' canning-house, at Conneaut Centre, is second only to the paper-mills in importance among the manufacturing interests of the place. He has been engaged for about fifteen years in gardening, and for the past few years has conducted a large canning business in connection. . His present canning establishment, erected in 1877, is a building fifty by seventy-two feet, two stories high and basement, and coat over throe thousand dollars. Mr. Cummins puts up about one hundred thousand cans of tomatoes and corn annually. He manufactures his own cans, and consumes forty thousand feet of lumber in manufacturing boxes to ship in. The business status of the village of Conneaut makes the following exhibit at. this date, April, 1878: five dry-goods and general merchandise stores, six grocery-stores, three clothing-stores, one boot and shoe store, two fancy goods stores, four drug and book stores, five millinery-stores, three hardware-stores, two furniture-stores, three jewelry-stores, two photograph-parlors, two banks, three hotels, three restaurants, three bakeries, two harness-shops, one carriage-trimming shop, three markets, one printing-office, one paper-mill, two flouring-mills, two carriage-manufactories, two planing- and matching-mills, one machine-shop, one cabinet-. shop and furniture-factory, one marble-shop, one tannery, one barrel-factory, three boot and shoe shops, five livery-stables, five blacksmith-shops, two law'yers' offices, two dentists, six physicians. BANKING. The Conneaut Mutual Loan Association was organized April 20, 1871, with a capital stock of fifty thousand dollars, in shares of two hundred and fifty dollars each. The first board of directors consisted of Cyrus Cleveland, Abner Kellogg, Josiah Hicks, H. D. Cook, E. A. Keyes, S. Hayward, and J. S. Stearns; C. Cleveland, president, and S. Hayward, cashier. January 1, 1872, S. Hayward was elected president, and E. A. Higgins 'cashier. In April, 1874, Mr. Higgins HISTORY OF ASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO - 165 retired, and Charles Hayward was appointed teller, and January 1, 1875, elected cashier. The officers for 1878 are: Directors, C. Cleveland, Charles Hall, Hiram Judson, S. J. Smith, S. Hayward, Conneaut; A. Kellogg, Jefferson ; L. D. Kellogg, Ashtabula; S. Hayward, president; Charles Hayward, cashier. The association owns and occupies nineteen feet front of Monroe block, corner Main and Washington streets, three stories and basement, valued at three thousand six hundred dollars. CONNEAUT STEAM FLOURING MILLS. BENTON, AYERS & CUSHING, PROPRIETORS, CONNEAUT, OHIO. The last published statement, made April 1, 1878, shows the condition of thbankhk to be as follows: RESOURCES. |
Loans on real estate All other loans and discounts Due from other banks Real estate Furniture and fixtures Current expenses and interest Cash items Gold, $123.28 ; silver, $300 National bank notes |
$21,060.00 137,808.28 9,301.08 3,600.00 1,543.88 2,318.08 115.00 423.28 4,593.15 |
Total |
$180,760.69 |
Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits Dividends unpaid Individual deposits Due to banks and bankers |
$80,000.00 3,600.00 4,474.08 60.00 91,884.73 961.90 |
Total |
$180,760.89 |
CONNEAUT CEMETERY. A more beautiful spot for a burial-place is rarely to be found. Located in the southwestern part of the village, on a fine rise of ground that forms a portion of the north bank of Conneaut creek, it has a natural beauty and adaptation to the purposes for which it is used, which, supplemented by the great pains taken by the citizens in their efforts to further beautify it, make it one of the finest cemeteries to be found anywhere in towns of similar size. 'Squire Aaron Wright, one of the first settlers of this township, in the year 1826 made a donation to the village of one acre of ground, which the present limits of the cemetery now include, and afterwards adjacent ground was added, until now it embraces about ten acres. The cemetery contains many very elegant and costly monuments, and the people are justified in taking great pride in their beautiful cemetery.
This fine structure—an engraving of which may be seen elsewhere in this volume—was built in 1876, andostst twenty thousand dollars. It is a two-story brick building, fifty by eighty feet, containing in the first story (fifteen feet high) the mayor's office, the clerk's office, the voting-room, fireman's room, engine-rooms, and lock-up, and in the second story (twenty-two feet high) a large, fine hall, capable of seating about-six hundred people. This elegant building reflects great credit on the people of Conneaut, and shows them to be animated with the spirit of enterprise and progress.
The present officers of the village (1878) are A. M. Cox, mayor ; Charles Hayward, recorder ; Dr. E. D. Merriam, J. N. Fredericks, H. A. Blood, Hiram Judson, S. Hayward, and Dr. A. K. Fifield, councilmen ; S. 13. Atwood, Dr. E. D. Merriam, Dr. H. W. Simons, S. J. Smith, Hiram Judson, and Harry Hollis, members of school-board ; C. W. Hall, treasurer ; G. W. Allen, marshal; A. Jennings, C. Cleveland, and M. D. Townsend, cemetery directors,—A. Jennings, superintendent.
Among those who arc widely known to and highly esteemed by the people of this county is he whose name heads this sketch. Prominently connected with the material interests of the county, and especially of his own township, which he labored in a signal manner to promote ; occupying a position as the editor of an influential newspaper, which, through many years, carried his name, his words, and his influence to the firesides of a large number of residents in the county ; stanch and persistent in the advocacy of measures calculated to improve the habits and morals of his fellow-men ; his has been a career of which any citizen might well feel proud.
Mr. Allen was born in Sommer Hill, Cortland county, New York, January 10, 1818. He died in Conneaut, Ashtabula County, Ohio, March 5,1878. When fifteen years of age he commenced to learn the printer's trade at Cortland, New York, and in 1837 came to Conneaut, Ohio, and began work in the Gazette office. In the following January he associated himself with a Mr. Finch, and began the publication of the only daily paper ever published in Ashtabula County. It was called The Budget. It was devoted chiefly to news relating to the troubles in Canada at that time. Mr. Allen, as soon as navigation opened, walked to the harbor—two and a half miles—every evening to gather the latest intelligence, upon the arrival of the daily steamer from Buffalo, for his paper, which would appear the next morning, and on which he would work until a late hour in the night, so as to issue it early in the morning, and have it delivered by carriers to its readers at breakfast-time. The Gazette suspended June 12, 1841, for lack of patronage, but on the 11th day of September, of the same year, its publication was resumed by Messrs. Allen and Tait. In September of the year 1842, Mr. Allen retired from connection with the paper, and the following April it ceased to exist. The inconvenience of not having a newspaper was soon appreciated by the people of Conneaut, and in the winter of 1843-44, Mr. Allen raised a small amount of money, went to Buffalo, and purchased new material, which he transported from that place as one wagon-load, and in January of 1844 issued the first number of the Conneaut Reporter. The struggle for a long time was a severe one. It required great business tact, indomitable perseverance, rigid economy, and unremitting toil to establish the paper on a paying basis. Mr. Allen possessing in a high degree these essentials, succeeded when most other men would have failed. Under his management the paper became remunerative for the labor expended upon it. It seldom happens in the history of journalism that so long and fierce a battle, with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, is so successfully maintained, and in the end so signally won, as was the case in this instance. In 1860 lie sold the establishment to John P. Rieg, Esq., the present proprietor of the Reporter.
To show the character of Mr. Allen and to illustrate his adherence to principle and to his convictions, we give the following incident in his life :
In the spring of 1847, at the township election, when a vote was taken for " license" and " no license," Mr. Allen, being a stanch temperance man, took a decided stand against license. The feeling ran high, and the excitement was great. The license men were bitterly incensed against Mr. Allen for his course. After counting the vote and ascertaining that the license party had been successful, Mr. Allen was called out into a shed and was faced by two men with whips in their hands, since quite prominent citizens, who demanded a retraction in his paper of what he had said against license. This he refused to do, and the men would undoubtedly have executed their threats of violence but for the timely arrival of some of Mr. Allen's friends. In the next issue of the paper, instead of a retraction, appeared a full account of the dastardly attack, with the names of the two assailants published in full.
He lost about fifty subscribers from among the license party, but this fact nor nothing else could make him swerve from his honest convictions.
In 1858 and 1859, Mr. Allen represented his county in the Ohio house of representatives. His name being the first on the roll of members, he was invariably called upon for the first " aye" or " no" on all questions, and so prompt and decided were his responses that the house tendered him a unanimous vote of commendation on the last day of its session. In March, 1861, lie was made postmaster at Conneaut, and retained the office six years. These offices he filled acceptably to the people and creditably to himself.
On the 16th day of February, 1840, he was united in marriage with Rachel L. Gifford, daughter of Elijah and Esther Stevens Gifford, of Conneaut. Mr. and Mrs. Allen have been the parents of six children, whose names and dates of birth arc as follows :
Oscar E., born December 9,1840, died September 24,1871 ; Lydia E., born May 18,1845; Henry C., born January 26,1849 ; Jeannette W., born April 30,1852 ; Mary A., born December 28, 1858 ; Laura F., born January 7,1861. The eldest son married Martha Houston, May 4,1866 ; Lydia E. became the wife of Corwin N. Payne, October 2,1867 ; Henry C. married May E. Fowler, July 19, 1868.
Mr. Allen was for forty years a member of the Baptist church. He was a prominent and influential member of the Republican party. He was connected with a lodge of Good Templars, and was ever, both in his life and teaching, a strong advocate of temperance. For more than twenty years he was a prominent member of the Conneaut Agricultural society, holding the office of secretary and treasurer of that society for about eighteen years fr.oni its organization. His life was one of great usefulness, and his death was deeply and widely deplored.
was born in the town of Austerlitz, county of Columbia, and State of New York, on the 7th day of November, 1808, he being the sixth of a family of nine children, as follows : Margarette, Lucretia, Cynthia, Isaac, William, David W., Betsey M., James N., and Catherine. In the winter of 1819, the family moved from Austerlitz to West Springfield, Erie county, Pennsylvania, where the doctor's father, Jacob Raymond, died March 28,1829 ; while his mother, Elizabeth, died at his residence in Conneaut, August 25,1851. At the ago of twenty-three, he commenced the study of medicine under Dr. Fenton, of Conneaut, finishing his course with Dr. Peck, of Attica, Genesee county, New York, and graduating on the 14th day of January, 1833, in the Fairfield Medical college, county of Herkimer, and State of New York, his diploma bearing the signature of the venerable Dr. \Vested Willoughby, June 22.1833. He established himself as a physician in Rome, Ashtabula County, remaining there a few months upwards of two years. In November, 1833, he came to Conneaut, and formed a copartnership with the late Dr. Greenleaf Fifield, which existed until July 11,1839. May 1,1836, he was married to Frances J., daughter of Dr. L. L. and Jerusha C. Chester, of Rome. By this marriage three children were born, as follows: Ellen A., May 4, 1837. She was liberally educated, and became a most accomplished musician. November 30,1871, she was married to Mr. James W. Sutherland, of Neodesha, Kansas, where she is still living. Lee Chester, the second child, was born April 27,1843. At the age of eighteen he enlisted in the Second Ohio Battery, serving for thirteen months as a corporal, when he was honorably discharged on account of sickness. Restored to health, in the spring of 1864 he commenced the study of medicine with his father, finishing his course with Dr. J. C. Hubbard, of Ashtabula, and receiving his diploma from the Bellevue Hospital Medical college, New York city, February 28, 1867. Having graduated with honor, he established himself in his father's office, where he practiced until February, 1873. September 12,1867, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Burgess. February 27, 1873, accompanied by his wife, he went to San Francisco, California, where he continued with marked success in the practice of medicine until the time of his death, which occurred May 15,1876, leaving his widow and an only son, Lee Burgess Raymond, who was born May 3,1874, to mourn his untimely death. His remains, accompanied by his wife and child, were brought to Conneaut for burial, and now rest by the side of those of his father. Henry Atkins, the youngest, was born October 30,1845, and died July 2,1846.
December 4,1848, his wife Frances J. died, and March 4,1850, he was again married to Miss Mary L., eldest daughter of Thomas and Lucretia Gibson. From this marriage no children were born, and Mrs. Raymond is still living.
Dr. Raymond died in Conneaut, June 18,1865, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. For thirty-three years he had been a leading and most universally successful physician. He was loved and respected by all who knew him. The immediate cause of his death was the result of an injury which he received at the age of fourteen, and which had made him a cripple for life.
is the youngest of a family of six children. He was born in Cortland county. New York, in the year 1812. His parents were Glenda and Rebecca Tolben Salisbury, the former of whom was born in Gloucester, Rhode Island, October 19,1772, and the latter in Killingly, Connecticut. The family removed to Ohio.
and located in Conneaut township, in October, 1822. The father died here in 1850, and the mother some three years previous. Captain Salisbury was educated prior to his removal to Ohio. At the age of fourteen years he commenced his seafaring life as a cook on the " Conneaut Packet;" was on her two seasons, then went " before the mast" on the " New Connecticut" two seasons. The season of 1834 ho was in command of the sloop " Dart," and the following spring sailed as captain of the schooner " Commercial ;" and from this time until the year 1865, when he retired to his farm, he sailed as commander on eight sail- and eleven steam-vessels. Two years of this time, however, viz., 1849 and 1850, he remained ashore, and during this time built the Empire flouring-mill at Conneaut. This was a fine mill. During the entire time the captain sailed he never met with any serious misfortune, and never cost an insurance company one dollar ; and when he retired he was well and favorably known throughout the entire chain of lakes. On December 10, 1837, Captain Salisbury was married to Miss Sarah Benjamin. The children of this marriage are as follows : Loren G., born November 19, 1838, married Ellen Castle, resides in Conneaut; Ellen A., born May, 1840, married Theron A. Macumber ; Frank D., born December 3, 1843, married M. E. Griswold,-he, with Milo 0., who was born December 24, 1844, and married Ida Parker, resides on the old homestead. The next three children are deceased, viz., Sarah B., Mary E., and Oney W. The captain and his estimable wife are regular attendants at the Christian church at Conneaut. Politically, Captain Salisbury is stanch and true to the teachings of the Republican party, as are his sons. He was an Odd-Fellow from the commencement of a lodge in Conneaut till its close, and is at present a member of Evergreen lodge, F. and A. Masons, of Conneaut, Ohio.
was born in Burke, Caledonia county, State of Vermont, September 8, 1807. He removed to Ohio with his parents in 1819, and died in Conneaut, Ohio, March 6, 1877. Mr. Burington was well and popularly known as a man of high character and standing. He was an accomplished and thoroughly scientific mechanic, skillful, and competent for any position as an artisan and builder. His name and avocation have been for the past thirty years or more identified with the building and completion of the United States public works upon the entire chain of lakes, and perhaps no other individual has filled so prominent a position in this line of duty as Mr. Burington. He was engaged upon nearly all the public improvements from Mackinaw to Buffalo, consisting of light-houses, beacon-lights, public piers, jetties, etc. He possessed a singular and happy power of attraction, and secured the respect and affection of all those with whom he was engaged ; especially was this the case with the United States topographical engineers, their assistants, clerks, etc.
As an artisan his experience was ripened by long services ; his judgment good, sound, and reliable. Thus was it easy for him to win and retain confidence in his ability, integrity, and purity of character.
He was a member of the Masonic lodge in Conneaut, Ohio, and by the order highly esteemed for his many virtues and excellent qualities.
In the death of Mr. Burington, a man of exalted standing was removed, leaving a void that cannot easily be filled. His death was deeply lamented.
He was married, in the year 1836, to Miss Mary A. Lewis, of Conneaut, who survives him as his widow. Their issue was seven children, three of whom have died and four survive,-two sons and two daughters. They are all married.
was born in Windham county, Connecticut, on the 6th day of September, 1800. He is the sixth of a family of nine, the children of James and Elizabeth Gibson, of the before-mentioned point, and who resided there until their decease. Mr. Gibson was educated at the district school in his native place, and for some nine years after attaining his majority was employed in the cotton-mills in different parts of Connecticut. At the age of thirty years (1830) he removed to Ohio, and located in the same township which is now his home. Soon after his arrival he became a partner in the firm of Farnham & Gibson, and erected the grist-mill yet known as the" Farnham mill." There was also a saw-mill in connection. He continued in this business some three years, when he disposed of his interest and purchased and located upon the farm he now occupies,-lots 42 and 54,-consisting at present of two hundred acres. The business of his life since his occupancy of the farm has been that of stock-raising and farming. He has served as trustee of Conneaut township for some fourteen years ; was first elected in 1842. Mr. Gibson was united in marriage, on December 23, 1822, to Lucretia, daughter of Thomas and
* Written by F.
Abigail Farnham, of Hampton, Windham county, Connecticut. From this union have been born to them the following children, viz.: Charles C., born April 11, 1824, married. Loanda Moon (deceased) ; Mary L., born January 6, 1826, married Dr. D. W. Raymond, and now resides in Conneaut village ; Maria E., born January 22, 1828, married James M. Fifield, also a resident of Conneaut ; Henry C., born May 2, 1832 (died young) ; Julia L., born September 8, 1834, married George C. Brown, now living in Jefferson county, Kansas; John M., born January 25, 1838, married Boxy R. Burington, is living on the old homestead ; Thomas F., born May 9, 1840, married Mary Clark, resides in Springfield, Pennsylvania. Politically, Mr. Gibson is heartily in sympathy with the Republican party, and his religious views are in unison with the teachings of the Universalist church.
the son of Ezra and Deborah Dibble, was born in the State of New York, August 10, 1810. Mr. A. C. Dibble has resided in the township of Conneaut since 1825. His father was a native of Massachusetts, where he wits born June 30, 1778, and his mother, of Conneaut. The date of her birth is November 14, 1781. His mother died in Conneaut township, August 7, 1848, and his father in the same place, February 15, 1856. Mr. Dibble came to .Ashtabula County with his parents in 1810. His education was such as he was able to acquire in the common district schools during the winter months of his boyhood. Mr. Dibble is a useful and worthy citizen, and has ever been held in high esteem by his fellow-denizens. He has held numerous offices in his township ; has been justice of the peace since 1854 ; has held the office of township trustee and assessor. In 1834, March 15, he was united in marriage with Diadena de Marauville. Their children have been Deborah A., born October 10,1841, who was married to Rufus Frock, and now living in Amboy ; and Ezra H. Dibble, born October 3, 1844, is married and is living in Dallas county, Iowa. Mr. Dibble lost his wife April 27, 1874, and on the 1st day of October, 1876, married Ellen M. Fuller, with whom he is now living. A Republican in politics and a member of the Free and Accepted Masonic society, he occupies an influential position among his neighbors, by all of whom he is held in high esteem.
This gentleman was of Puritan origin. His father and grandfather participated in the Revolutionary struggle, and he inherited the same spirit of loyalty. He contributed liberally in aid of the flag during the Rebellion. Mr. Farnham was born in Hampton, Connecticut, June 8, 1806, and was the sixth of a family of ten children. His parents, Thomas and Abigail Farnham, were by no means wealthy, and his advantages for schooling were limited, yet he acquired a good common-school education. Being the eldest son, he was, at an early age, obliged to rely on his own resources; beside, a portion of his wages were contributed to the support of his father's family. He learned the machinist trade, and it is said was a skillful workman. In the fall of 1830 he packed his worldly effects in a knapsack and came to Conneaut, Ohio, locating on land still occupied by his heirs. He erected in 1841 the grist-mill on the south ridge, still in operation,-at present owned by his son. Mr. Farnham, with good health, a strict adherence to business, and a Connecticut birthright combined, accumulated a competence. His death occurred on October 4, 1875. Mr. Farnham was twice married : first to Mary A. Ring, of Conneaut, Ohio, November 14. 1833. This lady died August 11, 1849, and on January 30, 1850; he was again married ; this time to Mrs. Harriet A. Sanborn, who is still living. The children, who were all born from the first marriage, are as follows: D. Alphonso, born June 5, 1835, married Sophia Brooks ; he was a soldier of the Union army during the Rebellion, and died in the service. Flora, the next child, was born June 12, 1837 ; she is now the wife of our popular sheriff, T. S. Young. P. Henry, born November 14, 1838, married Mary Mallory, and lives in Conneaut. Mary, born February 27, 1841, married Martin Beals. Lydia E., born March 30, 1843, married C. L. Fuller, who was drowned in Lake Erie. Emily, the last child, was born September 21, 1847; married Wm. G. Buss. Mr. Farnham held many positions of trust, and was for many years a township officer. He was not only a worthy citizen, but an obliging neighbor and an indulgent husband and father.
This lady, who is the widow of Benjamin Howard King, is daughter of Avery and Lydia Proctor Moulton, whose nativity was, the former, Amesbury, Massachusetts, and the latter Kingston, New Hampshire. Mrs. King was born in London, New Hampshire, in May, 1794. Her parents removed to Stanstead,
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where her father died in 1828. The mother came to Ohio, and died in Conneaut, November, 1865. The education of Mrs. King was acquired at Stanstead; was married in 1818, and her husband died in 1852, and left her on a farm, but having no heirs, the property reverted to her husband's brothers. She, however, bought them out, and eventually sold the farm to the late D. C. Allen. Mrs. King is a very worthy woman, and has been a member of the Christian church for more than fifty-five years.
Calvin Poole, father of the subject of this sketch, was a native of Connecticut. When twenty years of age removed to the State of New York, and, it is said, taught the first school west of the Genesee river. His wife was Hannah Perkins. Of their four children, Calvin was the youngest, and is now the only one living. He was born in Genesee, Livingston county, New York, on April 22, 1811. His parents removed to Wheatland, New York, in 1812, and his mother died there id 1813. In the year 1819, Calvin was " bound out" to one Francis Smith ; remained with him until 1832, and during this time was not allowed the advantages of school. After leaving him, drove team one year, for twelve dollars per month. On December 1, 1834, he was married to Miss Harriet Trowbridge, and started soon for Ohio. lie, however, went no farther than Allegheny county, New York. Here he made his first purchase of land. This was forty acres, for which he paid four hundred dollars. Remained on this farm only one year, when he sold out, and again started westward, halting this time at North East, Pennsylvania, for one year, and from this time until the date of his removal to Conneaut (February, 1873) resided in New York and Pennsylvania. While in New York did some military duty ; was in 1841 appointed on the staff of Colonel Stoner, One Hundred and Ninety-sixth Regiment, receiving his commission from Hon. William H. Seward. In 1855 was appointed steward of the Erie county almshouse, and retained the position until his removal to Ohio, as above. In April, 1874, began the mercantile business, in connection with Jno. A. Caldwell, at Conneaut village, and is yet engaged in that avocation. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Poole are as follows: Dolly M., who was born August 14, 1836; her present husband is C. R. Buckling ; resides at Erie, Pennsylvania. Daniel P., born August 22, 1837 ; died October, 1859. Delia D., born November 26, 1838 ; married John A. Caldwell ; resides at Conneaut, Ohio. Emeline E., born March 15, 1840 ; married Bensone Bingham ; home at North East, Pennsylvania. John C., born November 9, 1842; enlisted August, 1862, in One Hundred and Forty-fifth Pennsylvania; was wounded May 12, 1864, at battle of the Wilderness, in left, knee, from which it became necessary to amputate the limb ; this he endured with heroic fortitude : was removed to Fredericksburg, and died there on the 26th of same month. Almost his last words were, " I am glad that 1 died for ray country." The next child was Henry P., who was born November 18, 1843; he married Mary W. Brown ; lives in Conneaut. Harriet S., the last child, born September 20, 1850, married Dennis McCarty, and is now resident of Ashtabula. Politically, Mr. Poole is a Republican, and feels a just " pride in belonging to that grand party." There are perhaps few men in the township who have battled with the strong current any more successfully than has he, and in closing he pays to his companion in life the highest compliment possible : "She always suede our home pleasant."
It was in Sheldon, Franklin county, Vermont, on the 5th day of August, 1802, that the subject of the following sketch was born. His father, John Smith, who was born in New London, Connecticut, died when Plin was fourteen years of age ; he, however, remained at home until 1821, when he came to Ohio, the greater part of the way on foot. Arrived at the house of his uncle, Roger Cadwell, in Andover, on February 15 of that year. His first business on reaching this wilderness was chopping. To procure an axe, he cut an acre of heavy timber and piled the brush ; he estimates that this axe and helve cost him at least seven dollars. He then hired out to chop, and continued to prosecute this vocation until he had cleared one hundred acres of forest. From the effect of this labor he became an invalid, and returned to his native place. In doing this he was so fortunate as to engage for a gentleman to drive cattle over the mountains to Philadelphia. B. F. Wade was his companion, and they received for their services nine dollars per month ; arrived home, he learned the trade of wagon-making. On January 25, 1829, was married to Aurelia, daughter of John Weeks, of Sheldon, Vermont, and the subsequent October started again for Ohio, and after some two weeks spent on the road arrived at the above-mentioned uncle's house, purchased twenty-five acres of wild land, put up a log house, and began house-keeping. The first wagon he built was hewn from the adjacent timber, his wife assisting him in turning the hubs, and also in sawing logs from which to make the rails necessary to fence their farm. They have lived in Richmond and Austin-burg township, but the greater part of their lives was passed in Andover. They are living in Conneaut. The children of this venerable pioneer couple are Philo, born June 6, 1830, married Elsie Frink, and lives in Madison, Lake county ; Jasette, born November 4, 1832 ; she is the wife of E. B. Linn, M.D., Rich. mond township; Sagito, born August 23,1834, married Alicia Lake, and lives in Conneaut. Delia was born April 17, 1836, married Olmstead Baker, and now resides at Andover. Mary was born March 28, 1838; she is now the wife of the Rev. L. E. Beardsley, of Akron, Ohio. John Harrison was born March 29, 1840, married Martha Hartshorn, and lives at Frayer, Iowa. Aurelia, born March 12, 1842, married Cyrenus Laughlin ; home at Rouseville, Pennsylvania. Eliza Ann, the next child, was born March 19, 1844 ; died May 29, 1867. Plin Weeks, born January 1, 1847, married Mary Kelley, and lives in Chicago, Illinois. Aurelia A. was born May 6, 1849 ; her husband is Professor N. L. Guthrie, of Conneaut. Lizzie H., born December 12, 1853, married Chas. Morris, and lives at Millerstown. They have been life-long members of the Methodist Episcopal church.
is an only child ; was born on the 16th day of November, 1793, in Now Marlboro', Massachusetts. His parents, Elias and Phebe Keyes, removed from that point to Ohio, in 1814, and made settlement in Conneaut township. The education of the general was obtained in his native State prior to his removal to Ohio ; arriving here his life has been spent in farming, he being now an extensive landowner and capitalist. Has held numerous offices in his township; was first mayor of the village of Conneaut. The title by which be is familiarly known was given him years since, he having been commissioned as such in the State militia. January 19, 1819, he was married to Mary Cale, of Conneaut. The children of this union are Henry P., born February 14, 1820; married Sarah M. Huntington. Alvin C., born October 25, 1821 ; married Minnie Rupp. These two children reside at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mary C., the next child, was born November 14, 1823; she married Edward Grant, sow living in Conneaut. In 1824 occurred the death of Mrs. General Keyes, and on July 9, 1829, he was again married, to Vesta Bates, from Cummington, Mass. Seven children have been born to them, viz., Marcus B., who married Louisa Gordon, deceased ; Martin B., married Ann Eliza Lloyd ; Charles W., died in 1854 ; Elias A., married Charlotte E. Trenton ; Phebe A., Russel M., and Milo O. Of these, all living reside in Conneaut, except those designated above. Politically, General Keyes is Republican. lie is a Mason and a member of Evergreen lodge, No. 222, Conneaut, Ohio.
was a practical and successful farmer and dairyman, industrious, energetic, determined, and persevering in character. The manufacture of dairy products was his specialty, in which he was self-taught and eminently successful, having been awarded the first premiums at the State fairs in Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Zanesville, and Sandusky, and winning for his products prices far above the general market. lie was a critical observer, analyzing and comparing in order to understand the philosophy of his manipulations. He was a good financier, meeting his obligations promptly, and never .suffered the humiliation of a dun. He performed the duties of magistrate with honor to himself and to the satisfaction of his fellow-citizens.
In his domestic relations he was kind and affectionate, an obliging neighbor, and a true friend. As a temperance man he was a model, his only beverage being water. Ile yielded his influence and gave his support to all movements for elevating the condition of humanity, morally, intellectually, and religiously. He was bitterly opposed to the extension or perpetuation of slavery, and well acquainted with the working of the "underground railroad." From an earnest Whig he became an active Republican, and gave the party his warmest support. He was a warm friend of education, and gave several of his large family the advantages of academical instruction.
Benoni Andrews was born on the 8th day of April, 1809, in the town of German, county of Chewing̊, New York. lie emigrated. to Wayne with his father's family in the year 1821. lie was married to Betsy Palmater in 1825. Ile soon purchased about three hundred acres of wild land on credit, lying on the north and south centre road, near the north line of the township, which he cleared, improved, paid for, and on which he erected good farm buildings without pecuniary assistance. Here lie carried on his business until the financial inflation of 1865, when he sold the entire property at inflation prices, and moved his homestead to Conneaut, where he died April 27, 1876, at the age of sixty-seven.
This gentleman was born at Millville, Orleans county, New York, August 25, 1836. His parents, who were natives of New England, were Oliver and Emily Wyman. The mother is yet living ; the father died in 1861. The education of the Rev. Mr. Wyman was academic. In 1855, feeling the need of a better preparation for the ministry, he, in September, entered Meadville Theological School" for one year, then became a pupil of Antioch college (Yellow Springs, Ohio). Sickness obliged him to leave this school after two months. September, 1857, returned to Meadville, Pennsylvania, completed a three-years' course, and graduated June, 1859. About October 1, 1854, he left home with an uncle—Rev. S. H. Morse, evangelist—to assist in revival meetings in Chautauqua county, New York. Preached his first sermon at Fluvanna, New York, January 14, 1855. After leaving school continued his studies, and supplied churches at different points in Orleans and Chautauqua counties. Was ordained at a special session of Erie Christian conference, called for that purpose at De Wittville, New York, June, 1862, and on the 15th of same month delivered his first sermon in the Christian church at Conneaut, Ohio. The membership, when he became pastor of this church, was not numerous, but during the sixteen years he has been in charge, he has raised its membership to two hundred and fifty, and has thoroughly repaired the church edifice. His labors have certainly been crowned with merited success. He is a strong advocate of temperance, and a member of the Independent Order of Good Templars and Royal Templars of Temperance. In polities, Republican. He is also president of the Erie Christian conference, and a trustee of " Christian Biblical Institute," at Stanfordville, New York.
On the 7th of September, 1859, he was united in marriage to Miss T. V., daughter of Newell and Lucy Putnam, also natives of the New England States. This estimable lady received an academic education, and was a teacher for several terms. She is also a member of the Christian church.
But one child has blessed this union, Benson N., whose birth occurred on June 17, 1863.
IT may appear to the reader, perhaps, that the history of this, the pioneer township of Ashtabula County, should be of length commensurate with the date of settlement. To such we have but to say that, as those who came here eighty years ago have finished their labors, and, in many instances, have left no descendants, we have been compelled in the preparation of this history to depend almost entirely upon tradition for details, except in the case of the first three families. As we have received it so it is given to you, and the simple fact that we do not manufacture history must be our apology for its brevity.
In the year 1797 a number of' persons residing in Harpersfield, Delaware county, New York, formed themselves into a company, and in June of that year entered into a contract with Oliver Phelps and Gideon Granger, of the Connecticut land company, for six townships of land in what was then termed New Connecticut, at the Northwestern Territory. The present township of Harpersfield was one of the six so purchased. This company was comprised, in part, of the following persons: Aaron Wheeler, William McFarland, Roswell Hotchkiss, and Alexander and Joseph Harper. The September following a committee was sent to Ohio for the purpose of ascertaining " how the land lay." After due search it was decided that Harpersfield was the most eligible locality in which to commence settlement, and accordingly, on March 7, 1798, Alexander Harper, William McFarland, and Ezra Gregory, with their families, and Benjamin Hartwell took their departure from old Harpersfield for this " El Dorado" or " land of promise." Arriving at Rome, New York, they remained until the 1st of May, at which time the journey was resumed; first in boats to Queenstown, from thence by teams to Fort Erie. going up on the Canada shore, as there were at that time no roads west of the Genesee river ; in fact, there were but three families in Buffalo, and only a garrison at Fort Erie. At this point they found a small vessel (which was used to transport stores for the garrison) about ready to sail. In this a passage was secured for the families and a small quantity of provisions. The vessel was too heavily loaded to admit of much additional weight. It is thought that this vessel was the only one owned on the American side of Lake Erie. Arriving at the Peninsula, they were, after a week, enabled to procure small boats, with which to complete the journey, and by the aid of which they arrived at the mouth of' the stream now known as Cunningham creek on June 28, 1798, and the first night encamped on the beach of the lake, with no other shelter than the "starry-decked canopy of heaven." The following day they cut a road through to what is now Harpersfield, and at evening made an encampment in the northwest corner of the township; and it was here, near the residence of Phineas Pixley, that Alexander Harper erected the first log house in the township, and undoubtedly within the present limits of Ashtabula County. The evening of their arrival, however, a rude bark but was constructed beneath the wide-spread branches of a giant tree. This must have been a capacious affair at least, for we learn that the whole colony—consisting of twenty-five individuals of all sizes—found an abiding-place for some three weeks within its walls.
William McFarland located originally east of Unionville, where he remained a few years, eventually removing to the south side of Grand river, and made a per- manent location on lot No. 70 (now owned by F. B. Brakeman), Where he resided until his decease, March 20, 1820. He was a valued member of the colony. And we have often heard the title "Uncle Mack" used in connection with the school days of our honored mothers,—he having taught several terms of school. Ezra Gregory also went south to the river, living for perhaps one year on lot 80; removing in the fall of 1799 farther up the stream, and making a permanent location on lot No. 90.
Mr. or "Judge" Gregory, as he was familiarly called, was also a public-spirited man, and it was through his efforts that many early improvements in the township were brought about.
In July, 1799, Joseph Harper and family joined the colony, and in October of the same year Aaron Wheeler and family arrived, and with them John Harper, and located near the present Episcopal church. This year also Daniel and Abraham Bartholomew, and a sister, Betsey, from Wooster, Otsego county, New York, arrived in the township, and located on lot No. 9, erecting a log house a little north of where now stands the residence of Orlando Miller. Late the same fall Daniel returned for his family, which consisted of a wife and four children (the youngest of whom, Daniel B., is yet living, and is thought to be the oldest pioneer resident of the township), and on March 3, 1800, arrived at the mouth of Cowles creek. The ice upon which they had driven from Buffalo had parted from the shore, and much difficulty was experienced in effecting a landing. In June, 1801, Ebenezer Hewins and a brother, William, originally from Stockhridge, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, arrived in the township and located, the former opposite the present residence of B. 1). Bartholomew. Remained there until the winter of 1811, when he removed to the house now occupied by D. M. Dow, keeping in this house the pioneer hotel, known in old staging times as " The Bull." Mr. Hewins was an upright, honorable man, and for many years associate judge of the common pleas court of Ashtabula County ; was also county commissioner, filling that and other county offices to the satisfaction of his constituents. His brother William located on the farm now occupied by his sons William A. In 1802, John Brakeman, of Davenport, Otsego county, New York, arrived in the township, and located on lot No. 7.7, now occupied by William D. Hutchins. His was a numerous family,—Mary, the fourth child of this gentleman, afterwards became the wife of Gustavus H. SeCheverell, and to this couple the writer is indebted for numberless favors. Ezekiel Woodworth and family, and Levi Montgomery and family came about the same time ; the former of whom located south of Unionville, on lot No. 48, now occupied by his heirs. Montgomery located just down the river from Brake-man's, on lands now owned by Galusha Tower. This year also came — Meeker and family from Delaware county, New York, who located on lands now occupied by John Saxton (lot No. 96), and remained there until his death. This gentleman was the grandfather of Charles Atkin, to whom we are indebted for assistance in the preparation of this history ; also Davis Williams, who settled on lands now occupied by Mary Williams. In the spring of 1803, Joseph Bartholomew and family arrived, and began housekeeping in the log cabin erected by his
brothers,—David and Abraham,—who had removed to the farm now owned by Frank Knapp. Their log cabin stood on the north side of the ridge, near Knapp's barn.
In 1804 a number of persons began settlement in the township : among these were Thomas Atkin and family, who located on lot 110, now occupied by Charles Atkin ; Eleazer Davis and family, who was the first settler on the Hickok road, his house having been erected near the spot now occupied by the dwelling of John Harly (lot 20). In this year also John Lamont (usually pronounced Lemon) and his son Robert and Benjamin Custin arrived in Harpersfield, from Geneva (they having lived there some three years previous), and erected a log cabin on the corner of lands owned by John Brakeman. Of these persona, we learn that Robert, in the early part of the War of 1812, joined the Northwestern army, and after the disastrous affair at the River Raisin, was dispatched by General Harrison with a flag of truce to. Malden, then under command of the white savage, Proctor. On their way the party stopped for the night in a log hut, which stood where is now the thriving city of Toledo, affixing their flag near the entrance. In the course of the night a party of the enemy came upon them, and in total disregard of the flag (to which they had trusted for safety), fired through the opening left for a chimney, killing Lamont instantly, and wounding the French guide and Dr. McGehan, his traveling companions. Robert was an only son, and hearing of his murder, the old man, his father, became frantic, raved at the destitution of British honor and of Indian barbarity, and swore vengeance on them all. 'Tis said many a red-skin lost his scalp to avenge the anger of the father. In 1805, Jacob Tiffany made the first settlement on the river road east of the centre. His house was near the present one of Daniel P. Tuttle. Of other settlers at about this time of whom we have no details, we find the names of David Hendry, William Blanchard, Michael Thomas, Benjamin Morse, Daniel and Gilbert Prentice, and it is highly probable there are others whose names are forgotten. Of additional settlers on the south side of the river, David Brainard occupies an honorable position, he having arrived in the township from old Harpersfield, New York, in 1813, and located on lot 104. This property is now occupied by the youngest son, Newell W., with whom resides the father, at the advanced age of eighty-nine years. Josiah Dodge and Jehoiakum Burget settled in the township about the same time, and Archelas Parker and Isaac Patchen a few years later ; William Burget and family located on lot 118 in 1817 ; Samuel Wilder about same time located on lands now occupied by his son Benjamin.
In the year 1802 a log school-house was erected on lot No. 14, and a term taught therein the summer of the same year by Elizabeth Harper, who afterwards became the wife of Judge Tappen. This was the first school-house erected in the county. The winter subsequent the school was taught in the same building by A. Tappen, at which time scholars were in attendance from Windsor and Burton townships.
The first frame school building was erected in the year 1817, and was located at Unionville. It was two stories in height, the upper part of which was occupied for a Masonic hall, and the lower for school and church purposes. The first schoolhouse on the south side of the river was of logs, erected in 1827, and stood near where now stands the SeCheverell meeting-house. Miss C. Brakeman taught a summer school the same season the house was built. There were some twenty scholars in attendance, and she received for her services the sum of seventy-five cents per week. In 1877 there were ten school-houses in the township, which were valued (with grounds) at five thousand dollars. There were of the requisite school age three hundred and thirty-nine, and the total amount paid teachers for the year was one thousand three hundred and fifty-eight dollars.
The first sermon delivered in the township was by the Rev. Joseph Badger, who came on to the Reserve in the year 1800 as a missionary. Where this meeting was held we are unable to learn, but it was doubtless at one of the pioneer dwellings.
The first edifice erected for church purposes was on lands formerly owned by Judge Hickok (father of Hiram Hickok, who has aided us materially in the preparation of this sketch). This was of hewn logs, and was probably built in 1804. In about 1830 the first frame church was erected. This was on lands now owned by Manuel Wharram (lot No. 104), and was known as the " Baptist Meeting-house." This was built by individual subscriptions ; gradually went to decay, and some few years since was torn down. The church at the centre was erected in, probably, 1836. This was also by subscription, and was a union church. There was at one time a large and flourishing class here, with a fine choir and Sabbath-school. The churchgoing people have, many of them, removed, and a new element taken its place, and now regular religious services are discontinued, and the building is rapidly going to decay. The church at South Harpersfield was formed at the house of G. H. SeCheverell, where many pioneer religious meetings were held prior to the erection of a church. This class consisted of seven members, the leader of which was G. H. SeCheverell. The Rev. John Crawford was the preacher in charge at this time. In about 1846 the church edifice at this point was erected (corner lot No. 122), and is now in a flourishing condition, with a large membership, choir, etc. Rev. S. S. Collier is the minister in charge at present.
The Episcopal church, situated about one-half mile east of Unionville, was erected in about the year 1831 ; have now no settled pastor. There is also a Congregational church at Unionville. In 1816 the eccentric divine, Lorenzo Dow, delivered a sermon in the barn of. Judge Tappen. The citizens generally attended, and many amusing anecdotes are related of this discourse.
The first one established in the township was in about 1820. Ezra Gregory was commissioned first postmaster, and the mails were distributed from his house, which stood on the hill north of the river. The present postmaster is Ambrosea Jerome, and the office is located at the centre. In about 1830 another post-office was established in South Harpersfield. Gustavus H. SeCheverill (through whose efforts, mainly, the office was established) was commissioned first postmaster, and the office was kept at his house on the State road for a number of years, removing to the centre road in about 1850. He continued to be postmaster for a term of years. E. Phillips is the present postmaster, the office being kept at his residence on lot No. 137.
The first road in the township, and probably in the county, was laid out in the year 1802 by Aaron Wheeler, Eliphalet Austin, and Solomon Griswold, commissioners. James and William Harper and. D. Bartholomew comprised the surveying-party on this occasion. This was what is now known as the south ridge road, and was formerly the route of the primitive stage-coach from Erie to Cleve-laud. The first entry on the commissioners' record shows that in March, 1815, a road was opened from " D. Hendry's to John Brakeman's." June, same year, " From the west line of the township, at the end of a road lately laid out from Painesville, through Madison to Harperafield line ; thence northeasterly, parallel with the ridge road, to Ashtabula creek." March, 1816, " From near the house of Judge Hewins, thence southerly to the Windsor road." June, same year, " From the river road, on the southeast corner of David Brown's lot of land, thence west to the road from John Lamont's to the ridge road, at the southeast corner of William Ellis' land." Same date, " From the northeast corner of Benjamin Curtin's lot, and running easterly to the road leading from Zeri Cowles' to Austinburg mills." December, 1817, "From the northwest corner of 'lot No. 102, and the northeast corner of lot No. 113, and running south between said lots to the southeast corner of lot No. 151 and the southwest corner of lot No. 150 to the south line of township." Same date, " From a little east of the northwest corner of lot No. 75 to Thompson's road, west of A. Stiles' barn, on lot No. 107." December, 1818, " From the ridge road to the lake on the west line of the county." December, 1819, " From the southeast corner of lot No. 119, running thence through lot No. 134 to the house of Samuel Wilder, on lot No. 133 ; thence easterly through lots Nos. 132 and 131 to the south corner of lot No.115 ; thence to east line of township." Same date, " From the Windsor road, on north line of lot No. 105, and site of bridge on lot No. 71." June, 1820, " From west line of township, between lots Nos. 128 and 144 ; thence easterly on line of lots to each line of 117 and 133 ; thence northeasterly to east line of township, intersecting Windsor road between lots No. 113 and 129." June, 1821, "From the ridge road opposite the Geneva centre road, on or near the line between lots Nos. 7 and 8; thence south to road leading to bridge on Grand river."
The first saw-mill erected in Harpersfield township (and possibly in the county) was in 1803, on Grand river, lot No. 89, by Ezra Gregory. And a grist-mill was soon after put in operation at the same point. This was what was afterwards known as the " Schillinger Mills," and for many years did a flourishing business. In time other mills were established in more accessible locations, and this mill went into decay, until at this date not a vestige of it remains. In 1822 Or '23 a saw-mill was erected on the same stream, near the centre of the township. This was burned, and in 1837 John Ransom began operations at this spot, erecting a woolen-factory, grist, and saw-mill. The business, under the energetic management of Mr. Ransom, rapidly increased, until perhaps 1843, when it was at its zenith. He was employing from thirty-five to forty workmen, and had erected quite a village of tenement-houses for their accommodation, was operating an extensive store, and
was considered one of the " solid men" of the county. He will be remembered perhaps more generally as having been connected with a gift scheme, or lottery, of seventy-five thousand dollar magnitude, designing thereby to dispose of his lands and houses. In this the fates were against him, as they seemed to be ever during the later years of his life. Gradually he took the downward path, friends, warm during his prosperous days, deserted him, and in August, 1864, he closed out, and, taking the remnant of his once ample fortune, removed to Cleveland, where he still resides. It was in a little studio on this plantation that his daughter Carrie (whose portrait appears in another portion of this work) took the first steps in the art of which she is now Ohio's favored one. This property is now owned by Messrs. Aaron and Obed Blanchard, who occupied the factory building for an axe-handle manufactory. This was burned July 25, 1877, and with it the grist-mill, which was owned by Benjamin Kimbell. The saw-mill had been replaced by a new one. This was saved, and is the only thing left which calls to mind the former scene of bustle and busy life of my boyhood recollections. Frank Cooley operates a carriage-manufactory in the old store building.
The first orchard in Harpersfield was planted by Mrs. Alexander Harper, on their farm, north of Unionville, in the year 1800. This was without doubt the pioneer orchard in this part of the Reserve. There were, in 1877, three hundred and seventeen acres of orcharding, with a product of thirty-five thousand four hundred and sixty-five bushels.
The first mercantile establishment in the township was opened by Aaron Wheeler, just east of Unionville village, in 1807. The business at this point at present is the dry goods- and grocery-store of A. S. Hardy, a drug store by W. H. Pasko, and F. Sherwood's merchant tailoring establishment. At the Centre there were at one time two general stores, two carriage-shops, cabinet-shop, three blacksmith-shops, hotel, etc. Of the merchants at this point we find the names of F. M. Benham, 0. Belding, G. H. SeCheverell, etc. In the grocery trade there were C. C. Gleason, George Shattuck, It. C. Kenney, R. H. Chapman, etc. Evander S. Potter is at present the " Bascom" of these " cross-roads."
in this township was undoubtedly that of William Harper and Miss Robinson, the latter a resident of Conneaut, which interesting event occurred on the 25th day of February, 1808.
The first disciple of Esculapius who graced this township by his presence was Nathan B. Johnson, who emigrated from the land of "wooden nutmegs" (Connecticut) in the year 1808. Dr. Johnson was, it is said, an excellent physician, of a constitution well adapted to endure the hardships incident to a pioneer practice. He was a public benefactor, devoting his life to the profession. He died June 6, 1832. Dr. Hotchkiss was another of the pioneer medical staff of Harpersfield, though both he and Dr. Johnson resided within what is now the township of Geneva. Among physicians of a more recent date we find the names of Jerome Gregory, Jonathan Williams, L. L. Bennett, and D. D. Gist. This township is now without a resident physician. There has been but one resident dentist in the township. This was J. Hamp. SeCheverell, who began to practice at the Centre in the spring of 1867, continued until July 25, 1877, when he removed to Jefferson, where he now resides.
born in Harpersfield was a son of Holly and Hannah Tanner, on the 23d day of July, 1799. This was the James Tanner who, in 1852, resided in Kirtland, Lake county, since which time we have no record of his whereabouts.
On the 10th day of September, 1798, Colonel Alexander Harper died. Of this calamity, sorrowful ever, but doubly so to our little band of pioneers, we quote from the finely-written " Tales of our Grandmother," by Mrs. Sherwood: "The funeral obsequies were prepared by his sorrowing friends; a coffin of plank, hewn from one of the forest-trees, was the best that could be procured, and the war-worn soldier was borne to his long home. . . . His was a pioneer grave of the forest. The moaning wind sighed among the trees, and sang the funeral requiem, while the hollow sound of interment too surely announced that the body of their beloved friend was committed to the ground,—earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust,—there to await the final resurrection. Imagination can scarcely conceive the dread solemnity of this burial; no sable hearse or nodding plume' decked the funeral array, no minister of God pronounced the solemn ritual for the dead, all was dreary, all was desolate. The fading leaves of autumn strewed the solitary mound, as fit emblems of departed goodness and the decay
of dearest hopes." The place of interment on this occasion was on lot No. 32, being the same now occupied for cemetery purposes at Unionville.
The first person buried under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity in Ashtabula County was that of William McFarland, who, it will be remembered, was one of the first three original settlers. His death occurred on March 30, 1820. James Harper was then W. M. of Temple lodge, and was master of ceremonies on this occasion. The body was interred in the cemetery at 'Unionville. The next burial of this description was that of James Harper. This was on the 18th day. of September following.
The surface of the township of Harpersfield is generally rolling, with a soil principally composed of clay, except along the northern portion, where sand predominates. It is perhaps as productive as the sister townships, is quite a dairy township, and much of the north part is devoted to grape culture. The principal water-course is that of Grand river, which flows from the east in nearly a west course, crossing the east and west centre line of the township some seven times. There are also numerous small streams, but, as they are wholly unimportant, we omit their names. It may interest some to know that at an early day Grand river was "declared navigable," and that to this township belongs the honor of having launched the first " vessel" upon its placid bosom. This boat was built by Ezra Gregory, on his farm, and first cut the water with its well-turned prow in 1799. The launch took place at, or near, the site of the former Gregory (Schillinger) mills. This craft was thirty-five feet in length and five and a half feet beam. In March, 1800, this boat (which was, we believe, named the " Gregory") began to do a regular shipping business, plying between Painesville and Windsor, transporting the goods of the early settlers,--salt, flour, etc. Another boat, named the " Austinburg," was built about this time in that township, and also one in Windsor, by George Phelps, after whom it was named. These three constituted the " navy" of Ashtabula County at that time.
In 1807 the territory now comprised in the townships of Hartsgrove, Trumbull, Harpersfield, and Geneva was detached from the township of Richfield, and erected as a new township, to be known by the name of Harpersfield. It was, however, for many years denominated New Harpersfield, to distinguish it from Harpersfield, New York. The first township election was held on April 1, 1807, but the officers elected on this occasion we are unable to give, as the records have been destroyed. The officers for 1877 are H. It. Curtis, Clark Martin, and A. N. Parker, trustees ; E. S. Potter, clerk ; B. F. Luther, treasurer ; H. W. Pangburn, assessor; J. F. Warring and William Parker, constables; and twenty-one supervisors. The first justice of the peace was Benjamin Morse. The present incumbents to that office are A. J. Harper and E. Phillips.
The first and only cheese-factory in the township was established by William Burget, in the spring of 1873, and has been operated by him until the present. The number of cows contributing the first year was probably two hundred and fifty, from the product of which some fifty-eight tons of cheese were manufactured.. E. A. Park, at the " Bee Hive," manufactures butter envelopes, scale boards„. " little washers," and whatever else comes in his line. This business has grown to be one of considerable magnitude. L. L. Brakeman has a steam shingle-manufactory, on the centre road, near the south line of the township. Has also the only undertaking establishment in the township. There have been at different times numerous saw-mills in the township, but at present there are none.
Grand Ricer Lodge, No. 297, Free and Accepted Masons, was organized under dispensation, in the summer of 1857, and received its charter on the 23d day of October, A.L. 5857. The following are the charter members: G. H. SeChevereil, L. L. Bennett, O. Warner, J. V. A. French, J. H. French, Samuel Cowles, D. Henry, Jr., Elijah Hart, T. J. Wood, James Lockwood, D. Brainard, H. W. Stone, A. C. Osborn, J. Burget, and Benjamin Hartwell. The first officers were G. H. Seheverell, W. M. ; H. W. Stone, S. W.; and Joseph V. French, J. W. The present membership of this lodge is forty. Total number of members since organization, one hundred and seven. The building in which this order convenes is owned by them. The present officers are B. F. Luther, W. M.; Daniel Sumner, S. W.; A. M. Burget, J. W.; A. C. Wilson, Sec.; and It. P. Wolcott, Treas. The stated communications are the first and third Saturdays of each month. The only living charter member now an affiliant with this lodge is David Brainard.
Grand River Grange was organized March 15, 1874, with sixteen charter members. First officers: A. M. Parker, M.; H. C. Brakeman, L ; Wm. Bur-
get, Treas. ; and N. Bates, Sec. Present officers: . A. C. Wilson, M. ; L. F. Brakeman, L. ; Luther Haws, Tress. ad A.
Wheat Oats Corn Potatoes Meadow Maple-sugar Butter Cheese |
297 acres. 893 “ 512 " 319 “ 2018 " |
3,340 bushels. 24,372 " 29,968 " 19,014 " 2,379 tons. 17,884 pounds. 62,658 " 88,060 " |
Population for 1877 - 1120.
The vote for President in 1876, as given by the report of the secretary of state, was: Rutherford B. Hayes, 256 ; Samuel J. Tilden, 40.
This township has an excellent soldier-record, and has from its infancy been celebrated for its patriotism. On July 4, 1812, occurred the first celebration of our national independence in Harpersfield. This was on the farm now owned by Frank Knapp. Dr. Johnson was orator of the day, and Rev. Jonathan Leslie chaplain. Of those present on this occasion the following names are remembered: Major Levi Gaylord, Samuel Hendry, John Brakeman, Ezra Gregory, Rufus Houghton, the Harpers, the Bartholomews, Benjamin Hartwell, the Hewins brothers, and some twenty Revolutionary soldiers. There was a numerous attendance of women and children from the new settlements. War having been declared with England, the pioneers were filled with enthusiasm, and it is said the orator spoke in terms of "withering scorn of tie Tory proclivities of an adjoining township."
The following story is furnished by Charles S. Simonds, and illustrates some of the peculiar characteristics of the early settlers:
. . . "Among these pioneers was one who, although he never became eminent in church or state, yet was at the time a man of more than ordinary intellect among his compeers. Of French descent, with a brawny frame, erect carriage, and more than six feet in height, he had a cold gray eye, solemn visage, and sinister aspect; and, although shrewd and sarcastic, lie was always indolent and unthrifty. Such was John Lamont,-an object of terror to the children and of superstitious awe to the older members of community. He was a wizard, so said his Dutch neighbors, and they had no doubt of the truth of their assertions. If the leaven failed to rise and a heavy loaf resulted, the unlucky housewife charged John Lamont with the misfortune. Did the alkali and grease show less than their usual affinity and fail to combine as soap, it was bewitched, of course, and John Lamont bore the blame. There were some who knew that he possessed a familiar spirit, and vouched for the fact that they had seen the nipple from which the imp derived its nourishment. The forest teemed with game, and those men were mighty hunters. The bear, the deer, and the wild turkey furnished their larders. But John Lamont could put a spell upon their rifles, and when the day's hunt proved unsuccessful, or the rifle failed in its usual accuracy, old Lamont bore the blame. Silver was regarded as an antidote, and they often scraped their brooches and Spanish quarters into the crucible, while the lead was in a state of fusion, that the bullets might possess a charm against his incantations.
" But, fortunately for a people so afflicted, there was a man among them by the name of Tiffany, who was versed in all the charms and counter-ceremonies necessary to circumvent and counteract all the incantations of the wizard. And this he followed as a profession. He was often called to exercise the demon, or to overcome his enchantments. Feeling confident in his power, he often boasted that whoever else might be beset by the wizard, he, at least, would be exempt. Great then was the surprise when it was rumored that Tiffany's sugar-bush was bewitched. His syrup would not grain. Tiffany was indignant. He regarded this as a direct challenge to test their powers, and he resolved upon the most terrible retribution. One of his recipes taught him that if any substance bewitched could be consumed by fire, and the witch could be kept from contact with the substance while burning, that the death of the witch would be inevitable. Tiffany was calm but confident. He boiled his sugar-water to syrup as usual, and when the day came for " sugaring off," he resolved to exterminate the nuisance. The syrup was placed in the kettle in the usual manner, and then the wood was heaped and the fire stirred around it. While the smoke from this antidote was ascending, as was expected, John Lamont made his appearance, approaching through the woods in apparent agony. He begged for a little warm syrup to ease his colic pains. But he met with no sympathy, Tiffany was unmerciful. He seized a handspike and drove the sufferer roughly from the camp. The result showed the sugar destroyed and the wizard unharmed. The story got wind, and theme for mirth to the disbelieving Yankees of the neighborhood."
February 6, 1841, is the date, and Harpersfield township, Ashtabula County, the place, of the birth of him who is the subject of this sketch. His parents were Gustavus H. and Mary SeCheverell. He was the youngest son. Receiving a fair common-school education, he early developed a strong predilection for the art epistolary. When he was but fourteen years of age he was engaged SeCheverell, local items for the Forest City Gleaner. This experience served to cultivate a literary taste in Mr. SeCheverell, which has never deserted him. In later years he has been a local correspondent for several papers of this and other localities. He has written a large number of the township histories for this work, and has evinced an ability for this department of literary labor of no small merit. Careful about his facts, he is accurate' in stating them.
In the War of the Rebellion he was among the first of his township to proffer his services, and became a soldier in Company B of the indomitable Twenty-ninth. The date of his enlistment was August 19, 1861. He was in the battle of Winchester, March 23, 1862, and was made prisoner, with others of his comrades, by Stonewall Jackson, at the same place, in the following June. After a brief captivity he was paroled, sent to Washington, and by general order No. 65, adjutant-general's office, June 12, 1862, discharged. He came home, regained his health, and July 28, 1863, re-enlisted in Company M, Second Ohio Heavy Artillery. He was discharged from service June 23, 1865, at Chicago, Illinois, where he had served as hospital steward of the United States army. Soon after his return home he was united in marriage to Miss L. Ada Alderman, of Hartsgrove township, this county. He was compelled to mourn her death in a little more than a year from the date of their nuptials. Prior to his enlistment he had devoted con.. siderable time to the study of dentistry, and upon the death of his wife he repaired to Ypsilanti, Michigan, where, with Messrs. Alderman Brothers, he completed a full course of study, thoroughly mastering the subject of dentistry. Returning to Harpersfield, his old home, he was married to Celia, the youngest daughter of Dr. L. L. and Sophrona Bennett, of that township. The date of this marriage was December 2, 1868. Dr. Secheverell and his amiable and estimable companion have been the parents of three children, two of whom are still living, - Gurliegh Hamilton, the eldest, born September11, 1869 and Hugh Bernard, born August 25, 1872. Claude Lorrainne, born April 10, 1870, died May 25, 1872. Dr. SeCheverell prosecuted the duties of his profession for ten years in his native township, when he removed to Jefferson, Ohio, July 25, 1877, where he still resides. He has justly won the reputation of a skillful and reliable dentist, and is known as a worthy citizen of the unpretending kind. He has been a member of Masonry since 1862, and is at present connected with Tuscan lodge, No. 342, Jefferson, Ohio. He has also for some years been prominently connected with the soldier organization known as the Grand Army of the Republic, and is at present the Commander of Giddings post, No. 7, which holds its sessions at Jefferson, Ohio. He was for six years clerk of Harpersfield township, and filled the office for several years of secretary of Grand River lodge, 297, F. and A. M. He is at present engaged with the proprietors of this work, and expects to accompany them to other fields of labor.
SeCheverell,Amsterdam, Montgomery county, New York, on December 13, 1796. He was the only child of G. H. and Jane SeCheverell, of that point. His father was a teacher, and was drowned in the year 1798, while crossing Lake Ontario in an open boat with a load of merchandise, which he hid received for teaching a term or two of school in Canada. The mother came to Ohio eventually, and died at the home of the subject of the present sketch, in 1857. Mr. or Colonel, SeCheverell, as he was familiarly called, began life in Madison, Lake county, Ohio, where he remained some two years; and, after a year spent in Unionville; same county, purchased a wild farm in Harpersfield township, and removing thereon, set himself industriously to work subduing the dense forest with which it was covered. Gradually, by dint of hard labor, he acquired a competence, and was induced' to invest in one of those whirlpools which have ever proved ruinous to all concerned, viz., a Farmers' Company store. After a time it became a foregone conclusion that under the management then existing a "collapse" must ensue, and thinking that he could "hold the fort," entered into an arrangement with the remaining stockholders, by which he became sole owner, they, however; pledging themselves to " stand by" him until he was " out of the woods." This, as is often the case,
they failed to do (there was one honorable exception, in the case of Hiram Hickok, who yet resides in Harpersfield), and after vainly fighting against fate for perhaps ten years, was obliged to succumb, and his once ample fortune was swept away, much of it in paying other people's debts. He never recovered from the shock produced by the loss of his property and the perfidy of pretended friends, and died of softening of the brain in December, 1866. Mrs. SeCheverell died December, 1876. Of the life of the colonel, we find that he was a soldier of the War of 1812. Was a life long member of the Methodist church, for the ministers of' which he always kept open house and an open pocket-book. He was a zealous adherent to the principles inculcated in the order of Freemasonry, having become a member of that society as early as 1819, and received the Royal Arch degrees prior to the time of the insane "Morgan excitement;" and throughout all those years maintained his allegiance, and was the founder of Grand River lodge, No. 297, of Harpersfield, of which he was Master for a number of years. Colonel SeCheverell was united in marriage on January 9, 1817, to Miss Esther Myers. This lady died the following August, and in November, 1818, he was again married, to Mary, daughter of John and Hannah Brakeman, of Harpers-field township, this county. From this marriage a numerous family was born to them, as follows, viz.: Lawrence, the eldest, was born December 23, 1819. In 1845 he started for South America, and as no tidings came from him after reaching New Orleans, it is presumed that he died before reaching his destination. Prudentia, the next child, was born March 4, 1822. She married Thomas Baxter; resides in Austinburg. Alfred, born December 31, 1823 ; married Hannah Foreman ; died in 1859. Jane, married Silas Kellogg; died in Madison, Lake county, in 1869. Catherine, born October 31, 1829; married John B. Mills; died in 1867. Esther, born 1832; died young. Henry Gustavus, born May 10, 1834; married Marion Elizabeth Knowlton ; died February 4, 1871 ; and John Hamilton, the junior member, was born February 6, 1841 ; married Celia Bennett.
THE lands at present embraced within the limits of this township were, at the drawing of the territory east of the Cuyahoga river in 1798, used for the purpose of equalization, and fell by lot to Caleb Atwater, Gideon Granger, and William Hart. Upon the organization of Ashtabula County, Harpersfield township embraced all the territory now included within the prescribed limits of that township; Geneva, Trumbull, and Hartsgrove. On March 22, 1816, Geneva was detached, and formed into a separate township, of which action we find the following entry on the record of the commissioners of Ashtabula County: "Resolved, that all that part of Harpersfield township north of the north line of number eleven in the fifth range, to the lake, be set off from that township and erected as a separate township to be known by the name of Geneva, and that the first township election be held at the dwelling-house of Loren Cowles, on the first Monday of April next."
This township is trapezoid in form, the east line being something over five miles in length, and the west considerably less. The surface of the township is of a rolling nature, and is crossed from east to west by two small elevations of land, termed the North and South ridges, which run parallel with the lake, and are perhaps one mile apart.
The soil is varied, the ridges being composed of sand, while between them vegetable mould or clay and loam predominate. This township was in early times considered too wet for farming purposes, but by persevering industry much of the land has been brought into a profitable state of cultivation.
There are in the township two streams of considerable magnitude, besides numerous small runs and rivulets. The first of these streams is, from the " South ridge" to the lake, called Cowles creek, and derives its name from Noah Cowles, who was the first white settler near it. This gentleman was also the first settler in what is now the thriving, go-ahead village of Geneva, the place of his location being upon the spot now occupied by the residence of R. B. Munger, on North Broadway, north of Railway. Cowles creek rises in Austinburg, enters Geneva perhaps one mile from the southeast corner, and passing westerly one mile and one-half, turns northwesterly, and passes in this direction to the lake, into which it empties some two miles from the west line of the township. Marsh creek from the southwest, and Muddy brook from the southeast, discharge their waters into Cowles creek near its mouth. The next stream is Indian creek, which enters this township from Saybrook, near the northeast corner, and flows into the lake some two miles east of the mouth of Cowles creek. This stream is called Indian creek from the fact that, upon its west bank, near its mouth, was buried an Indian, named Little John, who, it appears, was a great favorite with not only the aborigines, but with the white settlers. This Indian was killed by a falling tree, at a point now embraced within the limits of Geneva village. Wheeler creek rises in Harpersfield, enters Geneva on the south line near the centre, passes through the township, and empties into the lake near the northwest corner of the township.
The first settler within the limits of Geneva was, without doubt, Theobalt Bartholomew, who came from Charlotte, Schoharie county, New York, in the year 1805, and made settlement on the South Ridge road, near the west bank of Cowles creek. Mr. B. was somewhat advanced in life when he came into Geneva, but he lived many years, and during those years saw the inhabitants rapidly increasing and settlements advancing. He was a soldier in the frontier and border 'warfare maintained at Schoharie and the neighboring settlements during the dark and gloomy days of the Revolution, and in his new home rose to considerable distinction. The next settler was Elisha Wiard, who came from Connecticut, and located some quarter of a mile north of Bartholomew's. Wiard was a young, active, and industrious settler, and made considerable improvement. He died in the winter of 1812. The next settlers were James Morrison, Sr., and Levi Gaylord. These pioneers came from Harpersfield, New York, and located in Geneva in the year 1806. They settled near each other on the South Ridge road, near the east line of the township. At the time of their emigration Morrison had arrived at the age of fifty, and Gaylord forty-six years. Major Gaylord filled some of the most important offices in the county. He represented the county one term ; in fact was the only representative from Geneva township until the fall of 1877, when our able young statesman, the Hon. Freeman Thorp, was elected. For farther particulars of the life of Major Gaylord see.biographical notes in another portion of this volume.
In 1807, John and Robert Lamont and Benjamin Custin made a temporary settlement on the Norman. Webster farm ; remained some two years, and removed to what is now Harpersfield township, the history of which see for further particulars of this family. In the year 1808, Eleazer Davis commenced improvement on the farm afterwards owned by the Reverend Jonathan Leslie, now the property of John C. Brakeman. About this time, Dr. Nathan B. Johnson and Noah Cowles came to reside in Geneva, and located on the South Ridge road, east of Cowles creek. These are thought to be all the settlers in Geneva township up to 1808. During the next seven years there were accessions made to the settlement, consisting of perhaps fifteen families. Among them were Squire B. French, John Ketchum, John, Benjamin, and Jacob Bartholomew, Rev. Jonathan Leslie, Samuel Quinton, Abisha Lawton, and Truman Watkins. On the North ridge were Samuel Thompson, Norman Webster, and Harvey S. Spencer (father of Warren Platt Spencer, of the Geneva twins, and brother of the renowned father of penmanship, Platt R. Spencer, whose biographies appear, the one in connection with the group of editors of the county, and the other with tho Spencer family group, which see for further mention). Another settlement was begun on the lake-shore, in the northeast corner of the township, as early as 1811. This consisted of Barzillia N. Spencer, lot 53; John Austin, lot 51; James M. Morse, lot 50; Jacob Hall, lots 44 and 45; and Strowbridge Morrison, on lot 46. From divers causes, this settlement was finally abandoned, and the cabins were left to resolve themselves into their original elements. The early settlers of Geneva, in common with all the pioneers of the Reserve, endured privations and
hardships of which those of to-day can have but a faint conception. Under the most favorable circumstances, their food was always coarse, often unsavory, and, if accident befell the sources from which they were supplied, scantiness as well as coarseness mingled with their meals. The two principal articles of food upon the tables of the early settlers were bread and meat. If the bread chanced to be made of wheat floor, and the meat consisted of the flesh of domestic animals, then was the fare considered good in the superlative degree. If the bread chanced to be made of corn-meal, and the 'meat consisted of the flesh of the deer, the bear, or the raccoon, there was no complaining, for in those days were they less concerned about the quality of the food than they were about the quantity. Coffee was known only by the name, and tea, if drunk at all, was drunk about as frequently as it was by the Whigs of Boston immediately after that article was cast into the harbor from the British shins. In respect to clothing, as well as other necessaries for which the settlers had to depend in whole or in part upon the market, they were about as well provided for as they were in respect to tea and coffee. There were no stores in the vicinity, so that whatever was required beyond what their own hands could supply was entirely dispensed with or supplied in a meagre manner. The consequence was that the wardrobe of the ladies comported but miserably with their patient and untiring industry.
One striking characteristic of the pioneer settlements on the Reserve was their eagerness to afford the advantages of schools to their families. Geneva was fully the equal of her sister townships in this particular. In default of positive knowledge in relation to the first school-house in the township, Harvey R. Gaylord, Esq., now of Saginaw, Michigan, was appealed to with the following result: "No doubt the log school-house which stood nearly opposite S. P. Holden's, on or near the site of which Jesse Leonard afterwards had a wagon-shop, was the first schoolhouse built in Geneva. This was undoubtedly erected in the fall of' 1807 or spring of 1808. I am sure that my sister Margaret (afterwards the wife of Otis Johnson) taught a term in this house in the summer of 1808, which was the first school taught in the township of Geneva." The first frame school-house was built in probably 1821. W. P. Spencer, of the Geneva Times, furnishes us the following in relation to that old-time teacher, Josiah Alford : " Born in Connecticut in 1771. In about the year 1817 he removed to Ashtabula County, and located in Geneva. His wife was Pauline, sister of Judge Q. F. Atkins (of whom see prominent mention elsewhere). Mr. Alford was a professional teacher; taught his first term in Granby, Connecticut, in 1792, and his last in Trumbull, this county, in 1837, covering a period of forty-four years. During this interval he taught in the townships of Saybrook, Jefferson, Geneva, Morgan, Harpersfield, Windsor, Conneaut, and Trumbull; also in Crawford and Mercer counties, Pennsylvania, and in Trumbull county, this State. This faithful old teacher and most exemplary citizen died at his residence on the lake-shore, in Geneva, in the year 1851." As a contrast to the present wages paid teachers we learn that the first two terms this gentleman taught in Granby, Connecticut, he was paid at the rate of two dollars per month and his board, and for his last school (in Trumbull) he received twelve dollars per month, boarded around, and had fifty-one scholars. For statistical matter pertaining to Geneva township,—number of teachers employed, number of scholars enrolled, etc.,—see close of this history. The following historical matter in relation to the Geneva normal school was prepared by Prof. J. P. Treat, the able principal of that school, to whom our thanks are tendered :
During the month of April, 1868, the following notice appeared in the Geneva Times :
" Notice is hereby given by the board of education of Geneva school district that there will be a special meeting of the qualified voters of said district at the school-house, on Monday, the 20th day of April, 1868, at one o'clock P.m., to consider the question whether a tax of from eight to ten thousand dollars shall be levied upon the taxable property of said district to build a new school-house. The erection of such a house is, in the judgment of the board, necessary.
" A full and prompt attendance is respectfully urged.
" By order of the board,
I. C. CHAMBERLIN, Secretary."
Pursuant to the above notice the qualified voters met, and, by a vote of sixty-six to two, decided to levy a tax for the purpose stated.
Such, in brief, was the origin of the normal school. The educational necessities of the village and the surrounding country demanded it, and the people responded promptly.
The board of education at this time consisted of J. L. Morgan, president ; Asa Lamb, treasurer; I. C. Chamberlin, secretary ; N. Brigham, H. S. Munger, and S. S. Burrows. J. S. Morgan and H. S. Munger constituted the building com mittee. The building was planned by Hurd & Blythe, Cleveland, Ohio. Under the direction of the building committee the work was begun in the early part of May, 1868, and the structure was ready for occupancy by the 1st of September following.
Description of the Building.—The Normal building is one of the finest in tho county. It is brick, seventy-five feet long, forty feet wide, of modern style of architecture, and four stories high. The first story, with one exception, is devoted entirely to the purposes of a boarding-hall. The pantries, kitchen, and matrons' rooms are all large and conveniently arranged. The music-room is also pleasantly situated in this story.
The laboratory, commercial-room, library, chapel, and recitation-rooms are located in the second story. The chapel is large, well seated, and contains an organ, pictures, eta. The floor is matted and the rostrum carpeted. The halls 'and the three flights of stairs are also matted. The recitation-rooms are pleasantly situated and well lighted. In the third and fourth stories are rooms or dormitories conveniently arranged for the occupancy of teachers and foreign students. The preceptress' recitation-room and the reception-room are also located in the third story. The dormitories are large, well lighted, and very delightful places for study. Lake Erie, nearly all Geneva, and a large portion of' the surrounding country can be seen from the rooms. The building stands on elevated ground, and faces Eagle and Park streets. It is surrounded by a beautiful grove of maple-trees. The building, with furniture, apparatus, etc., cost sixteen thousand dollars.
History of the School.—The first school taught in the new building began the first Monday in September, 1868. C. H. Roberts was the first principal, being assisted by Mrs. C. H. Roberts, Mrs. G. M. Pinney, and others. Professor Roberts continued in charge two years. J. S. Lowe, assisted by Mrs. J. S. Lowe, Professor Rice, and others, was principal during the next three years. Under Professors Roberts and Lowe the school became very prosperous, and commanded a large foreign patronage. At one time there were sixty boarders in the boarding club, and the average attendance exceeded one hundred students. The next principal was L. V. Dodge, who was elected in the fall of 1873. He was assisted by Mrs. L. V. Dodge, Miss H. M. Blinn, Miss Libbie Churchward, and A. H. Stockham. In 1874, L. T. Kirk was elected principal. He was assisted by Miss H. M. Blinn, A. H. Stockham, and others. Professor Kirk was succeeded by R. H. Kinnison, who was elected principal in 1875. His assistants were Mrs. R. H. Kinnison, Miss H. 31. Blinn, and A. H. Stockham. This administration continued one year. In June, 1876, the board secured the services of Jay P. Treat as principal. At this writing (March, 1878) Professor Treat has been in charge nearly two years, and is elected for two years longer.
In consequence of frequent changes in the superintendency, together with other causes, the school did not prosper during the years of 1873 to 1875. Under its present administration the Normal is regaining much of its former influence and prosperity, and is steadily growing in favor.
Present Condition and Advantages of the School.—The present board of instructors is as follows: Jay P. Treat, A.M., principal and teacher of higher mathematics and languages ; Mrs. Jay P. Treat, preceptress and teacher of natural sciences, French, painting, and drawing; Miss Laura E. Burnette, mathematics and English branches; A. H. Stockham, physiology, book-keeping, and writing; Miss Ella F. Grover, instrumental music ; Prof. C. A. Bentley, vocal music ; Mrs. A. A. Bowers, matron ; A. H. Stockham, steward.
Normal Preparatory and Union School Department.—Prof. J. D. McCalmont, principal and teacher in grammar school ; Miss Emma Barnum, assistant in grammar school ; Miss Nellie Amidon, intermediate department; Miss Ella Kinsley, primary department.
The courses of study—English, classical, teachers' course, and preparatory—are in harmony with the spirit of the age, being thorough, practical, and comprehensive, including the higher pursuits and studies as well as the common branches.
The teachers and board of education recognize the wants of a progressive age, and have honestly endeavored to constitute liberal courses of study which shall be sufficient to qualify young ladies and gentlemen for entering upon any business calling or profession in life, or for taking an advanced standing in any college.
Preparatory Course.—Studies same as A grade in grammar school.
Fall Term—Arithmetic and grammar reviewed and completed, algebra.
Winter Term.—Algebra, rhetoric, philosophy.
Spring Term.—Algebra, philosophy, botany.