The Citizens Banking & Trust Company has a capital stock of $125,000.00 and a surplus of $32,750.00. It is one of the leading banking institu- tions in Ashtabula County, and well merits the success that has been as achievement.

Duff Brace, mayor of Conneaut, is a highly esteemed and prominent citizen of Ashtabula County. He was born in Crawford County, Pa., March 18, 1882, and is the son of Alfred J. and Sarah J. (Donahue) Brace.

Alfred J. Brace, who now lives retired in Conneaut, was a native of Toledo, Ohio. In early life he went to Pennsylvania with his parents, where he remained until 1898. At that time he came with his family to Conneaut, where he has since lived. Mr. Brace is a Democrat. His wife is a native of Crawford County, Pa. To Mr. and Mrs. Brace six children were born : E. G., lives at Conneaut Harbor ; Duff, the subject of this sketch ; Margaret A., married Lee Dulick, a well known business man of Conneaut; Perry G., an engineer on the Pennsylvania Railroad, lives at Ashtabula; Mark S., captain on the Salt Waters, lives at Conneaut ; and Nellie, married Albert Hahn, an engineer on the Nickel Plate Railroad, lives at Conneaut.

Duff Brace received his education in the public schools of Erie County, Pa., after which he entered the employ of the Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad as yard master. He was in the employ of this company for 23 years. Since 1898 Mr. Brace has lived in Conneaut, where he is now serving his fourth term as mayor.

On March 28, 1903, Mr. Brace was married to Miss Amelia May Holden, who was born in Ashtabula County, Feb. 2, 1881, the daughter of Henry and Mary Ann (Rhoda) Holden, the former a native of Erie County, Pa., and the latter of England. Mr. Holden was among the early settlers of Ohio and during the Civil War served with an Ohio regiment. He died at East Springfield, Ohio. His wife resides in Conneaut. They were the parents of the following children: Mattie, the widow of Vern Phelps, lives at Conneaut ; Dora, married Otis Leonard, lives in Erie County, Pa. ; Clinton, who served as a Colonel during the World War, now engaged in the hotel business at Newark, N. J. ; Clayton, twin brother of Clinton, hotel keeper at Charles City, Iowa ; Ross, lives at Conneaut ; Charles, lives at Conneaut ; and Mrs. Brace. To Duff and Amelia May (Holden) Brace, five children have been born : John A., born Dec. 15, 1904 ; Lucille H., born June 28, 1906; Duff Gordon, born April 2, 1914 ; Mark


Stanley, born April 10, 1916 ; and Perry Douglas, born Aug. 16, 1919. John A. Brace, who is greatly interested in football, is a member of the Ashtabula team which has won the Wentling cup.

In politics Mr. Brace is an independent voter. He belongs to the Knights of Pythias and Elks lodge.

Alva W. Rogers, a successful business man of Ashtabula, engaged in the transfer business, is a member of one of Ohio's prominent pioneer families. He was born at Lenox, Ohio, Jan. 5, 1850, and is the son of William E. and Lucy A. (Loomis) Rogers.

In 1830 William E. Rogers came to Ashtabula County from his native state, Connecticut. He followed general farming during his life and met with success. Mr. Rogers died in 1908 and his wife died in 1880. They were the parents of the following children : Lucy, died at the age of 13 years ; Alva W., the subject of this sketch ; Henderson lives at Jefferson, Ohio ; Eda A., married Frank Marsh, both deceased ; and Alice, deceased.

Alva W. Rogers spent his boyhood on his father's farm and received his education in the district schools. At the age of 24 years he removed to Ashtabula and engaged in the transfer business, operating one wagon. Horse drawn street cars were being used at that time in Ashtabula and Mr. Rogers relates many interesting stories of early day life in the county. He has lived in the same house since 1884. Mr. Rogers carries on a large volume of business and is known as an enterprising and progressive citizen of his community.

On April 5, 1882, Mr. Rogers was married to Miss Lillian Webster, a native of Kingsville, Ohio, and the daughter of Lyman and Anna (Hart) Webster, natives of England and early settlers of Massachusetts and later of Kingsville, Ohio. Mr. Webster became a prosperous farmer of his community and was well known. To Alva W. and Lillian (Webster) Rogers four children were born, as follows : Fred, who was killed in an accident in 1907 ; Effie, married E. F. Clark, lives at Jefferson, and they have seven children, Lillian, Jeanette, Luella, Robert, Dorothy, James and Norman ; and Lawrence, married Pearl Sims, lives in Ashtabula, and they have one child, Jean Adair; and Clifford C., a clerk in the New York Central Railroad freight office at Ashtabula.

Politically, Mr. Rogers is a Republican. He and his family are members of the Baptist church and are highly esteemed members of their community.


B. L. Palmer, city auditor of Conneaut, is among the prominent and influential citizens of Ashtabula County. He was born in Erie County, Pa., July 20, 1878, and is the son of Charles C. and Mary (Doty) Palmer.

Charles C. Palmer was a native of Erie County, Pa., as also was his wife. They were early settlers of Ohio, locating at Conneaut, where Mr. Palmer worked at his trade as millwright. He was a Republican and a member of the United Brethren Church. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, now deceased, were the parents of four children : B. L., the subject of this sketch ; George H., who died at the age of 12 years ; Pearl A., married William Fuller, and lives at Albion, Pa. ; and Fred J., who died at the age of two years.

B. L. Palmer received his education in the public schools of Bemus Point, N. Y. He learned the machinist trade and was employed by the Dick Company of Conneaut for 10 years as a stationary engineer. Mr. Palmer was also in the employ of the Prudential Insurance Company for several years. He has served as city auditor of Conneaut for two terms.

On Nov. 7, 1901, Mr. Palmer was married to Miss Lena R. Fowler, a native of New York, born March 9, 1881, and the daughter of Walter and Ella J. (Barker) Fowler, natives of New York. Mr. Fowler is deceased and his wife lives at Portland, N. Y. They had two children : Sarah, married J. M. Paul, and died in December, 1923 ; and Mrs. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer have no children.

In politics Mr. Palmer is identified with the Republican party. He is a member of the Christian Church and has been superintendent of the Sunday school for eight years. He is past grand master of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Palmer was a member of the volunteer fire department of Conneaut for 14 years. He is one of the dependable and substantial citizens of Conneaut.

Dr. William H. Leet. Since the beginning of his professional life in 1898, Dr. William H. Leet has evinced eminent fitness for his calling, and in no small degree has won for himself the confidence and support of the people of Conneaut and vicinity. Dr. Leet was born at Greenville, Pa., in 1870, and is the son of Dr. Frederick H. and Sarah (Waldron) Leet.

Dr. Frederick H. Leet was born in Beaver County, Pa. He was graduated from Medical Department of Western Reserve University in 1857 and was among the prominent physicians and surgeons of his time. He



served throughout the Civil War with the 57th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry as a surgeon and after being disabled was honorably discharged. Dr. Leet practiced his profession for many years at Greenville, Pa., and died in 1907. His wife died in 1900. They were the parents of four children : Irene, married Rev. Albert J. Reichert, lives at Lancaster, Pa. ; Dr. William H., the subject of this sketch ; Susan A., and Clara B., high school teachers, living in Minneapolis.

Dr. William H. Leet was educated in the public schools of Greenville, Pa., and Thiel College in Greenville, Pa., and was graduated from the medical department of Western Reserve University at Cleveland in 1895. During the World War he was commissioned a captain in the medical corps and was later promoted to lieutenant colonel. He served for 26 months, a year of which was spent in France.

In May, 1899, Dr. Leet was united in marriage with Miss Mary Garrett Shoemaker, a native of Chester, Pa., and a daughter of William T. and Mary (Sines) Shoemaker, natives of Pennsylvania. Mr. Shoemaker, who was engaged in the real estate business during his life, died in 1921. He was also a veteran of the Civil War. His wife lives with her daughter, Mrs. Leet. A son, William A. Shoemaker, is deceased. To Dr. and Mrs. Leet have been born two children : Oliver Dickinson, born in 1901, and Mary E., born in 1908.

Dr. Leet is a Republican. He has served as mayor of Conneaut for one term and has served as member of the school board. He is a member of the Congregational Church and belongs to the Masonic and Elks lodges.

H. G. Kingdom, a prominent attorney of Conneaut, and vice-president of the Citizens Banking & Trust Company, is a native of Ohio. He was born in Trumbull County, in 1876, and is the son of George and Hattie (Chase) Kingdom.

George Kingdom was born in England and in 1848 came to Niagara Falls, on the Canadian side, where he remained one year. He then came to Ohio, locating at Orwell, where he owned and operated a cheese factory for many years. He and his wife now live retired at Orwell. They were the parents of three children: H. G., the subject of this sketch ; and Maud L. and Blaine C., both deceased.

H. G. Kingdom received his education in the public schools and studied law with Attorney Fisher and with C. H. Sargent, at Jefferson, where he


later served as deputy clerk of court for three years. On June 15, 1902, he was admitted to the bar and since March 1, 1903, has practiced law continuously at Conneaut. He served as city attorney for two years.

In 1897 Mr. Kingdom was married to Miss Bertha A. Durkee, a native of Monroe Township, Ashtabula County, and a daughter of Charles C. and Emily Durkee. The Durkee family settled in Ohio in 1816 and Solomon Durkee, great-grandfather of Mrs. Kingdom, served in the American Army during the Revolutionary War. Mrs. Kingdom was one of the founders of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Conneaut. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Durkee four children were born : Milan C., a farmer, lives in Conneaut Township, Ashtabula County ; Zela D., married Fred Brydle, deceased ; and she lives near Conneaut ; Fred, Conneaut Township, and Mrs. Kingdom. Mr. Durkee lives with his daughter Mrs. Brydle. His wife died in 1900. To Mr. and Mrs. Kingdom two sons have been born : George D., born in September, 1903, studying law at Ohio State University ; and Howard C., born March 27, 1914.

Mr. Kingdom was instrumental in obtaining the Carnegie Public Library for Conneaut, and is the only member left of the original trustees. One of Mr. Kingdom's pastimes, which he greatly enjoys, is hunting in Canada, and during the season of 1923 he killed a moose. Mr. Kingdom is a Republican and he and his family are members of the Congregational Church. He is well and favorably known throughout the county.

George T. Arthur, who is successfully engaged in the hardware business in Conneaut, was born in Ontario, Canada, in 1869, and is the son of Charles and Louise (Traver) Arthur.

Charles Arthur and his wife, natives of Ontario, Canada, are now deceased. Mrs. Arthur died in Canada in 1870 and Mr. Arthur died at Conneaut in 1908. George T., the subject of this sketch, was their only child.

George T. Arthur received his education in Canada and came to this country in 1887, locating at Conneaut. Since that time he has been engaged in the hardware business in the same location on Main Street. Mr. Arthur does a large volume of business and is widely known as a reliable business man.

In 1897 Mr. Arthur was married to Miss Lillie Brown, a native of Missouri, and a daughter of Dr. John and Mary (McCombs) Brown, na-


tives of Ohio and early settlers of Missouri. Dr. Brown served throughout the Civil War with an Ohio regiment. He died in 1871, and his wife died in 1917. Mrs. Arthur has one brother, William, who is engaged in farming near Geneva, Ohio. To George T. and Lillie (Brown) Arthur five children have been born : Louise, married Frank Spieldenner, a public accountant, lives in New York city ; Marion, lives in Cleveland ; James, in store with his father and has charge of the office; and Robert and Mabel.

Mr. Arthur is a Republican and has served as a member of the school board for a number of years. He and his family are members of the Congregational Church.

C. Vern Carr, who is successfully engaged in the real estate and insurance business at Conneaut, was born at Harmonsburg, Crawford County, Pa., July 21, 1882. He is a son of John and Ida (McMurtry) Carr.

John Carr was a native of New York and his wife was born in Pennsylvania. He was engaged in the blacksmithing business at Harmonsburg, Pa., for many years. He was a Republican and served as deputy sheriff of Crawford County and held other township offices. About 1888 Mr. Carr came to Conneaut, Ohio, and engaged in blacksmithing and later the livery business which he conducted until his death which occurred in 1905 ; his wife died in 1898. There were three children in the Carr family : C. Vern, the subject of this sketch ; Glen H., lives at Meadville, Pa.; and Frank, lives in Cleveland.

C. Vern Carr was educated in the public schools and at the age of 17 years became a sailor on the Great Lakes. He later was in the employ of the Bessemer Railroad as conductor and later as yardmaster. Mr. Carr has been engaged in business at Conneaut since 1915. He is a director of The Citizens Banking & Trust Company, director, secretary and treasurer of The Citizens Building & Loan Company, and director and treasurer of The Conneaut Woolen Mills Company, and director of the Northeastern Oil and Gas Company.

Mr. Carr was married to Miss Inez Baker, a native of Pennsylvania, and the daughter of Charles LeRoy and Carrie (Randall) Baker. Mr. Baker is deceased and Mrs. Baker lives with her daughter, Mrs. Carr. Two brothers, Thomas and Ellis Baker, live at Conneaut. To Mr. and Mrs. Carr two children have been born : Earl, who is in business with his father ; and Geraldine, a student.


Mr. Carr is a member of the Masonic lodge, of which he is past master; past high priest and past Th. Ill. Masters now captain general of Cashe Commandery. He also is a member of the Elks. He has served as director of public safety and as secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, and is a member of the Rotary Club and is sergeant-at-arms during the reorganization of the present paid fire department of Conneaut. Mr. Carr was clerk of the safety department, although he was not a member of the department. He also served as a volunteer fireman of the old fire department and was captain of the hook and ladder company. He served as a volunteer fireman about 16 years. Mr. Carr ranks as one of the leading and prosperous citizens of Conneaut.

Walter E. Masters, a well known citizen of Conneaut, who is engaged in the insurance and real estate business, was born at Painesville, Ohio, Sept. 12, 1857, and is a son of William G. and Arabella S. (Kent) Masters.

William G. Masters was a native of Chautauqua County, N. Y., and came to Ohio in 1844, locating at Amboy. After his marriage he removed to Perry, in Lake County, and later to Painesville, where he engaged in the tobacco business. Mr. Masters was a Republican and a member of the Methodist Church. He died March 28, 1905, and his widow died Sept. 25, 1912. They were the parents of two children: William Monroe, who died Dec. 31, 1922, and Walter E., the subject of this sketch.

Walter E. Masters attended the district schools of North Kingsville. He learned the cigarmaker's trade and was in that business at Conneaut for 23 years. He then conducted a hotel in Conneaut until 1913, at which time he engaged in the insurance and real estate business. Mr. Masters is associated with the Conneaut Building & Loan Company, of which he has been a director for 35 years. He is also chairman of the appraisal board.

On Oct. 9, 1887, Mr. Masters was married to Miss Minnie M. Griffey, a native of Pennsylvania, born April 17, 1867, and the daughter of Albert and Alice (Putney) Griffey, natives of Pennsylvania, now deceased. Mr. Griffey was a veteran of the Civil War. There were five children in the Griffey family: Mrs. Masters ; Pearl, married E. J. Parrish, superintendent of the Buffalo division of the Nickel Plate Railroad, lives in Buffalo, N. Y.; Alice, lives in Cleveland ; Bert J., died in Alaska, in 1920 ; and Emmer, married John C. Alderman, lives in Denver, Col. To Mr. and Mrs. Masters


have been born three children : Albert G., a graduate of the University of Michigan, an electrical engineer, lives at Cincinnati, Ohio ; Paul W., a graduate of Tri State College in Indiana, a civil engineer, lives at Conneaut ; and Margaret A., a student.

Mr. Masters is a Republican and belongs to the Elks Lodge. He is among the substantial and enterprising citizens of Ashtabula County.

John Cummins, now living retired in Conneaut, is among the highly esteemed and prominent citizens of Ashtabula County. He was born at Conneaut, Jan. 12, 1851, and is the son of David and Rhoda (Wood) Cummins.

David Cummins was born near Buffalo, N. Y., in 1827, and was a harness maker by trade. At an early date he came to Ohio and settled in Conneaut, where he followed his trade until 1863. In that year he became interested in the canning industry and opened a factory, which he operated successfully under the name of The D. Cummins Company, for 46 years, and which is now one of the leading business enterprises of Ashtabula County. The D. Cummins Company was the first of its kind in Ohio, and is now known throughout the country as The Cummins Canning Company. Mr. Cummins died in 1920, and his wife died ten years previously. They had four children : John, the subject of this sketch ; Howell A., Clinton B., and Thomas, all deceased.

John Cummins was reared and educated in Conneaut and when a young man engaged in business with his father, in which he was actively engaged until the time of his retirement. Mr. Cummins owns large tracts of farm land in Ohio, as well as much city property in Conneaut. The Cummins residence, which is located at 884 East Main Street, is among the attractive homes of Ashtabula County.

In 1872 Mr. Cummins was married to Miss Mary Risdon, who was born at Conneaut, Nov. 19, 1851, the daughter of Eliah and Lucretia (Frederick) Risdon, natives of New York, and early settlers of Ashtabula County. Mr. and Mrs. Risdon, now deceased, were the parents of five children : Harriet, married Glover Ashley, both deceased ; Imogene, deceased ; Mrs. Cummins ; Helen, married Bert Capron, lives at Conneaut ; and Clara, deceased, was the wife of B. E. Thayer, lives at Jefferson, Ohio. To John and Mary (Risdon) Cummins four children were born as follows : Thomas, a civil engineer, lives at Ontario, Calif.; Mabel, married


John M. Haskell, lives at Albany, N. Y. ; Margaret, married Samuel T. Harris, lives at Ashtabula ; and Robert E., a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume. Mr. and Mrs. Cummins have six grandchildren.

Mr. Cummins is a Republican. He it one of the organizers of the Conneaut Mutual Loan & Trust Company and for a number of years served as vice-president of the Pennsylvania and Ohio Railway Company. It is fitting that the history of the Cummins family should be incorporated in a volume such as this, since it has been connected with the development of Ashtabula County from the earliest days.

Tom L. Smith, an enterprising young business man of Conneaut, engaged in the real estate and insurance business, is a member of a prominent pioneer family of Ashtabula County. He was born at Conneaut, April 4, 1898, and is a son of Hiram Lake and Ida (Owen) Smith.

Hiram Lake 'Smith was a native of Conneaut and a son of S. J. Smith, an early settler and prominent business man of Conneaut. S. J. Smith served as mayor of Conneaut for two terms. He owned and operated a paper mill for many years. Hiram Lake Smith was a merchant of Conneaut for many years and later in life engaged in the real estate and insurance business. He died March 6, 1919. His wife, a native of Pennsylvania, lives at Conneaut. They were the parents of three children : Catherine, married Ralph Crocker, lives at Conneaut; Robert, assistant auditor of the Guardian Savings & Trust Company in Cleveland, mention of whom is made below ; and Tom L., the subject of this sketch.

Robert Smith served as a first lieutenant throughout the World War with the 322nd Infantry. After a period of service in France he was transferred to the Italian front where he remained until the signing of the Armistice.

Tom L. Smith received his education in the public schools of Conneaut and attended the University of Michigan. He has been engaged in the real estate and insurance business at Conneaut since 1917 and is well and favorably known.

On Sept. 24, 1918, Mr. Smith was married to Miss Pauline Elizabeth Swanson, a native of Ashtabula, and a daughter of Gus and Emma (Mueller) Swanson, natives of Sweden, and residents of Ashtabula. Mr. and Mrs. Swanson are the parents of the following children : Samuel and Charles, live at Ashtabula ; Josephine, married M. S. Groger, lives in Pitts-


burgh ; Andrew, a veteran of the World War, lives at Ashtabula ; Gertrude, married John Leary, lives in Erie County, Ohio ; Gustave, Robert and George live at Ashtabula ; and Mrs. Smith. To Mr. and Mrs. Smith one child has been born, Elizabeth Alicia, born May 4, 1920.

Mr. Smith is now one of the board of governors of the Conneaut Country Club. He also served over one year as a director of the Chamber of Commerce. He is now secretary of the Ashtabula County Real Estate Board, and also secretary of the Fargo Mineral Springs Company. He is a member of the board of directors of the Kiwanis Club.

In politics Mr. Smith is identified with the Republican party. He is a 32nd degree Mason and member of the Shrine and belongs to the Elks.

C. Henry Simonds, president of the Citizens Banking & Trust Company and president of the Simonds & Bennett Furniture Company of Conneaut, is a leading citizen of Ashtabula County. He was born at Jefferson, Ohio, Nov. 19, 1844, and is the son of Charles S. and Louisa (Warner) Simonds.

Charles S. Simonds was born in Vermont and came to Ohio when a young man, locating at Harpersfield. He later removed to Jefferson where he practiced law successfully for many years. He was a Republican and a member of the Congregational Church. Mr. and Mrs. Simonds, now deceased, were the parents of the following children: C. Henry, the subject of this sketch ; Albert G., who died in May, 1923 ; Louise M., the widow of Edward Wade, lives at West Chester, Pa.; Adeline W., the widow of C. C. Canfield, resides in Ravenna, Ohio ; and Amelia P., married E. F. Beardsley, lives at Minneapolis, Minn.

C. Henry Simonds was educated in the Jefferson schools and when a boy learned the tinner's trade, which he followed in Jefferson for ten years. In 1893 he came to Conneaut and engaged in business with C. S. Putman as furniture dealers. Seven years later Mr. Simonds became a partner of Mr. Bennett, and this partnership has continued for 24 years. It is one of the leading enterprises of Conneaut and is located at 221 Broad Street. Mr. Simonds was one of the organizers of the Citizens Banking & Trust Company, of which he is president.

On Feb. 11, 1915, Mr. Simonds was married to Miss Kathleen Willard, who was born in Conneaut Township, Ashtabula County. She is the daughter of Frank and Miranda (Buss) Willard, both of whom are


now deceased. There were six children in the Willard family : Mrs. Simonds ; Mattie, married Ralph Saulsbury, lives at Conneaut; Berkley D., engaged in the hardware business at Massillon, Ohio ; Lillian, married Harry McKay, lives at Conneaut ; Edith, married Norman Murray, lives at Conneaut ; and Mora, lives at Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Simonds have no children.

Mr. Simonds is a Republican and has served as mayor of Conneaut for one term. He also served as a deputy in the Probate office at Jefferson, Ashtabula County and during that time of service the great bridge disaster at Ashtabula, in 1876, happened. He made the record of the known dead. In February, 1879 he was elected clerk of courts and served nine years. His wife is a member of the Congregational Church and is prominent in Ashtabula County.

Josiah T. Grant, now living retired at Conneaut, is a veteran of the Civil War and an honored pioneer of Ashtabula County. He was born at Conneaut, July 13, 1838, and is a son of Elizur Franklin and Lucinda (Spaulding) Grant.

Elizur Franklin Grant was born in Hartford County, Conn., and was among the first settlers in Conneaut, coming here in 1835. He drove a horse and buggy through with his brother, Solyman, and later drove an ox team with a covered wagon to Conneaut. Elizur Grant rented a log cabin the first season he was here and then built a two-room frame house. He became a successful farmer and owned 107 acres of land. Mr. Grant's first taxes amounted to $1.02. At that time postage on letters was 25 cents. Records and deeds which belonged to Mr. Grant are now in the possession of his son, Josiah T. Grant, and are very interesting documents. Grant Road, in Ashtabula County, is named for the Grant family. Mr. Grant died in 1892 and his wife died in 1878. They were the parents of the following children: Elizabeth A., who died at the age of six years ; Josiah T., the subject of this sketch ; L. A., died Jan. 31, 1922 ; and Lucinda Marie, married Henry Anderson, lives at 810 West Main Street, Conneaut.

Josiah T. Grant was reared and educated in Conneaut Township and followed farming for many years. During the latter part of the Civil War he was a member of Company H, 39th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, but did not see any active service.

Mr. Grant is a Republican. He lives with his sister. Mr. Grant has many friends in this county, and is one of its highly respected citizens.


Joseph E. Close, an enterprising and well known citizen of Conneaut, was born at Little Washington, Ohio, Aug. 10, 1861, the son of Henry and Sarah Jane (Hatcher) Close.

Henry Close was born in Belmont County, Ohio, Jan. 5, 1837, and was a Methodist minister. In 1880 he removed to Beaver, Pa., and later to Chicago. He died Aug. 23, 1917, and his wife died March 29, 1910. They-were the parents of three children: Novella M., lives in Chicago ; Joseph E., the subject of this sketch ; and Clarence, lives at Beaver Falls, Pa.

Joseph E. Close was reared and educated in Ohio and when a boy learned the printer's trade, which he followed successfully for 25 years. He was at one time manager of the Globe Printing Company of Beaver Falls, Pa. Mr. Close is just-completing 25 years of service with the Pittsburgh & Conneaut Dock Company as foreman.

On Dec. 24, 1899, Mr. Close was married to Mrs. Gertrude M. Stines, a native of Mercer, Pa., born Oct. 29, 1862, and a daughter of Rev. John Ross and Mary (Rutherford) Findley. Reverend Findley was born at Antrim, Ohio, in 1827, and was a Presbyterian minister. He was the son of Dr. Samuel Findley, also a well known Presbyterian minister. Rev. Findley died Sept. 29, 1907, and his wife died June 1, 1902. They were the parents of five children : Mary Elizabeth, died in 1924 ; Samuel R., lives at Conneaut ; Mrs. Close ; Walter T., lives at Cleveland, and Anna, died in infancy. By her former marriage, Mrs. Close had three children : Margaret R. Stines, married Roy N. Huff, lives at Orlando, Fla. ; George Findley Stines, a druggist, lives at Eagle Rock, Calif. ; and Grace Elizabeth Stines, married Dr. Charles N. Flitton, a dentist, lives at Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Close has two grandchildren, Patricia Ann Stines, who was born in 1923 and Charles N. Flitton, born July 9, 1924.

Mr. Close is a Democrat. He stands high in the community and has many friends and acquaintances.

James Horton Judson, retired, is among the prominent citizens and successful business men of Ashtabula County. He was born at Conneaut, Sept. 28, 1848, the son of Hiram and Azuba (Horton) Judson.

Hiram Judson was born in New York in 1812, the oldest of three children of Elisha Judson, his two brothers being Ephriam and Isaac. Ephriam went to Michigan, where he died when about 21 years of age. Isaac died in Elkhart, Ind., in 1886. The mother of J. H. Judson was born


Dec. 10, 1809, the elder of two children of James and Asenath (Mann) Horton, natives of Connecticut and Massachusetts, respectively. The other child, Sarah, was born in May, 1811, and became the wife of S. A. Pelton, of Connecticut, and she died March 1, 1883. After the death of her mother, which occurred when Azuba was three years old, she went to live with her grandparents, Nathan and Elizabeth Mann, by whom she was reared. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Judson were married March 6, 1835, and in 1840 settled in Conneaut. Of the three children born to them only James H. is living. Elisha, the oldest, born June 10, 1838, died at the age of 17 years, and Sarah, born Oct. 22, 1844, lived only four years.

Hiram Judson, deceased, was one of the earliest settlers of Ashtabula County. For a number of years he and Asa Shepard conducted a woolen mill and store on South Ridge, and in 1859 he moved into Conneaut and engaged in merchandising, E. A. Higgins being his partner. He also, with Hiram Lake as a partner, carried on a lumber business. With the discovery of oil in Pennsylvania, he went to the oil fields and for a number of years was one of the busy men in that busy section. He returned to Conneaut, however, in 1864. At the death of Mr. Lake, James H. Judson, the subject of this sketch, came into the firm, and he and his father continued a successful business in lumber until the time of Hiram Judson's death, Oct. 19, 1890. Mr. Judson was instantly killed when he fell from a train while en route to California. His widow died in March, 1896.

James H. Judson was educated in Conneaut, for a time receiving private instruction under William F. Hubbard, of Ashtabula, Ohio. He has been identified with the interests of Conneaut for many years, beginning his business career as a clerk in the store of Mr. Keyes. Afterward he and Mr. Keyes were engaged in the fish business, next he was in the shoe business with Joseph Douglas, and still later became a partner in the dry goods business with Mr. Higgins. The firm of Higgins & Judson continued to do a successful business until 1884, when Mr. Judson sold out. He then engaged in the lumber business until the time of his retirement, when he sold his interests to Mr. Parker.

On Aug. 11, 1870, Mr. Judson was united in marriage with Miss Louisa Houck, a native of Buffalo, N. Y., and the daughter of Michael and Margaret (Pflau) Houck, of that place. Mr. Houck died Jan. 12, 1879, and his wife died April 25, 1871. To Mr. and Mrs. Judson five children were born, as follows : Hiram, who died at Conneaut in May, 1923 ; Clara, married Horace Fesmire, lives in Philadelphia, Pa. ; Azulah, deceased, was the


wife of Harry N. Williams, superintendent of the Chicago Division of the Nickel Plate Railroad, lives at Fort Wayne, Ind. ; Margaret, lives with her father; and Ruth, died at the age of seven years. There are three grandchildren : Judson, Louise and Paul Fesmire ; and two great grandchildren, Marion and William Fesmire.

Mr. Judson has always been a Republican. He and his wife are the founders of the Church of Christ, Scientist, at Conneaut and Mr. Judson was its first reader. He is a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason and Shriner. The Judson family is widely known and is one of the highly esteemed pioneer families of Northern Ohio.

Otis L. Brewster, a well known building contractor of Conneaut, is a member of one of Ashtabula County's oldest families. He was born on a farm in Monroe Township, July 13, 1877, and is a son of Fred and Sylvania (Levitt) Brewster.

Fred Brewster was born at Monroe, Ohio, May 9, 1839, the son of Harry and Almira (Palmer) Brewster. Harry Brewster was born in Rutland County, Vt., March 30, 1800, and came to Conneaut in 1830. He became a prosperous farmer of Monroe Township and owned 250 acres of land. Mr. Brewster lived on the same farm for 64 years and died in 1894. To Harry and Almira (Palmer) Brewster the following children were born: Isaac and Henry, deceased ; Edwin, deceased ; Fred, father of the subject of this sketch ; Mary, married John Pitts, both deceased; Horace, deceased ; and Charles, who lives retired at Conneaut. Fred Brewster was a pioneer business man of Ashtabula County, being engaged in the lumber business at Monroe for a number of years. He served as justice of the peace for 15 years and in politics was identified with the Democratic party. Mr. Brewster died Dec. 5, 1910, and his wife died Feb. 28, 1909. They were the parents of three children: George E., born April 13, 1868, a carpenter, lives in Cleveland ; Alice, born in August, 1870, married G. W. Starks, lives at Monroe, Ohio ; and Otis L., the subject of this sketch.

Otis L. Brewster was educated in the district schools of Monroe Township and began life as a farmer. When he was 24 years of age he learned the carpenter's trade, which he has since followed. Mr. Brewster is a leading building contractor of Conneaut.

On Nov. 27, 1901, Mr. Brewster was married to Miss Gena Spaulding, a native of Pennsylvania, born Nov. 23, 1881, and the daughter of Ran-


dall and Florence (Kinney) Spaulding, natives of Cherry Hill, Pa. Mr. Spaulding was a veteran of the Civil war and died Jan. 25, 1919. His wife lives at Conneaut. Mrs. Brewster has two brothers : Fred, a farmer, lives at Albion, Pa.; and Dexter, postmaster at Conneautville, Pa. To Otis and Gena (Spaulding) Brewster have been born three children: Homer, born March 16, 1904, was graduated from Conneaut High School in June, 1923, and is now employed by the Standard Oil Company at Conneaut; George, born June 27, 1911, and Marion, born July 20, 1920.

Mr. Brewster is a Democrat and belongs to the Masonic and Elk lodges. He and his family are members of the Christian Church and are well and favorably known to the community.

Fred Erb, a well known merchant tailor of Conneaut, was born at Meadville, Pa., March 10, 1856, and is a son of John and Margaret Erb.

John Erb was a native of Germany as was also his wife. At an early date he settled at Meadville, Pa., where he worked at his trade that of a carpenter for many years. He died in 1885. His wife, who was born in 1828, died in 1923. They were the parents of the following children: Charles, lives retired at Meadville, Pa.; Elizabeth, married George Gehring, both deceased ; Eva, the widow of Henry Martin, lives at Meadville, Pa.; John, died in infancy; Catherine, deceased; Fred, the subject of this sketch ; Louis, deceased ; George, lives in Youngstown, Ohio ; Mary lives at Meadville, Pa.; and Margaret, married George Smith, deceased. She left a son, Donald Erb Smith, who was born in 1908.

Fred Erb was educated in the schools of Meadville, Pa., and when a boy learned the tailoring trade, which he has followed successfully for 53 years. In 1884 Mr. Erb became a business partner of Myer Goebricher, and this partnership continued for 17 years. He then continued in business alone for several years, after which he purchased a farm. The old Harper farm is six miles west of Conneaut. After operating this farm for nine years, Mr. Erb returned to Conneaut and opened his present tailoring establishment, located in the Mutual Loan and Trust Company building on Main Street.

In 1881, Mr. Erb was married to Eva Martin, a native of Germany, who came to the United States when a girl. To Fred and Eva (Martin) Erb three children were born : Flora, married Robert Taylor, lives at Conneaut ; Earl Lewis, married Edith Reynolds, lives in Cleveland ; and


John Irvin, married Edith Harvey, who recently organized a coal business in Conneaut. He was inducted into service for the World War. The Armistice was signed while he was in camp in Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Erb have seven grandchildren.

Mr. Erb is a Republican, a member of the Christian Church and belongs to the Masonic lodge. He has been a resident of Conneaut for 40 years.

John Soet, who is successfully engaged in the insurance business at Conneaut, is a native of Ashtabula County. He was born Aug. 27, 1886, and is a son of Lubert and Hattie (VanEssen) Soet.

Lubert Soet and his wife were natives of Holland and pioneer settlers of Ashtabula County. They lived in Ashtabula where Mr. Soet served as dock foreman for many years. He died in 1917 and his wife died in 1910. They were the parents of the following children: Wilhelmina, married Marius Brink, lives at Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio ; Abraham, lives retired at Geneva, Ohio ; Anna, married Charles Christ, lives at Ashtabula ; Johnson, lives at Conneaut ; Nellie, died at the age of 16 years ; Hattie, married J. J. Coogan, lives at Ashtabula ; John, the subject of this sketch ; Louie, a conductor on the New York Central Railroad, lives at Ashtabula ; and two children died in infancy.

John Soet was educated in the public schools of Ashtabula and Conneaut and since 1919 has been engaged in the insurance business. Previous to that time he had been engaged in the clothing and confectionery business in Conneaut.

On Dec. 27, 1919, Mr. Soet was married to Miss Austa 0. Rhoads, who was born at Austinburg, Ohio, Dec. 8, 1895, the daughter of Jackson and Elizabeth (Rhinesmith) Rhoads, the former a native of Lancaster County, Pa., and the latter of Elkhart, Ind. Mr. Rhoads settled in Conneaut in 1890 and engaged in the lumber business. He and his wife live at 355 Harper Avenue, Conneaut. They are the parents of the following children : Zella, married J. Hogle, lives at Conneaut ; Mrs. Soet ; Bertha, and George, deceased ; Clement and Cleo, twins, the former having died in 1921, and the latter lives at home.

Mr. Soet is a Republican, a member of the Baptist Church and belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Elks lodge. He is a substantial citizen of Ashtabula County, and is highly esteemed.