HISTORY OF AUGLAIZE COUNTY OHIO EDITED BY WILLIAM J. McMURRAY Wapakoneta, Ohio IN TWO VOLUMES Illustrated VOLUME II BIOGRAPHY 1923 HISTORICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY Indianapolis "Remember the days of old, Consider the years of many generations." DEDICATION This Work is Respectfully Dedicated to THE PIONEERS Long Since Departed |
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May the memory of those who laid down their burdens by the wayside ever be fragrant as the breath of summer flowers, for their toils and sacrifices have made Auglaize county a garden of sunshine and delight. "This shall be written for the generation to come." Biography is the only true history.—Emerson. A people that take no pride in the achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote generations. --Macauley. People will not look forward to posterity who never look backward to their ancestors. --Burke. THE COUNTY OF AUGIAIZE DANIEL F. MOONEY There's a land of crystal waters And of clear and balmy air; There's a country filled with blessings That are surely rich and rare; There's a shade that is refreshing And a sunlight that has cheer; There's a region free from sadness, And where days are never drear. There are fields that are so fertile That they reap whene'er they sow; I am singing of the situs Where the earth's best products grow; Where the sun in shining gladness Sheds its most effulgent rays, Down upon the groves and meadows In the county of Auglaize. CHORUS— The Buckeye state is rich and great, Her sons have won renown; In every race they set the pace In country and in town. All, all is great within this state, But the softest sunlight plays Where I write my rhyme, in the premier clime, In the county of Auglaize. There's a people who are clever And possessed of every grace; There are homes of peace and plenty In this highly favored place; Legends cluster 'round the hearthstones Of the place whereof I sing, To their honor and their glory Are the legends which thus cling. Men and women there abiding Typify the highest class, Make the world a little better And add credit to the mass. Thus they live in peace and gladness, In the Lord's appointed ways, Free from angry strife and turmoil, Do the people of Auglaize. St. Mary's, Ohio. INDEX TO VOLUME II. |
—A- Accuntius, Adam Accuntius, Fred A. Albers, Anton Allen, James W. Allen, Miss Martha H. Allen, Warren Althausen, Albert Althoff, Chris W. Althoff, George Althoff, George J. Anderson, James P. Anderson, P. B. Anderson, Robert B. Armstrong, David Armstrong, Judge John Ausman, Frank D. —B— Bachmann, Jacob Bacome, Fred D. Bacome, James Bahr, Vernon Elmer Bailey, Arthur S. Baker, Joseph Barber, Abram H. Barber, Austin Barber, Ira Bayliff, Dr. John E. Bayliff, Joel Bayliff, Louis P. Becker, Conrad Beckman, Anton J. Benner, Christian Bensmann, John A. Bensmann, Robert Bensmann, William Benton, Amos Benton, Orlando Frederick Bertke, Gustave Bertke, Rudolph Bienz, Herman F. Bierbaum, William |
536 536 484 544 544 544 46, 230 279 279 267 69 236 236 49 50 222 439 391 391 278 615 611 367 349 349 392 392 392 270 261 561 430 428 427 208 208 355 355 246 504 |
Bigler, Jacob Bimel, Lawrence Bitler, Arthur Bitler, Henry Bitler, William Blackburn, George Blackburn, Joseph M. Blair, Clifford O. Blakeley, James A. Blakeley, Seneca Blank, George A. Blank, Josiah Blank, Lewis M. Blank, William G. Blume, Bert T. Bockrath, Henry Boecker, A. W. Boehmer, Peter Boesel, Adolph Boesel, Charles Boesel, Jacob Bowsher, Benjamin Bowsher, Ernest J. Bowsher, John G. Bowsher, Oliver Bowsher, William N. Boyce, Arthur R. Brackney, David Brackney, John W. Brackney, Reuben Brandenburg, Henry T. Brandewie, Bernard Brandewie, John Brandewie, Stanley Brands, William Brantz, William Braun, David J. Braun, John M. Braun, Robert Brautigam, William Brecount, Hubert Brecount, Oliver S. Brentlinger, John |
273 54 109 489 109 585 585 499 277 277 217 353 217 353 47 501 337 250 471 470 471 512 75 75 625 512 117 620 606 606 561 257 257 258 478 478 371 371 597 295 89 88 505 |
Briggs, Dr. M. H. Briggs, William R. Brockert, Matt J. Brockert, Philip E. Brockie, Joseph Brockman, Fred Brockman, Henry Brockman, Herman Brorein, Gebhard Brorein, Philip Brueggeman, Eberhardt Brueggeman, H. A. Bruner, Martin Bruner, Wallace Bruns, Bernard Buchanan, John H. Buchanan, Otto Burden, Elsworth Burden, Fred Buthker, Frederick W. Buthker, Herman —C— Caldwell, Ephraim Campbell, Dr., Theodore A. Campbell, George Campbell, J. M. Guy Case, Francis Marion Chiesa, John Chiles, Seabury Chiles, William Clark, Granville H. Clark, Jesse Clark, Jesse W. Clark, Samuel Clausing, George Clover, William D. Connaughton, Frank P. Connaughton, J. J. Conner, George Conner, William Conradi, Carl F. Conradi, E. G. Copeland, Abner Copeland, Amos Copeland, Rev. Don H. Copeland, E. Baker Copeland, John Copeland, John Abner |
115 413 150 150 172 220 178 220 465 465 446 446 415 415 472 114 114 588 620 118 118 524 176 176 498 265 194 623 623 633 633 258 630 425 39 214 214 308 308 416 416 96 376 314 376 376 96 |
Copeland, John M. Copeland, Joseph C. Copeland, Wilbur T. Copeland, William N. Cordrey, John R. Cordrey, Riley Craft, William Crider, Ephraim Crouse, Peter Crow, Albert L. Crow, Oren Crow, Samuel Culp, James A. Cummins, Joseph
—D— Dammeyer, Frederick Dammeyer, Henry Dammeyer, H. F. Dammeyer, Henry F. Dammeyer, Irvin Davis, Mrs. Emma DeCurtins, Fred A. DeCurtins, John R. Deerhake, Adolph Deerhake, Henry Deerhake, William E. Delong, Ezra Dicke, Cord Dicke, Fred Dicke, William F. Dickman, C. H. Dickman, Charles J. Dickman, Fred Dickman, Gen. Joseph T. Diegel, Edward J. Diegel, Jacob Dierker, August Dierker, Henry Dietrich, Jerry Dine, Charles E. Dine, Dr. Colson Dingledine, John Dingledine, W. Newton Dingler, Dr. Harry B. Dixon, Charles H. Dixon, Elijah Doenges, Louis Doenges, William |
376 96 312 312 490 490 450 533 608 455 378 455 513 491 307 293 293 307 286 451 180 180 426 396 426 535 404 322 404 547 177 177 37 537 503 90 201 112 125 125 604 604 171 590 590 383 383 |
Doute, Joseph P. DuBois, Wilbur T. Duchouquet, Francis Dues, Joseph J. Duhme, William Dumbroff, Michael Dunan, Otis E. —E— Easterly, Frederick Easterly, William Edmiston, David C. Edmiston, Ferdinand F. Eisley, John U. Eisley, Samuel Eiting, John Eiting, J. W. Ekermeyer, Dr. M. S. Ellerman, Gerhart H. Ellerman, Henry Elliott, James Elliott, Thomas Elsass, Philip Emerson, Adam Emerson, Claude C. Emerson, Dr. Thomas Emerson, Tipton G. Engel, Charles Eschmeyer, Adolph Eversman, Henry W. -F- Feldwisch, J. Fred Feldwisch, William Ferleman, Henry Ferris, Ralph Ferris, William Finke, Emil H. Finke, Henry Finke, John F. Finke, William Finley, A. Merchant Finley, James William Finley, John M. Fischer, Carl Daniel Fischer, Carl Ditmar Fischer, Ignatius Fischer, L. G. Fisher, Andrew |
145 550 449 320 344 360 134 397 397 580 580 567 567 209 209 299 342 342 146 146 149 497 497 611 611 238 387 348 456 456 449 253 253 95 252 221 252 646 595 595 640 616 597 412 148 |
Fisher, Blaizie Fisher, William A. Fisher, William C. Fisher, William E. Fisk, Mrs. Amelia Fledderjohann, Dr. F. F. Fledderjohann, Dr. H. E. Fledderjohn, H. H. Fledderjohann, H. H. Fledderjohn, F. H. Fledderjohn, William Fleming, Walter E. Frazier, John Frazier, Thomas Freyman, John M. Freyman, William Friemering, Alfred J. Friemering, John B. Frische, John H. Frische, William Fritz, Jacob Fritz, John D. Focht, Adam Focht, Allen Focht, Daniel Focht, Samuel Focht, William M. Foltz, Henry Foltz, Simon Foos, Gregor L. Fortman, Anton Fuelling, Daniel —G- Garmhausen, Erwin J. Garmhausen, Florenz Garmhausen, Herbert Garmhausen, John Gast, Clifford J. Gast, George F. Gast, Gregory Gayer, Caleb F. Gayer, John G. Gernett, Charles Gernett, Edward H. Gerstner, Mathias J. Gibbs, Howard W. Gieseke, Christ Gieseke, William |
543 542 64 148 55 56 280 50 56 331 331 663 584 584 636 636 140 140 560 560 94 403 530 530 577 530 577 447 447 120 341 407 76 232 232 232 66 66 66 462 462 107 107 458 190 185 185 |
Gilmer, Allen Gilmer, David Glass, August Glass, Walter Gochenour, John H. Goodrich, George C. Gossard, Henry E. Gossard, James Graessle, Bernard Graessle, Carl B. Graessle, Daniel Graessle, Philip F. Green, Charles E. Green, Henry Gress, C. P. Gress, Philip Gross, Daniel Gross, Hugh Gross, Jacob Gross, John Gross, William Grothaus, J. Henry Grothaus, William Grover, Calvin M. —H- Haberkamp, Adolph Haberkamp, Fred Haberkamp, George Haberkamp, Herman H. Haberkamp, William H. Hagedorn, H. J. Haman, F: H. Hamilton, David J. Hammel, Peter Harden, Floyd L. Harden, John Harden, Noah Hardin, Frank P. Hardin, Gilford D. Hardin, Jesse Hardin, John Hardin, Mark Hardin, Perry Harjehausen, Chris Harjehausen, Dietrich Harrod, James Harrod, James A. Harrod, John |
576 576 422 422 573 108 555 555 612 613 612 612 552 552 113 113 647 647 619 647 619 48 48 608 442 442 469 352 352 247 94 626 450 357 357 357 505 516 506 505 516 516 260 260 554 578 579 |
Harrod, Josiah Harrod, William C. Hartman, Dr. Clemens S. Hartman, Henry Hartung, August Hauss, Michael Hawkey, Lloyd Hawkey, Roy Hay, John J. Heffner, Dr. Edward F. Hegemann, Benjamin Heinfeld, Herman Heinl, Anthony Heinl, Anthony L. Heinl, Casper J. Heinl, Leo Alexander Heinl, Michael O. Heinrich, Charles A. Heinrich, John G. Heinrich, William Heitkamp, Bernard J. Heitkamp, Edward J. Heitkamp, Henry Heitkamp, J. H. Heitkamp, John J. Heitkamp, Joseph H. Heitman, Emil Heitman, Lorenz Heitman, William Heller, Henry Helmlinger, Adam Helmlinger, Louis Helmlinger, Ludwig Helmstetter, Andrew Helmstetter, Joseph Helpling, Louis G. Henkener, William Herbst, Charles F., Jr. Herbst, Charles F., Sr. Herbst, William Herkenhoff, Anton Louis Herkenhoff, Charles F. Herkenhoff, Frank Herrmann, Frederick Herrmann, Roscoe Guy Herzing, Albert Herzing, Philip V. Hesse, Peter Hester, Daniel |
554 578 135 135 559 104 594 594 160 656 541 124 164 165 164 164 166 290 262 290 463 519 487 487 477 468 318 318 318 105 609 509 609 87 87 571 505 400 400 314 474 216 216 129 129 360 360 302 523 |
Heston, Joseph S. Hinze, H. J. Hoelscher, Ernst Hoelscher, Henry Hoelscher, John Hoerath, John Hoerath, Oliver W. Hoge, Henry Hoge, Herman H. Ho11, Edward C. Holl, George Holl, George William Horn, Fenner N. Horn, Joseph Horton, Dr. Walter B. Howe, John W. Howe, Rev. Thomas D. Howell, Rev. Jefferson Howell, Joseph Giles Howell, Dr. Joseph Morton Howell, Miss Sarah Howell, Simeon J. Howell, William J. Huckriede, August Huckriede, H. E. Hudson, Albert Hudson, Elijah Hudson, Jesse Huenke, Albert Huenke, August Huenke, Clifford V. Huenke, Henry Huenke, Howard H. Huenke, Louis Huffman, Samuel Hunter, Anderson R. Hunter, Charles L. Hut, John H. Hut, Theodore —I- Isern, August F. Isern, Fred -J- Jack, William B. Jacobs, Floyd B. Jacobs, George Jacobs, Gordon W. |
544 513 432 511 511 374 374 632 632 419 212 212 603 603 133 522 522 192 648 648 193 192 136 402 402 440 405 405 304 272 644 628 629 628 406 523 523 610 610 234 234 189 317 289 372 |
Jacobs, James J. Jacobs, Jehu Jacobs, Samuel F. Jacobs, Silas Jay, Daniel W. Jenkins, H. Stewart Jordan, Christian Jung, Glendor Justice, Allen —K- Kaeck, George Kah, Christian K. Kah, Harry G. Kantner, Emanuel Kantner, Fredrick Kantner, George Kantner, William Katter, Henry Katterheinrich, ChristianD. Katterheinrich, Edward L. Katterheinrich, Henry Katterheinrich, Herman Katterheinrich, Samue B. Katterheinrich, William Katterhenry, Edward F. Katterhenry, William Kattman, E. Lewis Kattman, William Kauffman, Earl S. Kellermeyer, August Kellermeyer, Henry C. Kellermeyer, Lafe W. Kelly, James Kent, Earl F. Kinstle, Joseph Klanke, Christopher Klanke, Joseph Klanke, William Klipfel, Arthur A. Klipfel, Augustus W. Klipfel, Fred A. Klug, Joseph Klute, Charles Knatz, Conrad Knatz, Dittmar Knatz, John George Knostman, George H. Koch, Charles W. |
317 372 372 289 202 160 305 327 530 343 269 269 362 354 354 354 474 551 418 424 346 557 346 338 338 328 328 507 147 339 147 682 393 662 139 139 102 93 93 37 372 316 476 540 476 264 182 |
Koch, John Koch, L. D. Koenig, Jacob T. Koeper, Conrad Koeper, Henry Koeper, Henry D. Kolter, Louis Kolter, William H. Komminsk, Harry Komminsk, John Koop, Henry Koop, John Frederick Kothmann, Herman Koverman, Conrad Koverman, J. Edward Krabach, Joseph Albert Kramer, Bernard Krebs, Francis Gurney Krebs, Dr. Rufus I. Kuck, Charles Kuck, Ernst Kuck, Gustav Kuck, Henry O. Kuck, William, Sr. Kuckherman, Rev. F. H. W. Kuehner, Karl Kuenzel, E. C. Kuenzel, Godfrey Kuenzel, John A. Kuenzel, John Adam Kuest, August Kuest, Henry Kuhlhorst, Leo C. Kuhlman, Henry H. W. Kuhlman, Herman H. Kuhlman, Prof. Reinhart Kuhlman, William -L- Lambert, Capt. Louis E. Lammers, Henry Lammers, Herman Lampert, Andrew H. Landis, David Lawler, Pearl J. Lawler, Peter J. Link, George Link, Lewis J. Lintz, Adam |
330 329 58 395 395 224 517 517 223 223 300 300 485 527 527 658 548 589 589 431 384 539 384 482 384 268 398 65 398 65 410 410 132 241 240 242 240 62 448 448 83 539 197 197 602 602 187 |
Lintz, John Logan, Jacob W. Logan, James Longsworth, John Luedeke, Julius W. Luft, Christian Lunz, Conrad Lusk, Wesley Lutterbeck, Henry Lutterbeck, J. H. Lutterbeck, W. H. Lutterbeck, William Lyne, Dr. George L. —M- Mackenbach, August F. Mackenbach, Edward Mackenbach, Frederick W. Mackenbach, William A. Makley, George A. Manchester, Jason H. Manchester, Philander Market, Andrew Market, Martin Marx, Major Emil F. Meckstroth, Charles A. Meckstroth, Dr. C. E. Meckstroth, Herman Meckstroth, Herman H. Meckstroth, H. W. Meckstroth, William Meiering, Frank Meiering, Joseph Meiering, William Mertz, Barton Metz, Philip P. Metzger, Jacob F. Meyer, Bernard Meyer, Cord Meyer, J. Henry Meyer, Joseph J. Meyer, William Miller, George Miller, George W. Miller, Henry Miller, Joseph B. Miller, Joseph J. Miller, Ora J. Miller, Simeon |
186 492 492 260 662 421 495 622 385 423 385 423 84 157 168 156 156 152 40 40 566 566 52 467 248 518 248 467 518 429 429 414 655 508 565 454 89 72 454 89 293 184 298 170 515 644 515 |
Miller, William E. Miller, William F. Moeller, Ernst H. Moeller, Fred Moeller, Herman Montague, Anderson Montague, William Mooney, Daniel F, Moore, Reno Morey, Andrew Jackson Morey, William B. Morris, Henry Morris, John Morris, Nelson Morsey, Frank Moser, John J. Mosier, Ignatz Mosler, Joseph Moyer, Jeremiah Moyer, John Moyer, William Mueller, August Mueller, Henry F. Mueller, John F. Musser, Dr. Arthur B. Musser, Frederick A. Musser, John Myers, Owen C. —Mc- McAvoy, John McAvoy, Peter McClintock, Andrew McClintock, Charles McClintock, George W. McClintock, O. P. McCormick, John McCormick, John C. McMurray, Robert McMurray, Capt. Robert McMurray, William B. McMurray, William James —N— Nagel, Bernard Nagel, Ernest Nagel, Philip Naus, Charles Neese, Ambrose |
443 298 173 659 173 350 350 5 103 38, 667 669 559 558 558 303 362 565 565 592 592 535 68 68 68 626 626 626 161 196 196 368 624 368 324 568 568 665 667 249 665 480 239 670 381 587 |
Neese, Enos Neff, Albert Hale Neff, Charles C. Neff, Christian Neff, Joseph Neuman, John B. Neuman, John F. Neumann, John H. Neumann, Walter Nienberg, Bernard H. Nienberg, William Nieter, Edwin H. Noble, Elisha Noble, Stafford S. Nuss, Michael Nuss, Tobias Nussmeyer, August Nussmeyer, Harry N. —O- Oelrich, Henry W. Oldiges, Frank M. Oldiges, Rudolph Orr, Carey Cassius —P- Parlette, William H. Piel, H. L. Piel, Herman E. Piel, Louis Place, Dorsey Place, Dr. George S. Place, Leonard Platvoet, Joseph G. Plettner, Henry Plough, J. H. Pollitt, H. J. Poppe, August Poppe, Ferd Prenger, Herman Prenger, Joseph J. Presar, Charles Presar, David Presar, William Price, Benjamin Price, Ira L. Prichard, George W. Purpus, Theo. |
587 449 618 618 450 390 390 334 334 235 235 153 379 379 489 489 315 315 525 266 266 660 380 310 310 311 434 174 434 651 198 555 282 378 378 461 461 295 494 295 635 635 287 42 |
-Q- Quellhorst, Charles H. Quellhorst, Fred W. Quellhorst, Herbert C. Quellhorst, John D. H. —R— Rabe, Ferd W. Rabe, William Rairdon, H. W. Ramge, Eli Ramge, Henry Ramge, Philip Rapp, George J. Rapp, Mathias Rasnor, George A. Raudabaugh, Ivan Reed, Emanuel Reichelderfer, Edward P. Reichelderfer, John Reiselt, Henry Reiselt, John Reithman, Casper Reithman, Henry Rempfer, William Earl Reynolds, Patrick H. Richardson, Byrd Rinehart, Arnold E. Rinehart, Hugh T. Rinehart, Levi Risse, Charles F. Ritchie, Adam Ritchie, John A. Roberts, Jesse Roettgermann, Bernard Roettgermann, Herman Rogers, Ernest J. Rogers, George M. Rogers, John Rogers, William S. Romshe, Fernando C. Romshe, George Romshe, Justus Roney, Joseph Rulmann, Dr. Clarence F. Rulmann, Herman B. Rulmann, Dr. Rudolph A |
323 323 181 57 206 206 127 532 532 532 275 275 479 356 369 533 533 319 319 510 510 466 100 284 545 545 582 144 526 526 537 436 436 641 664 641 664 614 614 614 624 530 528 528 |
—S- Saum, Alexander Saum, Joseph Schaeffer, Henry Schaeffer, Herman Schaeffer, Victor Schaffer, Adam E. Schaub, Fred C. Scheer, John L. Schelper, Henry Schelper, William Schemmel, Rudolph Schmehl, Christian W. Schmehl, John C Schmidt, Charles Schmidt, Felician Schmidt, Henry Schmidt, Dr. H J Schmidt, William Schmieder, Dr. John P. Schmuecker, Frank Schneider, Alphons Schnell, Christopher G. Schnelle, August Schnelle, Christopher Scholl, Jacob Schowe, William Schrage, H. A. Schroeder, Charles F. Schroer, Frederick W., Sr. Schroer, Henry C. Schroer, Herman Schroer, H. H. Schroer, Herman Henry Schroer, J. H. Schroer, William Schroer, William B. Schuler, William H. Schulte, Henry Schultz, Albert W. Schultz, Helmut Schultz, Herman J. Schultz, William Schumann, George Schwark, Frederick Scott, Walter B. Seewer, Seibert, Fred |
274 274 296 155 296 60 119 276 82 82 232 126 126 366 600 105,366 105 370 530 218 99 377 188 188 421 345 195 336 453 496 496 453 420 364 364 520 138 481 324 324 347 408 561 191 351 438 335 |
Seibert, J. George Seibert, Lewis Seibert, Peter Seibert, Samuel P. Seibert, William T. Sellers, Charles A. Sellers, Leonard Senger, Bernard Senger, Frank Settlage, Arnold Settlage, A. C. Settlage, Fred E. Settlage, Henry A. Settlage, Henry Arnold Settlage, William J. Shannon, Harry Shappell, Byron Shappell, D. U. Shappell, George Shaw, Isaiah Shaw, Marshall Shaw, Neal Shaw, Roy Shawber, Joshua Shearer, Grant Sherman, Bernard Sherman, Karl H. Shipman, John N. Shipman, William P. Shuster, George A. Sibert, Calvin H. Sibert, Ira Sibert, James Franklin Sibert, Samuel Sibert, Dr. Samuel H. Slater, William Smart, William Smith, August Smith, Florian W. Smith, Fred M. Smith, George W. Smith, Harvey C. Smith, James P. Smith, John Smullin, Henry C. Snapp, Daniel Snider, Fred R, Snyder, Elmer Delno Solms, Frederick |
335 283 388 389 389 411 411 424 424 199 198 435 394 435 394 175 464 464 464 602 631 631 631 250 141 256 256 271 271 200 488 251 562 488 561 612 460 600 600 145 169 169 128 145 158 89 375 630 92 |
Solms, Oliver H. Speckman, Frederick Speckman, Irvin J. Speckman, John H. Spees, Dittmor F. Spees, Mathias Speese, Andrew Sprague, Nehemiah Springer, Frank L. Stappe, Dr. W. J. Steinemann, Edward Steinemann, John H. Steinemann, Theodore B. Stiles, Elias Stiles, Howard Stiles, Jonathan Stolte, William Streine, Frank H. Stuckey, Eli Stuckey, Dr. Walter S._ Stueve, Clemens Stueve, Clement A. Stueve, Herman H. Sturgeon, Edward M. Sturgeon, Thomas S. Sunderman, William Swartz, Jacob Swonguer, Francis Marion —T— Taylor, George Taylor, Howard A. Taylor, Joseph Taylor, Ohio W. Thielk, George C. Thielk, John Thieman, Bernard Thieman, Frank Thieman, Henry Thieman, Herman Thieman, H. B. Thrust, L. J. Thrush, William Timmermeister, C. W. Timmermeister, John H. Titus, Louis Topp, Carl Topp, John William Trau, Ed Trau, Frank |
92 121 163 121 230 230 585 581 493 131 225 225 226 365 365 365 452 244 142 142 33 33 33 77 77 407 654 204 86 521 521 85 538 538 485 485 599 294 599 621 621 228 228 586 502 502 116 116 |
—U- Uetrecht, Christian Uetrecht, William —V— Valentine, Henry C. Vallo, Clemens Vallo, Henry Van Anda, Carr V. Van Anda, Frederick C. Vaubel, Christian Vaubel, Herman S. Veenfliet, Ernest M. Veit, Valentine Vogel, Otto Vogel, Valentine A. Vogel, William Vohs, Ernst Vordermark, Dr. H. H. Vorhees, Oscar R. Vossler, Christian J. Waesch, Carl Wagner, Aloys J. Wagner, George Wagner, John Wagner, John H. Waltman, George N. Waltz, Jefferson Wanamaker, Clarence E. Weber, Jacob A. Wellington, Horace Wellington, William P. Wellman, Henry Wellman, Herman Wells, George R. Wells, Harris Werner, Carl F. Werner, Jacob Wernsing, John Wheeler, Horace Wheeler, Isaac Franklin Wheeler, James E. Wheeler, John W. Wheeler, Maline Whetstone, Arthur R. Whetstone, Hardy C. Whetstone, Simon Whitaker, Miss Jennie White, John R. White, Thomas A. |
81 81 358 305 305 652 652 210 210 44 542 389 151 389 382 80 284 162 308 325 544 326 326 556 596 638 495 292 292 521 340 570 570 643 643 205 553 553 575 572 572 417 409 409 514 583 146 |
Whiteman, CharlesSumner Whitney, Joseph B. Wiemeyer, Fred Wiemeyer, William Wierwille, H. A. William Wierwille, Henry H. Wierwille, H. H. W. Wiethoff, Henry Williams, Lebbeus Williams, Samuel Winget, Earl B. Winget, Frank M. Winget, Luther Winget, John Winget, Joshua Winget, Reuben Winner, Clem Wintzer, Gustav A. Wiswasser, Emanuel F. Woehrmyer, August Woehrmyer, Joseph A. Wright, Anderson Wright, Joseph Wuebker, Fred -Y- Yaggi, Arnold Yahl, Louis M. Yahl, Philip Yoder, William E. Youngs, Elmer Hulbert Youngs, Joseph —Z- Zerkel, Abraham B. Zerkel, Isaac N. Zerkel, Lewis Zerkel, Michael L. Ziegenbusch, August Ziegenbusch, Fred Ziegenbusch, Henry Ziegenbusch, J. H. H. Ziegenfelder, Fred J. Ziegler, Christian Zimmerman, Jacob Zink, Charles E. Zink, Joseph Zink, Paul Zint, Jacob C. Zint, Joseph Zofkie, Cletus C. Zofkin, Frank J. |
669 359 79 79 333 473 333 443 661 661 406 406 406 509 509 509 459 111 444 340 340 311 311 441 245 242 242 106 637 637 574 593 574 563 445 481 481 445 288 363 613 598 596 596 91 91 255 72 70 |