Anderson & Valiquette, Proprietors of Buckeye Foundry and Machine shop. We are prepared to furnish all kinds of machinery and other castings on short notice. All kinds of machinery repaired with neatness and dispatch. Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers and Gearing furnished at the lowest price. All orders by mail promptly attended to.

Anderson, J. J., City Marshal.

Anderson, J. W., Druggist.

Ayers, J. H., Physician, office North Main street, up stairs.

Bailey, Edwin, Lumber and Coopering.

Bechtolt, George E., Proprietor of the Excelsior Cast Steel Plow Works.

Bennett, E. M., Grain Dealer.

Bosler, Samuel C., Sheriff.

Bowles, W. O., Teacher.

Boyd, Wm. F., Dealer in Brick and Ice.

Brand, Joseph C., Mayor.

Brown, J. H., Agent of the P., C. & St. L. R. R.

Brown, J. C., Physician and Surgeon, office southeast cor. Monument Square.

Butcher, J. C., Physician and Surgeon, northeast corner Main and Church street.

Byler & Richards, Attorneys at Law.

Byler, John W., Attorney at Law and Notary Public.

Carter, Joseph S., General Manager. Western Mutual Insurance Company.

Clark, J. M., Proprietor American Hotel.

Claybaugh, W. M., Minister.

Colwell & O'Neal, Dealers in Sash, Doors, Blinds, Frames, Lath, Shingles and all kinds of Building material, office West Court street, near railroad depot. C. F. Colwell. B. O'Neal.

Converse, L. D., & Bro., Dentists, special attention paid to saving the natural teeth. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide or Chloroform. Over Citizens' National Bank.

Crane, M. H., & Co., Manufacturers of Stoves and Hollow Ware.

Crow, T. D., Attorney at Law and U. S. Commissioner, Houston's. Block, opposite P.0.

Crow, H. D., & H. M., Attorneys at Law, Houston Block, South Main et.

Deuel, A. C., Supt. of Public Schools.

DeVoe, W. M., Fine Art Gallery, Artistic Photography and Portraiture, Crayon and India Ink Portraits, Oil Portraits, Chromotypes, Frames, Mats, Pictures of all kinds and styles, 18 Monument Square.

Deuel, J., Attorney at Law.

Eichelberger, Geo. M., Attorney at Law.


Ellis, Weaver & Allison, Merchant Tailors and Dealers in Gents' Furnishing Goods, 36 Monument Square. Robert Ellis. Marion Weaver. James Allison.

Ellis Griffith, County Treasurer.

Fisher & Chance, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs and Notions, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes. " Uncle Sam's" Harness Oil always on hand.

Fitzpatrick, J. M., County Auditor.

Frank, Thomas J., Attorney at Law, office on Court street, opposite Court House.

French, Thomas, Jr., Professor of Physics and Mathematics.

Ganson, C. H., & Co., Proprietor Weaver House Livery, first-class Horses and Carriages, terms reasonable, opposite Weaver House.

Geiger & Russell, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Office over Champaign National Bank.

L. Geiger. J. M. Russell.

Goddard, I. W., Physician. Office in Houston's Block.

Hance, M. M, Dealer in Dry Goods, Millinery and Fancy Goods, 11 Monument square.

Happersett & Hovey, Grocers and Dealers in Fruits, Berries and Fresh Meats, 25 Monument Square. I. B. Happersett. H. C. Hovey.

Happersett, O. B., Agent of the U. S. Express Co. Happersett Bros., Dealers in Boots and Shoes, Rubber Goods, etc., 3 North Main street.

Helmick, John M., Merchant.

Hitt, D. C., Postmaster.

Hitt, White & Mitchell, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods and Carpets, Monument square, Urbana. and Empire Block, Bellefoutaine, Ohio. S. W. Hitt. J. H. White. J. T. Mitchell. Horr, Obed, City Clerk.

Houston, W. M., & H. C., Practical Physicians. Office West Court street, opposite Court House. Houston, F., Grocer.

Humphreys, Geo. H., Undertaker. Office southeast corner North Main and . Church streets.

Imhoff, A. J., Minister.

Jamieson, T., Editor Citizen and Gazette.

Jordan, M. A., County Recorder.

Jinnings, E., Banker and Farmer.

Keller, T. G., Teacher.

Kiefer, Charles C., Secretary Urbana Gas Company.

Kulencamp, Charles, Confectioner and Baker, Mami street, opposite Weaver House.

Leonard, B. F.. U. S. Rolling Stock Company.

McConnell, Thomas, Livery and Farmer.

McDonald, Duncan, Prosecuting Attorney.

McDonald & Rock, Dealers in Dry Goods, corner North Main st. and Monument Square.

Maitland, J. M., Clerk of Court.

Marley, J. F., Clergyman.

Marshall, C. W., Insurance Agent. Office over Anderson's Drug Store.

Martz & Johnson, Attorneys at Law. B. F. Martz. L. D. Johnson.

Marvin, S. H., Livery, Buggies, Phaetons, Carriages, Barouches, Sample Wagons; best line of Coaches for Funerals, Weddings and Parties in the city. Horses boarded by the day, week or month, East Court street. Hedges &. Bainey's office at stable.


Miller & Thomas, Dealers in all grades of Bituminous and Hard Coal, Russell street, north of Court.

Samuel W. Miller.

E. Thomas. Miller, Thomas & Co., Sole Manufacturers of Steward's Patent Dumping Wagon (patented March 26, 1876), for Coal, Brick, Stone, etc. Examine our Wagon before buying. Orders by mail promptly filled.

Moore, G. N., Grocer.

Moses, Thomas F., Professor of Natural Science.

Mosgrove, S. M., Physician.

Mosgrove, J. M., Physician.

Murphy, C. H., Florist and Nurseryman.

Newcomer, Jas. B., Editor Champaign Democrat.

Ogden, J. W., Attorney at Law and Real Estate.

Parker, J. S., Hardware Clerk.

Patrick, J. H., President Western Mutual Insurance Company.

Pearce, H. C., Physician. Office on Scioto street, opposite Exchange Hotel.

Pearce, R. S., Teacher.

Price, S. B., County School Examiner.

Quinn, P. A., Clergyman.

Rose, B. A., Dentist. Office over Weaver's Hardware Store.

Russell Bros., Dealers in Dry Goods and Notions for Cash. No goods taken back or exchanged unless damaged, 25 North Main street.

Russell, G. M., Merchant.

Sayre, M. M., Attorney at Law. Office over Benjamin's Grocery Store, North Main street.

Saxton, I., ex-Editor of the Gazette.

Sewall, Frank, President Urbana University.

Shaul & Co., Dealers in Stoves, Tinware, China, Glass and Queensware, House Furnishing Goods, Bargains in every department. Call and see us 90 South Main street, Houston's Block.

J. M. Shaul. John Mayse.

Shumate, J. T., Insurance Agent.

Smith, Charles G., Manufacturer of Oak Russet Saddlery Leather, South Main and Water streets.

Sowles, D. W., Exchange Hotel. Stone Bros., Hardware.

Stough, C. L., Prop. Weaver House.

Sullivan, Wm. J., Physician, northeast corner Main and Court street.

Talbot, Josiah G., Merchant.

Taylor & Leedom, Attorneys at Law. Office opposite Court House, on Court street. James Taylor. John. S. Leedom.

Taylor, W. H. L., County Surveyor.

Thompson, H. H., Minister.

Todd, D. W., Probate Judge.

Twitchell, S. S., Superintendent Champaign County Infirmary.

Vance, A. F., Jr., Assistant Cashier Third National Bank.

Wallace, S. H., Teacher.

Warnock, W. R., Judge Court of Common Pleas.

Warren & Gaumer, Manufacturers of Carriages and Buggies. Office and work-shop on West Court street.

Weaver, L., & Son, Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, etc., east side Monument Square.

Wharton, W. H., Teacher.

Wiley, W., Banker.

Wiley, E. G., Cashier Third National Bank.

Woods, Thos. F., Deputy Recorder.

Young, John H., President Third National Bank.

Young, Chance & Gowey, Attorneys at Law, 55 Court street. John H. Young. Frank Chance. J. F. Gowey.


Logan, John G., Farmer and Breeder of fine Stock, Sec. 22, Urbana P. O.



Baker, John, Physician.

Covalt, Chas. W., Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. First-class Carriages, Buggies and Turn Outs, also best accommodations for commercial and traveling men, Springfield street.

Davis, H, B., Teacher.

Faulkner, L. W., M. D., Druggist.

French, J. M., Furniture Dealer.

Fry, Edward, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Carriages and Buggies.

Furrow, J. S., Dealer in Groceries, Provisions and Country Produce; also Cutlery, Queensware, Glassware, Lamps, Coal Oil, etc. Store in Brick Corner.

Furrow, E. H., Merchant.

Furrow, O. F., Jeweler.

Good, S. G., Physician.

Jones, C., Physician.

Jones & Musselman, Druggists and Apothocaries, Springfield street.

Kump & Fry, Manufacturers of and Dealers in Carriages, Buggies and Wagons of every description. Come and see our new Eureka Carriage, making a sin ale or double seated Carriage in a moment's time. Our prices are as low as any other in the State. West Main street.

Lippincott, Wm., Minister. McAllister, I. N., Dealer in Agricultural Implements.

McMorran, S. T., Attorney at Law.

Millett, J. W., Manufacturer of and Dealer in Harness, Saddles and Collars, Bridles, Whips, Halters, Combs, Brushes, etc. Repairing done neatly and cheap, all work warranted, Springfield street.

Musson, John J., Physician.

Pond, Lambert, Banker.

Powell, Arthur, Supt. of Schools.

Rhoads, Emmet V., County Treasurer.

Riker, J. F., Gardener.

Sayler, H., Manufacturer of first-class Carriages and Buggies, with all his improvements. Large stock of all styles at the lowest prices. All work warranted. Shop near railroad depot." Sayler's Patent Cast Steel Fifth Wheel," the best Fifth Wheel in the world.

Scott, J. W., Minister.

Smith, E. D., Minister.

Snyder, G. W., Supt. of Schools.

Tomlin & Losh, Dealers in Hard ware, Iron, Agricultural Implements and Farm Machinery. J. C. Tomlin. T. J. Losh.

Verdier, G. W., Livery and Feed Stables. Carriages furnished for Funerals. Horses kept by the day or week, East Main street.


Abbott, J. M., Blacksmith.

Berry, P., Contractor and Builder.

Comer, D. J., Physician.

Comer, Isaac, Merchant.

Harmon, S. D., Druggist.

Loudenbaek, John, Justice of the Peace.

Minnich, G. M., Merchant.

Norman, John C., Merchant.

Pence, Elliott, Teacher and Proprietor of Valley Hotel.

Whitmer, D. M., Physician.

Buroker, Joseph, Attorney at Law and Farmer, Sec. 15, St. Paris P. O.

Graham, G. D., Dealer in all kinds of Books, agent for Zell's Condensed Cyclopedia, Allen's P. O., Miami Co.


Long, Sampson, Contractor and Builder, Sec. 7, St. Paris P. O.

Shawver, Jonathan, Contractor and Stonemason, Sec. 12, St. Paris P. O.



Beltz, Andrew, Proprietor of Grist Mill.

Chapman, C. H., Furniture dealer and Undertaker. Attendance at Funerals a specialty.

Cranston, W. F., Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes and Staple Groceries. Lowest prices for Cash.

Everetts, S., Miller and Stock Dealer.

Gowey, H. D., Postmaster.

Gowey, M. C., Attorney at Law.

Hoisington, F., Dealer in Drugs and Druggists' Sundries.

Hunter & Long, Merchants.

Long, J. L., Merchant.

McElwain, A. M., Miller and Stock Dealer.

Pence & Hendrickson, Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, Spring Wagons, Sleighs, etc. If you want a first-class rig, go and see their stock before buying elsewhere.

Pence & Hendrickson, Proprietors of Livery, Feed and Exdhange Stables at their Carriage Shop, near depot. Finest Turnout in the city. Good Sample Wagons for Commercial Travelers.

Sherrett, E., Dentist.

Smith, S. K., Tile Manufacturer and Farmer.

Underwood, Amos, Dealer in Groceries, Notions and Confectioneries.

Wagstaf, W. H., Physician and Surgeon.

Williams, A. L., Physician and Surgeon.

Winder, A. G., Gardener.


Crawford, John S., Druggist.

Cushman, G. C., Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Cigars and Tobacco, Glassware, Queensware, Notions, Drugs and Medicines. Goods sold to farmers in quantities at wholesale. Drury, S. F., Merchant.

Herrick, L. C., Physician and Surgeon.

Hewitt, N. P., Manufacturer of Carriages and Agricultural Implements; also dealer in Groceries, etc., etc.

Riddle, George, Banker.

Smith, C. C., Postmaster. Manufacturer of and dealer in Boots and Shoes.

Smith, S. G., Surveyor and Engineer.

Smith, A., Proprietor of Buckeye House.

Welsh, James, Blacksmith.



Alden, P. W., & Co., Dealers in all kinds of Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors and Sash; also all kinds of Coal.

Baker, John C., Manufacturer.

Baker, Robert B., Merchant Tailor. Clothes made to order.

Baxter, W. H., Editor, Banker and Miller.

Church, J. P., Editor of the News.

Clark, C. K., Physician and Surgeon.

Clark, John H., Physician and Surgeon.

Creamer, Jacob, Inventor and Manufacturer of Creamer's Improved Mole Ditching Machine. This machine is superior to all others of its kind.

Culbertson & Barr. Manufacturers of fine Carriages, Barouches, Phaetons, Buggies, Sulkies, Spring Wagons, etc. Jagger and Surry Wagons, latest styles, always on hand. Wm. Culbertson. Cyrus C. Barr.


Fuson, F. S., Supt. of Public Schools.

Hunter, V., Grain and Flour Merchant.

Magruder, J. L., Saddlery and Harness-Maker. A full stock always on hand, including Trunks, etc. Orders solicited and promptly attended to.

Mahan, D. B., Teacher and Manufacturer of all sizes of Drain Tile.

Mechanicsburg Machine Co., Manufacturers of the " Baker Screw Feed Grain Drill." A positive Force Feed.

Millice, Geo. W., Dealer in Groceries and Queensware. Fresh Meat supplied to customers at lowest prices.

Nelson, G. W., Lumber Dealer.

Packham, Frank R., Machinist.

Shaul, J. N., Dealer in Agricultural Implements; also Blacksmith.

Shepherd, T. E., Postmaster.

Spain, D. F., Vice President Farmers' National Bank.

Sutton, John P., Township Clerk.

Taylor, Chas. & Son, Dealers in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Coal Oil and Lamps, Toilet Articles, School Books and Stationery, Musical Merchandise and Pure Wines and Liquors for medical purposes.

Wheeler, O. C., Editor and Publisher of the Central Ohio News. Job Work promptly executed.

Williams, R. D., President of the Farmers' National Bank.




Baker, James H., Wagons and Buggies made to order. Repairing of Plows a specialty. Main street.

Loudenbaok, David, Note Broker Money loaned on Beal Estate.

McLaughlin, R. R., Physician and Surgeon. Office near residence.

Minnich, George W., & Sons, Blacksmiths and general repair shop. The oldest firm in Champaign County.

Nichols, Augustus, Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Manufacturer of warranted goods, Main street.

Richardson, John, Postmaster and dealer in Groceries, Dry Goods, etc., etc., corner of North and Main streets.

Taylor, Simeon, Justice of the Peace. Conveyances made. etc. Office at residence one mile west of Westville.

Bryan, D., Miller and Farmer, Sec. 4, Urbana P. O.

Hunt, W. S., Physician and Surgeon, Sec. 19, Terre Haute P. O.

Neff, Isaac, Justice of the Peace, Sec. 25, Terre Haute. P. O.

Prince, B. F., Professor of Greek and History, Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio.

Rhodes, Joseph, Mechanic, Sec. 26, Terre Haute P. O.

Vincent. J. E., Miller, Sec. 30. West ville P. O.



Guthrie, Arthur, Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies and Spring Wagons Repairing and repainting a specialty.

Hollis Bros., Dealers in 'Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard and Flour, corner of Main and Westville streets E C Hollis. J B Hollis

Howell, L. R., Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps and Groceries

Overton, John F., Postmaster and dealer in Boots. Shoes and Rubber Goods

Pond, Isaac P., Merchant Tailor


Pence & Bro., Manufacturers of Drain Tile. A good supply of assorted sizes constantly on hand. Prices to suit the times. Call and see us, Sec. 11, St. Paris P. O.

Wheaton, William, Grain Dealer and Farmer, Sec. 35 Allen's P. O., Miami County.



Gehman, Benjamin, Minister and Farmer.

Pearce, Abner B., Physician.

Rettberg, John F., Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Druggists' Sundries, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Putty, Glass, Coal Oil and a full line of goods usually kept in a general store. Our stock is complete, and will be sold very low.

Arrowsmith, M. P., Saw-mill and Farmer, Sec. 32, Urbana P. O.

Couchman, A. N., Tile manufacturer and Farmer, Sec. 35, Urbana P. O.

Conroy, S. F., retired Minister, See. 21, King's Creek P. O.

Gordon, John, Capitalist, Sec. 14, Urbana P. 0.

Stonebraker, A. S., Miller, Sec. 15, King's Creek P. O.



Bodey, John L., Justice of the Peace and Merchant.

Hunt, H. B., Physician. O'Leary, John, Blacksmith.

Dick, Elisha, retired Minister, Sec. 13, Carysville P. O.

Martz, Erastus, Justice of the Peace and retired Farmer, Sec. 23, Carysville P. O.

Monk, John, Tile manufacturer, Sec. 17, Carysville P. O.

Yost, Elisha, Proprietor of Saw-mill, and Farmer, Sec. 33, Pemberton P. O. Shelby County.



Callahan, P. A., Druggist.

Hubbell, C. H., Dealer in Dry Goods and Groceries.

McAdams, F. M., Justice of the Peace.

Runkle, W. S., Physician.


Donavan, John, General Store.

Fuson, Wm. E., agent for the Ohio Farmers' Insurance Company, Kennard P. O.

Moore, S. C., Physician.

Cowgill, Thomas, Physician and Farmer, Sec. E.


Barger, F. N., Gunsmith and Farmer, Sec. 2, Urbana P.O.

Ruston, Sherman, Lumber Dealer, Sec. 17, Urbana P. O.

Vance, A. P., Painter and Farmer, Sec. 16, Urbana P. O.



Bean, Wm. M., Miller.

Eby, J. C., Proprietor of Eureka Hotel.

Eleyet, Reuben, Blacksmith. Special attention given to Plow Work, Horseshoeing and General Repairing.

Hale, Thos. T., Physician. Special attention given to the treatment of Chronic Diseases.

Offenbacher, C. A., Physician and Surgeon.

Piatt, Joseph E., Harness-Maker.


Baldwin, Geo. H., Miller, Urbana P. O.

Deyo, L. W., Blacksmith, Urbana P. 0.