A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid, and the original proprietors of Crestline seem to have acted upon this Scriptural test in the location of their town, as, at the time of its laying out, it was supposed to be the highest point in the State. Notwithstanding it was a flat, swampy country, covered with a dense forest, it is so far above the level of Lake Erie that no fears are entertained, by even the most timid of its inhabitants, of another " Drift Period," or overflow from that inland sea. Crestline is highly favored as to its geographical location, and possesses all the advantages necessary for becoming a prosperous little city. It is in the midst of as rich a farming community as "a crow ever flew over," its citizens are intelligent, enterprising and industrious, and its railroad facilities are unsurpassed in the whole country. When all this is taken into consideration, there appears no visible reason for Crestline remaining down in the mud and swamps of the "Black Forest." A healthy, rousing business "boom" is all that is required to waft it on to wealth and prosperity. Some suggestions might be made as to improving and beautifying the city, and acted on with considerable advantage to its general appearance. Its architectural achievements, so far, are not above the average to be found in towns of its size and attainments, and, as to building of merit, there are but few, perhaps none, deserving of special notice, except its union schoolhouse. Sidewalks might be im-


proved as to appearances, and with some safety to pedestrians, streets graded, and a few of the old wooden buildings replaced with substantial bricks. These old wooden buildings, sooner or later, will terminate in a huge bonfire, and, as often occurs in such cases, destroy perhaps thousands of dollars' worth of valuable property.

As shown in the preceding chapter, Crestline is thoroughly and decidedly a railroad town. It is these great modern thoroughfares that gave it birth, and to these it is indebted for its existence, and growth. Although it is situated in a rich farming country, yet, with Galion, Bucyrus and Shelby but a few miles distant, there was no special necessity for Crestline, except the railroads, and, take these away, it would soon become another edition of Goldsmith's Deserted Village. Its farming community, though prosperous and rich, is scarcely sufficient to save it from a lingering death. The location at this point of the shops of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, and the hands employed in these shops. have, bean the life of Crestline. The Ohio & Pennsylvania Railroad, which was chartered in 1848, as early as 1850 determined to make Crestline the western terminus of their road. During the same year, the Ohio & Indiana Railroad was chartered, and, in September, 1852, the Directors of this road fixed their eastern terminus at Crestline. The consolidation of these two roads and one extending from Fort Wayne to Chicago, in 1856, formed the present Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, and Crestline still remained the terminus of two divisions of this road, as it had been before the consolidation. This caused the erection of large shops at Crestline, and at present these shops employ several hundred men, under the superintendence of George W. Lowe. These shops and men have been the means of bringing in other lines of business, establishing other shops and foundries, and adding largely to the building-up of the place. Of these maybe mentioned the Crestline Lock Works, which were established in 1870. A subscription of $8,000 was made by the people for the purpose of putting up the necessary buildings, on condition that a certain number of men be employed. An excellent building was erected, and the works opened under the charge of C. A. Faulkner & Co., who ran them one year. John A. Thoman & Co. then bought them, and operated them until 1874, when they failed and went into bankruptcy. A brass foundry was established in 1871, by G. W. Dyar, and is still in operation, doing quite a large business.

The Continental Mills, the only institution of the kind ever in Crestline, were built originally in 1856-5 7, by Matthew Reed. These mills were improved at different times, remodeled, and new machinery put in; until they ranked among the best mill; in the State. In June of the present year (1880), they were burned to the ground. The loss to the proprietors; L. G. Russell & Co., was heavy, but, nothing daunted, preparations are being made to rebuild them, and doubtless work in that direction will soon be begun. Since the little stores were established by Newman, Hall and Thoman, the mercantile business has grown to be rather voluminous. Several very large dry goods and general stores are now in operation upon a sound business basis, while other lines of trade, common to a town of the commercial standing of Crestline, are well represented by stirring and energetic men. A large and growing business is successfully carried on, and, to the casual visitor, there seems absolutely nothing in the way of Crestline's future commercial prosperity.

A bank was established in the town in 1867, by Riblet, Hayes & Co., the gentlemen com-


prising the firm being Jacob Riblet, William Hayes and John Newman, with E. Davis as cashier. In 1869, they sold out to John A. Thoman & Co., who organized the Citizens Bank, an institution that continued in operation until 1873, when it failed. In 1870, a bank was organized by Daniel Babst and Jonathan Martin, under the firm name of Babst, Martin & Co., J. Babst, Cashier. In June 1878, they sold to Daniel Babst, Jr., and Jacob Babst, who have since operated it as "Babst's Banking House," J. Babst, Cashier. In 1876, the Farmers & Mechanics' Bank was established by Booth &, Stewart. It was carried on by these parties until 1878, when they sold to Stewart & Son, who continue still under the same name. In addition to its business men the place may boast of a number of professional characters, who did, and do still, rank high in their respective callings. Of the medical profession, Dr. William P. Kernahan. is mentioned as the first physician to locate in Crestline. He came about 1851, and practiced medicine until his death, which took place in 1859-60. Dr. A. E. Jenner was the next physician. But. as both the medical and legal professions are appropriately written up in a preceding chapter of this work, we will not go into details here. Among the gentlemen composing the bar of Crestline. Daniel Babst, Jr., is ranked as one of the ablest lawyers. He is Mayor of the town, and a downright good fellow generally. To him we are indebted for the principal part of the information and historical data from which these chapters on Crestline are written, and whatever the reader finds to be wrong or incorrect in them, he will attribute to Dan; whatever is correct and good, we claim as our own undisputed property.

As Crestline grew in population, wealth and importance, it began to dawn upon the good people that they displayed sufficient style and greatness to allow of their village being incorporated. This movement was effected March 3, 1858, and the town was incorporated under the law regulating such matters. Under this new phase of affairs, David Ogden was elected the first Mayor, and William Knisely the first Recorder; William P. Kernahan, K Warner, Robert Lee, M. C, Archer and William Boals, the first Board of Trustees. The following is a list of the -Mayors who have served, in the order named: Next after Ogden, Silas Durand, Samuel Hoyt, Jacob Staley, Dr. J. McKean, George W. Pierce, Nathan Jones. A.. E. Jenner, Nathan Jones, Dr. Edwin Booth and Dan Babst Jr, the present (1880) incumbent. P. D. Meister is the present Clerk.

The first school taught in the town of Crestline was by a man named Edgerton, it is believed, and was taught in the old log schoolhouse. We quote the following on educational matters from a published article furnished us by Mr. Babst: "In education, the town has not been neglected. Before the arrival of railroads, a district log schoolhouse stool about one and a half miles northwest of the present site of the town, on the Leesville road. This had been sufficient for educational puposes four many years, and a school was taught there as late as 1850. In 1853, when Crestline began to grow, a two-story frame school-building was erected in the east part of the town, and shortly afterward, a similar one was erected in the west part. These two buildings served the purpose until 1868, when the present union-school building was erected. This building. which is an honor and an ornament to the place was designed by Mr. Thomas, and built by Miller, Smith & Frayer, contractors. The Board of Education, under whose supervision it was erected, were: Jacob Staley, President. D. W. Snyder, John Berry, S. P. Hesser, C. Miller, and Nathan Jones.


As an evidence that the people were satisfied with the manner in which the board was conducting the work, the two members whose terms of service expired before the building was completed, were re-elected. The cost of the building and furniture, together with the two lots upon which it stands, was $30,000; and seldom, if ever, was there a better job done for this amount of money. It is located on Columbus, between Union and Cross streets; is of brick, three stories above the basement; seventy-two feet in length by sixty-five in greatest breadth; contains eleven schoolrooms, besides six smaller rooms, used for offices, library, etc., and will accommodate 500 pupils. This is the third house of the kind, as to size, in the county, and the first in point of architectural beauty. The children, proud of this gift, were admitted within its walls, without formal ceremony, April 12, 1869. Adjoining the lots on which the building stands, is the school park, which consists of six town lots, and is beautifully diversified by gravel walks, evergreens and shade-trees. In the center of these grounds, an elegant fountain, topped with reactionary wheels, which scatter refreshing showers, forming miniature rainbows, affords illustrative lessons in natural philosophy, as well as a cooler atmosphere on sultry days. Around the base of the fountain are six Hydrants for drinking purposes. The building and its surroundings are, indeed, well calculated, with an efficient corps of teachers, to improve the mental faculties of its pupils in a superior manner. The members of the Crestline School Board furnished a very important factor to the problem of mental culture when they laid out these beautiful grounds; and for this, the generation that is now entering on school life will 'rise up and call them blessed."'

The following are the names of the teachers now employed in the Crestline schools, according to grade: Mrs. Anna M. Mills, Superintendent; Joseph H. Snyder, High School Department; John M. Talbott Senior Grammar; Nancy Jane McWhirter, Junior Grammar; Isabella Lovejoy, Intermediate; Emma Scott and Laura Stable, Secondary; Lillie Kuhn, Ina Roger, Melissa Culver, Mattie S. Robinson, Primary; J. J. Beichler, Languages, principally German. The present Board of Education of the town: William Robinson, President; F. M. Anderson, Secretary; Benjamin Heffelfinger, Treasurer, and Reuben Stahle, George Stoll and Louis Holcher.

In concluding the school history of Crestline, we append the following statistics of this special district:

Balance on hand September 1, 1879 . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,761 04

State Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,314 84

Irreducible Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 68

Local tax for schools and schoolhouse purposes . . . . 4,447 78

Fines, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 91

Total... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,704 30

Amount paid teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,249 00

Managingand Superintending . .. . . . . . . . 810 00

Sites and buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314 73

Fuel, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,152 73

Total Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,526 50

Balance on hand September 1, 1880 . . . . . . . . . . . $4,177 80

Not only has the intellectual training of the children been well provided for, but the spiritual needs of the older people of Crestline have been well attended to, there being at this time no less than seven churches in the town, occupied by as many different denominations. The Gospel was introduced into the community by those pioneer Christians, the Methodists. They have the oldest organization in the town. In 1844, a society of the Methodist Episcopal denomination was formed in what was then called Minnerly's Schoolhouse (now McCulloch's), and, as will be seen, some years before the laying-out of


Crestline. The moving spirit in this religions enterprise was John Lovitt. and, owing principally to his influence, was the organization of a society effected. The church which is standing on Thoman street was the first one erected by this denomination. It was built in 1854, through the personal exertions of Mr. Minnerly, David Thrush, David Kerr, Francis Conwell. Mr. Howland, Francis Peppard and David White, who, with their wives and portions of their families, were a few of the first members. The present membership is about 250. The Sunday school connected with this church is one of the largest and most active in the town, with an average attendance of over 200.

The Trinity German Lutheran Church was the next in chronological order in formation. It is located on Main street, and was organized about the year 1851, in the schoolhouse. The original members of this society were Michael Webber, Henry Lambert, George Hass, B. Faltz. John Keller and others. In 1861, they erected the present church edifice, at a cost of $3,OO0. The first minister was the Rev. Mr. Meiser, who was followed by Rev. Hatsberger, H. Srnith, Haley and Martin Berkley, is the order named. The latter, Rev. Mr. Berkley. is the present Pastor, and his society comprises about seventy members. An active Sunday school is connected with the church, conducted by the officers, with a membership of about sixty. Its organization as a Sunday school is coeval with that of the church.

Recently, a division occurred in this church, on the ground of a difference of opinion in some matters of belief or usage. This resulted in the formation of a new church. In 1879, Peter Sleenbecker, Michael Rech, Charles Christman, C. Morkel and others, becoming dissatisfied regarding some matters, we believe, of church government. withdrew from Trinity Church and organized a second German Lutheran society, and erected a church on East Mansfield street, at a cost of $4,000. Their first meetings, before the erection of their new church, were held in the old German Reformed Church, which kept its doors open for them. Rev. Mr. Shultz, of Galion, was their first minister, and was followed by Rev. Mr. Voegele, their present Pastor. Their Sunday-school was organized about the same time as their church. its present membership being about thirty. Numerically, the church is not strong.

The English Lutherans were the next in the field. In 1854, a society of this denomination was organized by the Rev. A. F. Hills. The original members of this organization were David Lichtenwalter, A. W. Stine. William Knisely, David Keplinger, E. Warner, David McCartel, D. Minich, Jane McCartel, Hannah Stine, Elizabeth Warner and Isaac Miller. Their early meetings were held in the private residences of the members, though the present frame church was erected about the same year the organization of the society occurred. Rev. Mr. Hills was the first Pastor, followed by Revs. A. B. Kirtland, D. I. Foust, H. K. Fenner and B. F. Crouse, the present minister. The membership at this time is about 170. The Sunday school is large and active, numbering about 160 pupils under the superintendence of Henry Eskley.

The German Reformed Church was organized in by Rev. M. Stern, of Galion. It is situated in the northwest part of town, is of brick, and was built in 1862, at a cost of $1,900. Of the original members, we mention David Bluem, Philip and Frederick Eichorn, and Joseph Bender. Their meetings were held in the English Lutheran Church until the erection of their own building, in 1862. Their first minister after Rev. Stern was Rev. John Rettig, followed by Rev. John


Winter. The present Pastor is Rev. F. W. Marcus, and his flock consists of about 130 members. The organization of the Sunday school was cotemporaneous with that of the church, and now numbers 125 pupils, under the superintendence of William Lampert.

The Presbyterian Church of Crestline was organized February 20, 1855, in a small schoolhouse, by Rev. I. N. Shepherd, of Marion, Ohio, and Rev. Silas Johnston, of Bucyrus. Previous to this, however, Rev. Luke Dorland had collected the Presbyterians of the place, and preached to theirs at various times and places for six or eight months. After the organization, meetings were occasionally held in the different church buildings already erected. The principal original members were John S. and Jane Smith, Alexander, Martha J. and Margaret Patterson, John and Mary White, Sampson Warden, John and Eliza Jane Banbright, P. and Marp Mansfield, and Samuel R. and Isabella Graham. The present church was erected in 1866-67. Rev. J. P. Lloyd was the first minister after the organization was effected, and continued in charge thirteen years. He was succeeded by Rev. James Shields, who remained seven years. The present Pastor, Rev. W. W.. Macamber, succeeded Rev. Shields, November 18, 1879. The church at this time has a membership of about 200. A. M. Patterson is Superintendent of the Sunday school, which is a large and active one, embracing 175 pupils, and was organized August 12, 1862.

The St. Joseph's Catholic Church is located on North street, and dates its organization back to 1858, though services were held by different ministers of the church many years before this organization, in the houses of Catholic members. The few Catholics scattered among the early settlers of this place were frequently visited in this way, meetings held, and their spiritual wants administered to before they were gathered into a church. The church was organized by Father Gallagher, of Cleveland, who was Pastor at Mansfield at the same time. The early meetings were held principally in the houses of Mike Dunn, Laurenz Raindl, who with Patrick Dunn, Mr. McNamara, J. A. Barrel and Thaddeus Seifert, were the original members. The present frame church was erected in 1861, at a cost of $1,000. The membership numbers about 100 families, and the Sunday school about 200 children. There is a day school in connection with the church, with 170 pupils in daily attendance.

Those secret and benevolent orders which exert so great an influence for good on society, are fully represented in Crestline. Freemasonry, the oldest of all the benevolent institutions, originated so long ago that no history tells of its beginning, is highly moral in its teachings, its main constituents being, a "belief in God, hope in immortality, and charity to all mankind." It is represented in Crestline by Arcana Lodge No. 272, and Crestline Chapter, No. 88. The former was organized under its charter October 26, A. L. 5855. This instrument of authority from the Grand Lodge of Masons of Ohio, was issued by M. W. William, B. Dodds, Grand Master and John D. Caldwell, Grand Secretary. The following are the charter members: J. R. Straughan, Erastus S. Spencer, Matthew Elder, J. McCluny, E. C. Gregg, J. J. Bening, George Bewson, A. P. Cann, John Newman John Franz, John A. Thoman, J. Warden, J. E Eldington, H. A. Donaldson and H. Gusleman. The first officers were, J. R. Straughan, Worshipful Master; E. S. Spencer, Senior Warden and Matthew Elder, Junior Warden. The lodge now numbers sixty-one members, and is officered by J .C. Williams, Worshipful Master; John Donnelly, Senior Warden; Hugh Harrop, Junior Warden; E. T. Cox,


Treasurer; David Ogden, Secretary; and J. J. Kirtland. Tiler.

Crest!ine Chapter, No. 88, was chartered October 15, 1864, by M. E. Thomas, J. Larsh, Grand High Priest, and John D. Caldwell, Grand Secretary. The charter members were, M. C. Archer, David Ogden, John H. Berry, William Boals, Benjamin Eaton, R. Lee, John McGraw, William McGraw, Thomas Boorman, J. S. Potter, W. H. Shamp, H. W. Stocking and J. H. Brewster. The first officers were: M. C. Archer, High Priest: David Ogden, King; J. H. Berry, Scribe: and Robert Lee, Secretary. The Chapter has in connection with Arcana Lodge, an excellent hall. well appointed and furnished. The present officers are: David 0gden, High Priest: Nathan Jones, King: T. B. Fowler, Scribe: and D. W. Snyder, Secretary. There was a Commandery Knights Templar in Crestline at one time, but this body has been removed to Mansfield.

Amiei Lodge No. 279, Knights of Honor. was chartered on the 5th of September, 1876. with the following charter members: S. R. Graham, C. W. Jenner, G. R. Edwards, H. A. White, D. L. Zink, W. H. Carlisle, E. S. Bagley, D. H. Caffell, Daniel Babst Jr., O. S. Campbell, E. M. Freese, G. W. Zint, Truemen Daily, B. F. Miller, J. J. Kirtland, C. A. Spencer, C. F. Frank, William Jones and R. M. Carnes.

Odd Fellowship, although far more modern in its origin than Freemasonry, made its appearance in Crestline some time before it. Crestline Lodge No. 237, was instituted under charter February 23, 1854. The charter members were John L. Kert, G. W. Keplinger, W. P. Kernahan, William Knott, William Boals, M C. Archer, Elijah Johnson, William McGraw and Daniel Laugham, The first officers were: William Knott, N. G.; W. P Kernahan, V . G.. and G. W. Keplinger, Secretary. There are now seventy members in good standing on the books and the officers are: David Brandt, N G.; F. Delp, V. G.: George Stoll, Treasurer; W. Ladd, Recording Secretary, and H. 0gden. Permanent Secretary.

Crawford Encampment, No. 187 I.O.O.F. was instituted .Tune 15, 1875, by J. W. Parch. Most Worthy Grand High Priest. The charter members were F. C. Berger. G. G. Cruizen, F. Newman, J. W. Sanders. E. Davis, John Snyder and J. H. Becker. The first officers were: John H. Becker, C. P.: F. C. Berger, H. P.; George G. Cruizen, S. W,. E. Davis, S.; John Snyder, Treasurer. There are on the rolls the names of twenty members, and the following is the list of officers at present: D. W. Brant. C. P.; M. Shumaker. H. P.: J. P. Sheelrud. S. W.; J. Taggart, S.: J. H. Becker. T., and F. Delp, J. W.

Jackson Lodge, No. 516, I. 0. 0. F. (German, was instituted July 3, 1872, by Henry Lindenberg, Grand Representative. The charter members were F. Newman, Jacob Staley, George Stoll, J. P. Zimmermacher, J. H. Becker, Adam Neff, John Bauer, John Ecinger and John Cook. The first officers were: George Stoll, N. G.: Jacob Staly V. G.; J. H. Becker, Secretary, and F. Newman, Treasurer. The present officers are: John Schart, N. G.: John Herberthauser, V. G.: Philip Grinenstein, Secretary, and J. H. Becker, Treasurer.

The people of Crestline take great pride in their water-works, and. indeed, it is an enterprise to be proud of. Them is nothing like a bountiful supply of good, pure water. No poison bubbles on its surface. no blood stains it, nor does its foam bring madness and murder. Pale widows and starving orphans weep not burning tears in its depths. But everywhere it is a thing of beauty, and gleams in the dew-drop, sings in the summer rain and shines in the free ice gems, until they seem


turned to living jewels. And always it is beautiful that beverage of life, health-giving water. The tomb of Moses is unknown, but the weary traveler slakes his thirst at the well of Jacob The gorgeous palace of the wisest and wealthiest of monarchs, with cedar and gold and ivory, and even the great temple of Jerusalem. hallowed by the visible glory of the Deity himself, are gone, and of the architecture of the HoIy City not one stone is left upon another. But Solomon's reservoirs are as perfect as ever, and the pool of Bethsaida commands the pilgrim's respect at the present day. The columns of Persepolis are moldering into dust, but its cisterns and a aqueducts remain to challenge our admiration. And if any work of art shall still rise and flourish, we may well believe that it will be neither a palace nor a temple, but some vast aqueduct or reservoir, built for the benefit of human kind. And, if any name is deserving who, in everlasting honor, it is that of the man, his day, sought the happiness of his fellow-men rather than their glory, and linked his name to some great work of utility and benevolence.

In 1871, the necessary legislation was obtained to enable the town to issue bonds for the construction of the works. In September of the same year, the work was commenced by constructing a dam at the springs from which the water is bought. These springs are in Richland County, of the very purest water. and in sufficient volume to afford a supply to a much larger city than Crestline, the actual discharge of the springs being ninety gallons of water per minute. The water is brought a distance of about four miles from the springs, through wooden pipes, into a reservoir, and supplied by mains laid through the city. The springs are at an elevation of about 170 feet above the level of the town, which gives sufficient power and pressure to carry into the highest buildings, or throw a stream over them, through hose attached to hydrants. The total cost of construction, in round number, was little short of $100,000. There were bonds issued to the amount of $80,000, which, with three years' interest, increased the cost to very nearly the sum first mentioned.

The enterprise of furnishing Crestline with pure water was due mainly to G. H. Lee, Henry Shuman and G. W. Pierce, and to their energy and exertions the work stands an enduring monument. The average expense per annum of furnishing this water supply is $450, while the income amounts to about $1,000. Not the least of the benfits accruing from this public-spirited enterprise, is the advantage afforded in case of fires when all that is necessary is to attach hose to the hydrants, and a stream of water can be thrown far enough and high enough for all practical purposes. One of the beauties, if it is no special benefit, of the reservoir. is that it is well stocked with goldfish.

The spring that supplies the water to the city, as already stated. is in Richland County. It is mentioned at some length in Howe's "Historical Collection of Ohio." and also in Butterfield's "History of Crawford's Campaign against Sandusky." The latter work, in describing the march of Crawford's, army, thus refers to it:: "Thence they passed near the spot where was afterward the Indian village of Greentown, in what is now Ashland County. From this point they struck across the Rocky Fork of the Mohican, up which stream they traveled until a spring was reached, near where the city of Mansfield now stand. in Richland County: thence a little north of west. to a fine spring five miles further on, in what is Springfield Township - a place now known as Spring Mills, on the line of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, east of the town of Crestline. in Crawford County-


where, on the evening of the 1st day of June (1782), the army halted and encamped for the night." Thus, to sum up in a word the Crestline water-works, there are few cities, perhaps, in the State, as well supplied with water - pure water-as the thriving and energetic little city of Crestline. It is not the water from some lazy river, reeking with the filth of a hundred towns and cities upon its banks, and filtered through charcoal and sand to purify it, but it is brought pure and fresh from the fountain head, as it were, from a flowing spring, bursting fresh from the ground.

The most destructive fire that Crestline has ever known occurred in September, 1867. The entire block from the Continental Hotel to Bucyrus street was burned out, and a heavy loss entailed upon the property-owners of the district burned, though the full extent of the loss we could not learn. There have been numerous other fires, but none so destructive as the one just mentioned. The burning of the Continental Mills, last summer, was quite a blow to the town, as well as to their owners. The city has a regularly organized fire department two engines, with a full supply of hose, etc., but, since the building of the waterworks, the engines are not used, the force of the water being sufficient to throw a stream. when hose is attached, 120 feet high.

The hotel business has been overdone, and some of them are standing idle, or have been converted to other uses. The Continental, kept by Russell & Co., is a first class house. It is heated by steam, lighted by gas, manufactured on the premises, has every convenience for the comfort of its guests, and charges accordingly. One excellent feature is the establishment in the building, above the gentlemen's waiting-room, of a reading-room, where the waiting passengers mad while away a pleasant hour, among the lates magazines and papers, in a comfortable room

"At present, there are five dry goods stores, three drug, one book, three jewelry, and a large number of grocery stores and saloons; two banks, one publishinghouse, an iron-foundry, employing half a dozen hands, two wagon and carriage shops, one planing-mill, five lawyers, six physicians, besides the usual number of mechanics in every department of labor. The Continental Flouring-mill was erected in 1860 (now burned). Two saw-mills were erected in an early day (between 1850 and 1856, one by Lang, & Miller, the other by S. B. Coe; both were within the limits of the present corporation ; both have disappeared. From these observations, it will be seen that the town is a live and energetic business place."

The press of Crestline, the "art preservative of all arts," is at present represented by the Crestline Advocate. Several other newspapers have been established in the town, which flourished for a season and then died. The first newspaper of Crestline was the Express, a weekly paper, and was started in 1853, and edited by C. M. Kenton. The office was over Brewer's store, and the publication of the paper was continued for about six months, when for some cause, most probably a lack, either of appreciation or financial support, it "gave up the ghost."

The Crestline Advocate issued its first number in July, 1869. Its size was 16x20, and it was folio in form, edited and published by Adam Billow. About six months after the establishment of the Advocate, it was enlarged to six columns to a page, and from that to eight columns-its present size. It was first published in Billow's dwelling, and then removed to its present quarters, in the second story of the Masonic hall building. Adam Billow died, May 20, 1876, since which time the paper has been owned and conducted by D. C. Billow. The press is operated by power


received from the water-works. The Advocate is independent in politics, has a good patronage, is ably managed and conducted, and may be termed a flourishing country newspaper.

About the year 1875 or 1876, a Democratic paper was established by A. E. Jenner, called the Crawford County Democrat. It continued about three years, when it followed the Express to that "bourne from whence no traveler returns." We believe there have been one or two other efforts in the newspaper line, in Crestline, but we have no facts of a definite character in regard to them.

The burial of the dead is a sacred duty, and in all ages and all countries more or less respect is shown the memory of the departed Abraham said," Let us bury the dead out of our sight." :, cemetery was laid out a few years after the laying out of the town. Efforts have been made by a few persons to have the grounds beautified, but so far, they have failed, and only slight improvements have been made by private individuals.