A PICTORIAL OUTLINE HISTORY OF DARKE COUNTY OHIO WITH PORTRAITS AND BIOGRAPHY Prominent Citizens of the County County and Ex-County Officials, Attorneys at Law, City Officials, Bankers, Capitalists, Business Men, Teachers, Ministers, Agriculturalists and Notable Citizens of the County. GEORGE WOOD WOLFE. NEWARK, OHIO: LYON & ICKES PUBLISHERS 1888 |
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DARKE COUNTY HISTORY.— Agricultural Society 23 Battle of the Thames 18 Cincinnati Located, 1788 8 County Infirmary 21 County Officers—Taxation 24 Darke county's First Officers 19 Death of Tecumseh 18 Education in Darke county 85-94 England's Claims 6 First Building in Darke county 9 Fort Recovery and its Patriot Dead 11 Geology of Darke county 37-45 Greenville and Indians 15 Memorial Address 18 Murder of the Wilson Children 46-48 Official Roster of Darke county 29 Organization of the Remaining Townships of the county 20 Orphans' Home 21 Public Roads 33 Railways 22 Settlement of Marietta 7 Tecumseh and his Brother, The Prophet 16 GREENVILLE.— Greenville Cemetery 59-62 History 49-52 Natural Gas 53-58 CHURCHES.— Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Church 63-70 Confirmed Members 67 PASTOR—Rev. C. H. Mayer 71 Methodism in Greenville 74-78 PASTOR—Rev. John W. Cassatt 79 MISSIONARY—Rev. Harry Compton 81-84 ii COUNTY OFFICERS- JUDGE—David L. Meeker 95-98 REPRESENTATIVES—A. C. Robeson 99 Harvey C. Garber 100-103 David C. Baker 104-105 AUDITOR—Lewis C. Klipstine 106-107 TREASURER—Henry M. Bickel 108-109 JUDGE—Lewis C. Anderson 110-111 DEPUTY PROBATE CLERK—George W. Perry 112-1113 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY—James Calvin Elliott 114-115 SHERIFF-John Welker 116-117 DEPUTY SHERIFF—E. M. Welker 118-119 Ex-SHERIFFS—Thomas Lecklider 120-121 D. E. Van Tillburgh 144 EX-DEPUTY SHERIFF—C. W. Gilbert 122-123 COUNTY CLERK—Patrick H. Maher 124-125 RECORDER—Daniel Snyder 126-127 DEPUTY RECORDER—James W. Martin 128-129 DEPUTY CLERK OF COURTS—Thomas C. Maher 130-131 COMMISSIONERS —Samuel J. Stapleton 132-133 Samuel Wilson 134-136 William M. Smith 137 R. K. Beem 138-139 SURVEYOR—Eli Armacost 140-141 CORONER—Andrew W. Rush, M. D 142-143 DARKE COUNTY EDUCATORS.— Jacob T. Martz. 146-152 EXAMINERS—John S. Royer 154-157 Lon C. Walker 158-160 D. B. Etzler 162-164 P. C. Zemer 166-169 MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR—Miss Ola M. McCall 170-271 CITY OFFICIALS.— MAYOR—Halleck Rupe 172-173 COUNCILMEN—William Thompson 174-177 Martin Renzler 178-179 John H. Koester 180-181 Adam Crone 182-183 Conrad Steinhilber 184-185 Dr. Markwith 187 CEMETERY SUPERINTENDENT--I. N. Smith 186 THE LEGAL PROFESSION.— Allread, James I 242-243 Anderson, Charles M. 190-192 Baker, Jacob 234-235 Baker, Oscar A. 274-275 Bickel, J. M. 246-247 iii Bowman, David P., (deceased) 196-199 Bowman, David Weller 194-195 Brandon, Aaron C. 232-233 Calderwood, Andrew Robeson 200-203 Calkins, Charles, (deceased) 218-219 Chenoweth, Levi E. 264-265 Clark, John C. 268-269 Cole, Henry M. 252-253 Devor, Elijah 206-208 Devor, John 204-205 Donovan, J. W. 209 Gilbert, William Harry 216-217 Hartman, Val 239 Irwin, David P. 222-223 Jobes, George A. 248-249 Judy, Swan 210-212 Katzenberger, George A. 213 Knox, John Reily 276-277 Limbert, Levi F. 224-225 Meeker, Adam Hatzler 272-273 Meeker, W. 214-215 Miller, Volney 230-231 Myers, Millard Filmore 226-227 Otwell, E. W. 260-261 Parks, C. F. 236-237 Sater, John W. 258-259 Stubbs, W. Y. 254-255 Studabaker, George W. 278-280 Tobin, Edward J. 220-221 GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS.— BANKS.— Greenville Bank 283-284 PRESIDENT—Nate Iddings 286-287 CASHIER—George H. Martz 288-291 ASSISTANT CASHIER—F. T. Conkling 294-295 W. S. Turpen 298-299 E. W. Otwell 300 Second National Bank 305 Portraits 306 PRESIDENT—William K. Kerlin 307 CASHIER—Augustus F. Koop 308 DIRECTORS—Daniel Henne 309 William C. Elston 310 Henry St. Clair 311 John H. Martin 312 Farmers' National Bank 313-314 Beene, R. D. 338-339 Brandon, C. W. 330-231 Fry, Mr. and Mrs. William S., and Son 332-336 Hartzell, J. T. & Son 350-351 iv GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS—Continued. Katzenburger, G. A. & Bro Klinger, A. J. 352-353 McWhinney, Frank 322-328 Manor & Keck 354-355 Moore, George W. 356-357 Myers, J. C., M. D. 363-365 Plessinger, George, Farmer 368 PRESS OF GREENVILLE.- Courier 281 Democrat 281 Journal 282 Prezinger, J. R., M.D. 360-463 Rubey, J. W. 358-359 Smith, Isaac N. 366-367 St. Clair, Mr. & Mrs. Henry 319-321 Walker, Christopher C. 344-349 Wilson. Augustus N. 341-341 Oscar C. Kerlin, D. D. S. 386-387 Frank Snyder 388-389 George L. Carter 390-392 Henry Fey 393-394 DARKE COUNTY CHILDREN'S HOME.— HISTORY 371-373 Thomas E. Teal, Superintendent 376-378 Mrs. Thomas E. Teal, Matron 377 John Hirshey Martin, Director 374-375 SECRET SOCIETIES.- GREENVILLE LODGE No. 195, I. O. O. F. 380 Will H. Mann, S. P. G. 381 E. W. Otwell, D. D. G. M. 382 GREENVILLE RIFLE CLUB 383 Portraits 384 Here are the pictured likenesses of those we love: How true to life they seem to breathe and move Fire, love, and sweetness o’er each feature melt; The faces express all the spirit felt. And while I gaze within their eyes I almost see each loving spirit rise; While, lights and shadows, all harmonious glow, And heavenly radiance settles on their brows. Look at their lips - how tranquil their respose Resting in fragrance like a sleeping rose; They seem the ruby gates of bliss, Just formed to murmur sighs, to smile - and kiss. |
PREFACE. THE task of making the following collections was commenced in September, 1889, and it was not until the pages had assumed somewhat of a book-like appearance, that the resolution to print them was adopted. To the editor, the author, and publisher, we feel confident the citizens of Darke county will bestow a degree of praise. To the compilation of the contents much time and labor, have been devoted. Still, the critical reader will perhaps find some imperfections, but, tedious and perplexing as the task has been in many of its details, on the whole, it has proved a labor of love, to collect into one casket what were "like orient pearls at random strung," and such as the book is, the compiler and editor would fain present it to its readers as a variegated bouquet, culled from the many gardens that diversify and adorn the extensive fields of earthly things. In the brief time allotted to us to collect the many interesting portraits, biographies and historical matter, necessarily many persons that should have had portrait representation and, perhaps, some historical features have been overlooked, but we hope we have found and published a sufficient amount to warrant it a -cordial reception to the centre tables and libraries of Darke county. GEORGE W. WOLFE. |