JOHN DAY, farmer, Sec. 17 ; P. O. Willow Dell. Solomon Day. the father of John,was born in Loudoun Co., Va., on the 17th day of December, 1812 ; he moved with his parents to Pennsylvania when about 3 years of age, after which he came with his parents to Belmont Co., Ohio, in the year 1828. where he remained about two years, thence with his parents to Darke Co., in 1832; he then went to Piqua. Miami CO., and drove team for David Jordon, drawing crockery and building stone for one year, after which he returned home ; he was united in marriage with Sarah Myers, in Shelby Co., near Houston, Dec 4, 1834 ; she was born in Miami Co. Aug. 4, 1816; he then moved upon his father-in-law's place and farmed one season, during which time he entered 40 acres in Darke Co., Patterson Township ; this was in the year 1835; he then erected a nice little cabin, and moved into it in the spring of 1836; tapped a few sugar trees and went to his father-in-law's, leaving his brave wife and one child in charge of the cabin : she tended the sugar camp while he was away through the week, and on Saturday nights he would return and boil sugar water ; this he continued to do for about three weeks, the distance being ten miles of which he would walk home Saturday night and return Sunday morning, and for the fruits of this labor, their sirup and sugar that they made was equal to the best in the State ; his industrious and hard-working wife cleared off. made and planted garden in his absence ; they remained on this place some fifteen


years. meeting with good success, and in 1848 he bought 85 acres in Sec. 17, in the same township. where he built a hewed-log house, his wife helping him to saw out the windows and doors. and also to clear off a garden spot, moving into the house in April. 1851 : while raising his house, he (mine very near being killed by falling from the top joist to the ground below ; in this house he continued to live until his death. which occurred June 13.1852. with cerebro-spinal meningitis ; Mr. and Mrs. Day pissed through the many struggles. trials and incidents common to pioneer life ; was a member of the Christian Church sonic thirteen years, and lived a devoted and consistent Christian till the angel of death came and relieved him of this earthly tenement ; Mrs. Day is still living in the old home farm, enjoying good health, and is 63 years of age: nine children was the fruit of this union, of which four are living. viz.: Rhoda. born May 25. 1835. now Mrs. J. W. Puterbaugh; May J., born May 29. 1839. now Mrs. S. J. Hixon John. born Feb. 17. 1849. and Solomon J., born Jan. 13, 1857: Mr. Day laid his full share of offices. being Justice of the Peace for nine years: Township Clerk one year: Treasurer one year. and Trustee one year. Our subject was born in Darke Co. on the 15th day of February, 1849, and lived with his parents and worked on the farm and attended the district school in he winter till he was 16 years of mm. after which he did not attend school but tone days. bud hy his own exertions has obtained a good common-school education he continued to work at home until he was 21 years of age, and at that time he came to the conclusion to remain on the borne farm. where he has since lived, he bought 80 acres of land in Sec. 18, paying $1,300, in the year 1871; sold out in 1873 for $1,600 and in 1874 bought 64 acres in Sec. 17, paying $1,508, and in 1876 sold this place for $2,500 and during the same hear he bought 77 ½ acres in Sec 17, paying $3,500, and in 1879sold 609 acres for $2,2; has been Trustee one year, and Supervisor two years, and is a Republican in politics Mr. Day was employed in the boat-yards at Wheeling. Va. with the Skags Brothers, building boats working about two years altogether:

STEPHEN A. GREER. physician P. O. Willow Pell. Aaron. the father of Stephen A., was born a native of Kentucky, born in Bourbim Co. on the 23d day of November 1785: Elizabeth his wife whose maiden name was Reed, was a native of Ohio; born in Chillicothe in August 1792: they were united in marriage in Montgomery Co., Ohio. and in 1816 moved to Darke Co. where they resided till death called them from earth to heaven : he departed this life in March 1848: being 62 years 11 months and 23 days old : she sank peacefully to rest March 5, 1871, at the ripe old age of 79. Stephen A. the subject of this memoir, was born in Darke Co., Ohio. on the 8th of June 1815. being the first white child born in Wayne Township ; he spent hiss boyhood days on his father's farm, assisting in the clearing and the cultivation of the soil, during the summer months, and in the winter season he attended the district school, which was held in an old log cabin, thereby obtaining a good common-school education ; he commenced to read medicine under Dr. L. Houston, of Shelby Co., Ohio, when he was 22 years of age ; taught school during the winters and read medicine till his funds ran out, then he would go to work, and managed in this way till he had gained sufficient knowledge of medicine to practice ; he now came to the conclusion that he would take in a partner for life, and on the 19th day of September, 1839. he celebrated his marriage with Miss Huldah Brandon, in Versailles., Ohio ; she is a native of Ohio, born in Versailles, on the 11th day of October, 1823 ; her mother. Lydia, was a native of New Jersey; born on the 12th of September, 1803, and departed this life Feb. 28, 1877 ; her father, Vincent G. Brandon, was born in Virginia on the 31st of December, 1793, and departed this life. Jan. 5, 1870: after his marriage. he taught school and continued the study of medicine ; in 1845; he moved to Ft. Recovery and opened an office, where he followed his profession, meeting with good success, remaining there about one year, after which he moved to New Harrison, Darke Co., in the spring of 1847 ; he practiced here till 1848, when he moved to Patterson Township, and during the winter of 1849 and 1850 attended the Eclectic Medical Institute of


Cincinnati. When he moved to Patterson Township, it was a gloomy outlook. as he moved into an old log cabin, covered with clapboards, and. as he says. " we did not have an overplus of furniture,” he purchased 40 acres in Sec. 20, for which he paid $200, the tract being all heavy timber : he now built a hewn-log house, into which he moved his family: and commenced the task of opening up a farm and at the same time practiced medicine : he would work in the clearing during the day time, and at night study medicine, and, as he says. “I, am not done reading yet.” The Doctor has accumulated a considerable amount of property hard labor, in width he has been nobly assisted by his good and amiable wife ; is strictly temperate in all his habits he owns 140 acres of and in Patterson Township, 80 acres in Kansas, near Garnett, the American House and City Livery Stable, in Versailles ; he is in no sense of the term a political aspirant: although he has filled nearly every office in the township in the fall of 1855. he was elected County Commissioner, which office he filled for three years ; in 1870. was elected Land Appraiser ; served as Township Trustee for several years, also Township Clerk. and is now tilling the office of Land Appraiser. They are the parents of ten children, of whom eight are living viz.. Rachael J.. born Sept. 16. 1856: Vincent B.. May 19, 1844 ; Aaron 11., Jan. 19. 1845; Lydia A. Sept. 15. I849: Millnor, Dec 16, 1852; Stephen, Aug. 26. 1859. Mary B.. Oct. 10, 1862: Elizabeth Irene. born Jan. 6, 1866. The Doctor was admitted to the Bar of Greenville, Ohio, as an attorney and counsellor at law, on the 12th day of May, 1858, this acquisition he picked up himself by his own hard study. and it is said of him that he is an able attorney, a wise judge and a good pleader.