Beginning at the north part, survey number 1093, on Paint Creek; thence west, with the county line, to the Greene County line, northwest corner, survey number 5993; thence south, with said line, to east part, survey number 1079; thence east, bearing south, to northwest part, survey number 1253; thence east, crossing Rattlesnake Creek, to the northwest corner, survey number 1379; thence south to the southeast corner of survey number 1379; thence east to Sugar Creek; thence down said creek, to the Union Township line, in southwest part, survey number 5866; thence northeast, with said line, to Paint Creek, near crossing of Jeffersonville pike; thence up Paint to beginning.


Beginning at the northeast corner of survey number 1342, running west to the northwest part, survey number 1253 ; thence west,


bearing north, to the county east part survey number 1079 ; thence south with said, to the line of Clinton County, west part of survey number 841; thence east five miles, with said line, crossing Rattlesnake; thence south, with said line, to Concord Township line, west part survey number 907; thence northeast, with said line, to Rattlesnake Creek ; thence northeast, with the road, to Sugar
Creek, southwest part survey number 8408; thence up said creek to the northeast corner, survey number 1411; thence west to south-west corner, survey number 1379; thence north to the beginning.


Beginning at Sugar Creek, south part survey number 8408; thence southwest, with pike, crossing Rattlesnake, to the county line, west part survey 907; thence south, with the county line, to west part survey 1039 ; thence northeast, with Green Township line, to the old Draper house, north part survey 5348 ; thence northeast, with said line, to south part survey 802; thence east to Perry Township line, survey 896 ; thence north to Sugar Creek, north part survey 896; thence along Sugar Creek to beginning.


Beginning at south part of survey number 8357; thence southwest, through surveys 3702, 6377, 7850, 7052, 7053, and 6003, to Paint Creek, northeast part survey 3020; thence southwest, through survey 2069, to Sugar Creek ; thence down said creek to its mouth ; thence north, with road, one mile; thence east, bearing north, to Paint Creek, east part survey 663, crossing same about a mile north of Pone Creek; thence northeast, through survey 870, to road, southeast part survey 1852; thence east, bearing north, to C. & M. V. R. R.; thence northwest, one mile; thence

west one-half mile; thence, with road, northwest to central part survey number 8493; thence north to beginning.


Beginning at a point near the old Draper house, north part survey number 5348, near Rattlesnake Creek; thence northeastwardly to the southern part survey number 802, near the Leesburg road ;


thence east to the southern part survey number 896; thence south to the southern part of survey number 5431; thence southwest, crossing survey number 3434, to Rattlesnake Creek; thence, with the meanders of said creek, to the county line, southern part survey number 1840; thence west, with county line, to southern part survey number 1089; thence, with the line of Fayette and Clinton, to western survey number 1039; thence northeast, crossing surveys 2717, 3991, 5849, and 5880, to the beginning.


Beginning at Sugar Creek, northwest corner survey 896; thence east, with the meanders of said creek, to its mouth; thence southeast, with the meanders of Paint Creek, to the county line; thence west, with the county line, to Rattlesnake Creek; thence north, with Rattlesnake, to western part survey number 3434; thence northeast, with the Green Township line, to the southern part survey number 5431 ; thence north, with said township line, to the beginning.


Beginning at a point in the northern part of survey number 9074, near the C. & M. V. R. R.; thence southwesterly, along the line of Union Township, to Paint Creek; the ncedown Paint to the mouth of Sugar Creek ; thence down Paint to the county line, survey 4132 ; thence northwest to road, survey number 628; thence, with said road, to the beginning.


Beginning at the Pickaway County line, southeastern part survey number 470; thence west to center of survey 8190; thence south to survey number 8493, on the Federal road; thence southeast, along said road, to the west part survey number 5537; thence southeast, with the Wayne Township line, to the county line, east part survey number 4132 ; thence north, with the county line, to the beginning.


Beginning at the northeast corner of Fayette County, northern


part survey number 471; thence west, with the county line, to the northern part survey number 6908; thence southeast to the Marion Township line, center of survey number 8190; thence east, with said line to the Pickaway County line, east part survey number 470; thence north, with said line, to place of beginning.


Beginning at the northeast corner of survey number 6908; thence west, with the county line, to Paint Creek, northwest part survey number 1093; thence south, down said creek, with the meanders there-of; to the Union Township line, west part survey number 6003; thence northeast, with said line, to Marion Township line, east part survey number 8357; thence north, with said line, to the corner of Madison Township, east part survey number 8190; thence north, bearing west, to beginning.