cultivation and at present of the thirty thousand acres of land owned in the township, twenty-seven thousand have been brought under cultivation. In the main this arable land produces excellent crops of wheat, corn and oats, and the fine blue-grass pasture lands afford thousands of horses, cattle, and sheep ample grazing lands. In the pioneer days, the township was covered with an excellent growth of fine hardwood timber—oak, walnut, sugar and some cherry—but these forested areas have melted away before the axes of the incoming settler and their descendants. This cutting away of the forests has had a decided effect upon the drainage of the township, a part of which was formerly covered with swamps. When the city of Xenia was young, its site was so swampy that the hogs of the early residents wallowed in Main street and disported themselves in the ooze of the court house yard. With the cutting away of the timber and the extended use of drain-tile ditches, this has all changed.

The drainage facilities of the township are excellent, for it lies in the basin of the Little Miami river, which, with many of its tributaries, cut courses through the soil of the township. The river enters the township on the north and flows southwestward across the northwest corner. The first tributary of the river on the north in the township is Jacoby branch, which rises in the western part of Miami township, flows southward into Xenia township and empties into the Little Miami a short distance south of Goes station. Conner branch finds its source in the extreme northwestern corner of the township and flows southeastward into the Little Miami. Massies creek, named for Nathaniel Massie who was one of the early dis-trict surveyors of the military land, rises near Cedarville and flows in a general westward direction until it reaches a point a short distance north of Oldtown where it is joined by Oldtown run. The stream then empties into the river about a half-mile northwest from the village of Oldtown. Shawnee run, at the forks of which the site of Xenia was chosen in 1803, enters the Little Miami about three miles and a quarter west and a little north of the county seat. Glady run, a small stream which finds its source in the southeastern part of the township, flows westward a mile and then turns southwest and leaves the township at its southwest corner. This stream then continues southwest and empties into the Little Miami not far from Spring Valley. Caesars creek forms the southeastern boundary of the township.


Before the erection of Xenia township the residents in the greater part of this territory wended their way through the forests southward to the house of William I. Stewart in the town of Caesarsville where they voted as residents of Caesarscreek township. When the commissioners erected the


new township of Xenia at their meeting on August 20, 1805, they ordered the first election in the new township to be held at the house of William A. Beatty, the first tavern keeper and the director of the new town of Xenia, for the purpose of electing the necessary township officers. In order that all elections in the township held during that autumn might be held on the same day, the township election was deferred until the regular fall election on October 14., 1805.

The poll-book of that first election is given with all its excessive capitalization and misspelled words and names; after each misspelled name there follows the correct spelling:

This is a Poll book of the Election held in Xenia Township, Green County, State of Ohio, on October the 14th, in the year of our Lord, one' thousand Eight hundred and five. Alexander McCoy, Henry Henly [Henry] Hanes, John Pull [Paul], Judges, & John Kindal [Kendall] & Charles Moore, Clerks of the Election, were severally sworn as the Law Directs Previous to there [their] Entering on the duties of there [their] Respective offices—as I, one of the justices of the piece [peace] Do Certify.

(Signed) W. M. MCFARLAND.

The Electors.—Josiah Grover, John Burrell, John Paul, John Ruth,. William Yates, William McConnell, Francis McCoy, John Alexander, William Ruth, William King, John Marshall, William McClelling [McClelland], Michael Follom, John Stevens, Samuel Chriswell, John Mendinghall [Mendenhall], Thomas Bull, Richard Bull, William Kindell [Kendall], Bues [ ?] Haregrave [Hargrave], Davis Edge, William Gardner Sutton, Samuel Brazelton, John Anderson, Moses Collier, Jacob Cutler, David McKay, David Bonnor [Bonner], James Spain, James McKay, Moses Hoggate [Hogate], James Dunkin, Bennet Maxey, William Edge, James Hail [Hale], Thomas Simson, Samuel Ruth, John Goode, Daniel Cottrell, Alexander McCoy, Adam McConnell, Thomas Townsley, Robert Bogas, Samuel Anderson, James Bruce, James Towler, Frederick Bonner, Gray Gary, William McFarling [McFarland], Robert Davis, John Luis [Lewis], William Hillis, Berry Ald-ridge, John Hoop, James Townsley, John Gregg, James Bonner, James Morrah [Morrow], James Stevenson, Theodore Spain, James Butlar [Butler], William Gorden [Gordon], Joseph Wilson, Joseph Sterrot [Sterritt], John Townsley, John McCoy, David Hillis, Andrew Gipson [Gibson], William Gipson [Gibson], Joseph Kile [Kyle], Benjamin Hanes, William Stevenson, John Williams, William Anderson, James Barkley [Barclay], Thomas Pirkens [Perkins], Paris Horney, Samuel Kile [Kyle], Richard Mendinghall [Menden-hall], David Lawhead [Laughead], John Ervin, John Hillis, James Porter, Joseph Spencer, Robert McCoy, Membrance [Remembrance] Williams, Nathaniel Porter, Benjamin Laird, James Bull, Charles Moore, John Bull, Henry Haines, Dems [Dempsey] McDaniel, Jacob Steel, Wm. A. Beatty, Alexander McCoy, Jr.

It is Certified by us that the No. of allectors [electors] at this Election amounts to Ninety-six.

Attest :


Charles Moore


John Kendall, Clerks. 


The names of the electors have been given in the order in which they occurred on the poll book, and from this list can be determined the majority of the residents of the township at the time of its erection. It is quite probable that there were some electors in the outlying districts of the town-ship, which extended almost from the Little Miami to Caesars creek and to


the northeast corner of the county, who could not find it convenient to come to Xenia on the day for the election. It is certain that the story of the life of each one of these earliest residents of the township would be most interesting to the present generation of readers, but the narrative of their struggles, joys, sorrows, manner of living and the like is for the most part lost forever.


As is seen in the histories of some of the other townships, additional names of old settlers were found in the old enumeration sheets which were compiled by the listers. It is quite probable that such listing. of "freemen over the age of twenty-one years" was ordered soon after Xenia township was erected, but, if there was such a list, it has unfortunately been lost. The earliest enumeration sheet of the township was compiled by Moses Collier, the authorized lister, in 1807. From his list the names of residents of the township, as it then was bounded, are added, as follows :

William J. Aldridge, John Allen, William Allen, Tames Anderson, John H. Anderson, Daniel Anderson, Samuel Alexander, Mathew Alexander, Angelo Adams, Ephraim Adams, Bartholomew Berra, William Bull, John Boyd, David Boyd, Elias Bromagen, Daniel Boyle. Jonathan Brown, James Bunton, Henry Baldwin, Elisha Bales, Jonathan Bales, Samuel Bone, William Burnside, George Bobletts, Elkanah Bramlett, Henry Bray, Walter Creswell, William Campbell, Benjamin Cutler, Cornelius Collins, James Collier, Joseph Conkelon, Andrew Cronk, John Chambers, Elgin Driskoll, John Donnelly, Andrew Davisson, John Dooley, Elijah Embree, John Ellis, William Ellis, William A. Ellis, Michael Fullam, John Fires, Benjamin Grover, Samuel Gowdy, Thomas Embree, James Gowdy, Robert Gowdy, Samuel Gamble, John Graham, Joseph Graham, Thomas Godfrey, John Galloway, John Gaddis, Mathew Hillis, James Hillis, Sampson Hillis, Jacob Helmick, Joseph Hammel, Robert Hammel, Enos Holland, Tinsley Heath, James Hickman, William Hickman. William Horney, James Hays, Ahab Inman, John Irwin, James Junkin, William Junkin, Arthur Johnson, David Johnson, Reuben Johnson, Phillip Jackson, Abraham Lame, James Lynn, James Lloyd, John Lloyd, Samuel Lynn, William Leonard, John McClure, David Mitchell, John Mitchell, James Miller, Jacob Miller, William Miller, Horatio Maxey, John McFarland, Robert McFarland, David McCoy, James McCoy, Daniel McMillan, John Mitten, John Mattox, James Merrifield, John Marshall, William Morgan, Evan Morgan, Isaac Maitland, Levitt McDaniel, Wilson McDaniel, Isaiah McDaniel, George Merriman, Aaron Mendenhall, Adsit McGuire, Nieuwanger, James Neeley, Sr., James Neeley, Jr., Michael Peterson, John Porter, Joseph Porter, Samuel Picklesimer, William Price, David Price, Eli Pendry, Jonathan Paul, Henry Phenix, John R. Robbins,


Stephen Roper, Alexander Ross, Conrad Richards, Arnold Richards, Andrew Scott, Moses Scott, John Stull, William Stanton, Hezekiah Sanders, Calvin Sayre, James Small, Michael Spencer, James Stevens, John Street, John Sale, Frederick Shagley, John Shagley, John Sterritt, William Stan-field, William Townsley, John Tucker, Joel Thornburgh, Isaac Vandeventer, Jonathan Wallace, Jonathan H. Wallace, Thomas Whalen, James White, William Ward, George Ward, William Witty, John Wilson, Stephen Winter, James Winter, Jesse Watson, John Watson, Arthur Watts.


Since the greater part of the territory of Xenia township lies east of the Little Miami, it falls within the lands which were set apart as a Virginia military reservation for the veteran regiments of Old Dominion in the Revolutionary War. In the list of these lands which follows not all of the sur-veys are included in toto within the borders of the township; it has been the intention to include those surveys which are partly included in the township.

Name of Proprietor.

Survey. No.

No. of Acres

John Jameson

Henry Bell

John Stokes

George Scott

John Woodford

George Gray

William Dark

John Fowler

John Woodford

Warner and Addison Lewis

Warner and Addison Lewis

Warner and Addison Lewis

Warner and Addison Lewis

Warner and Addison Lewis

Warner and Addison Lewis

Warner and Addison Lewis

Jacob Brown

Archibald Campbell

Charles Bradford

Charles Bradford

Lewis Booker

George Holland

William Croghan

John Harvie and Beverley Stubblefield
























4340 and 4422


I ,000


I ,000






















Daniel Bailey

George Galloway

Robert D. Forsman

Pamelia and Penelope Russel William Fowler

Pamelia and Penelope Russell

James Knox

Alexander Parker

James Galloway, Jr.

Warner and Addison Lewis

Archibald Campbell

William McGuire

John Woodford

Richard C. Anderson

John Woodford

Beverley Stubblefield

James Fowler


















4651 and 4626



33 1/2

826 1/3









666 2/3


2,533 1/3




Of these thirty-four original proprietors of military land in Xenia township a few more than one-half were veterans of the Revolutionary War ; they were Lieut. Henry Bell, Lieut. Jacob Brown, Lieut. Charles Bradford, Lieut. Archibald Campbell, Maj. William Croghan, Col. William Dark, Capt. George Gray, Lieut. George Holland, Col. John Jameson, Col. Richard C. Anderson, Capt. John Stokes, Maj. William Russell, Capt. Beverley Stubblefield, Maj. Alexander Parker, Maj. James Knox and Lieut. William McGuire. Moreover, reference to the first poll-books and the first enumeration sheets of the township and of the townships from which Xenia. township was erected, reveals that not one of these original proprietors became residents of the township. The remainder of these original proprietors were either land speculators, who had purchased the land warrants from the veterans, heirs of the old soldiers or district surveyors who had found land in the military reservation for which no warrant had been issued.


Only a small part of the territory of the township falls west of the Little Miami river and is included in the congressional land of the county. This region comprises the northwestern corner of the township, on the western bank of the Little Miami. By section, township and range, these lands are as follows : Fractional sections Nos. 6 and 4 and whole sections No. 5, township 3, range 8; whole sections Nos. 35 and 36 and fractional sections Nos. 23, 28, 29, 33 and 34, township 4, range 8. Unfortunately the remainder of the township was not laid out in regular sections, as is the con-


gressional land, for the irregularity of the military surveys has resulted in many boundary disputes and attending litigation.


The fact that the county seat was established in Xenia township makes the history of the township center in the county seat. The city of Xenia has contained more than half of the population of the township for at least a hundred years, and for a number of years it has contained about one-third the population of the entire county.

So many of the early settlers of the township were residents of the town that there is not much left to say concerning those who settled in the township outside the town. Again, so many of the landowners lived in the town that they are identified with the town rather than with the township. The poll-books and enumeration records which have been cited give the names of all the first settlers of the township, and it is not necessary to enumerate them again.

Prominent among the early settlers of the town and township might be mentioned the following: Frederick Bonner, David Laughead, Henry Hypes, the McCoy family, Hugh Andrew, the Gibson family, John Gregg, the Collins family, Edward Watts, Col. James Morrow, Samuel Goe, James Butler, Thomas Perkins, Remembrance Williams, the Gowdy family, John Lewis, Bennett Maxey, Peter Pelham, Isaac Maitland, Major William Beatty, the Galloway family, Thomas Steele and scores of other families. Most of these concerning whom any definite information has been preserved are noted in the chapter on the history of Xenia.


The official history of the village of Oldtown is not very interesting, certainly not as interesting as the stories which have found a resting place within its now quiet precincts, stories which go back to the times of the Revolutionary War. A brief statement of the official records of the town, however, may be set forth here in order to give it a respectable setting in the urban life of the county.

It was long after it was a village before anyone thought it necessary to plat the site, or take any steps to set it off from the township in which it was located. In fact, probably its most prosperous years had already passed when John Jacoby and John Neimsick decided to plat it. These two men owned the site, or at least, they owned the part that was surveyed, as wit-ness the following document :

The Town of Old Town [formerly always written as two words] was laid out and surveyed by me in the Month of March, 1838, for John Jacoby and John Neimsick, Pro-


prietors, on part of a Military Survey on the Little Miami River, originally made for Henry Bell, No. 359. Sandusky Street, runs North and South and is sixty feet wide. Cross Street runs west from Sandusky Street, 166 feet on the South line and 191 feet on the North line and is also 6o feet wide. [The remainder of the document gives the size of the fifteen lots.]

Given under my hand the 26th day of March, A. D. 1838.


The history of the town for the past seventy years has been uneventful. It has had a succession of small merchants who have served the little com-munity, but its proximity to Xenia has made it impossible for it to grow. At the present time the little hamlet has fewer than two dozen houses, and there is little likelihood that it will ever be any larger. The one store of the village is owned by Fred Towes.



Bath township was organized by the county commissioners pursuant to an order of that body, dated March. 3, 1807, the order stating that the first election was to be held at the house of Andrew Read on April 29, 18437. The township was cut off from Beavercreek township and originally had much more extensive limits than it has today. The order setting forth the provisions for the creation of the township, together with its limits, is here reproduced as it appears on the old records :

Ordered that the Township of Beaver Creek be and the same is hereby divided into two distinct townships by a line running west with the north Boundary of the 5th [illegible word] of Sections in 7th Range of Townships between the Miami River. The south division shall retain the name of Beaver Creek Township, and the first Election Shall be held at the house of Peter Borders in Beaver Creek Township. The north division Shall be called and known by the name of Bath, and the first Election Shall be held at the house of Andrew Read, Esq., April 29, 1807.

This ambiguously defined township seems to have included all of the present Bath township, a small part of Xenia township, most of Miami (certainly to a point east of Yellow Springs), and all that part of the present Clark county north of Bath and such of Miami as it then included. In 1807 there were just four other townships in the county besides Bath : Beavercreek, Sugarcreek and Caesarscreek, the three organized in 1803, and Xenia, which had been organized on August 20, 1805. When Miami was cut off from Bath on June 8, 1808, the latter township was left with its eastern boundary as it is today, that is, so far as Greene county was concerned. But Bath still continued to include a part of the present Clark county until that county was created in December, 1817. As Bath township remains today it contains thirty-seven full sections and the northwest quarter of section 6 in the southeastern corner of the township. This entire township falls within the congressional township land of the county, and, in fact, is the only town-ship in the county that contains no Virginia military land.


The surface of the township is uniformly level, with a few elevations of no consequence scattered here and there over the township, the most important of these slight elevations being known as Read's Hill, lying between sections 14 and 5. The township falls into two river basins, Mad river


on the. west and the Little Miami river on the east, although most of the surface is drained into the latter through Beaver creek. There was formerly a considerable pond immediately east of Fairfield, but it has disappeared. A number of springs are found scattered over the township and they are the feeders for the numerous small streams that thread the entire township. The Mad river basin is very narrow in the township, a fortunate thing considering the proposed change which is going to befall the township on account of this river. Elsewhere is given in detail how the Miami Conser-vancy plan is going to change the history of the northwestern part of Bath township. It is sufficient to state in this connection that when the Huffman retarding basin is finally installed in the township, it remove from township control about seven thousand acres—or about eleven square miles. In general terms, this may be defined as all the land west of the present Ohio electric line, with a narrow strip east of it along the lower part of the line in the township. It is not now possible to indicate what this will mean to the township, but it can not but make a great change in things, especially if, as now planned, the village of Osborn is destroyed.


The task of locating the early settlers of Bath township is rendered difficult because of the fact that the township was a part of Beavercreek township for the first five years of the county's growth, arid also the fact that the original limits of the township included at least twice as much terri-tory as the township does today. Hence a number, probably half, of the settlers enumerated in 1808 did not live within the limits of the township as it stands today with its restricted boundaries.

It was the custom to enumerate all the inhabitants of a new township as soon as it was organized, so as to keep a check on the voters. The enumeration in the newly organized township of Bath was made by David Sleeth. This list includes all the males over the age of twenty-one, the complete list being as 'follows :


James Andrew, Hugh Andrew, William Anderson, John Anderson, John Adams, Darrow Aims, Zachariah Archer, Samuel Aldridge, John Blue, Sr., John Blue, Robert Blue, David Blue, John Black, George Brown, Samuel Brown, Robert Bell, John Burgess, Samuel Butler, Enoch Bot, Richard Ben-nett, Jacob Beall, John Badley, James Beck, William Barton, Thomas Barnes, John Buffanbarger, Joshua Bozarth, John Barton, Thomas Baeton, John Botkins, Adam Chambers, James Chambers, Joseph Carpenter, Christopher, John Carpenter, Isaach Cruzan, Job Clemens, John Casad, Sr., John Casad,


Jr., Aaron Casad, Jacob Casad, Sr., Jacob Casad, Jr., Samuel Casad, Abraham Classmire, Isaac Clemens,. John Crumb, John Cromwell, John Galloway, Ezra Clark, John Cox, Josiah Carson, Dennis Dunn, Benjamin Deever, Mathew Dinsmore, John Driscoll, Robert Davis, Daniel Davis, Robert Dewitt, George Drummond, Abraham Enlow, William Emmett, Robert Flack, Edward Flood, Jonathan Flood, Benjamin French, John Forgy, James Forgy, Daniel Foley, Arthur Forbes, Thomas Fream, William Freal, William Forqueor, Jonas Forqueor, George Foulk, John Goldsby, Edward Goldsby, William Goldsby, Bridge M. Goldsby, John Goldsby, Sr., James Grimes, Samuel Grimes, John Grimes, William Gregory, James M. Galloway, David Grummen, James Grummen, Nimrod Haddix, William Haddix, John Hall, Jacob Hall, Richard Hall, William Hamilton, Frederick Hosier, Peter Hosier, Ezekiel Hopping, Jeremiah Hopping, Moses Hopping, David Hopping, George Harner, Charles Hefley, Samuel Hulie, Jacob Harbine, David Humphrey, James Johnson, Sr., William Johnson, Arthur Johnson, George Kerkendale, Adam Koogler, Solomon Kershner, Sr., Solomon Kershner, Jr., John Knox, Solomon Kelley, William Lowe, John Lee, Warton Lampton, Justus Luce, Benjamin Luce, Elisha Ladley, John Lardee, Jacob M. Marshall, George Minral, Jonathan Mercer, Robert Mercer, James Miller, Benjamin Miller, Martin Miller, James Miller, Sr., Christopher Miller, Aaron Miller, William Martin, John Martin, William Mears, Daniel Moore, Richard Moore, Sr., Richard Moore, Jr., John Morgan, Charles McGuire, John McCullough, William McClure, Mathias McClure, John McKage, Joseph McCord, Will-iam McKenzie, Joseph McCune, Alexander McNary, Alexander McHugh, Samuel McKenney, John McPherson, John McGillard, James McDermit, McDermond, John Nelson, Philip Petro, Nicholas Petro, Paul Petro, William Pasel, Andrew Reid, Jesse Rush, Jacob Rush, John Rue, John Rouse-grant, Jacob Ryan, David Read, Jacob Rudy, Henry Sidensticker, Sebastian Shroufe, Sr., Sebastian Shroufe, Jr., Christian Shroufe, Samuel Stewart, John Stewart, Isaac Stout, John Sleeth, David Sleeth, John Smith, Mathias Smith, William Smith, Spencer Smith, Thomas Seymour, Samuel Stits, Evers Stevens, Borxeen Stout, George Shannon, Elijah Stibbins, Francis Sipe, William Stevens, Simon Shover, Samuel Shoup, Jacob Stoker, William Stoker, Joseph Tatman, James Tatman, Peter Taylor, Joseph Taylor, Isaac Taylor, David Taylor, Henry Taylor, John Templeton, Joseph Tole, Jacob Trubee, John Trubee, Silas Trowbridge, -John Tingley, Christopher Trubee, Micajah Tole, Joseph adkins, Richard Wise, Ziba Winget, Samuel Winget, Reuben Winget, Jacob Wilson, John Wilson, Michael Wilson, Christian Wil-son, Valentine Wilson, Robert Wolbum, Benjamin Whiteman, Ebenezer Wheeler, George Wolf, John Wolf, Sr., John Wolf, Jr., Andrew Westfall, Jacob Vandevanter, Peter Vandevanter, Cornelius Vandevanter.


This list contains the names of two hundred and twenty-six men of voting age, but how many of them lived within the present limits of Bath township will never be known. It is certain that the Clifton and Yellow Springs settlers were listed with the Bath township residents, while a considerable number of them must have lived in what is now Clark county. At the election held at the house of Andrew Read on April 29, 1807, Read himself was elected justice of peace for the west half of this extensive town-ship and Thomas Fream was elected to the same office for the eastern half of the township. It seems that Fream was postmaster at Yellow Springs at this time, a position that he had held since his first appointment on April 1, 1805. James Miller, also here enumerated, followed Fream as postmaster at Yellow Springs on October 1, 1810. Again, it may be noted that another one of the above named voters of Bath, Christopher Shroufe, followed Miller as postmaster at Yellow Springs on October 1, 1813.


The first settler in Bath township appears to have been well established some years before the county was even organized in 1803. The year 1800 saw a family by the name of Mercer located on a tract a mile and a half south of the present village of Osborn. Just when the Mercer family came from Virginia to the township is not definitely known, but it was a year or two before 1800. It seems certain that crops were being raised in the township when George Washington was still living.

Mercer had preempted a large tract at twenty-five cents an acre, his tract including the site of a large Indian village which had just been deserted only a few years before by the Indians, who, if tradition is right, had been driven from their village by a band of Kentuckians. The Mercers made the township their permanent home, one of the most prominent of the family being H. R. Mercer, who died on June 1, 1873, at the age of seventy.

In 1799 or 1800 there arrived from Kentucky and Virginia a number of families, among whom were the following : George Wolf, Adam Koogler, John Cox and William 'Wilson. The first child born in the township was Benjamin Wolf, whose birth is recorded in 1800. The settlers recorded in list of those of voting age in 1808 came largely from Kentucky and Virginia, but it is impossible to trace the sequence of their settlement in the township. It is known, however, that by the time of the opening of the War of 1812 that the township was fairly well settled. During the first decade of the past century there came into the township William, Adam and John Chambers, John and Robert Kirkwood, Nimrod Haddix, James and Joseph Tatman, Robert Frakes and Abraham Huffer. It is not certain that all of these men were living in the present limits of the township, but


most of them were; all have been credited to the township as it now stands.

William Stevenson, Sr., came from Kentucky with his wife and family in 1803 and located a mile and a half east of the present town of Osborn. He had four sons : William, James, Peter and John, the first named being a soldier in the War of 1812. William Stevenson, Sr., died November 1, 1834. There was a large number of the Stevensons in the early history of Bath township, and their descendants are still living in the township.

The Hosier family came from Shenandoah county, Virginia, in 1803, and located on a tract between the present village of Osborn and Fairfield. John Hunt had preempted the land, but Jacob Hosier bought the preemption rights of Hunt for twenty-five cents an acre and paid the government two dollars an acre for the land. At that time there was one lonely cabin on the site of the village of Fairfield. In 1819, John Hosier, one of the sons of Frederick Hosier, married Mary Haddix, a daughter of Nimrod Haddix, one of the most prominent of the first settlers of the township. John Hosier died on December 24, 1869, at the age of eighty-one and is buried at Fairfield. Most of the other members of the Hosier family located in Beavercreek township.

Nimrod Haddix, Sr., came to Bath township in 1803 to make his permanent home and lived there until he was accidentally killed in 1820 by falling from a load of hay. His son, John, coming in at the same time, died on March 29, 1884, at the age of ninety-seven, and is buried in the Cox cemetery in Bath township. Many- interesting stories are related about Nimrod Haddix.


Every township collects narratives of incidents of interest during the course of a century and Bath has its full share. Some are true, some not, and others combine both fictional and factual features, but all of them have a certain interest to those who call this township their home.

A Murder Story.—About the year 1809 sums of money were stolen on the same night from the homes of John Wolf and Dr. John G. Folck, the first robberies of any consequence in the township. About the same time a peddler was robbed and .his murdered body thrown into a well nearby. The three robberies were apparently the work of the same party or parties. A number of persons were suspected of the robberies and murder, and finally a man by the name of Kent was arrested on general grounds. It was not possible at the time to fix the crimes on him, but while he was in jail he managed to make his escape through the efficient assistance of a two-inch auger. He was never apprehended, but, so the story goes, he was seen in Canada a number of years later by one of the residents of Bath township


who knew him. Kent informed this man that he could make some startling revelations if he so felt disposed, but it seems that he was not so disposed. Although it was generally supposed that he was connected with the robberies and murder, yet nothing more was done about the matter.


Mad river runs across the northwestern corner of Bath township, and in the early days of the county's history it was sometimes used to carry produce down the river. This was done especially in the spring of the year, when there was an abundance of water, but it is probable that little trafficking was ever done up the river. The first settlers cut out bridle paths through the woods, but it was at least twenty years after Mercer came to the town-ship before they had any paths which might be dignified by the name of roads. One exception to this statement must be made in the case of the road which ran through the township connecting Dayton and Springfield. From early days the road between these two cities led through Bath township, and today this is one of the fine roads of the county, the road being what is known as an inter-county highway. The '50s saw the first railroad through the township, the Mad River line, and this made a great change in the growth of the township. The township now has two steam roads and one electric line running through the Mad river valley, all three lines passing through the village of Osborn, and the electric line through Fairfield. However, it now appears that both steam roads will be changed and run east of Fairfield about half a mile east of the town.


On May 19, 1841, in the days of John Tyler, William Sensiman had recorded a town bearing the name of Tylersville, located in Bath township, on the northwest quarter of section 12. The plot contained 7.38 acres divided into twenty-five lots, 50 by 19472 feet, the lots being stretched in a row along the north side of the road running between Yellow Springs and Dayton.

There has been a store of some kind at Byron since the beginning of its existence, but it is practically impossible to trace its shifting ownership. One of the best remembered of the old-time store-keepers—the title of all the merchants of the place—was the late Mitchell J. Ennis, who began business here in May, 1861, and continued to deal in postage stamps, sugar, calico and other commodities from that time until his death in 1887. As near as can be determined Ennis first became identified with Byron shortly after the place was platted in 1841 ; it may have even been during the course of that year. He had learned the saddlery trade as a youth and in the fore part of the '40s located his shop at Byron, then called Tylersville, and for


eight years made harness and did all kinds of leather work for the community. He then began clerking in the one store of the place, the store being owned by the firm of Shaner & Wilson, who were probably the first merchants in the place, and the next decade found Ennis clerking in the village store. It passed from the hands of Shaner & Wilson to Folkerth & Son, and from the latter to Wolf & Son. It appears that Ennis bought out Wolf & Son in May, 1861 ; at least, he secured the store in that year and from that time until his death on September 11, 1887, he combined the duties of postmaster with his mercantile business. He had been born in Sugarcreek township on April 30, 1818, and was therefore sixty-eight years of age at the time of his death. He never married. He was a Mason and Oddfellow and had held all the chairs in both lodges. For nearly half a century he was a prominent figure in the life of his community.

It is probable that the first blacksmith at Byron was Jacob Griner, and it seems certain that he was located there several years before the town was platted. William Wilson entered his shop as an apprentice and after three years in the shop, spent one year traveling as a journeyman blacksmith, after which he returned to Byron and bought the shop and tools of Griner. For eighteen years he kept the shop, selling it in order to locate on a farm which he had bought. He farmed for a number of years and in 1872 he removed to Fairfield, where he died on December 4, 1881. Griner died at Dayton on January 1, 1882, and is buried at Fairfield. Guy Lindamood has been located at the village for a number of years with a blacksmith shop. Julius Wilson is the proprietor of the only store in the place, having succeeded Charles Watt, who had been there several years. There are now about twenty-five persons living in the little hamlet.


The latter part of March, 1913, witnessed the most devastating flood in the valley of the Great Miami river basin within its history. While this flood caused comparatively little damage in Greene county, yet as a result of this flood a comprehensive scheme to prevent the recurrence of such a disaster has been planned which, when completed, will include a part of the county. Therefore, in this present history of Greene county it is necessary to discuss this scheme in so far as it relates to the county.

A brief account of the flood is apropos. The rainfall began on March 23, 1913, and continued until March 25, during which time there was an average precipitation of 8.8 inches over the basin of the Great Miami river. The net result of this unprecedented rainfall was an enormous loss of life, property and land values. It is known that three hundred and sixty-one people lost their lives, and there are others who were never accounted for.


There were also thirty-two commitments to the insane hospital, each case being specifically attributed to the horrors attendant on the flood. The property loss has been estimated at $67,383,574, an amount which does not include the depreciation of land and property values because of subsequent conditions arising from the flood. Of this staggering amount the loss at Dayton alone is set forth at $47,254,200 and that of Hamilton and Butler county at $9,568,224. The Big Four Railroad estimated its loss at $1,250,000; the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton at $1,000,000; the Erie Railroad at $25,000; various electric lines at $2,000,000.

Before the flood had fairly subsided plans were begun to make a study of the Great Miami basin with a view to preventing the recurrence of such a catastrophe in the future. It is not necessary in this connection to enter into a discussion of all the schemes proposed; but for the purpose at hand, it may be stated that it was finally decided to build a number of so called retarding basins—five in number—which were to act in the nature of reservoirs, and in that way place such a check on the flow of water as to prevent devastating floods.

In order to get the situation into a tangible shape so as to proceed, the General Assembly of the state passed an act on February 6, 1914, cited as "Conservancy Act of Ohio," and under this act all the work has been planned and will be carried through to completion. The cost of the undertaking has been estimated from ten to twenty millions, the cost to fall upon the benefited property owners.


The basin of the Great Miami river includes only one entire county—Miami—but it includes practically all of Montgomery, Preble, Butler, Darke, Shelby, Logan, Champaign and Clark, with portions of Hamilton, Warren, Mercer, Auglaize, Hardin and Greene. All of Greene county in the basin lies in Bath township, in the extreme northwestern corner of the county. As has been stated, the plan as now outlined provided for five retarding basins : Lockington, in Shelby county; Englewood and Taylorsville, largely in Miami county, but reaching down into Montgomery county; Huffman in Greene county, backing up slightly into Clark county, and lastly, the Germantown retarding basin in Preble and Montgomery counties. Of these basins, the Taylorsville is the largest (1,133 square miles) and the Huffman next in size (671 square miles)

This discussion is concerned only with the Huffman retarding basin, taking its name from Huffman's mill on Mad river in Bath township. The scheme contemplates the taking over of approximately 7,324 acres of land



in the township, the condemned tract including the town of Osborn. The head of the retarding basin will be covered by a dam 3,340 feet long, the top of which will be at an elevation of 850 feet. The dam will occupy parts of the southwest and northwest quarter of sections 7 and 8. At an elevations of 785 feet, which is the average surface elevation of the valley at the point where the dam is to be built, the dam will be 38o feet thick.

The construction of the dam will require the relocation of the Spring-field pike, the Ohio electric railway, and the Big Four railroad on the south side of the valley, and of the Valley pike and the Erie railroad on the north side. The concrete spillway weir will be located on solid rock near the Mad river channel on the south side of the valley. Through the base of this structure will pass the three equal horseshoe-shaped outlet conduits. The entrances to these conduits will be rounded so as to facilitate the flow of water as much as possible; and the conduits will empty through carefully tapered channels into a single combined passageway leading back to the river bed.


The question naturally arises here—what is to become of the two towns of Fairfield and Osborn in Bath township? It is not yet definitely decided, but it seems certain that the town of Fairfield will be practically unaffected. It lies at the extreme eastern edge of the basin in section 27, and, as originally planned, could have had perfect protection by the construction of a levee on the west side of the town. However, the residents and property holders, rather than have to bear the expense of the levee, agreed to accept such damages as might fall on them in case they were invaded by a flood. It now seems that the town will not be protected by a levee.

The case of Osborn is quite different. The town lies about three miles northeast of the dam, a distance which under ordinary floods renders it practically immune from danger. However, in case of a flood of extreme height the water may back up into the town to varying depths, but not to exceed nine feet. For this reason it appears that the town will be doomed and have to be condemned.

At the present time it is impossible to estimate with any degree of accuracy the amount of money it will take to pay for the condemned land in Bath township. The nearest estimate that has been made by the conservancy board of the value of land in the township which it will be necessary to purchase—and exclusive of the town of Osborn—is $1,500,000. It will cost practically the same amount to purchase the town. It means a complete change in the northwest corner of Bath township, a change that only future developments will be able to realize.



The village of Fairfield is the third oldest village in the county according to the plat records on file in the recorder's office, its plat bearing the date of March 12, 1816. The proprietors of the town were Joseph Tatman, Samuel Casad and William Casad, the latter two being brothers, and all three men among the earliest settlers in the township. The village was laid out on the main road between Springfield and Dayton, this being the determining factor in its location. The town is one of the few in the county that was originally laid out "square with the world," its streets being laid out due north and south and east and west. There were one hundred and fifty-one lots in the original plat and it has never been necessary to make any additions to the town to take care of the increased population. It never had a chance to be anything more than a mere hamlet after the Mad River railroad went through the township and missed it by a mile. The subsequent establishment of the town of Osborn on the railroad, a mile from Fairfield, completely dashed whatever hopes the people of Fairfield may have entertained as to the future of their village.

But time brings great changes. It is an ill wind that brings no good to someone or something. While it is yet too early to tell what is going to happen, there is now every indication that the March flood of 1913 is going to mean a new Fairfield. The building of the great Huffman retarding basin is going to bring about a change in the location of the tracks of the two railroads through the township, the obliteration of the town of Osborn—and, as it appears at this writing, the rejuvenation of the town of Fairfield. As now planned the two steam roads will be relocated so as to pass east of Fairfield, the electric line already going through the village, and the town will soon be as thriving a place of business as its unfortunate sister town. The town is enjoying a boom (spring of 1918), more lots are being sold, more civic energy is now manifest than at any time since the first railroad ran through the township on New Year's Day, 185o. The next history of the county will Undoubtedly have an interesting story to tell of the rebirth of Fairfield, but the present historian can only give a hint as to what this story may be.

Little is known of the early history of the town of Fairfield. The hundred years which have elapsed since the village was first laid out have seen a succession of business enterprises come and go; a succession of physicians; a succession of artisans of all kinds ; a succession of citizens who have been glad to call it their home. Its history has not been unlike that of a thousand other towns of the same size scattered over the great Middle West of our country. It has had its ups and downs, its lean years, and its fat years, but through the century of its existence it has quietly gone on its


way, never pretending to be anything more than a village, never assuming any metropolitan airs. It has had its schools and its churches and these have faithfully performed their respective functions to the end that education and religion might be diffused among its people. And thus has it lived for a century.


All of the early history of Fairfield which is here presented was prepared by Mrs. A. L. Shuey for a special edition of the Osborn Local, July 4, 1895, and the historian is glad to give her credit for preserving much valuable data which would otherwise have been lost forever.

The first dry-goods and grocery store was opened by Daniel Shoup in 1832. The first school house made its appearance in 1829 ; the first flour-mill was erected and operated by a man of the name of Crawford, the millwright being Madison Dryden; the first blacksmiths were William Hinkle and Reuben Casad. The first hotel was opened by Elisha Searls, the date not known, although it is certain that Stephen Reader had a hotel here as early as 1831. In fact, it is stated that there were three hotels in operation in the '30s. Another of the proprietors was Adam Compton.

Jesse Ragan was an early wagon-maker, his shop being in a large double log house. Conrad Curtis was a cabinet-maker and funeral director, and had the first turning-lathe in the town. Joseph Light was a grocer of the '30s and '40s, later adding a tin-shop to his grocery. Peter Keplinger succeeded him in the business. Other business men of the ante-bellum days included the following: Joseph Deveres and Charles Cummins, tanners; John Louk, Abraham Brake, Henry R. Musser and a man of the name of Holloway, butchers; Joseph Cohen, Louis McCarty and J. D. Bacon, tailors ; Robert Wilkinson, Filbert Bacon and one Wiferd, shoemakers ; Jonathan Coalston, Joseph Coalston, John Griner and William Snediker, carpenters ; Elias Cord and Arthur Coffield, coopers ; John and Peter Stull, plasterers; _______ Ginger, gunsmith ; ______ Selma, stonecutter; Joseph Kneisley, blacksmith.

Dr. Randolph R. Greene and Doctor Rush constructed a brick building in 1834 for their offices, the same building being in later years used by Peter Lang as a meat market. For many years the Methodists had the only church in the town, one of the early pastors being James Finley. The first person interred in the village cemetery was a Mrs. Hare, the second, John Peck, the latter's interment taking place in 1849. The year 1834 saw William Low as justice of the peace and William K. Sturge as constable.

In the latter part of the '70s the town boasted of one dry goods store, one drug store, two groceries, and a so called notion store. It also had at this time two wagonshops, two blacksmith shops and one grist-mill. Three


physicians were then trying to keep the people in sufficiently good health to provide a living for themselves, and the one lawyer hoped to keep them out of all legal entanglements. Their religious life was ministered unto by three churches, Methodist Episcopal, Baptist and Reformed. A school building of three rooms sufficed to take care of all the children of the town and immediate community.


The village of Fairfield now has a population of about three hundred and fifty, with one hundred and five dwelling houses. It is now smaller than it was prior to the Civil War, its population, as nearly as the oldest citizens can recall, really having reached its maximum in the '50s, at which time it had about five hundred people. There seems to be no doubt that the building of the great Huffman retarding basin will mean a very considerable addition to the population, but it is impossible in the spring of 1918 to estimate how much this will mean to the town. Lots are now selling for varying prices up to five hundred dollars and this would seem to indicate that some people have the idea. that the town is going to witness a heavy addition to its population.

The interurban line, connecting Dayton and Springfield, has been in operation through the village of Fairfield since February 2, 1900. From forty to fifty men in the spring of 1918 were living in the town and making the daily trip back and forth to Dayton where they found employment, this being made possible because of the electric line. As now planned the two steam roads running through Osborn will be relaid about half a mile east of Fairfield, and this will mean that the town will expand in that direction.

The town has had two notable fires in its history. The first one was in 1868, when the buildings on Dayton street from the southwest corner of Dayton and Xenia streets were burned. The other fire occurred on March 26, 1908, between nine and ten o'clock in the morning, when the opera house burned to the ground. This building had formerly been the Baptist church, but after its congregation had dwindled away, it was converted into an opera house. Another fire of small dimensions, but with the only death that has ever resulted from a fire in the town, was the one which destroyed the town hall in the latter part of the '70s. There was a prisoner in the lock-up by the name of Greene, and it was always supposed that he set fire to the building. He was burned with the building. The present little frame structure used as the town hall was built immediately after the fire. The town hall now contains the mayor's office and a lock-up, the latter having a substantial iron cage in it.


In the "good old days" the town had its share of saloons, there beingi three at one time. The last saloon, operated by one William H. Parsons, disappeared in the latter part of the '90s. The next to the last vender of intoxicating liquors was Leo Weldy, who betook himself and his stock of goods to Dayton. The town has now been without a licensed saloon for more than twenty years.


From the best evidence it appears that the village was first incorpo-rated in the spring of 1834. At least, the first code of ordinances for its government bears the date of May 6, 1834. The first mayor was Robert Mercer. The mayors of the town since 1834 have served in the following order, Robert Mercer, 1834; M. B. Hill, 1835; Robert Mercer, 1837; S. E. Bennett, 1842; Charles Cummins, 1852; Robert Mercer, 1858; G. R. T. Clark, 1860; William Smith, 1867; John Harrison, 1870; William Greene, 1874; Dr. E. Myers, 1879; N. T. Guthridge, 1880; A. L. Shuey, 1886; C. R. Titlow, 19432; Zebulon T. Hebble, 19̊8; Otto A. Wilson, 1912.

The complete list of town officials in 1918 follows: O. A. Wilson, mayor; C. F. Snediker, clerk; George H. Stiles, treasurer; John Esterline, marshal; John Esterline, assessor; A. W. Koogler, . A. Wilson, Frank Graham, Charles F. Downey, H. A. Cosler and R. O. Routzong, councilmen.


The war department located one of its several aviation fields adjoining the village of Fairfield in the summer of 1917 and this has resulted in more people visiting the town during the past year than in all the previous years of its history. The field, known as the Wilbur Wright Aviation Field, contains about twenty-five hundred acres and is one of the best equipped fields which the war department has provided for the training of aviators. There are accommodations for several thousand men, and in the summer of 1918 the field was filled to its fullest capacity. The first soldiers arrived at the camp on June 2, 1917, and there have been some men there ever since, al-though during the winter of 1917-18 most of them were taken to southern camps.


Automobile dealer, William Evans; blacksmith, D. E. Knisley, Edwin Knisley; carpenters and contractors, Snediker Brothers; cement workers, Sower Brothers; churches, Methodist Episcopal, Reformed; garage, Adam Longstretch; general store, Frank Herr; grist mill, Orville Armstrong; grocery, Wesley Koogler, William L. Douglass, R. . Routzong; hotel, C.


L. Hoagland; ice-cream parlor, William L. Douglass; justice of the peace, A. L. Shuey; mayor,. O. A. Wilson; meat market, Wesley Koogler ; notary, A. L. Shuey, O. A. Wilson ; painters and decorators, Wilson & Bressler; physician, H. A. Cosler; postmaster, W. L. Douglass; restaurant, Hufford Hagenbuck, F. O. Wingart, Harry Kline; shoe cobbler, John Beaver ; saw-mill, Downey Brothers.



Miami township was organized out of parts of Xenia and Bath townships pursuant to an order of the commissioners, dated June 8, 1808. The original boundary of the township as defined by the commissioners was as follows:

Ordered by the commissioners that a new Township be laid off in the county of Greene. Beginning at the northeast corner of Section, No. 6, in Town 3, 8th Range ; then south to the northeast corner of section of No. 5 in the 3rd Township 7th Range thence due East to the East boundary of Greene county to be called and known by, the name of Miami township. And that the first meeting of Electors in said township for the purpose of holding Township Election be in the house of David S. Brodrick at the Yellow Springs on the last Saturday in June, inst.

Isaiah Grover was ordered to survey the south boundary of the new township from where it crossed the Little Miami river to the eastern bound-ary of the county.

This description is very difficult to follow, and particularly because so much of the township was in what is now Clark county. There was no Clark county until March 1, 1818, and consequently all of the northern townships of Greene county included parts of what became Clark county in that year. The northwest corner of the Miami township of 1808 adjoined Champaign county and was in the present Mad River township of Clark county, two miles north of the. northeast corner of Bath township as now constituted. From this corner of Miami township. its west line extended south seven miles to the south line of Bath township; thence east to. the pres-ent east line of Greene county; thence north to the Champaign county line ; thence west to the place of beginning.

The township lost a considerable stretch of its territory when Ross was organized on March 4, 1811. When Clark county was set off on March 1, 1818, Miami township was reduced to practically its present limits. It took a second act of the General Assembly to straighten out the Greene-Clark line. It appears that Gen. Benjamin Whiteman, then a resident of Clifton, had been thrown into the newly organized Clark county and he objected. He raised such an objection and was possessed of so much influence that he had a bill introduced into the General Assembly for the express purpose of legislating him back into Greene county. The act of January 25, 1819, so changed the Greene-Clark line that Whiteman was left in Greene county.


A complete explanation of this northern boundary line is given in the chapter on County Organization.

But this was not the end of the troubles that the county commissioners had in getting the limits of Miami township fixed as they are today. The records show that no fewer than three times in after years, efforts were made to rectify the line between Miami and Ross townships. These three efforts were in 1828, 1832 and 1843. Let the commissioners' records tell the story :

Ordered by the Commissioners that Moses Collier, Esq., do proceed on or before the 14th inst. to Survey and mark the line between Miami and Ross Townships. Beginning at the North East corner of Xenia Township and running north until it strikes the Clark County line. June 5, 1828.

Ordered that the line between Miami & Ross Townships be changed and established in the manner following: To start at the present corner of said Townships being an elm in the line of Xenia Township, running northwesterly with the said Xenia Township line 145 poles so as to include the new road leading to South Charleston ; thence a due North course until it strikes the line of Clark County. March 7, 1832.

Samuel Kyle was appointed by the commissioners at their June session, 1843, to survey and make a plot of a line of partition between Ross and Miami townships on a petition presented to the commissioners to attach a part of Ross to Miami township. On August 184.3, Kyle made the following report :

Pursuant to an order from the Honorable Board of Commissioners of Greene County, bearing date of their term of June. 1843, requiring the survey and the plot of the line of partition between Ross and Miami Townships. To begin at the new corner of Miami Township in Xenia Township, North line Running Eastwardly with said line to the original corner of Miami in the Ross [township) line ; thence South with [the] Xenia and Ross [township] line to the south line of Wright's survey ; thence Eastwardly with the line of said survey and the North line of William Thorn's [survey], North to the Clark County line ; thence with the county line West to the Miami and Ross corner in said county line; thence with the line of said townships to the Beginning. The undersigned proceeded to survey the same, Beginning at a stake, white oak, hickory and black oak, southeast corner of Miami Township and running thence S. 89 [degrees] E. 145 poles crossing Massies creek at 20 poles to a burr oak, elm and jack oak. [at] corner to Xenia Township; thence S. [degree] W. 394 poles to the two hickories and elm in Xenia Township line; thence with the southerly line of Wright's survey N. 56 [degrees] E. 802 poles to [Wright's and William Thorn's corner] three Burr oaks ; thence N. 392 poles crossing Massies creek at 293 poles to a stake in the line of Clark County ; thence West 12 poles to a stake ; thence North 175 poles to a stake ; thence N. 86% [degrees] W. 794 poles to a stake new corner to Miami Township; thence South 673 poles to the Beginning. Containing 3,939 acres or 6 15/100 square miles. All of which is respectfully submitted. August 11th, 1843.



Miami township as originally constituted had considerable military land within its limits, but since it has been reduced to its present size it has lost most of it. All that part of the township east and south of the Little Miami


river falls within the Virginia Military Survey. This leaves about twenty-four sections of Congress land in the township. There are only seven mili-tary surveys wholly or in part in the township. The proprietors of these surveys, their number and acreage are set forth in the following table :


Survey No.


Samuel Finley

Francis Whiting

James Galt

Robert Randolph

James Fowler

Samuel Oldham

James Galloway, Jr.
















Miami township is all within the basin of the Little Miami river, the river flowing across the township from northeast to southwest, a little south of the middle of the township. The surface is just rolling enough to admit of easy natural drainage. Yellow Springs creek, which runs through the town of the same name, is a stream of considerable size and one of the most picturesque water courses in the county. The valuable out-cropping of stone has made the stone industry- of Miami township one of its most profitable industries for the past half century and more.


The Miami township of 1808 included a wide stretch of territory and it must be remembered that it took in a goodly strip off of the present Clark county. The lister's report on the township for 1808 gives the following tax-payers for that year, the first year of the existence of the township: John Adams, John Ambler, John Anderson, William Anderson, William Andrew, William Alban, Thomas Barnes, William Berry, John Berry, Thomas Bar-ton, John Blue, David. S. Broderick, Owen Batman, James Beck, Widow Bradfute, Widow Curry, Elizabeth Currie, William Cottren, Cornelius Collins, John Calloway, Widow Dewitt, Owen Davis, Rachel Duffy, Robert Davis, Ephraim Enlow, William Edge, Thomas Freeman, Arthur Forbes, William Freal, Daniel Foley, Michael Folm, John Garlough, David Garrison, John Gowdy, Mathew Gibson, Widow Goldsby, Sarah Goldsby, John Goldsby, George Goldsby, Edward Goldsby, John Graham, David Hopping, Ezekiel Hopping, Samuel Hulie, David Humphreyville, Christopher Hulinger, Joseph Huston, Jacob Hubble, William Johnson, John Knox, Elisha Leslie, Justice Luse, Christopher Lightfoot, George Logan, Daniel Mann, Maurice Miller, Benjamin Miller, Jacob Miller, John Morland, Sr., John Morland, Jr., Will-


iam Morland, William M. Martin, James Martin, Robert Mitchell, Andrew Moodie, William Miars, John McClelland, Alexander McCullough, Moses Napp, William Passel, Michael Peterson, Alexander Russell, Conrad Richards, Abraham Runion, John Riley, John Ray, John Rosegrants, John Stew-art, Samuel Stewart, James Stewart, Abraham Stout, Isaac Stout, Sebastian Shrouf, Christopher Shrouf, Evan Stevens, Francis Sipe, Henry Taylor, George Taylor, Cornelius Vandevanter, David Vance, John Vance, John Walker, Robert Walburn, James Willetts, Ebenezer Wheeler and John Williams. The lister was James Stewart.

In the above list are scheduled ninety-six taxpayers, eight of whom are women. How many of these ninety-six lived in the township as it now exists will never be known. But the list does contain all that actually did live in the township who were taxpayers. How many were there who paid no taxes is another point which is impossible to determine, but there must have been a few of this class. They were merely squatters and most of them soon moved on to other places.


The absence of any written records of the early lives of the pioneers of Miami township renders it difficult to set forth at this late day much definite information regarding the sturdy men and women who braved the wilderness of the township in the fore part of the last century. The name of the first settler is a matter of dispute. Some asseverate that it was a man of the name of Lewis Davis ; others are equally certain that it was a German of the name of Sebastian Shroufe. It seems, however, that the honor falls to Davis.

Lewis Davis lies today beneath a large boulder along the state road six miles west of Bellefontaine, Logan county, Ohio, and his story is buried with him. From scattering sources of information it is possible to make out a traditional record of his career so far as Greene county is concerned. It appears that Davis was living on the present site of Dayton about 1800, and that there he met an Indian maid who, for some reason, struck up an acquaintance with him, or it may have been vice versa; at least, so the story goes, this daughter of the forest informed Davis that there was a wonderful country around the vicinity of the present Yellow Springs, that there was a spring there which was well worthy of a visit. Davis is not said to have married the girl, although it would have added a flavor to the story if he had, but he did go to see the country described by her, and was so favorably impressed with it that he went to Cincinnati and entered the tract now comprising the village of Yellow Springs. This much is certain, whether it was the result of his