in the high and normal schools of Hillsborough, Ohio, after which he taught school for two years in this county, teaching at New Jasper and at Roxanna. He then entered the Louisville Medical College and Kentucky School of Medicine, from which he was graduated in 1893. In September of that year he located at Spring Valley, where he continued to practice until his death, August 18, 1916, as the result of an automobile accident.

Of the physicians of the county of a later generation the following are represented in the biographical volume of this work : George Anderson, Henry F. Baker, H. A. Cosler, George Davis, Paul D. Espey, W. H. Finley, W. A. Galloway, Horace R. Hawkins, L. M. Jones, C. A. Lindsay, C. G. McPherson, Reed Madden, A. C. Messenger, C. E. Ream, W. S. Ritenour, David E. Spahr, S. Maria Stewart, John Turnbull, A. N. Vanderman, L. C. Walker, Andrew Winter and Ida C. Woolsey.


Since 1896 there has been a law requiring the registration of all the physicians in Ohio by counties. The local medical association of Greene county has a complete list of all the physicians of the county who have been registered in the county since this law went into effect. The following pages present the list as furnished by the secretary of the association. It will be noticed that the year of graduation from medical college is given, together with their places of practice. In case the present location of the physician is known it is also indicated. This list of one hundred and two physicians follows, those- now practicing in the- county being set out in italic :


Adams, Frank C., Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, 19o1; Bellbrook, 1904; Waynesville, 1909; Clifton, 1910; Yellow Springs, 1917.

Adams, J. R., Ohio Medical University, Columbus, 1905; Jamestown, 1905; Milledgeville, Ohio, 1908.

Anderson, George, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, 1891; Alpha.

Bailey, Frank R., University of Pennsylvania, 1913; Western Pennsylvania Hospital Reserve, July, 1913; Xenia, July, 1914; Pittsburgh, March, 1915. 

Baldwin, Ira W., Medical College of Ohio, March, 1867; Xenia; died, February 4, 1902.

Baker, Henry F., Pulte Medical College, 1873; Yellow Springs.

Bedinger, David W., Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, 1902; Bellbrook; Spring \Talley, 1909.

Blackford, George, Pulte Medical College (Homoepathic), Cincinnati, 1904; Xenia, 1906; Middletown, 1907.

Brundage, Alfred H., Albany Medical College, June, 1856; Xenia; died December 1o,


Brundage, Lawrence M., Medical College of Ohio, March, 189o; Xenia ; died August 1, 1908.

Bryan, Clyde Alvin, Starling Medical College, 1896; Osborn, 1896.

Campbell, Bailey W., Medical College of Ohio, 1896; Osborn, 1896; moved to Dayton.

Carey. Simeon, Medical College of Ohio, 1858; Spring Valley, ,896; deceased.

Clark, Charles, Miami Medical College, 1891; Jamestown; died in Cincinnati.

Collins, Foster K., Philadelphia Medical, 1899; Philadelphia.


Cosler, Harry Abram, Ohio Medical University, Columbus, 1902; Fairfield, 1905.

Crabill, Thomas Voss, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1893; Osborn, 1895.

Curtis, John Lidney, Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, 1896; _____ , 1900.

Dale, Joseph E.. Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, April, 1894; Yellow

Springs; Ft. Collins, Colorado.

Darnell, William Turner (colored), Jenner Medical College, Chicago, 1908; Xenia, 1910; Medical Officers Reserve Corps, 1917.

Davis, George, Medical College of Ohio, 1900; New Jasper, 1900.

Deardorf, William, Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, June, 1895; Jamestown, May 25, 1896; Springfield, Ohio.

DeHaven, Albert D., Bennett College (Eclectic), Chicago, 1888; Xenia, 1897.

Dennis, Glenn K., Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, 1904; Speer's Hospital, Cincinnati, one year ; Covington, Kentucky; Bowersville, 19o8.

Dice, James P., Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, May, 1869; Xenia.

Dice, Seth Delmar, Medical Department of the University of New York, 1897 ; Xenia. 1899; California, 1906.

Dice, William Gordon, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1896; Xenia, 1896; Toledo, Ohio.

Donaldson, David F., Medical College of Ohio, 1888; Port William, 1899; Jamestown, 1900; died May 23, 1901.

Dyke, Samuel E., Louisville Medical College, 1875; Spring Valley; died, 1909.

Finley, Robert S., Electic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, 1849; Xenia; died, 1906.

Finley, William H., Ohio Medical College, Cincinnati, 1881; Xenia.

Finney, John Monfort, Ohio Medical College, Cincinnati, 1910; Cedarville, 191o; Parkersburg, Idaho.

Fudge, Joseph Granville, Illinois Medical College, Chicago, 1903 ; New Burlington, 1904; Spring Valley, i909; died, 1918.

Galloway, Clark. M., Medical College of Ohio, April 28, 1877; Xenia; died, November

21, 1914.

Galloway, William A., Medical College of Ohio, March 6, 1890; Xenia.

Greason, Charles Edwin, Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, 1898; Skyomish, Washington, 1898.

Gregg, Elijah H., American Eclectic, Cincinnati, 1887; Dayton, Ohio, 1900; Zimmer-mans, 1908.

Grube, Robert Humphreys, Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati, 1886; Grape Grove, Iwo; Xenia, 1904.

Haffner, William M., Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, 1882; Yellow Springs, 1897.

Haines, Renver LeRoy, Starling Medical College, Columbus, 1913; Paintersville, 1913.

Hamma, Charles B., Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, 1892; Yellow Springs, 1908; Springfield, Ohio, 1910; Medical Officers Reserve Corps, 1917.

Harris, James M., Bellevue Medical College, New York, 1868; Yellow Springs, 1896; Utah; Isle of Pines, 1905; died, 1908.

Hawkins, Horace Robert, Cleveland Homeopathic, 1892; Xenia.

Hendrixson, O. P., Columbus Medical College, 1885; Yellow Springs, 1900; Columbus,

Ohio, 1905.

Hewitt, Warren C., Cleveland Homeopathic College, 1888; Ohio State Soldiers and Sailors Orphans Home, Xenia, 1903.

Hilliard. Louis William (colored), Cleveland University of Medicine and Surgery, 1895; Parkersburg, West Virginia ; Xenia, 1909; deceased.

Hook, George Curp, Columbus Medical College, March, 1885; Bellbrook.

Humphrey, William H., Medical College of Ohio, February 27, 1877; Yellow Springs.

Jones. Clement L., Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, 1903 ; Columbus, 1904 ; Jamestown, 1906; Springfield, Ohio, 1912.


Jones, Grace, Toledo Medical College, 19o0; Ohio State Soldiers and Sailors Orphans Home, Xenia, 1907; Booneville, Missouri, 1916.

Jones, L. M., Miami Medical College, March, 1871; Jamestown.

Kent, Frank Marion, Medical College of Ohio, March, 1889; Spring Valley, May 25, 1896; Bellevue, Ohio, 1905.

Lackey, J. Clarke, Ohio Medical University, Columbus, 1896; Jamestown, 1900.

Lindsay, Frank T. (colored), Howard Medical, Washington, D. C., 1875; Xenia, 1896; died, June 2, 1910.

Love, Andrew James (colored, Meharry, Nashville, Tennessee, Iwo; Xenia, 1910; Columbus, Ohio, 1911.

Madden, Pearl Reed, Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, June, 1894; Xenia.

Madden, William P., Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, May, 1877; Xenia; died, May 30, 1908.

Marquart, Oscar M., Miami Medical College, 1884; Osborn, 1896; Springfield, Ohio.

Marquart, Philip C., University of Louisville, 1894; Osborn, 1896.

Marsh, Miron I., Medical College of Ohio. April, 1895; Cedarville.

Martin, Joseph Spencer, American School of Osteopathy, Missouri, 1904; Xenia, 1904; Madison county, Ohio.

Messenger, Asa C., Medical College of Ohio, March, 1884; Xenia, May 25, 1896.

Messenger, Harold Clay, Medico-Chrurgical, Philadelphia, 1914; Miami Valley Hospital, 1914; Xenia, 1915; Medical Officers Reserve Corps, 1918.

Morris, Olive, Iowa State University, 188o; Bellbrook, 1896; Waynesville.

McClellan, Benjamin Rush, Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, 1884; Xenia; Medical Officers Reserve Corps, 1917.

McClellan, Harvey R., Starling Medical College, Columbus, 1854; Xenia ; died, October 17, 1915.

McKenzie, Charles D., Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, 1896; Bowersville; Lancaster, 19o8.

McPherson, Clarence G., Starling Medical College, Columbus, 1908; Xenia, 1908.

Newsome, Charles Edgar (colored), Ohio Medical University, Columbus, 1893; died 1903.

Ogan, Frank W., Ohio Medical College, Cincinnati, 1887; Jamestown.

Oglesbee, Elsthon E., Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, 1885 ; Cedarville.

Parkhill, John William, American Medical College (Homeopathic), St. Louis, 1876; Grape Grove, 1898; Hopedale, Ohio.

Pherson, Albert M., Miami Medical College, 1876; Osborn ; died October 7, 1909.

Ream, Charles E., Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, June, 1894; Bowersville.

Richison, Rush R., Ohio Medical University, 1904 ; Van Wert ; Yellow Springs, September, 1914.

Ritenour, W. S., Starling Medical College, Columbus, 1911; Bellbrook, December, 191I ; Xenia, May, 1915; U. S. Public Health Service, 1917.

Rose, Ferdinand W., Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, 1876; Port William, 1897; Jamestown, 1906; died, 1908.

Rouse, William L., Medical College of Ohio, March, 1875; Paintersville, May 25, 1896; died, October 18, 1910.

Savage, Thomas J., Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, 1877; Bowersville; Xenia, 1903.

Schrock, Elisha Bernard, Ohio Medical University, Columbus, 1900; Yellow Springs, 1900; Scioto county, 1905; Alaska, 191o; Seattle, Washington.

Sewell, Silas G., Medical College of Ohio, March, 1887; New Burlington, May 25, 1896; Greenville. Ohio; Albuquerque, New Mexico; died, 1912.

Shaffer, William A., Pulte Medical College, Cincinnati, 1875; Xenia, 1896; Bowersville, 1903; Xenia, 1907; California, 1915.

Shiny, A. Jose, Jefferson College, Philadelphia, 1888; Eau Claire, Wisconsin.


Smith, Raymond W., Louisville Medical College, 1893; Spring Valley; died, August

18, 1916.

Snider, J. Jennings, Bennett Eclectic Medical College, Chicago, 1886; Xenia, 1897; Salt Lake City, Utah; died, 1912.

Spahr, David Edward, Ft. Wayne (Indiana) Medical College, 1879; Clifton; Xenia,

June, 1910.

Stewart, John Orr, Miami Medical College, March, 1883; Cedarville.

Stewart, Susan M., New York Medical College for Women, 1870; Wilberforce, 1898.

Taylor, Lester Luke, Starling Medical College, Columbus, 1897; Fairfield, 1897; Yellow Springs, 1905.

Thompson, Charles W., Ohio Medical University, Columbus, 1896; Bloom Center, Logan county, Ohio, February 2, 1897.

Treharne, Thomas W., Detroit Medical College, 1892; Zimmerman, 1896; Dayton, 1909; Zimmerman, 1911.

Turnbull, John, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1863; Bellbrook; died July

19, 1904.

Vannata, Harvey, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, 1882; Sycamore, Ohio, 1896; Osborn, 1910.

Van Winkle, J. Olvin, Starling Medical College, Columbus, 1896; Spring Valley, 1903; died, February 11, 1909.

Walker, Leonidas C., Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, 1882; Jamestown.

Whitehead, Clayton S., Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery, 1913; interne Toledo Hospital, 1913; Xenia, 1914; Illinois, 1915.

Whittaker, Harry O., Cleveland Homeopathic College, 1901; New Burlington, 1906; Medical Officers Reserve Corps, 1917.

Wilkins, J. D., died, December 22, 1903.

Wilson, Samuel Smart, Miami Medical College, March, 1880; Xenia, May 25, 1896; Florida, 1914.

Woolsey, Ida Clarke, University of Michigan (Homeopathic), 1892; Xenia.

Young, Nelson H., Medical College of Ohio, April 9, 1896; Ohio Soldiers and Sailors Orphans Home, Xenia, May 25, 1896; Toledo.


There are now six physicians of the county in the Medical Officers Reserve Corps : Lawrence Shields, Benjamin R. McClellan, Harold Messenger, Frank Bailey, Harry O. Whitaker and Winfield S. Ritenour. There are also seven medical students from the county now in school who are listed with the Reserve Corps. The Military Chapter gives more in detail of the work of the physicians in the present war.


In addition to the one hundred' and two physicians on the records of the Greene County Medical Society the historian has compiled a list of ninety-three physicians who practiced in the county prior to 1896, the year the local organization began keeping a record of the physicians of the county. Concerning many of these nothing has been found except their names, while in the case of others only fragmentary information has been preserved. The complete list follows :


Askew, Childrep—Listed for taxation as "steam doctor" in 1830.

Ball, Eulass—Practiced medicine and kept a small store at Clifton as early as 1827; listed for taxation in 1830.

Baskerville, M. P.—Listed for taxation in 1830.

Beemer, Frederick—Listed for taxation as "steam doctor" in 1830.

Bell, William—First located at Bellbrook, and later came to Xenia; listed for taxation in 1830.

Brelsford, J.—Bellbrook in '30s.

Browder, Thomas P.—Located in Jamestown before 1820.

Browne, James C.—One of the organizers of County Medical Society in 1850.

Butler, A. B.—One of the organizers of the County Medical Society in 1850.

Carper, Nicholas—Came to Xenia in '30s; mayor of Xenia in 1839.

Clancy, James—Bellbrook before Civil War.

Coburn, Joseph A.—One of the organizers of County Medical Society in 1850.

Cowden, Andrew—At Cedarville in '30s; later in Xenia ; later. in Washington, Iowa, where he died.

Crawford, George W.—Bellbrook before Civil War.

Criffield,_____ . Bellbrook in '20s.

Cummings, James—

Davidson, Andrew W.—First physician in Xenia, coming in 1805; married here in 1807; built first brick and later the first stone house in Xenia ; removed to Columbus, Indiana, during winter of 1820-21, and to Madison, Indiana, later, dying in latter 'place in 39th year of age.

Dawson, James R.—

Dawson, John—Son-in-law and partner for years of Mathias Winans at Jamestown.

Dille, L. K.—One of organizers of County Medical Society in 1850.

Diliman, M. S.—

Dillon, J. S.—Born in Logan county, Ohio, in 1840; located in Xenia in '40s.

Drake, J. S.—

Edwards, J. Darwin—Born September 16, 1820; died in Xenia, November 19, 1896.

Finley, R. S.—Born in Adams county, OhiO, in 1827; Cincinnati Medical College, 1850; located in Xenia ; died in Xenia, 1906.

Folck, Barbara Ann-

Folck, John George-

Folck, Joseph M.-

Folck, Susan—

Fowler, Thomas S.—One of organizers of County Medical Society in 1850.

Frazer, William H.—Bellbrook in '20S.

Gause, Abraham—Listed -for taxation in 183o as "steam doctor."

Good, Henry—Located at Xenia in 1817 and a few years later removed to Madison, Indiana.

Greene, John—Son of Randolph R.; born in 1825.

Greene, Randolph R.—Born in Pennsylvania, 1787; located in Bath township in 1826; died there in 1832; listed for taxation in 1830.

Grimes, William H.—Bellbrook in '40s.

Hable, W. R.—One of the organizers of County Medical Society in 1850.

Hagenbuck, W. A.—Born in Northampton county, Pennsylvania, in 1831; came to Greene county in 1836; studied medicine under Dr. J. J. Mcllkenney, of Fairfield, and later graduated (1855) from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. Located at Fairfield in 1855 and following year at Alpha ; married Sarah J. Harbine in 186o.

Hains, Stacy—Listed for taxation in 1830 as "steam doctor."

Hartman, Charles D.—One of organizers of County Medical Society in 1850.

Hays, James—Listed for taxation in 1830 as "steam doctor."

Higgins, W.—One of organizers of County Medical Society in 1850.


Hoover, Reuben C.—Born in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, June I, 1821; located at Osborn in 1851; had two sons who became physicians, Calvin, who died at age of 32, and Reuben C., Jr.

Hussey, J. M.—Formerly practiced at Bowersville, now (1917) living in Florida.

Jewett, John—Located at Xenia in '40s; one of organizers of County Medical Society in 1850; died in Xenia, May 11, 1856.

Johnson, Joseph—Located at Xenia in 1814; Member of lower house of Legislature in 1820; listed for taxation in 1830; removed to Salem, Illinois, where he died June 5, 1847, at age of sixty-four.

Johnson, Thomas B.—Born August 9, 1906; died November 5, 1868; located at Xenia in 1829; one of organizers of County Medical Society in 1850.

Jones, C. B.—Xenia, 1872.

Kable, William R.—Bellbrook in '40s.

Kyle, Joseph A.—Born in 1812; came to Xenia in 1833; died December 7, 1886; one of organizers of County Medical Society in 1850.

Lawrence, Horace—Listed for taxation in 1830; located five miles east of Cedarville.

Marshall, L.—Announced his arrival in Xenia in Ohio Peoples Press, May 30, 1828.

Marshall, Thornton—Came to Xenia in 1826; died July 25, 1866, at age of eighty-six; father of Oscar Marshall.

Martin, Samuel—Born in Ireland in 1796; came to Xenia in 1834 and bought practice of Dr. Joseph Templeton; died June 21, 1879.

Martin, Joshua—Born in Virginia, March 23, 1791; died at Louisville, Kentucky, November 30, 1865; buried at Xenia ; came to Xenia in 1813 ; one of the three greatest physicians the county has ever had.

Matthews, James—Located in Caesarscreek township in '3os; married Margaret Watson, March 12, 1835.

McCune, _____ Credited with being first in Cedarville; about 1833.

McIlkenney, J. J.—Practiced at Fairfield in '50s.

Mitchell, Francis P.—Came to Xenia about 1840; died in New Orleans of yellow fever.

Moorman, Micajah P.—Born in Sugarcreek township, February 8, 1824; commenced practice at Jamestown in 1858.

Moorman, Thomas P.—Listed for taxation in 1830 as "steam doctor."

Mulford,_____, Bellbrook in '30s.

Nagle, Borton—Came to Xenia about 1840; died April 29, 1842, at age of twenty-nine.

Newell, —.—Early practitioner at Clifton.

Nowland, Thomas—Located in Caesarscreek township, about 1829; born in 1800; died December 9, 1835; buried at Xenia.

Perkins, C. S.—

Perkins, Isaac S.—Came to Xenia about 1826; died October 11, 1843; buried at Xenia.

Perkins, Thomas—Came to Xenia in i806; born April 17, 1787; died in 1841; soldier of War of 1812; buried at Xenia.

Poague, J. G.—One of organizers of County Medical Society in 1850.

Prescott, John H.—Came to Xenia about 1840; died in Xenia, November 16, 1872, at age of sixty-four ; buried at Xenia.

Read, Amasa—Listed for taxation in 1850 as "steam doctor."

Reid, John—Brother of Alexander M.; born in Scotland, 1780; St. Andrew University, Edinburgh, September 5, 1818; later took A.M. and M.D. degrees from same university; came to Greene county in '3os ; died July 12, 1840.

Reid, Alexander—Brother of John ; born in Scotland, 1782; obtained same three degrees granted brother John ; came with brother to Greene county; died May 16, 1854.

Rush, Leonard-Listed for taxation in 1830.

Sexton, Samuel—Greatest physician Greene county has ever had ; left presently for the East and achieved an international reputation.

Searl, Edward F.—Born in New York, September 27, 1841; graduate of Cleveland


Medical College, 1861; located at Fairfield in May, 1863; married in 1866 to Margaret Campbell.

Shappee, W. A.—Now living in Los Angeles, California.

Spahr, Camaralza H.—Born in Greene county, January 20, 1826; graduate of Starling Medical College; located at Jamestown on February 2, 1854; married Mary Peters March II, 1858; brother of Dr. B. E. Spahr.

Spahr, B. E.—Brother of Dr. C. H. Spahr.

Stephens, Robert E.—Listed for taxation in 1830.

Stewart, James M.—Born in South Carolina; came to Greene county in boyhood; studied under Doctor Martin at Xenia; began practice at Cedarville in 1846; died at Cedarville, February 23, 1899; father of Dr. John O. Stewart, now of Cedarville.

Stewart, Robert—Came to Xenia about 1820; died March II, 1889; buried at Xenia; has a son, Samuel, now practicing in Kansas.

Templeton, Joseph—Came from Pennsylvania to Xenia in 1826; returned to old home in 1834 ; came back a second time to Xenia a few years later and remained until 1843; died in Pennsylvania in 1865.

Thorn, Elihu—Born January 1I, 1819; died October 2, 1876; located at Yellow Springs in 185o; one of organizers of County Medical Society in 1850.

Thorn, Isaac—Located at Yellow Springs about 1840; father of Dr. A. S. Thorn.

Thorn, A. S.—

Torrence, John M.—Born in Greene county; practiced all his life at Jamestown; died there; father-in-law of Dr. Frank W. Ogan, of Jamestown.

Watt, George—Physician and dentist ; great chemist, author of work on chemistry and author of numerous papers on chemistry; born in Greene county in 1820; died at Xenia in 1893; professor of Ohio College of Dental Surgery for twenty years; married Sarah J. McConnell in 1845.

Wilson, Joshua—One of first to practice in Clifton.

Winans, Mathias—Listed for taxation in 1830; came from Maysville, Kentucky, to Jamestown about 1820; father-in-law of Dr. John Dawson, and father of judge J. J. Winans; died at Cincinnati in July, 1840; buried at Jamestown.

Winter, Andrew—Born at Fayetteville, North Carolina, August 18, 1820; Charlestown (South Carolina) Medical College, 1841 ; surgeon in Civil War ; located at Xenia in 1864, and practiced there until his death, July 15, 1891.

Woolsey, Jeremiah D.—Died at Cincinnati, February 6, 1834; came to Xenia in 1827; listed for taxation in 1830.

Young, John A.—Came to Xenia about 1837; student of Dr. Samuel Martin, 1837-38; died May 3, 1874, at Monmouth, Illinois.

Zimmerman, George—Came to Beavercreek township in 1813; dide there October 27, 1818.


The Greene County Medical Society at the present time is in the most prosperous condition of its existence. It has a membership of forty-six. The officers for 1918 are as follows : W. H. Finley, president ; M. I. Marsh, vice-president ; H. C. Messenger, secretary and treasurer.

The physicians of the county, together with their address, are as follows :

George Anderson, Alpha : Frank C. Adams, Yellow Springs ; Henry F. Baker; Mrs. Jessie Bogle, Yellow Springs ; Harry A. Cosler, Fairfield; Thomas V. Crabill, Osborn ; William T. Darnell (colored), Xenia ; George Davis, Xenia ; Albert D. DeHaven, Xenia ; Glenn K. Dennis, Bowersville;


Seth D. Dice, Xenia; Paul D. Espey, Xenia; William H. Finley, Xenia; Kent Finley, Xenia ; William A. Galloway, Xenia; Robert H. Grube, Xenia; W. M. Hartenger, Spring Valley ; H. R. Hawkins; W. C. Hewitt, Xenia (O. S. & S. O. Home) ; Renver L. Haines, Paintersville ; George C. Hook, Bellbrook ; William H. Humphrey, Yellow Springs; Levi M. Jones, Jamestown; J. C. Lackey, Jamestown; Clarence Lindsey (colored), Xenia; Reed Madden, Xenia; Philip C. Marquart, Osborn; Miron I. Marsh, Cedarville ; Ben R. McClellan, Xenia; Clarence G. McPherson, Xenia; Asa C. Messenger, Xenia; Harold C. Messenger, Xenia; Elsthon C. Oglesbee, Cedarville ; Frank W. Ogan, Jamestown; W. Ritenour, Bellbrook ; Charles E. Ream, Bowersville; Rush R. Richison, Yellow Springs; Thomas J. Savage, Xenia; David E. Spahr, Xenia; John O. Stewart, Cedarville; Lester L. Taylor, Yellow Springs; Thomas W. Treharne, Zimmerman; A. M. Vandeman, Bellbrook; Leonidas C. Walker, Jamestown; L. L. Whitaker, New Burlington; Ida C. Woolsey,. Xenia.



The development and spread of various kinds of fraternal and benevolent organizations .is one of the signs of progress. At the present time there are organizations for men in every vocation in life; the laboring man has his unions for his particular craft; the business and professional classes have their peculiar organizations; women have their societies of many kinds; children have their organizations to meet their needs. And it all' makes for a better civilization.

The Masonic order is the oldest of the fraternal organizations, dating its beginning from the time of King Solomon. The Odd Fellows came into existence in the fore part of the eighteenth century; the Knights of Pythias sprang into existence during the Civil War period; practically all the other lodges of today have been established since the '6os.


There are five active lodges of Masons in Greene county in 1918: Xenia. Jamestown, Yellow .Springs, New Burlington and Cedarville. There was formerly a lodge at Fairfield and another at Xenia, but both have surrendered their charter, the Fairfield lodge in 1831 and the 'Xenia lodge in 1883. The only chapter of Royal Arch Masons is at Xenia, although there was formerly one at 'Yellow Springs. Xenia also has the only council of Royal and Select Masters in the county. The Order of the Eastern Star has lodges at Xenia, Jamestown and New Burlington. The lodge at Fairfield was the first to be established in the county, being organized in 1817, and flourished until it was forced to suspend its labors in 1833 as a result of the anti-Masonic movement which was then sweeping over the entire country. The dates of the establishment of the other blue lodges in the county are as follow : Xenia, March 6, 1819 ; Jamestown, October 18, 1865; Yellow Springs, October 28, 1868; New Burlington, October 24, 1895 ; Cedarville, October 23, 1913. The history of the different lodges of the county of this great fraternal organization has been compiled from the data furnished by the lodges themselves, supplemented by data collected by Lewis H. Whiteman, Who has written extensively on the history of Greene county Masonry.



The history of Masonry in Greene county dates back nearly one hundred years, although there can be no doubt that some of the settlers who were living in the county on the day it was organized in 1803 were members of the craft. While the formal organization of the first lodge at Xenia occurred on March 6, 1819, the initial steps in its organization has taken place some time in December of the preceding year. In that month a number of the Masons, residents of Xenia and the surrounding community, decided to apply for a charter and the records of the grand lodge show that on December 31, 1818, a petition was presented to the grand lodge at Columbus signed by a group of seven Greene county Masons, Joshua Martin, William F. Elkins, John Smith, Amasa Read, Abner Read, Orestus Roberts and Caleb West. The grand lodge on the last day of 1818 granted a dispensation to these petitioners, the dispensation bearing the signature of Chester Griswold, grand master of the state of Ohio. Pursuant to the authority granted by the dispensation the local lodge met and organized on March 6, 1819, with the following officers : Joshua Martin, worshipful master ; John Smith, senior warden ; Caleb West, junior warden ; Abner Read, secretary ; Amasa Read, senior deacon; John Martin, junior deacon ; John Houghton, tyler. It was not until December 19, 1819, that the grand lodge of the state issued the charter under which the lodge still works. This charter bears the signature of A. McDowell, senior grand warden ; Joseph Vance, junior grand warden ; Benjamin Gardiner, grand secretary ; John Snow, grand master.

A complete history of the lodge can never be written, owing to the fact that on January 23, 1882, the building then occupied by the lodge was completely destroyed by fire, the lodge losing all of its property, paraphernalia and records. From various sources, including a brief history of the lodge compiled in 1897 by a committee appointed for the purpose, the facts contained in the present article have been compiled. The first work of the lodge bears the date of April II, 1819, at which time Clark Williams was initiated as an entered apprentice. The lodge grew in membership and influence from year to year until the famous Morgan episode happened. The history of the Anti-Masonic movement in the United States is a part of the history of our country, a movement which developed a political significance resulting in several states having a so-called Anti-Masonic party, with candidates for state and county offices. The climax of the movement came when it actually proposed a candidate for President of the United States in 1831. The Xenia lodge was one of the thousands of local lodges throughout the United States that was compelled to suspend its activities for a time. It appears from the best authority that the local lodge suspended its regular sessions with the



meeting of March 26, 1831, and that it did not again meet in regular session for more than fifteen years. At least the next record of a meeting in Xenia is dated August 13, 1846.

It will probably never be known what the local lodge did during this fifteen years. There are well-authenticated records that meetings were held, however, from time to time, irregular though they must have been, at the home of Abner Read in Oldtown. Read was a merchant in that village, and, it is known, was also engaged in the manufacture of large wall clocks. He was a twin brother of Amasa Read, both brothers being charter members of the lodge. There were a number of brethren who, from every indication, must have been received into the lodge during this period from 1831 to 1846, and it is more than likely that they were given the work in the second story of Read's house in Oldtown. Among the number who are thought to have been received during- this period are the following : Abraham Hivling, William E. Stark, William Bell, Hiram Brown, Adam Hupp, M. Chambers, Simon Dunn, John A. Gowdy, John A. Hivling, J. M. Collier, Charles Anthony, George Champley and Andrew Ream. The first worshipful master to appear in 1846 after the resumption of labor was John Hivling, and it is presumed that he was one of the number received into the lodge during this hiatus in its history.

With the resumption of the work of the lodge in 1846 there was a great revival of interest. It is interesting to note that the first work done after the lodge again resumed labor, September 9, 1846, was to confer the master Mason's degree upon Henry Kealhoffer, who had received the first two degrees in March, 1831, and now, fifteen years later, received the third and last degree of the blue lodge. About this time, a special convocation was held in Xenia, which lasted from high twelve, Monday, to high twelve, Saturday, of the same week. The Hon. Thomas Corwin, of Lebanon, presided during the week as worshipful master. During the week no fewer than seventeen candidates were entered, passed and raised, several being from Waynesville, Lebanon and Wilmington. Such a week Masonry has not since known in Greene county.

Nearly three-quarters of a century have now elapsed since the Xenia lodge resumed its work, and these years have seen other lodges organized in the county, the local lodge having contributed of its membership to their respective lists of charter members. The charter members of the lodges at Jamestown, Yellow Springs, New Burlington and Cedarville were in many cases members of the Xenia lodge. Other branches of Masonry have been etsablished in Xenia, all of which owe their existence to this parent lodge. Scores of members of Xenia Lodge No. 49 have been found in places of public trust and honor. Its sons have been seen in the General Assembly of the state,


in the halls of Congress, on the judicial bench, and within the sacred walls of the church. They have been prominent in all the various phases of the life of the community, and wherever found they have tried to live up to the high teachings of the oldest fraternal organization in the world.

The lodge has had its quarters in the Steele building at the northwest corner of Detroit and Main streets since the latter part of 1896. It occupies the fourth and fifth floors of this building and has its quarters fitted up in a sumptuous manner. When it became known that the local lodge would be ready in the winter of 1896 to occupy its new home, it extended an invitation to the grand lodge of the state to be present at its dedicatory services. Accordingly, the grand lodge of the state of Ohio convened in emergent session for the purpose of dedicating the new rooms of the local lodge on Monday, December 28, 1896 (A. L. 5896), in a room adjacent to that of Xenia Lodge No. 49, with the following officers in their respective stations : Eber Reynolds, R. W. D. G. M. ; George Galloway, R. W. D. G. S. W. ; William E. Carr, R. W. D. G. J. W.; Henry H. Eavey, R. W. D. G. Treasurer ; John A. Harned, R. W. D. G. Secretary ; John H. Wolford, R. W. D. G. S. D.; George K. Halliday, R. W. D. G. J. D. ; John J. McCabe, R. W. D. G. Chaplain; Lewis H. Whiteman, R. W. D. Grand Marshal; C. P. Wright, D. G. S. S.; Clark Galloway, D. J. J. S. ; Jacob Randall, Grand Tyler. After the craft had been called to order, a procession was formed and proceeded to the new lodge room where the dedicatory services were fittingly observed in due form. A large number of visiting Masons were present from Dayton, Yellow Springs, Jamestown, Waynesville and New Burlington. In the evening of the same day an entertainment was given by the local lodge in their new quarters. Two hundred and nine guests were present and were well entertained. The worshipful master, Mansel J. Hartley, then read a history of the local lodge, the same from which the main facts of this present article are taken.

Worshipful Masters.—Wm. F. Elkin (under dispensation), 1819; Abner Reed, 1820; John Smith, 1821 ; William Ellsberry, 1822-24; 1826-29, 1850; John Hivling, 1823, 1825, 1831-32, 1846-49, 1852; Joshua Martin, 1830; David Medsker, 1851, 1854, 1857, 1859, 1862, 1864-65; John A. Hivling, 1853; William E. Morris, 1855-56; Lewis Wright, 1861; Abel Clark, 186667 ; Luther Nichols, 1868 ; William H. Harry, 1869-70, 1872 ; William D. Pettigrew, 1871; Lewis H. Whiteman, 1873, 1878-79, 1900-01; Samuel D. Cosner, 1874-77; Cummins B. Jones, 1880-81; John W. Nichols, 1882-86; Theodore A. Fravel, 1887-90 ; Horace L. Smith, 1891; Enoch P. Hooven, 1892 ; George Galloway, 1893 ; Eber Reynolds, 1894; John W. Greene, 1895 ; Mansel J. Hartley, 1896-99 ; Orin C. Baker, 1902-03 ; William L. Miller, 1904; Charles S. Johnson, 1905-06; Edwin B. Cox, 1907; J. Thorb Charters, 1908- ,39; Fred B. Smith, 1910; Paul B. Yockey, 1911; Thomas J. Kennedy, 1912-


13 ; William Maxwell, 1914 ; Albert J. Taylor, 1915 ; John A. Simison, 1916; John H. Shadrach, 1917 ; Charles L. Babb, 1918.

The lodge had a membership of three hundred and eighty-three at the beginning of 1918. The officers for the current year are as follows : Charles L. Babb, worshipful master ; William E. Swabb, senior warden ; Amos E. Faulkner, junior warden ; Henry H. Eavey, treasurer; John H. Whitmer, secretary ; John W. Gardner, Sr., senior deacon ; Andrew J. Wilson, junior deacon; James H. Matthews, tyler ; Rev. Hobbard J. Jewett, chaplain ; Lewis H. Whiteman, master of ceremonies ; David L. Crawford, senior steward ; Charles B. Cross, junior steward ; John A. Simison, Albert J. Taylor and J. Thorb Charters, trustees.


The second Masonic lodge organized in Xenia came into existence on October 21, 1868, as the result of a petition to and a dispensation from the grand lodge of the state of Ohio. The charter members were W. M. North, Dr. E. P. Hooven, J. H. Matthews, R. H. King, S. J. Ridenour, C. W. Newton, J. M. Thirkield, J. H. Sharp and F. M. Shipley All the charter members had been members of Xenia Lodge No. 49, and all are now deceased except Doctor Hooven and J. H. Matthews. The lodge grew slowly until it had about seventy members, but after it was burned out January 23, 1882, it ceased to exist and was taken back as a body in the parent lodge.


Xenia Chapter No. 36, Royal Arch Masons, was chartered on September 29, 1848, with the following charter members : Lewis Wright, David Medsker, William Morris, John A. Hivling, Joshua Martin, James J. Winans, Brinton Baker, Aniel Rodgers, William Ellsberry, Samuel Harry and Zenas Harlan. Lewis Wright was the first M. E. H. P. ; David Medsker, M. E. King; and William Morris, M. E. Scribe. The organization of the chapter was effected two years after the lodge resumed labor after the suspension of fifteen years on account of the Anti-Masonic movement. The officers of the chapter for 1918 are as follow : John A. Simison, most excellent high priest ; Lewis H. Whiteman, excellent king ; Leroy Brower, excellent scribe ; Charles L. Babb, captain of the host ; Leon Reed, principal sojourner ; Roy C. Hayward, royal arch captain ; Henry H. Eavey, treasurer ; John H. Whitmer, secretary ; Simeon H. Deacon, grand master of the third veil ; Holmes Norris, grand master of the second veil ; John W. Gardner, Sr., grand master of the first veil ; James H. Matthews, guard ; Asa C. Messenger, chaplain ; J. H. Matthews and Jacob Kany, stewards ; William Maxwell, Charles S. Johnson and John H. Shadrach, trustees. The present membership is one hundred and sixty-five.



Wright Council No. 53, Royal and Select Masters, Xenia, was chartered on October 29, 1867, following a dispensation granted on October 14, 1867. The charter members were William M. North, Enoch P. Hooven, J. M. Thirkield, Samuel J. Warner, David Medsker, John R. Goudy, W. D. Pettigrew, Brinton Baker and Lewis H. Whiteman. The first meeting was held in November I 1, 1867, at which time the following officers were elected : William M. North, thrice illustrious master ; Brinton Baker, deputy illustrious grand master; William D. Pettigrew, principal conductor of the work ; James M. Thirkield, captain of the guard ; Enoch P. Hooven, recorder; David Medsker, treasurer; Lewis H. Whiteman, sentinel.

The council held regular meetings until its records were destroyed by the destructive fire of January 23, 1882, the fire which destroyed all of the Masonic records, paraphernalia, and property of the Xenia lodge. The last meeting of the council before the fire was held on December 10, 1881. With the loss of the records the members of the council decided to surrender their charter, and devoted all their time and attention to the blue lodge and chapter. It was not until 1906 that the Masons of Xenia again established the council in the city, adopting the name of Wright Council No. 96, Royal and Select Masters, chartered on October 2, 1908, following a dispensation granted on March 29, 1906, by William A. Spill, most illustrious grand master. The first officers were: Lewis H. Whiteman, Eber Reynolds, George C. Barns, Edwin B. Cox, Watkins Frame, J. Thorb Charters, Samuel M. McKay, Paul B. Yockey and James H. Matthews. The officers for the present year are William Maxwell, thrice illustrious master ; Albert J. Taylor, deputy illustrious master ; Leroy Brower, principal conductor of the work ; Eber Reynolds, treasurer ; John H. Whitmer, recorder ; Simeon H. Deacon, captain of the guard ; Leon Reed, conductor of the council ; Watkins Frame, steward; J. H. Matthews, sentinel; Asa C. Messenger, chaplain ; Charles S. Johnson, Thomas J. Kennedy and John A. Simison, trustees. The council now has a membership of one hundred and thirty-six.


Jamestown Lodge No. 352, Free and Accepted Masons, was chartered on October 18, 1865, with the following charter members : J. W. Pulliam, M. 0. Adams, G. W. Wright, J. T. Houston, H. H. Gibney, E. Doherty, A. D. Dowden and J. R. Kendall. The first officers included the following: J. W. Pulliam, worshipful master ; A. D. Dowden, senior warden ; M. O. Adams, junior warden ; J. T. Houston, treasurer ; D. N. Foreman, secretary; J. R. Kendall, senior deacon; Samuel Zortman, junior deacon ; John


Zeiner, tyler. The lodge owns the second floor of the Adams store building, where it has well-appointed quarters for the work of the lodge. The order expended approximately three thousand dollars for its share of the building. The present officers are Frank Johnson, worshipful master; H. L. Bowermeister, senior warden ; H. C. Fisher, junior warden ; M. T. McCreight, treasurer ; J. D. King, secretary ; Otto Thorpe, senior deacon ; J. Leroy Spahr, junior deacon ; F. W. Ogan, tyler ; C. E. Thuma, master of ceremonies ; J. H. Sanders, L. C. Walker and J. H. Perry, trustees ; C. E. Thuma and C. E. Ream, grievance committee ; R. H. Glass and J. H. Perry, stewards. The past masters of the lodge are J. W. Pulliam, J. T. Houston, John Zeiner, G. E. Bailey, D. M. Shrack, W. F. McMillan, F. W. Alden, J. B. Christopher, W. H. Blair, L. C. Walker, W. A. Paxson, M. J. Flannery, Frank McGuire, R. W. Christy, Charles Clark, H. K. Laird, C. E. Thuma, Frank Shigley, F. W. Ogan, J. D. King, R. H. Glass, C. E. Gerard, J. H. Perry, L. W. Dunham, G. K. Dennis and Otto Thorpe. The present membership is ninety.


Yellow Springs Lodge No. 421, Free and Accepted Masons, was chartered on October 21, 1868, the same date on which Warner Lodge of Xenia was chartered. The charter members were Harvey Vinal, Oliver A. Roberts, John F. Owen, A. E. Duncan, Charles Ridgway, William M. Haffner, T. C. Hirst, Henry Adler, E. M. Howell and Robert V. B. Christy. One of these charter members, T. C. Hirst, is still living. The first officers were as follow : Harvey Vinal, worshipful master ; Oliver A. Roberts, senior warden ; John F. Owen, junior warden ; Charles Ridgway, treasurer; William M. Haffner, secretary ; T. C. Hirst, senior deacon ; Henry Adler, junior deacon ; E. M. Howell, tyler. The lodge owns a two-story brick building on the west side of Xenia avenue between Corry and Short streets. The masters of the lodge since 1868 in the order of their succession are as follow : Harvey Vinal, W. G. Whitehurst, C. P. Hart, William Protzman, T. C. Hirst, A. F. Hopkins, J. M. Harris, T. B. Jobe, F. W. Miller, J J. Hirst, W. E. Carr, W. H. Humphrey, B. F. Hoagland, W. A. Shroufe, J. E. Dale, C. E. Emerick, 0. P. Hendrixson, Milton Shaw, L. H. Braley, L. H. Jones, A. F. Shoemaker, H. E. Tucker, A. W. Humphrey, P. M. Stewart, Thad P. Carr, J. H. Harris, R. 0. Wead, J. M. Fawcett, J. H. Birch, C. W. Figgins and W. E. Littleton. The lodge now has a membership of one hundred and fourteen. The officers for 1918 are as follow : W. A. Layton, worshipful master ; C. M. Preston, senior warden ; W. B. Corry, junior warden ; G. F. Littleton, treasurer; C. H. Ellis, secretary; E. H. Beard. senior deacon ; L. 0. Reed, junior deacon ; John P. Confer, tyler ; T. C.


Hirst, chaplain; R. O. Wead, senior steward; W. E. Littleton, junior steward ; W. E. Littleton, acting past master; L. H. Jones, T. P. Carr and P. M. Stewart, trustees.


New Burlington Lodge No. 574, Free and Accepted Masons, was chartered on October 24, 1895, with G. Marion Colvin as the first worshipful master. The lodge has enjoyed a steady growth during the twenty-three years of its existence and now has a membership of sixty-eight. The past masters of the lodge are G. Marion Colvin, S. D. Chancellor, Frank S. Colvin, Harry B. Reeves, Charles E. Harrison, Joel Allen Fletcher, Welden N. McKay, Trevor C. Haydock, Burwell H. Miller, Clarence H. McKay and William A. Sayers. The officers for 1918 include the following : Robert D. Collett, worshipful master; Emanuel M. Copsey, senior warden; Homer J. Lundy, junior warden ; Welden N. McKay, treasurer ; Burwell H. Miller, secretary; Orville C. Colvin, senior deacon; Byron L. Adams, junior deacon ; George A. Phillips, tyler ; Charles H. Dill, senior steward; John W. Powell, junior steward ; Thomas C. Haydock, Ellis W. Bradstreet and Trever C. Haydock, trustees.


Cedarville Lodge No. 622, Free and Accepted Masons, the youngest Masonic lodge in the county, was chartered on October 23, 1913, with Charles Gilbert as the first worshipful master. The lodge already has an active membership of thirty-seven. At the time of its last report for the year 1918, it reported three of its members in the service of the United States in some branch of the military service, Birdsell Creswell, J. Herman Randall and John N. Townsley. The past masters of the lodge have been Charles Gilbert, C. W. Mott, D. B. McElwain and Ralph Wolford. The officers for 1918 are as follow : Lee Anderson, worshipful master; L. H. Sullenberger, senior warden ; A. E. Richards, junior warden; D. B. McElwain, treasurer ; L. D. Parker, secretary ; Charles Graham, senior deacon; J. E. Post, junior deacon; Hugh M. Stormont, tyler ; C. W. Mott, W. L. Clemans, and J. W. Radabaugh, trustees.


The first Masonic lodge in Greene county to surrender its charter was the one established at Fairfield more than a hundred years ago. It was in 1817 that the lodge was instituted in the village under the name of Golden Rule Lodge No. 31, the lodge antedating the one established at Xenia by a couple of years. The lodge maintained a more or less regular


career until 1833 when it was found necessary because of the prevalence of the anti-Masonic feeling then raging throughout the country, to suspend the lodge. It was never reopened.


Aldora Chapter No. 262, Order of the Eastern Star, at Xenia, was instituted on February 21, 1907, with the following charter members : E. B. Cox, J. W. Gardner, Sr., C. W. Gard, A. J. Taylor, H. H. Thrall, L. H. Whiteman, C. C. Harris, C. W. Fisher, C. Davis, C. Breiel, W. S. MacAaron, E. Reynolds, J. T. Charters, C. H. M. Casad, W. S. Kennon, J. G. Mitchell, W. C. White, R. Weber, H. H. Conklin, F. Alexander, S. Shumaker, F. W. Sanderson, K. S. Fawcett, A. J. Hiller, Mary Andrew, Mary E. Cox, Perl Charters, Minnie Davis, Carrie Gardner, Bertha Gardner, Cora Gard, May H. Watson, Cora K. Maxey, Magdalina Kany, Anna Mautz, Edith Marshall, Imo Marshall, Martha Mitchell, Augusta Shumaker, Frances Sanderson, Minnie Swabb, Allie Taylor, Mary W. Thrall, Georgia Wead, Lydia Whiteman, Callie White, Minnie Henrie, Marguerite H. John, Kate Fisher, Catherine Breiel, Ada MacAaron, Nannie B. Reynolds, Hannah M. Taylor, Ida Casad, Mary L. Kennon, Kathrine Jeffrys, Lizzie \Veber, Maggie Page, Laura Alexander, Edith C. Fawcett, Ada M. Hebble and Elizabeth Hiller. The first officers of the chapter were as follow : Worthy matron, Augusta Shumaker ; worthy patron, L. H. Whiteman ; associate matron, Anna Mautz ; secretary, Edith Marshall ; treasurer, Carrie Gardner ; conductor, Frances Sanderson; associate conductor, Imo Marshall ; Adah, Bertha Gardner ; Ruth, Minnie Swabb; Esther, Cora Gard ; Martha, Mary Andrew ; Electa, Minnie Davis ; marshals, Magdalina Kany and Cora Krise; warder, Martha Mitchell ; sentinel, J. W. Gardner, Sr. ; chaplain, Mary W. Thrall ; organist, Allie Taylor. The officers for the lodge in 1918 are as follow : Imo Marshall, worthy matron ; Lester Barnes, worthy patron ; Hazel Fisher, associate matron ; Edith Marshall, secretary ; Augusta Shumaker, treasurer ; Olive Barnes, conductor ; Jessie Lynn, associate conductor ; Bertha Lawson, Adah ; Opal Barnes, Ruth ; Bertha Gardner, Esther ; Maggie Page, Electa ; Aldora McCoy, marshal ; George Page, sentinel ; Maude Miller, chaplain ; Alice Regan, warder ; Minnie E. Wilkins, organist. The present membership is one hundred and thirty-eight.


This chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star was organized on June 18, 1901, with the following charter members : Mary G. Christopher, Irene McCreight, Lucina Ensign, Cora Paxson, Bessie Robinson, Alma Laird, Gertrude Taylor, Nora Carpenter, Belle Neiberger, Lou P. Davis, Ellen


Walker, Bessie Walker, Dr. L. C. Walker, J. B. Christopher, Jesse Taylor, M. T. McCreight, W. A. Paxson, J. L. Ginn, Frank Shigley and Margaret Sharpe. The first officers were as follows : Worthy matron, Mary G. Christopher; worthy patron, Dr. L. C. Walker ; associate matron, Gertrude Taylor ; secretary, Lou P. Davis ; treasurer, Irene McCreight ; warder, Emma Ginn ; sentinel, Herbert K. Laird. The officers for 1918 .are as follows : Ethel Sheley, worthy matron ; Herbert Fisher, worthy patron ; Mrs. Stella Gerard, associate matron ; Mrs. Stella Barnett, secretary; Mrs. Clara McDorman, treasurer ; Mrs. Bessie Thorpe, conductor ; Bulah Cooper, associate conductor; Mrs. Marie Glass, Adah ; Mrs. Louella Long, Ruth ; Mrs. Stella Zimmerman, Esther ; Mrs. Bertha Thuma, Martha ; Mrs. Bessie Robinson, Electa ; Mrs. Ila Perry, chaplain; Mrs. Ada Fisher, marshal; Mrs. Lona McDorman, organist; Mrs. Rose Zeiner, warder ; Ernest Thuma, sentinel. The present membership is fifty-three.


This chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star was organized on August 5, 1913, with the following charter members : Sara M. Smith, Robert D. Collett, Zella M. Smith, Nellie C. Lackey, Virginia McGee, Ada McKay, Mary Collett, Jennie M. Reeves, Margaret Collett, Anne R. Collett, Mary F. McKay, Lydia Powell, Sarah Shambaugh, Sara Haydock, Thomas C. Haydock, Margaret Haydock, Veird Phillips, George Phillips, Burwell H. Miller, Hattie Miller, Harley H. Smith, Wayne C. Smith and William C. Miller. The first officers of the chapter were as follow : Worthy matron, Sara M. Smith; worthy patron, Robert D. Collett ; associate matron, Zella M. Smith ; treasurer, Nellie C. Lackey ; secretary, Virginia McGee; conductor, Ada McKay ; assistant conductor, Mary Collett ; marshal, Jennie M. Reeves ; Adah, Margaret Collett ; Ruth, Anne R. Collett ; Esther, Mary F. McKay ; Martha, Lydia Powell ; Electa, Sarah Shambaugh ; organist, Sara Haydock; chaplain, Margaret Haydock ; warder, Veird Phillips ; sentinel, George A. Phillips. The officers for 1918 are as follow : Mrs. Ada McKay, worthy matron ; Harley Smith, worthy patron ; Mary Collett, associate matron ; Mrs. Zella Smith, secretary ; Mrs. Lydia Powell, treasurer; Mrs. Veird Phillips, conductor; Mrs. Hattie Miller, associate conductor ; Margaret Collett, Adah ; Mrs. Anne R. Collett, Ruth ; Mrs. Mary F. McKay, Esther ; Mrs. Jennie M. Reeves, Martha ; Mrs. Sara M. Smith, Electa ; Mrs. Nettie M. Fulkerson, marshal ; William A. Sayers, sentinel ; Mrs. Margaret Haydock, chaplain ; Mrs. Nellie C. Lackey, warder; Ruth Fulkerson, organist. The present membership is thirty-three.


This lodge was instituted on November 4, 1845, with the following charter members : William M. Stark, John W. Merrick, Peter Kepler, A. M. Stark,


C. Within, E. S. Nichols and S. L. P. Defries. The first noble grand was A. M. Stark ; vice-grand, Cornelius Wilkens ; secretary, W. M. Stark, and treasurer, E. S. Nichols. The present officers of the lodge are the following : Noble grand, A. W. Haines; vice-grand, P. C. Bankard ; recording secretary, W. H. Street ; financial secretary, Wilson Davis ; treasurer, U. E. Clark ; trustees, Charles Dill, A. E. Faulkner and Frank Hupman. The meetings of Xenia lodge are held in rented rooms in the Allen building at the corner of Detroit and Main streets.


This lodge was instituted at Xenia on June II, 1857, with the following charter members : W. C. M. Baker, B. R. Foreman, F. E. Hubbard, F. A. Floyd, J. N. Newkirk and Levi Rader. It grew rapidly in numbers and influence, but on account of so many of its members joining the Union army during the Civil War it was compelled to surrender its charter, but was reinstated on August 26, 1871, by John T. Hogue, J. H. Camper, D. G. Martin, R. Partington and Levi Rader and has ever since maintained an active organization. The lodge lost all its early records by fire some years ago. The. present officers of the lodge are as follow : Noble grand, George Walsh ; vice-grand, Oliver Randall ; recording secretary, 0. M. Whittington ; financial secretary, B. F. Whittington ; treasurer, S. G. Chambliss. The lodge holds its meetings in the lodge hall in the Kingsbury building on Detroit street, between Main and Second streets.


The Odd Fellows at Jamestown own their own lodge hall, a building located on the south side of East Main street, which they value at fifteen hundred dollars. Jamestown Lodge No. 181 was instituted on March 31, 1851, by Parker Browder, James M. Johnson, Samuel Hankins, John M. Syfers, Peter Dingess, Edward Wickersham and John W. Baker. The first officers of the lodge were as follow : Noble grand, Samuel Hankins; vice-grand, P. S. Browder; secretary, J. M. Johnson ; treasurer, John W. Baker; conductor, J. A. Coburn ; warden, Albert Scoffield ; right supporter to the noble grand, Robert Cresley ; left supporter, William Smith ; right supporter to the vice-grand, David Giffens ; left supporter, J. Wilkins ; inside guard, J. A. Lewis. Following are the present officers of the lodge : Noble grand, Jesse Walthall ; vice-grand, Arthur Gary ; recording secretary, W. K. Sheflette ; financial secretary, H. D. Buckles ; treasurer, J. H. Parker ; conductor, F. W. Ogan. warden, 0. M. Conner ; right supporter to the noble grand, A. C. Glass ; left supporter, J. B. Murry ; right supporter to the vice-grand, W. C. Thomas ; left supporter, Charles Ellis ; outside guard, John Bailey ; inside guard, J. W. Shelly ; chaplain, Frank Johnson.



The Odd Fellows at Fairfield own their own building, a combined business house and lodge building, located at the southwest corner of Dayton and Xenia streets. Mad River Lodge No. 243, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at Fairfield, was instituted on February 23, 1854, H. E. Hebble, John Ashbaugh, John W. Williams, G. W. Baggot and H. P. Shaffer being the charter members of the same. Following were the first officers of the lodge : Noble grand, H. E. Hebble ; vice-grand, H. P. Shaffer; treasurer, G. W. Baggot; secretary, John M. Williams. The present (1918) officers are as follows : Noble grand, John Esterline ; vice-grand, J. B. Harner ; treasurer, George H. Stiles ; secretary, C. F. Snediker.


The Odd Fellows at Yellow Springs not only own their own lodge hall, a two-story frame building situated at the corner of Glen and Xenia streets, but a two-story brick building adjoining the same, and derive considerable revenue from the rentals received. Yellow Springs Lodge No. 279, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, was instituted on May 21, 1855, the charter members of the same being Peter Boyer, L. L. St. John, Benjamin Wood, Andrew Livingston, William Strasberger, Joshua Burley, John W. Hamilton, John D. Hawkins, Chris. Folkerth, A. J. Clawson, M. J. Ennis, George W. Shoup and W. K. Wolf. The first officers were Peter Boyer, L. L. St. John, Benjamin Wood, Andrew Livingston, William Strasberger and Joshua Burley. The present officers of the lodge are R. O. Wead, George W. Sroufe, G. F. Littleton, W. J. Currie, L. D. Welch and W. E. Littleton.


The Odd Fellows at Spring Valley own their own lodge building, a piece of property on Pike street valued at twenty-five hundred dollars. Spring Valley Lodge No. 302, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, was instituted on May 22, 1856, with the following charter members : C. A. Watson, W. C. Tharp, E. H. Swain, George C. Clark, R. W. Latcham, J. P. Sanders, Hiram Schnebley, James M. Porter, John W. McQuaid, William B. Rieg, C. D. Wooley, F. M. Moffitt and Peter Dehaven. The first officers of this lodge were the following : Noble grand, C. A. Watson; vice-grand, W. G. Tharp ; secretary, E. H. Swain ; treasurer, George C. Clark. Following are the present (1918) officers : Noble grand, J. 0. Peterson ; vice-grand, Earl Simison ; recording secretary, E. M. Copsey ; financial secretary, F. M. Hiett ; treasurer, W. E. Crites ; trustees, C. H. Dill, J. W. Soward and Roy Starbuck.



This woman's auxiliary to Odd Fellowship in Xenia seems prophetically enough to have been named "Phoenix," for it literally has risen from the ashes, the lodge paraphernalia having been destroyed by fire at the time of the destruction of the Eavey building on February 3, 1908, all that was saved of the paraphernalia having been the silverware, which was stored in a corner of the top floor of the building and to the saving of which a fireman, Oliver W. Dice, who, by the way, also was an Odd Fellow, risked his life, being afterward made the recipient of a vote of thanks on the part of the lodge, which also presented him a box of cigars. Practically all the records of the lodge were destroyed at the same time and the charred fragments of what remained are carefully preserved as a memorial of the trying experience through which the lodge passed at the time of the fire. The lodge now holds its meetings in the lodge hall in the Allen building. Phoenix Lodge formerly was Vashti Lodge, under which latter name it was instituted on September 7, 1883, with the following charter members : Mrs. A. Sears, Mrs. David Helds, Mrs. S. J. Rader, Mrs. Bertha L. King, Mrs. A. J. Simms, Mrs. Calverton B. Watts, Mrs. N. C. Martin, Jacob Persinger, A. W. Sears, S. P. Riffell, William Galloway, J. B. Morris, George F. Watts, David Fields, W. M. King, L. G. Fessenden, A. J. Simms, William Rader and A. J. Archdeacon. The first officers of the lodge were the following: Noble grand, S. P. Riffel ; vice-grand, Mrs. A. J. Simms ; secretary, William H. King; treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Sears; trustees, George Watts, William Galloway and William H. King. For reasons not essential to this narrative, Vashti Lodge gradually declined in vigor and eventually surrendered its charter, but in June, 1895, was reinstated under the name of Phoenix Lodge No. 74 and has ever since enjoyed a thriving career, barring the incident of the destructive five mentioned above. The charter members of the lodge at time of reinstitution were W. H. Simms, William Simms, William Wagner, David Johns, David Crow, Charles Casad, Lysander Peterson, Emma Simms, Bessie Simms, Helen Wagner, Jennie Johns, Ida Crow, Ida Casad, Ida Peterson, Sallie Clark, Sarah Gretzinger and Permelia Funderberg. The present (1918) officers of Phoenix lodge are : Noble grand, Grace Krautz ; vice-grand, Lucy Haines ; secretary, Viola Johnson ; treasurer, Minnie Swabb; trustees, Elizabeth Bowser, Estella Ball and Nordice Snyder.


It was on July 25, 1873, that Ivanhoe Lodge No. 56, at Xenia, was instituted and it ever since has enjoyed a well-ordered growth. Meetings are held on Wednesday evening of each week in the building at the southwest corner of Detroit and Second streets. The charter members of Ivan-


hoe lodge were John D. Allen, A. H. Aubrey, L. M. Bates, A. L. De Camp, John E. Brown, Charles L. Darlington, William Dodds, A. M. Hoffman, E. P. Hooven, William Dunn, H. H. Hering, C. B. Jones, William Kershner, George W. Neville, Bernard Schlessinger, F. M. Tague, William Kealhofer, John W. Tresslar, Edward L. Wilson, J. Q. Wolf, L. H. Whiteman, A. L. Zimmerman and William H. Glotfelter. Following were the first officers of the lodge : Chancellor commander, John D. Allen ; vice-chancellor, Charles L. Darlington; prelate, 'William Kealhofer ; master of work, William Kershner ; master at arms, L. H. Whiteman ; inner guard, John W. Tressler ; outer guard, A. L. Zimmerman ; master of exchequer, E. P. Hooven; master of finance, A. M. Hoffman ; keeper of records and seal, Bernard Schlessinger ; trustees, George W. Neville, William Dunn and J. Q. Wolf. The present officers of the lodge are as follow : Chancellor commander, M. A. Yeager ; vice-chancellor, J. E. McCreary ; master of work, A. J. Wilson ; master at arms, William B. Gregg; master of exchequer, D. E. Knisley ; master of finance and keeper of records and seal, B. F. Thomas; inner guard, C. C. Henrie ; outer guard, A. W. Tullis; trustees, Jacob Kany, George Haller and A J. Wilson.


The Knights of Pythias at Clifton own their own lodge hall, a building valued at seventeen hundred dollars, and have been an active force in and about that village for nearly a quarter of a century. Clifton Lodge No. 669 was instituted on September 20, 1894, the following being the charter members of the lodge : J. E. Johnson, E. C. Corey, C. S. Hatfield, Marion Reese, W. D. Estle, Albert Sellers, E. J. Printz, C. E. Confarr, C. E. Speaks, D. A. Rupert, George Elder, C. F. Stewart, H. R. Towner, J. C. Littleton, W. B. Clark, E. W. Albin, C. E. Todd, S. S. Puckett, G. W. Stroufer, G. D. Vent, W. C. Stewart, D. L. Gram, J. B. Littleton, H. R. Estle, Sol. Wilson, J. W. Larkin, J. P. Allen, I. T. Confarr and J. W. Confarr. The first officers of the lodge were : Chancellor commander, S. S. Puckett ; vice-chancellor, W. H. Page ; prelate, D. E. Spahr; master at arms, W. B. Clark; master of exchequer, C. E. Todd; master of finance, C. E. Confarr ; keeper of records and seal, C. E. Confarr; trustees, J. C. Littleton, C. E. Corey and George H. Smith. The present officers of the lodge are : Chancellor commander, W. D. Printz ; vice-commander, W. A. Wright ; prelate, Howard Adams ; master of work, Charles McFarland ; keeper of records and seal, C. E. Confarr ; master of finance, H. B. Holsapple; master of exchequer, M. W. Ault ; master at arms, Art Reed ; inner guard, F. W. Dawson ; outer guard, D. A. Findly.



Probably entertaining distinct recollections of the cyclone that devastated the village of Jamestown in 1884, when the men who organized the Knights of Pythias lodge in that town in 1892 came to pick out a name for their organization they gave to it the tempestuous name noted above. Cyclone lodge was organized on February 22, 1892, the charter members being W. T. McCreight, J. C. Toland, L. M. Jones, Frank McGuire, Levi Rader, L. C. Walker, George A. McLaughlin, C. C. Hosier, S. W. Davis, William Sheley, M. Eisenman, A. T. Gross, G. W. Shickley, C. Riggin, John Bailey, S. T. Baker, A. Whittington and C. H. Jenkins. Lodge meetings are held in the hall over the Jenkins & Turnbull grocery store on West Main street. The first officers of Cyclone lodge were as follow : Past chancellor, M. T. McCreight ; chancellor commander, J. C. Toland ; vice-chancellor, Dr. L. M. Jones; prelate, Levi Rader ; keeper of records and seal, George A. McLaughlin ; master of exchequer, Dr. L. C. Walker ; master of finance, C. C. Hosier; master at arms, Frank McGuire; inner guard, William Sheley; outer guard, M. Eisenman. The present officers of the lodge are : Chancellor commander, David Venard ; vice-chancellor, Alf. Skyles ; prelate, Benjamin Tref tz ; master of work, Al. Zeiner ; keeper of records and seal, H. D. Buckles ; master of finance, J. H. Parker ; master of exchequer, W. A. Thomas ; master at arms, C. W. Barker ; inner guard, Roy Cline ; outer guard, C. E. Moorman.


The Knights of Pythias at Osborn meet in a rented hall and in view of the probable early abandonment of that village in accordance with the plans of the flood-prevention commission the lodge has no intention of building. Osborn Lodge No. 379, Knights of Pythias, was instituted on September 13, 1889, the charter members of the same being J. H. Barkman, M. L. Finnell, O. M. Marquart, Frank Vaughn, John Trout, Jr., C. K. Hershey, F. A. Tranchant, C. C. Jackson, Dayton Kneisley, J. H. Helser, David Auten, Thomas C. Auten, John Stull, 0. E. Swadner, James Spangler, William Hostetter, B. W. Sawdey, J. C. Worley, C. S. Broadwell, J. M. Sheetz, J. R. Hardman, William Bryan, F. N. Neff, C. E. Miller, Jacob Shatz, Amos Brehm, R. P. Emmick, L. C. Mitman, J. J. Tranchant, Jr., Z. T. Hebble, D. B. Orum, O. B. Kauffman, E. E. Shartle, C. M. Hardman, L. F. Creamer, John A. Kneisley, Charles Hammond, J. A. Miller, Charles Miller, L. C. Emmick, Fred Steffen, W. B. Morrison, Frank Reel and Emanuel Hamm. Following is a list of the first officers of the lodge : Chancellor commander, M. L. Fennell ; vice-chancellor ; prelate, A. L. H. Miller ; keeper of records


and seal, C. K. Hershey ; master at arms, John Trout, Jr., master of exchequer, C. C. Jackson ; master of finance, F. A. Tranchant; inner guard, Dayton Kneisley; outer guard, J. H. Helser. The present (1918) members of the lodge are as follows : Chancellor commander, 0. B. Kauffman; vice-chancellor, W. J. Morris; prelate, N. S. Auten ; master of work, C. C. Barkman ; keeper of records and seal, J. E. Heedwohl ; master at arms, J. A. Miller; master of exchequer, 0. P. Mitman ; master of finance, Z. T. Hebble ; inner guard, Elwood Dunkle; outer guard, W. A. Wiles.


The present tribe of the Improved Order of Red Men at Xenia, known as Wahoo Tribe No. 41, is a consolidation of the old Wahoo tribe and the tribe that later was organized in the city and which was known as Red Jacket Tribe No. 118, the consolidation of the two tribes having been effected on the night of October 5, 1916, according to the laws of the great council of Ohio, by J. Brownschweiger, great sachem of the great council of the state, the following officers being installed at that time : Prophet, William Bath; sachem, Daniel A. Smith; senior sagamore, Harry Shoemaker; junior sagamore, Benjamin Jackson ; chief of records, S. C. Coates; keeper of wampum, John Shoemaker; trustees, W. C. Bloom, Thomas Heathcook and William Bath. The present officers of the tribe are as follow : Prophet, A. C. Sherman ; sachem, Edward Burtis ; senior sagamore, Orville Tucker ; junior sagamore, Benjamin Eckerle; chief of records, S. C. Coates ; keeper of wampum, John Shoemaker ; trustees, Samuel Sunkel, Thomas Heathcook and William Bath. Old Wahoo Tribe No. 41 was organized on October 29, 1868, by W. Bloom, B. Schlesinger, Paul Weisse, Paul Fetz, John Sanz, George Grauer, J. C. Feurle, Andrew Fisher, George Fisher, Martin Schledt, Henry Eichman, Henry Sonderman and Fred Huehne, of whom three, W. Bloom, B. Schlesinger and Paul Weisse, are still active members of the tribe. Wahoo tribe's charter members were German-speaking and the meetings were conducted in the German language until 1911, when the German rituals were exchanged for those printed in English. In the meantime, Thursday, May 22, 1889, there was organized at Xenia another tribe of Red Men, Red Jacket Tribe No. 118, the following being charter members of the same : M. A. Broadstone, W. C. Bloom, Daniel A. Smith, Charles W. Whitmer, John Boots, H. C. Armstrong, H. Grottendick, William Dodds, Ed. Snell, John A. Fifer, Ed. A. Sanz, Adam Boots, Charles Phillips, George Sanz, William Ellsberry, Wesley Owens, H. P. Lindsay, John A. Cisco, G. W. Jones, W. A. Simons, John Thomas, Harlan Powers, L. E. Spahr, William A. Richardson, H. C. Long, S. R. Bales, John R. Sut-


ton, Reuben Canady, J. A. Carey, A. H. Spahr, W. A. Labron, Frank Smith, Coleman Heaton, Martin Ullery, C. F. Cretors, Samuel Rader, Clint Rader, Walter Campion and M. A. Walton. The first officers of Red Jacket lodge were.: Prophet, John Boots; sachem, H. C. Armstrong; senior sagamore, M. A. Broadstone; junior sagamore, Daniel A. Smith ; chief of records, Charles W. Whitmer ; trustees, George Sanz, H. Grottendick and Coleman Heaton. Years afterward the members of the two tribes began to realize that the "hunting grounds" of Xenia in the "reservation" of Ohio were not large enough to support two tribes and the consolidation above referred to was effected in the fall of 1916, the name of the tribe first on the "hunting ground," "Wahoo," being preserved. This tribe meets every Thursday night in the little building at the northwest corner of Main and Whiteman streets.


This woman's auxiliary to the local tribe of the Improved Order of Red Men at Xenia was organized on April 11, 1908, with the following charter members : 0. H. Simons, Mrs. M. C. Simons, Charles Howell, Mrs. Clara Howell, Frank Spahr, Mrs. Loretta Spahr, E. L. Hegler, Ella Hegler, D. A. Smith, Mrs. Claretta Smith, Mrs. O. R. Stolzman, W. R. Shirk, Perry Shafer, Elizabeth Shafer, Joseph Bales, Mrs. Joseph Bales, John Humston, Harriet Humston, Simeon Coates, Leola Coates, M. A. Hagler, Mrs. M. A. Hagler, Mrs. Willetta Huffman, H. E. Milburn, A. J. Richardson, Marion Kester, Mrs. Nettie Kester, Charles Johns, Blanche Johns, Adam Boots, John M. Boots, Lewis Wagner, Anna Wagner, William Blake, Ella Blake, William Burba, Mary Burba, Frank Buck, William Barnett, Mrs. William Barnett, Mrs. Elmer Harvey, Josie Seldomrich, Mrs. Alice Howell, Joseph Levalley, Mrs. Elizabeth Levally, Minnie Rockfield, Ida Angle, Raper Hite, Mary L. Hite, Sarah Cultice, Rosetta Cultice, Grant Cultice, Jacob Fudge, Levana Fudge, Cora Shirk, Samuel Hyman, Eliza Phillips, J. W. Baumaster, Sarah Baumaster, Samuel Gunkle, Charles Sutton, Mary Sutton, Bettie Harris, Minetta Craft, Clark Young, Ida Cultice, A. C. Sherman, Bertha Palmer, all of which number are still living save seven. The first officers of Zanetta council were the following : Pocahontas, Margaret Stolz-man; Winona, Loretta Spahr Powhattan, Simeon Coates; prophetess, Ella Hagler ; keeper of records, Leola Coates ; keeper of wampum, Josie Seldom-rich ; trustees, Ella Blake, Nettie Kester and Willetta Huffman. The council holds its meetings in the Red Men's hall at the corner of Main and Whiteman streets. The present officers of the council are : Pocahontas, Jane Sanders ; Winona, Mary Ary ; Powhattan, Thomas Heathcook ; prophetess, Cora Levalley ; keeper of records, Ella Blake; keeper of wampum, Verna Smith ; trustees, Opal Owens, Clara Ary and Francis Ary.