OUT of the depths of his mature wisdom Carlyle wrote, " History is the essence of innumerable
biographies." Believing this to be a fact, there is no necessity of advancing any further reason for
the compilation of such a work as this, if reliable history is to be the ultimate object.
The section of Ohio embraced by this volume has sustained within its confines men who have
been prominent in the history of the State, and even the nation, for a century. The annals teem
with the records of strong and noble manhood, and, as Sumner has said, " the true grandeur of
nations is in those qualities which constitute the greatness of the individual." The final causes
which shape the fortunes of individuals and the destinies of States are often the same. They are
usually remote and obscure, and their influence scarcely perceived until manifestly declared by
results. That nation is the greatest which produces the greatest and most manly men and faithful
women; and the intrinsic safety of a community depends not so much upon methods as upon that
normal development from the deep resources of which proceeds all that is precious and
permanent in life. But such a result may not consciously be contemplated by the actors in the
great social drama. Pursuing each his personal good by exalted means, they work out as a logical
The elements of success in life consist in both innate capacity and determination to excel. Where
either is wanting, failure is almost certain in the outcome. The study of a successful life,
therefore, serves both as a source of information and as a stimulus and encouragement to those
who have the capacity. As an important lesson in this connection we may appropriately
quote Longfellow, who said: " We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while we
judge others by what they have already done." A faithful personal history is an illustration of the
truth of this observation.
In this biographical history the editorial staff, as well as the publishers, have fully realized the
magnitude of the task. In the collection of the material there has been a constant aim to
discriminate carefully in regard to the selection of subjects. Those who have been prominent
factors in the public, social and industrial development of the county have been 'given due
recognition as far as it has been possible to secure the requisite data. Names worthy of
perpetuation here, it is true, have in several instances been omitted, either on account of the
apathy of those concerned or the inability of the compilers to secure the information necessary
for a symmetrical sketch; but even more pains have been taken to secure accuracy than were
promised in the prospectus. Works of this nature, therefore, are more reliable and complete than
are the " standard " histories of a country.
Adams, James T., 321
Adams, M. A., 403
Adams, Newton M., 323
Adelsperger, W. H., 218
Alexander, Mathew M., 456
Alford, William C., 235
Alspach, Salathiel V., 199
Alspach, William, 487
Anderson, John. D., 355
Arnold, John T., 44
Baker, John, 84
Baker, Joseph P., 480
Balsley, Alfred H., 522
Barnhill, Tobia G., 549
Barr, John M., 420
Bartoon, Joseph T., 438
Beamer, Charles, 576
Beard, John, 406
Beardsley, Herbert V., 591
Beck, David, 492
Bell, Marion, 501
Benner, J. H., 541
Bennett, Rufus W., 230
Bibler, B. F., 475
Bickelhaupt, Frederick J., 213
Bigelow, Charles H., 211
Biggs, Samuel M., 338
Bish, Andrew, 500
Bish, William S., 500
Bishop, Henry, 48
Bishop, John S., 50
Black, William P., 411
Blymyer, Henry J., 302
Boger, Jacob H., 89
Bohn, Jacob, 227
Bolander, William, 301
Bolton, Elmer C., 332
Bond, Charles A., 491
Bope, James A., 82
Bowers, Jacob, 556
Bowlby, Salamis, 305
Boyd, Richard W.; 27
Boyd, T. C., 282
Brenner, John, 545
Brenner, William, 590
Brickman, H. A., 114
Brickman, William F., 255
Bright, Charles, 28
Bright, Levi, 254
Bright, Major, 104
Brinker, Jesse I., 197
Broadwater, Luke H., 266
Brooks, C. W., 424
Brooks, Harrison, 318
Brown, Abraham, 72
Brown, Henry W., 553
Browneller, D. P., 310
Browneller, Frederick, 309
Burket, Harlan F., 520
Burket, Jacob F., 9
Byal, Absalom P., 162
Byal, Henry, 64
Carlin, Squire, 192
Carpenter, C. A., 335
Carrothers, George, 12
Casterline, Cyrus L., 550
Cathers, Preston B., 198
Chambers, Clinton, 221
Chambers, David U., 573
Chase, Justus, 24
Chase, T. Z., 172
Clark, Harvey G., 537
Clark, James R., 317
Clayton, Joseph B., 393
Clymer, A. H., Sr., 559
Clymer, Thomas H., 292
Cobb, Alden H., 268
Cobb, Marion A., 261
Cole, Ralph D., 553
Cole, Raymond, 123
Cole, William W., 167
Coleman, Nelson, 279
Coontz, Warner, 298
Cooper, Isaac W., 443
Cooper, Robert A., 565
Corthell, Clinton S., 495
Corwin, Hezekiah, 161
Cowley, Millard C., 68
Cramer, Andrew, 149
Cramer, George F., 34
Cramer, Joseph, 139
Creighton, William J., 241
Cross, James, 121
Cross, John H., 560
Crowell, Frank R., 594
Cusac, James M., 85
Cusac, William, 85
Cusac, William J., 390
Dailey, Baker, 511
Daily Courier, The, 587
Daman, W. C., 348
Davis, Abner L., 424
Davis, David T.. 225
Davis, Isaac, 341
Davy, Mrs. Rebecca N., 89
Davy, Robert, 88
Decker, James, 465
Deihlman, George A., 498
Demland, William A., 502
Dennison, James, 52
De Vore, George W., 538
De Wolf, Surrel P., 340
Dick, David; 96
Donnell, James C., 303
Dorsey, Wallace, 311
Doty, John N., 20
Doty, William C., 258
Dozer, Jesse L., 395
Dreisbach, David M., 112
Dreisbach, Gabriel M., 368
Dukes, Clark W., 362
Dukes, Lewis S., 16
Dunn, Elijah T., 525
Enfield, James A., 148
Eoff, Louis W., 504
Ernest, G. W., 205
Ernest, William W., 366
Ewing, Albert L., 106
Ewing, Cornelius, 110
Ewing, Erwin E., 17
Ewing,. Melvin E., 111
Ewing, Philip W., 457
Eckels, Joel, 22
Ellis, Asa, 91
Elsea, George W., 582
Elsea, Samuel H., 76
Falk, Levi, 108
Finsel, John E., 260
Firmin, Francis W., 184
Firmin, Lorenzo, 448
Fisher, A. J., 79
Fisher, Gotlob D., 163
Fisher, John, 163
Fisher, William, 342
Fitch, D. W., 572
Fitzgerald, Robert H., 521
Flamion, Philip, 563
Flick, Thomas, 209
Fogler, William, 147
Ford, Clayton W., 493
Franks, Henry, 466
Frey, William J., 327
Fruth, Jacob, 412
Garber, Christopher, 398
George, Willard, 483
Gillespie, Thomas F., 345
Glathart, Aaron J., 100
Glauner, William F., 361
Gleckner, Adam., 593
Goeppele, George, 509
Goodman, George M., 580
Gray, William P., 460
Green, William, 383
Greene, Isaac M., 579
Gressly, Jacob, 295
Griffin, Frank A., 206
Grimm, John W., 286
Growden, Arthur M., 439
Grubb, Cyrus, 32
Grubb, John H., 468
Guise, Perry O., 413
Haddox, Samuel, 435
Hale, E. W., 557
Hall, George W., 519
Hammond, George F., 36
Hammond, M. R., 534
Harrop, William, 494
Hartman, Andrew, 135
Hartman, Jasper N., 216
Hause, Henry M., 459
Hawkins, Edgar A., 56
Hayward, Collin D., 186
Heck, Anderson C., 496
Heck, John, 397
Heckert, William, 154
Heimhofer, John B., 66
Heistand, Henry, 191
Herman, Joseph J., 569
Hershey, Isaac, 138
Heyn, Christian, 103
Higbie, J. L., 117
Hirschberger, John F., 281
Holliger, Frederick A., 372
Hooper, Isaac W., 168
Hosler, Morrison, 363
Hosier, William F., 55
Hostler, Lewis H., 385
Houck, William H., 40
Hoy, James T., 329
Hudson, J. E., 433
Hughes, Don C., 367.
Ingold, Jacob, 533
Insley, Isaac, 62
Jacobs, John W., 306
Jameson, Cornelius S., 87
Johnston, Charles S., 575
Kagey, John C., 475
Kagy, Joseph R, 18
Karg, Frederick J., 476
Karg, Louis, 497
Karn, Theodore, 331
Karst, J. B., 447
Keeley, James, 187
Keenan, Hugh J., 486
Kelley, Tames W., 401
Kelley, J. B., 437
Kelly, Luther C., 11
Kempher, Rado, 568
Ketzenbarger, Jacob O., 42
Kibler, Jacob, 357
Kibler, R. J., 237
Kiefer, William I., 394
Kimmell, Jacob A., z00
Kinder, Walter H., 313
Kirkbride, James W., 19
Kisseberth, John L., 67
Kistler; Benjamin, Sr., 128
Krabill, Hiram D., 485
Krauss, Charles J., 419
Kuhlman, William, 462
Larkins, Sorely, 555
Latshaw, A. B., 240
Lear, William A., 405
Lechner, Michael, 180
Lee, Noah, 144
Lemott, Samuel, 150
Leonard, Robert L., 59
Lewis, Francis M., 544
Lichty, Benedict, 320
Linhart, Jacob A., 27
Linhart, John H., 26
Longbrake, Louis, 214
Maclachlan, Norman. L., 478
Madsuse, William, 356
Mallen, Charles, 489
Martin, Jerome M., 252
Marvin, Isaac W., 536
Marvin, .Otta B., 482
Mascho, Charles W., 499
Matthias, Albert C., 517
McAnelly, Moses, 115
McArthur, George, 276
McElwaine, William H., 523
McGee, Martin P., 446
McLeod, Joseph R., 349
McManness, Lemuel, 181
McRill, Jefferson C., 296
Measel, Mrs. Harriet H., 192
Mellott, John H., 463
Metzler, W. M., 418
Miley, Harvey C., 51
Miller, Alexander, 264
Miller, Francis M., 39
Miller, Levi, 273
Miller, William B., 247
Mitchell, Parlee, 552
Mitchell, Thomas M., 352
Moffett, William R., 245
Montgomery, John, 109
Montgomery, John T., 43
Montgomery, William, 74
Moorhead, John M., 174
Morrison, Nelson H., 594
Morrison, Philemon B., 451
Motherwell, Robert B., 228
Moyer, Edwin R., 253
Moyer, M. M., 253
Moyer, Uriah B., 308
Nau, Jacob, 354
Neibling, William C., 488
Nelson, George, 209
Nelson, Jonathan, 169
Newcomer, Levi B., 454
Newhouse, William M., 422
Nichols, Allison H., 531
Norris, George W., 326
Nusser, J. A., 467
Oliver, Philip B., 514
Oman, Ephraim I., 153
Oman, George W., 535
Overholt, A. J., 371
Overholt, Christian, 232
Parker, Havilah L., 291
Parker, John, 212
Patterson, James L., 587
Patterson, Joseph S., 336
Pendleton, George F., 98
Pendleton, George S., 474
Pepple, Eli W., 554
Pepple, Jacob, 173
Pepple, William H., 15
Peterman, John, 140
Peters, George W., 105
Phelps, George H., 262
Phifer, George W., 450
Pilcher, Milton A., 226
Plotts, Andrew J., 384
Poe, Nelson, 365
Powell, Alexander B., 319
Powell, Jacob E., 512
Powell, Peter H., 256
Powell, Sullivan, 217
Powell, Valentine, 272
Presler, Napoleon B., 251
Priddy, S. N. E., 430
Purkey, Henry O., 244
Rainey, Harvey, 47
Ramsey, Hamilton L., 289
Ray, Frank C., 461
Redfern, Joseph P., 203
Reiter, Henry, 270
Reiter, Sebastian J., 271
Reynolds, George M., 589
Rial, Allfree. H., 208
Ricketts, Jasper T., 428
Riegle, John W. S., 61
Roberts, Solomon N., 134
Roether, Abraham, 588
Roller, George W., 127
Roller, Jefferson, 539
Roller, W. C., 196
Ross, George W., 170
Routzon, David C., 31
Rummell, George B., 63
Rummell, William R., 38
Russell, Frank, 222
Russell, Robert B., 53
Sager, Andrew, 445
Saltsman, Norman, 402
Saltzman, Christopher A., 95
Sampson, John Z., 571
Sausser, David W., 130
Schoonover, John, 392
Schubert, Daniel N., 243
Schubert, John, 124
Schwinn, Philipp, 353
Scothorn, Abraham W., 408
Shafer, Morgan C., 506
Sharninghause, William, 564.
Shea, James, 190
Sheets, Henry, 441
Sherick, David, 70
Sherman, Conrad, 548
Shilling, Jesse, 346
Shoe, John W., 189
Shull, Hermon T., 131
Shull, Isaac L., 570
Siddall, A. C., 423
Smith, A. H., 581
Smith, Augustus M., 516
Smith, Charles F., 324
Smith, Daniel L., 508
Smith, George H., 351
Smith, Henry C., 107
Snider, Isaac C., 143
Snider, Solomon, 410
Snider, William F., 54
Snyder, George W., 380
Snyder, Henry, 238
Solether, John S., 176
Solt, David B., 333 Solt, Peter, 248
Stackhouse, Thomas J., 503
Stacy, Thomas, 210
Stahl, Levi, 546
Stall, John F., 382
Steinman, Benjamin C., 35
Stephenson, William, 426
Stephenson, William E., 31;
Stevenson, A. W., 452
Stevenson, Evan D., 178
Stewart, S. M., 93
Stockton, Charles A., 30
Stoffel, Joseph, 547
Stoker, Darius R., 472
Stoker, George M., 14
Stoker, Wilson C., 464
Storts, Francis M., 300
Stough, George S., 586
Stough, Henry, 71
Strother, Mrs. Sarah A., 414
Sutter, Fredrick, 477
Sutton, John A., 375
Swab, John W., 132
Swab, Samuel, 400
Swank, H. D., 561
Swartz, Nelsen R., 498
Switzer, Daniel E., 321
Tait, William M., 316
Tarbox, Harry L., 120
Taylor, Charles R., 532
Taylor, Edmund C., 46
Taylor, Rufus E., 157
Teatsorth, Isaac, 578
Thomas, Albert J., 283
Thomas, Charles H., 432
Thomas, David, 47o
Thomas, Grant, 220
Thomas, John A., 389
Thomas, Samuel B., 574
Thomas, William, 469
Thompson, Isaac, 416
Trout, Ephraim, 374
Trout, Milton E., 37g
Trout, Sylvanus W., 378
Trueslow, Wilbur F., 293
Van Eman, Josephus C., 234
Van Horn, Perry, 347
Van Lue, E. V., 151
Van Sant, Frank, 158
Van Sickle, John, 370
Vickers, Hilton A., 44o
Waggoner, William G., 278
Walter, Daniel, 288
Wanamaker, Eliphes, 344
Watkins, George W., 275
Watson, Charles E., 207
Watson, Charles R., 26g
Watson, Richard NI., 360
Webster, W. C., 543
Weirough, Philip, 566
Whitman, George W., 515
Wilcox, Edgar, 455
Williamson, James, 81
Williamson, William A., 277
Wilson, James, 165
Winders, Henry F., 551
Wineland, B. F., 387
Wise, Benjamin J., 364
Wise, Franklin, 126
Wise, W. A., 490
Wiseley, Martin L., 224
Wisely, William P., 136
Wiseman, Andrew, 528
Wiseman, Joseph, 530
Witmore, Henry E., 183
Wolf, Adam, 429
Wolf, Simon, 524
Wolfe., Mary A., 266
Wolff, Louis A., 510
Woodruff, Sheldon, 284
Woods, L. S., 376
Worden, Alvin L7, 312
Worden, Robert B., 312
Young, M. C., 540
Zeller, John W., 583