The manufacture of iron, now the chief industry of the Mahoning valley, had its birth in Poland
township, and Dan Eaton, that odd compound of good sense and whimsical notions, was its
father. As there is much uncerlainty as to the exact date at which this important industry began,
we reproduce the testimony of those who are best informed upon the matter. Thomas Struthers,
now of Warren, Pennsylvania, says:
I cannot obtain evidence of the exact date when the first blast furnace on the Reserve was started
into operation. Daniel Heaton (afterward abbreviated to Dan Eaton. by act of Assembly) I am
satisfied built the stack, and made con. tracts fo1 ore, and wood for coal for a blast-furnace, in
1803; and the recollection of my older brother is that he had it in
operation that year. The only doubt as to the correctness recollection arises from the fact of a suit
found on by John Hayes and Dan Heaton vs, James Douglass, June term. 1808, claiming
damages for the imperfect construction of a furnace bellows, contracted for September 1, 1806.
This may have been to replace the original one, however. It was located about one and one-fourth
miles from all of Yellow creek, in the township. of Poland, then mil, now Mahoning county. It is
certain that Robert Montgomery and John Struthers, my father, built and put in operation a
blast-furnace on the same stream, and on the farm on which the furnace of the Struthers Iron
company now stands, in the year 1806. These furnaces were of about equal capacity, and would
yield about two and a half o1 three tons each per day, The metal was principally run into molds
for kettles. Caldrons, bake-ovens, flat-irons, stoves, hand-irons, and such other articles as the
needs of new settlers required, and any surplus into pigs and sent to the Pittsburg market. These
were, I believe, the first blast-furnaces built in the State of Ohio, certainly the first on the
Reserve, The former, it is said, had for one side the natural rock of the bluff, against which it was
built, and for that or other reasons was fickle in its working, and probably did not last long, I
have no recollection of ever seeing it in blast, The latter continued to work until 1812, when the
men were all drafted into the war, and it was never started up again,
David Loveland, who was born and always lived near the site of the old furnaces, when in his
seventy-fifth year wrote concerning them as follows:
The manufacture of iron in the Mahoning valley, now one of its most important interests, was
first commenced near the mouth of Yellow creek, a short distance from Struther's station. and
about five miles southeast of Youngstown, by two brothers, James and Daniel Heaton. These
brothers were of an enterprising and experimenting disposition, and their ices will easily be
remembered by many of the olde1 settlers in and about Youngstown.
In 1805 or 1806 they erected, on Yellow creek, near the Mahoning river, a charcoal furnace,
which soon went into active operation. Connected with, and belonging to, the furnace proper
were about one hundred acres of well-timbered land, which supplied the charcoal and much of
the ore for the works. The "blast" was produced by an apparatus of rather peculiar construction,
and was simitar in principle to that produced by the column of water of the early furnaces. It
consisted of a square wooden box set in a cistern, with an opening at the top for the ingress of
water, and one in the side to conduct the air o1 "blast" to the furnace. The surplus water escaped
underneath, The water, Bowing in through a pipe at the top of the box, was accompanied with
air, which, being compressed by the continual low was forced through the side opening, and
conducted from thence by a pipe to the furnace stack. The "blast" thus obtained has always, I am
informed, been considered objectionable on account of its damp and chilly character, At any rate
it was the case in the present instance.
After this furnace had been in operation for some time James Heaton transferred his interest in
the property to his brother Daniel, and went up to Niles where he built another furnace. Dan
continued at the old works and manufactured considerable iron, much of it consisting of stoves,
large kettles and other castings, the appearance of which might be considered rude in these days,
While thus engaged Robert Montgomery (with whom I think was then associated David
Clendenin, our member of Congress elected in 1814) built a furnace on the same creek about a
half-mile * below Heaton's. It was constructed substantially in the same manner as the Heaton
furnace, except that the blast was much better, being generated by a waterwheel, walking-beams,
and two wooden cylinders.
Soon after the last named furnace went into operation Montgomery purchased the Heaton furnace
property paying for the same $1,000 in land, and giving a mortgage for the balance of the
purchase money, It went out of blast almost immediately after it changed hands. It then got into
the courts, and after being in litigation for several years, was re-transferred to Daniel Heaton, its
original owner, who about that time or shortly afterward had his name changed by act of the
Legislature to Dan Eaton. It was never started up again, however, after its sale to Montgomery,
and in all, never made iron for more than three years. Both furnaces went to ruin after the year
This, in brief, was the inception of out now great branch of trade, . . Though the writer might
justly distrust his early recollections, he would add that they have often been verified by
subsequent acquaintance and inter-communication with the Heatons and many of the older
settlers and early pioneers of this region, and it is with pleasure that he now has the opportunity
of testifying to the merits of those two brothers, James and Daniel Heaton, who, with indomitable
will, first gave life to an industry which from a wilderness has created a city almost continuous
for a score of miles along the valley of the Mahoning.
Bowen and Isaac Heaton established a furnace on Yell0w creek, about one-half mile from its
mouth, about the year 1836. Associated with them were Dr. Joseph Truesdale, Bostwick Fitch,
Horace Elliot, and Stofer. They had a stone stack, run the furnace by water, using charcoal as
fuel. They used the ore found on the creek. They made considerable iron, castings, etc., but the
establishment soon became a total failure through the action of water and frost upon its
The best evidence we have that the pioneers of this township were zealous friends of education,
is the knowledge that schools were established almost as soon as there were settlers enough to
support them. Here we wish to introduce another fact which clearly indicates the characteristic
desire for self-improvement possessed by the youth and men of those times.
A debating society which met evenings at the house of John Struthers, and probably at the houses
of other members, was in existence in 1803. The names of those who organized it were John
Struthers, Thomas Struthers, Alexander Struthers, Robert McCombs, William Mc-
* About a mile and a half, it should be.
Combs, Samuel Wilkinson, William Campbell, James Adair, William Adair, and John
Blackburn. Similar societies were kept up for some years, and during the long winter evenings
the sturdy boys and gray-haired men discussed questions of greater or less importance. These
meetings were a source of pleasure to all the members, and doubtless many a young man gained
skill and practice in the art of debate as well as some knowledge of parliamentary rules which
enabled him in future years to preside at public meetings with ease and dignity—an acquirement
which is of no little value to any citizen. The old-fashioned debating society was an educator
which imparted valuable instruction to many young men.
The following is from the writings of James Brownlee, Esq., published in the Collections of the
Mahoning Valley Historical society:
The first marriage ceremony was near 1800, and took place on the farm then owned by John
Blackburn. john Blackburn and Nancy Bryan had agreed to get married. The trouble was to get
some one to marry them, as they were determined to have the wedding before the surveyors left
after finishing the survey. No minister, no justice of the peace, in fact no one authorized to marry.
They finally agreed that judge Kirtland, having some kind of authority in Connecticut, where he
emigrated from, should officiate. When that was settled upon it was discovered that no previous
announcement had been made, as required by law, by posting notices ten days. Dr. Charles
Dutton said he could remedy this. so he wrote four notices and posted one on each side of the log
cabin. Then Judge Kirtland looked up his Episcopal prayer-book, which contained the marriage
ceremony. The company in waiting, a stool was placed in front of the judge, and on it a white
cover. Upon this the judge had placed his book. A slight delay occurring at the moment when all
appeared to be ready, some one proposed that they should take a drink of whiskey all around
before they were married. There were about seventy persons in attendance, and this was agreed to
unanimously. While the judge was taking his drink some one stole the prayer-book, leaving him
without a guide. But he said if they were agreed to it they should say so. They were both agreed ;
and thus ended the ceremony.
In 1802 Esquire Struthers at his house united in marriage a Mr. Kearney and a Miss Brierly.
Kearney lived a half mile southeast of Poland village, on land now owned by Mr. C. F. Kirtland,
and his bride in the same neighborhood, In the evening after the happy pair had returned from the
'squire's, the neighbors far and near assembled at Kearney's lo pay their respects to them. During
the festivities of the evening an accident occurred which dampened them to some extent. After
the bride had retired to the second story of the log house, which was reached by a ladder, the
men, in endeavoring to assist the groom up the ladder, let him fall to the floor, breaking his leg.
A man named Hineman died in Poland village 1n 1801. He was buried on land now owned by
James McNalley. This was probably the first death in the township. A Mrs, Stone died in
February 1802, and was buried near the road leading to Boardman center, near where Mr.
Scoville now lives. This is thought to have been the first female person that died in Poland,
A story is related concerning Tom McClees, the miller at Struthers' mill. Struthers had a large
dog and McClees took it one day to go out hunting for deer. Aroused by the barking of the dog,
he hastened to the spot from which the sound proceeded and discovered a large panther up a tree.
He fired and brought the animal down. The panther rolled over a steep bank, and the dog after
him, the panther landing uppermost. McClees took the beast by the tail and pulled him off the
dog ; then with the aid of the dog and a club dispatched him. He killed two more panthers the
same day. This- took place near Indian Rock in the Nebo gully.
"I know no1 how this thing may be;
I tell the tale as 'twas told to me. "
A school was started at Struthers at an early date. Perly Brush was one of the first, if nol the very
first teacher in the township. Other early teachers in that school were Rev. Mr. Cook, James
Anderson, and others. The school was kept in a small log house, and was probably opened as
early as 1801.
Later a school-house was built and a school opened at Poland Center. The house was small, but
many a time as many as one hundred per. sons were gathered there at singing schools and other
meetings. Forty scholars was about the number in attendance.
Concerning her school days, Mrs. John Slew. art has written as follows :
My first day's experience in attending school is strongly fixed in memory. The school-house was
at the Center, and two hundred acres of unbroken forest lay between our hots mid it, making it a
serious undertaking for a child of tit years. On the first morning of my attendance, May,
my mother said she was going on horseback to the village, and that she would carry me on the
horse behind her, which she did. On her return she brought me a copy of Webster's Spelling
Book, and made arrangements for the teacher to board with us for some time on my account. He
was an estimable young man, James Campbell by name, gone to his reward. The school-house
was built on the southeast corner of the cross-roads; buitt of round logs; with a clapboard roof,
held on by weight poles. I do not remembe1 to have seen a nail about the premises. On the north
side was a window of four lights of eight-by-ten glass. It was set high above the reach of the
smaller juveniles, a wise arrangement for the protection of the glass. It afforded sufficient light
for the teacher's desk under it. On the other three sides of the house were spaces made by cutting
out a log, all except sufficient to hold up the corners. In this was a sash for eight by ten, one light
high, but no glass. In the winter the sash was covered with writing paper, saturated with grease
applied to it by a hot flat-iron. These windows let in what was considered sufficient light for
school purposes, and by the time the winter school was over there was but little paper left. The
writing desks were large slabs, flat side up, supported by pins set into the wall in holes made by a
large auger. The seats were of narrower slabs, with supports made of dogwood saplings put into
holes made near the ends by those same augers. There was a ten-plate stove in the center of the
room, inscribed on each of the side- plates, "Dan Eaton, Hopewell Furnace." The stove was set
on blocks of wood, protected by one brick at each corner, between the wood and iron. The
cast-iron supporters made for it were hanging on a wooden pin driven into the wall for want of
sufficient iron to make two rods to hold them together. The stove-pipe was formed of what was
called "cot and clay." Its circumference was nearly that of a flour barrel, as it had several barrel
staves around it which were held on by hoops that I suppose had once been on the ends of flour
barrels. The pipe ran through the upper floor, and the smoke had to find its way through the roof.
The militia were enrolled in 1802. John Struthers was elected captain and Robert McCombs first
lieutenant. There were eighty-seven names upon the roll, and at the first roll call every man was
present. In 1805 the eastern part of the township formed one company and the western part
another. The two companies met at the village on the same day for drill. There being some rivalry
between the two companies it was proposed that there be a test to ascertain which had the best
marksman, each company to select its best man, and he to have bul one shot. The eastern
company chose Tom Clees, and the western a man by the name of Garner. The distance was sixty
yards, off-hand, with a rifle. McClees fired first, then Garner;, each hit the exact center,
consequently there was no viclory,
A partial list of those who were soldiers from this township in the War of 1812 includes the
following names:
John and James Strain—John died during the war; Alexander Buchanan, who volunteered and
died when not quite eighteen years old; Elijah Stevenson; Alexander McKeever was killed in a
skirmish; Captain Isaac Walker and Alexander Struthers also died in the service; Major John
Russel, William Brown, John Arrel, Isaac and Walter Buchanan, Eli McConnell, Francis Henry,
William Reed, James Jack, John Sexton, William and Johnston Lowry, Hugh Truesdale,
Alexander Truesdale, John and Alexander Cowden, William Love. Mr. Love is still living on the
only survivor.
This is a quiet little country village, prettily situated on the Yellow creek, about the middle of the
west line of the township. It was first known as " Fowler's " taking its name from the tavern of
Jonathan Fowler, built in 1804. Well supplied with shade trees, without the noise, dirt, and bustle
of large places, Poland wears an air of repose especially alluring to those who wish to find rest
and health,
In former years the village was a busy one, and its stores, mills, and hotels did a thriving
business. It was at one time far ahead of Youngstown as a trading place. It was quite an important
place in the days of staging, as the stages to Pittsburg both from the north and west passed
through it. The building of the canal, passing at a distance of two and a half miles from the
village, and later of the railroad, somewhat changed the current of business life, and Poland
suffered because of its location. The changes wrought by time and the important accessories of
labor and steam seem to have determined that the village, one of the oldest in the county, should
not become a place of any great commercial importance; and so Poland remains to-day an
attractive country village with a quiet and orderly population. It has an institution of learning
favorably known and liberally patronized, two churches, several good doctors, but no lawyers,
two hotels, three dry goods stores, four groceries, one bank, one hardware store, two tin-shops,
two drug stores, two wagon shops, a turning shop, one photographer, three shoemakers, three
blacksmiths, a harness shop, a flouring-mill, and a saw-mill. By the last census
the population of the corporation was three hundred and ninety-nine.
Poland village was incorporated August 7, 1866. A petition signed by sixty-three voters had been
presented to the county commissioners and was acted upon favorably. The first mayor was
Andrew Campbell; recorder, Seth H. Truesdale, elected to serve until April, 1867, when the
following officers were chosen: John A. Leslie, mayor ; B. B. Stilson, recorder ; C. B. Stoddard,
W. J. Ogden, Adam Case, John Barclay, Henry Burnett, councilmen; Michael Graham, marshal.
The officers at present are mayor, marshal, recorder, treasurer, street commissioner, and six
The post-office at Poland was established at an early date. Jared Kirtland was probably the first
postmaster. He was succeeded by Andrew Burgess. Other postmasters have been Hugh Duncan,
H. K. Morse, E. F. Drake, Jackson Moody, Adam Case. George Allen, the present incumbent,
has been postmaster for twenty years.
Dr. Ira Brainard was the first physician who located in the village. He remained about two years,
and about 1822 removed to Canfield, where he died in 1823. Dr. Jared P. Kirtland, a graduate of
the Philadelphia Medical college, settled in Poland in 1823. In 1829-30 he was a member of the
State Legislature, and again in 1834-35, In 1832 he was appointed a State geologist. He became
one of the faculty of the State Medical college at Cincinnati, and was afterwards a professor in
the Cleveland Medical school. He died in Cleveland a few years ago. Dr. Eli Mygalt, who still
resides here, entered into practice with Dr. Kirtland in 1829, and had large and successful
practice for many years, Dr. Joseph Truesdale seltled in Poland in 1831, and practiced until his
death in 1871. He was a graduate of the Cincinnati State Medical college, and an honored man in
his profession. He twice represented the county in the Legislature. Dr. Davis, an eclectic
physician, now of Cleveland, practiced here about six years. Dr. Calvin Truesdale, a nephew of
Dr. Joseph Truesdale, studied with his uncle and graduated from the Cleveland Medical school.
He practiced in Poland some years, leaving in 1854. He is now one of the leading physicians of
Rock Island, Illinois. Dr. Onesettler, a native of this county, practiced six or seven years,
beginning about 1865. There have been other doctors in Poland, each of whom remained only a
short time. The present practitioners here are Dr. H. R. Moore Dr. I. D. Bard, Dr. C. R. Justice,
and Dr. A, C. Elliot, dentist.
was started some years ago in the house now owned by B. F. Lee, Esq. Judge Chester Hayden
and M. A. King, of New York State, were the originators of the enterprise. They brought several
students with them, and conducted the school about five years, but abandoned it on as count of a
lack of support.
In order to understand fully the history of this seminary it is necessary to go back more than fifty
years, and trace from the small beginnings the slow, gradual, but certain growth and development
of the educational interests of this community. The early settlers of this sec. tion fully realized the
necessity of education, and had a due appreciation of its advantages, Convinced of this necessity,
Rev. Mr. Bradley, a Presbyterian minister, opened a select school about the year 1830, where the
classical languages and higher English branches were taught Thus was the seed sown which soon
germinated. In 1835 Mr. John Lynch, a young man of limited means and a pupil of Mr. Bradley's,
put up the building now occupied by Mr. Clark McGeehon as a dwelling, and opened an
academy, which was maintained for about ten years, when Mr. Lynch, because of financial
failure, was obliged to discontinue the academy.
For a period of about four years the educational interests of Poland seemed to be at a standstill.
The cessation of growth was only apparent, however, for in 1848 Mr. B. F. Lee, a student fresh
from Allegheny college, laid the foundation of an academy on the west side of the town, and
began his school in the fall of the year 1849. Almost immediately another academy was opened
on the east side of Yellow creek, under the especial care and patronage of the Presbyterians. Rev.
Jacob Coon, Rev,
Algernon Sydney MacMaster, D. D., and Professor George S. Rice were at different times at the
head of this academy, which was very successful for about six years, when the building took fire
from an imperfect chimney-flue and was burned, and the school in consequence soon thereafter
Mr. Lee selected a natural and picturesque mound for the location of his academy, erected a
suitable building, and employed a competent corps of teachers, to-wit : Professor M. R. Atkins,
principal; Miss E. M. Blakelee, preceptress; Miss Elmina Smith, assistant ; and Miss Mary Cook
teacher of music. It is with the founding of this school, known as Poland instilute, that the history
of Poland Union seminary properly begins.
At the end of six years Mr. Lee led a movement to provide better accommodations for the
growing academy, with a prospective endowment from the Pittsburg and Erie Annual
conferences of the Methodist Episcopal church. The Methodist Episcopal church of Poland,
generously assisted by the citizens, erected, on a pleasant site not tar from the building put up by
Mr. Lee, a three-story brick edifice, 60 x 80 feet. The school was moved from its pleasant
quarters on the mound to the more commodious building. The conferences being able to secure
only a portion of the proposed endowment, it never became available, and the school was
sustained by contributions from the citizens and tuition from the students.
The former building was purchased by Judge Chester Hayden and M. A. King, Esq., of New
York Slate, and used by them for a law school, with which General Leggett was for a time
connected. Many promising young lawyers were graduated from this school, among whom were
Judge C. E. Glidden, Judge Van Hyning, H. G. Leslie, Esq., William C. Bunts, Esq., and General
I. R. Sherwood. After a number of years of general success, the proprietors, thinking the city a
better point, removed the institution to Cleveland.
The college, as the school in the brick building was now called, struggled to maintain an
existence, as all such institutions must, in a new country, for want of means, but it was kept alive
and growing by the constant and earnest efforts of the cilizens, Mr. B. F. Lee always taking a
prominent part, giving liberally of his time and means, down to the year 1862, when the various
religious denominations of the town united and raised funds for the improvement of the building.
At this time the school was chartered as Poland Union seminary.
In 1871 the school was offered to the presbytery of Mahoning upon condition that the presbytery
make an earnest effort to secure an endowment of $15,000. When $10,000 were secured the
seminary was to pass into the control of the presbytery. Immediate action was taken by the
presbytery and the board of trustees to secure the endowment, by appointing Mr. B. F. Lee
financial agent, who, in canvassing about one half of the territory, secured the $10,000, which
was invested as a permanent endowment, and the presbytery assumed control of the school,
fraternizing, however, with other religious denominations.
Since the removal of the school to the brick building, the following educators have been at its
head : Professor J. E. Cummings, Professor A. T. Copeland, Rev. G. B. Hawkins, Rev. J. N.
Reno, Professor M. C. Butler, Professor H. J, Clark, Rev. William Dickson, D. D., and William
H. Tibbals, M. A., the present principal. Miss E. M. Blakelee was preceptress from the beginning
in 1849 to 1880, except for a period of six years.
The seminary is now well established as one of the permanent literary institutions of the State,
with an endowment of $15,000, $5,000 having been added by a recent bequest of Mr. George P.
Miller, deceased.
It has had among its students many young men and women who have filled, or are now filling,
places of trust and responsibility, among whom may be mentioned Revs. T. L Sexton, D. J.
Satterfield, Maxwell Cornelius, David Nesbit, T. S. Scott, R. D. Scott, D. V. Mays, H. P. Wilson,
H. W, Lowry, W. D. Sexton, Hon. William McKinley, Member of Congress; Abner McKinley,
Esq., Cecil Hine, Esq., Judge Van Hyning, W. B. Williams, Esq., H. G. Leslie, Esq., Hon. I. F.
Mansfield, Hon. A. E. Lee, William J. Calhoun, Esq., John McClure, Esq., and James Kennedy,
Esq.; W. S. Matthews, M. D., H. G. Cornwell, M. D., B. F. Hahn, M. D., J. M. Hamilton, M. D.,
S. D. Clarke, M. D., A. P. Kirtland, C. E., Julian and Hugh Kennedy,
and the Morse Brothers, bridge builders and engineers.
The seminary provides two courses of study, a literary course for young ladies and young men
who wish a practical education for general business, embracing a normal course, preparing them
especially for teaching, and a college preparatory course. Graduates from this school have entered
at Yale, Michigan university, Allegheny college, Oberlin, Westminster, Western Reserve,
Wooster university, and others.
The number who have entered the profession of teaching from this seminary gives evidence of
the excellent advantages it affords those who wish to prepare themselves for this profession.
The present instructors are William H. Tibbals, M. A., principal; Miss Ida M. Tarbell, B. A.,
preceptress, and Miss Adelaide Simpson, M. E, L., assistant,
This institution was chartered in 1875, and opened for business October 1st, the same year, with
a capital of $50,000, increased now to $100,000. The first officers were: R. L. Walker, president;
Clark Stough, cashier ; Dr. Eli Mygatt, vice-president, succeeded by Samuel Hine, and later by C.
F. Kirtland; directors, R, L Walker, C. F. Kirtland, Eli Mygatt, Clark Stough, Alexander Walker,
James Smith, Samuel Hine, Samuel McClurg (deceased), and William Arrel (deceased). C. N.
Kirtland and Walter Arrel have been appointed in place of the two deceased.
An iron foundry was built on the east side of Yellow creek in 1843 by Colonel R0binson
Truesdale and George Kirtland. A part of it was carried away by the freshet of 1844. In 1860 the
building was removed to the hill where it now stands. It was run by Allen, Woodruff & Co. until
1846, then by Allen & Woodruff until about two years ago. They manufactured stoves and
various kinds of castings.
A large number of small stills were run by farmers in various parts of the township. John Hunter
has quite a large distillery in the village, situated just below the bridge. This did quite a large
business for a number of years. A great deal of the "ardent" was made and used in early times, yet
the people were never noted for a temperance.
Elkanah Morse, from Wallingford, Conneticut, settled at Poland village in 1815, and was the
originator of several manufacturing enterprises, which largely contributed to the prosper. sty of
the town. In company with Henry T. Kirtland he built and managed an oil-mill, a saw. mill, a
cloth-dressing and fulling-mill, and later a grist-mill. In company with Mr. Botsford he was
engaged in the manufacture of combs for a number of years on Water street. He had a broom
factory at the house where H. K. Morse now lives, and was the proprietor of a tin-shop where
spoons and various kinds of German silver ware were manufactured. In connection with his other
business he had a large farm, a slore where four or more peddlers received their sup. plies, etc.
The various industries mentioned afforded employment to from thirty to forty men and helped to
make business lively.
John McConnell built the first tannery at the village and run it for some years. It was afler. wards
owned by James Shepard, and later by Robert Hartley. It was run by steam for some years, but is
no longe1 in operation.
Jared Kirtland erected and kept the first tavern. It was built in 1804. Many are living now who
recollect the quaint old sign with the picture of a bull's head upon it, and the date 1804 painted
beneath. It was a large house for those times and did a big business before the days of canals or
Jonathan Fowler built the stone hotel, now known as the Sparrow house, the same year. After his
death it was run by Mr. Reed. It is now kept by Mrs. Jane Sparrow, who with her late husband
took possession twenty-one years ago.
On the ground where the Union house now stands John McGill kept a small tavern for some
years; after him Chester Bidwell.
Probably the first store-keeper in the village was James Hezlep. He kept in a corner roomed the
tavern when it was owned by Reed. He continued to do a good business here for some years, and
became sheriff of Trumbull county,
After leaving Poland he was in trade at Youngstown for a while.
Morse & Hall had a store in a room of Turhand Kirtland's house at an early date.
Henry T. Kirtland became a proprietor and afterwards built a frame store, and later a brick store
on the ground where Stough's store is now situated. The old brick store stood there some fifty
Mr. Stough does a successful business in the same place, and is now one of the leading business
men of the village.
Joseph McCombs opened a store on the creek near the bridge as early as 1812, He was in
business here several years.
Richard Hall set up as a store-keeper about the same date,
The Duncans were also among Poland's early merchants and did quite an extensive business for
some years,
Morse's store was situated on the corner opposite the store now occupied by Mr. Haynes. Later
he built the Haynes store.
The first store-keepers got little money. Whiskey was perhaps the nearest thing to legal lender.
They were obliged to take produce, grain, cattle, horses, and almost anything else that they in
turn could use for buying goods.
Hezlep built the store now occupied by Z. P. Curry.
in the township was built and run by the proprietors of the old Montgomery furnace, near the
mouth of the Yellow creek. It was there that the first settlers went for their supplies long before a
store was started at the village.
The first grist-mill in the township, and one of the first on the Western Reserve, was built by
John Struthers on Yellow creek in 1800. He also built a saw-mill there early.
Jonathan Fowler built the first grist-mill at Poland village in 1801. It was a small log building
and was situated in the middle of the creek, reached by a foot bridge. He had also a sawmill upon
the same stream, built the same year. The log grist-mill was replaced by a good frame struclure.
After Fowler, Turhand Kirtland, John Reed, and later John Hunter, owned both the saw-mill and
the grist-mill,
Peter Shoaf, on the Pennsylvania line, had a saw-mill and grist-mill on Spring run at quite an
early date. It was run by his sons for some years, then sold to John Hunter of Poland.
James McGill had the first mill at Lowellville.
James Stewart built a flouring-mill on the north side of the Mahoning, where the village of
Newport was laid out. The building, a substantial stone structure, was torn down by the
Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal company.
The building now known as the Poland Flouring-mill was built by William Little in 1844.
North of the village, on the creek, Kirtland & Morse built a grist-mill, which, after running for a
time, was found not a paying investment by the owners. It was sold, removed to Youngstown,
and was the predecessor of the Diamond mills in that city.
John Hineman was probably the first cooper in the township though he did not do a large amount
of work. John Arnold settled near Poland village and was engaged largely for several years in
making barrels and doing other kinds of coopering. Probably he made as many whiskey barrels as
any man in this part of the country. His sons followed their father's trade,
The congregation was organized May 3, 1802, by. Rev, William Wick, pastor of the
congregations of Youngstown and Hopewell, and a member of the Erie presbytery. The
following named persons were present at the organization:. William McCombs, Josiah Walker,
William Campbell, Thomas Love, John Gordon, William Buck, Thomas Gordon, James Adair,
Jesse Rose, John Jordan, William Dunlap, John Hineman, John Blackburn, John Truesdale,
Robert Smith, John Arrel, John McCombs, Isaac McCombs, and others whose names are not
now remembered.
October 23, 1804, Mr. Nicholas Pettinger was installed pastor over the congregations of Poland
and Westfield. March 20, 1810, Mr. Pettinger obtained leave of the presbytery to resign his
charge of the congregation of Poland,
October 25, 1810, Rev. Alexander Cook was appointed to supply Poland one-third of his time.
He continued to supply the congregation until April, 1812, In June, 1815, the congrega-
tions of Poland and Weslfield obtained leave of the presbytery to prosecute calls for Mr. James
Wright, a licentiate of the Ohio presbytery, and on the 26th of June, 1815, Mr. Wright was
ordained and installed pastor over these congregations. January s0, 1832, Mr. Wright accepted a
call for the whole of his time from Westfield. January 16, 1834, Mr. John Scott accepted a call
for two-thirds of his time from the congregation of Poland. April 3, 1834, he was ordained and
installed pastor of the Poland and Liberty congregations. Mr. Scott was dismissed from these
charges April 13, 1836. Mr. William McCombs supplied the congregation of Poland during most
of the year 1837. June 25, 1839, the presbytery of New Lisbon met, ordained and installed Mr.
Edward Nevin pastor of the congregation of Poland. He was dismissed April 20, 1840. The Rev.
Jacob Coon supplied the congregation the most of the time from 1841 to 1843. Rev. Joseph Kerr,
a member of the Steubenville presbytery, was installed pastor over the congregations of Poland
and Liberty November 21, 1843, to be two-thirds of his time at Poland. In 1854 Mr. Kerr was
dismissed from the Poland congregation. Rev. Algernon S. McMaster entered upon the duties of
pastor of the Poland congregation November 19, 1854, and filled the position most acceptably
until his dismissal, April 24, 1878. Rev. Samuel H. Moore, the present pastor, was installed
September 25, 1879.
A flourishing Sabbath-school has been maintained for many years.
Soon after the congregation was organized a log-house, on the common in front of the present
location of the church, was erected and used for several years. It was then replaced by a frame.
The present church, a fine brick structure, was erected in 1855.
The number of members in 1811 was sixty. In 1881 it was two hundred and eighteen.
A society was formed in 1832 with eight members, a majority of them being ladies. Of these
there are yet living Mr. and Mrs. William Logan and Miss Sarah Blackman. The first sermon
preached in the village was by Rev. Charles Elliott, at the school-house. Mr. Elliott came there
one wintry Sabbath, dug the wood out of the snow, built the fire himself, and waited for his
hearers to collect. The church was organized by Rev. Mr. Preston, a converted sailor belonging
either to the Pittsburg or the Erie conference.
The membership increased rapidly for several years. Services were at first held in the school.
house, and in pleasant weather in orchards, groves, etc. The first church edifice was built in 1834.
Among those who assisted most in building it were the Logan, Wallace, and Detchon families,
Josiah Beardsley and his wife. The latter was a host in herself, ever active in getting funds and
assistance with which to build up the kingdom of Zion. About 1863 the church was rebuilt and
much improved. It is now a large, well-furnished, and comfortable building. Until about 1850 all
of the preachers were circuit ministers. The church had generally been supplied with men of good
ability, who were faithful and efficient workers—of course with some exceptions. About 1850 it
was made a station, and Rev. William F. Day became the pastor for two years, that being then the
limit of time allowed by the conference for remaining in one place.
There have been several series of revival meetings, the most of them quite successful in adding
members. Owing to deaths and removals the membership is not at present as great as it has been.
There are now about one hundred and fifty members, and the society is in a prosperous condition.
A good Sabbath-school has been maintained since the church was organized. Of course the
society has had its periods of prosperity and adversity; but it has always contained many faithful
ones who would never give up or desert.
The relations between the Presbyterians and the Methodists are now harmonious and friendly,
and both are doing good work in adding to the kingdom of the Master.
The oldest graveyard in the township is that adjoining the Presbyterian church at Poland. It was
established in 1804, and in it repose the bodies of many of the first settlers and a large number of
their descendants.
The graveyard at Poland Center is also quite ancient.
The new cemetery at Poland is prettily situaled and tastefully laid out. It was established through
the efforts of an association of the citizens formed January 14, 1865.
These three, with the new one commenced at Lowellville, are the only public burying places in
the township.
This thriving village is situated on both sides of the Mahoning, which is here spanned by a large
and strong iron bridge. Its site is pleasant and even picturesque. High hills are do either hand, and
from their tops can be obtained a view of some of the richest and most attractive scenery of the
Mahoning valley.
The history of this place does not run back very far. Its growth may be said to have begun with
the completion of the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal. The Lawrence branch of the Pittsburg, Ft.
Wayne & Chicago railroad runs along the south side of the river, and on the north side is the
Pittsburgh & Lake Erie road.
Lowellville has two churches, a good school building, three dry goods stores, five groceries, a
hardware store, a drug store, two wagon shops, three blacksmith shops, one hotel, a harness shop,
two shoemaker shops, besides the mills and the furnace. In 1880 it had a population of eight
hundred and seventeen. Business is brisk, and there is plenty of work for everybody. Property is
constantly increasing in value, and with the large amount of limestone and coal in this vicinity,
no reason can be assigned why the place may not continue developing year by year. With two
railroads now and the speedy prospect of another it looks as though the future of the lown were
The village was laid out about 1836 by Mr. Wick and others, The first store was opened about
the same time by Calvin Bissel. Other store-keepers, coming in soon after, were S. H. McBride,
Hugh Wick, Davidson & McCombs, Hunter & Watson, Brown & Shehy.
The post-office was established as early as 1840 with S. H. McBride postmaster. His successors
in the office have been Dr. John Butler, John D. Davidson, Henry Smith, and J. B. Nessle, the
present incumbent.
John McGill built the first grist-mill at Lowellville. It was run by his sons until the canal was
built. Robert McGill had the first saw-mill in the place.
Wilson & Crawford started a tannery about 1844, which was sold to William Moore in 1850. He
rebuilt and refitted it and carried on the business until 1874. It is not now in operation.
In 1838 William Watson and John S. Hunter bought a water privilege of George Hunter and
erected a large grist-mill which they operated until 1866 and then sold to Anderson & Co. They
operated it for a short time and sold to C. McCombs & Co. The mill is at present owned by Mr,
Wilkes, Wilkison & Co. started the furnace in 1846. They had a hundred and fifty-six acres of
land in one lot and forty acres in another, as well as considerable capital invested. It is believed
that the Lowellville furnace was the first one in the valley that produced iron from uncoked coal,
making use of the coal from Mount Nebo. They obtained a great deal of iron ore from Mount
Nebo, the Graham and Galloway farms, the James Dickson farm, and the Robert McGill farm.
About 1853 the company sold their works to Alexander Crawford & Co., of New Castle,
Pennsylvania, who continued the business until 1864, then sold a hundred and fifty-six acres of
land and the furnace to Hitchcock, McCreary & Co., for $100,000. In 1871 Hitchcock, McCreary
& Co. sold to the Mahoning Iron company, which run the works a short time, then they passed
into the hands of McCreary & Bell. February 11, 1880, these gentlemen sold to the Ohio Iron &
Steel company of Youngstown, who now operate the works, doing a larger business than ever
before. The officers of this company are Thomas H. Wells, president; Henry Wick,
vice-president; Robert Bentley, secretary and treasurer. The amount of capital stock is $35,000.
About forty men are employed. The company makes a specialty of the finer grades of foundry
iron. They have their own beds of limestone near by, from which they secure the limestone
necessary for use in the works,
It should be stated that in 1872 the furnace was built over and improved. Changes and
improvements are also contemplated by the present owners.
James Brown built the mill which now bears this name. It was situated a few rods above the
bridge and was run by steam for about two years. In 1859 it was moved to its present site and run
by water power. The mill is now owned and run by Mr. Brown's heirs. They do a large amount of
custom milling, grinding wheat and corn. They also put up and ship flour. Frequently thirty
barrels per day are produced.
This mill was started by Lewis & Drake in 1871. In February, 1872, it was leased by J. D.
Dickson & Co., who run it until November, 1880. Since that time Mr. Dickson has managed it.
He is engaged in manufacturing all kinds of house finishing lumber.
A great deal of coal has been taken from the banks in this township first and last. The most
important was the Mount Nebo mine. About 1828 this was opened by Elijah Stevenson and
worked on a small scale for some ten years. John Thomas and William James worked it after him
for some years. John Kirk then bought the mine and commenced shipping coal in 1845. Kirk sold
to a company which failed, and the property reverted to him. He again disposed of it to Doan &
Howells, of Philadelphia, who did quite an extensive business for six or eight years, shipping the
coal by canal to Cleveland. This firm also purchased a coal bank from the Adairs which they
worked at the same time. George Smith was their manager. They gave employment to fifty or
more men. The coal was found to be of a superi0r quality.
The Lowellville Furnace company also worked the Mount Nebo mine quite extensively to obtain
coal for use in their iron works. The mine was finally abandoned because the water had become
too deep for successful operations. Other coal mines have been worked in the vicinity of
Lowellville, but there is no great amount of business in that line in the township at present. It is
believed, however, that an abundance of coal remains, and may be mined successfully when
Limestone has been quarried quite extensively. The Pence quarry was the largest and did a big
business for the past ten years, but is has worked out. The Moore and Arrel quarries contain a
large amount of stone of excellent quality. A brisk business has been done in this line for some
years past. The quarries having beer. operated to a greater or less extent fo1 the last twenty-five
years. McCombs & Johnson were quite extensively engaged' in the business. The Moore quarry
is now in operation.
The Free church people, who differed from the Presbyterians on the question of slavery.
withdrew from neighboring congregations, and in 1850 succeeded in erecting a church building
at Lowellville. Among the leading members were John and William McFarland, Andrew Mc.
Farland, James S. Moore, John S. Hunter, and John Book.
After the slavery question was settled the most of the Free church returned to the sects to which
they originally belonged ; so that the Lowellville congregation is now entirely Presbyterian.
Those who preached here after the 0rganization of the church were Revs. J. D. Whitham,
Bushnell, James Bingham, George McElhaney. The mem. bership is quite small.
Rev. John Prosser created the revival which resulted in the building of this church. Dr. John
Butler and John Bisset were also active and leading members. The building was erect. ed about
1840. The membership has always been quite small. Preaching and Sabbath. school are
maintained regularly.
Dr. John Butler settled at Lowellville in 1838, and practiced until his death, some ten years later,
The next physician was Dr. Joseph Cowden, who removed West and died. Dr. Scroggs practiced
a few years, then removed to Beaver, Pennsylvania, where he now resides. Dr, Amberson
practiced four or five years, moved to New Castle, Pennsylvania, and died there. Dr. Foster
practiced here about five years. He went to Allegheny City, Pennsylvania. Dr. John Kirker
practiced in Lowellville four or five years. During the war he served as a surgeon, and at its close
located in Allegheny City. Dr. Cloud was in Lowellville a short time, moved, to Columbus, and
is now deceased. The present practitioners
William Brown, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Pennsylvania, September 28,
1788 ; came to Trumbull county (now Mahoning) in an early day and located on the farm now
occupied by his son, James S. He married Miss Ann Porter, April 15, 1813. Their children were
James S,, born January 4, 1814; David, born June 30; 1816, and died March 7, 1824; Martha,
born June 24, 1822, married Wyoming N. Fry, and resides in Suffield township, Portage county.
William Brown served in the War of 1812. He died April 20, 1833. James S. Brown was married
to Mary Ann Printz, who was born in Canton, Ohio. Her parents were Joseph and Susan
(Bl0sser) Printz, who were united in marriage September 23, 1830. They had the following
children : Henry, born June 21, 1831; Mary Ann (now Mrs. Brown), August 20, 1832;
Barbara, January 29, 1834; Isabel, September 1835; Jacob, March 17, 1817; Samuel, November
27, 1838; Ambrose, February 3, 1843. Brown is a Democrat in politics, yet he recs a higher duty
in the use of the ballot mere attachment to party, and endeavors to for the best candidates. He has
resided all life on the old homestead, having been born From actual experience he knows what
pionee1 life is, and his memory carries him back to the days when the present beautiful and
thrifty neighborhood where he lives was covered with the original forest, interspersed here and
there by small clearings and rude log cabins. He has always been a hard-working and industrious
man, and is now, in his old age, blessed with a comfortable home. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are
Presbyterians in their religious faith.
of the place are Dr. R. H. Stewart, Dr. R. W. Weller, Dr. J. N. Cowden, and Dr. Reynolds
Reno Post No. 87, Grand Army of the Republic, was organized June 28, 1881, with the following
officers: William Leggett, commander; Porter Watson, senior vice commander ; T. E Grist,
junior vice commander; J. W. Van Auker, adjutant; W. C. Rowland, quartermaster; Dr. R. W.
Weller, surgeon; Rev. Snyder, chaplain; I. J. Nessle, officer of the day; J. C. Mapes, officer of the
An organization of the Grand Army of the Republic was in existence some years ago, but it went
In the spring of 1881 ground for a cemetery was purchased on the hill on the north side of the
river, which is being laid out into lots, and otherwise fitted for a burial place.
A society of Seceders was formed in 1804, and some years later, probably in 1810, a large
meeting-house of hewn logs was erected. Among the early members were : William Cowden,
Reynolds Cowden, Joseph Cowden, Isaac P. Cowden, Robert Lowry, Johnston Lowry, William
Strain, Richard McConnell, Thomas McConnell, and others.
About 1826 a brick church was erected. Squire David Houston took the job of building il. In
1849 the present house was built. Nearly twenty years ago the church was merged into the United
The first preacher was Rev. James Duncan, a farmer, from below Lowellville. Rev. Robert
Douglas was the next pastor. Rev. David Goodwille preached in this vicinity, though not in this
church alone, fifty years. He was succeeded by Rev. James M. Henderson, Rev. T. W. Winter,
and Rev. W. T. McConnell, the present pastor. There are now about sixty-six members. A
Sabbath school has been kept up a number of years.
was laid out for a village about the same time as Lowellville. Lots were sold at one time as high'
as in the latter place. But Newport did not grow and no village marks its site.
This little village was laid out about sixteen years ago. Its growth commenced with the advent of
the Lawrence railroad in 1867. It now has a railroad station on each side of the river, and perhaps
a third railroad will soon be added.
The village contains the large furnace of the Struthers' Iron company, a hotel, two stores, and a
saw-mill. A post-office was established about the year 1866, Richard Olney postmaster. His
successors have been Rufus Parker and A. G. S. Parker, the present incumbent.
Mr. Olney kept the first store. The saw-mill, built about the time the railroad was completed, was
erected and is now owned by Thomas Struthers. Mr. Struthers also built the hotel in 1873.
The Catholic church was erected about the time the furnace was built.
of the Struthers Iron company was built in 1869. The casting-house and smoke-stack were blown
down in July, 1881, but have since been rebuilt. The furnace when in active operation produces
about sixty-five tons of iron per day, and affords about fifty men employment, It is owned by
Thomas Struthers, T. W. Kennedy, John and H. T. Stewart, and John and Daniel Stambaugh. Mr.
Kennedy is manager, and H. T. Stewart secretary and treasurer.
Turhand Kirtland, the first representative of the family who came to the Western Reserve, was a
native of Wallingford, Connecticut, born November 16, 1755. He was a carriage manufacturer by
trade, which he followed in Wallingford until his removal to Ohio. In 1798, having gathered
together a few thousand dollars, he came to Ohio and purchased considerable land in different
portions of the Reserve, and also acted as agent for the Connecticut Land company for the sale of
their land. He located at first at Burton (now Geauga county), but spent much of his time in
Poland and Youngstown, engaged in examining, surveying, and selling land. He
kept a diary during the early years of his residence in Ohio, in which he gives a minute account of
his proceedings and observations. The writing of a letter in those days was an event of sufficient
importance to make a record of it. In a few years he removed from Burton to Poland and settled
on a farm, his brother, Jared Kirtland, having started a tavern at what is now Poland village. He
died August 16, 1844.
Mr. Kirtland was a man of more than ordinary energy of character, and ability, and served his
county in many positions of trust and honor. He was elected to the State Senate from Trumbull
county in 1814, was associate judge of the court of common pleas for a long time, and was
justice of the peace in Poland for some twenty years. He left at his death a large property. He was
twice married. His second wife was Mary Potter, of New Haven, Connecticut, born February t0,
1772, died March 21, 1850. They reared a family of children, as follows: Jared P, Henry T.,
Billius, George, Mary P., and Nancy, of whom only Billius and George are now living.
Dr. Jared P. Kirtland was a noted physician and an able man. He practiced medicine for many
years in Poland, and represented the county, then Trumbull, in the Ohio Legislature in 1829,
1831, and 1834. He was a professor in the Cleveland Medical college, of Clevleand, Ohio, during
the latter part of his life, and had previously held a similar position in the Ohio Medical college,
Cincinnati. He has a daughter living in Rockport, Cuyahoga county.
Henry T. Kirtland was a prominent business man of Poland for a great many years, being
engaged in merchandising. He was born in Connecticut November 16, 1795; married in 1825
Thalia Rebecca Fitch, who died October 1, 1826. In April, 1828, he married Mary Fitch, a sister
of his first wife. He died February 27, 1874, in Poland, and his wife, Mary, December 24, 1877,
By his first marriage he had one child, Hon. C. F. Kirtland, of Poland, a Representative in the
Legislature from Mahoning county, session of 1872 and 1873, and by his second marriage three
children, of whom the only survivor is Mr. C. N. Kirtland, of Poland.
Billus Kirtland was born in Poland, Ohio, August 29, 1807. In 1830 he married Ruthanna Frame,
who was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, in 1809. They have had nine children, only three
of whom survive. Alfred, resides in Blairsville, Indiana county, Pennsylvania, and is
superintendent of the West Pennsylvania railroad. He graduated at the Van Rensselaer
Polytechnic institute, of Troy, New York, taking a course in surveying, and for some time was
assistant civil engineer of the road of which he is now superintendent. Emma married Samuel
Hines and lives in Poland, and Lucy married Rev. Dallas B. Mays and resides at North Benton.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirtland belong to the Methodist Episcopal church and are among the most
prominent and highly respected citizens of the county. Mr. Kirtland is an enthusiastic student of
chemistry, and has spent about fifteen years of his life in investigating that science. George
Kirtland is living in Poland, engaged in farming and in the manufacture of ink. Mary was the
wife of Richard Hall, for many years a merchant in Poland, and Nancy was the wife of Elkanah
Morse, a manufacturer and miller of Poland,
One of the earliest settlers in what is now Ma- honing county was John A. Arrel, the father of the
subject of this biographical sketch. He was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, November 6,
1773. He married Margaret Stewart, who was a native of the same county, born in the same year,
June 25th. He moved to Poland township in 1800, and settled on the farm where Walter S. Arrel
now lives, which he purchased in 1799. Mr. Arrel began his settlement in the woods, there being
at that time only here and there a cabin with a small clearing, and he cleared up and improved a
farm of two hundred acres, which, when he moved onto it, was covered by the original forest.
Mr. Arrel was well and favorably known throughout the region, and was identified with many
interests designed for the public good. He was the father of eight children-Martha, born May 6,
1798, died November 29, 1860; Margaret, November 10, 1800. David, May 6, 1803; James,
November 19, 1805, died August 16, 1857; John, January 1, 1808; George, January 4, 1811, died
March 14, 1877; William, January 27, 1814, died November 14, 1878; Walter S., June 10, 1816.
garet, David, John, and Walter are still living. John A. Arrel died August 10, 1848, and his wife
February 10, 1833.
Walter S. Arrel is the youngest child, and was born on the old farm where he still lives. He has
always resided in the county, attending strictly to his business, and has accumulated a fine
properly, being the owner of six hundred acres of excellent land in one tract, besides other lands.
He is also engaged to some extent in milling. In addition to extensive farming, which has been
his chief occupation, Mr. Arrel has at different times dealt largely in stock and wool. His
business capacity and enterprise are well known and need no comment. He is now erecting a fine
brick residence in Poland village, to which he has removed, and where he will spend the
remainder of his days in the enjoyment of his industry.
In politics Mr. Arrel is a strong Republican. He was formerly a Whig, and when the Abolitionists
formed a party, and chose J. G. Birney as their candidate, he was one of seventeen citizens of
Poland township who cast their votes for him.
Mr. Arrel was married March 16, 1871, to Miss Martha Duff, daughter of Oliver and Jane (Tait)
Duff Her parents were married November 16, 1826, and reared their family in Pennsylvania,
Oliver Duff was born in Pennsylvania, July 20, 1799, and died August 7, 1857. Mrs. Duff was
born in Ireland, July 4, 1805, and came to this country when two years old. Their children were
William and Martha (twins), born February 11, 1828; Samuel, February 30, 1830; Robert,
January 16, 1836; Alexander, September 15, 1840. William married Maria Henly, and resides in
Hillsdale, Lawrence county, Pennsylvania; Samuel is unmarried; Robert married Maria J, White,
and resides at Mount Jackson, Pennsylvania ; Alexander married Lizzie Poole, and lives in Cass
county, Michigan.
Elias King, son of John and Margaret (David. son) King, was born near New Lisbon,
Columbiana county, Ohio, April 15, 1811. John King, the father, was a native of Lancaster
county, Pennsylvania, and died in Allegheny county at the age of eighty-four. His children were
Hugh D., William, John, and Robert (deceased), Elias, 'Thomas (deceased), Mary Ann
(deceased), Margaret, and Annabella C,, living in East Liberty, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania;
Elizabeth (deceased), and O. J., a resident of Kansas.
The boyhood of Elias King was spent in Allegheny county, residing there until he was twenty-two or twenty-three years of age, when he went to Lawrence county, in the same State, Although
he only became a resident of Mahoning county in 1870, yet he has resided the most of his life in
the Mahoning valley, his home previous to his removal to Ohio being only about a mile from the
Ohio State line. He was brought up on a farm but received a good common school education, and
was engaged in teaching school a short time. He was engaged in mercantile pursuits for a couple
of years in Edenburg, and was also engaged for some time in the manufacture of brooms. He
operated a grist-mill near Edenvem burg some two years. Finally purchasing a farm in Mahoning
township, Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, he moved and lived upon it for twenty years, whence
he removed to Lowellville, Ohio, where he has since resided. After coming to Lowellville he was
engaged in the drug business for five or six years, since which time he has been living a
practically retired life.
Mr. King's mercantile ventures were pecuniarily unfortunate, having passed through the panics of
1837 and 1873, yet he still possesses enough of this world's goods to allow him and his family to
live in comfort and plenty the balance of their days. January 2, 1838, he married Eleanor Cavett,
daughter of John Cavett, of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. She was born July 27, 1820.
The fruit of this union was two sons and two daughters, as follows: Margaret, John, Mary Jane,
and Hugh Davidson. Mary Jane, now Mrs, Cowden, is the only survivor, and revemsides with her
parents. Margaret died at the age of sixteen months, John when two years old, and Hugh
Davidson at the age of fourteen years and nine months. Mrs. Cowden was born in Lawrence
county, Pennsylvania, October 27, 1846. January 3, 1867, she became the wife of Dr. Isaac P.
Cowden, a physician of Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, who died February 3, 1877, in the
thirty-fourth year of his age. Mr. King is a Republican in politics, and was former-
ly a Whig. During the early anti-slavery agitation he was an active Abolitionist. Mrs. King is an
active and valued member of the Presbyterian church, and both are worthy members of the
community, and esteemed by all who know them.
William Frame, a native of Chester county, Pennsylvania, was born June 29, 1776. He moved
from Baltimore, Maryland, to Poland, Ohio, in 1827, and settled where Struthers station now
stands. In early life he was a miller, and followed that vocation to some extent in Ohio, though
his chief occupation was farming. He was for some time a justice of the peace in Poland. He died
in 1842, aged sixty-six years. His wife, whose maiden name was Rebecca Marsh, a native of
New Jersey, survived him about six months. They were the parents of three sons and six
daughters: Eliza Allen, residing in Kansas City, Missouri; George (deceased) Ruthanna, wife of
Billius Kirtland, of Poland; Thomas (deceased); Janet M. Allen (deceased); William S. M.
(deceased); Mary M. Meacham, residing in Iowa; Rebecca Meacham (deceased), and Catherine
Allen, of Oberlin, Ohio.
James Dickson, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county. The subject of this sketch is one of
the oldest residents of Mahoning county, being now eightyvemthree years of age. He was born
near Chambersburg, Franklin county, Pennsylvania, October 28, 1798. His father, John Dickson,
was a native of Ireland; came to America when thirteen years of age, and settled in Pennsylvania
with his parents. He came to Ohio in 1801, and settled in Poland township on the farm where his
sons, James and George, now live. He was emphatically one of the pioneers of the Western
Reserye, and did much toward the improvement of that part of the country in which he lived. He
followed farming until his death, which occurred in 1826, his wife and eleven children surviving
him. Mrs. Dickson died in 1841. James Dickson was married in 1831 to Miss Martha Gilbraith,
daughter of Samuel Gilbraith, of Poland township. They have had six children—John A., Sarah,
Ann M., Martha H., Samuel E., and James M. John and Martha are deceased. Mr. and Mrs.
Dickson are the oldest couple in Poland township They are both members of the United
Presbyterian church.
George Dickson, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in Poland April 20, 1808.
He has always lived upon the home farm with the exception of two years, which he spent in
Pennsylvania. Farming has been his chief occupation, though in connection with this he has been
engaged in the manufacture of grain cradles quite extensively. He was married, in 1833, to Miss
Isabel McBride, daughter of John McBride, of Pennsylvania. They had nine children, six of
whom are living. Mrs. Dickson died July 14, 1861, and he married, March 24, 1864, for his
second wife, Mrs. Esther G. Walker, daughter of John Gibson, of Youngstown, Ohio. Mr. and
Mrs. Dickson are members of the United Presbyterian church.
Samuel Smith, farmer,, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in that township
September 17, 1820. His father, Robert, was a native of Franklin county, Pennsylvania, and came
to Ohio in 1802. He settled in Poland township, the country then being but little better than a vast
wilderness. Mr. Smith, by dint of industry and economy succeeded in making a fine farm, and
after a life of labor and usefulness, during which he saw much of the hard conditions of pioneer
life, died in 1835, in his seventieth year. He left a family of six sons and four daughters, besides
his widow, who died in 1846 Samuel Smith has always resided upon the old home place, and in
1847, the next year after his mother's death, he married Miss Margaret Blackburn, daughter of
Robert Blackburn, of Poland township, This union was blessed with two children, J. S. and
Robert F. Robert is dead. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are members of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Smith
is a stanch Democrat and one of the substantial men of the township.
J. A. Smith, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in said township September
23, 1838. Robert Smith, his father, was a nalive of Pennsylvania and came to Ohio in 1802 with
his parents and settled where his son, the subject of this sketch, now byes. He died in 1860, his
wife and one child surviving him,
Mrs. Smith is still living with her son. Mr. Smith, our subject, was married, in 1862, to Miss
Mary Ann Gault, daughter of Robert Gault, of North Jackson.
David Arrel, farmer, Poland township, Mavem honing county, eldest son of John and Margaret
(Stewart) Arrel, was born in said township, May 6, 1803. He has always lived in the township
and has witnessed many changes. He was married, in 1830, to Miss Martha Moore, daughter of
William Moore, of Poland township. They have had four children, viz: William M., Margaret,
John, and George F. Mrs. Arrel died in 1872. She was a member of the Presbyterian church, Mr.
Arrel is also a member of the same church. He has always been an active, indusvemtrious man
and is now spending the evening of his days with his son.
John Stewart, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in Coitsville township that county,
May 28, 1807. His father, John Stewart, was a native of Adams county, Pennsylvania, and came
to Ohio the year it was admitted as a State, in 1802. He settled in Coitsville township and was
engaged in farming until his death in 1833. John Stewart, his son, has resided in Mahoning
county the most of his life, and has been engaged in business in various places. He was at
Lowellville five years and at New Castle, Pennsylvania, one and a half years. At the latter place
he was 1nterested in milling. He was united in marriage to Miss M. G. Walker, daughter of
Captain Walker, of Poland township, on the 5th of January, 1836, and has had seven children, six
of whom are still living. Mr. Stewart has filled many places of public trust within the gift of his
county and township. He has been justice of the peace many years, and has also been a county
commissioner. He was a colonel of militia in the old militia days. Mr. Stewart and his wife are
members of the Presbyterian church.
James Davidson, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in Beaver (now
Lawrence) county, Pennsylvania, June 7, 1820. James Davidson, Sr., his father, was a native of
Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and followed farming as an occupation. Mr. Davidson, our subject, came
to Lowellville, Mahoning county, in September, 1851, and was for a long time engaged in the
shoe business, though he is now engaged in farming. July 3, 1859, he married Miss Rovinah
Nessle, daughter of Isaiah Nessle, and has four children—Maggie, Mary, Thomas, and Daniel A.
Mr. Davidson's political affiliations are with the Republican party. He and his wife are both
members of the Presbyterian church.
Dr. Eli Mygatt, physician, Poland, Mahoning county, was born in Canfield, Mahoning county,
Ohio, July 16, 1807. His father was Comtort S. Mygatt, an early and prominent resident of
Canfield, who is spoken of elsewhere. Dr. Mygatt, the subject of this brief sketch, has resided all
his life in what is now Mahoning county. He studied medicine at Canfield with Dr. Fowler, who
is still living, and attended the Western Medical college at New York, and has a diploma from
the Cleveland Medical school. He has had an extensive practice over the county in which he has
resided for many years, beginning with Dr. Kirtland, at Poland. Dr. Mygatt was married in 1831
to Miss Lois Y. Kirtland, daughter of Jared Kirtland, of Poland, brother of Judge Kirtland, one of
the earliest and most prominent of the pioneers of the Reserve. To Dr. Mygatt and wife were
born six children— Jared P., Mary S., Sarah M., William L., Hannah O., and Lucy E. Lucy and
Mary only are living. Mrs. Mygatt died February, 1881. She was a member of the Presbyterian
church, and a devoted Christian. In politics Dr. Mygatt is a Republican.
Samuel McCullough, Jr., was born in Poland township in 1844. His father, Samuel McCullough,
Sr., was born in the same township, where the family were early settlers, and has always resided
on the old homestead. Samuel McCullough, Jr., is a farmer by occupation. He was united in
marriage in 1874 to Miss Mary J. Stewart, daughter of Samuel Stewart, of Knoxvemville, Iowa.
They have three children, John E., George S., and Arthur R. Mrs. McCullough is a member of
the Presbyterian church. In polivemtics Mr. McCullough is a conservative.
William R. Cowden, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, a representative of one of the
oldest families in the township, was born in Poland township April 5, 1841. His father, Isaac P.,
was also a native of the same township, having been born and raised on the place where his son
now lives. The grandfather, William Cowden, was among the pioneers of that section,
coming at a very early day from Pennsylvania. Isaac P, was a farmer, and died in 1869. William
R, Cowden has always lived on the old homestead, and has about one hundred acres of excellent
land. He was married in 1867 to Miss Almira J. Glenn, daughter of William Glenn, of Beaver
county, Pennsylvania. They have one child, Martha E., born May 1, 1868. They are both
members of the Presbyterian church.
John G. Cowden, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, an older brother ot the subject of
the preceding sketch, was born in Poland township, August 4, 1838, and still resides within a
short distance of his old home. Mention has been made of his immediate ancestors in the former
sketch, and it will not be necessary to revempeat it here. He was married October 10, 1861, to
Miss Mary Ann, daughter of John Smith, of Springfield township, They have two children,
Nannie E., and Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Cowden are members of the Presbyterian church.
John L, Dobbins, insurance, etc., Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in said township
July 15, 1831.. His father, Hugh Dobbins, was a native of Washington county, Pennsylvania, and
came to Ohio in 1804 with his parents and located upon the farm where the subject of this sketch
now resides. The Dobbins family were among the early pioneers of the county, and have taken a
prominent part in the development and improvement of that part 0f the county. Hugh Dobbins
died in 1866, leavveming a family of five children surviving him. J. L. Dobbins is one of the
active business men of Poland, being engaged in insurance, in farming, and is also a dealer in
agricultural implements, He is unmarried.
James S. Guthrie, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, one of the oldest citizens of the
county, was born in Pennsylvania February 28, 1800. His father, William Guthrie, was a native
of Ireland, and emigrated with his parents lo America in an early day. They settled in
Pennsylvania, where they lived until 1804 when they moved to Ohio and located in Poland
township. They were indeed pioneers in the wilderness, there being when they arrived but two or
three cabins within a circuit of several miles. William Guthrie was a weaver by trade, though he
taught school considerably. He died in 1849. Farming has been the chief occupation of James S.
Guthrie, though he has also been engaged a good deal in the wool business. He was married to
Miss Elizabeth Pauley in 1825. She is a daughter of John Pauley, of Coitsville township. They
have had seven children, three of whom are living. Mrs. Guthrie died nearly forty years ago. Mr.
Guthrie, for 0ne of his years, retains his vigor remarkably well.
James S. Moore, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, one of the oldest residents of the
township, was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, October 28, 1804. His father, William
Moore, was a native of Pennsylvania, and emigrated to Ohio in 1805 and located in Poland
township on the farm where his son, the subject of this sketch, now resides. The country was
then, of course, very new and all kinds of game plenty. William Moore died December 13, 1854.
James Moore has always followed farming with the exception of a few years during which he
was engaged in the mercantile business In 1838 he was married to Miss Hannah R. Truesdale,
daughter of Hugh Truesdale, of Poland, and has had seven children, viz: Rachel A., William B.,
Hugh R., F. M., Mary E., Rebecca J., and Julia A. Mr. and Mrs. Moore are both members of the
Presbyterian church, he having been an elder for many years, His sister, Rebecca Moore, still
resides on the old home place, and has assisted in taking care of her parents and her brother's
George Liddle, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in Poland, March 5, 1812,
on the farm where he now lives. His father, George, was a native of England and emigrated to
this country in September, 1806. He landed at Baltimore after a tedious passage, and at once
came to Ohio and settled in Poland while his brothers settled in Boardman. He died in 1852.
George Liddle, the subject of this notice, married in 1841 Miss Mary E., daughter of James
Kennedy, of Coitsville township. They have had twelve children seven of whom are now
deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Liddle are members of the United Presbyterian church.
A. D. McClurg, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in Boardman township,
said county, in 1834. His father, Samuel McClurg, was a native of Pennsylvania, but came to
Ohio when lie was nine years old with his father, James, who came originally from Ireland,
The family seltled in Poland township, then Trumbull county, Samuel McClurg followed farming
all his life and died on the 4th of July 1877, leaving two children, A. D., and Richard J. Mrs.
McClurg died in 1834. Mr. A. D. McClurg has always been a resident of the county, engaged in
farming. He was married, in 1860, to Miss Maggie A. Kerr, daughter of Matthew Kerr, of
Boardman. They have had three children, viz: Ella J., Lella J., and Minnie B. Ella is deceased.
Mr. and Mrs. McClurg are members of the Presbyterian church. Politically he is a Republican,
and at present is county commissioner.
B, F. Lee, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in Poland township May 7,
1815. His father, Christopher Lee, was one of the earliest settlers in Poland township, coming
there from Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, as early as 1805. He resided there until his death in
1835. He was a farmer by occupation and had a family of thirteen children. Mr. B. F. Lee was
educated at Meadville, Pennsylvania, After being there three years he returned to Poland and
started the institution of learning known as the Poland institute. He was married September 17,
1845, to Miss Pauline King, daughter of Amos King, of Erie county, Pennsylvania. They have
had nine children, seven of whom are living. Mr. Lee has been engaged in various occupations;
has been a merchant, also a wool buyer, and is now interested in railroad. He is an active,
enterprising man, and is always ready to help along a good work. He and his wife are members of
the Presbyterian church.
Carson R. Justice, M. D., druggist, Poland, Mahoning county, was born in Springfield township,
December 15, 1851. His father, James Justice, came from Pennsylvania to Ohio in 1801, and
settled in what was then Columbiana county, now Mahoning. He was thus one of the earliest of
the pioneers. Dr. Justice studied his profession at Poland, and graduated at the Cleveland Medical
college in 1878. Since then he has practiced at Poland in connection with his drug business. Dr.
Justice is a member of the Presbyterian church, and politically is a, stanch Republican. He is an
active and enterprising business man.
Charles S. Haynes, merchant, Poland, Mahoning county, was born June 9, 1830, in Vernon
township, Trumbull county, David Haynes, his father, was a native of Connecticut, whence he
came to Ohio with his parents about 180. He died in 1870. His wife is still living with a daughter
at Rock Island, Ill. Charles S. Haynes has always lived in the section where he now resides. He
was engaged in farming until 1872, when he engaged in the mercantile busivemness at Poland.
He was married in 1858 to Miss Lucy M. Meeker, daughter of William Meeker, of Boardman
township, and has two children— Calvin T. and Lillie Belle, twins, born December 0, 1863. In
politics Mr. Haynes is a sound Republican.
J. N. Cowden, M. D., physician, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born 1n Beaver county,
now called Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, October 29, 1840, but was raised in Portage county,
Ohio. His father, James S. Cowden, came from Washington county, Pennsylvania, in 1818, and
located in Poland township, and was one of the pioneers of that section. He was a blacksmith by
trade, though he was engaged in milling chiefly. Dr. Cowden studied medicine with E. A. Wilcox
at Mt. Jackson, Pennsylvania, and attended lecvemtures at the Ohio Medical college in 1862. He
now has an extensive practice. He was married December 31, 1863, to Miss Julia M., daughter of
Lyman B. and Eliza D. Dickerson, of Yates counvemty, New York. They have had two
children— James L. and Charles C. Dr. Cowden is a Free Mason, an Odd Fellow, and a member
of the Sons of Temperance. Mrs. Cowden is a memof the Disciple church.
J. D. Bard, M. D., physician, Lowellville, Mahoning county, was born in Franklin county,
Pennsylvania, August 4, 1814. William Bard, his father, was a native of the same county, and
was engaged in the law and in mercantile business for a number of years. He came to Ohio in
1819, and settled in Liberty township, Trumbull county, and followed farming as long as he was
able. He died in 1875. Dr. Bard, the subject of this sketch, studied medicine with Dr. John Loy
three years, and attended lectures at the Cleveland Medical college. He began practice in 1838 at
Middletown, Ohio, but two years subsequently went to Winchester, Indiana, where he remained
one year and then removed to Pu-
laski, Indiana, There he resided between ten and eleven years. He then came back to Trumbull
county, Ohio, and continued in practice in Liberty township for twenty-three years. He then
removed to Poland, where he still lives. He has been eminently successful in his practice.
November 2, 1841, he married Elizabeth, daughter of James and Elizabeth Miller, of Chester
county, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Bard was born February 4, 1816, in Washington city. They have had
eight children, five of whom are living. Dr. and Mrs. Bard are members of the Methodist
Episcopal church.
A. G. Botsford, deceased, was born in Newtown, Connecticut, in 1805. He came to Ohio about
the year 1825, and located in Poland township. He was married September 16, 1828, to Miss
Eliza Lynn, daughter of James Lynn, of Wheeling, West Virginia, and had a family of five
children—J. E., of Louisville, Kentucky; J. S., of Youngstown, Ohio; T. G. of Poland; Mary,
wife of H. 0. Bonnell, of Youngstown; J. K., deceased. The father died in 1870, and the mother
May 25, 1881, They were both members of the Presbyterian church. 'I'. G. Botsford lives on the
old homestead at Poland, but is engaged in business in Louisville, Kentucky.
Henry Hubbard, manufacturer of tinware, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in
Hartford county, Connecticut, May 26, 1805. His father, John Hubbard, was a native 0f the same
State, and lived and died there. Henry Hubbard came to Ohio in 1826, and located in the
township where he has since lived. He has been for many years in the manufacture of tinware. He
was married February 10, 1828, to Miss Eliza Ann Robinson, daughter of David Robinson, of
Glastonberry, Connecticut. They have had eight children, tour of whom are still living. Mrs.
Hubbard died several years ago. Mr. Hubbard is a Congregationalist in belief and a Republican in
James Smith, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in Franklin county,
Pennsylvania, August 15, 1810. His father, Joseph, was a native of the same State, and in 1827
moved to Ohio, and settled in Poland township, where he resided until his death. He died in
January, 1841, leaving a family consisting of a wife and four children, to mourn his loss.
James Smith has been engaged in various occupations, but is now living upon the old hare place,
and is evidently enjoying the evening of his days. In politics he is a Republican, and was formerly
an anti-slavery man. He has always been what might be termed a reformer. He has never married.
Henry Heasley, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in Youngstown, Ohio,
November a, 1845. His father was Henry Heasley, who was born in Westmoreland county,
Pennsylvania, and came to Ohio about 1828, locating at Youngstown. He was a cabinet. maker
by trade and resided at Youngstown twenty or twenty-five years, then moved upon the farm
where his son now lives in Poland. He died in 1868, his widow and eight children surviving him.
Henry Heasley, our subject, was married in 1874 to Miss Mary Clark, daughter of John Clark, of
Poland. They have two children, Henry and Susan. Mr. and Mrs. Heasley are members of the
Presbyterian church.
William Cole, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in Morristown, Lamoille
county, Vermont, February 11, 1826. His father, Ebenezer Cole, was also a native of Vermont,
and came to Ohio in 1832. He settled in Poland township, upon the farm where William Cole, his
son, now lives. He followed farming for about forty years, then went lo Salem, where he died
February 22, 1876, in his eighty-fifth year. He left a family of six children, three children having
died previously. His wife died in 1847. Mr. Cole was in former years a Free-will Baptist
preacher, though he followed farming chiefly in Ohio. William Cole has resided in Poland, upon
the old homestead, since his boyhood. He has a farm of two hundred and thirty-two acres and is
engaged in general farming and in the nursery business, He married, February 25, 1846, Miss
Elma, daughter of Mahlon Parritt, of Hillsville, Pennsylvania, and has had three children, viz:
Olive, born December 10, 1846; Alice, June 22, 1848; Emma, March 17, 1850. Mrs. Cole died
October 9, 1853.
John W. Van Auker, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in Youngstown,
Ohio, August 10, 1834. Absalom Van Auker, his father, was a native of Delaware, and came to
Ohio about 1829. He located at
Wooster, where he resided but a short time, then moved to Youngstown. He was a farmer, and
died in 1836. John W. Van Auker, our subject, has always resided in the county, with the
exception of two years, during which he lived in Wisconsin. His principal occupation through
life has been that of farming and mercantile business. He was married August 16, 1854, to Miss
Silvia A. Jackson, of Mahoning county, daughter of Joseph Jackson. They have had seven
children, six of whom are living. Mr. Van Auker was in the Nineteenth Ohio volunteer infantry,
and saw nearly four years of service. He is a Republican, and is an active, enterprising man. Mrs.
Van Auker is a member of the Presbyterian church.
Samuel H. McBride, deceased, was born in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, April 29, 1809. His
father, John, was a native of Washington county, and followed farming. He died about the year
1853. Samuel McBride came to Ohio in the spring of 1836, and located at Lowellville, Poland
township. He was married in the fall of the same year—October 3, 1836—to Miss Phebe Harris,
daughter of Barnabas Harris, of Coitsville township. Mr. McBride engaged in the mercantile
business at Lowellville, and continued in it until 1875, when his health failed him, and, in
consequence, retired from business. He died March 5, 1881, highly esteemed by all who enjoyed
his acquaintance. He was a member of the United Presbyterian church. Mrs. McBride still resides
in Lowellville, where she lived so many years with her late husband. She is the mother of three
children—Leander, John, and Rose.
John B. Nessle, merchant and postmaster, Lowellville, Mahoning county, was born in I1818, in
Montgomery county, New York. He learned the shoemakers trade when about sixteen years of
age, and in 1837 found his way to Lowellville, Mahoning county, (then Trumbull) Ohio. He
followed his trade upwards of twenty years, subsequently went into merchanizing in which he
still continues, and was appointed postmaster of Lowellville in 1861, which position he slill
holds. He was married in 1839 to Miss Jane, daughter of John Pettigrew, of Lowellville, the fruit
of which union was eight children. His first wife dying in 1870, Mr. Nessle was again married, in
1873, to Mrs. Stevens, a daughter of Levi Beardsley, of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Nessle is a member
of the Methodist church. Mr. Nessle is a Free Mason and a sound Republican. His father was
Isaiah Nessle, a native of New York, who died in 1868 or 1869.
James B. Brown, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in Ireland, February 20,
1820, and came to America with his parents in 1835 or 1836, landing at New York after a
pleasant voyage of four weeks. The family went to Philadelphia, where they stopped about six
weeks, and then went to Pittsburg where his father was engaged in merchanizing for four years.
The family then removed to Ohio and settled in Poland township where the subject of this sketch
still lives. His father died in 1849. Mr. Brown was married in 1855, to Miss Mary, daughter of
James Buck, of Poland township, and has four children: Eliza, Jennie, Willie, and Emma.
Simon D. Brown, miller, was born in Trumbull county, Ohio, March 9, 1842, though he has
always lived in Mahoning county, with the exception of two years. In his boyhood he was quite
delicate, but as he grew older he gained in physical strength and is now a healthy man. He is now
engaged in milling at Lowellville, Mahoning county, and does an extensive business. He married
a daughter (Clara) of John Reed, of Poland township, October 2, 1879, and has one child, Ralph,
born October 22, 1880. Mr. Brown's politics are Republican.
Robert B. Martin, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in Lancaster county,
Pennsylvania, February 19, 1835. His father, H. R. Martin, came from Pennsylvania in 1841 and
settled in Springfield township, where he lived until his death, September 8, 1879. He was a
tailor by trade in Pennsylvania, but after his removal to Ohio he followed farming. R. B. Martin
was married, in 1862, to Miss Rachel, daughter of James McCord, of Lawrence county,
Pennsylvania. They had three children, viz: Mary D., Alice J., and James C. Mr. Martin is a
Democrat in politics.
H. R. Moore, M. D., physician, of Poland, Mahoning county, was born in said township January
24, 1842. His father, James Moore, is still living in the township, and is among its oldest
residents. Dr. Moore studied medicine with Dr. Truesdale in Poland, and graduated at
the Ohio Medical college, Cincinnati, after two years' study, in 1866. He has succeeded in
building up a good practice in the Mahoning valley and is well liked. He was married in 1866, to
Miss Maggie Woodruff, daughter of George Woodruff, of Poland. They have had three
children—Lizzie, Kittie, and George C. Kittie is deceased. Dr. Moore and wife are Presbyterians
in their religious faith. He is a Greenbacker in politics.
James G, Cavett, farmer, Poland township, Mahoning county, was born in Westmoreland county,
Pennsylvania, May 25, 1804. He came to Ohio in 1854, and located in Poland upon the farm
where he still lives. He was engaged in the tanning business in Pennsylvania, but since coming to
Ohio has followed farming. He was married in 1830, to Miss Amanda Smith, 0f Franklin county,
Pennsylvania. They have had three children—Jane M., John H,, and Elizabeth, the last named
being deceased. Mrs. Cavett died in 1867. She was a member of the Presbyterian church, as is
also her husband.
John H. Cavett was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, December 2, 1835, and came to
Ohio in 1854, with his parents. He married April 7, 1857, Miss Elizabeth Rigler, of
Pennsylvania. They have two children, Lizzie E. and James B. Mr. and Mrs. Cavett are members
of the Presbyterian church. He is a firm Republican in politics, has been township clerk five
terms, and is held in high esteem by his fellow-citizens.
J. H. Davidson, merchant, Poland, Mahoning county, was born at Shippensburg, Pennsylvania,
June 22, 1826. Samuel Davidson, his father, came from Pennsylvania in 1831, and located in
Coitsville township, where he engaged at farming. He died November 21, 1871, at the age of
seventy-nine years, six months and fifteen days. His wife died June 5, 1871, aged seventy years,
eight months and twenty-eight days. They were both members of the Presbyterian church, and he
was 0ne of the first to move in the organization of the Free Presbyterian church at New Bedford,
Pennsylvania. J. H. Davidson has been engaged in various occupations; worked at blacksmithing
several years, and was engaged in prospecting for oil and coal from 1859 to 1874. He went to
Poland in 1866 and started in merchandizing in 1875, He
was married in 1853 to Miss Emily Clark, daughter of Henry Clark, of Hubbard, and two
children, Mary E, and Charles H. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson are members of the Methodist church.
Mr. Davidson enlisted, April 27,1864, in the One Hundred and Seventy-first Ohio National
guard, serving one hundred days, when he was mustered out.
Dr. Alexander C. Elliott, dentist, Poland, Mahoning county, was born in Beaver county,
Pennsylvania, December 20, 1831, and came to Ohio in 1865 and located in Poland township. He
studied dentistry at Rochester, Pennsylvania Dr. Elli0tt was in the war of the Rebellion four
years—three years in the First Pennsylvania cavalry, and one year in the First Pennsylvania
veteran cavalry, and was wounded in the right leg at St. Mary's church, near Malvern Hill,
Virginia. He was married in 1866 to Miss Isabella, daughter of John Young, of Columbiana
county, and has one child, Clarence, born August 3, 1868. Dr. Elliott and his wife are members
of the First Baptist church of Youngstown.
Leander D. Robinson, farmer, Poland town. ship, Mahoning county, was born in Lawrence
county, Pennsylvania in 1843. His father, Samuel, was a Pennsylvanian, a farmer by occupation,
and died in 1858. L. D, Robinson came to Ohio in 1874, and is engaged in general farming. He
married, in 1866, Miss Annie, daughter of Robert Graham, of Poland township, and has one
child—Lillie May. He was in the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth regiment, Ohio infantry, in the
rebellion, and also in the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Pennsylvania He and his wife are both
members of the Pres. byterian church.
R. W. Weller, M. D., physician, Lowellville, Mahoning county, was born in Beaver, now
Lawrence, county, Pennsylvania, May 17, 1838. His father, John Weller, is a native of New
Jersey, and is still living at the advanced age of eighty-one years. Dr. Weller studied medicine at
the University of Wooster, graduated in 1876, and has since been in practice at Lowellville. He
built up a good practice, and is well liked. He was first lieutenant in the Pennsylvania "round
head " regiment (One Hundredth); enlisted August 27, 1861, and was mustered out October 15,
1864. He is now a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and is also a Free Ma-
son. He married, in 1865, Miss Lavenia Monroe, daughter of Joel Monroe, of Lawrence county,
Pennsylvania, and has two children— John and James. Dr. and Mrs. Weller are members of the
Presbyterian church.