[The following sketches, preceding that of General John Crowell, have been furnished by Jefferson Palm, Esq., of Warren. Sketches of members of the present bar have been prepared by David Jameson.]

To say nothing in disparagement of Trumbull county's bar as it is now, in the early history of the State and county it had none superior in the West. Early, Benjamin Tappan and Edwin M. Stanton practiced at Warren. A little later, An drew W. Loomis, Joshua R. Giddings, Rufus P. Spalding, John Crowell, Benjamm F. Wade, Rufus P. Ranney, Van R. Humphrey, Peter Hitchcock, and others of little less distinction, made their mark and reputation in Trumbull county. What bar in the State can boast of such a galaxy of names? We do not intend to omit the distinguished gentlemen, Elisha Whittlesey and Eben Newton, but complete sketches of them, together with Governor David Tod, will appear in another part of this work.

A volume could be written and read with profit concerning each of the learned gentlemen named above. Most of them have passed away, but their memories are cherished and dear to the members of Trumbull county's present learned and able bar.


The city of Warren has the distinction of furnishing four judges of the Supreme Court of Ohio, namely, Calvin Pease, Matthew Birchard, Rufus P. Ranney, and Milton Sutliff, and outside of the city, in Trumbull county, one more, George Tod. Of the first named, Judge Pease, we ought, in justice to his memory, speak more fully than of some of the others, because he was in all respects a pioneer in Ohio, in putting on, and wearing with credit to himself and the State, the judicial ermine.

Among the lawyers who at an early day emigrated from the State of Connecticut to the Western Reserve, and afterwards attained great distinction was Calvin Pease, the subject of this brief sketch. He was born at Suffield, in the county of Hartford, and State of Connecticut, on the 9th day of September, 1776. The place of his birth was originally under the jurisdiction of the State of Massachusetts, but was annexed to Connecticut in 1752. It is not known whether the distinguished judge, in his youth, received any other education than the schools of his native town afforded. He studied law in the office of his brother-in-law, the late Gideon Granger, who was Postmaster-general under Thomas Jefferson. Benjamin Tappan, who was distinguished as a United States Senator from Ohio, was his fellow-student. Mr. Granger, who is well known as a very able man, .died at his residence in Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, on the 31st day of December, 1822.

The young Pease, after completing his studies,


was admitted to the bar in Hartford county, Connecticut, in 1798, and commenced the practice of the law in New Hartford, in that State, where he was quite successful; but being desirous of going West, where young men make fortunes and reputation, he removed to Ohio. He first settled at Youngstown, then in Trumbull county, and was the first postmaster of that town, which office he held until he removed to Warren in 1803. He was admitted to practice law by the general court of the territory northwest of the Ohio river, in Marietta, on the third Tuesday of October, 1800. At the same time George Tod (father of the late Governor Tod), John S. Edwards, Samuel Huntington, and Benjamin Tappan were also admitted.

The first court of common pleas and general quarter sessions held on the Western Reserve was at Warren, August 25, 1800. At that term Mr. Pease was appointed clerk and George Tod prosecuting attorney. This court was not exactly held in the "vast temple of the firmament," for it sat between two corn-cribs, with split logs thrown across for a roof, on the southwest corner of Main and South street, very nearly the place where the Cleveland & Mahoning depot now stands, in said city.

At the first session of the Legislature, held at Chillicothe, after the admission of Ohio into the Federal Union, Mr. Pease was elected president judge of the court of common pleas, which was then the third circuit, composed of the counties of Washington, Belmont, Jefferson, Columbiana, and Trumbull, which office he held, and the duties of which he discharged, with marked ability, until the 4th day of March, 181o, when he sent in his resignation to Governor Huntington. At the time of his election he was not quite twenty-seven years of age.

The office was afterwards tendered to David Abbott, Thomas D. Webb, Mr. Potter, Peter Hitchcock, John S. Edwards, and Mr. Austin; but on the 14th of March, 1810, he sent a commission to Sampson King. Surely these men belonged to a past generation, as such indifference to office is not characteristic of the present day. They were all honorable men — distinguished in their profession—and rest in graves their descendants are proud to keep green.

Judge Pease was married in 1804 to Miss Laura G. Risley, of Washington city. She was an estimable lady, and by her exemplary and faithful discharge of every duty—domestic, social, and religious—made his home pleasant, which was proverbial for hospitality.

After leaving the common pleas bench, and a short vacation, he was elected by the Legislature one of the judges of the supreme court. He entered upon his duties in 1816. During his term of office as judge of the court of common pleas, many interesting questions to the legal profession were presented for adjudication. Among them was the constitutionality of some portions of an act of the Legislature, passed in 1805, defining the duties of justices of the peace. He held and decided that so much of the fifth section of said legislative act as gave justices of the peace jurisdiction exceeding the sum of $20, and so much of the twenty-ninth section of said act as prevented plaintiff from recovering costs in actions commenced by original writs in the court of common pleas, for sums between $20 and $50, were repugnant to the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Ohio, and therefore null and void.

The grounds of the decision that created the excitement, which was intense, were that sections five and twenty-nine of the act of 1805 were in conflict with the seventh amendment of the Constitution of the United States, which provides that in suits at common law, where the amount in controversy exceeds the sum of $20, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved; and the eighth section of the constitution of Ohio, which declares that the right of trial by jury shall be inviolate.

The clamor and abuse to which this decision gave rise, was not in the least diminished or mitigated by the fact that It was concurred in by a majority of the judges of the supreme court, Judges Huntington and Tod. Nothing could furnish more conclusive evidence of a clear and vigorous mind, of unbending mtegrity and judicial independence, than the prompt and fearless manner with which, after he and a majority of the court had arrived at the conclusion that the act before mentioned was unconstitutional, they pronounced and maintained their decision. Popular fury was wholly impotent to make the majority of the court hesitate or falter or turn Judge Pease or his associates aside from the faithful .discharge of their duty. He cared noth-


ing for the consequences that might follow doing right, as his conscience and legal obligation required; but he did not escape the blows aimed at him and Judge Tod by the advocates of legislative supremacy.

At the session of the Legislature of 1807-8, proceedings were taken to impeach him and the other judges of the supreme court who concurred in the decision that was so offensive to the lawmaking power. A resolution was introduced into the House of Representatives, but not acted upon during the session. However, the advocates of impeachment waxed warner and at the commencement of the next session a committee was appointed to inquire into the conduct of the offending judges, with leave to exhibit articles of impeachment, or report otherwise as the facts might warrant. The committee without delay reported articles of impeachment against Judges Pease and Tod, but not against Judge Huntington, who had, the fall preceding, been elected Governor of the State.

The charges against Judge Pease were three, and as follow:

1. That on appeal from the judgment of a justice of the peace for a sum exceeding $20, he had, as president judge of the third circuit, reversed that judgment on the ground that the justice had no constitutional jurisdiction of the case.

2. 1 hat in, an action for a sum between $20 and $50, commenced by original writ from the court of common pleas, he had allowed the plaintiff his costs of suit upon recovering judgment, contrary to the twenty-ninth section of the justices' act and the fifth section of the act organizing the judicial courts.

3. That sitting as president judge of the third circuit, he had decided, on various occasions, that the court had full power to set aside, suspend, and declare null and void the fifth section of the act defming the duties of justices of the peace.

The articles of impeachment were preferred by the House of Representatives on the 23d day of December, 1808, by the following vote, to-wit: Article one, yeas thirty-five, nays eleven; article two, yeas thirty-five, nays ten; article three, yeas thirty-five, nays eleven. Thereupon he was summoned to appear before the Senate, forthwith, as a high court of impeachment. He promptly obeyed. The managers of the prosecution were Thomas Morris, afterwards a United States Senator from Ohio, Joseph Sharp, James Prichard, Samuel Marrett, and Othniel Looker.

Judge Pease, in his answer to the charges preferred against him, admitted that in his judicial capacity he had decided that the fifteenth sec tion of the act of the Legislature, giving to justices of the peace jurisdiction in cases exceeding $20, was unconstitutional and void; asserting his right to make such a decision, and insisted that it was his duty to try and determine cases brought before him as a judge, according to his convictions of the law, and vindicated the purity of his motives and his sincere desire to faithfully administer the law.

Several days were consumed in the investigation 0f the charges; but at the conclusion he was completely vindicated and acquitted. There were some votes for conviction, but the requisite two-thirds could not be obtained.

To lawyers and judges of the present time, it seems as though such things could not have transpired in Ohio, even in its early history. Now, courts of limited jurisdiction even, pass on the constitutionality of many acts of the Legislature, as is their province and duty, and Judge Pease and his associates are entitled to very great credit for their independence in determining what the law was. Under our system of government it is the duty of the Legislature to pass the laws by which the conduct of the citizen is to be governed ; but it is as much the duty of the judicial branch of the government to execute or nullify it as it may appear to be constitutional or unconstitutional. To-day, every student of the law, as well as every intelligent citizen, will say that Judge Pease was right, and are proud that he had the manhood to stand firm.

My Lord Coke, of England, long before the subject of this sketch was born, said that "when an act of Parliament was against common right and reason, or repugnant, or impossible to be performed, the common law controls it, and adjudges such act to be void." Lord Holt, much later, occupying a seat on the same bench in Westminster uall, said that "Lord Coke said not an extravagant, but a very reasonable saying." The question is no longer debatable in England 0r this country; Lords Coke and Holt were right —and so was Judge Pease.

Judge Pease was chosen a Senator to the State Legislature in 1812, a very important position during the late war with England, and like his judicial duties afterwards, he performed the duties of Senator well.

The last office that Judge Pease held was Representative in the Legislature from Trumbull


county, being elected in 1831. Dr. Kirtland, then of Poland, in Mahoning county, was elected to the House with him. Together, they rendered invaluable services to the State and public, by urging the construction of a new penitentiary, and improving prison discipline.

The judge was a great wit and humorist, and often very sarcastic. Frequently on the bench he was severe—not, however, intending any offense--but it cut the young lawyers, especially, very keenly. He was the Nestor when in his retirement. He met his old friends and acquaintances at the Western Reserve bank in Warren, of which he was a director, among whom were Judge Leicester King, Dr. John B. Harmon, Judge Freeman, Dr. John W. Seely, General Perkins, George Parsons, and others. He died on the 17th day of September, 1839. He left a family of five children, only two of whom are low living, Mrs. Judge Van R. Humphrey and Charles Pease, both now of Cleveland. He was a man of fine presence—full six feet in height, and corpulent, with a strongly marked face, indicating kindness and humor. He was a pure man and a just judge.


The Hon. Matthew Birchard was born in Becket, Massachusetts, January 19, 1804. His parents were Nathan and Mercy (Ashley) Birchard, and he was the seventh of ten children born to them. The family 1s of English extraction, the founder of the family being Thomas Birchard, who arrived in Boston, September 16, 1635. In 1812 his father settled in Windham, Portage county, Ohio, where he became one of the original proprietors of that township, when the subsequent judge was a young lad. Judge Birchard was educated in the common schools of that period, with some academical advantages at Boston, Portage county, and Warren, Trumbull county. At the age of twenty years he commenced the study of law with General Roswell Stone, in Warren. He was admitted to the bar in 1827, and at once entered into partnership with the late Governor Tod, who was admitted to the bar about the same time, under the the firm name of Birchard & Tod.

In 1829 he was appointed postmaster at Warren, under General Jackson's administration, which office he held until 1833, when he resigned to accept the position of president judge of the court of common pleas of the circuit in which he lived, which at that time embraced nearly the whole of the Western Reserve. In 1836 he resigned the judgeship to accept the office tendered him by General Jackson of solicitor of the general land office at Washmgton, which position he filled for three years. His capacity and ability being appreciated, he retained his position until the coming in of President Van Buren, when he was promoted to the office of solicitor of the treasury, where he remained until the Harrison administration came into power in 1841.

While Judge Birchard was solicitor of the Treasury, the celebrated "Florida claims" were pressed upon the Government, in the adjustment of which Judge Birchard took a leading part— his management of the same being so able and honorable that leading men of both political parties gave him high credit.

In the autumn of 1841, upon his retirement from the Treasury department, he married at Washington the eldest daughter of Lieutenant William A. Weaver, of the United States Navy, one of the survivors of the memorable engagement between the Chesapeake and Shannon; being wounded and taken prisoner in that action by the British. His widow and two children survive him.

Returning to Warren he resumed his law practice with Mr. Tod, continuing it until 1842, when he was elected by the Legislature to the supreme bench of the State; holding this position for seven years, being chief justice for the last two.

At the expiration of his term on the bench he resumed the practice of the law in Trumbull county, and continued therein until 1853, when he was nominated by the Democratic party for Representative in the General Assembly, and was elected in what had been one of the strongest Whig counties in the State.

After the expiration of his legislative term, Judge Birchard devoted the greater portion of his time to the practice of his profession, finding peculiar delight m the pursuit of that which was so congenial to his feelings and tastes.

As solicitor of the land office and of the treasury, he made an excellent record, instituting in these departments numerous beneficial


changes and practices, which proved to be of the highest importance in the administration of the Government.

As a lawyer Judge Birchard ranked high in his profession. His knowledge of the fundamental principles of the law was exceedingly clear, whilst his tact in their application was not surpassed by his colleagues on the bench. His cool reflection and matured judgment made him eminently safe as a counsellor. In the preparation of his cases he used the greatest care. As an advocate he confined himself to the presentation of the law and the evidence, presenting both in a calm, lucid, and logical manner, ignoring all emotional appeals to a jury, relying for a verdict rather on their intelligence and good sense than on any biased appeal to their passions or prejudices. This course he regarded as the true mission of the advocate.

The possession of these qualities peculiarly adapted him to the bench, and we are not surprised to find that in the office of judge he achieved his greatest success. Being a man of sober reflection, sound judgment, mature deliberation, not easily swayed by prejudice or emotion, together with high integrity, and possessing an innate perception of what constituted justice and equity, he became a model judge.

His decisions were always made with the greatest circumspection, prudence, and diligent research. He did nothing hastily, but supported every decision with such copious, standard authorities, and such sound, logical reasoning, that they stand to-day as authority. In fact, but few of his decisions, which were made with the majority of the court, have been reversed.

In political belief and action Judge Birchard was a Democrat of the old school, casting his lot with that party in its earlier and palmier days —the days of Jackson, Van Buren, and Wright. Conscientiously believing in the principles of his party, he clung to it with marked fidelity through all its vicissitudes; working earnestly and faithfully for its success, always standing high in the councils of its leaders. But not alone as a political leader, or his ability as a judge, did the deceased stand high in the opinion of the people. As a good citizen, a kind neighbor, and an honest man, he had a strong hold on his fellow men.

He was public spirited, working for the advancement of the educational, the religious, and material interests of the community. His kindness of heart, his sympathy for the suffering or afflicted, his generosity to the poor, and his leniency towards his debtors, were proverbial. His word was as good as his bond. His integrity and honesty were never doubted at home or abroad.

Although descended from pious parents Judge Birchard never connected himself with any church, and for many years he regarded himself as inclined to infidelity; but was an habitual student of the Bible and led a moral and upright life. However, during the last six months of his life, his religious feelings experienced a change, and his end was the quiet, cheerful, trusting death of the Christian—of one who unreservedly trusted to the atonement of Jesus Christ for the pardon of his sins--looking forward with implicit confidence to the blessed immortality 0f the faithful.

During the last three years of Judge Birchard's life his health gradually declined; but he had a wonderful tenacity of life, and an indomitable will that resisted the attacks 0f disease which would l0ng before have undermined a less vigorous constitution. He peacefully expired at his residence in Warren on the 16th of June, 1876.

On the 17th of June a meeting of the Trumbull county bar was held, at which . appropriate resolutions were passed, and his funeral was attended in a body by his brethren.


The following memorial of Hon. Milton Sutliff, for the necrology 0f alumni at the Commencement of the Western Reserve college was prepared by an intimate friend of his, in 1878, and is inserted by permission of the writer as part of this history:

Hon. Milton Sutliff was born in Vernon, Trumbull county, Ohio, October 16, 1806. His parents were Samuel and Ruth (Granger) Sutliff, who removed from Hartland, C0nnecticut, and finally settled in Vernon, in 1804. His father was a man of strong sense and intelligence; of limited education, but had, taught school and understood surveying. His mother was a cousin of Gideon Granger, Postmaster-general under Thomas Jefferson. She was largely endowed


with strong sense, resolution, and piety ; was a woman of remarkable memory and of much reading, into which largely entered the Bible, and such as Paradise Lost and Pilgrim's Progress. His father was a man of piety, and held the office of deacon in the church of his neighborhood. Milton Sutliff was the fourth of six sons, of whom four, including himself, became lawyers. His early education was in the common schools, and afterwards, in preparation for college, was with Rev. Harvey Coe, pastor of his parents' church, and subsequently one of the trustees of Western Reserve college. Of more than average size, height, and strength, quick in perception and movement, and endowed with great physical energy, he was himself fond of athletic sports and exercises, and was a great admirer of those who excelled in them, a trait which he retained to his latest age. At seventeen he taught school and afterwards went to the South, and there taught some years. Doubtless his observations there intensified those sentiments toward slavery which characterized his later life. While there he formed friendships and attachments which lasted to his death; and after the war of the Rebellion, he rendered kindness to, some who had suffered from the war ; and a very late act of his life, known to the writer, was to write to a lady there, on behalf of her mother and family, none of whom he had seen for nearly fifty years, enclosing a check for a considerable suns of money, and accompanying the gift with explanations of characteristic delicacy and consideration.

Judge Sutliff entered Western Reserve college in 1830. With his previous acquirements he accomplished the course of two years in that college year, and graduated in 1833.

At that time slavery had begun to be more pointedly discussed at the North, and opposition to it to assume organized action. Its discussion entered college halls, and entered Western Reserve college. The results of it there, at that time, are known to the public. Judge Sutliff had been an active and efficient participant in such discussions. Soon after he left college he received an agency from the Western Reserve Anti-slavery society to travel and promulgate its sentiments. This agency he performed faithfully for nearly nine months. He had many public discussions, which he was very able to hold; and in December, 1833, he attended, with others, the formation of the American Anti-slavery society at Philadelphia. But a more frequent and favorite mode of promulgation seems to have been by private and individual interviews, and his diary makes frequent mention that he called upon such and such a person, conversed, and left tracts. This undertaking does not appear to have been in the expectation of pecuniary reward, and it could hardly have been in the prospect of honor. He appeared to have been in the necessity of depending upon his own resources for the payment of his expenses.

He was admitted to the bar in Warren in August, 1834, and directly began the practice of the law at that place. There were giants in those days. Judge Sutliff began the practice with such men, already established in the field, as Giddings, the two Wades, Horace Wilder, Samuel Wheeler; occasionally when off the bench, Peter Hitchcock; Calvin Pease, David Tod, John Crowell, R. P. Spaulding, Elisha Whittlesey, Eben Newton, and Andrew W. Loomis. Judge Sutliff soon took high rank among them. For many years he was second to none in the extent of his practice. In 1840 Judge Sutliff acted with the Anti-slavery party organized for political action. He continued this until the formation of the Free-soil party in 1848. To the formation of this party he largely contributed, and with it and its successor, the Republican Tarty, he acted until the election in 1872. In the spring of 1850 he was nominated by the Free- soil party of Trumbull and Geauga counties, as one of the three candidates for the Constitutional convention The Whig and Democratic parties, each in a minority in those counties, proposed that each party should nominate but one candidate. The Free-soil party declined, and the former nominated two Whigs and one Democrat. Judge Sutliff, with an average majority of eleven hundred and ninety-five against him, fell short of an election by only two hundred and twenty-three votes.

In October, 1850, he was elected to the Ohio Senate. In this place he exerted important influence, not only by his speeches, but by his less public and more informal counsels. He introduced joint resolutions expressive of his views of the fugitive slave law, then recently enacted, and supported them by a most able, learned and exhaustive argument. The result


of the discussion there had, was the passage of two joint resolutions strongly condemning the law.. At this session Judge Wade was elected to the United States Senate. The controversy attending this election was, at the time, highly interesting. The views of the members were widely divergent upon the subject. Two conventions and thirty-seven ballotings were had before an election was made. It was at the first evident that the candidate to be elected must be acceptable to the Free-soil members; it also became very evident that such a candidate would not be presented by the Democrats. From the first to the last they steadily adhered to their candidate, Henry B. Payne. The Whigs at different times presented Hiram Griswold, Thomas Ewing, Thomas Corwin, Benjamin F. Wade, Sherlock J. Andrews, Ebenezer Lane, and again Benjamin F. Wade. The small minority, gener ally composed of the Free-soil members, at first presented Joshua R. Giddings, and afterwards, successively, Edward Wade, John C. Vaughn, Milton Sutliff, Reuben Hitchcock, and Samuel Williamson. Mr. Wade was highly objectionable to some of the Whigs on account of his antislavery principles, and for other reasons to one or two of the Free-soil members, who for a long time refused to vote for him. It was apprehended by his especial friends that some of the Whigs would only vote for Mr. Wade when they believed he could not be elected. The plan acted upon by his friends was, that the Free-soil members should generally withhold their votes from him until a sufficient number of them would vote for him to secure his election. This was done for several successive ballotings, till one hitherto recusant Free-soil member signified to his colleagues his readiness to vote for Mr. Wade, when all did so, and he was elected. In accomplishing this result, Judge Sutliff not merely rendered important assistance, but it is believed that without him Mr. Wade could not have been elected. At the same time Judge Sutliff showed his discrimination and ability to act independent of mere party grounds, by supporting and largely aiding the election of Rufus P. Ranney to the supreme bench. The constitution of 1851 put an end to Judge Sutliff's term of office. He was never a member afterwards nor had been before. In several notices of his life, and among others in a register of the graduates of

Western Reserve college, there is an error in this respect. He was never, at any other time, a candidate for the place after the accession oJ the Free-soil party He, however, at other times gave very important assistance to particular public measures, and it is believed he did so at the third election of Mr. Wade, and was of great service to him there.

In 1857 Judge Sutliff was elected to the supreme bench of Ohio. Judges of the supreme bench are ex-officio judges of the district court, and at that time the supreme judges usually sat and presided in the district court. It was to the duties of the supreme court that the qualities of Judge Sutliff most fitted him. He had to a great degree the very important talent of applying principles. He was thorough in research. His opinions are logical, learned, and masterly. During his term the cases of ex parte Bushnell and Langston came before the judges of the supreme court at Columbus upon a writ of habeas corpus. The case arose upon a conviction in the United States circuit court for Northern Ohio under the fugitive slave law. Judge Sutliff, with Judge Brinkerhoff, dissenting from the other three judges, held that the prisoners ought to be discharged; and he embodied his reasons in a most able and thorough argument. Of this opinion Mr. Sumner, in a letter replete with expressions of admiration and commendation of the argument, and declaring his confidence that its doctrines were law and must finally be adopted, said: "In delivering your opinion on this subject you have erected a monument to yourself in the judicial history of the country." The question has since been settled in another manner. In 1860 Judge Sutliff attended the Chicago convention at which Mr. Lincoln was nominated. The unfortunate rejection by the convention of a resolution offered by Mr. Giddings, which some in the convention thought unnecessary, and others perhaps thought little about, will be recollected, and the leaving of the convention by Mr. Giddings. The consideration which Mr. Giddings received during his attendance on the convention made it obvious how large a space he filled in the general estimation and how important might be the consequences of his withdrawal. Judge Sutliff saw the great moment of the occasion and made haste to avert the danger. Exercising the in-


Jluence of his advice and persuasion with the New York delegation, he caused another resolution, embracing the substance of Mr. Giddings', to be offered from that quarter, and the convention appreciating the exigency, immediately passed it. Mr. Giddings was informed of the fact and returned to the convention with the welcome of cheers and the waving of handkerchiefs; and the breach was repaired.

At the end of his judicial term Judge Sutliff returned to the oractice of his profession, and continued that with his other business to the end of his life. He did not cease to. take an interest in public affairs. During all the war he took great interest in the progress of our arms. He urged and in many ways promoted energetic and efficient action, and was an intelligent and attentive observer of the course of events, and of the part borne in them by the different actors. He formed judgments of men who wished prominent place in the service, and who sought the influence of his recommendation to enable them to attain it. Many who had the benefit of his influence in their favor rose to high places, and results justified the appreciation of those he undertook to aid. It was a favorite sentiment with him that when the war was ended it would not be said that this general or that statesman had accomplished it, but the American people.

After the war he supported the ensuing constitutional amendments, but was in favor of a liberal policy toward the South, and a continuance of the paper money policy which the Government pursued during the war. He supported Horace Greeley in 1872, and he was himself the candidate of the Democratic party for Congress in opposition to General Garfield. He continued the practice of law until his death. That event occurred very suddenly on the 24th day of' April, 1878.

Judge Sutliff was a man of very remarkable qualities. He was a man of extraordinary ability. When aroused, and especially, speaking upon any favorite topic, he exhibited unsurpassed power. In moments of his inspiration the writer has heard him when it seemed as if he spoke as never other man spake. He had a large acquaintance with the classics, and with that highest of all classics, the Bible. He was especially fond of Shakespeare and Wordsworth. He had great delicacy of sensibility, and rarely offended against good taste or propriety. He had a lively sense of humor and of wit, which he could use with readiness and effectively. His friendships' were most enduring; no man could feel more deeply the ingratitude of a friend, and yet no man could overlook with more charity. He had a large liberality, but which sought no blazonment. With very few did fraternal regard embrace so wide a range of objects. He had great self-control and rarely, if ever, failed m a just courtesy to others. He was exceedingly indisposed to pretensions for his own advancement. The writer believes that he fully realized an ability in himself to act in great affairs; but this indisposition kept him back, and public places were taken by others. He was always ready to enlist his services for the poor and needy, and was ever faithful in his service. Few have higher claims to a grateful remembrance, and there are few who will not sooner be forgotten.


Thomas Denny Webb, son of Peter and Tamasin (Denny) Webb, was born in Windham, Connecticut, on the loth day of May, 1784. His wife, Betsey Stanton, was born at Montville, in the county of New London, Connecticut. They were married at Warren, Ohio, January 13, 1813. Mr. Webb was prepared for college at the academy in Leicester, Massachusetts, the place of his mother's nativity, graduated at Brown university, in 1805; studied law under that distinguished jurist, Hon. Zephaniah Swift, afterwards chief justice of the State of Connecticut, and was admitted to the bar of that State.

Immediately after this he left New England with the intention of going into what is now the State of Indiana, and locating himself near the Falls of the Ohio, but was induced to change his plan, and in December, 1807, took up his abode in Warren, then the county seat of Trumbull county, and the most flourishing town in eastern Ohio. There he practiced law until 1857, when the infirmities of age compelled him to desist. During this time, though not a printer, he established in Warren the first newspaper ever issued in Northern Ohio, called The Trump of Fame. A few copies are still preserved and occasionally exhibited at festivals and society meetings.

In 1813 Mr. Webb was appointed a collector


of internal duties for the Eighth district of Ohio. He was twice elected a member of the Senate of Ohio. In one instance he forebore to take his seat m that body. In the other he served the constitutional period of two years. About 1832 he was a candidate for Congress, with Hon. Elisha Whittlesey for competitor. He had a majority in one county, but Mr. Whittlesey obtained majorities in two counties, and gained the seat. Mr. Webb was known as the anti-masonic candidate. The Morgan excitement, which had not died out, probably lost him many votes.

On ;the first day of December, '18t I, his right leg was amputated above the knee, in consequence of an injury received at the raising of a log building near where the Austin stone quarry in Howland now is. Notwithstanding this serious inconvenience he attended to his. professional duties until within a few years of his decease.

Mr. Webb was in some respects quite peculiar and was easily irritated. When the custom was in this judicial district for the lawyers to "ride the circuit," half a dozen or more would go together on horseback. Of course Mr. Webb was compelled to use a crutch, and sometimes when they stopped for the night at some mn, some of the waggish members of the bar, like Judge Pease or Judge Wood, after most were pretty soundly asleep, would take Mr. Webb's crutch and walk with it into rooms of the house where strangers and guests were not expected to go, and father Webb had to take all the blame, and the others had their sport at his expense.

Mr. Webb died March 7, 1865, in the eighty-first year of his age. He left two children, Ada- line and Laura. The former was never married, the latter was married to Dr. Warren Iddings, of Warren. They are now both dead.


General Roswell Stone was born in Burlington, Hartford county, Connecticut, in 1794 He had excellent educational advantages, graduating with honor in the class with Rufus P. Spalding, at Yale college, in September, 1817. He received the degree of master of arts, at Yale college in 1821. After his graduation he went to Port Tobacco, iri Maryland, and for a year taught school. This did not entirely suit the ambition of young Stones so he sought his fortune in what was then in the East denominated "the Far West" coming to Warren, Ohio, in 1822. The next year he went back to Connecticut and married Caroline, daughter of Dr. Titus Merriman, and returned with her to Warren, where he remained until he died in 1834.

General Stone was a man of ability and prominence. He was elected from Trumbull county to the Legislature, and was prosecuting attorney for the county in 1833, at the time of the trial and conviction of Ira West Gardner for murder in the first degree. Gardner was executed in November, 1833, the only execution which overtook place in Trumbull county.


Calvin Granger Sutliff was born in Vernon, Trumbull county, Ohio, on the 17th day of April, 1808. He was a brother of the late Judge Milton Sutliff; was a lawyer, and for some time was a partner of his brother in the practice of law in Warren Afterwards he formed a partnership with Hon. John Hutchins, now of Cleveland, and they continued the practice of law together for some time.

Calvin G. was a laborious worker, very industrious, had a good practice, but in the very prime of life, when everything looked auspicious, was cut down. Physically, he was a powerful man; about six feet two or three inches in height, with tremendous muscular power. Perhaps relying too much on his ability to resist the effect of our winter's severity, not taking the necessary precautions, he went in a cutter to Geauga county, on professional business, but returning late, and the weather being intensely cold, he contracted an influenza, or some kindred disease, which terminated in his death, on the d day of February, 1852.

Mr. Sutliff was married to Miss Hannah Bennett, of Hartford, Trumbull county, Ohio, on the 18th day of September, 1844. He died, leaving a widow, one son and two daughters, all grown to man and womanhood, three of . whom are married, and all with bright prospects for the future.

Mr. Sutliff was a great lover of music and an excellent vocalist. After his day's work was done, with his musical friends, he would often spend the evening--we mean before the cares of married life came upon him—in some friendly house, where, with others of like tastes, a most pleasant hour would he spent.



was born in New Haven, Connecticut, August 23, 1777. He was a son of Pierpont and Frances (Ogden) Edwards. His birth occurring shortly after the battle of Bennington, Vermont, his father gave the name of General Stark, the hero of that battle and an old friend, to his son. He graduated at Princeton college, New Jersey, in 1796, studied law with his father, who was a distinguished lawyer, attended the lectures of fudge Tappan Reeve, at the celebrated Litchfield law school, and was admitted to the bar at New Haven in the spring of 1799. Shortly after he left New Haven for Warren, Ohio, where he arrived in June of that year. He was probably the first lawyer who settled in the Reserve. His father was one of the members of the Connecticut Land company, and in the division of the Reserve among the members, the township of Mesopotamia was allotted to him. To take charge of this and other land of his father, in other parts of the Reserve, was one object of the son in coming to Ohio. He soon began a settlement in that township by making a clearing and erecting a log house. Here he resided, nominally, until about 1804, although to give attention to his professional business and official duties he passed a good part of his time in Warren. His name appears, as attorney, in the first case on the docket of the court in Trumbull county, in 1800. He was commissioned by Governor St. Clair, in July, 1800, recorder of Trumbull county, which office he held until 1813. In March, 1811, he was commissioned colonel of the Second regiment, Third brigade, Fourth division, Ohio militia. On the receipt of the news of the surrender of General Hull, at Detroit, in August, 1812, he, with others, made strenuous endeavors to put the country in a state of defence, a general and great alarm being felt, as by that surrender the whole country lay exposed to the dangers of incursion by the British and Indians. He marched with a portion of his regiment to Cleveland. After being there for a period, new arrangements were made by the military authorities, and his services as an officer being no longer required he returned to Warren.

In October of the same year he was elected Representative in Congress from the sixth district, comprising the counties of Trumbull, Ashtabula, Geauga, Cuyahoga, Portage, Columbiana, Stark, Tuscarawas, Wayne, Knox, and Richland, and was the first member of Congress elected who resided on the Reserve. He did not live to take his seat.

In January, 1813, in company with George Parsons and William Bell, he left Warren with the intention of going to the Put-in-Bay islands, where he owned lands and had a large number of sheep, to look after his property. When at Lower Sandusky, a thaw coming on, they thought best to return and started for home. He got wet, was taken ill on the road, and died on February 22, 1813, during the journey.

Hon. John Crowell, of Cleveland, formerly a lawyer of eminence at Warren, in a sketch of the life and character of Mr. Edwards, as a member of the bar and a citizen, accords to him the highest traits and all that could recommend him to the esteem of his associates and acquaintances, and to the warmest regards of his relatives and friends. His death was deeply felt, and, says Mr. Crowell, " shed a sadness and gloom over the whole country." He is described as a man of fine appearance, over six feet in height, stoutly built, and muscular; of a florid complexion and commanding presence.

He was married February 28, 1807, at Springfield, Vermont, to Miss Louisa Maria Morris, born April 13, 1787, daughter of General Lewis and Mary (Dwight) Morris, of that place. In the spring they came to Warren, Ohio, and there resided. In 1814 she was married a second time to Robert Montgomery, of Youngstown, whom she survived several years and died December 24, 1866. She was a woman of fine intellect, well educated, with a good physical organization, active and energetic, and well calculated to encounter the trials and hardships, and assist as a pioneer in the settlement of a new country. She was "a mother in Israel and known far and wide for her many personal excellencies." By Colonel Edwards she was the mother of three children, only one of whom, William J. Edwards, grew to adult years. He is now living in Youngstown, one of its most respected citizens. By Major Montgomery she was the mother of three children, Robert Morris, Caroline Sarah, married to Dr. M. Hazeltine, and Ellen Louisa, who was married to Samuel Hine.




In the year 1814 Elisha Taylor removed from Massachusetts to Ohio and settled in what is now Nelson township, Portage County. Here he and his family struggled with the difficulties and hardships incident to pioneer life. The most common blessing of the poor, a household of children, came to Elisha Taylor, and in 1823 the subject of this sketch, Ezra B., was born.

School privileges and literary opportunities were few in those days; and there were only a few sons of poor and hard-working farmers who undertook the difficult task of preparing themselves for professional life. Among the few, however; was Ezra Taylor, who showed 'marked ability in the acquisition of knowledge, and was prepared at an early age to begin the study of law. He studied with Judge Payne, now of Cleveland, who then resided in Garrettsville; and in 1845 he passed a creditable examination and was admitted to the bar by the supreme court of Ohio, in Chardon. He removed to Ravenna and opened a law office there in 1847. He continued in the practice of law at Ravenna until 1862, when he removed to Warren, where he has since resided. In 1864 he enlisted as a private in the One Hundred and Seventy-first Ohio National guard, which served three months. He was exceedingly popular in the regiment, which, on its return, elected him colonel.

In 1877, after the death of Judge Semis, a member of the Warren bar asked Colonel Taylor if he would accept an appointment to fill the vacancy on the bench of the common pleas court. He answered emphatically, "No." "But," said his friend, "would you accept the office if all the bar of the sub-district ask for your appointment?" "Yes," he said, not supposing, however, that any such action would be taken. A few days afterwards he was surprised to learn that nearly every lawyer, Republican and Democrat, in the subdistrict composed of Mahoning, Trumbull, and Portage counties, had signed a petition for his appointment, and it was immediately made.

Judge Taylor's eminent fitness for the offrce was demonstrated at once when he entered upon the discharge of his judicial duties. Clear-headed, impartial, quickly discerning the merits of every case, and conscientiously opposed to the waste of time and money in useless wranglings and irrelevant proceedings, he dispatched business with such accuracy and promptness as courts are not often accustomed to, and soon became known as one of the ablest judges who has ever presided in our courts.

At the October election of 1877 he was elected to the office by the people. He honored the office, and has the profound respect and confidence of the bar.

Judge Taylor has been an earnest and efficient Republican from the foundation of the party. As a political speaker he has few equals. His clear, strong common sense, the strength and purity of his diction, and his skill and force in the presentation of facts and arguments, make his addresses attractive and powerful. Cool and sagacious in council, and eloquent and convincing on the stump, he has rendered rhe most valuable service to his party in many hard fought campaigns.

Judge Taylor has a wonderfully retentive memory, and his ability at the bar and on the stump to make all his points with unerring skill and accuracy, without the use of memoranda, is often a subject of remark by those who hear him. His extraordinary memory and his logical mind, in connection with his mastery of pure English speech, fir him for eminence as a debater of political questions.

In the winter of 1880, when General Garfield was elected United States Senator, the Warren Tribune suggested that Hon. Ezra B. Taylor should be his successor in the House of Representatives. The suggestion was received with great favor and the Tribune continued to advocate Judge Taylor's nomination until he became the leading candidate. His competitors were Hons. S. A. Northway and W. P. Howland, of Ashtabula county; Hon. Peter Hitchcock, of Geauga county, and Hon. J. B. Burrows, of Lake county—all good and popular men. Judge Taylor took no part in the canvass preceding the nominating convention, but confined his attention solely to the duties of his office as a judge of the court of common pleas. His friends, however, made the contestlively, and the result was his nomination by the District Congressional convention, held in Warren August 12, 1880. He then resigned his seat on the bench and took an active parr in the brief but earnest campaign which preceded General Garfield's election to the Presidency. Mr. Taylor's majority at the October election for the regular term in the Forty-seventh Congress was over twelve thousand. He was rhen nominated, without opposition, to till the unexpired term of General Garfield in the Forty-sixth Congress.

Mr. Taylor is a quiet and modest member of the House, who seldom makes speeches. Nevertheless he is a steady and efficient worker, and does more to shape legislation than many members who make more noise. At this time (1882) he is a member of the committee on the judiciary and the committee on claims. In both these committees important questions of law constantly arise, and Mr. Taylor is called upon to do a large amount of work in the examination of such questions. For such important duties he is regarded by his fellow-members as one of the ablest and most efficient of committeemen. He is always at his post, and uses all his influence to prevent unnecessary delays in the transaction of public business.

During the discussion of \the bill to restrict Chinese immigration, Mr. Taylor delivered a speech against the bill which attracted more attention and Balled forth more praise rhan any other speech delivered during the long and able debate on the Chinese bills.



The subject of this sketch was born in. Vernon, Trumbull county, Ohio, on the 12th day of July, 1805, and at his death was nearly fifty- nine years old. He was a brother of Judge Milton Sutliff, and was the third son in a family of six, all of whom have passed away. Flavel Sutliff, another brother, and a lawyer, died young. Their ancestors were of Puritan stock, the leading doctrines and principles of which were embraced by the sons of Deacon Samuel Sutliff, the father of the subject of this brief sketch, in a modified form.

Pioneer life on the Western Reserve was attended with hardships of every description. The following incident in the early life of Mr. Sutliff will serve to illustrate the trials of this pioneer boy, as well as test his powers of endurance and faithfulness

When a small boy, under ten years of age, his father sent him to mill with a bag full of grain. This was a trust of no small moment for a boy of such tender years. The mill to which he was to go was upon the Shenango river in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, was distant from Vernon about twelve miles, and was reached only by a bridle or blazed path through a dense forest for most of the distance. The bag was balanced on the saddle upon the family horse and the boy mounted on the top. In the woods several miles east of Kinsman, the horse, in attempting to escape the deep mud in the path, brought the bag against a tree with so much force as to throw the boy and bag to the ground. He was unable to replace the heavy bag on the horse, and it would not do to leave it. The wheat was worth two dollars per bushel, and it had cost his father several days hard labor to obtain it. He then watched beside it, waiting and hoping that some one would pass who would be able to assist him. He watched on through the night, and into the next day till near the meridian—a faithful sentry—but no one came. It was a dreary watch and one full of peril to so young a boy, and well calculated, in that primeval forest, to test the nerve and bravery of any boy, and indeed many men. At length the sharp crack of a hunter's rifle was heard by him in the distance, when, after hollering at the top of his voice for some time, the hunter's attention was arrested and he came to the assistance of the boy. The bag was lifted to its place, the boy mounted as before, and he continued on to the mill.

On arriving at the mil he related his misfortune, when the miller, who was a good, kindhearted man, took a grist from the hopper, turned in the boy's grist, and sent him to his house and had him cared for. When the grist was ground and ready it was again placed upon the horse, the boy again mounted on top, and started for home. It was dark before he came to the opening where the village of Kinsman now is, but soon he saw before him at a distance a dancing light dodging among the trees, and on meeting it found it was a lantern carried by his father, who had started to look for him. He was so overjoyed at the sight that it was difficult for him to sit on his horse, while his father was affected to tears on the relation of the story!

Such was pioneer life in the boyhood days of Mr. Sutliff. His experience was rather the rule, not the exception.

The advantages for education in that unbroken wilderness were meagre, indeed, therefore his early education was quite limited; but by assiduous study he was able to remedy the defect measurably. Later in life he was a man of fair culture and extensive reading.

In middle life he turned his attention to the law, and was frequently called upon to assist his neighbors in justice courts. In 184o he was admitted to the bar. In 1850 he removed to Warren, and formed a partnership with Judge Birchard, with whom he remained for two or three years; but at that time being possessed of a good deal of real estate which required his constant attention, he substantially retired from the profession.

Like all of his brothers, Mr. Sutliff was a very strong anti-slavery man, and in the opinion of a good many of his neighbors and friends, went in that direction a little too far. But that is all past now.

Mr. Sutliff was twice married. His first wife was Miss Mary Plumb, of Vernon, who died soon after. For his second wife he married Miss Phebe L. Marvin, of Bazetta, on the 1st day of October, 1840. She and three children survive him. He died on the 25th of March, 1864, at Warren, Ohio.



Charles W. Smith was born October to, 1821, in Yates county, New York. His parents were Philander W. and Martha F. Smith. With them he removed to Bazetta, Trumbull county, Ohio, in 1835. His early education was such as could be had at the common schools in his district, save two or three terms at the West Farmington academy. From 1840 to 1846 part of his time was spent in teaching school and reading law. He commenced the study of the law with the writer of this notice, and completed the same in the office of Herman Canfield., Esq., in Medina, Medina county, Ohio, and was admitted to the bar in 1846. On the 2d of October, 1846, he married Rachel Ann Park, daughter of John Park, of Weathersfield ; opened a law office in Niles, Trumbull county, in 1847, and remained there, with good practice, three years. In 1850, he removed to Warren, and was soon after elected prosecuting attorney of the county, which office he held for two terms, after which he was twice elected mayor of the city of Warren.

In 1861 he enlisted in the military service and served as captain during the war. After the termination of the war he removed to Charlestown, West Virginia. He was elected a member of the Legislature of that State in 1869, and made judge of the Fifth judicial district in 1871. In 1874 he was the Republican candidate for Congress, but was defeated. By his popularity and recognized ability, he cut down the usual opposition majority from three thousand to three hundred. He afterward removed to Huntington, West Virginia, where he continued in the successful practice of the law until his decease, June 29, 1878.

On the decease of Judge Smith, the Wheeling Standard, a leading paper of that city, said of him :

He filled the position of judge with general acceptability to all parties. He was in every respect an extemporaneous man and a recognized power on the stump. In a joint discussion of the political issues of the day, was a formidable antagonist. People would ride miles through the heat or rain to hear him speak.

When Judge Smith was a young man he endured hardships that young men of the present day are strangers to. For a time he worked in James L. VanGorder's flouring-mill, in Warren, and while engaged in studying law in Warren clerked in the post-office.

The world was better for his being in it. He died, leaving three daughters, Sophie, Ida, and Angie E. His remains were brought to Warren and intered in Oakwood cemetery. The Masonic fraternity, of which order he was a member, and the Trumbull county bar paid their last tribute of respect to a worthy man, by attending his funeral in a body.


Nathan 0. Humphrey was born in Braceville, Trumbull county, Ohio, on the 16th day of November, 1816. His father, Oliver Humphrey, was from Goshen, Connecticut, and was one of the pioneers of Braceville township, purchasing the land upon which he lived and died when it was an unbroken wilderness. This was in 1815. He married Miss Anna Birchard, daughter of Nathan Birchard, of Windham, Portage county, Ohio. Miss Birchard taught the first school in Windham, and also the first in Braceville. He had two sons—Nathan 0., the eldest; the other died in infancy. At that time educational facilities and privileges were very limited. The district school and one term at Farmington academy, then taught by Rev. Daniel Miller, were all he ever had. At the age of sixteen he taught one winter term of school in the township of Milton, then in Trumbull county, but now in the county of Mahoning, at $8 per month, and another term in Howland, Trumbull county, receiving $16 per month.

At the age of twenty-one years he entered the office of the Hon. David Tod, as a student at law, and was admitted to the bar in 1838. He was soon after nominated by the Democrats for the office of prosecuting attorney, but, his party being in the minority, was defeated by Robert W. Taylor. In 1842 and 1844 he was elected to that office, and in 1852 he was again elected. His father dying in 1847, he returned to Braceville to take charge of the homestead farm and care for his widowed mother and young sisters

For many years he was chosen township treas. urer, and in 1870 was elected justice of the peace, which office he held until his decease on the 3d day of July, 1879.

During several years of his later life his health was poor, but he did not complain. He was a



very honest and upright man. He lived seven miles from the county seat, and died while the court of common pleas was in session. The court adjourned and the members of the bar attended his funeral in a body.


George W. Leet, we believe, was born in Brookfield, but after being admitted to the bar settled in Vienna. He was a young man of much promise. His health failed, and he died soon after. Had he lived he would undoubtedly have made his mark in the profession!


Philo E. Reed, son of Garry C. and Amanda (Hart) Reed, was born in Hartford, Trumbull county, Ohio, on the loth day of June, .1831, and lived there until he was seventeen years of age. In addition to the common schools in the vicinity of his home, his father sent him for a short time to the academy at West Farmington. After that he taught school for a year at Altoona, Pennsylvania. He then entered the office of Leggett & Cox, in Warren, as a student at law, and after pursuing a regular course of studies, was admitted to the bar in 1854. After a short practice in Warren he married, November 22, 1855, when he removed to Monmouth, Illinois, where he continued the practice of his profession until August, 1862, when, willing with others to maintain the integrity of the Government by arms, enlisted in the Eighty-third Illinois volunteer infantry, and was elected captain of company A in that regiment. His regiment was soon ordered to the front, and detailed for garrison duty at Fort Donelson, Tennessee, and in February following was attacked by Forrest and Wheeler's raiders, when young Reed was slain at the head of his men.


Ira Lucius Fuller was born at Lisle, Broome county, New York, on the 21st day of November, 1816. His father, Ira, and Sally, his wife, together with the family, consisting of several , children, among whom was the subject of this brief notice, desiring to benefit their family, emigrated to Brookfield, Trumbull county, Ohio, in 1833. He, like most young men of his time, was educated mainly in the common schools of the country; but we would like to say here that the common schools of that day were fully as good if not superior to what is denominated the graded school of the present. At least we find as many scholarly young men emanating from the country school-house as graduate from our city high schools.

When Mr. Fuller was about nineteen years of age he went to Warren to clerk in the post-office, when David Tod was postmaster. As opportunity offered he would study law, and after reading the necessary time, he was admitted to the bar in 1840. He was twice elected to the office of prosecutor in Trumbull county, first in 1849. After the adoption of the second constitution in Ohio, by which the probate court was created, he was elected judge of that court, which office he held with credit for three years. On the expiration of his term he resumed the practice of the law, in which he continued until his decease on the 16th of October, 1874.

Judge Fuller was a man of high moral character; but we believe that he never attached himself to any church, though his parents were very consistent Baptists. He died as he lived, highly esteemed by his acquaintances, and an upright, honorable man.


James Douglas Tayler was born in the township of Youngstown, Mahoning county, Ohio, on the 24th day of November, 1816. He was the fifth child of James Tayler and Jane (Walker) Tayler, whose parents came to America from the north of Ireland.

The father of James D. removed from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, in 1814, and from thence to Youngstown the year following. Mr. Tayler's early education was obtained in such common schools as were in the vicinity of his home in that early day. His father carried on at Youngstown a woolen factory, in which young James D. was frequently an efficient helper. As we learn, his parents were more than ordinarily careful in the mental and moral training of their children, as may be well assumed when it is stated that he was the brother of George Tayler, who died cashier of the First National hank of Warren, after many years' service in that capacity, Robert W. Tayler, who died at Washington First Comptroller of the United States Treasury, and Matthew B. Tayler, who also died cashier of the First National bank of Warren.


On the l0th day of May, 1831, he went into the clerk's office of Trumbull county, George Parsons at that time and for many years afterwards being clerk. Here he remained until 1839, writing in the office, and studying law at intervals, when he was admitted to the bar at a term of the supreme court held in Gallia county, on the 23d day of March of that year. At the same term Henry W. King, son of Judge Leicester King, of Warren, was also admitted. Mr. Tayler immediately opened an office in Warren, and very raoidly grew into a good practice, notwithstanding at that time his health was none of the best. In September following he formed a partnership with Sidney W. Harris, and together they continued the successful practice of the law until 1844, when he went to Akron and formed a law partnership with his friend Henry W. King, where he 'remained until 1849. He was married on the 2d of May, 1848, to Miss Isabella Florilla Howard, of Akron. In July, 1849, he removed to Peru, Illinois, practicing in LaSalle and adjacent counties. Here his health entirely gave way and he was compelled to abandon the practice and . seek relief in the "Sunny South."

On the 18th of January, 1855, he went to Enterprise, m east Florida, but he obtained no relief, and died of consumption on the 2d day of March following. He left a wife and three children. His remains were brought to Warren, the home of his youth and the residence of his brothers and sisters, for interment. His brethren of the bar called a meeting, at which the following proceedings were had :

The members of the bar met on Friday evening, the 13th instant, at the office of the probate judge, to take, into consideration the course proper to be pursued by them in view of the recent death of James D. Tayler, Esq., in Florida, and the return of his remains to this place,

Upon motion of J. Hutchins, Esq., the Hon. Matthew Birchard was called to the chair, and upon motion of M. Sutliff, Esq., J. D. Cox was appointed secretary. The chairman, upon takmg his seat, briefly addressed the meeting as to the cause which had assembled them, and the business which would be before them. J. Hutchins, Esq., then moved the appointment, by the chair, of a committee of five to draft appropriate resolutions, and report the same to the meeting; and the motion being sustained, the chairman appointed M. Sutliff, J. Hutchins, G. F. Brown, M. D. Leggett, and J. D. Cox as the committee. The meeting then adjourned to meet at Judge Birchard's office the following morning at 9 o'clock.

On Saturday morning, pursuant to adjournment, the Bar met, and the committee on resolutions made the following report, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the members of the bar of Trumbull county have heard with sorrow and regret the death of James D. Tayler, who was formerly a member of this bar.

Resolved, That by this afflictive event, the legal profession has been deprived of an efficient, able, and honorable practitioner; the community in which he resided, of an exemplary citizen; the interests of humanity, of a generous, laborious, and upright man; and his family, of a kind and affectionate husband and father.

Resolved, That the chairman of this meeting convey to the bereaved family and to the bar of Peru, Illinois, the sentiments of high regard entertained by this bar for the memory of the deceased, and of sympathy with them in their affliction,

Resolved, That the chairman of this meeting present these resolutions to the court of common pleas at the term nexr to be holden in this county, with a request that they be entered on the journals.

Resolved, That as a bar we will attend the funeral Of the deceased in a body, and that a committee of three be appointed by the chair to make the necessary arrangements therefor.

Upon the adoption of the report the chair appoinred Messrs. B. F. Hoffman, Azor Abell, and T. E. Webb a committee of arrangements for the funeral, by whose direction the funeral procession was placed under the charge of the chairman and marshal, and the order of the same arranged as follows, viz : 1st, the clergy in a carriage ; and, the bar in double file ; 3d, the hearse with four pall-bearers on each side, Messrs. Sutliff, Ratliff, Hutchins, Fuller, Burties, Leggett, Brown, and Ranney being appointed to that duty ; 4th, the mourners, followed by the friends and citizens generally. The procession was arranged to move from the house of M. B. Tayler, Esq., at half past ten, and proceed to the cemetery, where appropriate services would take place. The members of the bar then adjourned to meet at the place and hour appointed for the funeral, which took place in accordance with the above arrangements.

M. BIRCHARD, Chairman.

J. D. Cox, Secretary.

Similar proceedings and resolutions of respect were adopted by the bar of Peru, Illinois, and entered on the journals of the court at that place.


Charles E. Glidden was born in New Hampshire; but when quite a young man came to Ohio and located in Poland, Mahoning county, where there was then a law school of considerable celebrity. We believe that Mr. Glidden graduated at that institution. A short time he practiced law in Mahoning county, and in 1861, at the age of twenty-six, was elected judge of the court of common pleas for the district that had predecessors like Governor Wood, Luther Day, Benjamin F. Hoffman, Van R. Humphrey, and earlier, George Tod, the father of Governor Tod. He performed his duties with such acceptability to the profession and the public, that after a lapse of five years he was again elected to the same position.


Judge Gliddeh was a young man of more than ordinary ability in his profession ; but by reason of his being elected judge in early life, never acquired great 'reputation at the bar.

Notwithstanding Judge Gliddenls youth when he went on the bench, his judgment seemed well matured, and his charges to the jury and his opinions in chancery cases, gave satisfaction to the profession.

Judge Glidden was a man of fine presence— nearly or quite six feet tall, and by reason of his "make up," if we may be allowed to use that expression, was very popular with the people.

During his last term on the bench his health failed, and he was compelled at its close to seek medical aid. Being an Eastern man he naturally turned to the East. Of course he obtained the best medical skill in the country, but at this writing he is in Boston and quite infirm. His wife is still living, and a most estimable lady, whom he married in Poland. They have one son, now about twenty years of age, who, with his mother, devote their attention almost exclusively to the care of the invalid.


Sidney W. Harris was born in Addison county, Vermont, about 1815. His father was Henry Harris, and his mother Harriet (Stevens) Harris. He came to Warren, Ohio, with his mother and Augustus Stevens, his uncle, in 1825, and lived in the family of Mr. Stevens about six years, going to school most of the time. Mr. Stevens sent him to Western Reserve college, at Hudson, for a time but he did not graduate. Afterwards he clerked in the store of H. & C. Smith, in Warren, for about a year.

Mr. Harris had a taste for the legal profession, and through the aid rendered him by his uncle commenced the study of the law with Hon. John Crowell, then in full practice in Warren. Young Harris afterwards attended the law school at Cincinnati, an institution of high repute, with Judge Walker at its head. He was well qualified for the profession of his choice, and was admitted to the bar about the same time Mr. James D. Tayler, also of Warren, was admitted. They soon after formed a partnership and opened an office in Warren. Having much ability and many friends they soon acquired a good practice, which they retained while they remained in Trumbull county, but like most young men, whether in professions or in other employments, they were ambitious to take the positions they and their friends thought /hey were capable of filling. Mr. Harris went to Cincinnati and Mr. Tayler to Akron. Mr. Harris remained in Cincinnati about five years, but thought he had better go farther West, and removed to Morris, Grundy county, Illinois, where he commenced the practice of the law and was very successful. In 1862 he was elected judge of the court of common pleas for that county and district, which office he filled for several years with credit and ability, but the salary being small, he resigned and again commenced the practice of the law, in which he continued with great credit to himself and good results to his clients, until his decease in 1876.

Mr. Harris was a self-made man, a fine speaker, had a strong liking for the profession, and availed himself of all the advantages within his reach. He married Mary Freeman Bronson, daughter of Dr. Tracy Bronson, of Newton, by whom he had three children, now all married and living in the State of Illinois. Mrs. Harris is also deceased.


John F. Beaver was born in Stoyestown, Somerset county, Pennsylvania. There he acquired an education, while laboring under many difficulties. Having a desire for the legal profession, he went to Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, and entered himself as a student at law in the office of Colonel J. B. Alexander. The greatly distinguished lawyer and judge, Jeremiah S. Black, was also a student of Colonel Alexanderls, and at the same time. By close application, and an enduring perseverance, he thoroughly mastered the rudiments of the law, was soon after married, and devoted all of his energies to its practice. He pursued his chosen avocation in the courts of Westmoreland and neighboring counties until 1841, gaining no little distinction, in a local way, as an able and successful advocate. We believe that at one time he was a law partner of the Hon. Edgar Cowan, late United States Senator from the State of Pennsylvania.

Mr. Beaver sought a broader field of operations than Westmoreland county afforded, and removed to Pittsburg, where he practiced his profession for three years; but the habits and


social requirements of city life not agreeing with his peculiar tastes and temperament, and having already accumulated, by economy and patient toil, a comfortable competence, he came to Ohio in 1844, and purchased a valuable farm and mill property at Newton Falls, in Trumbull county, and for a time abandoned the active practice of his profession, but occasionally aided his neighbors in the adjustment of controversies in the courts of justices of the peace and in the common pleas. His talents won for him a proud prominence in his new home. He attracted so much attention, that in 1845 he was elected to the State Senate, an honor of no low distinction, which position he filled with very great credit to himself and his constituents, for three terms (six years), and was considered one of the most ready debaters and learned parlimentarians in that body.

It was at the beginning of his first term in the Senate that he became prominently known to the country by the appellation of " Beaver's Boots," a name applied to him, not disrespectfully, but rather to commemorate an adventure of which he was the hero. It occurred before the days of many railroads in Ohio, and when the Democrats and Whigs were a tie in the Senate, so that the absence of one member from either side would give the opposite party the organization of that body. It was therefore very essential to each party that every one of their members should be present at the beginning of the session. Mr. Beaver went to Cleveland and designed taking a boat to Sandusky, from whence he could travel by rail to Newark; but no boat could be obtained, and he was obliged to take a wagon to Columbus. The roads were very muddy and progress was slow and difficult. When within twelve or fifteen miles of the capital the wagon broke down and left the party sticking in the mud. This mishap occurred about 3 o'clock in the morning, and as the Legislature met at 9 o'clock the same morning, Mr. Beaver determined that his party should not suffer on his account, and accordingly started on foot, through mud almost unfathomable, for the capital. At five minutes before 9 o'clock the Whigs were gathered in groups about the capitol, deploring the absence of Mr. Beaver, and lamenting among themselves the triumph the Democrats would enjoy in ten minutes, in the election of the officers of the Senate. A member rushed out and declared that " Mr. Beaver ought to be killed," to which Mr. Dennison, afterwards Governor, replied that Mr. Beaver had come, at the same time eyeing a man so covered with mud as to be scarcely recognizable. "No," said the member, "he has not come." "Yes," replied Dennison, "that's him," pointing to the approaching mud-pile. "What, them boots?" From this "Beaver's boots " became a by-word, and furnished the opposition with an almost inexhaustible amount of ridicule during the balance of Mr. Beaver's term.

The politicians of middle life well remember the "hard cider" campaign of 1840. It was a campaign of songs and cider. Among the distinguished poets of that time was John Greiner. His verses in celebration of " Beaver's Boots" were copied into almost every newspaper in the country, and won for their hero, as well as their author, a considerable notoriety. So that, instead of the famous boots becoming a source of ridicule to the wearer, they were a source of pride. We reproduce the song as it was originally written :


Strike, strike the harp—come sweep the lyre!

Kindle and blaze, Promethean fire ;

Tune up your sweetest dulcet notes,

My ponderous theme is Beaver's boots.

Old Trumbull's bull—a bull whose hide

Grew thick and tough—took sick and died.

Its soul went with all the other brutes,

His hide went into—Beaver's boots.

Millions of creeping things lie dead,

Mangled and crushed beneath his tread,

Two insect smashers—Death recruits

His ranks in following Beaver's boots.

When first they thundered up the aisle,

Filled inside—outside with Free-soil,

The Senate hushed their fierce disputes,

And speechless gazed at Beaver's boots.

The tangled hair of Whitman rose,

And pale with fear grew Graham's nose;

Byers alarmed and backward shoots,

Aghast, amazed at Beaver's boots.

The Chase was up, the Swift grew lazy,

The Bums grew Cold, the Payne grew easy;

E'en Cunningham's white head salutes

The high-soled man in Beaver's boots.

That well filled vest wail pride displays

The guard chain red of other days,

That unshaved honest face denotes,

A GOVERNOR stands in Beaver's boots.


Many worse Governors has Ohio had than John F. Beaver would have made ; but more ambitious men, whose work was not always done with clean hands, pushed integrity and worth aside.

Early in life Mr. Beaver developed a taste for reading quite unusual ; in fact, his entire time, in the latter years of his life, when he was not engaged in hunting, was spent in the study of choice works of history and biography. His memory was really wonderful ; a faculty that stayed with him when he became advanced in' years; in fact, up to the time of his decease.

Mr. Beaver was very fond of hunting as well as of books. Having some wild land in the western part of Ohio, he would every winter, until his advanced age and declining health prohibited him from doing so, put on his buckskin armor and spend a month in his comfortable log cabin hunting deer, which his friends well know he was very successful in getting. His evenings were employed in reading the books he brought with him, by the light of a tallow dip, or often the fire that cheerfully blazed from the cabin hearth.

A correspondent of the Cleveland True Democrat visited Mr. Beaver at his home in Newton, and wrote to his paper as follows:

"On being introduced to him he stretched out his huge paw, and such another shake of the hand I never had. His whole heart was in it, and it said, 'I am glad to see you.' In that hand-shaking there was no disguise; it was one of the evidences of his true character."

While a member of the Senate he was his party's candidate for speaker, and was defeated by one vote, he refusing to vote for himself.

Mr. Beaver was not ambitious for office ; he cared more for the comforts of home life than for the best office in the gift of his fellow citizens. He was plain and unostentatious in his manners and habits, caring little or nothing for display, and never sought to render himself conspicuous. He was the unpolished diamond, but possessing all of the elements of value and genuine merit. He possessed a strong constitution, but it succumbed to the infirmities of age—his mind remaining clear to the end. At the age of seventy-seven years he passed away—one of the truest of men, the soul of honor, and a man of unimpeachable integrity.


Robert W. Tayler, an elder brother of James D. Tayler, now also deceased, was formerly of the Trumbull county bar; but many years since went to Youngstown and from there to Washington, where he occupied the position of first comptroller of the treasury until his decease. A full sketch of him will be found in another part of this work.


Colonel Joel F. Asper died in the State of Missouri. He was admitted to the bar in Trumbull county, where he practiced his profession until the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion, when he volunteered in the service. He soon reached the position of colonel, which he filled throughout the entire war. On its termination he located in Missouri, and resumed the practice of the law. He was elected to Congress from his adopted State for one term, and soon after died. He left a widow and several children, who reside in Missouri.


William 0. Forrest, now engaged in a successful practice of law in Mexico, Missouri, studied his profession with Hon. John Crowell, in Warren, and was there admitted. He was esteemed a good lawyer, and had a good practice in Trumbull county. At one time he was a partner of F. E. Hutchins. Mr. Forrest's ambition led him to the West, where he now is.


George F. Brown now resides east of Topeka, in Kansas, and practices his profession of the law. When a young man, and about the time he commenced the practice, he became a partner of the Hon. John Crowell. Their practice was large and lucrative, being retained in most of the important litigation. In 1855 he was elected to succeed Ira L. Fuller to the office of probate judge of Trumbull county, which office he filled for two terms of three years each, discharging his duties to the satisfaction of the public. In 1866 Judge Brown was elected to the State Senate for one term, at the conclusion of which he went to Mississippi and engaged in the practice of his profession there, and not long after was elected a judge of the court of common pleas. Losing some of his family by reason of the unhealthy part of the country in which he


had settled, he determmed to change his place of residence, which he promptly did by going to Kansas, where his family enjoy excellent health and he a good practice.


Joel B. Buttles studied law and was admitted to the bar in Trumbull county. He removed from Brookfield to Warren about 1840. His practice was not very large, as he soon after went into the newspaper business with the Hon. E. B. Eshelman, now of Wooster, Ohio.

While a resident of Warren Mr. Buttles was appointed warden of the Ohio penitentiary, which place he filled for some time. Soon after, he removed to Iowa City, where he still resides, engaged mostly in dealing in real estate.


Buel Barnes was born in Farmington, Connecticut, in 1797, on the 6th day of October. He settled in Gustavus, Trumbull county, Ohio, on the 8th day of June, 1820. Mr. Barnes was a leading and influential man in Gustavus. His first commission as justice of the peace was dated April 23, 1835, and he held the office continuously until April 15, 1871. He was twice elected to the State Legislature, in 1844 and in 1845; was an honorable member and faithful in the discharge of the trust the people of his county placed in his keeping. He did not come to the bar until quite late in life, and, being a man of ample fortune, did not care to enter the arena with younger men, and therefore had not much practice in the county courts.

Mr. Barnes was highly esteemed by his neighbors and acquaintances, and died at the ripe age of eighty-seven years, in 1880.


William L. Knight was born in Massachusetts, and was graduated at Amherst college. He had the best advantages of education, and came to Warren about 1831 and opened an office, where he acquired a good practice. He was elected prosecuting attorney of Trumbull county in 1835, and re-elected in 1837. After his term of office expired he continued the practice of law until failing health admonished him that he must desist. His father lived in Poland, Mahoning county, where he. went for kindly care, but he soon after died.

A full sketch of Mr. Knight appears in another part of this work.


Charles Olcott came to Warren, Trumbull county, in 1821, and commenced the practice of the law. He was graduated at Yale college and took the highest honors of his class; remained in Warren but a short time, having such practice as a young lawyer would be likely to obtain, when he removed to Medina county, a new county then just created by the Legislature, and continued the practice of his profession there until his decease, which was about the year 1840.


Mr. Ingersoll was born about 1802, and belonged to the distinguished family of that name who early settled in the State of Connecticut. He was educated for the United States navy and entered its active service on the old Constitution when but a boy. He went wherever the old Constitution went; around the globe, in fact. He was engaged in a skirmish on land, in the East Indies, at the head of a corps of marines, which has gone into history, much to his credit for valor.

About 1838. he married Catharine Seely, daughter of Dr. Sylvanus Seely, of Warren, having about two years before that time resigned the position of lieutenant in the United States navy and devoted his time to the study of the law.

Mr. Ingersoll commenced the practice of the law in Warren, and was soon after appointed clerk of the court of common pleas, which office he filled for seven years, and was then appointed clerk of the supreme court of Trumbull county. After his term of clerkship expired he returned to the bar and formed a partnership with Nathan 0. Humphrey, a sketch' of whose life appears in this work, and continued the practics of his profession until his health failed him.

Mr. Ingersoll was an upright and honorable man, and had the confidence not only of his intimate friends. and neighbors, but of the entire community. He died in 1875, and was interred in Oakwood cemetery, at Warren. Mr. Ingersoll had five children to lament his loss. His wife died before him.

On the decease of Mr. Ingersoll the bar of Trumbull county met and passed resolutions of


respect and condolence, and attended his funeral in a body. The funeral rites were in Christ church, Warren, where his friends and neighbors assembled in great numbers. Let the writer of this say of him : he was a true man.


David D. Belden received most of his academic education at the West Farmington semi- 'nary. After getting through with his academic course he commenced the study of the law in Warren ; was admitted to the bar, and commenced the practice of his profession. He had not beep long at the bar when he was elected prosecuting attorney of Trumbull county, which office he filled with credit until the close of his term. Soon after that he went to Omaha, and from there to Denver, where he now resides engaged in wining and practicing his profession.


We believe that Benjamin F. Curtis came to Warren from Geauga county, Ohio. He opened an office here and commenced the practice of the law. He was well educated and read in his profession.

After a little time he went in the county clerk's office, under Warren Young, where he remained for some time, and was afterwards appointed collector of customs at Warren, on the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal. After his retirement he again resumed the practice of law, which he continued with much ability and success to the time when he removed to Grand Haven, Michigan. There he acquired a good reputation as a lawyer, and was very successful.

While in Warren he married Lucy, the daughter of John Williams, by whom he bad one son. In 1880 Mrs. Curtis went on board a steamer bound for Chicago, and when not far from the middle of Lake Michigan the boat sunk, and Mrs. Curtis and all the other passengers on board perished. None of the bodies have since been recovered.


George L. Wood was admitted to the bar, we believe, in Geauga county, Ohio. He soon after came to Warren, Ohio, and commenced the practice of law, and afterwards became the law partner of C. W. Smith, and was once elected mayor of the city of Warren.

On the breaking out of the war, Mr. Wood volunteered his services to the Government—went

to the front and was severely wounded. He returned to Warren on furlough, and when he sufficiently recovered resumed his profession, and after the close of the war, he and his wife, Jane Tod, daughter of Dr. Jonathan I. Tod, removed to the State of Mississippi, where he opened an office and commenced the practice of his profession. He did not, however, long remain there, as declining health admonished him that he had better return to the North. He accordingly went back to Warren, where he soon after died, leaving a wife and one daughter, who now survive.

Mrs. Wood afterwards intermarried with General Robert W. Ratliff, who, together with the daughter, now reside in Warren.


Alexander C. Parker was the son of William Parker, and was born in Bloomfield, Trumbull county, Ohio. He was a very studious young man, and we believe graduated at Farmington academy. Afterwards studied law in the Cleveland Law college, where he graduated, and was admitted to practice law in the State of Ohio, about 1872. By reason of ill health, Mr. Parker practiced but a short time, and was compelled to succumb to the fatal destroyer, and died of consumption in 1876. Mr. Parker was well educated and thoroughly read in the profession of his choice. He was a very conscientious and exemplary man and a great student.


W. J. Bright lived in Hartford, Trumbull county, Ohio, during his minority. When he grew up he studied law and was admitted to the bar about 185o or 1851 in Trumbull county. He had a good many suits before justices of the peace, but not much practice in the higher courts in Trumbull county. Soon after he was admitted, he went West, where we learn he was quite successful in his profession and died in Indianapolis about 1880. He was an energetic man and of very considerable ability.


Orlando Morgan was born in Windsor, Ashtabula county, Ohio, in 1818; went to Warren and studied law with John Erwin, now of Cleveland, but who then resided in Warren, and was admitted to the bar in 1843.

He practiced but little, and soon after his ad-


mission, went into the mercantile business with H. L. Steele, under the firm name of Morgan & Steele. The firm did not continue long until Mr. Iddings was added to it and the firm name changed to Iddings, Steele & Co. The last named firm did not last very long when Mr. Steele went out and the firm reorganized under the name of Iddings & Morgan, which continued in successful business for thirty years, and until both members deceased.

Mr. Morgan was married on the 27th day of June, 1849, to Miss Harriette C. Sheldon, of Martinsburg., New York. She still survives him and resides at Warren. They had no children.

PICTURE OF General John Crowell


was born in East Haddam, Middlesex county, Connecticut, September 15, 1801. His father Samuel' Crowell, was the first settler of Rome township, Ashtabula county. He was a carpenter, and, like roost of the early pioneers, had scanty means for the education of his children. John attended school a couple of months in the winter, and worked on the farm all the rest of the year, so that at his majority his education was very meager. In November, 1822, he came to Warren on foot for the purpose of attending the academy, then in charge of E. R. Thomp son, a graduate of Cambridge university, and an excellent teacher. With the exception of short intervals, Mr. Crowell.attended school here until February, 1825, at which time he began the study of law in the office of Hon. Thomas D. Webb. While preparing for his profession he devoted a portion of his time to teaching, being for about six months principal of the academy. In 1827 he was admitted to the bar, and immediately began the practice of his profession. About this time he purchased an interest in the Western Reserve Chronicle, his partner being George Hapgood. Mr. Crowell did most of the writing during his connection with the paper. His editorials were vigorous and convincing. In 1840 he was elected to the State Senate, He took high rank as a debater and sagacious politician. It was the reputation he made in the Senate, in addition to his success at the bar, which secured for him the Whig nomination for Congress in 1846. His competitors were John Hutchins, Abolitionist, and Judge Ranney, Democrat. Crowell was elected by a large ma-

jority, and again elected in 1848. In Congress he took grounds with the anti-slavery wing Of the Whig party. After his retirement from Congress he removed to Cleveland and resumed the practice of law in 1852. In 1862 he was chosen president of the Ohio State' and Union Law college, at Cleveland, a position which he held for fourteen years. He was also for a number of years editor of the Western Law Monthly, published in Cleveland. Mr. Crowell was married in 1833 to Eliza B. Estabrook, and has a family of four children.


now aged eighty-three years and the oldest lawyer in Cleveland, was for many years a citizen of Warren and a member of the Trumbull county bar. He was born on the island of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, in the year 1799. At the age of eighteen he graduated from Yale college, and there prepared himself for the bar. After being admitted he came West and finally located at Warren. He united with his law practice school teaching. His name occurs at two different times among the teachers in the old academy. Although he was severe in enforcing discipline he is kindly remembered by his pupils. At the bar re worked his way to the foremost rank, and had a law practice in Trumbull and adjoining counties. In 1849 Mr. Spaulding was chosen to a seat on the supreme: bench of the State. After retiring in 1852 he began practice in Cleveland, where he has since resided, being regarded as one of the leading practitioners in Northern Ohio. Judge Spaulding was elected to Congress in 1862, and continued to represent his district with acknowledged ability for three consecutive terms. Though sixty-five years old when he entered Congress, for punctuality and close attention to public business he was conspicuous. Johnson, in his History of Cleveland, says:

After passing the age of seventy he retired from public life, but did not abandon his interest in public affairs, and even yet the voice of the octogenarian lawyer, judge,.and Con. gressman is occasionally heard in favor of the policy he con. siders to be sound and the principles he believes to be right.


was twice, during the earlier period of his practice, connected with the Trumbull county bar. He was born in Hampden county, Massachusetts, October 30, 1813. His father, a farmer of


moderate means, exchanged his land in Massachusetts for a larger tract in, Portage county, and removed to the West in 1824. Like most country people of the period, Mr. Ranney had no means with which to send his son to school. But relying upon himself young Ranney found a way of overcoming difficulties. He chopped wood to pay for his first Latin dictionary and Virgil, and begun receiving private instructions from Dr. Bassett, of Nelson, working at odd intervals to pay his tuition. Subsequently by teaching school and manual labor he earned money enough to go to college. Before graduating he began the study of law in the office of Giddings & Wade, at Jefferson, and in the fall of 1836 was admitted to the bar. He opened an office in Warren but remained in the county but a short time. Mr. Giddings having been elected to Congress, Mr. Wade invited young Ranney to enter into partnership with him. This partnership continued nearly ten years, during which time they acquired the reputation of being the leading advocates in northeastern Ohio. They were also leading politicians in their respective parties, Mr. Ranney being a Democrat and Mr. Wade distinguished as a radical Whig. When the senior oartner was elected common pleas judge in 1845 Mr. Ranney removed to Warren, where he already had a full practice. He had been a candidate for Congress in 1842 in the Ashtabula district, and was again a candidate in the Trumbull district in 1846, and a third time in 1848. These nominations, however, were accepted only "for the party's sake," there being no hope of election on the Democratic ticket. In 185o Mr. Ranney, Jacob Perkins, and Peter Hitchcock were chosen to represent Trumbull and Geauga counties in the convention to draft a new State constitution. He took an active part in the debates before the convention and, as chairman of the committee on revision, drafted a large part of the instrument which, at the succeeding election, was adopted as the fun_ damental law of the State. While serving as a member of the convention he was elected by the Legislature to the supreme bench oJ the State. The same Legislature elected his former partner, Judge Wade, United States Senator. After the adoption of the new constitution Judge Ranney was re-chosen supreme .judge by the people of the State, and filled the position with credit until 1856, when he resigned and began the practice of his profession in Cleveland, of which city he has since been a resident. Judge Ranney is ranked among the leading lawyers of the country.


who distinguished himself in the army, and has since made a reputation at the bar, practiced law in Warren six years, between 1851 and 1857. He was born at Ithaca, New York, April 19, 1831. His parents were Friends, and educated their children in the doctrine of non-resistance and other peculiar creeds. In 1847 they removed to Geauga county, Mortimer D. being at that time sixteen years old. He was a diligent student, though given little opportunity of attending school. He was self educated, but well educated. Upon the organization of the Warren schools in 1849, under the "Akron school law," Mr. Leggett was chosen superintendent and teacher of the high school at a salary of $70o a year. This position he filled until succeeded by Mr. Cox in 1851. While teaching he had pursued the study of law,, and was admitted to the bar soon after retiring from the schools. He had a very promising practice in this county, and at the same time gave considerable attention to educational matters. In 1857 he removed to Zanesville to accept the superintendency of the public schools at that place. In the fall of 1861 he was authorized by Governor Dennison to recruit a regiment. In the fall of 1862 he was commissioned colonel of the Seventy-eighth Ohio volunteer infantry. In November, 1862, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general, and breveted major-general July 22, 1864. In January following he was promoted to the rank of full major-general. It is said that while in the army he abstained strictly from drinking and playing cards, and permitted neither at his headquarters. After the war General Leggett held the position of United States commissioner of patents under President Grant's administration, and as a patent lawyer has acquired a high standing. His present residence is at Cleveland, Ohio.


is prominent among former members of the Trumbull county bar who have made for themselves national reputations. He is a native of


Montreal, Canada, but his parents were both citizens of the United States, his father, who was a master carpenter, being employed temporarily at Montreal during the year 1828, the year of General Cox's birth. His childhood and youth were spent in New York until 1846, when he entered Oberlin college, where he graduated in 1851. In the fall of that year Mr. Cox removed to Warren, having been chosen superintendent of the schools. He served as superintendent and principal of the high school three years, and at the same time pursued the study of law. Having in the meantime been admitted to the bar, he began practice in 1854. His oratorical ability made him somewhat of a political leader. Having a radical character of mind, and being the son-in-law of the radical president Finney, of Oberlin college, he was the choice of the sturdy Reserve Abolitionists for the position of Senator in the State Legislature in 1859. Political controversy was at its highest pitch, and the principles of the new Republican party were not yet settled. There were three members of that Senate distinguished for their radicalism—Professor Monroe, of Oberlin, Mr. Cox, and Professor Garfield, of Hiram. Before the close of the second session of that Legislature the fall of Sumter had made them leaders of the Assembly. Senator Cox had for some time been a general officer in the State militia, and in that caoacity had demonstrated military talent. After the bombardment of Fort Sumter he abandoned all professional and official duties, and devoted himself to organizing the Ohio contingent, He was on April 23, 1861, commissioned brigadier- general of Ohio volunteers. With the opening of the Rebellion General Cox's connection with Trumbull county was severed. On the field he maintained an honorable standing, attaining to the rank of major-general of volunteers. In the fall of 1865, while in command of the Department of Ohio with headquarters at Columbus, General Cox was elected Governor of Ohio, to accept which he resigned his position in the army. After the war General Cox became a leader of the conservative wing of the Republican party, and in the earlier part of the unfortunate controversy between President Johnson and Congress he took open ground on the side of the President. The fact, of his being Governor made his position on this engrossing political issue conspicuous. He declined to be a candidate for re-nomination for the Governorship, and retired to the practice of his profession. He was chosen by President Grant, upon the organization of his first cabinet, Secretary of the Interior. He resigned on account of differences with the President, and has since been a resident of Cincinnati.


though now a resident of Cleveland, must be classed among the public men from Trumbull county. He was for more than twenty-five years connected with the Warren bar ; was during all that time an active politician, and represented for four years the district to which the county was attached in the Congress of the United States, His father, Samuel Hutchins, and his mother, whose maiden name was Flower, were both natives of Connecticut. They removed to the Reserve in 1800, making the whole journey from Connecticut with an ox team, and settled in Vienna township. John, the fourth child, was born July 25, 1812. He worked on the farm and attended the common school until twenty years old. He subsequently attended Western Reserve college. In 1835 Mr. Hutchins began the study of law in the office of David Tod and was admitted to the bar in 1838 at New Lisbon, Columbiana county. After practicing about one year he received the appointment of clerk of the courts for Trumbull county, which position he filled five years. Upon resuming practice Mr. Hutchins was received into partnership with Tod & Hoffman. He was afterwards associated with J. D. Cox until official positions interrupted the practice of both. Mr. Hutchins had been a pronounced anti-slavery man from the beginning of his career, and became a radical Republican after the organization of that party. Hoffman, Sutliff, King, Hutchins, and a few others were avowed promoters of the "Underground Railroad " emancipation project, and when at last there was a political movement which gave hope of the triumph of freedom, these same men were found in the front ranks. Mr. Hutchins was nominated in 1858 to succeed the venerable and honored Giddings in Congress. He was active in defending the honor Of the Government before secession, and when rebellion broke out bent his energies in Congress to provide for our


armies and at home to recruit those armies. He was succeeded 'in Congress at the end of his second term by General Garfield, and again devoted himself to the practice of his profession, never, however, losing an opportunity to promote the Union cause as long as the war lasted. In 1868 he removed to Cleveland, and has since been practicing in that city. While in Warren he took an active oart in educational matters, and was one of the leading advocates in 1849 of the graded school system. He married Rhoda M. Andrews and has a family of five children.


son of Joseph C. Hart, of Farmington township, Trumbull county, was born December 15, 1846. He received his preliminary education in the schools of his native town, Western Reserve seminary, West Farmington, and at Allegheny college, Meadville, Pennsylvania. In the spring of 1869 Mr. Hart began the study of law in the office of Hutchins, Tuttle & Stull, and was admitted to practice in June, 1871. He opened an office in Hubbard, Trumbull county. Mr. Hart was elected clerk of Trumbull county in October, 1872, and was re-elected in 1875. Retiring from office January 1, 1879, he removed to Cleveland, and has since been Practicing in that city. He married in 1872 Miss Mary Camp, of Akron, Ohio.


now of Cleveland, was born in Portage county, Ohio, January 21, 1823. He was educated at the Western Reserve college at Hudson, taking a classical course. He engaged in teaching school when quite young, was engaged in teach- many years, and was principal of an academy in Geauga county. He received much valuable instruction from Dr. P. C. Bennett, in Geauga county. He studied law with Mr. Wheaton, in Hudson, two years, and one year with Tilden & Ranney, of Ravenna; was admitted to the bar at Ravenna, and commenced practice in Garrettsville, in 1846 or 1847. In the fall of 1850 he removed to Kent, where he soon after became connected with the Atlantic & Great Western railroad, and subsequently Jilled the position as attorney for the road for many years, rendering it in that capacity valuable and efficient service, which was appreciated and gratefully acknowledged by the company. In 1856 he removed to Mansfield, where he resided until 1858, when he came to Warren, forming a partnership in the practice of law with Judge Birchard. In 1860 he was elected to the office of probate judge of Trumbull county. The office came to him wholly unsolicited, and he declared his purpose in accepting the position to resign in favor of the first wounded soldier of the county who should be capable of discharging the duties of the office. He was re-elected in 1863, but after serving one year, and on the return of Judge Yeomans from the army, he resigned in favor of Yeomans, who was appointed his successor. During his incumbency of this office Judge Tyler invariably gave his services to soldiers, their wives or widows, without charge. After his resignation of the office of probate judge, he resumed his former position as attorney for the Atlantic & Great Western, removing to Cleveland in 1865. He continued to act as attorney for the road until its foreclosure, and upon the organization of the Cleveland & Tus carawas Valley railroad, accepted the same position for that road, which he still holds. He has also a large private practice.

Judge Tyler was married in 1847 to Miss Sarah A. McKinney, and has two sons, Charles W., editor of the Sunday Voice, and W.


is the oldest among the living members of the bar of the county, having been in practice here for nearly fifty years, Judge Newton, of Canfield, being, perhaps, the only lawyer his senior in this part of the State. Mr. Abell is of English descent and was born at Bozrah, London county, Connecticut, January 17, 1794. His father, Jesse Abell, was a farmer, but Azor was not required to do very much farm work. He attended district school and at the age of fourteen began to teach. He continued teaching and studying for several years. In 1822 he removed to Ohio, reaching Canton May roth. He had already been reading law in Norwich, Connecticut, for some time. After being at Canton eighteen months he was admitted to practice in this State. In the fall of 1823 Mr. Abell re moved to New Philadelphia. While at New Philadelphia he was appointed by the county commissioners to fill out an unexpired term of a deceased auditor. He was subsequently elected


to the office for two terms. About this time he spent between two and three years on a collecting tour in the South. In the spring of 1834 he removed to Trumbull county, locating in Warren. He has made Warren his home since that date, practicing law, with the exception of a few years spent in mercantile business, until incapacitated by age. In 1838 he formed a partnership with John Crowell, which continued six years. He practiced alone during the rest of the time. "Father Abell," as he is called among the members of the bar, is now eighty-eight years of age. Until very recently he had been in good health, and within the past year argued with all the vigor of youth a case in the common pleas court.

Since the above was written Mr. Abell departed this life. His death occurred in Warren, March 23, 1882.


was born during Jefferson's administration, October 23, 18o1, in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania. He came to Ohio in 1828; settled in Warren in 183o. He studied law under Judge Fuller and J. M. Edwards, and was admitted to the bar in 1842. Very little of his life has been devoted to the exclusive practice of his profession, and during much of hi= time he has been actively engaged in other business. From 1830 to 1839 he edited the Warren News Letter. From 1842 to 1845 he was postmaster at Warren. From 1840 to 1876 he was- engaged in the banking business. He was also mayor of Warren for several years. In 1845 he became an active member and ardent admirer of the fraternity of Odd Fellows, and during his membership he has been honored with some of the highest positions in the order. From 1852 to 1853 he served as grand patriarch; from 1855 to 1856 he was grand master, and for a series of years was grand representative to the Sovereign Grand lodge of the world. He is also a prominent member of the Masonic order and other kindred organizations, whose tendency is to elevate mankind and bring men into closer relations with the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God.


was born June 19, 1815, at Torrington, Litchfield county, Connecticut, near the birth-place of

John Brown. He is of English descent. His ancestor, William Tuttle, landed in America a few years after the Pilgrims. Common labor upon his father's farm occupied the subject of our sketch until in his sixteenth year. Then mechanical matters began to interest him, and from that time until twenty-one he was a clock-maker. The winter he was twenty years old he taught school. He had studied at home, in the fields, in the clock shop, and at the schools to which he had access. At the age of twenty-one he quit the clock business, and during the following winter he attended school. In the spring of 1837 he commenced his legal studies in the office of William S. Holaviard, district attorney of the United States for the district of Connecticut, and postmaster at Winsted. He read here about eighteen months, clerking in the postoffice at the same time. His health failing, he went home and spent the summer in recuperating. In the fall of 1838 his people removed to Ontario county, New York. Here he taught select and district schools until their removal to Ohio, in the following May. The family settled in Colebrook, Ashtabula county. After working there about a year, he attended school for a few months at Austinburg. He soon after resumed his law studies with Wade & Ranney, of Jefferson.

After reading about ten months he was admitted to the bar September 1, 1841. He began the practice of his profession at Windsor, where he taught select school during the winter of 1842-43. He remained there until January, 1844, when he removed to Warren, where he has since remained. He first formed a partnership with Judge Humphrey, then with Alexander McConnell and William Whittlesey, then with Hon. M. Sutliff, then with J. M. Stull, then with both Sutliff and Stull. In October, 1866, he was elected judge of the court of common pleas. January 1, 1862, six months before the expiration of his term of office, he resigned the judgeship and formed a law partnership with F. E. Hutchins. This partnership continued until January 1, 1882. In 1873 he was one of the most learned and laborious workers in the State constitutional convention.

Judge Tuttle has been from early youth a great lover of books. We have heard him relate an account of a visit, made by him when a boy,


to the home of a. clergyman of his town. The library of the latter, containing probably two hundred volumes, stood open, and, upon what appeared to him as most magnificent facilities for the acquirement of knowledge, he feasted his famished vision. With access to such a library he would be happy. Books were few with him, but those obtainable were eagerly devoured and thoroughly digested. His early ambition is gratifying itself, and he is now the possessor of probably the largest library of law and miscellaneous books in Trumbull county.


was born November 22, 1821, in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania. His patents were Adam and Nancy (Askew) Palm. His father was descended from John Palm, who emigrated from Germany in 1760. Adam Palm settled m Trumbull county in 1822. Jefferson attended the common schools of that day until nineteen years of age, when he commenced the study of law with William L. Knight, of Warren. He finished his studies with John M. Edwards, and was admitted to practice in 1844. During his practice here he has held the office of justice of the peace twelve years. In 1862 he commenced the publication of the Warren Constitution. After editing this paper for five years he sold it to Judge Birchard. Mr. Palm was commissioned postmaster of Warren by President Johnson, holding the office during his administration. Upon the suspension of the savings bank of 'I'. J. McLain & Son, he was made the assignee of its effects, and much of his time since then has been occupied in the settlement of its affairs.


was born June 16, 1824, upon a farm in Greene township, where his parents, William and Helena (Bascom), Harrington, have resided since 1817. Until twenty-one years of age he remained at home, at intervals teaching and attending school. He began to teach when seventeen years old and continued for many winters. He attended Western Reserve seminary at Farmington, Grand River institute at Austinburg, and in 1845 entered Oberlin college. Here he remained until the last term of his junior year. Being unwilling to study Hebrew he left the course which he .had intended completing. Soon after this he opened a select school in Greene. This school he continued with good success for about six years. While here he began to study law. In 1846 he commenced to read with Crowell & Abell, of Warren. In 1848 he was admitted to the bar. He continued teaching in Greene, practicing his two professions together. In 1860 he was elected clerk of courts. He held the office two terms. About this time President Johnson had appointed Alexander McConnell assessor of internal revenue for the Nineteenth Congressional district. The Senate refused to confirm his appointment. The President then consented to appoint an assessor upon the recommendation of the Republicans of the district.

A consultation held in some haste among some of the leading Republicans resulted in the choice of Mr. Harrington. He was notified and his consent obtained. The appointment was made and confirmed. In March, 1867, the month following the expiration of his term of office as clerk of courts, he assumed the duties of assessor- ship. He continued to hold this office until it was abolished in May, 1873. In the following winter he went into the office of W. T. Spear to assist him in the management of his business. Two years later, in 1876, the law firm of Spear & Harrington was formed. This partnership continued until Mr. Spear's elevation to the bench in 1878.

With the exception of a very few years Mr. Harrington has been a valued and faithful member of the board of education of Warren, and much of the time its president, since 1867. He has also held the office of city solicitor in that city. At the organization of the Second National bank of Warren, he was one of the incorporators, and a member of the first board of directors.


is the son of Joshua and Harriet (Cole) Yeomans. He was born at Kinsman, Trumbull county, Ohio, November 14, 1826. The youthful intellect of the future probate judge was cultivated and matured in district school, Kinsman academy, and Grand River institute at Austin- burg. In 1845, at the age of nineteen, he went to Warren and commenced the study of the law with General Crowell. He had expected to follow the life of a farmer ; but after his return to it he was so frequently called from the field to • attend to legal business, that he decided to go to


Warren and make application for admission to the bar. His application was successful, and he immediately engaged in active practice. During the civil war he was a soldier in the Union army for upwards of two years. At the battle of Chickamauga he received a wound from a minie ball, which he carried a year, causing a permanent lameness.

After the war he returned to Trumbull county, and in the fall of 1864 was elected probate judge. His chief claim to public notice was earned by his able conduct of the business of this office during his long administration. From his election, in 1864, he held the office of probate judge continuously until February 9, 1879. Since then he has been engaged in practice in Warren.


was born in Huntington township, Litchfield county, Connecticut, September 16, 1826. His parents were Myron M. and Mary M. (Porter) Hutchinson. The subject of our sketch, when a young man, upon the suggestion of friends, dropped the last syllable of his family name. When quite young his parents removed to Portage county, Ohio. After a residence of two years in Ohio, they removed to Kalamazoo county, Michigan, settling upon a farm in the backwoods. A hut of rough logs was superseded in a few years by a more pretentious house of hewed logs. Their nearest neighbor was a mile away, and the nearest school house two miles farther, through an almost unbroken forest. Here, in "God's first temples," young Hutchinson passed the days of his youth. He attended school altogether about six months. Much of his time was spent in the manufacture of split shingles, in which he became very expert, and in attendance on an "up and down " saw-mill ; hunting raccoon, deer, and bear for diversion. In the fall of 1844 the Hutchinson family removed to Youngstown, Ohio,. driving through from Michigan. Young Hutchmson brought with him $45, earned during the previous summer. He learned upon arriving within the pale of civilization that his summer's work had availed him nothing; his barbarous employer had paid him in counterfeit notes. For a short time during the following winter he attended school at Boardman, working nights and mornings to pay expenses. In the summer of 1845 he attended Poland academy, working the garden of the principal for board and tuition.

During the next summer he ran on a canalboat between Youngstown and Cleveland; first as man-of-all-work, and then as captain of the T. S. Morely, owned by John Kirk, of Youngstown. In the winter of 1845-46 he attended school in Youngstown, at the old brick school-house called "Science Hill," Hiram A. Hall, preceptor. Here he studied the principles of the Latin language. An incident will illustrate the proficiency of the class in this department. A member, afterwards a well-known business man in Youngstown, being called upon to translate the sentence, anima corpore major est, did so as follows : "The major is a greater animal than the corporal."

During the summer of 1847 Captain Hutchin son ran the canal-boat Abbey Kelly. Upon his birthday, in the fall of 1847, he became an apprentice at the carpenter's trade. He continued a hewer of wood until the spring of 1849, when he began to read law with William Furgeson, Esq., of Youngstown. In company with his fellow student, F. W. Sanderson, he was examined before a committee of twenty-one at Canfield, and admitted to the bar in 1851.

Forming a partnership with Mr. Furgeson, and subsequently with Mr. Sanderson, he practiced in Youngstown until 1859, when he removed to Warren, where he has been located ever since, He has been a partner in the following firms: F. E. & W. H. Hutchins, Hutchins, Ratliff & Forrest, Hutchins & Forrest, Hutchins & Glidden, Hutchins, Glidden & Stull, Hutchins & Tuttle, Hutchins, Tuttle & Stull, and later Hutchins & Tuttle.

During the Rebellion Mr. Hutchins was captain of company A, One Hundred and Seventy-first regiment, hundred days' men. He served first at Johnson's island as superintendent of the rebel prison; but was subsequently detailed, by General Heinzelman, as judge advocate of a military commission at Cincinnati. While in service he endured a severe siege of typhoid fever, which has seriously and permanently affected his hearing.

He was married December II, 1851, to Elizabeth M. Sanderson.


is one of the most prominent of Warren's soldier lawyers. He was born June 30, 1822, in


Howland township, and is the son of John and Elizabeth (Wilson) Ratliff. He worked on the homestead farm, attending district school during he winter until eighteen years of age. The next three or four years were spent in teaching and attending select school. About 1844 he began to read law with H. Canfield in Warren. His law studies proper were concluded in the office of Wade & Ranney. In 1846 he was admitted to the bar. While pursuing his legal studies he taught school during two terms in a school-house located upon a part of the lot now occupied by his residence. After his admission to the bar he was book keeper and teller in the Western Reserve bank for a period of six years. He afterwards formed for a short time a law partnership with Hon. B. F. Hoffman, which lasted until the latter's election to the judgeship. Mr. Ratliff then went into partnership with John Hutchins and J. D. Cox. Two years later, upon the election of Mr. Hutchins to Congress, the firm became, by the accession of W. T. Spear, Cox, Ratliff & Spear. This firm continued in practice here until Mr. Ratliff entered the army. The day after Fort Sumter was fired on he went to Columbus and upon his return assisted in organizing military companies in this county and in Cleveland until August, 1861, when he was made lieutenant-colonel of the Second Ohio cavalry. He accompanied that regiment to Kansas, and made the Indian expedition to the Cherokee nation, assisting in restoring the Union Cherokees to their territory. Early in 1863 he was ordered with his regiment to Columbus, where it was remounted and rearmed, and from there sent into Kentucky, and thence into Tennessee. After the battle of Jackson's Farm Colonel Ratliff resigned and came home, raising the Twelfth Ohio cavalry, of which he was made first lieutenant-colonel October 1 2, 1863. On the 20th of the November following he was promoted to the colonelcy. With this regiment he served until mustered out. On March 13, 1865, Colonel Ratliff was made brigadier-general "for gallant and meritorious service in the expedition under Generals Burbridge and Stoneman in southwest Virginia." Colonel Ratliff was severely wounded at Duck Creek, Tennessee. In 1867 General Ratliff resumed his law practice in Warren. He was one of the incorporators of the Second National bank of Warren.


was born in Liberty township, Trumbull county, Ohio, May 16, 1823. His father, James Stull, was of German descent. His mother's maiden name was Catharine Mcllree; although born in Scotland, she was of Irish origin. His parents removed from Liberty to Farmington when he was six years old. When he was twelve years old his father died, leaving him to car for and be cared for by his mother. At the age of nineteen he went to learn the blacksmith's trade witu Abraham Anxer, of Hamden, Ohio. He worked with Anxer two years and then returning to Farmington opened a shop there. About six months after his return to Farmington, while shoeing a horse by lamplight, he received injuries which disabled him from longer pursuing this occupation. Young Stull had, up to this time, only a very limited education; but, his body disabled, his intellect began to prepare to assert itself. He attended Farmington academy, studying during the summer, and teaching in the South in the winter. While in the South he established at Nashville, Tennessee, a business college. He began his law studies at the age of twenty-seven, with Judge Barbee, of Campbellsville, Kentucky. His studies were continued through the various vicissitudes of a southern schoolmaster's life, until his return to Ohio. He was admitted to the bar of Warren, in May, 1853. The same month he was married to Florilla W. Wolcott, daughter of Deacon Lewis Wolcott, of Farmington. He immediately began the practice of his profession at Warren. He has been associated in partnership with Hon. G. M. Tuttle, Hon. M. Sutliff, F. E. Hutchins, and Hon. C. E. Glidden.

In the fall of 1858 Mr. Stull was elected prosecuting attorney of Trumbull county. He served in that office one term at that time, but four years later was re-elected, holding the office two terms longer. In the spring of 1858 he was elected mayor of Warren. He has ever been one of the most active and influential politicians of this section. During several of the most exciting campaigns in the experience of the party he was chairman of the Republican central committee of his county. -For the last ten years he has been an active worker in the Methodist Episcopal church. To him and a few others of similar liberality and activity this denomination


is largely indebted for the magnificent church edifice, which is the pride of its congregation in Warren.


has always been a resident of Trumbull county. He was born in Hartford township December 25, 1822. His father, Elam Jones, and his mother, Sarah (Hyde) Jones, were both Connecticut people of Puritan blood. His mother belonged to a family very remarkable for longevity. Of nine children the one dying youngest was upwards of ninety and the oldest one hundred and two. Lucian grew up upon a farm, attending district and select schools, and beginning a classical course under Rev. Wells Andrews. He attended Western Reserve college at Hudson, Ohio, taking an optional course. He attended this college several years but did not graduate. Most of the time he was compelled to support himself, in doing which he learned while there the chair painters' trade. Upon leaving college he studied medicine with Dr. Robert M. Beebe, of Hartford, attending lectures at Columbia Medical college, in Washington, District of Columbia, and reading in the office of the famous Professor Sewal. After taking the degree of M. D. he practiced in Hartford for about eighteen months. The practice of this profession did not please the young man as had the study of its science, and he soon quit it and engaged in mercantile business. The mismanagement of his partner made this business as unsatisfactory as the practice of medicine had been. At the solicitation of John Crowell he commenced the study of law with him He was admitted to practice in company with H. C. Ranney and M. D. Leggett in 1854.

He practiced law m Hartford until the spring of 1862, when, in company with E. B. Taylor, of Ravenna, he located in Warren. This partnership continued until 1876; soon after its dissolution Judge Taylor went onto the bench. He practiced alone for four years, and in May, 1880, formed a partnership with T. I. Gillmer.

Mr. Jones has held many positions of trust and honor, but none to which he points with more pride than to the office of justice of the peace, to which he was elected just before his twenty-first birthday, attaining his majority before receiving his commission. He was draft commissioner during the war. In the fall of 1871 he was elected to the State Senate, holding the office two terms. Among the important measures originated by Senator Jones are the present mining law of Ohio, drafted and carried through by him; the bill providing for the late revision of the statutes of Ohio, which he succeeded in passing through a Democratic Legislature; and the present law governing the appropriation of private property for public use. On the committees and in the discharge of his other duties he was known as a hard-working legislator.

In politics he is an active Republican, outspoken and independent. He has been the attorney for the Atlantic & Great Western railroad company, and its successor, since its organiza tion. He held the office of registrar in bankruptcy, except while in the Legislature, from 1867 until the repeal of the bankrupt law. He was the first city solicitor of Warren, and in that position was largely instrumental in bringing about the construction of many of the extensive public improvements which are the pride of that city.

Mr. Jones was married in January, 1860, to Sallie C. Stiles, daughter of Henry Stiles, and a member of one of the oldest families in Warren.


was born at Gustavus, October 26, 1827. He is the son of Connecticut parents, Buell and Marietta (Bidwell) Barnes. He was admitted to the bar April 2I, 1854, having studied under N. L Chaffee, of Jefferson, Ohio. Mr. Barnes is located at Gustavus.


was born at Simsbury, Connecticut, August 5, 1821. He .was of English descent, his parents being Eri and Lucretia (Humphrey) Ensign. "Mack's " early life was devoted to agricultural pursuits and the tinner's trade, which he learned. He attended district school, and during one term the academy at Westfield, Massachusetts. In 1844, his father having died, he removed with his mother to this county. In 1846 he was married to Lucinda Shell, of Newton Falls. In 1853 President Pierce appointed him postmaster at Newton Falls. He continued in charge of this office, conducting in connection with it a drug store, during a period of eight years. His law studies were pursued with D. D. Belden and J. D. Cox. In 1858, at the age of thirty-seven,


he was admitted to the bar. He had, however, been practicing in Newton Falls previous to his admission. In 1861 he was elected prosecuting attorney for the county upon the Union ticket. In the spring of 1862 he removed to Warren. In 1863 he was re-elected to the office of prosecuting attorney. During his practice here he has been associated as a partner with Hon. Mr. Birchald and Hon. L. D. Woodworth. While with tne former he was for a little more than a year one of the editors of the Warren Constitution.


one of the oldest members of the Trumbull county bar, has in past years been in charge of a large practice in justice, probate, and common pleas courts. He came into the practice after a long time of service as justice of the peace, and has resided and had his office in Southington. A detailed sketch will be found in the history of that town. As a practitioner Mr. Norton has always been found reliable.


was born near Meadville, Crawford county, Pennsylvania, October to, 1806. During the first twenty years of his life, he worked on his father's farm, attending such schools as the country at that time afforded. From 1826 to 1828 he held a position on the public works of Pennsylvania. From 1828 to 1829 he was employed as bookkeeper for James Hezlep, of Youngstown. In 1829 he removed to Austintown, becoming a partner in the firm of J. Hezlep & Co. in the dry goods business. April 25, 1832, he was commissioned captain of the first company, First regiment of Ohio militia, and on September 19th following he was appointed adjutant of the Fourth regiment, Colonel David Tod commanding. In March, 1833, he removed to Newton township, opening a dry goods store in Milton. In May, 1836, he was elected justice of the peace. To this office he was subsequently several times re-elected. January 21, 1840, he was commissioned associate judge of the court of common pleas for Trumbull county. October 24, 1851, he was appointed postmaster at Milton. In September, 1859, he was admitted to the bar, and has since then been engaged in practice in this and adjacent counties. His present home is in Bristol.


was born at Warren, June 3, 1833. He is the son of Edward and Ann (Adgate) Spear. His common education was obtained in the excellent public schools of his native city. He commenced the study of law with J. D. Cox in 1856, and was sworn in as an attorney in 1858. After his admission he spent eighteen months in Cambridge Law school, graduating there. He began the practice of his profession in Warren in 186o, as a partner m the firm of Cox, Ratliff & Spear. Later the firm became Cox & Spear. After his dissolution with Governor Cox he practiced alone until 1876, when he-formed a partnership with C. A. Harrington. In September, 1864, he was married to Frances York. In the fall of 1871 he was elected prosecuting attorney of the county. He performed the duties of this office acceptably during two terms. In the fall of 1878 the term of office of Hon. P. B. Conant as judge of the court of common pleas in the Ninth judicial district expired. The subdivision was composed of the counties of Portage, Mahoning, and Trumbull. Portage county presented to the Republican convention for re-nomination Judge Conant. Mahoning county presented several candidates, among them A. J. Van Hyning, A. W. Jones, and Robert E. Knight. Trumbull county brought forward the name of W. T. Spear, and after a persistent effort, prolonged through the day, secured his nomination. He still holds this office, and is regarded as a very accurate and just judge.


a member of the Adams family so well known in this part of the State, is the son of Asahel and Lucy (Mygatt) Adams. He was born at Warren, November z6, 1829. He graduated at Yale college in 1857 ; was admitted to the bar in 1860 at Springfield. In 1864 he received an appointment as paymaster in the United States army. Although designing to follow the law as a profession he unconsciously drifted into insurance. In this business he has been very successful.


is of New England stock. His parents, Elisha and Theresa (Couch) Taylor, came from Massachussetts, Berkshire county, settling in Nelson, Portage county, in 1814. Nine years afterwards,


July 9, 1823, Ezra B. was born. His parents were poor, but he attended school during the winter months until seventeen years old, studying a great deal at home. He had early set his heart upon a professional life, and his law studies were begun when quite young. He read law with Judge Robert F. Payne, then of Garrettsville, afterwards of Cleveland, and was admitted to practice in 1845. He immediately began practice, and in 1847 removed to Ravenna and opened an office there. In 1849 he was married to Harriet M. Frazier, of Ravenna. In 1854 he, was elected prosecuting. attorney of Portage county. He continued to reside in Portage county until the spring of 1862, when he removed to Warren, forming a partnership with L. C. Jones. He has ever since resided in Warren. In 1864 he enlisted as a private in the One Hundred and Seventy-first regiment, Ohio National guards, serving three months. On its return home the regiment elected him colonel. The firm of Taylor & Jones dissolved in 1876.

In 1877, upon the petition of nearly every member of the bar in this sub-division of the judicial district, he was appointed by the Governor to succeed Judge Servis, who had died shortly after his election to the judgeship. At the election held in October of the same year the people continued Judge Taylor in the position to which the Governor had appointed him. Judge Taylor remained upon the bench until the fall of 1880. General Garfield having been called to a higher place, it became necessary to select his successor as Representative of the Nineteenth Congressional district. The Republican convention met in Warren, August 12, 1880. The friends of Judge Taylor took his name into the convention backed by the almost solid delegation from Portage and Trumbull counties. From Ashtabula county came Hon. S. A. Northway and Hon. W. P. Howland with a powerful following. From Geauga county came Hon. Peter Hitchcock. Captain J.. B. Burrows, of Lake and B. A. Hinsdale, of Pottage county, were also mentioned in the convention. The contest was an exciting one, and lasted until late in theevening, resulting in the nominationg of Judge Taylor. At the election following he was triumphantly elected. In politics he has been since the organization of the party an uncompromising Republican, and his oratorical powers, which at the bar distinguished him as an advocate, have enabled him to do upon the stump signal service for his party.


was born at Lowellville, now Mahoning county, Ohio, August 31, 1841. His parents removed to Howland, Trumbull county, where he grew up a farmer's boy. It was during these years that the resolution to become a lawyer was formed, and during the years of preparation, as a student and teacher, it was never forgotten. The ups and downs, struggles and privations of a boy determined to rise, with no one to point out the way or render him much assistance, were all beneficially experienced.

From the position of common school teacher, "boarding 'round," he was advanced to the more desirable position of superintendent and principal. He was elected superintendent of schools at Newton Falls, Ohio, for a third year, and at the same time, without consultation with him, principal of the grammar school at Warren. He declined both positions.

A good common school education had been supplemented by a five years' course in Oberlin college. This course was now continued for a year at the University of Rochester.

The study of law was formally entered upon at Albany, New York, in 1864. He was admitted to the New York bar May 26, 1865. The payment of debts accumulated in obtaining an education compelled him to resort once more to teaching. Two years later the practice of law was begun in Warren, November 27, 1867. He served as county school examiner during seven years.


was born at Youngstown, Ohio, July 6, 1843. His parents were Matthew Dille and Mary M. Sanderson. He began the study of law in 1861, with Sanderson & Moore, at Youngstown. From

1862 to 1865 he was asoldier in the Unon army. He completed his law studies with Hutchins & Glidden, at Warren. He was admitted to the bar in 1867, and the same year began the practice of his profession at Niles.


was born in Hartford township in the year 1839. His educational advantages were such as the


schools of the times afforded. He read law with Hon. L. C. Jones, at Warren, and was admitted to the bar in 1867. He located in Orangeville, in which village he has successfully held the positions of justice of the peace, mayor, and postmaster.


is the tallest member of the Trumbull county bar, being six feet two and one-half inches in height. He was born at Coitsville, then Trumbull county, Ohio, May 21, 1845. He graduated at Westminster college in 1867, and began the study of law with Hon. Milton Sutliff, at Warren, the following fall. He afterwards attended Albany Law school, graduating in 1869. In September, 1869, he became a member of the bar of Ohio, and immediately began the practice of his profession. For about nine months he was employed by Judge Sutliff in his office. He then formed a partnership with him, which continued until Judge Sutlift's death, April 4, 1878. Since then Mr. Stewart has not been associated with any partner. September 7, 187o, he was married to Kate L. Sutliff, daughter of Calvin G. Sutliff, deceased.


is the son of William W. and Mary A. Cowdery, of Mecca township, and spent his early life on a farm, attending common school, Cortland academy, Western Reserve seminary, and Western Reserve college, graduating in the latter institution in the class of 1865. In the autumn following ne began the study of law with Tuttle & Stull, of Warren. After reading a year he entered the law department of the University of Michigan. He was admitted to practice, at Warren, in April, 1868. In January, 1869, he located in Hubbard, removing to Niles, his present location, in November, 1871. In June, 1873, he was married to Helen Marvin, of Atwater, Ohio.


is the son of Henry K. and Rhoda (Rowley) Hulse. He was born in Bazetta township, Trumbull county, Ohio, February 7, 1829. His father, Henry K. Hulse, came to the county in 1807, raising a family of thirteen children, of whom the second son, John, was the first white child born in Bazetta. At the age of fifteen Richard entered Farmington academy for two years. At about this time he also taught school for several terms. He learned the blacksmith's trade in Warren. In 1847 he went to Kinsman, continuing to work at his trade until 1862. He was married to Hannah Payton, of Chautauqua county, New York July 4, 185o. In 1862 Mr. Hulse enlisted in the One Hundred and Twenty- fifth Ohio volunteer infantry. Among the battles in which he fought were those of Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Atlanta, Mission Ridge, and Chickamauga. He served until after the close of the war, being mustered out with the rank of captain at Victoria, Texas, in October, 1865. Returning to civil life, he studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1869. He has ever since been located in Kinsman.


is of German-Scotch descent, the son of William and Catherine (Miller) Gillmer. He was born in Newton township, Trumbull county, Ohio, May 13, 1844. His father died when he was eight years of age, leaving him in the care of his mother, who is still living at the advanced age of eighty-two years. At the age of twelve years Thomas took charge of and managed the business of an improved farm of one hundred and sixty acres, in the winter attending district and academic schools. In the spring of 1868 he graduated from Iron City Commercial college at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and in. May. 1868, began to read law with Hon. John F. Beaver. He was admitted to the bar in May, 187o, and began practice immediately in company with his late preceptor, at Newton Falls, continuing with him until his death. In September, 1873, he was admitted to practice in the United States supreme court. In September, 1874, he located in Warren, and in the fall of 1875 received the Republican nomination for prosecuting attorney. He was elected and took the oath of office January 1, 1876. Mr. Gillmer filled this office during two terms with great success. In May, 188=, he formed a partnership with Hon. L. C. Jones, under the firm name of Jones & Gillmer. He was married to Helen Earl, of Newton Falls, January 26, 1870.


was born in Freedom, Portage county, Ohio, August 5, 1840. His parents, Rev. Asahel and Lydia (Phelps) Reeves, came from Lewis county,


New York, to a farm in Nelson, Portage county, Ohio, in 1849. From there they removed to Farmington, Trumbull county. Here the subject of this sketch resided until the breaking out of the war. In August, 1861, he enlisted as a private in company D, Second Ohio cavalry. He remained with that company until 1862, when he was detailed with others into the Twenty-fifth Ohio battery, with which command he remained until near the close of the war. Re- enlisting January 1, 1864, for three years he was detailed as drillmaster, and, toward the close of the war, to the command of detachments of heavy artillery and United States infantry, being promoted to the rank of captain. He returned home October no, 1865. Captain Reeves had previously attended district schools and Western Reserve seminary at Farmington, and he now took a course in Allegheny college, at Meadville, Pennsylvania, graduating in 1869. He commenced the study of law immediately with Hutchins, Glidden & Stull, of Warren, and was admitted to the bar May 4, 1871. After practicing in Canton for three years in partnership with A. D. Braden, he returned to Warren, forming a partnership with John M. Stull, with whom he remained until elected probate judge of Trumbull county in October, 1878. In 1881 Judge Reeves was re-elected.


is the son of Andrew and Mary J. (Anderson) Calhoun. He was born in Edinburg, Portage county, Ohio, January 8, 1849. In the September following, his parents removed to Weathersfield, Trumbull county. Until about seventeen years of age he remained upon his father's farm, obtaining during that time a common school education. He then attended for two years Oberlin college. After spending a few years in the West he returned to Trumbull county and began the study of law October 22, 1869. In April, 1872, he was admitted to the bar and began practicmg in Niles. Up to the time of his admission to the bar Mr. Calhoun had been a follower of several trades. He was an exceedingly expert broom-maker, and of the masons' and carpenters' trade had learned enough to be able to build his own law office. February 19, 1874, he was married to Matt L. Tucker, of Silver Creek, New York. While in practice in Niles he held the office of solicitor during two terms. In April, 188o, Mr. Calhoun moved to Warren.


is the son of Julius E. and Ann (Oatley) Hyde. He was born at Farmington May 7, 1847. By a great personal effort he was enabled to attend school at Farmington, during part of his course officiating as bell-ringer boy. He graduated in 1867. Afterwards he attended Michigan university at Ann Arbor, taking the degree of Ph. B. in 187o; spent two terms in the law depart. ment of the same institution, graduating in 1872. During the summer months he had been in the office of Palmer & DeWolf, Cleveland. He was admitted to the bar of this State at Ashland July 5, 1872, and immediately, in Warren. In the fall of 1879, after a lively contest, he obtained the nomination for the office of prosecuting attorney. He was elected, served two years, and in October, 1881, re-elected for a term of three years. He is a faithful political worker on the side of his convictions, and has served during several campaigns as secretary of the Republican county central committee.


came from Irish stock ; his parents were Samuel and Margaret (Darling) Craig. Samuel, Jr., was born in Braceville township October 2, 1844. He attended school in Warren and in Farmington, and subsequently, by his own labors, earned means enabling him to take n course in Allegheny college at Meadville, Pennsylvania. He graduated there in 1871, and began the study of law the same year in the office of Hutchins, Glidden & Stull ; was admitted to the bar in April, 1873, and opened an office in Warren the following August. He was married to Mary E. Forbes October 14, 1874.


is the son of James and Elizabeth D. (Jaureson) Rogers ; he was born at East Palestine, Columbiana county, Ohio, April 24, 1850. His common school education was confined to the English branches. He taught school during three years at his native village. He read law with Rogers & Rogers, his brothers, and was admit. ted to practice in April, 1874. In the summer of 1874 he opened an office in Hubbard, where he has ever since remained.



is the son of Francis and Bidnigh E. (Taylor) Moran, and was born in Leitrim county, Ireland, July u, 1846. He emigrated to America with his parents in 1852, locating in Trumbull county. By his own efforts Mr. Moran secured a good education, afterwards spending some time in teaching. In 1870 he began the study of law, and in 1872 entered the office of Hutchins, Tuttle & Stull. He was admitted to practice September 28, 1874, locating in Vernon. He has once or twice been a candidate before the Republican convention for the nomination for prosecuting attorney.


was born in Howland township, Trumbull county, Ohio, June 28, 1846. He remained upon a farm, attending district school, a school at Newton Falls, and the McNealey Normal at Hopedale, Ohio, until 1872. He then went to commercial college at Cleveland. In September, 1873, he entered Albany Law school, where he graduated May 5, 1874. He was admitted to practice in Ohio September 28, 1874, and soon after located in Warren.


was born in Yorkshire, England, September 4, 1844. When he was ten years of age his parents emigrated to America, settling in Grand county, Wisconsin. William continued on his father's farm, having, from the time he was fourteen years old, entire charge of it for three years, up to the spring of 1863. He then started out in the world to seek his fortune ; landing in the oil regions of Pennsylvania when the oil excitement ran high. Good wages being obtainable,, he was soon able to save considerable money. In September, 1864, he was married to the youngest daughter of S. P. McFadden, Esq., of Liberty, Trumbull county, Ohio. In the winter of 1864-65 he gratified an early ambition to become a book-keeper, and took a course in Duff's commercial college. As a book-keeper he occupied several responsible positions. He was appointed assignee in bankruptcy of the large estate of Jonathan Warner, of Mineral Ridge, discharging the duties of the trust acceptably and well. In 1.871 he decided to study law. He pursued his studies under the direction of General T. W. Sanderson, and was admitted to practice September 13, 1875, locating in Mineral Ridge.


was born September 23, 1844, in Greene township. His parents were Isaac and Martha C. (Cooley), Sloan. His early life was passed in the usual juvenile employments of a farmer's boy. Leaving the farm in June, 1863, he enlisted in the Union army, serving under two enlistments until the close of the war ; he was finally discharged in July, 1865. The greater part of his education was obtained subsequently at schools in Greene, at the Normal at Orwell, and at Oberlin college. He was at Oberlin, earning his own way, about three years. His law studies had been begun before going to Oberlin. From 1866 until 1871 he was compelled to spend much of his time in teaching. In April, 1871, he married Stella S. Fisk, of Oberlin. His office reading was done in the office of John C. Hale, of Elyria. He was admitted to the bar in 1874. In the following year he located in Niles, remaining there until 1880, when he removed to Warren.


son of Calvin and Jennett (Baxter) Drown, was born in Nelson, Portage county, Ohio, August 13, 1850. He attended public schools and Hiram college. He read law with Taylor & Jones; was admitted to the bar August 20, 1875. September 7, 1875, he was married to Luella V. Taft, of West Farmington. She died of consumption March 15, 1879.


was born October 22, 1846, in Vernon township. When ten years of age his parents removed to Gustavus. His father was a cabinet-maker ; and this trade the young man learned. He attended district schools, and afterwards Oberlin college. He came to Warren in 1871, and began the study of law, reading in the office of Taylor & Jones. He was admitted to practice by the district court at Canfield, September 29, 1873. He opened an office in Warren in the spring of 1875. In the fall of 1880 he entered into partnership with Hon. E. B. Taylor, with whom he still continues to be associated.


was born April it, 1851, in Tallmadge, Summit county, Ohio. He attended the public schools


of Kent, and for two years studied in private under the instruction of Professor E. T. Suloit. He began the study of law with Simon P. Wolcott, of Kent, and qualified as an attorney April 1, 1874. Mr. Newton then read for a year with W. B. Thomas, of Ravenna, locating in Newton Falls, May 18, 1875.


is a descendant of the old Kennedy family, whose record can be traced back one hundred and fifty years. His parents were Maxwell and Eveline (Doud) Kennedy. He was born in Howland township, November 15, 1850. He attended district school, Courtland academy, Western Reserve seminary, and Hiram college. At the age of sixteen he began teaching. In 1873 he began his law studies with Ratliff & Moses in Warren. He was admitted to the bar September 13, 1875, and opened an office in Warren in the followmg spring. Mr. Kennedy is somewhat famous as a speller, an ability in this direction being hereditary in the family.


was born in Mahoning county October 2, 1856. He attended public schools, studied under a private tutor, and subsequently attended Oberlin college. His law studies were begun with Judge Birchard in 1874, durmg a college vacation. Later he read with J. M. Stull and with Hutchins & Tuttle, being admitted to the bar April 13, 1877. He was married the same year to Susie Robinson. He has been in practice here since 1877, two years of the time m partnership with E. H. Ensign. In 1877 he was a candidate for the office of prosecuting attorney on the Democratic ticket. During the famous controversy concerning water works in Warren he was a candidate for city solicitor, running one hundred votes ahead of his ticket.


was born m Newton township July 15, 1849. His parents were James and Jane (McKibben) Gillmer. Mr. Gillmer attended district school, Newton Falls high school, and the National Normal at Lebanon. During the fall and winter, from 187o to 1878, he taught school. His law studies began in 1876, with General R. W. Ratliff and T. J. Gillmer. He was admitted to practice April 9, 1878, and opened an office in Newton Falls the same month.


was born in Mecca township, November to, 1851, and is the son of William and Mary A. (Moran) Taylor. His mother died when he was two years of age, and to his step-mother, Roza A. (Rhodes) Taylor he is indebted for the greater part of his early education. Young Taylor attended Western Reserve seminary, that educator of so many Trumbull county lawyers, a little more than a year. In 1875 he commenced to read law, clerking in a store and reading when. ever an opportunity offered. About six months of his student life were soent m an office with Hon. L. C. Jones and D. R. Gilbert. He was admitted to practice at Warren April 13, 1877 He then took a course in Ann Arbor Law school, graduating there March 27, 1878. He opened an office in this city a few weeks later. He was elected justice of the peace September 15,1878, holding the office three years.


the son of General T. J. and Harriet (Dough. ton) McLain, was born in Warren September 12, 1854. He completed a course in the public schools of Warren, graduating in 1873, subsequently attending Western Reserve college at Hudson. He read law with Spear & Harrington, and was licensed to practice in 1878, locating in Warren.


was born at Great Elm, Somersetshire, England, March 18, 1855. His parents emigrated to America, arriving in Warren in the spring of 1872. In the September following he became a clerk in the office of John M. Stull. He afterwards studied law in the same office, and was admitted to the bar April 8, 1878. He still continues in the employ of Mr. Stull.


was born February 9, 1857, in Warren, Ohio. His parents are William H. Herzog and Lucia Heiner. His studies were pursued under Sutliff & Stewart. April 9, 1878, he was admitted to practice, locating in Warren. In October, 1884 he was elected justice of the peace.


son of Martin and Maria (Weaver) Curd, was born in Newton July 17, 1849. His early edu. cational advantages were not the best. Later he attended Hiram college, Alliance college, and


the National Normal at Lebanon, graduating at the latter place. His law studies commenced at home. He afterwards read with C. B. Newton and E. B. Taylor. He was sworn in at Cleveland September to, 1877, opening an office in Warren in the soring of 1878.


son of Robert M. and Sarah Hannah (Gilson) Gilson, was born at New Derry, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvama, September zo, 1851. His mother died when he was quite young. He attended-district school, and at the age of seventeen went lo an academy at Elders Ridge, Pennsylvania. Here he prepared for college. After teaching two years he entered the University of Wooster, graduating. in 1873. Within a year he began to read law at Canfield, reading afterwards in the office of Hutchins & Tuttle, at Warren. He attended Albany Law school, graduating in 1877. He was admitted to practice in this State early in 1878, and April 11, 1878, located in Warren. In June, 1879, he formed a partnership with A. A. Thayer.


is of Irish-German descent. He was born April 3o, 1843, the son of James and Nancy (Welty) Wilson, the former said to have been the first male child born in Youngstown, Ohio. James, Sr., was one of the first settlers in Warren township, and having cleared a farm in a wilderness of woods, reared there a family of ten children, of whom James F. is the fourth son. The subject of this sketch lived on the farm until eighteen years old, attending district schools in the winter season. In 1861 he enlisted in company C, Nineteenth regiment, Ohio volunteers, for three years. This regiment was commanded by Colonel H. G. Stratton. Mr. Wilson afterwards re-enlisted as a veteran, and was finally discharged in October, 1865. He spent the next few years attending school and teaching alternately. In 1871 he graduated from Allegheny college, subsequently he was superintendent of public schools in Chagrin Falls three years and in Ashtabula four years. He was admitted to the bar at Jefferson in March, 1878, and in the August following located in Warren, for which city he is now solicitor. December 18, 187z, he was married to Hattie R. Larned, of Chagrin Falls.


was born at Freedom, Portage county, Ohio, February 72, 1850. His parents were Charles A. and Mary (Nisetter) Thayer. His law studies were begun with H. C. Ranney, of Ravenna, in 1868. He afterwards read in the office of F. R. E.. Cornell, attorney-general of Minnesota. After reading here a year and a half he was admitted to practice in Minnesota in 1871. In the following year he was admitted to the bar of this State, atter being admitted and practicing in a number of the southern States. Mr. Thayer located in Warren in the fall of 1878. Shortly afterwards he associated himself with J. W. Gilson. The firm of Thayer & Gilson subsequently united with General R. W. Ratliff under the firm name of Ratliff, Thayer & Gilson. Mr. Thayer was married in September, 1881, to Miss Lizzie B. Williamson, of Youngstown.


is the son of Dr. William M. and Mary M. (Barnheizel) Fee. He was born at Niles, May 6, 1854. Five years later his parents removed to Franklin, Pennsylvania. He attended the State of Normal School at Edinboro one year. Oberlin college four terms, and subsequently Lafayette college, where he graduated in 1876. He then went to Germany, attending, during two years at Goetingen. He returned home in 1878, and began the study of law at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, under M. Brosius, concluding his studies in Niles. He was admitted at Warren April 3, 1879, locating in Niles in the following July; he was elected solicitor there. In the spring of 1880 he located in Warren.


the son of Barzilla and Eliza Pickering, was born in Worcestershire, England, March 4, 1851. He came to America with his parents in 1865, settling in Trumbull county; attended Western Reserve seminary six years, graduating in 1876. He commenced to read law in his senior year, reading under the tutorship of Judge Tuttle and Washington Hyde. He was admitted to practice at Cleveland, and subsequently opened an office in Trumbull county in October, 1879.


was born in Newton township November 10, 1849. His parents, Gideon and Sarah Strock, separated in 1865, and Charles started out in


life for himself. He worked at farming and lumbering until 1870, when he began to teach. He attended normal schools at Lebanon and at Medina, and continued teaching. In 1878 he entered the law office of T. H. Gillmer at Newton Falls. In the following spring he entered the office of Jones & Gillmer, at Warren. He was admitted to practice May 5, 1880, opened an office at Niles August 1, 1880, and was elected solicitor of Niles the following spring.


the son of Josiah D. and Caroline P. Freer, was born at Courtland, August 18, 1848. He graduated from Warren union schools in 1867 ; read law with General R. W. Ratcliff; was admitted to the bar August 29, 1869 ; practiced one year in Licking county as a member of the firm of Dennis & Freer ; left practice to engage in other business in Niles in 1870, and resumed practice in 1881 in Warren. He has served six years in the Ohio National guard, and is now captain of the Second battery of artillery.


was born in Hartford township, March 15, 1847, and was the son of Almon 0. and Nancy J. (Parsons) Woodford. He took the degree of bachelor of arts at Oberlin college in 1872. Until 1876 he was superintendent of public schools at Van Wert, Ohio. He commenced to read law in 1875, spending a year of his studentship in the office of Hon. L. C. Jones; he was admitted in 1877. From 1877 until 1881 he was principal of the Warren high schools. He began the practice of law in Warren in September, 1881. During the war Mr. Woodford served as an hundred days' man in the Fortieth Wisconsin.


was born July 24, 1856, in Bazetta township. His parents were B. P. and Sarah A. (Blair) Jameson. He attended Allegheny college, and the University of Victoria college at Cobourg, Ontario. He studied law under Hutchins & Tuttle at Warren, and was admitted to the bar March r, I880.


son of Dr. E. and Mary Rabballd Myers, born at Newcastle, Pennsylvania, December 27, 1855, read law with W. A. Reeves and J. W. Taylor. He was admitted 'October 4, 1881, and opened an office here immediately.