Bar of Lancaster
A Biographical History of Lancaster county is such a one as has not heretofore been attempted to
be executed in our midst. That a very general desire existed amongst the intelligent citizens of
our county, that a work of this character should be produced, the undersigned has had, since the
undertaking of his enterprise, the most abundant evidence. It was owing to this fact that he
received the assistance, from the announcement of his enterprise, of a number of intelligent and
leading men, who, busied themselves in the collection of all the information in their power, in
order to aid him in the preparation of a history of personages whose lives, acts and doings were
worthy of being recorded, for the interest of the present and future generations.
That his work will be entirely satisfactory to the people of the county, he cannot have the
presumption to anticipate, for it is far from being what he himself would have desired to render
it. Instead of being a complete Biographical History of the county, he rather is disposed to regard
it as a fragmentary contribution to its history, of which the collected facts may serve as material
for a more systematic and complete history at some future day.
The undersigned, in setting out with the proposal to produce a Biographical History, had nothing
further in view, save the presentation of brief sketches of the leading citizens of the county, and
this it will be perceived he has chiefly kept in view. In this particular, he hopes to be excused
when he says that, in his opinion, his work cannot but prove acceptable to a large class of our
intelligent, readers. Surely an interest must be felt to know the history of those citizens, torn,
reared, or who have lived in our midst, whose works have enrolled them amongst the famed men
of our
nation. Even of the lesser lights, whose rays were more circumscribed, it is also a matter of
interest to have some knowledge. Of men who are the leading citizens of a community, we
always feel an interest in knowing something as to their history, and this is the main aim of the
work now presented to the people of our county.
As regards the history of early settlers, their descendants must ever feel a lively interest in
ascertaining all that they may be able to learn of them. Although beyond the scope of the work, as
originally contemplated, yet in deference to suggestions frequently made, the undersigned has
incorporated several of the leading family histories, and such as, in an especial manner, have
contributed largely towards the development of the county, and in rendering it "the garden of
America." Some other family histories were sought in vain to be obtained, which would have
given additional interest to the production. Reasons, unnecessary to name, thwarted the obtaining
of several such family histories. This, however, is the less to be regretted, as all this part of the
history was foreign to the original programme. Especial anxiety, however, was felt to obtain
family histories of that class of our people who have, up to a very recent period, (and many of
them yet), shunned all participation in political life, and as a consequence not obtained that
deserved recognition to which their deserts entitled them. To have given a history of every family
in the county, volumes would have been required instead of a work of the moderate compass
intended. As it is, the author has been compelled to omit much other interesting matter, in order
not to allow the work to go beyond its proposed bulk.
Without here enumerating the names of the many generous and enterprising gentlemen who
rendered cheerful assistance in the collection and transmission of material for the work, the
undersigned now takes occasion to sincerely thank such, one and all, for their efficient aid and
services; and he will see to it that they each receive due credit in the work, for the respective
articles and biographies they may have severally furnished him.
And in conclusion, the undersigned commits his work to
the judgment of the intelligent readers of Lancaster county, simply as a contribution to local
history ; by no means claiming it as anything save a collection of plain sketches that may prove,
from the facts recorded, interesting to the people of the county. As to its composition, he has not
sought to render it ornate, the generality of our readers preferring plain Anglo-Saxon to the most
polished language. That all will be pleased with his production, the undersigned does not
anticipate, nor does he hope to escape all adverse criticism ; but he will be content if he shall be
able to satisfy the reasonable and reflecting, that he has produced a work of moderate interest for
his readers. Trusting that a not too critical public may so view his effort, he submits it in the hope
that some one vastly more competent than himself, may be incited to undertake a work that may
ultimate in a much more brilliant success than can be anticipated for the present humble
LANCASTER, October, 1872.