166 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO CHAPTER XII. MILITARY. VOLUNTEER MILITIA-EARLY ORGANIZATIONS IN MORGAN COUNTY-THE MEXICAN CAMPAIGN -MORGAN COUNTY'S PART THEREIN -MORO AN IN THE REBELLION-THE FIRST COMPANY-THE SEVENTEENTH OHIO REGIMENT-TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT -EIGHTEENTH REGIMENT-CAPTAIN SCOTT'S CAVALRY COMPANY-SEVENTEENTH (THREE YEARS) REGIMENT-SEVENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT-SEVENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT-EIGHTY-SIXTH REGIMENT-NINETY-SEVENTH REGIMENT-ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SECOND REGIMENT -NINTH CAVALRY-ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIRST REGIMENT, 0. N. G.-FIRST REGIMENT HEAVY ARTILLERY-ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-SECOND REGIMENT-REMINISCENCES OF PRISON EXPERIENCE, ONE of the defensive measures of we find the militia of our county at attached to a brigade under the command of General Brown, of Athens County. In 1825 Morgan militia formed a brigadier-general, Francis A. Barker colonel of the 1st and Erastus Hoskins lieutenants and non-commissioned officers State law required each company to parade of the officers of the regiment our country has been an enrolled militia and government inducements to form volunteer organizations. Hence its formation constituting a regiment, with Alexander McConnel as colonel, brigade of two regiments, of which Colonel McConnel was elected brig- colonel of the 2d Regiment. Each regiment consisted of eight companies, with the equivalent number of captains, lieutenants and non-commissioned officers; also, one or more volunteer companies attached to each regiment. The State kaw required each company to muster once by itself and once with the regiment each year ; also a separate parade of the officers of the regiment annually. General musters were at that day important institutions. They are of the past, the like of which we shall never see again. The following graphic description of a general training or muster is from Judge Gaylord's reminiscences of Morgan County : In the early settlement of the county general musters were held annually, and the "muster men" of the county, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, were regularly enrolled and required to perform two days' military duty each year or subject themselves to fines and penalties. In 1820 there was but one regiment in the county, and for some years it met for muster on the farm of Joseph Devereaux, in the township of Bristol, that being the most central and suitable point. As the population of the county increased a brigade was created, with Alex. McConnel the firSt brigadier- general. After the creation of the brigade McConnelsville was first honored by a general muster of the 1st annually. Regiment, the first general parade held in the village. The regiment was eight MILITARY - 167 hundred strong, and was formed on Center street, with its right resting in front of E. Corner's tavern, and marched thence for drill and military exercise into a stake-and-ridered stubble field, situated to the north of Center street and extending back to the break of the hill. Ample space was here found for all the military maneuvers in vogue at that day, and for a full display of official military knowledge and dignity. In this field the colonel, with his staff and the other field officers, first appeared with the regiment for drill. Preparatory to the formation and parade of the regiment companies were formed, "ranked and sized" in different parts of the village. Each company supplied itself with a drum and fife, and kept up an interminable racket all day, and about those noisy musical instruments might be found congregated all the boys of village and country, who in their youthful opinions estimated the drummer and fifer as the greatest men in the regiment. All over the village might be seen the sergeants of companies lustily calling for the privates to "fall in, all who belong to Captains—'s company, fall in." When the men of the company were got well together the captain would make his appearance, bedizened with his uniform, which in those primitive military days consisted of a faded cloth with rows of brass buttons down in front, a faded and rusty epaulet, an old time sword fastened to his side by a much worn and faded morocco belt, a large, rusty brass buckle, a common hat, with a white plume made of geese feathers, stuck under a cockade made of red, white and blue flannel, and would take his position in front of the company with drawn sword, and command : "Attention, company ! Front face ! Company rank and size, tall men to the front ! Little men to the left ! March !" Then there was some commotion among the privates to find their positions. After the company became settled the captain would again command : "Attention, company ! Look to the right !" Then all eyes were turned to the right of the company to make the line straight. The captain would then put the company through the "manual in arms," commencing, "order arms, shoulder arms, present arms, support arms, trail arms, prepare to load, draw ramrod, handle cartridge, ram down cartridge, return ramrod,. prime, order arms." All this was done in a short space of time, with perhaps only twenty guns in a company of one hundred men, and the guns of all patterns, shapes and sizes, from the squirrel rifle to the old Revolutionary musket with flint lock. After this performance he would command the company to mark time, the captain then taking position to the extreme right of the company, and under a full flow of martial music he stood calling out "right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, right face, march" ; then after countermarching on the same ground the word was "halt, mark time." The company was then marched to parade-ground and took part in the regimental drill. All was enjoyed and seemed interesting to both militia, and civilians. It is remembered in the days of general musters a company of " corn-stalk " militia, as they were called, from one of the rural districts, was formed in the rear of the old court-house. The captain commanding was supposed to possess some military knowledge and pride, and strove to infuse some of the 168 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. these desirable accomplishmentS into the men under his command. Several ludicrous scenes would sometimes occur in the midst of this mimic war. An awkward fellow who had been indulging too freely at the village bar appeared in the ranks at looSe ends. The captain, observing his situation and condition, cried out, " Jim Stokes, stand up, there, pull up them legs, one foot at the mouth of Meigs Creek, the other at the mouth of Salt Creek, heels together, toes out, attention company, heads up, silence, order in ranks, quit acting the fool, don't you See all those city folks making fun of you ? " It took some time to get those noisy, rollicking fellows into military position according to "Cooper," the military tactics consulted at that day. The company being put in shape, the sergeant stepped in front and drew from under his military jacket the muster- roll of the company and commenced calling over the same, first the commissioned and non-commissioned officers, then the privates. The responses to some of the names afforded much amusement to both bystanders and those in the ranks. The sergeant having a strong voice, and priding himself upon the position he held, acted well his part in the military farce going on before him. He commanded the company : " Stand at ease and attend roll-call," thereupon some Sat down, some lay dOWn in every conceivable position, which convenience or a love of fun might dictate, otherS stood up awaiting the call. She sergeant, with roll in hand, and a pin to mark the abSentees with a prick. called- the name of Peter Stockley, who answered, " I am here." Patrick Holden: "It's me ye are after; I am here, my lord." Silas Smith. Some one in the ranks, after calling his name three times, as was the rule, cried out, "Prick him dOWn ; run off to Vaginny." Enoch Strong. " Cut his foot ; can't walk." Simon Snediker. " Wife sick." Noble Waterman. " Prick him down ; gone West and quit the buSiness." John Williams. "Prick him down ; got married last night." John McQuade. "Prick him down ; gone after the Clanororas." Ned Jones. " Prospecting for silver on Salt Creek ; prick him dOWn." Pat Kinney. " After his runaway buzzard." John Carrol. " Sick at Muttonburg," and so on to the end of the roll were the absentees burlesqued, excused or accounted for by those in the ranks. It was often the case that such scenes took place at roll-call as that above related. Not having access to the muster-rolls, we have been compelled to supply the names of those who were "pricked down" as abSent with the excuses produced. Many of the people looked upon these military demonStrations aS of no great importance, and as each year they became more and more farcical they were ultimately discontinued altogether. In the early settlement of the West the rifle was the favorite weapon of offense and defense recognized by the pioneer, the hunter or Indian-fighter, and very readily gave to the volunteer or independent companies the name of " Riflemen." Of the rifle companies attached to the two regiments in 1833 a battalion was formed, with Amos Conway as lieutenant-colonel and Eli Gorby major, with occasional changes afterward as resignations occurred. In the same year, from the cavalry companies attached to each regiment, a PICTURE OF C. J. GIBSON MILITARY - 169 squadron was formed and Mr. Dawes was elected lieutenant-colonel and James Hunter major. There appears about this time to have been a military epidemic, and an artillery company was raised with Timothy Gaylord captain ; John B. Stone first lieutenant and Robert Pinkerton, second lieutenant. On the resignation of Captain Gaylord John B. Stone was promoted to captain, Robert Pinkerton first lieutenant, and after one or more changes Jacob R. Price was elected captain. To both of these organizations the State furnished arms and accoutrements; to the cavalry, swords, belts, pistols, holsters, etc., and to the artillery a well mounted six-pound fieldpiece, with all the paraphernalia necessary at least to make some noise in the world, and a full complement of muskets, cartridge-boxes, etc. The pistols and muskets were of the flint-lock pattern. After a time these organizations became demoralized, and the most of the arms, muskets, swords, pistols, holsters, belts, etc., were stored in one of the upper rooms of the old courthouse, subject to be drawn by any person who desired to use them for amusement or to shoot crows and blackbirds that interfered with the initial corn crop, or to use the swords to cut the crop at maturity. The field-piece, which could not be applied to any agricultural or mechanical use, was permitted to occupy any given space on the street until some of the juveniles desired to hear "the cannon's deaf’ning roar" on the 4th of July or some other jubilant occasion, when it was subject to capture —and storage until wanted—by " the boys" on either side of the river, and on one occasion for temporary safety was deposited in the river. Finally some ambitious youths loaded it to the muzzle with powder and sod, and with a slow match produced its last echo through the hills. But its use on one 4th of July yet lingers in the memory of one who passed unscathed through the Mexican war and now wears a coat with an empty sleeve. In 1834 General McConnel resigned and John E. Hanna was elected his successor. On his resignation in 1840 (having being elected president judge of the court of common pleas) John S. Love was elected to the vacancy, and on his resignation in 1846 Colonel James Cornelius was elected. For some time the military ardor through the entire State had been on the wane, becoming decidely unpopular, and especially so from local causes in our county, and perhaps this was why General Cornelius was the last of the brigadiers. That these military organizations were beneficial is probable ; they may have served to some extent to keep up the spirit, with an incentive to the study of military tactics. But the annual parades afforded favorable opportunities to candidates for civil official place, to make the acquaintance of the voters of the county and to anxiously inquire after the health of their families. THE MEXICAN WAR. Though apparently dormant, military ardor was readily aroused by the music of the fife and drum. This was apparent in June, 1846, when in answer to a call from the Governor for volunteers for Mexico General Love ordered the militia of the county to assemble in McConnelsville. The order was prompt- 170 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. ly obeyed by the " unorganized and undisciplined," and after eloquent appeals to their patriotism by General Love, Honorable J. E. Hanna and others, more than one hundred stepped to the front and enrolled their names under the banner of "our country, right or wrong," as the Morgan Riflemen. From the number who volunteered a company of eighty-three was organized. General Love was elected captain, Tartus Lindly first and Austin Hawkins second lieutenants. The captain immediately reported to Major-General C. B. Goddard, receiving officer at Zanesville for the district, and in a few days the company was ordered to Cincinnati. Previous to its departure the company was mustered on the parade ground, when Honorable J. E. Hanna presented the captain with a sword, which he carried through the war, not as captain but as major of the third regiment—three regiments being the complement for the State. In a few days after their arrival at Cincinnati the 1st and 2d Regiments were organized, and Captain Love's company was one of the ten companies required to complete the 3d, to which it was attached; but in the course of a week or ten days all the company, except the captain, were at home! Why? was the inquiry. A major for the 3d Regiment was to be elected, and with Captain Love's company 1n the regiment the election to that place of a young man from Muskingum County who was not a volunteer but a candidate was rather doubtful; but in order to secure it the company (of eighty-three men) was thrown out and another (of only fifty) substituted. This, of course, produced remonstrance from the captain and other officers, but it was of no avail; the company was discharged and furnished with transportation home; but as a retributive measure Love's friends determined to defeat the Muskingum candidate, which result they effected, electing Love, who remained with the regiment as major until discharged at Buena Vista. MORGAN COUNTY 1N THE REBELLION. Although the deeds of noble daring on the mountains and plains of Mexico, and the occupation of the capital of the Aztecs, furnished a luminous record of the American soldier, yet the magnitude of the events following the fifteen subsequent years pales their luster and gives to their .memory the features of a dream. In reference to the battles of the rebellion it may be truly said that " When Greek meets Greek Then comes the tug of war." Both combatants were Americans, and shoulder to shoulder had breasted the storms of war and driven back the hosts of Santa Anna at Buena Vista and Chapultepec. Nor in the history of the world's wars was there ever more display of indomitable courage, more determination to do or die, than was evinced on the battlefields of the rebellion by both belligerents. It would afford a proud and grateful pleasure, not unmingled with melancholy remembrances, to trace the braves of Morgan County who responded to the first and each successive call for the defense of the "stars and stripes" ; to go with them in their marches through the storms of the elements; to stand with them as they breasted the more intense death-dealing storm of bullets and shrieking shells; to stanch their bleeding wounds; to receive their last MILITARY - 171 dying messages to their fond mothers or widowed wives, or to tell of the more than Spartan bravery with which they stood up for the Union while confined in the loathsome prisons of the South, starving and dying in the midst of filth, wretchedness and rags ; but this, instead of lines or pages, would require volumes, therefore we make mention of only the most important events in which the soldiers of Morgan County participated. As a matter of connected history it is proper to state that disunion was first engendered in South Carolina, and after more than twenty-five years of threat and delay for an ostensible cause for development the presidential election of 1880 was made the pretext, and on the 20th of December, 1860 the ordinance of secession was passed. When the not-unlooked-for tidings came a call was immediately made for a mass-meeting of the county, which was held in McConnelsville on the 1st day of January, 1861, attended by citizens of most of the townships. Honorable J. E. Hanna was appointed chairman, and James A. Adair secretary. James M. Gaylord, F. W. Wood, James Moore, George A. Vincent, Enoch Dye, and F. B. Pond, the committee for the purpose, reported resolutions of the Jacksonian stamp, that the Union must, shall and will be preserved. On the 18th of April, when it was announced that the first gun had been fired by the rebels on Fort Sumter— where the rebel secretary of war (L. P. Walker) exultingly said, " the ball is opened "— and that the president had made a call for 75,000 men, a disposition to respond was immediately manifested, the stripes of the Union were raised on the dome of the courthouse, and another meeting was called. COMPANY H, 17TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. In the meantime Honorable J. E. Hanna, Honorable F. B. Pond and others were engaged in raising a company of volunteers responsive to Morgan's quota of the call. On Monday, the 28th of April, the " Morgan Guard," F. B. Pond captain, Amos Whissen first lieutenant, Amos W. Ewing second lieutenant, was mustered in in front of the court house, and after a short and appreciated speech Rev. W. M. Grimes presented, in behalf of a committee of ladies, a beautiful flag which they had prepared, which was received on behalf of the Guards by Honorable J. E. Hanna. The scene was impressive, and is not yet forgotten by the donors or recipients who yet live to "fight their battles over." It is proper to state that Judge Hanna was named as captain for the company, but declined on account of age. He, however, went with the company to Lancaster on the 7th of May, where it was mustered into the 17th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry for three months, J. M. Connell, colonel, F. B. Pond, lieutenant-colonel, W. H. Floyd, captain, Amos Whissen first and A. W. Ewing 'second lieutenants. The regiment left Lancaster in May by rail for Bellaire, and thence by boat for the "sacred soil" at Parkersburg. At Parkersburg the regiment was brigaded with the 9th and 10th Ohio, under General Rosecrans, and in detachments was designed to operate against the guerrillas of the vicinity. In this duty Company II was prominent, traveling for that purpose long, weary miles over the mountainous regions of that portion of West Virginia. With the guerrillas of that region was Gov- 172 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. ernor Wise (famous only for the hanging of John Brown), who swore as only the F. F. V.'s of that day could swear that he would " annihilate the Yankees on sight." But the particular attention paid to him by so many Buckeyes disgusted him with the business, and he left one of his strongholds between two days for a more genial locality. After overserving the term the regiment left for home on the 3d, and was mustered out of service on the 15th of August, 1861. Francis B. Pond was elected captain but was mustered as lieutenant-colonel on the organization of the regiment. OFFICERS. Captain, W. H. Floyd. First Lieutenant, Amos A. Whissen. Second Lieutenant, Amos W. Ewing. First Sergeant, Daniel H. Sheets. Second Sergeant, Robert B. Moore. Third Sergeant, Perley B. Davis. Fourth Sergeant, George S. Davis. First Corporal, Andrew J. Fouts. Second Corporal, Thomas J. Schultz. Third Corporal, Augustus Fouts. Ensign, Dexter B. Wood. Musician, Watson Corner. Musician, Newell Corner. PRIVATES. |
Adair, Henry H. Atkins, Elijah F. Baker, Reason. . Bingham, Joseph H. Brown, Charles W. Bumgardner, William J. Blunden, D. Clinton. Bosworth, Frank. Byers, William J. Bailey, Robt. W. H. Benjamin, Harmon S. Barkhurst, John M. . Betts, Fred. . Burgoon, Joseph. . Clancy, Zachariah R. Craig, Leroy S. Casedy, George A. Crissman, Daniel. Johnson, Joseph F. Johnston, Franklin, Joy, Simon P. Kilkenny, Thomas. Kennison, Samuel C. Kahler, Francis M. Kennison, Francis Lent, William H. H. Lewis, John W. Linkin, William. Lawrence, George Murphy, Eli. McConnel, Jonathan. McCarty, George R. McCarty, William Miller, Samuel D. McKinney, George McVey, Joseph. McCoy, William. McNichols, W. F. Mulkin. John M. Morrison, James C. Newman, Eli A. Nye, Reuben L. Oliver, Alexander. Pinkerton, John W. |
Chandler, Robert F. Daily, William W. Dawson, William Davis, James C. Dearing, George H. Dickerson, W. M Fouts, Wilson S. Fouts, Jacob. Green, Jesse A. Green, Timothy W. Gray, Samuel C. Hedges, William Henderson, John Hosom, A. F Harvey, Austin. Harvey, John A. Hibler, William G. Iliff, John F. Price John. Porter, William H. Pyle, Charles M. Robb, William L. Rush, John W. Shoop, William R. Shoop, James B. Stewart, Theodore C. Scott, William. Sigler, Lyman M. Sowers, Job P. Sheets, William H. Shartle, Thomas C. Small, William F. Scott, Andrew J. Stout, Phillip. Simpson, Townsend L. Townsend, Harrison. Turner, Leaven. Woodward, Samuel S. Wherry, James M. Welch, Austin. Welch, Daniel W. Walraven, John W. Wiseman, Zedekiah. White, John W. |
THE SECOND COMPANY, 26TH REGIMENT On the afternoon of the mass meeting (April 27, 1861,) Judge Hanna, S. McCaslin, Charles H. Bean and others commenced the enrollment of another company, obtaining more than half the number during the afternoon, and by the 2d of May organized with Suelam McCaslin captain, Charles Bean first and George Newman second lieutenants. The company was raised for the three months' service, but after organization reported and tendered service for three years. Judge Hanna went with the company to Columbus and left it in camp on the 7th of June. The company was accepted and attached to the 25th Regiment, but before it was mustered into the service, through some intrigue originating in the governor's office (as was then partly, and afterward more fully developed), a dissatisfaction was MILITARY - 173 engendered between the men and officers, in consequence of which the officers resigned and the company was disbanded. The captain with a part of the company returned home. Some twenty-five or thirty remained in camp and joined the company of Captain Seaton, of Richland County, 26th Regiment, in which Charles Bean was appointed first and Luther Timberlake second. lieutenant. The 26th Regiment (Colonel Edward P. Fyffe) was organized at Camp Chase in July, 1861, and performed its first service in the Upper Kanawha Valley, remaining in the valley till January, when it was put in Colonel M. S. Hascall's brigade, General Thomas J. Wood's division, in which it remained till October, 1863, serving with .the Army of the Cumberland in the 21st and 22d corps from September, 1862, to October, 1863; then it became a part of the 2d brigade, 2d division, 4th (Granger's) corps. It witnessed much hard marching and fighting, among other movements taking part in the Nashville campaign, siege of Corinth, movement against Murfreesboro, battleS of Stone River, Chattanooga, MiSsion Ridge, etc. At Mission Ridge it met with great loss of life, by this time its numbers becoming reduced (after the close of the battle) to less than 200 men. January 1, 1864, the soldiers of the regiment reenlisted almost to a man and served, doing considerable fighting and skirmishing in Georgia, TenneSsee, and TexaS, until mustered out October 21, 1865. OFFICERS.* First Lieutenant, Charles H. Bean, e. June 8, 1861; res., 1862. *The following abbreviations have been used in the compilation of these rosters; E., enlisted; m. o., mustered out; m. o. w. c., mustered out with company; dis., Lieutenant, Luther Timberlake, e. June 8, 1861, as sergt., pro. to first lieut., 1862; to capt., 1865; res., 1865. Lieutenant, Wilson S. Rusk, e. June 8, 1861; vet. as first lieut. and killed at battle Spring Hill, Tenn., Nov., 1864. Lieutenant, W. H. Bevans, e. June 8, 1861; vet. corn. as first lieut. and m. o. w. c. COMPANY D. PRIVATES. Craps, Asa, e. 1861. Clawson, Frank, e. June 8, 1861; died Dec. 29, 1861, of brain fever. Coburn, Aiden, e. June 8, 1861; tn. o. at expiration of term of service. Crow, W. D., e. June 8, 1861; dis. Feb. 13, 1863, on Surg. cert. of disa. Dutro, Samuel, e. June 8, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864; m. o. w. c. Engle, Godfrey, e. Feb. 25, 1864; m. o. w. c. Fell, George M., e. Feb. 25, 186A; m. o. w. c. Frazier, Samuel W., e. Feb. 13, 1864; m. o. W. C. Gregg, Israel R., e. June 8, 1861; vet. June 1, 1864. Harris, John N., e. June 8, 1861. Hoffmnn, James H., e. Feb. 26.1864; died July 17, 1865; at New Orleans, La. Knight, Franklin, e, Feb. 14, 1865; m. o. w. c. Knight, Joseph, e. Feb. 22, 186d; m. o. w. e. Livezey, John, e. Feb. 14, 1865; m. o. w. c. Lighthizer, Stephen, e. June 8, 1861; killed at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Mercer, Thomas J., e. June 8, 1861; vet., killed June 23, 1864, at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. Mead, Samuel, e. June 3, 1864; trans. from 97th O. V. I.;died at Camp Irwin, Tex., Oct. 4, 1865. Morrison, Job B., e. June 8, 1861; vet., died Nov., 1865, at Gallatin, Tex. Martin, James, e. June 8, 1861; captured at Chickamauga; died in prison. Mercer, Fred. L., e. June 8, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864; pro. to sergt. March 1, 1865; m. o. w. e. McGrath, Hiram, e. June 8, 1861; wounded at Stone River; vet. and m. o. c. t. s. Neeley, William, e. June 8, 1861; m. o. at end of term. Patter, James H., e. June 8, 1861. Neeley, John, W. e. June 8. 1865; died Jan. 1;1864, at Danville, Va. discharged; a. c., army corps; pro., promoted; e. t. a., expiration of term service; surg. cert. surgeon's certificate; R. M. Dept., Quartermaster's Department; Sergi, Sergeant; Corpl. 'Corporal; wor, wounds or wounded. 174 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. Pettit, e. 1861; died in prison in 1864 Parsons, Charles B., e. June 8, 1881: m. o. at end of term. Patten, George, e. June 8, 1861; m. o. w. c. Stall, William H, c. June 8, 1861; vet. Jan. 8, 1864. Roberts, Isaac, e. June 8, 1861; wo. at Stone River and dia. Taylor, Joseph, e. June 8, 1861; m. o. at end of term. Taylor, John, e. June 8, 1861; m. o. at end of term. Timberlake, e. 1862. Welch, Simpkin B., e, Feb. 18, 1864; m. o. w. C. Woolman, David e. Feb. 25, 1864; killed at Lovejoy Station, Sept. 1864. COMPANY H. 25TH REGIMENT. By permission from the governor, about the 15th of June, L. R. Green, F. A. Davis and others engaged in raising a company for the three-years service, and on Tuesday, the 25th, with a number of citizens, met at the tOWn hall to elect officers. On motion of C. McGaw F. W. Wood was appointed chairman and C. McGaw Secretary of this meeting. L. R. Green and F. A. Davis were nominated for captain. The latter declined. A vote was then taken by yeas and nays, and when the chair decided that Green was elected eighteen of the number who had voted for DaviS left the hall, and refused, after urgent solicitations from Davis to take any further part in the company. F. A. Davis waS then unanimously elected first lieutenant. When the name of George Newman was announced for Second lieutenant the chair decided that a vote on the nomination was not in order-but that it was the governor's province to make the appointment. The same evening the company, less I sixteen of the proper number, left on a steamer for Zanesville, and by the special attention of the lieutenant went by rail to Columbus, and marched into camp at 2 a. m. on the 26th. The company was attached to the 25th Regiment, and although not having the requisite numbers, by the exertions of the lieutenant and the assistance of the captain of another company of the regiment, it was mustered into the service as Company H and commissions presented to Captain L. R. Green, First Lieutenant 'F. A. Davis, and to Second Lieutenant John T. Wood The latter appointment was unexpected to the company ; but as they had been mustered into the service with apparently their full quota there was no remedy, yet more dissatisfaction was Manifested than was 'consistent with military discipline, and only by the influence of Lieutenant Davis was it quieted. The next week's Herald called for "10 or 15 men to fill up the company." In July the regiment was ordered to West Virginia, and stationed along the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, from Oakland to the Ohio River, where it remained for some four or five weeks, occasionally interfering with gangs of bushwhackers. In August the regiment reported to General ReynoldS, at Beverly, Va., and after a rest from a fatiguing march wended its way up Cheat Mountain, and encamped on the summit. The soldiers found a cold clime here, and having been constantly on duty or in the fort unprovided with overcoats, and a goodly number without shoes or blankets, they realized some of the discomforts of military life, but with little or no murmuring. While on Cheat Mountain a train on its way to the valley for rations was surprised and captured by the rebels. Companies D and H. were immediately MILITARY - 175 dispatched in pursuit. Company H. soon met them, and being reinforced, drove them to their main support, and after a day's fighting with a superior force brought the supplies to the summit. But space will not permit to descriptively follow them to their Chancellorsville campaign, nor to the surprise by Stonewall Jackson, in which the regiment lost 17 killed, 120 wounded and 30 missing; nor to the bloody field of Gettysburg, nor with them through Maryland and Virginia, or on their march with Sherman to the sea, but leave them at the muster out, in Columbus, on the 18th of June, 1866, after having been in service over five years. OFFICERS. Captain, Lewis R. Green, e. June 26, 1861; died Sept. 6. 1862, at Washington, D. C., of typhoid fever. Lieutenant, Francis A. Davis, e. June 26, 1881; dis. September 11, 1862, at Washington, D. C., for physical disability. Lieutenant, William H. Davis, e. June 26, 1861; pro. to second lieut. Sept. 11, 1862. Lieutenant, John T. Wood, e. June 26, 1861; in. o. by pro. to first lieut., assigned to Co. E. Aug. 27, 1862. SERGEANTS. David Craig, e. June 26, 1861; pro. to sergeant May 1, 1865; orderly sergeant Mar. 21, 1866; m. o. w. C. James W. Swift, e. Dec. 4. 1863; sergeant Jan. 1, 1866; m. o. w. c. William Barrell, pro. to sergeant Mar. 21, 1866. Thomas J. Benchay, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. w. e. VETERANS. William Barrell, e. June 26, 1861; pro. to sergeant Mar. 21, 1866; m. o. w. c. Jefferson Fouts, e. June 26, 1861; pro. to corporal June 1, 1866; m. o. w. c. William Gillespie, e. June 26, 1861; pro. to corporal June 13, 1866; in. o. w. c. William H. Fogle, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. w. c. John Hiett, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. w. c. James A. Roland, e. June, 26, 1861; m. o. w. c. Theodore Timberlake, e. June 26, 1861; died Dec. 19 of wounds received at Hilton Head, L, C. Thomas Sheets, e. June, 26, 1861; m. o. w. c. Henry H. Sutton, e. June 27, 1861; m. o. w. c. William G. Fouts, e. June 26, 1861. John S. Dunn, e. June 26, 1861. Levi McLaughlin, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. June 21, 1885, at camp Dennison. Silas Noland, e. June 26, 1861; dis. at Columbus, O., Mar. 21, 1866. John Gillespie, e. July 3, 1861; killed at Honey Hill, S. C., Nov. 30, 1864. Eli Pyle, e. June 26, 1861; killed at Honey Hill, S. C., Nov. 30, 1864. William Work, e. June 26, 1861. TRANSFERS AND DISCHARGES. Hyler, James, e. July 9, 1861; pro. to sergeant Oct. 1, 1863; dis. July 16, 1864. Brown, John, e. April 29, 1861; trans. from 75th O. V. I.; m. o. July 16, 1864, Barrell, William A., e. Feb. 11, 1864; dis. May 30, 1865. Cornelius, Alfred G., e. June 26, 1861; dis. Sept. 11, 1862, by pro. to second lieut. Co. E. Chadwick, William, e. June 26, 1861; trans. to 75th O. V. I., July 16, 1864; m. o. July 16, 1864. Craig, Leroy S., e. Oct. 13, 1864; dis. May 23, 1865. Newman, George, e. June 26, 1861; trans. to invalid corps Dec. 18, 1863. Barrell, John, trans. to invalid corps Oct. 2, 1863; e. June 8, 1861. Gordon, Samuel M., e. June 26, 1861; trans. to Battery G, U. S. artillery, Nov. 15, 1868. Livezey, Newton, e. July 9, 1861; trans. to invalid corps May 15, 1864. Martin, James, e. June 26, 1861; trans. to invalid corps Dec. 31, 1863. Cooper, Thomas J., e, June 26, 1861; trans. to 75th O. V. I. Jan. 16, 1864; m. o. July 16, 1864. Davis, William, e. July 9, 1861: trans. to 75th O. V. I. Jan. 16, 1864; m. o. July 16, 1864. Davis, Zeno F., e. July 26, 1861; trans. from 75th O. V. I.; m. o. July 16, 1864. Danford, Michael F., e. June 26, 1861; rn. o. July 16, 1864. Donohue, Maurice, e. July 9, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864. Dunnington, James M., e. July 9, 1861; in. o. July 16, 1864. Depew, James, e. July 27, 1861; dig. July 18, 1862, at Camp Chase, O., on surg. cert. of disa. Dunn, Oscar J., e. June 26, 1861 ; dis. July 15, 1861, by reason of being under age. 176 - HISTORY OF' MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. Edwards, John C., e, June 26, 1861, m. o. Oct 7, 1865. Gillespie, Samuel M., e. Feb. 20, 1863 ; m. o. at Charleston, S. C., July 15, 1865. Grier, John W., e. June 26, 1861 ; dis. Dec. 22, 1862, at Baltimore, Md. on surg. cert, of disa. Clements, George S., e. June 26, 1861 ; pro. to Serg. April 1, 1864; dis. July 26, 1865. McCauslin, Samuel W., e. June 26, 1861 ; dis. Dec. 4, 1862, on surg. cert. of disa. Dunn, W. F., e. June 26, 1861; dis. Sept. 30, 1861, on surg. cert. of disa. Musgrave, Artilus, e. Feb. 11, 1861 ; dis. March 4, 1865. Brent, Lewis H., e. June 26, 1861 ; dis. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s. Boswell, Dempsey, e. June 26, 1861 ; dis. July 16, 1865. Adams, George W., e. July 9, 1861; trans. from 75th 0. V. I. ; dis. July 15, 1864. Butler, Griffith, e. June 26, 1861; trans. from 76th 0. V. I. ; m. o. July 16, 1864. Bundy, William A., e. June 26, 1861; dis. Aug. 20, 1862, on surg. cert. of disa. BeaCh, William, e. July 9, 1861 ; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. a. Brown, Elijah, e. April 21, 1861 ; M. o. July 16, 1864. by e. t. s. Hurkins, Joseph, e. June 26, 1861; dis. Dec. 22, 1862, on surg. cert. of disa. Hartley, David, e. June 26, 1861 ; dis. Feb. 18, 1863, on surg. cert. of disa. Hatton, Jacob W., e. June 26, 1861 ; trans. from 75th 0. V. I. June 12, 1864 ; m. o. July 16, 1864, bye. t. a. Horseman, John W., e. June 26, 1861; m. o. by e. t. a. Hopton, Joseph J., e. June 29, 1861 ; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s. Hurd, Samuel B., e. April 29, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864 by e. t. a. Hayden, Abram, e. April 21,1861; m.o. bye. t. a. Hammond, James P., e, Oct. 19, 1864 ; m. o. Oct. 7, 1865. Kean, Benjamin F., e., April 29, 1861; trans. from 75th 0. V. I. Kean, William J., trans. to 75th 0. V. I. Livezey, Stephen, e; July 9, 1861 ; trans. to 75th 0. V. I. Jan. 16, 1864. Lawrence, Mark, e. April 29, 1861. Lowe, David, e. April 29, 1861. Loyd, Andrew J., e. April 29, 1861. Longwell, Benton, e. April 29, 1861. Lowther, Elias, e. April 21, 1861. Lyttle, Samuel, e. Sept. 16, 1861; dis. April 2, 1863, from wounds received at Stone River, Mendenhall, W. H., e. June 26, 1861; dis. June 1, 1862, at Columbus, 0, on surg. cert. of disa. McGrath, Lewis, e. July 21, 1861; dis. Aug. 30, 1862, at Frederick City, Md., on surg. cert. of disa, McNichols, William F., e. July 9, 1861 ; m. o. July 11, 1864, by e. t. s. Metcalf, William M., e. June 26, 1861 ; dis. July 29, 1862, on surg. cert of disa. Mills, William R., e. June 27, 1861 ; dis. June 14, 1864 ; on surg. cert . of disa. Marquis, Reuben B., e. Oct. 7, 1862 ; in. o. Aug. 31, 1863, by e. t. s. Noland, Rule, e. Feb. 29, 1864; dis. from hospital at Charleston, S. C., Dec. 30, 1865. Outcalt, Henry W., e. June 26, 1861, dis. at Camp Denison, 0., July 16, 1862. Painter, John T., e. June 26, 1861; m. o. July, 16, 1864. Penn, Greenbery, e. June 26, 1861 ; dis. at Grafton, W. Va., June 1, 1862. Reed, George W., e. June 26, 1861 ; m. o. July 16, 1864, by c. t. s. Reed, George, e. June 26, 1861 ; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. a. Russell, Robert S., e. June 26, 1861, m. o. by e. t. s. Roach, James H. e. July 20, 1861 ; dis. at Ft. McHenry, Aug. 27, 1862, on surg. cert of disa. Ritz, John, e. April 29, 1861 ; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s. Riley, Charles T., e. April 27, 1861 ; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. a. Robinson, Samuel M., e. Feb. 29, 1864; dis. May 12, 1865, at David's Island, N. Y. Smoot, W. T., e. June 26, 1861 ; tn. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s. Spurrier, Robert W., e. June 26, 1861 ; m. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. s. Schenhart, Francis, e. April 29, 1861 ; in. o. July 16, 1864, by e. t. a. Shepler, William V. B., e. Oct. 4, 1864; m. o. Oct. 7, 1865, Shaw, Henry C., e. Oct. 19, 1864 ; m. o. Oct. 18, 1865. Timberlake, John E., e. June 26, 1861 ; m. o. July 16, 1864. Timberlake, Theodore, e. June 21, 1861 ; by re-e. in vet. r. c. Dec. 31, 1863. Timberlake, W. H., e. October 7, 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 31, 1863, by e. t. s. Fisher, John, e. April 29, 1861 ; m. o. July 16, 1864. Thornburg, Marion Y., e. April 29, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864. 177- MILITARY Fisher, Abraham, e. April 27, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864. Terry, Charles W., e. April 29, 1861 ; m. o. July 16, 1864. Tuse, W. G., e. April 29, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864. Thurman, John F., e. April 29, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864. Work, William, e. June 26, 1861; m. o. by me. Dec 31, 1863. Wiley, James S., e. June 26, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864. Woodward, John. e. June 26, 1861 ; m. o. July 16, 1864. Wallace, Andrew W., e. July 9, 1861 ; m. o July 16, 1864. Wisner, George W., e. April 29, 1861 ; m. o. July 16, 1864. Wells, Apollo, e. April 29, 1861; m. o. July 16, 1864. Young, Isaac N., e. June 29, 1861. KILLED IN BATTLE. Burlingame,. Alonzo, e. June 26, 1861 ; killed at Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30, 1862. Dunn, Oscar J., e. Oct. 6, 1864 ; killed at Honey Hill, S. C., Nov. 30, 1864. Eaveland Barzilla M., e. June 26, 1861 ; killed at McDowell, Va., May 8, 1862. Hughs, Hiram, e. June 26, 1861; killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. DIED. Milton, John, e. July 9, 1861 ; pro. to sergt. Jan. 1, 1863 ; died Aug. 19, 1863, at Cincinnati, O., from wo. received at Gettysburg. Barrell, Cornelius S., e. June 26, 1861; died June 26, 1862; at Washington, D. C. Flagg, Luther, e. June 26, 1861 ; died July 1, 1862, at Winchester, Va. Roach, Zachariah, e. June 26, 1861 ; died Nov. 7, 1861, at Huttonville, Va. Timberlake, Theodore, e. June 26, 1861 ; died Dec. 19, 1864, of wo. received at Hilton Head, S. C. Bartlett, Benjamin, e. June 9, 1861 ; died Nov. 22, 1861, at Beverly, W. Va. Dawson, Benjamin, e. June 26, 1861; died June 24, 1862, at Winchester, Va. Hook, Charles C., e. Dec. 21, 1863; died April 8, 1865, at Beaufort, S. C. Metcalf, Joseph M., e. July 9, 1861; died March 8, 1863, at Brooks Station, Va. Thompson, Franklin, e. June 26, 1861 ; died March 27, 1862, at Beverly, W. Va. Wheeler, Orin, e. June 26. 1861 ; died Nov. 16. 1861, at Hattonville, Va. The following enlisted in June and July of 1861: William Gift, John W. Grier, Cyrus Hannon, Blair Kincaid, McArthur Kincaid, John W. and Jesse Davis, William Stock. COMPANY E, 2d (WEST) VIRGINIA CAVALRY This company was recruited at McConnelsville, September 1, 1861, and went into camp at Parkersburg September 15. After being equipped it marched to Guyandotte, Va., where it was encamped until April 18, 1862, performing duty, scouting, drilling, etc. It waS with the expedition to Preston- burg, Ky., January., 5, 1862, where the rebel general Humphrey Marshall was routed with his whole force. April 10, 1862, the company marched to the Kanawha Valley, and thence to Giles C. H., where it was engaged under General Williams. Being compelled to fall back, by reason of the superior numbers of the enemy, it retired to Princeton, and there joined the force under General Cox. After remaining two months at that place the force was ordered to Summerville, where it remained until September 2, 1862. When . the federal forces retreated from the valley to Point Pleasant, October 20, 1862, they advanced up the Valley to Camp Piatt, and there remained until September 29, 1863. During this time the company was doing a great deal of picket and scouting duty. The expeditions of note were those of Sinking Creek, where the rebelS were completely surprised, and nearly all of their equipage, stores, cattle and horses, captured ; and of Lewisburg, May 2, 1863. September 29, 1863, the boys marched to Charleston. and were there brigaded tinder the command of Briga- 178 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. dier-General A. :N. Duffle, doing duty of all kinds. November 3, 1863, they marched to Lewisburg, where the rebels were routed by General Averhill and their equipage and storeS captured, also over one hundred head of cattle which the enemy were driving out of the county. The company marched over 5,500 miles and were engaged in the battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, Lynchburg, Cedar Creek, Waynesboro, Wytheville and Petersburg. The following humorous incident is furnished by R. L. Coburn, of Windsor: While in camp at Summerville, in the summer of 1862, they were commanded co fall. back. At Gauley Bridge there were some quartermaster's stores which they were ordered to destroy, among which was a quantity of whisky. R L. Coburn was put in command of a Squad of men. for this purpose. One of his command was an Irishman by the name of Pat Bradley, who in spite of Coburn's commands drank a large quantity of the whisky. Hardly had they finished the work of destruction before the confederates began to shell them, and they were obliged to make a precipitate retreat, and old Pat, unable to ride or walk, was thrown into an ambulance drunk as a lord. After rejoining the company they were ordered to make a reconnaissance up the river. Mistaking some Union troops for rebels, a retreat was ordered, in which Coburn's horse fell and broke his neck, and pinning Coburn to the ground. Through the assistance of an orderly he got on his feet and joined the company, where he appropriated old Pat's horse. At daylight the next morning the rebels made a charge, and again the company retreated, and old Pat being without a horse seized the tail of the horse of William Lighthizer, in spite . of his remonstrances, and thus made his escape. The next day Coburn reminded Pat of the good advice he had given him, but Pat., with his Irish shrewdness; insisted that it was not the whisky but the steam that had got up his nose that had inebriated him. Morgan County men who served with this organization were aS follows:_ OFFICERS. Captain, Andrew Scott, res. 1862. Captain, Jeremiah Davidson. First Lieutenant, Augustus A. Fouts, res. March, 1862, First Lieutenant, John D. Barber, (Monroe County.) Second Lieutenant, Henry F. Swentzell. Sergeant, Oliver Ong, pro. to second lieut. and assd. to Co, F : captured while guarding a train, April, 1863 ; released 1865. Sergeant, Asa C. Rusk, wod. Sergeant, Thomas E. Fisher, q. m. s.; pro. to second lieut. and assd. to Co. F Nov, 8, 1864 Sergeant, George P, Martin. Sergeant, Warren Hedges, wod. Sergeant, Thomas Crissman. Sergeant, James Boyd. Corporal, William Smith. Corporal, John Allberry, Corporal, Richmond L. Coburn. Corporal, William H. McCarty. Musician, John L. Dickerson. Musician, Edward Ilemptield. Wagoner, William H. Hooker. Blacksmith, Benjamin F. Fouts. PRIVATES. Ailbery, Anthony. Allbery, Joseph. Colwell, James. Davis, George. Durbin, Samuel A., died at Gauley Bridge, Va. Fain, William H„ died at Gallipolis, O. Grey, John W., dis. Gilbert, Robert H. Herron, James W. Hartford, William N., killed July 6, 1862. Irwin, Justus, cap. July, 1863 ; missing. Jackson, Samuel C.. captured at Cloyd Mountain in 1864i missing. Lighthizer, William T, MILITARY -179 Mossgrove, Thomas. McGrath, George. Oliver, Alexander. Patton, Ward. Ross, Thomas. Sheaffer, John Stevens, Joseph R. Smith, Jacob, Timberlake, Lewis, killed at Big Sewer Mountain. Wickersham, Philip. COMPANY F, 18th REGIMENT This regiment was recruited in the summer and fall of 1861 and organized at Camp Dennison. Company F was partly raised in Morgan County, forty- one of its members being from Homer Township. John Jumper, of Beverly, recruited the company and was made its captain. Robert R. Danford, of Mountsville, was first lieutenant, and William B. Williams, of Ringgold, second lieutenant. The organization of the regiment was completed November 4, 1861, and on the 6th of the month it started for Louisville to report to General Sherman. On the 15th, at Elizabethtown, it was organized into a brigade under Colonel Turchin, of the 19th Illinois, the division being commanded by General O. M. Mitchell. The regiment remained at Elizabethtown a month, moved thence to Bacon Creek, and remained about two months. In February the brigade proceeded to Bowling Green and to Nashville. After the taking of Nashville General Mitchell's command, which was an independent one, proceeded to Huntsville, Ala., taking possession of the country, and causing the rebels to fall back as he advanced. At Huntsville, April 11, about 300 prisoners were captured, seventeen locomotives, 150 cars and quite a quantity of supplies. The 18th was detailed to work the railroad. Tuscumbia was next occupied by a small force, including the 18th. The regiment was then ordered to Athens to guard the railroad. May 1 the pickets of Colonel Stanley were attacked by Scott's rebel cavalry, and the regiment held the rebels in check three hours, against great odds, then retreated toward Huntsville. Subsequently a skirmish occurred in which three of the regiment were killed and several wounded. May 31 the regiment joined the brigade at Fayetteville and marched thence for Chattanooga across the mountains, 240 miles in twelve days. At Battle Creek the regiment built fortifications and remained till July 11, moving thence across the Cumberland Mountains to Elk River, and to Cowan, Tullahoma and Manchester, guarding the railroad. It was the last regiment to leave Manchester with Buell's retreating column At Nashville the 18th was put in a new brigade under Colonel Stanley (of the 18th), and with another brigade was left for the defense of the city. Colonel Stanley commanded the brigade frCim September 10, 1862, till after the battle of Chickamauga. At Stone River the regiment took a conspicuous part. At Chickamauga the regiment gallantly participated in the closing operations of the fight, not arriving sooner. Sergeant-Major George Hewitt, and John Imbody, of Company H, were commended in the colonel's report for gallantly rescuing the regimental colors. The regiment performed engineering duty, hospital duty, etc., at Chattanooga, until October 20, when it was ordered to Camp Chase, and there mustered out November 9, 1864. Over 150 reenlisted as veterans, and 180 - HISTORY OF NIORUFAN COUNTY, OHIO. with the reorganized 18th served through the war and were mustered out Oct. 22, 1865. OFFICERS. Captain, David H. Miles, e. June 15, 1864; m. o. w. c. First Lieutenant, Charles M. Grubb, e. Aug. 8, 1863; pro. from first to second lieut. Aug. 8, 1863; m. o. w. c. First Sergeant, James W. Tavener, e Aug. 15, 1861; pro. Aug. 1, 1864; m. o. w. c. Second Sergeant, John A. Newman, e. Aug. 15, 1861; m. o. w. c. Corporal, Wilson Hunnicutt, e. Aug. 16, 1861; m. o. w. c. Corporal, Thomas H. Wade, e. Aug. 15, 1861; m. o. w. c. Corporal, Benjamin M. Danford, e. Aug. 15, 1861; m. o. w. c. Corporal, James Alexander, e. Sept. 30, 1861; m. o. w. c. PRIVATES. Beard, John C., e. Aug. 15, 1861; in. o. w. c. Byers, Wesley J., e. Aug. 15, 1861; tn. o. w. c. Byers, Gilbert W., e. Aug. 15, 1861; m.o.w.c. Byers, William J., e. Sept. 16, 1861; m.o.w.c. Byers, Benjamin., e. Aug.- 15, 1861; m. o. w. c. Byers, George W.. e. Aug. 15, 1861; m. o. w. c. Crosser, Washington; rn. o. w. c. Green, Henry C., e. Aug. 15, 1861; m. o. w. c. Grubb, John, e. Sept. 16, 1861; m. o. w. c. Hossman, Thomas H., e. Sept. 30, 1861; rn. o. w. c. Irwin, William B., Sept. 16, 1861; m. o. w. c. Johnson, Thomas H., e. Aug. 15, 1861; m. o. w. C. Mosher, Samuel T., e. Aug. 15, 1861; m.o.w.c. Hine, Lewis E., e. Aug. 15, 1861; in. o. w. c. Sanders, Henry C., e. Sept. 16, 1861; m.o.w.c. Wade, Harrison H., e. Aug. 15, 1861; m.o.w.c. Wade, William, e. Sept. 30, 1861; re-must. Sept. 10, 1864, order war dept. Williams, Cyrus, e. Aug. 15, 1861; in. o. w. c. Wagoner, Enoch, e. Sept. 16,1861; sick at m.o. Williams, James, e. Sept. 30, 1861; re-must. Sept. 10, 1864. RESIGNATIONS. First Lieutenant Robert E. Danford, e. Aug. 15, 1861; res. Jan. 17, 1862. First Lieutenant William B. Williants, e. Aug. 15, 1331; res. Feb. 8, 1863. DEATHS. Rine, Henson, e. Aug. 15, 1862; died at Bowling Green, Ky., March 7, 1862. Sands, George M., e. Aug. 15, 1861; died in hospital at Louisville, Ky., Jan. 18, 1862. Williams, Israel H., e. Aug. 15, 1861; died in hospital at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 12, 1862. Washington, Isaac, e. Aug. 15, 1861; died in Murfreesboro, Tenn., March 10, 1863, from wounds received in action at Stone River. DISCHARGES. Danford, Peter T., e. Aug. 15, 1861; dis. at Murfreesboro, Tenn., April 12, 1863, Frisby, George P., e. Aug. 15, 1861,; dis. at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 5, 1862. Byers, Thomas P., e. Aug. 15, 1861; dis. April 25, 1863, wounds rec. at Stone River. Frisby, Nathan, e. Aug. 15, 1861; dis. at Fayetteville, June 1, 1862. Shepard, William, e. Aug. 15, 1861; dis. at Murfree§bro, Tenn:, April 12, 1863. Andrews, James, e, Aug. 15, 1861; dis. at Chattanooga, Tenn„ June 16, 1864. Andrews, Henry, e. Aug. 15. 1861; dis. Feb. 29, 1864; re-e. in vet. vol. inft. Carey, James P., e. Aug. 15, 1861; dis. Feb. 1, 1864, re-e. in vet. vol. inft. Coulter, Josiah H., e. Aug. 15, 1861; dis. at Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 25,1862; re-e. in 4th U.S. Cay. Frisby, Ralph W., e. Aug. 15, 1861; dig, at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 22, 1862. Feathers, Stephen, e. Aug. 15, 1861; dis. Nov. 27, 1862; re-e, 4th U. S. Cay. Galbreath, .John. e. Aug., 15, 1861; dis. Feb. 14, 1863. Phillips, Thomas G., e. Aug 15, 1861; dis. Feb. 29, 1854, at Chattanooga, Tenn.; re-c. Phillips, Charles W., e. Aug. 15, 1861; dis. at Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 11, 1862. Vest, John C., e. Aug. 15, 1851; dis. at Elk River, Tenn., .July, 18, 1863. Williams, John F., e. Aug. 15, 1861. TRANSFERRED. Harkens, William, e. Aug. 15, 1861; trans. to Co. K Oct. 9, 1861. Grier, Lafayette. Gibson, William. Hughes, A. M. Hughes, George B. Horseman, Thomas J. Johnson, Newton. Julien; 1. A. Lyttle, Samuel. MILITARY - 181 17TH REGIMENT-THREE-YEARS. Immediately after the muster-out for the three months (August 15, 1861) successful efforts were made to reorganize for three years ; and the regiment as organized assembled at Camp Dennison on the 30th, where it was drilled until the last of September. About the 1st of September Amos A. Whissen, who had been 1st lieutenant, in Company H, 17th Regiment, the first company raised in Morgan County, commenced raising a company, which was completed by the 19th. On the 23rd they met and elected Amos A. Whissen captain, Daniel Sheets first and Theodore Stewart second lieutenant, and left for Camp Dennison in the afternoon of the same day. On the 30th the regiment was ordered to Camp Dick Robinson, Ky., where it reported on the 2d of October, 1861. From there it marched and took parr in the battle of Wild Cat, with seven wounded. At Mill Spring it had a share in the defeat of Zollicoffer, and in skirmishes during the siege of Corinth preceding. At the battle of Stone River the regiment was actively and efficiently engaged, and went into line in that battle at 1 p. m. (December 31) and charged on and drove the rebel general Hanson's brigade, killing him and one hundred of the rank and file, with a loss of twenty wounded. At Mission Ridge, though in the rear line in the commencement, it was at the front when the top of the hill was attained. After the organization as veterans the regiment went with Sherman to the sea, with him through the Carolinas, took part in the battle of Bentonville, passed in review before the presi dent at Washington, and was mustered out of service at Louisville, Ky., July, 1865. OFFICERS. Captain, Amos A. Whissen, e. Sept. 20, 1861; res. Oct. 27, 1863. First Lieutenant, Daniel Sheets, e. Sept. 20, 1861; pro. to capt. and assd. .to Co. C, July 1, 1863. First Lieutenant, Thomas R. Thatcher, e. July 1, 1863, as second lieut.; pro. to capt. and assd. to Co. G July 5, 1874; was second lieut. of Co. G; was pro. to first lieut. and aged. to Co. H. Second Lieutenant, Theodore C. Stewart, e. Sept, 20, 1863; pro. to first lieut. and assd. to Co. I March 10, 1863, Second Lieutenant, Townsend L. Simpson, e. Jan. 8, 1863, as first sergt. ; pro. to second lieut.; was honorably dis. on account of wo. rec. in the battle of Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Sergeant, James 0. Hanlan, e. Sept. 20, 1861; m. o. by e. t. s. Sergeant, Zedekiah Wiseman, e. Sept, 20, 1861; wounded at Chickamaugu, Sept. 20, 1888, and dis. at e. t. s. Isaiah Daniels, e. Sept. 20, 1861; wo. at Chickamauga Sept. 20, 1863, and m. o. c. PRIVATES. Coulson, Washington M., e. Sept. 20, 1861; m. o. w. c. Daniel, James 0., e. Sept. 20, 1861; m. o. w. c. Lent, William H., e. Sept. 20, 1861; m. o. at e. t. s. Lightner, Levi, e. Sept 20, 1861 ; m. o. at e. t. s. McVey, John W., e. Sept. 20, 1861; no record of m. o. McCoy, William, e. Sept. 20, 1861; m. o. at e. t. s. Maxwell, Levi E., e. Sept. 20, 1861 ; m. o. at e. t. S. Rabb, Samuel 0., Sept. 20, 1861 ; m. o. at e. t. s. Richatdson, John W., e. Sept. 20, 1861; m. o. at Columbus, Sept. 28, 1864. Smith, George e. Sept. 20, 1861 ; m. o. at e. t. s. Peters, George W., e. Sept. 20, 1861; m. o. at e. t. s. Weigle, Daniel B., e. Sept. 20, 1861; m.o.w.c. Woodward, Aaron, e. Sept. 20, 1861; m.o.w.c. Woodward, Luther, e. Sept. 20, 1861; in hos- pital at Columbus at m. o. Mains, Richard, e. Sept.,20, 1861; takOn prisoner Sept. 20, 1868; dis. Feb. 17, 1865. 182 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. KILLED IN BATTLE. Dishro, John F., e. Sept. 20, 1861; killed in action at Hoover's Gap, Tenn., June 26, 1862. Shoop, Hugh, e. Feb. 18, 1864; killed in action, date unknown. Dewees, Matthew, e. Sept. 23, 1861; killed in action at Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864. Parsons, Daniel, e. Sept. 28, 1861; died of wo. rec. at Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864. Shoop, Hugh, killed in action. Tryon, Aaron P., e. Sept. 20, 1861, as private; pro. to corpl.; died in hospital July 6, 1863, from wo. rec. at Hoover's Gap, Tenn. Baker, John W., c. Sept. 20, 1861; killed at Chickamauga Sept. 20, 1863. Tompkins, Benjamin F., e. Sept. 20, 1861; died Sept. 22,1863, from wo. rec. at Chickamauga Sept. 20, 1863. Naylor, Robert W., e. Sept. 20, 1861; died in hospital of wo. rec. at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Adams, Lewis H., e. Sept. 20, 1861; died on the field of wo. rec. at Chickamauga Sept. 20, 1863. Fouts, Isaac L., e. Sept. 20, 1863; killed at Chickamauga Sept. 20, 1863. Nott, Crayton P., e. Sept. 20, 1861; died in hospital at Lebanon, Ky., March 8, 1862. Dewees, Mark, e. Sept. 20, 1861; died at Tuscumbia, Ala., July 14, 1862. Hooper, Roderick R., e. Sept. 20, 1861; died at Unionville, O., April 17, 1862. Robb, James, e. Sept. 20, 1861; died at Triadelphia, O., June 28, 1862. Sevill, Nathan, e. Sept. 20, 1861; died at Somerset, Ky., Dec. 25, 1862. Stall, William, e. Sept. 20, 1861; died at Gallatin, Tenn., Dec. 25, 1862. Teter, John H., e. Sept. 20, 1861; died in hospital from wo. rec. at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. Van Horn, William, e. Sept. 20, 1861; died in Louisville, Ky., March 9, 1862. DISCHARGED. Daniels, Isaiah N., e. Sept. 20, 1861; pro. to second lieut. and assd. to Co. D Oct. 20, 1868; pro. to first lieut. Co. B. Simpson, Townsend L., e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. March 9, 18138, to accept com. of second lieut. Nott, Shelden, e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. May 4, 1862, on surg. cert. of disa. Bingham, Jacob, e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. July 6, 1862, on surg. cert. of disa. Brokaw, William L., e. Sept. 2, 1861; dis. July 10, 1862, on surg. cert. of disa. Craig, James, e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. July 17, 1862, on surg. cert. of disa. Clemens, John, e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. Sept. 25, 1862, on surg. cert. of disa. Christy, Albert D., e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. Oct. 16, 1862, on surg. cert. of disa. Eveland, Daniel, e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. July 12, 1862, on surg. cert. of disa. Hugh, James, e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. Nov. 20, 1862, on surg. cert. of disa. Sheets, Martin, e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. March 3, 1863, on surg. cert. Teters, William L., e. Sept. 20,1861; dis. Feb. 6, 1862, on surg. cert. Woodward, Enoch, e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. Feb. 6, 1862, on surg. cert. Young, Thomas M., e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. April 12, 1862, on surg. cert. TRANSFERRED. Burgoon, Peter, e. Sept. 20, 1861; trans. to invalid corps, Feb. 16, 1863. Hiett,,WilliaM L., e. Sept. 20, 1861; trans. to invalid corps, Feb. 16, 1863. Grigsby, Thomas, e. Sept. 20, 1861. Harris, John, e. Sept. 20, 1861. McCall, William R., e. Sept. 20, 1801. Fouts, James G., e. Feb. 1, 1864; m. o. w. c. Sharp, George, e. Feb. 22, 1864; trans. to invalid corps, date unknown. Hammer, Nathaniel M., e. Feb. 5, 1864; dis. June 29, 1865, on surg. eert. Hughes, James C., e. Sept. 20, 1861; dig. Nov. 20, 1862, on surg. cert. of disa. Kennison, Francis M., e. Sept. 20,. 1861; dis. April 29, 1862. Newton, Abner, e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. July 31, 1862, on surg. cert. Newton, Sid, e. Sept. 1861; dis. July 1, 1862, on surg. cert. Naylor, George H., e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. July 10, 1862, on aurg. cert. Nelson, John B., e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. Aug. 1, 1862, on surg. cert. Parsons, James T., e. Sept. 20, 1861; dia. Sept. 28, 1862, on Burg. cert. Phillips, Rufus P., e. Sept. 20, 1861; dis. Feb. S, 1862, on aurg. cert. Palmer, Harvey W., e. Feb. 17, 1864; dis. July 15, 1865. PRISONERS OF WAR. Mains, Richard, e. Sept. 20, 1861; captured at Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1863; dis. at Columbus, O., Feb. 17, 1865. Wilson, Jacob, e. Sept. 20, 1861; missing at Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1863. 183 MILITARY - 183 Brandt, Capt. Oliver B., e. as second lieut. of Co. C July 16, 1862; taken prisoner Sept. 20, 1868; released March 13, 1865; pro. to capt. and assd. to Co. H; m. o. w. c. PROMOTIONS. First Lieutenant Joshua H. Jones, e. Jan. 22, 1865: as first sergt.; pro. to first lieut. Oct. 6, 1864. Joseph W. James, e. April 5, 1864, as corps. ; pro. to second lieut. Aug. 5, 1864; pro. to first lieut. and assd. to Co. May 13, 186.5; m. o. w. c. Allen Titler, e. July 11, 1864, as private Co. F; pro. to second lieut. Co. H; pro. to first lieut. May 14, 1865, and assd. to Co. F. VETERANS. Thomas J. White, e. Sept. 23, 1861; pro. to first sergt. June 1, 1065; m. o. w. c. William H. Newton, e. Sept. 23, 1861; pro. to sergt. and m. o. w. c. James S. Ady, e. Sept. 28, 1861; pro. to sergt. and m. o. w. c. John R. Williams, e. Sept. 28, 1861; pro. to sergt. and m. o. w. c. Jacob Adams, e. Sept. 23, 1861; pro. to sergt. and m. o. w. c. Miles N. Woodward, e. Sept. 28, 1861; in. o. w. c. Thomas J. Love, e. Sept. 28, 1861; m. o. w. c. George W. Kirby, e. Sept. 23, 1861; m. o. w. c. Lyman L. Woodward, e. Sept. 28, 1861; m. o. w. c. George Hasher, e. Sept. 28, 1861; m. o. w. c. Theodore C. Wilson, e. Sept. 28, 1861; m. o. w. c. Isaac Barrell, e. Sept, 28, 1861; m. o. w. c. Lorenzo D. Jones, e. Sept. 28, 1861; m. o. w. c. William Keiser, e. Sept. 23, 1861; m. o. w. c. Elisha W. Kirby, e. Sept. 28, 1861; m. o. w. c. Benjamin McElroy, e. Sept. 28, 1861; m. o. w. c. Benjamin F. Morris, e. Sept. 28, 1861; m. o. w. c. William B. Moore, e. Sept. 23, 1861; military mail agent N. C. R. R, May 17, 1864. Harrison Porter, e. Sept. 23, 1864; teamster 14th a. c. William L. Robb, e. Sept. 23, 1861; m. o. w. c John W. Rush, e. Sept. 23, 1861; trans. to q.-m. dept. 2d brigade 14th a. c. John M. Roland; e.-, m. o. w. c. William H. Sheets, e. Sept. 23, 1861; m.o.w.c. Lyman C. Southard, e. Sept. 23, 1861; m. o. w. c. Joseph E. Van Horn, e. Sept. 23,1861; trans. to q.-m. dept., 3d div., 14th a. c., June 28, 1865. Henry Wilson, e. Sept. 23, 1861; m. o. w. c. George Lauderman, e. Sept. 23, 1861; died at Chattanooga, Tenn., hospital No. 2, date unknown. Joshua H. Jones, e. Sept. 23, 1861; dis. to accept pro. June 23, 1865. Charles T. Hambleton, e. Sept. 23, 1861; dia. at Washington by order Secretary of War May 3, 1865. John A. Harvey, e. Sept. 23, 1861; trans. to U. S. engineers July 15, 1864. Benjamin Wells, e. Sept. 23, 1861; m. o. w. c. Isaiah H. Wells, e. Sept. 23, 1861: m. o. w. c. MISCELLANEOUS. Kirk, William B., e. Feb. 4, 1864; m. o. May 22, 1865. Bradley, Jeremiah (cook), e. June 1, 1865: m. o. w. c. Wilson, John S., e. Feb. 12, 1864; m. o. w. c. Whitten, Phillip, e. July 31, 1863; m. o. w. c. Teter, Phillip, e. Feb. 6, 1864; m. o. w. c. Smith, Jacob, e. Feb. 8, 1864; m. o. w. c. Robb, John H., e. Feb. 28, 1864; m. o. w. c. Hawke, Jasper, e. Sept. 20, 1861; m. o. at Louisville, Ky., July, 1865. Roland, Henry F., e. Feb. 4, 1864; in hospital at Chattanooga, Tenn., at in. o. Phillips, Hiram C., e. Feb. 28, 1864; tn. o. w. c. Porter, William S., e. Sept. 23, 1864; blacksmith, June 20, 1865. Parsons, David, e. Feb. 22, 1864; m. o. w. c. Nixon, William B., e. Feb. 6, 1861; m. o. w. c. Greely,. Michael, e. May 10, 1868; m. o. w. c. Bowen, William H., e. Feb. 25, 1864. Crissman, John W., e. Feb. 12, 1864; in. o. w. c. Ellis, Roswell, e. Feb. 22, 1864; m. o. w. c. Gooding, Joseph, e. Feb. it, 1864; m. o. w. c. Harris, Enoch, e. Feb. 12, 1864; m. o. w. c. Hartley, David, e. Feb. 21, 1864; m. o. w. c. Hughes, James C., e. Feb. 16, 1864; m. o. w. c. Longley, Marion A., e. Feb. 10, 1864; m. o. w. c. McKinney, Austin, Feb. 1, 1864; m: o. w. c. Kirby, Robert E., e. Feb. 4, 1864; m. o. w. c. Gillespie, Solomon, e. Sept. 20, 1861; wounded at Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1868; dis. Sept. 80, 1864. COMPANIES B AND I, 62D REGIMENT. Company B was raised simultaneously with Company A, of the 17th Regiment, and on Wednesday, the 1st of October, organized, and elected W. H. 184 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. Floyd captain, F. M. Kayler first and J. W. Pinkerton Second lieutenants, and A. J. Fouts as first orderly, and reported at Camp Goddard, ZaneSville, on the 2d. On or about the 1st of November the regiment was organized—though not yet having quite the complete number of companies-with F. B. Pond, colonel ; S. C. Steel, lieutenant-colonel; D. Debois, major, and Forest Hunter, adjutant. On Friday, the 15th of November, six companies of the regiment passed dOWn the river, having been ordered from Camp Goddard to Camp Putnam, at Marietta, under the temporary command of Colonel Craig, of the 63d Regiment. Rumors soon became current that the 62d was to be consolidated with the 63d, in which there were less than three full companies, and Colonel Pond superseded. On Saturday, the 16th, Colonel Craig issued an order for dress parade by all the companies in camp at 4 p. m. One company of the 6241 refused to go on parade, and members of the other companies who responded to the order displayed on their hats " 62d or nothing," " Colonel Pond or nobody," declaring that they would not be commanded by Colonel Craig— that they would die for their rights as they were willing to die for their country. On Saturday night, the 30th, the recalcitrant six companies of the 62d passed up the river on the steamers " Potwin" and "Jonas Powell," on their return to Camp Goddard, well pleased that they could Pond-er over the disappointment of others. The regiment left Camp Goddard after dark on the 17th of January, 1862, occupying twenty passenger cars, drawn by four locomotives, for Romney, Va. There was probably no other regiment from Ohio that performed more active service on the battlefield or on continuous fatiguing marches than did the 62d. Follow it from Bellaire, on the Ohio, through Maryland and Virginia, through North and South Carolina, marching and countermarching, east and west. On the 23d of March, 1862, the regiment was at the battle of Winchester. It had a skirmish at Mt. Jackson on the 25th. On the 5th of June, near Port Republic, the regiment, with two advance brigades, met Stonewall Jackson, and after a hard fight of two hours was compelled to retire. On the 4th of January, 1863, the regiment went by transport to Beaufort, N. C., thence by rail to Newbern, and on the 25th by steamer to Port Royal, S. C.; on the 8th of February encamped on Helena Island; on the 3d of April :crossed over to Folly Island ; on the 7th to Morris Island, where, after a hard-fought battle, the rebels were driven from their intrenchments with the loss of fourteen siege guns and all their camp equipage. On the 18th of July the assault was made on Fort Wagner, in which the regiment, with the two companies from Morgan, was a prominent feature. In this unnecessary and precarious attempt the Union forces sustained a loss of 1,500 men killed, wounded and missing. Of this number the loss of the 62d was 150. Subsequently the regiment took part in the siege of Charleston, which lasted until the 23d of October, when it returned to Folly Island. In January, 1864, the regiment re-enlisted, and after the furlough of thirty days rendezvoused PICTURE OF JACKSON C. MURDOCK MILITARY - 185 at Washington, and was sent to the front and took part in all the conteSts that raged around the rebel capital. On the 26th it was engaged in an assault made on the rebel works below Petersburg, Va., and was foremost in the assault on Fort Gregg and in the battle of Appomattox, Va. In September the regiment was consolidated with the 67th, which had been almost continuously with it through all its marches. Company I was partly recruited by Basil Rogers and Perley B. Johnson (son of Dr. P. B. Johnson) and partly by Henry S. Williams, of Noble County. It reported at Camp (oddard after the return of the visit of the six companies from Marietta, and was attached to the 62d, and with Company B participated in all the marches and battles of the regiment, and, until his unfortunate death, Captain Rogers was always in the hour of danger found at the head of Company I. Captain Basil Rogers was killed at Folly Island by one of his guard. He had gone the rounds about 12 o'clock and had started back toward the camp, but having some additional instructions to impart, turned back for that purpose when within a short distance of one of the posts, but from the darkness of the night and thick growth of underbrush he lost his way, and was shot by the guard. COMPANY B. OFFICERS. W. H. Floyd, e. Oct. 4, 1861; pro. to capt. Oct. 24, 1861; - Feb. 16, 1864. Francis M. Kahler, e. Oct. 4, 1861; pro. to capt. and assigned to Co. H Sept. 11, 1862; to major May 1, 1864, and trans. to field and staff. John W. Pinkerton, e. Oct. 3, 1861; pro. to first lieut. and assigned to Co. A; to capt. Nov. 1, 1863. Andrew J. Fouts, e. Oct. 4, 1861, as first sergt.; pro. to first lieut. June 30, 1863; died of wounds received at Ft. Wagner July 21, 1863. James C. Morrison, e. Oct. 22, 1861; pro. to first lieut. and assigned to Co. A Nov. 1, 1863. D. W. Welsh, e. as sergt. ; pro. to second lieut.; to first lieut. Dec. 1, 1864; to capt. April 19, 1865; trans. to Co. F. John C. Edwards, e. Dec. 25, 1861; pro. to first lieut. and assigned to Co. I. A. D. Yocum, e. Jan. 3, 1865, as first lieut.; trans. from Co. K to B 62d Aug. 23, 1865. William B. Lowry, e. July 5, 1864; dis. July 1, 1865. Lieut. John W. Walraven, e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Nov. 18, 1864, as corpl.; pro. to sergt. May 6, 1862; orderly sergt. May 18, 1863. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES. Annan, Jesse, e. Dec. 25, 1863. Arnold, Andrew, e. Sept. 30, 1864; dis. May 18, 186.5. Anderson, Adam N., e. Sept. 26, 1864; dis. June 20, 1865. Patterson, W. B., e. Oct. 4, 1861; pro. to sergt. vet. Jan. 1, 1864; detailed for adjt. office; m. o. w. c. Andrew, Martin R., e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. Jan. 17, 1883. Anderson, George W., e. Dec. 22, 1868; died Sept, 17, 1864. Bratton, William, e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. Oct. 21, 1861. Burks, Thomas, e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. May 11, 1862. Bell, Jacob F., e. Oct. 4, 1861; killed at Ft. Wagner July 18, 1862. Buckhaun, Samuel S., e. Oct. 16, 1861; dis. May 11, 1862. Blankenbuehler, George, e. Oct. 6, 1861; dis. July 23, 1862. Border, George, e. Oct, 18, 1861; dis. Sept. 19, 1862. Barkhurst, Eli S., e. Sept. 9, 1862; killed at Ft. Wagner July, 1863. Border, Nicholas, e. Oct. 16, 1861; vet. Jan, 1, 1861; trans. from 116th. Brinker, Clemens, e. Jan. 1, 1864; trans. from 116th. Barr, Lewis J., e. Nov. 1, 1861; vet. Jan 1, 1864; died Sept. 11, 1864, from wounds. Chapman, Thomas, e. Oct. 16, 1861; died of disease at Harrison Landing, Va., Aug. 12, 1862. Chapman, William, e. Oct. 21, 1861; dis. May 9, 1863. Clements, William, e. Oct. 4, 1861; drowned near New Market, Va., April 22, 1862. 186 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. Coffee, Richard W., e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. May 14, 1862. Clancy, Zechariah R., e. Aug. 16, 1862; pro. to sergt. Sept. 2, 1864; dis. June 30, 1865. Clark, W. H., e. Feb. 4, 1864; trans. from 116th. Carpenter, Robert, e. Aug. 14, 1862; trans. from 116th. Christy, Francis M., e. Sept. 17, 1862; dis. June 30, 1865. G. O. No. 94. Cox, Elihu, e. Aug. 21, 1862; dis. July 13, 1865. Durbin, Eli S., e. Oct. 4, 1861; died at Strasburg, Va., May 20, 1862. Denkar, Robert M., e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Devol, Lemen F., e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864; pro. to sergt. Feb. 1, 1863; killed in skirmish at Beer Bottom, Va., Aug. 8, 1864. Dutton, Henry, e. Nov. 4, 1861; died of disease March 13, 1862. Dye, Lewik, e. Oct. 21, 1861; died at Cumberland, Md., Feb. 24, 1862. Dye, Johnson S., e. Oct. 22, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Dutton, Thomas M., e. Oct. 15, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Dunnington, John H., e. Aug. 25, 1862; dis. June 26, 1885. Dunnington, Nathan S., e. March 23, 1864. Dunnington, James N., e. 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864; wounded in action at Appomattox C. H. Dunnington, Thomas E., e. Feb. 26, 1864; pro. to corpl. Nov. 18, 1864. Dunsford, John W., e. Feb. 29, 1864; died Aug. 28, 1864, at Portsmouth, Va. Farris, James H., e. Oct. 4, 1861; died Ang. 27, . 1862. Fans, John B., e. Oct. 14, 1861; dis. Dec. 28, 1862. Farris, John, e. Nov. 24, 1861; died at Beaufort, S. C., Aug. 23, 1861. Farris, W. J., e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Fouts, Wilson S., e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Glenn, John S., e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. Jan. 25, 1862. Hoops, Isaac, e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. Aug. 30, 1862. Hernen, James W., e. Oct. 4, 1861. Hammond, W. H., e. Oct. 20, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864; pro. to sergt. Oct. 27, 1864. Hall, Benjamin, e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. Oct. 4, 1864. Harris, Esau, e. Sept. 17, 1862; dis. June 20, 1865. Hann, Thomas E., e. Aug. 24, 1862; dis. June 5, 1865. Horseman, James A., e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864; died Sept. 20, 1864, at Portsmouth, Va. Holbrook, W. A., e. Feb. 13, 1865; dis. Aug. 30, 1865. Hatch, Nathan S., e. Dec. 20, 1863; dis. June 12, 1865. Hull, Silas, e. Dec. 25, 1868; trans. from 116th. Johnson, John W.; e. March 30, 1864; sick at m. o. Jones, Amos S., e. Aug. 13, 1862; prisoner at m. o. Jackson, Alexander, e. Feb. 6, 1864; died Aug. 28, 1864. Johnson, Edwin P., e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. at Petersburg, Va. Knoop, H. C., e. Oct. 4, 1861; pro. to corn. sergt. Dec. 1, 1861. King, Job J., e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Keyser; Jacob, e. Sept. 22, 1864; dis. May, 1865. Kincaid, William, e. Feb. 29, 1884. Hibler, George, e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Kirkbride, William, e. Oct. 21, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Sisk, John R., e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. July 23, 1862, at Suffolk, Va. Loughridge, Charles H., e. Sept. 1, 1862; taken prisoner at Ft. Wagner July 18, 1863; released at City Point, Va., March 21, 1865. Matthews, Flemming, e. Oct. 20, 1861. Mummey, W. H., e. Oct. 18, 1861; dis. Oct. 28, 1862, on surg. cert. McCarty, Levi, e. Feb. 29, 1864; joined co. while on vet. furlough. Morrison, John L., e. Oct. 7, 1862; joined co. at Suffolk, Va. McKnight, Eli, vet. Jan. 1, 1864; pro. to corns April 3, 1865. Martin,. Robert, e. Aug. 15, 1862; trans. from 116th; prisoner of war at m. o. Miller, W. H., e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Morrison, W., e. Oct. 9, 1862. Merti, Levi, e. Feb. 27, 1864. McCarty, Charles H., e. Oct. 24, 1861; dis. May 15, 1865. McKnight, Edwin, e. Aug. 30, 1862; dis. May 18, 1865. Musgrave, Caleb A., e. Sept. 27, 1864: dis, May 18, 1865. Miller, Franklin, e. Sept. 4, 1864; dis. May 18, 1865. MILITARY - 187 Milligan, Alexander e. Sept. 10, 1882; dis. May 18, 1865. Moore, Earnest A., e. Feb. 29, 1864; m. o. Aug. 28, 1865. MeConnel, W. C., e. Sept. 22, 1862; dis. Aug., 1864. Mairch, John, e. Sept. 24, 1864; died June 15, 1865. McBee, N. S., e. in Det. m. o. r. m.; die. March 1, 1865. Morrison, John L., e. Oct. 7, 1862; dis. at Suffolk, Va. Naylor, Jonathan, e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. Oct. 20, 1862. Newman, John F., e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1884; dis. July 1, 1865. Osborn, Thomas W., e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Price, John, e. -, died of disease at Cumberland, Md., Feb. 26, 1862. Pierce, John, e. Oct. 4, 1861; dim. May, 1862. Pierce, Zachariah, e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. Sept. 5, 1862. Pierce, William A., e. Sept. 1, 1862; died Nov. 4, 1882. Pennel, Lewis D. H., e. Sept. 1, 1862; dis. Jan. 14, 1868. Mills, Richard, e. Aug. 19, 1862; died July 3, 1868. Pierce, Lazarus, e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Pierce, Chris., e. Nov. 7, 1861; vet.; wounded in action at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865; in hospital at m. o. Parmer, Charles, e. Dec. 21,1863; trans. from 116th. Power, W. H., c. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. Aug. 26, 1864. Patterson, H. M., e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. Aug. 27, 1884. Pyle, Charles M., e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Roberts, Samuel, e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. July 5, 1863. Roberts, George W., e. Oct. 4,1861; re.-e. Jan. 1, 1864. Rowlinsou, Joseph, e. Oct. 19, 1861; died Dec. 26, 1862. Roberts, John W., e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Rodyback, Charles, e. Oct. 4, 1861; pro. to sergt.; taken prisoner at Ft. Wagner. Rickor, Mathias, e. Aug. 14, 1862; dis. July 3, 1865. Rollo, Thomas J., c. Sept. 16, 1862; killed Aug. 5, 1864. Roberts, Joseph S., e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1884; killed April 2, 1864. Spung, Lazarus, e. Aug. 4, 1861; dis. Jan. 5, 1862. Straw', Homer, e. Oct. 14, 1861; dis. Oct. 16, 1862. Stebbins, William, e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. Nov. 11, 1862. Scott, James A., e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Balked, John, e. Dec. 27, 1868. Shoop, James B., e. Nov. 18, 1868; dis at e. t. s. Strong, Alexander H., e. Aug. 24,1862; trans. to non-com, staff; dis. July, 1865. Sell, Alfred E., e. Dec. 28, 1863; trans. to 116th. Smith, Marion, e. Aug. 12, 1862; trans. to 116th. Six, Lewis, e. Aug. 20, 1862; dis. July 18, 1865. Stanbery, John D., e. Oct. 20. 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864; pro. to sergt. July 16, 1865. Spring, David, e. Aug. 28, 1862; killed Aug. 5, 1864. Stanbery, Thomas M., e. Feb. 19, 1864; died Aug. 18, 1864. Sines, Isaac, e. Oct. 8,1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864; killed Oct. 7, 1884. Shoop, W. R., e. Oct. 4, 1861; dis. July 8, 1862. Taylor, James, e. Nov. 6, 1861; dis. May 9, 1868. Taylor, William, e. Nov. 5,1881; dis. May 11, 1864. Travis, William, e. Feb. 24, 1864. Teeters, Elias 0., e. Nov. 6, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864; left regiment Aug., 1865. Van Degriff, Richard, e. Oct. 25, 1862; dis. May 18, 1865. Van Wey, Samuel, e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864; died Sept. 29, 1864, of wounds. Wade, Nathan, e. Oct. 4, 1861; taken prisoner at Ft. Wagner, July 18, 1863; died prisoner in Richmond, Va., Feb. 4, 1865. Walker, Albert, e. Aug. 20, 1862; died Feb. 3, 1865. Welch, George A., e. Oct. 14, 1861; killed Sept. 19, 1862. Wilson, Alexander S., e. Oct. 4, 1881; dig. July 5, 1863. White, James B., e. Oct. 4, 1861; die. Oct. 20, 1862. Worrell, Elias H., e. Oct. 20, 1861; dis. May 14, 1864 Walls, Robert, e. Aug. 18, 1862. 188 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. Wade, Hezekiah, e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1. 1864. Walker, Burr W., e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1884. White, Thomas J., e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Weber, Jacob, e. Oct. 3, 1864. Watson, Charles E., e. Dec. 31, 1863; trans. to 116th. White, Sidney P., e. March 31, 1864. Williams, W. J., e. Nov. 7, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864; dis. Nov. 2, e. t. s. Williams, Isaac N. e. Nov. 7, 1861; dis. at e. t. s. Wilcox, Lewis, e. Oct. 5, 1864; dis. June 16. 1865. Young, Milton, e. Oct. 4, 1861; vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Yerlan, Joseph, e. Oct. 7, 1861; dis. May 14, 1864. The following were members of the company; the dates of their enlistment are frcun October 20, 1861, to November 4, 1864, inclusive: T. T. Mathews. David Ryan. Elias Teter. A. D. Blackburn. Ady Lavosier. Zachariach R. Winner. Harrison Herryman. COMPANY I, 62D REGIMENT O. V. I. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain, Basil Rogers, e. Oct. 16, 1861; shot at Folly Island, S. C. First Lieutenant, Joseph M. Paul, e. Oct. 20, 1861; shot at Ft. Wagner July 18, 1863. Second Lieutenant, Perley B. Johnson, e. Oct. 4, 1861; pro. to first lieut. May 26, 1862, and assd. to Co. F. Second Lieutenant, George S. Brownell, com'd Sept., 1862; killed at Ft. Wagner July 18, 1863. Captain, William Hedges, e. Nov. 18, 1861; vet. as orderly-sergt. Feb. 1, 1864; captured at Ft. Wagner July 6, 1863; exchanged Oct., 1863; first sergt., taken prisoner at Appomattox C. H. April 9, 1865; sergt., Dec. 20, 1861; died at Beaufort, S. C., of wounds received at Ft. Wagner July 18, 1863. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Jackson Daugherty, e. Nov. 23, 1881; died Dec. 1, 1862, at Suffolk, Va. W. T. Watson, e. Oct. 21, 1861; dis. Oct. 20, 1864. W. C. Smiley, e. Oct. 20, 1861; dis. Oct. 20, 1864. R. W. Bain, e. Nov. 18, 1861; dis. Oct. 17, 1864. Eli McInturf, vet., e. Oct. 24, 1861; dia. May 23, 1865. Eli W. Newman, e. Nov. 4, 1861; taken prisoner at Appomattox C. H. April 9, 1865. Hezekiah Daugherty, e. Nov. 23, 1861; pro. corpl. July, 1863. John S. Harris, e. Feb. 20, 1864; dis. May 17, 1865. William Dempster, e. Sept. 1, 1862; dis. June 20, 1865. Elliott Milner, e. Oct. 16,1861; died Mt. Jackson, Ga., May, 1862. Russell B. Hopkins, e. Oct. 16, 1861; died at Suffolk, Va., Oct. 12, 1862. Henry F. Hedges, e. Nov. 7, 1861; pro. to corpl. Nov., 1865. Edgar S. Briscoe. e. Oct. 10, 1861; dia. Oct. 20, 1864. PRIVATES. Adams, Samuel, e. Oct. 8, 1861. Blazier, George R., e. Oct. 16, 1861; killed 1863 at Ft. Wagner. Blackburn, Thomas F., e. Nov. 13, 1861; died July 22, 1863. Barkhurst, John W., e. Aug. 20, 1862; killed at Ft. Wagner. Baker, Reason, e. Nov. 16, 1864; dis. July 28, 1862. Baker, John, e. Nov. 8, 1861; dia. Sept. 18, 1862. Betts, J. W., e. Nov. 16, 1861; dis. Oct. 1, 1862. Bailey, John P., e. Oct. 7, 1862; dis. July 7, 1863. Best, J. W.,. e. Oct. 7, 1862; dis. July 7,1863. Berry, Warner, e. Aug. 20, 1862; dis. June 11, 1865. Burlingame, Harrison, e. Nov. 12, 1861; vet. Carpenter, Squire, c. Nov. 23, 1861; killed at Ft. Wagner. Clapper, J. C., e. Oct. 21, 1861. Cunningham, N., e. Feb. 26, 1864. Corner, Edwin M., e. Oct. 31, 1861; vet.; dis. Sept. 29, 1865. Carpenter, Jos., e. Oct. 31, 1864; dis. Oct. 26, 1863. Cavender, John W., e. Nov. 4, 1861; killed at Ft. Wagner Davis, Nelson, e. Nov. 13, 1861; det'd as artilleryman. MILITARY - 189 Davis, Stephen, e. Oct. 22, 1862; m. o. e. t. s. Donivan, Andrew, e. Feb. 12; 1864. Dye, Arias N., e. Feb. 19, 1864. Dye, E. A., e. Nov. 7, 1861; wd. at Ft. Wagner; dis. Nov. 10, 1864. Dye, Mervin J., e. Nov. 16, 1861. Ethel, Orlando, e. Oct. 12, 1861; dis. Oct. 28, 1862. Elliott, William, e. Oct. 25, 1862; dis. June 20 1865. Foster, James, e. Dec. 5, 1861. Gilpin, Manly, e. Oct. 14, 1861; dis. Oct. 24, 1864. Gilpin, James, e. Oct. 14, 1861; dis. Oct. 28, 1802. Gilpin, Joseph, e. Oct. 21, 1861; dis. July 6, 1862, on surg. cert. of dim. Hastings, Adam B., e. Feb. 3, 1863. Howe, Gardner D., e. Oct. 31, 1861; pro. to sergt. Feb., 1864. Humphrey, Benjamin A., e. Jan. 1, 1864. Harris, James W., e. Aug. 30, 1862; dis. June 20, 1865. Howe, Ozro R., e. Oct. 21, 1861; killed April 6, 1865. Hutton, James, e. Nov, 23, 1861. Hatcher, Joshua, e. Nov. 11, 1861. Hatcher, Asabel, e. Oct. 20, 1862; dis. July 7, 1863, e. t. s. Hammer, William A., e. Nov. 7, 1861; killed July 18, 1863. Jamison, John, e. Dec. 2, 1861; died Oct. 24, 1864. Joy, Simon P., e. Oct. 31, 1861. Larkins, Reece, e. Oct. 20; 1862; dis. July 7, 1863, e. t. s. Mosier, Moses, e. Oct. 20, 1862; dis. July 7, 1863, e. t. s. MeInturf, John S., e. Aug. 30, 1862; dis. Aug. 13, 1863, on serg. cert. of disa. McCuskey, Joseph. McFee, John, e. Aug. 27, 1862; dis. July 6, 1863, on surg. cert. of disa. McLaughlin, Samuel, e. Oct. 17 t862; dis. Aug. 22; 1864. McKnight, Eli, e. Oct. 5, 1862. Newsome, Gardner D., e. Oct. 5, 1862; dis. Dec. 5, 1864, e. t. s. Naylor, Frank, e. Oct., 1862; take prisoner 1864; dis. 1865. Owen, Bradford D., e. Oct. 21, 1861. dis. May 4, 1863. Perrin, John, e. Nov. 4, 1:;1; detae vi to artillery Aug. 8, 1862. Pickett, John Q., e. Oct. 7, 1862; di.. July 7, 1863, e. t. s. Pierson, James, e. Oct. 20,, 1861; killed July 18, 1863. Ray, John C., e. Aug. 20, 1862; dis. March 23, 1863. Reed; William A., e. Dec. 2, 1861. Rush, Nathaniel; e. Oct. 20, 1861. Sears, John W., e. Nov. 13,,1861; dis. Feb. 7, 1865, e. t. s. Snider, Thomas H., e. Sept, 8. 1862; killed Sept. 23, 1864, Smith, Ahijah, e. Nov. 9, 1861; sent to hospital. Sweezey, Henry, e. Oct, 1862. Seed, Elijah G., e. Aug. 15,1862; dis. Dec. 22, 1862. Smith, David; e. Oct. 31, 1861; dis. Jan. 17, 18136. Simpson, John, e. Oct. 7, 1862; dis. July 7, 1863. Spurrier, Hanson, e. Oct. 7, 1862; dis. July 7, 1863. Smith, Joint S., e. Oct. 24, 1861;, trans. to non- corn. staff as sergt. Sept. 1, 1862. Sockhard, James, e. Nov. 23, 1861; died Sept. 24, 1862. Sampson, James H, e. Nov. 15, 1861; died July 17, 1862. Timms, Jesse, e. Oct. 25, 1862; dis. Oct. 25. 1865. Thompson, Eli F., e. Nov. 23, 1861; vet Tanner, Henry; e. Nov. 4, 1861; dis. July 8; 1865. Tanner, Simon, e. Nov. 5, 1861; det. to H. Art. Taylor, James. Yore, Vinsen S., e. Nov. 12, 1861; die. Nov. 12, 1864. Weeden, Thomas B., e. Aug. 19, 1862; trans. to invalid corps. Wharton, Isaac. e. Nov. 16, 1861; die. July 3, 1863. Welker, Alvin, e. Oct. 20, 1862; dis. July 7, 1863. Wells, William J. e. Nov. 23, 1861. Kinsey, Oliver D., m. o. e. t. s. Glass, W., drowned in Shenandoah Riven Edwards John C., e. Co. B; wars color bearer; appointed second lieutenant in May, 1863, and assigned to Co. I. Bullock, Polk, m. o. w. c. Nichols, Eli, e. Oct., 1861; dis. e. t. s. Nicholson, James, dis. Oct: 28; 1861. Waugh, Martin, e. Oct., 1862. Blackburn, T. D., e. 1863; dis. e. t.. s. John C. Gregg; chaplain of the regiment, was born in Belmont County in 190 - HISTORY OF MORGAN 00IINTY, OHIO. 1829. He studied for the ministry, and in 1853 commenced his ministerial labors. Two years later he was called to the Deavertown conference, where he labored successfully for several years. He was commissioned chaplain of the 62d O. V. I., and was with the command until it was mustered out of the service. COMPANY F, 77TH REGIMENT. In the fall of 1861, by the indefatigable exertions of Colonel Hildebrand, the 77th Regiment was recruited and organized at Marietta, and mustered into service about the 1st of February, 1862. Immediately after organization, and before it was fully equipped, the regiment was ordered to Camp Dennison. On the 17th of February, 1862, it was ordered to report to General Sherman, at Paducah, and on the 20th was assigned to Sherman's Division of Grant's army, and with the 53d and 56th formed the 3d Brigade under Colonel Hildebrand. On the 9th of March the Division joined an expedition under Major-General F. C. Smith to the mouth of. the Tennessee River, thence down the Mississippi, disembarking at Pittsburg Landing. On the 18th of March moved out two miles from the Landing and went into camp at Shiloh Church. On the 1st of April the regiment was ordered up the river to Eastport, Miss., to ascertain the force and position of the enemy at Iuka, where it had its first skirmish, and returned to Pittsburg in time to take part in the battle of the 5th and 7th of April, 1862, in which the regiment occupied a prominent position during the two entire days, only leaving the field on the 7th when night ended the fight. On the 8th the regiment was in the advance in pursuit of the retreating foe, during which time they were charged by Forrest's cavalry; but, fortunately, by the coming up of the 53d Ohio, the rebels were driven back. In this action the regiment numbered only 250 .men and 13 officers. The entire loss during the three days in killed, wounded and missing was 220. The regiment was with Sherman during the siege of Corinth; afterward encamped in Fort Pickering, at Memphis, in charge of military prisoners; left Memphis on the 31st of July, 1863, with a full complement of men, and was assigned to the 3d Brigade, 3d Division of Steel's Arkansas expedition. On the 23d of December, 1863, the regiment reenlisted and left for Columbus, and after thirty days' furlough was ordered to Little Rock, Arkansas, thence to Shreveport, La., and was engaged in the skirmish in the vicinity of Arkadelphia. On the 22d of April, 1864, the 77th, under Captain McCormick, with two other regiments, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Drake, of Iowa, was detached to escort a large train of cars to Pine Bluff for supplies. On the 25th, at Mark's Mills, the escort was attacked in detail by General Fagan's rebel Division. First the two regiments under Colonel Drake, though making a splendid defense, were overpowered before Captain McCormick, three or four miles in the rear, could come to his assistance. When the 77th came up it went into the fight and for two hours kept up the unequal contest, but in vain; and almost the entire number took up their march farther South, and on the 15th. of May reached the prison pens called Camp Ford, near Tyler, Texas, MILITARY - 191 where they remained ten months before they were exchanged. Those not captured formed a company and took part in a fight at Jenkin Ferry, on the Sabine River, in which they lost more than half their number in killed and wounded. After their exchange (February, 1865) the regiment, under Colonel Steel, was transferred to the Army of the Gulf; was at the capture of Mobile, thence to the Rio Grande and encamped at Brownsville, Texas, from August, 1865, until March 8, 1866, when it was mustered out of service, and reached Columbus on the 23d, numbering 17 commissioned officers and 348 men. Thus the regiment was the advance and the rear guard of the army. OFFICERS. Captain, Samuel Fulton, e. as private Oct. 2, 1861; promoted to corpl. Nov. 23, 1861; to sergt. April 8, 1862; to second lieut. Feb. 13, 1863; to first lieut. May 30, 1863; to capt. July 11, 1865; m. o. w. c. First Lieutenant, William H. Bingham, e. Dec. 18, 1861; pro. to sergt. April 17, 1862; first sergt, 1865; in. o. w. c. First Lieutenant, William H. Burris, e. as private Nov. 14, 1861; app. corpl. April 13, 1862; first sergt. Sept. 7, 1862; pro. to first lieut. July 11, 11365; m. o. w. c. Captain, James H. Lutgen, e. Oct. 12, 1861; res. Jan., 1864. First Lieutenant, David A. Henry, e. Nov. 6, 1861; must. as second lieut.; pro. to first lieut. April, 1863; re-e. Dec. 20, 1862; taken prisoner at Mark's Mills, Ark., April 25, 1864; escaped and res. from physical disability. VETERANS Henery, Samuel J., e. Nov. 6, 1861; pro. to sergt. April 17, 1862; dis. Feb. 20, 1866. Harpel, Jesse, e. Nov. 6, 1861; pro. to corpl. Sept. 29, 1863; vet. as sergt. Dec. 31, 1864; m. o. w. c. Henery, Andrew H., e. Nov. 6, 1861; pro. to corpl. Feb. 1, 1863; vet. as sergt. 1865; m. o. w. c. Blind, John L., e. Nov. 30, 1861; pro, to corpl. June 1, 1864; vet. as sergt. Dec. 10, 1865; m, o. w. c. Eddlebute, Jacob, e. Dec. 16, 1861; pro. to corpl. Aug. 2, 1864; in. o. w. c. Hook, John, e. Nov. 9,1861; vet. as corpl.Dec. 31, 1864; dis. Feb. 21, 1866. Rogers, Jacob F., e. Dec. 20, 1861; vet. as corpl. Dec. 31, 1864; m. o. w. c. Henery, John B.,e. Dec. 20,1861; vet, as corpl. June 6, 1865; in. o. w. c. Flowers, David M., e. Dec. 20, 1861; vet, as corpl. Sept. 23, 1865; m. o. w. c. McCarty, James B., e. Nov. 9, 1861, as mum.; dis. Feb. 21, 1865. Bulatrom, Patrick, e. Dec. 19, 1861; m. o. w.c. Bishop, Josephus, e. Feb. 15, 1864; captured at Mark's Mills, Ark., April 25, 1864. Chidester, William B., e. Nov. 11, 1861. Coalman, Edward R., e. as sergt. Nov. 28, 1861; m. o. w.c. Choguill, George B.,e. Nov. 6, 1861; m. o. w. c. Davis, David, e. Feb. 11, 1864; captured at Mark's Mills, Ark.; m. o. w. c. Dobbins, John W.. e. Nov. 27, 1861; m. o.w.c. Gates, Leander, e. Nov. 30, 1861; m. o. w. c. Givens, Joseph B., e. Nov. 18, 1861; m.o.w.o. Hooper, Thomas, e. Dec. 9, 1861; m. o. w. c. Hamble, Richard, e. Nov. 16, 1861; m.o.w.c. Hinton, William B.,e.Nov. 26, 1861; m.o.w.c. Handlan, Henry, e. Dec. 15, 1861; m.o.w.c. Llewellyn, Jesse, e. Dec. 20, 1861; m. o. w. c. Kean, James B., e. Feb: 9, 1864; m. o. w. c. Long, Jefferson, e. Oct. 29, 1861; m. o. w. c. McKibben, Jesse, e. Oct. 26, 1861; m. o. w.c. McElhoae, Abram, e.Nov. 25, 1861; m.o.w.c. Nott, Vandiver, e. Nov. 25, 1861; m. o. w. c. Nott, Freeman, e. Dec. 5, 1861; dis. Feb.21. 1866. Prest, Jacob, e. Oct. 20, 1861; dis. Feb. 20, 1866. Russell, Reuben, e. Nov. 22, 1861; m. o. w.c. Rowland, John, e. Dec. 20, 1861; m. o. w. c. vet. Dec., 1863. Rosser, Thomas, e. Nov. 14, 1861; in. o. w.c. Sheets, John R., e. Nov. 4, 1862; in. o. w. c. Smith, William, e. Nov. 16, 1861; m. o. w.c. Springer, Samuel, e. Nov. 8, 1861; m.o.w.c. Thomas, Joseph H.e.Nov. 25, 1861; m.o.w.c. Williams, Geo. W., e. Nov. 20, 1861; dis. at Brownsville, Tex. Calendine, Daniel, e. Nov. 25, 1861; died at Brownsville, Tex., Nov. 28, 1865. Davis, Lahureth, e. Oct. 26, 1861; died a prisoner Aug. 8, 1864, at Tyler, Tex. McCarty, Augustus, e. Nov. 18 1861; pro. to sergt. March 1, 1864; dis. Jan. 5, 1865. 192 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. Kinney, Jacob P., e. Oct 21 ,1861; pro. to sergt. Dec. 12, 1861; dis Dec. 9, 1865. McFarland, William P. B. e. Nov. 18, 1861 ; dis. May 80, 1865. Beawick, John, M. D., e. Dec. 14, 1861 ; trans. non-com. staff, Oct. 5, 1865. Davison, Eli B. e. Nov. 17, 1861 ; trans. to non-com. staff Aug. 10, 1865. Dailey, Peter, e. Dec. 4, 1861; trans. to noncom. staff, Dec. 10, 1865. Stanhope, John W., e. Dec. 12, 1861; trans. to non-com. staff May 15, 1865. Van Fleet, John, e. Dec. 13, 1861; missing in action. DEATHS AND DISCHARGES. First Lieutenant Herschell B. White, e. Oct. 18, 1861; wo. at Shiloh and dis. Sergeant William B. Hook, e. Nov. 1, 1861; dis. at e. t. s. Sergeant Sydney B. Lutgen, e. Dec. 16; 1861 ; dis. Aug. 26, 1862. Corporal Charles S. Henerey, e. Nov. 9, 1861; dis. Oct. 21, 1862. Corporal James Longley, e. Nov. 4, 1861; dis. Aug. 29, 1862. Corporal Leroy S. Craig, e. Dec. 5, 1861; die. Aug. 11, 1862. Corporal Thomas Rowland, e. Nov. 8, 1861 ; dis. at e. t. s. Musician William Ridgely, e. Nov. 9, 1861; dis. for disa. July 9, 1862. Beawick, Francis M., e. Nov. 7, 1861; dis. at e. t. s. Beach, Georce M., e. Nov. 9, 1861; taken prisoner at Shiloh; died, at Washington, D. C. Blondin, James W., e. Dec. 19, 1861; dis. June 20, 1862. Colerick, Seneca, e. Nov. 25, 1861; dis. in 1862 on account of wo. received at Shiloh. Davis, Ezekiel, e. Oct. 26, 1861; died at Moscow, Tenn., in 1862. Dobbins, George F., e. Nov. 27, 1861; dis. Oct. 11, 1862. Doran, Joseph, e. Dec. 2, 1861; died a prisoner Tyler, Texas. Ellis, Alonzo B., e. Nov. 80, 1861; died at St. Louis, May 21, 1862. Flemman, David, e. Nov. 11, 1861; died at home in 1862. Green, John, e. Nov. 29, 1861; died at home Jan 14, 1862. Grimes, Samuel, e. Dec. 16, 1861; dis. at e. t. s. Hale, Thomas, e. Nov. 27, 1861; wo. at Shiloh and dis. Sep. 28, 1862 Ileskett, Christopher C., e. Nov. 27, 1861; dis. Herald, Thomas, e. Dec. 20, 1861; died at Shiloh, Dec. 20, 1862. Herald James T., died at Shiloh. Harris, Ai., e. Dec. 27, 1861; died at Little Rock, Ark. Kennison, William S , e Oct. 26, 1861; died at Alton, Ills., in 1863. Kennison, Lovit E. B., e. Dec. 13, 1761. Kenney, James, e. Nov. 8, 1861; died at Marrietta, 0, Lutgen, Atlienius, e. Oct. 18, 1862; dis. at Alton, Ill., Oct. 21, 1862. Linn, John R., e., Nov. 15, 1861; dis. after battle of Shiloh. Longley, Thomas, e. Nov. 4, 1861; dis. Oct. 11, 1862; re-e. 1864. Linkin, Emanuel, e. Dec. 6, 1861; killed at Shiloh, April 8, 1862. Mercer, James, e. Nov. 9, 1861; died at Moscow, Tenn., July 11, 1862. McElhose, Geq . B., e., Nov. 27, 1861; wo. at Shiloh and dis. Aug. 3, 1862, re-e. in 1864. McKibben, William H., e. Dec. 16, 1861; received sunstroke in 1862; dis. Nott, William, e. Dec. 5, 1861; disp at Hamburg, Tenn., July 4, 1862. Price, Stephen, died at Alton, Ill., Sept. 3, 1862. Russell, Thomas, e. Nov. 9,1861; died May 24, 1862. Russell, Henry, e. Nov. 9, 1861; died May 8, 1862. Reiker, John, e. Nov. 28, 1861; pro. to corpl. April 17, 1862; to serg. Feb. 9, 1863. Reynolds, Alexander, e. Dec. 20, 1861; killed at Shiloh, April 8, 1862. Rogers, Asa B., e. Dec. 20, 1861; died at Alton, Ill., Sept. 12, 1862. Savage, David, e. Nov. 4, 1861; dis. July 5, 1867, at Columbus, Ohio. Sanborn, Geo., e. Dec. 3, 1861; died Aug. 14, 1862. Salkeld, Augustus, e. Dec. 20, 1861; dis. Stoneman, John, e. Dee. 20, 1861; killed at Shiloh, April 8, 1862. Nowles, John T., e. June 29, 1863; die. March 8, 1866. Bishop, Geo., e. Feb. 9, 1864; died a prisoner at Tyler, Texas, Oct. 27, 1864. Balderson, James, e. Feb. 11, 1864; died a prisoner, at Tyler, Texas, Aug. 31, 1854. Boll, Sampson, e. Feb. 20, 1864; died a prisoner at Tyler, Texas, Oct, 11, 1864. Darnell, James, e. Feb. 11, 1864; died March 11, 1865, at New Orleans. Doran, Joseph, e. Dec. 2, 1861; died a prisoner Jan. 4, 1865, at Tyler, Texas, MILITARY - 193 Decker, Jacob D., e. Feb. 20, 1864; died a prisoner July 21, 1864; at Tyler, Texas. Long, Joseph K., e. Feb. 22, 1864; died a prisoner Aug. 8, 1864, at Tyler Texas. Pearson, Barnabas, e. Feb. 25, 1864; died a prisoner, Aug. 11, 1864, at Tyler, Texas. Medford, John, e. Sept., 14, 1862; killed in action at Jenkins Ferry, Ark., April 30, 1864. Schloterbeck, John H., e. Feb. 15, 1864; died a prisoner July 7, 1864, at Tyler, Texas. Schloterbeck, Joseph, e. Feb. 27, 1864; died a prisoner at Tyler, Texas, June 29, 1864. Smith, Nathan B. e. April 15, 1865; missing in action at Manton's Mills, Ark., April 25, 1865. M. O. W. C. AND DIS AT E. T. S. Berry, Robert C., e. April 11, 1865; Pro. to first lieut. and assigned to Co. B April 19, 1865. Ogg, Charles W., e. Oct. 12, 1862; m. o. Oct. 12, 1865 Pitts, Morris, e. July 29, 1864; m. o. July 19, 1865. Pitts, Ingraham, e. Oct. 25th, 1862; m. o. July 19, 1865. Richey, Joseph, e. Nov. 6, 1862; m. o. Nov. 5, 1865. Sheid, John, e. Feb. 23, 1864; tn. o. Nov. 7, 1865. Schwartz, Fred., e., Oct. 13, 1862; m. o. Oct. 12-, 1865. Christy, Francis M., e. Nov. 22, 1861; m. o. May 30, 1865. Craig, James M., e. Feb. 14, 1864; m. o. June 27, 1865. Choguill, Elisha, e. Feb. 11, 1864; m. o. Feb. 17, 1865. Chidester, Daniel D., e. Dec. 14, 1861; m. o. Feb. 17, 1866. Dougherty, Samuel, e. Feb. 17, 1865; in. o. Feb. 17, 1866. Dierwester, Theophilus, e. Sept. 19, 1864; July 19, 1865. Hendershot, Zelotus, e. Sept.. 20,s1864; m. o. July 19, 1865. Linn, Charles, e. Feb. 17, 1865; m. o. Feb. 17, 1866. Mercer, Solomon, e. Feb. 17, 1865; m. o. Feb. 17, 1866. Henery, Joseph J., e. Feb. 9, 1864; m. o. W. c. Israel, Elisha, e. Feb. 18, 1864; m. o. w. c. Johnson, Joseph, e. Feb. 18, 1864; sick at Mobile, Ala., at m. o. Johnson, John, e. Feb. 18, 1864; tn. o. w. c. Kraps, Joshua J., e. Feb. 18, 1864; m. o. w. c. Lightner, Samuel, e. Feb. 11, 1864; m. o. w c. McElhose, Archibald, e. Feb. 17, 1864; in. o. w. c. McElhose, Geo. B, e. Feb. 20,1864; m. o. w. c. Otis, Timothy, e. Jan. 18, 1864; absent on furlough at m. o. Pitner, Geo. W., e. Jan. 25, 1863; m. o. w. c. Power, James R., e. Aug. 31, 1863; m. o. w. c. Sanders, Jno. T., e. Feb. 13, 1864; m. o. w. c. Johnson, George, e. Dec. 29, 1861; m. o. w. c. Spear, Henry Y., e. Feb. 28, 1864; m. o. w. c. Sherman, Jesse H., e. Feb. 11, 1864; m. o. w. c. Van Fleet, Garrett, e. Feb. 11, 1864; m. o. w. c. Vaughn, Jesse, e. Feb. 20, 1864; m. o. w. c. Walker, John, e. March 4, 1864; m. o. w. c. Walker, A., e. March 8, 1864; captured March 23; prisoner or war ten months; exchanged; pro. to corpl. and in. o. w. c. Wallace, James W., e. Oct. 30, 1861; m. o. w. c. White, James B., e. Feb. 9, 1864; m. o. March 8, 1866, Brownsville, Texas. Jeffres, Andrew M., e. Aug. 2, 1863; dis. Feb. 20, 1866. Israel, William, e. Feb. 11, 1864; am. o. W. c. Rowland, Greenbury, e. Nov. 15, 186I; m. o. w. c. Ellis, Miles, e. Feb. 24, 1864; m. o. w. c. Ellis, William, e. Feb. 23, 1864; m. o. w. c. Balderson, Alfred, e. Feb. 19, 1864. The following were members of the company : George Comstock, Daniel Chidester, Nathan Clark, Thomas O. Oliver, Josiah Rogers, Reynolds Franklin, Joshua Adrian, Marion Grooves; Yarnell George, Thomas Coleric, Benjamin Chidester, Mordecai Rowland, Joseph T. Hersh, Daniel Henry, Johiel Hagaman, Samuel P. Hinton, James King, Levi Lightner. Wier, Andrew, e. Nov. 8, 1861. Preston, John, e. Nov. 28, 1861. Pedicord, Milton, e. Dec. 2, 1861. Lee, Merriam, e. Dec. 9, 1861. Smith, Joseph, e. a fifer, Dec. 9, 1861. Smith, James, e. drummer, Dec. 9, 1861. Smith, Nathan, e. serg., Dec. 9, 1861. COMPANY E, 78TH REGIMENT. The recruiting of this company was commenced about the 1st of November, 1861, by Rev. Thomas M. Stevenson, and others for the 78th Regiment, then being formed at Zanesville, which was afterward organized with M. D,Leggett, colonel. Dr. J. S. Reeves went as sur- 194 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. geon to the regiment, and remained in the service until the regiment was mustered out. On the 23d of December, 1861, the company met and elected Thomas M. Stevenson, Captain ; W. W. McCarty, first and Cyrus M. Roberts, Second lieutenants ; A. W. Stewart, first orderly; Dr. E. G. Coulson, steward of the hospital. The company went into camp on the 25th of December with ninety-four as strong, brave and reliable men as ever left the county. Captain Stevenson had for a number of years been superintendent of the public schools of McConnelsville, and had the summer previous been licensed to preach. Lieutenant McCarty had long been a resident of McConnelsville, and had filled many of the principal offices of the county, which made him well acquainted in the county and gave him an influence that caused many worthy men to rally for the defense of liberty and the flag. Lieutenant Roberts had long been engaged in merchandising, and, being a young man of good character, influenced many young men to imitate his example and lay down all that was dear upon their country's altar. No company in the regiment did more efficient service, and none suffered more upon the field of battle or from hardship and exposure. On the 11th of February, 1862, the regiment left for Fort Donelson, where it arrived on the 15th and took position on the field of battle too late to take part in the action yet in time to take charge of the rebel prisoners. With the regiment we might follow Company E through its devious weary marches and battles, and cite the involuntary tests of some of its members of the luxuries of southern boarding houses, but this has been lucidly written in the " History of the 78th Regiment," from its " muster in " to its " muster out," by Rev. T. M. Stevenson, who was first captain of the company and afterward chaplain of the regiment, in which he says " no company has done more efficient Service, none suffered more upon the field of battle or from hardship and exposure," and a repetition here would be unnecessary. But two items not given may be of interest. After the evacuation of Corinth by the rebels, Colonel Leggett was sent to Jackson, Tennessee, occupied by a force of rebels, who were driven out, and C. M. Roberts raised the stripes and stars on the same pole on which had been raised the first rebel flag in Tennessee. On the march of the regiment to Rosswell factories, on the Chattahoochie River, on the 16th of July, 1864, while walking through a clump of bushes, Surgeon Reeves was accosted by a citizen of the country, with a request for a federal surgeon to administer medical aid to his sick daughter. The doctor at first objected, but on a second thought concluded to go with the man who took him down the valley to a cave, where he found about two hundred Union refugees hiding from the persecution of the rebel authorities. The following were commissioned and assigned to other companies : Sergeant A. A. Adair to captain ; Sergeant Martin Durant to second lieutenant ; Sergeant John Kennedy to second lieutenant, Sergeant James Earich to second lieutenant. The latter refused to be mustered as lieutenant, preferring to carry the colors which he had borne in so many battles. MILITARY - 195 COMPANY E, 78TH REGIMENT O. V. I. OFFICERS. Captain Thomas M. Stevenson, e. Oct. 297 1861; res. Feb. 14, 1863; corn, as chaplain Feb. 20, 1863. First Lieutenant, William W. McCarty, e. Oct. 81, 1861; pro. to captain March 7, 1862; dis. May 26, 1865. First Lieutenant, Archibald W. Stewart, entered service as a private Nov. 15, 1861; pro. to sergt. Dec. 23, 1861; pro. to second lieut. Feb. 14, 1863; to first lieut. Jan. 14, 1865; detailed as aid-de-camp on staff of General Leggett, on which he served until the close of the war. Second Lieutenant, Cyrus M. Roberts, e. Oct. 31, 1861; pro. to first lieut. March 16, 1863, to captain Jan. 1, 1865; retained in service. Second Lieutenant, Alexander V. P. Hagar, e. as sergt. Oct. 30, 1861; pro. to second lieut. Jan. 20, 1865. SERGEANTS. Joseph L. Brown, e. Dec. 5, 1861; vet; e. Dec. 18, 1863; pro. to corpl. Dec. 18, 1863; to sergt. June 1, 1865; to first sergt. June 11, 1865; m. o. w. c. William H. Townsend, e. as corpl. Dec. 13, 1861; vet.; e. as sergt. Jan. 5, 18e4; absent on furlough, at m. o. James R. Earich, e. as private Dec. 21, 1861; vet.; e. as sergt. Jan. 5, 1864; m. o. w. c. Harvey Davis, e. as private Dec. 21, 1861; vet.; e. as sergt. Jan. 5, 1864; m. o. w. c. Samuel M. Cramblett, e. as private Dec. 7, 1861; vet.; e. as sergt. Dec. 18, 1863; in. o. w. c. CORPORALS. Eli W. Coulson, e. as private; vet.; e. as corpl. Jan. 5, 1864; absent on furlough at m. o. Benjamin A. Wiley, e. as private Jan. 7, 1864; pro. to corpl. Jan. 2, 1865: m. o. w. c. John Davis, e. Oct. 7, 1863; pro. to corpl. Jan. 2, 1865; rn. o. w. c. William Stoneburner, e. as private Dec. 17, 1861; vet.; e. Dec. 18, 1863; pro. to corpl. June 1, 1865; m. o. w. c. James P. Hartsell, e. as private; vet.; e. Jan. 5, 1864; pro. to corpl. June 1, 1865. Marion Ridgeley, e. as private Jan. 4, 1864; pro. to corpl. June 1, 1865. Fletcher L. Bunn, e. as private March 28, 1864; pro. to corpl. June 1, 1865. William L. Brown, e. as private Dec. 7, 1861; vet.; e. Dec. 1863; pro. to corpl. June 1, 1865; o. w. c, William J. George, e. as private Dec. 21, 1861; vet.; e. as musician, Jan. 5,1864; m. o. w. c. Philip J. George, vet.; e. as musician Jan. 5, -1864; m. o. w. c. PRIVATES. Brogan, James, e. Sept. 21, 1863; m. o. w. c. Coulson, William G. S., e. Jan. 7, 1863; m. o. w. c. Christman, Daniel, e. Dec. 4, 1861; vet.; e. Jan. 6, 1864; m. o. w. c. Christman, William D., e. Dec. 5, 1861; vet.; e. Dec. 18, 1863; m. o. w. c. Carver, John S., e. Jan. 5, 1864; absent on furlough at m. o. Coffee, Louis, e. Dec. 2, 1863; m. o. w. c. Cochran, Samuel, e. Oct. 10, 1864; m. o. w. c. Donahue, Morris, e. Oct. 6, 1864; m. o. w. c. Drake, H. H., e. Dec. 12, 1861, Co. E, 78th; dis. Sept. 26, 1862. Durant, George, e. Jan. 5, 1864; m. o. w. c. Durant, John, e. Jan. 8, 1864; m. o. w. e. Dozer, Benjamin F., e. Feb. 26, 1864; m. o. w. c. Ferguson, Elisha, e. Oct. 8, 1864; in. o. w. c. Gallion, George W., a Dec. 7, 1861; vet.; e. Jan. 5, 1864; m. o. w. c. Glassford, Fred., e. Jan. 4, 1864; m. o. w. c. Gilpin, Daniel, e. Oct. 18, 1864; m. o. w. c. Hays, John W. e. Dec. 7, 1861; vet., e. Dec. 18, 1863, m. o. w. c. Hersch, William F., e. Feb. 25, 1864; in. o. w. c. Jones, Reason, e. Nov. 15, 1863; m. o. w. c. Kirby, John R., e. Feb. 22, 1865; m. o. w. c. Longstreth, Thomas, e. Oct. 12, 1864; m. o. w. c. McElroy, John, e. Nov. 16, 1863; absent on furlough on m. o. Martin, Thomas, e. Feb. 19; 1864; m. o. w. c. Matson, Alvertus, e. Feb. 22, 1865; absent at m. o. Morrison, Matthias, e. Dec. 26, 1861; vet.; e. Jan. 5, 1864; sick at m. o.; dis. Jan. 5, 1865, at Camp Chase. Pletcher, Noah, e. Dec. 21, 1861; vet.; e. Jan. 5, 1864; m. o. w. c. Pletcher, Nicholas, e. Dec. 17, 1861; dis. for disc. Sept., 1862; re-e. Sept. 1863, 1st regt. O. H. A.; dis. Pletcher, Jno. W., e. Dec. 21, 1861; vet.; e Jan. 5, 1864; sick at in. o. Price, Othello, e. Feb. 24, 1864; m. o. w. c. Penrose, Austin, e. Feb. 16, 1865; m. o. w. c. Quinn, Henry, e. Dec. 28, 1863; m: o. w. c. Rainey, Jonathan, e. Feb. 22, 1765; m. o.w. c. 196 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. Sutton, William, e. Oct. 14, 1864 ; m. o. w. c. Sowders, Jacob A., e. Feb. 26, 1864; m. o.w. c. Shook, William J., e. - 7, 1861; detailed as ambulance driver; vet.; e. Jan. 5, 1864; m. o. w. c. Stevens, Elwood, e. Feb. 17, 1865; m. o. w. c. Tow, Joseph, e. Oct 6, 1864. Van Horn, John W., e. Dec. 14, 1861; vet.; e. Jan. 5, 1864; m. o. w. c. Wiley, Hiram J., e. Nov. 15, 1861; vet.; e. Jan. 8, 1864; m. o. w. c. Walters, John A., e. Oct. 7, 1864; m. o. w. c. Wallace, Wilkes P., e. Oct. 14, 1864; m. o. w. c. Whitcraft, John R., e. March 6, 1864; m. o. w. c. Wood, Charles P., e. Feb. 17, 1865; m. o. w. c. Williams, John, e. March 16, 1865; m, o. w. c. Young, John, e. Dec. 25, 1861; vet.; e. Jan. 5, 1864; absent on furlough at m. o. Young, Thomas, e. Feb. 17, 1865; m. o. w. c. The following names appear on muster-in roll and are not found on the muster-out roll. Sergeant George J. Chappelear, e. Nov. 82, 1861; dis. in 1862 on surg. cert. of disa. Sergeant Alexander Stinchcomb, e. Dec. 21, 1861; dis. in 1862 on surg. cert. of disa. Sergeant Charles W. Brown, e. Dec. 3, 1861; died at Shiloh in 1862. Sergeant Jasper S. Laughlin, e. Nov. 28, 1861; died in service. Corporal Robert F. Chandler, e. Nov. 20, 1861; died in service. Corporal George R. McCarty, e. Dec. 21, 1861; absent at m. o. Corporal Jacob Bush, e. Dec. 17, 1861. Corporal William H. Sopher, e. Dec. 4, 1861; died in service. Corporal Abram Wood, e. Dec. 4, 1861; dis. in 1862 on surg. cert. of disa. Corporal Jordan M. Maular, e. Nov. 28, 1861; dis. in 1862 on surg. cert. of disa. PRIVATES. Ammon, George W., e. Dec. 12, 1861; dis. Sept. 23, 1862, at Columbus, 0., on surg. cert. of disa. Alexander, Thompson, e. Dec. 17, 1861; dis. on surg. cert. of disa. Bailey, Benjamin F., e. Nov. 20, 1861; died of wounds received at Vicksburg, Miss. Bailey, James M., e. Nov 26, 1861; m. o. w. c. Bailey, Christian, e. Dec. 19, 1861; m. o. w. c. Dailey, David, e. Dec, 19, 1861; m. o. w c, Bailey, Sylvester, e. Dec. 19, 1861; m. o. w. c. Beisaker, Jacob, e. Dec. 19, 1861, m. o. w. c. Barkhurst, John, e. Nov. 21, 1861; m. o. w. c. Boyd, Cyrus, e. Dec. 4, 1861; m. o. w. c. Bunn, Fletcher F., e. Dec. '7, 1861; dis. by re-e. April 1, 1864. Bush, Hiram H., e. Dec. 19, 1861; killed in battle at Atlanta, Ga., July 22, 1864: Coulson, Eli W., e. Nov. 26, 1861; m. o. w. c. Coulson, Eli G., e. Nov. 14, 1861; m. o. w. c. Coffee, Louis, e. Dec. 4, 1861. Clawson, John, e. Dec. 16, 1861; dis. on surg. cert. of disa. Chappelear, William A., e. Dec. 9, 1861; dis. on Burg. cert. of disa. Davis, John, e. Nov. 29, 1861. Drake, Henry H., e. Dec. 12, 1861. Durant, Martin, e. Dec. 21, 1861; pro. to second lieut. Fuller, Chester M., e. Dec. 7, 1861. Glassford, Fred, e. Nov. 21, 1861. Grubb., Rasselas, e. Nov. 21, 1861. Hanes, Robert, killed Nov. 25, 1863. Harris. George W., e. Dec. 3, 1861; killed at Lovejoy's Station while in picket line. Hann, David P., e. Dec. 12, 1861. Heller, William, e. Jan. 3, 1862. Kirby, William, e. Dec. 4, 1861. Kirby, John R., Nov. 21, 1861. Kennedy, John, e. Dec. 21, 1861. Keller, John, e. Dec. 25, 1861; dis. at Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 1863. Koon, Sylvester, e. Dec. 30, 1861. Lees, Elisha, e. Dec. 12, 1861. Landerman, William, e. Dec. 17, 1861. Moore, James W., e. Nov. 20, 1861; vet.; e. April 1, 1864. Maullar, George W., e. Nov. 29, 1861. Monks, Albert, e. Dec. 4. 1861. Murphy, William, e. Dec. 9, 1861. McElroy, John, e. Nov. 25, 1861; died in Vicksburg, Miss., in 1863. McCarty, Arthur W., e. Dec. 3, 1861. Porter, James D., e. Dec. 12, 1861. Pletcher, Nicholas, e. Dec. 21, 1861. Rivers, Ethelbert D., e. Dec. 6, 1861. Shutt, Samuel H., e. Nov. 20, 1861. Smith, John C., e. Nov. 26, 1861. Sopher, John D., e. Nov. 23, 1861; died in service. Sowers, Job P., e. Dec. 4, 1861. Southard, Samuel, e. Dec. 17, 1861. Swope, Henry, e. Dec. 21, 1863. Thompson, John, e. Dec. 6, 1861. Thompson, John W., e, Dec. 17, 1861; died in service. MILITARY - 197 Tompkins, Benjamin, e. Dec. 5, 1861. Turner, Alonzo, e. Dec. 12, 1861; killed in battle of Atlanta, July 22, 1864. Williams, Luther C., e. Nov. 17, 1861; dis. on surg. cert. Wiseman, Caleb M., e. Nov. 26,1861; died in service. Wade, William S., e. Nov. 25, 1861; dis. at Columbus, O., on surg. cert. Walraven, Charles, e. Dec. 4, 1861. Whitaker, John H., e. Dec. 16, 1861; dis. at Columbus on surg. cert. Woodward, Samuel S., e. Dcc. 19, 1861. NAMES OF A DETACHMENT. John C. Russel, e. as corpl. Aug. 30, 1862; wo. at Champion Hills, Miss., May 16, 1863. John Switser, e. Sept. 1, 1862; absent at m.o. Alexander Earich, e. Aug. 22, 1862; m. o. w. c. Jacob L. Matson, e. Aug. 80, 1862; m. o. w. c. PRIVATES. Brown, Benjamin, e. Aug. 30, 1862; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Brown, John C., e. Sept. 2, 1862; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Bush, Leonard J., e. Aug. 22, 1862; dis. June 1, 1864, at Washington, D. C. Coulson, George S., e. Aug. 30, 1862; wo. at Champion Hills, May 16, 1863; dis. at Washington, D. C., June 1, 1865. Davis, Martin, e. Aug. 30, 1862; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Matson, Seaton A., e. Aug. 30, 1862; dis. June 1, 188.5, at Washington, D. C. Allard, Jonathan, e. Oct. 26, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Aldrich, Theodore, e. Sept. 26, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Benton, Orlando F., e. Sept. 23, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Bustator. Mathias, e. Sept. 23,1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Copsey, Martin, e. Sept. 23, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Colen, James, e. Sept. 29, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Decissus, Christian, e. Oct. 14, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Emrich, Peter, e. Sept. 23, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Friar, Samuel L., e. Sept. 23, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Fishbaugh, Louis, e. Sept. 23, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Fetter, John, e. Sept. 23, 1864; absent in hospital at Alexandria, Va., at m. o. c. Jones; Jacob A., e. Sept. 23, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. keafer, Adam, e. Sept. 23, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Linder, Michael, e. Sept. 23, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Omer, Reuben, e. Sept. .28, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Pletcher, Israel, e. Oct. 19, 1864; dia. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Rhodes, Ira, e. Oct. 19, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Rosser, William G., e. Oct.19, 1864; absent in hospital, Alexandria, Va., at m. o. c. Stoneburner, Gilman, e. Oct. 19, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Stunnaberry, Absalom, e. Sept. 23, 1864; dig. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Steraler, David, e. Oct. 18, 1864; dia. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Sloan, James, e. Oct. 19, 1864; dis. June 1, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Smith, David, e. Oct. 19, 1864; dia. at Washington, D. C., June 1, 1865. Taylor, Thomas, e. Oct. 19, 1864; dia. at Washington, D. C., June 1, 1865. Wright, David, Sept. 28, 1864; dia. at Washington, D. C., June 1, 1865. Swingle, Nicholas, e. March 18, 1864, Zanesville; absent in hospital June 12, 1864. Wm. H. Dozer, formerly Co. E. 78th regt.; transferred to vet. reserve corps, and assigned to Co. H, 6th regt., vet. reserve corps; died in post hospital, Johnson's Island, O., March 23, 1865. Thomas Harter, killed in battle July 22, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga. William Smith, e. in 1863; dis. by reason of wo. rec. July 22, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga. Robert Moore; e. 1863; dis. by reason of wo. rec. July 22, 1864, at. Atlanta, Ga. George H. Coulson, e. Jan., 1864, died of wo. rec. in battle July 22, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga. Asa Massey, e. Aug., 1862; died in service, Lake Providence, La. Company D of the 78th not being exclusively recruited in Morgan County, is omitted in the numbering of the companies. Yet it is proper to state that the company was raised in the vicinity of Rockville, Muskingum County, and Bloom Township, Morgan- County. E. Hilles Talley, son of W. F. Talley. 198 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. of Muskingum County, was elected captain, and with his company and regiment left Zanesville on February 11, 1862. After leaving . Fort Donelson, about the middle of March, Captain Talley was taken sick and removed to the hospital at Savannah, Tenn., where he died April 1, 1862, in the vigor of his young manhood, the first of his regiment sacrificed to the cause he had espoused. COMPANY F, 86TH REGIMENT. On Tuesday, the 27th of May, 1862, Governor Tod's dispatch of the 2d was received at McConnelsville, stating that Washington City was in immediate danger, and that Morgan County must, without delay, raise 100 men for three months' service. Forthwith all was excitement. Hand-bills announcing the news were printed, the bells of the two towns were rung, and enlistment commenced. On the .28th sixty men were enrolled, and on the 9th of June the company reported at Camp Chase, and elected F. W. W00d captain, Amos W. Ewing first and Geo. S. Corner second lieutenants, and was attached to the 86th Regiment as Company F. The regiment left Camp Chase on the 17th June, 1862, for Cumberland; but at Bentwood, on the Ohio, the order was changed to Clarksburg, Virginia, where the regiment arrived on the 19th, and remained in camp until the 21st of August. Company F, with five other companies, under Major Lemert, was then ordered to Buchanan, Virginia, where they arrived on the 22d, and the next day departed for Beverly, Virginia: On the 25th Company F was ordered to the mountains, about twenty-five miles distant, to build a fortification, and to guard passes on the dry fork of Cheat River. On the 3d of September the company was ordered back to Beverly, where it joined the other five companies, and on the 6th was ordered to join the regiment at Clarksburg, where it remained until ordered home. It was mustered out of the service on the 23d of September, 1862. While at Clarksburg Company F was ordered out one night to break up a company of rebels, who were recruiting in the vicinity. This was successfully effected by a few shots from their muskets, which rendered some of them satisfied with war and incapable of further mischief.* Company F was mustered into service at Camp. Chase by Captain Dodd June 2d, 1862 ; was mustered out at Camp Dennison September 23d, 1862, by Captain A. T. Bond, U. S. A. The dates of enlistment are from May 27th to June 9th, inclusive. OFFICERS. Fred W. Wood, captain. Amos W. Ewing, first lieutenant. George S. Corner, second lieutenant. William J. Bumgardner, orderly sergeant. Thomas W. Simpson, second sergeant James I. Defigh, third sergeant. Absalom Wills, fourth sergeant. Caleb E. Fouts, fifth sergeant. Corporals: Harmon S. Benjamin, John W.Barkhurst, John. Grim, Solomon S. Beckwith, Moses H. Metcalf, Frank B. Manly, Theodore F. Lent, Henry A. Davis. Musicians: John L. Cochran, Henry C. Timms Thomas 0. Neely, wagoner. PRIVATES. Adams, W. W. Auerbach, Henry M. Adams, Charles W . Brownell, James W. Baker, Nathan S. Benjamin, James L. Barrel, William A. Beckel, William L. Bakers Isaac. Bergman, Dennis M. Bozman, James E. Border, James E. Cowman, William H. Cowman, John E. Campbell, Thomas R. Chidester, Thomas G. Compton, John D. Carter, John. Davidson, Aaron. Doren, Emanuel *From Lieut. Col. George S. Corner. MILITARY - 199 Denkle, Jacob. Dickerson, Hiel L. Davis, John. Ewing, William B. Ellis, James W. Ellis, Eli. Hiler, Richard S. Head, Absalom. Hutchins, Nathan F. Holmes, James W. Holbrook, John. Hughes, Henry C. Hannum, Seth. Hutchinson, John M. Hollingshead, James. Hansberry, Ezra S. Hughey, James M. Joy, James H. James, John. Jackson, John. Jones, John. Kincaid, McArthur. Kincaid, James W. Kilkenny, Thomas. Kirby, Robert E. Millar, Henry L. Moore, McClurg. McCann, John R. McCann, Benjamin F McGrew, Finley B. Matson, Gregory. McVey, Levi. Mingus, Samuel P. Mendenhall, John M. McWilliams, Thomas. Neeley, Henry. Oliver, Joshua. Power, Paton. Power, Joseph. Power, James. Porter, Thomas H. Patterson Henry G. Rogers, William B. Roland, Henry F. Rankin, John. Richey, William. Ron, James F. Sweezey, Henry. Sands, Alexander B. Sands, James N. Sutton, Thomas. Thurman, William. Turner, Vinton L. Veatch, Theophilus. Wilson, Joseph G. Wetherell, Albert. Wetherell, Luther. Worley, Albert. Wheeler, Joseph. Walker, Albert. White, Jesse. Young. William H. PROMTIONS Fred W. Wood, e. as private; pro. to capt. June 9, 1862; m. o. w. c. Amos W. Ewing, e. as private; pro. to first lieut. June 9, 1862; m. o. w. c. George S. Corner, e. as private; pro. to second lieut. June 9, 1862; m. o. w. c. William J. Bumgardner, e. as private; pro. to ord. sergt. June 9, 1862; m. o. w. c. Thomas W. Simpson, e. as private; pro. to ord. sergt. June 9, 1862; m. o. w. c. James I. Defigh, pro. to sergt. ; m. o. w. c. Absalom Wills, pro. to sergt. ; m. o. w. c. Caleb E. Fouts, pro. to sergt. ; m. o. w. c. H. S. Benjamin, John W. Barkhurst, John Grim, Solomon S. Beckwith, Moses H. Metcalf, Frank Manly, Theodore F. Lent, and H. A. Davis, pro. from privates to corpls and m. o. w. C. DEATHS AND DISCHARGES. Eli Ellis, dis. July 17, 1862, at Grafton, Va., on surg. cert. of disa. ; Henry C. Hughes, died Sept. 12, 1862, at Clarksburg, Va., of typhoid fever. COMPANIES C AND D, 97TH REGIMENT. On the call of the President, July, 1862, the military committees of the counties of Muskingum, Coshocton, Guernsey and Morgan, met at Zanesville, on the 18th of July, and recommended officers for the 97th Regiment, then being organized at Zanesville, but from some cause their commendation was unheeded. Under this call for 300,000 men the quota of Morgan was two companies, and in case of a deficiency of volunteers a draft was ordered in the county or district deficient. On the 21st the military committee met for the purpose of recommending suitable persons to the governor as second lieutenants or recruiting officers for the two companies. From the twenty names presented the committee selected George S. Davis, of Malta, and Sextus Scott, of McConnelsville. Mr. Scott declined and the committee appointed W. P. Gilley ; but after a reconsideration Mr. Scott concluded to accept, and was again recommended. On the 28th the committee again met, and recommended Andrew Arrick, of Bristol, Ira Ellis, of Homer, and Bart. Coalman, of McConnelsville, all of whom had their commissions by the 30th. On the 7th of August each company had half the number required, and on the 15th one company reported at Camp Potwin, near Zanesville, with Sextus Scott captain, Bart. Goalman first and W. P. Gilley second lieutenants. On the 16th the other reported with Captain George S. Davis, First Lieutenant Ira Ellis, and Second Lieutenant Andrew Arrick. These were Companies C and D. The regiment was mustered into the service on the 1st and 2d of September, 1862; on the 7th went by rail to Coy- 200 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. ington Heights, opposite Cincinnati, and on the 8th took position near Fort Mitchell, three miles from the river, during the Kirby Smith raid. On the 22d of September, at Louisville, the regiment was attached to General Buel's army, and on the 1st of October started in pursuit of Bragg's force, and on the 4th of October encountered the rear guard, and after a slight skirmish the rebels retreated toward Perryville. At the beginning of the battle of Perryville, October 8th, the regiment was ten miles distant, but came up, and was efficient in the defeat of the enemy. On the reorganization under General Rosecrans the 97th was retained in General Crittenden's Corps, which formed the left wing of the Army of the Cumberland. On the 27th, in the movement against Murfreesboro, the regiment encountered the outposts of the enemy at Lavergne, fifteen miles from Nashville, and at Stone River on the 31st December, 1862, and on the 1st, 2d and 3d January, 1863. September 9th, after driving the enemy's sharpshooters from Chattanooga, the regiment entered the city three hours before the main army. For this gallant action the regiment, with the brigade, was left to garrison the place, and consequently was not in the engagement at Chickamauga. On a second organization of the army under Major-General Thomas, the regiment with the brigade was assigned to Sherman's 2d Division, and with it was at the battle of Mission Ridge, in which it lost one hundred and fifty officers and men killed and wounded. On the 28th of November, 1863, the regiment left Chattanooga for Knoxville to reinforce General Burnside. In this march they suffered from being thinly clad and without transportation; but while at Knoxville they evinced their taste for learning by the occupation of the East Tennessee University. On the 15th of December their services were required in driving Longstreet over the Strawberry Plains and Blain's Cross Roads. On the 25th of April, 1864, the 97th joined the main army at Cleveland, Tenn., and on the 3d of May, with Sherman's army, entered on the Atlanta campaign. On the 11th of May the regiment, with Harker's Brigade, made an unsuccessful charge on the enemy at Rocky Face Ridge. At Resaca the regiment was under fire for two days (14th and 15th of May), and at Adairsville, on the 17th, had a sharp fight, resulting in a loss of twenty men in less than fifteen minutes. At Dallas the regiment was under constant fire from the 25th of May to the 5th of June. But the great and in fact only discomfiture of the 97th, was in the two engagements of the 22d and 27th of June on the enemy's position on the Kenesaw Mountain—in both of which it lost heavily. In the first, of 153 men of the regiment engaged, 112 were either killed or wounded, and in the second thirty-five. The boys celebrated the 4th by a fight at Smyrna church. At the battle of Peach Tree Creek, on the 20th of July, 1863, the 97th, numbering less than three hundred men, being on the extreme left, received the terrible shock of Hood's rebel forces, and stood firm against seven charges made against it. For this gallantry General Howard (commanding the brigade) and General Newton (commanding the division) went to the regiment and personally thanked the officers and men. In addition an order was issued >br> PICTURE OF DAVID A. HENERY MILITARY - 201 exempting the regiment from picket and fatigue duty during the remainder of the campaign. The regiment was in the battle of Jonesboro, Ga., September 1, and with Sherman entered Atlanta, September 2, 1864. After this time the regiment participated in the battles of Lovejoy Station, Spring Hill, Franklin and Nashville, and was at Bull's Gap, in East Tennessee, rebuilding the Tennessee and Virginia railroad, with a view of going by rail to Richmond via Lynchburg, when the news of Lee's Surrender changed its course to Nashville, Where the regiment waS mustered out of the service. COMPANY C, 97TH O. V. I. OFFICERS. Captain; Sextus Scott, e. July 23, 1862; res. Jan. 31, 1863, phys. disa. Captain, William P. Gilley, e. June 10, 1862, as second lieut.; pro. to first lieut. May 10, 1863, to captain June 6, 1863; wo. at Mission Ridge Nov. 25, 1863, and m. o. w. c. First. Lieutenant, Bartholemew Coalman, e. July 26, 1862; dis. April 10, 1863, account of disa. First Lieutenant, William D. Thompson, e. as first sergt.; pro. to second lieut. May 10, 1863, to first lieut. Jan. 25, 1864; wo. at battle Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1864; m. o. w. c. Sergeant, Albert G. Emerson, e. July 28, 1862, as private; pro. to sergt. Feb. 1, 1863; to first sergt. May 10, 1863; wo. at Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1864; m. o. Nov. 27, 1865. Sergeant, Brice Taylor, e. Aug. 11, 1862, as private; pro. to corpl. Feb. 1, 1863; to sergt. May 10, 1863; m. o. w. c. Sergeant, William A. Murray, e. Aug. 1, 1862, as private; pro. to corpl. Dec. 4, 1862; wo. at Mission Ridge Nov. 25, 1863; pro. to sergt. Jan. 1, 1864; m. o. w. c. Sergeant, Israel C. Garrett, e. Aug. 4, 1862, as private; Iwo. to corpl. May 10, 1863; to sergt. Dec. 17, 1864; wo. at Stone River, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862; m. o. w. c. Sergeant, James M. Merwin, e. Aug. 11, 1862, as private; pro. to corpl. Aug. 1, 1863; to sergt. Jan. 17, 1865; wo. at Nashville, Dec. 15, 1864; m. o. w. C. Corporal, Samuel Hough, e. July 31, 1862, as private; pro. to Corp]. Aug. 1, 1864; captured Nov. 13, 1862; paroled same day; returned to duty; wo. at Mission Ridge and Franklin, Tenn. Corporal, William C. Kidd, e. Aug. 13, 1862, as private; pro. to corpl. Aug. 1, 1864; wo. at Franklin, Tenn.; m. o. w. c. Corporal, Asa B. Smith, e. Aug. 8, 1862, as private; pro. to corpl. Aug. 1, 1864; wo. at Mission Ridge; m. O. W. c. Corporal, Francis Hammond, e. Aug. 11, 1862, as private; pro. to corpl. Aug. 9, 1864; captured at Franklin, Tenn.; prisoner of war, and died in the hands of the enemy. Corporal, William C. Jackson, e. Aug. 11, 1862, as private; pro. to corpl. Dec. 17, 1864; m. o. w. c. John T. Duvall, e. Aug. 2, 1862, as corpl.; pro. to sergt. Aug. 1, 1863; wo. at Peach Tree Creek, July 20, 1864; m. o. w. c. Corporal, Philip Stout, e. Aug. 8, 1862, as private; pro. to corpl. March 1, 181V; wo. at Franklin, Tenn.; m. o. w. c. Musician, John S. Crosser, e. Aug. 4, 1862, as musician; m. O. w. c. PRIVATES. Brown, James A., e. Aug. 1, 1862; wo. at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 27, 1864; m. o. w. c. Betts, Roston, e. Aug. 4, 1862; wo. at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 27, 1864; on detached service at 2d division headquarters as blacksmith; m. o. w. c. Carnes, Leonard, e. Aug. 8, 1862; m. o. w. c. Casedy, George A., e. July 25, 1862, as sergt.; dis. from Co., July 31, 1863. Miller, Samuel D., e. Aug. 13, 1862, and died at home. Kahler, Hiram, e. Aug. 1862; m. o. June 10, 1863. Merwin, Justus B., e. Aug. 11, 1862, m. o. w. c. Crisman, Cyrus W., e. Aug. 8, 1862; m. o. w. c. Dutcher, Junia A., e. Aug. 9, 1862; m. o. w. c. Greer, James F., e. Aug. 4, 1862; m. o. w. c. Hosom, James P., e. Aug. 11, 1862; m. o. w. c. Huffman, James C., e. Aug. 11, 1862; wo. at Stone River, Dec. 31, 1862, and at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863; m. o. w. c. Kraps, Jacob, e. Aug. 8, 1862; m. o. w. c. Kraps, Edward D., e. Aug. 9, 1862; in. o. w. c. Kinzel, Benjamin, e. Aug. 11, 1862. m. o. w. c. Kahler, Wm. F., e. Aug. 4, 1862; wo. at Mission Ridge, detailed in 2d div. ambulance corps May 2, 1864, to June 8, 1865; m. o. w. c. 202 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. Miller, Rezin, e. Aug. 8, 1862; captured at Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1864; blown up on steamer " Sultana," April 27, 1865. McGill, John, e. Aug. 8, 1862; m. o. w c. Merwin, Francis M., e. Aug. 11, 1862; detailed 2d div. supply train, Jan. 26, 1865, to June 26, 1865; m. o. w. c. Mercer, David H., e. Aug. 4, 1862; wo. before Atlanta, Ga., and on detached service at headquarters 2d brig., 2d div.; m. o. w. c. McCarty, Wm., e. Aug. 9, 1862; wo. at Mission Ridge; m. o. w. c. Neely, Geo. W., e. Aug. 1, 1862; sick at Murfreesboro, Tenn., July 23; returned to Co. June 10; m. o. w. c. Pearey, Simon, e. Aug. 4, 1862; detailed at headquarters; returned to Co. June 8, 1865; m. o. w. c. Rush, Nathaniel, e. Aug. 4, 1864; wo. at Mission Ridge; m. o. w. c. Roberts, Jos. W., e. Aug. 1, 1862; pro. to sergt. Sept. 1, 1862; m. o. w. c. Simms, David R., e. Aug. 9, 1862; m. o. w. c. Spencer, Bushrod, e. Aug. 8, 1862; m. o. w. c. Triplitt, Wilson, e. Aug. 4, 1862; detailed service 2d div. supply train; m. o. w. c. Taylor, David, e. Aug. 12, 1862; detailed battery brigade, May 2, 1864, to June 8, 1865, m. o. w. c. Tavenner, John E., e. Sept. 10, 1862; m.o.w.c. DISCHARGED SERGEANTS. Joseph F Johnson, e. Aug. 28, 1862; dis. Jan. 31, 1863, at Murfreesboro, Tenn. Eldridge G. Hosom, e. Aug. 11, 1862; dis. Dec. 19, 1862, at Louisville, Ky. Hanson Noyes, d. Aug. 7,1862; dis. Jan. 16, 1863, at Gallatin, Tenn. Coridon B. Seng, e. Aug. 7, 1862; dis. Dec. 14, 1862, at Nashville, Tenn. DISCHARGED PRIVATES. Carman, John, e. July 25, 1862, and dis. at Columbus, 0., July 29, 1864. Davis, Wm. M., e. Aug. 9, 1862; dis. Dec. 14, 1862, at Nashville, Tenn. Mummy, Charles, e. Aug. 9, 1862; dis. Oct. 26, 1863, at Louisville, Ky. Ethell, Chas. W., e. Aug. 6, 1862; dis. March 7, 1863, at Louisville, Ky. Fitch, Samuel, e. Aug. 2, 1862; dis. Nov. 29, 1864, at Columbus, 0. Fox, George W., e. Aug. 12, 1862; dis. at Nashville, Tenn., on account of wounds received near Dallas, Ga. Gheen, John H., e. Aug. 9, 1862; dis. March 16, 1863, at Louisville, Ky. Garrett, George W., e. Aug. 8, 1862; dis. May 11, 1863, at Quincy, Ill. Hartley, Jesse, e. Aug. 1, 1862; dis. Dec. 14, 1862, at Nashville, Tenn. Marion, Daniel, e. Aug. 29, 1862; dis. Feb. 8, 1863, at Gallatin, Tenn. McWhirter, Robert, e. Aug. 8, 1862; dis. May 26, 1864, at Columbus, 0., on account of wounds received at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Noyes, William, e. July 30, 1862; dis. Nov. 18, 1863. Patterson, Andrew, e. Aug. 11, 1862; dis. Feb. 21, 1865, at Huntsville, Ala. Grier, Marquis L., e. Aug. 4, 1862; dis. June 24, 1864. Gibson, William. Hughes, Alexander, e. Aug. 15, 1861; dis. March 21, 1863. Hughes, George B., e. Aug. 15, 1861; killed Sept. 2, 1863. Horseman, Thomas J., e. Sept. 30, 1861; m. o.w. c. A Johnson, Newton, e. Aug. 15, 1861; dis. March 21, 1864. Julien, D. A., e. Aug. 15, 1861; dis. March 29, 1862. Bozman, Dempsey, e. June 26, 1861; dis. July 16, 1865. Henry, Perley B. Davis, Jesse 0., e. June 26, 1861; V. E. Jan. 1, 1864; dis. March 8, 1866. Stevens, William, e. Aug. 1, 1862; pro. to corpl. Sept. 1, 1862; was blown up on the steamer " Sultana"; picked up at Memphis, Tenn.; dis. May 20, 1865, and died at home. Seng, John Q., e. Aug. 12, 1862; dia. May 12, 1865, at Louisville, Ky. Scott, William H., e. Aug. 5, 1862; dis. Feb. 7, 1863, at Gallatin, Tenn. Smith, Japheth, e. Aug. 4, 1862; dis. Aug. 17, 1863, at Louisville, Ky. Savage, Edward, e. Aug. 7, 1862; dis. March 21, 1863, at Gallatin, Tenn. West, James M., e. Aug. 7, 1862; dis. Nov. 12, 1864, at Columbus, 0., on acct. of wounds recd. May 26, 1864, near Dallas, Ga.; lost left leg below the knee. DIED, SERGEANTS. Wallace P. Gaylord, e. Aug. 11, 1862, as corpl.; pro. to sergt. March 1, 1863; killed in action Dec. 16, 1864, at Nashville, Tenn. Andrew M. Hosom, e. Aug. 7, 1862, as sergt. and planted the first flag in Chattanooga, Tenn. Died Dec. 31, 1863, from wounds recd. at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. MILITARY - 203 Philip M. Howard, e. Aug. 7, 1862, as priv. ; pro. to corp. Jan. 13, 1863, to sergt. June 6,1864; died Dec. 16, 1865, of wounds recd. near Franklin, Tenn. DIED, CORPORALS. John Barnes, e. Aug. 9, 1862, as priv. ; prom. to corpl. Aug. 1, 1863, and killed at Mission Ridge Nov. 25, 1863. Charles T. Kinzel, e. Aug. 9, 1862; prom. to corpl. April 2, 1863; died at home July 28, 1864. William H. McCarty, e. Aug. 6, 1862; prom. to corpl. March 1, 1864; wounded at Mission Ridge and killed at the battle of Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1864. James A. Thompson, e. July 26, 1862; pro. to corpl. Aug. 17, 1863; died Nov. 26, 1863, of wounds recd. at Mission Ridge. DIED, PRIVATES. Fouts, Jacob, e. July 26, 1862; died at Gallatin, Tenn. Bozman, John, e. July 26, 1862; died, lung fever at Memphis, Tenn., June 11, 1863. Bachelor, Alexander, e. Aug. 8,1862; wounded near Dallas, Ga., May 26,1864; ret'd to camp Sept. 9,1864, died Dec. 19, 1864, from wounds reed. at Franklin, Tenn. Carms, James, e. Aug. 8, 1862; died Dec. 28, 1862, at Nashville, Tenn. Greer, George, e. Aug. 1, 1862; died - 26, 1863, at Gallatin, Tenn. Harvey, Dorsey. e. Aug. 11, 1862; died Nov. 2, 1862, at Lebanon, Ky. McFarland, Harrison, e. Aug. 2, 1862; died Feb. 6, 1863, at Gallatin, Tenn. 'Milner, George, e. Aug. 9, 1862; died Jan. 23, 1863, at Gallatin, Tenn. Milner, Asa, e. Aug. 9, 1862; died Jan. 25, 1863, at Nashville, Tenn. Stephens, Joseph, e. Aug, 5, 1862; died Jan., 1864, at home of heart disease. Starrett, William F., e. Aug. 7, 1862; died Dec. 26, 1862, at Nashville, Tenn. Wells, Benjamin, e. Aug. 7, 1862; died Oct. 30, 1862, at Danville, Ky. Young, David, e. Aug. 4, 1862; died Oct. 30, - at Danville, Ky. Young, James, e. Aug. 8, 1862; died Nov. 23, 1862, at Nashville, Tenn. TRANSFERRED SERGEANTS. Heyman B. McGaw, e. Aug. 11, 1862; pro. to sergt. Feb. 1, 1863; trans. to inv. corps for phys. disa. Charles Hedges, e. as. priv. Aug. 7, 1862; pro. to corpl. Dec., 1862; trans. to inv. corps on acct. of phys disa. TRANSFERRED. Leander, Am, e. Aug. 11, 1862; lost three fingers from a gun in his own hands; trans. to inv. corps. Fouts, David M., e. Aug. 9, 1862;. trans. to 1st regt. vet. eng. Harper, James, e. Aug. 12, 1862; trans. to 1st regt. vet. eng. Holbrook, Adoniram, e. July 31, 1862; trans. to 17th regt. vol. relief corps. Mead, Samuel, e. Jan. 4, 1864, as priv.; pro. to corpl. Jan. 17, 1865; trans. to 1st regt. inv. corps. Kenison, Josiah, e. Sept. 8, 1863; wounded at Kenesaw Mountain June 22, 1864; trans. to 20th regt. O.V.V. I. Jan. 7, 1865. Longley, Wesley M., e. Aug. 11, 1862; trans. to 26th regt. O.V.V. I. Jan. 7, 1865. Palmer, Jonathan; trans. to v. r. c. Sept. 80, 1863. Sands, John R., trans. to v. r. c. Nov. 1, 1864. Wiseman, Joshua, trans. to v. r. c. July 15, 1864. Company mustered out at Nashville, Tenn., June 10, 1865. COMPANY D, 97TH REGIMENT, O. V. I. Company D was mustered into the United States service at Camp Zanesville, O., Sept. 2, 1862, and was mustered out at Nashville, Tenn., June 10, 1865. OFFICERS. Captain, George S. Davis, e. July 23, 1862; detailed acting major from Sept. 15, 1864, comd. as major, but unable to be mustered on account of the regiment being below the minimum. First Lieutenant, Ira Ellis, e. July 29, 1862; res. Dec. 27, 1862: on account phys. disa.; S. F. O., No. 52. First Lieutenant, Andrew Arrick, m. as second lieut. July 30, 1862; detailed Nov. 27, 1862, in pioneer corps; pro. to first lieut. Dec. 27, 1862; pro. to captain Oct. 18, 1864. First Lieutenant, John S. Adair, e. July 23, 1862; m. as orderly sergt. Sept. 2, 1862; pro. to second lieut. Dec. 27, 1862; appointed acting adj. Aug. 4, 1864; pro. to first lieut.-and trans. to field and staff as adjt. Oct. 18, 1864; WO. at Nashville, 204 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. Tenn., Dec. 16, 1864, by fragment of shell, in right leg. SERGEANTS. Austin Harvey, e. Aug, 8, 1862; pro. to corpl. Sept. 2, 1862, to sergt. March 1, 1863, to orderly sergt. March 1, 1865; m. o. w. c. Israel Hoopes, e. Aug. 1, 1862; pro. to first sergt. Nov. 1, 1863; m. o. w. c. Eli A. Newman, e. Aug. 5, 1862; pro. to corpl. Sept. 2, 1862; to sergt. Aug, 31, 1864; m. o. w. c. Amos J. Croy, e. Aug, 12, 1862; pro. to corpl. March 1, 1863; to sergeant Jan, 1, 1865; m. o. w. c. Joseph Wetherelll, e. Aug. 9, 1862; pro. to corpl. March 1, 1863, to sergt. March 16, 1865;m.o. w.c. Cyrus Faires, e. Aug. 11, 1862; pro. to corpl. March 1, 1863, to sergt. March 16, 1865; m. o. w.c. CORPORALS. Joseph Clark, e. Aug. 12, 1862; pro. to corpl. April 6, 1863; m. o. w. c. Joshua Dewees, e. Aug. 1, 1862; pro. to corpl. Nov. 1, 1863; m. o. w. c. George Crawford, e. Aug. 12, 1862; pro. to corpl. March 1, 1865; m. o. w. c. Alexander Clark, e. Aug. 12, 1862; pro. to corpl. March 1, 1865; m. o. w. c. John Davis, e. Aug. 8, 1862; pro. to corpl. March 1, 1865; m. o. w. c. Jesse Carr, e. Aug. 11, 1862; pro. to corpl. March 1, 1865; m. o. w. c. Martin Livezey, e. Aug. 5, 1862; pro. to corpl. March 16, 1865; m. o. w. c. Elihu Palmer, e. Aug. 9, 1862, as drummer; m. o. w. c. PRIVATES. Bain, ,William S. e. Aug. 8, 1862; m. o. w. c. Brooks, William, Jr., e. Aug. 11, 1862; m. o. w. c. Carpenter, James J. e. Aug. 12, 1862; m. o. w. c. Crawford, John, e. Aug. 5. 1862; m. o. w. c. Diehl, Henry, e. Aug. 11, 1862; m. o. w. c. Davis, John H. e. Aug. 11, 1862; sick at Camp Denison at m. o. Danhauer, Elias, e. Aug. 11,1862; m.o. w. c. Foulke, Evan e. Aug. 6, 1862; m. o. w. c. Gillespie, George A. e. Aug. 11, 1862; m. o. w. c. Huffman, Godfrey E. e. Aug. 5, 1862; sick at m. o. Hess, Alexander, e. Aug. 4, 1864; prisoner of war and killed on the steamer " Sultana." Hart, Hiram, e. Aug. 12, 1862; died from wounds received at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Hoopes, Israel, e. Aug. 1, 1862; m. o. w. Laws, Newton, e. Aug. 9, 1862; sick at Nashville at m. o. Livezey, Thomas S. e. Aug. 11, 1862; m. o. w. c. Martin, William, e. Aug. 13, 1862; m. o. w. c. Newman, George W., e. Sept. 16, 1864; m. o. w. c. Phipps, Aaron, e. Aug. 1, 1862; m. o. w. c. Posey, Benjamin, e. Aug. 7, 1862; m. o w. c. Sands, William D., e. Aug. 11, 1862; sick Nashville, Tenn., at m. o. Spurrier, Martin, e. Aug. 12, 1862; m. o. June 8, 1865. Underwood, John W. e. Aug. 11, 1862; m. o. w. c. DISCHARGED. Sergeant Perley B. Dickerson, e. Aug. 11, 1862, as ,sergt. ; pro. to first sergt. 1862; dis. Nov. 30, 1863, to accept second-lieutenancy, 2d regt. U. S. C. T. Sergeant Samuel C. Gray, e. Aug. 11, 1862, dis, Jan. 31, 1863, at Gallatin, Tenn. Sergeant Leroy S. Holcomb, e. Aug. 11, 1862; corpl. at organization, pro. to sergt. June 23, 1864, dis. March 16, 1865, at Madison, Ind., for disa. from wounds. Corporal Daniel Yocum, e. Aug. 11, 1862; dis. Feb. 13, 1863, at Nashville, Tenn., for disa. from wounds. Corporal David McVey, e. Aug. 9, 1862; dis. Feb. 6, 1863, at Murfreesboro, Tenn., for disa. PRIVATES DISCHARGED. Benjamin, Levi, e. Aug. 11, 1862; dis. April 10, 1863, at Columbus, 0., for phys. disa. Carnahan, Milton, e. Aug. 8, 1862; dis. Nov. 3, 1864, at Columbus, 0. Carty, Nathan B., e. Aug. 4, 1862; dis. Nov 4, 1863, at Gallatin, Tenn. Drake, Henry H., e. Feb. 29, 1864; dis. May 3, 1865. Foulke, Edward, e. Aug. 1, 1862; dis. Feb. 26, 1863, at Gallatin, Tenn. Fisher, Thomas C., e. Aug. 5, 1862; dis. April 18, 1863, at Columbus, 0. Godfrey, Israel D., e. Aug. 9, 1862; dis. Feb. 3, 1863, at Gallatin, Tenn. Israel, William, e. Aug. 1862; dis. Dec. 10, 1862, at Louisville, Ky., disa. from wo. Pierpoint, Albert, e. Aug. 8, 1862; dis. March 31, 1863, at Gallatin, Tenn. Pletcher, Samuel C., e. Aug. 12, 1862; dis March 21, 1863. at Gallatin, Tenn. MILITARY - 205 Plummer. Robert R., e. Aug. 8, 1862; dis. Jan. 17, 1863, at. Gallatin, Tenn. DEATHS. Sergeant Nathaniel Hart, e. Aug. 1, 1862; died Jan. 3, 1865, at Franklin, Tenn. from wo. rec. Nov. 30, 1864, at battle of Franklin. Sergeant William H. Simpson, e. Aug. 8, 1862; corpl. at organization; pro. to sergt. Dec. 27, 1862; died at Kenesaw Mountain, June 23, 1864, from wo. rec. near Marietta, Ga., June 22, 1864. Sergeant Jesse Coulson, e. Aug. 6, 1862, corpl. at organization; pro. to sergt. Nov. 1 ; 1863; died July 17, 1864, at Nashville, Tenn., of wo. rec. June 22, 1864, near Marietta, Ga. Corporal Hiram Palmer, e. Aug. 1, 1862; died July 1, 1863, at Jeffersonville, Ind. Musician James Livezey, e. Aug. 9, 1862; killed Dec. 31, 1862, at Stone River, Tenn. PRIVATES. Bingham, Eli, e. Aug., 1862; killed Nov. 25, 1863, at Mission Ridge, Tenn. Buchanan, William, e. Aug. 9, 1862; died Jan. 14, 1863, at Nashville, Tenn. Baker, Joseph, e. Aug. 11, 1862; died July 18, 1864, at Nashville, Tenn. Brown, Leonard A. J. e. Aug. 12, 1862; killed June 22, 1864, at Kenesaw Mountain. Coyle, Stephenson H. e. Aug. 8, 1862; cap. at Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863; taken to Richmond, Va.; released Feb. 1863, and returned to co.; died June 6, 1864, at Nashville, Tenn., from wo. rec. near Adairsville, Ga., May 17, 1864. Drake, H. H., e. Feb. 28, 1863: m. o. July 19, 1865. Drake, Thomas J., e. Aug. 11, 1862; killed Nov. 30, 1864, at battle of Franklin, Tenn. Deaver, David H., e. Aug. 13, 1862; died Jan. 29, 1863, at Nashville, Tenn. Daugherty, Jesse, e. Aug. 12, 1862; died June 24, 1863, at Nashville, Tenn. Foreaker, Francis M., e. Aug. 13, 1862; died March 3, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn., from wo. rec. at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Harmer, Edward T., e. Aug. 6, 1862; died Jan. 25, 1863, at Nashville, Tenn. Hines, Joseph, e. Aug. 11, 1862; killed Nov. 3Ch 1864, at Franklin, Tenn. Hurd, Jacob, e. Aug. 12, 1862; died March 1, at Murfreesboro, Tenn. Hannum, James, e. Aug. 12, 1862; died April 26, 1864, at Murfreesboro, Tenn., buried at Nashville. Hammond, William H. H., e. Aug. 8, 1862; died Dec. 3, 1863, at Chattanooga, Tenn., from wo, rec, at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Israel, David, e. Aug. 7, 1862; died Feb. 14, 1863, at Murfreesboro, Tenn. Kinzey, Benjamin, e. Aug. 5, 1862; died Jan. 31, 1863, at Nashville, Tenn. Lewis, John, e. Aug. 1, 1862; died March 7, 1863, at Murfreesboro, Tenn. Longstreth, William D., e. Aug. 11, 1862; died Jan. 7, 1863, at Nashville, Tenn. Longstreth, William M., e. Aug. 13, 1862; died March 13, 1863, at Murfreesboro, Tenn. Ralston, James, e. Aug. 9, 1862; died July 4, 1864, at Chattannooga, Tenn. Rine, William L., e. Aug. 12, 1862; died Jan. 18, 1863; at Nashville, Tenn. Riley, Bazil G., e. Aug. 4, 1862; died June 13, 1863, at Murfreesboro, Tenn. Sheets, John A., e. Aug. 11, 81862; died Dec. 22, 1862, at Nashville, Tenn. Timberlake, Lewis, e. Aug. 1, 1862; died Dec. 3, 1863, at Chattanooga, Tenn., from wo. rec. at Mission Ridge. Thompson, Levi, e. Aug. 6, 1862; died Dec. 11, 1862, at Nashville, Tenn. Tavenner, Charles H., e. Aug. 11, 1862; died May 15, 1863, at Camp Denison, O. Warthing, Charles W., e. Aug. 12, 1862; died June 4, 1864, at Dallas, Ga„ from wo. rec. at New Hope Church, Ga. Wiseman, James, e. Aug. 5, 1862; killed June 27, 1864, at Kenesaw Mountain. TRANSFERRED. Sands, George I., e. Aug. 12, 1862; trans. to v. r. c. March 9, 1865. Clendennon, Lewis, e., Feb. 29, 1864; trans. to 26th O. V. V. I. June 7, 1865. Crawford, James, e. Aug. 12, 1862; trans. to v. r. c. Nov. 27, 1868; dia. e. t. a. Sept. 2, 1865. Hoopes, Joseph, e. Aug. 6, 1862; trans. to v. r. c. Aug. 5, 1863. Hawkins, James, O., e. Aug. 5, 1862; trans. to M. B., Louisville, Ky., Jan. 18, 1868. Lees, John W., e. Aug. 9, 1862; trans. to v. r. c. Sept. 30, 1863. McAdoo, James, e. Aug. 11, 1862; trans. to 2d bat. v. r. c. Sept. 30, 1863. Palmer, Jonathan, e. Aug. 1, 1862. Sands, John R„ e. Feb., 1864. Wiseman, Joshua, e. Aug. 11, 1862; trans. to v. r. c. by order war dept. June 5, 1864; m. o. June 30, 1865. Hess, Alexander, e. Aug. 4, 1862; taken pris. Nov. 30, 1864; exchanged and lost on the steamer "Sultana." The following enlisted between Aug. 7 and 12, 1862, inclusive; 206 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. Craig, Oliver, C.; Deaver, Levi L.; Dewees, W. H.; Fell, Aaron; Strahl, James M.; Sarver Benjamin. COMPANY C, 122D REGIMENT. This company was recruited by Geo. J. Henderson and William Glenn, and on the 3d of October, 1862, was mustered into the 122d Regiment, ColOnel W. H. Ball, as Company C, with Geo. J. Henderson captain, William Glenn first and J. S. Paul second lieutenant, and P. F. Power orderly sergeant. The regiment left camp at Zanesville on the 23d of October, 1862, on the steamers " Potwin and "Powell" for Parkersburg, W. Va. On the 5th of December, at New Creek, it was attached to a brigade in General Milroy's Division. Their first march was up the valley of the south branch of the Potomac, through a snow storm, via Petersburg, Hardin County, Va., and Wardensville ; returning to Moorfield on the south branch by way of Romney, the regiment marched to Winchester on the 1st of January, 1863, and, with the 110th Ohio, constituted the garrison of the place under General Milroy, and was continuously engaged in marching, counter-marching and skirmishing with the enemy. On the 14th of June the regiment was engaged the entire day, and on the afternoon it was discovered that the town was surrounded by Ewell's Corps of Lee's army. At 2 a. m., of the 15th, a portion of the garrison, with the 122d in the advance, forced their way through the rebel lines, and arrived at Harper's Ferry on the same day, where they remained until the 1st of July. In this daring enterprise Company C. lost twenty-four men ; one killed, one wounded, and twenty-two taken prisoners—the majority of the captured being in military parlance, stragglers. On the 1st of July the division was ordered to Washington by the canal, and arrived there on the morning, as Captain Henderson Said, "of that glorious Fourth that brought the newS of the capture of Vicksburg, and the defeat of Lee's army at Gettysburg." On the 6th the regiment went by rail to Frederick City, Md., where it was attached to the 3d Army Corps under General Meade. At that time Company C numbered thirty-five men ; fourteen were sent to the hospital, and Lieutenant Glenn, with eight men, was detailed on guard duty at the commissary department, leaving fourteen for duty, who remained and went with Meade's army on the march to the Rappahannock. In August the 122d and 110th were ordered to New York City to give attention to the rioters who were resisting the draft, and were distributed in detachmen through the seditious districts. There they remained until Sep. tember, when they rejoined the brigade in camp on the Rappahannock, where most of the sick and wounded returned. At the battle of Mine Run Company C lost three killed and two wounded. During the winter of 1863 Company C, with the regiment, was encamped on the farm of John Minor Botts, near Brandy Station, Culpepper County, Va. In May, 1864, the company was in the 6th Corps of Grant's army, and wit's engaged in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania and Cold Harbor, in which it lost five killed, six wounded, and nine taken prisoners. After. remaining in front at Petersburg a few weeks, the company with MILITARY - 207 the corps under General H. G. Wright, were ordered to Baltimore to check the advance of Early. In the battle of Monocacy, in July, the company lost two killed, one wounded, and three taken prisoners. The company with the regiment was engaged in the battle of Opequan, preceding that of Winchester on the 19th of September, when the regiment may have occupied the same camping-ground so unceremoniously left nearly one year previous. At the battles of Fisher's Hill, September 22 and Cedar Creek, October 22, the company lost two killed and three wounded. In December the regiment returned to the front at Petersburg, and was engaged in active Service until Lee's surrender, when the division was ordered to Danville, Va. After Johnson's surrender to Sherman the regiment returned to Washington, and on the 25th of June, 1865, was mustered out of the service. ORIGINAL ORGANIZATION OF COMPANY C, 122D O. V. I.. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain, George J. Henderson, commissioned Aug. 11, 1862. First Lieutenant, William Glenn, commissioned Aug. 11, 1862. Second Lieutenant, J. S. Paul, commissioned Aug. 11, 1862. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant, B. F. Power, Second Sergeant, Loren Devol. Third Sergeant, Jacob Henderson. Fourth Sergeant, D. C. Blondin. Fifth Sergeant, Ellis Miller. Corporal, C. J. Gibson. Corporal, W. J. Devol. Corporal, A. W. Bell. Corporal, J. C. Murduck. Corporal A. Williams. Corporal, W. D. Mercer. Corporal, Silas Fouts. Corporal, A. S. Purcell. COMPANY C, 122D REGIMENT, O. V. I. OFFICERS. Captain, George J. Henderson, commissioned Aug. 11, 1862; dis. Feb. 14, 1865, on surg. cert. of disa. Captain, Benjamin F. Power, e. Aug. 16. 1862, as private; pro. to first sergt., to first lieut. and trans. to Co. G., 122d; pro. to rapt. and trans. to Co. C. Dec. 13, 1864. First Lieutenant, Dewitt C. Blondin, e, Aug. 16, 1862; pro. from sergt. to second lieut., and trans. to Co. H, Nov. 14, 1863, to first lieut., and assigned to Co. B., Aug. 8, 1864. First Lieutenant. William Glenn, e. Aug. 11, 1862; dis. Sept. 21, 1864, on surg. cert. of disa. Second Lieutenant, Judson S. Paul, e. Aug. 11, 1862; dis. by general order No. 82, to date from May 15, 1865; taken prisoner at Manchester, Va., June 15, 1863. First Sergeant, Alex. W. Bell, e. Aug. 22, 1862; pro. to first sergt. Jan. 1, 1865.. Sergeant, Loren Devol, e. Aug. 15, 1862, as sergt. Sergeant, Jacob Henderson, m. as sergt. at or ganization of co. and detailed by order of Gov. of Ohio for duty in q. m. dept. Sergeant, Silas Fouts, e. Aug. 16, 1862; pro. to sergt. Jan. 1, 1865. Sergeant, Solomon Rowland, e. Aug. 22, 1862; pro. to sergt. from corp. Feb. 6, 1865. Sergeant, Alexander S. Purcell, e. Aug. 22, 1862; pro. from corp. to sergt. April 14; 1865. Corporal; Robt P. McCoy, e. Aug. 22, 1862. Corporal, Joshua.H. Tracy, e. Aug. 22, 1862. Corporal, John W. Mead, e. Aug. 22, 1862. Corporal, John Arrick, e. Aug. 22, 1862. Corporal, Thomas Baker, e. Aug. 22, 1862. Corporal, Alexander Young, e. Aug. 22, 1862. PRIVATES. Browning, Benj. F., e. Aug. 16, 1862. Bell, Ebenezer, e. Aug. 22, 1862. Beach, Daniel, e. Feb. 18, 1864. Campbell, James, e. Aug. 22, 1864. Conlee, John T., e. Feb. 8, 1864. Conlee, Sardine, e. Feb. 19, 1864. Chapman, James, e. June 11, 1864. Downing, John, e. Aug. 22, 1862. Donovan, Walter L., e. Aug. 28, 1862; dis. Oct. 30, 1864, surg..cert. of disa. Fouts, Anthony, e. Aug. 22, 1862. Fouts, Israel, e. Oct. 20, 1862. Gregg, Gus. W. W., e. Aug. 22, 1862. Gregg, George W., e. Aug. S2, 1862. Groves, Amos, e. Oct. 23, 1862. 208 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. Gilpin, Rufus, e. Nov. 5, 1868. Harper, Fenton, e. Aug. 16, 1862. Lawrence, William P., e. Oct. 15, 1862. Sealock, John W., e. Aug. 22, 1862. Sealock, John H., e. Feb 29, 1864. Towers, W. T., e. Oct. 17, 1863; m. o. w. c. Waller, Nathan, e. Aug. 22, 1862. PRISONERS OF WAR. Carr, Lemuel N., e. Aug. 22, 1862; captured at Cold Harbor, Va., June 13, 1864; paroled March 1, 1865. Garrett, William A., taken prisoner at Monocacy, Md., July, 1864; paroled Feb. 21, 1865. Thompson, George W., e. Aug. 22, 1862; captured at Monocacy, Md., July 9, 1864; paroled Feb. 21, 1865. Briscoe, John R., e. Aug. 22, 1862; captured at Cold Harbor, Va., June 13, 1864; died a prisoner at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 21, 1864. Richey, John, e. Aug. 22, 1862; captured at Monocacy, Md., July 9, 1864; died in prison at Danville, Va., Sept. 18, 1864. Sears, Ansley B., e. Aug. 22, 1862; taken prisoner June 13, 1864. Williams, A., e. Aug. 22, 1862; captured at Wilderness Tavern May 6, 1864; died in prison Nov. 24, 1864. SICK AT MUSTER OUT. Henderson, William, e. Aug. 22, 1862. Hall, John N., e. Aug. 22, 1862; sick in hospital at Washington, D. C. Murphy, David, e. Aug. 18, 1862; sick in hospital at Baltimore, Md. KILLED IN ACTION. Thompson, Charles W., e. Aug. 22, 1862; killed at Monocacy, Md., July 9, 1864. Campbell, James W., e. Aug. 22, 1862; killed at Wilderness Tavern May 6, 1864. Dempster, Hickman B., e. Aug. 9, 1862; killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Aug. 19, 1864. Ellis, Simeon, e„ Aug. 22, 1862; killed at Winchester, Va., June 15, 1863. Green, Edwin, e. Aug. 22, 1862; killed at Mine Run, Va., Nov. 27, 1863. Shinn, James, killed in battle of Wilderness May 6, 1864. Greer, John H., e. Aug. 22, 1862; killed at Monocacy, Md., July 9, 1864. Morling, John, e. Aug. 22, 1862; killed at Mine Run, Va., Nov. 27, 1863: Outcalt, Samuel B., e. Aug. 22, 1862; killed at Wilderness Tavern, Va., May 6, 1864. Phillips, William N.. e. Aug. 22, 1862; killed at Mine Run, Va., Nov. 27, 1863. DIED OF WOUNDS. Burr, Alfred, e. Oct. 20, 1863, died ,June 1, 1864, of wounds received at Wilderness Tavern, Va., May 6, 1864. Hooper, John, e. Aug. 15, 1862; died Oct. 27, 1864, of wounds received at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864 Wilson, James W., e. Aug. 22, 1862; killed June 7, 1864, at Coal Harbor, Va. Henderson, George B., e. Sept. 30, 1862; dis. April 3, 1865; disa. from wounds received at battle of Wilderness. DISCHARGED. Power, Benjamin F., dis. July 12, 1864, to accept pro. as first lieut. Blondin, Dewitt C., dis. Aug. 1, 1864, to accept pro. as second lieut. Miller, Ellis, e. Aug. 18, 1862; dis. Atig. 11, 1863, for disa.. Murdock, Jackson C., e. Aug. 22, 1862; m. as fourth cor,p1.; pro. to sergt. Feb. 9, 1864; dis. Feb. 6, 1865; disabled from wounds received at Monocacy, Md., July 9, 1864. Mercer, William D., e. Aug. 18, 1862; dis. April 15, 1865, for wounds received in action. Devol, W. J., e. Aug. 14, 1862; dis. Sept. 15, 1863. Gibson, Charles J., e. Aug. 22, 1862; dis. Nov. 25, 1863, to accept pro. as second lieut. Wilson, William, e. Aug. 18, 1862; dis. on account of wounds received Feb. 4, 1864. Browning, Edwin P., e. Aug. 16, 1862; dis. Jan. 18, 1864, on account of disa. Collins, William C., e. Aug. 22, 1862; dis. for disa. Jan. 30, 1865. Doniphan, Walter L., e. Aug. 22, 1862; dis. for disa. Sept. 22, 1853. Downing, David, e. Aug. 22, 1862; dis. for disa. Feb. 21, 1863. Harmon, George W., c. Aug. 16, 1862; dis. for disa. Nov. 13, 1863. Harrison, Job C., e. Aug. 23, 1862; dis. for disa. May 11, 1865. Knox, Medill, e. Aug. 22, 1862; dis. April 28, 1865, for wounds received June, 1863. Marion, Marshall, e. Feb. 18, 1864; dis. May 13, 1865; wounds received in action. Robinson, Eldridge, e. Aug. 22, 1862; dis. June 15, 1865, for disa. Severance, Benjamin, e. Aug. 22, 1862; dis. May 19, 1865, for disa. Shinn, Charles T., e. Feb. 18, 1864; dis. May 24, 1865, for disa. Thompson, James W., e. Aug. 22, 1862; dis. Aug. 3, 1863, for disa. MILITARY - 209 Turner, John, e. Sept. 29, 1862; dis. May 13, 1865, for wounds received in action. Carr, Ellis C., e. Aug. 22, 1862; dis. May 14, 1865. TRANSFERRED. Patterson, John T., e. Aug. 22, 1862; trans. to non-corn. staff as principal musician, May 18, 1863. Gray, Andrew J., e. Aug 17, 1862; trans. to v. r. c. June 18, 1864. Rickey, Andrew, e. Aug 22, 1862; trans. to v. r. c. June 18, 1864. Miller, Stephen, e. Aug. 22, 1862; trans. to q.-m. dept. March 4, 1865. Marquart, Russell, e. Aug 7, 1862; trans. to q. r. c. April 1, 1865. DIED. Glenn, Benjamin F., e. Aug. 16, 1862; died Feb. 8, 1865. Lawrence, David, e. Aug. 22, 1862; died in hospital at Winchester, Va., June 6, 1863. Mousley, William T., e. Aug. 26, 1862; died in hospital at Washington, D. C., July 10, 1863. Mitzel, Emanuel, e. Aug. 22, 1862; died in hospital at Martinsburg, Va., Sept. 5, 1863. Campbell, Sherman' R., e. Sept. 30, 1862; died in reg. hospital Nov. 12, 1863. Gooden, Moses, e. Aug. 22, 1862; missing at Wildernesstown, Va., May 6, 1864. The dates of the enlistment of the following are from August 15 to August 22, inclusive : Diele, George W.; Holmes, Oliver; Hastings, Adam; Moody, Bartholomew; McGrath, John L.; Needham, Henry; Jones, Peter. COMPANY D, 9TH CAVALRY. This company was recruited in October and November of 1862. On the 28th of November it was in camp at Zanesville, and was attached to the 9th Ohio Cavalry as Company D, E. S. Hoagland captain, Stephen R. Hill first and A. T. Hamilton Second lieutenants. In December the companies at Zanesville were ordered to Camp Dennison, where they were drilled until the 1st of April, 1863, and then ordered to report for duty at Lexington, Ky., where, or in the vicinity, they remained until the 15th of June, 1863. Company D, rank and filed, comprised seventy-nine men. Captain Hoagland continued in command until February 11, 1863, when he was appointed chaplain to the regiment, which place he resigned August 20, 1864. Lieutenant Hill continued in the service until 1863, when he was honorably discharged. The data is not at hand to aster tain who of the company were their successors, with the exception of Second Lieutenant A. I. Hamilton, who was promoted to first lieutenant and to captain February, 1865, and was killed, or died of wounds, in March following. The tracing of the regiment through Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina, where, although it was actively and effectively engaged, loses somewhat of its interest when the company is not apparently prominent COMPANY D, 9TH O. V. CAVALRY.* OFFICERS. Captain Ezekiel S. Hoagland. First Lieutenant, Stephen R. Hill. Second Lieutenant, A. I. Hamilton. Quartermaster Sergeant, John Hill. Com. Sergeant, William Hibler. Sergeant, David Shafer. Sergeant, David M. Dougherty Sergeant, George Morrison. Sergeant, William Ethel. Sergeant, Finley Ryan. Sergeant, George Walters. Sergeant, Ralph Hoagland. Sergeant, Augustus Fouts. Corporal, Hiram Finley. Corporal, Jefferson J. Stewart. Sergeant, James M. Davis, killed on steamer Sultana. *The publishers are indebted to Mr. J. J. Stewart for assistance rendered them in the compilation of the roster of this company, and regret that they were unable to obtain dates of enlistment, muster out, etc The larger part of the company were recruited in October and November, 1862, 210 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. Corporal, William J. Boden. Veterinary Surgeon, John Hamilton. Blacksmiths, Pat. G. Matson, Benj. Mitchleson. Saddler, John F. McGowan. Teamster, J. T. Lyons. Teamster, James Singree. PRIVATES Ammons, George Brooks, James. Brown, William. Brown, George. Barnhart, Louis. Barnhart, Joseph. Barkheimer, Willia Beatty, Bartley. Bell, Charles. Burgoon, Joseph. Camp, James. Collins, Lewis. Crow, William P. Cass, Peter. Cunningham, Robert Davis, George. Fulton, James. Finney, James. Gheen, John. Haines, Davis. Hamilton, John. Harlan, B. H. Harmon, Cyrus. Huffman, Samuel. Jackson, William Jewett, Daniel. Jewett, Nathan. Joy, Harrison W. Joy, Simon P. Kean, George 0. Kean, Isaac P. M. Kean, William. Kidd, James R. Lee, Samuel. Lyons, J. T. Mautz, August. Meune, William G. B. Meune, John H. Miller, Alonzo. Morrison, Aaron. Morrison, Nathaniel. McGill, William. McGill, George. McGill, Thomas. Peaus, Joseph F. Pettit, James. Pettit, Cornelius. Perry, Israel. Pierce, William. Peavy, Israel. Switzer, John A. Savage, James. Sheets, William. Smith, Joshua D. Snediker, William H. Stall, Bishop D. Trimble, Benton. White, John D. Woodburn, Samuel F. Wells, Benjamin. Wheeler, Joseph C. White, Sylvanus. DIED Haines, Davis. Huffman, Peter. Meune, William G Shaffer, David. Gable, Daniel. Walters, George. DISCHARGED Ethel, Henry J. Hibler, William. Jewett, Daniel. Peairs, Joseph F. Wells, Benjamin. Wheeler, Joseph C Joy, Harrison W. Hamilton, John. Lee, Samuel. Porter, John A. Stewart, J. J. TRANSFERRED Herron, William A. Singree, James. Hiram Finley. Moshier, Aaron. Timothy J. Lyons. 161ST REGIMENT OHIO NATIONAL GUARD. It will be remembered that the military organization of the county, as well as elsewhere in the State, had become unpopular, and the parades of the "Cornstalk Militia" were contemned and abandoned, that all the paraphernalia of war which the State had distributed, was, at least in our county, otherwise appropriated. And although the insufficiency of the militia law was apparent, little attention had been given to it until 1856 or 1857, after which at every session of the legislature an amendatory law was passed ; the last was that of March 31, 1864, the principal features of which were the organization of the active militia of the State as a "national guard." Under this law four companies were recruited on the weSt side of the river : In Malta Township, Company B, Robert Lutton, captain ; Samuel Price, first lieutenant ; F. A. Daniels, Second lieutenant. In Penn Township, Company U, Eli G. Coulson, captain ; James Lewis, first lieutenant ; George Matson, second lieutenant. In Marion Township, Company I (afterward K), ASa Vincent, captain John Galbreath, first lieutenant ; Will iam J. Weller, second lieutenant. In York Township, Company —, George W. Deaver, captain. On the 11th of August, 1863, the four companies met, organized the 43d battalion, and elected George S. Corner, lieutenant-colonel. On the 23d of April, 1864, the adjutant-general, R. B. Cowan, called the regiment and battalion into service with orders to rendezvouS at such place as the commanding officer might designate on the second of May, and to re- MILITARY - 211 port by telegraph by 4 o'clock p. m. Accordingly Colonel Corner ordered the four companies to meet in Malta at the time designated, and on Wednesday, May 4th, the battalion left for Camp Chase. In the mustering of the battalion into the regiment the number of men rejected reduced the battalion to three companies, and Captain Deaver's company was disbanded and the accepted men distributed to other companies, retaining him as first lieutenant. The companies were then mustered into the regiment, as B, G and K, with a battalion of four companies from Tuscarawas, three from Noble and one from Hancock, as the 161st regiment O. V. I., with Colonel, O. P. Taylor, of Tuscarawas ; Lieutenant-Colonel, George S. Corner, Morgan ; Adjutant, W. A. Bovey, Tuscarawas; Quartermaster, M. McDaniel, Morgan. Immediately after the organization on the 9th of May, the regiment was ordered to Cumberland, Md., where it arrived on the 12th and remained until the 28th, when it was ordered to Martinsburgh, Va. On the 4th of June five companies, A, B, D, F and H, with other troops under Colonel Corner, were ordered to support a heavy supply train for General Hunter, supposed to be near Staunton, Va. The route was up the Shenandoah Valley, but General Hunter was not overtaken until the 11th at Lexington. The escort went with Hunter's army nearly to Lynchburg, when it was ordered back to Martinsburgh with the train, then consisting of over one hundred wagons and ambulances with many sick and wounded, one hundred and fifty prisoners, and a number of contrabands. The escort left Hunter's army on the 17th and over hostile hills and rough roads a distance of 500 miles, reached Beverly on the 28th ; after a .rest of two days arrived at Webster on the 30th; thence by rail to Martinsburgh, and on the 2d of July marched out to Hainesville and rejoined the regiment at 8 p.m. But the stay was brief, the troops being ordered immediately back to Martins- burgh, where they arrived about daylight, and after remaining in line of battle until 11 a.m., commenced falling back through Shepardstown and Sharps- burgh to Maryland Heights. Skirmishing commenced on the morning of the 6th and continued for two days, in which the brigade, with the regiment, took an active part, and afterviard took position in Stone Fort and assisted in the defense of the Heights until the rebels were driven from the Shenandoah Valley. On the 25th of August the regiment was ordered to Ohio, and on the 2d day of September was mustered out of the service. The battalion was never afterward mustered. Captain Lutton, of Company B, 161, relates the following incident which took place while the company was in the Shenandoah Valley. He says : " I was officer of the night and, in company with Sergeant Stubbs, started out to inspect the picket posts. The moon was shining brightly and we found two of the posts readily. We had not gone far before we discovered what we supposed was another post. Just at this time the moon became slightly obscured by a cloud and Sergeant Stubbs, who was slightly in advance, thinking it to be the post we were looking for, walked up to them.. The moon came from 212 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. under the cloud and I saw that. Stubbs was surrounded by a squad dressed in gray. I immediately sprang back and was called upon to halt. Click went the locks of their muskets but for some - inexplicable cause their guns missed fire. Had they not done siso I should have been literally blown to pieces. I lost no time in getting back, but Sergeant Stubbs was a prisoner from that Saturday night until the next Tuesday, when he was paroled and caught up with the command." COMPANY B, 161st 0. V. I. This company was organized by Captain Robert Lutton, and was mustered into the service at Camp Chase, May 9, 1864. The company was mustered out September 2, 1864, unless otherwise specified. OFFICERS. Captain, Robert Lutton. First Lieutenant, Samuel Price. Second Lieutenant, Fenton L. Daniels. Orderly Sergeant, Frank B. Manly. Second Sergeant,-Solomon S. Beckwith. Third Sergeant, Henson Spurrier. Fourth Sergeant, Perly J. Stanbery. Fifth Sergeant, Isaac Stubbs. Corporal, John Bally. Corporal, Jacob Golden. Corporal, William H. Weitzell. Corporal, Joel Walker. Corporal, David C. Ray. Corporal, Benjamin Severance. Corporal, Jesse W. Bumgardner. Corporal, Joseph Lent. Musician, John R. Kirby. Musician, William Stubbs. PRIVATES. Anderson, Jesse. Berry, Reese W. Bricker, James H. Browning, Samuel, Benjamin, James. Bailey, James D. Beckwith, Laban. Berry, Joseph T. Cook, Payton. Cowan, John. Corner, William J. Clements, John R. Cornelius, Alfred G. Cope, Jacob. Corner, Watson L. Doudna, Henry. Dolson, Charles H. Davidson, Mannassa. Dunlap, William. Pierpoint, Amos. Ellis, Benjamin A. Patterson, John D. Fox, Jacob. Price, George. Hotchkiss, Amos. Risen, Thomas. Hickerson, Thronton. Reid, George W. Hotchkiss, Henry. Sands, Miles. Harrison, John W. Scott, Andrew. Humphrey, Benjamine. Smith, Daniel J. Hambleton, Benj. K. Smith, William R. Henry, John. Scovell, William C. James, Henry C. Smith, Francis, M. Massey, John. Timns, James. Martin, Isaac. Townsend, Geo. 0. Martin, Jonathan. Taylor, George. McGrew, Finley B. Tims, Henry C. McComas, Jesse. Updike, Richard H. L. Marion, Daniel. Wilds, Samuel. Newman, David J. Whitaker, Lyman. Osborn, George. Wiseman, Patrick H. Pettitt, James. Weston, William. Palmer, William P. Walker, John G. Palmer, Jogeph T. Wetherell, Edwin. Pennel, Abram. The following were sick at muster out : Bailey, John Scott, Andrew. Clements, John R. Timns, Henry C. Massey, John. PROMOTIONS. Moses MacDaniel, pro. to refit. quarter-master, May 9, 1864. James M. Rusk, pro. to quarter-master sergt. May 9, 1864, by special order. DIED. John J. Briggs, at general hospital at Annapolis, Md., July 19, 1864. Joel Walker, date not given. COMPANY G, 161ST 0. V. I. This company was enrolled at Malta May 2, 1864, and mustered out of the service September 2, 1864, unless otherwise stated. OFFICERS. Captain, Eli G. Coulson. First Lieutenant, James J. Lewis. Second Lieutenant, George M. Matson. First Sergeant, Dennis M. Bingham. Sergeant, John K. Hitchcock. Sergeant, William H. Scott. Sergeant, William L. Wade. MILITARY - 213 Sergeant, John T. L. Naylor. Corporal, Alexander Bailey. Corporal, Lewis Tompkins. Corporal, George Thompson. Corporal, Jonathan Naylor. Corporal, Jerome I). Hann. Corporal, David P. Hann. Corporal, George W. Cain. Corporal, John Hooper. Musician, Allen Coulson. Musician, David T. Moore. PRIVATES. Archer, Samuel. Bain, Addison, Baigman, Mathias. Barkhurst, Charles V Bingham, Ezra. Carver, Edward. Cook, William. Chaney, William. Calvert, Stewart. Crooks, Jacob. Dome, Robert S. Deaver, William P. Ellis, Eli. Ewing, William V. Hoops, Caleb C. Hooper, George. Harris, Reason J. Henry, William. Harkins, Levi. Hann, James W. Harvy, Andrew S. Helmick, C. Amos. Jennings, Enos E. Justice, James R. Jones, Jacob, Jr. Kinsey, William. Kelley, John. Lightner, John. Lindsey, Thomas P. Lamasters, George W. McVey, David. Moody, John F. Mclnturf, Daniel. Mendenhall, Benj. F. Moody, James. Morgan, Daniel. Mercer, Daniel. Mallet, John. Matson, Alvertus H. Newsom, William. Naylor, George W. Oliver, Thomas. Perry, Harvey. Pletcher, Israel. Phrush, David. Rose, Caleb H. Roberts, Wash. V. D. Russel, Marion. Rusco, Warren. Simpson, Luther B. Sidwell, Plummer Shepard, William. Thompson, Eli. Thompson, Joshua R. Thompson, William G. Woodward, Cydnor B. Winner, David. Walraam, George. Williams, Martin. Young, William A. Wood, James. Youngblue, Jesse. DIED. Bingman, Ezra, died in hospital at Cumberland, Md., July 21, 1864. COMPANY K, 161ST O. V. I. Company K, 161st O. V. I., was mustered into the service at Camp Chase, Ohio, May 2, 1864, and was mustered out at the same place September 2, 1864. OFFICERS. Captain, Asa Vincent. First Lieutenant, John Galbreath. Second Lieutenant, William J. Weller. Orderly Sergeant, Elijah G. Lees. Second Sergeant, Otho Elliott. Third Sergeant, W. A. Rogers. Fourth Sergeant, Dexter G. Leroy. Fifth Sergeant, Robert C. McMichael. Corporal, Andrew Ralston. Corporal, Elijah Williams. Corporal, Lewis Andrews. Corporal, Ebenezer E. Law. Corporal, John R. Tibles. Corporal, William Johnson. Corporal, Wallace R. Woodyard. Corporal, Isaac L. Simmers. PRIVATES. Braderick, William. Brown William. Beesly, Sergeant. Beatty, Aclison. Bates, Abner. Clark, George E. Cope, Nathan P. Doan Joseph. Danford, Robert R. Daugherty, James T. Daugherty, William H. Daugherty, Thomas. Daugherty, Harrison. Elliott, Isaac. Fell, William Falconer, John. Gardner, Joseph. Gray, Samuel C. Gray, Edgar W. Hammond, Mordecai. Hale, William. Hutton, Jesse. Hazen, George A. Hivenor, Joseph. Harrison, W. Joy. Law, John. Lewis, Walter J. Lunsford, Benjamin. Lewis, George J. Law, John W. Lazarus, William. Longstreth, Thomas. Mathews, John E. Mathews, Charles W. Mosier, Moses Moody, J. W. Moody, Eli W. Moody, Francis M. Moody, Jaws W: Miller, Hiel D. Newton, Joseph. Nott, Oscar B. Osten, James. Phillips, Francis M. Posey, Harrison. Pletcher, Hiram Pletcher, Wesley A. Pletcher Michael. Pletcher Chester. Pletcher, William W. Ralston, John. Randal, John. Steffy, Hiram. Steffy, Samuel. Steffy, John. Smith, Francis M. Simmers, George W. Simmers, Jacob. Strahl, Isaac. Stanberry, Jacob M. Southard, Erastus M. Tryon, Ephraim. Tryon, William E. Tryon, Theodore S. Wagner, John. Wade, Thomas N. Wolf, Morris D. Weller, Joseph A. Woodard, Carry J. DIED. Williams, Elijah, at Cumberland, Md., July 5, 1864. 214 - HISTORY OV MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. Daugherty, William, Camp Chase, Ohio, Sept. 5, 1864. Daugherty, Harrison, at Camp Distribution, Va., Aug. 14, 1864. COMPANY I, 1ST REGIMENT, HEAVY ARTILLERY. In May and June of 1863, A. G. Cornelius (who had a commission from the governor for that purpose), Alexander Lewis, George Z. Dickerson, C. C. Mingus and David Foster recruited a company of 150 men, and on the 5th day of July left Malta for Columbus, where they spent the first night on the floor of the state house, and next morning were ordered to Cincinnati to organize the company. On arriving at Cincinnati the company went into camp on Covington Heights, where, according to the following statement—which appears to be at least official—the organization was perfected : "Fort Wright, July 25, 1863. The company, commanded by Lieutenant Lewis, this day met and organized by calling P. Palmer to the chair, and appointed H. Ward and A. P. Whitaker, secretarieS. "On motion of C. C. Mingus it was unanimously resolved that Lieutenant A. Lewis be elected captain of this company, whereupon he was elected unanimously. (He left the company however at Camp Burnside and was not again in command until Nov. of 1864.) " There being four lieutenants balloted for the following persons were elected : First lieutenant, George Z. Dickerson ; second lieutenant, C. C. Mingus; third lieutenant, David Foster; fourth lieutenant, H. Shoop." "All of which is respectfully submitted to Colonel C. G. Hawley, commanding 1st Regiment H. A., 0. V.; H. Ward and A. P. Whitaker, secretaries." The company was then divided into gun squads, and put into the forts and redoubts on the Heights, under the impression that Morgan in his raid would give Cincinnati a call. In September the company was sent from Covington to Lexington, where it performed provost duty in the city until the middle of January, 1864, when it was ordered with the regiment to Knoxville, Tenn., to aid Burnside, who was surrounded in the city by Longstreet. The march was through Camp Nelson, Crab Orchard and Somerset to Camp Burnside, at the head of the Cumberland River. There the company left their wagons, and, having previously turned over their artillery were armed with Enfield rifles, started over the mountains with pack mules, 200 pounds on each mule, and after nine days' marching through snow and sleet reached Knoxville, and went into camp on Temperance Hill. During the last three days the command was on half rations of " hard tack." While at Temperance Hill detachments of the company were in a number of skirmishes with the rebels ; one with Wheeler on hiS raid, with eight or ten thousand cavalry between Loudon and Knoxville, and another on Strawberry Plains, where he waS prevented from crossing the river, besides the capture of a 20 lb. Parrot gun. Some time in August General Vaughn, with his rebel cavalry, attacked and repulsed General Gillem at Bull's Gap. Company I and four others of the regiment were ordered to reinforce him. The combined force gave him a running fight from Strawberry Plains through Greenville, on to Jonesburg-over one hundred miles from Knoxville—to Carter's Station, on the Watauga River, MILITARY - 215 where was a fortification in which Vaughn and Debril took position and assumed the defensive. After a fight, by the efficient aid of Company I in supporting a battery, they were driven out of the fortification. After a hard march of several days the companies were at Cleveland, Tenn., where they were ordered on a train as body guard to General Schofield, and ran down to Chattanooga. At this time it was uncertain as to whether General Hood's object was Knoxville or Nashville. On the arrival of the company at Cleveland, Captain Lewis returned and took charge of the company. Lieutenant Dickerson was detailed as adjutant of the regiment for several months, then served as quarter-master until he was placed in command of Company F, and was not again with Company I for duty. Prior to this time the company had a number of hard marches. One was a raid made by the company into the border of North Carolina, near Ashville, during one week of which they were without rations, except fresh beef that had been driven from Ohio without feed, except what browse they could gather along the road-this, with a pint of cornmeal per day, and no salt and no complaints. At the time of the muster-out there was $260 company fund on hand, which was placed in the custody of Lieutenant Dickerson and waS by him distributed to the families of the deceased memberS. The muster-out was at Camp Dennison August 1, 1865. COMPANY I, 1ST REGIMENT O. V. (HEAVY) ARTILLERY. OFFICERS. Captain, Alexander Lewis, e. May 26, 1863. First Lieutenant, George Z. Dickerson, e. May 2, 1863; pro. July 24, 1863. First Lieutenant, Lewis Ferris, e. Feb. 8, 1865. First Lieutenant, Calvin C. Mingus, e. June 1, 1853 ; res. Jan. 17, 1865. Second Lieutenant, David Foster, e. Jan. 10, 1863 ; res. Nov. 20, 1863. Second Lieutenant, Hugh Shoop, e. July 8, 1833 ; res. Nov. 20, 1863. Second Lieutenant, Thomas W. Terry, e. Dec. 23, 1863 ; died March 3, 1864, Camp Burnsides, Ky. Second Lieutenant, William C. Cole, e. Dec 20, 1863. Second Lieutenant, David Snoddy, e. June 12, 1863. First Sergeant, George A. Wetherell. Quarter-master Sergeant, Ebenezer B. Dolson. Sergeant, Israel R. Disbro, e. June 1; 1863, as corpl ; pro. to sergt. Aug. 10, 1863 ; m. o. w. c. Sergeant, Harmon S. Benjamin, e. July 17, 1863, as private; pro. to sergt.; m. o. w. c. Sergeant, Cyrus K. Lansley, e. June 10, 1863, as corpl.; pro. to sergt.; m. o. w. c. Sergeant, Andrew C. Crooks, e. Dec. 27, 1863, as private; pro. to sergt.; m.o.w.c. Sergeant, Cydnor T. Anderson, e. June 11, 1863; pro. to corpl., then to sergt. May; m. o. w. c. Sergeant, Albert P. Whitaker, e. June 17, 1863, as corpl.; pro. to sergt. Nov. 1, 1864, and m.o. w. c. Corporal, Theodore F. Lent, e. June 13, 1863, as private; pro. to corpl.; m.o.w.c. Corporal, Wm. M. Forrest, e. July 1, 1863; pro. to corpl. Aug. 10, 1864; m.o.w.c. Corporal, Stephen B. Eveland, e. June 5, 1863; Corporal, Nicholas Pletcher, e. June, 5, 1863 ; pro. to corpl . ; m.o.w.c. Corporal, William H. Price, e. June 5, 1863; pro. to corpl.; m.o.w.c. Corporal, Jacob M. Power, e. Aug. 25, 1863; pro. to corpl.; m.o.w.c. Corporal, Peter J. Walters, e. June 24, 1863; pro. to corpl. and m.o.w.c. Corporal, Samuel Coss, e. June 29, 1863; pro. to corpl. and m.o.w.c. Corporal, ,Henry Massey, e. June 13, 1863; pro. to corpl. ; m.o.w.c. Corporal, Hiram M. Allard, e. June 5, 1863; pro. io corpl. and m.o.w.c. Corporal, Aaron A. Price, e. June 19, 1863; pro. to corpl. and m.o. w .c Corporal, Luther Wetherell, e. June 7, 1863; appointed musician, Aug. 10, 1863; reduced to the ranks June 1, 1864; pro. To corpl. May 17, 1865, and m.o.w.c. 216 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. PRIVATES. Archer, Jesse, e. June 2, 1863; m.o.w.c. Allard, Ebenezer, e June 5, 1863; m.o.w.c. Barnhouse, Moses, e, June 14, 1863; m.o.w.c. Beor, George W. e. June 27, 1863; m.o.w..c Ball, William, e. June 27, 1863; m.o.w.c. Bingman, Abram, e. June 5, 1863; m.o.w.c. Brown, Lewis, e. June 18, 1863; m.o.w.c. Barren, Wm. W., e. May 27, 1863; m.o.w.c. Bullock, Lewis, e. July 5, 1863; m.o.w.c. Baker, Nathaniel S., e. June 20, 1863; in. o. w. c. Baker, Isaac A., e. June 12, 1863; m. o. w. c. Baughman, John A., e. June 5, 1863; m. o. w. c. Benjamin, George W., e. May 20, 1863; m. o. w. c. Benjamin, James L., e. June 1, 1863; m. o. w. c. Brownell, James, e. June 18, 1863; m. 0. w. c. Bomcrots, Jacob, e. May 27, 1863; in. o. w. c. Brooks, Joseph W., e. June 18, 1863; m. o. w. c. Bainbridge, Justen, e. Feb. 11, 1864; m.o.w.c. Blunden, James W., e. Feb. 27, 1864; m. o. w. c. Burmaster, Henry, e. Jan. 5, 1864; m. o. w. c. Burley, William N., e. Oct. 12, 1864; m. o. w. c. Chandler, John W., e. June 18, 1863; m. o. w. c. Carpenter, Oliver, e, June 18, 1863; in. o. w. c. Coon, Sylvester, e. June 27, 1863; in. o. w. c. Canady, Thomas I., e. July 4, 1863; m.o.w.c. Cook, Henry W., e. June 5, 1863; as q.-m. sergt. m. o. w. c. Deaver, Lloyd T., e. June 27, 1863; m. o. w. c. Deaver, Wesley F., e. June 27, 1863; m.o.w.c. Disbro, Ruel L., e. June 16, 1863; m. o. w. c. Doran, Emanuel, e. June 15, 1863; m. o. w. c. Danford, Harvey, e. June 25, 1863; in. o. w. c. Davis, John, e. June 27, 1863; m. o. w. c. Dille, Lewis, e. July 3, 1863; m. o. w. c. Davidson, Aaron, e. July 4, 1863; m. o. w. c. Donovan, William M., e. June 10, 1863; in. o. w. c. Diselm, Robert I., e. Oct. 12, 1864; m. o. w. c. Evans, Amos M., e. June 6, 1863; m. o. w. c. Engle, James, e. Nov. 11, 1863; in. o. w. c. Easley, John W., e. Nov. 22, 1864; m. o. w. c. Fouts, Isaac, e. June 26, 1863; m. o. w. c. Fitzgerald, Daniel, e. Mar. 16, 1863 ; m.o.w.c. Galbreath, Samuel, e. July 5, 1863; m. o. w. c. Gardner, Nelson, e. June 17, 1863; m. o. w. c. Hall, Job, e. June 28, 1863; m. o. w. c. Joy, Harvey H., e. June 1, 1863; m. o. w. c. Joy, James H., e. June 1, 1863; m. o. w. c. Jadwin, Henry, e. June 27, 1863; m. o. w. c. Johnson, Israel, e. June 8, 1863; m. o. w. c. Kirkbride, Bartlett, e. June 1, 1863; m.o.w.c. Kinder, Abram, e. June 10, 1863; m. o. w. c. Kennedy, Edwin M., e. Oct. 12, 1864; m. o. w. c. Lee, Enoch M., e. June 6, 1863; m. o. w. c. Lefever, William H., e. June 25, 1863; m. o. w. c. McDonald, Jabez, e. July 4, 1863; m. o. w. c. McClellan, Robert W., e. June 19, 1863 ; m. o. w. c. Mellor, Henry L., e. June 24, 1863; m. o. w. c. Moler, Adam, e. June 5, 1863; m. o. w. c. Mingus, Bartlett J., e. June 1, 1863; m.o.w.c, McCann, John R. e. May 26, 1863; m. o. w. c. Musgrave, Howard, e. July 1, 1863; m.o.w.c. McElroy, James E., June 19, 1863; m. o. w. c. Malmar, George W., e. June 25, 1863; m.o.w.c. Morin, James W., e. June 5, 1863; m. o. w. c. Maxwell, Joseph, e. June 20, 1863; m. o. w. c. McGuigun, Eli, e. Dec. 24, 1863; m. o. w. c. Miller, Josiah K., e. June 5, 1863; m. o. Nov. 1, 1869. Newman, John H., e. June, 18, 1863; m.o.w.c. Norris, Isaac, e. June 18, 1863; m. o. w. c. Ogburn, Samuel, e. June 13, 1863; m. o. w. c. O'Donald, William, e. Nov. 12, 1864 ; m. o. w. c. Pletcher, Nicholas, e. Sept., 1863; in. o. w. c. Phillips, Jeremiah C., e. June 7, 1863; m. o. w. c. Pettitt, Samuel A., e. June 15, 1863; in. o.w.c. Power, James, e. June, 28, 1863; m. o. w. c. Power, Payton C., e. June 1, 1863; in. o. w. c. Price, Charles W., e. June 3, 1863; m. o. w. c. Porter, Adoniram, e. June 1, 1863; m. o. w. c. Palmer, Peter, e. June 10, 1863; in. o. w. c. Palmer, Ephraim, C., e. Oct. 24, 1864; m. o. w. c. Parker, Joseph, e. Jan. 18, 1864; sick at Nashville, Tenn,, at mi. o. Risen, Timothy D., e. June 17, 1863; m.o.w.c. Reed, John W., e. June 25, 1863; m. o. w. c. Sands, Richard, e. June 1, 1863; taken prisoner Jan. 31, 1865. Smith, Wesley, e. June 5, 1863; m. o. w. c. Smith Philip, e. June 5, 1863; ln. o. w. c. Smith, James, e. June 5, 1863; in. o. w. c. Shanor, James H., e. June 5, 1863; m. o. w. c. Shanor, John, e. June 6, 1863; in. o. w. c. Southard, Samuel H., e. June 5, 1863;.m. o. w. c. Swingle, George S., e. June 5. 1863; m. o w. c. MILITARY - 217 Silvey, Lewis G., e. June 25, 1863; sick at hospital, at Lexington, Ky., at m. Shepard, John T., e. June 22,1863; m. o. w. c. Scott, John, e. June 19, 1863; m. o. w. c. Spurback, Orlando, e. June 1, 1863: m.o.w.c. Shields, James, e. Oct. 12, 1864; m. o. w. c. Tedrow, John, e. June 21, 1863; m. o. w. c. Tibbles, John, e. June 19, 1863; m. o. w. c. Troby, John W., e. June 11, 1863; m. o. w. c. Thompson, John S., e. June 5, 1863; m.o.w.c. Tryon, William L., e. July 6, 1863; m. o. w. c. Taylor, Richard, e, June 1, 1863; m. o. w. c. Turner, James M., e. Oct. 12, 1864; m. o. w. c. Van Oster, William T., e. June 1, 1863; m. o. w. c. Van Oster, Daniel, e. June 25, 1863; m.o.w.c. White, French B., e. June 22, 1863; app. artificer Aug. 10, 1863; m. o. w. c. White, Elijah R., e. June 5, 1863; m. o. w. c. Wolf, George W., e. June 1, 1863; m. o. w. c. Williams, Luther C., e. June 4, 1863; m. o. w. c. Watson, Isaac N., e. June 1, 1863; m. o. w. c. Worstall, Charles, e. June 6, 1863; m. o. w. c. Woodward, Zachery, e. June 6,1863; m.o.w.c. Young, Francis M., e. June 5, 1863; m.o.w.c. DIED. Fleming, John, e. June 5, 1863; died March 6, 1864, at general hospital, Lexington, Ky. Kinder, Lyman, e. July 4, 1863; died Jan. 20, 1864, at general hospital, Lexington, Ky. Lavery, John, e. June 18, 1863; died at home Jan. 16, 1865. Morrison, Wilson, e. June 5, 1863; died Nov. 6, 1863, at general hospital, Lexington, Ky. Mahaffey, William, e. June 19, 1863; died Feb. 24, 1864, at hospital, Covington, Ky. Rathburn, Gardiner, e. June 18, 1863; died Oct. 10, 1863, at general hospital, Lexington, Ky. Ray, James P., e. July 8, 1863; died July 11 1864, at hopital, Knoxville, Tenn. Stanley, William, e. June 2, 1863; died Dec. 5, 1863, at general hospital, Lexington, Ky. DISCHARGED. Ashton. Henry, e. Sept. 5, 1864; dis. June 20, 1865, by order war dept. Crolley, Jeremiah, e, Aug. 15, 1864; dis. June 20, 1865, by order war dept. Carpenter, Thomas, e. June 18, 1863; dis. Dec. 8, 1863, on sur. cert. of disa. Delzell, David, e. Aug. 27, 1864; dis. June 20, 1865, by order war dept. Fitzpatrick, William, e. Sept. 5, 1864; dis. June 20, 1865, by order war dept. Devoll, Wilson M., e. June 27, 1863; dis. July 8, 1865, by order war dept. Griffin, John, e. Sept. 2, 1864; dis. June 20, 1865, by order war dept. Head, Absalom, e. July 4, 1863; dis. March 7, 1864, on surg. cert of disa. Hosom, Reuben W., e. June 19, 1863; dis. March 8, 1864, on surg. cert. of disa. Holcomb, Joseph R., e. July 1, 1863; dis. May 15, 1865, by order war dept. Henry, Lozier, e. Aug: 22, 1864; dis. June 20, 1865, by order war dept. Miller, Reuben, e. Aug. 22,1864; dis. June 20, 1865, by order war dept. Power, Alexander, e. June 5, 1863; dis. April 20, 1864, for pro. Rosebaum, William H., e. Aug. 29, 1864, dis. June 20, 1865, by order war dept. Sweet, John, e. June 19, 1863; dis. Nov. 15, 1864, on surg. cert. of disa. Shepard, William J., e. June 10, 1863 ; dis. May 12, 1865, by order war dept. Sherrick, Abram H., e. June 13, 1863; dis. May 16, 1865, by order war dept. Whiteleather, David, e. Aug. 9, 1864; date of dis. not given. Wolfe, Philip, e. Sept. 5, 1864; date of dis. not given. Wolfe, Simeon, date of e. and date of dis. not given. TRANSFERRED. Bell, Isaac N., e. June 10, 1863; trans. to v. r. c. March 15, 1865. Harry, Benjamin F., e. June 27, 1863; trans. to v. r. c. March 15, 1865. Newland, John W., e. Aug. 22, 1862; trans. to Co. E, 1st reg. O. V. H. A., Jan. 9, 1864. Porter, James D., e. June 16, 1863; trans. to v. r. c. March 11, 1864. Power, Joseph, e. June 5, 1863; trans. to v. r. c. July 24, 1865. Shutt, Samuel H., e. June 13, 1863; trans. to. v. r. c. Jan. 15, 1865. Ward, Erastus, e. Jnne 10, 1863; trans. to v. r. c. March 15, 1865. Ward, Hanson, e. June 1, 1863; trans. to v. r. c. March 11, 1865. COMPANY C, 182D REGIMENT. This company was raised in July and August, 1864, subsequent to the president's call for 500,000 men for one year, and was the last company recruited in the county. It was mustered into the 218 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. service and attached to the 182d regiment as Company C at Camp Chase October 28, 1864. On the 1st of November the regiment was ordered to Nashville, and there joined Sherman's forces and participated in the battle with Hood in December, and remained at Nashville in the performance of guard and provost duty until the 7th of July, 1865, when it was paid off and mustered out of the service at Camp Chase on the 13th of July. COMPANY C, 182D 0. V. I. Omburns, Christopher E., e, Sept. 16, 1864; Pro. to sergt. Oct. 27, 1864. Preston, James C., e. Sept. 1, 1864; pro. to corp. May 11, 1865. Baker, William H. e. Sept. 17, 104. Clark, James H., e. Aug. 19, 1864. Fitch, Robert, e. Aug. 25, 1864. Keene, Francis M., e. Aug. 29, 1864. Knox, Clement, e. Sept. 17, 1864; sick in hospital at m. o. Sanders, Hezekiah, e. Sept. 10, 1864, Sherman, James M., e. Aug. 29, 1864. Stokes, James L., e. Sept. 2, 1864. Turner, John L., e, Sept. 2, 1864. Wells, Benjamin, e. Sept. 22, 1864. Pierson, Henry; e. Sept. 2. 1864; died in haspital at Nashville, Tenn., April 11, 186.5. Hoyt, Tillman K., e. Sept. 17, 1864; dis. at Nashville, Tenn., June 25, 1865. Harvey, William, e. Jan. 24, 1865; dis. at Louisville, Ky., June 16, 1865. Knox, Benjamin, e. Jan. 25, 1865; joined as recruit March 16, 1865. Lee, James, e. Jan. 24, 1865. Rollison, Isaac, e. Sept. 25, 1864. The following were members of the company, but their names are not recorded on muster rolls : Christopher Andrew, William Lewis, Stillman Sanders, Conely Cady, Benjamin Sealock, John Sherman, Samuel Burrows, David Brooks, Darius Clark, Joseph Johnson, Samuel Outcalt, Charles Shinn, James Shinn, George Thompson, William F. Travis, Frank Pickering. COMPANY D, 78TH 0. V. I. Captain, E. H. Talley. Joy, Simeon P., second sergt., e. Dec. 13, 1861, captured at Atlanta and prisoner at Andersonville. McCune, Wm. B. G., third sergt., Oct. 28, 1861. Stall, Bishop D., fifth sergt., e. Nov. 9, 1861. Beaty, Bartley, e. Dec. 4, 1861. Coss, Peter, e. Dec. 27, 1861. Camp, James, e. Nov. 8, 1861. Finney, James, wounded at Champion Hills; died from effects of wounds Nov, 14, 1861. Fulton, James. Haines, Davis, e. Dec. 5, 1861. Hamilton, John. Huffman, Samuel, e. Nov, 14, 1861. Harmon, Cyrus. Jewett, Nathan, e. Nov. 9, 1861. Joy, Harrison W., e. Dec. 13, 1861. Jewett, Daniel, e. Nov. 9, 1861. Lee, Samuel, e. Nov. 9, 1861. McCune, Jno. H., e. Nov. 4, 1861. Huffman, Wm. F., Oct. 29, 1861, taken prisoner at Atlanta, died while being conveyed from prison. Woodburn, Sam'l F. Reid, Wesley. Collins, Lewis. Dover, Lemuel. Jackson, Joseph F., wounded at Champion Hills. Cunningham, Robert. Smith, Joshua D., wounded and captured at Atlanta. Peairs, Joseph F. Carroll, Simon S. Harlan, Benj. H. Jackson, William R. COMPANY K, 77TH 0. V. I. Preston, John, Nov. 28, 1861; pro. April 6, 1862, to sergt.; dis. March 30, 1863, sergt. cert. of disa. Farrell, Smiley, missing. Brabham, James, killed at battle of Shiloh. Brabham, T. J. Woods, J. B. Friel, Levi J., died in southern prison. Donaldson, Samuel, died in southern prison. Donaldson, John. Granstaff, Joseph, died in southern prison. Smith, Joseph. Smith, A. B. Smith, James. Smith, Alex. Davis, David, killed April 8, 1862. Smith, N. B. Yarnell, Israel, died 1862. MILITARY - 219 Delaney, Wesley, died in Southern prison. Smith, John. Gregg, Archibald, died Alton, Ill. Fry, John, died in Tenn. Penroy, George, Co. G., 77th O. V. I. U. S. SIGNAL DETACHMENT. In the signal service were the following men from Morgan county : C. E. Cochran, Albert Worley, R. H. Cheadle, Henry Wilson, Scott Wilson, James McConnel, Alfred Gaylord, Alexander McConnel, John Sigler (deceased), George Tanner, Henry Barker, Washington Bean. These men were on duty in different parts of the country from March, 1864, until mustered out in August, 1865. COMPANY E 193D O. V. I. The Morgan County men belonging to this company were recruited by Lieutenant Zedekiah Wiseman, of Malta, and attached to the Veteran Reserve Corps. They went into camp at Winchester, Va., where they did garrison duty from about March 20, 1865, until they were mustered out August 4, 1865. The company were mustered into the service March 11, 1865. Following are the members from Morgan county : Lieutenant, Zedekiah Wiseman. Orderly Sergeant, John K. Anderson. Sergeant, George Taylor. Sergeant, Theo. Bell. Corporal, Laban Beckwith. Corporal, Samuel McCaughey. Corporal, Nelson H. Deaver. Corporal, John D. Patterson. Musician, Chas. S. Henry. PRIVATES. Anmiller, Henry, Browning, Samuel, Clancy, Absalom H., Embree, William, Henry, A. P., musician, Fouts, Robert A. Hambleton, Chas. F., Martin, Jonathan, Martin, Joseph R., Newman, William, Newton, Thomas B., Stutes, John, Stubbs; Wm. W., Scovell, W. C. Stutes, John D., Tignor, Thomas,. James, Jasper N. Robinson, Lorain L., ambulance driver. MISCELLANEOUS LIST. Besides the companies of which mention has already been made, there are others containing Morgan county men whose records are equally as bright, but as they contain but few representatives from this county the same classification is impracticable. Where not otherwise designated, those included in this list were members of infantry regiments : Adrian, Ezekiel, Co. C, 36th. Alexander, James, Co. C, 36th. Adams, James, e. 75th O. V. I., Dec. 11, 1861; dis. 1862. Berkley, J. B., Co. B, 191st. Beach, Hiram, Co. B, 36th. Burgman, Thomas H., 194th. Burr, Eli, e. Sept., 1861, Co. H, 62d O. V. I.; dis. June, 1862; re-e. Co. C. 70th; m. o. w. c. Bole, George, Co. F, 180th. Clancy, Thomas, Co. D, 186th. Clark, James, Co. C, 184th. Chidester, Thomas, Co. F, 86th. Carter, James, Co. B, 191st. Creaser, Alfred. Cheadle, Quincy, Co. A, 194th. Chapman, N. C., Co. E, 184th. Clark, Joseph, e. Aug. 5, 1862; wo. July, 1865. Culver, Asa, Co. C, 78th, d. of w. Culver, Levi, C., Co. C, 78th. Culver, Lucius P., e. Nov. 11, 1863, as asst. surg. 61st O. V. I.; pro. to surg. 82d June 13, 1865; m. o. w. regt. Cyrus, James, Co. C, 78th. Davis, F. H., Co. B, 191st. Davis, George W., Co. B, 191st. Davis, Hiram, Co. E, 189th. Davis, T. J., Co. E, 193d. Davis, John, Co. B, 191st. Donovan, William, e, Co. 8,152d,1863; killed May 7, 1864, battle Wilderness. Ellis, T. Jeff., 185th. Ellis, Ephraim, Co. B, 191st. Echelberry, James H., Co. C, 78th. Fitch, Samuel, Co. E, 189th. Fouts, Robert, Co. E, 193d. Fleming, Mack, 4th West Virginia-Cav. Finley, James D., Co. D, 78th. Wiseman, P. H., Riley, George, 220 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. Gormley, James, Co. I, 186th. Gormley, Hugh, Co. A, 15th. Godfrey, P. W., Co. C, 184th. Gatewood, James, Co. C, 78th. Gatewood, William, Co. B, 191st. Gheen, Manly, Co. D, 63d. Gheen, James, Co. D, 63d. Gheen, Isaac, Co. D, 63d. Geddis, Jackson. Co. C, 184th. Geddis, James, Co. C, 184th. Green, Nathaniel, e. 1862; killed at Chancellorsville, Va. Gregg, James, e. 1862; m. o. w. c. Hardesty, S. W., Co. C, 78th. Henry, A. P., Co. C, 78th. Henry, E. D., Co. C, 186th. Henry, Robert S., Co. I, 186th Henry, William, Co. I, 186th. Hoope, James, Co. I, 186th. Hansom, John, Co. E, 184th. Hyler, Richard, Co. F, 86th. Huffman, John, e. Aug. 12, 1861, Co. B, 36th 0. V. I.; taken pris. at battle Chickamauga; dis. May 1, 1864. Harper, James W., e. Feb. 22d, 1864, Co. E, 52d O.V. I.; dis. e. t. s. James, Cyrus E., Co. C, 78th. Johnson, William, Co. D, 63d. Johnson, James, Co. D, 63d. Jones, William, e. May 20, 1864, Co. E, 122d; m. o. 1865. James, Jasper, -Co. E. 193d. Kean, Joseph C., Co. I, 62d. Kean, John T., Co. B, 191st. Kinsey, Oliver D., e. Aug. 1, 1861, Co. I, 62d O.V. I.; pro. to sergt. Kean, Perley B., Co. B, 191st. Kennedy, Hugh, Co. B, 36th. Kelley, John M., Co. K, 1st 0. battery. King, Perley, e. 1862; killed at Chickamauga. Lowrey, William, died Aug. 1, 1863. Lochry, Freeman, 1st H. Art. Lochry, Edward, Co. C, 184th. Lochry, Isaac, Co. F, 1st 0. S. S. A. Mattison, Wm. E., e. April, 1863, Co. E, 60th O.V. I.; died in hospital. Murphy, William A., e. Co. E, 75th 0. V. I.; wo. at Chancellorsville,Va., m. o. w. c. Murphy, John W., e. Co. E, 75th 0. V. I.; pro. to orderly sergt. ; m. o. w. c. McGregor, Alexander, Co. C, 78th, d. of w. McSwords, James, Co. G, 1st Va. V. I. McVeigh, James M„ Co. D, 63d. McVeigh, George W., Co. D, 63d. McVeigh, Henry, Co. D, 63d. McCoy, James, Co. C, 184th. Monroe, Elijah, Co. E. 75th; m. o. w. c. McSwords, John, Co. G, 43d. Mendenhall, John A., e. 1861, Co. E, 75th; pro. to first lieut.; taken prisoner at Gettysburg. Moore, Ed., Co. D, W. Va. Cay. Newton, Sidney, Co. F, 180th. Newman, William, Co. F, 180th. Newton, Walter, Co. B, 191st. Noyes, Peter, Co. C, 32d. Newton, A. S., Co. C, 78th. Noyes, John, Co. D, 63d. Noland, Alfred, e. Oct. 5, 1864; dis. July, 1865. Ong, Oliver, e. Sept., 1861; pro. to second lieut.; captured while guarding train; exchanged, 1864. Patterson, B. G., Co. B, 116th. Patterson, J. W., Co. 1, 186th. Patterson, S. W., Co. I, 186th. Payne, Jason T., Co. I, 186th. Pugh, George, e. Dec. 11, 1861; wo. at Chancellorsville,, Va.; m. o. w. c. Porter, A. J., e. 1861; killed at Chancellorsville, Va. Quigley, James, Co. I, 186th. Russell, Henry, died on steamer Island No. 10. Ramsey, Benjamin, Co. C, 184th. Riley, George, Co. C, 184th. Rainey, Jonathan, e. Aug. 19, 1861, Co. C, 18th; m. o. July 1, 1865. Rowland, Mordica, Co. F, 77th. Rowland, John, Co. F, 77th. Rogers, Jac., Co. F, 77th. Robinson, L. L., Co. D, W. Va. Cay. Rambo, Frank, e. April, 1863; died in hospital. Sells, E. S., Co. I, 187th. Scott, Andrew, Co. I, 186th. Sells, Lyman S., Co. D, 63d. Sheets, D., Co. D, 63d. Smith, Abijah, e. Aug. 9, 1861, Co. I, 62d; wo. in thigh, Nov., 1865. Sheridan, Wm. G., e. Co. E, 60th, April, 1863; m. o. w. c. Taylor, Jos. D., e. 1862, Co. K, 122d. Torbert, John F., e. Dec. 11, 1861, Co. E, 75th; wo. at Chancellorsville, Va., May 2, 1863; dis. Dec. 24, 1863. Travers, Frank, Co. D, 63d. Travers, David, Co. D, 63d. Travers, John, Co. D, 63d. Wilson, David, Co. D, 63d. Wallace, Alexander, Co. F, 122d. Work, Aaron, Co. C, 36th; Wilson,"Thomas, Co. C, 184th. White, John Q., Co. D, 1st California Cav. MILITARY - 221 Worsham, Joseph, C. E, 75th. Worsham, James, Co. E, 75th. Worsham, Henry, Co. E, 75th. Watson, W. S., e. Oct. 20, 1861, Co. I, 62d; pro. to sergt. Wilson. George, Co. I, 186th. Yarnell, George, Jr., Co. F, 122d. Black, Thomas, Co. C, 36th. Brokaw, James, Co. B, 191st. Black, John, Co. B, 191st. Birdsell, John, Co. C, 63d. Blonden, Joseph, Co. C, 36th. Henry, William, Co. 1, 186th. Thorn, William, Co. D, 6:3d. Thorn, Lyman, Co. D, 63d. Patterson, H. G., Co. E, 182d. Huffman, James H., e. Dec. 2, 1861, Co. D, 77th. Kidwell, Geo. W., e. Oct. 21st, 1861, Co. D, 77th. Lewis, Jonathan O., e. Dec. 2, 1861, Co. D. 77th. Ward, James E., e. Oct. 21, 1861, Co. D, 77th. HUGHES POST No. 285, G. A. R. This post was organized April 17,1883. It is so named in honor of three Morgan County soldiers by that name who lost their lives in defense of the flag. The original members were : Jesse Timms, John S. Dunn, George S. Corner, John Rothrock, H. A. Davis, Joshua Wiseman, J. H. Dunnington, John Barrell, H. C. Timms, T. E. Dunnington, George Z. Dickerson, James C. Hughes, John Davis, John C. Gregg, Israel Hoops, Solomon M. Gillespie, John D. Palmer, J. M. Rusk, F. B. Manly, Newell Corner, L. S. Yocum, W. W. Barrell, N. S. Baker, Jaoob Hutton, William Dempster. The first officers of the post were : George Z. Dickerson, P.C.; H. A. Davis, S. V. C.; John L. Barrell, J. V. C.; J. M. Rusk, Q. M.; J. C. Hughes, Surgeon; John C. Gregg, Chaplain ; Newell Corner, Adjt.; John S. Dunn, C.D.; Lindley S. Yocum, O. G.. Jesse Timms, S. M.; A. A. Coulson, Q. M. S. Commander Dickerson was succeeded by Jacob Adams, under whose administration the relief corps was organized, April 6, 1885, with Mrs. Janet M. Pond, president ; Alice C. Whitaker, S. Y. P.: Mary V. Dickerson, J. V. P.; Lucetta H. Cochran, Secy.; Effie Davis, Treas.; Lizzie T. Nott, Chaplin ; Conductor, Mary M. Coulson ; Jennie G. (lark, guard. Charter Members : Julia Adams, Juliette R. Barker, Sep Beckwith, Mary E. Beckwith, Lizzie Corner, M artha Dyke, Kuzzie H. Dewees, Lib. Donahue, Lavina Dunnington, Clara V. Humphrey, Lydia Holcomb, Belle Hann, Sarah McBee, Lydia Rogers, Mary Stubbs, Sarah A. Settle, Sarah A. Spur rier, Alice Thomas, Alice Tracy,Sophie M. Travis, Elizabeth Wiseman, Lydia Wherry, Emma Worley. Christmas week, 1885, one of the most successful Grand Army fairs ever held in Southeastern Ohio was held in McConnelsville under the auspices of Hughes Post. Contributions were solicited and received from all parts of the country ; the display was imposing and the financial returns most satisfactory. CAPTAIN JOSEPH FRANCIS SONNANSTINE. Joseph Francis Sonnanstine was born in Columbiana County, O., September 9, 1830. In March of 1850 he started for California by the overland route, and after a perilous journey of one hundred and fifty-eight days arrived at Ringgold, Cal., on the 16th of August of that year. In July of 1852 he returned, and in 1858 came to McConnelsville, where he has since resided. At the breaking out of the war he was engaged in the oil business in West Virginia. He closed up his affairs and came to McConnelsville, where Colonel Pond and Judge Hanna 222 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. were at the time organizing a company. He joined the organization; but there being more men enlisted than required for one company, it was reduced by throwing out men of families. In June of 1861, he enlisted in a company being recruited for the 32d 0. V. I., which afterward became Company C of the 65th. From a private he roSe by successive promotions to first lieutenant of Company K, 65th 0. V. I. He filled all the intermediate positions, and each promotion was earned and not obtained, as was often the case, through outside influence. At the battle of Mission Ridge he had command of the company, and was seriously wounded. In the. Atlanta campaign he was promoted for meritorious services to the captaincy of Company E, 65th 0. V. I. While engaged in the construction of earthworks in front of Atlanta he was attacked with fever, and was sent to officer's hospital. After his recovery he was detailed as assistant provost-marshal of Chattanooga, Tenn., where he had charge of all trains coming in or leaving the city, and of the refugees, of which there was at one time about 4,000. His duties in connection with these unfortunates he says, " were the saddest of all his earthly experiences." After the battle of Nashville, Captain Sonnanstine rejoined his regiment, which moved to East Tennessee, to intercept Lee's army. From thence the company was ordered to New Orleant, where they. arrived on the 27th of June. In August they were ordered to Indianola, Texas, where they were engaged in rebuilding a railroad. In this labor they were employed until Dec. 10, 1865, when orders were received for them to make out the muster out rolls a duty, it is needless to say, they cheerfully performed. They then marched to Indianola, when Captain Sonnanstine embarked with his company for New Orleans, and from thence to Columbus via Cairo, where the company was mustered out Dec. 25, 1865. November 25, 1865, he was promoted to major of the 65th, but being disabled by sickness refused to muster. He was in the battle of Pittsburg Landing ; the advance on Corinth ; the march to Iuka, Tuscumbia, Decatur, Huntsville and Bridgeport. From the latter place he was sent home on recruiting service, and rejoined his regiment after the battle of Stone River; was in all engagements preceding the evacuation of Chattanooga and the final capture of Atlanta. January 13, 1853 he was married to Miss Julia C. Hackett. Seven children were the result of this union—Ad i, Edward, Edwin, Anna, Emmet, Ernest and Grosvenor. PRISON EXPERIENCES. ANDERSONVILLE. Andersonville prison was in Sumter County, Georgia, and contained about forty acres, inclosed by a stockade of logs set endwise in the ground, and about ten feet high. Attached to it were guard houses at intervals of about 100 feet, which overlooked what they appropriately called the " dead-line," about ten feet from the stockade on the inside.. At the front of the prison were three other stockades with heavy gates. The entrance or vestibule of the pen, which prevented the escape of prisoners in either large or small bodies on the right, were earthworks, with cannon mounted ready for action. A little further to the right was the cookhouse. On the left was the hospital intended MILITARY - 223 for sick Union prisoners—but few were taken there-many dying at the gate while waiting for medicine : but the principal number died in the larger apartment. A small creek ran through the middle of the inclosure, and at an angle with it was about five acres of swamp, thus reducing our parade ground to about thirty-five acres. On one side of the stream the soil was almost entirely Sand-on the other-yellow clay. In this space the 40,000 prisoners were crowded without shelter of any. kind. The trees that were standing on the ground when it was first occupied were cut down and the roots dug up for fuel. The possessor of a blanket could to some extent obviate his discomfort ; but without it or a substitute the priioner could burrow in the yellow clay for a brief period preliminary to being carried to the "long trench." Through this yel;low clay there were from time to time several tunnels made under the stockade; but as far as was known. all were failures. The venturer was either captured by the rebel guard or torn to pieces by the bloodhounds. Of the victims of the " dead line," starvation or disease, there were about 13,000 prisoners buried in a trench, a few inches deep, anti wide enough for the length of the body. Thus, side by side, they braved shells or starvation. The officers of the prison extended no favors to any of the prisonerS, except to Free Masons. When they were recognized in the prison the officers would generally find something for them to do on the outside ; and if a Mason died he was more respectably buried. *The narrator of this Sketch volunteered in the United States signal serv- *Albert Worley, of McConnelsville, Ohio. ice corp at Columbus, O., and went into camp at Georgetown, D. C., and from there with a squad to General Siegel's army. He was captured by Mosby's men at Middletown, between Martinsburg and Winchester, on the 13th of May, 1864, and with about 150 prisoners was marched across the country to Gordonsville, thence to Andersonville, where his stay was until September, 1864; thence to Charleston, S. C., and from there to Florence, where he remained until March 4, 1864; from thence to Wilmington, N. C., and from there to Annapolis, Md., from which place he returned to his home. Mr. A. Arrick furnishes the following interesting synopsis of an interview with James P. Hartzell, of company G, 78th Regiment, O. V. I., Col. M. D. Leggett : " I was captured at Atlanta, Ga., on 22d of July, 1864, with twenty others of our regiment: About 7 p. m. the prisoners, two thouSand in number, captured that day, were marched by a long detour to the rear of Atlanta. From here our officers were sent to Charleston, S. C., and we saw them no more. We remained here until the 24th, when we started and marched during that and the following two days, and arrived at Lovejoy Station, whence we took the cars to Macon, Ga. " At Macon we were treated with great kindness by the ladies. They brought us warm biscuit, milk, wine and ham, and many other luxuries to which we had long been strangers. One, whoSe name I regret I cannot recall, was particularly kind to me, and talked of her own boy in the Confederate army, while the tears rolled down her cheeks. I was then only about seventeen years of age, and her 224 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. motherly kindness produced an impression which will ever be remembered. After leaving Macon we were at Andersonville at noon. " We were marched from the station to the front of the stockade and formed in line, and we were introduced to Captain Wurz. Being in line, we were ordered to open ranks and unsling knapsacks. The guards then went through our traps,' . appropriating everything in our possession, whether valuable or worthless, taking even our knives, forks and spoons. By Some inadvertance, my blanket was left lying in front of me, and when the order 'march' was given, with a soldier's instinct, I reached for it, when a revolver was thrust into my face, and there stood the redoubtable Captain Wurz, who in broken English exclaimed, You tam Yankee, yen I says march I means you to go.' I went, bidding farewell to my blanket. " We were then turned in like cattle, without tent or blanket. While looking on the scene with anxious wonder, I was accosted by G. W. Sprinkle, a member of our regiment, who had for some time been a boarder. He was an intimate friend, and his assistance and instructionS were of great benefit. Twenty men of our regiment together occupied a spot of ground ten feet square, appropriated to our use, and this was our home.' "The inmates were divided into detachmentS of 270 men, under the charge of a rebel sergeant. These were again sub-divided, forming three divisions, commanded in like manner by a sergeant. The business of the sergeants was to draw and isSue rations for their respective commands. This duty was attended to every evening. The first day it would be a half-pound of corn bread, half a pint of raw beans and about half a pound of cooked bacon. The next day we would have a half pint of raw corn meal, three spoonfuls of raw rice and a half pound of raw beef. The third day it would be our former allowance of corn bread, a half pint of 'nigger'. beans cooked in the pod, and a half pint of sorghum syrup. The dead were carried away and deposited promiscuously beneath the soil, in a land they had died to continue 'a land of the free and a home of the brave ' " The dead line' was a mark made by stakes driven in the ground and connected by slats, and was so called because the guard was ordered to shoot any one crossing or touching it. On one accasion a famished priSoner, in his efforts to obtain a cup of water less filthy than usual, reaching under the slat, happened to touch it. No sooner than he did so, the guard fired, scattering the poor fellow's brains over some of us who stood near. "But this lack of good water was removed by a singular phenomenon. On the elevation some distance from the stream, a spring of pure and delicious water burst forth, affording an abundant quantity, which we utilized by a sluice-way to a lower level and used there for a bathing pool, sustaining the lives of many. " About the 17th September, 1864, an order came to muster 2,000 able bodied men for exchange. I was included in the list, as I weighed ninety-five pounds. My name was the tenth one called, to which there was at least a dozen anSwers; but crowding up to the gate with - one who had been my comrade through all, we made good our exit. 225 - MILITARY. We were not long in reaching our regiment, then at ' Rough and Ready,' near Atlanta. Oh ! it was one of my happy, happy days." LIBBY AND BELLE ISLE. *" I was a member of Company D, 122d Regiment, O. V. I., Colonel W. H. Ball commanding. I was taken prisoner on the 14th of June, 1863, at Winchester, Va., by Lee's forces on their way to Gettysburg. " On the second morning after our capture we were conducted up the valley on foot to Staunton. It required nearly three days to march that distance. From Staunton we were taken to Richmond by the cars, and there we were placed in a tobacco warehouse, where we remained two or three days, then were removed to the second floor of the famous Libby prison ; thence, after a Stay of three or four days, by way of variety, we were sent over to Belle Isle, where we were detained and entertained ten or twelve days, until July 10 or 12, when we were paroled. " Our r daily bill of fare on the way up the valley, and until we reached Richmond, was two pints of flour and a little salt. Afterward, and while we were in prison at Richmond, our diet consisted of a piece of baker's bread, about two inches square, and half a pint of field-pea soup, meat and maggots all mixed together each day. While in the warehouse and Libby proper we were admonished by the guard to keep away from the grated windows or he ‘mought ' shoot. While I was at Belle Isle there were about 500 prisoner, at least half of them without tent or shelter, sitting or lying exposed to the rays of a July sun, on the burning hot * C. J. Gibson, of Stockport, Ohio.
sand, in which the graybacks ' were only to be diStinguished by their size and capacity for locomotion. " The water privileges were to some extent of a military order. At given intervalS the entire number of prisoners were formed in line and marched to the edge of the river, each taking his drink and countermarching, many being so much exhausted as to be only able to crawl to the deSignated locality." * “ I was a member of Company B, 62d Regiment, O. V. I., Colonel F. B. Pond commanding, and was taken prisoner at the charge on Fort Wagner, Morris Island, S. C., on the 18th of July, 1863, with seventy-six of our brigade at the same time. We were taken, to Charleston and put in jail, where we were kept for two days. In the afternoon of the 20th we were put on the cars and carried up to Columbia, and again put in jail and feasted on boiled rice (cold), one tablespoonful twice a day. " While here we were for a short time in charge of a Captain Linn, who by the way was a Presbyterian preacher ; and in justice to him I must say I think he was a gentlemen and a Christian, as he was very kind to us while he had us in charge, and I afterward heard him denounce the holding and starving of prisoners; but he was under orders, however, and could not prevent it. "We were held at Columbia nearly two months, then sent to Richmond and put in the Libby prison. Here, for the first time, we were searched for money or anything we had, which was taken from us, from a match to an ancient penny or army relic, blankets, haversacks, canteens, pocket knives—all but the clothes we had on, and our pocket bibles. We were only kept in Libby *C. H. Laughridge, of McConnelsville, Ohio. 226 - HISTORY OF MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO. three days and were well searched twice in that time; then we were taken over to Belle Isle. In the inclosure in which we were confined there Was no evidence that there had ever been a tree. or even a blade of grass. For the first three months there was no tent or shelter of any kind to protect us from the burning sun, or storms ; and being entirely destitute of blankets, or other covering, our sleeping was done in the day time, as it required as much exercise as we could take after night as the only means of keeping warm. Our beds were at any point within the dead line' where we might chance to be. " About the first of January, 1864, we got tents of a very inferior quality ; they were old tents that our government had condemned,, and by some means had come into possession of the rebels. They would not turn rain, but only answered for a wind-break during the cold and stormy winter, for we had no tire during that entire time. " In March they gave us the privilege of carrying wood nearly half a mile distant with the understanding that we should have all that we could carry ; but if any one took a bigger load than he could carry all the way to camp without stopping to rest, he must take it to the rebel officers' tent. By this means they got all the wood they wanted, and we scarcely any, for the reason that we were feeble and could scarcely walk without the wood. "Our camp was inclosed by a four- foot ditch and the embankment on the outside for the guards; but I wish to give further evidence of the brutal treatment we received. The ditch was eighteen inches deep ; at each corner of our enclosure there was a well, dug the depth of a barrel, in which the water must stand at the same height as that in the ditch ; from these wells, or barrels, alone could we obtain our water to drink. The ditch being used as a receptacle for filth, the water from it would filter into the barrels or wells. " The rations furnished us while on the island were bad beyond comparison. At first they gave us a piece of wheat bread about half the size of a man's fist twice a day ; sometimes a little meat once a day, not more for a hundred men than ten could eat ; but this did not continue. As the time lengthened the rations' were abbreviated both in quantity and quality. The initial of this arrangement was bread made of wheat and pea flour, mixed in equal quantities, served without meat, but with a little 'pea soup—a common wooden bucket full for 100 men. Then corn bread alone, without salt and only partially baked, each man being furnished a piece an inch and a half square and half an inch thick, at first twice a day, then once a day with intervals of one or two days, and once the intermission was three days, but no increase in quantity or improvement in quality. " During the time I was on the Isle I think there were not more than seventeen or eighteen of our boys who died on the Isle, but when death was ascertained to be certain they were started for Richmond, and they either died on the way or soon after arrival. Of. those that did die on the Isle numbers were not buried, but were thrown outside the camp to be devoured by the hogs." |