IN the spring of 1817 the plat of the village of McConnelsville was made by William Montgomery, surveyor for General Robert McConnel, the proprietor, who then resided in Muskingum County. The town site, with the exception of one or two small " patches," was then a forest of poplar, hickory, beech and elm of immense size, with dense undergrowth.

The original plat of the town included only ninety-two lots, and is known to owners and conveyancers as " The Old Town." It is bounded on the north by the alley north of Liberty Street ; on the east by the alley east of East Street ; on the South by the river, and on the west by the alley west of West Street. The Situation is certainly a favorable one, and the plat an improvement on others of a more recent date.

From the location which is about equidistant from Athens, Cambridge, Zanesville and Marietta, it would seem that General McConnel had the future county seat and county in view when

he purchased the land of the government in 1805, paying $1.75 per acre for it. At all events, after the formation of the county, as an inducement to make McConnelsville the county Seat, he donated several lots for public purposes : Town lots number 15, 22, 29 and 30 for public buildings ;* two squares of five acres for a "military parade ground," one of which is now the village green and the other the grove. He also donated lots number 1 and 2 of the Second addition to the Presbyterian Church, lots 13 and 14 to the Friends ; + lots 11 and 12 of the second addition to the Methodists ; two lots on the north side of Jefferson, between main and West Streets, to the Baptists ; a lot for a market place ; lots for School buildings, and to the county a portion of the present cemetery.

*Lots 15 and 22 were afterward sold by the county to Michael Devin and 22 to Thomas Devin—for the purpose of securing money to aid in the erection of the courthouse and jail.

+ The lots given to the Friends and Baptists were afterward devoted to different purposes.


The first settler of McConnelsville was Jabob Kahler, who located in the fall of 1817. He lhad previously built a double log cabin on what is now Jefferson Street, near the corner of Poplar. The cabin was afterward used for some years by Alexander McConnel as a currier's shop in connection with his tannery adjoining. Kahler Subsequently built a frame house, the first in the town on lot 7, corner of Liberty and West Streets. He was a carpenter.


The second house in the town was erected on lot 19, West Street, by Thomas Moore. He left in 1820.

James Young, brickmaker, tavern keeper and justice of the peace, erected a story-and-a-half log house on lot 64, southwest corner of Main and Union Streets, and there, besides balancing the scales of justice for the township, furnished veal, venison and a variety of other viands to suit the tastes of lawyers, judges and court attendants generally, and from his bar dealt out liquid refreshments at moderate prices. For some years his hostelry was the chief resort for all who visited the town. He was licensed " to keep tavern " at the second regular term of court, July 5, 1819— license fee, $7. His house had two rooms on the ground floor and two above. One of the lower rooms served as kitchen and dining-room, while the other was baggage-room, bar-room, sitting-room and par-

lor combined. The upper rooms furnished the sleeping accommodations.

On lot 79, northwest corner of Main and Water Streets, a two-story log house was erected, and opened to the public under the euphonious title of "The Sign of the Buck." In its day it was the resort of the Rite of the valley, and in it many a joyous couple joined in the reel, quadrille or waltz to the inspiring music of a fiddle. But now



" Where once the sign-post caught the passing eye,

Crumbled in heaps, its moldering ruins lie."

The proprietor, James Larrison, for some years carried the weekly mail on horseback from Zanesville to Marietta ; he was prompt and efficient in his duty. He carried a large tin horn at his side, upon which he blew a shrill blast as he entered or took his departure from each place. He was the first tavern-keeper of the village.

Another early tavern-keeper was Jacob P. Springer, the first sheriff of the county. His tavern was something of an improvement, and was kept in a frame building on lot 28.

Jacob Adams, the first merchant, and for many years one of the most prominent citizens, arrived in 1819, bringing with him his family, goods for his store, and the frame for the building, with counter, shelves, etc., already prepared. His store was on the southwest corner of the public square. The year of his arrival he set about building a brick house the first in the town-which in 1820 was open to the public as the Adams House, a name which it still retains. With additions and alterations it has been continuously occupied as a hotel and is now kept by a son of the original proprietor.

According to the personal recollection. of the late Judge Gaylord the following men, with their families, were residents of the town on April 1, 1819:

Jacob Kahler on lot No. 9

Moore & Paschal “ ” 19

Jacob P. Springer . " 28

Jonathan Porter “ 25

Jonathan Williams " 51

Jacob Adams, on lots No. 42, 44 and 57

Lewis Ramey on lot No. 61

James Young " " 64

Robert Robinson “ on lot No. 65

Philip Kahler “ ” 66

Timothy Gaylord “ 67

Jacob R. Price “ ” 79

Je Larrison. “ ” 79

Drs. Samuel A. Barker and General Alexander McConnel were single men and residents of the village. Dr. Barker was the only physician and was the first county clerk, first school master and first postmaster. General McConnel boarded with Jacob Kahler and had a tan yard in what is now the northwest part of the town. All the settlers, with the exceptions noted, had children, and most of the families were large. The number of inhabitants was then about seventy-five, of whom fully two thirds were children.

Jacob R. Price at one time county treasurer, was the village blacksmith. He died in Missouri. Robert Robinson and Timothy Gaylord were shoemakers. Both died in the village. Gaylord was the first county recorder, afterward auditor, justice, etc.

Jonathan Porter, Lewis Ramey, and Jacob Kahler were carpenters. Porter was the first tax collector. Jacob Kahler did some work as a millwright. Philip Kahler was chiefly engaged in cultivating the soil. Jonathan Williams, from Baltimore, was also a carpenter and joiner, and the first in the village. He came from Baltimore and first worked on the Adams House. He was the leader of the " Junto " faction of local politics. He was a man of great energy and courage, and withal somewhat eccentric. He was usually present in every crowd where there was likely to be any excitement, and on such occasions always bore with him a; heavy lignum vitae. stick, by him called the " Old Presbyterian." He


was the second county auditor. He removed to New Orleans and died there.

Price, the blacksmith, was a very estimable man, though somewhat quick tempered. As an example of the last named characteristic, it is related of him that on one occasion he became engaged in a political discussion with a man by the name of Clymer, who had just purchased a small quantity of butter, which he was carrying home on a plate. The controversy became hot, the lie was passed, and Price dashed the plate, butter and all, in the man's face. For this offense he was arrested and tried. At the trial it was stated that it was a clear case of assault and battery. "No, no," said Price in his shrill, piping voice, " just a case of salt and butter." The justice evidently held the same opinion, as he rendered his decision in Price's favor.

Honest, unobtrusive John Hughes was among the first to locate, and erected a two-story log house on lot number 1, at Gravel Point, adjoining which was his smithy. He had the esteem and respect of all who knew him.

Soon after Adams opened his store an Englishman named Robert Winter came from St. Clairsville. Early in 1820 he engaged in the mercantile business, having erected on lot 32, on the square, a brick house for a store and dwelling. Winter was only a brief resident. About 1826 George Johnson built the brick house since owned and occupied by John R. Bozman, on-Center Street, between West and Poplar, and John Collison the brick house on lot 15, southwest corner of Liberty and West Streets. These, with the Adams House and the old courthouse, were the only brick buildings up to 1826, at which time the number of buildings in the town, public and private, numbered about thirty-five.

Jacob Adams conducted the mercantile business alone and in partnership with his brother-in-law, Worley C. Shugert, from 1819 until 1835 or 1836. They were among the leading merchants of the valley at that day.

Another early store was that of Edwin Corner, who was granted a mercantile license for one year for $20 at the March term of court, 1820. His establishment stood on the northwest corner of Center and East Streets. Mr. Corner kept hotel in the same building, the store being in the east end. In 1822 the firm consisted of Edwin Corner and John B. Stone. They dissolved partnership about 1830. John B. Stone & Co. afterward continued business on the opposite side of the street, where Mr. Stone (later) erected the brick building which now forms the east end of the Stanbery Block. Stone & Co. were succeeded by C. B. Bozman, and he by T. D. Clancy & Co.

In 1825 Luther D. Barker opened a store in a frame building east of the old courthouse, moving thence to the building now occupied by his son, C. L. Barker, one of the most prominent merchants of the town.

Other early merchants were Alexander Simpson and Robert McConnel. Simpson began business in the building erected by Winter. He continued in business nearly up to the time of his death. Robert McConnel kept store a few years only. He was succeeded by Joseph Chambers, and he by Goodsill Buckingham, a very enterprising merchant, who closed out the business.

Soon after William Dawes offered a variety of commodities for sale in the


building erected by Winter. After a umber of years he sold out to Nathaniel Shepard. Thomas Devin also had stock of goods in a building which he erected on a lot bought of the county commissioners in the rear of the old courthouse. In after years his brother, Michael Devin, kept store farther up Main Street on the west side.

The condition of society was one of simplicity, when a hunting shirt with a fringed cape was as comfortable as a swallow-tail or ulster, and a neatly made calico gown adorned the wearer as becomingly as the glossy fabric of to-day. A retrospect points to the fact that the pioneer merchants have all passed away, and that Jacob Adams, who was the first, was also the last to pass over futurity's dark road. The usual variety of mechanics, so necessary to the building up of a town in the woods, were here prepared to ply their several vocations. The blacksmith, carpenter and shoemaker were present in the plural number, and other trades had their representatives.

For several years the streets were obstructed by logs, stumps and piles of brush, and over parts of the town the trees stood. The brush was burned for bonfires at night, the trees and logs for fuel, free to all. As to the stumps, the legend is that instead of arresting the drunken man in the street and taking him before his honor, the mayor, to be sent to the workhouse to be boarded, it was customary to furnish the offender with a mattock, and direct him to dig up a stump, larger or smaller, in proportion to the drunk. And thus as the demand for a staple commodity increased, the surplus of unprofitable incumbrances decreased, with perceptible beneficial effects in both cases.

" In the early years of the village," states Judge Gaylord, "the people lived as all people do who settle down in the wilderness. They were far away from the enjoyments, advantages and opportunities of the older settlements and of the present day. The river was their only thoroughfare ; the keelboat, the pirogue and the canoe were the only means of transportation. Roads we had none, except bridle paths across the country from one neighborhood to another. At this time, however, there was an important and much traveled road leading from Marietta to Zanesville and across the county through Centre and Bristol Townships, which so continued until the introduction of steamboats upon the river. Zanesville was the only available point at that time where our grists were ground, except here and there horse-mills scattered through the country, where the neighbors procured their cornmeal.

" Hog and hominy,' venison, bear, turkey, corn bread, spice and sassafras tea were the common table spread ; but among the well-to-do families store coffee,' 'Young Hyson ' and wheat bread appeared on wash-days or when there was company. In those days the people were truly kind and hospitable, and at all times ready and willing to assist each other in their labors to fell the forest, build the cabin and advance the work of improvement. The political party spirit of the present day had no place or countenance among our people. Not until the great contest for the presidency in 1824, between Jackson, Clay, Adams and Crawford, was it that our people were politically somewhat exercised by the example set them by the outside barbarians. Newspapers were then but few and not much read.


A few copies of the Zanesville papers (Messenger, and Express or Gazette) and some other stray sheets were procured and handed about among the villagers, and perused with great interest and delight. On political, foreign, general and domestic views our people were kept pretty well posted, as far as it could be done by a mail once a week from Zanesville."

The first blacksmith, as already stated, was Jacob R. Price, at a little log house on South Main Street. James Woodington succeeded in the same shop and the same business. Mr. Price moved to the southwest corner of Union Street. Subsequently near the same locality was George Powell, who erected the brick building now the Partesius Steam flouring mill. Afterward, without reference to time or place, were Amos Conaway, while mayor of the village and colonel of a rifle regiment ; Levi Muncy, Evans, Ballou and others. At present John H. Wheeler and John H. Bell work at the anvil and have a wagon shop in connection. John Bain is also a wagon and carriage maker and blacksmith. N. C. Lukens for a number of years had a wagon maker and blacksmith's shop on Front Street, above the bridge, until failing health compelled him to abandon the business.

David Holbrook, recently deceased, was the first to commence the manufacture of carriages and wagons. He established his Shop in 1829 on lot 22, corner of Penn and Center Streets, afterward moving to Parade street.

A similarity of a part of the vocation of a blacksmith presents to notice the boot and shoemaker, though the resemblance has now almost entirely disappeared. In years gone by, in his shanty at the cross-roads, or in the village, the blacksmith's regular work at night was the forging of horse-shoes, the glowing metal furnishing the light necessary to give them shape. Now his shoes are machine-made. So with the boot and shoemaker : the machine, armed with the needle and waxed cord, with lengthened stitches, takes the place of the awl. The pegs which he used to shape from the maple block with the knife on his lapboard are now made by machinery and furnished by the barrel. The first shoemaker in town was Robert Robinson. Near by, on lot 69, south part of West Street, in 1819, Timothy Gaylord furnished shoes to order, either pegged or Stitched. He was an integral part of one of the local political parties, and in politics, as well as in other matters, was positive in the expression of opinion, and although not hasty in the formation, adhered tenaciously to it regardleSs of the reasoning advanced for an adverse proposition.

John Lansley in 1828 or '29 opened a shop in the log house, lot 37, south side of Center, west of West Street. Later Joel Robb, afterward treasurer of the county, was a manufacturer of boots and shoes.

The craft outside of the shoe stores is now represented by Dan Marion, J. H. Riley, A. P. Sheridan and J. W. Mead.

The pioneer carpenters were Jonathan Porter, who was the first treasurer of the county, and William Fouts. The name of Fouts has since been a continuity in the trade, and one of the name obtained some celebrity in building the bridge across the river to Malta, after the failure of the incompleted iron structure.



The first of the chronometrical branch of mechanics was Alexander R. Pinkerton, who in 1820 plied his trade in the front room of his residence, southwest corner of East and Center streets, and occasionally assisted in regulating the local politics of the township and village. He was succeeded by his son, David C., who continued the business of silversmith and jeweler until he was elected probate judge. He was subsequently appointed clerk in one of the departments at Washington.

In 1831 or 1832 Charles E. Baldwin, from Baltimore, Maryland, built a neat little frame shop where is now the north end of the Morris Music Hall, and opened a fair stock of jewelers' goods, watches, clocks, etc. He was a "fine old gentleman" of the aristocratic stamp, with a tenacious confidence in his skill as a "watchmaker, silversmith and jeweler." His standard clock was always accurate—the mere intimation to the contrary being sufficient to excite his ire to a greater extent than a reference to the battle of Bladensburg, in which he was said to have served, distinguishing himself in the retreat.

Somewhere about this time—the date, as well as the subject, as Toots says, " is of no consequence "—a Mr. McKay opened a shop as a clock and watchmaker where the bank now stands, and, by fawning, flattery and brag, gained such popular confidence that he was enabled to make a fair display of watches in his window. His shop was robbed of all the watches and a small stock of tinseled jewelry. No arrests were made—but Mr. McKay was soon a non-resident.

After the demise of Mr. C. E. Baldwin, Charles Clymer repaired and regulated time-keepers In addition to his qualifications as a mechanic, he had the reputation of being somewhat quizzical, and would frequently sell rare seeds, and occasionally an osage orange, as tropical fruit.

The hatters of the village might be included in the list of "things that were." At an early date John Scott, in the old Harrison House, made hats ; he was the first in town. In 1828 William Green, opened a shop. About the same time Edwards & Gilbert started business. They sold to Joseph Laughlin, from St. Clairsville, who continued until his decease. In 1848 Webb & Eckly took the shop. In the fall of 1848 Henson Spence announced to the citizens of the town and vicinity that he had commenced the hating business, and could "furnish fastidious gentlemen with hats that can't be surpassed for neatness and durability east of the Rocky Mountains." He continued to occupy the same room for the same purpose until his death.

Robert A. Pinkerton was the cabinet-maker of 1821, in the rear of his father's residence, and for a number of years made and supplied the requisites in that line for the parlor and bedroom. But in the more recent years he has also furnished the dwelling place for those who " softly lie and sweetly sleep low in the ground."

Samuel T. Clymer opened a cabinet maker's shop in 1828, occupying a part of the house on the corner of Center and Penn streets, but only remained a few years.

The first tinner was John R. Robertson, who opened a shop in a small log house then the property of T.M. Gaylord eorner of West and Poplar streets.


After he discontinued business his father, Robert Robertson, in 1835 took the tools, which years before had been made under his supervision in St. Clairsville, and commenced business in the room originally built for the office of the Morgan Sentinel, east of West street, where he continued until his death in 1842.

Lewis Harter, as a tinner, commenced business in April, 1859.

In 1836 George P. Morris, who had previously, to a limited extent, worked at the business on his farm above Rokeby, came to town and built a brick dwelling on Center street, east of Penn, and commenced the manufacture of tinware. In 1849 he built the first part of the block on the square, and with additions in 1851, '53 and '73 it covers nearly the entire front of two lots on Center Street.

Adjoining the Adams House is a two-story brick, built by Samuel Thompson, who for a few years had in it a produce store. He sold the building to H. M. Cochran, who put in it a full stock of hardware, and continued the business until the stock was bought by C. H. Morris & Co.

West of the terminus of Jefferson street is the steam sawmill and sash and door factory, which by a joint stock company was put in operation in 1808. After one or two changes in the management for the better, it came under the control of a company, which, with a capital of $10,000, is doing a profitable business, employing ten or twelve hands.

Among the " things that were" above the Steam saw mill was the Carbon Oil Refinery, which under the proprietorship of Captain Stewart commenced- operations in 1861, about the time of

the development of the crude material in the county. In about a year it became the property of a joint stock company. Another company was formed later who continued the business for six years, when the establishment was sold to the Standard Oil Company.

At the southern terminus of Main Street, on the bank of the river, waS the foundry, built about 1839, and operated for several years by James L. Gage. It was afterward sold to and operated by David Dickerson until 1868, when it was sold to H. M. Cochran and C. B. Bozman, who continued it in operation until 1879, when it was discontinued, and the steam-engine, patterns, lathes and other fixtures pertaining to the machine shop were sold. The lots and building passed into the possession of Captain William Davis.

In the early years tobacco was recognized as one of the staples of the county, and as the crop always commanded a fair price on the market there was an incentive to the proprietor of a farm in the woods and a new log cabin to clear an additional patch for tobacco.

Prior to 1838 the masticators of the weed were indebted for the article in plug form to other than home manufactories, and it is only within very recent years that Ohio tobacco has been manufactured into plug at all in this town.

In 1838 the pioneer tobacconist, Lowrey Cochran, came from Zanesville and located on half of lot 18, corner of Center and Poplar Streets, where he manufactured cigars and other varieties. Here his unaided energy, honesty of purpose and close attention to business commanded the confidence of the community, and his efforts were rewarded by a prosperous increase of business,


oitinuing until his death (from cholera) at Marietta in 1850.

The business was continued by his brother, H. M. Cochran, until 1854, when he purchased the entire interest and located the factory at the junction of Centre, Vine and Front Streets. The building was remodeled, and with the modern improvements in presses and other machinery was enabled to do a more extensive business, and the product in 1862 reached the aggregate of 150,000 pounds per annum. At that time the general government took an intent in the concern, and during the six years ending in 1868 Mr. Cochran paid $125,000 taxes on the amount manufactured. He then sold an interest in the business and it was continued under the firm name of "Cochran Tobacco Company" until 1878. During this time the factory paid about $200,000 taxes to the general government. In 1878 Mr. Cochran again took the entire charge of the factory, and in 1883 manufactured on an average 200,000 pounds of plug tobacco. Recently he has removed his business to Zanesville.

The J. L. Cochran Company tobacco factory, commenced in 1879, in the large brick building east of the court house, with all the modern improvements in machinery and practical acquirements, and at the present manufactures in the aggregate about 175,000 pounds of plug tobacco.

Geo. P. Hann, in the Morris block, has a tobacco store and manufactures about 1,000,000 cigars per year.

The principal market for tobacco has been in Baltimore. The first to buy, pack and ship was George Campbell, in 1846. In 1847 John Hiatt, in addition to a dry goods store, had a warehouse

on the northwest corner of Center and Poplar for that purpose.

A few years since Mr. Morris packed tobacco in a large building attached to the old foundry, and is now engaged in the same business in Malta.

In the early years drug stores were seldom separate institutions, nor were groceries and saloons, and on looking over the old newspaper files of 1827 and a few subsequent years it is a little interesting, if not amusing, to read the notices calling the attention of the community to the variety of commodities which the merchants offered at a low price "for cash." In the list of articles, in addition to dry goods and groceries, are all the patent 'nostrums of the day, from La Motte's cough drops to medicamentum, or Judkin's ointment. The merchant also usurped the province of the saloonist, and offered a " choice article of genuine rum and brandy, and pure whisky by the barrel, or smaller quantity, at 25 cents per gallon."

The first drug store of the town was commenced by Dr. S. A. Barker in July 1828, and was continued by him until his demise, when for a short time it was kept by his son. In 1854 it came into the possession of Dr. J. Alexander, and is still continued by him with a large, well-selected stock.

In 1843 or '44 Kirker and Woodman- see opened a drug store in what was called the Springer House, east of the court house. In 1847 the drugs, etc., were sold to Israel Green and removed to the room adjoining that now occupied by Dr. Alexander. In 1857 Green sold to Dr. C. Robertson and S. Sprague. In 1858 they removed to the northwest corner of the square. In April, 1862, Sprague sold his interest


to Dr. Robertson, who continued the business in the same room until the building was burned, together with a large part of the drugs, May 5, 1879, after which be occupied a building adjoining on the same lot until his death.

In 1858 Drs. Edwards and Hedges started a store in the same room which had been occupied by Kirker, and in April, 1862, sold out to S. Sprague.

C. V. Arrick commenced selling drugs at the southeast corner of Center and East Streets, and afterward removed to the Buckeye Block. In 1882 he sold to Dr. John Ewing. The latter, in partnership with Dr. T. J. Bingham, now carries on the Same business in a commodious store in the Stanbery Building.

McConnelsville has never had but two breweries. The first may be reckoned among the early industries. It was established by Jacob P. Springer, and was a small affair. The product was considered of good quality and Mr. Springer had a good patronage. He continued the business several years. He moved to Oregon after many years residence in the county.

Shortly before the war a German named David Young built a brewery in the northwestern part of the town, brewed lager beer, and for a number of years, especially during the war, did a brisk business. He quit business about 1874 and the brewery haS not been in operation since.

The town had no banking establishment until 1851. In that year Jacob Goodlive, John R. McLain, J. R. Bell and William B. Young established a private bank and carried on quite a large business under the firm name of Goodlive, McLain, Bell & Co. S. H. Fouts acted as cashier for them. Theirfirst place of business was in a small brick building on Center Street, which is now a meat shop, west of J. Donahue's grocery. They moved about 1857 to the building now occupied by John S. Adair's bookstore.

In 1858 J. R. Bell Succeeded this firm, wound up their business, and for a time carried on a small business on his own account. In January, 1859, G. C. Devol, also in the Adair building, succeeded Bell. He carried on a successful business, continuing until the First National Bank, of which he was the main organizer, was established.

The First National Bank of McConnelsville was organized in 1863, and opened for business on the 30th of June. The principal organizers were G. C. Devol and William P. Sprague. The first directors were William P. Sprague, J. E. Thomas, Joshua Davis, Moses McDaniel, John B. Stone, Frederick W. Wood and William Hawkins. William P. Sprague was elected the first president, and G. C. Devol cashier. Mr. Sprague was succeeded as president by A. Alderman in April, 1867, and he by JameS K. Jones in January, 1863. Mr. Devol served about a year as cashier, and was followed by Moses McDaniel for about the same period. The present cashier, Richard Stanton, succeeded to the office in January, 1866. The bank was organized with a capital of $100,000, which is the present capital. June 30, 1882, the bank was reorganized under the same name. It has always done a good and Safe business, and is regarded as one of the reliable institutions of Morgan County. The present directors are J. K. Jones, A. Alderman, G. C. Devol, E. W. Cotton, B. L. Morris, J. L. Cochran and J. E. Thomas.


In 1826 the town consisted of a Small number of dwellings scattered here and .here over the entire plat of the town. But a decade later the village had grown in population to such an extent that a municipal government was thought necessary, and on petition of a number of citizentl4lia.legislature passed " an act incorporating the village of McConnelsville" in 1836.

The boundaries established by this act left out Corner's addition, the cemetery, and other prospective additions, and to correct these important omissions another act was passed in 1839, establishing the boundaries as at present, viz : " Commencing at the center of the river, opposite the mouth of the Conklin Run, and with the meanderings of the run to where it crosses the Barnesville Road (North Main Street), thence due west to the middle of the river, thence following the course of the river to the place of beginning."

The following were the property owners of McConnelsville in 1836, as copied from the tax duplicate of that year:

Jacob Adams, S. A. Barker, L. D. Barker, John Bailey, Wilks Boman, Edward Butt, Corner & Stone, Edwin Corner, Jas. Culbertson's heirs, Lovit Cady, John Collison, Amos Conaway, James Cope, Thos. Devin, Wm. Durbin, David Dutrow, Jeremiah Dale, Michael Devin, Edward Dawes, Bernard Elrick, Alvah E. Ellis, Wm. Fouts, Caleb W. Fouts, Lemen Fouts, Jacob Goodliv' e, Timothy Gaylord's heirs, Jas. L. Gage, Samuel Herrick, Wm. Hammond, John Hammond, Wm. Hawkins, John Hunt, David Holbrook, John E. Hanna, Johnson & Shepard, George Johnson, Perley B. Johnson, James Kirby, Joseph M. Laughlin, Jas. LatTison, James Lutton, Miller & McCollum, Samuel McClure, Wm. McClure, Wm. McCurdy, Robert McConnel, George P. Martin, Benjamin Nott, Jonathan Porter, Robt. A. Pinkerton, Abner Pyle, James Patterson, Asbury Pennington, Jacob R. Price, Ashbel Russell, Robt. Robinson, Isaac Rempson's heirs, James Roland, Chas. Robertson, John Rodgers, S. Richardson, Rizin & Gillespie, John B. Stone, Ford Sill, Worley C. Shugert, Solomon. W. Scott, Charles Sawyer, Eli Scott, Alex. Simpson, R. J. M. Sharp, Samuel Stewart, James Woodington.

Names of owners of personal property not included in the foregoing list :

Israel Archibald, Charles Baldwin, George Bell, Justus Depew, J. & R. Doster, John C. Edwards, Edwards & Gilbert, Andrew Fouts, Lemen Fouts, Jr., Caleb W. Fouts, Johnson & Dawes, Joseph Kelly, Joseph Laughlin, Joseph Lansy, L. K. McLaughlin, Alex. McConnel, Thomas McCarty, W. W. McGrath & Co., Virtulon Rich, Shepard & Son, William Shivel, Simpson & Co., A. B. Scott, John E. Thomas, Christian Weirick, John Wilkin.

Taxes for the year 1836: On town property, $67.28; on personal property, $43.66.

After the beginning of the river improvement the town grew quite rapidly, soon attaining to more than its present population, and made rapid progress in buildings and improvements.

A complete list of town officers since the incorporation is given below.

1836.—William Hawkins, mayor; Albert G. Westgate, recorder; Wm. Durbin, Wm. Fouts, Robert A. Pinkerton, John Lansley, Lemen Fonts, Jr., trustees; Robert Robinson, treasurer ;. Chas. F. Alden, marshal.

1837.—Jas. L. Gage, mayor; Samuel


Stewart, recorder; Robt. A. Pinkerton, Albert G. Grubb, Caleb W. Fouts, John Scott, Luther D. Barker, trustees; Jos. McLaughlin, treasurer; Chas. F. Alden, marshal.

1838.—Amos Conaway, mayor; John E. Hanna., recorder; Albert G-.Westgate, Thomas R. McCarty, William Shivel, John Bailey, Jacob R. Price, trustees; Joseph Kelly, treasurer; Jas. Watkins, marshal.

1839.—Nathaniel Shepard, mayor; Jas. M. Gaylord, recorder; Joel Robb, James W. Heany, James L. Gage, Jonathan Porter, William Durbin, trustees; William Hawkins, assessor; Jos. Kelly, treaSurer; Reuben H. Nott, marshal.

1840.-Robert A. Pinkerton, mayor; C. B. Tompkins, recorder ; Lemen Fouts, 3d, Abner Pyle, L. K. McLaughlin, N. Sprenger, James. Lutton, truStees; john B. Stone, treasurer ; Isaac H. Roland, marshal ; James L. Gage, assessor.

1841.-John B. Stone, mayor ; Chas. Robertson, recorder; Henry Doudna, William Fouts, John Mendenhall, Orin Lull, Chas. E. Baldwin, trustees ; James L. Gage, assessor ; W. W. McGrath, treasurer; Reuben H. Nott, marshal.

1842.—John B. Stone, mayor ; Chas. Robertson, recorder ; Nathaniel Shepard, assessor ; John Mendenhall, William Fouts, William Hammond, Abner Pyle, Henry Doudna, trustees; W. W. McGrath, treasurer; Samuel Farra, marshal.

1843.--Nathaniel Shepard, mayor ; Wm. T. Bascom, recorder ; John Perry, Abner Pyle, Nicholas Sprenger, William Hammond, James L. AdamS, trustees; Joel Robb, treasurer ; Solomon H. Fouts, marshal ; Nathaniel Shepard, street commissioner.

1844.—James McLaughlin, mayor ; Wm. T. Bascom, recorder ; James L. Adams, Abner Pyle, William Hammond, John Perry, Henry Doudna, trustees ; Joel Robb, treasurer ; Andrew Fouts, marShal ; Hugh Cassidy, assessor : William Fouts, street commissioner.

1845.—John B. Stone, mayor ; James A. Adair, recorder; C. W. Fouts, Abner Pyle, Joseph McLaughlin, Solomon IV. Scott, David Holbrook, trustees; Robert A. Pinkerton, assessor ; Joel Robb, treasurer; 'William Wilson, marshal.

1846.-Enoch Dye, mayor ; W. W McGrath, recorder ; George W. Dearing, Joel Robb, Amos Whissen, David Holbrook, Solomon W. Scott, trustees ; Thomas McCartey, assessor ; Joseph Whitten, marshal ; James Harkless, treasurer.

1847.—R. W. P. Muse, mayor ; Chas. Robertson, recorder ; P. B. Johnson, James M. Gaylord, D. C. Pinkerton, L. Cochran, E. E. Evans, trustees ; S. E. Fouts, assessor ; James Whitten, marshal ; Jas. Harkless, treasurer.

1848.—David H. Mortley, mayor ; George F. Hay ward, recorder ; Perley B. Johnson, Royal T. Sprague, Enoch Dye, Wm. T. Bascom, H. II. Little, trustees ; S. E. Fouts, assessor ; James Harkless, treasurer ; E. Bunn, marshal ; G. F. Hayward, street commissioner.

1849.—Virtulon Rich, mayor ; T. Bascom, recorder ; Enoch Dye, James Watkins, Hugh Clancy, James T. Adams, Israel Green, trustees ; Sebastian E. Fouts, assessor ; Ezra E. Evans, street commissioner ; Robert Ferguson, marshal ; James Harkless, treasurer.

1850.—Worley C. Shugert, mayor ; Frederick W. Wood, recorder ; D. B. Linn, Israel Green, Ford Sill, D. R.


Starkey, Samuel Murray, trustees ; Henry Linkin, assessor ; Sebastian E. Fouts, treasurer ; Robert Ferguson, marshal ; C. B. Tompkins, street commissioner.

1851.-E. E. Evans, mayor ; Israel Green, recorder ; D. B. Linn, Robert Adams, Wm. M. Corner, David M. Mortley, Samuel Murray, trustees ; Jonathan Pyle, assessor ; S. E. Fouts, treasurer ; Robert Furguson, marshal ; James Watkins, street commissioner.

1852.—James Watkins, mayor; D. B. Linn, recorder; Charles L. Barker, Matthew Wylie, Joel Robb, Henry R. Pinkerton, Robert A. Pinkerton, trustees ; Geo. A. Vincent, assessor; Robert Ferguson, marshal S E. Fouts, treasurer; Abner Pyle, street commissioner.

1853.—Charles Clymer, mayor ; Edwin Corner, mayor, to fill vacancy : V. Rich, Recorder ; Geo. A. Vincent, John Boone, Samuel Chambers, C. L. Barker, Elias Kinsey, trustees ; Jacob Dutcher, marshal ; S. E. Fouts, treasurer ; R. A. Pinkerton, assessor.

1854.—M. M. Davis, mayor ; John Mull, recorder ; Worley Adams, Wm. Sherwood, Thos. W. Simpson, Geo. Morris, Robt. A. Pinkerton, trustees ; Abner Pyle, marshal and street commissioner ; S. E. Fouts, treasurer.

1855.—Same. 1856.-Geo. W. Wallar, mayor ; John V. Ramsey, recorder ; Geo. P. Morris, R. A. Pinkerton, T. W. Simpson, Worley Adams, Geo. Powell, trustees; Geo. Campbell, street commisSioner and marshal ; S. E. FoUts, treasurer.

1857.—Geo. W. Wallar, mayor; Thos. W. Simpson, recorder; R. A. Pinkerton, Worley Adams, William Sherwood, Hugh Cochran, F. W. Wood, trustees; Abner Pyle, marshal and street commissioner; S. E. Fouts, treasurer.

1858.—R. D. Hopper, mayor; T. W. Simpson, recorder; Chas. P. Scott, R. A. Pinkerton, M. Seaman, Geo. E. Baker, Worley Adams, trustees; Wm. Hawkins, marshal and street commissioner; Kenison, treasurer.

1859.—R. D. Hopper, mayor; D. B. Shivel, recorder; R. A. Pinkerton, T. W. Simpson, G. E. Baker, Andrew Kahler, Agustus McCarty, trustees ; Herbert Johnson, treasurer; Daniel Sheets, marshal and street commissioner.

1860.—R. D. Hopper, mayor; S. H. Fouts, recorder; Herbert Johnson, treaSurer; David Mummey, John McGowen, David Dickerson, Augustus McCarty, A. Brady, trustees ; Daniel Sheets, marshal and street commissioner.

1861.—G. A. Vincent,* mayor ; L. Harter, recorder; David Holbrook, D. Dickerson, John F. McGowan, Joseph F. Sonnanstine, A. G. McCarty, trustees ; Wm. P. Gilley, marshal and street. commissioner ; H. Johnson, treasurer.

1862.—James E. Stewart, mayor ; L. Harter, recorder; D. Mummy, D. Holbrook, J. F. McGowan, Jeptha Doudna, W. R. Jones, trusteeS ; Herbert Johnson, treasurer; Wm. P. Gilley, marshal and street commissioner.

1863.—James L. Berry, mayor; L Harter, recorder; D. Holbrook, Wm, R. Jones, J. Doudna, Jesse Evans, Samuel Murray, trustees; H. Johnson, treasurer ; Wm. A. McConnel, marshal and street commissioner.

1864.—James E. Stewart, mayor; L. Harter, recorder; Wm. R. Jones, J. Doudna, John B. Stone, John Spurrier, Jas. A. Adair, trustees ; H. Johnson, treasurer; John C, Head, marshal.

* Died 1861; W. W. McCarty appointed for the unexpired term.


1865.—J. E. Stewart, mayor; L. Harter, recorder; John Spurrier, L E. Fouts, J. Doudna, Jasper C. Stone, Wm. R. Jones, trustees ; H. Johnson, treasurer; Cornelius Head, marshal.

1866.—James A. Adair, mayor; L. Harter, recorder; William R. Jones, J. Doudna, J. C. Stone, Moses McDaniel, John Boone, trustees ; H. Johnson, treasurer; Daniel H. SheetS, marshal.

1867.—J. A. Adair, mayor ; L. Harter, recorder; W. R. Jones, J. Doudna, J. C. Stone, Alfred Wilkin, John Boone, trustees; H. Johnson, treasurer ; D. H. Sheets, marshal.

1868.—R. A. Pinkerton, mayor; Frank A. Davis, mayor from September, 1868; James M. Williamson, recorder; James A. McConnel, Chas. E. Cochran, John H. Wheeler, Jefferson Buchanan, Adolphus Vogel, trustees; Elmer W. Cotton, treasurer; Cornelius Head, marshal.

1869.—F. W. Wood, mayor; James Watkins, mayor from August, 1868 ; John H. Murry, recorder; E. M. Stanbery, J. Doudna, John H. Wheeler, James Bain, Thos. Hammond, trustees ; E. W. Cotton, treasurer ; D. H. Sheets, marshal

1870.--W. W. McCarty, mayor ; John Ewing, Thos. Hammond, E. M. Stanbery, E. P. Dunsmoor, R. L. Morris, Hiram McGrath, council; John H. Murry, clerk ; Gleason B. Bozman, treasurer; Cornelius Head, marshal.

1871.—W. W. McCarty, mayor ; J. Ewing, E. M. Stanbery, T. Hammond, James Elwood, G. A. Powell, Wm. Henry Blonden, council; J. W. Kincaid, clerk ; Cornelius Head, marshal ; C. B. Bozman, treasurer.

1872.—John E. Hanna, mayor ; J. W. Kincaid, clerk ; W. H. Blonden, James Elwood, G. A. Powell, D. H. Mortley, G. A. Vogle, Wm. Dawson, council; Head, marshal ; C. B. Bozman, treasurer.

1873.—J. E. Hanna, mayor; J. B. Powell, clerk; D. H. Mortley, G. A. Vogle, Wm. Dawson, E. M. Stanbery, F. A. Porter, James McMurray, council ; C. B. Bozman, treasurer; C. Head, marshal.

1874.—James K. Jones, mayor; Lemuel McGraw, clerk; E. M. Stanbery, F. A. Porter, James McMurray, W. R. Jones, James Bain, Worley Adams, council; D. H. Sheets, marshal; Henson Spence, treasurer.

1875.—Jas. K. Jones, mayor; L. McGraw, clerk ; W. R. Jones, Jas. Bain, Worley Adams, John E. Hanna, James Elwood,' Henry Linkin, council; H. Spence, treasurer; D. H. Sheets, marshal.

1876.—David C. Pinkerton, mayor; Edgar Sharp, clerk ; J. E. Hanna, J. Elwood, H. Linkin, W. R. Jones, J. P. Steadman, C. Burckholter, council; John C. Head, marshal ; C. E. Cochran, treasurer.

1877.—R. A. Pinkerton, mayor ; Edgar Sharp, clerk ; W. R. Jones, C. Burckholter, J. P. Steadman, C. B. Bozman, John G. Walker, J. H. Whitaker, council ; John C. Head, marshal ; C. E. Cochran, treasurer.

1878.—E. J. Brown, mayor; It S. Kelly, clerk ; C. B. Bozman, J. G Walker, John H. Wheeler, Edgar Sharp, James Bain, G. W. Conklin, council; C. E. Cochran, treasurer ; Enoch Dye, Jr., marshal

1879.—E. J. Brown, mayor ; R. S. Kelly, clerk ; James Bain, Edgar Sharp, John Wheeler, J. E. Hanna, J. B. Sheridan, J. Ewin, council; Enoch. Dye, Jr., marshal; C. E. Cochran, treasurer.

1880: -Seneca Brownell, mayor; R. S. Kelly, clerk; J. E. Hanna, J. Ew-


ing, J. B. Sheridan, J. H. Wheeler, J. M. West, Frank F Metcalf, council; C. E. Cochran, treasurer ; Enoch Dye, Jr., marshal.

1881.—S. Brownell, mayor; R. S. Kelly, clerk, J. H. Wheeler ; J. M, West, F. F. Metcalf, S. L. Koons, C. C. Kenison, ChaS. 0: Carnes, council ; C. E. Cochran, treasurer; Enoch Dye, Jr., marshal.

1882.—Andrew Arrick, mayor;; R. S. Kelly, clerk ; C. O. Carnes, S. L. Koons, Geo. Gillespie ; G. E. Halliday, A. W. Stewart, J. K. Seaman, council ; C. E. Cochran, treasurer; Enoch Dye, Jr., marshal.

1883.—A. Arrick, mayor ; W. 0. Fouts, clerk; George Gillespie, A. W. Stewart, C. Burckholter, J. K. Seaman, Geo. Donohue, W. R. Jones, council ; Enoch Dye, Jr., marshal; C. E. Cochran, treasurer.

1884.—James W. McElhiney, mayor; W. 0. Fouts, clerk; Chris. Burckholter, A. W. Stewart, Geo. Donohue, R. H. Cheadle, John Wheeler, W. R. Jones, council ; C. E. Cochran, treasurer ; Enoch Dye, Jr., marshal.

1885.—J. W. McElhiney, mayor ; W. 0. Fouts, clerk; R. H. Cheadle, A. W. Stewart, Geo Donohue, Frank Mell, John Wheeler, Hiram McGrath, council; C. E. Cochran, treasurer ; Enoch Dye, Jr., marshal.

A public market-house was erected in the town in 1837. An ordinance of 1838 declared that " market should be held on Wednesday and Saturday in each and every week from daylight until 8 o'clock a. m. from the 1st of April to the 1st of October, and from daylight until 9 o'clock a. m. from the 1st of October to the 1st of April." The second market-houSe, which was converted into a town hall in 1867, also included the engine house, erected in 1856-7.

The first movement toward protection from fires was made in November, 1838, when the trustees of the town ordered that "ten fire-hooks and twelve ladders be purchased, which shall be deposited in the market-house, ready for use at all times." The fire engine purchased just before the engine-house was erected was made at Dickerson's foundry. It was a cumbrous affair, with a nine-inch cylinder, and required about forty men to run it. It was remodeled, but after being tested and found practically uSeless was sold as old iron, and the town has had no engine since.

The following figures show the population of McConnelsville for each decade during the last half century : 1840, 957 : 1850, 1660 ; 1860, 1486 ; 1870, 1646 ; 1880 1473.

The Stanbery building, the finest business block in Morgan County, was erected by Hon. Elias M. Stanbery in 1884. It is three stories in height and 80x133 feet in size. It contains seven large and convenient stores on the ground floor. The upper stories are designed for offices and lodging rooms, and contain fifty-six apartmentS.

Examination of early newspapers printed in the county brings to light the fact that in the fall of 1827 the only merchants of McConnelsville who advertised in the Morgan Sentinel were: A. Simpson & Co., L. D. Barker and Corner & Stone.

In the Ohio Whig Standard of September 27, 1839, the following merchants' names are found : ConverSe & Bailey, J. B. Stone & Co., G. Buckingham, H. Dover, L. D. Barker, E. Corner, Collum & Wilkin, Samuel A. Bark-


er, W. W. McGrath & Co., all of whom are deceased. In the same paper also advertise George Morris, hardware dealer; John Scott and William Robinson, hatters; Wm. H. Bozman, saddler and harness-maker; Benjamin Nott, proprietor of the Muskingum Valley House.

In a copy of the Independent, 1844; N. Shepard, E. & S. Shepherd, Buckeye Block, G. Buckingham, L. D. Barker, merchants; Corner & McGrath, saddlery; Geo. Campbell, New York Store ; L. Fouts, boots and shoes; Roland & Ingram (J. Roland and J. B. Ingram), tailors; D. C. Pinkerton, jeweler; J. Shartle, proprietor of the McConnelsvile House, south side of Center Street, near the river.

In the Herald in 1853: C. L. Barker & Co., Shepard & Adams, Black & Simpson, Sill & Robinson, Joshua Gregg, John B. Stone & Co., merchantS ; Israel Green, Barker & McCue, druggists; Dr. M. Edwards, physician; Howard Sr Stone, boots and shoes; Geo. Hasher ; merchant tailor; Miss Annie Guthrie, daguerreotype artiSt; A. Hageman, vinegar factory; John M. Wilson, American Hotel; H. M. Cochran & Co., cigars and tobacco ; S. Thompson, hardware; C. P. Fisher, threshing machines.

The chief business interests of Mc- Connelsville, May 1, 1886, were as follows :

General stores, dry goods, notions, groceries, etc. : T. D. Clancy & Co., Adams & Kahler, C. L. Barker.

Boots, shoes and queensware : Dye Bros. (Chas. H. and William.)

Boots and shoes : J. Williamson.

Merchant tailors and dealers in gents' furnishing goods : John G. Walker, C. 0. Carnes.

Clothing and furnishing goods : J. C. Bolen.

Jewelry, watches, clocks, etc.: H. B. Vincent & Bro.

Hardware : The Morris Hardware Company (Scott Brothers, proprietors) ; Thomas T. Nott, and Oscar B. Nott.

Books, Stationery, etc. : John S. Adair, Geo. E. Halliday & Son.

Druggists : J. Alexander, Ewing & Bingham.

Millinery and fancy goods: F. & N. Mell, Maggie Henderson, Nettie Nott & Co.

Manufacturers of plug tobacco : The J. L Cochran Co. Cigar makers : G. P. Hann, C. E. Cochran.

Furniture manufacturer: H. A. Pinkerton. Furniture and undertaking : R. A. Pinkerton.

W. R. Jones, manufacturer of foreign and American marble, Scotch and American granite, wrought-iron fences for residences and cemeteries. This is the only house of the kind in the county. It was established in 1853, and possesses advantages unsurpassed by any other house in this part of the State. The marble used is obtained direct from the quarries, and the Scotch granite is a direct importation, and only the best stock is used and only skilled labor employed. Twenty years have demonstrated the fact that the work of this house cannot be excelled in Southeastern Ohio.

Grocers : Chris. Burckholter, James Donohue, B. F. Matson, E. Keller, Carter & Worrall, E. A. Dye, George Birch & Sons, W. 0. Conklin, and Edgar Sharp.

Toys, etc. : J. W. Dover, Frank Mel. Grocery and bakery : Shafer Bros.

Saddlery, harnesses, etc.: James Watkins & Son.


Undertakers : R. D. Johnson & Co.

Flouring mills : E. M. Stanbery & Co., Partesius & Sons.

Hotels : Adams House, Jacob Adams ; Koons House, Henry Koons.

John E. Hanna, postmaster.

The beautiful grove where many gifted orators, statesmen .and divines have held forth to admiring audiences is one of the chief ornaments of McConnelsville. Certainly it would be difficult to find a pleasanter locality for open air meetings of whatever sort. The grounds are well fenced and neatly kept. A tasty speakers' platform of circular shape, canopied, occupies a prominent position in the grove. The first trees were planted in the grove in 1847. H. S. Robertson and James Cochran had the honor of setting the first one, closely followed by Hon. C. B. Tompkins, James A. Adair, W. T. Bascom and other.


The 4th of July, 1820, was ushered in by the firing of thirteen salutes from an anvil at Price's blacksmith shop. A sumptuous dinner was prepared by Mr. James Young and eaten under a bowery which was erected on the lot where the town hall now stands. About 200 guests enjoyed the, repast, with the presence of several ladies and numerous youngsters, all of them arrayed in their best. At this demonstration there was a feature unseen and unknown in celebrations of the present day. It was the presence, in conspicuous position, both in the procession and at the table, of ten or twelve revolutionary soldiers, invited and honored guests.

About 12 o'clock a procession, under the direction of the marshal of the day

* Condensed from the writings of Judge Gaylord.

and his aids, was formed on the public square, and William Spurgeon with his fiddle and Jonas Fox with his fife marched, where marching could be done, first up Main Street, until intercepted by the forest at the corner of the present schoolhouse grounds, then countermarched to the square, then down Center Street avoiding stumps, brush-heaps and fallen timber, to the river, in view of the unpretending and peaceful village of Malta, then countermarched to the square, thence down Main Street to the bowery, where those participating in the festivities of the day arranged themselves on each side of the table, patiently awaiting the order to "pitch in." The music on this occasion, as may be judged, proved both melancholy and lively, slow and fast, soft and harsh. Two favorite national airs, "Hail Columbia" and " Yankee Doodle," were alternately played, first upon the fiddle, then upon the fife.

At that day the celebrators were at a loss for much artillery out of which to make a noise, which was considered an important and essential feature of such an occasion. To obviate this difficulty the marshal of the day was directed to invent something out of which to make the necessary noise. With the materials at hand he caused to be dug among the fennel and butter-weeds, lwhich then abounded in the streets, a ditch about ten feet long and two feet deep. A platoon of eight or ten men, equally arranged on the sides of the ditch, were armed with old flint-lock muskets, heavily loaded with powder and tow wads, which they discharged into the bottom of the ditch, directed in their exercises by Signals from the president. When the usual toasts were


to be read and drunk the signal was given and the gunners fired a volley into the ditch, making a noise equal to a six-pounder, while the crowd shouted and huzzaed. The musicians and those who handled the guns were given complimentary seats at the feast.

The repast was in the best style of the day. The tables groaned with the best the country afforded. After the feast the cloth was removed and the boards plentifully spread with buckets of cool spring water, decanters of liquor and green drinking glasses.

Neither the name of the orator of the day nor of the reader of the Declaration of Independence can now be remembered. It is believed that no such persons were present—except that the schoolmaster, having found a copy of the declaration, was called upon to read it before the toasts were offered.

Thirteen toasts were given and as nearly as can be remembered were as follows:

1. The day we celebrate : may it never be forgotten.

2. The United States : their destiny is in the future, their empire unlimited.

3. General George Washington (drunk standing and in silence).

4. The friendly powers throughout the world : may they emulate our example.

5. The constitution of the United States : the palladium of our liberties.

6. The president and his cabinet, and the prevailing era of good feeling.

7. The memory of those who have nobly fallen in defence of American freedom.

8. Patriots and heroes of the late war.

9. Agriculture and commerce, arts and sciences : by the former we thrive, by the latter we arise.

10. Our glorious little army and navy : they have done nobly and have taught old England and her savage allies that a brave and free people cannot be subjugated.

11. Jackson, Scott, Ripley, Brown, Decatur, Bainbridge, Hull and Jones : heroes by land and sea in the late struggle with proud old England ; they deserve the everlasting anthems of a free people.

12. Woman : man's companion and comforter; she is duly appreciated.

13. The boys of McConnelsville wild colts make the best horses when well broke. "

The festivities and exercises of the day closed with a brilliant ball at Larrison's tavern, at the sign of the Buck, corner of Main and Water streets. Balls were then attended by the young folks and by some of the old. Dancing exercises commenced at 4 o'clock p. m., and continued until daylight the following morning. HornpipeS, French and square fives, Virginia reels, etc., to lively tunes, were the favorite dances of the time.


The Zanesville and McConnelsville Telegraph Company was organized in October, 1850. The line was completed to McConnelsville and put in operation Saturday, November 23, 1850. In April, 1851, the directors gave notice to the stockholders that they had declared a dividend of five per cent per annum for the quarter ending March, 1851.

The company was afterward reorganized- under the name of the Muskingum Valley Telegraph Company.


The line was extended to Beverly and thence to Marietta. In October, 1851, a special meeting of the stockholders of the company was called to consider the question of accepting the line from Beverly to Marietta.

The line was in a measure neglected. It was not substantially constructed and soon got out of repair. A man connected with the Muskingum improvement was riding along the road in the performance of his duties when his horse became entangled in some of the wire and was severely injured. This person began a suit against the company for damages, and obtained (in another county) a judgment in his favor. An execution was issued, directing the sheriff to levy on all the property of the company and sell the same to satisfy the claim. This was done, and the line soon ceased to exist. Thus ended the first attempt of the citizens of Morgan County to maintain telegraphic communication with the rest of the world.

The county was then without a telegraph office until 1865. In the spring of that year the United States Telegraph Company of Ohio erected a line from Marietta to Zanesville, and established an office in McConnelsville. About the same time the Western Union Telegraph Company erected an opposition line between the same points —on the west side of the river as far as McConnelsville—and also opened an office in the latter place. In the winter of 1869-70, after the consolidation of the United States and Western Union Companies, the work of tearing down both lines was undertaken. The telegraph operator at McConnelsville, assisted by subscriptions by the citizens, came to the rescue and purchased the line from McConnelsville to Zanesville. The rest of the wires were removed. The line has since been private property, owned successively by Charles Cromwell, George Powell and Seneca Brownell, the present owner.


For some years the village had no schoolhouse, but rented a room in some convenient locality wherein the teacher held sway over a small flock of boys and girls. The first term of school is said to have been taught by Mrs. Robert Robinson. Dr. Samuel A. Barker, the first male teacher, taught his first term in McConnelsville in 1819. Other early teachers were a man named Lord and John Doland, a lawyer. The first school directors, Rev. John Hunt, Dr. P. B. Johnson and Francis A. Barker, were appointed by the county in 1825, and since, that time commendable interest has been taken in educational matters. The town had no schoolhouse until after 1833. A brick building was erected on the southwest corner of the present schoolhouse lot, which served as a high school building until the present commodious structure was erected. Soon after two one-story brick buildings, with two rooms in each, were erected, one on West Liberty Street, near Vine, and the other on Water Street, between Penn and Parade Streets. Not long afterward a small frame building on Liberty Street, east of Main, was obtained for use as a schoolroom. These buildings were occupied by the primary school for some years.

The present school building is one of the best in Southeastern Ohio, and speaks in eloquent terms

of the interest


which the citizens mainifest in educational matters. It was built in 1867-8, and cost, including the additional grounds purchased for the lot, about $30,000. The schools are nOW excellently managed.

Prior to the establishment of the high school, select schools for tuition in the higher branches were occasionally taught. In 1842 some of the citizens organized, with a constitution and bylaws, " The McConnelsville Academy," intended for the cultivation of the youth. For this purpose they rented the frame building on Water Street, between East and Penn, which had been built for a Universalist church, and employed as a teacher Mr. J. D. Sears, of Bucyrus, Ohio, at a salary of $400 per year, for which he was to devote his time and attention to the school. The number of scholars was about thirty and the projectors fondly hoped that the academy would become a permanent institution of a high order. One year ended his career. The retirement of the professor, however, was the finale of the academy. From 1846 until about 1850 Select schools of thiS class were taught, some of them especially for young ladies. The teachers during that time were Mr. and Mrs. Giles, Mr. Luddon, Miss Gillet and Miss Bassett.


For many years a healthy temper. ante sentiment has prevailed among the better class of citizens in McConnelsville.

As elsewhere stated the use of whisky as a beverage in the pioneer days was almost universal, and was considered an article of necessity, especially to those who were in any way exposed to

the vicissitudes of the weather or en- engaged in any laborious enjoyment; and a neighbor who failed to offer his friends a drink when calling at his house was thought to be a mean and stingy fellow, and was as much despised as if he had failed to observe other more necessary acts of hospitality. Mr. H. P. Dearborn says that in his boyhood he knew of only one pronounced temperance man and he was not a temperance man from principle. About 1830 the temperance movement had made some little progress, and here and there the nucleus of future societies had been formed. In 1832 a society was in existence in Windsor Township, of which Nathan Dearborn was president. Phineas C. Keyes was one of the prominent men in the movement. In 1834 the township was canvassed for signatures to the pledge. Frequently the solicitors were met with abusive language and even threats of violence were made. Among the pioneers in the cauSe in McConnelsville was the late Luther D. Barker, who was one of the prominent temperance orators at the first temperance convention held in McConnelsville on the Fourth of July, 1834. Edwin Corwin was also a pioneer in the temperance cause.

In 1839 a society was organized in Windsor with total abstinence as their platform. H. P. Dearborn was president. Joseph McVeigh, vice-president, and P. J. Patterson, secretary. This society had an existence' of over thirty years, and did a great work.

A " Washingtonian Society" was formed in Meigsville, but did not live long, the township being exceptionally free from inebriety.

In 1846 the society of the "Sons of Temperance " came into existence. It


pored for awhile, and was succeeded y the " Temple of Honor," and the Good Templars."

1874 witnessed the "Woman's Crude," which for the time seemed destined to annihilate the traffic, but failed to accomplish its purpose for want of sufficient prohibitory legislation.

Each effort, however, has placed the cause further in advance, and to-day the prohibitionists are a powerful element in Morgan County politics, and will undoubtedly soon hold the balance of power. At this time (1886) there is Only one place outside the county seat where ardent spirits are sold as a beverage.

An interesting item connected with the temperance history of the town is furnished in the celebrated " McConnelsville Ordinance " This ordinance became quite noted ; was adopted in many cities and villages in Ohio and elsewhere ; went to the Supreme Court in the case of Burckholter vs. The State, and was declared constitutional. Some of its features. were afterward incorporated in the Scott law.

The first ordinance for the purpose of restraining the liquor traffic was passed while Hon. F. W. Wood was mayor, in April, 1869. This proved unsatisfactory, and September 10, 1869, a committee consisting of Mayor Watkins, Recorder Murry and Councilman Stanbery was appointed to draft a new ordinance. This was done, and the ordinance, as introduced, was passed the same evening, all the council- Messrs. Baine, Hammond, Wheeler, Stanbery, Doudna and Murry voting in favor.

July 15, 1871, the ordinance was repealed. March 14, 1874, under Mayor Hanna it was reenacted by vote of Councilmen Dawson, Mortley, McMurray, Porter and Stanbery. The ordinance continued in force until a change in the statutes of Ohio took away from incorporated villages the power of prohibiting ale, beer and porter houses.

Its main feature was the power given to such corporations to " restrain and prohibit" such places.


First Presbyterian Church of Mean, nelsville.—ThiS church was organized March 31, 1824, by Rev. William Hunt, assisted by Ruling Elder Samuel Stanbery. The original members were Robert Robinson, Elizabeth Robinson, Rhoda Porter, Samuel McCune, Sarah McCune, Nancy Pinkerton, Nancy Young, Hannah Ferrell, Jonathen Porter, Clarissa Ferrel, Jane Young, Margaret Price. The ruling elders were Richard Cheadle, George Howard and Robert Stewart.

The first pastor, Rev. William Hunt, was succeeded in 1831 by Rev. William Aiken, who remained until 1857, when Rev. W. M. Grimes came. He left in 1863, at which time Rev. John Kelly was called. He remained until 1869, when he was succeeded by Rev. Henry Cooper. He severed hiS connection with the society in 1872. Rev. Gibson occupied the pulpit from 1874 to 1875. Rev. W. M. Grimes returned in 1876 and preached two years ; Rev. W. Patterson from 1882 to 1883 ; Rev. W. M. Grimes, 1883, present pastor.

In 1832 the society erected the present house of worship at a cost of $5,000. It has since been remodeled and several times repaired. The present number of members is 100 ; - Sabbath "School scholars, 70.


The present church officers are: Ruling elders, Jefferson Buchanan, J. C. Vincent, Alexander Rusk and C. H. Laughridge ; trustees, Joseph Williamson and M. M. Hoff ; Sabbath school Superintendent, C. H. Laughridge ; Sabbath school secretary J. A. Adair.

First Baptist Church.—This society is one of the oldest religious organizations in the county, and undoubtedly the first in McConnelsville. From an address delivered by Rev. J. Chambers at the semi-centennial anniversary, held December 22, 1878, we glean the following : " The early records of the church being so imperfect, they cannot be relied on as entirely accurate, some being written upon scraps of paper without dates." Mr. Robert Pinkerton, whose recollection of all historical matters pertaining to the village is still vivid, states that the society was organized about 1825, and that Elder George Russell was the first minister. The only entry alluding to the organization of the church is, that on Saturday preceding the Lord's day in December, 1828, at a church meeting, it was decided that it be called the Baptist Church of McConnelsville, and Rev. Benoni Allen, of the Baptist Church of Zanesville, was called to take the pastoral charge, and was duly installed the next day. There is nothing recorded to show who the members were at that time, but as near as can be ascertained the following were among the number : George Russell and wife, John Collinson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Barker, F. A. Barker and a Mr. and Mrs. Kay.

At a meeting held in 1831 it was decided to build a meeting-house, and L. D. Barker, John Collison and Francis A. Barker were appointed a building committee. A building 36x50 feet was erected in 1832 at an expense of about $1,000, and dedicated in November of that year. It was destroyed by fire in October of 1853. The present structure was built in 1872, and cost about $11,- 000. It is of brick, 45x75 feet. The succession of paStors has been Revs. Benoni Allen, George Russell, W. R. McGowan, William Sedwick, B. Y. Siegfried, Mr. Cram, R. H. Sedwick, Billings, H. Ward, J. Chambers, A. Snyder, W. N. Wyeth, F. J. Cather, J. C. Fernald, C. M. Rupe, W. H. Stenger and G. W. Nead, present pastor. The present membership is 140. The Sabbath school has 75 pupils.

Methodist Episcopal Church.—This society is nOW in the sixty-seventh year of its existence, but owing to the loss of the early church records but little of its history can be given. One of the prominent members of the church in the olden times was John Williams, or " Pap Williams," as he was familiarly known among the pioneers, and services were for a long time held at his house ; then the old courthouse was utilized until the erection of the first church edifice in 1836. The present structure was built in 1860, at a cost of $5,000. According to the recollection of Robt. A. Pinkerton the following were among the original members : John Williams and wife, Philip Kahkr, John Hughes, Samuel Farra, Sr., Stephen Gates and Israel Redman.

Among the early ministers were Revs. Rukel, Waddell, Hamilton, Jas. D. Finley, McMahan, McElroy, Miner, Tipton and Little. Since the erection of the present church Revs. Cruse, Berket, McCready, Veil, Hollister, Edgell, Chapman, Brown, Piggott, Gledhill, and J. H. Merchant, the present pastor.


The present membership is 140, with a Sabbath School attendance of 117.

Methodist Protestant Church.—The McConnelsville Methodist Protestant Church was organized in 1844 by Caleb Fouts. John Huntsman was the first regular pastor. The original members were Worley Shugert, William Pettit, Hugh Clancy, Caleb Fouts, William Wilson, Jane Wilson, Daniel Chandler, Jr., and wife, Daniel Chandler, Sr., and wife, William Kahler and wife, Noah Leasure and wife, and James Harvey. The first trustees were Worley Shugert, Caleb Fouts and William Pettit. The church edifice was built in 1845 at a cost of $350. It is now the dwelling of Dr. True. The present church edifice was built in 1837, and is a brick building, 40x50 feet. The Methodist Protestant society purchased it from the Congregationalists at a cost of $2,200. The pastors of this church have been Revs. Jefferson Sears, John Wilkin, G. D. Smith, Will T. Robbins, J: H. Hamilton, G. W. Hissey, F. A. Brown, J. D. Murphy, W. J. Holland, and W. H. Dye, present pastor. The church now has 125 members, and the Sabbath school 75 pupils.

First Universalist Church.—The First Universalist Church was organized by Rev. J. W. McMaster in 1849. Following are the original members : Jonathan Pyle, John Harris, George Dawson, Hiel Dunsmoor, S. E. Fouts, James Dickey, J. F. Sonnanstine, John Collins, Joseph Noyes, Betsey Dodge, Sarah Dunsmoor, Julia Sonnanstine, Elizabeth Beck, Susan Bemis, Maria Dawson, Lucy Dunsmoor, Mary Hedges, Mary Ewing Caroline Shepard, Mrs. WeStgate and others.

In 1852 the society built a church, 40x60 feet at a cost of $3,500. The succession of pastors have been J. W. McMaster, J. W. Henly, M. L. Hewett, John F. Gates, J. P. McLean, W. B. Woodbury and S. P. Carlton. The present membership is about 50, with a Sabbath school attendance of about 20. Prior to the organization of the church a society was formed and serviceS held in the old court house by Rev. T. C. Eaton, Revs. Bacon, Flanders and others. The first officers of the church were : Trustees, H. Dunsmoor, J. F. Sonnanstine and S. E. Fouts ; clerk and treasurer, Hattie E. Shepard ; stewards, H. Dunsmoor and George Dawson.


Lodge.—Valley Lodge, No. 86, I. 0. 0. F. was instituted March 29, 1845, with the following charter members : Cautius C. Covey, H. H. Curtis, Peter Bricker, James A. Adair and J. B. Ingram. None of these are now members of the order except Peter Bricker. The first officers were C. C. Covey, N. G.; H. H. Curtis, V. G.; J. A. Adair, secretary, and M. Wylie, treasurer. Among the most prominent members of the lodge have been S. E. Fouts, Andrew Scott, A. G. Westgate, D. H. Mortley, R. A. Pinkerton, O. H. P. Scott, James H. Gaylord, Melvin Clarke, Worley Adams, Seth Shepard, J. C. Stone, Samuel Thompson and others. The lodge continued to increase in numbers and intereSt until new lodges began to be formed from its membership. Five or six lodges, the offspring of the Valley Lodge, have been instituted at various dates in the County of Morgan. At present the total membership in the county may be estimated at about 600, and of this number Valley Lodge has 180 contributing members. The lodge has so prospered financially


that it has been able to purchase real estate which is now worth at least $4,000, besides expending for the relief of brethren, their widows and orphans, a sum amounting in the aggregate to at least $10,000. There is nOW a balance of several hundred dollars in the treasury.

Encampment. — Angerona Encampment, No. 35, I. O. O. F., was instituted October 23, 1849, with the following charter members : James M. Gaylord, J. C. Stone, James A. Adair, K. J. Allmond, H. S. Whissen and Humphrey Pyle. Among the prominent earley members of the encampment were D. C. Pinkerton, E. Triplett, D. H. Mort- ley, Andrew Kahler, I. Kennison, J. C. Stone, Worley Adams, J. B. Goudy and others, several of whom were among its first officers.

The encampment has Steadily prospered, both socially and financially, up to the present time. It has become joint owner with Valley Lodge in the property above mentioned, and while affording relief to its members and dispensing money to the amount of Several thousand dollars, has kept clear of debt, and now has a cash surplus of several hundred dollars in its treasury.

J. B. Goudy was born in West Virginia, December 7,1825, and came to Morgan County in 1846 ; was made a member of Virginias Lodge, I. O. O. F., Wheeling, W. Va., in 1849; joined Valley Lodge, No. 36, in 1850, and filled all the offices of this lodge; represented this district in the Grand Lodge of Ohio from 1868 to 1872; was conductor in the Grand Lodge two years ; represented the sixty-eighth district in the Grand Encampment 1873-4. Is nOW a farmer of Meigsville Township

J. B. Sheridan, son of Thomas and Edith Sheridan, was born in Morgan County, May 24, 1852. At the age of sixteen, by the death of his father, he was obliged to close his school days, and with two elder brothers engaged in the manufacture of boots and shoes at Malta. At the age of twenty-one he engaged in the boot and shoe business at McConnelsville, where his home has been ever since. Mr. Sheridan was married in 1872 to Eva D. Walker, daughter of A. W. Walker, of Malta. She died in September, 1878, leaving three children, one daughter and two sons, who are still living. Mr. Sheridan is one of the most prominent Odd Fellows of Ohio, and has attained in that order distinctions which are rarely conferred on men so young. He entered Valley Lodge, No. 36, in the winter of 1873, and served in a subordinate office during the same term. At the end of the term he was elected recording secretary, and has since held all the chairs successively. In 1875 he became a member of Angerona Encampment, No. 35, and in 1878 a past patriarch. He served as district deputy grand master under Grand Masters Hedges and Cappeller ; was elected representative to the Grand Encampment of Ohio in 1879, and served two terms. In 1880 he was elected representative to the Grand Lodge of Ohio, in which office he served two terms. In 1883 he was elected grand patriarch of Ohio, being probably the youngest man that ever held the office in the State. In this honorable position he was immensely popular, and he achieved unqualified Success. In 1884 he was elected grand representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the United States from the Grand Encamp-


ment of Ohio. At the session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge in 1885 a new military degree was adopted and named the " Patriarchs Militant." Ex-Governor J. C. Underwood, of Kentucky, was elected lieutenant-general of all the " Cantons " in the United States. In the appointment of his staff officers the general paid Mr. Sheridan a high compliment by appointing him assistant adjutant-general, with the rank of Major.


Corinthian Lodge, No. 111:—This lodge was instituted October 24, 1843. The following were the charter members, to wit : Samuel A. Barker, Francis A. Barker, Charles Baldwin, Henry McMurray, David Holbrook and Russell H. Dearing.

The first officers of the lodge were Samuel A. Barker, W. M.; Francis A. Barker, S. W.; Charles E. Baldwin, J. W.; John Scott, Treas.; Russell H. Dearing, Secy.; William Bishop, S. D.; David Holbrook, J. D.; Henry McMurray, Tyler. The above, with the following-named leading members: Sill, McConnel, Edwards, Simpson, Campbell, Davis, Linn, Sigler, Evans, Shivel, McDonald, Pedicord, Wilkin, Reeves, Milhous, Harter, and many others, continued faithfully the work of the Lodge, under whom it prospered for a number of years, when under the pressure of hard times and continuous drafts on the treasury for various charities the finances became quite reduced, but through the energy and benevolence of the members it has again revived, and now, at the close of the last fiscal year, the lodge is in a healthy financial condition, clear of debt, with a handsome balance in the treasury and about fifty contributing members.

McConnelsville Chapter, No. 37, R. A. M,--Was instituted September 29, 1848. Charter members : Jesse M. Stone, Jacob Goodlive, Joseph Sigler, , D. B. Linn, Lowry Cochran, John S. Love, Henry C. Grimmel, Allen Daniels, David Simpson, Jacob Nichols and Milton Seaman.

The first officers of the chapter were John S. Love, H. P.; H. C. Grimmel, K.; M. Seaman, S.; Allen Daniels, C. H.; L. Cochran, P. S.; Joseph Sigler, R. A. C.; J. Goodwin, M. of 1st Veil ; D. B. Linn, M. 2d V.; J. M. Stone, M. 3d V. D. B. Linn acted as secretary and Jacob Goodwin as treasurer, and, these, with others of the more prominent members of the various lodges of which the chapter is composed, continue their work of benevolence and charity until at the present time the chapter is in a sound financial condition and prospering, with fifty-four contributing members.


Gen. Robert McConnel,—The founder of the town of McConnelsville and in his lifetime one of the foremost citizens of the county of organ, was a native of Pennsylvania, born near Chamberburg, August 23, 1776. He was an Ohio pioneer, coming to the vicinity of Chillicothe among the earliest colonists of that portion of the State, whence he removed to Muskingum County and settled on a farm about five miles from Zanesville. His sound sense, ability and good judgment brought him into prominence among the sturdy pioneers of the Muskingum Valley, and from 1808 to 1815, inclusive, he served continuously as a State senator from the


district in which Muskingum County was included. In 1816-17 and again in 1819-20 he represented Muskingum County in the lower branch of the general assembly.

He entered the tract of land on which the town of McConnelsville now stands, and on the establishment of the county seat on this tract donated for public purposes, lots for the county buildings and for churches and school buildings. He also held a considerable body of land situated in Morgan Township, near the village. He induced Jacob Kahler, the first settler of McConnelsville, to make the first improvement in the village, and was always zealously interested in promoting the prosperity of the town and county. In 1827 he moved from Muskingum County to McConnelsville, where he passed the remainder of his days. For a time he engaged in the mercantile business in a store on the public square, but chiefly occupied himself in looking after his extensive real estate interests. He served as one of the associate judges of Morgan County from 1830 to 1840, and was a brigadier-general and for several years a major-general of militia. He constructed a mill-dam and erected the first mill at McConnelsville, and for his services in building locks and a dam in connection with the river improvement, was granted a valuable water privilege by the State.

General McConnel was a democrat in politics and a Presbyterian in his religious faith. He was a man of honest purposes, liberal views and upright character, and was widely honored and esteemed. He died August 3, 1841. He was married in Muskingum County September 12, 1811, to Mary Adams, a native of Fauquier County, Va., whose father, George Adams, was a pioneer of Muskingum County, and owned an extensive tract of land there. The children of Robert and Mary McConnel were Lucy, Rebecca, Anna, Elizabeth, Evalina, Martha (who died at the age of two years), Mary, Sarah, Caroline and James A. But three members of this family are now living —Mary, Sarah and Caroline. Mrs. Robert McConnel, died Sepfember 13, 1838.


James A. McConnel, only son of General Robert McConnel, was born in Muskingum County, May 12,1822, and died November 19, 1871. After the decease of his father he succeeded to the management of the estate and was one of the foremost business men of the county. He built the mill now standing at McConnelsville, and in addition to this business was largely interested in farming, mercantile business, and in other ways was identified with the prosperity of the county. He was an active, public-spirited citizen, and was always ready to lend his aid to any enterprise that was calculated to promote the welfare of the community. He took but little part in politics, but was zealously devoted to local interests. Mr. McConnel died a bachelor.


Alexander McConnel, brother of General Robert McConnel, was born in Pennsylvania, March 15,1791. He came to McConnelsville in 1817, and from that time until his death was one of the most prominent and respected citizens of the county. In the early years of the town he operated a tannery. He afterward engaged in farming, and died October 24, 1853, on the


Sherwood farm south of the town. He married Polly Adams and reared a large family, none of whom now remain in the county. He served as brigadier and major-general of militia, and was an active democratic politician. Few men enjoyed more of the esteem and confidence of the community, whether in a public or private capacity. His political life began early in the history of the county, and in 1820-21 he was a representative to the legislature. In 1822 he was one of the associate judges of the county, and from 1824 to 1827, inclusive, he served three terms in the legislature. In 1828-9 he was again a member of the same body ; in 1829-30, 1830-31 and 1841-42 he represented this district in the State Senate. As a presidential elector in 1832 he cast the vote of the State for President Andrew Jackson. He was a member of the first State board of public works in 1836-8, and in 1849-50 again served as associate judge. As is elsewhere stated, his course in the legislature placed General Harrison on the road tOWard the White House. His public life was characterized by honesty rather than brilliancy, and the many offices which he filled sufficiently attest his popularity.

Joseph McConnel, brother of Robert and Alexander, was a farmer. He was born March 14, 1793, and came to McConnelsville among the early settlers. He married Elizabeth Patterson and reared a family in the town. He died in 1868. Agnes McConnel, sister of the above, married James Adams, and about 1840 settled in McConnelsville, where she lived until her decease.


Jacob Kahler was born in Loudoun County, Va., in 1785. He resided in that county and learned the millwright's trade when a young man. He moved thence to Frederick County, Md., where he married Rachael Madary, built a grist mill on a small creek in that county and continued to run the mill until 1817, with the exception of part of the year 1813, when he served in the army, in the war between the United States and Great Britain. In the spring of 1817 he emigrated to Ohio with his family, crossed the Alleghany mountains in a wagon, and after enduring many hardships and privations at the end of four weeks arrived at Zanesville. There his family remained until the fall of the same year, when they came to Morgan Comity, to the place afterward known as the town of McConnelsville, where Mr. Kahler had erected a double log cabin, the first house of any kind in the place. The same year he entered a quarter section of land about two and one-half miles northeast of the town. Shortly after settling in McConnelsville he built a saw mill east of the town, on the stream known as McConnel's Run, for General Robert McConnel, the proprietor of the town. He continued to follow his trade and to work at carpentry whenever his services were demanded in either direction. His occupations obliged him to be away from home a great deal of the time. The climate along the river was very unhealthy and his family suffered much from fevers of various types. Between 1817 and 1824 three of his children died, victims of the deleterious influences of the climate. In 1826 Mr. Kahler built a house on his land, to which he removed and there resided until his death in February, 1844. -His death resulted from a fall upon the


floor of his barn from a height of sixteen feet. His skull was fractured and he lived but three hours after the accident. After clearing away the dense forests and getting quite a fine farm under cultivation, his industry began to bear fruit, and his accumulations slowly but steadily increased. About 1840 he gave the entire management of the farm to his sons William and Andrew, who jointly occupied and cultivated the land until 1852. William then moved to Jackson County, Oregon, where he still resides. He has reared a family of ten children, who are scattered in various parts of the country. He has been a successful business man and has represented his county in the legislature. A sketch of the other surviving son. Andrew Kahler, follows. There is but one of the other children of Jacob Kahler now living—Mrs. Kraps, of McConnelsville.

Mr. Kahler was a quiet, unassuming man, yet possessed of strong convictions, always ready to maintain the principles and doctrines he professed and to give a "reason for the hopes he entertained." His conduct was characterized by strict integrity and honesty, and it was a principle of his life to "owe no man anything." He was highly esteemed by all who knew him, by reason of his conscientiousness and moral worth. He was a great admirer of John Quincy Adams—an anti-Jacksonian. He became a whig, and so remained until his death. Although sometimes severe in his criticism of the other party his opinions seldom gave offense. He always appeared to be contented with his lot. For three or four years preceding his death he spent much of his time in reading the Bible and sacred and profane history ; from his studies in this direction, as well as from the writings of Balfour, Ballou, Murray and others, he became an earnest believer in the doctrine of universal salvation. His wife survived him about six years and died in 1850.


Andrew Kahler, son of Jacob and Rachael (Madary) Kahler, is among the oldest residents of McConnelsville. He w us born in Frederick County, Maryland, August 16, 1813, and is of German descent. He moved to Ohio with his parents in the spring of 1817, and in the fall of the same year to McConnelsville, where his father was the first settler. , He received a common school education in the imperfect pioneer schools, walking back and forth to McConnelsville to attend school after his parents moved to the country. He lived on a farm from 1826 to 1857. When a young man he began teaching school, and followed that occupation, generally in the winter time, for eighteen or twenty years. He held the office of justice of the peace, and in 1857 was elected sheriff of the county, and moved to McConnelsville, where he has since resided, with the exception of two years. He served two years as sheriff, and has also been coroner of the county several terms. From 1863 to 1868 (when the office was abolished) he was revenue assessor and storekeeper of the bonded warehouse. He published the McConnelsville Herald four years ; was in the grocery business in McConnelsville for two years, commencing in 1873, and from 1879 to the fall of 1885 he served as deputy county auditor. Mr. Kahler was formerly a whig, and is nOW a republican. He is a member of the Masonic and Odd


Fellows orders, and a Universalist in religion. He was married in January, 1837, to Susan Pyle, daughter of Jonathan Pyle, of this county. Their children are Harriet E. (Shephard), Indianapolis ; Francis M., now living in Nebraska ; Charles E., Columbus ; Kate H. (Paine), Columbus ; William S., Indianapolis.

Francis M. Kahler enlisted as a private in the 17th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in which he served three months. In the fall of 1861 he reentered the service as first lieutenant of Company B, 62d Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He served through the war, and rose through the several grades to the rank of major. After his return from the service he engaged in the mercantile business with Mr. Worley Adams, under the firm name of Adams & Kahler, until 1878.


The subject of this notice was one of the pioneers, and during his long life ranked among the leading influential citizens of Morgan County. Jacob Adams was born on the eastern shore of Maryland, November 8, 1788. Left an orphan in early life, and in destitute Circumstances, his oldest brother, one of a family of eight children, moved the family and household effects in a cart, by way of Brownsville, .to Pittsburgh. There he built a boat, in which he transported the family and goods to Limestone (now Maysville), Kentucky. There Jacob was bound out to a tailor of Paris, Kentucky, and after serving his time returned to Maryland and then worked about a year at his trade in Winchester, Va. He then started on foot for Ohio, alone and almost penniless. While walking along what is now the turnpike, then a muddy road, in a brown study as to how he should obtain his supper, he saw at his feet a piece of shining metal. Stooping to pick it up he found it to be a fifty-cent silver piece, He often said that he never had another half dollar that made him feel so happy. He, now almost at his journey's end, was rich enough to buy supper, and he was hungry. He stopped at Zanesville, where he married and lived, and worked at his trade until his removal to McConnelsville. While there he volunteered in the war of 1812, and served six months.

In 1819 he moved his family to McConnelsville, and from that time until his death witnessed the growth and prosperity of the town and county, aiding every beneficial public enterprise as far as he was able, and taking an earnest and zealous interest in local matters. He began the mercantile business soon after his arrival, and in the following year added hotel-keeping to his business, becoming widely and favorably known as a landlord and entertaining many famous men as his guests. With the exception of about fifteen years which he spent on a farm he continued hotel-keeping as long as he lived. He was a successful merchant until about 1836, when he engaged in saltmaking, which resulted for him in serious loss. He was also postmaster in the town of McConnelsville, and held the position several years.

As a business man he was enterprising and sagacious. Soon after coming to the county he found money very scarce; and to accommodate his customers and make some profit possible for himself he bought up droves of hogs, and every year for three years drove them to Baltimore to market. There lie ex-


changed them for merchandise, which was transported in wagons to McConnelsville. Such were some of the business methods of pioneer merchants.

The following is given as a single instance of the energy and business capacity of Mr. Adams : Some time after 1830 he built a flatboat at McConnelsville, which he loaded with wheat for which he paid 37 1/2 cents per bushel. This he took to Maysville, Ky., where it was converted into flour, and with the flour started for New Orleans. On his arrival he found flour remarkably cheap, and it seemed almost certain that he would be a heavy loser by his venture. But chancing to pick up a Charleston, S. C., paper, he noticed that bacon commanded a good price in that city. Accordingly he exchanged his flour for bacon, and had it transported by vessel to Charleston. There he sold the bacon, and proceeding to Baltimore bought goods with which he returned to McConnelsville. His lengthy trip did not bring much profit, but his shrewdness and prudent foresight prevented a heavy loss.

Mr. Adams always took an active interest in local and general politics. In the early years of the county he was a " Junto," and next a Jacksonian democrat ; but after Jackson vetoed the United States bank bill he became an earnest whig and then a republican. He was very active in encouraging the several railroad projects in the county, and did all he could to bring about that " consummation devoutly to be wished "—a railroad in Morgan County.

He was a man of strong constitution and robuSt health, and continued active even in old age. He died,. September 23, 1880, at the ripe old age of nearly ninety-two years, and in his death many

citizens both of the town and county felt that an irreparable loss had been sustained. He was married in Zanesville, August 1, 1811, to Lydia Shugert, daughter of John Shugert, of Maskingum County. She died April 26, 1826, having borne five children—Eli, James, John, Worley, and Eliza (Shepard). Of these children Worley is the only survivor. March 4, 1828, Mr. Adams married Miss Amelia Wise, of Brownsville, Pa., who died November 27, 1875. Of this marriage five children were born—Henry (deceased), and Alfred, Catharine, William and Jacob (living).

Worley Adams the oldest living native of McConnelsville, son of Jacob and Mydia Adams, was born November 13, 1819, and has resided all his life in Morgan County. In early life he worked at various occupations, but since he was twenty-two years of age he has followed the mercantile business in McConnelsville. He is now the head of the dry goods firm of Adams & Kahler, one of the leading business houses of the town. Mr. Adams is a republican in politics. He served as township trustee for twelve years and has held some village offices. He has been an influential member of Valley Lodge, No. 36, I. O. O. F., since 1847. He was married in 1842 to Millie Shepard, daughter of the late Judge Nathaniel Shepard, of this county. Three children have been born to them—Elizbeth A., wife of Major F. M. Kahler, of Nebraska ; Emma J , at home, and Chester W., Iowa.

Jacob Adams, born November 7, 1841, is the youngest son of Jacob and Amelia Adams. In September, 1861, he enlisted in Company H, 17th O. V. I., and becoming a veteran, served until July, 1865, participating in all the bat-



ties and campaigns of this regiment. During all this time he had no furlough and was not off duty a single day for any cause. Among the fifteen engagements in which he took part were the notable battles of Perryville, Stone River, Resaca, Mission Ridge, siege of Corinth, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, Jonesboro, Bentonville, Chickamauga, etc. He was sergeant of the company at muster out. Mr. Adams is the popular commander of Hughes Post, No. 285, G. A. R., and is zealously devoted to its interests. He was married in April, 1868, to Miss Julia Chadwick.


Alexander R. Pinkerton, one of the pioneers of McConnelsville, was born in Allegheny County, Pa., in 1783. His father, also named Alexander, was a native of Scotland, and came to this country shortly after the revolutionary war. He was one of the pioneers of Allegheny County, Pa., and was killed by, the Indians while at work in the field. His wife with her children, three daughters and two sons, John and Alexander, escaped to what is now Pittsburgh, then known as Fort Pitt. After the Indians were driven from the vicinity Mrs. Pinkerton returned to her home, where Alexander R. was reared. He acquired in Pittsburgh the trade of a cabinet-maker, and in 1805 was married to Miss Nancy Adams, of Fayette County, Pa.

In November of 1805 Robert A. was born, and shortly after the family removed to Beaver County, Pa., where for a time the elder Pinkerton followed his trade. In company with his brother-in-law, Alexander Adams, he bought a tract of four hundred acres of land on Little Beaver Creek, to which he removed with his family. He soon became quite extensively engaged in business. He built a sawmill and gristmill and also kept a store. Through a defective title, however, he was dispossessed of his hard earnings, and almost disheartened he removed to New Castle, Pa., where he remained until 1820, when with his family, consisting of his wife and six children, Robert A., Amzi C., Eliza, Alexander, David and Henry, he started for Athens, Ohio, on a flatboat. Arriving at Marietta, he visited Athens, but not finding it a desirable location, he concluded to locate in Zanesville. Before starting, however, he happened to get a copy of the Chillicothe Recorder, which contained a glowing description of a new town, by the name of McConnelsville, on the Muskingum. The advantages offered were so flattering that he concluded to make it his future home. The journey was made on a keelboat, the elder Pinkerton and his son Robert walking, one on each side of the river, for the purpose of selling cordage to the settlers along the route, taking their pay in provisions. A few miles below McConnelsville Mr. Pinkerton ascertained that he was near the town, and joining his son, the two soon reached the spot where is now the Baptist church, where they found James Lam son chopping. Mr. Pinkerton inquired the distance to McConnelsville.

"My dear sir," Larrison replied, " you are now right in the heart of the city."

From the article referred to, Mr. Pinkerton had received the impression that the town was a thriving young village of twenty-five or thirty families, and the information quite overcame him, and it was some little time before he regained his composure. It


being late in the afternoon he asked Larrison if he could direct him to a place where they could obtain accommodations for the night. Larrison said, " Yes, sir. Your humble servant keeps the Sign of the Buck," which they found to be a two-story log structure nearly destitute of either doors, windows or floors. He found, however, two old Pennsylvania friends—James Young and John Jack—which in a degree relieved him of his disappointment.

Shortly after his arrival he moved into a cabin which stood where is now the northeast corner of the Stanbery Block, where he remained for many years, and where for ten years Robert A. did business as a cabinet-maker. The elder Pinkerton did watch repairing and money-cutting. The latter occupation was quite remunerative. He died in McConnelville in 1837. March 29th, 1830, Robert A. was married to Miss Lydia A. Johnson. Three children were the result of this union, only one of whom, Mrs. W. M. Grimes, is now living. Mr. Pinkerton has been largely identified with the development of the village, of which he has been a resident for sixty-six years. While devoting himself strictly to his business, he has filled several positions of trust and responsibility. He was sheriff of the county from 1845 to 1849, and at various times has been mayor of the village.

Of the children of Alex. R. Pinkerton, Amzi C. is deceased ; Eliza (Oliphant) resides in Indiana ; Alexander died in McConnelsville in 1827; David is a reSident of Washington, D. C. For fifteen yearS he was probate judge of Morgan County, and one of its leading citizens. Two of his sons J. W. and Alex P., are prominent merchants in Zanesville. Henry lives in McConnelsville.


Nathaniel Shepard was born in Southington, Conn., October 21, 1790. In 1809, his health having become seriously impaired, the doctors held a consultation, told him his lungs were affected beyond earthly help, and if he had anything to say let it be known immediately, as he had but few days to live. He replied, " I have something to say : I am going to Ohio before I die." The next day he walked a quarter of a mile, and felt so exhausted that he was-compelled to stop for the night. In the morning he resumed his journey. Continuing on, each day he was able to walk a little farther, until his daily journey amounted to several miles. He persevered and reached Ohio. He came to what is now Morgan County, crossing the Muskingum by wading it at the head of the island below McConnelsville. Proceeding along the bank to the top of Sandy Hill he made his way through dense woodS along what is now Center Street, McConnelsville. That he might not lose his way he blazed trees with a hatchet as he went, along.

After an absence of six months Mr. Shepard reached his home in Connecticut. He had so recovered his health that on the day he arrived at his home he walked forty miles. October 14, 1810, he married Hyla Merriam in Meriden, Conn. In 1817, his health again beginning to fail, he put his wife and two children in a small one-horse wagon and again started for Ohio. After a journey of six weeks the family stopped three miles from Malta, and


moved into a little but without door or window. There (in 1818) Mr. Shepard entered a quarter section of land. He soon put up a cabin, and as the old stage road passed by it he kept travelers. While at work hewing timber to make an addition to his house his broad-ax slipped and split his kneecap. The nearest doctor was at Zanesville. The wound required immediate attention, therefore Mr.. Shepard dressed it himself, and sewed up the gash by taking six stitches. The first term of court in Morgan County he attended, going in his bare feet, as shoes were not easily procured at that day. Whether from this circumstance, or from the wound made with the broadaxe, he was given the name of " Broadhorns," which he bore until the title of Judge Shepard took its place. He served as one of the associate judges of the county in 1847-51. In 1851 he removed to Athens County where he remained five years. In 1856 he moved to McConnelsville, where he resided until his death—caused by consumption—May 21, 1857. He followed mercantile business many years in the town. Mrs. Shepard died January 20, 1876, at the age of eighty-six. They had five children, two of whom were born in Connecticut and the rest in Morgan County; Eli, who died in Iowa ; Roxa (Gaylord) now a resident of Morgan County ; Seth, who died in this county in 1885; Milly, wife of Worley Adams, McConnelville ; Eliza (Dickey), now living near McConnelsville.


Among the notable characters in the early history of Morgan County was Daniel Chandler. He was born in Rutland County, Vermont, in 1781; emigrated to Ohio in 1797; settled in Athens County, where he lived a short time, then came to the locality of Putnam, Muskingum County.

In 1802 he sailed on the brig "Marietta," built at Marietta, Ohio, for Liverpool, England. When the vessel arrived at Liverpool the custom house officers were going to have the captain arrested for sailing under false papers, as they knew no seaport by the name of Marietta. The captain took a map, showed them the mouth of the Mississippi River, followed the river to the mouth of the Ohio, then up the Ohio to the town of Marietta, where the vessel had been built and loaded for Liverpool.

The crew of the Marietta were arrested by the press-gang and held in custody for forty-eight hours. Mr. Chandler was confined in a room ten by twelve feet with twenty-four other men. He got an opportunity of sending a note, written on a piece of his garment, to his captain, who came to the prison, then called on the United States consul, and by the aid and description furnished by the consul he exculpated him from being an Irish subject. After his release he declared that if ever a war should break out between England and America, he would have reparation for this insult and arrest.

After his return to his native country the opportunity was soon presented, and he entered the army under General Harrison. He was at Fort Stephenson during the siege, and did good service as a scout. He served through the war, and in 1817 settled in Morgan Township and engaged in farming. He took an active part in the affairs of the county, and in 1844 was elected to the legislature. He was much interested


in the "Northwest Boundary" question, and made an able speech in defense of his position. The Chandlers were pioneers in many parts of the West. Zachariah Chandler, of Detroit, was a distant relative of the family of Daniel Chandler. Four of his children are now living—two sons and two daughters — Mrs. Permelia Christy, Mary A. Moore, William and Daniel.


Colonel Hawkins was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, on the 18th of August, 1796. He moved with his father to Guernsey County, Ohio, in the year 1812, and came to live in McConnelsville about -1821, where he continued to reside until his death, which occurred August 18, 1868.

Colonel Hawkins possessed fine natural ability, was an able writer, good debater, and noted for excellent common sense. He was highly esteemed by his friends and acquaintances, and held many offices of trust and honor, all of which he discharged with satisfaction to his constituents— indeed, it was a matter of satisfaction to the Colonel himself that he never was an unsuccessful candidate for any position.

His career as a ̊public man commenced in 1827, when he was elecCed county assessor of Morgan County, and was reelected in 1828. He was elected sheriff of Morgan County in 1829, and again in 1831. In 1833 he was elected to the high and honorable position of State senator, from the district composed of Morgan and Perry Counties, which he filled with distinguished ability. In 1837 he was again elected to the senate, from the district composed of Morgan, Perry and Washington Counties, defeating Dr. Perley B. Johnson, his whig competitor. At the second session, in 1838, he was elected speaker of the senate, which under the old constitution of the State was the same as lieutenant-governor under the new constitution. The Hon. Benjamin F. Wade, late United States senator, was the Colonel's opponent for the position. In April, 1850, members of the constitutional convention, which framed our present State constitution, were elected, and Colonel Hawkins was chosen as a member from Morgan County, and in December, 1852, he was elected to the Senate to fill the unexpired term of the lion. C. C. Covey, who, was so badly injured by, the explosion of the steamer " Buckeye Belle" that he died, and who was the first senator elected under the new constitution from the Washington and Morgan district.

After serving his county and district in many civil positions, enjoying in a preeminent degree the confidence of his fellow-citizens, the perfect confidence of his fellow-senators, as shown by the places of prominence and trust to which they appointed him, Colonel Hawkins remained a private citizen, engaged in different business pursuits after his senatorial term of 1852, esteemed and respected by all who knew him.


George P. Morris, one of the pioneer merchants and prominent citizens of McConnelsville, was born in 1798 in Trowbridge, a manufacturing village of Wiltshire, England. His father, Joseph Morris, was a well-to-do merchant and a man of some prominence in his native town. He reared a family of six children, three sons and three daughters.


in those days it was the custon in well- regulated English families to educate one of the sons for some profession. Young George evidencing an inclination for books was given an academical education and fitted for the profession of a teacher. The plans of the parents, however, were doomed to disappointment, the glowing accounts of the new country and the opportunities offered for the acquirement of property and position, excited his youthful mind and in 1817 in company with an elder brother Edward he came to Marietta, Ohio, where the former found employment as a teacher and the latter at his trade, that of a coppersmith. The expectations they had formed of the new Elderado were fully realized, and in a short time Edward returned to England for the family.

Previous to his departure, however, the boys had come up the Muskingum to where Rokeby Lock now is, and negotiated for the purchase of a large tract of land in Bloom Township. In 1819 the entire family took passage for their new home, and after an uneventful but tedious voyage arrived safely and began the development of their property. The clearing of the land and the production of crops was to them a new enterprise, and their inexperienced efforts resulted in a signal failure; they therefore leased their lands and betook themselves to other avocations. At this time the production of salt was the leading industry of the Muskingum Valley, and George became engaged in its manufacture, a business he followed very successfully for many years. In 1837 he came to McConnelsville and engaged in the manufacture of tinware, and in 1849 in the hardware trade with the same success that had characterized his other business ventures. Up to the time that he became incapacitated by age for active business life, no one was more prominently identified with the commercial interests, of the county or did more for its development than he.

In 1870, despite his age and infirmities he began the erection of the Morris Block, which is a monument to his industry and energy, the building of which undoubtedly hastened his death, which occurred June 3, 1873. Mr. Morris was a man of sterling character, the personification of integrity, and a man of more than ordinary ability. In his demise McConnelsville lost one .of its most valuable citizens.

In 1822 Mr. Morris was married to Miss Margaret, daughter of John Hammond, one of the pioneers of Bloom. The Hammonds are of Welsh descent and came to this country before the revolutionary war and settled in Baltimore, Md., where many of the family now reside and where Mrs. Morris was born on October 18, 1799. To them were born five children, Mary J., Se- bast̊ E., Maria (Scott), Robert L. and William. The mother, a venerable lady of eighty-seven years, Maria and Robert L. are the only survivors of the family. The latter was born in Bloom Township in 1830, and continues the business established by his father.

In his religious views the elder Morris was a Methodist, and did much for the advancement of the religious interests of the village. He was a prominent and zealous member of the Corinthian Lodge F. and A. M. of McConnelsville. Politically he was a republican, but his extensive business interests prevented him froth taking a prominent part in political matters, even


had he been desirous of political preferment.


Luther D. Barker, one of the early Settlers and pioneer merchants of McConnelsville, was born near Marietta, Washington County, Ohio, December 14, 1794. Reared amid the influences of this typical New England town, he developed in early life those distinguishing traits of New England character— thrift, industry and enterprise. At the age of twenty-seven he married Miss Maria, daughter of Jonathan Devol, and for a short time they lived in Newport, Washington County, where Mr. Barker was engaged in farming. The life of a farmer was not congenial, and in 1825 he came to McConnelsville and began merchandising, which avocation he followed during the remainder or his life ; for a few years, however, he waS alSo engaged in the manufacture of salt, owning the works below Malta, near the dam. He was classed among the prominent and successful business men of that period and was quite an extensive trader for those times. It was not, however, as a business man that Mr. Barker attained his greatest success. While his business interests were never neglected, all matters of public import received due consideration. In politics he was a whig, and he always took an active interest in the exciting political contests of the olden times and yet was remarkably free from that demagogism so unseemly in the citizen of a republic.

Mr. Barker was a most pronounced temperance advocate and one of the earliest pioneers in the cause. He was the leading spirit in the first temperance conventIOn held in McConnelsville

in 1834, and from that time he identified himself with every temperance movement and was always ready to forward the interests of this great reformation by any means within his power.

No biography of Mr. Barker would be complete without prominent reference to his labors as a Christian. He aided in laying the substructure of religion in the infant village, and no sooner was he established in business than he began to work for the organization of a church of his faith. His efforts were rewarded in the erection and dedication of the Baptist church of McConnelsville in 1832. Like other pioneer churches it had a struggling existence, and during all its vicissitudes he bore the larger part of its financial burdens and gave to it his most active energies until his health gave way from a stroke of paralysis in the spring of 1843. Although a wreck physically and mentally, yet the same spirit was manifest, and he was as zealous as when in possession of his health and faculties. He died March 31, 1845, in the fifty-first year of his age. From a sketch of his life, prepared by a gentleman who knew him intimately for years, we make the following extract : " Mr. Barker was one of our most distinguished citizens, prompt, honest and benevolent. If he had an enemy it was based on political prejudice." He was the father of Six children, four of whom survived him—Charles L., who became his successor in business and one of the prominent citizens of the county ; Rev. J. Henry, the preSent efficient superintendent of the Children's Home ; Ann Maria, wife of Rev. S. G. Dawson, one of the prominent Baptist ministers of the State, and Mrs. Alfred Wilkin, now residing in Toledo, Ohio.



Joseph Kelly was an early settler rid a prominent citizen of McConnelsville. He was reared in Marietta and came to Morgan County when a young man. He was one of the pioneer salt- makers of the county, and prominent in the development of that industry. As early as 1828 he moved to McConnelsville, where for a number of years he carried on the mercantile business. He was a man of considerable influence, though quiet and unassuming in his manners and never seeking distinction. He was an earnest democrat, and served with credit as a member of the State board of equalization. He was well informed and of sound judgment. He died in 1872, aged sixty-seven years. He was married in this county to Electa B. Chandler, and was the father of eight children, six of whom are living.


Few men are better known to the inhabitants both of town and county than the subject of this notice. James Watkins was born in Athens County, Ohio, March 1, 1806. His father, Jonathan Watkins, was among the first settlers of that county. He was a farmer and blacksmith, and came to Ohio from the vicinity of Philadelphia. Wilbert Watkins, father of Jonathan, was of Quaker origin, and was killed at the battle of Breed's Hill. James passed his boyhood in Athens County. He is self-educated, excepting a few terms at the Ohio University. He settled in McConnelsville in 1833, and has since resided here, working at his trade, that of harnessmaking. He served three years as recorder of Morgan County, being elected in 1838. He has twice been mayor of the village, and held that office at the time the famous McConnelsville liquor ordinance was passed. This law he enforced with characteristic earnestness. Since 1869 he has been justice of the peace. The Squire has always been a politician, and always a democrat. He is well read, especially in legal and theological matters. He has been married four times, and is the father of eight children, of whom six are living.


William Durbin was born in Frederick County, Md., on the 11th day of October, 1802. His father's name was Dan Durbin. At the age 'of twelve years he moved with his father's family to Lancaster County, Pa. In about three years from the time they settled in Pennsylvania his mother died, and his father having a large family of children, William left home at the age of sixteen years, without money and with but little education, to try unaided his fortune among strangers ; but by his diligence and industry he learned the carpenter trade, and also attended school and acquired sufficient education to enable him to perform the duties which devolved upon him in after life. At the age of nineteen he, with the family of Caleb Wells and others, emigrated to Morgan County, Ohio, and worked at different places, either as a farm hand or at his trade. He sometimes got employment in and about Marietta, at which place he became acquainted with Martha Nixon, daughter of William Nixon, one of the earliest settlers in the State, and was married to her on the 10th day of August, 1826. They resided in Marietta- till --the following spring, when they removed to


the village of McConnelsville, purchasing lots number 1 and 12 of the original town, on which a log house had already been erected. He soon afterward built a carpenter-shop on the southeast corner of lot 12 which has been converted into a dwelling house and is still Standing. Here he worked at his trade till the year 1834, when he became a candidate for the office of county auditor. He was then in the thirty-second year of his age, but he had a remarkably youthful appearance, and being of a retiring, bashful disposition, strangers on meeting him would take him to be Scarcely above twenty-one years of age, and his boyish look was often the subject of comment during the campaign. He was elected to the office by a small majority. He was reelected to a second and third term, each time by a larger majority, leading the whole ticket, thus attesting his popularity and ability as an officer. At the expiration of his third term of office he removed with his family to a farm, or rather, to a quarter section of unimproved land which he purchaSed in Bloom Township, and engaged in rural pursuits.

Soon after his removal to the country he was appointed associate judge of Morgan County, which office he held till the fall of 1848, when he was nominated as a candidate for representative. He resigned his judgeship and was duly elected representative. He Spent the winter of 1848-9 at the State capital in the discharge of his official duties, and returned home in the spring in very poor health and died of typhoid fever on the 19th of April, 1849, being in the forty-seventh year of his age He left three sons : Samuel, William Nixon and Benton Nichols, who are still living; a daughter named Martha died in 1841, at the age of two years.

His widow continued to reside on the farm till her death, which occurred on the 21st day of July, 1885, at the age of 84 years.

In religious belief Mr. Durbin was a Universalist, but as there was no organized church at or near McConnelsville during his residence in the country he never joined any church.


James Kelly Jones was born at Marietta, Ohio, August 28,1812. He was named for his maternal grandfather, James Kelly, who was killed by the Indians at Belleville, at the outbreak of the Indian war in the spring of 1791. At the same time the father was killed the little son Joseph was captured and we have the following account of his captivity and recovery in Dr. S. P. Hildreth's "Memoirs of the Early Settlers of Ohio."

" Amongst those known to have been captured was Joseph Kelly, a lad taken from Belleville, Va., in 1791, and whose widowed mother lived in Marietta, her husband having been killed at the time of the capture of Joseph. In the autumn of 1795 the Indians had brought in and given up all their prisoners, as provided the treaty made that year. Yet no account could be had of young Kelly, and it was quite uncertain whether he was dead or alive. But the Indians seldom put boys to death after they were prisoners. Although nearly all hope had ceased of his recovery, Colonel R. J. Meigs, one of the officers who negotiated and carried out the settlement with the Indians, continued to inquire of every new Indian face he saw. At length two Indians said they


new of two white .boys on the headraters of the Auglaize River who were kept back by their masters. Hoping that one of these boys might be the Widow's son he immediately applied to General Wayne for a messenger to be sent for them. One of these Indians as a guide and a white man were sent out.

Joseph had been adopted into the family of an old Indian warrior, named Mishalena, who had lost five sons in the war with the whites and had now no child left but one daughter, and yet he adopted this boy as his own, although the son of his enemies. Mr. Kelly said that the old warrior was one of the most kind and benevolent men he ever knew and had a noble and commanding appearance ; he was now too old for war, but was in great favor with his tribe as an able counselor. His adopted mother's name was Patepsa. She never accepted him with the hearty good will of Mishalena, but always gave him plenty to eat when she had it. Joseph was only six years old when captured, and was nOW eleven. He parted with his Indian parents and the boys of the tribe with great regret. He had lived with them so long in the wild freedom of the forest that he had forgotten his native language and almost his former name. His Indian parents had given him the name Lalaque. They accompanied him to Greenville, parting with him very reluctantly. As a parting gift, Mishalena presented him with a beautiful bow and arrow made with his own hands.

"On the arrival of the boy at the Fort, Colonel Meigs sent for the tailor and had him fitted out with warm woolen dresses after the fashion of the whites and the blanket and leggins were

laid aside. Joseph's mother had described the boy's hair, eyes and looks so accurately that at the first glimpse Colonel Meigs picked him out. The Indian interpreter soon confirmed his opinion by talking with him in the Shawanoe dialect. On being questioned he remembered the names of his brothers and his own name. Colonel Meigs was satisfied that he was the lost son of the sorrowing widow, who for the whole period of his absence never omitted him in her daily prayers or sat down to the table with her children without mentioning his name. So anxious was Colonel Meigs to restore the boy to his bereaved mother that he started in February across the swamps land pathless forest for Marietta. A young, active Shawanoe Indian named Throm' guided the party, which consisted of six soldiers, Colonel Meigs and the boy, with six horses, and they passed through the wilderness without deviation and struck the Muskingum River at Big Rock, a noted Indian land mark.

"The party reached Marietta early in March, and the fervent and oft repeated prayer of the widow for the restoration of her lost son was at length answered, to the great joy and thankfulness of Colonel Meigs, by whose unwearied exertions it had been accomplished."

Mr. Jones removed, with his parents to Wolf Creek in Deerfield Township in 1816 and started life in the wilderness upon the farm known in later years as the "John Trainer farm." He was the oldest son, and many of the hardships and privations of pioneer life fell upon him. His father was a carpenter by trade, knew but little about farming, and besides had purchased his land on payments ; and it required the greatest


care and industry to provide for the family and meet his payments. Mr. Jones' father brought the first sheep that came to the neighborhood, and it became a part of the daily routine duties of James to guard them from the wolves through the day and pen them at night in a pen prepared so high and tight that wolves could not get at them.

Mills at that time were poor and far apart, and young Jones was mill-boy for the family. The first few years his father had no team except oxen, and the roads were only paths through the forests. Young Jones would often take a bag of corn, tie it on the yoke and mount the near ox and go several miles to mill. On one occassion he went to a horse-mill near Porterville, and after waiting all day got his bag of meal and started for home. When near the place afterward known as the Stone House, a pack of wolves follOWed him quite a distance, barking and howling like demons ; but mounted upon his ox with a good whip he bravely made the trip home in the night. On another occasion, a few years latter, he took a bag of wheat upon a horse and went to the White Mills near Windsor. On his return just at night, being hungry he stopped at the orchard of Colonel Stone, below Malta, and when out of sight some mischievous person concealed his horse. Supposing the horse had got loose, he ran to Malta and there found the horse had not passed through town. He returned and found his horse tied where he had left him. Col. Stone had made the mischievous person, who proved to be his daughter, return the horse. This trip involved a ride of over thirty miles, a good part of the Way through the forest and along mere

paths. There were no free schools in that day and Mr. Jones only had an opportunity to learn reading, writing and spelling in the schools he did attend. His eldest sister taught one of the first schools in the neighborhood on the subscription plan, for which she was to have fifty cents per week and " board among the scholars." A few years later, when she got one dollar per week she was considered very fortunate. The first money Mr. Jones earned after he became of age was in chopping wood at Thomas Stone's salt works at eight dollars per month. Afterward he took the place of kettle tender at ten dollars per month and put in regularly eighteen hours per day.

In 1836 he fitted out a small trading boat and loaded it with flour, potatoes, dried apples and peaches, beans and other products. He ran it down the Ohio, and after selling out, went on to New Orleans. This trip paid him very well and gave him a start in business He made a second trip in 1837, and after his return, bought the farm in Deerfield Township now owned by George Martin. In 1842 he married Mary Whitaker and continued to live on the farm until 1866. He has been industrious, temperate and frugal, and as a consequence has been successful in business. In the last named year he moved to McConnelsville, where he still resides. He had two daughters and one son, a promising lawyer in Columbus,. Ohio, who died in 1882. The daughters reside in McConnelsville, one the wife of John L. Cochran and the other with her parents. Mr. Jones was admitted. to the practice of the law in 1870, but his principal business since 1866 has been the loaning of money. At present he is the president of the First National

Bank of McConnelsville and one of the heaviest taxpayers of the county.


Captain William Davis was born in Bedford County, Pa., December, 14, 1817, and came to Zanesville, Ohio, with his father in the summer of 1835. He began his career as a steam-boatman in his twentieth year as a deck hand on a Zanesville and Dresden packet, and from that humble position be worked his way to a competency, fining every position from a deck hand to a commander. In 1838 he shipped as second cook on the steamer " Tuscarawas," plying between Zanesville and Dresden. On this boat he filled the positions of cook, pilot, fireman and engineer. The Tuscarawas becoming incapacitated by age, he became first engineer on the "John McIntyre." By close application to hiS duties and rigid economy he saved a little money, and by the aid of a friend he built and ran the steamer " Ohio" in the Dresden trade, and was quite successful. After the " Ohio " had become aged he took an interest in the steamer "Zanesville No. 1," acting as captain, clerk, pilot or engineer as occasion required. Afterward he built the steamer " Freighter," which he ran as a Zanesville, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati packet. He afterward took the vessel into the Upper Mississippi trade, when he sold her. Returning to Zanesville he became part owner in the "Zanesville No. 2," which he commanded, and which was run as a tri-weekly packet between Dresden and McConnelsville. He next, in connection with Captain Edward Martin and the late Captain C. C. Morgan, built and ran the "Mink No. 1," between McConnelsville and Zanesville. He commanded this boat for six years, when his partner, Captain Morgan, took his place. In 1865 Captain Davis, Morgan and Martin formed a copartnership under the name of " The Muskingum Packet Company." Under Captain Davis' superintendency they built the "Mink No. 2," which is still running. They bought and ran the " J. H. Best." Afterward they built the "Lizzie Cassel" and the " Olivette."

The "Mink No. 1," "Mink No. 2," the "Lizzie Cassel" and the " Olivette " were built under Captain Davis' superintendency, and attest his skill and competency in the building of steamers. In December of 1884 he retired from the command of the " Cassel " and in the follOWing March sold his interest in the packets to Captains Morgan and Martin. This was the ending of a business career extending through a period of nearly half a century, during which time he had been a conspicuous personage on the Muskingum and Ohio Rivers, and had enjoyed a degree of popularity among his associates and the traveling public seldom attained. He was remarkable for his kindness and good nature, and a thorough gentleman in every sense of the word. His success was due largely to industry, sterling honesty and his intimate knowledge of the business in which he was engaged. In 1849 Captain Davis was married to Mrs. Emily Buckingham in Washington, Pa., who still survives him. His decease occurred at his home in McConnelsville, January 22, 1885.


Carleton C. Morgan, one of the pioneer steamboatmen of the Muskingum River, was born at Preston, Chenango


County, N. Y., July 17, 1810. His father, Diodate Morgan, was of Welsh descent, and was born in New London, Conn., January 23, 1785. He was married in 1809 to Miss Lucy Church, and to their care was given a family of ten children, eight daughters and two sons, the subject of this biography being the eldest, From Connecticut he emigrated with his family to New York, and from thence to Johnstown, Licking County, Ohio, September, 1825, where he resided the greater part of his time until his decease, which occurred May 24, 1881, at the remarkable age of ninety- six years. He was a man of powerful physique, and possessed of a generous amount of sterling good sense. He gave his children all the educational advantages within his power, and all received good educations. Carleton C. being the eldest of the family he began to assume the responsibilities of life at a very early age. In a letter to a cousin written when he was in his fourteenth year, and while hiS father was suffering from reverse of fortune, he says : " We live in a world of disappointment, and I must bear my part. Once there were many flattering prospects, but they have passed by, and though everything now looks dark I hope we may live to see better times." A year later he was at work on the excavation of the Ohio Canal at Newark at eight dollars per month, and in another letter he says : "I am cold, wet and sleepy. My head aches so that I am almost insensible to everything around me. My clothes are worn, and I have no money to obtain more."

Such were his youthful experiences, and perhaps the hardships of his youth made him better fitted for the work which came to him in after life. The time for several succeeding years was

spent upon his father's farm, where the summer's work was alternated by a term at the diStrict school in winter. An active mind and a retentive memory enabled him to lay by a fund of information to which he continued to make additions aS long as he lived. In 1836 he found employment as a stage driver from Sunbury to Delaware, and in the latter part of this year he writes his parents that " he was at work on a canal moat." This was the initial effort in the business in which he was afterward so successfully engaged. Two years later he was in command of a boat. His perseverance and integrity had met with deserved success, and for a time his affairs were ‘in a 'very prosperous condition; but through the perfidy of an associate the results of his patient industry and frugality were loSt. To him, however, " defeat was not conquest."

He came to Zanesville and engaged in the shipping house of Allen, Cadawallader & Co. He devoted his leiSure time to perfecting his business education, and in a short time he was doing business on the Muskingum. His devotion to the interests of his employers, and his strict attention to all his duties, soon gave him prominence and promotion, and in a little time he acquired a working interest in two or three boats that plied between Zanesville and Dresden. At the latter place he was married in 1850 to Miss Charlotte A. Kellogg. The union was blessed with two children, Nettie (Mell) and Diodate, the present captain of the steamer "Mink." Captain Morgan resided in Dresden until the upper trade of the river was abandoned, when he moved to McConnelsville, and to the time of his decease, March 9, 1884, he wag the commander of the " Mink." No man on the river was more exten-

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sively or favorably known than Captain organ. He was a steadfast friend, a kind father and an indulgent husband. As a brother he fulfilled faithfully a trust committed to him by his mother, and to his sisters he was a father, always ready to minister to their wants or to counsel them when required. One of the leading dailies of Zanesville, in a biography published at the time of his death, said : " Captain Morgan was a public benefactor. His manner of life was plain and unostentatious as were his liberal charities. He was noted for his general intelligence and genial disposition, and was a true type of the American gentleman."


Grosvenor C. Devol, son of Cook Devol, one of the early settlers of Marietta, Ohio, was born in Waterford Township, Washington County, Ohio, January 28. 1814. In 1835 he came to Morgan County, as manager of the Fulton Salt Works, and the following year to McConnelsville, where he engaged in merchandising. He did a successful business for about ten years, when he became the agent of all the salt works on the river, excepting two or three. Upon the formation of the Fist Nation Bank of McConnelsville he became its cashier, which position he resigned on account of ill health

Dalphon Devol, brother of G. C. Devol, came to McConnelsville in 1836, and for a time was engaged with his brother in the mercantile business. For many years he has been doing business at Eagleport, Bloom Township, where he now resides