AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 77 CHAPTER VI ORGANIZATION OF SHELBY COUNTY Date of Organization—Nanning of the County—Selection of County Seat --organization of Townships—Extracts from Commissioners' Journal— Court Minutes—Early Marriages—Pioneer Conditions—Land Entries - Population—Political Parties—County Officials. Shelby county was formed from Miami in 1819, and was named for Gen. Isaac Shelby, an officer of the Revolution, who, in 1792, when Kentucky was admitted into the Union, was almost unanimously elected its first governor. Miami county, including Shelby, was a part of Montgomery county until January 16, 1807. When Shelby was formed from Miami county, it included Auglaize and Allen counties, which were subsequently detached, Allen county in 1831, and Auglaize in 1848. The population increased rapidly and on May 17, 1819, a court of common pleas convened in Hardin,* which was conducted by the Hon. Joseph H. Crane, of Dayton, as presiding judge, and Robert Houston, Samuel Marshall and William Cecil, associate judges. Harvey B. Foote was appointed clerk of court and Henry Bacon, prosecuting attorney and, at this time, the first grand jury was called and reported. The term adjourned December 14th, and this sealed the (loom of Hardin as a seat of justice, for the next term of court was held in Sidney, with the same judicial executive and clerical officers, on April 24, 1820. A board of commissioners convened at Hardin on June 17, 1819, consisting of Robert McClure, William Berry and John Wilson, with David Henry as clerk of board, and James Lenox, treasurer of the county. They entered at once upon their respective duties. Archibald Defreer was appointed collector. On June 12th the bonds of John Craig, as coroner, and Daniel V. Dingman, as sheriff, were accepted and after some routine business the board adjourned to September 2d, and Shelby county, armed and equipped, started on its full-fledged career and has been in motion ever since. The epitaph on a day-old baby's tombstone might appropriately be applied to Hardin : "Since so soon I am done for, I wonder what I was begun for ;" but everything has to have a beginning and Hardin, the peaceful hamlet on the Indian trail portage, between the Miami and Maumee rivers, was a suitable place as a starter. * Named for Col. Hardin, of Kentucky, who was killed by Indians there. - 77 - 78 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY A permanent location for the county seat was sought and the general assembly of Ohio appointed Thomas Van Horn and James Steele to view the different sites and make a report. After an extensive looking-over of sites, they settled upon Sidney, five miles east of Hardin, on the beautiful Miami, and named in honor of Sir Philip Sidney. Their report was as follows : To the Honorable the Court of Common Pleas of Shelby County. The undersigned commissoners appointed by the legislature of Ohio at their last session, to fix on the most eligible site for the seat of justice for the county of Shelby, met at the town of Hardin, in said county, on the 22d inst., agreeable to appointment—previous notice having been given as the law directs, said notice being acknowledged and having been duly qualified —proceeded to examine the different sites pointed out by the inhabitants of said county; and after traversing the county to ascertain the most proper place, have selected part of a fraction number 36 in township 8, range 6, west of the Great Miami river, belonging to Charles Sterrett ; commencing at a creek or run of water southeastwardly of a house in said fraction, occupied by a Mr. Cannon, running east of north with the bank, and westwardly for the quantity of seventy acres, offered as a donation by the said Charles Sterrett, as will appear by the inclosed bond, proposal, etc. Signed, THOMAS B. VAN HORN, JAMES STEELE. Dayton, September 26, 1819. The donation referred to in this report is fully explained by the subjoined article of agreement, made by Charles Sterrett, proprietor of the plat chosen as the site of the county seat : I, the undersigned subscriber, proprietor of fraction No. 36, in township eight, range six, east of the meridian line, and on the west bank of the Great Miami river, do make a donation to the commissioners of Shelby county of seventy acres of land, for the use and benefit of said county, on any part of the above-named tract of land that the commissioners appointed by the legislature see proper to locate the seat of justice for said county; provided the commissioners for fixing the said seat of justice see proper to fix said seat permanently in said fraction; provided that I do receive one-half of the proceeds of the sales of the lots after the said county commissioners locate, lay off, and sell the lots which may be laid off on said donation. September 24, 1819. CHARLES STERRETT. N. B. I also bind myself to give the privilege of all the springs within the bounds of said fraction as above described, for the use of the town, and the privilege of conveyance to the town. C. S. Reserve Clause I, the said Charles Sterrett, do make the following reserves out of the seventy acres proposed to the commissioners for the seat of justice for the AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 79 county of Shelby to wit : One acre for the public square; two half acreS for two different denominations of religious societies ; one acre for each of two different denominations of religious societies for graveyards ; and one acre for use of schools. CHARLES STERRETT. ROBERT MCCLURE, JOHN WILSON, WM. BERRY, Commissioners. In accordance with the provisions of the articles of donation, Charles Sterrett executed to the commissioners a bond in the sum of $3,000, dated September 25, 1819. In consideration of securing the seat of justice at Sidney other donations than that of the proprietor were made by several citizens, who were favorable to the project. These are exhibited by the following certified agreement : We the undersigned bind ourselves to the county commissioners of Shelby county, to pay the several sums annexed to our names, provided the seat of justice for the county of Shelby is established on the above tract of land as described, and the conditions as above are complied with : |
D. Henry Wm. Richardson Peter Musselman, in plank George Chiles, in plank Wm. Robinson Samuel Marrs, in carpenter work Francis Rorack, one barrel of whiskey Otho White Charles Johnson John Johnston John Gilbert Arch. Defrees Thomas W. Ruckman, in sawing Isaac Parks Benj. Brandon Alex. McClintock Edward Jackson Wm. Marrs subscribes his big bull, price untold Rodham Talbott George Pool Wm. Johnston John Lenox |
$20 00 20 00 50 00 20 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 25 00 20 00 10 00 30 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 100 00 50 00 20 00 10 00 50 00 75 00 |
State of Ohio, Shelby County, ss. December Term, 1819. The court appoints David Henry director of the town of Sidney, to he laid off upon the ground selected by the commissioners, for the seat of 80 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY justice of Shelby county, who gave bond with Rodham Talbott, Edward Jackson, and Thomas W. Ruckman, his sureties, in the sum of $6,000. The court further order that the director proceed to lay off a town upon the premises aforesaid in lots of five rods by ten, in blocks of eight lots each, with alleys one rod in width, running through the center of each block at right angles with each other and with the streets; the alleys to divide the blocks into four equal parts. The streets be laid out six rods in width, and that a public square be laid out in said town by striking out the center block of lots. That the director, as soon as the said town shall be laid out, shall, after giving one month's notice thereof, in six of the most public places in this county, and in the Gazette, printed in Dayton, shall proceed to sell at public sale one-third of said lots upon the following terms, to wit: One-fourth in ninety days ; one-fourth in nine months ; and one-fourth in fifteen months, and the residue in two years; to be secured by a lien upon the lots, until the whole shall be paid; reserving one lot upon or adjacent to the public square, to be selected by the commissioners, for the purpose of erecting temporary buildings for the county. I certify that the above is a true copy of the minutes of the court. HARVEY B. FOOTE, Clerk. In accordance with the instructions of the court, the director of the town procured the survey of the plat by Benjamin S. Cox, who, after making the survey, submitted the following report : Survey of Sidney. I do hereby certify that, being called on by David Henry, Esq., director of the town of Sidney, to survey said town plat, I executed the same under his directions, by running the exterior boundaries agreeably to the following courses and distance, to wit. : Beginning at a stake—the northwest corner of said town—standing four rods due south of the northern boundary line of the fraction witnessed by a small white oak standing. north 7̊ east, 7 links distant; then south 5̊ east, 27 poles, to a stake in the cornfield; then south 85̊ west, 26 1/2 poles, to a stake witnessed by two small buckeyes; one bearing due north, at 6 links distance; the other south 47 1/2 west, 6 links also; thence south 5̊ east, r0b poles, to a stake—the southwest corner of said town plat—witnessed by a large blue ash tree standing north 64̊ west, 8 poles and 16 1/2 links distant ; thence north 85̊ east, 80 poles, passing Abraham Cannon's house and cornering at a stake, the southeast corner of said town ; said stake standing a few rods south of a run, and witnessed by a large blue ash standing south 58 1/2, ̊ east, 18 1/2 links distant; thence north 5' west, 81 poles, to a stake at the upper end of the cornfield; thence north 85̊ east, 14 1/2 poles, to a stake standing 22 links north of a large beech, and 34 links east of a smaller one; thence north 5̊ west, 27 poles, to a stake having for witnesses a blue ash, standing north 68 east, 21 links and a small buckeye, south 55̊ west, 12 links distant PICTURES: VIEW SOUTH FROM WELLS HILL, SIDNEY, O.; SCENE IN WAGNER CONSERVATORY PARK, SIDNEY, O.; WAGNER PARK CONSERVATORIES, SIDNEY, O.; ENTRANCE TO CEMETERY, SIDNEY, O. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 81 thence north 85̊ east, 13 1/4 poles, to a stake witnessed by a large white oak standing south 75̊ east, 4 links and a blue ash north 82̊ west, 17 links distant ; thence north 5̊ west, 27 poles, to a stake—the northeast corner of said town—witnessed by a beech standing south 40̊ west, 27 1/2 links distant; thence south 85̊ west, 81 1/4 poles, to the beginning : containing by calculation 70 acres and 25 1/4 poles. The above courses were run for a supposed true meridian, and at right angles to the same; believing the true meridian, when running north, to be five degrees west of the magnetic one. In testimony of which, and for the truth of the above certificate, I hereunto affix my signature, this 24th clay of February, 1820. BENJAMIN S. Cox, Surveyor. State of Ohio, Shelby County, ss.: Personally appeared before me, a justice of the peace for said county, the above-named Benjamin S. Cox, who qualified the above town plat of the town of Sidney to be a true survey made to the best of his ability. Given under my hand and seal the 24th clay of February, 1820. [SEAL] D. HENRY, J. P. The next action was an order of sale directed by the court to David Henry, director of Sidney, and providing as follows : State of Ohio, Shelby County, ss. Court of Common Pleas, April Term, 1820: It is ordered by the court that the director of Sidney offer for sale at public vendue, giving one month's previous notice in six public places in the county and in the newspapers published at Troy, one-third of the lots now remaining unsold in Sidney, on the following terms, viz.: One-fourth of the purchase-money in hand; one-fourth in nine months ; one-fourth in fifteen months; and the remaining fourth in two years ; the purchaser giving bond and approved security for the payment of the last three instalments, and to receive from the director a certificate for the lot or lots purchased, stipulating that a deed shall be executed on the completion of the payments ; and the director is further authorized to dispose of at private sale any lots remaining unsold at the public sale hereby ordered in the terms prescribed by this order. I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy from the minutes of the court. April 24, 1820. HARVEY B. FOOTE, Clerk C, C. P. S. C. The State of Ohio, Shelby County, ss. September Term, 1820. The director of Sidney having represented to the court that certain lots in said town, ordered to be sold in December term last, have reverted to the county, in consequence of the failure of the purchasers to comply with the terms of sale, it is, therefore, ordered by the court that the director sell the said lots which have so reverted on the following terms, viz. : One-fourth of the purchase-money in hand ; one-fourth thereof in nine months ; one- fourth in fifteen months ; and the remaining fourth part in two years from the day of sale. The purchaser giving bond and approved security for the 82 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY payment of the last three instalments, and to receive from the director a certificate for the lot or lots purchased, stipulating that a deed shall be executed to the purchaser, his heirs, or assigns, on the completion of the payments. The said sale to take place on the 6th instant, public notice having been given thereof heretofore in the newspapers printed at Piqua; and the director is further authorized to dispose of at private sale any of the said lots remaining unsold at the public sale hereby ordered in the terms prescribed by this order. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the minutes in my office this sixth clay of September, 1820. H. B. FOOTE, Clerk C. C. P. S. C. To the director of the town of Sidney. In pursuance of these instructions, the director offered the designated lots for sale; after which he submitted the subjoined statement in account with the county : David Henry, Director of Sidney, in Account with Shelby County: |
1820 Dr. March, June and September sales : To his receipts for moneys received for lots sold at different times, and to different persons . . . .$3,094 25 To lot No. 57 25 00 To lot No. 68 50 00 To lot No. 98 23 69 1/2 To lot No. 104 25 00 To lot No. 77 50 00 To lot No. 81 l00 00 To lot No. 32 110 00 To lot No. 53 36 50 To lot No. 93 37 50 TOTAL: $3,551 94 1/2 |
Cr. By receipts in bundle No. 1 $2,437 69 By lots 13, 88, and 91, forfeited - 185 06 1/4. By notes due - 538 96 1/4 By accounts not due, Wm. Felding - 60 00 E. Evans - 137 50 B. Mapes - 25 00 Daniel Hopkins - 36 50 T. W. Ruckman - 37 50 By orders - 101 85 1/2 TOTAL $3,560 07 Balance - $8 12 1/2 |
Conditions of a Supplemental Sale of Lots in the Town of Sidney. The conditions of the sale of lots to be sold this day in Sidney, agreeable to an order of the court of common pleas for Shelby county, last term : Article 1st. The highest bidder is to be the buyer. Article 2d. The purchaser agrees to pay one-third of the purchase money in hand; one other third part in six months; and the residue in one year from this date. Article 3d. On payment of the first third part, the purchaser will be entitled to a certificate, conditioned to make a deed, on completing the above payments, at the end of one year, as aforesaid; still it is fairly understood and agreed that if the purchaser, or his assigns, fails to make payment at the end of one year, as aforesaid, then the lots thus sold is to revert back to the county, and money paid to forfeit. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 83 Any person buying a lot, and not making the first payment on this day, shall forfeit ten per cent. for disappointment, and lose their bid. June 1, 1820. DAVID HENRY, Director. ORGANIZATION OF THE TOWNSHIPS Four townships in Shelby county retained the name and area when a part of Miami county. They are Clinton, Turtle creek, Cynthian and Loramie. Clinton, in which Sidney, the county seat, is situated, was reorganized by the commissioners in 1825. It is irregular in outline, being bounded on the south by the tortuous Miami river. Turtle creek township, named after a creek which traverses it, was reorganized in 1825. The Big Four railway is its southern boundary. Its center is the hamlet of Hardin, the seat of Justice in 1819, one year, and named after Mr. Hardin, who was killed by the Indians. Washington township was organized in 1825 under the name of Grayson, but the name was soon changed. It is watered by the Loramie, Turtle creek and by the canal feeder. Its principal town is the village of Locking- ton through which runs the Western Ohio electric line. Loramie township was reorganized in 1825. It was named after Loramie, the French trader, who had a store at the mouth of the creek at Lockington as early as 1752. It contains four villages—Mt. Jefferson, Houston, North Houston and Russia. The last two are Big Four railway stations. The principal streams are the Loramie, the Nine-Mile run and the Miami and Erie canal. Cynthian township was reorganized in 1825. Newport is the only village. Its streams are the Loramie, Lick run and Lawrence run and the Miami canal. Orange township was organized in the year 1820 and is very fertile. It is bounded on the north by the Miami river. It has one village, Kirkwood, which is a station on the Dayton and Michigan railway. Green township has two small villages, Palestine and Plattsville, which were laid out in the early thirties. The name of Palestine has been changed to Tawawa. It is watered by Mosquito creek and the Leatherwood. Perry township was organized about 1824 and has a very productive soil. Pemberton, a small village, which is a station on the Big Four railway, seven miles east of Sidney, is its largest town. It is bounded on the north by the Miami river. The township of Salem was stricken from Perry in 1826. Port Jefferson, a pretty village, and being at the head of the feeder, nine miles in length, of the Miami and Erie canal, had brilliant prospects before the day of railways, but collapsed upon their advent. The Miami river runs through the town. The township has one other village, Maplewood, a station on the Lima and Northern railway. Dinsmore township was organized in 1832 and the board of -commissioners ordered the election to be held in the house of Joseph Green on Christmas day. The township contains the village of Botkins, and one-half of 84 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY Anna, both flourishing towns on the Cincinnati and Dayton railway. The water courses are the Loramie and Hull's creeks. Jackson township was organized in 1833 and is one of the most fertile in the county. It contains the thriving village of Jackson Center, a railway station and the hamlet of Montra. McLean township was organized in 1834. It has a large German element of excellent farmers who vote wet when local option is before the people. McLean is watered by the Loramie which heads in Dinsmore township and contains Loramie reservoir of 6,000 acres. Being on the summit it is a feeder to the Miami and Erie canal. It also contains Mile creek and Second run. The land is very fertile, Van Buren township was organized in 1834. Rumley was settled by a colony of negroes but is now owned by white .people. The land is very fertile and productive. Franklin township was organized in 1835 and contains one-half of the village of Anna. The principal streams are Turtle creek and Plum creek. COURT HOUSE AND JAIL As soon as the first court of justice was established at Hardin in 1819 in an old block house it was evident that a provision must be made for a suitable building. As the county seat was removed to Sidney after one year the county commissioners held a session February 1, 1820, and action was taken for the erection of a court house and jail, the latter being necessary when the court found culprits guilty of criminal misdemeanors. The following plans were adopted and recorded : The court house to he of frame, 24 by 3o feet, roofed with joint shingles, and weatherboarded; two doors through the middle of the first story ; four eighteen-pane windows; the story ten feet between floors; a place for two fireplaces six feet wide : second story eight feet high with six fifteen-light windows; window frames and doors underpinned with stone eighteen inches above the ground. The jail was to be 16 by 18 feet, with two stories of seven feet between the floors, and to be built of timber 12 inches square, laid completely close. The first and second floors to be made of square timber, laid close, the same as the wall ; one window, 18 inches square in each story, well grated with iron bars ; one door in each story sufficiently ironed and locked ; third floor to be of hewed timber ; roof of joint shingles; a chimney at one end with a fireplace in each room. These building contracts were ordered to be sold in Sidney on the 22d of February. On June 16, 1821, an additional contract was sold to John Snyder for $130. On March 4, 1822, the commissioners convened at the new court house on Ohio avenue, west of the public square, This building served its purpose until 1831, when, on Tune 22, the commissioners met for the purpose of adopting a plan for a new court house. to be built in the center of the public square. The building was to be of AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 85 brick 44 feet square and two stories high, and a belfry. The foundation was to be of stone, the lower story to have i6 windows of 15 lights each and the upper story 20 windows of 12 lights each, 12 by 16 inches in size. It was further ordered that the old court house be sold in May, 1832 and the proceeds be applied to the new building. On July 25, 1831, the contract was • let to Charles Bush, William. Dock and George D. Leckey. The building was completed and accepted March 30, 1833. The building, viewed in the light of the present day, as it was neither Ionic, Doric, Corinthian nor Composite, had all the artistic beauty 0f a store box, but it served for 50 years and the ablest legal arguments and most eloquent appeals and stirring political speeches ever made in Sidney were echoed from its walls. THE NEW COURT HOUSE For fifty years the squatty and inconvenient building in the public square had withstood storm and fire and flood and seemed to have a charmed hold on life unless human hands should remove the monstrosity which was devoid alike of beauty or utility. At the April election in 1880 the question of building a new court house was submitted to the people of the county and resulted in a vote of 2,024 for it and 1,786 against the same. The old court house was then sold to the highest bidder, which was $295, he to remove the building by March 10, i881. On August 14, 1880, the board of commissioners, consisting of John E. . Bush, Christian Kingseed and John Linker entered into a contract with G. H. Maetzel. architect, of Columbus, to furnish plans, specifications, details and working designs for the contemplated building, Maetzel to have sole superintendency of the work and to see that all the materials used were according to specifications. Maetzel's compensation was to be five per cent of the cost,. estimated at $140,000. The original contracts for materials and work were let as follows : Cast and wrought iron work to H. P. Clough & Co.,. of Middleton, Ohio, for $30,050; brick work to Henry Gucker, $13,623 ; carpenter work to John Houser, $10,086.30; cut stone work to Wittenmeir Bros., $35,500; tin, galvanized iron and slating to W. R. Kinnear & Co., $9,998; painting and glazing to Philip Knapf, 54,977; plastering and stucco work to Michael Hayes, $2,900; gas-piping to Andrew Shwartz, $330; plumbing, same, $998; drainage, same, $392. The building is located in the center of the public square, which was enlarged from its original donation of one acre, made by Charles Sterrett, to a little less than three acres. The site is a beautiful one, and is richly ornamented by forest trees, while delicate, flowering shrubs of many. hardy varieties are massed around the walks, with the four sides of the building furnishing the background, thus making the situation for a public building one of the best in the state. 86 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY The court house being centrally located in the square, fronts all the cardinal points, is substantially built, very commodious and elegantly finished and furnished. It is heated by air, conducted in pipes from the heating building in the rear of the jail, and is practically fireproof. The four corners rise into towers, while the central tower, about 150 feet in height, looks clown upon all other buildings within the city, there being. no 55-story sky-scrapers within its limits. It is furnished with a clock which presents a dial on four faces. The contour of the public square was uneven as in a state of nature, requiring over 5,000 loads of dirt to make it perfectly level as it is to-day. The celebration of July 4, 1881, was made more imposing in Sidney than ever before by the laying of the corner stone and brought a large crowd from the county and surrounding towns, though the death of President Garfield cast a gloom over the occasion. No fewer than 5,000 people were present. The display of flags and bunting all over the city was very fine. The arrival of the train and band over the Big Four from Union City was met by Tappe's band and the band from Anna came. The hotels were crowded and a large number took dinner at the Methodist church. Orders of Knights of Pythias and Masons came from Lima, Bellefontaine and other points. They appointed their own marshals, but all were under the direction of Chief Marshal E. M. Green and his assistants, J. S. Laughlin, W. H. Taylor; E. E. Nutt, J. B. Edgar and H. M. Lehman, and the order of procession was as follows : The Anna band; county and city officials in carriages ; pioneers and citizens in carriages ; Martial band ; Grand Army of the Republic ; Piqua band; Knights of Pythias; Union City band; fire department; Odd Fellows; Lima band; Shawnee and Coleman commanderies; Bellefontaine L0dge of Masons, with band ; Tappe's band; and Sidney Lodge of Masons No. 73, which included Stokes -Lodge of Port Jefferson and Epler Lodge of Jackson Center. The grand marshal proclaimed as follows : "By authority of the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in the state of Ohio, and in obedience to his order, I do now command and require all persons here assembled, to preserve silence and to observe clue order and decorum during the performance of the ceremonies of this occasion." This was followed with prayer by Grand Chaplain Rev. O. Kennedy, and singing by the choir. The following articles were deposited in a receptacle made in the cornerstone : A list of the present officers of the county; a copy of the Constitution and By-laws, and a list of the present members and officers of Temperance Lodge No. 73, F. & A. Masons; a list of the officers and members of Stokes Lodge No. 305, F. & A. Masons; a list of the members of Summit Lodge No. 50, Knights of Pythias; and the name of the architect, and a list of the names of the contractors and workmen employed on the stone and brickwork of the new court house; a list of the members of Tappe's cornet band ; a copy of the Shelby county Democrat ; a copy of the Sidney AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 87 Journal; a copy of the Sentinel; a copy of the record of the three first sessions of the court of common pleas of Shelby county in 1819. The following is a copy of the rep0rt of the first three courts in the county : The first court of common pleas for Shelby county met in the village of Hardin, in Turtle Creek township, on the 16th clay 0f May, 1819: President, Judge Jos. H. Crane, of Dayton; Robert Houston, Samuel Marshal, William M. Cecil, associates : Harvey B. Foote, clerk. The term lasted only one dlay. The journal of the court mentions no one as sheriff. Henry Bacon, of Dayton, was appointed by the court as prosecuting attorney. The next term was held September 13 and 14, 1819, at same place, by the foregoing named judges and officers. The third term was held at the same place, beginning December 13, 1819, same judges and officers, and also Daniel V. Dingman as sheriff. At the close of the December term, 1819, the court ordered the next term to be held at the then newly situated county seat, viz., the village of Sidney, where the courts have all been held ever since. The covering was then lowered t0 its place with appropriate ceremonies by Past Grand Master of the State, A. H. Newcomb, and the ceremonies closed with prayer by Grand Chaplain 0. Kennedy. The oration was delivered from the stand erected by A. L. McKinney, of Troy, and was a brilliant, eloquent address. The ceremonies closed about half-past four o'clock. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS AND COMMON PLEAS COURT MINUTES. These journals, replete with information touching the development and growth of the county, as well as the course 0f justice, are submitted in their entirety for the formative period, or first years of the organization. They will both be found to differ widely from the board and court records 0f to-day, and although lacking system will be found possessing- breadth enough to embrace almost everything of a public nature. The two journals comprised very largely the scope now embraced by the board of commissioners, common pleas court, probate court, recorder's office, and sheriff's office. Possessing this comprehensiveness the records of the board and the court are reproduced for that period with a completeness which will show not only the business transacted, but also the methods of transaction. COMMISSIONERS' JOURNAL. June 17, 1819. The board of commissioners for Shelby met at Hardin. Present, Robert McClure, William Berry, and John Wilson. David Henry is appointed clerk of the board, who appeared and took the oath of office. Order No. 1. Ordered that the county treasurer pay Samuel McClure for four days' service as lister for Loramie t0wnship for this year, $4.00. Order No. 2. Ordered that the county treasurer pay Charles Botkin for his service as lister and appraiser of property for Perry township and the fractional part of Essex township this year, $9,00. Order No. 3. Ordered that the county treasurer pay John Francis for 88 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY one day's service as clerk of election for Perry and fractional part of Essex township on the 5th of April last, $1.00. Order No. 4. Ordered that the county treasurer pay Richard Defrees f0r six days' service as lister and appraiser of property for Turtle Creek township this year, $6.00. Order No. 5. Ordered that the county treasurer pay John Francis for one clay's service as clerk of election for Perry and fractional part of Essex township on 1st of May last, $1.00. Order No. 6. Ordered that the county treasurer pay Peter Musselman for one day's service as judge of election for Perry and fractional part of Essex township on the 1st of May last, $1.00. Order No. 7. Ordered that the county treasurer pay William Berry, Jr., for one day's service as judge of election, and one day's service taking returns to Hardin for Perry and fractional part of Essex township on the 1st of May last, $2.00. Order No. 8. Ordered that the county treasurer pay George Berry for one day's service as appraiser of property for Perry and fractional part of Essex township for this year, $1.00. Order No. 9. Ordered that the county treasurer pay David Henry for one day's service as clerk of election for Perry and fractional part of Essex township on the 6th of April last, S L00. James Lenox is appointed county treasurer, and appeared and gave bonds and took the oath of office according to law. Samuel McClure, lister and appraiser of property in Loramie township, appeared and made return of his duplicate for said township. Charles Botkin, lister and appraiser of property for Perry and fractional part of Essex township, appeared and made return of his duplicate for said township. Archibald Defrees, lister and appraiser of property for Turtle Creek township, appeared and made return of his duplicate for said township. Archibald Defrees is appointed collector of the tax for Shelby county at ten per cent on the county levy. The board adjourned until the 11th instant. ROBERT MCCLURE, WM. BERRY Attest, D HENRY, Clerk.. June 1, 1819. The board of commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present : Robert McClure, William Berry, John Wilson, and David Henry, clerk. Archibald Defrees, collector of Shelby county, appeared and gave bond with legal security, and took the oath of office. On the petition of Alexander Jackson, Caleb Goble, Joseph Donaldson, Elisha Kirtland, and Jesse Jackson, accompanied with the consent of a majority of the inhabitants of town. I, range 7 east : Ordered that John Lenox, Philip Coleman, and Edward Jackson, taking to their assistance a skilful surveyor, two chainmen, and one blazer, proceed on Monuay, the AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 89 28th inst., to view and lay out into convenient lots (agreeable to the laws in such cases made and provided) the school section in township No. 1, range 7 east, and carefully value the same, and make report of your proceedings to the board of commissioners at their next meeting. Adjourned until the 12th inst. June 12, 1819. The board met agreeable to adjournment. Present : Robert McClure, William Berry, John Wilson, and David Henry, clerk. Ordered that the county treasurer pay Abraham Davenport for one day's service as judge of election for Turtle Creek township on the 1st day of May last, $1.00. Ordered that the county treasurer pay Jeremiah White for one day's service as judge of election for Turtle Creek township on the 1st day of May last, $1.00. Ordered that the county treasurer pay Wm. Herrald for one day's service as appraiser of property for Turtle Creek township this year, $1.00. Ordered that the county treasurer pay Daniel Vandemark for one day's service as judge of election for Perry and fractional part of Essex township on the 1st of May last, $1.00. Ordered that the county treasurer pay Harvey B. Foote for one day's service as clerk of election on the 1st of May last for Turtle Creek township, $1.00. Ordered that the county treasurer pay Samuel Stewart for one day's service as judge of election for Turtle Creek township on the 1st of May last, $1.00. Ordered that all the fractional part 0f Essex township that falls in Shelby county be attached to and incorporated into Perry township, and is in future to be considered as composing a part of the said township of Perry. The commissioners have made out the duplicate for the county levy. Ordered that the same be entered on their records. Know all men by these presents that we, John Craig, Robert Aldrich, and John McClure, of Shelby county, are held and firmly bound unto Robert McClure, Wm. Berry, and John Wilson, commissioners of Shelby county, or their successors in office, in the sum of two thousand dollars, current money of the United States, to the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents; sealed with our seal, and dated the 12th day of June, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen. The condition of the above obligation is such that the above named John Craig shall faithfully discharge all the duties enjoined on him by law as coroner for the aforesaid Shelby county then this obligation to be void and of no effect; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue in law. Given under our hand and seals the day and year above written. JOHN CRAIG, [SEAL.] ROBERT ALDRICH, [SEAL.] JOHN MCCLURE. [SEAL.] Attest, D. HENRY, Clerk. 90 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY Know all men by these presents that we, Daniel V. Dingman and James Dingman, of the county of Shelby and state of Ohio, are held and firmly bound unto Robert McClure, William Berry, and John Wilson, c0mmissioners of Shelby county, and their successors in office, in the sum of four thousand dollars, lawful money, to the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents ; sealed with our seals, and dated the 12th day of June, 1819. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Daniel V. Dingman has been duly elected and commissioned sheriff for Shelby county ; now if the said Daniel V. Dingman does well and truly collect, and pay over all moneys that the law makes it his duty to collect to the proper person to receive it, and perform all the duties of sheriff of said county faithfully; then this obligation to be void and of n0 effect; else to remain in full force and virtue, DANIEL V. DINGMAN, [L. S] JAMES DINGMAN, [L. s] Attest, D. HENRY, Clerk. Adjourned till the 2d Monday in September next. ROREBT MCCLURE, WM. BERRY, JOHN WILSON, Commissioners. Hardin, Ohio, September 13, 1819. The board of commissioners met per adjournment. Present : Robert McClure, Wm. Berry, John Wilson, and David Henry, clerk. Alexander Jackson applied for a permanent lease for lot No. I of the school section in township I, range 7 east. Jesse Jackson applied for a lease for lot No. 2 in said section. Joseph Donaldson applied for a lease for lot No. 4 of same section. Elisha Kirtland applied for a lease for lot N0. 5 of same section. John Manning applied for a lease for lot No. 6 in said section. The report of the freeholders appointed the 11th of June last to lay out and appraise the school section in township 1, range 7 east, is received and ordered to be recorded. A petition of part of the inhabitants of Shelby county praying to vacate part of the county road through Turtle Creek township was read and laid over until the next meeting of the board. It is ordered that Perry township be divided as follows : Running through the middle of the 13th range, and that the south part of said township be organized into a new township by the name of Orange, and that the election for township officers be held at the house of Wm. Minnear, on the 23d inst. Ordered that David Henry have an order on the county treasurer for four days' service as clerk of the board, and $1.00 for extra service, in all, $10.00. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 91 Ordered that Robert McClure have an order for book and paper furnished, $3.62 1/2. Ordered that David Henry have an order for one book for the clerk of commissioners, 50 cents. Adjourned to the last Friday in October next. ROREBT MCCLURE, JOHN WILSON, WM. BERRY, Commissioners. Attest, D. HENRY, Clerk. Hardin, October 29, 1819. The board of commissioners met as per adjournment. Present: Robert McClure, Wm. Berry, Joseph Mellinger, and David Henry, clerk. The board of commissioners proceeded to draw their allotments for their terms of service. Robert McClure is for one year, Wm. Berry for two years, and Joseph Mellinger for three years, who each took the several oaths required by law to qualify them for the duties of their said offices. Cable Goble applied for a lease on lot No. 3 in the school section in township 1, range 7 east. Ordered that John Francis, John Manning, James Lenox, Joseph Mellinger, Conrad Pouches, Zebediah Richardson, Joseph Steinberger, Henry Hershaw, John Stevens, Archibald Defrees, Cephas Carey, Peter Mussel- man, John Bryan, R. Lenox, and Abraham Davenport each have $1.50 for services as grand jurors; and that George Carey, constable, have 75 cents for one days' service at last September term. Ordered that Thomas Hurley, Wm. Cecil, Wm. Berry, Nathan Coleman, Jacob Wise, Alexander Miller, John Miller, Benjamin Blankinship, John Craig, Robert Aldrich, James Crossman, Elisha Kirkland each have 50 cents for services as petit jurors; and that James Moore, c0nstable, have 25 cents for attendance at one trial at last September term. Ordered that John Manning have for one day's service as judge of election for Orange township, and one day for taking in the returns of the same at last October election, $2.00. alb Ordered that John Hathaway, Jacob Lemasters, Rodham Talbot, judges, and Peter Musselman and George Morrison, clerks, each have $1.00, for judge and clerk's fees for one day's service at the last annual election for Perry township. On petition of sundry inhabitants of township 7, range 6 east, it is ordered that Daniel Vandemark, John Stewart, and Robert Hurley, taking to their assistance a skilful surveyor, two chainmen, and one blazer, proceed, on the l0th day of October next, to view and lay out into convenient lots— agreeable to law in that case made and provided— the school section in township 7, range 6 east, and carefully value the same, and make report of your pr0ceedings to the board of commissioners at their next meeting. Ordered that Abraham Davenport have $i.00 for one day's service as judge of election October 12, for Turtle Creek township. 92 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY Ordered that James Marshall for one day's service at May term and associate judge two days' service at September term, $9.00. The board adjourned. ROBERT MCCLURE, WM. BERRY, JOSEPH MELLINGER, Commissioners. Attest, D. HENRY, Clerk. Hardin, December 13, 1819. The board met. Present : Robert McClure, Wm. Berry, Joseph Mellinger, and David Henry, clerk. Ordered that Harvey B. Foote have for one book for records and six quires of paper, S6.25. That R. Bush have for one day's service as judge of election for Orange township 0n the 12th of October, 1819, $1.00. That John Francis have for one day's service as clerk of the annual electi0n for Orange township on the 12th of October last, $1.00. That Wm. Minnear have for one day's service as clerk of last annual election for Orange township the 12th of October last, $1.00. That Henry Bacon have for his service as prosecuting attorney at September term, $15.00. That Wm. Johnston, John Francis, and Dan Dingeman proceed to view a part of the road from Dingmansburg on the division of Wapakoneta that leads through Rodham Talbot's land, as he wishes, and make report agreeable to law to the board at their next meeting. Ordered that Abraham Cannon, John Lenox, and Daniel V. Dingman, together with Benjamin S. Cox, taking to their assistance two chainmen and one blazer, proceed on the 22d inst. to view and lay out a road as follows : Beginning on the state road from Piqua to Wapakoneta where it crosses Mill creek, in Turtle Creek township, running northwesterly to Abraham Cannon's, and make report of their proceedings to the next board of commissioners. James Barnett applied for a permanent lease on school section in township 6, range 7 east, lot No. 1. Lease made. Henry L. Jackson applied for lot 3, same section. Granted. Henry Jackson applied for lot 4, same section. Granted. Jacob Jackson applied for lot 5, same section. Granted. Joseph Porfuelts applied for lot 6, same section. Granted. Adjourned till tomorrow. December 14, 1819. Board met in full session. Ordered that Peter Princehouse, John Medaris and Thaddeus Tuttle, together with Benjamin S. Cox, surveyor, taking with them two chairmen and one blazer, proceed on the 29th inst. to view and lay out a road as follows : Beginning at or near the 5-mile-tree on the Mosquito creek road, thence to the county line on the east side of section 5, t0wnship 2, range 13, at the most proper point for a road to the seat of justice of Logan county, and make report of your proceedings to the next board of commissioners. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 93 The report of the board 0f viewers appointed by the last b0ard of commissioners to view the school section in township 7, range 6 east, was received and ordered to be recorded. Ordered that all that part of the county of Shelby situate north of a base line that crosses the Big Auglaize at or near the mouth of H0g creek. east and west, be incorporated into a separate township, to be known by the name 0f Auglaize, and that the electors of said township assemble at the house of Moses Rice on the first Monday in April, to elect township officers. Ordered that Archibald Defrees have for his service as collector of the county levy for this year, $17.50. Ordered that the next board meet at this place the first Monday in March. Adjourned. ROREBT MCCLURE, WM. BERRY, JOSEPH MELLINGER. Attest, D. HENRY, Clerk. Sidney, February 1, 1820. The board met. Present : Wm. Berry, Joseph Mellinger, and David Henry, Clerk. Know all men by these presents that we, Thomas W. Ruckman, John Lenox, Archibald Defrees, and Wm. Johnston, are held and firmly bound unto Robert McClure, Wm. Berry, and "Joseph Mellinger, commissioners of Shelby county, and their successors in office, in the just sum 0f $4,000, lawful money of the United States, and for the true performance of which payment we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals and dated the 14th day of January, 1820. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Thomas W. Ruckman has been duly elected and commissioned sheriff of Shelby county ; now if the said Thomas W. Ruckman does well and truly collect and pay over all money that the law makes it his duty to collect, to the proper person to receive the same, and perform all the other lawful duties of sheriff of Shelby county, faithfully and honestly, then this obligation to be void and of no effect ; else to remain in full force and virtue in law. THOMAS W. RUCKMAN, JOHN LENOX, ARCHIBALD DEFREES, his WM. X JOHNSTON. mark Attest, D. HENRY, Clerk. Plan of the jail to be erected for the county : To he 16 by 18 feet ; two stories, each seven feet between the floors ; built of timber twelve inches square, laid completely close ; the first and second floors to be made of 94 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY square timber laid close, the same as the wall; one window eighteen inches square; in each story, well grated with iron bars; 0ne door in each story sufficiently ironed and locks; third floor to be of hewed timber ; roof of joint shingles; a chimney in one end, with a fireplace in each room. The house for the court to be a frame, 24 by 30 feet, roofed with joint shingles and weatherboarded; two doors through the middle of the first story; four 18-light windows; the story ten feet between the floors; a place for two fireplaces six feet wide; second story eight feet high; six 15-light windows; window-frames and doors underpinned with stone eighteen inches above ground. The above buildings are ordered to be sold on the 22(1 inst. at Sidney. Sidney, February 22, 1820. C0mmissioners met ; full board present. Then proceeded to sell the contract for erection of court house and jail, with alterations agreeable to the bond taken in that case. Adjourned. ROREBT MCCLURE, WM. BERRY, JOSEPH MELLINGER. Attest, D. HENRY, Clerk. Hardin, Ohio, March 6, 1820. The board met. Present : The full board. The report of the viewers appointed to view the road through Rodham Talbott's land is received and ordered to be recorded. Ordered that the following bills be allowed : William Minnear, James Bryan, Daniel Vandemark, Joseph Bennett, John Mellinger, Zachariah Hurley, John Wilson, Robert Aldrich, Wm. Bush, David Crow, John Shennard, Gideon Wright, Charles Weeks, John Hathaway, each have $1.50 for one day's service as grand jurors at December term, and that James Moore have 75 cents for services as constable. Ordered that John Johnston, Joseph Aldrich, James Buchanan, David Mellinger, Aaron Cecil, Isaac Robins, William Robinson, Wm. Marrs, James Green, John Hathaway, Joseph Bennett, have each 50 cents for attending a trial at December term, and that James Moore, constable, have 25 cents for attending same trial. Ordered that Samuel Marshall, Esq., have for two days' service as associate judge, $6.00. Ordered that Benjamin S. Cox have for his service as surveyor of a' road from Mill creek to Sidney, two days and plat, $4.50; for chairmen and blazers, same time, $4.50. Ordered that Benjamin S. Cox have for his service in surveying a road from the 5-mile-tree in the Mosquito creek to the county line, two days and plat, $4.50; for chainmen and blazers, $4.50. Ordered that John Lenox, Abraham Cannon, Daniel V. Dingman, each AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 95 have $2.00 for two days' service as viewers of a road from Mill creek to Sidney. Ordered that John Medaris, Thaddeus Tuttle, and Peter Princehouse each have $2.00 for two days' service viewing road from 5-mile-tree, On the Mosquito creek road, to the line of Logan county. Ordered that Jacob Wise, Samuel Marshall, and Daniel V. Dingman, viewers, and Benjamin S. Cox, surveyor, and assistants, proceed and lay out a road from Dingman's through Sidney and Hardin, to Cynthian, on the 10th instant, and report to the next board. Ordered that Robert Aldrich, John Mellinger, and Samuel McClure, viewers, and Benjamin S. Cox, surveyor, and assistants, proceed on the fourth Monday of this instant to view and lay out a road from the state road at or near William Morrow's; thence to Steinberger's mill; thence a northeasterly course to intersect the road from Mill creek to Sidney, and report to the next board. Ordered that Abraham Cannon, James Thatcher, and Samuel Stewart, viewers, and Benjamin S. Cox,, surveyor, and assistants, proceed on the first Tuesday in April to view and lay out a road, beginning at or near Hardin; thence to the state road at or near the Nine-mile creek, in Loramie township, and report to the next board. Ordered that David Larue, Charles Johnston, John Ellsworth, Aquilla Ellsworth, William Ellsworth, viewers, and Benjamin S. Cox, surveyor, and assistants, proceed on the second Monday in April next to review the following part of the road from Honey creek to Mosquito creek, towit : Beginning at the county line, thence to Peter Princehouse's, and make such alteration as may be necessary, and report to the next board. Adjourned till tomorrow. Hardin, March 7, 1820. The commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present : Robert McClure, William Berry, Joseph Mellinger, and David Henry, Clerk. The viewers appointed by the commissioners, on the 14th of December last, to lay out and view a road from the 5-mile-tree, on the Mosquito creek road, to the county line of Logan county, - with the surveyor of said road, have made their reports, which, being openly read yesterday and today at the board, and no objections being made, the said road is ordered to be recorded a public highway. Ordered that Jeremiah White have for one day's service as judge of the last annual election for Turtle Creek township, $1.00. Ordered that Samuel Stewart have for one day's service as judge of last annual election for Turtle Creek township, $1.00. Ordered that Hezekiah Stout have for his service for selling property at Sidney, ,$1.00. Ordered that all that part of Orange township that is east of the west tier of sections in the second township of Bath, 12th and 13th range, be erected 96 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY into a new township, by the name of Green township and that the qualified electors of said township meet at the house of John Medaris, 0n the first Monday in April next, to elect township officers. Adjourned sine die. ROREBT MCCLURE, WM. BERRY, JOSEPH MELLINGER. Attest, D. HENRY, Clerk. State of Ohio, Shelby county, ss. : We, John Lenox, Philip Coleman, and Edward Jackson, viewers appointed by the board of commissioners of Shelby county to view and appraise section No. i6, township f, range 7 east, being first duly sworn according to law, have proceeded to view and lay out the same into lots, and appraised the same as follows, towit: Lot No. 1, 52T/2 acres at $3.25 per acre; lot No. 2, 46% acres at $2.75 per acre; lot No. 3, 99 3/100 acres at $4.00 per acre : lot No. 4, 60 98/100 acres at $2.50 per acre; lot No. 5, 104 acres at $4.50 per acre; lot No. 6, 78 18/100 acres at $2.00 per acre. All of which we have viewed and appraised to the best of our skill and ability. Given under our hands and seals the 11th day of September, 1819. The plat herewith annexed made by James Crugan, surveyor of Miami county, September 11, 1819. JOHN LENOX, [SEAL.] EDWARD JACKSON, [SEAL.] PHILIP COLEMAN, [SEAL.] Shelby county : We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that we did, by order of the commissioners of Shelby county, go, on the l0th clay of November, 1819, with a surveyor and two chainmen and one blazer, and divided section 16, in range 3, township 7, into six lots, containing as follows: No. I, 98 3/4 acres; No. 2 and No. 3, each 102 1/2 acres; No. 4 and N0. 5, each 106 1/2 acres; and No. 6, 1O2 1/2 acres; which lots we valued at $2.00 per acre, each lot separately. . JOHN STEWART, ROBERT HURLEY, Appraisers. Sidney, Ohio, April 24, 1820. The board of commissioners met. Present : Robert McClure, William Berry, Joseph Mellinger, and David Henry, clerk. Ordered that James Thatcher, John Wilson, and William Davis, together with Benjamin S. Cox, taking to his assistance two chainmen and one blazer. proceed on the first Wednesday in May t0 view and lay out a road, beginning at Cynthian, thence to intersect the road leading from Greenville to said town, at the Darke county line, and make report to the next board of commissioners. The commissioners granted a permanent lease to Thomas Kysar for lot AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 97 No. 2, in school section of township 7, range 6 east. Granted as above lease for lot No. 3, in same section, to Henry Jackson. Adjourned till tomorrow. April 25, 1820. The commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present : Robert McClure, William Berry, and David Henry, clerk. The report of the reviewers, appointed the 6th of March last, to review the road from Honey creek to Mosquito creek, beginning at the county line to Peter Princehouse, is received; and being read in open meeting yesterday and today, and no objections being made, the same is established a public highway, agreeable to survey made and returned with said report. The report of the viewers, appointed in March last, to view and lay out a road from Hardin to the state road, at or near Nine-mile creek, is received; and being read in open meeting yesterday and today, and no objections being made, the same is established a public highway, agreeable to survey therewith returned. The report of the viewers, appointed in March last, to view and lay out a road from Dingmansburg, through Sidney and Hardin, to Cynthian, is received ; and being read yesterday and today in open meeting, and no objections being made, the same is established a public highway agreeable to survey therewith returned. The report of the viewers, appointed in March last, to view and lay out a road from the state road, at or near William Morrow's, past Steinberger's mill, thence northeasterly to intersect the new road to Sidney, is received; and being read in open session yesterday and today, and no objections being made to the same, it is established a public highway, according to survey therewith returned. Ordered that William Herrald have for making a table and jury-box for the clerk, $8.00. That Henry Hershaw have for one day taking in the poll-book for justice in April last for Turtle Creek township, $1.00. That Henry Bacon, Esq., have for his service as prosecuting attorney, $30.00. That Robert Aldrich, Samuel McClure, and John Mellinger have each for two and one-half days' services in viewing r0ad from William Morrow's t0 Sidney, $2.50. That James Thatcher and Samuel Stewart have each for two days' services in viewing the road from Hardin to the state road at nine mile, $2.00. That Benjamin S. Cox have for his service in surveying the road from Hardin to the state road at nine mile, two days' and plat, $4.50. For chainmen and blazer for same, $4.50., Surveying the road from Dingmansburg to Cynthian, three days and plat, $6.25. For chainmen and blazer for same, $6.75. For a road from Morrow's to Sidney, two and one-third and plat, $5.37 1/2. For chainmen for same, $5.12 1/2. For surveying a road from Honey creek, tw0 days and plat, $4.50. Chainmen for same, one and one- half days, $3.37 1/2. 98 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY That Samuel Marshall, Daniel Dingman, and Jac0b Wise have each $3.00 for services in viewing the road from Dingmansburg t0 Cythian. That John Ellsworth, Aquilla Ellsworth, and William Ellsworth have each for one and one-half days' services for reviewing a road, $1.50. That William Berry have for money he paid for getting duplicate at Troy, $4.50. For one quire of paper for commissioners, 37/ cents. That David Henry have for twelve days' service as clerk 0f c0mmissioners and writing at home up to this time inclusive, $1.00 per quire of paper, $27.3772. Adjourned till the first Monday in June. ROREBT MCCLURE, WM. BERRY. Attest, D. HENRY, Clerk. Sidney, June 5, 1820. The board met.. Present : William Berry, Joseph Mellinger, and David Henry, clerk. Henry Sturm, lister of property for Green township, appeared and. returned his list of property for said township. Samuel McClure, lister of property for Loramie t0wnship, appeared and returned his list of property for said township. George Berry, lister of property for Orange township, appeared and made his returns for said township. Rodham Talbott, lister of property for Perry township, appeared and made returns of taxable property for said township. Robert Aldrich, lister of property for Turtle Creek t0wnship, appeared and made return of taxable property for said township. The collector of the county levy appeared and made final settlement for the year 1819. Ordered that Benjamin Beeden have for the balance for building jail, $275.85. Ordered that Edward Dwire have for a part of his contract building court house, $50.00. Ordered that Edward Jackson have on account of Edward Dwire in part of his contract, $6.25. Ordered that Edward Jackson have on account of E. Williams in part of Dwire's contract, $4.69. Ordered that Robert Aldrich have for listing and appraising property for Turtle Creek township, $4.00. Ordered that Thomas W. Ruckman have on Dwire's order in part of contract, S24.25. Ordered that Thomas W. Ruckman have on account of Beeden's order in part of contract, $9.25. Ordered that Thomas W. Ruckman have for plank furnished, 48272. Ordered that Edward Jackson have on account of Benjamin Beeden, $4.40. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 99 Ordered that George Berry have for lister and appraiser for Orange township, $4.00. Ordered that Samuel McClure have for lister and appraisers for Loramie township, $5.00. Ordered that William W. Cecil have for his service as associate judge at May term, 1819, one day; at September term, two days; at December term, two days; and at April term, one day, $18.00. Ordered that Henry Sturm have for listing Green township, $3.00. Ordered that Rodham Talbott have on account of Dwire's contract, $13.00. Ordered that William Mellinger have for attending one trial at December term, 50 cents. Ordered that Benjamin S. Cox have for surveying and platting road from Cynthian to Darke county line, $4.50. Ordered that John Wilson have for viewing same road, two days, $2.00. Ordered that James Thatcher have for viewing same road, $2.00. Ordered that William Davis have for viewing same road, two days, $2.00. Ordered that William Montgomery have for chaining 0n same road, 75 cents. Ordered that Thomas McClish have for chaining same road, 75 cents. Ordered that William Jerome have for marking same, one day, 75 cents. Ordered that Jonathan Nichols, appraiser of property for Green township, have for one day, $1.00. Ordered that Abraham Cannon have for keeping, $2.00. Ordered that Harvey Foote have for his extra fees as clerk of the court of common pleas up to May 16, $25.00. For copies furnished the April term inclusive, $2.93. Ordered that William Robinson have for his taking poll book for Green township at June election for justice of peace, $1.00. Ordered that John Lenox, foreman, Samuel Stewart, Richard Lenox, Jacob Wise, John Houston, Henry Hershaw, John Bryan, Archibald Defrees, George Barker, John Underwood, John Manning, John Stewart, Philip Coleman, William Johnston, and William Cecil have each $1.50 for services as grand jurors at April term; and Samuel Marrs for attending same, 75 cents. Lessees of school land lots : James Barnett, lot No. 1, Thomas Kyser. lot No. 2, Henry L. Jackson, lot No. 3, Henry Jackson, lot No. 4, Jacob Jackson, lot No. 5, and Joseph Porquetts, lot No. 6. Above all in school section township 7, range 6. They have each received leases; rent to commence from this date. The report of the viewers appointed to view the road from Cynthian to Darke county line is received, and being read in open meeting yesterday and today, and no objections being made, the same is established a public highway agreeable to survey to be opened forty feet wide. James Lenox, county treasurer, appeared and settled up his official account in his said office. 100 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY Jonathan Beatty is appointed county treasurer ; he appeared, gave bond, and took the oath of office according to law. The duplicate of the county levy is made 0ut and ordered to be recorded. John Lenox is appointed collector of county levy and state tax. Adjourned sine die. JOSEPH MELLINGER, WM. BERRY. Attest, D. HENRY, Clerk. Commissioners' office, June 7, 1820. Alexander Jackson took lease for lot No. 1, in school section township, 1, range 7; interest from 13th of September. Joseph Donaldson took lease for lot No. 4, same set, and interest same time as above. Elisha Kirtland paid his quota of expense for surveying, etc., 0f the above section for lot No. 5; interest from same time. Bond.—Know all men by these presents that we, John Stephens, Abraham Davenport, William Davis, and Ebenezer D. Stephens, all of Shelby county and state of Ohio, are held and firmly bound unto Robert McClure, Joseph Mellinger, and William Berry, commissioners of said c0unty, in the sum of S2,000, lawful money of the United States, t0 be paid to said commissioners or their successors in office, to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals this tenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand. eight hundred and twenty. The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound John Stephens—who has been duly elected cor0ner 0f Shelby county—shall well and truly execute the duties of said 0ffice, then this obligation to be null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. JOHN STEPHENS, [SEAL.] ABRAHAM DAVENPORT, [SEAL.] WILLIAM DAVIS, [SEAL.] EBENEZER STEPHENS. [ SEAL.] Signed and sealed in the presence of JAMES WELLS, THOMAS MCCLURE, JAMES MOORE. Recorded June 15, 1820. Commissioners' office, July 31, 1820. John Lenox, collector for this year of the county levy, gave bond, agreeable to law for the faithful discharge of the duties of his said office, together with Daniel V. Dingman and William Drake his surety, in the sum of $445.62, and took the oath of office, and received the duplicate of levy. September 5, 1820. Commissioners met. Present: Robert McClure, William Berry, Joseph Millinger, and D. Henry, Clerk. Ordered that Matthias Sturm, Henry Princehouse, and William Bothel, together with Benjamin S. Cox, surveyor, taking to his assistance two chain- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 101 men and one blazer, proceed on the 16th inst., to view and lay out a road, beginning at or near the southwest c0rner of section 2, township 2, range 13; thence east to the county line, and make report to the board at the next meeting. Jesse Jackson received his lease for lot N0. 2, in school section township 1, range 7, and paid his first year's rent. On application of James Botkin, Levi Johnston, William Botkin, John Carpenter et al., it is ordered that William W. Cecil, Henry Levalley, and Jacob Wise, taking to their assistance a skillful surveyor, two chainmen, and one blazer, proceed on the 13th inst. to lay off the school section in township 9, range 5, into convenient lots, and appraise the same agreeable to law, and make report of proceedings to the board at next meeting. Ordered that Benjamin Manning, Philip Coleman, and Edward Dwire, viewers, together with Benjamin S. Cox, surveyor, taking to his assistance two chainmen and one blazer, proceed on the 10th inst. to view and lay out a road as follows, towit: Beginning at the north end of Main street of Sidney; thence up the river to the road from Dingmansburg to Wapakoneta, near Rodham Talbott's ; thence with said road to the hill near Elisha Kirtland's; thence an easterly course to William Hathaway's; thence to the ford of Miami above George Morrison's; thence the nearest and best way to the county line between Logan and Shelby counties to intersect the road from Mosquito creek to Bellefontaine and make report to next meeting of the board. Ordered that Robert Houston, Sr., William Morrison, Charles Johnston, together with Benjamin S. Cox, surveyor, taking to his assistance two chain- men and 0ne blazer, proceed on the 29th inst. to view and lay out a road to Sidney; to begin at the bridge on the road from Ruckman's ; thence north to the south end of Main street of Sidney, and make report at the next meeting of the board. Ordered that Robert Houston, William Morris, and Charles Johnston, together with Benjamin S. Cox, surveyor, and assistants, proceed on the 29th inst. to view and lay out a road from the southward of Ohio street, in Sidney; thence south to the Muddy run; thence down the run to the new bridge on the road to Ruckman's mill, and make report to the commissioners at the next regular meeting. Ordered that the collector of the county levy may receive current paper in payment for the county levy. John Lenox, collector of the state tax, gave bond, with Daniel Vandemark and Rodham Talb0tt, his sureties, for the faithful discharge of the duty of his office in the sum of $4,000, and took the oath of office according to law. Samuel McClure, road commissioner, deposited a bond in this office for the faithful discharge of his duties, with Samuel Stewart and Eleazer Hathaway as securities, in the sum of $1,000. Ordered that Edward Dwire have, in part of his contract for court house, $26.36. 102 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY Ordered that John Lenox have, in part of Dwire's contract, $23.97. Ordered that Elisha Williams have, in part of Dwire's contract, $77.33. Ordered that Rodham Talbott have, for listing Perry township this year, $4.00. Ordered that Michael Young, a judge of election for Orange township, October 12, 1819, have for one day, $1.00. Ordered that John Francis, appraiser of property for Orange township, 1820, have for one day, $1.00. Ordered that Thomas W. Ruckman, sheriff, have for summoning grand jury April and September terms, $2.00 each, $4.00. Ordered that Henry Bacon, Esq., have for his fee as prosecuting attorney September or present term, $15.00. Ordered that Aaron Harkness, Henry Levalley, Gideon Wright, Cephas Carey, Jeremiah White, Abraham Minnear, Alexander Miller, William Gibson, Thomas Hurley, Samuel McClure, William Morrow, Collin Aldrich, Isaac Robins, Hezekiah Hubble, Philip Coleman, have each, for one day's service as grand jurors for September term, 1820, $1.50. Samuel Marshall, road commissioner, deposited his bond in this office, with Robert Aldrich and Thomas McClish as sureties, in the sum of $i,000 for the faithful discharge of his official duties. Adjourned to the first Saturday of November next. ROBERT MCCLURE, WM. BERRY, JOSEPH MELLINGER. Attest, D. HENRY, Clerk. November 4, 1820. The board of commissioners met. Present : William Berry, Joseph Mellinger, and David Henry, clerk. David Henry appeared and produced a certificate of his election as commissioner in this board, and of his qualification, and accordingly took his seat. Adjourned without day. WM. BERRY, JOSEPH MELLINGER. December 10, 1820. The board of commissioners met. Present : William Berry, Joseph Mellinger, and David Henry, the latter acting as clerk. Ordered that the qualified electors in the second township in range 13 west, meet on the second Saturday in January next, to elect three trustees and a treasurer for the school section in said township. The report of the viewers appointed to view and lay out a road from the south end of Ohio street, in Sidney, to Frenchman bridge, is received; they have performed their service and, the same being read in open meeting yesterday and today, and no objection being made, the same is established a public highway and made sixty feet wide. The report of the viewers appointed to view a road from Sidney, up AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 103 the river to the Logan county line, is received and, the same being read in open meeting yesterday and today, and no objection made, the same is established a public highway, to be opened forty feet wide. The report of the viewers appointed to lay out a road from the Mosquito creek road to West Liberty is received and, the same being read in open session yesterday and today, and no objection being made, the same is established a public highway, forty feet wide. Adjourned sine die. WM. BERRY, ROBERT MCCLURE, JOSEPH MELLINGER. Attest, D. HENRY, Clerk. March 31, 1821. The board of commissioners met. Present : William Berry and D. Henry. Settled in full with Samuel Marshall, road commissioner on the road from Piqua to Wapakoneta, and find that he has judiciously filled his obligations of office. Adjourned. The petition of a number of the inhabitants of Loramie and Turtle Creek townships, praying to alter the road from William Morrow's, by way of Steinberger's mill to Sidney, was read and laid over until the next meeting. Record of Rodham Talbott's road, between Miami river and Plumb creek, as altered by William Johnston, John Francis, and Daniel Dingman, on the 3d of March, 1820. Established under date of March 3, 1821. June 4, 1821. The board of commissioners met. Present : William Berry, Joseph Mellinger, David Henry, and J. Wells, clerk. Received the list for county levy for Perry, Green, Orange, Turtle Creek, and Loramie townships. Settled with Robert Aldrich, late c0unty auditor, and allowed his final amount of $12.1272, and direct the present auditor to draw an order on the treasurer for the same. Received a petition, signed by Jesse Jackson, for an alteration of the road near his house, leading from Sidney to Bellefontaine, which being granted, ordered that Daniel Vandemark, James Dingman, and John Francis, together with Benjamin S. Cox, surveyor, and assistants, proceed on the 9th instant to alter said road, beginning at the corner of George Morrison's fence ; thence northwesterly to the top of the bank ; thence along the hank to or near said Jackson's house, an easterly course across the run and river above the road and usual place of crossing. Settled with John Lenox, collector for 1820, and find he has fulfilled the duties of his office, and is entitled to lift his bond. Settled with Samuel McClure, road commissioner for the state road from Piqua to Fort Loramie, and find that he has faithfully performed the duties assigned him. Allowed Samuel McClure $45.00 for his services as road commissioner for above-named road, and direct the auditor to draw an order for the same on the county treasurer. 104 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY June 5. The rate of the county levy is established at the highest allowed by law. Allowed Elisha Williams for work on the court house as per bill, $57.25 3/4 ; and ordered that the county auditor draw on the treasurer for the same. Allowed Alexander McKee for work on the jail, $3.00, as per bill; and ordered that the county auditor draw on the treasurer for the same. The board appoints Jonathan Beatty county treasurer, and directs the clerk to take security according to law. Appoints Thomas W. Ruckman collector of the state and county tax. The county levy at 8 per cent., and the state tax at 4 per cent. ; and directs the auditor to take security, agreeable to law, in $2,000, for the state tax; and $1,000 for the county levy. Allowed William Beatty $2.00 for work on the jail as per bill, and ordered that the county auditor draw on the treasurer for the same. Jonathan Beatty appeared and gave bond as treasurer, and was duly sworn as the law directs. Adjourned to June 16th. June 9, 1821. This day Gideon Wright appeared and gave bond on his appeal from the decision of the board of commissioners, rejecting the petiti0n for an alteration of the county road leading from Steinberger's mill to Sidney. J. WELLS, Clerk of Board. June 16, 1821. The board met pursuant to adjournment from the 5th instant, for the purpose of contracting f0r the building of a chimney and filling the walls of the court house. Present: William Berry, David Henry, and James Wells, clerk. Contracted with John Snider for the above at $130. The work to be completed by the last of October next. Adjourned without day. December 3, 1821. The board convened at the court house, in Sidney. William Berry's time of service having expired, and David Henry having resigned, an election for two commissioners was held in October last. John Wilson appeared, presented his certificate of election, and, being duly sworn, took his seat. Present: Joseph Mellinger, John Wilson, and James Wells, clerk. Received a petition of sundry inhabitants of Clinton, Green and Orange townships for a county road from Ruckman's, by John Francis to the east line of the county. Ordered that William Berry, Matthias Sturns, Jr., and Isaac Parks, taking to their assistance a skillful surveyor, two chainmen, and one marker, proceed on the 13th inst. to view and locate a road from Ruckman's saw mill easterly through John Francis's land; thence to Bush creek, below Sycamore bottom; thence to or near- Jonathan Nichols; thence to John Medaris' AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 105 mill; thence to the east boundary line of this county, in section No. 6, township 2, range 12, at or near the center of said section line. Ordered that the clerk grant receipts, one to George Childs for plank furnished for public buildings, to offset against donation to the county seat ; one to Peter Musselman for the same. George Childs, $20.00. Peter Musselman, $12.25. Ordered that David Henry have a receipt for $11.25, for five days' service as clerk of board, to offset against his donation to the county. Ordered that John Snider be allowed $130 for work on the court house, and direct the auditor to draw on the treasurer for the same, $130.00. Ordered that Elisha Williams have $14.40 for 144 lights of sash, and direct the auditor to draw an order for the same, $14.40. An order of court having been served on the board : Ordered that the clerk certify the records appertaining to the alteration of the road petitioned for by Gideon Wright and others. A report was received, submitted by James Dingman, Daniel Vandemark, and John Francis, viewers, for the location of a road from Sidney to Bellefontaine, which report was duly considered, and the viewed and platted road established a public highway. The following report was also received and ordered to be recorded : Upper Piqua, November 30, 1821. Gentlemen : In pursuance of an act of the last general assembly authorizing the establishment of a state road from Wapakoneta to Fort Meigs, the undersigned, commissioners appointed for the purpose, have discharged the duties imposed on them by law. An account of their proceedings will be found in the Piqua Gazette of the 18th of Oct0ber, 1821, which was communicated for public information, a paper c0ntaining their report is herewith transmitted, and to which we beg leave to refer as forming a part of this 0ur official return as required by law. A report was made from Fort Meigs to the commissioners of Wood county, and a plat of the road has since been forwarded to them in obedience to the law. Mr. Benjamin S. Cox will hand to your board a plat of the road, which with their communication will constitute our report to the commissioners of Shelby county. An account of the expenses will be furnished to your board hereafter. JOHN JOHNSTON, of Miami county, SAMUEL MARSHALL, of Shelby county, Commissioners. A true copy. Attest, J. WELLS, Clerk of board of commissioners of Shelby county. March 4, 1822. The board convened at the court house in Sidney. Major John Lenox appeared and produced a certificate of his election to 106 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY this board, and being duly sworn to discharge the duties of the office, took his seat. Present : John Wilson, John Lenox, and James Wells, clerk. Ordered that the auditor draw an order in favor of William Johnston for $1.00 for hauling plank for court house fl0or. Received the report of the road viewers appointed at the last session, which was read. Received of William Johnson the treasurer's receipt for $54.37 1/2, in payment of his donation to the county. Received of George Pool the treasurerls receipt for $1.00, in part payment of his donation to the county. Received the petition of sundry inhabitants of Perry and Clinton townships, praying for a road beginning at the east end of South street in Sidney, and thence to Water street in Dingmansburg. Ordered that Abraham Dingman, Elisha Williams, and Robert McClure, viewers, with legal assistance, proceed to view said road on the 9th inst., and make report at next session of the board. Ordered that the auditor draw an order in favor of David Henry for furnishing glass and whiting for the court house, $10.62 1/2. The board settled with Thomas W. Ruckman, collector of the state tax for 1821, and find he has performed the duties, and is discharged from his bond for the same. Also settled with said Ruckman as collector of county levy for 1821, and discharge him from his bond for same. Adjourned till tomorrow. March 5, 1822. Present : John Wilson and James Wells, clerk. No other commissioner appearing, adjourned sine die. JAMES WELLS, Clerk. June 3, 1822. The board convened at the court house. Present : Joseph Mellinger, John Wilson, John Lenox, and James Wells, clerk. Allowed John Francis for four clays' service as lister and appraiser of property for Orange township in 1822, $4.00. Allowed Henry Sturm for serving as lister and appraiser of property for Green township in 1822, $3.50. Allowed Mathias Sturm as appraiser of property for Green township in 1822, 50 cents. Allowed James Lenox as lister and appraiser of property for Turtle Creek township in 1822, $5.00. Allowed Conrad Funk as lister and appraiser of property for Loramie township for 1822, $5.00. Allowed Alexander Miller as appraiser of property for Loramie township for 1822, $1.00. Allowed Fredric Steinberger as appraiser of property in Turtle Creek township for 1822, $1.00. Allowed Samuel McKean as appraiser of property for Orange township for 1822, $1.00. Allowed George Pool as lister and appraiser of property for Clint0n township in 1822, $5.00. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 107 Allowed John Johnston appraiser of property for Clinton township for 1822, $2.00. Allowed Samuel Wilkinson lister and appraiser of Perry township for 1822, $4.00. Allowed Elijah Monterey as appraiser of property for Perry township for 1822, $1.00. Received the petition of sundry inhabitants of Loramie township praying for a division of said township, and said petition being granted : Ordered that a record be made thereof agreeable to the prayer of the petition, and an election for township officers be held at the house of Alexander Miller in said township, on the 4th day of July next. Allowed Daniel Vandemark for furnishing wood for court term of December, 1821, 51.87 1/2. The board appoints Alexander McKee collector of the county levy and state tax, and allowed him two per cent on each. Ordered that the county levy be established at the highest rate allowed by law. Adjourned until to-morrow. June 4, 1822. The board met pursuant to adjournment, the full board present. The report of the viewers appointed to locate a road from Ruckman's saw-mill to the east line of the county was read yesterday and to-day, and no objection being made the same is declared a public highway to be opened forty feet wide, and so recorded. John Wilson and John Lenox determined the term of their service as commissioners by lot resulting in Wilson holding for three and Lenox for tw0 years from date of election. The report of the viewers appointed to view and locate a road from South street in Sidney to Water street in Dingmansburg was read in open session yesterday and t0-day, and no objection being made the same is ordered to be recorded a public highway t0 be opened sixty feet wide. Allowed Alexander McKee for repairs 0n the jail and lock for same, $1.87 1/2. The board appointed Jonathan Beatty treasurer of the county. Allowed Wm. Beatty's account for repairs on the jail, $1.75. Jonathan Beatty appeared and gave bond for the performance of the duties of the office, and was duly qualified as the law directs. The commissioners examined the auditor's vouchers and accounts, and approve the same, and direct him to publish an exhibit of the county's expenses from June 4, 1821, to June 4, 1822. Adjourned sine die. MELLINGER, WILSON, LENOX, Commissioners. WELLS, Clerk 108 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY December 2, 1822. The board convened at the house 0f John Blake. Present : John Wilson and William Berry, commissioners, and James Wells, clerk. Since last session, Joseph Mellinger's time having expired and John Lenox having resigned, Wm. Berry and J0seph Mellinger were elected at the last October election to fill said vacancies. Allowed Montgomery Evans S5.00 as judge of election for Auglaize township and returning poll book. Received the petition of Charles Sterrett et al. to vacate the road running from Ohio street south and Main street north, in the t0wn of Sidney, leading to Barbara Tilburg's, which was read this day without objections. Received the petition of Charles Sterrett et al. to vacate a road leading from South street in Sidney, to Dingmansburg ; also, one running up the west side of the river, which was read this day. Allowed the bill of expenses laid in this day by John Johnston and Samuel Marshall, road commissioners, who located the state road from Wapakoneta to Fort Meigs. Received the petition of Jeremiah Redinbaugh et al. praying a road to be laid out, commencing at the south boundary, at the end of the road leading from Dayton up Lost creek, near Fleming Jones', and running thence northwesterly to or near Michael Young's; thence through John Stoker's lane; thence to or near the southwest corner of the southeast quarter 0f section 1, town. 1, range 13 ; thence north to intersect the road leading from the east boundary line to Ruckman & Stewart's mill. Received the petition of Wm. Richardson and others praying for a road commencing at the r0ad leading from Sidney t0 Urbana, at or near the Bellefontaine road ; thence south across Mosquito creek ; thence along the high bank of Leatherwood to the old, ford ; thence the best way to the northeast corner of Jonathan Nicolas's land ; thence south along his line ; thence southwesterly to Byron Wilson's ; thence to John Stoker's ; thence to Michael Young's north line; thence west to intersect the Piqua road. Adjourned till to-morrow. December 3, 1822. Present : Wilson and Berry. Received the remonstrance of John Blake and others against vacating the road from the northeast corner of the public square in Sidney to the ford near Henry Bryan's; whereupon John Lenox, John Johnston, and Richard Lenox were appointed viewers to view said road on the 14th inst. and report at next session. The first petition of Charles Sterrett was read this day, and no objection being made, was ordered to lay over to the next session. The petition of Jeremiah Redinbaugh and Wm. Richardson was read this day, and no objections being made, viewers were appointed t0 view said road on the 25th inst. John Lenox, John Johnston, and Richard Lenox were appointed to view, on the 14th inst., the road petitioned to be vacated by Charles Sterrett and remonstrated to by John Blake, to report at next session. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 109 Daniel Vandemark, Peter Musselman, and Booth Burdette were appointed to view the road petitioned for by Wm. Richardson. John Lucas, John Medaris, and John Underwo0d were appointed viewers on the road petitioned for by Jeremiah Redinbaugh. Received a transcript from the docket of James Lenox, Esq., certified by the clerk of the c0urt for costs in state cases before said Lenox, which is laid 0ver to the next session. Adjourned sine die. JOHN WILSON, WM. BERRY. March 3, 1823. The board convened at the house of Francis Kendall, in Sidney. Present : John Wilson, Wm. Berry, and James Wells, clerk. Received the report of the viewers appointed t0 view and report the expediency of vacating the road leading from the northeast corner of the public square in Sidney t0 Henry Bryan's ford; and they report that it is inexpedient to vacate said road; signed by J0hn Lenox and John Johnston, viewers. Received the petition of Isaac Davis and 0thers praying for a county road, which is deferred until the first M0nday of June next. Allowed T. W. Ruckman's account for one pair of irons to c0nvey Glass- mire to the penitentiary, $1.18 3/4. John Lucas, a road viewer, having removed, Peter Princehouse is appointed to serve in his stead. Received the commissioner's report and surveyor's plat of a state road from Bellefontaine, in Logan county, to Sidney, and the same is ordered to be recorded. Adjourned sine die. JOHN WILSON, WM. BERRY, Commissioners. June 2, 1823. The commissioners convened at the court house in Sidney. Present : John Wilson, Joseph Mellinger, Wm. Berry, and James Wells, clerk. Allowed Gabriel T. Wilkinson for services as lister and appraiser for Perry township, 1823, $5.00. Allowed Benjamin Manning for services as appraiser for Perry township, 1823, $1.00. Allowed John Francis for services as lister and appraiser for Orange township, 1823, $4.00. Allowed Wm. Minear for service as appraiser for Orange township, 1823, $1.00. Allowed John Johnston for service as lister and appraiser for Clinton township, 1823, $5.00. Allowed Wm. Johnston for services as appraiser for Clinton township, 1823, $1.00. 110 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY Allowed Samuel Marshall for services as lister and appraiser for Turtle creek, 1823, $6.00. Allowed Joseph Steinberger for service as appraiser for Turtle Creek township, 1823, $1.00. Allowed A. W. Hathaway for listing and appraising Loramie township, 1823, $3.00. Allowed John Gates for service as lister and appraiser for Cynthian township for 1823, $4.00. Allowed Jacob Wise for service as appraiser for Cynthian township, 50 cents. Allowed John Bodkin, as lister and appraiser of property for Green township, 1823, $3.50. Allowed L. Nichols, appraiser of same, 50 cents. Allowed John Workman, road commissioner, to locate the state road from Bellefontaine, in Logan county, to Sidney, five days. Allowed Joseph Bennett, a commissioner in same, five days. Thomas Thompson, surveyor in the same, silk days and a half. Wm. Minnear and Jacob Woodcock, chainmen in same : 2 2/3 days to Minnear ; 3 3/4 days to Woodcock, Thomas Dickson, and Benj. Schoder, blazers; one day to Dickson, and 2 1/4 days to Schoder. The petition of Isaac Davis and others, laid over from last session, was this day read without objection. The petition of Elisha Kirkland and others praying to alter to state road leading from Sidney to Logan county-seat, so as to save the fence and spring of said Kirkland, beginning at the F0ur Mile Tree, thence to the top of the ridge west of his house; the same was granted at his own expense. Benjamin Manning, James Dingman, Jr., and G. W. Wilkinson were appointed viewers to view the same the 18th inst., and report at next session. Received the petition of sundry citizens of Allen county praying that said county may be organized into a separate township; said petition being granted : Ordered that record be made thereof agreeable to the prayer of the petition, and an election for township officers be held at the house of Samuel Washburn in said township on the 4th day of July next ; said township to be known by the name of Amanda. Adjourned until to-morrow. Met June 3 pursuant to adjournment. Examined the books and vouchers of the auditor and found them correct, and direct him to publish an exhibit of the expenses of the county. The board appoint Jonathan Beatty county treasurer for the year ensuing, and direct the auditor to take bond in the sum of $3,000. The board appoint John Blake collector of the state tax and county levy for the year 1823 at one-half of one per cent for such. The petition of Isaac Davis and others was read this day, and no one appearing to give bond the same is dismissed. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 111 Joseph Mellinger and Wm. Berry, both elected commissioners in October last, Mr. Mellinger's time expires in October next, and Mr. Berry's in October, 1825. Allowed Elisha Williams for desk for use of auditor, $6.50. Adjourned sine die. JOHN WILSON, JOSEPH MELLINGER, WM. BERRY, Commissioners. Monday, December 1, 1823. The board convened at the home of John Blake in Sidney. Present : John Wilson, Wm; Berry, and Joseph Mellinger (re-elected) commissioners, and James Wells, clerk. Received the surveyors' plat and field notes of the state road located from Wapakoneta to Fort Brown, at the mouth of the Little Auglaize river. Received and accepted the report of the viewers appointed last June session to review and alter the state road passing by Elisha Kirkland, and ordered said alteration recorded. Allowed Wm. Vaniam for repairs on the door of the jail, 75 cents. Received the plat and field notes of the survey of the county road from the south line of the county, and terminating on the road leading from Ruckman's mill to the east line of the county. Allowed B. S. Cox for survey and plat as above, for survey two days and plat, $4.00. Allowed John Miles for one day, 50 cents. Allowed George Barker for the same service, 50 cents. Allowed John W. Stoker one clay as balance on the above road, 50 cents. Allowed Robert Houston and John M. Corkle, commissioners who located the state road from Fort Loramie to St. Mary's, each five days at $1.75 per day. Allowed B. S. Cox for surveying said road four days at $2.00 per day. Allowed James Houston and John Houston, chainrnen on same, four clays each at 75 cents per day. Allowed David Houston four days as blazer at 75 cents per day. Adjourned sine die. JOHN WILSON, JOSEPH MELLINGER, WM. BERRY, Commissioners. Attest, JAMES WELLS, Clerk. First Monday of March, 1824. The board convened at the home of John Blake in Sidney. Present: Wm. Berry and Joseph Mellinger, commissioners, and James Wells, clerk. John Wilson, commissioner, also appointed. Ordered that the county treasurer proceed according to law to collect 112 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY the rents due on the school section No. 16, in township 7, range 6 east, of the principal meridian line drawn from the mouth of the Great Miami river, in the district of lands sold at the land office at Cincinnati. Ordered that the road commencing near Fleming Jones's, at the south line of the county, and terminating at the road leading from Ruckman's mill to the east line of the county near John Francis's, be recorded and opened a public highway to be thirty feet wide. Allowed John R. Medaris for one day viewing road from south line of the county, intersecting the road from Ruckman's mill to the east line 0f the county, 75 cents. Elisha Williams is appointed keeper of the county seal, and authorized to procure a standard half bushel, and seal S. C. S., at the expense of the county. Ordered that the clerk give public notice that if the donors of the county seat of Shelby county do not pay their several donations previous to the first Monday in June that legal steps will be taken to recover the same. Adjourned sine die. JOHN WILSON, WM. BERRY, JOSEPH MELLINGER, Commissioners. Attest, JAMES WELLS, Clerk. Same time as above allowed Elisha Williams (a transcript of certain state cases wherein the state of Ohio failed) to receive orders from the auditor on the treasurer for the costs on his obtaining the certificate of the clerk of the court of common pleas as to the correctness of the same. April 23, 1824. Present : John Wilson, Joseph Mellinger, and Wm. Berry. The board having received the resignation of James Wells, late auditor for Shelby county, and appointed David Henry to fill the vacancy, who appeared and gave bond according to law, with Wm. Pratt and James Dingman, Jr., his security, for the faithful performance of the duties of said office, and took the 0ath of office. Adjourned to meet the first Monday in June. Signed by the board. June 7, 1824. Present : Full board. Allowed Thomas W. Ruckman, late sheriff, for his extra services from the 14th of January, 1823, to the expiration of his term of service, $30. Allowed George Pool, lister of Clinton township, for this year's services, $4.00. Allowed James Garver, appraiser, $1.00. Allowed John Francis, lister for Orange township, for this year's services, S4.00. Allowed to D. Minnear, appraiser, $I.00. Allowed Samuel Marshall, lister 0f Turtle Creek township, $4.00. James Steinberger, appraiser, $1.00. Robert Swaney, lister of Amanda t0wnship, AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 113 $3.00. G. F. Wilkinson, lister of Perry township, $4.00. Thomas E. English, appraiser as above, $1.00. John Botkin, lister of Green township, $4.00. Jonathan Nicols, appraiser, 50 cents. Stever Julian, lister of Loramie township, $3.00. John Beck, appraiser as above, $1.00. Wm. Hicks, lister of Cynthian township, $3.00. Allowed Joseph Stewart, surveyor, for surveying the road from Mosquito creek to Michael Young's, three days, $4.50. Booth Burdette, two days' viewing same, $1.50. Peter Musselman, same service, $1.50. Chas. Johnston, chainman, $1.50. Wm. Montgomery, chainman, $1.50. Peter Princehouse, as viewer, 75 cents. Robert Cunningham, marker, 75 cents. John St0ker, marker, 75 cents. June 8th. Commissioners met. Present : Full board. Ordered that Charles Sterrett, proprietor of Sidney, have an order for $520.66, his full half of the proceeds of sale of lots sold in Sidney, that is now made. Except three-fourths of three lots considered forfeited for non-payment, to wit, lots Nos. 13, 88, and 91, one-fourth of which has been paid and accounted for; the other three-fourths depend only on the lots for payment, which, when collected, is to be accounted for, or one-half of what the lots may bring. Allowed Elisha Williams for work done at court house, $20.00. Allowed James Wells, late auditor, for one day's service for bringing his account up to the date of his resignation, $1.50; also for measure seal, $1.50. $3.00. The report of the viewers appointed to locate a road beginning at the Bellefontaine road on Mosquito creek, thence past Jonathan Nichols, John Stoker, and Michael Young, to intersect the Piqua road ; and the same being read in open meeting yesterday and to-day, and no objections being made, the same is established a public highway, to be opened thirty feet wide. Received the petition of James Dingman, Jr., and others, praying the vacation of a part of the state road from Sidney to Bellefontaine, from Plumb creek to E. Kirtland's ; the same being read yesterday and today, is laid over to next meeting. Received the petition of Francis Kendall and others, praying the vacation of the above state road from E. Kirkland to Alex. Jackson's ; and the same being read yesterday and to-day, is laid over to next meeting. The county levy is set this year to the highest extent of the law. Thomas W. Ruckman came and settled his donation given to the county by giving his note, payable in lumber, December next. Allowed Jonathan Beatty, treasurer, for attending to the collection of rents in school section range 6, town. 7, two days, $3.00. Francis Rook has varied his donation subscribed to the commissioners by giving a note for a barrel of whiskey, payable the first Monday in December next. William Beatty is allowed for collecting county levy 4 per cent; for state tax, 3 per cent. William Beatty is appointed collector of the state and county tax ; 114 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY reappears and gave bond, with John Johnston, Robert Blakely, Jonathan Beatty, and Nathan Coleman, his sureties; the county levy in the sum of $1,000; and the state tax same securities, in $2,000, and took oath of office in both. The petition of George Carey and others was received and read, praying for an alteration of the Mill creek road running through Carey's land, beginning twelve rods below the branch, at Rufus Carey's; thence to Rufus Carey's rope works; thence to a white oak four rods east 0f Elias Carey's house; thence to George Carey's land; thence to intersect the old road at or near the mile end. And Aaron Cecil, John Furgus, and Jeremiah White are appointed to view the same, and make report according to law on the third day of July. June 9. Ordered that the auditor procure the eaves of the court house to be boxed, the windows not glazed to be boarded up, the doors hung, and house cleaned, and steps made for the jail door ; also locks put on court house doors, Treasurer's Report of Shelby County for the year ending 1824. |
To uncurrent paper To Esquire Lenox for fines To Auditor ( for state tax) To Auditor, county purposes To Director of Sidney To Esquire Henry, fines To A. McClintock, donation To B. Brandon, donation To G. Pool, donation To A. Evans, licenses To self, permits To schools and roads To money due county last year |
$ 6.25 7.00 136.39 1/2 34.92 124.77 2.00 20.00 6.00 4.00 11.27 1/2 5.33 1/4 230.33 3/4 5.91 $600.06 |
To the balance due county per settlement, $38.47, exclusive of the county portion of state tax for 1823, and other collections for the same year. In Account with Shelby County |
By money paid for school By money paid Robert McClure, road By money paid J. McClure By money paid Turtle Creek By money paid J. Blake By money paid Jas. Wells By money paid self |
$ 4.00 13.63 3/4 11.06 1/2 10.94 112.61 5.00 5.33 |
By money paid Cynthian, road By money paid orders redeemed By uncurrent paper By road receipts By balance due county |
11.97 262.37 3/4 6.25 117.61 38.47 $600.06 |
Signed - J. BEATTY, S. C. T. Jonathan Beatty is appointed county treasurer, who appears and gave bond according to law, with William Beatty, John Whitmore, and James Roby as his sureties, and took oath of office. Examined the orders issued by the old and new auditor, and found them correct. Adjourned. JOHN WILSON, JOSEPH MELLINGER, WM. BERRY, Commissioners. D. HENRY, Clerk Nov. 13. A special meeting of the commissioners, for the purpose of improving the public building. John Hathaway and Charles Johnston produced their certificates of election and were sworn into office, and proceeded to business. Repairing the court house and jail was the object of the meeting. The contract with Nicholas Smith to plaster the room for the clerk's office in the manner stipulated in his contract, in which he agrees to do the work for $12.00. The repairing on the jail was laid over until their regular session in December. Adjourned. December 6, 1824. Present : Full board. The account by John Blake, in favor of Ira Dickson, assigned to said Blake for house-rent for an office to H. B. Foote, is allowed $9.50. John Francis, for fuel for court up to present, $2.12 1/2. John Blake, for room-rent for the last grand jury, is allowed $2.00. Joseph Stewart, surveyor of the road from Sidney to St. Marys, is allowed $11.37. Asa Hinkle, commissioner on said road, is allowed $6.63. John Johnston, commissioner, $5.70. Christ. F. Tilberry and Parker, $3.80. Jos. Blake and Henry Bryan, chainmen, $5.70. Henry Smith, marker, $2.85. The petition of Matthew Sturms and others, praying for a road beginning at the West Liberty road, thence through the land of E. Sargent and P. Locker to the Dayton road, was received and read; and Philip Locker, Jacob Kyser, and Henry Sturms are appointed viewers of the same ; or any two of them, together with Joseph Stewart, surveyor, and legal assistance, 116 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY is to proceed on the 16th instant to locate said road, and make report at the next sessi0n of this board. December 7. The board met. Present as before. The petition of Francis Kendall and others, praying for a vacation of that part of the state road leading from Sidney to Bellefontaine, that runs through said Kendall's and Jackson's land, that was read last session, was again read, and no objections made, and it appearing to the hoard to be reasonable, the same is hereby declared vacated. The petition of James Dingman and others, that was read last session, praying for the vacation of the state road through said Dingman's land, was taken up and read; no objections being made, the said petition was granted. The report of the viewers, appointed last session, to view the county road past Rufus Carey's to Sidney, was received with plat of survey, which being read, and no objections made, the same was granted. John Hathaway and Charles Johnston, the late commissioners elected, drew lots for their term of office. John Hathaway drawing for one year, and Charles Johnston for three years. Allowed to Joseph Garver for washboard and facing for two windows in court house, $2.00. Ordered that the qualified electors of the original surveyed township No. 7, range 6, to be notified to hold an election, on the first day of January next, at the house of James Barnett, to elect three trustees and one treasurer, to take charge of the school section. Allowed James Wells for books, stationery, and drayage, $8.31 1/4. David Henry, county auditor, for his services to this date, $45.57. Ordered that the clerk collect and record all townships and roads on file in this office. Adjourned. JOSEPH MELLINGER, JOHN HATHAWAY, CHAS. JOHNSTON. Coinmissioners. Attest, D. HENRY, Clerk. Commissioners' Office, Shelby Co., 0., March 7, 1825. Commissioners met. Present : Full Board. Allowed David Henry, late auditor, the amount of his bill up to March 1, $25.00. The board appointed Wm. W. Cecil, Benj. Blankinship, and Samuel Marshall, appraisers to view and revalue school fraction No. 16, town. 1, range 7 east, on the tenth day of March next, in accordance with an act of the general assembly. Ordered by the board that the inhabitants of township 8, range 6 east, meet at John Stephens' on the 19th instant and proceed to elect three trustees and one treasurer for scho0l section 16, for the purpose of organizing the said original surveyed township. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 117 Ordered by the board that a new township be created out of the townships of Turtle Creek, Clinton, and Loramie, beginning at the N. E. corner of fraction II, township 7, range 6 east on the river, and running west to the S. E. corner of section 4; thence north along said line to the centre of said line; thence west to the centre of the west line of section 2, township 9, range 5 east; thence south along the section line to the county line; thence east to the Miami river; thence up the river to the place of beginning, be organized into a new township by the name of Grayson, and that the qualified electors meet at the house of Joseph Stewart on the first Monday of April next to elect township officers. March 8. The board met pursuant to adjournment. Received the report of the viewers appointed last session to view and lay out a road fr0m the West Liberty road south to the county line, and being real in open session, and there being no objection, the same was granted. Ordered that the auditor procure the following work to be done in the court house : to fit the banisters on the south side of the doors and make sufficient benches from the banisters to the south end of the house on each side to mage a bench for the judges on the south end of the house, to be raised two feet from the floor ; a writing desk ten feet long and four feet wide, with sloping top ; and fill the windows with glass. Allowed James Wells $1.00 for two set of door latches for court house, and one quire of paper. Allowed Thos. W. Ruckman, auditor, his account of four dollars ($4.00). Adjourned. JOSEPH MELLINGER, JOHN HATHAWAY, CHAS. JOHNSTON. Commissioners. Attest, THOMAS W. RUCKMAN, Clerk. Samuel McClure, of Loramie township, appeared and gave notice of his taking an appeal from the commissioners to the court of common pleas, respecting the creating of Grayson township in Shelby county, and also gave bond for costs, with James Wells as security. March 12, 1825. THOS. W. RUCKMAN. Commissioners' Office, Sidney, June 6, 1825. The board met. Present : Joseph Mellinger, John Hathaway and Charles Johnston, and Thos. W. Ruckman, clerk. Received the petition of George Layman and others, praying for a road to be established, beginning at the east line of section 5, where the road crosses leading to Dayton from Sidney, and running south with said line to the southeast corner of section 4, town. 1, range 12, to intersect a road leading from Troy up Spring street. The board appoints John Lucas, John Miles and Wm. Bireley viewers, to view and locate the above-named road, taking to their assistance the county surveyor and other assistance necessary, on the 18th clay of June inst. 118 - HISTORY OF SHELBY COUNTY The board allow Stephen Julian, lister of Loramie township, for 1825, $5.00. Allowed Jacob Shayley, lister of Cynthian township, for 1825, $5.00. Allowed John Francis, lister of Orange township, 1825, $4.50. Allowed Samuel B. Musselman, lister of Perry township, 1825, $4.00. Allowed Aquilla Ellsworth, lister of Green township, 1825, $4.50. Allowed Jas. A. Graham, lister of Turtle Creek township, 1825, $5.00. Allowed Elisha Williams, lister of Clinton township, for 1825, $3.50. Allowed Joseph Steinberger, appraiser of Turtle Creek township, 1825, $1.00. Allowed Wm. Minnear, appraiser of Orange township, 1825, $1.00. Allowed George Myers, appraiser of Cynthian township, 1825, $1.00. Allowed James Roberts, appraiser of Perry township, 1825, $1.00. Allowed James Forsythe, appraiser of Clinton township, 1825, $1.00. Allowed Joseph Sutton for listing Amanda township, $3.00. Mr. Wm. Beatty, collector of Shelby county for 1824, produced the state treasurer's receipt for $165.43.2. Also the state auditor's receipt for receipts paid into the county treasury, to wit : for road purposes, $168.00.7; for county purposes, $66.85.9; for the proportion of land tax due Shelby county from state, $102.00.6; for expenses printing, etc., $40.11.0; also the county treasurer's receipt for the county levy of 1824, $285.48.0. The above discharges him from his said office, errors excepted. Ordered that Alex. W. McKee be allowed for work, etc., at the court house, $15.42. June 7. The board met the same as yesterday. Allowed Cephas Carey for the use of a horse five days to Dayton for house, $15.42. Allowed John Blake for carriage to Wells to go to Dayton for books, $1.25. To James Wells for cost in the cases of the directors of the town and Beatty & Blake, $1.41 1/2. To Elisha Williams, justice fees in the above case, 56 /2 cents. To James Wells for six chairs for the use of the court house and offices, $4.00. June 8. Board met the same as yesterday. Ordered that the county levy be charged at the highest rate the law allows. John Blake was appointed collector of Shelby county for the year 1825, at 2 1/2 per cent. for state, road, and county taxes of Shelby county. Ordered that the auditor take bonds of said collector, with good and sufficient security, to the amount of $2,000.00 for the state and road taxes, and $1,000.00 for the county levy. The board appointed Jonathan Beatty treasurer of the county for one year from this date. He appeared and gave bond, with Wm. Beatty, Abraham Dingman, Amos Evans, and Wm. Drake, Jr., to the amount of $3,000.00. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS - 119 Ordered that Alex. W. McKee have $12.78.4, being road tax in m0ney overpaid by him for the year 1822. June 9. The board met the same as yesterday. Ordered that a publication be put in the Piqua Gazette for the building of a new jail at Sidney, to be let out on the 16th day of July next, to be 22 feet by 30 feet ; one story high; with a cell; the walls to be hewed timber and double ; filled in with stone. Conditions made known on day of sale. Ordered that notice be given to the commissioners of Logan and Mercer counties that the county surveyor of Shelby county will be ordered t0 proceed to run that part of the bounds of Shelby county which lies in the new purchase, north of the old boundary line ; to commence on the Iith day of July next, at the old boundary line on the east line of Shelby county, and run it agreeable to the law for the division and creation of Shelby county. Ordered that Francis Rook be notified by the auditor to produce a barrel of whiskey due the county on the 16th day of July next in Sidney, to be sold. Ordered that Cynthian township record be altered agreeable to the petition for the organization of said township. Ordered that the auditor be authorized to cause cases to be put on the inside of the windows of the court house that have sash in, and also strips to hold the sash in, and to procure shutters to the under windows. Allowed T. W. Ruckman, auditor, the balance of his account, $23.72.5. John Blake produced the receipts for his collections 0f 1823 for state and county purposes of Shelby county, and is discharged from said office, errors excepted. Adjourned sine die. JOSEPH MELLINGER, JOHN HATHAWAY, CHARLES JOHNSTON. Attest, THOS. W. RUCKMAN, Clerk. July 16, 1825. Special session. The board proceeded to sell to the lowest bidder the building of a new jail in Sidney, agreeable to the plan and conditions on file in the auditor's office, and Augustus Richards became the contractor for $793 ; one-fourth to be paid when the work is commenced, as appears by his bond with Samuel McClure and Amos Evans, his securities, for the completion of the building by the 25th day of December next, in a good, substantial, workmanlike manner. Ordered that the auditor issue orders for one-fourth when the work is commenced. Adjourned sine die. JOSEPH MELLINGER, JOHN HATHAWAY, CHARLES JOHNSTON. |