200 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY That the Day Nursery had an aggregate attendance of 4,425 days representing care of children of 77 families. That innumerable surgical dressings, prescriptions, medicines, diets, lists, eye glasses, etc., were dispensed. The Mary Day Nursery has been leased to the Junior League to manage and operate. President, Mrs. John Knight Committees in Charge— Social Service Investigation, Miss Helene Looker Supervision of Play, Mrs. Clifford Smith House Committee, Mrs. Merle E. Ake Medical Supervision, Mrs. George Earseman. General Chairman, Mrs. J. C. Tuttle WOMEN'S GUILD OF ST. PAUL'S PARISH Officers of the Women's Guild of St. Paul's parish are: President, Mrs. George R. Hill 1st Vice President, Mrs. Charles Sorrick 2nd Vice President, Mrs. S. Ziliox Treasurer, Mrs. M. M. Mell Secretary, Mrs. C. L. Hyde Meetings every other Friday at Parish House. During the past year we have helped the St. Phillips Colored Mission, contributing to the colored minister's salary. THE TUESDAY MUSICAL CLUB The Tuesday Musical Club, under the original name of Tuesday Afternoon Club was organized in November of 1887 by Mrs. George Baker and eleven other young women of Akron's musical circles. These charter members were Miss Zell Adams (Mrs. Alfred Oviatt), Miss Sibyl Caskey (Mrs. Fair of Cleveland), Miss Ione Edgerton, Miss Martha Herold, Miss Alma Little, Mrs. Lucius C. Miles, Miss Sadie Motz (Mrs. MacCrum), Mrs. Edward P. Otis, Miss Frances Robinson (Mrs. Frank Adams) , Mrs. A. T. Saunders and Mrs. Frank A. Seiberling. This number was soon augmented until the membership reached nearly forty, and a women's chorus of thirty was formed, Mrs. Baker being the first director. Programs made up of solo work in voice and piano, with part singing interspersed with papers on musical subjects contributed by members served as the basis of the weekly meetings. When Mrs. Baker in the second year of the club's existence moved to Denver, Prof. Gustave Sigel was elected conductor. Then after a successful season of work, concerts having been given in private homes, and in Crouse Gymnasium, Prof. Sigel resigned and was succeeded by Prof. N. L. Glover. Miss Anna Berry succeeded Prof. Glover, and resigned after her marriage to Mr. Ralph Templeton. At this time concerts were being given before an evening audience of 500 people in Crouse Gymnasium. Miss Helen Storer was then elected director, and continued in that position from the year 1893 for seven years. The club became larger each year and the popularity of the concerts increased. Fine artists and symphony orchestras were brought to Akron, and the appreciation for this splendid organization grew. The First Methodist Church, which had a magnificent auditorium seating nearly one thousand persons, was used for the course AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY – 201 of concerts, and served until a few years before it was burned as the finest audience room in Akron. In 1896 the subject of changing the chorus from a women's choir to a mixed organization was being discussed. The popular vote changed the chorus, admitting men, in 1898. This necessitated a change in constitution, and taking out corporation papers. The club changed its name from Tuesday Afternoon Club to Tuesday Musical Club, and divided its meetings into an afternoon section, named The Study Section, and one meeting in the evening known as "The Mixed Chorus Section." A fine chorus numbering about one hundred and twenty-five was formed. It has given many of the finest works of the great masters, has sung with many of the famous orchestras of this country for accompaniment, and has had the greatest of artists for solo work at their concerts. The list of conductors follows: Following Miss Helen Storer in 1902 came Miss Katherine Parsons, who directed for one year. Prof. Charles E. Clemmens of Cleveland was secured. In 1902-03 the policy of the club changed in regard to its way of selling tickets, an agent being engaged to manage the sale ; and a failure was the result, not enough tickets being sold to make it possible to continue the evening concerts. The Study Section was maintained, however, with its fortnightly afternoon meetings, and new inspiration gained from the biennial meeting of the National Federation of Musical Clubs in Rochester, New York. So in the autumn of 1903 a new start was made, a chorus of 250 men and women organized, with Prof. George W. Andrews of Oberlin for first conductor, and Mrs. D. L. Marvin of Akron for assistant. The German-American Music Hall was built at this period, and a consolidation of all singing societies in Akron was brought about in planning the dedication of this new temple of music. Prof. Andrews directed for two years, and was succeeded by Mr. Emil Ring of Cleveland. In 1906 the Tuesday Musical Club was invited to enter the Eisteddfod at Canton to contest for a prize of $600. It was after the end of Mr. Ring's engagement, and the club succeeded in getting H. Evan Williams, the great Welsh tenor, to prepare the chorus to enter. Mr. Williams so inspired his choir that at the contest on July 4th having nine other choruses competing, the Tuesday Musical Chorus was proclaimed the victor amid wild enthusiasm of an audience of 5,000. Prof. James H. Rogers was engaged for conductor the following year, being the director of the Singers Club of Cleveland. After his resignation a year later, Mr. H. Evan Williams was induced, at great sacrifice, to conduct the chorus, and two years of successful concerts under his conducting followed. Prof. Adolph Liesegang of Cleveland, an opera conductor of fame, was the next director of the chorus, and for two years worked with success. He was followed by Mr. D. O. Evans of Marietta, Ohio, who conducted one year. Mr. Albert Rees Davis of Cleveland, and conductor of The Singers Club, a famous male chorus, came and continued to wield the baton for three seasons, bringing the chorus to a state of perfection in part sing- 202 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY ing not before attained, and held. This club had grown from a membership of forty women the first year, to an active membership in the Study Section of 115, and in the Mixed Chorus Section of 165. The large chorus amassed to dedicate Music Hall was not carried on afterward ; each organization returned to its original plans. The Study Section gives afternoon recitals fortnightly through the season, some years giving as many as fourteen public recitals for $1.50. The associate members, who were afterwards changed to patrons buying recital tickets were between eight hundred and a thousand. Besides the public afternoon concerts, the Study Section maintains a series of lecture recitals, which are given in private homes before active and associate members. These lectures are given by the foremost authorities on musical matters and are the intellectual treat of the music season. The course of evening concerts, usually five in number, is maintained by the club and given to capacity audiences. The list of great artists in every field of musical art, who have appeared on these programs would fill many pages. They are the names best known through the forty years the Tuesday Musical Club has been before the Akron public. Great orchestras have come season after season, and Akron points with pride to the standard of musical culture and appreciation which this club has fostered and matured. A musical library was first given impetus by a gift of $500 from the club in 1896. Many benefits have been given by the chorus and artist members of the club, and many professional musicians who have become known to the nation have made their first appearance in Akron and tried their artistic wings first before the Tuesday Musical Club. It has many aims which only the future years will give opportunity to unfold and bless this community. The list of officers who have given their devoted and unselfish years of work to the promoting of this work is far too long to print; but it is to the women of this organization that the City of Akron must give their appreciation. It is through their efforts and holding to their high ideals that Akron has not been overwhelmed by its great commercial prosperity, but shows its true love of the art of music, and its fine support of this noble organization. Officers of the Tuesday Musical Club are: Honorary President, Mrs. F. A. Seiberling President, Mrs. D. S. Bowman 1st Vice President, Mrs. Chas. Hoover 2nd Vice President, Mrs. E. M. Hahn 3rd Vice President, Mrs. Fred Rankin Secretary, Mrs. A. J. Akers Treasurer, Mrs. Carl K. Richards Directors Mrs. W. P. Welker Mrs. W. H. Collins Mrs. John Shosenberg Mrs. Jas. H. Shreffier Mrs. E. S. Babcox Mrs. Julia Croft Mrs. Frank W. Fox Mrs. E. R. Case Mrs. E. R. Lowenhaupt Mrs. Ethel Clinedinst Mrs. R. W. Schumacher Mrs. E. A. Weeks Mrs. E. J. Stubbs AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 203 Voice Allen, Mrs. I. F. App, Mrs. Claire Akers, Mrs. Alfred J. Arend, Miss Marie Ritchie, Mrs. Harry Seiberling, Mrs. Frank A. Seiberling, Mrs. J. Frederi Schumacher, Mrs. Ferdinand Saunders, Mrs. A. T. Schumacher, Mrs. R. W. Shosenberg, Mrs. John Sydlow, Mrs. Mary Sorn, Mrs. W. H. Stubbs, Mrs. E. J. Bowman, Mrs. D. S. Babcox, Mrs. E. S. Babb, Mrs. Rexford Bryant, Mrs. G. L. Sidwell, Mrs. Arthur Sheppard, Mrs. Carl Sheehy, Miss Lucile Tuholske, Mrs. M. C. Tuttle, Mrs. Seth Thaw, Mrs. R. F. Troesch, Mrs. F. C. H. Van Remmes, Mrs. Marie Webster, Mrs. D. O. Wanamaker, Mrs. R. M Wehner, Miss Marie Young, Miss Helen Piano Anderson, Mrs. C. A. Adams, Mrs. Loraine Van Camp Bruot, Mrs. Katherine Bowman, Miss Jean Bigelow, Miss Ella Buckingham, Mrs. Lisle N Bower, Miss Ruth E. Baird, Mrs. Chas. C. Collins, Mrs. W. H. Chandler, Mrs. A. E. Crites, Mrs. E. E. Dorman, Mrs. H. L. Dye, Miss Wanita Evans, Mrs. R. D. Farnham, Mrs. Leonard Fox, Mrs. Frank W. Fouche, Mrs. G. W. Fisher, Mrs. Harry L. Foltz, Mrs. Wm. Goehring, Mrs. F. S. Glover, Miss Nellie Guinther, Mrs. Robt. Gardner, Mrs. Wade Gray, Mrs. Harold Heintselman, Mrs. A. E. House, Mrs. Ada B. Henry, Miss Katherine Harper, Miss Louise Hazard, Mrs. H. O. Herbert, Mrs. H. D. Jones, Mrs. Webster Lackey, Miss Harriet Laudenslager, Miss Mae Lovett, Mrs. G. B. Miller, Mrs. John M. Ober, Mrs. R. A. Pettijohn, Miss Gertruc Patterson, Mrs. Ion D. Pierson, Mrs. Agnes Richardson, Mrs. C. M. Ruth, Mrs. J. L. Stowe, Mrs. W. H. Shreiner, Mrs. Jas. H. Simons, Mrs. Arthur B Starbird, Mrs. Frank Stadelman, Mrs. G. M. Sickinger, Miss Hodel Taylor, Mrs. Harry E. Tidyman, Mrs. A. J. Ulmer, Mrs. F. A. Van Orman, Mrs. Edith Wills, Miss Rena Weeks, Mrs. E. A. Whittaker, Miss Nellie Welker, Mrs. W. P. Instruments Bixby, Mrs. W. S. Bernower, Mrs. W. C. Christy, Mrs. M. T. Greenwald, Mrs. Lemon Koons, Mrs. Mabel Goodwin Heibel, Mrs. L. B. Lytle, Mrs. O. E, Reed, Miss Katherine Stevens, Mrs. Vincent Teppema, Mrs. John Webb, Mrs. Kenneth Honorary Members Seiberling, Mrs. F. A. Williams, Mrs. H. Evan DeLeon, Mr. Francesco New Members Mrs. Caroline Frobe Mrs. H. T. Metcalf Mrs. C. A. Reese Mrs. C. H. Stubig Miss Marion Conner Miss Naomi Epstein Mrs. Clark A. Failing Mrs. George E. Miley Miss Ruth Porter Miss Dorothy Reed Mrs. Paton C. Stephen Mrs. H. J. Zimmer Meetings held on Tuesdays. Purpose—Educational. Outstanding work—Artists' Course. 204 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY AKRON PAN-HELLENIC ASSOCIATION By Mrs. F. S. Truesdale In 1902, representatives from seven Greek letter fraternities, met together in Chicago, and organized the National Pan-Hellenic Congress, in order to improve conditions of fraternity life in the colleges, to cooperate with college authorities in all efforts to raise social and scholastic standards, and to strengthen inter-fraternity relationship. Only women's fraternities with at least five chapters, and having no chapter in an institution below college rank are eligible to membership. National Pan-Hellenic became an inspiration for local associations of Greek letter women in many cities. In May, 1917, a call was sent out to all fraternity women in Akron. Eighty women, representing ten fraternities were present at that first luncheon, at which time a permanent organization to be known as the Akron Pan-Hellenic Association, was effected. The aims of the organization as stated in the constitution are: To keep fraternity women in touch with the progress of fraternities; to acquaint the public with the value of fraternities ; to cooperate with the Akron University Pan-Hellenic ; to promote the welfare of college women in Akron ; and to further the highest ideals of fraternity among college women. Membership is restricted to alumnae members of national fraternities belonging to the National Pan-Hellenic Congress. Of the nineteen fraternities in that Congress, seventeen are represented by the two hundred members in the local association. One outgrowth of a keen desire to be of community service was the establishment of the Pan-Hellenic house, a home for college women employed in the city. The first definite action was taken in May, 1919. Three committees were appointed to investigate the feasibility of such a project and in February, 1920, plans had progressed so far that the organization was incorporated for $10,000 as an open stock company with the local association holding controlling stock. In July a lease was secured on the property at 592 W. Market Street and by October the Pan-Hellenic House was a reality. In January, 1924, we moved to 23 South Balch Street, where we have more rooms and more dining-room space. From the first the house has been a success in every way. Attractive living rooms on the first floor prove a convenient place for many of the monthly social gatherings of the association as well as adding greatly to the desirability of the rooms on other floors. The house accommodates fifteen resident girls, with dining room capacity of thirty-five. A house matron and house committee give the home much of the atmosphere of a college fraternity house. As far as is known, the local association is the only group in the country to carry out such a venture. The Pan-Hellenic Association has always desired to take part in worth- AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 205 while civic affairs. In 1921 one hundred dollars was given to Kent and Robinson schools for their milk supply. In 1922, one hundred dollars was voted as a scholarship loan fund to a worthy student attending the University of Akron. This fund has been made a permanent loan fund and the amount increased to $150 a year. In 1923, an electric baker was given to the Children's Hospital for orthopedic work. The Christmas party each year is in the form of a charity-sewing party. On the first Saturday of each month is held the regular social meeting. Officers President, Mrs. A. A. Kohler, Kappa Kappa Gamma Vice President, Mrs. B. F. Speakman, Pi Beta Phi Recording Secretary, Miss Mason, Delta Gamma Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. H. W. August, Theta Phi Alpha Treasurer, Mrs. L. W. Baker, Delta Zeta Membership-200 Members--Alpha Gamma Delta Botzum, Mrs. John R. Cray, Miss Edith Elliott, Miss Marion Evans, Mrs. J. G. Fornecker, Miss Helen Hamilton, Miss Helen Hamilton, Miss Mary Heilman, Miss Loretta Kingan, Mrs. Robert O. Laudenslager, Miss May Morten, Miss Doris Peterson, Mrs. Lester Smith, Mrs. Roy J. Teeple, Miss Kathryn Thomas, Mrs. J. W. Tiby, Mrs. Clyde Van Berg, Miss. Marie Alpha Delta Pi Kight, Mrs. W. H. Morris, Dr. C. K. Roberts, Mrs. Eugene A. Alpha Xi Delta Atwood, Mrs. Ernest Brown, Mrs. Adeline G. Dieterich, Mrs. H. M. Ferris, Mrs. H. E. Flickinger, Miss Lillian Hammerstrand, Mrs. R. J. Hendershott, Miss Heloise Herring, Dr. Carrie Johnson, Miss Gladys Markley, Miss Rachel Mock, Mrs. F. Earl Rothrock, Mrs. L. L. Shilts, Mrs. W. D. Shirk, Mrs. R. B. Slusser, Mrs. L. D. Wisman, Mrs. Henry A. Alpha Omicron Pi Amon, Mrs. F. H. Andrews, Miss Ruth Simpson, Mrs. Elder L. Alpha Phi Albright, Mrs. R. W. Preston, Mrs. W. C. Alpha Chi Omega Amos, Mrs. R. E. Beebe, Mrs. Paul Hibbard, Miss Dorothy Patterson, Mrs. I. L. Smith, Miss Ethel Gamma Phi Beta Valley, Mrs. E. C. 206 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY Delta Gamma Adams, Miss Mina Babb, Miss Lois Baughman, Mrs. W. W. Billow, Miss Ruth Bowman, Miss Eleanor Bulger, Mrs. Chas. Crawford, Mrs. R. K. Denison, Miss Mildred Graham, Miss Katherine Grant, Mrs. Sherman Hays, Mrs. J. Milo Hoff, Miss Helen Josephine Hollinger, Mrs. Paul F. Hoover, Mrs. Jessie A. Jarvis, Miss Ellen Knight, Mrs. Hal G. Lawrence, Mrs. Gerald T. McKenzie, Mrs. Wm. H. McMillen, Mrs. Frank Mason, Miss Ruth Meese, Mrs. C. F. Merriman, Mrs. D. W. Montgomery, Mrs. Stanley Rockwell, Miss Ida Rockwell, Mrs. J. C. Sawyer, Mrs. W. T. Schoeninger, Miss A. Bert Shea, Mrs. Pierre V. C. Smith, Miss Hazel Stoner, Mrs. O. W. Sumner, Miss Beatrice Sumner, Mrs. Frank Sumner, Mrs. M. A. Sypher, Mrs. Fred Waldsmith, Mrs. Dorothy Weeks, Miss Gladys Woodward, Mrs. J. C. Delta Delta Delta Alexander, Mrs. H. L. Brown, Miss. Edna Carpenter, Mrs. F. S. Caywood, Mrs. S. W. Eastman, Miss Alfreda Hardgrove, Mrs. A. E. Hare, Miss Aileen Fitton, Mrs. W. F. Hartenstein, Mrs. Robert Manville, Miss Adrienne Richards, Mrs. Crosby Scatterday, Mrs. C. M. Schwab, Mrs. Harlan Slocum, Mrs. J. H. Delta Zeta Baker, Mrs. L. W. Graham, Mrs. R. M. Watters, Mrs. Roy B. Worthington, Mrs. Glen Zeta Tau Alpha Alexander, Miss Rosanna B. Myers, Mrs. Nelson H. Theta Phi Alpha August, Mrs. Harry W. Colopy, Mrs. Stephen C. Kappa Alpha Theta Dunlop, Mrs. J. R. Gates, Mrs. C. N. Robinson, Mrs. B. M. Kappa Delta Blakeney, Mrs. Ella Kappa Kappa Gamma Akers, Mrs. Walter T. Allen, Miss Juliette Billow, Mrs. Paul Bowman, Mrs. B. W. Bowman, Miss Sara Brouse, Miss Clara Corbett, Miss Anna M. Davey, Mrs. M. L. Dietrichsen, Mrs. P. B. Fleming, Mrs. W. H. Giltner, Mrs. J. W. Haley, Mrs. Arthur Harper, Mrs. C. Leslie Hickman, Mrs. Edward F. Hill, Mrs. Arthur C. Iredell, Mrs. Robert Kauffman, Mrs. E. M. Knight, Mrs. M. A. Kohler, Mrs. A. A. Loomis, Mrs. Walter W. McEbright, Miss Carita Meisner, Mrs. K. A. Mertz, Mrs. R. A. Parshall, Miss Gladys Parshall, Miss Inez Peters, Mrs. Wm. F. Pierce, Mrs. Karl M. Rader, Mrs. F. J. Read, Mrs. Verne Rentschler, Miss Beatrice Rentschler, Miss Ruby Shea, Mrs. J. B. Skeels, Mrs. C. O. Smith, Mrs. K. D. Thomas, Mrs. Joseph, Jr. Voris, Mrs. E. F. Voris, Mrs. Marian Wallace, Mrs. Lloyd Waltz, Miss Lois A. Weller, Mrs. J. N. Wilson, Mrs. Robert S. Wortman, Mrs. Eldred G. Young, Mrs. Don AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 207 Pi Beta Phi Clapp, Mrs. W. M. Crisp, Mrs. Ray Dorma, Mrs. H. L. McCaughey, Mrs. U. M. Evans, Mrs. Rhys D. Houge, Mrs. Helen Reed, Mrs. E. Glenn Speakman, Mrs. Franklin B. Phi Mu Barnes, Mrs. Garret Beckwith, Mrs. W. C. Belden, Mrs. Wade Bierce, Miss Marian Burroughs, Mrs. Ralph Carr, Mrs. W. J. Griffiths, Miss Irene Hain, Mrs. Walter Hale, Miss Margaret Harper, Mrs. Robert Hollingsworth, Miss Esth Hottenstein, Mrs. Howard W. Krager, Miss Lenore McNeil, Mrs. C. C. Miller, Miss Helen Pfahl, Mrs. Chas. A. Place, Miss Pauline Pomeroy, Miss Velma Randall, Mrs. Merrill Read, Mrs. Max Rohner, Miss Eva Sanborn, Mrs. E. E. Sanders, Miss Sara Schueneman, Miss Martha Stevens, Mrs. Frederick B. Swigart, Mrs. Clarence Swinehart, Miss Grace Weeks, Mrs. Chas. Whalen, Miss Louise Sigma Kappa Lichti, Miss Edna Chi Omega Bame, Mrs. Alfred Climer, Mrs. Fred W. Geiger, Miss Hazel Halliburton, Mrs. Rice A Harrison, Mrs. M. M. Hayes, Mrs. Jos. K. Wells, Miss Lucile Whitaker, Mrs. L. Paul The meetings of the Pan-Hellenic Association are held at the Pan-Hellenic House, 23 S. Balch, the first Saturday of the month from October to May inclusive. The annual luncheon is held the first Saturday in June and the picnic the first Saturday of August. The purpose of this association is to keep the fraternity women in touch with the progress of fraternities and to acquaint the public with the value of fraternities. To cooperate with the University of Akron Pan-Hellenic. To promote the welfare of college women in Akron and to further the highest ideals of fraternities among college women. AKRON BRANCH, NEEDLEWORK GUILD OF AMERICA By Mrs. Lucius Bierce Lyman The Needlework Guild of America had its origin in England many years ago when Lady Aberdeen saw the necessity for warm, comfortable clothing for the out-going patients of the hospitals—she realized many patients were subject to relapse unless some help was given in the way of underclothing and shoes. Thus the English women started the Needlework Guild and made most of the garments themselves. In May, 1885, forty years ago, Mrs. John Wood Stewart, of New York City, and seven others started the work in America. The first branch was founded in Philadelphia, and very soon additional branches sprang up, and at the present time nearly every city and town in the East and Middle West has the Guild. Extension work is being carried into the western cities and wherever the Guild is known it is recognized as one of the city's best charities. The object of the Needlework Guild of America is to collect new garments and distribute them to hospitals, homes, and other charities, and to extend its usefulness by the organization of Branches. Special collec- 208 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY tions of garments, etc., may be taken at times of local, national or international disaster. In 1896 Mrs. James H. Andrews, of Akron, organized the Akron Branch and gathered about her in the work were many of Akron's representative women—namely, Mrs. Richard P. Marvin, Mrs. George Hill, Mrs. Angelo Andrew, Mrs. Louis Loeb, Mrs. C. W. Milliken, Miss Carita McEbright, Mrs. J. W. Rabe, Mrs. Frank Collins and Mrs. W. E. Eyster, now deceased. Mrs. Wm. H. Upson also was one of the early presidents and Mrs. Horace Houser, formerly of Akron, served for many years as treasurer. In 1915 Mrs. Lucius Bierce Lyman, who had been assistant secretary to Mrs. Andrews became the secretary of the Branch and we learn from the records of that time that the section presidents' list included the addition of Mrs. Adele Acker, Mrs. Charles Honodle, Mrs. George Bates, Mrs. Henry Robinson, Mrs. Harvey Musser, Mrs. Gerald Work. In cities the Branch is composed of section presidents who in turn have five directors under them. Each director gets ten or more people who will give two or more new garments each year. In this way each section president should collect 110 garments. Each director has one member who gives the money instead of garments. This money furnishes supplies for the Branch and of late years materials for one of the church organizations in Akron, who in turn make such garments as the charities need in addition to annual collections. Last year this church organization, namely the Women's Association of the First Congregational Church, made 1,365 garments, consisting of baby shirts, dresses, diapers, boys' blouses, girls' dresses and night wear. Each Branch contributes yearly to the work of the national office in F hiladelphia, as that office furnishes all printed supplies and every two years publishes a combined report from every Branch in the United States. There are 600 Branches in the United States and in 1924 they collected 1,181,901 new garments. It is easy to recognize the moral uplift that these new garments giv the communities in which they are distributed. New garments serve a purpose that old castoff clothing never can. We recognize the good tha used clothing can do, but our charity specializes only in new clothing. During the war as early as 1916 the Akron Branch started war relief under the fine leadership of Mrs. J. W. Rabe, and opened a workshop from which more than 3,000 new garments and knitted wear were sent for distribution in Lyons and St. Quentin, France. The Akron Branch also sent money and for several years supported a war orphan. Officers of the Akron branch, Needlework Guild of America, are: Honorary President, Mrs. J. H. Andrews President, Mrs. Lucius Lyman 1st Vice President, Mrs. George Hill 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Charles Honodle 3rd Vice President, Mrs. Henry Robinson 4th Vice President, Mrs. George Bates Secretary, Mrs. M. P. Tucker Treasurer, Mrs. T. W. Kimber Vice President at Large, Mrs. Ralph Wilson AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 209 The "Akron Branch of Needlework Guild of America" is solely a philanthropic organization which is composed of members whose only requirement is to give two new garments each year and these garments are divided among Akron institutions alone. In 1926, 7163 garments were collected and distributed among the following: Family Service Society; Blind Society; International Institute; Hospitals—City, People's and Children's; Mary Day Nursery; Salvation Army; Catholic Service League; Jewish Social Service League; Florence Crittenden Rescue League; Crittenden Home; Akron Health Department; East Akron Commercial House; Akron Schools. HISTORY OF WOMAN SUFFRAGE IN SUMMIT COUNTY By Margaret F. Sadler An active Woman Suffrage Club was in existence in the early nineties, with Mrs. Katherine Claypole president and Mrs. Abbie Soule Schumacher as secretary. School suffrage for women was granted by the Ohio Legislature in 1894 and the club aided at the first opportunity in securing two members of the Akron Board of Education, Mrs. Miner Allen and Mrs. O. L. Sadler. With the removal of both president and secretary from the city, the club lacked leaders and was discontinued before 1900. In 1911, in anticipation of the constitutional convention, Mrs. Jennie Harter Fish, president of the Central W. C. T. U., appointed Mrs. A. Ross Read chairman with privilege of naming her committee. Mrs. 0. E. Olin and Mrs. 0. L. Sadler were named. This committee advised that the work be undertaken along the lines laid down by The Ohio Woman Suffrage Association. Early in 1912 an organization was effected; Mrs. A. Ross Read, president; Mrs. Mary Cale Smith, vice president ; Mrs. O. L. Sadler, secretary, and Mrs. A. F. Sippy, treasurer. The first definite work was securing signatures of both men and women to petitions to the Constitutional Convention asking that Woman Suffrage be placed before the electors in the proposed revision. Hundreds of signatures were secured by scores of workers and much interest was awakened. About the middle of June, the State Association offered speakers and workers. Mrs. Harriet Lees Laidlaw of the National Association, when asked by Harriet Taylor Upton what she would do for the Ohio campaign, said she would send Janette Rankin for one month. So the first to arrive was Miss Janette Rankin of Montana, who later became the first Congresswoman. Janette Rankin was the first street speaker in Akron. She had been schooled in the campaigns of Washing-ton and Oregon, but to an Akron audience a woman speaking on the street was a new feature, and her hearers were somewhat slow to appear interested; but from meeting to meeting the number increased, the diffidence was put aside and the speaker was well received. She usually spoke standing in an automobile and moved from group to group in various parts of the city during an evening. The State Association furnished speaker after speaker during July and 8—VOL. 1 210 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY August, women of prominence and others who have since become prominent. National and international figures were mingled, Miss Anna Shaw and Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt being among the number. When the vote was cast September 3rd, Summit County had the gratifying result of a majority of 532 votes in favor of suffrage. But all counties had, not been so successful and this vote proved to be but the beginning of a struggle that lasted for years. With the beginning of 1913, Mrs. A. Ross Read withdrew as president and Mrs. Mary Cale Smith was elected in her stead. Mrs. Sadler was returned as secretary. These officers were continued from year to year until suffrage was finally won by the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the National Constitution in 1920. The chief labor of the later years was finding money to prosecute the work. It was mainly derived through personal solicitation and there never came a time when money was really needed but that it was to be had from some source. Hundreds of dollars were turned over to the state treasury and the local officers were gratified to be told by the state officers that if the women of every county had done as well as Summit, Woman Suffrage in Ohio would have been secured at a much earlier date. WOMEN'S DEMOCRATIC CLUB OF SUMMIT COUNTY Officers of the Women's Democratic Club are: President, Mrs. Ed. S. Conner Vice President, Miss Edith Sadler Secretary, Mrs. Juliette Stewart Treasurer, Mrs. E. D. Fritch Membership 450. Meetings are held second Monday of each month at Democratic Headquarters, 53 E. Mill Street. This club is formed for the purpose of furthering Democratic principles of Government among women of Summit County, and educating and instructing them along political lines in general for the promotion of clean politics regardless of party, and to assure united action and concentrated effort for the above purpose. WOMEN'S REPUBLICAN CLUB Officers of the Women's Republican Club are: President, Mrs. H. E. Griffith 1st Vice President, Mrs. Ray Williams 2nd Vice President, Miss Janet Wise Secretary, Mrs. Harry Hawkins Treasurer, Miss Harriet Doyle Executive Board Averill, Mrs. C. W. Butler, Mrs. Frank Considine, Miss Elizabeth Hoyt, Mrs. C. C. Kinnan, Mrs. A. J. Hower, Mrs. M. Otis Sparks, Mrs. C. N. Pardee, Mrs. W. E. THE WOMAN'S CITY CLUB The history of the Woman's City Club of Akron must of necessity be brief, for it is only in the third year of its existence at the present writing. During the years of 1922 and 1923 there was much discussion among members of the various woman's clubs of the city in regard to the owner- AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 211 ship of their club houses. The College Club, the Tuesday Musical, and the D. A. R.'s were each most enthusiastic concerning plans for their individual club homes. However, there were some members of these larger clubs and some of the smaller ones who felt that the wisest plan was to join forces and work for a club house which would accommodate all the various woman's clubs of the city. With this end in view a meeting of officers from each of the many woman's clubs in the city was called and the proposition informally discussed on February 8, 1923. Miss Helen S. Wolle called a meeting of ten women at her home for the purpose of discussing the possibility of organizing a woman's city club. Officers and committees of the temporary organization were appointed as follows : Miss Helen Wolle, president ; Mrs. A. T. Carnahan, vice president ; Mrs. R. G. Leggett, secretary ; Mrs. J. A. Kendall, treasurer ; Mrs. Carl Sheppard, membership chairman; Mrs. R. K. Crawford, chairman of site committee. On February 12th this organization planned a noon luncheon at the Portage Hotel and invited the women of the city who were interested in forming a woman's city club. A nominating committee with Mrs. Reginald Adam as chairman reported the names of fifteen women selected as directors for the club. February 14th, a meeting of the Board of Directors was held at the Y. W. C. A. and officers elected and committees formed. This was followed by ten meetings of the board and three general club meetings, to discuss a constitution and the incorporation of the permanent organization. On June 9th the incorporators met to order the opening of the books of subscription to the capital stock of the Akron Woman's City Club. The names of the incorporators were as follows : Helen Wolle, Lulu E. Crawford, Leta L. Looker, Lucy H. Ayers, Ada S. Bulger, Fanny M. Polsky, Mary G. Piero, Effie M. Bowman, Florence B. Kendall, Florence S. Carnahan, Margaret A. Sheppard, Margaret M. Saalfield, Alice M. Handy, Florence M. Leggett. The officers of the club were elected as follows : Mrs. J. B. Looker, president ; Mrs. R. K. Crawford, first vice president ; Mrs. Allan Ayers, secretary ; Mrs. A. T. Carnahan, treasurer ; Mrs. Ray Piero, assistant secretary and treasurer. A board meeting followed on June 26th, and almost weekly during the summer. The location of the club house, the Frank Mason home at 115 South Union Street, had been decided upon a few weeks previous to this, and the various officers, committees and members began at once to bend all their efforts toward getting the house in readiness for formal opening early in the fall. The Membership Committee was most active during this period and reported a list of almost eight hundred members. Upon the House Furnishing Committee rested the heavy responsibility of attending to all details and the whole gave so generously of their time and strength that they were given the thanks and appreciation of the entire member- 212 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY ship. Many beautiful gifts were donated by various merchants of the city and friends of the club. The club house was formally opened on the afternoon and evening of October 27, 1923. Since then it has been the setting for many beautiful parties and receptions as well as some excellent lectures, musicales and affairs of a cultural nature. Reciprocal relations have been established with twenty woman's clubs in as many different cities. Classes have been conducted by experienced teachers in French, English, literature, bridge, dancing, etc. The house has served as a meeting place for the many committees of the various clubs of the city as well as for the regular meetings of many of the larger clubs. There are now about 1,200 members. The dining room and lunch room have been most ably supervised and the club house serves a much needed want in the club life of the women of Akron. In 1926 the Woman's City Club moved from its Union Street location to downtown quarters, on the fifth floor of the Pythian Temple Building. Since then it has greatly increased its activities. Officers of the Woman's City Club are: President, Mrs. R. M. Leggett 1st Vice President, Mrs. John Crawford 2nd Vice President, Mrs. James H. Ryan Secretary, Mrs. Hal Knight Treasurer, Mrs. J. S. Benner Asst. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. M. E. Winter Directors Mrs. M. M. Mell Mrs. C. W. Garrett Mrs. E. J. Pettet Mrs. A. B. Smith Mrs. C. H. Case Mrs. Earl Poling Mrs. E. D. Reed Mrs. Selden Anderson Mrs. Wm. M. Johnston Mrs. Ernest Schwan Mrs. R. G. Yeager Mrs. Wm. O'Neil Chairmen of Committee Mrs. Frank Meese Mrs. Selden Anderson Mrs. Hermine Hansen Mrs. Don Wallace Mrs. E. J. Pettet Mrs. C. R. Steinke Mrs. M. P. Tucker Mrs. F. W. Stanton Mrs. J. E. Hedenberg Mrs. Newton Noble Mrs. John Crawford Mrs. Melvyn Walker Mrs. Ernest Schwan Mrs. Ralph W. Raymond Mrs. C. W. Garrett Mrs. C. H. Case Membership 1050. Members Abbott, Mrs. R. D. Adam, Mrs. E. R. Adams, Mrs. Ella C. Adams, Mrs. Howard Addleman, Mrs. Raymond Akers, Mrs. Anna M. Akers, Mrs. Alfred Albertson, Mrs. B. E. Albright, Mrs. R. W. Alexander, Mrs. David Allen, Mrs. Ben H. Alexander, Mrs. J. J. Allen, Mrs. Chas. B. Allen, Mrs. E. C. Allen, Mrs. Isham F. Allison, Mrs. Geo. D. Anderson, Miss Besse Anderson, Mrs. Seldon Andrews, Mrs. Jas. H. Andrews, Mrs. Louise Groff Anson, Miss Mary F. Apple, Mrs. R. R. Armstrong, Mrs. W. Allen Atwood, Mrs. B. E. Austin, Mrs. Stanley H. Auten, Mrs. E. C. Avery, Mrs. Willis F. Ayers, Mrs. Allan F. Armstrong, Miss Elizabeth Anderson, Mrs. Chas. Babcock, Mrs. E. B. Babcox, Mrs. Edward S. Bachtel, Mrs. Harvey J. Bader, Mrs. Stephen Baehr, Mrs. R. L. Baer, Mrs. Jacob S. Bain, Mrs. Chas. F. Bair, Mrs. R. C. Baird, Mrs. Chas. AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 213 Baird, Miss Mary Baird, Miss Isabel Baker, Mrs. C. L. Baltes, Mrs. Herman Banker, Mrs. Edward C. Barber, Mrs. A. M. Barber, Mrs. O. C. Barber, Mrs. V. C. Barder, Mrs. Byron Barnhardt, Mrs. Jane S. Barton, Mrs. F. B. Barton, Mrs. H. W. Bates, Mrs. Cora R. Bates, Mrs. Geo. D. Bathrick, Mrs. E. R. Bauer, Mrs. Katherine D. Bauman, Miss Anita Beach, Mrs. Ed. Beach, Jessie L. Beck, Mrs. Kate J. Belden, Miss Jessie Bellows, Mrs. Chas. O. Bender, Mrs. A. C. Bender, Mrs. V. T. Bendure, Mrs. E. M. Benner, Mrs. C. C. Benner, Mrs. J. S. Berk, Mrs. Nathan Berk, Mrs. S. B. Bernard, Mrs. Adam L. Bernower, Mrs. Isabel Bernower, Miss Katherine Berry, Mrs. Chas. W. Berthold, Mrs. Martin Betzler, Mrs. Elizabeth Billow, Mrs. A. L. Billow, Mrs. Chas. F. Bird, Mrs. D. M. Birnbaum, Mrs. I. H. Black, Miss Cora A. Blackburn, Miss Alene Blaker, Mrs. Ernest Blackmore, Mrs. Benj. Blake, Mrs. J. V. Blessman, Mrs. L. M. Blinn, Mrs. A. C. Blower, Mrs. J. G. Bockstahler, Miss Cora V. Boesche, Mrs. August Boesche, Mrs. Harry A. Bolender, Miss Edith Bonstedt, Mrs. H. Bonstein, Mrs. R. J. Booth, Flora Hester Botzum, Mrs. J. C. Botzum, Mrs. Harry Botzum, Mrs. L. E. Bowman, Mrs. C. J. Bowman, Mrs. D. S. Bowman, Miss Sara Boyer, Mrs. F. Boylan, Miss R. Anna Bradley, Miss Ruth J. Brandon, Mary A. Bray, Mrs. B. H. Breitenstein, Mrs. A. L. Brewster, Mrs. A. J. Brewster, Mrs. Evan Brickwede, Mrs. J. L. Brittain, Mrs. Fred Brooks, Mrs. E. E. Brouse, Miss Clara Brown, Mrs. E. A. Brown, Mrs. Jacob B. Brown, Mrs. K. J. Brown, Mrs. L. E. Brown, Mrs. O. L. Brown, Mrs. W. Kenneth Brownell, Mrs. Oscar G. Brownless, Miss Annette Bruce, Mrs. Nigel G. Bruot, Mrs. Katherine Bryer, Mrs. Milton Buckmaster, Mrs. C. O. Bulger, Mrs. Chas. Bulley, Mrs. Geo. W. Bunnell, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Bunnell, Mrs. Nellie M. Burkman, Miss Anne C. Burnham, Mrs. Ray S. Burns, Mrs. J. E. Burroughs, Mrs. Geo. S. Burroughs, Mrs. Ralph Butler, Mrs. Arthur S. Butler, Mrs. C. M. Butler, Mrs. Frank Buxbaum, Mrs. Albert Bayles, Mrs. C. M. Beatley, Mrs. Rose Bennage, Mrs. R. D. Bailey, Mrs. Geo. E. Barnes, Mrs. W. K. Bower, Mrs. Calvin L. Bowman, Mrs. B. W. Brook, Mrs. Dorothy Bumpus, Miss Ruth Cameron, Mrs. A. G. Campbell, Mrs. Geo. M. Campbell, Mrs. Hal Campbell, Mrs. Homer Campbell, Mrs. W. S. Carkhuff, Mrs. S. G. Carle, Mrs. Geo. E. Carmichael, Mrs. Fred W. Carmichael, Mrs. Hannah Carnahan, Mrs. A. T. Carothers, Mrs. B. M. Carpenter, Mrs. F. S. Carson, Isabelle L. Carson, Miss Olive G. Carter, Mrs. L. D. Carver, Mrs. L. R. Case, Mrs. C. H. Case, Mrs. C. J. Carey, Anna N. Caspari, Marie Cauffield, Mrs. E. J. Caves, Miss Myrtle W. Chamberlain, Mrs. E. W. Chamberlain, Mrs. J. J. Chambers, Mrs. E. C. Charvoz, Mrs. Louis Chase, Mrs. W. S. Chenoweth, Eliz. A. Christie, Mrs. J. A. Christy, Mrs. Will Cleaver, Mrs. J. V. Clemmer, Mrs. Fred E. Clough, Mrs. R. B. Cobb, Miss Margaret Cochran, Mrs. Flora Cole, Mrs. H. W. Coleman, Mrs. Clarice Collins, Mrs. Jay L. Collins, Mrs. Wilfred H. Colvin, Mrs. O. A. Colwell, Mrs. D. M. Conlon, Mrs. J. J. Conn, Mrs. H. R. Conray, Mrs. Henry J. Converse, Mrs. Emma Costigan, Julia V. Cox, Mrs. R. G. Crafts, Mrs. M. B. Cranz, Mrs. C. H. Crawford, Mrs. J. M. Crawford, Mrs. Laura Crawford, Mrs. R. D. Crawford, Mrs. R. K. Croft, Mrs. Julia Crouse, Mrs. Geo. W. Crumrine, Miss Harriet Cummins, Mrs. John Cunningham, Mrs. W. E. Cunningham, Mrs. S. T. Cutler, Mrs. Hannah Cain, Mrs. Robt. Caine, Mrs. L. O. Cahill, Mrs. W. H. Cahill, Mrs. Wm. J. Callinan, Mrs. L. J. Camp, Miss Frances Carlson, Mrs. Chas. N. Challis, Mrs. W. J. Close, Mrs. C. D. Collins, Mrs. F. C. Crafts, Mrs. S. J. Cronan, Mrs. Grace Mitchell Dackerman, Miss Priscilla Dague, Mrs. Harry P. Dague, Mrs. J. W. Dales, Mrs. Franklin Dales, Mrs. Geo. S. Dannemiller, Miss Helen E. Dannemiller, Mrs. J. B. Dannemiller, Mrs. Ralph 214 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY Daniels, Mrs. Derwin D. Darling, Mrs. C. E. Darrow, Mrs. Burgess Dauby, Mrs. Jerome Davey, Mrs. M. L. Davies, Gertrude A. Davis, Mrs. D. W. Davies, Mrs. Harry E. Davis, Mrs. Paul A. Davison, Mrs. W. Day, Mrs. Becky Dayton, Mrs. F. J. Dean, Miss Grace L. Delzell, Mrs. H. W. Dennison, Mildred Denber, Mrs. L. J. DeWitt, Mrs. F. A. Dick, Mrs. Chas. Dickson, Miss Lillian M. Diehl, Mrs. John H. Dietz, Mrs. Frank H. Dinsmore, Mrs. C. L. Dodge, Mrs. Burdette L. Doering, Mrs. J. Harvey Douds, Mrs. R. Doyle, Mrs. Dayton A. Doyle, Mae K. Dugan, Mrs. F. F. Dunckley, Miss Sarah Dunlap, Mrs. J. R. Durkin, Mrs. J. H. Dye, Mrs. J. C. Dague, Mrs. Will Dales, Mrs. Benton Denison, Mrs. John M. Dibble, Mrs. Pearl I. Dice, Mrs. J. P. Eichner, Mrs. W. M. Elliot, Miss Blanche Elliot, Mrs. R. C. Ellis, Mrs. Alden Ellis, Mrs. R. E. Ellsworth, Mrs. Ray Ely, Mrs. Albert L. Emde, Mrs. John M. Emmons, Miss Vera Jan Englebeck, Mrs. Amos Epstein, Mrs. Gilbert C. Eppley, Mrs. Harold Esselburn, Mrs. Chas. Evans, Mrs. W. H., Jr. Evans, Mr. W. J. Everett, Mrs. C. L. Ewers, Mrs. Frank A. Ewing, Mrs. J. A. Ewald, Mrs. Lena Failor, Mrs. J. W. Falor, Mrs. Shelby Fair, Mrs. Irvin Falor, Edith E. Fenton, Mrs. Curtis Fenton, Mrs. Frank Ferbstein, Mrs. Harry Ferbstein, Mrs. Herman Ferbstein, Mrs. Sidney Ferris, Mrs. Chalmers V. Ferris, Mrs. Raymond W. Feudner, Miss Grace Feudner, Mrs. J. Lloyd Fiebeger, Mrs. Frank Firestone, Mrs. Nicholas J. Firey, Mrs. L. H. Firestone, Mrs. H. S., Jr. Fitch, Mrs. J. H. Fleiter, Mrs. A. J. Fleming, Mrs. T. L. Fluke, Mrs. Chas. S. Ford, Mrs. Hugh Frank, Mrs. Archie H. Frank, Mrs. Chas. Frank, Miss Elta L. Frank, Mrs. J. Clarence Frank, Mrs. Paul A. Franks, Mrs. Chas. Frederick, Mrs. U. G. Freedman, Mrs. Max Freiberg, Mrs. Louis D. Freidley, Mrs. R. S. Fritch, Miss Dora Frost, Mrs. Marita E. Fuerst, Mrs. Henry D. Fulmer, Mrs. Ray Funston, Mrs. Wm. H. Galt, Mrs. H. A. Gammage, Mrs. F. V. Gammeter, Mrs. Emil Gardner, Mrs. G. E. Garrett, Mrs. Chas. Gaume, Mrs. L. E. Gellatly, Mrs. Abbie Gelink, Mrs. Myra D. Gill, Mrs. R. R. Gladwin, Miss Ellen R. Gladwin, Mrs. Stephen Glasgow, Mrs. Geo. L. Glock, Mrs. Julia S. Goehring, Mrs. F. S. Goldsmith, Mrs. Sol. M. Goodall, Mrs. P. H. Goodhue, Mrs. Mary K. Gordon, Mrs. Harold J. Goss, Miss Ethel B. Gough, Mrs. C. V. Graves, Mrs. H. L. Greenberger, Mrs. Nich. M. Griffith, Miss Mary Griffiths, Mrs. H. E. Griffiths, Mrs. Richard T. Groeneveld, Mrs. Herman Grossberg, Mrs. H. W. Guillet, Mrs. Wm. A. Guth, Mrs. Adam J. Goddard, Mrs. Mabelle A. Haas, Miss Harriet E. Haas, Miss Hazel M. Hackadorn, Mrs. Geo. Hain, Mrs. W. L. Hale, Mrs. J. P. Haley, Mrs. Arthur Haley, Mrs. R. E. Hall, Mrs. Chas. P. Hall, Mrs. O. L. Halliburton, Mrs. R. A. Hamlin, Mrs. H. B. Hammond, Mrs. Sue M. Hanna, Mrs. J. C. Hanrihan, Mrs. Helen M. Hanson, Mrs. Hermine Z. Hardgrove, Mrs. Arden E. Hardy, Mrs. Emma L. Harpham, Miss Emily Harpham, Mrs. Fred Harris, Mrs. Archer Henry Harris, Mrs. S. W. Harrison, Mrs. M. M. Hart, Mrs. H. N. Hart, Mrs. Mary R. Hart, Mrs. Philip Hart, Mrs. P. H. Harter, Mrs. Ed. S. Harter, Mrs. Geo. B. Harvey, Mrs. Frank Hatch, Mrs. T. M. Hatfield, Miss Gertrude Hanpt, Mrs. H. W. Hanry, Mrs. Wm. Hawkins, Mrs. Wm. E. Hayes, Mrs. Joseph Hedden, Mrs. J. H. Hedenberg, Mrs. J. E. Heepe, Mrs. E. A. Heepe, Mrs. Henry Heer, Mrs. A. L. Held, Mrs. Harold E. Heller, Mrs. Robert B. Hemphill, Mrs. Jas. R. Hendershot, Miss Heloise Henney, Mrs. V. T. Herman, Mrs. H. A. Herrick, Mrs. V. M. Higgins, Mrs. Ralph Heppert, Mrs. Nellie W. Herberich, Mrs. Alfred Higley, Mrs. Ford L. Hilderbrand, Mrs. J. A. Hill, Mrs. Geo. R. Hillman, Mrs. J. W. Hinshaw, Mrs. Geo. K. Hirsch, Mrs. Geo. Hirsh, Mrs. Edw. Hobach, Mrs. G. F. Hobart, Mrs. H. B. Hodge, Mrs. Harry G. Hoffman, Mrs. Harry A. Hogue, Mrs. Helen H. Holcomb, Mrs. Frank E. AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 215 Hollinger, Mrs. Paul F. Holloway, Mrs. Albert Holton, Mrs. Leora L. Homeier, Mrs. Elta A. Honodle, Mrs. C. D. Hook, Mrs. H. Frank Hooker, Mrs. D. E. Hoover, Mrs. Jessie A. Hoover, Mrs. W. C. Hoover, Mrs. Webster S. Houghton, Mrs. H. B. Housel, Mrs. Clay D. Howland, Mrs. Chas. E. Howland, Mrs. Clarence Hoyt, Mrs. Carl Hoyt, Mrs. W. A. Huber, Mrs. J. B. Hudson, Mrs. Mark Hudson, Mrs. T. H. Huntsbery, Mrs. Freda Hyde, Mrs. J. Grant Hamilton, Mrs. J. F. Harp, Miss Minnie E. Harter, Mrs. Dow W. Henry, Miss Grace Henry, Miss Catherine Immler, Mrs. Chas. Ink, Mrs. Chas. T. Inson, Augusta J. Iredell, Mrs. Robt. Iredell, Mrs. R. S. Jackson, Mrs. Homer Jacobs, Mrs. Samuel A. Jarrett, Mrs. R. K. Jenkins, Mrs. W. I. Jennings, Mrs. R. R. Johnson, Mrs. A. M. Johnson, Miss Mary Johnson, Mrs. T. B. Johnston, Mrs. S. N. Johnston, Mrs. W. A. Johnston, Mrs. Wm. M. Jones, Mrs. A. L. Jones, Mrs. Cyril H. Jones, Mrs. H. C. Jones, Mrs. J. Frederick Jones, Mrs. Walter C. Joy, Mrs. O. H. Judd, Mrs. L. E. Johnson, Mrs. Wm. A. Jones, Mrs. A. Walter Kasch, Mrs. F. C. Kasch, Mrs. G. F. Keeler, Mrs. S. E. Kelch, Miss Helen Keller, Mrs. Wm. L. Kempel, Mrs. Chas. W. Kendall, Mrs. J. A. Keniston, Mrs. Henrietta Kirch, Mrs. John Kester, Mrs. B. E. Kester, Mrs. W. B. Kilborn, Mrs. Karl B. Kile, Mrs. Geo. H. Kilgore, Mrs. J. B. Kimball, Mrs. E. G. Kimber, Mrs. T. W. Kemmerline, Mrs. E. Arthur Kimmich, Mrs. E. G. Kindig, Mrs. M. M. King, Mrs. Harry J. Kingsbury, Mrs. A. T. Kinsey, Mrs. L. L. Kirn, Mary Kim, Mrs. Walter F. Kittinger, Mrs. A. I. Kittleberger, Mrs. John B. Kneale, Mrs. Mildred C. Knight, Mrs. C. L. Knight, Mrs. Hal G. Knight, Mrs. Maurice A. Knorr, Mrs. E. S. Knoske, Mrs. Oscar G. Knox, Mrs. E. C. Kohler, Mrs. A. A. Kohler, Mrs. Chas. W. Kolbe, Mrs. Parke R. Konrad, Miss Bertha L. Koplin, Mrs. L. C. Kratz, Mrs. Helen M. Kroeger, Mrs. Edwin J. Kryder, Mrs. C. M. Kryder, Mrs. F. L. Kuhnes, Mrs. E. L. Kurtz, Mrs. R. H. Kellerman, Miss Annabel Kelley, Mrs. James L. Kendig, Mrs. M. Kibbee, Mrs. Karl G. Knox, Mrs. Harry S. Koeberle, Mrs. John B. Lahrmer, Mrs. Florence Lamson, Mrs. Geo. R. Laubach, Mrs. W. A. Laudenslager, Mrs. G. A. Leach, Mrs. W. F. Leavitt, Mrs. Percy W. Leberman, Mrs. Martha Leffler, Mrs. Wm. P. Leggett, Mrs. R. M. LeGuillon, Mrs. C. W. Lehmann, Mrs. Louis Lemmler, Miss Hazel Lemmon, Mrs. A. R. Lemmon, Mrs. B. F. Leonard, Mrs. R. S. Lewis, Mrs. Albert T. Lieghley, Miss Carrie Litchfield, Mrs. P. W. Loeb, Mrs. Louis Loewy, Miss Harriet Logan, Mrs. Ben. H. Loomis, Mrs. Blanche Long, Mrs. L. I. Lord, Mrs. Selden E. Lowe, Mrs. C. C. Lowry, Mrs. Jane Lund, Mrs. C. J. Lyder, Mrs. F. H. Lyder, Mrs. Lille R. Lyman, Mrs. Alice Lyman, Mrs. Lucius B. Lyon, Mrs. E. S. Lyttle, Luella M. Leighton, Mrs. Richard H. Loeb, Mrs. J. T. McBrier, Mrs. S. Thos. McClure, Mrs. F. E. McConnell, Mrs. W. C. McCorkle, Mrs. R. A. McCready, Mrs. C. P. McCue, Mrs. Clifton C. McDaniel, Mrs. H. T. McEvitt, Mrs. Jos. L. McFarlin, Miss Anna McGown, Miss Mary McGrath, Mrs. Walter W. McKnight, Mrs. C. M. McLaughlin, Mrs. C. W. McManus, Mrs. T. W. McMillen, Miss Carrie McMiller, Mrs. Wm. McNamara, Mrs. Jas. McTammany, Mrs. Robt. McCaughey, Mrs. U. M. MacCloskie, Miss Harriet Madden, Mrs. Frank Madison, Mrs. J. D. Magee, Mrs. M. A. Magennis, Mrs. G. W. Maibohm, Mrs. W. C. Maider, Mrs. J. P. Mankin, Mrs. C. E. Manton, Mrs. Henry B. Manton, Mrs. I. R. Markwith, Mrs. R. H. Martin, Miss Edith Jane Martin, Mrs. Robert C. Marting, Mrs. E. L. Masino, Miss Louise Mason, Mrs. Frank H. Mason, Miss Helen F. Mason, Mrs. M. E. Mason, Miss Ruth E. Maxon, Mrs. D. W. May, Mrs. Rudolph A. Meacham, Mrs. Clarence H. Means, Mrs. W. A. Meek, Mrs. Anna D. Meeker, Mrs. Marvin Meese, Mrs. Frank Meinhart, Mrs. R. H. Meier, Mrs. Louis Mell, Mrs. M. M. Me11, Mrs. Todd J. Melvin, Mrs. S. A. 216 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY Mercer, Mrs. J. R. Merrill, Mrs. Allan B. Mertz, Mrs. John T. Meyers, Mrs. George H. Meyers, Mrs. John Millard, Mrs. J. S. Miller, Mrs. B. Miller, Mrs. Clyde C. Miller, Mrs. E. B. Miller, Mrs. Lee R. Miller, Mrs. Lucinda J. Miller, Mrs. Malcolm D. Miller, Mrs. S. S. Mills, Mrs. Charles Moffitt, Mrs. Lucian Moore, Dora Marie Moore, Mrs. Howard Moore, Miss Jessie L. Morgan, Alta Morgenroth, Mrs. A. Morgenroth, Mrs. S. Morris, Miss C. K. Morse, Mrs. Mildred Morton, Mrs. Harold A. Mosier, Mrs. O. J. Mottinger, Mrs. Arthur S. Moyer, Miss Anna J. Moyer, Mrs. J. E. Mulcahy, Mrs. John Murdock, Miss Hester Murdock, Mrs. Prescott Murphy, Mrs. J. W. Musser, Mrs. C. Harold Musser, Mrs. C. R. Musser, Mrs. Harvey Musser, Mrs. Harvey, Jr. Musson, Mrs. S. L. Myers, Mrs. E. C. Myers, Mrs. H. G. Myers, Mrs. J. A. H. Maskrey, Mrs. Maurice Mealy, Mrs. George Moran, Mrs. H. P. Neal, Mrs. Belle Neiger, Miss Laura Neuman, Miss Miriam Nobil, Mrs. I. B. Noble, Mrs. Newton S. Noonan, Mrs. J. S. Neaf, Mrs. O. W. Nash, Miss Edith Nohe, Mrs. Carl C. Olin, Mrs. C. R. Oliver, Mrs. A. M. O'Neil, Mrs. W. Orr, Mrs. R. W. Osborne, Mrs. L. L. Ott, Mrs. John L. Ozier, Mrs. F. S. Paige, Mrs. Ida M. Pairan, Mrs. Paul E. Palmer, Mrs. W. E. Pardee, Mrs. R. L. Pardee, Mrs. W. E. Parker, Mrs. T. M. Parks, Mr. T. C. Parry, Mrs. Ward H. Parshall, Mrs. S. W. Partridge, Mrs. S. W. Pearce, Mrs. R. G. Pearson, Miss Nina Peck, Mrs. John A. Peek, Mrs. C. B. Peek, Mrs. O. S. Percy, Miss Sarah W. Pergrin, Mrs. J. B. Perrine, Mrs. W. E. Perry, Grace M. Peters, Mrs. W. F. Peters, Mrs. W. W. Petley, Mrs. Edna Pettet, Mrs. E. J. Pettitt, Mrs. L. M. Pfahl, Mrs. C. Pfeiffer, Mrs. Jacob Pfleuger, Mrs. E. A. Pfleuger, Mrs. George Pfleuger, Miss Harriet Pfleuger, Mrs. John Pickton, Mrs. Mattie V. Pierce, Mrs. William F. Piero, Mrs. Sara M. Plowman, Mrs. A. B. Poe, Mrs. L. L. Poling, Mrs. Earle Polsky, Mrs. Bert A. Polsky, Mrs. Harry Porch, Mrs. E. R. Post, Mrs. H. T. Powley, Mrs. R. S. Proehl, Mrs. Jane M. Purcell, Mrs. Charles Purviance, Mrs. Gladys M. Pushee, Mrs. H. B. Patterson, Mrs. J. W. Pease, Miss Blanche Mae Pergrin, Mrs. Max Piero, Mrs. Ray C. Poorman, Nina Quine, Mrs. C. R. Quinn, Mrs. E. J. Rader, Mrs. Frank J. Read, Mrs. A. R. Read, Mrs. Lloyd Read, Mrs. Verne R. Ream, Mrs. William J. Reed, Mrs. Edwin D. Reed, Miss Katherine M. Reed, Mrs. Theodore T. Reger, Julia M. Reifsnider, Miss Bertha Reifsnider, Mrs. Charles L. Reisinger, Mrs. J. H. Reisinger, Mrs. R. D. Reisinger, Mrs. Charles O. Rentschler, Miss Ruby Replogle, Mrs. R. V. Rians, Mrs. W. B. Rice, Mrs. Alvin Rice, Mrs. W. A. Richardson, Mrs. C. M. Riddle, Mrs. Carlton Rinehart, Mrs. A. B. Ritchie, Mrs. C. E. Roath, Mrs. W. S. Roberts, Mrs. A. G. Robinson, Mrs. A. S. Robinson, Mrs. B. W. Robinson, Mrs. Henry Robinson, Mrs. R. L. Robinson, Mrs. W. E. Rockwell, Mrs. George W. Rose, Mrs. M. J. Rosen, Mrs. D. N. Ross, Mrs. Percy R. Rothrock, Mrs. Mary Jane Rothschild, Mrs. J. J. Rowe, Mrs. Emily G. W. Ruckel, Mrs. George W. Rudd, Mrs. H. A. Ruegsegger, Mrs. D. U. Ruof, Mrs. W. J. Russell, Mrs. R. G. Russon, Mrs. Harry R. Ryan, Mrs. James H. Rylander, Miss Agnes Rylander, Miss Hulda Rentschler, Mrs. C. W. Rigby, Mrs. W. H. Robinson, Mrs. W. B. Rohner, Mrs. Marie Roderick, Mrs. Arthur Rosenblatt, Mrs. M. Saalfield, Mrs. Ada L. Saalfield, Mrs. Albert G. Saalfield, Mrs. R. S. Sadler, Mrs. C. R. Sammons, Mrs. M. C. Samuel, Mrs. E. J. Sanford, Mrs. Carrie Satow, Mrs. W. I. Sawyer, Mrs. William Schade, Mrs. James W. Schnee, Mrs. C. F. Schobert, Mrs. E. C. Schoenninger, Miss Amelia Schoenninger, Miss A. Bertha Schoenninger, Mrs. Chris. Schumacher, Mrs. Earl Schumacher, Mrs. F. O. Schumacher, Mrs. Mary Z. Schumaker, Mrs. Louis Schuster, Mrs. A. C. Schwan, Mrs. E. H. Searer, Mrs. John W. AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 217 Searless, Mrs. Paul C. Sears, Mrs. P. H. See, Mrs. Pierre Segelbaum, Miss Dolores Seiberling, Mrs. C. W. Jr. Seiberling, Mrs. Francis Seiberling, Mrs. F. A. Seiberling, Mrs. Penfield Seiberling, Mrs. Willard P Seidel, Mrs. U. D. Selby, Mrs. John H. Selby, Mrs. Warren F. Seldon, Mrs. O. G. Sellers, Mrs. John W. Serfass, Mrs. Charles R. Seymour, Mrs. H. S. Shafer, Mrs. B. D. Shaffer, Mrs. Ethel Shank, Mrs. McConnell Shaw, Miss Caroline C. Shaw, Mrs. Henry Shaw, Mrs. Ralph Schauweker, Mrs. R. W. Shear, Mrs. Verne W. Sheldon, Mrs. W. A. Shepard, Miss Grace A. Shepard, Mrs. Norman A. Sheppard, Mrs. Carl Sheppard, Mrs. J. E. Sherbondy, Mrs. Ella Sherman, Mrs. George Shoemaker, Mrs. J. R. Shreffier, Mrs. James Shunk, Mrs. Rena E. Shutt, Mrs. Nettie B. Sicherman, Mrs. A. Sisler, Mrs. L. E. Slabaugh, Miss Fannie M. Slabaugh, Mrs. H. W. Slusser, Mrs. Lewis D. Small, Mrs. E. J., Jr. Smith, Mrs. A. B. Smith, Mrs. Clyde L. Smith, Mrs. Earl G. Smith, Mrs. Ed. L. Smith, Mrs. Fred E. Smith, Mrs. J. D. Smith, Mrs. Nick Smith, Mrs. Oscar Smith, Mrs. Thomas B. Smith, Mrs. Kenneth Snow, Mrs. Mason Snyder, Mrs. E. E. Snyder, Mrs. H. L. Snyder, Mrs. William C. Sonnhalter, Mrs. K. F. Spanton, Mrs. A. I. Speaks, Mrs. Charles Sperry, Mrs. H. B. Spessard, Miss Lucy Spessard, Pauline Staats, Mrs. Suzanne Stahl, Mrs. Charles H. Stalder, Mrs. C. H. Stanton, Mrs. F. W. Starbird, Mrs. Margaret Stauffer, Mrs. C. E. Stebick, Mrs. Thomas J. Steffins, Mrs. Fred Steinke, Mrs. Carl Stepfield, Mrs. R. E. Stevens, Mrs. Vincent S. Stevenson, Miss Marion Stewart, Mrs. H. B. Stillman, Mrs. Charles A. Stimmel, Miss Sarah Stoner, Mrs. W. H. Stouffer, Mrs. Arthur Stouffer, Mrs. W. L. Stowe, Mrs. W. H. Stroman, Mrs. F. W. Strough, Mrs. H. W. Stuart, Mrs. Charles Stuart, Mrs. F. H. Stubbs, Mrs. E. J. Sumner, Miss Beatrice Sumner, Mrs. M. A. Surber, Miss Carrie Swan, Mrs. Earl G. Schell, Mrs. Charles A. Scott, Mrs. Thomas Shirk, Mrs. R. B. Smith, Mrs. Howard F. Stadelman, Mrs. G. M. Steinert, Mrs. F. J. Stiles, Mrs. C. O. Strecker, Mrs. Fred M. Taylor, Mrs. Clara Taylor, Mrs. Harry E. Taylor, Mrs. R. S. Teale, Miss Ella A. Temple, Mrs. Sophia Terry, Mrs. L. B. Thatcher, Mrs. George Thomas, Miss Jeanette Thomas, Mrs. J. C. Thomas, Mrs. William T. Thompson, Mrs. Eliz. A. Tisch, Mrs. A. M. Todd, Miss Mabel E. Trainer, Mrs. J. E. Treash, Mrs. Philip Trego, Mrs. J. W. Troesch, Mrs. Fritz Tuck, Mrs. R. W. Tucker, Mrs. M. P. Tuttle, Mrs. J. C. Tate, Miss Anna M. Tennis, Estella Terry, Inez W. Thompson, Mrs. H. G. Thornton, La Monte Ufford, Mrs. C. P. Ulrich, Mrs. N. A. Updegraff, Mrs. C. E. Underwood, Mrs. E. S. Upson, Miss Julia Vance, Mrs. J. W. Vandersall, Mrs. G. C. Vaughn, Mrs. John R. Vaughn, Mrs. W. A. M. Vaughn, Mrs. L. A. Vineberg, Mrs. J. H. Vogt, Mrs. W. H. Von Gunten, Mrs. Chris Voris, Miss Marion Voris, Mrs. W. S. Velte, Mrs. W. H. Wachner, Miss Malvy Wadsworth, Mrs. George Wallace, Mrs. Don Walsh, Mrs. Mary H. Waltz, Mrs. B. A. Wanamaker, Mrs. Walter Warburton, Mrs. Joseph Washer, Mrs. Harvey B. Watkins, Miss Anne Watkins, Mrs. Mary G. Watters, Mrs. Ray B. Wattleworth, Mrs. Charles Weaver, Dr. Charlotte Weaver, Dr. Elizabeth M. Webber, Miss Florence Weber, Mrs. J. H. Weberg, Mrs. Chester L. Weeks, Mrs. F. H. Wegwerth, Miss Martha Welch, Mrs. William M. Welker, Mrs. W. P. Weller, Mrs. J. N. Welton, Mrs. U. C. Werner, Mrs. Harry R. Werner, Mrs. Roy G. Werner, Mrs. W. L. Wetzel, Mrs. C. R. Wettach, Ida S. Wharton, Mrs. C. F. Wharton, Mrs. Earl Workman, Mrs. Elmer Wright, Mrs. J. B. Wright, Mrs. W. E. Wylie, Miss May Wahl, Mrs. F. R. Weil, Mrs. M. M. Whitney, Mrs. R. H. Wiener, Mrs. C. H. Willis, Mrs. Jane M. Wheeler, Mrs. B. F. Wheelock, Mrs. H. K. Whigam, Mrs. E. B. Whitaker, Mrs. L. P. White, Miss Ellen L. Whittemore, Mrs. Frank Widdersheim, Lillian Wiener, Mrs. J. H. Wilhelm, Mrs. R. M. 218 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY Willard, Mrs. J. M. Williams, Mrs. Edgar Williams, Mrs. Harry Williams, Mrs. H. Evan Williams, Mrs. H. L. Williams, Miss M. Iola Williams, Miss Norma Wills, Miss Rena M. Wilson, Miss Elizabeth C. Wilson, Esther R. Wilson, Mrs. Ralph Wilson, Mrs. R. A. Wilson, Mrs. R. S. Winter, Mrs. Marie E. Wirth, Mrs. Charles L. Wise, Mrs. C. N. Wise, Mrs. Lewis J. Wise, Mrs. W. D. Wise, Mrs. W. G. Witherstay, Mrs. Ella Wood, Mrs. R. W. Wolcott, Mrs. Oliver H. Wolcott, Mrs. Metta E. Wolle, Miss Helen Wolle, Mrs. Lewis Woodruff, Mrs. John E. Yeager, Mrs. J. L. Yeager, Mrs. R. G. Yoho, Mrs. Jud Young, Miss C. Clare Young, Mrs. Charles H. Young, Mrs. E. J. Zahrt, Mrs. W. D. Zaki, Mrs. J. H. Zang, Mrs. J. M. Zellers, Mrs. W. M. Ziliox, Mrs. Sam Zimmerly, Miss Ida Zimmerly, Miss Louise Zipper, Mrs. William Meetings are held 3rd Wednesday of each month in Club House Auditorium. Accomplishments of the past year—moving down town, and accomplishing purpose for which we were organized—viz., Club home for Akron women and women's organizations. BUCKLEY WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS The work of the American women in the great war for the preservation of the Union was that of relief. Millions of dollars were raised and thousands of lives were saved through the direct agency of the loyal, patriotic women of the North in the four years of that great struggle. With the disbanding of our armies after the close of the war, followed the dissolution of our Christian and Sanitary Commissions, and the closing of the busy work-rooms of the soldiers' aid societies. A decade passed by ; a financial crisis was on the country ; sickness and old wounds, unemployment and bitter disappointments began to make cruel ravages in the veterans' ranks. Where then would the veterans turn for help but to the loyal women, the women who had stood by them and helped them in a harder fight? The Grand Army of the Republic had organized soon after the close of the war to promote the great principles of fraternity, charity and loyalty. It had been doing its utmost to comfort and aid unfortunate comrades, but the organization was small in numbers and had no source of replenishment for the steady drain upon its treasury. Then it was that the loyal women answered again : "Here am I," to the call of the men who had saved the nation. It was in 1883 that a national association was organized under the name of the Woman's Relief Corps, Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, to especially aid the Civil War veterans, and their dependent ones and assist the Grand Army of the Republic in every way. It was in the following February, in 1884, that there was held in G. A. R. Hall in Akron a meeting of ladies interested in caring for the soldiers of the Civil War, together with comrades of Buckley Post of the G. A. R. It was decided at that meeting to make application to headquarters of Woman's Relief Corps for a charter to establish a Relief Corps to be known as Buckley Relief Corps No. 23, Auxiliary to Buckley Post of the AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 219 G. A. R. On March 13, 1884, the charter members whose names were on the application for a charter, met in G. A. R. Hall, and the officers who had been elected at a former meeting were installed by the department president of the Relief Corps, assisted by Commander Billow of Buckley Post. The department president then presented the auxiliary to the post. Officers installed March 13, 1884: Sarah M. E. Battels, president ; Laura. K. Fraunfelter, senior vice president; Clara Cain, junior vice president ; Celia Baldwin, secretary ; Fannie Hine, treasurer ; Amelia Codding, chaplain ; Emeline McMillen, conductor ; Mary Morrison, guard. For many years there was much relief work to be done for the veterans, and their families, but as the years have come and gone, soldiers' pensions have been increased, soldiers' homes have been established, and these comrades are fast passing to the Great Beyond, so there is little real relief work to be done. Just some things to brighten or make their declining years most comfortable. Members visit the sick and afflicted in their homes, and each year the Relief Corps sends cushions, pads, knee comforters, bath robes or whatever is needed at these soldiers' homes. The Woman's Relief Corps will consider the interests of these brave men to the last day they may live, and in death will cherish and perpetuate their memory. The Spanish-American soldiers and the World war boys have not been forgotten. The Relief Corps is willing and does help these soldiers and in addition to relief work for the soldiers, has become interested in child welfare and Americanization. Buckley Relief Corps in 1924 spent $347 in child welfare, besides contributing to many charities, and is always ready to do anything in the interest of humanity. Officers of Buckley Woman's Relief Corps No. 23 are: President, Mrs. Harriet L. Stewart Sr. Vice President, Stella Myers Jr. Vice President, Gertrude Limric Secretary, Thelma Gordon Treasurer, Muriel Willets Chaplain, Florence Wright Press Correspondent, Mary Houriet Patriotic Instructor, Amelia Cleveland Conductor, Adele Lantz Guard, Rose Echert Assistant Conductor, Hattie Seyler Assistant Guard, Clara Burkett Musician, Ida Dugan Color Bearers, No. 1, Jennie Wise No. 2, Prue Schuler No. 3, Emma Daniels No. 4, Della Turner Trustees, Sarah Smith Anna Taggart Bertha Eberle Membership-352. Members Adamson, Flora Ahern, Sarah Allen, Helen Allen, Jennie Askins, Clara Babb, Edna Baker, Aldora Barnett, Salome Barron, Luella Battles, Anna Beattie, Jennie Beatty, Louise Behmer, Mary Betts, Martha Blinn, Minnie Boden, Mabel Bowers, Emma Blackshire, Cora Bradfield, Carrie Bradshaw, Grace Brancher, Retta Bricker, Mae Brooks, Lailah Brown, Beulah 220 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY Brown, Cynthia Brown, Dona Brown, Elizabeth Brown, Lydia Brown, Mame Brubaker, Lillie Burkett, Clara Burt, Harriett Campbell, Mary Cantor, Madge Carl, Emily Carpenter, Hester Case, Kate Case, Margaret Cass, Clare Castle, Lillie Chandler, Martha Chamberlin, Minnie Clapper, Mattie Clark, Rebecca. Cleveland, Amelia Cleveland, Mae Crickmer, Bessie Clupper, Mary Collette, Eltina Coney, Mary Conner, Virginia Constable, Sarah Corbin, Mary Corl, Anna Cozad, Mattie Criss, Mary Crow, Ada Cummins, Mary Dailey, Ethie Daniels, Emma Davidson, Eva Davis, Lizzie Davis, Lulu Davis, Mabel Dayhoff, Lena Dellenberger, Elizabeth Derry, Elizabeth De Woody, Alice Dixon, Rebecca Doerler, Katie Donaldson, Minnie Douglas, Minnie Driesbaugh, Emma Dugan, Ida Durand, Sara Eberhard, Mary Eberle, Bertha Eberle, Margaret Echert, Rose Eckler, Martha Edgar, Miranda Edwards, Sara Ehret, Delilah Ellet, Katheryn Ely, Olive Erricson, Ida Evans, Elizabeth Evans, Ella M. Fairhead, Olive Fay, Elizabeth Fazie, Lucy Faylor, Edith Finney, Sara Fleming, Margaret Foltz, Cynthia Force, Ida Fox, Mary Frank, Ella Frank, Elta Frankenpohl, Agnes Fraunfelter, Laura Fredrick, Bird Fritch, Minnie Fry, Marie Fuller, Pearl Gaskell, Lulu Gangler, Ida Geer, Seclora Gilboe, Orvilla Gibson, Mary Gonder, Mary Gordon, Thelma Graham, Gertrude Gray, Marguerite Groff, Emily Grotstein, Julia Guse, Effie Gutherie, Grace Habercost, Edna Habercost, Ellen Halliday, Annis Hammel, Jennethive Hanna, Mary Harding, Emma Harmon, Emma Hart, Emma Hartong, Anna Hartzell, Edith Hastings, Mary Haugh, Rachael Hawkins, Clara Hawkins, Sarah Hay, Emma Hayes, Josephine Hazel, Artemesia Heller, Alice Hensel, Frieda Heppart, Nellie Hershey, Josie Hibbs, Anna Hill, Belle Hill, Rea Hinds, Martha Hollinger, Alice Hooker, Josephine Hoff, Ida Hoover, Catherine Houghland, Mae Houriet, Elise Houriet, Mary Houtz, Nettie Howenstein, Nancy Hudson, Emma Humphries, Grace Jackson, Almetta James, Elizabeth James, Maude Kauffman, Blanche Keiser, Elizabeth Kennedy, Emma Kepler, Louise Kimball, Ruth Kime, Lillian Kitt, Caroline Kitt, Winifred Kittinger, Leah Kidwell, Gertrude Knecht, Mary Kester, Emma Kromer, Margaret Ladow, Abbie Lampe, Louise Lantz, Alice Lantz, Adele Lapp, Eva Lascaris, Elizabeth Laube, Margaret Laudenslager, Emma Laurey, Anna Lawler, Mary Lawrence, Alice Lees, Maggie Lewin, Emma Lewis, Mary Limric, Gertrude Lipscomb, Otilla Long, Emma Lotz, Anna Lutz, Rosa Malloy, Eliza Mallory, Hattie Mann, Amanda Marquett, Carrie Marshall, Matilda Marshall, Rachael Martin, Nora Mathews, Kitty Mealey, Edna Melton, Velma Metlin, Annetta Midour, Nora Miller, Alice Miller, Christeen Miller, Frances Miller, Isabelle Miller, Julia Miller, Lucinda Mills, Susie Mitchell, Margaret Mohler, Dorcas AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 221 Moir, Sara Moon, Ella Moore, Flora Morrison, Laura Morrison, Mary Moslander, Mae Murray, Maude Myers, Ethel Myers, Stella McAllister, Grace McElhainey, Frances McMillan, ____ Negley, Ada Negley, Minnie Nesbitt, Ida Overmeir, Ada Pack, Lillian Pardee, Mary Patton, Kathryn Paul, Emma Penrose, Anna Peters, Ethel Phillips, Cora Pinney, Ella Pipher, Sadie Pollock, Carrie Pontius, Mary Poulter, Pearl Proehl, Jennie Race, Mary Reddinger, Jennette Reichert, Zelina Rennolds, Annabelle Roberts, Irene Roeger, Theresa Rockwell, Mary Rose, Lillie Rose, Minna Rowinsky, Mabel Ruckle, Delia Ruckle, Ida Ruckle, Mary Rugg, Ella Runyon, Clara Rustin, Mary Rutman, Lena Samuels, Virginia Saunders, Maggie Sawyer, Bessie Scheurman, Lottie Schlegel, Jennie Schuler, Prue Schwyhart, Lelia Scorse, Ruth Sedgwick, Pearl Sedgwick, Sara Seiberling, Julia Sell, Myra Selzer, Mary Seyler, Hattie Shoemaker, Clare Shwart, Edith Siechrist, Clara Simmonds, Alice Simmonds, Barbara Simmonds, Lillie Sissler, Bertha Smetts, Mary Smith, Eliza Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Garie Smith, Sara Snyder, Cora Snyder, Nettie Snyder, Lillian Souvenier, Elizabeth Speck, Lorinda Stahl, Mary Starling, Mae Stough, Susie Steckem, Bertha Steckem, Charlotte Stewart, Charlotte Stewart, Cora Stewart, Harriett Strayer, Martha Strobel, Sarah Stull, Rodella Sullivan, Anna Swartz, Ella Talbot, Nellie Taggart, Anna Taggart, Virginia Teagle, Stella Tedrick, Martha Teeple. Anna Teeple, Emma Teeple, Rachael Thomas, Lydia Toth, Rosa Tousley, Belle Traster, Lucile Tressler, Hilda Tripp, Anna Tryan, Addie Tryon, Lillie Turner, Della Turner, Ethel Turner, Sara Updegraph, Loretta Ux, Emma Van Lindt, Lillian Vial, Daisy Wagner, Anna Walker, Ella Walker, Emma Waltz, Tamor Warrick, Lucinda Watters, Anna Watt, Lizzie Weaver, Bessie Welker, Mary Wells, Rose Werntz, Lydia White, Catherine Whiting, Flo Mae Whittlesay, Clara Wilhelm, Margaret Willets, Muriel Williams, Florence Wilson, Martha Winkler, Roselle Wise, Jennie Wise, Margaret Wolverton, Mamie Woodard, Anna Worthington, Ida Wright, Florence Wycoff, Flora Yeomans, Mary Zarle, Nellie Zessinger, Anna Zimmerman, Cora Meetings are held first and third Thursdays at 1:30 P. M. at the Akron Armory. The National Woman's Relief Corps was organized in 1883 for the purpose of assisting the Grand Army of the Republic in their noble work of caring for the Union Veteran and his dependent ones. At present the national membership is more than 220,000, a number so large and so active that we have broadened our field of duties and assist any and all veterans of war not otherwise provided for. THE MONDAY STUDY CLUB By Mrs. L. L. Osborne The Monday Study Club is one of the oldest and youngest clubs in the city. This seeming paradox is explained by its history; some thirty years 222 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY ago a few women were brought together at a West Hill home and formed what was known as the West Hill Conversation Class, with Mrs. Sarah Lake as leader, principally for the study and discussion of current events. At Mrs. Lake's death in July, 1912, Mrs. G. L. A. Gall of Cleveland (a former member) succeeded as leader, and in honor of the founder the name was changed to the Sarah Lake Class. In December, 1913, a reorganization was effected, a constitution adopted and Mrs. T. M. Holloway became its first president. In 1914 it affrliated with the Woman's Council of Akron, and with the Ohio Federation of Woman's Clubs in 1915. During the war the members were active in Red Cross work, both as an organization and individually. May 19, the name was changed to the Monday Study Club with a limited membership of fifteen associates, fifty active and an honorary roll of nine. The meetings are held the first and third Mondays of each month from October to May inclusive. Our motto is "Each for All." Our object, to stimulate interest in the development of the world's history, art and literature. As a memorial to Mrs. Sarah Lake the club presented a chimes clock to the Woman's City Club in 1924. Past presidents are : Mrs. T. M. Holloway, Mrs. L. M. Pettit, Mrs. Lois Pierson, Mrs. Carrie Sanford, Mrs. E. M. Gardner, Mrs. Wm. Zellars, Mrs. L. M. Pettitt, Mrs. E. W. Oldham, Mrs. F. A. Watkins, Mrs. C. P. Ufford, Mrs. L. L. Osborne. Officers of the Monday Study Club are: President, Mrs. W. G. Short Vice President, Mrs. Paul Crosier Recording Secretary, Mrs. H. J. Bachtel Cor. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. T. H. Vance Membership-49 active; 14 associate; 9 honorary. Members Adams, Mrs. J. H. Anderson, Mrs. R. E. Bachtel, Mrs. H. J. Bitters, Mrs. J. F. Bonstedt, Mrs. Herman Bowers, Mrs. R. O. Brown, Mrs. E. A. Campbell, Mrs. G. M. Crosier, Mrs. Paul Davies, Mrs. Gertrude A. Dice, Mrs. William Dodge, Mrs. B. L. Dussel, Miss Minnie Ely, Mrs. A. L. Fleming, Mrs. C. S. Fox, Mrs. E. O. Galehouse, Mrs. G. W. Garret, Mrs. C. W. Gillespie, Mrs. B. H. Hale, Mrs. J. P. Hay, Mrs. R. N. Heintz, Mrs. A. W. Holloway, Mrs. T. M. Jordan, Mrs. F. L. Laudenslager, Mrs. G. A. Lemmon, Mrs. B. F. Loomis, Mrs. W. W. Miller, Mrs. Ora Murphy, Mrs. J. W. Oldham, Mrs. E. W. Osborne, Mrs. L. L. Pergrin, Mrs. J. B. Pettitt, Mrs. L. M. Pickton, Mrs. Mattie V. Reed, Mrs. W. H. Reifsnider, Mrs. Charles Ryan, Mrs. J. H. Schaal, Mrs. Fannie W. Short, Mrs. W. G. Springer, Mrs. J. E. Stubbs, Mrs. E. J. Tobey, Mrs. C. F. Ufford, Mrs. C. P. Uhlman, Mrs. J. H. Vance, Mrs. T. M. Warner, Mrs. A. E. Watkins, Mrs. A. E. Zellers, Mrs. William Associate Members Beck, Mrs. J. M. Brown, Mrs. K. J. Clements, Mrs. D. B. Daily, Mrs. N. A. Fiebeger, Mrs. Frank Frese, Mrs. F. G. AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 223 Iredell, Mrs. R. L. S. Sanford, Mrs. Carrie Terbush, Mrs. J. H. Newberry, Miss Ellen Short, Mrs. J. W. Weaver, Mrs. E. E. Place, Mrs. F. A. Honorary Members Brenizer, Mrs. J. I. Hilbish, Mrs. William Pierson, Mrs. Lois Eggert, Mrs. Emma Keniston, Mrs. H. E. Raw, Mrs. J. D. Gall, Mrs. Henry Lukesh, Mrs. Emma Hawkins, Mrs. A. W. Gardner, Mrs. E. M. Meetings first and third Monday of months, October to May inclusive, at homes of members. Purpose—Educational. MOGADORE LITERARY CLUB Officers of the Mogadore Literary Club are: President, Mrs. James B. Smith Vice President, Mrs. Fred Hale Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Edgar Merkle Membership-25. Active Members Darrah, Mrs. Harry Espenschied, Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Mrs. J. B. Foust, Mrs. J. Gates, Mrs. Cora Hale, Mrs. Fred Hollister, Mrs. Earl Kimmerline, Mrs. A. E. Kent, Mrs. Harlin McBride, Mrs. R. T. Merkle, Mrs. Edgar Miller, Mrs. Charles Naylor, Mrs. Mabel Neidlinger, Mrs. Claude Norris, Mrs. G. T. Powley, Mrs. R. S. Shook, Mrs. M. A. Smith, Mrs. George W. Smith, Mrs. James B. Stauffer, Mrs. Roy Stout, Mrs. A. Warburton, Mrs. Joseph Wise, Mrs. James Honorary Members Palmer, Miss Jessie Lee, Mrs. Wilda Meetings are held second Thursday evening of each month at the homes of members. The Mogadore Literary Club was organized for the purpose of study and social diversion. The Mentor Magazine is used this year as a basis for short articles assigned by the program committee. FORTNIGHTLY CLUB OF KENMORE, SECTION I Officers of the Fortnightly Club of Kenmore, Section I, are: President, Mrs. Fred Crouch Vice Pres., Mrs. C. H. Wilson Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. H. W. Barr Membership, 20. Members Barr, Mrs. H. W. Cook, Mrs. W. L. Crouch, Mrs. Fred Eshleman, Mrs. L. Havre, Mrs. S. J. Hedger, Mrs. C. F. Kirk, Mrs. J. J. Shull, Mrs. Shirley Lockwood, Mrs. R. C. Love, Mrs. Claude Makinson, Mrs. Harold Proehl, Mrs. Zillah Ritzman, Mrs. A. R. Sours, Mrs. B. O. Spicer, Mrs. H. C. Willis, Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mrs. C. H. Woodward, Mrs. H. E. Wright, Mrs. W. H. 224 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY Associate Members McGuire, Miss Margaret Meetings are held second and fourth Tuesday evenings at members' homes. Purpose—Educational. SCHWESTERBUND SOCIETY OF AKRON Officers of the Schwesterbund Society of Akron are: President, Dorothy Haber Vice Pres., Tina Schwartz Secretary, Ollie Cohen Treasurer, Sylvia Whitelaw Hirsh Membership, 33. Members are: Abt, Edna Alexander, Irene Berk, Anna Berk, Viola Bernstein, Anna Buxbaum, Beatrice Cohen, Ollie Frank, Leah Greenberger, Ethel Greenwood, Dora Greenwood, Hannah Haber, Dollie Havre, Peggy Hirsh, Carrie Holub, Loretta Jacobs, Adeline Loeb, Alice Loeb, Ruth Neuman, Hattie Osterman, Regina Schwartz, Tina Tuholske, Ethel Tuholske, Hulda Wiener, Edith Nobil, Eleanor Feerer, Isabel Holub, Jeanette Klein, Janet Shulan, Harriet Jacobs, Ruth Hirsch, Sylvia Whitelaw, Myrtle Schulman, Lillian Meetings held first or second week of the month at homes of members. This society was organized in 1867 and is both a social and philanthropic organization. TEMPERANCE AVERY CHAPTER, N. S., D. A. R. Officers of Temperance Avery Chapter, N. S., D. A. R., are: Regent, (Mrs. W. T.) Bessie Voris Sawyer Vice Regent, Miss Desdemona DeHaven 2nd Vice Regent, (Mrs. W. L.) Ethel Forwood Secretary, Miss Lucy Spessard Treasurer, (Mrs. Theo.) Adella Sawyer Spessard Registrar, (Mrs. Ed. G.) Estella Reese Chamberlain Historian, Miss Gladys E. Chamberlain Membership, 24. Members are: Bishop, Marjorie Forwood (Mrs. Henry) Bodell, Avis Spessard (Mrs. Paul) Caswall, Miss Katharine Caswall, Miss Olivia Chamberlain, Estella Reeese (Mrs. Ed. G.) Chamberlain, Miss Georgia E. Chamberlain, Miss Gladys DeHaven, Miss Desdemo Forwood, Ethel (Mrs. Wm. L.) Francis, Miss Helen Francis, Frances, Mrs. Nellie Moore Gilcast, Hannah Brittain (Mrs. Thomas J.) Johnson, Katharine Baird (Mrs. Allen Chalfant) Merryweather, Mrs. Howard Mischler, Miss Dora Moser, Cornelia Allyn (Mrs. Elmer Elsworth) Newbauer, Sarah Brittain (Mrs. J. Herman) Sawyer, Bessie Voris (Mrs.Wm. T.) Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth Sawyer Spessard, Adella Sawyer (Mrs. Theodore) Spessard, Miss Lucy Spessard, Miss Pauline Spessard, Miss Theodora Swinehart, Arilda Hart (Mrs. Orrin J.) Meetings are held monthly. Purpose of organization—Patriotic, Historical, Philanthropic, Educational, Social and Child Welfare. AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 225 CUYAHOGA-PORTAGE CHAPTER OF D. A. R. Officers of the Cuyahoga-Portage Chapter of the D. A. R. are: Regent, Mrs. H. B. Diefenbach 1st Vice Regent, Mrs. E. R. Bathrick 2nd Vice Regent, Mrs. Charles Wattleworth Recording Secretary, Mrs. V. W. Shear Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Martin Berthold Registrar, Mrs. T. M. Hastings Treasurer, Mrs. Frank McMillan Historian, Mrs. S. S. Clark Chaplain, Mrs. S. A. Kepler Parliamentarian, Mrs. Myra D. Gelink Director D. A. R., Mrs. L. W. Baker Active members, 258. Non-resident members, 39. Associate members, 3. AKRON CHAPTER, D. A. R. Officers of the Akron Chapter of the D. A. R. are: Regent, Mrs. R. D. Crawford 1st Vice Regent, Mrs. Steven A. Gladwin 2nd Vice Regent, Mrs. Edward Conner Recording Secretary, Miss Bessie DeHaven Registrar, Miss Mary Griffith Historian, Miss Olive Grades Treasurer, Mrs. William Sherbondy Chaplain, Mrs. Ambler Quinlan Members, 50. THURSDAY AFTERNOON STUDY CLUB Officers of the Thursday Afternoon Study Club are: President, Mrs. H. L. Falor Vice Pres., Mrs. A. D. Zook Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. L. E. Strobel Membership, 14. Members Bowers, Mrs. W. F. Bodle, Mrs. V. H. Beatty, Mrs. R. Brillhart, Mrs. Erwin Falor, Mrs. H. L. Fulmer, Mrs. Fred Heasley, Mrs. P. W. Hoffman, Mrs. Eli Moore, Mrs. D. B. Morr, Mrs. Clarence Stauffer, Mrs. G. V. Shadley, Mrs. F. M. Strobel, Mrs. L. E. Zook, Mrs. A. D. Associate Members Dickens, Mrs. O. C. Reihl, Mrs. R. M. Crain, Mrs. Charles Rhode, Mrs. McCurdy, Mrs. James Palmquest, Mrs. Meetings second Thursday of each month. Purpose—Educational. GOODYEAR WOMEN'S CLUB Officers of the Goodyear Women's Club are: President, Mrs. George R. Park 1st Vice President, Mrs. Ralph B. Day 2nd Vice President, Mrs. C. H. Wise Rec. Secretary, Mrs. Floyd B. Smith Cor. Secretary, Mrs. L. M. Clifford Treasurer, Mrs. Roy L. Mackey Assistant Treasurer, Mrs. J. C. Kelsey Membership 123. 226 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY Members: Allison, Mrs. Olive Appleby, Mrs. George Atkins, Mrs. James Ayers, Mrs. Sam Baatz, Mrs. J. C. Baatz, Mrs. J. J. Balo, Mrs. Wolford E. Barnes, Mrs. Clarence W. Barrett, Mrs. G. L. Baugher, Mrs. Edward Bell, Mrs. F. S. Bennett, Mrs. J. K. Bishop, Mrs. D. H. Blakenslip, Mrs. B. Bowlby, Mrs. Milton Briggs, Mrs. K. I. Brown, Mrs. C. W. Brown, Mrs. M. F. Brown, Mrs. W. F. Cartwright, Mrs. U. S. Chase, Mrs. T. E. Clark, Mrs. N. P. Clifford, Mrs. L. M. Colley, Mrs. Fred Conner, Mrs. Ed. S. Cox, Mrs. George Cunning, Mrs. Will Curtiss, Mrs. C. C. Day, Mrs. Ralph B. Dinsford, Mrs. E. R. Dorsey, Mrs. Cora Elliott, Mrs. R. C. Ewing, Mrs. Chas. Evans, Mrs. A. Falor, Mrs. Fonrose Forrest, Mrs. A. A. Frances, Mrs. J. A. Gibson, Mrs. W. J. Gordon, Mrs. D. C. Gray, Mrs. Frank Gunning, Mrs. Fred Hench, Mrs. L. W. Hetrick, Mrs. D. Hogsett, Mrs. T. P. Humphrey, Mrs. A. C. Hossler, Mrs. W. A. Houck, Mrs. F. J. Hutchinson, Mrs. R. S. Jansen, Mrs. R. F. Johnson, Mrs. W. D. Kaiser, Mrs. G. W. Kelsey, Mrs. J. C. Kerr, Mrs. G. C. Kimberly, Mrs. L. C. Kimble, Mrs. E. E. Kuntz, Mrs. N. E. Lea, Mrs. Frank Leavenworth, Mrs. W. H. Leeser, Mrs. Ray Leggett, Mrs. R. J. Leonard, Mrs. J. E. Leslie, Mrs. W. A. Litweiler, Mrs. H. W. Livingston, Mrs. J. G. Long, Mrs. A. P. Mackey, Mrs. Roy L. McFadden, Mrs. James McKee, Mrs. M. B. McInteer, Mrs. H. J. McIntyre, Mrs. C. P. Means, Mrs. E. E. Miller, Mrs. A. C. Miller, Mrs. C. E. Miller, Mrs. R. J. Monkitrick, Mrs. A. Morgan, Mrs. W. C. Morrison, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. R. W. Nourse, Mrs. George Page, Mrs. E. A. Park, Mrs. George R. Patterson, Mrs. V. D. Paul, Mrs. J. W. Paxton, Mrs. F. E. Phenicie, Mrs. H. C. Quitter, Mrs. W. M. Raasch, Mrs. H. C. Raynow, Mrs. Thomas A. Reighard, Mrs. H. W. Ruffner, Mrs. E. T. Rushton, Mrs. C. A. Schawl, Mrs. Chas. M. Schawl, Mrs. O. M. Sheets, Mrs. Shiftier, Mrs. L. M. Simon, Mrs. M. Smith, Mrs. Floyd B. Smith, Mrs. L. J. Smith, Mrs. V. C. Spellman, Mrs. Joe C. Stranahan, Mrs. Sulkeld, Mrs. Minnie Sutliff, Mrs. F. C. Tarbox, Mrs. Fred Tatten, Mrs. Daniel Thomas, Mrs. R. Thomas, Mrs. W. E. Waldsmith, Mrs. H. A. Waugh, Mrs. B. W. Welge, Mrs. George J. Wiland, Mrs. Wiley, Mrs. H. J. Wise, Mrs. C. H. Williamson, Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. H. H. Woodford, Mrs. R. C. Woody, Mrs. George Woody, Mrs. S. L. Workman, Mrs. Ira Yoak, Mrs. Fred Ziegler, Mrs. C. Zieske, Mrs. L. F. Honorary Member Bingham, Miss Clara The Goodyear Women's Club meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the Girls' Community Room of Goodyear Hall. The membership is open to the wives, mothers and sisters of Goodyear employees. The purpose of the club is both social and educational—the first meeting of the month being devoted to departmental study: Art, music, drama, and current events. The second meeting of the month is given over to entertainment or lecture followed by a social hour. Other social affairs of the year are a number of card parties and the annual membership luncheon. FEDERATION GARDEN CLUB Officers of the Federation Garden Club are: President, Mrs. L. D. Slusser Vice President, Mrs. J. J. Alexander Secretary, Miss Janey Gladwin Treasurer, Mrs. L. R. Adam Librarian, Mrs. T. A. Chittenden AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 227 Members Adam, Mrs. L. R. Alexander, Mrs. J. J. Boesche, Mrs. H. A. Brewster, Mrs. A. J. Case, Mrs. C. J. Coovert, Mrs. E. A. Chittenden, Mrs. T. A. Evans, Mrs. W. Geis, Mrs. Clarence Gladwin, Miss Janey Hay, Mrs. Dwight Joy, Mrs. O. H. Kreiner, Mrs. W. P. Kanaga, Mrs. L. R. Lonsberry, Mrs. C. W. Meier, Mrs. S. C. Metzger, Mrs. M. R. D. Niday, Mrs. C. W. Mock, Mrs. F. E. Orme, Mrs. Freeman Sargisson, Mrs. Z. E. Schultz, Mrs. J. E. Scott, Mrs. T. Serfass, Mrs. Chas. Slusser, Mrs. L. D. Weaver, Mrs. E. E. Woodward, Mrs. A. W. Warden, Mrs. Jessie Associate Members Kendig, Mrs. M. M. Gough, Mrs. V. C. Kim, Mrs. W. A. Moyer, Mrs. J. E. Butler, Mrs. Frank Boesche, Mrs. W. Eastlawn Hargraves, Mrs. Albert Jones, Mrs. Walter Leatherman, Mrs. E. R. Winkle, Mrs. Wendel Meetings held at homes of members second and third Thursdays of each month excepting December, January, February. Purpose of the organization is educational, to stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening among amateurs, also to protect native plants and birds, and to encourage civic planting. SUMNER HOME FOR THE AGED Officers of the Sumner Home for the Aged are : President, Mrs. W. W. Milar Secretary, Mrs. Mary Robinson Vice President, Mrs. H. A. Galt Asst. Secretary, Mrs. Cora D. Stewart Treasurer, Mrs. Mary Schumacher Members of the Board of Managers are: Bolander, Mrs. C. W. Christy, Mrs. Will Dick, Mrs. Chas. Firestone, Mrs. H. S. Fiebeger, Mrs. Frank Galt, Mrs. H. A. Howland, Mrs. Josephine Kile, Mrs. G. H. Looker, Mrs. J. B. Milar, Mrs. W. W. Mason, Mrs. F. H. Robinson, Mrs. Henry Robinson, Mrs. B. W. Stuart, Mrs. Fred H. Stadelman, Mrs. G. M. Sisler, Mrs. L. E. Schumacher, Mrs. Louis Wolle, Mrs. Lewis Knight, Mrs. C. L. Hobart, Mrs. Bruce Meetings are held at Sumner Home for Aged the first Tuesday of each month. WOMEN'S AUXILIARY, PEOPLE'S HOSPITAL Officers of the Women's Auxiliary, People's Hospital, are: President, Mrs. C. E. Norris Sec. and Treas., Mrs. George B. Harter Work Com., Mrs. S. S. Evans Membership 31. Meetings second Tuesday of month at Nurses' Home. Purpose—Philanthropic (sewing). Members are: Arend, Mrs. Robt. Brecht, Miss A. Blower, Mrs. J. G. Brewster, Mrs. A. J. Barth, Mrs. E. Crafts, Mrs. M. B. Carmichael, Mrs. G. W. Denison, Mrs. J. M. Evans, Mrs. S. S. Garman, Mrs. A. Harter, Mrs. G. B. Kroeger, Mrs. E. J. Kirn, Miss M. Kronk, Mrs. Anna Knowlton, Mrs. Kuhlke, Mrs. M. D. McCormick, Mrs. A. S. McKay, Mrs. R. H. 228 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY Martin, Mrs. C. L. Norris, Mrs. C. E. Ritchie, Mrs. J. H. Shook, Mrs. B. Smith, Mrs. J. D. Phfall, Mrs. C. Taylor, Mrs. R. S. Viall, Mrs. O. K. Zimmerly, Mrs. H. Morgan, Mrs. D. WEST HILL LITERARY CLUB Officers of the West Hill Literary Club are: President, Mrs. W. J. Kelly Vice President, Mrs. M. M. Kindig Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. C. L. Weberg. Membership 18. Members are: App, Mrs. Claire Akers, Mrs. C. B. Bauman, Mrs. H. A. Barder, Mrs. B. R. Dibble, Mrs. F. C. Hatch, Mrs. F. M. Hazlett, Mrs. W. A. Kelly, Mrs. W. J. Kindig, Mrs. M. M. Marting, Mrs. E. L. Metzler, Mrs. D. A. Myers, Mrs. J. A. Noonan, Mrs. J. E. Schultz, Mrs. J. E. Shreffler, Mrs. James Slusser, Mrs. L. D. Williams, Mrs. H. L. Weberg, Mrs. C. L. Meetings second and fourth Mondays from October to June, at homes of members. The club is educational and social. SUNSHINE STUDY CLUB Officers of the Sunshine Study Club are: President, Mrs. Laura Ewart Vice President, Mrs. Viva Sypher Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Florence Wilson Membership 19. Members Boyer, Miss Altha Boyer, Mrs. Harry Emmet, Mrs. Ira Emmet, Mrs. Moore Ewart, Mrs. Laura Kreighbaum, Mrs. Otis Kreiner, Mrs. Jennie McChesney, Mrs. F. H. McChesney, Mrs. F. W. McChesney, Mrs. H. W. Miller, Mrs. Ray Pressler, Mrs. Titus Reninger, Mrs. Fred Roeger, Mrs. Mae Sypher, Mrs. Viva Uhlman, Mrs. Louise Warner, Mrs. M. H. Wilson, Mrs. Florence Yerrick, Mrs. C. J. Meetings are held first Thursday of each month. 12 meetings per year. Purpose—Educational. NORTH HILL CIVIC STUDY CLUB Officers of the North Hill Civic Study Club are: Teacher, Mrs. H. E. Allen President, Mrs. J. R. Alexander Vice President, Mrs. D. B. Harford Secretary, Mrs. C. E. Blackman Treasurer, Mrs. E. Hammack Membership-16. Members are: Alexander, Mrs. J. R. Allen, Mrs. H. E. Blackman, Mrs. C. E. Garman, Mrs. H. V. Giddings, Mrs. L. C. Hammack, Mrs. E. Harford, Mrs. D. B. Hutz, Mrs. George Jordan, Mrs. C. R. Kinnan, Mrs. A. J. Knox, Mrs. Roy Martin, Mrs. Geo. W. Smith, Mrs. Walter Shaw, Mrs. J. W. Shaw, Mrs. Perry Weaver, Mrs. C. H. AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 229 Meetings every two weeks on Tuesday at 7:45 P. M. at homes of members. The purpose is educational. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION OF SUMMIT COUNTY County officers of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union are: President, Mrs. Maude DeVaughn Vice President, Mrs. Adda Engle Treasurer, Mrs. Minnie Barr Recording Secretary, Mrs. Sarah Harner Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Iva Cooper Musical Director, Mrs. Blanche Grant Pianist, Mrs. Cora Chandler Presidents of the various groups are: Central Union—Pres. Mrs. Sarah E. Klinger East Akron Union—Pres. Mrs. Martha Feezel Frances Willard Union—Pres. Mrs. Ione Cady Firestone Park Union—Pres. Mrs. Minerva Pollock Jennie Adams Union—Pres. Mrs. Mary Broady North Hill Union—Pres. Mrs. Lucy A. Galbraith South Akron Union—Pres. Mrs. Estella M. Doepker Southwest Union—Pres. Mrs. Maude Wood Barberton Central Cory Union—Pres. Mrs. Grace M. McCoy Boston Union—Pres. Mrs. Florence Jaite Cuyahoga Falls Union—Pres. Mrs. Agnes Smith Kenmore Highland Park Union—Pres. Mrs. Elva Ingersoll Kenmore Union—Pres. Mrs. Sarah Harner Manchester Union--Pres. Mrs. Ella K. Sisler Mogadore Union—Pres. Mrs. Alice A. Foster Normac Union, Macedonia, O.—Pres. Mrs. Ella Stevenson Richfield Union—Pres. Mrs. Eugene Hancock Shepherd Union—Pres. Mrs. Harriet Freeman North Springfield Union—Pres. Mrs. Nellie Sypherd Frances Willard Union Officers President, Mrs. Ione Cady Vice President, Mrs. Effie Fouser Rec. Secretary, Mrs. Jane Merchant Cor. Secretary, Mrs. Rose Bowsher Treasurer, Mrs. Rose Robb Membership-77. South West Branch Officers President, Mrs. Maude Wood Vice President, Mrs. Iva Cooper Secretary, Miss Birdie Brooke Treasurer, Mrs. Mae Workman Membership-85. JUNIOR CHARITY LEAGUE Officers of the Junior Charity League are: President, Mrs. John S. Knight Vice President, Mrs. J. C. Tuttle Secretary, Mrs. Rolin Chittenden Treasurer, Mrs. Alfred Youngman Bulletin, City Editor, Miss Mildred Williams Its purpose is caring for the unfortunate and aiding all it can in philanthropic movements. 230 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY JAY DEE CLUB Officers of the Jay Dee Club are: President, Mrs. S. C. Wagenman Vice President, Mrs. H. A. Palmer Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. G. R. Tyler Membership-12; Associate. Members are: Cramer, Mrs. E. A. Eckard, Mrs. H. C. Hammond, Mrs. C. C. Hoover, Mrs. H. C. Keating, Mrs. W. C. Palmer, Mrs. H. A. Pillmore, Mrs. F. F. Putt, Mrs. W. A. Trafford, Mrs. A. E. Tyler, Mrs. G. R. Young, Mrs. W. E. Wagenman, Mrs. S. C. Social and business meetings are held every fourth Wednesday of the month and the fourth Saturdays we entertain the husbands at 6 o'clock dinner. During the summer months our social gatherings are often out-door affairs. The club motto is "Good Fellowship." FORTNIGHTLY CLUB Officers of the Fortnightly Club are: President, Mrs. C. L. Baker Vice President, Mrs. H. E. Ferris Secretary, Mrs. E. C. Allen Treasurer, Mrs. W. R. Crumrine Active Members are: Allen, Mrs. E. C. Bailey, Mrs. G. E. Baird, Miss Isabel Baird, Miss Mary Baker, Mrs. C. L. Bellows, Mrs. C. O. Burroughs, Mrs. G. S. Burroughs, Mrs. Ralph Crumrine, Mrs. W. R. Dales, Mrs. B. Durant, Mrs. A. T. Ferris, Mrs. H. E. Gough, Mrs. C. V. Hansen, Mrs. H. Hain, Mrs. W. L. Hastings, Mrs. T. S. Kile, Mrs. W. L. Kingsbury, Mrs. A. T. McMillen, Miss Carrie Mottinger, Mrs. A. S. Naef, Mrs. O. W. Schneider, Mrs. W. E. Slabaugh, Mrs. W. E. Thomas, Mrs. G. C. Wills, Mrs. B. T. Associate Members are: Bathrick, Mrs. E. R. Ford, Mrs. Hugh McIntosh, Mrs. W. W. Ferris, Mrs. C. F. Grant, Mrs. J. G. Honorary Members are: Brouse, Mrs. M. D. Hillis, Miss S. A. Myers, Mrs. Clara Meetings, first and third Tuesdays at the homes of members. Purpose—Educational and social. WOMEN'S WELCH CLUB OF AMERICA Officers of the Women's Welch Club of America are: President, Mrs. L. W. Harris Vice President, Mrs. Charles Theophilus 2nd Vice President, Mrs. John Cummins Secretary, Mrs. W. G. Bowers Treasurer, Mrs. E. E. Dallow Members of the Women's Welch Club of America are: Bowers, Mrs. W. G. Burkett, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, Mrs. Anna Bud, Mrs. Rebecca Colley, Mrs. Fred Collier, Mrs. A. H. Collie, Mrs. Anna Cady, Mrs. Elvira Correy, Mrs. E. L. Collier, Mrs. John Clark, Mrs. Dix Cass, Mrs. J. W. Cummins, Mrs. John Daub, Mrs. Norman Doeller, Mrs. Chas. AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 231 Davis, Mrs. S. D. Dallow, Mrs. E. E. Davis, Mrs. John Dunn, Mrs. Wm. Edwards, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Wm. Evans, Mrs. D. H. Evans, Mrs. E. Film, Mrs. C. E. Griffiths, Mrs. John Graves, Mrs. H. H. Godel, Mrs. F. D. Harris, Mrs. L. W. Harbin, Mrs. Geo. Harris, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. M. Halliman, Mrs. M. P. James, Mrs. W. Jones, Mrs. Roderick Jones, Mrs. M. F. Jones, Mrs. Evan Jones, Mrs. D. Jones, Mrs. Jennie Kautenberger, Mrs. John Keller, Mrs. Elizabeth Lloyd, Mrs. Margaret Leonard, Mrs. J. E. Linderman, Mrs. A. McKee, Mrs. L. C. McGrath, Mrs. J. F. Manderbach, Mrs. S. Martin, Mrs. C. Morris, Mrs. Hugh Miller, Mrs. E. B. Mitchell, Mrs. David Mowinin, Mrs. S. Masino, Mrs. G. Matthews, Mrs. Mary Morse, Mrs. Wm. Nicholas, Mrs. C. E. Palmer, Mrs. M. Roberts, Mrs. S. Richards, Mrs. M. Rowe, Mrs. P. Rentz, Mrs. U. Smith, Mrs. Rachel Schultz, Mrs. M. Scott, Mrs. E. F. Stanteart, Mrs. F. E. Thomas, Mrs. Seth Thomas, Mrs. E. J. Theophilus, Mrs. Chas. Thomas, Mrs. Richard Thomas, Mrs. Rosella Thomas, Mrs. John Thomas, Miss Mary Williams, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilhelm, Mrs. A. J. Wolf, Mrs. H. G. Watters, Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. Geo. The Women's Welch Club is formed for the purpose of supporting the Welch Home for the aged Welch, located on Center Ridge Road, Rocky Pine, 0., and to promote charity, benevolence, sociability, education and civic welfare among the Welch people of the United States. HISTORY OF THE NEW CENTURY CLUB By Margaret F. Sadler In the summer of 1892, the Governor of Ohio addressed a communication to Elias Fraunfelter, superintendent of Akron public schools, asking him to enlist the women of Akron and Summit County in the promotion of The Columbian Exposition which was to be held in Chicago the following year. Superintendent Fraunfelter turned over the communication to his wife who consulted her neighbor, Mrs. Katherine Claypole, wife of Dr. E. W. Claypole, biologist of Buchtel College. This conference resulted in a short time in the formation of a club of thirty-five women, with Laura K. Fraunfelter president, charged with the specific work of interesting the women of the community in the World Fair to be held. Historical events leading to the discovery of America were studied ; progress on the work on the buildings was given from time to time; women of the county were sought who, with brain or needle or brush or pen, had produced or were in possession of something worthwhile to be given a place in the Woman's Building of the fair. It was the first time in the history of the world that women had been called upon to make such a contribution and much enthusiasm developed, so that when the fair opened in May, 1893, Akron and Summit County were represented in the Woman's Building—and the work of the Columbian Club ended. The organization had been so profitable and pleasant, from an educational and social standpoint, that the members resolved to continue the association for literary and social purposes. In anticipation of the dawning century they chose the name—The New Century Club. 232 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY Thirty-two years have passed since then, but three of the original members remain—Mrs. A. E. Heintselman, Miss Emma Scott and Mrs. 0. L. Sadler. Others have memberships of many years' standing. Active membership has been limited to fifty and the list is always full with, usually, a waiting list. With Akron's shifting population, members come and go, so that in the thirty-two years of existence hundreds of names have been on the club roll. The New Century Club has long ceased to be a strictly literary club. It has learned the lesson of all good club women, to give as well as take. It was one of the first, in 1894, to become a member of the Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs, to which it annually sends a representative. It is a member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. It was a charter member of the Akron Council of Women, now known as The Akron and Summit County Federation of Women's Clubs, which was organized in 1894 by Mrs. Katherine Claypole who was identified with all early club life of Akron women. 210 Through these affiliations the New Century Club came in touch with civic matters and the time of its members and the funds of its treasury have been contributed to many measures for Akron's good. Officers of the New Century Club are: President, Mrs. T. M. Hatch Vice President, Mrs. Pierre V. C. See Rec. Secretary, Mrs. E. W. Crecraft Cor. Secretary, Mrs. E. G. Reed Treasurer, Mrs. C. L. Reifsnider Critic, Miss Margaret Macready Directors Mrs. C. J. Bowman Mrs. A. B. Plowman Mrs. U. D. Seidel Mrs. George T. Zook Active Members: Barth, Mrs. Erwin Berry, Mrs. Chas. W. Bowman, Mrs. C. J. Burgan, Mrs. R. B. Case, Mrs. C. H. Case, Mrs. C. J. Cole, Mrs. Susannah Crecraft, Mrs. E. W. Dales, Mrs. Geo. S. Dales, Mrs. Franklin Dice, Mrs. J. P. Ewing, Mrs. L. D. Finkle, Mrs. E. W. Griffith, Miss Mary Hatch, Mrs. T. M. Householder, Mrs. F. S. Herrick, Mrs. V. M. Austin, Mrs. S. H. Barton, Mrs. H. W. Buckman, Mrs. M. D. Clinedinst, Mrs. E. H. Everett, Mrs. C. L. Holloway, Mrs. Arthur Houriet, Miss Mary Kimber, Mrs. T. W. Koplin, Mrs. L. C. Long, Mrs. Harry Macready, Miss Margaret McCaughey, Mrs. U. M. Miller, Mrs. M. D. Mills, Mrs. Bert Neiswanger, Mrs. H. K. Ober, Mrs. R. A. Pardee, Mrs. W. E. Patterson, Mrs. J. W. Plowman, Mrs. A. B. Rankin, Mrs. Fred Reed, Mrs. E. G. Reifsnider, Mrs. C. L. Associate Members Falor, Mrs. S. A. Frank, Mrs. W. J. Harris, Mrs. F. H. Harter, Mrs. George Hower, Mrs. Otis M. Rowe, Mrs. F. E. Rybolt, Mrs. D. C. See, Mrs. P. V. C. Seidel, Mrs. U. D. Shear, Mrs. V. W. Shilts, Mrs. W. D. Smith, Mrs. J. D. Smoyer, Mrs. C. E. Stanton, Mrs. A. I. Stanton, Mrs. F. W. Thomas, Mrs. W. T. Vandersall, Mrs. G. C. Wild, Mrs. C. Wilson, Mrs. Emma Zellars, Mrs. W. M. Zook, Mrs. Geo. Associate Members Kindig, Mrs. M. M. Kuhlke, Mrs. M. D. Myers, Mrs. J. A. H. Norris, Mrs. C. E. Ozier, Mrs. F. S. AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 233 Pease, Mrs. R. B. Rankin, Mrs. G. T. Sawyer, Mrs. W. T. Wattleworth, Mrs. Chas. Webb, Mrs. Wm. Sherbondy, Miss Ella Smith, Mrs. Eva Honorary Members Allen, Mrs. Ella Allen, Mrs. Minor Dodge, Mrs. B. L. Fenton, Mrs. Curtis Hillis, Miss S. A. Houk, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. C. M. Sears, Mrs. Henrietta Selden, Mrs. Luella Shreffler, Mrs. Frances Sippy, Mrs. A. F. Walters, Mrs. T. A. Knowlton, Mrs. Letia Lawson, Mrs. W. A. Oakley, Mrs. A. T. Olin, Mrs. O. E. Parsons, Mrs. W. C. Priest, Mrs. Ira Sadler, Mrs. O. L. Meetings second and fourth Wednesdays from October to June, 2:30 to 4:30 P. M., at homes of members. The purpose of this organization is the culture of its members along the lines of General Literature, Science and Art, and the consideration of the principal questions of the day. AKRON BRANCH NATIONAL STORY TELLERS' LEAGUE Officers of the Akron Branch, National Story Tellers' League are: President, Mrs. A. C. Porter Vice President, Miss Gladys Toon Scribe, Mrs. Alma Gray Warden, Mr. Frank Gracey Membership, 50 Active; 15 Associate. Active Members Ange, Miss Mabel A. Andrews, Miss Ruth Baus, Miss Mary Beck, Miss Emma Bess, Miss Florine Blair, Miss Alice V. Boylston, Miss Isabelle R. Brewin, Mrs. George M. Buswell, Miss Nellie Carter, Mrs. Cora M. Dales, Mrs. George S. Dalton, Rev. John Bruce Derrig, Miss Dorothea Ellis, Miss Anna Gracey, Mr. Frank B. Gray, Mrs. Alma L. Harper, Mrs. E. R. Harris, Miss Mary Louise Hoss, Miss Evelyn Hough, Mrs. C. A. McIntosh, Mrs. John Mills, Mrs. Bertram Moore, Miss Ruth I. Norman, Miss Myrtle Pearce, Mrs. R. G. Pemberton, Miss Letha Porter, Mrs. A. C. Powell, Miss Dorothy Prior, Miss Margaret M. Ranck, Miss Sadie Reid, Miss Edith M. Replogle, Mrs. R. V. Rothrock, Mrs. Amos Rothrock, Mrs. S. Saal, Mrs. Kathryn C. Schroeder, Mrs. B. G. Smith, Mrs. R. G. Spanton, Miss Margaret A. Stein, Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, Miss Alta L. Templer, Miss May Tier, Miss Anna Toon, Miss Gladys E. Traverso, Miss Josephine Waldsmith, Mrs. Dorothy Wilcox, Miss Virginia Williams, Miss Luella Woods, Miss Louise L. Wright, Mrs. Louise Associate Members Baner, Rev. Geo. Cross Brewin, Rev. George M. Carson, Miss Olive M. Case, Mrs. C. H. Dittemore, Mr. James A. Gerber, Mrs. A. J. Griffin, Miss Mary Gross, Miss Flora Hinman, Miss Martha Jones, Miss Edna Loomis, Mrs. W. W. Phelps, Mrs. Mary E. Simpson, Miss Anne Stewart, Miss Lucy M. Wright, Mrs. Fred J. The regular meetings are held on the last Monday in September and every two weeks thereafter until the last Monday in May inclusive. The place of meeting is designated by the president. It is usually held in different homes. The aim of the league is to promote and encourage the art of story telling. 234 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY FAIRLAWN CIVICS CLUB Officers of the Fairlawn Civics Club are: President, Mrs. Harry Hoffman Vice President, Mrs. Roy Wisell Secretary, Mrs. W. A. Sheldon Treasurer, Mrs. R. Earl Ellis Parliamentarian, Mrs. Harry Hawkins Board of Directors Mrs. C. Clifton MacCue Mrs. J. T. Scudder Mrs. Harry Long 30 active, 5 associate, 3 honorary members. Active Members Allyn, Mrs. A. G. Allyn, Mrs. Harry Auten, Mrs. G. D. Bowman, Mrs. R. H. Ellis, Mrs. R. Earl Frank, Miss Alta Frank, Mrs. C. W. Fromm, Mrs. Wm. Gladwin, Mrs. Stephen Hawkins, Mrs. Harry Hoffman, Mrs. Harry Hood, Mrs. J. M. Hancock, Mrs. Ralph Hunsicker, Mrs. A. F. Kuhn, Miss Marian Long, Mrs. Harry C. Manthey, Mrs. Fred MacCue, Mrs. C. Clifton Medlin, Mrs. Geo. E. Owen, Mrs. Lee Renner, Mrs. Irvin R. Seidel, Mrs. Y. D. Sheldon, Mrs. F. B. Sheldon, Mrs. W. A. Sumner, Mrs. J. M. Scudder, Mrs. J. T. Disell, Mrs. Roy Walker, Mrs. A. M. Yates, Mrs. H. T. Zang, Mrs. J. M. Associate Members Estelle, Mrs. Sarah J. Shumaker, Mrs. B. Smith, Mrs. Mary L. Swartz, Mrs. E. W. McDowell, Mrs. J. W. Honorary Members Allyn, Mrs. Margaret Cole, Mrs. Susie Hawkins, Mrs. Sarah Meetings are held second Thursday of the month at the homes of members. Object—Intellectual, social, and civic development of its members. COVENTRY WOMEN'S CIVIC CLUB Officers of the Coventry Women's Civic Club are: President, Mrs. Ira C. Lilly Vice President, Miss Anna Thomas Sec. and Cor. Sec., Mrs. James Thomas Treasurer, Mrs. C. D. Uhl Membership-26. Members Burd, Mrs. Fred Gillen, Mrs. H. A. Goetz, Mrs. Peter Hall, Mrs. L. H. Harris, Mrs. Hinman, Mrs. Lilley, Mrs. Ira C. Lee, Mrs. Wm. Marsh, Mrs. N. S. Mosier, Mrs. Mary Thomas, Mrs. James R. Owens, Mrs. Ernest Thornton, Mrs. C. E. Palmer, Mrs. Bessie Thornton, Mrs. Russell Parcel, Mrs. Lydia Uhl, Mrs. Susan Riley, Mrs. Floyd Uhl, Mrs. C. D. Rhodes, Mrs. Elmer Wagner, Mrs. Swartz, Mrs. Allan Wright, Mrs. Elsie Swartz, Mrs. Herman Weybel, Mrs. Earl Thomas, Miss Anna All day meetings with picnic lunches are held on the second Wednesdays of each month at the homes of members. The club is organized for social and civic purposes. AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 235 COUNTRY CLUB OF TALLMADGE Officers of the Country Club of Tallmadge are: President, Mrs. Henry Bierce Vice President, Mrs. Fred Ayer Secretary, Mrs. J. Warburton Membership-36. Members Ayer, Mrs. Fred E Atwood, Mrs. Chas. Atwood, Mrs. Walter Barnes, Mrs. Edward Bettes, Mrs. Murice Bierce, Mrs. Henry Carter, Mrs. Wm. Ewart, Mrs. Grace Ewing, Mrs. John Fenn, Mrs. Albert Fenn, Mrs. Nelson Hart, Mrs. Hiram Jones, Mrs. William Morton, Mrs. Wm. H. Norton, Mrs. Edgar Pennell, Mrs. O. H. Root, Mrs. Frank Ritchie, Mrs. Chas. Rothrock, Mrs. Amos Sackett, Mrs. Chas. Sackett, Mrs. Frank Sackett, Mrs. Walter Sperry, Mrs. Henry Stevens, Mrs. Wm. Upson, Mrs. Eddie Upson, Mrs. Wm. Waldorf, Mrs. Ross Warburton, Mrs. Joseph Washburn, Mrs. Carl Wolcott, Mrs. Carl Wolcott, Mrs. Bryan Wright, Mrs. Chas. Wright, Mrs. Frank Wright, Mrs. George Honorary Members Singletary, Mrs. Laura Smith, Mrs. Eva WORTHWHILE CLUB OF EVERETT Officers of the Worthwhile Club of Everett are: President, Mrs. Carrie Swartz Vice President, Mrs. Thelma Linder Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Vera Rockwell Membership 28. Members Aikman, Mrs. Minnie Bishop, Mrs. Esther Clapper, Mrs. Mattie McFarlin, Miss Eva Smith, Mrs. Minnie Lohr, Mrs. Ruth Valentine, Mrs. Myrtie McFarlin, Miss May Swartz, Mrs. Carrie Vanselow, Mrs. Jessie Worden, Mrs. Amy Aikman, Miss Helen Stipe, Mrs. Sadie Snell, Mrs. Eva McFarlin, Mrs. Agnes Bishop, Mrs. Myrtle Foglesong, Mrs. Ada Knappe, Mrs. Nettie Mottinger, Mrs. Iva Smith, Mrs. Ella Ingersoll, Mrs. Bessie Low, Mrs. Iva Rockwell, Mrs. Mildred Linder, Mrs. Thelma Seher, Mrs. Lucy Fundak, Mrs. Margaret Mitchell, Mrs. Flora Rockwell, Mrs. Vera Meetings are held second members. and fourth Tuesdays of the month, at the homes of the The purpose is social. FORTNIGHTLY STUDY CLUB OF KENMORE, SECTION II Officers of the Fortnightly Study Club of Kenmore, Section II, are: President, Beck. Ralph Hunsickerr Vice President, Mrs. Jay McDowell Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Wm. Rafeld Members Beck, Miss Mable Canp, Mrs. C. C. Cover, Mrs. 0. E. Griffith, Mrs. C. R. Harris, Miss Cassie Hunsicker, Miss Dorothy Hunsicker, Mrs. Oscar Hunsicker, Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, Mrs. G. W. 236 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY Johnson, Mrs. H. V. Kingman, Mrs. W. McCormack, Mrs. M McDowell, Mrs. Jay McDowell, Mrs. J. Vance Miller, Miss Marie Monroe, Mrs. C. F. Rafeld, Mrs. W. C. Richert, Mrs. Zelina Widdersheim, Mrs. M. Associate Members Crum, Mrs. Harley Hudson, Mrs. M. E. Meetings are held second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 8 p. m. from September to May inclusive, at homes of members. The purpose is general culture of members along the lines of general literature, science and art, and consideration of leading questions of the day. WOMAN'S CLUB OF BARBERTON Officers of the Woman's Club of Barberton are: President, Mrs. Gregory Myers Vice President, Mrs. L. L. Everett Rec. Secretary, Mrs. J. R. Hudnall Cor. Secretary, Mrs. A. L. Southard Treasurer, Mrs. Henry Young Membership 113. Members Adamson, Mrs. John Albert, Mrs. Claude Arnold, Mrs. E. W. Baker, Mrs. J. C. Bantz, Mrs. A. J. Bell, Mrs. R. Berlesczky, Mrs. S. J. Bercaw, Mrs. C. A. Bierly, Mrs. Ernest Blaser, Mrs. J. W. Bovard, Mrs. F. G. Birch, Mrs. F. A. Boden, Miss Mildred Critchfield, Mrs. Earl Corey, Mrs. F. B. Critchlow, Mrs. A. W. Craig, Mrs. Sharp Caswall, Mrs. F. J. Chisnell, Mrs. J. B. Call, Mrs. C. A. Cline, Mrs. Ross Clark, Mrs. Paul Collier, Mrs. G. W. Cornell, Mrs. Lena Camp, Miss Naida Dasef, Mrs. A. W. Decker, Mrs. S. A. Donnelly, Mrs. J. C. Euverard, Mrs. H. H. Everett, Mrs. L. L. Etling, Mrs. B. O. Edwards, Mrs. E. W. Eifort, Mrs. Harry Fischer, Mrs. E. H. Flickinger, Mrs. Fred Gleichert, Mrs. H. W. Gilchrist, Mrs. Jane Gaugler, Miss Grace Heiman, Mrs. A. J. Hartman, Mrs. C. W. Hunter, Mrs. Chas. Horn, Mrs. C. W. Hudnall, Mrs. J. R. Hope, Mrs. J. R. Henry, Mrs. A. R. Hursh, Mrs. Orra Irish, Mrs. C. W. Irish, Mrs. Geo. Irish, Mrs. Foster Johns, Mrs. Louis R. Jamieson, Mrs. Wm. King, Mrs. Mary A. Kreider, Mrs. H. E. Kilgore, Mrs. J. B. Kirk, Mrs. H. G. LaFebre, Mrs. A. Langvand, Mrs. I. L. Lash, Mrs. S. R. Lucas, Mrs. V. H. Mathie, Mrs. C. W. Mathie, Mrs. Earl McAllister, Mrs. A. R. McCoy, Mrs. J. W. McNeil, Mrs. A. A. McQuigg, Mrs. Wm. R. Mills, Mrs. W. A. Myers, Mrs. Gregory Morris, Mrs. Mason Moss, Mrs. F. H. Ozier, Mrs. J. O. Porter, Mrs. Claire Porter, Mrs. Wm. R. Porter, Miss Mary Porter, Miss Helen Prentice, Mrs. Robert Reed, Mrs. Ralph R. Rodenbaugh, Mrs. N. F. Ralston, Mrs. Lee Rutledge, Mrs. Wm. A. Sadler, Mrs. C. R. Scarbrough, Mrs. W. L. Seiberling, Mrs. R. Simon, Mrs. Harold Smallman, Mrs. H. L. Stevens, Mrs. O. N. Smith, Mrs. G. C. Sprankle, Mrs. Oliver Stepfield, Mrs. R. E. Streeter, Mrs. H. E. Stumpf, Mrs. Edw. Sours, Mrs. Oscar Southard, Mrs. A. L. Stauffer, Mrs. Luther Saiter, Mrs. Melvin R. Stine, Miss Glenna Snyder, Mrs. R. Thompson, Mrs. C. E. Traugott, Mrs. I. R. Taylor, Mrs. E. O. Vanatta, Mrs. R. E. Van Hyning, Miss Lenora Wearstler, Mrs. H. O. Weller, Mrs. F. M. Willard, Mrs. H. A. Wright, Mrs. Harry Wise, Mrs. W. H. Weatherford, Mrs. J. F. Wild, Mrs. Chas. Weisberger, Mrs. Harry Wolfersberger, Mrs. Geo. Workman, Mrs. D. I. Yoder, Mrs. M. S. Young, Mrs. Henry AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 237 General Club meetings, first Tuesday of month. Fine Arts Department, fourth Tuesday of month. Applied Education Department, third Tuesday of month. Civic Department, second Tuesday of month. Dramatic Department, second and fourth Monday evenings. Parliamentary Law Section, first and third Thursday mornings. Purpose of organization: To provide a center of thought and action among women for the promotion of civic, domestic, social, educational, literary and artistic growth and endeavor and whatever relates to the best interest, welfare and public good of the people of Barberton and vicinity. STOW CULTURE CLUB OF STOW Officers of the Stow Culture Club are : President, Valentine, Mrs. H. E. 1st Vice, Mrs. W. H. Samuels 2nd Vice, Mrs. A. J. Baringer Sec.-Treas., Mrs. L. E. Van Buskirk Membership-81 active, 7 associate. Active Members Bailey, Mrs. E. B. Baringer, Mrs. A. J. Beaugrand, Mrs. W. S. Billings, Mrs. Chas. Bixler, Mrs. Perry Bridgewater, Mrs. H. H. Carlyon, Mrs. John Carlyon, Miss Mabel Chamberlain, Mrs. Chas. Chamberlain, Mrs. H. E. Corbett, Mrs. Milo Cowles, Mrs. Howard Cunningham, Mrs. S. H. Dague, Mrs. Winifred W. De Rusha, Mrs. C. F. Dunlap, Mrs. J. R. Eader, Mrs. Chas. Ganyard, Mrs. Fred Gaylord, Mrs. C. N. Mantle, Mrs. S. H. Markle, Mrs. A. R. McConnell, Mrs. Melvilla McMillen, Mrs. E. L. Mincks, Mrs. Chas. Moulton, Mrs. F. G. Olin, Mrs. J. M. Pardee, Mrs. A. L. Patrick, Mrs. R. L. Peters, Mrs. Allan F. Pickard, Mrs. E. C. Roberts, Mrs. Oscar Samuels, Mrs. W. H. Santom, Mrs. T. G. Schultz, Mrs. C. H. Skeels, Mrs. E. O. Smith, Mrs. Fred F. Ghenn, Mrs. G. G. Graner, Mrs. A. L. Grove, Mrs. Henry Grubb, Mrs. Anna Grubb, Mrs. Ford Grubb, Mrs. May Hagelbarger, Mrs. Henry Haines, Mrs. W. T. Hawk, Mrs. Millicent C. Headlee, Mrs. Henry Holt, Mrs. Chester Horn, Mrs. Ida Hotchkiss, Mrs. C. A. Howard, Mrs. W. D. Hull, Miss Florence Ikins, Mrs. Geo. Jenkinson, Mrs. R. E. Klesa, Mrs. Albert Land, Mrs. Pete Lodge, Mrs. Florence Lodge, Mrs. William Lund, Mrs. Harold Smith, Mrs. Sam Spaght, Mrs. Oakley Sours, Mrs. H. G. Stoner, Mrs. E. C. Studt, Mrs. Jos. Timmons, Mrs. R. S. Traxler, Mrs. Claude Valentine, Mrs. H. E. Van Buskirk, Mrs. L. E. Van Hyning, Mrs. Roy Wagenman, Mrs. S. C. Walker, Mrs. John Walkup, Mrs. Roy Warner, Mrs. Chas. Wetmore, Mrs. A. S. Wetmore, Mrs. W. W. Whalin, Mrs. Geo. L. White, Mrs. Frank Whitecotton, Mrs. Oscar Wilson, Mrs. Chas. Wise, Mrs. W. R. Woodring, Mrs. Burton B. Zinck, Mrs. R. S. Associate Members Call, Mrs. C. A. Prioer, Mrs. Hannah Wetmore, Mrs. C. B. Chamberlain, Mrs. Demerius Ganyard, Mrs. Helen Rice, Mrs. Bessie Scott, Mrs. Alice Executive Committee Mrs. H. H. Bridgewater, Chairman Mrs. A. Klesa Mrs. A. L. Pardee 238 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY KENMORE MOTHERS' CLUB Officers of the Kenmore Mothers' Club are: President, Mrs. R. H. Swainhart Vice President, Mrs. D. W. Clapper Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. D. D. Starkey Membership 24. Active Members Allen, Mrs. J. G. Barlett, Mrs. H. W. Benedict, Mrs. C. E. Clapper, Mrs. D. W. Cook, Mrs. W. L. Floyd, Mrs. W. H. Gale, Mrs. L. H. Gardner, Mrs. H. U. Griffiths, Mrs. C. R. Hagans, Mrs. Carl Hamilton, Mrs. G. W. Johnson, Mrs. H. V. Kepler, Mrs. A. A. Kirk, Mrs. J. J. Kaser, Mrs. Homer McCormick, Mrs. W. C. Prentice, Mrs. E. H. Read, Mrs. Ray Reed, Mrs. G. W. Starkey, Mrs. D. D. Stanford, Mrs. J. B. Swainhart, Mrs. R. H. Waxier, Mrs. P. E. BERKSHIRE STUDY CLUB Officers of the Berkshire Study Club are: President, Mrs. William D. Campbell Vice President, Mrs. J. Carter Motz Secretary, Mrs. Oscar Carlson Treasurer, Mrs. G. A. Paddock Parliamentarian, Mrs. Wm. K. Adkins Press Secretary, Mrs. Frank Wynhoff Program Chairman, Mrs. Edward Bell Social Chairman, Mrs. Edward C. Weitzel Membership Chairman, Mrs. Emmet Baker Members Adkins, Mabel H. Jennings, Ava Steffy, Josephine Allen, Ethel Jones, Jessie Weitzel, Lilymae Baker, Edna Laney, Henrietta Wolcott, Florence Bell, Nellie Lassiter, Callie Wynhoff, Louise Bender, Anne Letcher, Helen Zesiger, Adda Campbell, Mary C. Macken, Helen Kaiser, Vernon Carlson, Helen Matter, Marguerite Duncan, Verna Conant, Mary Morris, Elsie Schneider, Olive Cooper, Florence G. Motz, Josephine L. Tidball, Genevieve Dixon, Carrie Paddock, Mabel Beals, Hilma Fox, Florence Shutt, Leona McClain, Martha German, Maud Srodes, Oliva Kidde, Daisy Heinish, Louise The Berkshire Study Club holds its meetings at the homes of the various members, on the first and third Monday evenings of each month from October to May inclusive. The Club now has a membership of thirty-seven. The object of the Club is to study the Arts, for the improvement and advancement of the members. NORTH HILL LITERARY CLUB Officers of the North Hill Literary Club are: President, Mrs. C. W. Boehringer Vice President, Mrs. Leland R. Adams Rec. Secretary, Mrs. Warren L. Burns Cor. Secretary, Mrs. James Parling Treasurer, Mrs. Armetha Lieuellen Auditor, Mrs. Louis P. Goepfert Chairman of Board of Directors, Mrs. H. E. Reed Membership-40. AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 239 Active Members Adams, Mrs. Leland Arend, Mrs. Albert Amos, Miss Jennie Baumgardner, Mrs. Irene Bowman, Mrs. C. J. Boehringer, Mrs. C. W. Bolender, Miss Edith Burns, Mrs. Warren Chalmers, Miss Marian B. Culp, Mrs. V. S. Davies, Mrs. F. W. Flood, Mrs. J. W. Foglesong, Mrs. Graydon Goepfert, Mrs. Louis P. Hoskins, Mrs. R. E. Jenkins, Mrs. W. G. Kirk, Miss Georgiana Kirby, Mrs. S. A. Lieuellen, Mrs. Armetha Linscott, Mrs. N. Warren Martin, Mrs. H. F. Mathias, Mrs. D. F. Parling, Mrs. James Reed, Mrs. Harry E. Smith, Mrs. H. R. Snyder, Mrs. C. M. Thomas, Mrs. Rosella Tichenor, Mrs. J. B. Vincent, Mrs. C. Hall Welbaum, Mrs. C. R. Zook, Mrs. D. B. Sophrin, Mrs. Michael Shroyer, Mrs. J. W. Associate Members Chalmers, Miss Mabella E. Chalmers, Mrs. R. J. Devaney, Mrs. A. J. Taylor, Mrs. Thurman Wharton, Mrs. C. F. Stiles, Mrs. C. O. Lukens, Mrs. A. B. Honorary Members Cole, Mrs. Susannah Smith, Mrs. Mary Fisher Members Granted Leave of Absence Miller, Mrs. M. D. Reed, Mrs. F. K. Meetings are held the first and third Tuesdays of each month from October to May inclusive, at the homes of members. The purpose of the club is the intellectual and social development of its members. COLLEGE CLUB OF AKRON By Pauline Zapp Ellis Fifteen years ago Sarah Lyon, the general secretary of the Y. W. C. A. in Akron, conceived the idea of some sort of association of college women in the city. On September 22, 1911, through the student committee of the Y. W. C. A., she arranged a tea for all college women. Forty guests attended the party and were so pleased with it that they decided to organize a College Club. On October 20, 1911, the first regular meeting was held with the following women as charter members: Mrs. H. J. Behr Miss Prue Bourne Mrs. Lyman Bourne Mrs. Charles Bulger Mrs. A. B. Church Mrs. W. B. Collins Mrs. R. K. Crawford Miss Julia Doyle Mrs. L. R. C. Eberhard Miss Fannie Ferbstein Mrs. M. G. Gardner Miss Emily Harpham Mrs. Reginald Hay Mrs. Arthur Holloway Miss Mary Johnston Mrs. Lucius Lyman Miss Sarah Lyon Miss Carita McEbright Mrs. Frank Meese Miss Grace Miller (Hitchcock) Mrs. C. W. Millikin Miss Grace Mitchell (Cronan) Miss Pauline Monroe Miss Estelle Musson Mrs. C. R. Olin Miss Charlotte Olin 240 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY Miss Inez Parshall Miss Gladys Parshall Mrs. J. C. Rockwell Miss Sarah Plaisance Mrs. Jennie Rood Mrs. A. G. Saalfield Miss Bertha Schoeninger Mrs. Edward Voris Mrs. W. S. Voris Dr. Weaver Mrs. J. A. Weber Miss Anna Wildes Mrs. C. M. Woodruff The first formal meeting of the College Club was held in November and was addressed by Miss Harriet Keeler of Cleveland, who urged the club to insist upon remaining a social body and to plan at once for a club home that it might be a real power in the community. This first address is mentioned because of the impression it made, which has influenced so many later discussions and decisions. The first printed constitution of the club, which has been since several times revised, stated the object of the College Club to be : "To promote the social interests of college-bred women of Akron and vicinity and to arouse an interest in college work." To this end the club proceeded to hold afternoon meetings once a month at the homes of members or in the beautiful homes of public-spirited women which were lent to them for these occasions. These friendly gatherings were really afternoon parties with a lecture, a playlet put on by versatile members of the club, or a musical program to give a center of interest to the meeting. They were very pleasant affairs and made a powerful appeal not only to the charter members but after a time to those college women who came to Akron as strangers in the stirring times of the last decade. Besides the social aspect of the club it was felt by the energetic women who were promoting it that the City of Akron was lacking in intellectual resources. To fill this need they began to offer evening lectures by noted people, notably Mary Antin, the Baroness von Suttner, Alfred Noyes, and Sir Forbes Robertson. These were successful enough and added small sums to the club treasury, but while the custom was followed for many years it has of late been allowed to fall into disuse, perhaps because the need is no longer so pronounced as it was. When the College Club was organized in 1911, there were thirty-nine charter members. From that time until June, 1916, it grew slowly and faithfully carried on its programs under the leadership of three presidents: Mrs. W. S. Voris, Miss Gladys Parshall and Mrs. E. T. Otis. In June, 1916, with a membership of eighty-six, it took out a charter under the laws of the State of Ohio, for a corporation, "incorporated not for gain." Those last few words are significant because they reveal the spirit of the club which has set its face determinedly against any projects for making money, even when the object to be gained was so desirable a one as a club home; excepting, of course, its one adventure of the Red Cross Shop during the war. From 1916 the club has grown steadily, partly due to the swift growth of the city and partly to the ever-increasing numbers of women who are AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 241 graduated from our colleges every year. From a membership of 39 in 1911, of 86 in 1916, it has grown until now, in 1925, 448 active members are listed in its files. With so rapid an increase in membership the character of the club itself has changed. Its presidents and boards of directors have been obliged continually to adapt their plans to the new members. Instead of a comparatively small group of women, each one of whom knew all the rest, it is now largely made up of women who are new in the city, who know scarcely anyone in the club, often, indeed, are absolute strangers. It has therefore been necessary to work hard at the business of getting them acquainted with each other and with the older members of the club, of assimilating them into the body of the club, or run the risk of losing them altogether after a few meetings. To accomplish this the social committees arrange endless programs of luncheons, tea parties, receptions, stunt parties, lawn parties, picnics, and even card parties. Another adjustment made necessary by the increase in membership is the change from the long-continued policy of holding meetings in private homes to holding them in larger semi-formal quarters such as the University Club and the Woman's City Club. The annual spring luncheon in April is held usually at the Portage Country Club. Perhaps I seem to dwell over-long upon this phase of the club's activity, but this social side of the club is really its important work—it was organized "to promote the social interests of college-bred women," and that has continued to be its main purpose ; all other purposes and policies are subsidiary and accessory to it. It is however inevitable that in a group of college women other interests should develop. In reading the minutes of the club it is possible to watch the growth of many tendencies and definite policies. Lectures on literary, philosophical or scientific subjects are a regular part of the club programs. Of late years it has offered each fall study sections in which members may find work congenial to them. Thus we have the Literary Section, the Dramatic Section, the Dramatic Study Section, the Health Section, the Current Events Section, led for many years by Dean Elizabeth Thompson of Akron University. The club is interested in and linked up with every progressive movement in the city, more particularly with those in the hands of women. If the club itself is not identified with these movements the individual members of the club are ardent supporters of them. It would be hard to mention a cultural or educational subject which has not held the interest of the club : Drama, Literature, the Fine Arts, Natural History, Science, Travel, Music. It has donated to the fund to buy radium for Mme. Curie, to the fund for Oriental colleges, to the education of the Indians. It has bought milk for undernourished children in the schools. Every year at Christmas time it holds a large and successful Americanization party for foreign children and their parents. For many years it has maintained a scholarship fund out of which it lends money without interest to students in colleges. During the last year this fund has 9-VOL. 1 242 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY been limited to students of Akron University and is now called the Elizabeth Thompson Scholarship Fund. One other important project carried on with great success by the club was the Red Cross Shop during the war. It was under the presidency of Mrs. R. K. Crawford in 1918, when the club was searching earnestly for some way to help alleviate the terrible suffering of the Great War. For nine months in the basement of the public library, a tea shop and rummage sale were conducted simultaneously, and many thousands of dollars were raised for war-relief and given to the Red Cross. During the years since 1916 the constitution of the club has been several times revised, particularly the sections devoted to requirements for membership. Mrs. Arthur C. Bame, who has been for four years a member of the membership committee and for the last two years its chairman has done more than anyone else in determining and defining these requirements in this, one of the most difficult problems of the club. The club bulletin has developed from an announcement card notifying members of approaching meetings, into a monthly pamphlet outlining the work of all the groups, and listing and describing all activities so that members who are unable to attend meetings are yet able to keep in touch with the work of the club. This then is the College Club : A healthy, active social organization of women, a distinctively woman's club, using its influence discreetly in the life of the city, perhaps not unlike the way of a woman in her home. To its members it offers social diversion, mental stimulation, and the opportunity for delightful and congenial associations. Its appeal is especially attractive to those who have come to the city friendless and turn to the College Club as their natural source of new affiliations. The club as a body owes a great debt to the strong personalities of the women who have directed its policies and been the inspiration of its activities. Since 1916 its presidents have been : Miss Helen Wolle, Mrs. R. K. Crawford, Mrs. Hermine Hansen, Mrs. Armar T. Carnahan and Mrs. Frank Meese. Besides these there have been such women as Sarah Lyon, who first originated the idea of the club ; Helen Storer Collins, who worked hard to arouse interest in a club house and urged the establishment of a fund to that end ; Mrs. C. M. Woodruff, the first formal historian ; Mrs. Elbert Spear, who gave so great a stimulus to the work of the literary section ; Mrs. Phillip Chapin Jones, the inspiration of the dramatic section ; Mrs. Arthur C. Bame, whose work on the membership committee has already been mentioned, and Dean Elizabeth Thompson, who has so long and so delightfully led the work of the current events section. No club can rise above the achievements and the influence of its individual members, and the Akron College Club has reason to be proud of the quality of its membership and the charm and personality of its leaders. It desires to be and we hope it will be a real force in the more intellectual and ideal aspects of the life of Akron. AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 243 Officers of the College Club of Akron are: President, Mrs. C. E. Ritchie Rec. 1st Vice President, Mrs. B. M. Robinson 2nd Vice President, Mrs. W. S. Voris Secretary, Mrs. W. C. Behoteguy Treasurer, Mrs. W. L. Hain Chairmen of Committees Bulletins, Mrs. Ralph Burrows Program (afternoon), Mrs. Walter Hoyt Program (evenings), Mrs. V. Montenyohl Membership, Harriet Doyle Scholarship, Clara Brouse Social, Mrs. B. M. Robinson Membership-331. Meetings are held 3rd Friday of each month. The aim of the organization is the promotion of literature and art, social and philanthropic interests. Outstanding accomplishment of the past year was the evening lecture course bringing such talent as Princess Cantacuzene, Miss Sydney Thompson, Rabbi Stephen Wise, and Dr. George Dorsey. DIVISION OF AMERICANIZATION Following the custom of the past seven years, the Americanization Committee in 1926 offered prizes for perfect attendance to the foreign born mothers attending home classes under the direction of the Board of Education. Thirty-four mothers qualified for these prizes, which are in the form of a year's subscription to the "Better Homes and Gardens" magazine. DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED EDUCATION Mrs. T. A. Chittenden, Chairman Division of Education The Division of Education, in November, 1926, began a series of six lectures on Parliamentary Law. The course was presented to fifty-one women by Mrs. C. S. Selover of Cleveland. An admission of one dollar for the entire course was charged. In February, through the help of the president of the Akron University arrangements were made for a course of lectures to be given to the women of Akron and Summit County by different members of the university faculty. The lectures were held at the university and included the following subjects at a cost of one dollar for the entire course : Household Chemistry ; Travels in Spain ; Travels in the British Isles ; Egypt ; Household Budget ; Sublimation ; Current Events; and Nature Study. Twenty-five members enrolled for these lectures. Belle M. Monroe, Chairman Division of Education. Division of Library Extension The Library Extension Committee worked with the City Library, Miss Catherine Seiler, Children's Librarian, and other clubs during National 244 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY Children's Book Week, held November 3rd to 10th, 1926. Members of the committee and other Federation members volunteered their services at the Art Institute where an interesting display of children's books was open to the public. The department helped defray the expenses of the meeting held Monday evening, November 7, at the Art Institute, and also purchased book lists. During the Christmas season scrap books were beautifully decorated by many clubs and individual members of the Federation. The day before Christmas they were taken to Mary Day Nursery, Children's Hospital, City Hospital and Contagious Hospital. On April 28, 1927, an interested group of Federation women, both city and county, met at Woman's City Club for a one o'clock luncheon and meeting. Mary Neikirk Baker, chief of the organization division at the State Library, talked on County Libraries. A general discussion followed and the county library was carefully studied. In closing this report the chairman wishes to express her deep appreciation of the splendid work of her committee and for the willing response of the clubs and individuals who made the scrap books, also the women who helped with the book display. And a big thank you for Mrs. Cole, who did so much for us in the office. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. R. M. Williams, chairman. Individual Members 1926-27 Acker, Mrs. C. H. Acker, Mrs. D. Acker, Mrs. Adele Acker, Mrs. G. Adams, Mrs. Leland R. Adamson, Mrs. Alexander Alexander, Mrs. David Alexander, Mrs. Joe J. Alexander, Mrs. W. W. Allen, Mrs. C. J. Allen, Mrs. E. C. Allen, Mrs. I. F. Allison, Mrs. G. D. Allyn, Mrs. Jessie Amberlang, J. L. Andrews, Mrs. B. F. Andrews, Mrs. J. H. Armstrong, Mrs. Harvey Armstrong, Mrs. W. A. Arthur, Mrs. W. C. Asher, Mrs. S. C. Atkins, Mrs. W. J. Atchley, Mrs. E. B. Auten, Mrs. E. C. Averell, Mrs. E. L. Averill, Mrs. C. W. Avery, Mrs. W. F. Axford, Mrs. M. J. Ayers, Mrs. A. F. Baatz, Mrs. J. J. Babcox, Mrs. E. S. Bachtel, Mrs. Harvey J. Bachtel, Mrs. Jacob Bachtel, Miss Leora Bacon, Mrs. Wendell E. Bailey, Mrs. George E. Baird, Miss Mary Baird, Miss Isabel Baker, Mrs. C. L. Baker, Mrs. J. W. Baker, Mrs. P. C. Ball, Mrs. Geo. H. Ballwig, Mrs. Maude Banks, Mrs. Alice G. Barker, Mrs. Fred Barker, Mrs. Jared Barton, Mrs. H. W. Bathrick, Mrs. E. R. Bauer, Miss Mary M. Bauman, Miss Anita Bauman, Mrs. E. H. Bayless, Mrs. H. O. Beam, Mrs. E. G. Beal, Mrs. Beaugrand, Mrs. W. S. Beatty, Mrs. J. D. Bebout, Dr. Esther M. Beck, Mrs. J. M. Beckwith, Mrs. Fred Belden, Mrs. C. N. Bell, Mrs. Mary Bellows, Mrs. Charles Benner, Mrs. Charles Bernstein, Mrs. M. A. Berry, Mrs. C. W. Billow, Mrs. Chas. F. Bishop, Mrs. A. E. Blake, Mrs. J. V. Blanford, Mrs. I. L. Blessman, Mrs. L. M. Boehm, Mrs. C. Boesche, Mrs. August Boesche, Mrs. Harry Bolender, Mrs. C. W. Boltz, Mrs. Dorr Bonezzi, Mrs. Edward Boughton, Mrs. T. H. Boustedt, Mrs. Herman AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 245 Boothe, Mrs. James T. Bowman, Mrs. E. J. Bowman, Mrs. C. J. Bowman, Mrs. R. H. Boyer, Miss A. A. Boyer, Mrs. Harry Boyle, Mrs. John Brennen, Mrs. Clara Brewster, Mrs. Albert J. Brickwede, Mrs. J. L. Bridgewater, Mrs. H. H. Broer, Mrs. Samuel Brooks, Mrs. E. H. Brooker, Mrs. Russell L. Brouse, Mrs. Clara Brouse, Mrs. Myron Brown, Mrs. L. E. Brown, Mrs. O. L. Brunskill, Mrs. E. I. Brunskill, Miss Hazel Buckmaster, Mrs. C. O. Bulger, Mrs. Chas. Buntz, Mrs. E. J. Burgan, Mrs. R. B. Burns, Mrs. W. B. Burroughs, Mrs. G. S. Butler, Mrs. Frank Cahill, Mrs. R. J. Caine, Mrs. L. O. Campbell, Mrs. G. C. Campbell, Mrs. H. C. Campbell, Mrs. G. M. Canfield, Miss Harriet Carlyon, Miss Mabel Carmichael, Mrs. G. W. Carnahan, Armor Carothers, Mrs. B. M. Case, Mrs. C. H. Case, Mrs. C. J. Chadwick, Mrs. W. M. Chamberlin, Mrs. John J. Chambers, Mrs. Mattie Chandler, Mrs. E. B. Chapman, Miss Jane Challeoear, Mrs. I. E. Childs, Miss Edith M. Chittenden, Mrs. T. A. Christy, Mrs. Will Church, Mrs. L. R. Church, Mrs. R. B. Clarke, Mrs. Glen Cleaver, Mrs. J. V. Cline, Miss Olive J. Cobbs, Mrs. C. S. Cobbs, Miss Margaret Cochran, Mrs. F. D. Cochran, Mrs. H. C. Cole, Mrs. Carol Cole, Mrs. Susannah Colley, Mrs. Fred Collins, Mrs. J. F. Cooke, Mrs. Frank M. Cooper, Mrs. R. W. Coulter, Mrs. M. H. Cozad, Mrs. C. A. Crafts, Mrs. M. B. Cramer, Mrs. Chas. Crawford, Mrs. Laura J. Cranz, Mrs. C. H. Crawford, Mrs. R. D. Crawford, Mrs. R. King Crecraft, Mrs. E. W. Creighton, Mrs. O. C. Crouse, Mrs. G. W. Cross, Mrs. R. H. Crouch, Mrs. Fred Cray, Mrs. L. C. Croy, Mrs. L. A. Cummins, Mrs. J. D. Crumrine, Mrs. Walter Cunning, Mrs. William Cunningham, Mrs. Brant Cunningham, Mrs. S. H. Curschmit, Mrs. W. Daily, Mrs. Elton Daily, Mrs. N. A. Dales, Mrs. Benton Daniels, Mrs. C. C. Darling, Mrs. C. E. Dauby, Mrs. Jerome Davidson, Mrs. J. M. Davies, Mrs. Gertrude Davis, Mrs. D. W. Davis, Mrs. Paul Davis, Mrs. S. D. Deeds, Mrs. W. C. DeHaven, Mrs. W. G. Delaney, Mrs. Fannie T. Denny, Mrs. W. E. Derthick, Mrs. E. F. DeRusha, Mrs. C. F. DeVaughn, Mrs. M. H. Dice, Mrs. J. P. Dice, Mrs. Marvin M. Dick, Mrs. Chas. Dickerson, Mrs. Robert W. Diefenbach, Mrs. Josephine S. Doehler, Mrs. Chas. Donahue, Mrs. E. W. Doolittle, Mrs. G. H. Doughton, Mrs. Richard Downs, Mrs. B. A. Doyle, Miss Harriet Dugan, Mrs. Ferdin and F. Durkin, Mrs. J. H. Dye, Mrs. J. C. Eckroad, Mrs. E. D. Eastman, Mrs. Frederick Easton, Mrs. W. T. Ellet, Mrs. Chas. Ellis, Mrs. Geo. Elwell, Mrs. C. E. Ely, Mrs. A. L. Engle, Mrs. Ada Erickson, Mrs. Evald Esselburn, Mrs. C. Evans, Mrs. R. D. Ewart, Miss Elizabeth Ewart, Mrs. J. W. Ewart, Mrs. Laura Falor, Mrs. Louis P. Fenton, Mrs. Howard Ferbstein, Mrs. Herman Ferris, Mrs. C. V. Ferris, Mrs. L. B. Fiebeger, Mrs. Frank Firestone, Mrs. H. S. Fisher, Mrs. Louise Flickinger, Mrs. C. A. Flower, Mrs. W. L. Flower, Mrs. A. H. Foltz, Mrs. Leroy S. Fowls, Mrs. O. S. Fox, Mrs. Etta Fox, Mrs. F. W. Footman, Mrs. Greta Foust, Mrs. C. R. France, Mrs. O. B. Frank, Mrs. Chas. Frank, Mrs. J. A. Frankenpohl, Mrs. E. Frase, Mrs. L. M. Frederick, Mrs. Grant Freedman, Mrs. Max Freer, Mrs. C. A. Freiberg, Mrs. L. D. Fretz, Mrs. G. C. Frey, Miss Sylvia Fritch, Mrs. E. D. Fritch, Mrs. C. N. Fryman, Mrs. Lena Fuller, Mrs. Anna Galehouse, Mrs. M. G. Galt, Mrs. Hugh Gammeter, Mrs. Emil Ganyard, Mrs. F. Gardner, Mrs. Wade Garman, Mrs. H. V. Garrett, Mrs. R. K. Gary, Mrs. W. Gates, Mrs. Cora Gayer, Mary E. Gaylord, Mrs. C. N. Gelink, Mrs. W. J. Gerber, Mrs. A. J. Gerst, Mrs. E. T. Gheen, Mrs. G. G. Gilbert, Mrs. M. A. Gladwin, Mrs. Anna Gladwin, Mrs. S. C. Gladwin, Miss Jane Glasgow, Mrs. George Glenny, Mrs. Fred Glock, Mrs. Frank A. Gonder, Mrs. Mary 246 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY Helgren, Mrs. G. Hemphill, Mrs. J. R. Henny, Mrs. Thomas Henry, Mrs. Anna Henry, Mrs. Robert Henton, Mrs. Stuart C. Heppert, Mrs. Nellie Herberick, Mrs. Walter Hessong, Mrs. R. G. Higley, Mrs. Ford Hilbish, Mrs. F. E. Hill, Mrs. George R. Hill, Mrs. H. P. Hillis, Miss S. A. Hinds, Mrs. Martha Hirsh, Mrs. E. D. Hitchcock, Mrs. Helen Hites, Mrs. H. B. Hobach, Mrs. A. F. Hoff, Miss Charlotte M. Hoff, Miss Helen Hoffman, Mrs. E. D. Hoffman, Mrs. E. S. Hoffman, Mrs. J. R. Hoffman, Mrs. Louise Holloway, Mrs. T. M. Holton, Mrs. F. H. Holtz, Miss Louise Hooker, Mrs. D. E. Hoops, Mrs. L. L. Hoots, Mrs. F. E. Horn, Mrs. Ida Houck, Mrs. Addie Houriet, Miss Mary Hower, Mrs. J. L. Howland, Mrs. Clarence Howland, Mrs. Clair Hoyt, Mrs. W. A. Hubbard, Mrs. Geo. Hudson, Mrs. J. S. Huffman, Mrs. S. J. Huguelet, Mrs. Ed. J. Hunsicker, Mrs. A. H. Hutson, Mrs. F. O. Hutz, Mrs. Geo. Illenberger, Mrs. Max Immler, Mrs. C. A. Ink, Mrs. Chas. T. Inskeep, Mrs. C. F. Iredell, Mrs. Robert S. Jackson, Mrs. Geo. C. Jackson, Mrs. S. S. Jacques, Mrs. J. A. Jenkins, Mrs. E. L. Jenkins, Mrs. W. G. Jewell, Mrs. Sam Johnson, Mrs. R. P. Johnston, Miss Clara B. Johnston, Mrs. C. R. Johnston, Mrs. J. M. Johnston, Mrs. W. A. Jolley, Mrs. R. F. Goodman, Mrs. E. E. Goodyear, Mrs. G. D. Gordon, Mrs. H. J. Goudy, Mrs. John T. Gough, Mrs. C. V. Greenberger, Mrs. N. M. Greenwood, Mrs. M. G. Gregory, Mrs. L. N. Gray, Mrs. Harry Griffiths, Mrs. John Griffiths, Miss M. Grimm, Mrs. Fred D. Griswold, Mrs. John Groff, Mrs. Paul Grow, Mrs. H. Mali Grubb, Mrs. Ford Grubb, Mrs. Ira E. Guillet, Mrs. M. A. Gunsolus, Mrs. A. H. Guthrie, Mrs. H. L. Hackedorn, Mrs. George Hagelbarger, Mrs. Henry Hagen, Mrs. E. G. Hagenbaugh, Mrs. G. W. Hain, Mrs. Walter Halderman, Mrs. E. L. Hale, Mrs. A. B. Hall, Mrs. C. P. Hall, Mrs. C. W. Hall, Mrs. Fred L. Hall, Mrs. L. Hall, Mrs. W. W. Hansen, Mrs. Hermine Hallinan, Mrs. M. J. Hannig, Mrs. A. A. Hanscom, Mrs. Chas. F. Harmon, Mrs. Margaret G. Harner, Mrs. Sara Harding, Mrs. G. C. Harkins, Mrs. T. W. Harper, Mrs. Robt. T. Harpham, Mrs. Theda Harrington, Mrs. Augusta Harris, Mrs. F. H. Harris, Mrs. L. W. Harrington, Mrs. P. V. Farris, Mrs. Stanley W. Hart, Mrs. P. E. Hart, Mary R. Harter, Mrs. G. B. Hastings, Mrs. T. S. Hauenstein, Mrs. Katherine Hauff, Mrs. E. M. Haury, Mrs. Ed. Havre. Mrs. S. G. Hawkins, Mrs. H. J. Hay, Mrs. R. N. Hedenberg, Mrs. J. E. Hedden, Mrs. J. H. Heintz, Mrs. A. W. Heintz, Mrs. Earl Held, Mrs. E. R. Jolly, Mrs. W. G. Jones, Mrs. Myron J. Jordan, Mrs. Wm. Joy, Mrs. O. H. Kaiser, Mrs. George Kanaga, Mrs. Lee R. Kaufman, Mrs. Lillian Keller, Mrs. W. L. Kemmerline, Mrs. Frank Keniston, Mrs. Henrietta Kendig, Mrs. Karl Kendig, Mrs. D. O. Kennedy, Mrs. J. P. Kenney, Mrs. H. H. Kepler, Mrs. S. A. Kerch, Miss Frances Kerch, Mrs. John Kerch, Mrs. H. N. Kerwin, Mrs. H. R. Kester, Mrs. B. E. Kester, Mrs. Bruce Ketcher, Mrs. Fred Kile, Mrs. George Kirn, Mrs. Walter Kitt, Mrs. Fred J. Kittelberger, Mrs. John B Kline, Mrs. Velma Klinger, Mrs. John Knight, Mrs. C. L. Knight, Mrs. Hal G. Knoske, Mrs. O. G. Knox, Mrs. E. C. Koplin, Mrs. L. C. Kreider, Mrs. H. E. Kreigbaum, Mrs. Otis Kryder, Mrs. C. M. Kuhlke, Mrs. Geo. Lacey, Mrs. H. M. Lahey, Mrs. F. T. Laney, Mrs. C. J. Laubach, Mrs. W. A. Lauer, Mrs. M. P. Lawrence, Mrs. Gerald Laumann, Mrs. Fred Lee, Mrs. James Lee, Mrs. O. C. Lehman, Mrs. Lewis Leighley, Miss Carrie Leighley, Miss Myrtle Leighley, Mrs. E. O. Levy, Mrs. M. Litchfield, Mrs. P. W. Lockney, Mrs. H. Lodge, Mrs. Will Long, Mrs. L. A. Looney, Mrs. J. L. Lord, Mrs. Selden E. Lostetter, Mrs. O. A. Lowrie, Mrs. Grace Loyall, Mrs. R. A. Lucas, Mrs. V. H. Luther, Mrs. S. G. AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 247 Luxmore, Mrs. Belle B. Lyder, Mrs. F. H. Lyans, Mrs. J. M. McBride, Mrs. James McCaughey, Mrs. U. M. McCauley, Mrs. F. A. McChesney, Mrs. F. W. McChesney, Mrs. H. W. McConnell, Mrs. J. A. McCorkle, Mrs. C. E. McCoy, Mrs. John McDonald, Mrs. Chas. McDowell, Mrs. Cora E. McDowell, Mrs. J. W. McEbright, Miss C. McElhinney, Mrs. S. M. McGowan, Miss Mary E. McIntosh, Mrs. M. B. McKay, Mrs. R. McKenney, Mrs. W. B. McKinney, Mrs. J. M. McManus, Mrs. F. W. MacCracken, Mrs. G. L. MacCue, Mrs. C. Clifton Mackusick, Mrs. H. A. Madison, Mrs. J. D. Marria, Mrs. F. W. Mairet, Mrs. Robert Mallalieu, Mrs. Wilber Mandalla, Mrs. Carmella Martin, Mrs. W. T. Marquis, Mrs. F. W. Marsh, Mrs. H. E. Mason, Mrs. Frank H. Mathie, Mrs. Earl Maxon, Mrs. A. R. Mead, Mrs. Roy Mealey, Mrs. C. W. Meese, Mrs. Frank Meier, Miss Katherine Mell, Mrs. T. J. Melvin, Mrs. S. A. Mendenhall, Mrs. Ross Merriman, Mrs. J. B. Mertz, Mrs. J. T. Meyers, Mrs. Albert Meyers, Mrs. D. C. Meyers, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Aleta M. Miller, Mrs. Amy B. Miller, Mrs. Howard I. Miller, Mrs. L. J. Miller, Mrs. M. D. Miller, Mrs. Paul R. Miller, Mrs. W. E. Millikin, Mrs. C. W. Mohrman, Mrs. Harry Monath, Mrs. Henry Moore, Mrs. D. T. Moore, Mrs. Louise Morr, Mrs. C. Mottinger, Mrs. Arthur S. Motz, Mrs. J. C. Moyer, Miss Anna J. Moyer, Mrs. J. E. Munnell, Mrs. Howard Murdock, Miss Hester Murphy, Mrs. J. W. Musser, Mrs. Sarah Myers, Mrs. J. A. H. Nansteil, Mrs. H. W. Nash, Mrs. C. B. Nash, Miss Edith Neubauer, Mrs. E. R. Newberry, Miss Ellen Newton, Mrs. Frank H. Newton, Mrs. Julia Noble, Mrs. Newton Noble, Mrs. W. M. Noe, Mrs. Dan Norris, Mrs. Susan L. Nottingham, Mrs. R. L. Nye, Mrs. W. F. Oberlin, Mrs. F. L. Ody, Mrs. Fred Oldham, Mrs. E. W. O'Neil, Mrs. W. Olsson, Mrs. C. P. Orme, Mrs. Freeman Orth, Mrs. L. W. Osborne, Mrs. L. L. Osborn, Mrs. B. E. Osgood, Mrs. F. W. Ozier, Mrs. F. S. Paige, Mrs. A. T. Palmer, Mrs. Fred Palmer, Mrs. Jessie Palmer, Mrs. F. J. Palmer, Mrs. Francis Pappano, Mrs. P. Pardee, Mrs. R. L. Park, Mrs. George Parkins, Mrs. H. A. Parling, Mrs. James Pardee, Mrs. W. E. Partridge, Mrs. A. G. Patterson, Mrs. Carrie Payne, Mrs. M. S. Pentz, Mrs. W. J. Peppard, Miss Lorena Percy, Mrs. S. W. Pettitt, Mrs. L. M. Pflueger, Mrs. Chas. T. Pflueger, Mrs. George Phillips, Mrs. Cora Picton, Mrs. Mattie Piehl, Mrs. H. C. Pillmore, Mrs. F. F. Pitkin, Mrs. S. H. Plowman, Mrs. A. B. Pollock, Mrs. Carrie Polsky, Mrs. Bert Polsky, Mrs. H. O. Porter, Mrs. R. E. Porter, Mrs. W. M. Preston, Mrs. W. C. Price, Mrs. Emily B. Proehl, Mrs. Jane Quine, Mrs. C. R. Rankin, Mrs. George Ranck, Miss Sadie Read, Mrs. A. Ross Reed, Mrs. E. D. Ranney, Mrs. A. E. Reed, Mrs. Harry E. Reed, Mrs. W. H. Reichert, Mrs. Z. Reynolds, Mrs. W. H. Rians, Mrs. W. B. Richardt, Mrs. G. Richardson, Mrs. J. K. Richardson, Mrs. Mary Richardson, Mrs. W. H. Richards, Mrs. E. K. Rice, Mrs. Alvin Rice, Mrs. Thad W. Richards, Mrs. O. C. Richardson, Mrs. W. A. Richmond, Mrs. E. J. Riddle, Mrs. C. Ridge, Mrs. Wm. Riley, Mrs. Chas. R. Ritchie, Mrs. W. M. Roberts, Miss H. Robertson, Mrs. F. W. Robinson, Mrs. B. M. Robinson, Miss Irma Robinson, Mrs. W. M. Rockwell, Mrs. George Rohner, Mrs. Marie Rowe, Mrs. Frederick Roderick, Mrs. A. Rogers, Mrs. Mary B. Rohland, Mrs. C. B. Romig, Mrs. Howard V. Rood, Mrs. Lucy Rose, Mrs. M. J. Ross, Mrs. Margaret Roundy, Mrs. Floyd Rowe, Mrs. F. E. Rowe, Mrs. Frederick L. Rowland, Mrs. G. M. Ruck, Mrs. Howard B. Rudolph, Mrs. Mary Rudd, Mrs. H. A. Ruegsegger, Mrs. D. W. Runyon, Mrs. W. Ryan, Mrs. James H. Rybolt, Mrs. D. C. Sager, Mrs. E. S. Samuels, Miss Virginia Samuels, Mrs. William H. Sauder, Mrs. J. M. Sanford, Mrs. Carrie Satow, Mrs. W. I. Schade, Mrs. J. W. 248 - AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY Schell, Mrs. Chas. A. Schlegel, Mrs. C. F. Schopke, Miss Elinor Schuler, Miss Marie Schulte, Miss Emma Schumacher, Mrs. Ferdinand Schumacher, Mrs. Hugo Schweikert, Mrs. Edward Scott, Mrs. O. W. Scott, Mrs. W. E. Scudder, Mrs. J. T. Searles, Mrs. P. C. See, Mrs. Pierre V. Seiberling, Mrs. Frank Seidel, Mrs. U. D. Selby, Mrs. J. H. Sellwood, Mrs. James Senn, Mrs. T. A. Serber, Mrs. A. J. Seymour, Mrs. H. S. Shafer, Mrs. B. D. Shaffer, Mrs. Harry Shannon, Mrs. F. E. Shaw, Miss Caroline Shaw, Mrs. E. C. Shaw, Mrs. Vernon Shear, Mrs. V. W. Sheldon, Mrs. F. B. Sheldon, Mrs. W. A. Shenk, Mrs. Jay Sheppard, Mrs. Carl D. Sherbondy, Miss Ella Sherman, Mrs. George Shumaker, Mrs. M. B. Siddington, Mrs. Harry Sidmore, Mrs. Bruce Seiber, Mrs. George W. Sill, Miss Elizabeth Simmons, Mrs. A. C. Simpson, Mrs. M. E. Sisler, Mrs. L. E. Sizer, Mrs. Ella Sinsabaugh, Mrs. Marie Sisler, Mrs. Bertha Slabaugh, Miss Fannie Slade, Mrs. Marion B. Slater, Mrs. J. D. Smith, Mrs. C. H. Smith, Mrs. Floyd B. Smith, Mrs. F. F. Smith, Mrs. Oscar Smith, Mrs. F. B. Smith, Mrs. Walter T. Smith, Mrs. Wm. W. Smoyer, Mrs. Chas. Sours, Mrs. S. G. Snook, Mrs. C. R. Snow, Mrs. Mason Snyder, Mrs. Wm. Spaght, Mrs. Oakley Spanton, Mrs. A. I. Spelman, Mrs. J. C. Sperry, Mrs. Elmer E. Sperry, Mrs. Henry Spicer, Mrs. W. H. Squires, Mrs. Alice M. Stadelman, Mrs. G. M. Stansfield, Mrs. Wilson Stanton, Mrs. F. M. Stebbins, Mrs. C. R. Stedman, Mrs. R. C. Steinmetz, Miss Rose Stevens, Mrs. J. H. Stevens, Mrs. Vincent S. Stevenson, Mrs. D. W. Stone, Mrs. L. K. Stough, Mrs. C. F. Streeter, Mrs. H. C. Sumner, Miss Beatrice Sumner, Mrs. M. A. Surber, Mrs. Carrie Tallentine, Mrs. George Taylor, Mrs. Harry E. Taylor, Mrs. James Taylor, Mrs. Martha Taylor, Mrs. Urie Taylor, Mrs. R. S. Taylor, Mrs. W. L. Thomas, Mrs. Gomez L. Teeple, Mrs. Harry Terry, Mrs. Carrie Tham, Mrs. E. S. Thomas, Mrs. G. C. Thomason, Mrs. Belle Thompson, Mrs. A. W. Thompson, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Thompson, Mrs. S. S. Thornton, Mrs. Cyrus Thornton, Mrs. W. W. Tidrick, Mrs. J. W. Tobey, Mrs. C. F. Tobin, Mrs. P. R. Traxler, Mrs. Charles Treash, Mrs. P. B. Tract, Mrs. Fred Tripp, Mrs. W. F. Tucker, Mrs. M. P. Turner, Mrs. E. C. Turner, Mrs. Edward I. Tuttle, Miss Lulu Tyrrell Ufford, Mrs. C. P. Viall, Mrs. Otis Vineberg, Mrs. Jack VonGunten, Mrs. C. W. Voris, Mrs. E. F. Voris, Mrs. W. S. Wagner, Mrs. W. C. Wachner, Miss Malvyn Waldsmith, Mrs. Herbert Walker, Mrs. John Walsh, Mrs. Mary Warburton, Mrs. J. Warden, Mrs. Jessie Warden, Mrs. W. F. Warner, Mrs. A. E. Warner, Mrs. M. H. Warner, Mrs. Robert Warrick, Mrs. S. S. Waters, Mrs. F. H. Watkins, Mrs. F. A. Watson, Mrs. I. W. Watters, Mrs. W. J. Wattleworth, Mrs. Charles Weager, Mrs. Lottie Weaver, Dr. Charlotte Weaver, Dr. Elizabeth Weaver, Mrs. George Weberg, Mrs. C. L. Weil, Mrs. M. Welch, Mrs. G. Weller, Mrs. H. N. Werner, Mrs. Harry Werner, Mrs. W. L. Wharton, Mrs. C. F. Wheeler, Mrs. Williard Whelan, Mrs. R. T. Whigam, Mrs. E. B. White, Mrs. N. G. Whitelaw, Mrs. Morris Whitelaw, Mrs. Merrill White, Mrs. F. H. Wiener, Mrs. J. Harry Wilcox, Mrs. L. D. Wilhelm, Mrs. C. A. Williams, Mrs. L. W. Williams, Mrs. E. T. Williams, Mrs. Lloyd Williams, Mrs. R. M. Williams, Mrs. T. H. Wills, Mrs. Arthur J. Wills, Miss Rena Wilson, Mrs. B. V. L. Wilson, Mrs. C. L. Wilson, Mrs. H. H. Willis, Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mrs. W. B. Wingert, Mrs. R. H. Winkler, Mrs. J. H. Winter, Mrs. Walter Wise, Mrs. Charles H. Wise, Mrs. Harry Grant Wise, Mrs. Myer Wisell, Mrs. Roy Witzman, Mrs. Louis A. Wohlwend, Mrs. George Wolle, Miss Helen Wolle, Mrs. Louis Wood, Mrs. R. W. Woodard, Mrs. A. W. Woodling, Mrs. J. Woodruff, Mrs. John E. Wright, Mrs. J. B. Wright, Mrs. N. C. Wyatt, Mrs. N. F. AKRON AND SUMMIT COUNTY - 249 Wynne, Mrs. J. E. Yates, Mrs. H. T. Yeager, Mrs. R. G. Yoak, Mrs. F. B. Yoho, Mrs. Jud Yost, Mrs. Elizabeth Young, Mrs. H. C. Zesiger, Mrs. E. E. Ziliox, Mrs. S. F. Zimarik, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Zimmerli, Mrs. Wm. Zintel, Mrs. Cecelia Zook, Mrs. George Zellers, Mrs. Wm. HISTORY OF ELVA CHAPTER NO. 304, O. E. S. On February 2, 1909, through the devoted efforts of Mrs. Elva J. Bender, there was instituted in this city a chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. In October of the same year, a charter was granted by the Grand Chapter of Ohio to 100 members who formed the nucleus of the present chapter upon whose roster are 1,200 names. It was decided that the new chapter should be known as "Elva Chapter" as an expression of appreciation to Mrs. Bender for the loving service which she had so freely given and which marked her life until her tragic death in a motor accident on May 29, 1916. Much credit is also due to Miss Evelyn Lidyard, Past Matron of Jeanette Chapter No. 212, Barberton, Ohio, who was the first Worthy Matron, and to the first Worthy Patron, Capt. George Billow, whose death occurred in San Diego, Cal., on March 26, 1924. Serving the chapter with Miss Lidyard, Captain Billow and Mrs. Bender, who filled the chair of Associate Matron, were Mrs. Emma Bender, secretary ; Mrs. Jessie Franklin, treasurer ; Mrs. Mina Staats, conductress ; Mrs. Jane Van Cole, associate conductress ; Miss Lois Bishop, chaplain ; Mrs. Lillian Killinger, marshal ; Mrs. Nellie Babcock, organist ; Mrs. Margaret Davidson, Adah ; Miss Alice Bridge, Ruth ; Mrs. Anna Shaffer, Esther; Mrs. Claribelle Price, Martha ; Mrs. Helen Mitchell, Electa ; .Mrs. Hattie Hamor, warder ; Walter A. Franklin, sentinel. During the early struggles of the infant chapter, the meetings were held in the G. A. R. Hall at the corner of Howard and Cherry streets. In 1911, however, through the intercession of Captain Billow, recognition was accorded the order by the local Masonic bodies and permission was given by them for meetings to be held in the Masonic Temple, then located at Howard and Mill streets. Following the dedication of the new Masonic Temple, Elva Chapter No. 304 held the first meeting in the new temple on November 16, 1918. The "Influenza Ban," which had been in operation for several weeks, prohibiting all public gatherings and which was to have been lifted at midnight on November 16, was lifted at 6 o'clock in order that this meeting might take place. In 1915 was organized the Eastern Star Sewing Circle at the home of the late Mrs. Martha McFarland, with Mrs. Ella Evans as the first president. This auxiliary organization, at present numbering 300 members, is the social unit of the chapter and through splendid cooperation with the chapter many deeds of charity have been made possible. Throughout the years of its existence, Elva Chapter has striven to live up to its purpose, which is to provide for the wives, daughters, mothers, widows and sisters of Master Masons. It has for its ideal the promulgation of the principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. For some time |