LEONARD W. BAIR, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Strasburg, was born in Franklin Township, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, April 13, 1840. His father, John F. Bair, was born in Pennsylvania in 1812, and came to Ohio when two years of age. Our subject's mother was Louisa Keplinger, a native of Virginia, born in 1815, and died on October 4, 1875, aged sixty years two months and twenty-five days. The subject of this sketch is a member of a family of eight children, of whom he is the second. He was brought up in Wayne County, Ohio, until twenty-two years old; he has resided in this county for ten years. On August 8, 1867, he was united in marriage to Miss Veronica, daughter of Frederick and Sevilla (Myers) Snider, who early settled near Bolivar, Ohio. She was born in Franklin Township, this county and State, November 23, 1846 ; her parents were natives of Georgia, and are both deceased. Her mother was born on July 2, 1813, and died on March 18, 1880; her father was born on April 9, 1801, died March 16, 1882. To Mr. and Mrs. Bair have been born five sons and two daughters-John F., Reuben A., Sarah S., William H. and Benjamin F. (twins), Mary E. and Leonard F. During the rebellion, Mr. Bair enlisted August 8, 1862, in the Eighty-ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Company A, and was discharged in the fall of 1865. He and his wife are members of the United Brethren Church, where he has been Class Leader and Steward for the past year. Their parents were also members of the church. Mr. Bair owns 115 acres of valuable land in Franklin Township, and is a successful farmer and stock-raiser. For two years he has been Trustee of his township, and for nearly a year has been School Director.
ELIAS R. BENFER, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Strasburg, was born on the farm he now occupies in Franklin Township, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, February 4, 1834. His father, Henry, was a son of John Henry Benfer, who entered the homestead on which our subject is residing; subsequently moved to Wayne Township, where he died March, 1874. Margaret Benfer, our subject's mother, was a daughter of Philip Knappenberger, a pioneer of Tuscarawas County, and
was of German and Irish origin; John Benfer was of German extraction. The subject of this sketch is the second child of a family of four, all of whom are living. He was married, April 22, 1858, to Caroline; daughter of Samuel and Maria (Malone) Boyd. She was born in Wayne Township, this county and State, February 13, 1837; her parents were natives of Pennsylvania.. and were of En glish and Irish descent. To Mr. and Mrs. Benfer have been born six Children F. J., J. H., E. R., R. L., Cora L. and Mary E. J. H. Benfer entered a farm oil Mud Run. Warwick Township, where our subjects father was bore in 1809. Dr. Benfer owns 185 acres of land, and has also one-fourth interest in a tract of forty-five acres, all in Franklin Township. He taught his first school at the age of twenty and at twenty-one went to school at Oberlin, during one summer, and again taught school the following winter. In April. 1856. he went to Hagersville Seminary, Ashland County, where he remained two years. After marriage, he taught school for two years, and in 1861, moved to Roanoke, Ind., where in company with one F. Reefy, he established the Roanoke Seminary. In 1863, he returned to Ohio to superintend his father's farm in Wayne Township, remaining one year; then bought mill property and farm from P. Knappenberger, in Franklin Township, this county, and remained with his brother, J. H., two years; then sold out and moved to Dundee, and sold dry-goods for three years, when he bought a half-interest in the farm on which he at present resides, from M. C. Stoutt, inheriting the other half. He was instrumental in establishing the Central High School, Strasburg, Franklin Township, in 1830. Politically, Dr. Benfer is a Democrat. In 1S77, he was defeated by the saloon element of the county in running for State Senatorship In religion; our subject is a Methodist, and has acted as local minister for that denomination for the past fifteen years.
G. W. BENSON, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Winfield, was born in Belmont County, Ohio, April 28, 1837. His parents, William and Clarissa (Ball) Benson, are both deceased. His mother died February 22, 1879, at the age of about seventy years. Our subject is the seventh child and fifth son of a family of nine children, seven sons and two daughters, all of whom have survived except one. On April 2, 1857, he was married to Miss Kesiah, daughter of Jeremiah and Providence (Whiticanach) Burris. She was born in Pennsylvania in 1834, and is of German extraction. Mr. and Mrs. Benson have been blessed with a family of six sons, viz.: William H., born in September, 1837; Benjamin F., born January 12, 1859; John A., born November 1, 1860; Vachiel W., born January 23, 1862; George W., born September 28, 1864; Elmer E., born December 17, 1867. William H. is a partner with his father, who has been a huckster for about fifteen years. Mr. Benson owns 158 1/2 acres of well-improved land, and in business has been generally successful. His parents were among the noble pioneers of Ohio, his father emigrating from his native State of Virginia at an early day.
JOHN BORDER, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Strasburg, was born in Franklin Township, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, February 24, 1837. His father, Christopher Border, was a native of Germany, born in 1800; his mother, also a native of Germany, was Rosanna Clipser. They were the parents of three sons and eight daughters, nine of whom are living. Our subject is the oldest son and fifth child. Christopher Borders was a farmer, and came to this township in 1828 ; died in 1856. followed by his widow in 1867. Our subject owns and resides on the home farm where his father died. It is about two miles from the farm that his father cleared, but was owned be him at the time of his death. It is located in Section 23, Range 3, Franklin Township, and is well cultivated ; said to have the oldest orchard in the township. On May 17, 1863, our subject was united in marriage with Miss Sarah E. Shutt. daughter of an old pioneer of this county. She was born on February 25, 1844, and has reared a family of five children, three sons and two daughters, viz.: Daniel C., Mary Clarissa. Harvey A.. Maggie J. and Edwin F. Mr. Border and his wife are members of the English Lutheran Church. He is a worthy citizen of Franklin Township.
D. W. BRENISEN, farmer, P. O. Bolivar, was born in 1852, and is the fifth child of a family of seven. His parents were Germans, and early pioneers of this county ; they died in 1869. Mr. Brenisen was married; in 1875, to Sarah Hartline, who was born in 1856, and to this union were born two children-Sarah A. and Olive A. Our subject owns eighty acres of land in Section 4, Franklin Township, and is a man of good business qualifications and a promising farmer. He has many years before him in which to make his mark in the world, and is earnestly striving to render himself a good and useful citizen.
ABRAHAM GARBER, farmer and stock-raiser, P. 0. Strasburg, was born in Franklin Township, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, July 4, 1827. His parents, John and Magdalena (Keck) Garber, were born in Somerset County, Penn.; his father was born in 1793, and died in 1860, having been preceded by his wife in 1849, at the age of forty-seven years. They were married in 1821, and had a family of twelve children, seven boys and five girls, of whom all but one daughter have survived. Our subject is the fourth child and third son. His brothers, Elijah and Benjamin, are residents of Franklin Township. John Garber, Sr., was a farmer, and the son of Christian Garber. who came to Holmes County, Ohio, in 1812. John came from Holmes County to this county in 1828, and he and his wife are buried on their farm, part of which has been turned into a cemetery. He had built three houses in his lifetime, the first two of log, and the last of stone. The latter is inclosed by, ninety-five stone posts that are about ten feet long and four feet in the ground, the inclosure measuring ninety yards in length and about 120 yards in width. Our subject was married; March 12, 1851, to Miss Anna, daughter of Michael and Barbara (Miller) Troyer. She was born in Holmes County, Ohio, June 1, 1835. To Mr. and Mrs. Garber have been born twelve children, viz.: Lucinda, deceased, wife of Frank Hartline ; John H., married to Elizabeth Miller ; Benjamin F.; James V.; Ellsworth and an infant, deceased ; Emma Charles E.; A. W.; Polly Ann; Maximilian W.; and Lovy Nora. Mr. Garber owns 267 acres of valuable land in Franklin Township, in Sections 22, 19 and 3, Range 3, Townships 10, 9 and 10. The residence he occupies was built by his father in 1843. He and his wife have been members of a church since their childhood.
ELIJAH GARBER, farmer, P. O. Strasburg, was born in Franklin Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, December 10, 1843. He is a son of John and Magdalena Garber, old pioneers of Ohio, who were born in Somerset County, Penn. John was a son of Christian Garber, who emigrated to Ohio in 1812, locating in Holmes County. Our subject's parents lie buried on the homestead in Franklin Township, on which they had settled. The subject of this sketch was married, March 10, 1870, to Susanna Shutt, who was born in Franklin Township in 1851, and is a daughter of Daniel Shutt, another pioneer of this county. The results of this union have been seven children, viz.: James F., Ollie E., Harry A., Edney J., Ida C., John M. and an infant. Our subject is a brother of Abraham Garber, a prominent farmer of this township.
JONATHAN GARBER, farmer, P. O. Strasburg, was born on his father's farm in Franklin Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, October 22, 1832, and is a son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Miller) Garber, of Pennsylvania. His father came to this State when six years old, and died in July, 1865, aged fifty-eight years. His widow, who survives, is now seventy-two years of age. They bad a family of fourteen children, six boys and eight girls, of whom thirteen have survived. Our subject is the eldest. Our subject has been twice married, first to Susan Eberly, a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1834. She died in 1863, and was the mother of four children, one son and three daughters, of whom three are living. His second marriage, on November 3, 1865, was with Miss Elizabeth Gingerrich. She was born in Holmes County, Ohio, February 10, 1838. The results of this union have been seven children, one you and six daughters, Mr. Garber owns 160 acres of land, which is highly cultivated, and contains fine farm buildings. He has lived here for eleven years, and is an energetic, thrifty farmer.
SETH HARPER, farmer, P. O. Canal Dover, was born in Dover Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, in 1853. His father is Michael Harper, a native of Pennsylvania, who has reached the age of seventy-six years. Our subject is the oldest of a family of seven children, two sons and five daughters. In July, 1868. he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Ann Winkelpleck, born in this county and State in the year 1859. She is a daughter of James and Susan (Citch) Winkelpleck, the former of whom is deceased, early settlers of Tuscarawas County. To Mr. and Mrs. Harper have been born six children, two daughters and four sons, their names as follows : Edward, Lola Montic, Adella, George, Clinton and Henry Herbert. Mr. Harper and his wife are of German descent, their parents being among the sturdy and energetic pioneers of this county, who are gradually passing away from life and the scenes of their labors.
WILLIAM H. HARTLINE, farmer, P. O. Strasburg, was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, December 17, 1849, and is the eldest son of Frederick and Lovina (Fashbaugh) Hartline. His parents were both born in this county, and were known among some of the early pioneers. They reared a family of nine children, five sons and four daughters, of whorn one daughter is deceased. The subject of this sketch has been twice married. His first union was to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan Garber. She was born in Tuscarawas County in 1857, and died in 1879, leaving one child, Lizzie. In the fall of 1879, Mr. Hartline was united in marriage to Phebe, daughter of Jacob and Caroline Pfinsgtag ; she was born in 1859 in this county and State. The results of this union have been two children-Victor F. and Porter William. Mr. Hartline is occupied in farming and stock-raising, at which he has been Generally successful, and is an enterprising citizen.
DANIEL HAWES, merchant, Strasburg, was born December 11, 1841, and is a son of Adam Hawes (deceased). His father was a native of Bavaria, Germany, born in 1800. and emigrated to Ohio in an early day. He died June 14, 1870, and was the parent of three sons and two daughters, of whom our subject was the fourth child and third son. Daniel was raised on a farm and educated at the district schools, also at the college in -lit, Union, Ohio. He taught school more or less for nine years. During the war, he served for three years as a member of the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. In 1870, he was united in marriage with Miss Lydia, daughter of Jacob Ruse; she is a native of this county, born in 1847. The result of this union has been one child-Upton A., born August 23, 1873. Mr. Hawes has been engaged in mercantile business for the past nine years, and is a gentlemanly, enterprising man, possessing good business qualifications. He is always ready and willing to encourage whatever may be of benefit to his township, and has filled the office of Justice of the Peace for several years, with honor to himself and constituents.
SAMUEL HOOPENGANER, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Winfield, was born in Goshen Township, this county and State, December 11, 1828, and is a son of Jacob and Sarah (Baltzly) Hoopenganer, the latter of Irish parentage. His father was of German descent, a son of John Hoopenganer, who came to Ohio in 1816, when twelve years of age, and settled in Goshen Township. Jacob was born on February 4, 1792, and died in 1877 at the age of eighty-five years three months and seventeen days. He had been preceded by his wife in 1871, she dying at the age of seventy-four years. His first vote was cast in 1816. Our subject is the sixth child and son of a family of ten children, seven sons and three daughters, of whom there have survived five sons and two daughters. September 24, 1854, he was married to Susan Fitzgerald, a native of New York, born in August, 1833. She was a daughter of Thomas Fitzgerald, a native of Ireland, whence he emigrated when eight years of age. He died in 1845, his widow surviving him until March 29, 1881, dying at the age of seventy-one years. To Mr. and Mrs. rs. Hoopenganer have been born nine children-one son and an unnamed infant (deceased), Ida (wife of Joseph Clair), John, George, Susan, William U.,
Philip J., Lucinda C. and Cora. Mr. Hoopenganer was raised on a farm near Winfield, where his father was a farmer. and had entered 320 acres of land at the time our subject was two years old. Two of the latter's uncles on his mother's side were in the war of 1812 with Gen. Harrison. Our subject's parents were members of the Lutheran Church, and he and his wife are also members of the same church. He has served his township as Treasurer, Trustee and School Directors, and is an estimable citizen of Franklin Township.
ISAAC HUFFMAN, farmer, P. O. Strasburg, was born in Franklin Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, October 4, 1837. His father, Frederick Huffman, was a native of Germany, and came to Ohio when twenty-three years of age. Our subject's mother was Fanny Fisher Huffman, a native of Pennsylvania. Isaac was married, March 28; 1865, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of John Garber, whose sketch is given elsewhere in this work. She is a native of this township, born in the year 1838. By this union seven children have been born-James Henry, Elijah K., Harvey Allen, Mary Jane, John Franklin, Clara Alice and Sarah Adella. Mr. Huffman was brought up to farming, and commenced life by working out by the month. He worked six years for James Patterson ; then, for five years, rented land, subsequently buying a part for $110 per acre. For forty acres he paid $800. He owned and ran a threshing machine for twelve years, ending with 1865. He now owns 137 acres of land in Franklin Township, and forty acres of timber land. He is a connoisseur of horses, and keeps a good stock on hand, buying and selling them from time to time.
FREDERICK HURST, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Winfield, was born in Switzerland February 19, 1846. He is a son of Frederick and Ann (Gutnecht) Hurst. He emigrated to this State when nine or ten years of age, and was married, January 13, 1866, to Miss Rosanna, daughter of Jacob and Rosanna (Kinsey) Haney. She is a native of Ohio, born December 5, 1848; her parents were both natives of Switzerland, and her father is deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Hurst are the parents of eight children, six sons and two daughters, their names as follows Edward, Elnora, Charles, William, Thomas, John, Anna and Frank. Mr. Hurst has been a resident of this county for twenty-seven years. He was living in Clay County, Ill., from 1869 to 1877. He is a good farmer and stock-raiser, and commands the general respect of all his neighbors and friends.
PHILIP KNAPPENBERGER, farmer and breeder of short-horn cattle and Merino sheep, P. 0. Strasburg, was born in Franklin Township, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, April 20, 1854. His parents are both deceased. His father, Philip Knappenberger, was a native of Pennsylvania, and was twice married, our subject being the only child by the second union, there being two boys and three girls by the first, of whom one son and two daughters are deceased. By occupation he was a farmer, blacksmith, gunsmith, millwright and attorney. Susan (Hartshorn) Knappenberger, the mother of our subject, was of English blood, and had been previously married to Thomas Fitzgerald, the union resulting in five children. She died March 29, 1881, aged seventy-two years. Philip, her husband, died in October, 1867, at the age of about eighty-two years. Conrad Knappenberger was the grandfather of our subject, and an old pioneer of Ohio. He was born in Germany, and came to Ohio in 1809, entering a half seetion of land in Franklin Town ship, on January 25, 1811. This land was subsequently transferred to our subject's father on October 2, 1811. The subject of this sketch was united in marriage, February 1, 1877, with Miss Mary E., daughter of Edwin and Susan (Garnette) Hard. She is a native of Canada, born December 13, 1855. Her parents were natives of England, and are now residing in Dover. Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Knappenberger have been born three children-Theresa Edna, born January 10, 1878; Susie, born February 21, 1880 ; and Mary, born February 5,1883. Our subject owns 230 acres of land in Sections 1 and 2, Franklin Township, and is a successful farmer and stock-raiser. From 1868 to 1877, he was a resident of Dover, Ohio. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and his
mother was a Moravian. His wife's father is a furniture dealer by occupation. He was born on April 6, 1824, and his wife was born February 23, 1830. They were the parents of six children. four sons and two daughters.
JOHN H. KOHR, farmer and stock-raiser. P. O. Dundee, was born in Franklin Township, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, on February 2, 1843. His parents. Michael and Catharine (Silver) Kohr, were natives of Maryland and Virginia respectively. Michael Kohr is still living, and was an early- settler of this county. He has lived to see many of the comrades of his pioneer days depart this life. and now in his declining years is content to stand aside and let the younger generations complete the noble work commenced by the sturdy and courageous pioneers of Tuscarawas County. The subject of this sketch is the fifth member of a family of seven children, three sons and four daughters. of whom five have survived. He is successful in farming and raising stock, and is a useful citizen. regarded with great respect by the community in which he resides.
WILLIAM L. LEWIS, miner and superintendent of Dover hard clay bank. Dover, Ohio, is a native of ''ales, born June 19, 1828, and is a son of William and Joice (Morris) Lewis, both deceased. His fisher was a superintendent of a coal mine in his country for fifty-five years, and was killed in a mine in South Wales in 1872, at the age of ninety-five years. Our subject was married. while in Wales, in 1856, to Miss Mary Morris, deceased, born in the year 1829. a daughter of William Morris. By this union there were four children. of whom only one survives. Elizabeth. Mr. Lewis came to America in 1857, and in 1863 was married to Miss Anna, Furlong, a native of Philadelphia, of Irish parentage, born in April, 1826. To this union were born five children, two sons and three daughters, the only surviving members being Joice and Lucretia. One son. William Henry, died on January 22, 1883, aged twelve years eleven months and twenty-nine days ; the others all died in infancy. Mr. Lewis has been a resident of this county for ten years. and has secured a good position as superintendent at Lind's clay bank, in Dover Township, owned by the Dover Fire Brick Works. The mines are quite extensive the main entry is 900 feet deep ; to the first cross entry it is 780 feet ; to the see. ond cross entry 830 feet ; to the third, 50 feet ; to the fourth, 210 feet ; to the fifth, 60 feet, and to the sixth 61) feet. Six years ago. while Mr. Lewis was working in the mines, a piece of clay struck his eye. and he eventually lost the use of that member. He has been a superintendent for five years, and a worker in the mines for nine years.
JACOB PFINGSTAG, farmer, P. O. Strasburg, was born in the year 1826. In 1852, he was united in marriage with Mrs. Caroline ( Colter), widow of Jacob Colter. She is of German descent, and by her first marriage had two sons-Jacob and Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Pfingstag are the parents of seven children, two sons and five daughters, of whom one is deceased. Mr. Pfingstag owns a fine, well cultivated farm, and has resided in this county for fifty-one years. Like all the early settlers, he has seen many changes, and has toiled unceasingly many years to secure a home for his children. The generations that are now growing up have much to thank these brave and sturdy pioneers for, who early entered the unbroken forests, and by their energy, frugality and courageous perseverance built up towns and cities from out the wilderness, and are now resting from their labors, many in the land of eternal rest, content to look on and see their children reap the harvest.
CHRISTIAN RATH, miller, P. O. Strasburg, was born in Wurtemberg. Germany, May 20, 1835, and is a son of Jacob and Christina (Berger) Rath. His father was a miller by occupation, and died in his native country in 1849, aged fifty years. Our subject is the only surviving member of a family of nine children, four sons and five daughters. He was educated at the common schools, and emigrated to Ohio in 1854. During his lifetime, he has formed three marriages his first union was with Mathilda. daughter of John and Elizabeth Stinger by which union he had one child-Caroline. His second marriage, with Christina, daughter of John and Christina Wyhler. resulted in three children-John, Emma
and Albert. His present wife, Susan; was united in marriage with him in 1860, was born in Stark County, Ohio, in 1833, and is a daughter of John Royer. The children of this union are two in number-Clara and Charles. Mr. Rath has been a res ident of Tuscarawas County for twenty years. He learned his trade in the old country, and from 1866 to 1874 was pursuing it in Ragersville, Ohio. He has been successful in business, and is a useful citizen of Franklin Township.
JOHN SCHNEIDER, merchant, P. O. Strasburg, was born in Wurtemberg Germany, January 2, 1839, and is a son of John George and Maria Agnes (Blochinger) Schneider. His father was born in March, 1811, his mother in February of the same year. They were married in 1834, and had a family of ten children, of whom eight are now living; our subject is the fourth child and third son. Mr. Schneider, Sr., was a weaver and roofer by occupation, but in Ohio pursued farming. Our subject emigrated to Ohio with his parents, when he was thirteen years of age, and was educated at the common schools. In March, 1866, he was married to Miss Susan (deceased), daughter of Abraham Youngen. She was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio. in 1845, and died in March, ?869, leaving one child-Mary A. In July, 1869, he was married to Miss Mary Schietenhelm, a native of Wurtemberg, Germany, born in 1839. She departed this life in 1872, having had a family of three children-George Ulrich, Kate M. and John William. Mr. Schneider's present wife is Caroline, daughter of Christopher Border, to whom he was married in July, 1873. She was born in Franklin Township, September 23, 1839, and has had a family of four children-Clara, Aggie, and Ida and Lillie (twins). During the war, Mr. Schneider was a member of the Sixty-seventh Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company C, and served three years and one month. In business, he has been generally successful. For nine years he has been a merchant in Strasburg, and for the two years previous was in Ragersville. He is serving his township as Clerk; for two terms filled the office of Assessor for Auburn Township, and for eight years was Notary Public.
SOLOMON SEESE, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Strasburg, was born in Franklin Township, this county and State, December 22, 1830. His parents, George and Mary (Miller) Seese, were old pioneers of Tuscarawas County, and were born in Pennsylvania, both of German descent. They were parents of four sons and seven daughters, of whom two sons and two daughters have survived, our subject being the eleventh child. Solomon was married, September 19, 1852, to Miss Bertha Deely, a native of Germany, born March 10, 1831, emigrating to the United States when two years of age. Her parents, Theopholis and Christina Deely, were early settlers of Stark County. Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Seese have been born nine children, of whom one son, Gideon, is deceased. The surviving members are Melissa Ann, John W., William, Amelia, Edward, Jeremiah, El mira and Estella. Mr. Seese and his wife have been members of the United Brethren Church for thirty years, and Mr. Seese has been Class Leader for about twenty-five years. He has been on the School Board for twelve years, and is an enterprising, thrifty farmer.
D. S. SHERMAN, salesman, P. O. Strasburg, was born August 17, 1851, and is a son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Frazier) Sherman, the former of whom was a native of New York, the latter born in Jefferson County, Ohio. His father was of Irish and English extraction, born in the year 1809 ; married in 1829, and died in Monroe County, Ohio, in the fall of 1881. Mrs. Sberman still survives, and was born in the same year as her husband ; she is of Irish blood, and resides in Franklin Township. Of their family of eight children, three sons and five daughters, four are living-Saloma, wife of Hugh Rutter, Lillian, Henry and our subject, who was the youngest child. The deceased are Sarah Ann, William 0., killed in the army, and two who died in infancy. Mr. Daniel Sherman, Sr., was a minister for fifty-one years of the United Brethren Church. He was an active, useful man in his day, and rode the whole country over on horseback, performing many a merciful and charitable act. Our subject, in habits, is sober and industrious. He
is a salesman in the employ of John Schneider, whom he endeavors to serve faithfully and well.
J. D. SHUTT, farmer, P. O. Strasburg, was born in Franklin Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, and is a son of Daniel and Mary (Berger) Shutt. Our subject is the oldest of a family of ten children, consisting of four sons and six daughters. of whom two sons and four daughters are living. On January 11, 1870; he was united in marriage with Miss Emma J., daughter of Joseph and Tena (Gnagy) Hartline. She was born in Franklin Township June 25,1851; her parents were natives and early settlers of Ohio. Her mother died March 8, 1880; her father still living. To Mr. and Mrs. Shutt have been born three children - Cora J.. born November 23,1870; Minnie P., born October 24, 1874; and Lola E., born December 15, 1876. Mr. Shutt and his wife are members of the United Brethren Church; and the family are well respected by the community in which they reside.
GEORGE W. STOUTT, lumber and wool merchant, Strasburg, was born in Holmes County, Ohio, May 9, 1832, and is a son of Joseph and Nancy (Officer) Stoutt, both natives of Ohio. His father was the first male child born in New Philadelphia, being born in the year 1807. He was of German, his wife of Irish descent.. Christian Stoutt, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of Pennsylvania, and emigrated to this State about 1800. George was brought to Strasburg at the age of three months, and was raised in a family of twelve children, of whom five have survived. On December 28, 1854, he was married to Anna Maria, (laughter of George Fernsell. She was born in Lawrence Township, Tuscarawas County, February 22, 1832, Mr. Stoutt has received a common school education, and up to his fortieth year followed tanning, which occupation had been pursued by his father and one brother. He now deals in lumber, wool, and also in stock.Mr. Stoutt is serving his township as Treasurer, and fills the office with honor to himself and constituents. He owns in Franklin TownsHip 175 acres of land, and in business has been generally successful.