N0 portion of Wyandot County is richer in historic interest or more replete with historic incident than the above-named township. Theo name of Crawford is here synonymous for all that is barbarous and cruel in Indian customs and warfare; for here it was that the lamented Colonel suffered death by burning at the stake amid the hideous jeers of his savage torturers, and from the wilds of this locality the unfortunate child, Matthew Brayton, was carried captive into barbarism, from which it is not absolutely certain he ever returned.
Crawford Township was organized in the county of Crawford in 1825, and became a part of this county in 1845. It is one of the northern tier of townships of Wyandot, bounded on the north by Seneca County, on the east by Tymochtee Township, on the south by Salem, on the west by Ridge. The soil of this locality is very fertile, and supports a prosperous farming community. Tymochtee Creek cuts the southeast corner of the township, and the other portions Are drained by numerous natural and artificial drains, which renders the production of the ordinary grains and vegetables quite successful.
The territory comprised in this township was one of the most famous of the early Indian sporting grounds, being the seat of an extensive village of the Delaware Indians, who, under the command of Capt. Pipe, the notorious Delaware chief, executed Col. William Crawford in 1782. The exact spot on which the burning took place is not now positively known, though a monument has been erected to the unfortunate hero near the place where the horrible death is supposed to have been inflicted This monument was erected August 30, 1877, on a high bank south of Tymochtee Creek, near the east line of the southwest quarter of Section 26, on lands now owned by Alfred K. Davis. It was obtained as a result of the efforts of the Wyandot Pioneer Association, and in the presence of near 8,000 citizens was dedicated to the memory of him whose name is inscribed upon its surface. On the occasion referred to, Col. M. H. Kirby was chosen as President and Curtis Berry, Jr., Secretary. Prayer was offered by Rev. R. C. Colmery and Rev. John Sherrard, of Bucyrus, grandson of John Sherrard, who was under the command of Col. Crawford at the time of his defeat in 1782, delivered the opening address, followed by other speeches by the old pioneers. A collection was taken to defray the expense of the mon.
ument, a basket dinner was partaken of by the myriads present, after which followed an able address by Gen. William H. Gibson, whose brilliant oratory did great credit to the subject and the occasion. The dedicatory remarks were made by the Secretary, Hon. Curtis Berry, Jr., who originated the idea of erecting the monument, Mr. John Gormley suggesting its form and altitude.
This shaft is made of Berea sandstone, and is eight and one-half feet in height. It is supported by a base six inches larger in diameter than the main shaft, and bears the following inscription:
ln memory of Colonel Crawford, who was burnt by the Indians in this valley
June 11, A. D. 1782.
On the base:
Erected by the Pioneer Association of Wyandot County August 3, 1877.
Many of the old pioneers of the county were present to share the honors, of the day, and recount the scenes and hardships of their early days and efforts in the wilds of Wyandot, among them being Hon. George W. Leith, Daniel Funk, James and Rhoda Miller, Mary Karr, Frances Brackl , Solomon Spoon, Adam High, Jacob Stryker, Jacob Corfman, George James, John Ribley, Hamilton Morrison, and many others whose ages ranged from seventy to ninety years.
At the time of Crawford's battle with the Indians, the Delawares, under Capt. Pipe, had a large town a few miles to the northwest of the scene of the engagement, the vicinity of the present village of Crawfordsville. a anticipation of defeat the old men, women and children of the tribe were concealed at the mouth of Tymochtee Creek, and runners communicated with them every hour at the camp, giving information as to the progress of the battle, the intention being to floe to the " Black Swamp," a large expanse of land, lying east of the Maumee River, in case of defeat. A colored man, by the name of Samuel Wells, was with these Indian families at the time referred to, and is said to have been the servant of Simon Girty, the semi. savage, who played so conspicuous a part in the Crawford horror. This Negro slave lived to the advanced age of one hundred and ten years, and as late as 1857, was a township charge in Eden Township, this county.
Since the aggressive and progressive Caucasian set foot upon the shores of America the instances of the capture of their children by barbarous tribes along the borders of civilization have been numbered by the score. Page after page and volume after volume have been written to picture the thrilling incidents which captives have experienced at the hands of their captors, or witnessed while in their custody, and to portray the agony of grief into which devoted parents have been plunged by the loss of sons or daughters by these human hyenas of the forest. Of all these instances, whether in song or story, none are perhaps fraught with deeper or sadder interest than the capture of Matthew Brayton, who was stolen from his home in this township in 1825. Additional interest is derived from these facts, that neighbors and friends who witnessed or experienced the first deep bursts of anguish from stricken hearts at the loss of so dear a treasure are still among us, and though sixty years have gone by since the helpless and innocent
child was borne away in terror by his merciless captors, the flowers of memory are still green, moistened by brothers' tears.
The circumstances of the capture of Matthew Brayton are related in substance as follows: On the 20th of September, 1825, William Brayton, with his younger brother, Matthew, then nearly seven years old,* started in search of some stray cattle. They proceeded two or three miles in the direction of the place where William Brayton now lives, but finding no trace of the missing cattle and meeting a neighbor, Hart, who was on the same errand, Matthew Brayton, unable to endure a more extensive search, was sent to the house of a Mr. Baker, about sixty rods distant, where he was to remain until the return of his brother and Mr. Hart, who were to continue the search for the stray cattle. The two men set out on their cattle hunting expedition, and left little Matthew to find his way to Mr. Baker's house by the narrow and ill defined pathway. At the close of the day, William Brayton called at Mr. Baker's residence, but found to his astonishment that Matthew had not been seen by any of the family. He then turned his steps homeward, thinking that Matthew had changed his mind and gone home, but on arriving there found still no tidings of the missing boy. The alarm and apprehension that filled the breast of the mother on being informed of what had happened can scarcely be conceived. A thousand fearful thoughts flitted in rapid succession through her mind, but no time was lost in useless grieving, for the men and women who braved the dangers of frontier life were quick to think and prompt to act. A little party turned out at once to search for the missing boy, and restore him, if possible, to the anxious household. From the spot where the brothers bad parted the path to Mr. Baker's cabin was narrowly searched and marks of the child's feet were clearly discernible. At no great. distance from the place mentioned the path was intersected by a track made by some logs which recently had been drawn from the woods and at this point the traces showed that Matthew had stopped in doubt; they also showed that be had finally taken the log track in mistake for the regular path. Up that track his little footsteps were traced for some distance, but after awhile they became fainter, and at last disappeared altogether. On the margin of the track the woods were searched in vain for traces of his wandering feet. The Indian trail which led from Upper Sandusky to Springville, and thence to the Black Swamp to Perrysburg, crossed here, and it was possible that he had taken that trail; but his footprints, if he had really followed that path, were obliterated by those of passing Indians.
The party returned in sorrow from their unsuccessful search, and met the anxious mother with heavy hearts. To her the night was one of sleepless agony. To what suffering or dreadful fate her child might be subjected, it was impossible to conjecture, for the dark night was fraught with dangers to him and terror to her. It was the year in which Elijah Brayton, the father of Matthew, was engaged in erecting a mill on the Tymochtee, and his absence at this time on a journey to Chillicothe to procure millstones aggravated the troubles and distress of the hour on the part of Mrs. Brayton and her son William, then a lad of sixteen, who were left in charge of the home affairs.
Morning broke at last and never was daylight more eagerly welcomed. With the first appearance of light, messengers were sent in all directions for assistance, and soon the woods were astir with searching parties. The Indian villages were examined, but the Wyandots professed entire ignorance
* Matthew Brayton was born April 7, 1818.
as to the movements of the missing boy, and joined with much zeal in the search. The relations between the Braytons and the Wyandots had been of the most friendly character, and there seemed to be no possible reason for interfering with the peace of that family. They stated, however, that a party of Canadian Indians bad passed up the trail, on the day that the boy had disappeared, but could not say whether he had been carried off by them or not. Another night came and the sorrowful mother again met the dejected hunters at her door, receiving no consolation. At daybreak the parties again set out to search new tracts of country, but all without avail. The settlers for many miles around turned out and joined in the exciting and sorrowful hunt. Days lengthened into weeks and it became evident that further search was useless, as every foot of territory for miles around had been examined and no trace of the lost child bad been discovered. He could have scarcely wandered off and perished by starvation, or wild beasts, as in either case some trace of his identity would have been left. The only inference was that he had been carried into hopeless slavery, or met a horrible death, at the hands of the party of Canadian Indians. Pursuit was now considered useless, and the search was reluctantly abandoned.
In the meantime, the father had returned from his journey, and the sad bereavement fell with crushing weight upon his heart. For the sake of his wife and remaining children-William, Harriet, Lucy, Mary and Peter he bore up nobly, but his distress was most bitter, and every straw of hope that floated within his reach was grasped with eagerness. From time to time, vague rumors came that the boy had been seen in different places, and the faintest hope of success in finding him sufficed to send off the bereaved father or some trusty messenger to follow up the clew. But all efforts were unavailing. The last information that seemed the least probable was received in 1829, from a man who had been traveling among the tribes of Illinois, and who asserted that he had seen among the Indians of that country, whose age and appearance generally corresponded with that of the missing Matthew Brayton. Without an hour's delay, Mr. Brayton dispatched a letter to Gen. Cass, then Indian Commissioner, but the reply crushed out the last remnant of hope ; the letter bade the anxious father to renounce all hope based upon such a rumor, as there was no such white child among the Indians of Illinois. On what authority the General based his assertion can. not be said, but it is more than probable he was mistaken.
The weary years passed on, but brought no comfort to the stricken household. As all impressions gradually fade away with the lapse of years, so faded the memory of the lost child from the minds of men. But deep in the hearts of the bereaved parents remained the image of their unfortunate son, and the thrilling scenes and emotions connected with the search of him recurred again and again to them, long after they had been forgotten by others. The eldest brother, William, could not forget him ; for the silent or spoken reproaches from his mother for sending so young a boy alone on such a path sank deep into his heart; and even yet, though sixty years have passed, the " lost Matthew " is mentioned by him with deep and tearful emotion. And could the mother who bore him forget the missing lamb of the fold ? The paling cheek, the wasting form, the decaying strength told how deep the love, how bitter the anguish of the mother for her lost son. If she were but sure of his fate- if but one fragment of his clothing, but a particle of his flesh or blood remained to assure her that her child had perished by the merciless jaws of the wild beasts, or the still more merciless savages, it would at least have given rest, to her weary heart;
but this uncertain apprehension, this torturing mystery, was too great to bear and live. So the years dragged slowly by, and each succeeding anniversary of her son's loss drove the sharp pangs of grief deeper into her heart Sixteen years of agony and tears, and the grave hid her sorrows from the world! In her last moments, her lost son had a place in her memory. She died of a broken heart.
Thirty-four years elapsed, when the news reached the Brayton family that an Indian captive had been in the city of Cleveland, and in other parts of Ohio, endeavoring to obtain some information regarding his parentage, as be was just from the Copperhead tribe, whose leading chiefs had consented to his conditional return to the white settlements. They had told him that when a child he had been stolen from the whites by a band of Canadian Indiana, who had thus revenged themselves on the whites for some real or fancied wrongs ; that he had passed through the hands of several tribes, and had at last been sold by the Sioux to the Snakes, with whom he remained till their union with the Copperheads. He had further learned through M. Macgwager, a chief of a small band of Pottawotomies who had settled down to civilized life in Branch County, Mich., that he bad been taken from the region south of Lake Erie (his captors having crossed the Sandusky River) and sold by the Canadians to the Pottawotomies, Mr. Macgwager having been present at the transfer.
The story of this captive, whose Indian name in Copperhead language was Ohwa-owah-kish-me-wah,* but whose real name he did not himself know, was printed in the Cleveland Herald, and extensively copied. Letters were received by the editors of that paper from people in different sections of the country, who bad lost children many years ago. A weekly paper containing a copy of the story was sent to the Brayton family, and an investigation was at once begun. William Brayton immediately proceeded to Cleveland, and from that point to Northern Pennsylvania, and thence across the State line into New York, where he learned the "captive" was staying at the home of Mr. Smith.
Previous to setting out, he had been charged by his father to examine two marks by which his brother's identity might probably be established. One of there was a sear on the head, caused by a razor cut made by the father in lancing a boil, the other, a sear on the great toe of the right foot, resulting from the cut of an ax. Taking a physician with him as a witness of the interview, Mr. Brayton visited the residence of Mr. Smith, where the object of his search was found sitting by the evening fire. The marks of identity referred to above were searched for and found, just as the father had represented them; the stranger was declared to be the long lost Matthew Brayton, and they were soon on their way toward home. At every station on the road, crowds gathered to get it glimpse of the restored captive, and at Carey hundreds were assembled-many old men who had searched for the lost boy, aged mothers who had held him in their arms, and young men and maidens by the score who had heard the story narrated by their parents at their firesides. But these were disappointed, for Mr. Brayton had stopped at Adrian Station and gone directly to his home, where were gathered the other members of the family-the father in his seventy-third year, the brothers and the sisters. When he entered with his charge, the excitement was intense, and the feelings that prevailed cannot be described. To portray the emotion which the union of family ties so
* In 1851, he married Tefronia (Tame Deer), the daughter of the Chief 0-wash-kah-ke-naw, and their two children were Tefronia and Tululee.
long sundered is calculated to excite is a task too delicate for our unskillful hand.
But this season of rejoicing was of short duration. The angel of peace had descended only to plume her wings for an eternal flight, and though thirty-four years of tearful anxiety had passed over the heads of the hapless family, the end was not yet. A short time sufficed to convince them that he whom they had ad taken into their hearts as their lost brother was not Matthew Brayton. He was at length restored to his real parents in Michigan, and remained with them until the late war broke out, when he enlisted in the cavalry service. He died at Nashville, Tenn.*
Again we are confronted with a mass of conflicting evidence as to who are the rightful claimants to the honor of being the first settlers of Crawford Township. According to our best authority, Asa Lake and Nehemiah Earls located here as early as 1819. They were men of families, and settled in what is now Section 26, then Government land. though afterward entered and settled upon by Daniel Hodges, who was also one of the earliest residents of the township. As early as 1830, he built a brick house, the first of the kind in the township. He located in Crawfordsville in 1821.
Hon. John Carey, generally known as " Judge " Carey, and whose biography appears elsewhere in this work, came to this township and located with his family in 1823 or 1824. He was born in Virginia in 1792.
Christopher Baker came to this locality in 1822, and located on Section 11. In reaching his land, he came via Harrison's army trail through Delaware, Marion and Upper Sandusky to the Tymochtee, and then cut a path from Lish's Ferry. The Wyandot trail, running from Big Springs to the twelve-mile reservation, passed near Mr. Baker's cabin. His Son, John Baker, one of the old residents of the township, was born in Ross County, Ohio, August 14, 1815.
Curtis Berry, Jr., was burn in this township April 19, 1831. He came with his -parents, Curtis and Sally (Cavitt) Berry, to this county from Ross County in 1827, and located with them in this township in 1829. His father was born in 1782, and was reared in Virginia. He came to Ross County about 1804-6. His mother was of Irish descent, her father, Francis Cavitt, coming from Ireland. The parents were married in 1812, while living in Ross County. On coming to this county, Mr. Berry purchased eighty acres of land, but at his death owned a whole section. He died December 29, 1855; his wife September 4, the same year. They had tell children, three now living. The mother of Curtis Berry, Sr., was a resident of Philadelphia, and an intimate acquaintance of Col. Crawford. In playful kindness, she tied his necktie for him the morning he departed on his fatal expedition against the Indians of Ohio.
George James moved to this township with his parents, John and Elizabeth James, in 1822. He was born in Beaver County, Penn., March 9, 1807. His parents moved to Pike County in 1810, and from that point to this county. They entered eighty acres in this township, and reared ten children.
McD. M. Carey, son of Hon. John Carey, settled in this township with his parents in 1823-24, and has ever since been a resident. He was born in Franklin County, Ohio, in 1820, and is now one of the representative farmers of the township.
*His real name was William Todd.
Smith Kentfield was one of the early and prominent farmers of this township, having located here prior to 1825 He died in 1854. His son, David L. Kentfield, was born in this township March 9, 1825. He was a very prominent and successful farmer also, owning near 500 acres at the time of his death, which occurred April 2, 1884.
Hiram J. Starr, an extensive stock and grain dealer of this township, located here in 1830. He was born in Franklin County, Ohio, June 24, 1816. He began business by clerking in a store at Crawfordsville, and afterward engaged with William Buell, the first merchant of Carey, as an equal partner in the stock business. He was married in 1851 to Ellen G. Carey, widow of N. B. Carey, and daughter of William and Eliza (Kooken) Brown, previously mentioned in this chapter. Mrs. Starr was born October 12, 1824, the first white child born in this township.* Mr. Starr is still a resident of this township.
William Brayton, who came to this county in 1821, and located with his parents in Tymochtee Township, settled in Crawford in 1834. He is one of the most substantial of its farmers, having owned as high as 700 acres of land. He was born in Vermont, May 11, 1810, and was married to Margaret Carr May 5, 1839. They bad eleven children. Mrs. Brayton died January 22, 1869. His father, Elijah Brayton, was one of the first millers in the county, beginning operations by erecting a saw and grist mill in Tymochtee Township in 1823. He and John Carey also owned and operated a saw mill and carding machine, which was located on Carey's land.
William Brown was one of the few first white settlers of Crawford Township. He was born in Maryland September 12, 1706. His wife, Eliza Kooken, was born in Berks County, Penn., February 14, 1804, and they were married July 3, 1822. From an old diary (t) begun by Mr. Brown in 1822, we obtain some interesting facts given in entries as follows:
"November, 1822, entered land near the Big Spring Reservation."
"July 20, 1823, left Columbus, Ohio, for my land, with the intention of building a cabin, digging a well, etc. On my arrival, my heart for the first time failed me. The day was dark and rainy. We had spent more than half of it driving from Tymochtee out, the road being nothing but mire and water. The ground where we halted was clothed with a heavy growth of timber, so much so that we could scarcely see the sun at noon, and to add to our misfortune, we could not work without being stung by nettles, neither could we remain at ease for the hungry mosquitoes. These difficulties I could have borne with fortitude had I been there on a visit for a few days only, but when I reflected that they could be removed only by years of hard labor, I was ready to conclude that I had acted the idiot in purchasing the land, and the lunatic in attempting to settle it."
"The next day I set Orra Harris, the young man who came with me, to digging a well. I took Mr. Carey's horse to Squire Hodges, and he soon discovered that all was not right with me. He therefore immediately set about to aid me to obviate my difficulties by telling me a long flattering story, the purport of which was that he had not the least doubt that should I set in and continue with determined perseverance, my undertaking would be crowned with complete success, that I would not only make a good living, but that, in a few years, I would become independent.
*We have authority also for stating that a daughter was born in this township to Asa and Martha Lake in 1821.
(t) The diary referred to was kindly furnished its by Hiram J. Starr, son-in-law of Mr. Brown.
This story, although I know it was much exaggerated, gave we considerable relief. I returned to our encampment about dusk and was greeted with the joyful news that Orra had got water! The next morning the clouds dispersed and the sun once more visited our lonesome woods.
"Squire Hodges' flattering advice, getting water so conveniently, and the appearance of fair weather, in a great measure dissipated my dreadful forebodings, and I began work quite cheerfully. We remained six weeks, built a cabin, laid the lower floor, put up the chimney to the mantel-piece.... laid the back wall and hearth and returned home. " * * *
"April 5, .1824, set out with my horses, wagon, plows, etc., for squire Hodges' for the purpose of raising corn."
"July 1, returned home; July 15, returned again to my land to finish my cabin. September 1, home again."
"October 7, loaded up my goods and chattels and with my family I set sail' for my intended home. After a prosperous journey of four and one. half days we landed at our lonesome abode October 12, 1824."
"October 22, my wife had a fine daughter, which we named Ellen.
"May 22, 1825, planted fourteen acres of corn."
Here the entries of the old diary, now yellow with age, close, so far as they pertain to the settlement of the family in this township. The "fine daughter" which Mr. Brown refers to with so much paternal pride is now the wife of Hiram J. Starr, and, as stated above, was said to be the first white child born in this township. It will be observed that Mr. Carey and Squire Hodges were residents of this locality when Mr. Brown first settled here. It will also be seen that the first settlers in this now beautiful and prosperous region began with " dreadful forebodings " for the future. This was indeed "the forest primeval." The croaking of the frisky frog, the piping treble notes of the sanguinary mosquitoe, ever with an eye to business, the humming bee and the singing bird were all here in their primitive chorus; but they brought little cheer to the struggling settler with his limited fields of grain and big unlimited harvest of fever and ague. Mr. Brown entered 160 acres of land. His unceasing toil at last brought him to the grave; he died in 1866, and ton years later his faithful companion joined him in the realm beyond.
Besides those already mentioned as early settlers of this township, we have also the names of many others who located here at various dates prior to 1845. Among them are the following: Jesse, William, Thomas and Benjamin Gale; Samuel, James and William Ritchey; Nathan Kimball; Ichabod, Myron and Rufus Merriman; Mr. Hamlin, Thomas Wallace, John Nixon, John Gormley, John James, William James, George James, Smith Kentfield, A. Knowlton, Andrew Crawford, Abraham Loy, William Hack. ney. Asa Brayton, Warwick, Thomas and John R. Miller, Sheldon Beebe, James Miller and sons, Christopher and John Baker, Curtis Berry, Sr., Joseph and William Hart, Harvey Chidson, Hamilton Karr, Sr. and Jr., Charles M. Karr, H. J. Starr; Gershom, Elijah, John and Josephus Dowman; Conrad Hare and sons, A. B. Ranger and sons, Asa Bixby and sons, Lemuel Guerney and sons, Kinsey Ogg and sons, William Hunter and sons, Reuben Savidge and sons, William McKinzie and sons, Jacob Kemmerly and sons, Benjamin Copley and Mr. Hamlin, James Burk and sons, Isaac Burk, Sr., Daniel Brown, Ezra Gilbert, Henry Davis, Adam Nye and sons, Thomas and Samuel Hart, D. Shane, Jesse Wilson and Robert Hedges.
The following is a list of persons born in the township and now over fifty years of age: Mrs. Ellen Starr; Mary, George, Daniel A. and Rebecca
James; Mrs. Sarah J. Karr, C. B. and Harvey L. Karr, D. L. Kentfield,* Mrs. C. C. Brown, John C. and P. B. Lewis, Mrs. C. R. Clark, Mrs. Ann Searle, Mrs. Mary Ranger, Isaac Burk, Jr., Mrs. Isadore Ogg, Mrs. Dorcas Dow, Mrs. Laura Eby, Samuel Ogg, Mrs. Sarah Hibbins, L. Merriman; John, Robert and Curtis Berry, Jr.; John and Curtis Baker.
In the twenty-five years that intervened between the time of the first settler's location and 1845, the increase of settlers was rapid. The names of those who were assessed for the payment of taxes in Crawford Township in that year were as follows:
Allison, Jacob, Section 1, 40 acres.
Arnold, Anthony H., Sections 13 and 24, 422 acres.
Anderson, John S., Section 13, 200 acres.
Ambrozier, Jacob, Section 20, 160 acres.
Ayers, Isaac, Section 28, 40 acres.
Ax, William, Section 22, 80 acres.
Brick, John, Section 22, 120 acres.
Bollin, William, Section 22, 80 acres.
Brellaman, John C., Section 31, 83 acres.
Best, Frederick, Section 9, 80 acres.
Baker. Timothy, Sections 8 and 17, 258 acres.
Battenfield, Jacob, Sections 8 and 9, 122 acres.
Brown, William, Sections 8, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 31, 762 acres.
Brayton, William, Sections 10 and 11, 329 acres.
Beebe, Sheldon, Sections 15 and 22, 250 acres.
Bechtel, Henry, Sections 19 and 20, 80 acres.
Baker, Christopher, Section 11, 229 acres.
Berry, Curtis, Sections 11 and 14, 200 acres.
Burson, Elijah, Section 31, 40 acres.
Baker, John, Section 14, 40 acres, also owned a saw mill.
Banning, Anthony, Sections 24 and 25, 85 acres.
Bullis, Pheney, Section 23, 80 acres.
Buell, William, Sections 22 and 35, 126 acres.
Bollinger, Aaron, Section 5, 40 acres.
Baughman, George, Section 29, 80 acres.
Bixby, Asa, Sections 16 and 21, 160 acres, also owned a saw mill.
Conaghan, James C., Section 24, 40 acres.
Copely, Benjamin, Section 12, 80 acres.
Clark, William, Sections 1 and 2, 412 acres.
Chambers, E. J. and S., Sections 5, 200 acres.
Chesebrough, William, Section 18, 111 acres.
Carr, Nicholas, Sections 9 and 15, 328 acres.
Carey, John, 928 acres. also owned a saw mill and carding machine.
Clark, John, Section 25, 140 acres.
Crawford, Andrew's heirs, Sections 26 and 27, 120 acres.
Christy, Henry, Section 31, 40 acres. Christy,
Andrew, Sections 20 and 21, 160 acres.
Darby, Ira A., Section 29, 40 acres.
Denman, Gershom, Section 15, 30 acres. Denman, -, Sections 19 and 21, 120 acres.
Denman, Elijah, Section 21, 80 acres.
*Died April 2,1884.
Deibal, Frederick, Section 31, 42 acres.
Davis, William, Section 26, 160 acres.
Divinney, Henry, Sections 21 and 28, 80 acres.
Detrich, Henry, Section 21, 80 acres.
Divinney, Henry, Section 28, 80 acres.
Erlick, Charles E., Section 18, 40 acres.
England, Joseph, Section 20, 80 acres.
England, Lewis, Section 29, 80 acres.
Green, William E., Section 16, 1 acre.
Gurney, Samuel, Section 16, 120 acres.
Gormley, John, Sections 25 and 35, 169 acres.
Greek, Jacob, Section 30, 73 !acres.
Gerger, Michael, Section 29, 40 acres.
Hurse, Israel, Section 31, 40 acres.
Hamilton, William, Section 33, 53 acres.
Hildebrand, John, Sections 3 and 10, 160 acres.
Huntley, Ezra E., Sections 10 and 21, 160 acres.
House, William, Section 19, 74 acres.
Huffman, Valentine, Section 28, 80 acres.
Hart, Samuel, Section 20, 80 acres.
Hart, Joseph, Sections 13, 11 and 14, 225 acres.
Hart, Thomas, Section 29, 80 acres.
Hunter, James, Section 30, 80 acres.
Houck, Peter, Section 14, 150 acres, also owned a saw mill.
Houck, Paul, Section 5, 28 acres.
Hare, Conrad, Sections 9 and 10, 325 acres.
Hammond, James, Section 4, 151 acres.
Huffman, Jacob, Section 11, 50 acres.
James, John, Section 11, 80 acres.
Kneasal, George F., Section 29, 160 acres.
Kimball, Nathan, Sections 3 and 4, 240 acres.
Kurtz, Henry, Section 6, 58 acres.
Kentfield, Smith, Sections 23 and 25, 230 acres.
Kerr, Charles M., Sections 25 and 36, 123 acres.
Kerr, Charles, Section 36, 23 acres.
Karr, Hamilton, Sections 25 and 36, 153 acres.
Keay, Moses, Section 14, 40 acres.
Kenan, Samuel, Sections 10 and 15, 56 acres.
Kass, Sanford F., Section 21, 80 acres.
Leland, Lewis, Section 28, 40 acres.
Lowry, Alexander, Section 29, 40 acres.
Lane, Peter, Section 5, 108 acres.
Ludwig, George, Section 9, 90 acres.
Lowry, John, Section 20, 80 acres,
Lewis, John, Sections 24 and 25, 240 acres.
Mason D. and J. S. Hard, Section 25, 80 acres.
McKinzie, William, Section 1, 200 acres.
Merriman, Miram, Section 24, 120 acres.
Merriman, John, Sections 3 and 12, 160 acres.
Myers, Samuel, Section 31, 40 acres.
McDowell, William, Sections 9, 10 and 35, 250 acres.
McGowen, Hiram, Section 2, 63 acres.
Mad River & Lake Erie Railroad, Section 16, 80 acres.
Miller, John, Sections 22 and 27, 160 acres.
Miller, Thomas, Section 27, 1 acre.
McKenzie, Roderick, Section 2, 70 acres.
Nye, Adam, Sections 19 and 30, 699 acres.
Nye, Samuel. Section 32, 145 acres.
Nease, Jacob, Section 12, 80 acres.
Neisbaum, Thomas, Section 14, 80 acres.
Needham, Azariah. Section 12, 80 acres.
Nogle, William, Section 31, 42 acres.
Ogg, Kinsey, Sections 17 and 19, 200 acres.
Pfund, Joseph, Sections 22 and 31, 103 acres.
Pettinger, B. & J., Section 2, 80 acres.
Pontius, Andrew, Section 3, 152 acres.
Patterson, John, Section 5, 40 acres.
Reid, Nehemiah, Section 28, 120 acres.
Ragan, Thomas, Section 20, 40 acres.
Ranger, Amos B., Sections 14, 21, 22 and 23, 400 acres.
Rickey, William, Sections 25 and 26, 376 acres.
Rathbun, Samuel, Section 15, 80 acres.
Sears, Sylvester, Section 1, 80 acres.
Stahl, Jacob, Sections 7 and 8, 107 acres.
Swartzlander, Henry, Sections 5 and 6, 80 acres.
Snook, Jacob, Sections 1 and 2, 80 acres.
Swihart, Aaron, Sections 4 and 8, 100 acres.
St. John, Henry, Section 14, 80 acres.
Stahl, John, Sections 4 and 8, 100 acres.
Shrovely, Henry, Section 8, 80 acres.
Snyder, Samuel, Sections 5 and 6, 210 acres.
Shuman, Henry, Section 7, 199 acres.
Swihart, Aaron, Section 6, 76 acres.
Stahl, Philip, Sections 7 and 18, 240 acres.
Stahl, Peter, Section 7, 100 acres.
Shuman, Frederick, Sections 5, 6 and 7, 60 acres.
Shuman, Jonas, Sections 5 and 6, 40 acres,
Stevens, Moses, Section 23, 120 acres.
Smith, Jacob, Sections 7 and 18, 244 acres.
Smith, George, Section 18, 37 acres.
Saffell, Jehu, Section 3, 76 acres.
Struble, John. Section 9, 40 acres.
Sarles, Samuel, Section 18, 74 acres.
Smith, William, Sections 23 and 24, 145 acres.
Sockrider, John, Section 81, 158 acres.
Slagle, Jacob, Section 28, 80 acres.
State of Ohio.
Thomas, David, Section 6, 80 acres.
Thomas, Jacob, Section 7, 10 acres.
Throgmaster, P. & G., Section 17, 249 acres.
Tipton, David, Section 81, 40 acres.
Williams, Benjamin, Sections 1 and 2, 80 acres.
Welchamer, John, Section 23, 80 acres.
Welch, Aaron, Section 1, 160 acres.
Wonder, John, Section 4, 153 acres.
Yager, Michael, Section 20, 80 acres.
Zubb, Peter, Section 1, 40 acres.
Major, George, Section 22, 40 acres.
Shuman, Jonas, Section 6, 78 acres.
Hart, Samuel, Section 21). 80 acres.
Denman, Joseph, Section 29, 40 acres.
Bert, Frederick, Section 14, 80 acres.
Saffield, John, Section 3, 96 acres.
McDowell, William, Section 25, 88 acres.
Names of lot owners in 1845: Polly Belote, George Belote, William M. Buell, Joseph M. Fry, John Gabriel, Michael Gressell, John Gormly, John Houck, William Jennery, Israel Jennery, Samuel Kenan, Smith Lawton, James W. Marmon, James Rickey, R. P. Ranney, William Richey, Foster W. Savidge, Reuben Savidge, Morgan Savidge, State of Ohio.
Owners of lots: George Berry, Buell & Welch, Thomas Berry, Thomas C. Burnett, William Baker, Lyman Cody, William Cooley, Peter Houck, Henry Houck, John Houck, William Huff, John Hare, William McDowell, Mad River & Lake Erie Railroad Company, Rufus W. Reid, James Rickey, William Rickey, Daniel Smith, James Thompson, Aaron Welch, Charles Zuck.
George Amos, Curtis Berry, Jr., Asa Bixby, Michael Battenfield, Henry Bechtel, William Brown, Frederick Best, Mariah Bent, Elizabeth Bullis, George Baughman, Christopher Breama, Sheldon Beebe, William Bolden, Asa Batole, James Bliss, Isaac Burke, William Brayton, Curtis and Christopher Baker, Elizabeth Bogart, John Baker, William M. Buell, Buell & Welch (merchant), Andrew Christy, McDonough M. Carey, William Cole, Frederick Craft, John Carey, Charles Carr, Joel Clark, Luther Chaffee, Robert Cavot, Benjamin Cobley, William Clark, Daniel Christy, Nicholas Carr, John Carr, Beriah Chesebrough, Joel Chesebrough, Erasmus Chambers, William Chambers, Dr. Howard Clark (practicing physician), William Dunbar, Elijah Denman, Gershom. T. Denman, William Davis, Ira Derby, John Donney, Lewis England, John England, Daniel England, Dr. John Foster (practicing physician), Henry Frazier, Joseph M. Fry, Lemuel Gurney, Jacob Gear, Thomas W. Greer, Eli Gibbs, - Gormley, John Helsey, Widow Holtz, Rebecca Hart, Isaac Hopkins, Conrad Hare, John Hare, Solomon Hare, Jonathan Hart, William Hoff, Francis Hook, David Hawkins, Perry Harmon, John Houck, Samuel Hart, William Hunter, Thomas Hart, John James, Jacob Kennedy, Hamilton Kerr, Hamilton Kerr, Jr., Smith Kentfield, Andrew Kostenbader, Tobias Kneazle, Nathan Kimball, Aaron Kostenbader, Charles Lindour, Amos Lucas, John Lowry, Jeremiah Lowry, Sidney Lewis, William McDowell, James McGuinn, Thomas Morgan, Nelson Miller, Warick Miller, Charles Murphy, Thomas Miller, John Miller, Joseph Metcalf, Miram Merriman, Roderick McKinzie, William McKinzie, Abram Myers, Hugh Mulholland, Azariah Needham, Gideon Nye, Adam Nye, Emanuel Nye, Aaron Nye, John Nye, Adam Nye, Kinzie Ogg, William Preston, William Parker, Florian Pound, James Rickey, James Richardson, Samuel Rathbun, Amos B. Ranger, Luther Ranger, William Rickey, Nehemiah Read, George W. Stoner, Jacob Slaybaugh, Daniel Sockrider, Jacob Smith, Reuben Savidge, Foster Savidge, Thomas Stickles, Levi
Savidge, William Smith, Sylvester Sears, Jacob Soop, Jacob Snook, Israel Shoefer, Susannah Stahl, Jonathan Sickley, Daniel Shane, Samuel Searls, Samuel Stahl, Jacob Smith, Peter Stahl, Elizabeth Stahl, Henry Shoeman, Jonas Shoeman, Frederick Shoeman, Henry Swartzlander, Aaron Swihart, Samuel Snyder, John Stahl, Henry Shively, Samuel Snyder, Reuben F. Savidge, John Sockrider, Hiram Stern, James Thompson, Adolphus Vogel, Andrew Vance, George Wolf, Aaron Welch, George Wonder, John Wonder, Jeremiah Williams, Daniel Walker, Michael Yeager, Charles Zook.
It has been said that " the groves were God's first temples," and the first settlers of the township were the possessors of habitations no less magnificent. In many instances land was purchased or entered and settled upon when nothing but the leafy canopy of the forest trees served the eager and determined home seekers as a shelter from the wrath of the elements. Young wives, taken from homes of luxury, have here united the work of their hands with that of the husbands of their hearts, and with ,the courage of the Carthaginian maidens, who gave their tresses to their brother warriors for bow-strings, that their homes might be saved from the destruction of the Roman soldiers, have braved both storm and exposure while the first cabins were being erected.
As has already been stated, Asa Lake was first to locate in this township, and in 1819 , he erected the first abode that graced the primeval solitudes of this locality. It was a double log cabin, about 18x20 feet, and was located on Section 26. About two years later, Daniel Hodges founded a home near the village of Crawfordsville, and in 1823 John Carey built a hewed-log house on the south bank of the Tymochtee, nearly opposite the old Delaware village of Capt. Pipe. William Brown erected his cabin .in the same year, but probably after Mr. Carey bad built his. However, this is uncertain, as we arrive at this conclusion by the fact that Carey 'was already in the vicinity at the time of Brown's arrival.
The first regular thoroughfare constructed in the township extended from Tymochtee to Carey's mill. It passed through Sections 25 and 26, and in Tymochtee extended through Sections 16 and 20. The early settlers went to Delaware for supplies usually, though as early as 1823, John Carey and Elijah Brayton erected a saw and grist mill, on lands owned by 'Mr. Carey, in what is now Tymochtee Township. A carding machine was also operated in connection with this mill. At present the township can toast, of five mills---one saw mill at Crawford, two saw mills at Carey and two grist mills at the latter place. The first store of this territory was kept at Crawfordsville, by William M. Buell, who was also the first merchant of Carey. There is but one mercantile establishment now conducted outside the villages, and that is the property of McD. M. Carey.
The first settlers of Crawford Township were not blind to the necessities of education, and, as early as 1828, erected a schoolhouse on what is now the southeast quarter of Section 26. Among the first teachers were William Hackney and Adeline Potterfield. Others were James Heron, John A. Morrison, Jane Coddington. Mrs. Maynard, Laura Starr, Erastus
Ranger Clem Allen, J. Newman, Miss Eliza Ingram, S. Johnson, Dr. Kirk. am, Hiram J. Starr, Jesse Wilson, Eliza Lewis, Emma Carey and McD. Carey. As the population of the township increased, other districts were formed and school rooms were erected. There are now eleven subdistricts the township, and all are provided with well-equipped buildings.
The first religious society organized in Crawford Township was begun in 1828, under the supervision of Rev. Thomas Thompson, who was then a missionary among the Wyandot Indians, of Upper Sandusky. Arza Brown was the first regular circuit preacher in this section of the country. The first church building of the township was erected by the United Brethren society at Carey in 1845.
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic, Church of Crawfordsville, a small but thriving congregation, dates its origin with the year 1849. Rev. Xaver Obermuller, at present director of a community of Sisters in La Crosse, Wis., was the first to visit the few scattered families located here. He succeeded in uniting them, and the result was the erection of a log church 26x2O feet. Here the sacrifice of mass was offered up for the first time by Father Obermuller, and, what is worthy of mention, upon a brick altar, which was expressly designed and built by Christian Brooks, one of the members.
The original members of the congregation, eight in all, were John Shoe. maker, John Best, Christian Brooks, Mathew Haut, Anthon Eberle, Andrew Fetter, John Stump and Peter Pauly. Increasing by degrees in number and adding daily more and more to their worldly substance, they were Soon dissatisfied wit]; their log church and its location. Something more noble and befitting was deemed necessary. Thereupon an acre of land was donated by Peter Pauly for the purpose, and under the supervision of Rev. Nicolaus Gales, a Sanguinist Father, a second church, 50x25 feet, was built in the year 1859, at a cost of $1,000. Mr. Draper likewise donated two acres and a half for cemetery purposes. In time this cosy little church was entirely too small for the congregation, the more so, since many from Carey and Kirby would attend divine services. 'It was first proposed to build an addition, but the greater part, in fact all, were in favor of a now church. Subscriptions were raised and work begun in August, 1883, un. der the present pastor, Rev. John G. Mizer, according to the plan of architect J. Kokinga. The structure, a frame building, is built in the Roman styles, and has the form of a cross. It has a frontage of forty feet and a depth of eighty-five feet. The tower is built apart from the building proper, and has a height of 128 feet. When finished the church will cost nearly $6,000.
Rev. Mr. Obermuller was succeeded by Rev. Messrs. Anthony, Engel. bert, Dambach, 1854-56; Rochus, Shurtz, Bernardus Austerman, 1856-57; Nicolaus Gales, 1857-59; Erhardt Gluck, 1859-60; Patrick Henneberry, 1860-62; Math Kreush, 1862-65; Christian French, 1865-66; Alphons Laux, 1866-67; Philip Reast, 1867-69; Kasper Shedler, 1869-70; John Birnbaum, 1870-72; Theobald Schock, 1872-75; Joseph Rosenberg, 1875-80, and the latter by the present pastor, Rev. John G. Mizer, July 19, 1880.
The congregation of St. Joseph's is composed of well-to-do farmers, mostly all Germans, and at present numbers about thirty-eight families. It is now visited twice a month on Sundays. A parochial school has been maintained since 1878.
The first missions or so called revivals were held in a private dwelling by the Fathers of the Precious Blood in 1850. The second was conducted by the Redemptorists in the year 1863.
The official record of Crawford Township from its earliest organization is not to be obtained. Its first elections were held in Tymochtee, as it then comprised the territory now divided between the three townships-Craw.
ford, Tymochtee and Sycamore. As this township is now organized, the first election was hold at the residence of Sheldon Beebe, who lived on the Southwest quarter of Section 15. The list of officials, Trustees, Clerks and Treasurers, from 1867 to 1883 is (if interest and is given below; also the vote cast for the office of Justice of the Peace in 1846:
Trustees-1867, John R. Miller, John Greer, G. Nigh.
1868-Hamilton Karr, Edward Brown, John Greer.
1869-John Greer, Josiah Shawhan, George B. Corwin.
1870-John Greer, John Baker, A. J. Wonder.
1871-John Baker, Aaron Nigh, William Brayton.
1872-John Greer; Aaron Nigh, Buel S. Beebe.
1873-Aaron Nigh, Buel S. Beebe, John Greer.
1874-Buel S. Beebe, John Greer, Aaron Nigh.
1875-Buel S. Beebe, Charles Stief, Henry P. Brown.
1876-Charles Stief, Henry P. Brown, David Smith.
1877-Charles Stief, Buel S. Beebe, Henry P. Brown.
1878-Charles Stief, Buel S. Beebe, John Baker.
1879-John Baker, Charles Stief, David Smith.
1880-John Baker, Henry P. Brown, John Greer.
1881-John Baker, Charles Stief, Henry P. Brown.
1882-Charles Stief, George S. Myers, George W. Starr.
1883-George S. Meyers, George W. Starr, Oliver Brayton.
Clerks-1867-68, J. W. Chamberlain; 1869, C. B. Hare; 1870-71, Robert Gregg; 1872-74, Walton Weber; 1875, George S. Meyers; .1876-79, Walton Weber; 1880, George S. Myers; 1881, Jerry Carothers; 1882, A. J. Frederick; 1883, Daniel B. Royer.
Treasurers--1867, F. R. Baumgartner; 1868, L. F. Staff; 1869-70, H. McDowell; 1871-73, 1. N. Keller; 1874, Charles D. Hoff; 1875-78, Amos Bixby; 1879-83, John Wensinger.
The votes for Justice of the Peace at the election held in this township October 13, 1846, stood as follows: Abraham Myers, 125; Andrew Nye, 55; Abraham Peace, 1 vote.
The above-named town derived its title from Judge John Carey, who, at its founding, was President of the Indiana, Bloomington & Western Railroad, upon which it is situated, and, as a consequence, was deeply interested in the success of the embryo metropolis of the township-we may almost say of the county.
Carey was laid out by R. M. Shuler and W. M. Buell in 1843, these gentlemen owning the land upon which it is situated. The town is pleasantly located in the northwestern part of the county, ten miles from Upper Sandusky, and now has the advantage of three lines of railroad-the Findlay Branch, the Cleveland, Sandusky & Cincinnati line, and the Columbus, Hocking Valley & Toledo Railway.
It will be seen that the town of Carey was laid out two years previous to the organization of Wyandot County, and this fact, after all that has been said in regard to the general development of the county in previous chapters, is sufficient evidence to most readers, no doubt, that the territory of the vicinity in which Carey is located was exceedingly wild and uncultivated at the period of its history above referred to.
In the same year in which the town was founded, John Houck made the initial step in the way of architecture by erecting a frame building on Find. lay (or Main) street, where he engaged in hotel-keeping, the first business of the kind, or of any kind, done in the town. The old building is still standing, in a fair state of preservation, and is still used for hotel purposes, with W. K. Humbert as its present proprietor. It is a quaint, old structure, but has been remodeled, repaired and renewed in appearance by a fresh coating of paint, and is probably good for another forty years of usefulness. The erection of this building was followed in quick succession by those of Aaron Welsh, Peter Kenan, Mr. Cody, Michael Grussell, D. Straw, Curtis Berry, Shumaker, McDowell and others, the exact dates of their erection being unknown. Several of these original domiciles are still standing, though most of them in a repaired condition.
The pioneer merchant of Carey was W. M. Buell, who erected a frame store room one story high, 22x8O feet in size, in 1843, and began business in the sale of general merchandise, with a stock valued at $10,000. McD. X. Carey was employed as clerk by Mr. Buell, and claims the honor of making the first sale over the counter of this establishment. The old building now stands about two doors from the corner of Findlay and Vance streets, and is used as a butcher shop. R. W. Reed, McD. M. Carey and H. J. Starr established the next business house in Carey, the firm being known as Reed, Carey & Co. Their stock consisted of general merchandise, valued at $6, 000 to $8,000. The third business house which sprang up in the then promising village was established by Jones Park; the fourth by McDowell & Baker, and the fifth by John E. James, all dealing in general merchandise.
In the fall of 1845, David Straw established a small grocery store in Carey with a capital of less than $50. He has continued in business in the town ever since, and is now one of the three wealthiest men of the county. He was born in Pitt Township March 28, 1826, and is therefore now in hill fifty-ninth year. His business has increased to wonderful proportions, the result of his extraordinary energy and tact. It is a matter deserving of special notice that Mr. Straw is now the only business man in Carey who began operations in the town as early as 1845. Hiram J. Starr is, however, an extensive stock and grain dealer of Crawford Township, and operates in and about Carey. McD. M. Carey owns a large farm in the township, and is one of its most influential citizens.
Since her humble beginning with one hotel in 1843, and her three or four mercantile establishments up to 1845, the village of Carey has made rapid strides in the field of progress. She is now a strong rival of Upper Sandusky, and the prospects for her future success are decidedly favorable. In order that the reader may comprehend the full scope of her business interests and industries, a special mention is made below of the various branches now represented within her limits.
One of the leading dry goods stores of Carey is that now controlled by the firm of William Campbell & Son. The firm was established in May, 1877, the stock being purchased of the Colton Brothers, who succeeded D. Straw, who erected and now owns the building in which the business is conducted. It is one of the oldest business houses in the town, and also one of the most extensive. The firm carries an average stock of about $18, 000, doing an annual business of $45,000.The building is 22x110 feet in size,
and located on the corner of Findlay and Vance streets. Mr. Campbell is also extensively engaged in pork packing at Kenton, Ohio, operates a stave factory and has an interest in the paper mills of the latter place.
H. B. Kurtz, located near the southwest corner of Findlay and Vance streets, carries a stock of dry goods, groceries, carpets, boots, shoes, etc., valued at $14,000, and does a thriving business. He established his trade in 1877, he being sole proprietor, which he still continues to be. In connection with his store, Mr. Kurtz does quite an extensive private banking business. The building in which he is located is 22x80 feet, with a storage room of forty-six feet, and was erected by Mr.Shumaker in 1874.
T. Woodworth, a hardware merchant, began business in June, 1874, and continued as sole proprietor till 1881, in March of which year he admitted J. A. Smith as a partner. Three years litter Mr. Woodworth purchased Mr. Smith's interests, and has since conducted the business independently. He occupies a two-story brick building, 26x110 feet, situated on the corner of Findlay and Vance streets, and carries a stock of hardware, stoves, tinware and agricultural implements, valued at $5,000 to $7,000.
R. Gregg is located opposite the post office, south side of Findlay street, and conducts a grocery store, having been in the business since 1868, in different parts of the town. Mr. Gregg was appointed Postmaster of Carey in .1869, and retained that position until 1881. He erected his present brick building, 18x50 feet, in 1876. carries a stock valued at about $1,000.
George S. Myers began operations in the drug business in Carey in 1872, and continued the same till 1877. He then engaged in the fruit business till 1884, when he purchased an entire now stock and reestablished himself in the drug trade. He occupies the Frederick Building opposite the post office, and is doing a good business. C. Pflueger occupies a portion of the same building, and keeps a full stock of jewelry, clocks, watches, etc., doing all kinds of repairing in his line. His stock is valued at $1,000.
Peter Will & Co., furniture dealers and undertakers, are located on Findlay street next door to Myers' drug store. The business was begun in 1882, by the firm of Wickiser & Will. One year later, the former member of the firm disposed of his interest to J. S. Hawks, since which time the firm has been known as Peter Will & Co. The building which they occupy was built, 1882, by D. S. Nye and is a brick structure, two stories, 18x60 feet. The firm carries a stock of goods valued at $5,000. E. E. Nye conducts a tonsorial parlor in the same block, next door, having purchased his outfit of E. U. Montague in July, 1883. P. J. Weber conducts a saloon in the same block, having purchased his outfit and stock of T. W. O'Marra in January, 1883.
O. G. Kennard is a saddle and harness-maker. He purchased his stock of Ed Campbell, and took charge of the business April 1, 1884. He carries a stock of harness, saddles, trunks, valises, etc., valued at $1,500, He is also located in the Nye Block, which was built in 1882, the old buildings having been destroyed by fire October 28, 1881.
Taylor & Campbell, hardware merchants, occupy the Frederick Building, on Findlay street, south side. The business was begun in April, 1883, by Frederick & Taylor, but the former member soon after disposed of his interest to Mr. Campbell. They carry a fall stock of hardware and tinware, and some of the lighter agricultural implements.
E. M. Gear began the grocery business in Carey in January, 1884, having purchased the stock of D. S. Nye, who bad conducted the same trade in the same location since 1859, occupying a frame building. The present
brick building was erected by Mr. Nye in 1860. Mr. Gear does a cash business principally, and has a good trade. He deals extensively in hides, pelts and fur. His stock is valued at $1,800 to $2,000.
R. C. Kinney conducts a boot and shoe store on the south side of Find. lay street. He purchased the stock of J. B. Conrad in October, 1883, the latter gentleman having conducted the business for six years previous. The building which Mr. Kinney occupies was erected prior to 1860, by W. A. Nye. It is a two-story brick 20x6O. Mr. Kinney carries a stock valued at $5,000.
G. W. Chesebrough established himself in the grocery, provision and queensware trade in Carey in 1875. He occupies a building erected by D. Straw, and purchased by the former in 1877. Mr. Chesebrough now has the oldest grocery establishment in the town. His stock is valued at $2,000.
W. Carot hers keeps a fine stock of drugs, books, stationary, etc., on Find. lay street, near the corner of Vance and Findlay. He began business in 1876, purchasing his stock of George Myers. The building which he occupies is owned, and was built by Dr. Brayton, at a cost of $3,000. Mr. Car. other's stock is valued at $5,000.
D. Bechtell, the butcher, near southwest corner of Vance and Findlay streets, began operations in his line in 1877. He occupies the old Dame building, which was the first store room erected in Carey.
On Vance street, S. Orwig keeps a small stock of harness, saddles, whips, robes, blankets, trunks, valises, making custom work a specialty. J. Dodd, located above this shop, manufactures the best brands of cigars, his annual sales amounting to $3,000 per year, and N. Steinmetz manufactures boots and shoes, also carrying a stock of ready-made goods. He erected his store room in 1876, at a cost of $500.
E. S. Shellhouse is the proprietor of the only food store and nursery in Carey. He deals in all kinds of tropical and other fruits by wholesale, and ships more melons than any other dealer in Northern Ohio. Has been engaged here in the produce business since 1863, with the exception of three years.
William Simonis, a grocer, keeps an establishment on the north side of Findlay street, nearly opposite the Gault House. The business was begun by Peter Simonis, in 1879, his son William, the present proprietor, taking charge in 1882. He occupies the Fetten building, and carries a stock val. ued at $1,000. In connection with his grocery business, Mr. Simonis also conducts a news stand.
J. W. Herndon, Postmaster, keeps a stock of confectionery, tobaccos, cigars and stationery, having opened up the trade in 1881. The building which he occupies was built by Lewis Jacobs in 1871. C. W. D. Zuck keeps a stock of jewelry, clocks and watches, in the same building. He suc. ceeded I. N. Keller, whose goods he purchased in 1873.
A. E. Gibbs conducts a grocery and provision store, having purchased his original stock of A. J. Frederick in 1881. He is located in the Odd Follows building, and carries a full line of goods, $3,000 in value.
Mrs. R. C. Pennington, proprietress of the millinery establishment of Carey, located on the north side of Findlay street. The original firm was known as Webb & Simonis, and dates from 1870. In 1878, Mrs. Pennington purchased the stock, and has since conducted the business.
Amos Bixby, located on north side of Findlay street, in Gibbs building, keeps a large stock of clothing, gent's furnishing goods, hats, caps, boots, shoes, etc., and also does a merchant tailoring business. He began business in 1868.
T. J. Kennard established himself in the grocery business here in 1880, having purchased his stock of J. L. Herndon. He is located in the Gibbs building, and does a business with a stock of about $4,500.
Wickiser & Weber occupy Straw's building, north side of Findlay street, with a fine selected stock of hardware, stoves, tinware and agricultural implements. The present firm was established in 1883, their stock being purchased of A. Frederick.
D. Harpster is one of the leading druggists of Carey. He began the business here in 1866, having been in the dry goods trade four years previous. In 1874, he erected his two-story brick building, 20x80 feet. Mr. Harpster carries a stock of drugs, books, stationery, wall paper, etc., and has a full share of the public patronage. In 1877, he added a stock of general jewelry.
J. R. Siddall & Co. do business in the grocery and provision trade. The firm was established in February, 1884, the respective members being J. R. Siddall and C. L. Sheldon. They carry a stock valued at $1,500.
J. L. Wensinger began the dry goods trade bore in 1876, with J. Wonsinger, under the firm name of J. & J. Wensinger. In 1881, J. L. Wensinger purchased his partner's interest, and has since continued the business as sole proprietor.
Miss L. A. Raider keeps a stock of millinery and fancy goods. The business was established by Misses Shuman and Raider, the former member retiring six years later. Shop located on corner of Findlay and Vance streets, up-stairs; stock, $500.
J. F. Zimmerman, photographer, opened his gallery here in 1871. He subsequently worked three years in Crestline, and resumed business here in 1877. He erected his business building in 1882. Does all kinds of work in his line, and also takes orders for the finest work in India ink and crayon portraits.
Albert Nye conducts a bakery and restaurant nearly opposite the Gault House. He purchased the stock of J. L. Herndon in February, 1884.
J. A. Hackenberger, cigar dealer and manufacturer, is located on the south side of Findlay street, above Chesebrough's grocery establishment. He employs five to seven operators, who produce annually from 200,000 to 300,000 cigars. Sales chiefly confined to Ohio.
George P. Diemer, butcher, is located on the north side of Findlay street, near Vance, the business having been begun in 1878 by J. K. Hackenberger and George P. Diemer. The former sold his interest in May, 1879, to F. B. McCowen, the firm being known as Diemer & McCowen till January, 1880, when Mr. Diemer became sole proprietor.
William Wyborn conducts a shoe shop on Findlay street opposite the Gault House, doing only custom work. Montague Brothers have a neat barbering establishment next door, their outfit having been purchased of H. Fagin in 1884. S. Myers does a general, blacksmithing business on Vance street near the foundry, having established himself here in January, 1883.
J . Z. Sutphen began the clothing business here in 1867, in partnership with M. D. Grossell. Seven years later, he purchased Mr. Grossell's interest, and has since conducted the establishment himself.
The People's Bank was established in 1866 by D. Straw, H. B. Gage, 0. Poesnal and Charles Poesnal with $50,000 capital. In 1869, D. Straw purchased the stock of the other members of the firm and became sole proprietor. In 1876, on the maturity of his son, H. Straw, he gave him an in
terest amounting to $10,000 and admitted him as a partner. The bank has the entire confidence of the people and is doing an excellent business. Its present capital is $70,000.
The Old Carey Mills.-J. C. Shuler now operates the old mill which was erected by Enos and William Wonder in 1844. Except the "Indian Mill" near Upper Sandusky, it is the oldest in the county. It was formerly owned by Henry Walborn who operated it for a period of sixteen years. Mr. Shuler assumed control of the institution in 1882, but now has it rented to other parties. The mill has three run of buhrs with a capacity of fifteen barrels per day, and is valued at $6,000.
The Carey Mills were established in 1845, the building having been erected for a warehouse by Buell & Welsh in 1845. It is therefore one of the oldest structures in the town and has undergone many changes. In 1867, it was converted into a flouring mill by a Stock company, known as the Carey Milling Company, and named the "Carey Mills." This firm failed in 1870, and the mill was sold to one Cunningham, of Tiffin, and afterward passed into the possession of D. Straw. It subsequently passed through the bands of several other parties, and is now owned by E. C. Orean, of West Liberty, Ky., and Allen Smalley, of Upper Sandusky.
Henry Waters' Planing Mill and Sash Factory.-This institution, the leading industry of Carey, was erected about 1868, by Hiram Young, who was accidently killed in the saw mill department in 1881. Mr. Waters then purchased the machinery and has since had charge of the establish. ment to which he has added much both in capacity and patronage. The building is 40x120 feet in size, two story, though not yet wholly completed. The mill is located on North street near the railroad, and, including the stock of lumber, is valued at about $20,000. It employs eight workmen and does an extensive business in the dressing of lumber and manufacture of doors, sash, blinds, store fronts, fencing and molding.
Manecke & Co.'s Planing Mill and Sash Factory.-The firm and business of Manecke & Co., was established in 1877. In 1882, the institution was entirely destroyed by fire, but was rebuilt in 1882-83. The main room is a frame building 40x50; the brick engine room is 20x40, and the storage shed is 20x74 feet in size. The value of the whole concern is placed at $8,000. The firm employs eight workmen when the mill is in full operation.
Van Buren & Ryder's Foundry and Machine Shops. -This enterprise was established in 18- by James Carothers and a nephew of the same name. The latter sold his interest to the former, who again disposed of the property to T. Gould and Samuel Keeler, both of whom entered the service soon after and resold their interest to James Carothers, Jr. About 1862, Mr. S. C. Van Buren purchased a half interest in the concern, and the firm of Van Buren & Carothers conducted the establishment till March, 1874, when Mr. Carothers disposed of his interest to Samuel Bitler. In 1882, Mr. Rider purchased Bitler's interest, and the present firm was established. The mill was formerly operated for manufacturing drag sawing machines, but is now principally engaged in making the automatic lathe for handles. All kinds of repairing and general job work is also done, and an occasional engine is constructed. In 1879, the firm erected a brick building, two story, 26x60, with a molding room 26x40 feet in size. The enterprise is one of the most important of the village, and highly worthy of a enerous patronage. The value of the stock and buildings is placed at $10,000.
The Wyandot Chief Hand Hay Rake Works.-One of the most important enterprises ever founded in Carey was that of the " Wyandot Chief Hand Hay Rake Works," which was established by Col. Y. Bickham in 1881. The main building of the concern was 50x75 feet, with two wings, 25x100 and 26x72 feet respectively, a brick engine room, 17x34, and a dry room, 16x65 feet. The total cost was about $16,000. The motive power was supplied by an 85-horse-power boiler, and a 50-horse-power engine. Two Saw mills were kept in operation. The firm was chiefly engaged in the manufacture of hand rakes and cradle fingers, though other bent work was also manufactured. Thirty-two workman were employed, the capacity of the factory being 22,000 dozen rakes per annum, 250 dozen cradle fingers per day, or 300 set of buggy bows per day. October 3, 1883, this immense establishment was totally destroyed by fire, there being little or no doubt in the minds of most people familiar with the circumstances of the destruction that the work was that of some fiendish and cowardly incendiary.
Samuel Lytle's Wagon and Carriage Shops are located on the corner of Findlay and Patterson streets. He established his business in 1858-59, and in the following year erected his brick shop building, two stories high, 25x36 feet in dimensions. He manufactures wagons, carriages, buggies, etc., and does a general repairing and blacksmithing business, employing three workmen.
Roll & Galbroner's Wagon and Carriage Works are located on Vance street, between Findlay and North streets. The original proprietor was C. H. Crum, who founded the business in 1850. The firm of Roll & Galbroner was established in 1865. They do a fair business, their line being the manufacture of farm wagons, carriages and buggies. General blacksmithing and repairing are also important branches of their trade.
Charles Stief's Tile Factory is one of the most extensive in this quarter of the State. It was begun in 1859, then being only a brick kiln. The tile machinery was added in 1877. Mr. Stief operates about eighteen workmen, and does an extensive business. During the year 1883, he consumed 1,200 cords of wood in burning the product of his kilns.
D. Straw's Elevator was built in 1846, by Reed, Carey & Starr. About 1847, this latter company failed, and the property, which was sold at Sheriff's sale in 18,50, was purchased by D. Straw, who has since kept it in re,pair and use. It is one of the old-time buildings of the town, and has a receiving capacity of 4,000 bushels per day, and a Storage capacity of 50, 000 bushels.
The hotels of Carey are as ancient as the town itself. Whether these buildings have been preserved on account of the dreamy memories which have clustered around them since the earliest days of their struggling existence, or whether they are retained through some distorted notion of econ. omy, it is not within the province of the writer to say. Certain it is, however, the old building now known as the Commercial Hotel was the first domicile erected in the town. John Houck was its builder and first proprietor. He was succeeded by Hi Plummer, and since that worthy ceased to dispense the luxuries of the board to his varied guests, the hospitable landlords who have followed in the train are named in their order as follows: Silas Dow, John Elder, D. S. Nye, C. Thurman, William Ramsbottom, G. Carr, Mr. McGalner, J. C. Gear, M. M. Walton, S. Shellhouse, C. Shellhouse, William Wilsey, John Hackenberger, John Lance, S. Watson, P. Anders, J. AV. DeWitt, and the present gentlemanly and accommodating
proprietor, W. R. Humbert. Under its present efficient management, the old pioneer hostlery is renewing her youth, keeping loftily space with the spirit of the times, her ancient apartments ever aglow with cheerfulness and comfort.
The Gault House was erected in 1847-48, about three years after the building of the old Commercial, by John Houck and a Mr. Case, who were its first proprietors. Those who have succeeded in the management of the hotel are Thomas Plummer, Bowsher & Fondron, William Chambers, Rose. well Perry, David McElvain, A. and D. Joys, N. McClure, F. J. Warallo, F. J. Cox, Dr. Rhodes, and Thomas O'Marra, the present proprietor. This house is conveniently located on Findlay street, near the railroad, and affords first-class accommodations for the traveling public.
Christ's Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized November 22, 1858, in the Evangelical Church of this place. Of the eleven original members but one is now living. Rev. Haner acted as chairman at the organization, and the first officers of the new organization were Michael Grossell, Elder; Gideon Nigh, Deacon. After the organization of the church, it was taken into pastoral relation with the Vanlue Society and served with preaching by Rev. Haner. The society conducted its meetings in the Evangelical Church building till April, 1859, when it accepted the privilege of worshiping in the United Brethren Church building. Here it continued to hold its meetings till its own house was completed, which was in August, 1860.
In March, 1861, the celebrated Kneisly-Brown controversy occurred. The questions discussed were: 1. Do the Scriptures teach the final holiness and happiness of all mankind? Rev. C. R. Brown (Universalist) affirms; Rev. Kneisly denies. 2. Do the Scriptures teach the endless punishment of a part of the human race? Kneisly affirms; Brown denies. This discussion lasted four days, and according to the language of the church records "resulted satisfactorily to the friends of truth as held by the orthodox churches, but resulted in dissatisf action to the pastor." The pastors who have served in this charge up to date are as follows: Rev. Haner, from date of organization to March 22, 1863; Rev. Funk, to November 27, 1864; Rev. Haner again, to April 28, 1867; Rev. J. W. Henderson, to 1869; Rev. S. J. Delo, three months; Rev. D. S. Truckenmiller, to April 20, 1873; Rev. J.' M. Dustman, to the present time.
From the pastor's tenth anniversary sermon preached February 1, 1884, we gather the following statistics of the church during the ten years of his pastorate. Total membership February 1, 1884, 195; received during pres. ent pastorate, 155; total losses from various causes, 95; present membership, 100; marriages solomnized, 112; funerals attended, 154. The Women's Home and Foreign Mission Society was organized in 1878, and to September 1, 1883, had contributed to their favorite objects, besides to other objects, $225.20. The Children's Foreign Missionary Society was organized in August, 1878, and to September 1, 1883, had contributed $63.95. The following amounts have been contributed to the various pur. poses mentioned below during the past ten years: Home mission, $161.69; foreign mission, $247.20; church building, $141.44; beneficiary educe ion, $25.25; college endowment, $304.14; synodical treasury, $38.70; general synodical treasury, $20.66; American Bible Society, $74.42; general benev. olence, $55.50; local objects, $1,200; parsonage bought and paid, $1,250; Sabbath school expenses, $750. Total (not including parson's salary), $4,272.
The Tabor Church of the Evangelical Association of North America hold its first meetings at the residence of William Wonder in this vicinity, and was there organized in 1851 by Rev. John Cuff, the original members being about fifteen in number. In 1856, the society erected a brick church building, 4 x6 , at a cost of $2,400, and this building was repaired in 1878 and again in 1883, first at a cost of $500 and next at a cost of $3,300. The present membership is sixty-five. The Trustees are J. A. Wonder, Peter Will, J. Kneasal, J. Soberly and William Thompson. The church has had several revivals of considerable importance, the most successful one probably conducted by Rev. Reinhold in 1853. The society keeps a very successful Sabbath school in operation with an attendance of about eighty members.
The Church of Our Lady of Consolation at Carey, Ohio, was established in 1868 by Rt. Rev. A. Rappe, Bishop of Cleveland. The principal early members of the congregation were Joseph Roll, John Goetzinger, N. Steinmetz, Valentine Henige, H. Fetter, Joseph Pahl, Catharine Logsdon, K. Fuchs, George Noel and Jacob Fuchs.
The foundation of this church edifice was laid in the summer of 1868, under the supervision of Rev. E. Vattman. Work was then suspended until 1870, when Rev. L. Bihn, of Tiffin, pushed forward to completion the framework. The building was finally finished in 1873, under the supervision of Rev. Joseph P. Gloden, the present pastor. It is situated in Straw's Addition to the village of Carey, and is erected upon grounds which were donated by David Straw and his wife. It is 30x65 feet in dimensions, and cost $3,000.
The first pastor was Rev. E. Vattman, who resided at Findlay, Ohio. Then came Rev. L. Bihn, of Tiffin Ohio, who was succeeded in July, 1872, by Rev. J. P. Gloden, the present pastor. The present members of the congregation are thirty-three in number. The Board of Trustees or Councilmen is composed of the pastor, Joseph Roll, Valentine Henige and N. Steinmetz.
The Bible Society of Carey and vicinity was organized June 26, 1864. It is an auxiliary of the American Bible Society, and has been quite successful in the accomplishment of its legitimate purposes in this community. During the past year, an extra effort was made, canvassing agents having worked the field. The books sold to date of anniversary, December 15, 1883, amount in value to $51.51; books donated, $9.09; donations from churches, $16.23. The present officers are as follows: Peter Will, President; C. D. Hoff, Secretary; D. Harpster, Depositary, Agent and Treasurer.
No sooner had the town of Carey been fairly started than its few inhabitants began to recognize the necessity of a means of educating their children. Accordingly, as early as .1843 a frame building, 26x30, was erected on the corner of Findlay and High streets, and is said to have been a marvel of awkwardness and inconvenience in point of interior arrangement. A row of seats was ranged next to the wall entirely around the room, and in front of this was a high desk, also extending entirely around the room, and boarded or ceiled in front, making a sort of arena or bull-pit in the center of the room in which the learning and the flogging were inflicted, the two processes in many instances being equally painful. This same building is now owned by Samuel Bittler, who repaired it and now uses it
for a dwelling. It was used as a schoolhouse till about 1855 or 1856, when a similar building was erected on South street, near the railroad, this latter structure being occupied till 1868, when the present two-story brick building, consisting of five departments, was erected, costing $8,000.
Among the first teachers were Juliette Searles, A. W. Brinkerhoff, Miss Labaree, Mr. Thompson, J. N. Free ("the immortal"), James and Mary Poster, Albert Myers and Mr. Brundridge. The first Principals who occu. pied the present school building were Messrs. Gritchfield and Graham, who superintended the schools "week about," or alternately. These gentlemen were succeeded by John Baker, who held the position three years. Those ,who followed were J. W. Dwire, W. B. Switzer, John Kaley, T. W. Fritch, John Poe, John Kalb, R. Miller, J. L. Lewis and the present superintend. ent, John Pittsford. The schools cannot at present be said to be in a thriving condition, owing to the fact that no thorough course of study has been established or followed. The present members of the Board are Charles Stief, John Hare, A. P. Kelley, Peter Galbroner, Matthew Smalley and H. Hopkins.
The Carey Reading Room was established in June, 1883, by the W. C. T. U. The library comprises about 250 volumes of the standard works of history, poetry, fiction and general literature, and efforts are being made to increase this number. The institution, much to the credit of the people of Carey, is well patronized. The present officers are Mrs. William Aspinall, President; Mrs. R. Gregg, Vice President; Mrs. D. Harpster, Secretary; J. C. Shuler, Treasurer; J. F. Zimmerman, Librarian.
Public Hall- The Public Hall of Carey was built by the combined ef. forts of the township and corporation in 1876-77. It is a very creditable building, and well furnished throughout. The outer walls are 44 1/2 x64; the structure is two stories high, and includes an engine room, Clerk, Mayor and Council's room, and jail, with a neat hall and stage on the second floor. The total cost of the building was $4,000.
The present officers of Carey are as follows: Mayor, M. A. Smalley; Clerk, E. G. Laughlin; Treasurer, J. B. Corad; Marshal, Charles Buck. land; Councilmen, H. L. Hopkins, B. F. Kurtz, John Grossell, J. R. Siddall, J. M. Barr and James Anderson.
Lodge No. 420, F. & A. M., of Carey, was organized August 7, 1868, under a dispensation granted by the G rand Lodge. The officers first elected were: J. M. Stevens, W. M., pro tem., J. W. Chamberlain, S. IV.; M. D. Grossell, J. W.; Dr. Asa Brayton, S. D.; A. Trant, J. D.; A. Carothers, Treasurer; C. Kleopfer, Secretary, and A. Shellabarger, Tiler.
The present members are fifty-two in number, and their officers are: Amos Bixby, W. M.; M. A. Smalley, S. W.; J. A. Smith, J. W.; A. F. Miller, Secretary; G. S. Myers, Treasurer; A. M. Taylor, S. D.; L. C. Raines, J. D.; A. B. Ryder, Tiler. Regular meetings are held in their lodge rooms on the first and fourth Friday evenings in each month.
Carey Lodge, No. 407, IOOF., was instituted August 28, 1868, by James A. Semple, M. W. G. M., under a dispensation granted by the Grand Lodge August 20 of the same year. The first officers were: D. Joy, N. G.; J. D. Haderman, V. G.; A. Trant, R. S.; J. Greer, P. S.; Abraham Caro. thers, Treasurer; S. Gilbert, W.; D. R. Hill, C.; A. Shellabarger, I. G.; E. T. Shellhouse, 0. G.; F. J. Weber, R. S. N. U.; John Baker, L. S. N.
G.; J. J. Zint, R. S. V. G.; T. Hahn, L. S. V. G.; W. H. Slaymaker, R. S. S.; Charles Steif, L. S. S.; Rev. G. W. Miller, Chaplain.
Meetings were bold from August, 1868, to August, 1871, in the Straw Block; in their own hall in Stief's Block since the last-mentioned date. The financial condition of the lodge is excellent, and its property is valued at $2,500. The present officers are: J. A. Pittsford, N. G. ; William Wills, Y. G.; E. G. Laughlin, Sec'y; George W. Chesebrough, Treas.; C. D. Hoff, Per Sec'y. Present members are fifty-two in number, and regular meetings are held every Thursday evening.
Col. Crawford Post, No. 173, G. A. R., was organized December 16, 1881. Among its original members were A. E. Gibbs, Daniel Bechtel, George Brown, Walton Weber, Edward Thompson, L. Thurston, David Sipe, J. R. Sidall, F. J. Weber, S. C. Williams, John Greer, Oliver Brayton, John Deardorf, W. K. Humbert, J. A. Royer and A. P. Kelly, of whom the following were chosen as the first officers: F. J. Weber, C.; A. P. Kelly, S. V. C.; J. R. Siddall, J. V. C.; Walton Weber, Adjt.; L. Thurston, Q. M.; J. A. Royer, Surgeon; S. C. Williams, Chap.; George Brown, 0. D.; David Sipe, 0. G.
The present members number fifty-seven, the financial condition of the Post is good, and regular meetings are hold in the Odd Follows Building on the first and third Monday evenings of each month.
Phil Kearney Camp, No. 12, Sons of Veterans, was instituted July 16, 1883, by A. P. Kelly, of Col. Crawford Post, No. 173, G. A. R. Among the original members were Fred Gibbs, A. Al. Wonder, F. C. Gibbs, Jay Newhard, D. J. Humbert, Dr. F. Brayton, D. B. Royer, Samuel Hawks, Samuel Schuler, Henry Webber, P. E. Wonder, Harry Miller, L. M. Wonder, Fred Sipe, Corry Williams, William Grady and Frank Wisebaker. The officers first installed were: F. C. Gibbs, Captain; A. M. Wonder, First Lieutenant; Jay Newhard, Second Lieutenant; D. J. Humbert, Chaplain; Dr. F. Brayton, Surgeon.
The members at the present time are nineteen in number. Regular meetings are held in Stief's Building on the first and third Monday evenings in each month. The present officers are: D. B. Rover, Captain; P. E. Wonder, First Lieutenant; Harry Miller, Second Lieutenant; D. J. Humbert, Chaplain; and Dr. F. Brayton, Surgeon.
Myrtle Lodge, No. 416, Order of Good Templars, was organized December 22, 1883, at a meeting held in the English Lutheran Church. The first members were Peter Will, J. S. Hawks, E. S. Shellhouse, Simon Nye, William Mull, Samuel Kessler, W. C. Hare, Valentine Wisebaker, H. L. Hopkins, J. T. Zimmerman, William Fenner, Abram Hotelling George Corwin, William &ben, Grant Stotler, Mack Creiger, Cornelius Hull, M. A. Smalley, William Rowe, J. M. Dustman, Anthony Wagner, Bert Hulse, Mrs. A. Hulse, Mrs. H. J. Starr, Grace Hulse, Emma Sipe, Iva Wonder, Rachel Livingston, Ella Gibbs, Mrs. J. K. Hackenberger, Mrs, E. L. Shellhouse, Mrs. A. Wagner, Mrs. J. Payne, Mrs. N. Sipe, Nancy Ish, Ella Sipe, Mrs. Catharine Nye, Mrs. M. A. Carr.
The officers first installed were: Peter Will, IV. C. T.; Ella Gibbs, W. V. T.; J. T. Zimmerman, W. Secretary; Simon Nye, W. F. Secretary; M. A. Smalley, Marshal; Rev. J. M. Dustman, Chaplain; Ella Sipe, W. I. G.; Grant Stotler, W. O. G.; William Mull, P. W. C. T.; Mrs. J. K. Hackenberger, R. S.; Emma Sipe, L. S. The lodge is in a flourishing condition at this writing, and its present officers are as follows: S. P. Nye, W. C. T.; Ella Gibbs, W. V. T.; J. T. Zimmerman. W. Secretary: William Brown,
W. F. Secretary; Mrs. A. Hulse, W. T.; William Rowe, Marshal; F. J. Webber, W. Chap.; Peter Will, P. W. C. T.; Ella Sipe, W. I. G.; C. Hull, W. O. G. Regular meetings are held in Odd Fellows Hall on Fri. day evening of each week.