Centennial Biographical History






Embellished with Portraits of Many Well Known People of Franklin County, who Have

Been and Are Prominent in Its History and Development







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OUT of the depths of his mature wisdom Carlyle wrote, " History is the essence of innumerable biographies." Believing this to be the fact, there is no necessity of advancing any further reason for the compilation of such a work as this, if reliable history is to be the ultimate object.

The section of Ohio embraced by this volume has sustained within its confines men who have been prominent in the history of the State, and even the nation, for a century. The annals teem with the records of strong and noble manhood, and, as Sumner has said, " the true grandeur of nations is in those qualities which constitute the greatness of the individual." The final causes which shape the fortunes of individuals and the destinies of States are often the same. They are usually remote and obscure, and their influence scarcely perceived until manifestly declared by results. That nation is the greatest which produces the greatest and most manly men and faithful women; and the intrinsic safety of a community depends not so much upon methods as upon that normal development from the deep resources of which proceeds all that is precious and permanent in life. But such a result may not consciously be contemplated by the actors in the great social drama. Pursuing each his personal good by exalted means, they work out as a logical result.

The elements of success in life consist in both innate capacity and determination to excel. Where either is wanting, failure is almost certain in the outcome. The study of a successful life, therefore, serves both as a source of information and as a stimulus and encouragement to those who have the capacity. As an important lesson in this connection we may appropriately


quote Longfellow, who said : " We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while we judge others by what they have already done." A faithful personal history is an illustration of the truth of this observation.

In this biographical history the editorial staff, as well as the publishers, have fully realized the magnitude of the task. In the collection of the material there has been a constant aim to discriminate carefully in regard to the selection of subjects. Those who have been prominent factors in the public, social and industrial development of the counties have been given due recognition as far as it has been possible to secure the requisite data. Names worthy of perpetuation here, it is true, have in several instances been omitted, either on account of the apathy of those concerned or the inability of the compilers to secure the information necessary for a symmetrical sketch; but even more pains have been taken to secure accuracy than were promised in the prospectus. Works of this nature, therefore, are more reliable and complete than are the " standard " histories of a country.

To the Hon. J. J. Bright, a reliable citizen of Columbus, are we indebted for the very interesting introductory chapter on the " Posthumous Biography of Franklin County."



Adams, William S., 618

Aldrich, Orlando W., 280

Alexander, Thomas J., 907

Allegre, Lorenzo D., 573

Allen, Cotton H., 380

Ammel, Charles S., 485

Anderson, James H., 136

Anderson, James P., 312

Andrix, John F., 168

Armstrong, Charles H.1003

Armstrong, Frank, 705

Armstrong, Joseph, 246

Aubert, Charles, 728

Austin, Thomas W. 970

Bachmann, Christian, 646

Barbbert, Frederick, 231

Barbee, James W., 181

Barbee, William H., 375

Barcus, Ebenezer, 223

Barnes, John W., 423

Barnhill, James U., 187

Bartlett, John, 379

Bassell, John Y. 965

Beal, William C., 450

Beasley, Austin D., 399

Beckwith, John E., 65

Beery, Joseph E., 479

Bickett, William W., 339

Biggert, Sebastian B., 366

Biggs, Andrew C., 442

Binns, David, 180

Bird, Jacob, 686

Bird, William, 687

Blake, Francis W., 604

Blake, William H., 447

Blesch, Philip E., 654

Boehm, George, 690

Bohannan, Rosser D., 763

Bohl, Henry, 360

Bonebrake, Daniel, 894

Bonebrake, Lewis D., 478

Bonnet, Andrew 0., 529

Born, Conrad, 816

Borror, Absalom, 551

Borror, Elizabeth (Watts), 391

Borror, Ichabod B., 133

Borror, Jacob, 589

Borror, Joel, 789

Borror, Silas, 539

Boucher, John, 758

Bowser, Benjamin S., 462

Boyd, John W., 453

Boyer, Adam, 759

Bradford, Joseph N., 560

Brand, John M., 132

Brenneman, Emmett A., 61

Brickell, William D., 102

Briggs, Henry, 691

Briggs, Joseph M., 570

Brinker, Marion T., 903

Britton, James S., 368

Brodrick, George, 131

Brooks, Lewis J., 929

Brothers, Joshua W., 624

Brown, Abram, 525

Brown, Davis, 240

Browne, George W., 756

Brush, Samuel, 22

Buck, Herman H., 595

Bulen, William, 808

Bulford, George H., 131

Burnside, John, 127

Burwell, Samuel, 687

Butterworth, Irvin, 612

Buttles, Joel, 16

Byers, Albert G., 459

Byers, Joseph P., 144

Cameron, Frank B., 924

Carl, John W., 753

Carl, William C., 487

Carlisle, William S., 906

Carr, Hugh H., 334

Cashner, Samuel, 854

Centner, Charles V., 299

Chambers, John E., 1011

Chambers, William J., 967

Chase, Salmon P., 21

Chenoweth, Frank A., 549

Chenoweth, William B., 767

Chrysler, Eli, 866

Clahane, Dennis J., 73

Clapham, John, 207

Clapham, Joseph, 400

Clark, John, 844

Clark, Thomas M., 437

Clark, William J., 594

Cline, William, 871

Clotts, Daniel, 934

Coberly, Edward N., 369

Cochran, Justin R. 732

Cochran, Samuel J., 242

Coe, Almon F., 199

4 - INDEX.

Coe, Alvin, 410

Coe, Truman H., 383

Coen, Samuel F., 960

Coit, Alonzo B., 555

Coit, Harvey, 382

Cole, Frank T., 648

Collins, Reuben H., 470

Commercial Travelers, Order of, 262

Condit, George W., 921

Connor, Joseph, 736

Converse, George L., 104

Cooke, H. C., 786

Cooke, Rodney R., 248

Cooper, Albert, 173

Cosgray, Barnet J., 344

Cosgray, Jeremiah, 814

Cosgray, Moses, 874

Cott, Lawrence, 404

Courtright, Edward, 616

Cox, Ezekiel T., 13

Cox, Samuel S., 12

Cromwell, John S., 783

Crum, Ira H., 534

Crum, James E., 575

Cummins, John, 192

Daniell, James H., 513

Darrow, Walter N. P., 533

Dauben, Joseph, 407

Daugherty, John S., 174

Davidson, Alexander, 115

Davidson, Nicholas P., 483

Davis, Christopher, 597

Davis, Samuel A., 717

Davis, William B. 962

Dean, Francis B.;217

Deardurffs, The, 26

Decker, Samuel A., 583

Deem, George W., 156

Demorest, Russel B. 663

Dennis, Charles D., 418

Dennison, William, 24

Derrer, Michael, 876.

Devenport, David, 980

Dickey, Moses T., 274

Dill, Frank P., 586

Distelhorst, George H., 864

Dominy, Ezra, 656

Dominy, Henry, 739

Dominy, Jeremiah, 742

Doney, Samuel D., 236

Dorsey, John, T., 861

Drake, Elam, 858

Dulin, Nathan W., 72

Dutoit, Eugehe E., 725

Dutoit, Francis E., 467

Dyer, George, 617

Eakin, John J., 659

Edwards, Thomas E., 277

Eis, John B., 449

Eldridge, Charles, 755

Elliott, Daniel, 210

Ellis, Otis K., 458

Ellis, Samuel W., 158

Emerick, Edson J., 638

Emmick, Andrew C., 315

English, Lorenzo, 105

English, W. H. 106

Eutsler, J. H., 127

Evans, David, 308

Evans, Edward, 592

Evans, George, 322

Evans, Maurice, 424

Ewing, Simon P., 276

Falloon, Frank L., 613

Farber, James H., 977

Feder, George S., 420

Ferguson, Hugh L., 700

Ferris, Frank C., 149

Ferris, Henry C., 455

Fippin, James, 226

Fisher, William M., 626

Fitzpatrick, Valentine, 503

Flagg, C. B., 262

Fleming, Frank, 319

Foor, Joseph, 703

Foos, Joseph, 14

Fox, Frank S. 386

Francis, Frederick, 765

Frazier, John C., 968

Freeman, George D.. 7'76

Galbraith, William, 681

Galbreath, Charles B., 900

Galloway, T. B., 184

Gantz, Albert L., 639

Gantz, Andrew J.. 941

Gardiner, Richard J., 402

Garst, Henry, 468

Gault, William R. 582

Geary, George L., 219

Geiger, Richard M., 497

Geyer, George, Sr., 86

Giffin, Schuyler O., 39

Gillespie-Allen, Alice, 475

Glass, Louis, 831

Gloyd, Nelson H., 693

Goad, Henry A. 663

Goetschius, Stephen, 524

Goldsmith, William C, 270

Goodale, Lincoln, 10

Gordon, John L., Sr., 522

Gordon, John L., Jr., 309

Graham, William M., 748

Grant, Adam G., 824

Grant, Nelson, 433

Grant, Robert D., 607

Green, Joh C., 978 

Gregory, Thomas N., 356

Griffith, Joshua, 683

Griswold, Isaac, 398

Groome, Augustus E., 793

Grotthouse, William H., 233

Hager, Americus S., 206

Haldy, Charles W., 243

Haldy, Frederick, 510


Hamill, Thomas B., 737

Hamilton, Arthur L., 390

Hamilton, John W., 452

Hammond, Jacob J., 439

Hardesty, William A., 566

Harman, Eber H., 90

Harper, John, 731

Harris, Clark, 884

Harrison, James V., 434

Harrison, Richard A., 46

Hart, John, 733

Hart, Theadore, 643

Hart, Thomas, 870

Hart, William, 729

Haynes, John F., 679

Hays, George W., 159

Haywood, John, 254

Headley, Daniel, 918

Headley, William, 204

Hedrick, Isaac P., 735

Heinmiller, Louis, 848

Heitmann, John H., 1010

Helmick, George W., 526

Helwagen, Edward M., 359

Hempstead, Alexander S., 982

Henderson, Henry F., 392

Henderson, John S , 463

Herd, Joseph, 414

Herd, Robert H., 415

Herd, William, 414

Herr, Christian S., 807

Hess Family, The, 974

Hess, Henry R, 214

Hess, James H., 614

Hess, John M., 976

Hess, Thomas M., 433

Hirsch, Leonhard, 286

Hitchcock, Embury A., 294

Hoffman, George M., 480

Home for the Deaf and Dumb, 431

Hoover, George W., 559

Hopper, Edward, 828

Horch, John F., 578

Houghton, Frank H., 544

House, William, 869

Howard, John W., 809

Hoyer, W. Dallas, 355

Hubbard, William B.; 20

Huddleson, Helena (Park), 444

Huffman, Henry, 225

Huffman, Lewis, 788

Hull, Richard F., 1000

Hunt, Franklin G., 995

Hunter, William R., 195

Huntington, Webster P., 257

Hutchinson, Sawyer A., 57

Huy, Henry, 632

Ingham, George W., 803

Innis, Gustavus S., 113

Innis, Lyman H., 182

Innis, Maxwell P., 230

Innis, Robert, 528

Innis, William H., 228

Jackson, Frank P., 972

James, Richard, 447

Jarvis, Charles W., 993

Jeffrey, Joseph A., 120

Jenkins, Isaac N., 1005

Jerman, J. Thomas, 621

Johnson, Richard W., 708

Johnston, Thomas, 846

Jones, Edward S., 431

Jones, Hugh E., 875

Jones, John W., 898

Jones, Joseph F., 873

Jones, Joseph W., 712

Jones, Richard, 540

Jones, Richard E., 494

Joyce, John J., 753

Kalb, James P., 817

Karb, George J., 936

Karch, Charles J., 640

Karns, John M., 827

Karrer, George M., 881

Kauffman, Linus B., 406

Keck, Charles H., 702

Keller, John A., 1009

Kellerman, William A., 42

Kelly, Alfred, 19

Kerr, John, 17

Keys, John, 863

Kilbourne, James, 40

Kilbourne, James, 15

Kiner, Henry, 852

Kiner, John, 416

Kinkead, Edgar B., 435

Kinsman, D. N., 484

Knox, John, 189

Knox, William F., 543

Koebel, John, 172

Koehl, Jan H., 925

Krauss, Catherine, 365

Krumm, Alexander W., 348

Krumm, Frederick, 264

Krumm, Joseph, 819

Kuhn, Herman, 790

Lakin, Samuel W., 760

Lambert, James, 971

Lamp, Ora L., 823

Landes, John Q., 329

Landes, Mahala C., 329

Landon, Chauncey P., 990

Landon, Karl E., 991

Lane, Eugene, 244

Lane, Benjamin F., 769

Lazenby, William R., 289

Leach, Sherman, 350

Leap, Charles J., 660

Lenhardt. Adam 888

Lentz, John J., 985

Leonard, Francis M., 1008

Leonard, George K., 194

Leonard, Hannah M., 716

Lind, J. P.. 272

Lindenberg, Susan D., 167

6 - INDEX.

Lindner, Charles, 717

Lindsay, James T., 1007

Lindsey, James, 353

Linebaugh, John, 794

Linhart, Christopher P., 620

Linthwaite, Herbert A., 968

Linton, Jonathan F., 107

Lisle, William, 749

Little, M. V. B., 771

Longshore, Isaac, 902

Lowry, Percy S., 244

Loy, Matthias, 317

Lukens, William H. H., 635

Lyons, Rachel H., 313

Machlin, Daiwalt, 610

Maize, Erwin, 162

Maize, Samuel, 445

Mallory, William T., 751

Manning, Jasper, 161

Marion, Edward L., 349

Marion, Elijah, 268

Matthews, George W., 116

Mauk, Newton H., 518

McCafferty, John W., 155

McCann, John W., 719

McCloud, James, 920

McClure, John, 561

McCollum, Edmund O., 331

McCormick, William B., 672

McCoy, Nathan A., 101.

McCoy, Robert, 119

McCune, Jonas M., 933

McDermott, Hugh V., 567

McDonald, George O., 932

McGrath, Daniel W., 600

McIntyre, Elmer G., 973

McMillen, Bishop, 964

McNamee; John F., 904

Means, William J., 641

Mecartney, Jacob, 815

Meeker, Claude, 488

Meeker, Garry W., 504

Meeker, George W., 472

Merion, Charles, 405

Merion, William, 96

Merion, William, 926

Merion, William, Jr., 321

Merrick, William J., 550

Meyer, Bernard W., 688

Meyer, William E., 252

Michel, Frederick W., 806

Miles, James A., 552

Miller, Charles H., 956

Miller, Edward E., 602

Miller, Edward J., 565

Miller, Elmer J., 931

Miller, Frank S., 887

Miller, Gideon R., 306

Miller, Ira L., 547

Miller, John D., 692

Miller, John    62

Miller, William, 557

Mills, John H., 290

Miner, Edgar D., 82

Moore, Alpheus B., 198

Moore, Opha, 154

Moore, Robert W., 1001

Morehead, Lewis, 605

Morrison, Andrew, 282

Morrison, William, 146

Mull, David, 307

Mull, Susannah, 721

Munshower, Nathan, 910

Myers, Alpheus D., 701

Myers, David W., 396

Myers, Hanson N., 841

Myers, Joseph, 76

Myers, Lorenzo D., 440

Nash, George K., 266

Near, Milton, 564

Neil, Alexander, 342

Neiswender, William, 216

Newsom, Logan C., 994

Nichols, Alvin L., 69

Nichols, George A., 608

Norris, King A., 347

Oates, Michael J., 928

Ochs, Gustavus H., 401

Offenbarger, Christian, 723

O'Harra, Elias T., 427

O'Harra, Michael, 949

Old Northwest Genealogical Society, 38

Olds, Joseph, 258

Olmsted, Charles H., 11

Olmsted, Philo H., 10, 495

Order of Commercial Travelers, 262

Orders, Allen, 857

Orton, Edward, Jr., 109

Osborn, James D., 911

Oyler, Frank L., 685

Packard, A. H., 352

Painter, Lewis, 151

Park, Jonathan E., 372

Parker, Stephen W., 129

Patton, Alexander, 397

Pausch, Henry, 792

Pearce, Charles A., 248

Pegg, Daniel, 633

Pegg, Elias W., 337

Pegg, Joseph, 335

Pegg, Lewis L., 637

Pegg, Monroe J., 338

Peiffier, John, 213

Perry, John F., 304

Perry, Robert W., 232

Petersen, Niles M., 76

Petzinger, John, 81

Pfeifer, John, 201

Pflueger, A., 59

Phelan, Edward L., 711

Phelps, H. Warren, 507

Pheneger, Rudolph, 840

Phinney, Barnabas, 872


Pinkerton, William L., 849

Pinney; Justin, 89

Pinney, William, 796

Planck, Andrew, 657

Pocock, Edgar J., 239

Pogue, Charles A., 704

Polsley, J. M., 238

Porschet, George, 730

Postle, James M., 943

Postle, William S., 948

Postle, William Y., 957

Poston, James D., 916

Powell, Frank E., 499

Powell, Joseph B., 224

Prosser, Charles S., 537

Pugh, Andrew G., 572

Pugh, John M., 408

Pumpelly, Bernard, 305

Rader, George H., 856

Randall, Emilius O., 72

Rankin, Lewis L., 292

Rathmell, John, 87

Reason, James W., 950

Reed, William F., 951

Rees, Washington T., 83

Reese, Purdy M., 746

Reinkens, Ernst, 877

Rellick, Andrew, 477

Rhoads, Paul O., 698

Richards, Clarence E., 163

Richter, Henry,

Riebel, Charles, 376

Righter, William, 310

Riley, Samuel, 969

Riordan, George, 320

Ritter, Augustus S., 877

Roach, Perry A., 886

Roberts, Daniel F., 878

Roberts, Daniel O.. 183

Roberts, John G., 781

Roberts, William M., 183

Robinson, Stillman W., 520

Rochelle, Winfield S., 169

Rogers & Rogers, 577

Ross, Courtland, 261

Ross, James, 593

Ross, Thomas R., 528

Rubrecht, Franklin, 209

Ryan, Daniel J., 200

Sanderson, Winslow F., 469

Sauer, Joseph, 428

Savage, James, 177

Schart, Matilda. 694

Schirner,.Herman F., 370

Schlegel, Lewis, 988

Schleppi, Lewis, 822

Schoedinger, Frank 0., 961

Schoedinger, Alice W., 167

Schott, George R. 227

Schueller, Erwin W., 153

Schueller, Orloff W., 987

Schwartz, George P.; 255

Scofield, Asbury, 801

Scofield, Nathan A., 481

Scott, George, 680

Scott, Oscar W.,123

Seeley, David S., 411

Selbach, Charles, 327

Seymour, Augustus T., 158

Shade, Adin H., 144

Shattuck, Simon, 536

Shawan, Jacob A., 96.

Shedd, Edmund E., 516

Sherman, Sylvester M., 922

Shoaf, Joseph, 865

Shocker, John M., 718

Shoemaker, Alvin M., 377

Shoemaker, Christopher, 689

Short, John, 664

Shriver, William J., 773

Sibel, Henry T., 421

Siebert, Amelia, 165

Siebert, Charles M., 167

Siebert. Henry L., 164

Siebert, Louis, 122

Siebert, Wilbur H., 298

Siegel, Ferdinand, 374

Simonton, William D., 171

Simonton, William H., 548

Sinclair, Richard, 285

Sinks, Frederick N., 947

Slyh, Daniel M., 845

Slyh, Henry C., 300

Slyh, Jacob E., 843

Slyh, John W., 362

Smiley, David D., 799

Smith, David, 18

Smith, Eldon F., 358

Smith, Emery J., 77

Smith, Jasper, 777

Smith, Lemuel, 653

Smith, Nathaniel, 490

Smith, Samuel G., 984

Smith, William B., 358

Souder, Serenus S., 952

Sowers, Daniel H., 291

Stagg, George W., 530

Stanberry, Henry, 23

Starling, Lyne, 12

Steickley, H. G., 631

Stellhorn, Frederick W., 568

Stelzer, John, 466

Stephens, Adam, 112

Stephens, Luther P., 519

Stewart, Emily, 103

Stinemetz, James, 709

Stombaugh, Frederick, 958

Strain, Harrison E., 706

Strait, Whitney, 938

Straub, Andrew, 695

Strickler, William, 647

Sullivant, Lucas, 13

Summy, David R., 328

Swartz, Samuel J., 623

Swagler, Sarah J., 860

Swayne, Noah H., 23

8 - INDEX.

Swickard, Frederick, 914

Swickard, John W., 946

Swickard, Noah, 945

Swickard, Peter, 272

Swisher, Charles C., 124

Swonger, William M., 820

Taft, Daniel H., 135

Taylor, Alfred, 744

Taylor, David, 325

Taylor, Edward L., Sr., 425

Taylor, Edward L., Jr., 625

Taylor, Henry M., 888

Taylor, Lorenzo, 74

Taylor, Reuben, 724

Tharp, William, 762

Thoman, Arthur A., 899

Thomas, Edward B., 511

Thomas, James J., 1004

Thomas, Morgan J., 332

Thomas, Wray, 387

Thompson, Elmer E., 1006

Thompson, James G. 715

Thompson, Joseph C., 713

Thompson, Robert, 992

Thompson, William H., 297

Thompson, William 0., 64

Thurman, Allen G., 25

Tidd, Everett T., 60

Tilton, James J., 662

Tinnapple, Jacob, 784

Tipton, Jonathan, 536

Tipton, Joseph W., 202

Titus, Charles A., 418

Towns, William L., 927

Townsend, Stephen, 805

Trish, Adam, 601

Trumbo, Jacob H., 944

Tuller, Ele W., 832

Turner, Charles E., 607

Turney, Charles F., 413

Turpie, William, 710

Tusing, Clinton W., 215

Tusing, George N., 456

Tusing, Leroy W., 333

Vance, Clinton H., 939

Vance, Edward P.. 303

Vance, Margaret J., 388

Van Schoyck, David R., 346

Virden, Milton H., 851

Walcutt, Absalom M., 629

Walcutt, Charles C., 26

Walker, James M. 385

Wall, William, 514

Walton, Jesse, 403

Walton, Randolph W., 590

Wanamaker, William H., 311

Ware, Valverda A. P., 890

Warner, John, 609

Wasson, John H., 323

Waterman, Frederick, 712

Waterman, George A., Sr., 14&

Watkins, Quincy A., 885

Watt, George, 253

Watts, Albert, 532

Watts, William, 85

Weber, Frederick, 278

Weber, Henry A., 655

Weibling, Jacob. M., 230

Westervelt, Charles E., 893

Westervelt, H. Douglas, 646.

Westervelt, Howard B., 889

Westervelt, Mathew, 892

Westervelt, William, 644

Westervelt, William A., 741.

Wetmore, Charles H., 997

Weygandt, Daniel, 649

Wharton, Mary M., 296

Whayman, Horace W., 896

Wheeler, Benjamin G., 288

Wheeler, George F., 696

Whip, George P., 770

Whitaker, Emanuel, 743

White, Emerson E., 34

White, Will S., 959

Wickham, Joseph W., 909

Wiechers, Frederick W. C., 913

Wilcox Tracey, 461

Williams, Benjamin F., 179

Williams, Curtis C., 80

Williams, Henry A., 515

Williams, Neville, 145

Williams, William C., 999

Wilson, William A., 868

Wing, Frederick F., 811

Winterringer, Frank G. 965

Winters, Martin A., 436

Wisler, Andrew C., 699

Wiswell, John L. B., 651

Witteler, Anton, 880

Wolf, Charles G., 79

Wolfe, Albertus C., 501

Woodbury, William B., 263

Woodruff, Elmer W., 94

Woodruff, Lafayette, 563

Woodruff, Norman, 91

Worthington, Charles E. 351

Worthington, Clark, 70

Wright, G. A., 500

Wright, John T., 256.

Wright, Joseph, 67

Wright, Samuel P., 67

Yeager, Peter, 628

Youmans, Thomas G., 419

Zellers, Isaac 989

Zimmer, Frank A., 882

Zirkel, Julius, 341

Zuber, John, 150