<In case of reference, to facilitate investigation, we place the following list in this part of the work
1803. Clerk of court, John Paul ; county recorder, John Paul; sheriff, Nathan Lamme; county surveyor, James Galloway; prosecuting attorney, Daniel Symmes; associate judges, Benjamin Whiteman, James Barrett, and William Maxwell.
1804. Clerk of court, John Paul; county recorder, John Paul; sheriff, Nathan Lamme; county commissioners, Jacob Smith, James Snoden, and John Sterritt ; county surveyor, James Galloway; prosecuting attorney, Arthur St. Clair; associate judges, Benjamin Whiteman and James Barrett.
1805. Clerk of court, John Paul; county recorder, John Paul; sheriff, William Maxwell; county commissioners, Jacob. Smith, James Snoden, and John McLane; county surveyor, James Galloway; associate judges, Benjamin Whiteman and James Barrett.
1806. Clerk of court, John Paul; county recorder, John Paul; sheriff, William Maxwell ; county commissioners, James Snoden, John McLane, and William Beatty; county surveyor, James Galloway; associate judges, David Huston, and James Barrett.
1807. Clerk of court, John Paul; recorder John Paul; sheriff, James Collier; commissioners, J ames Snoden, John McLane,. and Andrew Read; surveyor, James Galloway ; associate judges, David Huston, and James Barrett.
1808. Clerk of court, John Paul; recorder, John Paul; sheriff, James Collier; commissioners, John McLane, Andrew Read, and James Morrow ; surveyor, James Galloway.; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, David Huston and James Barrett.
1809. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; sheriff, James Collier; treasurer, J. Galloway, sen.; commissioners, Andrew Read, James Morrow, and William Buckles; surveyor,
James Galloway; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, David Huston and James Barrett.
1810. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; sheriff, James Collier; treasurer, J. Galloway, sen.; commissioners, James Morrow, William Buckles, and John Haines; surveyor, James Galloway; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, David Huston and Samuel Kyle.
1811. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; sheriff, James Collier; treasurer, J. Galloway, sen.; commissioners, William Buckles, John Haines, and Samuel Gamble; surveyor, James Galloway; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, Samuel McClain and Samuel Kyle.
1812. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; sheriff, James Collier; treasurer, J. Galloway, sen.; commissioners, John Haines, Thomas Hunter, and Peter Pelham; surveyor, James Galloway; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, John Wilson and Samuel Kyle.
1813. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; sheriff, James Collier; treasurer, John Hivling; commissioners, Thomas Hunter, Peter Pelham, and Benjamin Grover ; surveyor, James Galloway; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, Jacob Haines and Samuel Kyle.
1814. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; sheriff; John Hivling; treasurer, John Hivling; commissioners, Thomas Hunter, Peter Pelham, and Benjamin Grover; surveyor, James Galloway ; prosecuting attorney, William Ellsberry; associate judges, Jacob Haines and Samuel Kyle.
1815. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; sheriff, James Popenoe; treasurer, John Hivling; commissioners, Thomas Hunter, Samuel Gamble, and Peter Pelham; surveyor, James Galloway ; prosecuting attorney, William Ellsberry ; associate judges, Jacob Haines, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1816. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; sheriff, James Popenoe ; treasurer, John Hivling; commissioners, Thomas Hunter, Samuel Gamble, and John Haines; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, Joshua Collett; associate judges, Jacob Haines, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1817. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; sheriff, James Popenoe ; treasurer, James Popenoe ; commissioners, Thomas Hunter, John Haines, and David Conley; surveyor, Moses
Collier; prosecuting attorney, Joshua Collett; associate judges, Jacob Haines, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1818. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; sheriff, James Popenoe; treasurer, James Popenoe; commissioners, Thomas Hunter, David Conley, and Peter Pelham; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, Jacob Haines, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1819. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; sheriff, John Smith; treasurer, Ryan Gowdy; commissioners, David Conley, Peter Pelham, and John Sterritt; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, John Clark, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1820. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; auditor, Peter Pelham ; sheriff, John Smith ; treasurer, Tensley Heath ; commissioners, David Conley, Peter Pelham, and John Sterritt; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, John Clark, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1821. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; auditor, George Townsley; sheriff, John Smith; treasurer, James Gowdy; commissioners, David Conley, John Sterritt, and William Buckles; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, John Clark, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1822. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; auditor, George Townsley; sheriff, John Smith; treasurer, James Gowdy; commissioners, David Conley, John Sterritt, and Stephen Bell; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, John Clark, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1823. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover, auditor, George Townsley; sheriff, John Smith ; treasurer, James Gowdy ; commissioners, John Sterritt, Stephen Bell, and Samuel Shaw; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, John Clark, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1824. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; auditor. George Townsley ; sheriff, James Popenoe; treasurer, Hugh Hamill; commissioners, John Sterritt, Stephen Bell, Samuel Shaw; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, John Clark, Samuel Kyle, David Huston.
1825. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; auditor, George Townsley ; sheriff, James Popenoe ; treasurer, James Gowdy; commissioners, Samuel Shaw, Stephen Bell, and William Buckles; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, John Clark, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1826. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; auditor, George Townsley; sheriff, James Popenoe; treasurer, James Gowdy; commissioners, Stephen Bell, Mathias Winans, and William Buckles; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, John Clark, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1827. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; auditor, George Townsley; sheriff, James Popenoe ; treasurer, James Gowdy ; commissioners, William Buckles, Mathias Winans, and Simeon Dunn; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; associate judges, John Clark, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1828. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; recorder, George Townsley; sheriff, James Popenoe; treasurer, Samuel Newcomb; commissioners, William Buckles, Simeon Dunn, and Samuel Gowdy; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; infirmary directors, George Townsley, William McKnight, and G. Galloway; associate judges, John Clark, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1829. Clerk of court, Josiah Grover; recorder, Josiah Grover; auditor, William Richards; sheriff, James Popenoe; treasurer, Samuel Newcomb; commissioners, William Buckles, Samuel Gowdy, and John Barber; surveyor, Moses Collier ; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; infirmary directors, G. Galloway, Samuel Gowdy, and Abram Larew ; associate judges, John Clark, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1830. Clerk of Court, James L. Grover; recorder, J. H. McPherson; auditor, William Richards; sheriff, James A. Scott; treasurer, Samuel Newcomb; commissioners, William Buckles, Samuel Gowdy, and John Barber; surveyor, Robert Watson; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; infirmary directors, G. Galloway, George Townsley, and J. Davison; associate judges, John Clark, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1831. Clerk of court, James L. Grover; recorder, J. H. Me-
Pherson; auditor, William Richards; sheriff, James A. Scott; treasurer, Samuel Newcomb ; commissioners, William Buckles, Samuel Gowdy, and John Barber; surveyor, Robert Watson; prosecuting attorney, John Alexander; infirmary directors, G. Galloway, George Townsley, and J. Davison; associate judges, John Clark, Samuel $pyle, and David Huston.
1832. Clerk of court, James L. Grover; recorder, J. H. McPherson ; auditor, William Richards ; sheriff, Amos Quinn ; treasurer, Samuel Newcomb; commissioners, William Buckles, John Barber, and John Fudge; surveyor, Robert Watson; prosecuting attorney, C. Clark; infirmary directors, G. Galloway, George Townsley and Josiah Grover; associate judges, John Clark, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1833 Clerk of court, James L. Grover; recorder, J. H. McPherson ; auditor, William Richards ; sheriff, Amos Quinn; treasurer, Samuel Newcomb; commissioners, William Buckles, John Fudge, and Ryan Gowdy; surveyor, Robert Watson; prosecuting attorney, C. Clark; infirmary directors, George Townsley, Samuel Gowdy, and Josiah Grover; associate judges, Simeon Dunn, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1834. Clerk of court, James L. Grover; recorder, J. H. McPherson; auditor, William Richards; sheriff, Amos Quinn; treasurer, Samuel Newcomb; commissioners, William Buckles, John Fudge, and Ryan Gowdy; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, C. Clark; infirmary directors, George Townsley, Samuel Gowdy, and Josiah Grover; associate judges, Simeon Dunn, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1835. Clerk of court, James L. Grover; recorder, J. H. McPherson; auditor, William Richards; sheriff, Amos Quinn; treasurer, Samuel Newcomb; commissioners, John Fudge, Ryan Gowdy, and T. G. Bates; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, C. Clark; infirmary directors, Samuel Gowdy, John Ankeny, and Josiah Grover; associate judges, Simeon Dunn, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1836. Clerk of court, James L. Grover; recorder, J. H. McPherson ; auditor, William Richards; sheriff, Amos Quinn; treasurer, Samuel Newcomb; commissioners, John Fudge, Ryan Gowdy, and T. G. Bates; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, William Ellsberry; infirmary directors, Samuel Gowdy, John Ankeny, and Samuel Crumbaugh; associate judges, Simeon Dunn,
Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1837. Clerk of court, Thornton Marshall; recorder, J. H. McPherson ; auditor, Thomas Coke Wright; sheriff, Amos Quinn ; treasurer, Samuel Newcomb; commissioners, John Fudge, Daniel Lewis, and E. Steel ; surveyor, Moses Collier; attorney, William Ellsberry ; infirmary directors, Samuel Gowdy, John Ankeny, and Samuel Crumbaugh; associate judges, Simeon Dunn, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1838. Clerk of court, Thornton Marshall ; recorder, J. H. McPherson; auditor, Thomas Coke Wright; sheriff, James A. Scott; treasurer, Samuel Newcomb; commissioners, John Fudge, Daniel Lewis, and E. Steele; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, R. C. Poland; infirmary directors, Samuel Gowdy, John Ankeny, and Samuel Crumbaugh ; associate judges, Simeon Dunn, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1839. Clerk of court, Thornton Marshall; recorder, J. H. McPherson ; auditor, Thomas Coke Wright ; sheriff, James A. Scott ; treasurer, Samuel Newcomb;. commissioners, John Fudge, Daniel Lewis, and E. Steel; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, R. C. Poland; infirmary directors, Samuel Gowdy, John Ankeny, and Samuel Crumbaugh; associate judges, Simeon Dunn, Samuel Kyle and David Huston.
1840. Clerk of court, Thornton Marshall; recorder, J. H. McPherson ; auditor, Thomas Coke Wright; sheriff, W. C. Robinson ; treasurer, Alfred Trader; commissioners, John Fudge, Daniel Lewis, and Bennet Lewis; surveyor, Moses Collier; prosecuting attorney, R. C. Poland; infirmary directors, Samuel Gowdy, John Ankeny, and Samuel Crumbaugh ; associate judges, Simeon Dunn, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1841. Clerk of court, Thornton Marshall; recorder, James W. Harper; auditor, Thomas Coke Wright; sheriff, W. C. Robinson; treasurer, Alfred Trader; commissioners, John Fudge, Daniel Lewis, and Bennet Lewis; surveyor, Samuel T. Owens; prosecuting attorney, R. C. Poland; infirmary directors, Samuel Gowdy, John Ankeny, and Samuel Crumbaugh; associate judges, Simeon Dunn, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1842. Clerk of court, Thornton Marshall ; recorder, James W. Harper; auditor, Thomas Coke Wright; sheriff, C. L. Merrick; treasurer, Alfred Trader; commissioners, B. Lewis, D. Lewis, and James C. Johnson ; surveyor, Samuel T. Owens; prosecuting attorney, R. F. Howard; infirmary directors, Samuel Gowdy, John
Ankeny, and Samuel Crumbaugh; associate judges, Simeon Dunn, Samuel Kyle, and David Huston.
1843. Clerk of court, Thornton Marshall, recorder, James W. Harper, auditor, Thomas Coke Wright, sheriff, C. L. Merrick, treasurer, Alfred Trader, commissioners, B. Lewis, D. Lewis, and James C. Johnson, surveyor, Samuel T. Owens, prosecuting attorney, R. F. Howard, infirmary directors, Samuel Gowdy, John Ankeny, and Samuel Crumbaugh, associate judges, Simeon Dunn, Samuel Kyle, and A. G. Luce.
1844. Clerk of court D. W. Brown (protem.), recorder James A. Scott, auditor Thomas Coke Wright, sheriff Daniel Lewis, treasurer Alfred Trader, commissioners B. Lewis, James C. Johnson, and John Kendall, surveyor Samuel T. Owens, prosecuting attorney J. G. Gest, infirmary directors Samuel Gowdy, John Ankeny, and Samuel Crumbaugh, associate judges Simeon Dunn, Samuel Kyle, and A. G. Luce.
1845. Clerk of court, M. Stark (protem.), recorder James A. Scott, auditor Thomas Coke Wright, sheriff Daniel Lewis, treasurer Alfred Trader, commissioners B. Lewis, John Kendall, and John Fudge, surveyor Samuel T. Owens, prosecuting attorney J. G. Gest, infirmary directors John Ankeny, S. Crumbaugh, and S. Puterbaugh, associate judges Simeon Dunn, Samuel Kyle, and A. G. Luce:
1846. Clerk of court, James J. Winans, recorder James A. Scott, auditor Thomas Coke Wright, sheriff Samuel Harry, treasurer Alfred Trader, commissioners B. Lewis, John Kendall, and John Fudge, surveyor Samuel T. Owens, prosecuting attorney J. G. Gest, infirmary directors S. Puterbaugh, S. Crumbaugh, and Benjamin Manor, associate judges Simeon Dunn, Daniel Martin, and A. G. Luce.
1847. Clerk of court James J. Winans, recorder James A. Scott, auditor Thomas Coke White, sheriff Samuel Harry, treasurer Alfred Trader, commissioners B. Lewis, John Fudge, and James McMillan, surveyor Samuel T. Owens, prosecuting attorney J. G. Gest, infirmary directors S. Puterbaugh, Benjamin Manor; and S. Crumbaugh, associate judges Simeon Dunn, Daniel Martin, and A. G. Luce.
1848. Clerk of court James J. Winans, recorder James A. Scott, auditor Thomas Coke Wright, sheriff Samuel Harry, treasurer Alfred Trader, commissioners John Fudge, James McMillan, and
John Keiler, surveyor Samuel T. Owens, prosecuting attorney J. G. Gest, infirmary directors S. Puterbaugh, Benjamin Manor, and S. Crumbaugh, associate judges John Fudge, Daniel Martin, and A. G. Luce.
1849. Clerk of court James J. Winans, recorder James A. Scott, auditor Thomas Coke Wright, sheriff Samuel Harry, treasurer Alfred Trader, commissioners William Reid, B. Lewis, John Keiler, and James McMillan, surveyor Samuel T. Owens, prosecuting attorney J. G. Gest, infirmary directors S. Puterbaugh, Benjamin Manor, and S. Crumbaugh, associate judges John Fudge, Daniel Martin, and A. G. Luce.
1850. Clerk of court James J. Winans, recorder James A. Scott, auditor Thomas Coke Wright, sheriff C. Wilkins, treasurer Alfred Trader, commissioners John Keiler, William Reid, and Jonas Janney, surveyor Samuel T. Owens, prosecuting attorney, J. G. Gest; infirmary directors S. Puterbaugh, Benjamin Manor, and S. Crumbaugh, associate judges John Fudge, Daniel Martin, and William Mills.
1851. Clerk of court James J. Winans, recorder James A. Scott, auditor Thomas Coke Wright, sheriff C. Wilkins, treasurer Alfred Trader, commissioners William Reid, Jonas Janney, and John Harbine, surveyor Samuel T. Owens, prosecuting attorney, M. D. Gatch, infirmary directors S. Puterbaugh, Benjamin Manor, and S. Crumbaugh, associate judges John Fudge, Daniel Martin, and William Mills.
1852. Clerk of court John Boyd, recorder John Boyd, auditor. Thomas Coke Wright, sheriff C. Wilkins, treasurer Brinton Baker, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners William Reid, Jonas Janney and John Little, surveyor Samuel T. Owens, prosecuting attorney M. D. Gatch, infirmary directors S. Puterbaugh, Benjamin Manor and S. Crumbaugh.
1853. Clerk of court John Boyd, recorder M. W. Trader, auditor Thomas Coke Wright, sheriff C. Wilkins, treasurer Brinton Baker, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners William Reid, John Little and James C. Johnson, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney M. D. Gatch, infirmary directors S.. Puterbaugh, Benjamin Manor and S. Crumbaugh.
1854. Clerk of court John Boyd, recorder M. W. Trader, auditor Thomas Coke Wright, sheriff Daniel Lewis, treasurer Brinton Baker, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners John Little,
James C. Johnson and A. H. Baughman, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney M. D. Gatch, infirmary directors S. Puterbaugh, Aniel Rodgers and S. Crumbaugh.
1855. Clerk of court John Boyd, recorder M. W. Trader, auditor James A. Scott, sheriff Daniel Lewis, treasurer Brinton Baker, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners John Little, James C. Johnson and A. H. Baughman, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney John W. Lowe, infirmary directors S. Puterbaugh, Aniel Rodgers and H. Andrew.
1856. Clerk of court John Boyd, recorder M. W. Trader, auditor James A. Scott, sheriff Daniel Lewis, treasurer John Louck, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners John Little, A. H. Baughman and John Fudge, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney J: A. Sexton, infirmary directors S. Puterbaugh, S. Crumbaugh and H. Andrew.
1857. Clerk of court John Boyd, recorder M. W. Trader, auditor Samuel T. Owens, sheriff Daniel Lewis, treasurer John Louck, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners A. H. Baughman, John Fudge and Robert Jackson, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney J. A. Sexton, infirmary directors S. Puterbaugh, S. Crumbaugh and H. Andrew.
1858. Clerk of court John Boyd, recorder M. W. Trader, auditor Samuel T. Owens, sheriff Samuel Crumbaugh, treasurer David Medsker, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners A. H. Baughman, John Fudge and Robert Jackson, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney J. A. Sexton, infirmary directors S. Puterbaugh, S. Crumbaugh and L. P. Bonner.
1859. Clerk of court John Boyd, recorder M. W. Trader, auditor Samuel T. Owens, sheriff Samuel Crumbaugh, treasurer David Medsker, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners A. H. Baughman, John Fudge and Robert Jackson, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney J. A. Sexton, infirmary directors Aniel Rodgers, S. Crumbaugh and L. P. Bonner.
1860. Clerk of court John Boyd, recorder Thomas Coke Wright, auditor Samuel T. Owens, sheriff Samuel Crumbaugh, treasurer David Medsker, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners A. H. Baughman, John Fudge and Robert Jackson, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney E. H. Munger, infirmary directors Aniel Rodgers, S. Crumbaugh and L. P. Bonner.
1861. Clerk of court J. G. McWhirk, recorder Thomas Coke Wright, auditor William C. M. Baker, sheriff Samuel Crumbaugh, treasurer David Medsker, probate judge Charles Dewey, commissioners A. H. Baughman, John Fudge Robert Jackson, surveyor Washington' Galloway, prosecuting attorney E. H. Munger, infirmary directors Aniel Rodgers, S. Crumbaugh and J. C. McMillan.
1862. Clerk of court J. G. McWhirk, recorder Thomas Coke Wright, auditor William. C. M. Baker, sheriff Henry Barnes, treasurer Daniel Lewis, probate judge Charles Dewey, commissioners A. H. Baughman, Robert Jackson and S. E. Bennett, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney E. H. Munger, infirmary directors John F. Patton, S. Crumbaugh and J. C. McMillan.
1863. Clerk of court J. G. McWhirk, recorder Thomas Coke Wright, auditor William C. M. Baker, sheriff Henry Barnes, treasurer F. A. McClure„ probate judge Charles Dewey, commissioners A. H. Baughman, S. E. Bennett and John G. Clemens, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney E. H. Munger, infirmary directors John F. Patton, H. H. Hyland and J. C. McMillan.
1864. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder Thomas Coke Wright, auditor William C. M. Baker, sheriff Henry Barnes, treasurer Richard Galloway, probate judge Thornton Marshall, commissioners A. H. Baughman, S. E. Bennett and John G. Clemens, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney E. H. Munger', infirmary directors D. A. Dean, H. H. Hyland and J. C. McMillan.
1865. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder Thomas Coke Wright, auditor William C. M. Baker, sheriff Henry Barnes, treasurer Richard Galloway, probate. judge Thornton Marshall, commissioners A. H. Baughman, S. E. Bennett and D. McMillan, jr., surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney E. H. Munger, infirmary directors D. A. Dean, H. H. Hyland and J. C. McMillan.
1866. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder Hugh McQuiston, auditor William C. M. Baker, sheriff Robert Stevenson, treasurer Richard Galloway, probate judge Thornton Marshall, commissioners A. H. Baughman, D. McMillan jr. and J. H. Brotherton, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney John Little,
infirmary directors B. Baker, H. H. Hyland, and J. C. McMillan.
1867. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder Hugh McQuiston, auditor Andrew S. Frazer, sheriff Robert Stevenson, treasurer Richard Galloway, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners D. McMillan, J. H. Brotherton and A. Trader, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney John Little, infirmary directors B. Baker; H. H. Hyland and J. C. McMillan.
1868. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder Hugh McQuiston, auditor Andrew S. Frazer, sheriff Robert Stevenson, treasurer Henry Barnes, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners D. McMillan, J. H. Brotherton and A. Trader, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney John Little, infirmary directors B. Baker, H. H. Hyland and J. C. McMillan.
1869. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder Hugh McQuiston, auditor Andrew S. Frazer, sheriff Robert Stevenson, treasurer Henry Barnes, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners D. McMillan, J. H. Brotherton and A. Trader, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney James E. Hawes, infirmary directors Aniel Rodgers, B. Baker and J. C. McMillan.
1870. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder Hugh McQuiston, auditor Andrew S. Frazer, sheriff William H. Glatfelter, treasurer Henry Barnes, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners D.' McMillan, J. H. Brotherton and Aaron Spangler, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney James E. Hawes, infirmary directors Aniel Rodgers, B. Baker and J. H. Matthews.
1871. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder Hugh McQuiston, auditor Andrew S. Frazer, sheriff William H. Glatfelter, treasurer Henry Barnes, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners J. H. Brotherton, Aaron Spangler and G. Snyder, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney James E. Hawes, infirmary directors Aniel Rodgers, B. Baker and J. H. Matthews. Superior court established in February; judge Joseph A. Sexton.
1872. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder Hugh McQuiston, auditor Andrew S. Frazer, sheriff William H. Glatfelter, treasurer Robert Stevenson, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners A. Spangler, G. Snyder and H. Steel, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney James E. Hawes, infirmary directors Aniel Rodgers, J. W. Manor and J, Ii. Matthews, judge superior court Joseph A. Sexton.
1873. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder Hugh McQuiston, auditor Andrew S. Frazer, sheriff William H. Glatfelter, treasurer Robert Stevenson, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners G. Snyder, H. Steel and David Rader, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney Charles C. Shearer, infirmary directors Aniel Rodgers, J. W. Manor and J. H. Matthews, judge superior court Joseph A. Sexton.
1874. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder Hugh McQuiston, auditor Andrew S. Frazer, sheriff' James Harvey Kyle, treasurer Robert Stevenson, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners H. Steel, David Rader and John B. Allen, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney Charles C. Shearer, infirmary directors Aniel Rodgers, J. VV. Manor and J. H. Matthews, judge superior court Joseph A. Sexton.
1875. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder Hugh McQuiston, auditor Andrew S. Frazer, sheriff James Harvey Kyle, treasurer Robert Stevenson, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners H. Steel, David Rader and Watt, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney Charles C. Shearer, infirmary directors Aniel Rodgers, B. Baker and J. H. Matthews.
1876. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder Hugh McQuiston, auditor Andrew S. Frazer, sheriff' James Harvey Kyle, treasurer L. Arnold, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners L. Allen, Stephenson and Watt, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney Charles C. Shearer, infirmary directors Aniel Rodgers, B. Baker, J. C. McMillan.
1877. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder Hugh McQuiston, auditor Andrew S. Frazer, sheriff James Harvey Kyle, treasurer L. Arnold, probate judge James 1'V. Harper, commissioners L. Allen, Stephenson and Watt, surveyor Washington Galloway, prosecuting attorney 11. McQuiston, infirmary directors Aniel Rodgers, B. Baker and J. C. McMillan.
1878. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder H. Torrence, auditor Andrew S. Frazer, sheriff James McCann, treasurer L. Arnold, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners L. Allen, Stephenson and Watt, surveyor L. Riddell, prosecuting attorney H. McQuiston, infirmary directors R. Gowdy, B. Baker and J. C. McMillan.
1879. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder H. Torrence, auditor Andrew S. Frazer, sheriff' John McCann, treasurer L. Arnold, pro-
bate judge James W. Harper, commissioners L. Allen, Stephenson and Watt, surveyor L. Riddell, prosecuting attorney T. L. McGruler, infirmary directors R. Gowdy, B. Baker and J. C. McMillan.
1880. Clerk of court John Orr, recorder H. Torrence, auditor Andrew S. Frazer, sheriff James McCann, treasurer L. Arnold, probate judge James W. Harper, commissioners L. Allen, Stephenson and Watt, surveyor L. Riddell, prosecuting attorney T. L. McGruler, infirmary director R. Gowdy.