"History is Philosophy Teaching by Example."








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THE aim of the publishers of this volume and the author of the history has been to secure for the historical portion thereof full and accurate information respecting all subjects therein treated and to present the data thus gathered in a clear and impartial manner. All topics and occurences have been included that are essential to the clearness and usefulness of the history. Although the original purpose of the author was to limit the narrative to the close of 1904, he has found it expedient and has deemed it proper to touch on many matters relating to the year 1905, as well as to the current year.

It is impossible for the editor to enumerate all to whom he feels that thanks are due for assistance rendered and kindly interest taken in this work. First of all, he is especially indebted to Dr. Samuel A. Baxter, whose devotion to the cause of history, not only of Lima, but of all Northwestern Ohio, has been long known. His historical material, collected day by day during the long period of his useful life, was put freely at the disposal of the editor, and from that source is derived much of the earlier history found in this book. Chapters V and VI are entirely compiled from resources furnished by him. Dr. Baxter has always had great enthusiasm, admiration and love for Lima, his native city.

The editor is also under obligation to the writers of the various special contributions, to whom credit has been given; to Miss Clara V. Bingham, for faithful, conscientious and intelligent work; to Mr. George Feltz, auditor of Allen County, for most valuable assistance in consulting records; to Mr. Thomas H. J ones, treasurer of Allen County, for the translation of Welsh documents; to Hon. Walter B. Richie, Mr. N. W. Cunningham, Judge John E. Richie, Dr. L. J. Eger, Hon. S. D. Crites, Mr. T. B. Bowersock, Dr. R. E. Jones, Dr. S. B. Hiner, Hon. O. B. Selfridge, Jr., and others, for records and material furnished; and to the following, of Lima College, who rendered most timely assistance in the completion of this work—Prof. Arthur Blaser, Miss Frances Adkins and Miss Clara Longmeier.

In the preparation of the history, reference has freely been made to and extracts taken from the following historical records and books, viz : World Atlas, containing Knapp's History of Allen County; Allen County Atlas, 1880; and Allen County History, 1885. Especially valuable were Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio and Knapp's History of the Maumee Valley.. Various State documents were frequently consulted and the State authorities. at Columbus were often called upon for assistance.

The reviews of resolute and strenuous lives, which make up the biographical department of this volume, and whose authorship is independent of that of the history, are admirably adapted to foster local ties, to inculcate patriotism and to emphasize the rewards of industry, dominated by intelligent purpose. They constitute a most appropriate medium of perpetuating personal annals and will be of incalculable value to the descendants of those commemorated. These sketches, replete with stirring incidents and intense experiences, will naturally prove to a large proportion of the readers of this book one of its most attractive features.

In the aggregate of personal memiors thus collated will be found a vivid epitome of the growth of Allen County, which will fitly supplement the historical statement. The publishers have endeavored in the preparation of the work to pass over no feature of it slightingly, but to give heed to the minutest details, and thus to invest it with a substantial accuracy which no other treatment would afford.

To note the history of a people, and to interpret the full meaning of events, is not an easy task. An earnest attempt has been made to record the facts, and to render due appreciation unto the humblest actor in the drama of this life-story. It is said we live in the century of achievements, and this is certainly true. But the Twentieth Century will produce nothing so great as its men and women. This volume is the history of men and women who have built a Commonwealth out of Nature's own material—and they builded wiser than they knew. We beg leave to commend this recital of the annals of the people of a great county to the consideration of a gen erous public. It is full of interest and it has much inspiration.


Chicago, Ill., March, 1906. 


All the biographical sketches published in this volume were submitted to their respective subjects or to the subscribers, from whom the facts were primarily obtained, for their approval or correction before going to press; and a reasonable time was allowed in each case for the return of the typewritten copies. Most of them were returned to us within the time alloted, or before the work was printed, after being corrected or revised; and these may therefore be regarded as reasonably accurate.

A few, however, were not returned to us; and, as we have no means of knowing whether they contain errors or not, we cannot vouch for their accuracy. In justice to our readers, and to render this work more valuable for reference purposes, we have indicated these uncorrected sketches by a small asterisk (*), placed immediately after the name of the subject. They will all be found on the last pages of the book.





Allen County and the Ordinance of 1787—Five New States—Marvelous Growth of the Old Northwest—Greatness of Ohio—First Colony in the Wilderness—Ohio's First County and First Court—Gen. George Rogers Clark—The Struggle in Kentucky—Clark's Expedition—Fall of Kaskaskia and Vincennes—Ownership of the New Territory—Lands Taken from the Indians—Black Hawk—His Wrongs—The Black Hawk War—The Wilderness Subdued.



Great Valleys of the World—Valley of the Maumee—Its Great Fertility—First Attempt at Settlement in Ohio—General Harmar Sent Against the Miamis—St. Clair's Defeat—Fort Defiance—Battle of the Fallen Timber, General Wayne's Great Victory—Siege of Fort Meigs—Col. George Croghan and the Defense of Fort Stephenson—End of the War of 1812—Early Struggle for Possession—Wild Game an Alluring Prize—The Economic Work of the Beaver—The Ohio Company—France Attempts to Take Possession of the Ohio Valley—The French and Indian War—The Fertility, Wealth and Substantial Citizenship of the Great Maumee Valley.



The Life Story of Simon Kenton—Simon Girty, the Renegade—Gen. Anthony Wayne, the "Chief Who Never Sleeps"—Celebrated Treaty of Greenville—Gen. Arthur St. Clair—St Clair's Defeat—Tecumseh, the Most Gifted American Indian—Tecumseh's Death—Tecumseh's High Ideals of Justice—The Indian of To-DayHaskell Institute—Carlisle Indian School—Logan's Speech—Villainy of the Government's Indian Agents--Sprague's View of the Indian and His Destiny.



Name and Formation of Allen County—First Settlers--First White Child Born in Allen County, on Ho Creek and in Lima—Address of T. E. Cunningham. Esq., Before the Pioneer Association—Good Offices of Quilna—Organization and Naming of Lima—Removal of the Shawnees—Early County Officers and Judges"Auglaize City"—Fort Amanda—Sawmill and Navy Yard—Pht—Heroes of the Forest—"Johnny Appleseed" —Elida Pioneer Association—Roadways—Political History—Roster of County Officials, Common Pleas Judges, Members of the General Assembly and Congressmen.




Establishment of the County Seat—Lima's Godfather—Sale of Town Lots—The Court Houses—Christopher Wood, Director—Lima's First Settler—Maria Mitchell Brown, First White Child Born in Lima—The First Five Families—James Peltier, First Dry Goods Merchant—Dr. William Cunningham, Lima's First Physician —Hog Creek—Lima's First Officers—Henry D. V. Williams, the First Mayor—General Blackburn—Muster Day—Thomas K. Jacobs, a Builder of Lima—John Ward, the First Schoolmaster—The Distinguished Teacher, Joseph H. Richardson—The Cholera Visitation—The First Saloon—Early History of the Public and Parochial Schools of Lima—Dr. William McHenry—Allen County Medical Society—"Uncle Joe" Hover and His Market Street Bridge—Mills, Bridges and Roads—Alexander Beatty—Robert Bowers' Reminiscences—Silas Faurot—Lima's First Hotel—The Bashores—Daniel Musser—The Early Stores—Col. James Cunningham—Richard Metheany--The First Railroad—John Meily—John P. Haller, the Builder.



Deer Hunting in Lima—A Great Nimrod—Samuel McClure and the Honey—Josh Hover's Pranks—Friendly Intercourse with the Indians—Fun at School—An Old-Time Political Jollification--The Pioneer Gentleman in Full Dress—Pauper Poor Sold at Auction—A Pioneer School Teacher—"Caesar and the Devil's Gait"—Going to Mill—An Experience with Fire-Water—Quilna, the Friend of the White Man—Mrs. Baxter and the Soap—Judge Metcalf and His Virginia Story—An Accident to the Supreme Court—Dr. Baxter's Famous Accounts of Lima's First Circus and of the Democratic Ox Roast--Recollections of E. T. Cole—Robb's Revenge—The First Allen County Fair—The Old. Sulphur Spring.



Population of Ohio and Allen County—Amanda Township—Old Fort Amanda and the National Cemetery-Auglaize Township—Bath Township—German Township—Elida—Jackson Township—LaFayette—Marion Township—Delphos—Monroe Township—Ottawa Township—City Officials of Lima—Perry Township—Richland Township—Bluffton and Beaver Dam—Shawnee Township—Early Indian History—Pht's Cabin and the Council House—Spencer Township—Spencerville—Sugar Creek Township—History of the Welsh Settlement of Gomer.


ECONOMIC FORCES          164

The Soil of Allen County—Agricultural Resources—An Interesting Comparison of Counties in Northwestern Ohio—The Climate of Allen County—The Streams—The Beautiful "Swinonia"—Springs—Botany—Archology—Zoology—Some Birds of Allen County—Geology—The Glacial Drift—The First Oil-Well in Allen County—The Second Oil-Well—The Trenton Series—The Trenton Limestone, as a Source of Oil and Gas in Ohio—Strata Traversed by the Pioneer Well at Lima—The Oil Industry—Treasures of Monte Christo—An Investment of $160,000,000—Effects of Oil Wealth—Production of Oil in the Lima Field—Wells Completed in the Ohio-Indiana Field in 1905—Oil Companies of Lima.



Canals—The Ohio and Erie Canal—The Miami and Erie Canal, Formed by the Miami, the Wabash and Erie and the Miami Extension Canals—Railroads of Lima and Allen County—Story of Their Development—Changes in Names of the Roads—Electric:Traction Lines a Recent Development—Railroad and Traction Line Statistics as Relating to Lima.




Early Manufacturing Establishments—Lima's Business Interests in 1879—Lima Locomotive & Machine Company—Star Iron Works—East Iron & Machine Company—Bessemer Gas Engine Company—The Lima Gas Engine Company—Sinclair & Morrison Company—National Roofing Tile Company—Hall & Woods Company—Schultheis Brothers—Deisel-Wemmer Company—American Cigar Company—Eagle Stave Company—Lima Pork Packing Company—Lima Creamery & Cold Storage Company—Dairy Implement Company--Knisely Shirt Company—John Cramer Manufacturing Company—Architects—Contractors—Brick Manufacturers—Lumber, Stone and Building Material Dealers—Fuel and Ice Dealers—M. Thomas & Sons—Bell Supply Company—S. A. Baxter & Sons—Insurance Agencies—Public Utility Corporations—Hotels.



The Bank in History—United States Land Office—Leighton, Hurd & Jacobs—National Deposit Bank—Exchange Bank—Davis Bank—The City Bank—The Citizens' Bank—The Well-Known First National Bank—Goldsmith & Kalb's Bank—The Metropolitan Bank—The Ohio National Bank—The Commercial Bank, Founded by Dr. S. A. Baxter—The Allen County Building & Savings Association—The Citizens' Loan & Building Company, The Lima Home & Savings Association—The South Side Building & Loan Association—The Lima Trust Company—The Bank of Lima.



Introduction—Lawyers of "Ye Olden Times"—Their Fun and Their Work—John C. Spink—David A. Cole-rick and Others—"Good Count Coffinberry"—Patrick G. Goode, Distinguished Lawyer, Preacher, Congressman and Citizen—Emery I). Potter, Lawyer and Postmaster—J. M. May, the "Nestor" of the Bar—Hamilton Davison—Mathias H. Nichols, Brilliant Lawyer, Scholar and Statesman—Col. Lester Bliss, Legislator and Soldier—Benjamin F. Metcalf, Allen County's Noted Judge of the Early Days—Thomas M. Robb, Able Lawyer, Editor and Mayor—James Mackenzie, Distinguished Judge, Noted Scholar and Patriotic Citizen—Isaiah S. Pillars, Legislator, Lawyer, Jurist and Ohio's Distinguished Attorney General—Theodore E. Cunningham, Historian, Lawyer and Friend of the Common People—Charles N. Lamison, Brilliant Lawyer, Statesman, Soldier and Jurist, and Orator of the Old School—Charles M. Hughes, Jurist, Soldier and Distinguished Citizen—Jacob S. Conklin, Brilliant Scholar, Successful Lawyer, Conversationalist and Judge—James Savage Daniels, Pioneer Lawyer and County Commissioner—Allen County's Three Court Houses—The Bar of To-Day—A Long List of Well-Educated, Successful and Brilliant Men—The Allen County Law Library.



A Brief History of Medicine—The Allen County Medical Society—Physicians of the Past—Dr. William Cunningham—Dr. William McHenry—Dr. W. H. Harper—Dr. Samuel Sanford—Dr. Robert W. Thrift—Dr. Newton Sager—Dr. C. A. Evans—Dr. P. H. Brooks—Dr. Brice Blair—Dr. John Davis—Physicians of Today—Dentists of Lima.



Presbyterian Churches—Methodist Churches—The Pioneer Camp-Meetings—Baptist Churches—Catholic Churches—Lutheran Churches—Reformed Churches—Church of Christ—Christ Protestant Episcopal Church —First United Brethren Church—Congregational Churches—First Christian Church—Miscellaneous Churches and Missions—Biographies of Revs. T. P. Johnston, R. J. Thomson, T. L. Wiltsee, J. M. Avann, C. M. Rupe, F. J. Henry, A. E. Manning, Carl Ackerman, F. P. Bossart, P. H. Land, E. E. Young, G. H. Sims and I. J. Swanson.




The Public School System of Allen County—The Public Schools of Lima—Board of Education—List of Teachers—The Lima High School—First and Last Graduating Classes of the High School—The Lima Training School—The Truant Law—Supplementary Reading—An Ancient Appeal— Lima's School Buildings—Demolishment of the Old West Building—"That Dear Old Building"—Destruction of the Old East Building by the Terrible Cyclone of September 24, 1898—Other School Buildings—The New High School Building—A Brief History of the Public Schools of Lima—Account of Mrs. Josephine C. Smith—Complete List of Superintendents and of the Presidents of the Board of Education—The Parochial Schools of Lima—Lima College—The Allen County Teachers' Institute—Board of County School Examiners—The New School Code —The Old Academy, Called "The Allen County Institute."



The Allen County Infirmary—The Allen County Children's Home—The Lima Hospital—The Lima Public Library—The Carnegie Gift and the New Library Building—The Lima Water Works—The Postoffice and Postmasters of Lima—The Federal Building—Federal Officers—The Allen County Fair—Sale of Fair Grounds to Lima Driving Park Association—The Proposed New State Hospital for the Insane.



Sweet Charity—History of the First Lodge of Masons Organized in Lima—Masonic Societies of To-DayThe Masonic Temple—Independent Order of Odd Fellows—Odd Fellows Societies of To-Day—Knights of Pythias—The New Ritual, the Work of Walter B. Richie—Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks—Improved Order of Red Men—Ancient Order of United Workmen—Knights of the Maccabees and Ladies of the Maccabees—Modern Woodmen of America—Other Fraternal Insurance Societies—Catholic Societies—Grand Army of the Republic and Woman's Relief Corps—United Spanish War Veterans—The Crusade and the W. C. T. U.—Young Men's Christian Association—The Lima Club—The Business Men's Association—The Lima Progressive Association.



The Military Instinct—"Old Militia System"—Headquarters at Allentown—Major General Blackburn and Brigadier General Armstrong--Division Martial Band—The Old Muster Days—Gallant Mart Armstrong—First Company of Volunteers from Lima—The Honor Roll—"Nichols' Guards"—Captain Lamison's Company —In Camp at Columbus—At Benton's Ferry, Virginia—The "Home Guards"—Lima a Military Station under Colonel Pillars—Adjutant General Meily—"Melancthon Light Guards''—"Lima City Guard"—Famous Company C—Spanish-American War—"Kirk Cadets"—Company F, of Spencerville.



First Printed News in Lima—The "Herald"—The "Porcupine"—Lima "Argus"—Lima "Reporter"—The "Gazette"—The "Republican-Gazette"—The "People's Press"—The "Democratic Times"—The "Daily Times"—The "Times-Democrat"—First German Paper, the "Volksblatt"—The "Courier"—The "Daily News"—"The Sun"—"The Moon"—The "Republican"—The First City Directory—Observations on the Olden Times—Some Interesting Advertisements—Value of a Free Press to the World of Progress.




Hon. Calvin S. Brice—Dr. Samuel A. Baxter—Benjamin C. Faurot.



Influences That Helped to Build a Great County—A Brave, Devoted and Enterprising People—Allen County a Type of the Great American Nation of To-Day.




Ackerman, Rev. Carl, M. A. Ph. D. 259

Ackerman, C. L. 682

Adams, John T. 858

Adkins, Hon. Charles H. 404

Adkins, Harry H. 380

Agerter, Frederick 647

Agerter, W. T. 742

Akerman, Edwin C. 644

Albrecht, Harry A. 801

Alexander, James 742

Altstaetter, Frederic 557

Altstaetter, George L. 532

Altstaetter, Philip J. 514

Amstutz, Christian U. 485

Amstutz, John 142, 683

Andrews, J. L. 616

Argue, R. W. 352

Armstrong, Capt. Martin 316

Armstrong, R. L. 665

Armstrong, Gen. William 316

Arnold, Solomon H. 717

Ashton, Francis 491

Augsburger, John B. 731

Augsburger, William C. 478

Avann, Rev. Joseph Mercer 257

Badertscher, Rev. Christian 629

Bailey, John N. 832

Baker, Charles 76

Balsbaugh, Levi 746

Banta, F. J. 642

Barr, Dr. Eugene J. 368

Barth, J. Louis 380

Bashore, John 86

Basinger, M. U. 619

Bates, Dr. Fred L. 360

Bates, R. L. 550

Baxter, David E. 671

Baxter, James 114

Baxter, Samuel 113

Baxter, Dr. Samuel A. 335

Baxter, Samuel A. Sr. 96

Beam, Frederick C. 368

Beery, Newton C. 726

Beiler, G. Clinton 425

Bell, F. M. 630

Bell, William C. 604

Bendure, J. A. 361

Benedum, William H. 394

Bennett, Dr. Homer C. 711

Bennett, H. W. 823

Bentley, Harry O. 394

Berryman,. John H. 520

Beutner, John L. 607

Beutner, Frederick P. 652

Bice, William 747

Bingham, Capt. John M. 799

Binkley, Solomon 585

Bixel, David C. 836

Bixel, John 720

Black, John 596

Blackburn, General 78

Blair, Dr. Brice 235

Blattenberg, J. H. 400

Bliss, Col. Lester 216

Bliss, Dr. C. C. 547

Bloom. Walter P. 751

Boegel, Carl W. E. 697

Boogher, William F. 518

Bossart. Rev. Frank Philip 260

Botkins, E. M. 559

Bower, Alonzo S. 573

Bowers, Robert 85

Bowers, William A. 541

Bowsher, Jacob E. 748

Bowersock, Timothy B. 417

Bowyer, Madison L. 745

Bradley, Walter C. 577

Bredeick, Rev. John Otto 130

Breese, Clarence N. 612

Breese, Davis M. 640

Breese, George L. 610

Breese, William D. 153

Brice, Hon. Calvin S. 331

Brooks, Dr. P. H. 234

Brown, Absalom 75

Brower, Lon S. 651

Burkhardt, F. A. 375

Burns, Samuel M. 603

Cable, Davis J. 345

Campbell, William A. 511

Cardosi, Victor 685

Carl, Courtland 701

Carnes, Ira P. 615

Carnes, John 367

Carpenter, F. D. 788

Carpenter, W. D. 726

Chamberlin, Mrs. Mary 821

Chapin, J. A. 814

Chapman, Andrew J. 657

Cheever, James S. 107

Chenoweth, Dr. Olen E. 404

Christia, George R. 846

Cochran, James M. 720

Cockrun, James 735

Cockrun, Jasper L. 710

Cockrun, Lambert Y. 713

Coffinberry, Andrew 166

Cole, John A. 768

Cole, John F. 63, 106

Collins, Dr. Charles 363

Collins, T. A. 609

10 - INDEX

Collins, Samuel 343

Colt, M. P. 657

Colucci, Frank 783

Conklin, Jacob S. 220

Conner, E. G. 616

Conner, George P. 544

Coon. George, Sr. 154

Coon, Joshua B. 418

Coon, William R. 780

Copeland, Wilbur T. 402

Core, H. B. 488

Core, William A. 514

Cory, C. H. 785

Coulston, J. R. 762

Coxe, Albert W. 436

Craig, Charles E. 384

Craig, Milton C. 484

Craig, W. B. 558

Cramer, D. 778

Crider, John 528

Crites, Cyrus D. 835

Crites, Dr. Daniel L. 119

Crites, Jacob 371

Crites, Elias 371

Crites, Jacob 119

Crites, Mrs. Martha 120

Crites, Hon S. D. 461

Crossley, Miner C. 594

Crosson, Z. A. 463

Culp, David 766

Cunningham, James. 87

Cunningham, Nelson W. 598

Cunningham, Hon. Theodore 345

Cunningham, Dr. William 76

Cunningham, Hon. William H. 346

Curtin, E. R. 507

Curtin, William W. 496

Custard, Jonathan 449

Daniels, James Savage 221

Daniels, Nathan 221

Davis, Francis Y. 690

Davis, George L. 622

Davis, Dr. John 235

Davison, John 354

Davison, Hamilton 215

Dawson & McLaughlin 703

Dean, E. A. 866

Deisel, Henry 487

Deppler, John 586

Derbyshire, Dr. Samuel J. 403

Desenberg, Henry F. 360

Dienstberger, Jacob 631

Dildine, A. M. 837

Dille, Henry M. 609

Diller, George 596

Diller, Peter 761

Dobbins, T. W. 669

Donze, Capt. C. F. 658

Dorsey, Emory H. 743

Douglass, J. Boyd 648

Downing, Frank H. 408

Drake, F. W. 871

Duden, W. H. 693

Dunn, D. C. 503

Dyer, George 866

Early, Samuel B. 515

East, C. H. 375

East, Monroe M. 813

East. Samuel 560

East, William S. 374

Eastman, R. C. 623

Eaton, Frank A. 785

Eckert, Charles E. 664

Eckhardt, Rev. C. H. 767

Edgecomb, Madison 620

Edman, Elijah 760

Edwards. Thomas J. 795

Emmitt, McDougall 450

Evans, Dr. C. A. 234

Evans, .S. D. 762

Everett, Jasper, 422

Eversole. John E. 471

Eversole, Lemuel 474

Ewing, J. J. 534

Faurot, Benjamin C. 337

Faurot, Silas 85

Feltz, George 356

Fenner, Charles H. 844

Fetter, John W. 777

Fetter, Julius K. 823

Fisher, Aaron 542

Fletcher, J. N. 594

Fletcher, Samuel M. 444

Fletcher, Dr. William M. 485

Fogle, Byron S. 636

Ford. Edward J. 574

Fowler, William G. 435

Francis, Owen 355

Franklin, Henry C. 526

Fraunfelter, Frank 404

Fraunfelter, Shannon 408

French, Samuel D. 379

Furnas, L. T. 453

Gale, Capt. Albert E. 820

Gallant, Rev. W. H. 849

Garretson, Isaiah 732

Gayer. John J. 445

Gengler, D. N. 488

Gensel, James W. 631

German, Bernard 853

Glover, W. H. 492

Goble, Ebenezer B. 483

Goode, Patrick Gaines 214

Gooding, E. M. 786

Goodman, Frederick 383

Gray, Walter E. 618

Gregg, R. T. 679

Griffiths, George W. 628

Grubb, Thomas 857

Hale, E. M. 786

Halfhill, James W. 390

Hall, Dr. George 477

Hall, H. B. 608

Hall, Jacob 789

Halladay, Calvin 362

Haller. Jacob M. 354

Haller., J. N. 437

Haller, John P. 89

Hance, John R. 381

Handel, Theodore A. 739

Hanthron, Thomas S. 576

Harbison, Joseph H. 589

Hardin, Franklin P. 562

Hardin, J. J. 561

Harman, F. E. 669

Harper, Dr. W. H. 233

Harner, George W. 830

Harpster, Daniel 841

Harrod, Abram 452

Harrison, George W. 393

Hart. Dr. Henry Clay 816

Heath, Calvin 430

Heath, James L. 787

Heath, Wilford E. 579

Hefner, Albert 480

Hefner, Jacob 627

Hefner, John 456

Hefner, Harison 708

Heffner, W. D. 686

Heil, Valentine 504

Heller, Charles C. 820

Heman, Henry H. 506

INDEX - 11

Henderson, Don Carlos 576

Henderson, Dr. G. W. 355

Henne, Gottlieb F. 763

Henry, Rev. Francis J. 258

Hensler, G. W. 642

Herold, Fred O. 442

Herring, George W. 463

Herrington, Orrie 484

Hersh, Joel G. 845

Higby, David W. 452

Hildreth, A. D. 540

Hill, J. 430

Hill, Robert 565

Hiner, Dr. S. B. 349

Hirschy, Noah C. 402

Hitchcock, Dr Salathiel A. 531

Hobart, Col. C. T. 458

Hoberhour, Frank 682

Hoeffel, Rev. Aloysius I 415

Hofeller, Maurice 852

Hofferbert, Philip J. 623

Holdridge, Hiram A. 369

Hollis, Gen. O. H. 650

Holloway, Leonidas 859

Holman, William H. 650

Holmes, Frank W. 494

Hormel!, Dr. Jesse G. 516

Hoover, William F. 821

Hossellman, C. C. 767

Hover, Charles A. 734

Hover, David E. 701

Hover, Ezekiel 719

Hover, Howard B. 722

Hover, James A. 154

Hover, J. Oscar 727

Hover, William U. 153

Hoyt, Clark L. 597

Hughes, Charles Marion 219

Hughes, Hugh E. 598

Hull, Laurens 371

Huntley, Dr. J. H. 382

Hutchinson, John N. 519

Jacobs, James A. 516

Jacobs, Thomas K. 138

Jacobs, Thomas K. 401

Jamieson, John Q. 824

Jauman, Benjamin L. 513

John, Abia 791

John Griffith 119

Johns, Elias H. 455

Johnston, Charles W. 727

Johnston, Rev. Thomas Powell 252

Jolley, Cassius M. 743

Jones, Dr. Arthur L. 824

Jones, Isaac 470

Jones, Josiah 399

Jones, John D. 499

Jones, John R. 870

Jones, Llewelyn 399

Jones, Dr. Richard E. 523

Jones, Thomas H. 756

Jones, William R. 513

Jones & Williams 498

Kanawl, George D. 492

Kay, Howard L. 746

Keil, Phillip 474

Keith, John 423

Kelley, James C. 433

Kennedy, Raymond R. 391

Kerr, George S. 611

Kesler, Mrs. Catherine 637

Kilgore, Joseph W. 409

Kimball, W. S. 631

Kindell, C. E. 435

Knisely, Dr. A. F. 456

Kiplinger, Abraham P. 655

Kiplinger, Clifford L. 451

Kiplinger, Daniel E. 852

Kissel, Jacob 792

Klay, A. B. 433

Klein, George 752

Klinger, William 395

Knittle, George W. 684

Koch, Louis 864

Krauss, S. K. 644

Kreiling, Lewis 734

Kruse, Charles 465

Kruse, Henry 814

Lackey, Adam C. 438

Land, Rev. Paul Henry 260

Landis, Wallace 870

Lamison, Charles Nelson 218

Lathrop, C. S. 640

Laudick, Dr. Louis F. 553

Lause, Casper 778

Leech, Charles M. 512

Leech, Frank M. 512

Leech & Leech 512

Lehman, Christian 612

Leilich, H. L. 677

Lemasters, Rev.. Philip 410

Light, Samuel 369

Lippincott, James M. 479

Llewellyn, A. A. 858

Lones, F. L. 628

Long, Minor T. 549

Long, Thomas C. 532

Longcoy, Dr. J. M. 777

Longsworth, Ira R. 670

Lory, Daniel 493

Losee, C. E. 871

Lowery, Hon. James E. 672

Ludwig, Isaac 827

Lugibihl, Adam D. 660

McBeth, William A. 666

McCauley, George 382

McCauley, S. E. 870

McClain, W. L. 790

McClure, Samuel 63

McComb, William, Jr. 471

McCoy, Alexander Hamilton 359

McCullough, George M. 741

McHenry, Dr. William 84

McKerren, Daniel 602

McLaughlin, T. A. 434

McPheron, Jonathan M. 705

Mackenzie, Eugene C. 648

Mackenzie, Hon. James 343

Mackenzie, W. H. 649

Maire, Edward J. 487

Maire, Frank L. 508

Maltbie, Rev. Harrison 360

Manges, Hon. John W. 507

Manning, Rev. Alfred Edward 258

Marshall, Charles C. 155

Marshall, John R. 570

Marshall, Joseph R. 765

Martin, John 706

Mason, M. D. 754

Mason, Zalmon R. 766

Matthews, B. F. 700

Mattingly, William H. 595

Maus, James L. 796

May, John 802

May, J. M. 215

Mehaffey, Hon. Robert 581

Meily, John 88

Mell, Peter T. 390

Metcalf, Benjamin F. 216

Metheany, George H. 350

Metheany, Richard 88

Meyers, M. 438

12 - INDEX

Miller, Hon. Azariah D. 539

Miller, Dr. Charles C. 674

Miller, Charles H. 629

Miller, D. W. 859

Miller, Henry 673

Miller, Rev. I. J. 686

Miller, L. B. 844

Mills, Squire 114

Mills, Walter S. 698

Mitchell, John Porter 75

Mitchell, Thornton T. 387

Mohler, William F. 702

Moore, H. A. 566

Moore, Col. Israel T. 527

Morris, John B. 376

Morris, J. R. 478

Morrison, J. H. M. 535

Moser, Jacob 719

Mosier, E. W. 841

Motter, Isaac S. 685

Moulton, Col. B. M. 805

Mowen, Edward S. 637

Mowen, J. W. 610

Mowen, O. L. 638

Mowery, Samuel 704

Musser, Daniel 86

Napier, William 558

Neely, Scott 784

Neeley, Harry 796

Neuenschwander, Peter M. 519

Newton, George L. 424

Nichols, Mathiah H. 215

O'Brien. John 810

O'Day, Daniel J. 387

Oen, F. W. 863

Olson, Frederick O. 689

Osborn, Calvin 556

Owen, Francis 355

Owen, M. D. 649

Page, L. W. 744

Palmer, J. B. 517

Park, James A. 500

Parks, S. G. 604

Parmenter, William L. 703

Patrick, Guy 842

Patterson, John E. 566

Pears, Hon. Howard W. 822

Peltier, James 75

Peltier, W. C. 587

Pence, Dr. James C. 391

Pennell, Frank 393

Pennell, T. C. 392

Penny, Warren E. 643

Pfeifer, Adam V. 622

Pierson, William T. 802

Pierson, Joseph E. 389

Pillars, Isaiah S. 217

Piper, Jacob 401

Plate, Robert J. 373

Post. Charles C. 431

Post, Isaac B. 464

Post, Samuel A. 569

Potter, Emery D. 215

Powell, William W. 659

Price, Hon. James L. 352

Prophet, Col. Hinchman S. 819

Pugh, Charles 661

Ramseyer, Otto F. 774

Rankins, George H. 364

Reed, Salem 539

Reed, Silas 508

Reichenbach. Ulysses 693

Reilly, William 422

Reis, Carl C. 843

Reynolds, William A. 412

Richardson, Henry C. 755

Richardson, Joseph H. 79

Richie, Hon. John E. 429

Richie, Walter B. 353

Ricketts, M. C. 744

Ridenhaur, Jacob C. 679

Ridenour, Samuel O. 441

Riley, J. C. 429

Robb. Hon. Theodore D. 469

Robb, Thomas M. 216

Roberts. Francis M. 554

Roberts, Thomas C. 454

Robinson, Jere 846

Robinson, W. F. 865

Roby, John W. 403

Rogers. L. H. 580

Rogers, Wilbert L. 411

Romey, Hon. Henry L. 466

Ross, Joseph C. 586

Rothe, John W. 453

Roush, Franklin 473

Roush, Dr. William 753

Rowlands, J. W. 660

Rudy, W. E. 580

Rumbaugh, Scott T. 710

Rupe, Rev. Clarence Mulford 257

Rusher, Frank P. 372

Rusler, Hon. William 759

Russell, W. L. 421

Sager, Dr. Newton 234, 694

Saint, Levi 107

Sanford, Dr. Samuel 233

Scherger, Constantine 567

Schnabel, John W. 728

Schultheis Brothers 462

Scott, Walter M. 680

Scott, William 84

Sealts Co., The J. M. 570

Secrest, J. H. 753

Selfridge, Oliver Boston 350

Settlage, H. C. 424

Severns, John B. 578

Shanahan, John W. 462

Shenk, Alexander 555

Sherrick, S. S. 864

Shindoller, Reuben 619

Sieber, Frank 437

Sidclall, Lucius J. R. 536

Simons, Adam 799

Simpson, J. L. 865

Sims, Rev. George H. 261

Smith, Frank C. 815

Smith, O. W. 411

Smith, William H. 665

Snider. Solomon D. 553

Snook, Fred 733

Snow, Fred C. 395

Snyder, Ambrose 363

Spyker, Joel 832

Spyker, Samuel 831

Stadler, Dr. Charles E. 635

Staley, Jacob 451

Stallkamp, Francis H. 351

Stallkamp, Theodore J. 351

Stamets, John P. 704

Standish, Walter H. 356

States, Joseph A. 497

Steiner, Adam 680

Steiner, Dr. David W. 663

Stephens, William H. 593

Stevens, John 458

Stolzenbach, C. F. 541

Stueber, Dr. Louis J. 445

Stueber, Dr. Frederick G. 480

Sullivan, J. E. 681

Sutton, Richard T. 396

Swanson, Rev. Isaac J., B. A. B. D. 262

Swinehart, Almon E. 638

Tague, Otto G. 656

INDEX - 13

Tapscott, Joseph 639

Taylor, R. M. 560

Terwilleger, Dr. Thompson R. 869

Thomas, B. F. 725

Thomas, Evan L. 486

Thomas, Harry 454

Thomas, Morgan 472

Thomas, Dr. Thomas R. 417

Thomson, Rev. Robert James, D. D. 255

Thrift, Dr. Robert W. 233

Tompkins, W. H. 788

Trevor, Baxter 446

Trust, Tharman 643

Van Guten, Henry 587

Van Note, Dr. W. B. 624

Vetter. Jean 457

Vicary, G. S. 465

Vortkamp, H. F. 849

Wahmhoff, J. H. 373

Wallace, E. D. 602

Walter, J. H. 607

Walther, Leonard 636

Walther, Philip 665

Ward, John 79

Watt, Robert 534

Watt, W. L. 443

Weadock, Dr. E. G. 450

Weadock, J. J. 620

Webb, Elmer D. 756

Weger, Augustus E. 497

Weixelbaum, Adolph 621

Welch, Dr. Jacob R. 426

Wells, Clair B. 618

Welty, Benjamin F. 416

Wemmer, Henry G. 499

Wemmer, William J. 486

Westbay, Charles W. 810

Wetherill, Dr. Ira R. 450

Wheeler, S. S. 409

Whirrett, D. A. 837

White, A. L. 672

White, Reuben 773

Williams, B. F. 493

Williams, Cary C. 499

Williams, Henry D. V. 77

Willower, H. B. 370

Wilson, William 791

Wiltsee, Rev. Thaddeus L. 256

Wohlgemuth, Bert 616

Wood, Christopher 116

Wood, F. E. 698

Woolevy, W. H. 748

Wooley, Joseph 741

Wright, Samuel W. 372

Wykoff, Garrett 407

Yant, Noah B. 611

Yoakam, William W. 800

Yost, Edwin J. 734

Young, Alfred J. 752

Young, Rev. Ervin E. 260

Zeits, F. W. 595

Zetlitz, E. N. 569

Zimmerly, Peter 617

Zinsmayer, Rev. Dominic 699

Zurfluh, Abraham 504


Agerter, Frederick 646

Allen County Children's Home 122

Allen County Infirmary 122

Allen County's Three Court Houses 223

Apple Tree, over 100 years old 61

Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon H., and Family 716

Ashton, Francis 490

Augsburger, John B. 730

Backwoodsman, A. 20

Battle of the Fallen Timber 28

Battles of the Maumee, Plan illustrating the 30

Baxter, Samuel A., M. D. 334

Binkley, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon, and Family 584

Bliss, C. C., M. D. 546

Bloom, Walter P. 750

Boegel, Carl W. E. 696

Bower, Alonzo Smith 572

Brown, Absalom 82

Brown, Mrs. Absalom 82

Brown, Maria Mitchell 82

Campbell, William Archibald 510

Carnes, Ira P. 614

Carnes, John 366


  Baptist, Old, Lima 246

  Catholic, St. John the Baptist, Landeck (interior) 268

  Catholic, St. John the Evangelist, Delphos 122

  Catholic, St. Rose, Lima 246

  Lutheran, St. Paul's, Lima 268

  Methodist Episcopal, Spencerville 157

  Methodist Episcopal, Trinity, Lima 246

  Presbyterian, Market Street, Lima     246

Clark, Gen. George Rogers 42


  Central Mennonite, Bluffton 268

  Lima, Lima 268

Collins, Samuel 342

Colucci, Frank 782

Company C., Scenes in Camp Life, Spanish-American War—

  At Mess, Knoxville 322

  Company C in Ponchos 322

  Hospital Tent, Chickamauga 322

  Kitchen, Chickamauga 322

  Lieut. John M. Bingham 322

  Old Mill near Middlebrook Camp, Knoxville 322

Council House, Shawnee 61

Court Crier of the early days, a 18

Crites, Cryus D. 834

Crites, Hon. S. D. 460

Croghan, Col. George 31

Custard, Jonathan 448

Custard, Mrs. Sarah T. 448

Democratic Ox Roast, The—

  "And we did" 106

  "That Kentucky colonel was a beaut" 100

  The Ideal Parade 103

  The Kentucky Colonel 99

  The Literal Parade 104

Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Ry. Depot 290

Dobbins, J. W. 668

Dunn, D. C. 502

East, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe M., and Family. 812

Edwards, Thomas J. 794

Federal Building and Postoffice, Lima 290

First Electric Car in Lima 200

Fort Amanda 61

Fort Amanda, Relics of 70

Fort Defiance Plan of 27

Fort Washington 48

French, Samuel Davison 378

Gazette Building, Lima 290

Goble, Ebenezer B. 482

Grand Stand, Lima Driving Park 200

Grubb, John B., Thomas, Rolla G., and Myrland D., Hillyard 856

Hall, George, D. D. S. 476

Handel, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. 738

Harmar, Gen. Josiah   42

16 - INDEX

Harpster, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel, and Family 840

Harrison, Gen. William Henry 42

Hefner, Mrs. Christina H. 708

Hefner, Harison 708

Hefner, Jacob 626

Hill, Robert 564

Hiner, S. B., M. D. 348

Hitchcock, Salathiel A., M. D. 530

Hoeffel, Rev. Aloysius I. 414

Jackson, Pres. Andrew, and Black Hawk 22

Jones, Josiah 398

Jones, Hon. Richard E., M. D. 522

Kenton, Simon 48

Kiplinger, Mr. and Mrs. Abram P., and Family 654

Laudick, Louis F., M. D. 552

Leilich, H. L. 676

Lima Club, The 306

Lima Hospital, The 306

Lima House, The 150

Lima Locomotive & Machine Company, The, Plant of 200

Lima Public Square Views—

  East Side, showing 23 oil derricks 178

  Northeast Corner, showing North Main street 150

  Southwest corner (1850) 8

Lima Residences—

  Baxter, Dr. Samuel A. 102

  Brice Homestead, The 122

  Dunn, D. C. 102

  Miller, Charles C. 102

  Russell, W. L. 102

Lima Views—

  View from the Wapakoneta Road (1846) 76

  View of Main Street in 1887 138

  Bird's-eye view, looking north from the Court House 150

Longcoy, J. M., M. D. 776

Ludwig, Isaac 826

Ludwig, Mrs. Sophronia J. 826

McClure, Moses 82

McCullough Lake, McCullough Park, Lima 150

Maltbie, Rev. Harrison 358

Masonic Temple, Lima 290

Miller, Hon. Azariah D. 538

Miller, Charles C., Ph. D. 16

Mitchell, Thornton T. 386

Moulton, Col. B. M. 804

Oen, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. 862

Oil Industry Views—

  An Oil Fire 178

  Buckeye Pipe Line Building 306

  Longitudinal section of an oil-well 174

  Pumping an oil-well 178

  Shooting an oil-well 178

  Solar Oil Refinery 178

  Tank of burning crude petroleum 170

Old Northwest, The (map) 33

Olson, Frederick O. 688

Opera House Block, Lima 274

Pht's Cabin 61

Prophet, Col. Hinchman S. 818

Pugh, Charles 600

Relics of Fort Amanda and Pioneer Days 70

Richie, Hon. John E. 428

Ridenour, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel O., and Family 440

Robb, Hon. Theodore D. 468

Rusler, Hon. William 758

Russell, W. L. 420

St. Clair, Gen. Arthur 42

School Buildings—

  East, Ruins of Old, Lima 274

  High, Lima 268

  St. Rose Parochial, Lima 274

  Spencerville 122

  West, Old, Lima 274

Simons, Mr. and Mrs. Adam 798

Stadler, Charles E., M. D. 634

Steiner, David W., M. D. 662

Stephens, William H. 592

Subduers of the Wilderness 54

Tecumseh, Death of 48

Terwilleger, Thompson R., M. D. 868

Thomas, B. F. 724

Thomson, Rev. Robert James, D. D. 254

Vortkamp, H. F. 848

Walter, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. 606

Wayne, Gen. Anthony 42

Western Country in the Revolution, The, (map) 24

White, Mrs. Ann Eliza,

  Mrs. Laura Edgecomb,

  Mrs. Ida Edella Fetter,

  Mrs. Eva Wingate,

  Edrow Wingate,

  Mrs. Sarah Alice Witherill,

  Mrs. Mrytle Simmons and Hobart Simmons 771

White, Reuben,

  Mrs. Rebecca M. White,

  Mrs Sarah Alice Witherill,

  Mrs. Mrytle Simmons and Hobart Simmons 770

Wykoff, Garrett 406

Y. M. C. A. Building, Lima 306