UNTIL quite recently, but little attention has been given to the preservation of biography, except
in so far as it pertained to the preferred classes—persons who had been prominent in
governmental affairs, or distinguished in their profession or calling, or in some way made
conspicuous before the public. Within the past decade, however, there has been a growing
interest in the preservation, not only of biography, but of family genealogy, both for its
immediate worth and for its value to coming generations.
The expediency of placing in book form biographical history and genealogy of the representative
public is beyond question; and when the difficulties experienced in a majority of cases, by the
biographical historian, in procuring ancestral history are considered, the intelligent reasoner will
be convinced of the necessity of preserving family records in permanent form.
That the representative public is entitled to the privileges afforded by a work of this kind needs
no assertion at our hands, for one of our greatest Americans has said that the history of any
country resolves itself into the biographies of its stout, earnest and representative citizens. This
medium then serves more than a single purpose; w bile it perpetuates biography and family
genealogy, it records history, much of which would be preserved in no other way.
In presenting this volume to its patrons the publishers acknowledge with gratitude the
encouragement and support their enterprise has received, and the willing assistance rendered in
the surmounting of the many unforeseen obstacles to be met with in the preparation of a work of
this character. In nearly every instance the material composing the sketches has been gathered
from those immediately interested, and then submitted in type-written form for their correction
and revision.
Trusting that the work may prove satisfactory to the citizens of the county, it is submitted to their
considerate judgment.
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