COMMEMORATIVE BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD HARRISON, OHIO, CONTAINING Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens and of Many of the Early Settled Families ILLUSTRATED. CHICAGO J. H. BEERS & CO. 1891
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Harrison County Courthouse, Cadiz, Ohio Table of Contents Harrison County |
PREFACE THE importance of placing in book form biographical history of representative citizens--both for its immediate worth and for its value to coming generations—is admitted by all thinking people ; and within the past decade there has been a growing interest in this commendable means of perpetuating biography and family genealogy. That the public is entitled to the privileges afforded by a work of this nature needs no assertion at our hands ; for one of our greatest Americans has said that the history of any country resolves itself into the biographies of its stout, earnest and representative citizens. This medium, then, serves more than a single purpose: while it perpetuates biography and family genealogy, it records history, much of which would be preserved in no other way. Many of the prominent families of Harrison and Carroll were settlers in this region long before these counties were formed. Ohio was included in the "Northwest Territory" until May 7, 1800, when it was erected into a separate Territory, and by act of Congress passed April 30, 1802, it became a State. From the counties of Washington and Jefferson, Harrison and Carroll claim their descent. Washington, which was the parent county—having been established by proclamation of Gov. St. Clair July 27, 1788—included all Eastern Ohio, its western boundary being the Scioto River, on the south, and the Cuyahoga River, on the north. Jefferson County, taken from Washington, was established by proclamation July 29, 1797. HARRISON COUNTY, named after Gen. William H. Harrison, was formed February 1, 1813, from Jefferson and Tuscarawas, the latter having been erected March 15, 1808, from Muskingum, which was established March 1, 1804, from Washington and Fairfield. CARROLL COUNTY, named in honor of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, Md., the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence, was formed January 1, 1833, from Columbiana, (erected May 1, 1803, from Jefferson and Washington), Stark (which became a separate county January 1, 1809), Tuscarawas, Harrison and Jefferson. In presenting the COMMEMORATIVE BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD to its patrons, the publishers have to acknowledge, with gratitude, the encouragement and support their enterprise has received, and the willing assistance rendered in enabling them to surmount the many unforeseen obstacles to be met with in the productio'n of a work of this charproductionearly every instance the material composing the sketches was gathered from those immediately interested, and then submitted in type-written fom for correction and revision. Tformvolume, which is one of generous amplitude, is placed i the hanof the public with the belief that it will be found to be a valuable acquisition to the library. THE PUBLISHERS. INDEX. HARRISON COUNTY. |
Adams, Clark Adams, David Adams, John Adams, John G Adams, Mrs. Mary E Adams, Percival Adams, Samuel Adams, Samuel W Adams, Mrs. Sarah J Addleman, John Aiken, James, Jr Alexander, James Allbaugh, Samuel Courtney Allen, Isaac Allison, David Anderson, J, Anderson, Robert Anderson, William B. Arbaugh, A. Q. Arbaugh, Levi Arnold, T. H. Arnold, William Arnold, W. H. Aukerman, Anthony Baker, Elijah W. Baker, John L. Baker, R. Z. Baker, Thomas Barclay, James Barclay, Joseph Barclay, Mrs. Sarah Barger, Jeptha Barrett, Arthur B. Barrett, William H. Barricklow Family Barricklow, Farrington Barricklow, George W. Barricklow, Henry (Cadiz Tp.) Barricklow, Henry (Athens Tp.) Barricklow, Henry S Barricklow, John D. Barricklow, Mrs. Rebecca J. Barricklow, R. W. Baxter, Samuel. Beall, John B. Bear, John Beatty, Arter Bernhard, Family Bernhard, Joseph Bernhard, Lewi |
396 465 352 455 455 254 396 175 353 638 404 565 682 434 240 345 76 75 513 163 445 15 15 687 725 608 391 274 131 619 131 657 544 347 167 737 397 37 265 168 38 265 144 588 511 589 523 323 311 324 |
Bernhard, Mrs. Maggie Bernhard, William Bethel Family Bethel, George W. Bethel, Isaac H. Bethel, James O. Bethel, Simpson Bethel, William S. Betts, Brice E. Bevan, Joseph Bevan, Mrs: Maria Bingham, John A. Binns, Jonathan Binns, Joseph P. Binns, Thomas H. Birney, Asbury Birney, H. W. Birney, James N Birney, J. Birney, Samuel H. Black, Henry C., M. D Black, H. S. Black, James Stean Black, John Hervey Black, Mrs. Mary K. Blackwood, Mrs. Margaret Blackwood, Samuel M. Blair, Albert N. Blair, John W. Boggs Family Boggs, R. W. Boggs, Samuel M. Bolitho, Thomas Bolitho, William Boor, William Henry Borland, David Bosley, Jacob Boyd, Mrs. Martha A. Boyd, Thomas Boyles, Henry Braden, David B. Bradford, James M. Branson, Abraham Wilson Branson, Lindley M. Brindley, Albert Brindley, John Brindley, Mrs. Malinda Brindley, Thomas Brokaw, .John P. Brown, Melford J. |
311 324 427 620 428 581 428 431 680 218 218 9 114 485 636 749 750 267 419 317 632 206 349 514 514 751 751 443 442 672 675 675 571 571 158 73 362 463 463 67 681 637 514 466 384 701 384 702 545 13 |
Buchanan Family Buchanan, William Burgess, Dr. William Burrell, William P Busby, Abraham H. Busby, Mrs. Elizabeth Buxton, Campbell Cady, James Calcott, Benjamin Caldwell, William Harvey Campbell, John Campbell, Rev. Dr. R. G Cannon, James Cannon, Sarah Ann Carman, L. N. Carrick, Ezra L. Carrothers, Beatty Carrothers, C. D. Carson, E. R. Carter, James Carver, Abner Carver, Elijah Carver, Henry B. Carver, Thomas P, Cassell, John Wesley Cecil, Hiram Cecil, Mary J. Cecil, Richard Chancy, Samuel Chancy, Thomas Christy, David Clark, Daniel Clark Family Clark, Ingram Clark, Joshua Clark, Oliver Clark, Mrs. Sarah Clarke, Matthew Clemens, S. C. Clements, Daniel Clements, John M. Clements, Thomas W. Clendennin, Nathaniel Edwa Clifford, John Cobbs, Charles, M. D. Cochran, Robert R. Cochran, Samuel Coffiand, James William Cole, A. W. Cole, Mrs. Rebecca |
78 464 645 626 706 706 284 89 234 348 744 87 262 222 715 371 394 394 703 644 396 94 204 394 104 479 479 203 202 201 331 720 659 410 648 660 410 378 150 507 507 507 354 443 690 141 291 607 617 577 |
Collins Family Collins, George H. Collins, Mrs. Rachel Collins, Zachariah Comly, John W., M. D. Conaway, Aaron Conaway, Charles Conaway, Moses H. Condo, Jacob Condo, John Conwell, John Cooke, George Cooper, Freeman M. Cope, Benjamin T. Cope Family Cope, Hiram Cope, John Cope, Joseph Cope, Oliver G. Copeland, Enoch C. Copeland, James (deceased) Copeland, James (German Tp.) Copeland, Mrs. Mary A. Copeland, William Copeland, William D. Couch, Thomas Wilson Coulter, Robert McCoy Coultrap, Richard M. Courtright, Joseph W. Courtright, Z. Z. Covert, Benjamin Covert, J. H. Cox, George Crabtree, John D. Craig, John Alvin Craig, Walter Cramblet, George W. Cramblet, Jacob Cramblet, Mrs. Sarah Crawford, John Crawford, R. F. Crawford, Samuel Edward Crawford, Thomas Crawford, Rev. T. R., D. D. Creal, Abraham B. |
51 109 329 329 461 403 445 761 432 391 27 522 257 516 515 518 517 516 517 739 720 618 720 742 732 92 582 688 195 194 413 379 239 483 306 336 749 717 718 40 241 703 436 208 315 |
Davis, Elias W. Day, Rev. James Decker Family Decker, John H. Decker, Joseph Detong, Espy Dennis, Jacob, Sr. Derry, Jacob M. Dewey, Chauncey Dewey, Mrs. Nancy Dickerson, Barrick Dickerson, Joseph Dickerson, Joseph B. Dickerson, Joshua (Cadiz Tp.) Dickerson, Joshua (Moorefield Tp) Dickerson, Theodore Dickerson, Thomas D. Dickerson, William N. Dickerson, William, Sr. Dickerson, William W. Donaldson, William. Downs, John F. Dunlap, Adam Dunlap, Adam, Jr. (Athens Tp.) Dunlap, Adam, Jr. (Moorefield Tp) Dunlap, A. B. Dunlap, A. M. Dunlap, Hugh B. Dunlap, James Dunlap, John Dunlap, John A. Dunlap, Joseph (Athens Tp.) Dunlap, Joseph (Archer Tp.) Dunlap, Joshua Dunlap, Mrs. Mary Dunlap, Robert Dunlap, Samuel (Moorefield Tp) Dunlap, Samuel (deceased) Dunlap, Watson Dunlap, William Dunlap, William F. Eagleson, Henry Easter, Mrs. Elizabeth Edgar, James Edgar, Samuel D. |
754 258 304 304 670 256 423 719 42 48 41 223 253 41 14 42 416 309 252 677 676 271 89 90 580 606 92 415 108 91 180 91 107 91 329 90 196 107 91 685 107 79 268 120 120 |
Fierbaugh Family Fierbaugh, Michael B. Finical, John Firebaugh, David Fitch, William K. Ford, John E Forsythe, Jesse Forsythe, Thomas C. Forsythe, William Foster, M. J. Fowler, Garret Fowler, James W. Fowler, Jeremiah Fowler, Joseph C. Fowler, Thomas E. Fox, Charles James Fox, Josiah Fox, William Spicer Francis, William M. Franklin College Fribley, Milton W. Fulton, Alexander Fulton, James Fulton, Mary J. Fulton, Samuel Furney, John H. Gallaher, J. W. Gaudy, Franklin Garner, Edward Garner, Hezekiah George, A. M. George Family Giffin, Morrison Nichol Giffin, William G. Gilbert, Samuel Gillespie, John W. Glimore, Francis Gladman, David Gladman, Mrs. Elizabeth Glover, Jefferson C. Green, Aaron Green, Israel J. Green, James Green, Thomas Greenlees, John M. |
321 321 316 283 469 615 96 481 350 254 286 689 625 288 287 528 528 399 143 762 714 138 736 139 138 616 222 700 754 754 619 199 330 675 682 274 29 539 540 755 395 434 255 667 242 |
Creal, Joseph M. Cree, Thomas M. Crew, Mrs. Elizabeth H, Crew, George A. Crew, Jesse B. Crosky, William Crumley, Ira Culbertson Family Culbertson, John Cummings, Philip Cunningham, David Curtis, Isaac Custer, William Webster, M. D Davidson, Lewis H. Davidson, Samuel F. Davis, Alexander C. |
316 176 402 17 401 439 476 110 111 696 24 169 182 446 642 397 |
Edwards, John Elliott, Samuel Elliott, Mrs. Sarah Endsley, Mrs. Elizabeth Endsley, James English Family English, George English, Scott Ervin, Henry Estep, John H. Estep, Josiah Morgan Estep, W. G. Evans, George W. Evans, James C. Ferguson, John H. Ferrell, J. W. |
595 132 133 716 738 197 198 198 621 568 80 83 482 724 129 84 |
Greenlees, Joseph E. Sriffin, Oscar Gundy, Michael V. Gutschall, James Guyton, Benjamin Hagan, Edward Hagan, Robert K. Hagedorn, Henry Hall, Parker Hall, Tipton Hamill, Samuel S. Hamilton, Craig Hamilton, Joseph McFack Hamilton, Samuel Hamilton, Samuel Rankin Hamilton, William Sherman |
242 588 386 643 316 460 475 724 459 433 59 414 415 207 415 415 |
Hammond, Alexander Hammond, Alexander J. Hammond, Anderson N. Hammond, John H. Hanna, Miss Ann Hanna, James Hanna, John Newton Hanna, John N. Hanna, Samuel Harrah, George M. Harrah, John L. Harrison, John Harrison, William (North Tp) Harrison, Wm. (Short Creek Tp) Hauck, A Haverfleld, Mrs. Elizabeth Haverfield, Emmett N. Haverfield, Henry L. Haverfield, James Haverfield, James N. Haverfleld, John Haverfield, John N. Haverfield, J. C. Haverfield, Nathan Haverfield, Nathan B. Haverfleld, Rev. William H. Haverfield, W. K. Haverfleld, W. S Hawthorne, Arthur Allison Hayes, Thomas C. Hearn, Wesley Browning Heastan, John Wesley Heberling, George H. Heckler, George Hedges Family Hedges, W. P. Heller, Edwin Stanton Henderson Family Henderson, James Henderson, James O. Henderson, John C. Henderson, Mrs. Susannah Henderson, William |
56 57 57 55 455 455 326 741 484 703 707 236 237 106 704 177 719 152 177 170 39 152 666 134 137 151 225 38 501 627 392 636 217 103 51 52 647 726 550 727 322 550 727 |
Holland, John Hollett, William W. Holliday, Eldred G. Hollingsworth, David A. Hollingsworth, Elihu Hollingsworth, Valentine Holmes, Asa Holmes, Mrs. Chloe A. Holmes, Clifford A. Holmes Family Holmes, Isaac Holmes, Joseph Holmes, Mrs. Mary Holmes, Mrs. Mary M. Holmes, Thomas V. Holmes, Wesley A. Holmes, William F. Hopedale Normal College Hopkins, Thomas Host, John Hotz, Michael Houser, James Houser, William L. Howell, J. G., M. D. Hughes, Edward Hughes, Mrs. Sarah A. Humphrey, Mrs. Jane Hurford, John H. Hurford, Dr. Joseph Huston, Jacob Irons, Mrs. Permilla Irons, Thomas H. Jamieson, Rev. J. M., D. D. Jamison, Andrew Jamison Family Jamison, James B. Jamison, John Jamison, John A. Jamison, Wiley Jamison, William Jamison, William Walter Jarvis, Jacob Jenkins, James B. |
740 378 417 98 98 98 146 124 147 650 406 392 146 392 657 599 650 585 109 131 705 74 756 183 684 684 393 744 70 734 581 580 611 145 32 297 352 146 372 352 33 60 325 |
Kennedy, Salathiel Kent, Absalom Kent, George B. Kent, John H. Kent, Mrs. Ruth J. Kerr, Aaron Kerr, Alexander B. Kerr Family Kerr, James W. Kerr, John C. Kerr, Rev. Samuel C. Kerr, Thomas Hamilton Kimmel, Jonathan Kimmel, William Kinsey, K. W. Kirkpatrick, George Washington Kirkpatrick, Harrison Kirkpatrick, James Kirkpatrick, Joseph C. Kirkpatrick, W. R. Knox, E. M. Kyle, Mrs. Matilda Kyser, John E. Lacey, John S. Lacey, H. B. Lafferty Family Lafferty, Hiram Lafferty, Mrs. Jane Lafferty, John W. Lafferty, Joseph Lafferty, Mrs. Mary Lafferty, Samuel D. Lamb, L. B. Lantz, Jasper N. Laughridge, E. W. Laughrige, Edward Laughrige, Mrs. Susannah Lauthers, Robert Law, Harvey B. Law, John Law, John Quincy Law, R. B. Law, William B. |
369 753 754 746 746 249 419 660 663 205 383 379 179 351 663 615 308 538 268 309 668 745 259 116 120 473 474 474 475 622 622 474 359 540 597 168 168 687 390 173 683 759 224 |
Herron, William Hess, D. F. Hillyer, Henry, Jr. Hillyer, Jewell E. Hillyer, W. H. Hilton, John H. T. Hines, A. B. Hines Family Hines, George Hines, James McMahan Hines, O. C. Hines, Peter Hines, William Fletcher Hitchcock, John Hitchcock, Johnson Hobson, E. Y. Hogue, Mrs. Elizabeth Hogue, Mark |
115 637 567 230 168 699 53 156 437 157 437 722 157 390 621 658 641 641 |
Jenkins, Mrs. James B. Johnson, Albert Johnson, Alexander Johnson, Elijah Johnson, Mrs. Rachel Johnson, William H. Johnston, Joseph E. Kail, Austin Kail, Hance Wilson Kail, John R. Keepers, Mrs. Christina Keepers, Isaac N. Keesey, James Keesey, John L. Keesey, Margaret Kelly, Samuel C. Kennedy, Jackson Kennedy, Robert |
325 639 597 186 639 202 661 368 233 367 380 380 175 176 175 714 759 323 |
Lawrence, Isaac Lawrence, Robert K. Lemasters, Isaac K. Lisle, Hamilton Lisle, John Lisle, William Livingston, William A. Logan, Alexander Long, David Long, David M., M. D. Love, Alexander Love Family Love, George (Athens Tp.). Love, Geo., Jr. (Nottingham Tp.) Love, Robert M. Lowmiller, Balaam Lukens Family Lukens, Thomas J. |
752 752 220 472 471 365 422 640 486 486 164 456 544 557 458 314 294 295 |
Lukens, William H. Lyle Family Lyle, George W., M. D. Lyle, Mrs. Jane Lyle, William, Jr. Lyon, Reuben P. Lyons, John C. Lyons, Richard Lyons, Robert McAfee, George McAfee, James, Jr. Macau, John S., M. D. McBeth, David J. McCauley, John McClaine, Nathan S. McCleary, Ephraim McClintick, Thomas C. McConnell, Adam McConnell, Edward M. S. McConnell, John C. McConnell, LaFayette McConnell, M. J. McConnell, Mrs. Rachel McCormick, Reuben Allen McCoy, Charles S. McCoy, M. J. McCready, Rev. Jonathan S. McCready, Mrs. Margaret McCullough, William McDivitt., John McDivitt, Lyle McDowell, S. M. McDowell, William McFadden, Alexander McFadden, Edward Stanton McFadden Family McFadden, Mrs. F. I. McFadden, George McFadden, H. S. McFadden, James McFadden, John McFadden, John J. McFadden, John S. |
295 399 270 423 423 266 57 24 24 742 361 272 275 695 497 123 753 307 139 524 575 575 525 69 29 18 20 20 545 576 444 728 728 587 931 288 22 36 21 290 290 200 568 |
McMath, J. F. McMillen, Thomas McNary, Matthew R. McNeely, Cyrus MePeck, Elmer Ellsworth McPeck, George McPeck, John E. Maddox, Thomas Mahan, William Mallarnee, John Calvin Mallernee, Benjamin J. Manly, Mrs. Amy H. Manly, John Mansfield, Elijah P. Mansfield, Henry O. Mansfield, William L. Markley, Mathias Markley, Mrs. Sarah Jane Martin, George Martin, Jesse Martin, John Martin, John H. Martin, Orlando K. Martin, Sumner T. Martin, William H. Masters, A. J. Mattern, A. S. Maxwell, Allen Maxwell, James Mears, S. T. Megaw Family Megaw, Jacob Megaw, James Megaw, James R. Megaw, John Megaw, John, Sr. Megaw, Samuel Megaw, Sarah Mehollin Family Mehollin, John F. Mehollin, Samuel Melany, John Riley Melany, Mrs. Martha |
433 526 436 105 314 298 298 405 591 539 671 572 572 278 280 277 384 383 229 440 550 600 230 441 230 723 503 421 200 547 326 328 327 398 328 396 327 327 112 113 113 726 726 |
Minney, Jacob Mintier, David Mintier, James Mintier, Joseph Mitchell, John Mitchell, John D. Mitchell, Robert Moore, Albert Moore, David B. Moore, I. Craig Moore, James Moore, John F. Moore, Samuel A. Moore, Uriah Moore, William Moore, William C. Morris, John Morris, Joseph Morrison, James E. Newell, Thomas A. Niblock, W. A. Oglevee, Barrick Francis Oglevee, David Oglevee, Hugh Oliphant, Abraham Osburn, John W. Osburn, Samuel Osburn, Mrs. Sarah Durant, James K. Durant, John M. Palmer, Adam J. Parkinson, Thomas Patterson, John Patterson, J. C. Patterson, Samuel, D. D. Patton, Fre Patton, George M. Patton, John Walker Patton, M. M. Penn, F. H. Penn. William Boyce Perry, W. T. Peterman, Jacob |
618 127 126 127 581 113 221 130 30 16 14 124 346 558 262 694 261 370 349 373 572 65 39 165 395 365 188 193 68 363 392 570 133 535 705 425 340 367 502 599 318 472 698 |
McFadden, Joseph McFadden, Mrs. Martha A. McFadden, Nathaniel McFadden, Oscar R. McFadden, Samuel McFadden, Samuel R. McFadden, Thompson McGavran, Samuel B., M. D. McGavran, William H. McGrew, William McKee, James McKee, Mrs. Sarah McKeown, William McKibben, John McLain, R. S. McLandsborough, John McLaughlin, S. K. McManus, Jacob J. |
431 291 241 270 989 512 144 374 215 173 160 166 495 631 527 693 54 362 |
Merryman, John Mikesell, Jesse Mikesell, Joseph Mikesell, Mrs. Mary E. Milford, Rev. T. J., Ph. D. Miller, David D. Miller, Henry Miller, H. A. Miller, Jason Miller, John (German Tp.) Miller, John (Stock Tp.) Miller, John N. Millhorn, Thomas Milliken. Michael Mills. Mrs. Ella B. Mills, Mrs. Eliza J. Mills, John Mills, William |
717 313 695 311 141 385 602 424 646 592 659 555 723 727 410 373 372 222 |
Petty, Asbury F. Petty, Henry Petty, Mrs. Sarah J. Phillips, Alfred Phillips, Amasa Phillips, Richard Pillers, James Pittenger, Mrs. Antoinette Pittenger, Jacob Pittenger, Samuel Pittis. Albert Pittis, Mrs. Jane K. Pittis, John A. Pocock, Alonzo C. Poore Family Porter, Augustus Porter Family Porter, Irwin, Sr. |
537 377 377 121 343 333 342 383 181 384 617 617 601 74 23 61 34 35 |
Porter, Irwin, Jr. Porter, James Porter, John D. Porter, Samuel B. Porter, Samuel T. Poulson, John Price, Benjamin F. Price Family Price, Joel Price, John L. Price, Leonard D. Price, Oscar Price, Steward Pritchard, John Pumphrey, Dr. R. J. Ralston, L. B. Ramsey, A. W., M. D. Ramsey, John (Nottingham Tp.) Ramsey, John (Green Tp) Ramsey; Rev. Samuel Ramsey, William Ramsouer, Mrs. Susanna Ramsouer, Thomas W. Rankin, Israel Rankin, Mrs. Mary Rankin, William Rea, Andrew J. Rea, John C. Reaves, James Reed, Charles H. Reed, R. W. Reynard, William Reynolds, Leander J. Richey, John M. Richey, Samuel Richey, Thomas J. Ripley, Isaiah Ri chey, John P. Ritchey, William Roberts, James Ross Robison, George Robison, James |
273 61 687 629 34 121 454 426 454 454 426 427 426 48 639 480 649 725 518 521 743 389 389 235 160 160 35 328 669 86 125 334 184 49 588 50 590 708 708 226 716 543 |
Scott, James Scott, John Harvey Scott, Mrs. Mary (Patterson) Scott, Robert G. Scott, Robert P. Scott, Robert W. Scott, Samuel Scott, William Scott, William H. Sewell, T. M., Ph. D. Shaffer, John Shambaugh, Mrs. Amanda Shambaugh, Michael Shambaugh, Phillip, Jr. Shambaugh, Samuel Sharp, William T:, M. D. Shearrow, B. F. Shepler, Mrs. Amanda Shepler, Henry V. Shivers, George Shivers, S. K. Shotwell, Stuart Beebe Shotwell, Walter G. Shultz, John Simmons, George W. Simpson Family Simpson, F. H. Simpson, J. W. A. Simpson, Matthew W. Simpson, William Singer, Laird Skelley, William Skinner, Carleton Adolphus Skinner, Samuel Smith, Captain Andrew Smith, Daniel Smith Family Smith, Joseph Smith, Richard P. Smith, Samuel Smith, Simeon Smith, Theodore W. |
250 631 133 408 606 305 721 381 244 183 162 627 219 219 627 19 483 512 512 332 206 757 758 104 417 83 366 84 344 84 628 85 226 226 630 485 251 232 252 368 505 400 |
Stephenson, Joseph R. Stevenson, John Miller Stewart, Mrs. Maria Stewart, Robert Stewart, Samuel Stiers, Henry Stone, James H., M. D. Stoner, David Stoner, Jacob Stringer, Henry Ferguson Stringer, John M. Stringer, Mrs. Susanna Taggart, James Taggart, Milton J. Tannehill, Mrs. Caroline Tannehill, Isaiah Taylor, David L. Taylor, James K. Tennent, David Thom, Robert Thompson, James Thompson, John Thompson, Samuel Timmons, Robert L. Tipton, Aquila Tipton, C. R. Toole, John Townsend, David C. Trushel, John Trushel, Peter Trushel, Valentine Turney, Jacob Utterback, Barnett Vance, Washington J. Voorhes, John Alexander Vorhes, Daniel Waddle, Dr. Benjamin Waddle, William Glenn,D D. Walker, Joseph Wallace, D. B. Wallace, Elijah R. Wallace, Nathaniel A. |
196 198 643 185 643 685 750 162 161 364 738 739 508 508 398 398 151 556 557 751 31 553 253 420 732 31 715 216 560 560 96 566 578 93 223 735 428 428 306 392 259 718 |
Roby Family Rogers, Calvin Rogers, James B. Rogers, Mrs. Mary E. Rogers, William Romans, Lewis T. Ross, Aaron Rowland, James Rowland, Leinard Rowland, Philip Sampson, Archibald J. Sampson, C. W. Sampson, William E. Sargent, John Edward Sawvel, Jonathan Scott, Alexander Scott, Charles S. Scott, David Scott Family, John W. |
311 266 111 266 66 193 645 128 285 733 388 387 534 391 407 244 606 578 605 |
Smith, William F. Smylie, John Sneddecker, Samuel Snider, David Snider, Jacob Snyder, Daniel J., M. D. Snyder, John Snyder, Martin Sparrow, John. Spiker, G. D. Spiker, John W. Spray, John Sproull, John Stahl, Huston Stahl, James, Jr. Stanton, Edwin McMasters Starkey, Antilles Steel, David Stephen, Silas |
504 238 231 158 665 398 398 32 535 186 526 369 395 283 409 609 554 463 696 |
Wallace, Rev. William Wallace, W. A. Wallis, Jesse Warner, Jacob Warner, Jeremiah Watson, John W. Watson, Joshua P. Watson, Mrs. Rebecca Watson, Smith R. Watson, Mrs. S. J. Watson, Thomas Wesley Watt, John Watters, William Webb, Jacob W. Webb, John, Sr. Webb, John, Jr. Webster, David Weight, George A. Welch, Daniel |
392 393 641 285 425 579 295 579 260 260 297 480 504 362 269 453 382 280 62 |
Welch, David Barclay Welch Family Welch, James W. Welch, Rezin Welch, William Welch, William A. Welling, George W. Welsh, James M. Welsh, John Welsh, John M., M. D. Welsh, Mrs. Margaret West, Amos West, John D., M. D. |
65 62 123 62 122 343 559 676 30 506 29 745 148 |
West, Nancy West, Rezin Weyandt, Abraham Weyandt, Daniel Wharton, Ezra Wheeler, William Wheeer, W S. White, James Wite, Joshua P. Wiey, Wlliam Wilkn, Archibald B., M. D. Wilkin, Samuel Willett, Louis M. |
746 746 595 609 559 360 361 435 335 162 462 596 731 |
Williams, L. B. Willison, J. M. Wilson, Mrs. Eliza Wilson, James Wilson, W. L. Wood, Robert Wood, William Thomas Woodborne, Edwin S. Woodward, John L. Worstell, Henry P. Wortman, J. D., M. D. Yarnall, John Yost, Elias |
525 679 95 96 571 606 27 233 88 178 18 94 155 |
Bingham, John A. Black, H. C., M. D. Boggs, S. M. Branson, Lindley M. Clark, Ingram Clendennin, N. E. Clendennin, Mrs. Libbie M. Cobbs, Dr. Charles Coulter, R. M. Craig, Walter Crawford, T. R. Crumley, Ira Davidson, L. H. Davidson, Mrs. Lucinda Dewey, Chauncey Dewey, Mrs. Nancy Estop, Josiah M. Fox, Charles J. Fox, Mrs. Esther C. Haverfield, James N, Haverfield, John N. Haverfield, Nathan Hearn, W. B. Henderson, James Hollingsworth, D. A. Holmes, W. F. Holmes, Mrs. Amanda S. Holmes, Mrs. Hannah J. Jamieson, J. M. |
8 633 673 467 411 357 356 691 5S3 337 209 477 449 443 44 45 81 531 530 171 153 135 393 551 99 651 654 655 613 |
Kent, John H. Lacey, John S. Lafferty, Joseph Lantz, J. N. Long, David Long, David M., M. D. Lyons, Robert McDowell, William McGavran, S. B., M. D. McPeck, John E. McPeck, Mrs. Mary Manly, John Miller, Henry Miller, John Moore, William Osburn, Samuel Osburn, Mrs. Elizabeth Penn, William B. Ramsey, John Ritchey, J. P. Ritchey, William Scott, W. H. Skinner, C. A. Snyder, D. J., M, D. Taggart, James Trushel, Peter Trushel, Mrs. Susannah Waddle, W. G. Weight, George A. Welch, Rezin |
747 117 623 541 488 489 25 729 375 301 300 573 603 593 263 191 190 319 519 710 711 245 227 399 509 563 562 429 281 63 |