Acadian exiles, 53-4.
Acker, Conrad, facing 461.
Acker, Conrad, 461.
Acker, Samuel, 461-2.
Act (1705) to prevent importation of Indian slaves, 39 ; (1718) for the advancement of justice
and more certain administration thereof, 40; (1718) for corroborating the circular line between
the counties of Chester and New Castle, 40; miscellaneous, 42; erecting Lancaster Co., 43;
erecting Berks Co., 50; (1682, 1710, and 1751) change of style, 50-1; (1756) disqualifying
Friends for the Council and Assembly, 52; (1756) for dispersing inhabitants of Nova Scotia,
imported into Chester Co., etc., 53; (1782) for procuring estimate of damages by the British, 104;
(1786), 117; concerning court-house lot, 118; erecting Delaware Co , 120; (1779) for vesting
estates of proprietaries, 149; Parkessurg (1872), 204 ; erecting county town of West Chester,
214-15; badge of paupers (1718), 403; establishing work-house, 411.
Adamson, Charles, 461.
Adamson, Thomas, 461.
Adamson, Sarah R., 451.
Administration on estate, granted (1681), 19; (1683), 25.
Affirmation act (1715), and act of Parliament of 1 Geo. I., etc., 39, 42. Agricultural, 335-42.
Aldred, Thomas J., 462.
Alexander, Gabriel, 194-5.
Allen, John, 463.
Allen, Nathaniel, 20, 147.
Allen, Prof. Fordyce A., 318.
Alison, Francis, 49, 106, 193, 252, 462.
Alison, Robert, 50, 204.
Allison, James, 53.
Altemus, Leonard, 463.
Alsop, Samuel, 319.
Amity township, 41.
Amosland, piece of land at, 13; officers (1684), 26; orders of court relating to, 27.
Anderson, Dr. James, 464.
Anderson, Robert, 50.
Anderson, Capt. Patrick, 61, 66, 96, 108, 170, 463.
Anderson, Isaac, 96, 463-4.
Anderson, Capt. Wm., 132, 183.
Andrews, Alexander, 464.
Andrews, Arthur, 464.
Andrews, John, 464.
Andros, Governor, 13 ; instructions of, 14; new commission for justices issued, 17; order to
sheriff, 2.5. Apple, Capt. Wm., 464.
Appraiser (1684), 26 (see Assessors). Archer, John, 35.
Arnold, Richard, 464.
Arrivals between 1682 and 1688. 224.
Ash, Joshua and John, 464.
Ash family, 465.
Ashbridge, Elizabeth, 311-12.
Ashbridge, John, 45, 178.
- xxxviii -
Ashbridge, George, 235, 239, 465.
Ashcom, Charles (dep. surveyor), 28.
Ashenfelter, Henry, 465-6.
Askew, William, 466.
Assembly, the, action of (1724), 42; (1729), 43; (1801), 43; (1736), 48; (1740-7), 49; (1752), 50;
while the Friends maintained their ascendency in, 51; six members resign, 52"; four Friends
resign (1756), 52; (1759), 54; (1762), 58; (1763), 58-9; (1849)060; (1725-6), 190-2; list of
members of, 378-82.
Assessments, 35-7, 40, 51, 98, 167 (see also Taxes and Taxables).
Assessors, representation of (1720), 40; sundry matters concerning, 42, 48, 62 ; list of, 376-7.
Assheton, Robert, 193-4.
Associators, the, 49, 62, 64-5.
Aston, George, 50-1, 55-6, 173, 21827 19, 446, 466.
Aston, "Ashtowne" taxables (1693), 33, 35 ; pound ordered, 42 ; 55 ; history of, 162.
Atherton, Grace, 466-7.
Attorneys-at-law, 1st of, 384-6.
Attorneys-general, list of, 371-2.
Augé, M., recollections of, 81.
Augé, Moses M., 324.
Awl, Robert, 50.
Babb, Thomas, 467.
Baily, Abraham, 468.
Baily, Joel, 61, 467.
Baily, Robert, 316.
Baily, Wm. Entrikin, 324.
Baily, Ephraim, 468.
Baily, Hon. John P., 468.
Baily, Joseph, 468-9.
Baily, Sarah, 469.
Baily, Jacob, 469.
Baily, Dr. Abraham, 469.
Baird, Dr. Absalom, 110, 469.
Baker, John, 469.
Baker, Joseph, 469.
Baker, Joseph, 470.
Baker, Joshua, 470.
Baldwin, Thomas, 318, 471.
Baldwin, Dr. Wm., 313, 3:53, 472-3.
Baldwin, William, 471.
Baldwin, Francis, 471.
Baldwin, John, 239, 471.
Baltimore, Lord, 17, 2,41, 44-6,156-8.
Bane, Alexander, 472.
Bane, Mordecai, 472.
Banks of Chester Co., 386-90.
Baptist churches, 259-73.
Barber, Edwin A., 324.
Barnard (or Bernard) family, 473.
Barnard, Richard, 35, 106, 203, 245, 474, 476.
Barnard, James Day, 476.
Barnard, Major Isaac D., 87, 133 ; Gen., 329 ; '384, 475-6.
Barnard, Vincent, 476.
Bartholomew, Benj., 62, 68, 219, 433, 478.
Bartholomew, John, 117, 219, 478.
Bartholomew family, 478-9.
Bertram, John, 33, 312, 477.
Bertram, William, 312.
Battle-axes, the, 301.
Battle of Brandywine, 69-82.
Baugh, George, 477-8.
Bayly, Mountjoy, 80.
Beale, William, 479.
Beaton, Daniel, 470.
Beaton, John, 109.
Bell, Hon. Thos. S., 479-80.
Bell, Lieut.-Col. Thos. S., 480.
Bell, Patterson, 6, 10.3.
Bell, Peter, 106, 110.
Bell, Capt. William H., 322.
Benner, Philip, 481.
Bennett family, 480-L
Bennett, James, 6, 200, 481.
Bennett, Titus, 314.
Bensalem twp., history of, 162.
Bent, Fannie H., 323.
Bentley, George, 50, 58.
Bentley, Jeffrey, 261.
Berkeley, Lord, 12, 14.
Berks county formed, 43, 50.
Bethel township, orders of court relating to, 27; taxables (1693), 33, 35; items (1759), 55 ;
history of, 162.
Bevan, Aubrey, 49.
Beverly, Samuel, 481.
Bibliography of Chester Co., 311-25.
Bingaman, Frederick, 482.
Bingaman, Levi, 482-3.
Biographical and Genealogical department, 461.
Birds of Chester Ce., 441-5.
Birmingham, 28 ; taxables (1693), 33, 135; items, 55, 70, 83, 104, 106, 120; history of, 162-3;
items, 222.
Birmingham Mtg., 233-4, 242.
Birmingham meeting-house, 70, 73-9, 131, 163, 234, 242.
Bishop, Joaquim, 481-2.
Bishop, Jr., Joseph, 61.
Bishop, Thomas, 61.
Bizallion, Pierre (or Peter), 482.
Blackwell, John, governor, 29.
Blair, D.D., Rev. Samuel, 483-4.
Blair, Rev. Samuel,, 31, 483.
Blair, Rev. John, 31, 483-4.
Blunston, John, 29, 33, 37-8, 234.
Bolmer, Jean Claude Antoine de, 305, 314, 485.
Bond, Samuel, 484.
Bonsall, Joseph, 49.
Bonsall, Jesse, 61.
Bonsall, Richard, 485.
Bonzano, Adolphus, 484.
Botany of Chester Co., 453-8.
Boundary Line, troubles, 40-2, 44-9; history of establishment and settlement of, 156-61.
Bounds between Chester and Philadelphia counties, established (1685), 28.
Boyd, (Rev.) Adam, 49, 204, 250.
Boyd, John, 50, 114, 485.
Boyd, Judge James, 485.
Boyd, William, 50, 417, 485-6.
Boyd, Col. Andrew, 103-4, 113, 204-5, 250.
Boyd, Mrs. Mary D., 323.
Boyd family, 485-6.
Boyer, Nelson P., 320.
Bradford, Dr. James H., 486.
Bradford twp., 163-7.
Bradford Meeting, records, 165, 238, 240.
Bradford, Wm. (printer), arrives, 21
Bradley, Charles, 486.
Brandywine Manor Presb. ch., 253.
Brannan, Benj., 61-2, 113.
Branson, William, 344-7.
Bridges, 354-6.
Brinton family, 486-7.
Brinton, Wm., 45, 124, 234, 2.38, 309, 486-7.
Brinton, Jos., 46, 49, 106, 124, 163, 234, 377, 427.
Minton, John, 79, 200, 205.
Brinton, Caleb, 79, 107, 162, 205.
Brinton, Daniel G., 320.
Brinton, Edward, 81, 162.
"Bristol Factor," the, arrives, 19.
British Parliament, 59, 105.
Broomall, John, 487.
Brosius, Henry, 487.
Brower, Dr. Wm , 487-8.
Brown family, 488.
Brown, Joseph, 61, 107.
Brown, Levi K., 322.
Brown, John, 68, 107.
Brown, Thos. K., 324.
Brown, Hon. H. Armitt, 99, 488.
Brombach (Brownback), Garret, 210. 417, 488-9.
Buchanan, Rev. James, 489.
Buchanan, Wm., 50.
Buckwalter, David, facing 485.
Buckwalter, Samuel, facing 484.
Buffington, Richard, 45, 169, 238, 353, 489.
Buffington, Thos., 61, 165, 193, 489.
Buffington, Wm., 178, 353, 489.
Bull, Lieut. Col. Thomas, 489-91.
Bull, D.D., Levi, 491.
Burgess, Hugh, 491-2.
Butler, Noble, 492.
Butler, Samuel, 492.
Cabinet of Natural Science, 307.
Cadwalader, John, 207, 235-7.
Caldwell, Vincent, 492-3.
Callowhill, Thomas, 185-6.
Cain Mtg., 237-8, 241.
Caln Twp. (see also East and West Calls), 153-4, 167-9, 222.
Calvert, William, 493.
Cambridge Mtg., 242.
Cameron, John, 53.
Canals, 358-9.
Cane, John, 492.
Cantwell, Capt. Edmund, 13; high sheriff, 16, 25 ; collector of quit-rents 26
Carleton, Mark, 493.
Carlile, William, 493.
Carpenter, William, 494.
Carmichael, Rev. John, 104, 250, 253, 493-4.
Carmichael, Dr. John Flavel, 494.
Carr, Sir Robert, expedition of, 12.
Carr (Carre), Capt., 12, 13.
Carr, Andrew, 25-6.
Carruthers, Henry W„ 141, 328
Carter, Edward, 494.
Carter, George, 494.
Carteret, Sir George,12, 15.
Carrington, Thos., 313.
Cathcart, Robert, 49.
INDEX - xxxix
"Cedarcroft," 184.
Census statistics, 215.
Centennial anniversary of the Paoli massacre, 90-2.
Centre Mtg., 233, 241.
Chads' ford, 42, 69-74, 76, 79, 80,130-1.
Chads, Francis, 494.
Childs, John, 162, 357-8, 417-18, 495.
Chalfant, David, 495.
Chalfant, Henry, 495.
Chalfant, John, 495.
Chalfant, William, 495.
Chamberlin, Robert, 495.
Chamberlain, Jonas, 496.
Chambers, Benjamin (sheriff of Phila.), arrives (1682), 21 ; pres. of Free Soc. of Traders, 189 ;
items, 203.
Chambers, John, 496.
Chandlee, Benjamin, 496.
Chandler, George, 496.
Change of style, 50.
Charlestown twp., 56, 108, 169-70, 222.
Charlton family, 497.
Chester, named, 21 ; officers (1684), 26; orders of the court relating to, 27; wagons furnished
(1759), 56; hospital at, 66; in Revolution, 67, 69, 72; petition from borough of, 116; removal of
county-seat from, 116-19; 170-1.
Chester county, bounds betwixt Philadelphia Co. and, 28; bounds between New Castle and, 35;
concerning taxes, division of county, etc., 40; lines between Lancaster county and, 43; removal of
county-seat to West Chester, 116-18 ; public buildings, 119-20; Delaware Co. erected, 120-1.
Chester district, 105.
Chester township taxables (1693), 33, 35; pound ordered erected, 38, 42; items, 355.
Chester Springs, 100-2, 202-3.
Chester Mo. Mtg., 6, 229-3, 416.
Chester Quarterly Mtg., 229, 232, 343, 41:3.
Cheyney, John, 497.
Cheyney, Richard, 61, 65, 497.
Cheyney, Thomas (Esq.), 70, 103, 106, 113, 117, 3:39,497.
Chichester, officers for (1684), 26; court orders, 27 ; taxables (1693), 33, 35; items, 56, 171.
Chichester Mo. Mtg., 231.
Chrisman, Henry E., facing 509.
Christian Church, 300.
Churches, the court interferes with, 17; history of, in Chester Co., of
various denominations, 229-301.
Churchman, John, 312, 497-8.
Circular boundary line, 37, 40, 42,120, 159-61.
Civil and Judicial Lists (1614-1881), 362-86.
Clayton, William, 16-18, 25, 3.5, 45, 84, 89, 230-2, 498.
Cleaver, Isaac, 498-9.
Cleaver, Isaac A., 499.
Clerk of the first court of Chester county, 16.
Clingan, Esq., Wm., 104, 108, 116-17, 169, 499.
Clock manufacture, 350-1.
Cloud, William, 500.
Coates, John, 46-7.
Coates, Benj., 96.
Coates, Moses, 171, 501.
Coates, Moses, Jr., 92-3, 122, 501.
Coates, Isaac, 245, 501.
Coates, Dr. Jesse, 501.
Coatesville, 99, 134; history of, 171; items, 209, 222; Presb. ch., 256-7; Baptist ch., 269; Meth.
ch., 285; R. C. ch., 301; iron works, 349-50; items, 501.
Cobb's creek, 41.
Cochran, Dr. John, 500.
Cochran, James, 50, 198, 251, 500.
Cochran, Samuel, 501.
Cock, Capt. Lasse, 34.
Coebourne, Thos., 20, 25, 33, 171, 216, 231.
Coebourn, Joseph, 33, 35, 37, 171.
Collett, Jeremiah, 33, 35, 38.
Collett, George, 184.
Colonization Society of Chester Co., 425.
Calve, Gov. Anthony, 13.
Cooly, John, 312.
Commissioners, 38, 40, 42, 48-9, 53, 62, 98, 104, 119, 201, 358 ; list of, 375-7.
Committee of Safety, 62-5.
Collard, Dennis, 501.
Coward, Jesse, 314, 501.
Conard, Rebecca, 322, 501.
Conchology of Chester Co., 448-53.
Concord township, constable and supervisor of highways (1684), 26; orders of the court in
relation to, 27; taxables (1693), 33, 35; items, 561, 155, 171.
Concord meeting-house, 73.
Concord Quarterly Meeting, 44, 52, 229, 232.
Concord Mo. Mtg., 229, 232, 413.
Conestoga twp., 171-3.
Congress of the U. S., 133, 382-4.
Constables chosen (1683), 25; (1684), 26; (1686),'S0; (1687-8), 31; (17078), 38.
Constitutional conventions, 433.
Continental Congress, 62-3, 66-8, 978, 108.
Cook, Peter, 501.
Cook, Jr., Peter, 502.
Cookson, Joseph, 57.
Cooper, Calvin, 502.
Cooper, Hannah, 502.
Cooper, James, 502.
Cooper, William, 502.
Cooper, Dr. John W., 320.
Cope, Prof. E. D., 446-8, 503.
Cope, Gilbert, 321,503.
Cope, Joseph, 164, 238, 404, 503.
Cope, John, 164-5, 240, 502.
Cope, Benjamin, 503-4.
Cope, Oliver, 502.
Cope, Caleb, 503.
Cope, Samuel, 245, 502.
Cope, Morris, 318, 502.
Cornog, Mordecai D., facing 508.
Cornett, Samuel, 504-5.
Coroners, list of, 375.
Council of 1685, 28, 145 ; 1689, 29-30;
Council of State, 38 ; (1713), 151 ; (1720), 40 ; (1721), 41 ; (1728-9), 42, 145; (1732),44;
(1736),46,48; (1737), 157 ;
Constitutional conventions, 433.
Council of Safety, 65-68, 96, 98, 102-4.
Counties, the three lower, separated from the province, 32, 40.
County officers, lists of, 372-8.
Court, at Upland, 13, 17 ; removed to " Kingsesse," 17; of Upland county, 18, 21 ; the first held
after Penn's arrival, 24; (1684), 26-7; Court of Equity, 30; first Orphans', 31 ; of petty sessions,
32 ; of " Privet sessions," 38, 42 ; Oyer and Terminer (1742), 49; (1783), 104; Supreme, 115;
Orphans', 116; first at West Chester, 117; 165, 168; (1728), 204; (1765), 218.
Court-house, the first, 17; levies for, 27; concerning old and new courthouses at Chester, 30,
35-6, 38, 42, 49, 116-17 ; at West Chester, 117-19.
Court-martial of Gen. Wayne, 89, 90.
Coventry twp., 41, 50, 56, 108, 172, 186.
Cowan, Joseph, 61, 205.
Cowan, Rev. John F., 505.
Cowpland, Caleb, 46, 371.
Cowpland, David, 40, 61-2.
Cox, John, 505.
Cox, Henry Hamilton, 505-8.
Cox, William, 239.
Craig, Major John, 110.
Crawford, John, 61.
Cresap, Thomas, 45-8.
Creswell, John, 313.
Crime and punishment, 406-11.
Crosby, John, 6, 104.
Crowell, Rev. John, 318.
Crumbacker, Peter, 68.
Culbertson, John, 50, 109, 114, 169, 178, 224, 251, 253, 508.
Cumming, William, 50.
Cuningham, Capt. Allen, 508.
Cuningham, Gen. John W., 130, 132, 508.
Cunningham, John, 50.
Cunningham, Samuel, 109, 509.
Currency, English, 20; old currency of gliders, `20; Gov. Morns opposes issue of paper money,
51 ; continental, 08; colonial, continental, etc., 390-1.
Currie, Rev. William, 509.
Damages inflicted by British army, 104-8.
Darby Mtg., 229, 232.
Darby, township collectors, etc. (1684), 26, 27; taxables (1693), 33; in Revolution, 69, 72, 97,
103 ; items, 172-3.
Darlington, Abraham, 309, 509.
Darlington, Amos, 125.
Darlington, Hon. Isaac, 124, 368, 510, 512-14.
Darlington, Job, 509.
Darlington, Joseph, 515.
Darlington, Richard, Jr., 323, 460, 51415.
Darlington, Robt., 123.
Darlington, Thomas, 77, 214, 510.
Darlington, Thos. B., 339.
Darlington, William, 50, 79, 515.
Darlington, Esq., William, 514.
Darlington, Major Wm. B., 328, 512.
Darlington, Dr. Wm., 91, 124, 132, 134, 164, 215, 302, 315, 359, 372, 393, 433, 510-11.
Darlington, Ziba, 124, 353.
David (Davis), Lewis, 43, 6, 186.
David, James, 515.
David, Llewellyn, 515-16.
Davies, David, 45, 207, 249.
Davis, Abraham, 212.
Davis, Asa, 516.
Davis, Caleb, 62, 67-8, 118-19, 517.
Davis, David, 107, 2:35.
Davis, Rev. Hugh, 259.
Davis, Isaac, 50, 68,107; Dr. Isaac, 516.
Davis, James, 259.
Davis, Joseph C., 517-18.
Davis, John, 45; Dr. John, 106, 107; 206, 516.
Davis, Nathaniel, 50, 517.
Davis, M.D., Roger, 516-17.
Davis, Samuel, 106-7.
De Beelen, 519.
Dean, Jeremiah, 518.
Dean, Joseph, 518.
Dean, William, 518.
De Haven, Peter, 67, 70.
Delaware Bay, discovery of, 9.
Delaware Co., erected, 120-1; townships of, formerly in Chester Co., 33-4, 162-205 ; items, 225,
Delaware River, various names of, 9.
Dell, Thomas, 518.
Denney, William, 518.
Denney, Walter, 518.
Dewees, Watson W., 322.
Dickey, Rev. Ebenezer, 254, 361, 519.
Dickey, D.D., Rev. John Miller, 306, :36, 510-22.
Dickey, Dr. Ebenezer V., 519.
Dickey, Jesse C., 522.
Dickey, Moses, 50.
Dicks, Peter, 52, 522-3.
Dickson, Frederick S., 325.
Dickson, Henry, 45, 239.
Diehl, Nicholas, 61.
Dillingham, Wm. H, 523-4.
Dilworth, Charles, 61, 68, 105-6, 162.
Dilworth, James, 524.
Dilworth, Dr. Richard B., 524.
Directories, 325.
Disciples' church, 299, 300.
Division of Philadelphia and Chester counties, 40.
Dixson, Wm, 181, 244.
Dobson, Gen. John H. 524-5.
Doe Run Mtg., 241.
Donegal twp., 173.
Dongan, Tho., 10.
Dorian, James M., facing 518.
Downard, Wm:, 46-8.
Downing family, 525-6.
Downing, John, 168, 328.
Downing, Joseph, 100, 169, 525.
Downing, Richard, 119, 168, 525.
Downingtown Mtg., 241.
Downingtown, 69, 173, 222; Presb. church, 258; Epis. ch., 279; Meth. ch., 288.
Drewett, Morgan, 16, 18, 232.
Du Bois, Rev. Robert P., 320.
Duke of York (James), grant to, 12; title to land west of the Delaware, 20 ; items, 156-7, 363,
Dunlap, D.D., Rev. James, 526.
Dutton, John, 526.
Dutch West India Company, 9, 10, 12.
Dysart, James, 50.
Eachus, Phinehas, 212-13.
Eachus, Robert, 526-7.
East Bradford twp., 55, 70, 106, 145 ; history of, 163-6, 222.
East Brandywine twp., history of, 167; 222.
East Caln twp., 55, 98, 109, 116; history of, 167-9; 208-9.
East Coventry twp., 172, 222.
East Fallowfield, 56, 103, 145 ; history of, 175-6; 222.
East Goshen twp , 83, 177-8, 222.
East Marlborough twp., 57, 70, 106; history of, 184-5; 222.
East Nantmeal, 50,57, 108,185-7, 21112, 222.
East Nottingham Mtg., 235-6.
East Nottingham twp., 57, 179, 195-9 ; 222.
East Pikeland, 101; history of, 200-3; 22-2.
East Sadsbury Mtg., 242.
Easttown, snrvey of, 28; items (1759), 56; (1777), 107; history of, 173-4; 222.
East Vincent, 101-2, 134, 222.
East Whiteland twp., 107, 222.
Eavenson family, 527.
Edge, John, 527-8.
Edge, Dr. John P., 119, 173, 528-9.
Edmiston, James, 529.
Edmiston, Dr. Samuel, 529.
Edgmont township, taxables (1693), 33, 36; items, 56 ; 174.
Educational and Literary, 302-35. Edwards, John, 527.
Edwards, Wm., 61, 527.
Ehrenzeller, Dr. Jacob, 529-30.
Eldridge, Thomas, 530.
Eldridge, Jonathan, 5:30.
Eldridge, Joseph, 5:30.
Election districts, 224-7.
Elk twp., 174, 193.
Ellis, Thomas, 28-9.
Elwyn, Dr. A. L., 79, 339, 530-1.
Embree, James, 531.
xl - INDEX.
Emlen, George, 536.
Emlen, M.D., Samuel, 313, 537-8.
Empson, Thomas, 45.
Encampment at Valley Forge, 98-100.
England, Joseph, 45, 538.
England, William, 538.
Episcopal churches, 273-9.
Erwin, James, 58.
Evans, Abel, 542-3.
Evans, Abner, 544.
Evans, Benjamin, 57.
Evans, Caleb, 39.
Evans, Columbus P., 328, 541.
Evans, Daniel and Rees, 543.
Evans, David, 221.
Evans, Rev. David, 249, 311.
Evans, Edmund C., 318.
Evans, Evan, 61, 97, 188, 207; (Rev.) 273-4 ; 433, 539.
Evans family, 538-44.
Evans, Henry S., 215, 327-8, 332,540-1.
Evans, James, 61.
Evans, John, 29, 33; Col. John, 68, 172, 188, 207, 259, 538-9, 543.
Evans, Judge John, 539.
Evans, Joshua, 61, 68; Gen.,132 ; 206, 418,541-2.
Evans, J. B., facing 545.
Evans, Lewis, 542.
Evans, Nathaniel, 20, 24,216.
Evans, Richard, 55, 206.
Evans, Thomas, 61, 68, 178, 218, 237, 5:39.
Evans, Wm., 61, 66 ; Col. Wm., 96, 97, 103; 206, 433, 543-4.
Everhart, William, 544-5.
Everhard, Yost, 52.
Everhart, Hon. Jas. B., 134, 304, 320, 384.
Everhart, Dr. John R., 141.
Everhart, Wm., 134, 212, 215.
Ewing, James, 68.
Executive Council, 96-7, 103-4, 111, 113, 115.
Eyre, Isaac, 61.
Fagg's Manor, history of, 174-5; 189, 199, 200.
Fairlamb, Nicholas, 39, 61, 171, 207, 545.
Fairlamb, Samuel, 6, 545.
Fallowfield, Lancelot, 175.
Fallowfield Mtg., 241-2.
Fallowfield twp., 204 (see East and West Fallowfield).
Famine in Ireland (1847), 134.
Fell, Thomas, 45, 236, 237.
Fetters, Abraham, 545-6.
Fetters, George, 545.
Fetters, Levi, 546.
Ferries, 357-8.
Fincher, Francis, 546.
Finley, D.D., Rev. Samuel, 546-7.
Finney, Robert, 547.
Finney, Walter, 61, 547.
First boiler-plate made in Pa., 349.
First court after Penn's arrival, record of, 24.
First grand jury in Pa., 20.
First rolling-mill, 349.
First turnpike in America, 354.
Fishbourne, Ralph, 36, 37.
Fishes, of Chester Co., 446-8.
Fitzpatrick, James, 518-9.
Fleming, John, 68, 550.
Fleming, Wm., 171, 549-50.
Fling, David, 550.
Flower, Richard, 61, 551.
Forbes' Expedition (1758), 54-8.
Forrester, Ralph, 551.
Forsythe, John, 302-3, 300, 551.
Foulke, Edward, 551-2.
Foulke, John, 61.
Frame of Government for Colony of Pa., 20.
Francis, Casper S., 552.
Franklin, Dr. Benj., 5, 66, 211, 433.
Franklin (see New London twp.), 177, 222.
Frazer, Persifor, 61-2, 66, 71, 119, 205, 552-3.
Fred, John, family of, 553-4.
Fredd, Eli, facing 554.
Free, Jacob, 50.
"Free Society of Traders," 20, 189, 192.
French and Indian war, 51-3.
Frick, John, 554.
Friends, Society of (see Society of Friends).
Fullerton, Robert Censign), 52.
Fulton, Jr., James, 555.
Fulton, John, 555.
Fulton, Dr. James, 556-7.
Fulton, Wm. T., 555-6.
Furly, Benjohan, 210.
Fussell, Bartholomew, 557-8.
Fnssell, Dr. Bartholomew, 427, 558.
Fussell, Dr. Edwin, 426-7.
Fussell, Solomon, 557.
Futhey family, 558-9.
Futhey, J. Smith, 92, 100, 251,321,369.
Futhey, Robert, 558-9.
Futhey, Robert A., 309, 560.
Futhey, Samuel, 68, 103, 122, 560.
Gandouett, Francis, 560.
Gardner, Carswell, 560.
Gardner, Francis, 50, 573.
Gardner, Col. John, 109; 204, 573.
Gardner, Dr. Joseph, 204, 382, 573.
Garrett family, 560-1.
Garrettson, John, 45.
Gatchel, Elisha, 41, 4:3, 48, 197-8, 561.
Gatchel, Dr. Elisha, 561-2.
Cause, Charles, 562.
Cause, Jonathan, 243, 304-5, 562-3.
Gawthrop, Thomas, 563.
Geological formations, 212.
Geology of Chester Co., 435-8.
George II., death of, 58.
George III., proclaimed, 58.
German Ref'd churches, 296-8.
Gheen family, 563-9.
Gibbons, Daniel, 426, 428.
Gibbons, Jacob, 217, 565.
Gibbons, James, 45, 49, 178, 186, 192, 217,109, 564-6, 569.
Gibbous, John, 27, 33, 232, 564.
Gibbons, Thomas, 567.
Gibbons, Joseph, 61,119, 217, 565.
Gibbons, Capt. Wm., 76; Col., 97; 122, 178, 336, 566-7.
Gibbons, Lieut. Wm., 569.
Gibbons, M.D., Wm., 316; sheriff, 374 ; 433 ; 567-90.
Gilbert, Howard W., 321.
Gilliland, John, 61.
Gilpin, Joseph, 45, 570.
Gilpin, Gideon, 130-1.
Gilpin, Thomas, 111, 570.
Glass, A.M., Francis, 313.
Glassford, Henry, 50.
Gloria Dei Church, members of, 36. Goodson, John, 28, 147.
Goodwin family, 570-1.
Goodwin, Thos., 45, 570-1.
Gordon, John, 575.
Gordon, John Rogers, 575.
Goshen Monthly Meeting, 53, 58, 2345, 239, 413.
Goshen township, survey of, 28; items, 56, 103-4, 107, 116, 145, 177-8. Government, Frame of,
for the Colony, 20. Governors, list of, 362-3.
Grace, Robert, 21, 345.
Graham, James, 50.
Graham, Richard, 49.
Graham, William Sloan, 318.
Grand Inquest (1683), 25; (1694-95), 35.
Grand Jurors, 38.
Grand Jury, first, 20; (1683), 25; (1694), 35; (1697), 36; (1700), 36; (1701-2), 37; (1703), 38;
number of, 39; (1741), 49.
Greave (Graves), Samuel, 45, 233.
Green, Henry, 45.
Green, Thos., 57, 575.
Grey, Charles (British General), 89.
Grier, Rev. Nathan, 575.
Grier, Robert Smith, 575.
Grier, M.D., Joseph T., 211.
Griffen, John, 571.
Griffith. Benoni. 573.
Griffith, Evan, 574.
Griffith, Dr. Joseph, 574.
Griffith, Daniel, 68, 201, 272.
Griffith, M.D., Benj., 211, 574.
Groff, M.D., Prof. Geo. G., 324.
Gronow, Lewis, 61, 224, 433, 574.
Grubb, John, 575.
Grubb, Samuel, 575.
Gummere, John, 304, 313.
Gunboats, in 1775, 62.
Gunkle, Michael, 572.
Gunkle, Daniel, 572-3.
Cuss, Charles, 576.
Cuss, Col. Henry R., 137-9, 576.
Hadly, Simon, 576.
Haines, David, 212, 215.
Haines, Isaac, 45, 178, 197, 212, 235, 577.
Haines, John, 212, 215, 235, 576.
Haines, Joseph, 584-5.
Haines, Townsend, 134, 326, 331, 57783.
Haines, Esq., Wm. T., 325.
Haines, Dr. Wm. E., 584.
Hall, Samuel, 585.
Hamill, Robert, 585-6.
Hamilton, Andrew (Gov.), 38.
Hammans, Wm., 45.
Hannum, Cheyney, 314, 329.
Hannum, John, facing 604.
Hannum, Col. John, 53-4, 61, 65, 103, 116-18, 164, 213, 353, 382,586-7.
Happersett, D.D., Reese, 587.
Harlan family, 587.
Harlan, Abram D., 322, 433, 588.
Harlan, Gen. Josiah, 316, 588.
Harper, John, 20; Major, 117-18, 21314, 375, 588.
Harris, Dr. Robert, 66.
Harris, Dr. Thomas, 211.
Harrison, James, 26.
Hart, John, 60-1.
Hartman family, 589-90.
Hartman, Maj. George, 101, 122, 126, 589-90.
Hartman, John, 52, 589.
Hartman, Thos., 61.
Hartman, M.D., William D., 315, 435, 448-53, 590.
Hartshorne, Joshua, 590.
Harvey, Job, 45.
Harvey, Jacob W., 591.
Harvey, William, 590.
Haslep, Thomas, 61, 68, 205.
Haslett, Dr. John D. S., 592-3.
Haslett, James, facing 605.
Hastings, Joshua, 20, 24, 26.
Haverford Mo. Meeting, 42, 61.
Haverford township, survey, 28; taxables (1693), 33 ; items, 56, 97,178.
Hawley, Benj., 73, 593.
Hayes family, 593-5.
Hayes, Henry, 43, 60, 175, 185,245, 593.
Hayes, John, 595.
Hayes, M.D., Isaac I., 321, 594.
Hayes, Jonathan, murder of, 39.
Hayes, Dr. Nathan, 595.
Hazard, Willis P., 324.
Heath, Noble, 318.
Heckel, Sr., Dr. Frederick W., 597-8.
Heckel, Jr., Dr. Frederick W., 598-9.
Hemphill, Joseph, 595-6.
Hemphill, Judge Joseph, 596-7.
Hemphill, William, 596.
Henderson, Rev. Jacob, 47.
Henderson, John, 599.
Hibberd family, 599, 600.
Hibberd, John, 58, 220, 599.
Hibberd, Josiah, 599.
Hickman, Benj., 36, 216-17, 600.
Hickman, Dr. Joseph, 603.
Hickman, Marshall B., 603.
Hickman family, 600-3.
Hickman, John, 20, 134, 162, 205, 304, 329, 600-3.
Hicks, Edward, 603.
Higginbotham, Charles, 46-7.
Highland twp., 145, 178, 222.
Hill, Richard, 43.
Hilltown, 178.
Hoare, Samuel, 201.
Hobson, Francis, 605.
Hobson, Joseph, 605.
Hockessin Mtg., 239.
Hockley, Col. Thomas, 60-1, 64-5, 433.
Hodgkins, John. 32-3.
Hodgson family, 603.
Hodgson, Mark A., 604.
Hodgson, Robert, 193, 604.
Hogs, to prevent running at large, 36.
Holland family, 605.
Hollanders, settlement of, in 1640, 10.
Hollingsworth, Henry, 35-6, 38, 187, 195, 375.
Hollingsworth, James, 45.
Hollingsworth, Samuel, 43, 192.
Hollingsworth, Thus., 45, 233.
Hollingsworth, Valentine, 232-3, 605.
Holme's map, 29, 209.
Holme, Thomas, 20, 28, 145, 147, 209.
Homes of Chester Co., 222-4.
Homeville Mtg., 242.
Honeybrook twp., 178-9, 186.
Hoopes, Abner, 606.
Hoopes, Benj., 188.
Hoopes, Daniel, 212, 216-17, 244, 605.
Hoopes, George, 61, 84,107.
Hoopes, John, 33, 79, 107,169, 178, 212 , 245, 605.
Hoopes, Joshua, 304-5, 605-6.
Hoopes, Josiah, 342, 606.
Hoopes, Thos., 33, 178, 214, 605.
Hooton, Esq., Francis C., 325.
Hope, Thomas, 50, 58, 179.
Hope, Robert, 261.
Hopewell boro', 179.
Horse Companies, 403.
Hospitals in Revolution, 100-1, 202, 237.
House, Amos, 606.
House, John, 606.
House of Correction, 27, 411.
Howell James' Mtg., 236.
Hudson, Henry, discovers Delaware bay, 9.
Hughes, Samuel, 58.
Hughes, Thos., 48-9.
Humphreys, Chas., 61, 108, 382.
Humphreys, Edward, 61.
Humphrey, Col. Jacob, 130, 133, 261, 60G-7.
Humpton, Col. Richard, 607.
Hunt, Joshua, 607-8.
Hunt, Roger, 5.i, 54-8, 173.
Hunter, J. T. F., bet. 604 and 605.
Hurford, John, 608.
Hurford, Maris, 608-9.
Hutton, John, 609.
Hutton, Joseph, 609.
Hutton, Nehemiah, G09.
Indians, commissioners to treat with, 19; trade, and title, of, 21; selling rum to, 27; reported
outrages, 31; troubles and treaties, 39; Indian
INDEX - xli
slaves, 39; complaint of Indians, on branch of the Brandywine, 43; the Delawares and Six
Nations, 52; Indian outbreak, 59; deeds, 144-6; Indian path, 145; Indian fires, 188; village, 190;
chiefs in the Assembly (1725-26),190-2; in Whiteland, 218; in Willistown, 219-20; history of,
420-3; Indian traders, 431-2.
Ingram, Benj., presented, for being unlawfully married, 36.
Ingram, John, 609.
Ingrain, Wm., 134, 609.
Insurance companies, 391-2.
Iron works, at Coventry, and Warwick, 49; cannon in Revolution cast at Warwick, 66; Laurel
Iron works, 145; Franklin stoves cast at Warwick furnace, 211 ; history of the several iron works,
and of iron manufacture in Chester Co., 343-50.
Irwin, Robt., 134, 214.
Irwin, Rev. Nathaniel, 609.
Items from Roger Hunt's account-book, 54-8.
Jackson family, 323, 609-12.
Jackson, Halliday, 316.
Jackson, Isaac, 45, 610.
Jackson, Gen. James (colored), 425-6,
Jackson, M.D., Samuel, 313, 612.
Jackson, William, 611.
Jacobs family, 612.
Jail (see also Prison), 32, 38, 116-18, 411-12.
James family, 612-13.
James, Jacob, 103, 115, 213.
James, John, 55, 612.
James, William, 68, 613.
Jefferis, Chalkley, 119, 614.
Jefferis, Cheyney, 73, 164, 614.
Jefferis, Emmor, 73, 75, 613-14.
Jefferis, George, 149, 165.
Jefferis, Horatio T., 613.
Jefferis, James, 271, 613-14.
Jefferis, Joshua, 614.
Jefferis, Robert, 163-4, 613-14.
Jefferis, Samuel, 84.
Jefferis, Wm. W., 216, 304, 388, 613.
Jenkin, Evan, 45.
Jenkins, John 31., 325.
Jenkins, Timothy, 45.
Jennerville, 200.
Job, Andrew, 615.
John, David, 68, 241,249, 614.
John, Griffith, 614.
John, Jesse, 614.
John, Samuel, 614.
Johnson, Isaac D., 324.
Johnson, John, 50, 183.
Johnson, Obadiah, 45.
Johnson, Robert, 615.
Johnston, Alexander, 57, 193.
Johnston, Francis, 61-3, 66, 615.
Johnston, Dr. William, 316.
Jones, Cadwalader, 45, 207-8, 240.
Jones, Rev. David, 87, 107, 259, 312, 615-17.
Jones, David, 217, 235.
Jones, Dr. Edward, arrives (1682), 20.
Jones, Edward, 61.
Jones, Evan, 53, 260. Jones, Griffith, 617.
Jones, Horatio G., 260, 267.
Jones, D.D., Rev. Horatio G., 617.
Jones, Hugh, 29, 115.
Jones, John, 314.
Jones, Joshua, 314.
Jones, Owen, 115.17,
Jones, Rees, 617.
Jones, Thos., 617.
Jones, William, 56, 107, 162.
Judges, list of,(1790-1880), 368-70.
Judicial proceedings (1677), 15.
Junkin, Benj., 107.
Jurors, names of (1678), 17; (1681-2), 18, 19, first grand jury, 20; (1683), 25; number of, 39.
Justices, names and residences (1680), 17;Indian, 18, 19; hesitate to perform their duties, 39; list
of (1657-1839), 364-8.
Kaler, Levi B., 618-19.
Keach, Elias, 259.
Keach, Moses, 271.
Keeley, Daniel, facing 624.
Keith, William (Gov.), 40.
Keith, Dr. Thos., 211.
Kelton, James, 619.
Kennedy, DIngram, 620.
Kennedy, Dr. &mil, 62, 107, 202, 61920.
Kennedy, Dr. Thos. Ruston, Warwick, 620.
Kennedy, M.D., Thos., 620.
Kennet Mo. Mtg., 111, 236, 302.
Kennet Square, 70, 73-5, 124;Warwick of, 181; 184-5, 222; Presb. church, 258; Meth. ch., 291;
papers, 333 ; 337.
Kennet Square Mtg., 242.
Kennet twp., 56, 106, 108, 153 ; history of, 179-81 ; 187-8.
Kennison, Edward, 35.
Kent, Benjamin, 621.
Kent, Daniel,609-12a
Kent, John, 50.
Kent, Joseph, 34, 621.
Kent, William, 621.
Kerlin, John, 61, 107.
Kersey, Jesse, 316,621-3.
Kersey, William, 621.
Key, Moses, 45.
Kilpatrick, Hugh, 50.
Kimble, Prison
Kimberton Mtg., 242.
King family, 62:3-4.
King, John, 623-4.
King, Thomas, 33, 623.
King William, death of, 38.
Kingeman, John, 33.
Kinnard, Asher M., 62.3.
Kinnard, Caleb H., 326, 328.
Kirk, Adam, 45.
Kirk, Alphonsus, 45, 233, 624.
Kirk family, genealogy of, 322, 624.
Kirk, Roger, 116, 197, 62427,
Kirk, William, 240, 624.
Kirkbride, Mahlon, 52.
Kirke, John, 33, 624.
Kloz, M.D., T. F., 316.
Knauer, Davis, facing 625.
Lafayette, headquarters of, at Brandywine, 72; wounded, 72-3; visit to Chester Co. in 1824,
Lamborn, Robert, 625.
Lamborn, Wm., 245, 625.
Lament over Chester's mother (poem), 118.
Lampeter Mtg., 239.
Lancaster county erected, 42, 43 ; items, 200, 204, 207, 229.
Landholders (1689), 31 ; (1774), 162. Land Titles, 144-56 ; 163, 220 ; 421-2.
Larceny, penalty for, 39.
Larkin, John, 53, 205, 625.
Larkin, Mordecai, 625-6.
Lasse, Carolus, 27.
Latta, Rev. Francis A., 626.
Latta, Rev. James, 250.
Latta, Rev. William, 249, 257, 626-7.
Laubach, Johannes, 627.
Lawrence, Henry, 61.
Lea, John (see Webb).
Leet, Edward, 47.
Leggitt. George, 50.
Leggitt, Thomas, 50.
Legitt, Thomas, 57.
Leonard, Daniel, 628.
Leonard, John E., 321, 326, 628.
Leonard, Joseph, 628.
Leslie, Robert, 627-8.
Leslie, William, 627.
Letters of administration granted (1681), 19.
Levie for year 1700, 36-7.
Levis family, 628.
Levis, Samuel, 36-7, 45, 49, 628.
Levis, Capt. Thos., 97, 103, 113-14, 117, 224.
Lewis family, the, 628-36.
Lewis, Charlton P., 323.
Lewis, Ellis, 45, 180, 635
Lewis, Enoch, 314, 430, 628-33.
Lewis, Evan, 45, 185, 205, 234, 264, 628-9, 634.
Lewis, Henry, 29, 33, 272, 628-9, 634.
Lewis, Joseph J., 215, 304, 314, 505, 633-4.
Lewis, Joseph S., 132.
Lewis, Philip, 52.
Lewis, Phineas, 55, 238.
Lewis, Ralph, 635.
Lewis, Richard B., 636.
Lewis, Stephen, 45.
Lewis, Thos., 635.
Lewis, William, 61, 240, 635-6.
Lieutenants and sub-lieutenants 1777 to 1785, 113-14.
Lightfoot, Benj., 50.
Lightfoot, Jacob, 48.
Lightfoot, Thomas, 637.
Lincoln University, 307.
Lindley, James, 637.
Lippard, George, 318, 637.
Liquor, distillation forbidden, without license (1671), 12; restrictions on its sale, 20; selling to
Indians, 27.
List of Taxables (1677), 16; (1693), 334 ; (1715, etc6, 162-221.
Little Elk Mtg., 242.
Little, William, 50.
Lloyd, David, 41,149, 207, 636.
Lloyd, Hugh, 61-2, 64-5, 433.
Lloyd, Thomas (master of the rolls), 28, 30; gov., 32 ; commissioner, 147, 155, 210; 264.
Lockhart, Capt. Jas., 173.
Logan, James, 148-9, 152-3, 171, 174, 179, 185H.,188, 191-3, 195, 216, 239, 417, 421.
London Britain, 56; history of, 181-2 ; 187, 194, 222.
London Britain Mtg., 242.
Londonderry twp., 56; history of, 1823 ; 185, 200.
Londongrove Mtg., 237, 241.
Londongrove twp., 46-7, 56, 105-6; history of, 183-4; 182, 188, 222.
"Long Finn,"Brandywine,n of, 12.
Longstreth, Bartholomew, 637.
Longwood Mtg. (P. F.), 243.
Loomis, Davis K., 638.
Lords of Trade and Plantations, 39.
Love, Rev. Thos., 638.
Love, Samuel, 50.
Lovelace, Gov., order of, 13; patent from, 26
Lowden, John, 638.
Lower Darby twp., 56.
Lower Oxford twp., 179.
Lower Providence twp., 57.
Loyalists (see Tories).
Lukens, Susan, 321.
Lutheran churches, 293-6.
McAden, Rev. Hugh, 639.
MacVeagh, Wayne, 215, 409.
McCall, Benj., 200.
McCall, Maj- Gen. Geo. A., 136, 320.
McCall, John, 50.
McCaughey, Enoch S., 639.
McClellan, Capt. Joseph, 80, 113, 1212, 130-3, 63940.
McClellan, Dr. Robert L., 640-1.
McClellan, Lieut. Samuel, 640.
McClenachan, Elijah, 119, 121.
McClenachan, Robert, 173.
McClun, Thos., 45.
McClure, David, 205.
McClure, John, 641-2.
McClune, Prof. Jas., 186, 253, 309, 337, 340, 347, 440.
McCullough, George, 50.
McCullough, James, 642.
McDowell, Andrew, 50.
McDowell, James, 642.
McDowell, John, 642-3.
McDowell, Capt. Win., 65, 642.
McIntire, And., 106.
Mcllvaine, Hon. Abr. R., 643.
McKein family, 643.
McKean, Thomas, 644-7.
McKean, William, 417, 644.
McKnight, Wm , 50.
McLene, James, 647.
McMillan, Rev. John, 647.
McNeil, Rev. Wm. R., 647-8.
Mackey, John, 648.
Mackey, Robert, 50, 193, 648.
Maclay, Wm., 639.
Magistrates of Chester Co., letter to, 48.
Mahan, Jason M., 316, 332, 341
Mahanatawny township, 41.
Maitland, Alexander, 314.
Malin, Randall, 107, 231, 648.
Malin, Sr., John, facing 649.
Malvern, history of, 221-2.
Malvern Mtg., 242.
Manlove, Luke, 45.
Manlove, Mark, 45.
Maps, 325.
March, Franklin, facing 648.
Maris family, 649.
Maris, A.M., Geo. L., 324, 649.
Maris, Jesse, 53, 649.
Market-place in Chester borough, 42.
Markham, William, appointed dep.- gov., 18; doings of, 18-20, 28-9, 32, 147.
Marlborough Mtg., 241, 302. Marlborough twp., 152 (see East and West Marlborough).
Marple township, constable and supervisor for (1684), 26; (1686), 30; taxables (1693), 33 ;
items, 57, 185.
Marsh, Rev. Wm.' H. H., 649. Marshall, Ab'm.17,, 188-9, 190, 238, 649.
Marshall, Alex., 178, 329, 411, 652. Marshall, Humphry, 312, 650-1. Marshall, Dr. Moses, 651.
Marshall, John, 651-2.
Martin, Thomas, 652.
Martin, Lt.-Col. Wm. H., 140.
Mason, Benj., 312.
Masonic order in Chester Co., 395-8.
Mason and Dixon's line, 153, 156-9.
Massacre at Paoli (see Paoli Massacre).
Massey, Thomas, 6534.
Mather, James. 49, 50.
Mather, John, 50.
Matlack, Isaiah, 212-14.
Matlack, Israel, 107.
Matlack, Wm.Thos.,
Mattson, M.D., Morris, 316.
May family, 654-5.
May, D.D., Rev. James, 318.
May, origin of name of Cape, 9.
Medical Society, 318, 393-4.
Mendenhall, Aaron, 45, 167, 238, 655.
Mendenhall, Benj., 45, 164, 171, 238, 655.
Mendenhall, John, 45, 167, 171, 238, 655.
Mendenhall, Robert, 60, 61, 655.
Mennonite church, 298-9.
Mercer, Thomas, 655.
Meredith family, 655-6.
- F -
xlii - INDEX.
Marion, survey of, 28 ; John Robe of, 115.
Messer, Thos., 45.
Meteorology, 458-60.
Methodist churches, 279-92.
Mey, Capt. Cornelis Jacobson, 9.
Michener family, 656-8.
Michener, M.D., Ezra, 243, 315, 402-3, 439-46, 453-8,656.
Michener, Dr. Nathan, 657-8.
Middletown Mtg., 233.
Middletown township, taxables (16 33, 36; items, 57, 185.
Miles, Rev. Geo. I., 316.
Miles, James, 109.
Militia (see also Associators), 51-2; 99, 100, 109-10,112-14, 121-9, 131 414-15 (see also War).
Millard Thomas, 658-9.
Mill Creek Mtg, 242.
Miller, Gayen 659
Miller Dr. Warwick, 659
Miller, James 660
Miller, John 49, 50, 188, 659-6060,
Miller, Samuel, 45, 239
Miller, William, 45, 46, 61
Millhouse, Thos., 45, 243-5, 658
Mills, iron manufacture, etc., 343-51
Miner, Charles, 315, 327, 660-1
Minerals found in Chester Co., 438-9
Minuit, Peter, 10
Mitchell, Andrew, 61
Mode, Alexander, 661
Monaghan, Esq., James, 325
Montgomery, Alex., 661-2
Montgomery, James, 50, 204
Montgomery, Col., Wm., 60-2, 64-5, 185, 661-2
Moore, Charles, 50
Moore, Chas C., bet. 648, 649
Moore, Guyon, 50, 168
Moore Hall, 205, 662
Moore, Henry, between 648, 649
Moore(Col), James, 61-2, 64-5, 68, 119, 193, 267
Moors, Dr. Joseph, 214, 665
Moore, Joseph, 427.
Moore, William, 50, 205, 662-3 ; bet. 648, 649
Moore, Rev. Chas., 663-5
Moore, Rev. Wm., E., 319
Morgan, David, 45.
Morgan, Jacob B., 665.
Morgan, Thomas, 49.
Morrell, Robert, 50.
Morris, James, 45, 107.
Morris, Dr. Jonathan, 61.
Morrison, Rev. A. G., 256.
Morrison, Dr. John A., 665-6.
Morton, John, 35, 81, :182, 666-7.
Morton, Sketchley, 61.
Morton, Robert W., 667.
Merton, Jehn W., 667-8.
Mowry, Charles, 666.
Moylan, Stephen, 668.
Monday, Henry (Md.), 46, 47.
Murders—of Jonathan Hayes of Maple, 39; of Knowles Dant., 45; history of (1715-1873),
Musgrave, Joseph, 61.
Nantmeal Mtg., 240.
Nantmeal twp., 41, 57 ; history of, 185-7.
Naturalization, 412.
Natural Histery, etc., 436-60.
Naylor, Benj., 318.
"Neither Providence," taxables (1693), 33.
Newark Mo. Mtg., 230, 2224.
New Castle Meeting, 233.
New Castle, name changed to, 12; court at, 13, bounds between Upland and, 15; court, 17;
petition for division of county, and bounds defined, 35; outbreak concerning boundary line
(1724), 41-2; hospitals at, 66; county line, 120; land surveyed, 150; items, 151-2, 157-61.
New Garden Mo. Mtg.,111, 236, 238.
New Garden township, 46, 57, 70, 74, 106; history of, 187-9; 222.
Newlin, John, 45, 17, 189-90, 669.
Newlin, Nath'l, 35, 37, 41, 155, 171, 189, 191-2, 233, 669.
Newlin, Nicholas, 190, 232, 668-9.
Newlin twp., 57, 70, 106, 145-6 ; history of; 189-93; 203. 222.
New London twp., 57, 106, 134; history of, 193-5 ; 177, 222.
Newspapers and periodicals, 325-35.
New Swedsn, 10, 11, 34-5.
Newton, Rev. Wm., 318.
Newtown Mtg., 234.
Newtown twp., orders of court relating to, 27; constable (1686), 30; taxables (1693), 33; items,
57, 195, 218.
New York, name changed to, 12. Nicolls, governor of N. Y., 12.
Niles, Hezekiah, 313, 669.
Nixen, Col. John, 670.
North, Col. Caleb, 113.
North Coventry twp., 172, 222.
Northley township, 30.
Nottingham Mo. and Quarterly Mtg., 239, 242.
Nottingham township, 4, 57, 69; history of, 195-8.
Nurseries, 342.
Nutt, Samuel (iron-master), 172, 211, 344, 670.
Oakford, Aaren, 61.
Oberholtzer, Mrs. S. L., 322.
Oborn, Henry, 45, 238.
Odd-Fellows, order of, 398-400.
Ogier, Dr. S. A., 670-1.
Ogle, Samuel (gev'r), 47.
Olden-time costume, 245.
Old Style, 50-1.
Osborn, Samuel, 58, 214.
Otley, Mary (the witch), 213.
Overseers of highways, the first, 20.
Owen, Evan, 189, 191.
Owen, Griffith, 148, 187-8, 195, 421.
Owen, John, 48, 347.
Oxford borough, 197, 199, 222; Presby. church, 253; Baptist ch., 272 ; Meth. ch., 291; R. C.
church, 301.
Oxford Mtg., 242.
Oxford twp., 57, 106 ; history of, 1989 ; 182.
Painter, Samuel, 45, 162-3, 671-2.
Painter, Howard, 322.
Palmer, Lewis, 322.
Palmer, R. and E., 672.
Paoli massacre, 84-92.
Papegoya, John, 11.
Paper-mills : Mr. Wilcock's, 103; W. & A. Mode's, 175-6; Rokeby, 176.
Parish, Dr. Chas. W., 672.
Parke, Arthur, 674.
Parke, John G., 200, 674.
Parke, Joseph, 50, 200, 205, 673-4.
Parke, Robert, 200, 369, 673.
Parke, Thomas, 168,173, 238, 673.
Parker, Abraham, 674.
Parker, John, 200, 243, 674.
Parker, John J., 360, 674.
Parker, Joseph, 42, 48, 68, 217, 674.
Parker, William, 60.
Parker, Wistar, 674.
Parkesburg (boro'), 199, 200, 204, 292, 301,334.
Parry family, 675.
Parry, Lt.-Col. Caleb, 66, 675.
Parry, David 39. 50, 65, 67,5.
Parry, John, 39, 49, 83, 170, 675.
Parry, Rowland, 50, 675.
Passmore, William, 45.
Passmore, John, 184, 675.
Passengers on the " Welcome," 21; by sundry other vessels (1682-88), 22-4.
Patrons of Husbandry, 400-2.
Patterson, Wm., 107.
Pauperism, 403-6.
Peace-makers, 25.
Pearce, Col. Cromwell, 676-7.
Pearce, Cromwell, 676-71
Pearce, Edward, 50.
Pearce, George W., 677.
Pearce, Lewis G., 677.
Pearson, Enoch, 49.
Pearson, Henry B., 316.
Peart, Bryan, 678.
Peddlers from 1730 to 1773, 432.
Peirce, George, 678.
Peirce, John, 311.
Peirce, Moses, 679.
Penington, Edward, 148, 152, 179.
Penn, Gulielma, 150, 174, 179, 188.
Penn, Hannah, 4, 43, 150.
Penn, John (son of proprietary), 40, 43-4, 59, 150, 181.
Penn, Letitia, 41, 150,174, 179-80, 187.
Penn, Richard (son of proprietary), 40, 43, 150.
Penn, Springett (grandson of proprietary), 43,150.
Penn, Thomas (son of proprietary), 40, 43-4, 46, 49, 149-50, 188, 211, 347.
Penn twp., history of, 200; 222.
Penn, William, efforts to secure his grant, 17 ; appoints a deputy-governor of the province, 18;
sends over commissioners, 19; a busy man, 20; at Chester, 26; his first Council, 26; orders a
survey, 28; petition to, 29 ; lands in Philadelphia, 36; sails for England, 38; memorial to the
Lords of Trade and Plantations, 39 ; death of, 40; grant to town of Chester, 116; policy of, 144;
proprietary interests and grants, 145-52, and qnit-rents, 155, 167; conveyance of land to sister,
170; patent of, 170, 179 ; warrants, etc., 199 ; interested in Ben. Furly, 210.
Penn, William (eldest son of preceding), claims right to govern the province, 40; commissions
Keith lieut.-gov., 40; death of, 40; Fagg's Manor lands, 174; items, 187-8,199.
Pennell, John, 45, 679.
Pennell, Joseph, 45, 61, 679.
Pennell, Robert, 679.
Pennington, Dr. Isaac, 679-80.
Pennington, Thos., 107, 206.
Pennock, Barclay, 318, 681-2.
Pennock, Christopher, 680.
Pennock, Enos, 119.
Pennock, Joseph, 45-6, 184, 680.
Pennock, Nathaniel, 52-3, 680.
Pennock, Samuel, 680-1.
Pennock, Wm., 45, 680.
Pennsbury twp., 70, 103, 179; history of, 200 ; 222.
Pennsgrove Mtg., 242.
Pennsylvania Land Co. in London, 183.
Pennypacker family, 682-3.
Pennypacker, Elijah F., 426-8, 682.
Pennypacker, Col. Galusha, 139-40, 683.
Pennypacker, Dr. Isaac A., 683.
Pennypacker, Jacob, 95, 682.
Pennypacker, Matthias, 93, 95-6, 170, 299, 433, 682.
Pennypacker, Samuel W., 200, 299, 323, 353, 358, 683.
Pennypacker, Uriah V., 215, 266-7, 682-3.
Pensioners, Revolutionary, 112-13.
Peters, Richard, 49.
Petition, of inhabitants of Chester (1693), 35; of upper inhabitants of the West Side of the
Schuylkill, 40 ; of inhabitants on south side of Schuylkill, 41 ; for bridge at Chads' ford, 42; of
the inhabitants of upper parts of Chester Co., for division, 42; petitions concerning border
difficulties, 44-8; (1746-7), 49; from borough of Chester, 116; (1728), 167; (1739), 168;
inhabitants New London (1725), 181 ; (1775), 181-2; (1728), 203; (1707), 355; of John Chads
(1737), 357.
Philadelphia county, 28, 35, 40, 68. Philadelphia Quarterly Mtg., 232.
Philips family, reunion, etc., 323, 683-4.
Phillips, James, 45.
Phillips, Dr. John Barnard, 681.
Phillips, Joseph Barnard, 684.
Phillips, Joseph T., 684.
Phoenix Iron Works, 99, 350.
Phoenixville, 92-6, 135; history of, 200; 205, 222, 258, 267-8, 278-9, 282, 296, 298-9, 332, 350.
Physick, Edmund, 149-50.
Pickering, Benjamin, 685.
Pickering, Chas., 169.
Pierce, Caleb, 45, 243.
Pierce, George, 6, 104, 184.
Pikeland Mtg., 240.
Pikeland twp., 51, 57, 108, 152, 200-3 (see also East and West Pikeland).
Pillory, 51.
Pim family, 685.
Pim, William, 45, 205, 238, 240, 685.
Pinkerton, Esq., John J., 325, 332.
Pinkerton, Elisha C., facing 673.
Pioneer Temperance Society, 402-3.
Pocopson twp., history of, 2O3; 179, 185, 190, 200, 222.
Politics, Revolutionary, 108-10.
Poll-tax (1692), 32.
Poor, William, 58.
Population of Chester Co., 434-5.
Porter, Wm., 50.
Post-offices, 227-9.
Potts, David, 211, 685-6.
Potts, Isaac, 99.
Potts, John T., 687.
Potts, Major James, 687-8.
Potts, Thos. M., 323, 686-7.
Powell, David, 28.
Power, D.D., Rev. James, 688.
Pratt family, 689.
Presbyterian churches, 175, 245-58.
Presidential electors, 384.
Preston family, 689-90.
Preston, Dr. Jonas, 690.
Price, Benj. (and Jane), 319, 699.
Price, Eli K., 245, 319, 696-9.
Price, Elisha, 60, 62, 118.
Price, Major Isaiah, 140-1, 322.
Price, Issacher, 319.
Price, Philip, 309, 690-6.
Price, Samuel, 61.
Prichard, Anthony, 50.
Print; John (governor), arrives, 10; builds
Printz Hall, 11; sails for Sweden, 11.
Prison, in Chester, 27, 30, 32, 35-8, 49, 116-18; at West Chester, 117, 41112.
Prizer, Benj., facing 674.
Progressive Friends, 242-3.
Proprietary Interests, etc., 144, 156.
Providence Meeting, 233.
Providence twp., officers for (1684), 26 ; taxables (Neither and Upper), 1693, 33; items, 57, 203.
Provincial Convention (1775), 61; (1776), 224.
Public-houses in Chester Co., 415-19. Public libraries, 309-11.
Public office building, 119.
Pugh, Evan, 319, 599.
Pugh (Ph.D., F. C. S.), Evan, 699-701,
Pugh, John, 699.
INDEX - xliii
Pugh, Dr. J. H., 701.
Pugh, Esq., Joseph B., 701.
Pugh, Hugh, 39.
Pusey, Caleb, 33, 35, 37-8, 171, 184, 231, 233-5, 311, 701.
Pusey, John, 701.
Pusey, William, 701.
Pyle family, 701-2.
Pyle, Caleb, 104.
Pyle, Isaac, 104, 185, 243, 310.
Pyle, Joseph, facing 672.
Pyle, Robert, 702.
Pyle, Nicholas, 702.
Pyle, Ralph, 702.
Pyle, Ziba, 131-33, 214-15, 359, 702.
Quakers (see also Society of Friends), 39, 42, 44, 50, 52, 58-9, 97, 103.
Queen's highway, 38.
Queer presentments at court : for taking a wife contrary to law, 26; for " taming" the Highway
from Providence to Chester, 27; for calling justices a pack of Rogues, 32.
Quinn, Dr. John H., 702-3.
Quit-rents, 12, 155.
Radnor Meeting, 233.
Radnor township, survey, 28 ; taxables (1693), 33; division line, 41; items, 57, 97, 203, 273-4.
Railroads, 359-62.
Ralston, Capt. Jas., 123.
Ralston, Hon. John, 703.
Ralston, Robert, 703-4.
Ralston, James G., 704.
Ramsey, James Reid, 704.
Ramsey, Charles, 704.
Rankin, John, facing 704.
Rates, 27; 162.
Read, T. Buchanan (poet), 71, 319, 706-8.
Read, D.D., Rev. Thomas, 705.
Read, Thomas, 705.
Rees, John, 50.
Reed, William, 50.
Rees, Abel, 107, 258.
Reeves, Samuel J., 708-9.
Reid, D.D., Rev. Wm. S., 709.
Religious organizations, 229 (see also Society of Friends, Presbyterian, Baptist, and Methodist
churches, etc.).
Rentgen, 709.
Reptilia, 445-6.
Revel, Thomas, first clerk of Chester county, 16.
Revolution, war of the, 59-116. Reynolds family, 710.
Rhoads family, 710-11.
Richards, Joseph, 711.
Richardson, Isaac, 711.
Richardson, Francis, 60.
Richardson, Jno., 45, 199, 233.
Richardson, Samuel, 219.
Richison, Richard, 50, 276; (Richardson), 219.
Rickabaugh, Dr. Jacob, 711-12.
Riding vehicles, 432.
Ridley township, officers for (1684), 26 ; taxables (1693), 34; items, 58, 152, 203.
Riley, Richard, 60-2, 711.
Ring, Nathaniel, 712.
Ringwalt, Jacob, 712.
Ringwalt, John L., 322, 713.
Roads—"return" of road in Thornbury, 32; no convenient road to Chester, 40; in 1777, 73;
history of, 351-4; railroads, 359-62.
Roberts, Gen. Geo. W., 713.
Roberts, James C., 714.
Roberts, John, 714-15.
Roberts, Rev. James, 257.
Roberts, John, imprisonment of, 115.
Robinson, George, 45, 233.
Robinson, Joseph, 45.
Rogers, Joseph, 715.
Rokeby paper-mill, 176.
Rokeby rolling-mill, 348.
Roman Catholics, 53, 300-1.
Romansville Meeting, 242.
Ross, Alexander, 715.
Ross, James, 2023; 312, 716-17.
Ross, John, 368; Dr. John, 715.
Roster of soldiers of war of the Rebellion, (Appendix) i.-xxxvii.
Rothrock, M.D., Joseph T., 324.
Rowland, John, 58, 107.
Rowland, Joseph, 107.
Rue, Christopher, 107.
Ruston, Job, 49, 50, 106, 199, 251, 717-18.
Ruston, Thomas, 312; Dr. Thomas, 718.
Rutter, John, 241, 314; 324; 342.
Ryant, Charles, 718.
Rysingh, John, 11, 12.
Sachse, Julius F. A., 174.
Sadsbury Mtg., 239-240.
Sadsbury twp., 58, 134, 145 ; history of, 203-5; 209, 222.
Salkeld, John, 49, 171, 175, 217.
Sandelands, Jas., 47.
Sandelands, Jonas, 171.
Sauer, Christopher, 554.
Savage, Samuel, 718-19.
Scarlet, Humphrey, 719.
Scarlet, Shadrach, 45.
Schools and academies, 302-9.
Schuylkill (" Skoolkill") district, 41, 186.
Schuylkill Mtg., 242.
Schuylkill twp., 94, 108; history of, 205 ; 222.
Scotch-Irish race, the, 246-9.
Scott, Abraham, 720.
Scott, James, 50, 53, 720.
Scott, John, 193, 205, 720.
Scott, Philip, 68, 720.
Scott, Thomas, 720.
Seal, William, 719.
Seal of Chester county, the first, 26.
Sedition, John Costello convicted of, 51; penalty for, 51.
Seeds family, 719.
Seigfried, Simeon, 326, 330, 331.
Sellers, John, 60, 719-20.
Sellers, Samuel, 719.
Servants, loss of, by enlistment, 49 ; head-land, 154; and redemptioners, 430-1.
Shafer, John, 720.
Shafer, Wm. T., 720-21.
Shaffer family, 721.
Shaffer, Thomas, 721-22.
Sharples, John, arrival of (1682), 20; 34, 45, 243.
Sharpies, Philip P., 214, 724.
Sharpies, S.B., Stephen P., 321.
Sharples, William, 213, 215.
Sharpless family, 722-4.
Sharpless, John, 722-4.
Sharpless, Isaac, 324.
Sharpless, Joseph, 45, 181, 313, 722.
Sharpless, Joshua, 163, 181, 212, 723 -4.
Sharpless, Nathan, 213, 723.
Sheeder, Frederick, 210, 292, 348-9, 724-5.
Sheeder, Joseph, 724.
Sherer, Wm., 725.
Sheriffs, 373-5.
Shippen, Esq., Joseph, 217.
Showalter, Valentine, 107.
Sidwell, Hugh, 725.
Silver plate in 1777, 432.
Simcock, John, 26, 29, 32, 35-7, 189, 207, 231, 373.
Simpson, James, 61.
Slavery—Indian slaves, 39 ; history of, 423-31.
Smedley, Caleb, 107, 206.
Smedley, George, 725-6.
Smedley, Dr. R. C., 86, 426.
Smith, Christopher, 56.
Smith, Daniel, 165.
Smith, John, 50, 726.
Smith, Jonathan, 727.
Smith, Gen. Geo. F., 727-8.
Smith, Joseph, 50, 170, 199, 427, 727; Rev. Joseph, 728.
Smith, Hon. P. Frazer, 325, 359, 727.
Smith, Robert, 65, .68; Col., 109, 113; 199, 253, 433, 726-7 ; Rev. Robert, (D.D.), 728.
Smith, M.D., Thos. L., 314.
Society of Friends, members of, settle at Upland, 16; laws disqualifying, 39, 42 ; action in regard
to the affirmation act, etc., 42; change of style in reckoning time, 50-1; petition to King George
II., 44-5; during the French and Indian war, 51-3 ; action (1758-63), 58 ; in the Revolution, 61,
74, 97, 103, 105, 109, 110-12; history and records of, 229-45; schools, 302 -3; Friends' Asylum,
403; on intemperance and taverns, 416. Soldiers from Chester Co , in French and Indian war,
51-2 ; in Revolution, 65-116; Whisky Insurrection, 121-3; War of 1812,123-30; Mexican war,
1334 ; War of the Rebellion, 134.
Soldiers' Orphans' School, 307.
South Coventry twp., 172.
South River, privileges granted, 13.
Spackman, Isaac, 728-9.
Speakman, Thos., 729.
Spring City, history of, 205, 210; 290, 392-3.
Springfield Mtg., 233.
Springfield township, taxables (1693), 34; items, 58, 205.
St. Vincent twp., 51.
St. David's (Epis.) church, Radnor, 273-4.
Stamp Act, the, 59, 60.
Stanton Mtg., 241.
Starr family, 729.
Starr, Jeremiah, 45-6, 193, 729.
Starr, John, 46, 48, 729.
State Normal School, 307.
Stauffer, Frank H., 322, 729-30.
Steel, James, 40, 149, 153-4, 194, 211, 344-6.
Steele family, 730.
Steele, Gen. James, 730.
Sterne, Cyrus, 322.
Stocks, 36-8.
Strawbridge, Thomas, 731.
Strickland, Nimrod, 134, 304, 326, 369; 730.
Strode, George, 731.
Strode, Joseph C., 304-5, 731.
Strode, Richard, 106, 731.
Stubbs, Joseph I., 731.
Sufferings of Friends, 243-5.
Suplee, C. E., facing 730.
Surveys (see Proprietary Interests and Land Titles).
Swayne family, 731-4
Swayne, Lieut. Joel J., 732.
Swayne, Judge Noah H., 733.
Swayne, Gen. J. Wager, 733.
Swede's mill on Cobb's creek, 13.
Swedes, on the Delaware, 10; names of colonists (1638-43),11; names of inhabitants (1693),
34-5; members of Gloria Dei church, 36; purchase of the Indians, 144 ; items, 156, 362-3.
Swedish surnames, 35.
Swedish West India Company, 10.
Sweeney, John R., 323.
Swing, Dr. E. V., 734-5.
Tacony, tydables of, 16.
Talbot, John, 61, 735.
Talbot, Joseph, 50.
Taverns, number to be ascertained, (1671), 12 ; in Vincent, 210; in W Chester, 212-14; in the
county, history of, 415-29.
Taxables (see List of Taxables), number of (1750, 1753), 50; 162-, 19; tabulated list of
Taxes (see also Levies, Assessments, etc.), 15, 27, 33-6, 40-1, 59, 98.
Taylor, Abiah, 163-6, 244-5, 343, 737-8.
Taylor, Bayard, 133, 184, 317, 328, 332, 735-7.
Taylor, Col. Charles F., 137, 735.
Taylor, George, 50, 735.
Taylor, Isaac, 40-1, 49, 68, 109-10,114, 116, 148-9, 151-2, 160, 179, 184, 193 -4, 200, 205, 216,
345-6, 353, 735, 738.
Taylor, John, 43, 46, 49, 61, 1534, 157, 174, 205, 211, 239, 336, 346-7, 353, 376-7, 735, 738-9.
Taylor, Joseph, 163, 184, 200, 203, 234, 343, 735, 738.
Taylor, Mordecai, 58.
Taylor, Robert, 26, 57, 735.
Taylor, Thomas, 36, 61, 107, 121, 188, 738-9.
Temple, Thos., 53, 739.
Temple, Wm., 739.
Tenure of lands, 1671, 12 (see also Land Titles).
Thomas, Capt. David, 52, 68.
Thomas, David, 272.
Thomas family, 739-43.
Thomas, George, 68,115, 219, 239.
Thomas (Governor), 49.
Thomas, Isaac, 58, 107 ; Dr. Isaac, 393, 739-40.
Thomas, Capt. John, 52.
Thomas, Joseph, 103, 107, 739.
Thomas, Morris, 50.
Thomas, Peter, 739.
Thomas, Col. Richard, 61-2, 64-6, 218, 740.
Thomas, Thos., 43, 272.
Thompson, James, 68, 242.
Thornbury township, 28, 32 ; taxables (1693), 34, 36 ; items, 58,152 ; in Revol'n, 70, 107;
division of, 120; history of, 205; 222.
Thropp, Isaiah, 743-4.
Tinicum island, title to, 25.
Todd, Jno., facing 744.
Tories, 1034, 108-10,114-15.
Tornadoes in Chester Co., 458-60.
Toughkenamon, origin of name, 188.
Towers, Michael, 745.
Townsend, David, 134, 746-7.
Townsend, John, 74, 309, 746.
Townsend, Joseph, 45, 74-9, 164, 212-13, 745-8.
Townsend, Richard (minister), 21, 343, 745.
Townsend, Washington, 92, 304, 747.
Townships and villages, hist. of, 162.
Traveling passes, 115-16.
Travilla family, 744.
Travilla, Thos., 106,744.
Tredyffrin township, survey, 28; items, 58, 84, 98, 104, 107, 153; history of, 206 ; 222.
Trego, Emmor, 213, 215.
Trego family, 748.
Trial of Gen. Wayne, 89, 90.
Trials for murder, 39, 45, 406-11.
Trimble, Esther J., 324,749.
Trimble family, 748-50.
Trimble, M.D., Isaac P., 318, 748.
Trimble, James, 106, 197, 748-9.
Trimble, Samuel, 61, 748.
" Turpehockin" twp., 206-7.
" Tydable" persons in the Colony, list of (1677),16.
INDEX - xliv
Underground Railroad, history of, 426-30.
Underwood, Alexander, 45.
Underwood, John, 107, 213.
Unionville Mtg., 242.
Upland, Swedes to be gathered at, 12 ; court at, 13; records, 14; expenses and .poll-tax, 15;
tydables of, 16; frst court, 17; last court at, 20-1 ; name changed to Chester, 21.
Upper Darby twp., 56.
Upper Octorara Presbyterian church, 250-1.
Upper Oxford twp., 65.
Upper Providence twp., 57.
Upper Uwchlan twp., history of, 207- 9 ; 222.
Urner family, 750.
Uwchlan Mo. Mtg., 202, 236-7, 24, 413.
Uwchlan twp., 58, 105,119 ; history of, 207-9.
Valentine, Thos., 750-1.
Valley Forge, 87, 94, 95-102, 348.
Valley Mtg., 237.
Valley twp., history of, 209 ; 222.
Van Amringe, Henry H., 316.
Vanculin, John, 34.
Vanderslice, John, 322, 751-2.
Van Leer, Dr. Bernhardus, 752.
Van Leer, Dr. Branson, 61, 108, 752.
Van Leer, Isaac W., 752-3.
Varman, Hattill, 45, 239.
Vaughan, John, 50, 55, 58, 207, 417.
Vaughan, Dr. John, 754.
Vaughan, Rev. Joshua, 753-4.
Vernon, Frederick, 755.
Vernon, Jacob, 45, 165, 205.
Vernon, Job, 754-5.
Vernon, Jr., Jonathan, 61, 754.
Vernon, Nath'l, 103, 754.
Vernon, Randall, 231-3, 655.
Vernen, Robert, 33, 36, 755.
Vernon, Thomas, 45, 168, 23, 754.
Vestal, William, 35.
Vickers, John, 426-9, 755.
Vickers, Thomas, 755.
Vincent twp., 52, 58, 209-10 (see also East and West Vincent).
Waddel (D.D.), Rev. Jas., 755-6.
Wade, Robert, 25-7, 30, 33, 36.
Wagoner, Jno. W., facing 762.
Wagons, furnished Gen. Forbes' expedition, 54-8.
Wainwright, Col. John, 140.
Wallace twp., history of, 210-11 ; 186, 192, 212, 222.
Walter, Thos. U., 119.
Walton, David, 757.
Walton family, 757-9.
Walton, Joseph P., 757-8.
Wanger family, 756.
War, declared against Spain, 49 ; declared by England against France, 49 ; the French and Indian,
51-3; Gen. Forbes' expedition, 54-8; of the Revolution, 69-116; Whisky Insurrection, 121-3; War
of 1812- 14, 123-30; Mexican War, 133-4; War of the Rebellion, 134-44.
Warren, Benj., 45.
Warwick Furnace, 49, 66, 87, 211.
Warwick twp., history of, 211-12; 222.
Washington, Gen. George, 65-76, 79-83, 87, 89-90, 94-102, 112; president, 121.
Washington's headquarters at Brandywine, 72.
Way family, 756-7.
Wayne, Anthony, 60-3, 81-6, 88-91, 95-6, 98, 100, 107, 173, 272, 433, 553, 758-9.
Wayne, Capt. Isaac, 5, 56, 87, 90-124, 130, 132, 173.
Wayne, Capt. Wm., 91-2.
Waynessurg, 178-9.
Weatherby, Benj., 50, 125-6, 174.
Weatherby, Whitehead, 107.
Weaver, Anthony, 759-60.
Webb, Isaac, 67, 213-14.
Webb, Richard, 760.
Webb, Wm., 46.
Webster, Wm., 45.
Weights and measures (1684-5), 27; (1741), 49.
" Welcome," passengers on the, 21. Welsh line, 41.
Welsh purchases, 37, 206.
Welsh settlers, 28-30, 206.
Welsh surnames, 208; "Great Valley," and "Great Hill," 219.
"Welsh Tract," 28, 147, 151-2, 217, 270-1.
Wersler, Major John G., 760-1.
West family, 761-2.
West, Benj. (painter), 205, 761-2.
West Bradford twp., 55, 70, 106, 145, 162; history of, 163-7; 222.
West Brandywine twp., history of, 167, 186, 209, 222.
West Caln Mtg., 240.
West Caln twp., 55, 108; history of, 167-9, 204, 209, 222.
West Chester, 73-4, 99, 117-20, 134; history of, 212-16; 222; Presby. church, 255; Bapt.
churches, 266-7, 270 ; Epis. ch., 278 ; Meth. ch., 282 ; R. C. church, 300-1; academy, 304. West
Chester Mtg., 241.
West Fallowfield twp., 56,145 ; history of, 175-7 ; 199, 222.
West Goshen twp., 145, 177-8.
West Grove Mtg., 241.
West Marlborough twp., 57, 106; history of, 184-5; 178, 182, 222.
West Nantmeal twp., 50, 57, 185-7, 210-12, 222.
West Nottingham Mtg., 238.
West Nottingham twp., 57.
West Pikeland twp., 200-3.
West Vincent twp., history of, 209-10; 222.
West Whiteland twp., 107, 115, 208, 222.
Western Quarterly Mtg., 240.
Westtown township, 28, 36, 58, 107, 152; history of, 216-17; 222.
Whelen, Dennis, 207-8, 210, 762. Wherry, David, 6, 68.
Whigs and Tories, 108.
Whipping-post, 27, 36-8.
Whisky Insurrection, 121-3.
White, Rev. Robert, 762.
White, Thos. (dep.-surveyor), 47.
Whitehead, M.D., Rev. Wm. M., 141.
Whitehead, William, 318, 332.
Whiteland Mtg., 242.
Whiteland township, 28, 58, 107; history of, 217-19 (see also East and West Whiteland).
Whiteside, Capt. Wm., 106, 110, 114.
Wickersham family, 763.
Wickersham, LL.D., Jas. P., 319, 763.
Wilkinson family, 763-4.
William Penn (see Penn, William). Williams family, 764-5.
Williams, David, 107.
Williams, Joseph, 45, 205.
Williams, Rev. Joshua, 764-5.
Williamson, Daniel, 765.
Williamson, Edward H., 320.
Williamson, A.M., Hugh, 765-7.
Williamson, M.D., Hugh, 313.
Williamson, John, 46, 50.
Willistown Mtg., 241.
Willistown township, 28, 58, 87, 107 ; history of, 219-21; 222.
Wills family, 767.
Wilmington Mtg., 240.
Wilson, Rev. Bird, 768.
Wilson, Christopher, 45.
Wilson, John, 68, 107, 118.
Wilson, Joseph, 50.
Wilson, Rev. Matthew, 767-8.
Wilson, R. F. and J. D., 768-9.
Wilson, Robert, 769-70.
Wilson, William, 68.
Windle, Francis, 45, 770-1.
Windle, Dr. Lewis, 771.
Wistar, Caspar, 770.
Witchcraft, 412-14.
Wither, Thomas (sheriff), 26, 33, 374, 382.
Withers, Ralph, 25.
Wolf bounties, 35.
Wollaston, Jeremiah, 45.
Wellerton, Chas., 770.
Wood, Dr. James Bayard, 771-2.
Wood, Thomas, 771.
Woodmanson, Wm., 25.
Woodside, Archibald, 772-3.
Woodward, O. L., facing 763.
Woodward, M.D., Lewis, 321.
Woodward, Thos., 316.
Workiser family, 773.
Worley, Nathan, 49.
Worrell family, 773-4.
Worth family, 774-7.
Worth, Tho., 25-6.
Worthington family, 777-8.
Worthington, Dr. John, 778.
Worthington, Lewis, 778.
Yarnall, Amos, 45, 58, 240, 421, 779.
Yarnall, David, 240.
Yarnall, Francis, 778-9.
Yarnall, Isaac, 107.
Yarnall, Mordecai, 45, 220, 421, 779.
Yarnall, Thomas, 45, 205, 779.
Yearsley, John, 780.
Yeates, Jasper, 35-8, 38.5.
Yellow fever (1699), 36.
Yellow Springs (see Chester Springs).
Yeoman, Edward, 219.
Young, Archibald, 50.
Young, David, 780.
Young, M.D., J. Gilbert, 320.
Young, John, 781.
Young, John Russell, 324, 781.
Zook family, 781-2.
Zook, Christian, 107, 219, 782.
Zook, Jacob M., 219, 782.
Zook, John, 219, 781-2.
Zoology of Chester Co., 439-53.
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